The Room

By A Le

Published on Mar 28, 2023


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The Room Part 5

When I woke the next day, my body was so stiff and sore, I ached all over. I knew it was later in the day, which meant I had missed getting to work on time. I sat up slowly and found myself alone in the hotel room. The sharp stab of disappointment that washed over me was frightening and I tried to shake it off. There was a tray of breakfast on the table with a note, scrawled in beautiful handwriting, "Get to work as soon as you can." And nothing else. I ate the breakfast left there, even if it was cold. Then I showered and dressed and hurried home to my small apartment. I got dressed in a clean suit and soon enough I arrived at work, three hours late but I was there.

It was nearly impossible for me to focus on anything other than what had happened to me the night before. It almost felt like it could have been a dream. Had I really been humiliated and beaten and fucked by Mr. Rigg and his gorgeous friend Bruno? My ass said I had, the way it ached and throbbed. I tried to get as much work done as I could though in all honesty it was slow going. The note had just told me to go to work, nothing about meeting him again or going to his office. So, I stayed in my small office except for my lunch break.

As the day wore on I grew more and more anxious. But I didn't see Mr. Rigg or hear from him at all. By the time it was around seven that evening I packed up my things and headed for home. I felt disappointed and worried, stressed out. Had I done something wrong? Was it just a fun game to him? I was feeling so stupid and foolish.

When I arrived home, I took a shower and ate a small dinner. I watched some tv and tried not to think about the night before. I couldn't sleep well that night at all, not even after I jerked myself off to images of the night before. The next three days were much of the same. Even after wandering past Mr. Rigg's office a few times I never caught sight of him. I didn't hear from him and by Friday evening I was utterly miserable. And I was pissed. Who did that to a person? Who took them and made them feel so many things then just completely disappeared off the face of the earth?

I wasn't going to have to wonder much longer though. On Saturday morning I woke to a loud pounding on the door to my apartment. Fumbling with my phone I saw it was barely five am. I slid out of bed in just my boxer shorts and a t shirt and stumbled to the door. Unlocking the handle but not the chain I pulled it open as much as the chain would allow to look out. Mr. Rigg was standing there, as impeccable as ever in his dark suit as if he were heading to a meeting. He looked down at me through the small opening but before he could say anything, all my frustration and misery and fear and anger bubbled up and I scowled, "Go away." Then shoved the door shut hard in his face.

I just stood there for a moment, breathing hard. I was so angry and so upset. A second later there was the loud knocking again. "Go away." I called through the door, unable to hide the agony in my voice. I could hear quiet movements on the other side and then the deep voice that sent chills to my gut came through, "Open the door Joshua. Now.' It was quiet but firm. Very firm. I pressed my forehead to the door and closed my eyes, just breathing in and out rapidly. "Joshua. Open the door." I was so angry. It was so hard for me to resist him, I wanted to open it so badly. I felt my anger dissolving into worry and concern and stress again and after a few quiet moments I took the chain off the door. I stepped back, away from the door and didn't open it. But he heard the chain come off and a moment later the door opened slowly. Mr. Rigg was so large, so broad and wide. His shoulders were so strong and thick. He filled up the doorway completely before he stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

The look on his face was one of amusement when I took a slight glance up at him and then looked away off to the side. I crossed my arms over my chest firmly and took a few more steps back away from him.

"I can see we have a misunderstanding here Joshua." He said quietly, just watching me. His eyes took in my small but clean apartment in one easy glance.

"Well what am I supposed to think?" I cried the words out, hating myself right now. I hated how desperate I sounded and how hurt I was. I hated feeling this way. I hated wanting him. He had claimed me and made me his and then thrown me to the side like a piece of trash. At least in my mind. Mr. Rigg stepped closer and I stepped back until my leg hit the back of the couch and I came to a stop. I was staring at the middle of his chest, not looking up at him directly. He didn't stop moving until he was directly in front of me. His large hand came up and gripped my shoulder firmly, his voice still quiet, "You are supposed to trust me. I had a business trip. I am back now. But I see I left you wondering and feeling helpless, didn't I?"

"I don't know. I don't... I didn't know what was going on.' I finally stammered the words out, feeling so foolish now. My face was turning red and I started to fidget with the hem of my t shirt, still staring at the mans chest, unable to look up at him.

"Ah my foolish little pet." His words were amused, just like the look on his face had been.

"I'm not a pet." I whispered, hating feeling this way. I hated feeling so vulnerable and weak around this man, it wasn't like me. I wasn't like this.

I heard him laugh quietly at my words, "You didn't mind me calling you that the other night." And just the reference of what had happened had me so red and shaking. I squirmed out from under his hand on my shoulder and moved around the couch a little, just trying to get some space between us. I couldn't think straight when he was touching me.

"Look I don't know what any of this is. I don't understand it. I don't like feeling this way. So, you should probably just go." My words were so soft and shaky, so weak sounding. It didn't' sound like I really meant any of it. Probably because I didn't.

Mr. Rigg moved after me, following me and I couldn't get anywhere else. The apartment was not that big, and the other man was so large taking up so much space. He again took my shoulder in his hand, this time squeezing firmly, not letting go. "I will go. But you will come to my place at six tonight. Don't be late." He gave my shoulder another firm squeeze and then he was gone.

I spent that day in a daze. I didn't want to go but I wanted to go. I didn't know what to do. But really, deep down inside my gut, I knew I was going to go. There was no way I couldn't. I had agonized for days over the man, and now I had the chance to see him again. I got ready early though because it was Saturday, I didn't put a suit on. Instead I wore a nice pair of jeans and a button down untucked. I arrived at his house a few minutes before six and sat in my car staring at the door for a few long minutes. When I did finally get the courage to go on the porch and knock on the door I was sweating. I felt sick and anxious and so fucking nervous. My cock was half hard already just from being here and that was pissing me off, too.

Mr. Rigg opened the door and looked down at me before he stepped back. "Come in." He still had his suit on though, and I was suddenly wishing I had worn a suit instead of my casual appearance. Mr. Rigg led me to the same study I had been in before. He sat down behind the desk and I stood next to the chairs, not sitting after what had happened last time I was here. I look around the room, at the shelves of books, at the beautiful works of art, at the gorgeous floor. I looked at everything but the man sitting there. "Joshua. Put your hands behind your back and stop fidgeting."

His words startled me out of my silent stupor and I quickly put my hands behind my back, trying to stand still. "I'm sorry Sir.' I whispered.

"I want to know exactly what has been in your mind since I saw you last. Tell me everything.' He didn't tell me to sit down, so I stood there staring at his desk.

I cleared my throat, shifting a little from one foot to the other. "I thought you just used me to fuck me. I thought it was a one-time thing and that's why you were ignoring me. I thought I was useless and stupid. I thought I was foolish for being unable to think about anything else for days. I got angry at how badly I wanted to see you and how upset I got at not seeing you. I thought of how much I hate myself for being this way. I thought I just want to be normal."

The words, once I started, just poured out of my mouth. Mr. Rigg didn't say anything as I went on and when I finally stopped I was trembling and flushed, sweat on my brow. He let the silence linger a little after I was finished speaking. He leaned back in his leather chair and when he did speak his voice was quiet, "Come here." He pointed to the floor in front of his chair as he swiveled sideways to the desk.

I hesitated just a little before I moved over, around the desk and stood in front of him, close enough to touch. "Kneel." His soft command and I slowly slid down to my knees there, breathing heavily. I was still shaking, visibly upset as I knelt in front of him. His hand reached out and stroked over my hair then slid under my chin and gently lifted my head up, "Look at me Joshua."

It was so hard to do. To lift my eyes up to him. But I did finally, and saw myself looking at his gorgeous face, his strong jaw and firm lips. His eyes were so beautiful and intense as he looked down at me. "Get all of those thoughts from your head. All of them. None of them are true and none of them matter." I felt myself cracking as he spoke, the relief I felt was so intense. My body was shaking more now, and I sucked in a deep breath, staring up at him intently. He gave a slow easy smile, "Undress." It was just one word, one command, but I didn't hesitate this time. I pulled my clothes off, piece by piece and folded them, put them off to the side. This is what I had wanted, what I had been craving since the moment I woke up in the hotel room. My uncut cock was hard already, throbbing at being here and being with him again. As I knelt back down I watched Mr. Rigg lean back, "Take my cock out."

Another command I was eager to obey. Leaning forward I undid his pants and reached in, finding his thick piece of meat I pulled it out in the open. He was just sitting there watching me. "Suck it." He said it quietly. I leaned forward, lowered my head and eagerly wrapped my lips around his thick cockhead. His cock was so thick and covered in veins. I felt it come to life in my mouth and I moaned around his hard flesh, starting to suck like a starving man. I felt his hands in my hair, guiding my head. Steady at first, back and forth along his cock until I was taking more and more into my mouth. I felt his cockhead against the back of my throat and I moaned even more. Mr. Rigg tightened his grip in my hair and soon he was fucking down my throat, gagging me on his hot cock over and over. He was getting faster, pounding down my throat, pulling moans and grunts from me as he held my head so tight. It was such a turn on and I reached down, wrapped my hand around my own throbbing cock, jerking myself off so eagerly.

I came so hard and fast it shocked me. I wasn't even ready for it. I cried out loudly around his cock in my throat, shaking as ropes of thick cum splattered against my stomach and in my hand. My throat convulsed around his cock and soon I knew he was ready to explode from the soft quiet grunts he made seconds before he pulled back and shot his load right in my mouth. I swallowed eagerly, moaning in pleasure, wanting all of it so badly. I sucked and swallowed until he was finished. When he pulled his cock free of my mouth I whimpered and sat back, panting.

"I don't remember telling you that you could touch yourself." His words were deep and quiet. I snapped my eyes open quickly, "Oh my god. Oh god. I'm sorry... I'm sorry Sir." I was appalled that I had done that. He hadn't said a word to me though as I did it and now I was ashamed of myself for being unable to hold back. What the fuck was wrong with me?

"Clean your mess up, get it off my floor.' I blinked a little, but soon enough I leaned down and licked my own seed up off the floor where it lay, cleaning it up as quickly as I could. This was humiliating and yet my cock was hardening again. Mr. Rigg sat there watching me silently, until my tongue had licked up all the cum. And then I heard him laughing quietly, "I told you to clean it up. I expected you to use your shirt, not your tongue. But I am pleased to see how eager you were." I sat back in stunned silence for a moment. My face flushed so red in shame and I reached up to hold my head a little, "Oh god.' I thought it's what he'd meant, but I had done it all on my own. I felt tears burning behind my eyes and I struggled to keep control.

Mr. Rigg reached down to stroke my cheek slowly. "You're a natural submissive Joshua. It's in your blood. It's why you are going to belong to me."

It wasn't the first time he'd talked about owning me and I whispered, "I don't understand what you mean. I don't understand any of this. Please Sir."

"You don't have to understand. All you have to do is what you are told." He had said that to me before as well and I slowly nodded, letting out a breath of relief.

"Tomorrow you will go into the office and clear the work out. I have hired a new auditor. You are fired."

My eyes jerked up to his face quickly in fear and alarm, "What? Why? I'm doing a good job for you I swear. I need this job, please Sir."

I couldn't believe he was going to fire me. It was insane. I needed the job, I was working my way up the ladder and this was an important job for me.

Mr. Rigg smiled down at me though. He brushed his thumb over my bottom lip slowly. "I know you are doing a good job Joshua. But I have a new job offer for you."

This calmed me a little and I sucked in a breath. "What job Sir?"

"We'll get to that soon enough pet." He smiled again tucking his cock back inside his pants. "But first, your punishment, for touching your cock without permission." He stood up from his chair and pointed, "Crawl." Then he started to walk out of the room. I blinked a little, watching him then I started to crawl after him, feeling weird at being naked and crawling through this mans house. It was stressful, but also exciting. My cock was fully hard again by the time we left that room. He continued down a hallway and into the kitchen. I looked up a little, the room was huge. It was a warm, comfortable kitchen, with up to date appliances and a beautiful long marble island with tall bar stools along one side.

Mr. Rigg pulled a stool out and grabbed me by my hair. He yanked me up to my feet quickly, causing me to cry out some from the suddenness and pain of it. My long body was shoved over the stool until I was on my tip toes and he was wrapping a rope around my wrists. He pulled the rope down around the stool and pulled it nice and tight. I felt rope around my ankles, securing them to the other legs of the stool so I was folded over the piece of furniture. This left my cock hanging just against the stool and my ass straight up in the air.

"Please. I'm sorry Sir. I'm sorry it won't happen again." I whispered the words, starting to feel a little panic at how I was attached to the stool.

"Oh, I know it won't happen again my pet." I heard his voice close by but before I could utter another word I felt the hard-wooden paddle against my ass. It took me by surprise and caused me to cry out, unable to move at all from how I was strapped down to the stool. "Oh god!" I cried the words out, staring at the floor.

"You will count each blow. One. Thank you, Sir." And I shook my head, horrified. But the next blow came even harder and I found myself calling out "Two! Thank you, Sir," Three and four and five came soon after. The blows were hard and painful. I realized around the sixth that this was not a game like it had been in the hotel. This was a real punishment. Real trouble. By the tenth blow I was crying, struggling as much as I could, which wasn't much at all. By the twentieth blow I was screaming in agony. My ass was on fire, it burned so hotly.

After five more hard strikes from the wooden paddle it finally stopped. I leaned against that stool panting and gasping, crying from the pain of it all. I felt his large hand move over my ass slowly, squeezing a hot bruised cheek firmly. "Will you touch your cock again without permission pet?" His voice, there in my ear and I whimpered, shaking my head, "No Sir, no Sir. No Sir." I sucked in a sobbing gasp.

"Good boy.' He praised me so gently and I melted inside. Even in pain and scared I melted at those two words. The praise was like magic to me.

Just then I heard a door open and close. It made me tense and I whimpered again. But Mr. Rigg has his hand on my ass and he stroked it gently, "Shh. It's just Bruno." And I heard the other mans voice from the other night. "Ah what a beautiful sight to come home to." They both laughed, and I had my eyes closed. My head was feeling light from being upside down and from the punishment. I felt that smooth cool hand from the other night against my back, stroking down my spine. "This looks like a punishment to me though."

Mr. Rigg spoke in return, "It is. He jerked off while sucking my cock. Came all over the floor." Again, they both laughed, and I was so humiliated. "We'll see if he does it again after this punishment."

I had thought it was over, that the punishment was done. But I realized it wasn't. They weren't even close to being done.

My body was untied from the stool and I was pulled up to my feet. I stood there swaying a little, my eyes opening to see Bruno standing in front of me. He smiled his gorgeous smile. He was so tall and slender, his skin so black. He was beautiful. I loved how cool his touch was, how smooth his long slender fingers were. But in that moment, his beautiful hand lifted and smacked me hard across the face. I let out a cry as my head jerked to the side. It made me stumble back and I fell to my knees on the floor. "Crawl." He said to me.

I realized Mr. Rigg had left the room and I couldn't do anything but crawl after Bruno. I followed him out of the kitchen and out through a door that led into a beautiful garden. The rocks were hard on my knees and hands as I struggled to keep up with him. He led me down the rock path and turned a corner. There were trees along the sides but as we kept going it opened into a beautiful open garden area, the evening sun shining down. Mr. Rigg was out there already, pounding a stake into the ground. I was panting as we came to a stop and I knelt back a little, unsure what was happening.

Bruno came forward and he tied a rope around my wrist, the left and then the right. He moved behind me and did the same to each ankle. "Get over there and lay on your back." Bruno's voice was so stern, and I crawled over to the grass where Mr. Rigg was. I turned over and lay on my back, staring up at both now. Each rope was taken and tied tightly to a stake in the ground. My arms were up above my head, stretched out as far as they could go. My legs pulled as wide as they could go, making my thighs ache already at how tightly I was bound. I was breathing hard by the time they were done and utterly terrified. "Please... please." I whimpered the words, not sure what I was begging for, but they were the only words that came free.

Mr. Rigg smirked down at me. He didn't say a word as he knelt at my side. Bruno handed him what looked like a silver dildo. He smeared gel on it and soon enough was pushing it inside my ass. I groaned, not stretched at all, and still so new to this. Before I could get used to that there were clamps being squeezed around my nipples. It took my breath away and I moaned, arching my back a little against the soft grass. Those large hands were so strong and so sure, Mr. Rigg seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

The last thing I saw was a slender metal rod and as it was smeared with the same kind of gel my cock was grabbed by Bruno. His cool smooth hand was stroking me, making me moan as my cock started to swell even more. A cock ring was quickly slid over my throbbing flesh and I watched down my body as Bruno pulled my skin back, exposing my cockhead to the cool evening air. I gasped and moaned, squirming a little. And then Mr. Rigg was leaning forward, sliding that thin rod against my piss hole. I gasped at the feeling and then cried out when he started to work it down inside my cock. "Oh god! Oh god!" I cried the words out so loud and tossed my head back, panicking. Bruno laughed quietly, "So loud for a little pet, aren't you?" He was amused.

Mr. Rigg was pulling that rod back and forth, as if he were fucking my cock with it. I could feel it deep inside my piss hole and it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. He pushed it one last time deep inside my cock and left it there, the end sticking out of my hard cock. I was so out of it I didn't even see the wires attaching the sound in my cock to the rings on my nipples and the dildo in my ass. I didn't see the wires attached to the small box. I didn't know what was about to happen until it was happening. Mr. Rigg turned a small little dial and an electric jolt shot through my body, straight into my cock and my ass, against my nipples. I screamed so loud, my body jerking up off the grass. My entire body shook, muscles spasming. It didn't last but a few seconds before it was over. I was stunned, but before I could even utter a word, it happened again, stronger than the first. Again, I screamed as the electric current rolled through my body. Over and over it was happening. Every few seconds, sucking the air from my lungs. Each shock was stronger than the last until after the fifth or sixth and then it dropped back down to the lowest

Mr. Rigg and Bruno were watching me intently. Bruno had a grin on his face and Mr. Rigg looked so serious, so stern. I thought it was over as I lay there gasping so loudly, my entire body spasming. But then it started all over again. Mr. Rigg spoke then, "Have a good night pet." He stood up and dusted his hands off slowly. Bruno stood as well and then they walked away. It didn't take me long to realize there was a sequence playing on that little box and it was never the same. It would be light shocks and strong shocks medium shocks and then an extra strong one. Every sequence changed. Some were every five seconds, and some were very few minutes. My cock stayed hard as a rock, my ass full and my nipples on fire. As the hours passed by the sun set and the stars came out. And I screamed over and over. The muscles in my thighs and ass continued to spasm, my arms grew numb and it continued. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't think, I couldn't do anything but scream and whimper and cry. My voice grew hoarse as the hours dragged one.

I could see the sun starting to rise eventually, warming the night sky and still my cock was jerking, still those electric currents continued. I was so dehydrated. My screams were just hoarse cries. I felt like I was going to die out there. Were they ever coming back? On and on it went as the sun rose. It grew hot on my body against my pale skin, turning me pink as the hours dragged on.

And then in my daze I saw him. Mr. Rigg. I saw him there standing above me, looking down at me. He reached down, and those shocks finally came to a stop. I was just panting slowly, unable to speak or do anything at all. He slowly pulled the tool from piss hole and I screamed in agony as it came free. The moment he touched my cock with his fingers to pull that ring off I came, gushes of hot pent up jizz shot free, over and over, so many I lost count. My balls ached so badly. Next, he pulled the dildo free from my spasming ass and yanked the clips from my nipples. Seconds later as the feeling rushed into the poor sensitive buds I was screaming again, arching against the ground, writhing in those ropes. I had rope burn around my wrists and ankles as I was finally let loose. I couldn't move.

Mr. Rigg picked me up easily though, as if I weighed nothing. He carried me then, into the house and up a set of stairs. I couldn't see anything, all I could see was his face as my head lolled back against his shoulder, hanging limply. When I was placed into the cool water I whimpered at the shock to my warm sun kissed skin and my head fell back against the side of the tub.

A straw was pressed to my lips and I drank the cool juice that was given to me, to my dry aching throat and lips. A hand stroked my hair and I just stared up at him, my eyes glazed over a little. "Please." I whispered hoarsely to him. Mr. Rigg smiled down at me, "Did you learn your lesson pet?" I gave a single little nod, blinking so slowly. I had never been so exhausted in my life. "Good boy." He praised, giving me more juice to drink.

The rest of that morning is a blur. I was washed and cleaned and dried. I was put into a cool soft bed and Bruno's cool smooth hands rubbed lotion into my sunburnt body. It was pure heaven. No other words were spoken and finally I was able to drift to sleep.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 6

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