The Room

By A Le

Published on Mar 2, 2013


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It was clear to me rather quickly that Mr. Rigg had been to this room earlier that day. He had a bag on the bed and moved about the room, quite familiar with it. As I stood there naked, trembling some, hard and excited, I couldn't think of a single coherent thought except this; I belong here.

It ran through my mind over and over, whispered in my head, coursed through my entire being until it was all I could focus on. I belong here. I had never really belonged anywhere in my life, yet suddenly here, right now, it was where I belonged. I don't know why, but I knew it was right.

Mr. Rigg was speaking to me again and I willed myself to focus. "Go stand in the corner over there Joshua. Put your hands up on the wall, spread your legs wide and press your nose to the corner. You don't move until I tell you to move. Do you understand?"

I looked over toward the corner he was pointing at; it was directly across the room from the door, devoid of any furniture at all. I nodded with a quiet, "Yes Sir" and made my way over.

At the corner I lifted my arms up over my head, pressed my palms to the wall. My legs I spread wide as I could, and then leaned forward and let my nose press into the corner of that wall. It was not the most comfortable position, and I felt it spread my ass cheeks. I could feel cool air brushing against my sensitive hole, and felt my cock twitch even more. My breath was coming quicker than normal, and I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself. Why was I so excited at being told to stand in the corner? It was at most completely humiliating, and knowing how humiliating it was turned me on even more. I felt sickened by my reactions, but I couldn't control them now.

Only a few minutes later while I stood there, listening to Mr. Rigg moving around the room behind me, I heard a knock on the door. This caused me to shift a little, tensing, and I felt a large hand in the middle of my back. "Do not move." Mr. Rigg spoke quietly to me, giving me the same order again.

"I ordered room service when I checked in." I heard him say as he crossed the room.

I was in a panic by then. Room service? Someone was coming into the room and here I stood, a grown man, in the corner like a little boy in trouble. Even worse, my cock was so hard from it. I was flushed and breathing quickly again as I listened to the door opening and Mr. Rigg speaking. My heart was beating in my ears; I couldn't believe this was happening. I was beyond humiliated.

"Where would you like the tray?" I heard a man ask, and Mr. Rigg respond, "Over there on the desk is fine, thank you." It was right about then that the hotel man would notice me standing in the corner. I could tell by the way Mr. Rigg spoke next, "He is in training, don't mind him." And the man stammered, something I couldn't' make out, and I heard the tray being set down.

Mr. Rigg signed for the food and handed it back to the man, smiling at him while I stood there trembling in the corner. "Thank you." I heard him say, and a moment later the door was shutting, leaving us alone again.

I thought Mr. Rigg would come to me, tell me to leave the corner, apologize, anything. But nothing happened. I kept standing in the corner, my arms growing numb, my thighs aching from being spread so wide, my nose touching that wall making my lower back ache as well. I could hear then Mr. Rigg start to eat his evening meal, and the television came on to a news station. And still I stood there. It was just like the office all over again where I had waited for so long while he was on the phone. Now I stood there, completely humiliated, and no idea what was really going on here. Training? What kind of training was I in? I didn't really get it at all.

Just about the time I was getting ready to ask a question, speak up and try and understand what was going on, another knock came on the door. This time Mr. Rigg didn't say anything to me as I heard him cross the room. Since he had told me to stay there earlier when the knock came, I stayed where I was for this one as well, but I felt my breath quickening yet again, my frustration levels so high.

"Ahh Bruno! About time you got here." I heard Mr. Rigg greet whoever was at the door, and closed my eyes tightly, taking short, quick breaths.

"Sorry David, traffic was a bitch." The voice was not as deep as Mr. Riggs voice, but it was smooth and silky, educated I could tell.

"It's alright, I just finished dinner anyway. Drink?" I could already hear ice hitting glass, and found it pretty amazing how much I could pick up just by listening, considering I couldn't see a damn thing with my nose pressed in the corner.

"Thanks." The smooth voice said, and then I knew things were going to be getting very interesting very quickly, "He's awful quiet over there in the corner." I heard amusement in that statement, and Mr. Rigg laughed quietly. "Beautiful ass though, you were right."

Mr. Rigg laughed again, "I knew you were going to want it as soon as you saw it Bruno. You are so damn predictable."

I wished more than anything right then I knew what was going to happen, but if I had known, I probably would have run out of there terrified. But I stayed where I was, trembling, my cock still surprisingly hard. A moment later I felt a hand rubbing over my ass slowly. It wasn't Mr. Rigg either, I knew his large hands, and this hand was smoother, with long cool fingers that gave a squeeze, making me flinch a little. It didn't hurt, just surprised me.

It also got a laugh out of the new man who gave my ass a light smack, "David, he is brand new isn't he?"

"Yes, virgin, never touched, no idea..."

"Wonderful. Such a rare find these days." Again that soft hand was touching me, reaching between my legs and those fingers grabbed my balls, squeezed them lightly. It made me moan and got me another soft laugh, "Hard, too."

I heard Mr. Rigg chuckle, "he has been hard since I brought him here and made him strip. It's just beautiful."

Another squeeze to my balls and then the hand was moving away. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I should tell them to stop touching me, to fuck off, to just let me get dressed and I would go. But I didn't say anything like that at all. Instead I just stood there like a dumbass. At least that's what I felt like right then. The humiliation was high, letting a stranger treat me this way, another stranger touching me in such intimate ways.

"It is beautiful. So pure." The hand let go of my balls and came up to stroke along my back, down over my ass once more. And then it left me completely.

"I want him on the bed, knees, secure him. We'll see how he does before I decide on a gag." The new voice was speaking, and suddenly those big hands were on me now, pulling me from the corner, "Get on the bed Joshua." Mr. Rigg said quietly, and I was turned toward that big king sized bed. I moved on to it, those hands never leaving me now. They were guiding me, to my hands and knees, and then I felt cool leather coming around my ankles. Comfortable cuffs, attached to the same type of leather around my thighs, making sure I wouldn't be getting off my knees any time soon.

"Good boy." He spoke quiet reassurance, and had me arching my back, until my chest and head were on the bed. He grabbed my arms and stretched them up over my head, spread eagle out and I felt leather come around my wrists, securing me to the headboard. This was insane. I knew it was insane. And the moment I tried to move, and felt the resistance at my ankles, the way the leather was attached to the bottom of the bed, and my arms were stretched out taut above me. It finally snapped a little something inside me.

I couldn't even find the words, I felt it building, building and I suddenly burst into tears. I was not usually a crying man, but I was in tears, sobbing and so quickly into hysteria.

Not only did I feel Mr. Riggs hands on me again, I felt those smooth cool fingers stroking my hair lightly as I sobbed. "It's alright pet." Mr. Rigg spoke gently to me; his touch was soothing, caressing me lightly. "Why are you crying?"

It was hard to answer, I didn't really understand why I was crying, I felt like such a fool, and the more I felt like a fool the harder those tears were to stop. I finally choked out between cries, "I am overwhelmed Sir!"

And still those hands touching, soothing. "It's alright to be overwhelmed. Such a new experience to be bound, to have your freedom taken away, isn't it?"

"Yes Sir, yes!" I cried, trying so hard to hold those tears in, to stop crying. It was overwhelming, and even more overwhelming being with two men I didn't know, and yet deep inside I was loving every second of this.

Those smooth hands moved gently over my body, and reached down, finding me still hard. "Shhh don't cry beautiful, you're so hard still, even in your fears you are hard for us. You like this happening to you, don't you?"

I was agreeing again, whimpering, "Yes Sir." To the new man I didn't even know what he looked like. I was still hard, I was turned on, and I was so excited by all of this. Why? What was wrong with me? And the only thing I got in return; I belong here.

But their touches and their soft words were calming me. I felt my tears slowing, felt myself though still tense, at least easing a little. They knew what they were doing, the hand stroking my cock kept me aching, excited, and I found that I was starting to enjoy being bound, not being able to move much at all.

When I was calmer once more they moved away from me, but not for long. I barely had time to register they weren't touching me, when I felt the first stinging blow of a cane against my ass. I let out a cry of surprise, followed by a gasp of pain. It was followed by another, and then another blow. They both tore cries from my mouth and I heard soft laughing by the new stranger. "Ah a loud one no less. So beautiful." Again the praise, but soon Mr. Rigg was in front of me. He stroked my cheek lightly.

"Open your mouth Joshua." And I shook my head, turned it the other direction. I didn't want whatever he wanted to put in my mouth at all. It was the first time since all of this started that I refused to do what he said immediately.

Before I was even done turning my head to the side, another hard swat of that cane came down, followed by two more, each one harder than anything I had ever felt before. I cried out so loud, and on that third one when I screamed I felt a hard rubber ball shoved inside my mouth. It made me gag, trapped my tongue, and the strap slid behind my head before I could spit it out. I thrashed my head a little, side to side, tried to rub it against the bed in an effort to get that ball gag out, but it wasn't going anywhere. I whimpered, my sounds so much more muffled now.

"Ah better." That smooth voice, and Mr. Rigg agreed, "That's the first he has shown any spark, but he will learn I know what is best for him."

"Yes, he will learn quickly I have a feeling." And then the real ass beating began. The cane started to rain down over my ass and thighs, coating them in thick red welts that burned and stung. I cried and screamed behind the gag, jerking against the leather holding me down, but I couldn't get away.

It was in this beating that I started to learn about who I really was. I learned that the harder he beat me, the harder my cock was. I learned that the more I squirmed, the more excited I became. I learned that being tied down made me feel more alive than I had ever felt in my life.

Behind me, while I was being caned, I heard the men talking. Discussing my body, the way I moved, the sounds I made, how gorgeous I was, what a true genuine find Mr. Rigg had made, what a good boy I was, how beautiful those welts were upon my skin. I heard all of it through the haze in my mind.

After what seemed an eternity of that cane falling upon my body, it stopped, and I felt a slick finger slipping inside my ass, all the way in with one push. I groaned, not having expected it. My virgin hole sucked the digit in like I was starving for the touch, squeezed so tight around it. The finger worked in and out of me, stretching me open, soon joined by a second. I felt another hand on my head, stroking my hair again.

"Your new owner is going to breed you now, make you his. And when he is done then I get to have my fun with you. "That smooth voice again, near my ear. I felt soft lips against my jaw and opened my eyes, seeing for the first time the gorgeous black man there. He was tall and slender, with those beautiful hands and wide brown eyes. Muscled, he wore a dress shirt with the few top buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was holding the cane in his hand that he had used on me. Mr. Rigg is who had his fingers inside me, and I moaned knowing it was him.

The black man smiled and I felt the fingers coming out of my ass. He disappeared from my view a moment later when I felt the hard cock against me. I squirmed my hips some, worried, scared, but I wanted it so bad! I had never imagined aching for a cock so badly as I ached for Mr. Riggs right now!

I didn't have to wait long. The man started to push his hips forward and I felt that cock stretching, forcing its way past that tight ring of muscle. His fat cock head made its way inside me and the moment he gave another push, I felt it pop through. After that his cock sank deep inside me and I heard him groan above me. I whimpered in that gag, drool running out of my mouth, down my chin, but nothing mattered right now. I was an open hole for the man I was enthralled with, and it was all for him.

His thrusts at first were long, slow, deep thrusts. I would feel him pull out so slowly, and then push in, deeper than before, making his way inside me, feeling me out for the first time. My groans were low and deep. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I felt a mouth suddenly wrap around my cockhead. It was that black man, under my stomach, sucking my cock down his throat while Mr. Rigg fucked my ass with his long thick cock.

My mind was spinning, the pleasure too intense, even that cock, while it hurt some, stretching me, was easy to enjoy the way he was fucking me. The pace picked up and my moans grew louder. I was trying to thrust inside that mouth while also push back against Mr. Riggs cock. My arms were straining against the leather holding them, my thighs quivering. I had been so hard for so long since coming into this room that I knew I couldn't hold back much longer.

Mr. Rigg was soon picking his pace up even more, his thrusts while still long were quicker, harder, and my cries were suddenly filling the room. My entire body tensed and the mouth that was working my cock so well got flooded as I came with a loud cry, arching my back even more. My ass clamped down around Mr. Riggs cock and I exploded , shuddering wildly. It was the most seed I have ever spurt in my life.

Both men were groaning, moaning, I could hear Bruno beneath me, swallowing my seed with loud groans of pleasure, and Mr. Rigg above me, breathing so hard. His large hands were gripping my hips then, and he was slamming into me, hard quick thrusts now. I heard his breathing pick up, heard him panting, and it was only a moment or two later before I felt his seed flood my insides. It was my first time ever receiving another man's cum in my ass, and I groaned so loud, loving the way it felt.

Those thrusts continued as he drained himself, milked himself inside my ass and I was moaning through it all. I barely even had time to process what had just happened before that cock pulled free. I groaned, feeling so empty all of a sudden. It didn't last long though. The other man was gone from my cock, and my ass was soon filled again. His cock was so much thicker than Mr. Riggs, it stretched me even more, and I was groaning, my eyes wide.

I saw Mr. Rigg coming close to me, felt his hands at the back of my head, removing the gag, but my mouth was barely empty of that leather ball before it was soon filled with Mr. Riggs cock. He thrust inside my mouth and held my head there, forcing me to suck and gulp upon his still hard flesh. All the while Bruno was behind me, fucking me hard and fast. He didn't waste time. His thrusts were deep, fast, and furious. His hips pounded into my ass, his balls smacked against my own over and over.

My eyes were lifted, up at Mr. Rigg and I stared up at him, in complete adoration. His cock in my mouth, another cock in my ass, and all I could think was how lucky I was ,how much I loved every second of this. I belonged to him then and I knew it, no matter how scary it was, how afraid I was, I belonged to him. He knew it too, he was staring down at me, stroking my cheek, his other hand on the back of my head, forcing me down on his dick.

The hard thrusting had my entire body rocking back and forth on that bed, and yet I kept sucking on the cock in my mouth, groaning, crying out around it with the hard thrusts. I knew the moment the man behind me was cumming. He pulled himself out of me and I felt his hot cum splatter all over my ass and my back, up near my shoulders even. It caused Mr. Rigg to groan loudly, watching his friend cum all over me, and soon he was thrusting inside my mouth, forcing his cock down my throat. His hand held my head back and he fucked my face good and hard. His balls smacked against my chin, my nose became buried in his dark pubes again and again. I was grunting, struggling a little but I had no control at all.

For a second time Mr. Rigg came, this time he graced my throat with his seed, and flooded my belly like he had my ass not so very long ago.

The rest of that night is a blur to me. There was more fucking, more beatings to my ass, more bondage in different ways, and I never once asked them to stop. I took all of it, sometimes with tears, sometimes with groans of pain, and moans of pleasure. But that night I became theirs, and Mr. Rigg knew it.

When morning came, I was put on the floor at the foot of the bed, curled up, covered in dry cum, sweat and smelling so unbelievably raunchy from the night of sex. The other men slept together in the bed, and I didn't mind being down there. They had fed me, held me, fucked me, beat me. And now I rested on the soft carpet, hearing them above me, snoring gently together. I was warm, well taken care of, and the last thought I had before falling asleep was this; I belong here.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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