The Room

By A Le

Published on Feb 26, 2013


Several times during that day, I nearly gathered my things up and ran out of the office building. The pressure of knowing I had to be in Mr. Riggs office at eight that evening made it near impossible for me to get anything accomplished. My ass burned for some time, but it didn't hurt so badly I couldn't sit at my desk. It was just such a weird feeling for me, having never been whipped with a belt like I had been that morning.

Part of me felt that I should be ashamed of what had happened at Mr. Riggs home. Why hadn't I stood up for myself? Why had I let him touch me the way he had? It was so damn confusing. But even with the confusing feelings and thoughts, part of me had really enjoyed the encounter. I had never met a man quite like Mr. Rigg before, and it was in all honesty the most amazing experience that had happened to me ever.

I had grown up in a religious household, my father long gone when I was just a baby, and my mother spent all of her free time at the church or at home forcing me to pray with her. I wasn't into it, I hated all the hours spent on my knees in prayer, all the hours at church, the bible school and everything that went with it. But I was also a good son, and I loved my mother, she was all I had. I was a quiet kid, I got good grades in school, and I had one or two friends but was never very close with anyone. Just after I graduated high school though my mother was in a car accident that took her life and left me on my own. I managed with college and part time jobs until I finished my degree and moved into a small apartment on my own once I had landed my current job. It was my first job out of college and I had been there for a couple years now. My personal life consisted of seeing a movie with one of the other guys I worked with on the weekends, and dinners by myself every night alone in my apartment. It wasn't the most exciting life, but I was getting by fine enough.

Needless to say, meeting Mr. Rigg had certainly been an exciting experience, and for that reason alone, I didn't run away during the day. When eight that evening was almost there, I freshened up in the restroom before heading for his office. It was down the hall, near where I'd heard vacuuming the night before. I arrived at his office about two minutes to eight, again, right on time, just like I had been early that morning.

Mr. Rigg had a beautiful corner office, all windows on both sides. I saw him sitting in there as I got closer, his back toward the door, and he was on the phone. I hesitated the slightest bit and then knocked very gently on the open doorframe. I was trying hard not to fidget. A moment later the black, leather chair swung around and Mr. Rigg barely glanced at me, and then turned back around. He was facing the outside windows that looked out over the city. He didn't even make a motion or anything to acknowledge I was there.

It was kind of weird, but I figured he would be off the phone in a moment or two. So I waited. And I waited. Five minutes went by while he continued his phone call, and then another five. I wondered if I should go back to my office or just continue to wait. It was so awkward. What if he really did need me for some work item related to the audit? I didn't know why he had requested me to his office.

Fifteen minutes in, I was fidgeting, playing with the buttons on my suit jacket, shifting around from foot to foot. Now I was getting really worried at what to do. It was really weird for me to just be standing there in the open doorway, while he continued his call.

Thirty minutes passed, and still I stood there, feeling sweat beading on my brow and on the small of my back inside my suit. Twice now I had taken a few steps back, but then came forward again, thinking he might be irritated if his call ended and I was just gone. After all I had announced my presence with the knock, and he knew I was there.

Forty five minutes after I first knocked, the chair swung around again and Mr. Rigg hung his office phone up. I was still standing there, sweating, fidgeting, and so damn nervous I had no idea what I was doing there like an idiot. Mr. Rigg finally looked over at me as he rose from his chair, coming around the large desk in his room toward me. When he was only a few feet away he stopped, and I met his gaze nervously.

"Joshua. Come with me."

He moved past me, out of the office, and quickly I followed along behind him, down the long hall toward my little closet of an office. He spoke to me quietly, his voice so strong and deep, "Get your things, leave all of your work here."

I quickly gathered my jacket and briefcase up, wondering briefly what was going on. "Are we going somewhere Mr. Rigg?" I questioned him, and he gave me the oddest of looks then. "Don't ask questions Joshua, just come with me."

And then we were moving again. To the elevator and down to the first floor. When we got outside in the cool evening air, Mr. Rigg moved toward a waiting Lincoln. He slid inside the driver's side and told me to get in. It was the nicest car I had ever been in before, and I quickly hooked my seatbelt. Soon enough, we were driving away from the office and I still had no idea where we were going, but I was excited and nervous all at the same time.

"I did some checking up on you today Joshua." He said while driving, and I looked over at the man, lifting a brow slightly, "Checking, Sir?"

"Indeed. I discovered many things about you Joshua. How much you pay for rent of that little apartment you live in. You have a small cheap car bought and paid off just last year. Your parents are both dead leaving you completely alone with no other relatives. You don't date anyone, you have no real friends. Your bank account has a small sum in it, and a slightly larger sum in your savings account. You are a hard worker with good reviews from your law firm."

As he rattled off all of these details, I had never felt so small in my life. I sounded like a complete and utter bore, and I felt my face flushing in the darkness inside the car. "Why..." Was the only thing I could get out, wondering what had made the man want to find all these things out about me.

Mr. Rigg smiled at my question, glancing over at me and then back to the road. "Because I like to know all about the things I intend on owning."

That comment had me completely floored. I blinked a little at him, then turned my head and looked out the window briefly, before looking back over to him, "I'm afraid I don't understand Sir." Said quietly, though the pit of my stomach was starting to burn like it had this morning, starting to ache for something I wasn't even aware of.

"You will understand soon enough." Was the only answer I received, and then the car was pulling into a hotel downtown. Up to the front he stopped and my door was opened by someone working at the hotel. I stepped out and Mr. Rigg was soon there, handing the keys over to the hotel worker. I followed him inside, speaking quietly considering there were a lot of people around. "What are we doing here Mr. Rigg?" I asked him even as he went for the front desk.

But he ignored me, and a few moments later he had a key for a room he'd apparently already reserved, and we were heading for the elevator. A few moments after that we were inside a very nice suite, it had two rooms, a living type of room with couches and chairs and television, a small wet bar and kitchen, and then the bedroom with a large king bed. The bathroom was attached to the bedroom.

When we were inside the room, Mr. Rigg shrugged out of his suit jacket, turning toward me and finally talking again, "Joshua. Tonight is an opportunity for you. You can experience a night with me. If you decide to leave, then that is your choice. If you decide to stay, then in the morning we will discuss the new options that are available to you. But know if you choose to stay, it may or may not be a pleasant experience for you."

The man was speaking slowly, clearly, watching me closely the entire time. I was standing near the door with my briefcase, trying to process what he was saying. I cleared my throat a little, "I am not sure.." I stammered the words.

He was still smiling, standing there looking at me near the door, ready for flight. "This is your only chance Joshua. I will not offer this opportunity again. You either take it, or leave it."

Mr. Rigg wasn't being mean, he was just stating facts, I could see clearly that he was very direct, and to the point. I glanced away from him, across the room, out a window, down at the watch on my wrist. Stay the night here, in this room, with this man? Or go home, to my little apartment, alone, as I did every night? I finally took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, looking back toward him. "I would like to stay." It was such a soft statement, and I saw his smile turn into a grin, making him even more handsome than before, if that were possible.

"Good choice Joshua." Mr. Rigg moved over to one of the couches and sat down, removing his shoes. "Undress completely. You may fold your clothes and sit them on your briefcase next to the door."

Jesus, he wasn't wasting any time was he? I sat my briefcase down, and started to undress. Each piece of clothing I removed I gently folded and put down on my case, just as he'd said to. I could feel his eye son me as I got naked, but I did not dare look at him. I had never undressed in front of anyone, let alone a man like Mr. Rigg, it was nerve wracking. I stripped to my sensible boxer briefs and then stood there. The silence dragged out for a few long minutes before he spoke again, "I'm waiting for you to get undressed completely Joshua. How long are you going to make me wait?"

I felt my face flushing even darker red, and I looked up at him quickly then back down. Slowly I tugged my boxer briefs down and off and put them with the rest of my clothes. My cock was hard already, just from undressing, and I tried to cover it with my hand, embarrassed already. I had a nice sized dick, uncut, with dark pubic hair, the same dark hair, just softer on my belly and chest, on my legs and arms. I was in good shape, and I knew I wasn't ugly to look at. This was just such a weird moment for me.

"Put your hands behind your back."

Fidgeting, I shifted from foot to foot the slightest bit, my toes curling in the carpet of the hotel room. Slowly I shifted my arms behind my back, and locked my fingers together, exposing myself to him completely for the first time.

"Good boy." He praised me, and my cock swelled at the praise almost instantly, hardening even more. Why I wanted his praise so bad, I couldn't say.

Mr. Rigg got up from where he was sitting and he came over to me. I found myself holding my breath, and he spoke very softly to me when he reached me. "You will call me Sir from now on. You do not look away from the floor unless told. Your hands stay behind your back unless told. Do you understand these simple, basic rules Joshua?"

Quickly I nodded my head. They were simple, easy rules right? "Yes Sir." I responded quickly, and focused my eyes on the floor now. His hand stroked through my dark hair gently, "Good boy." Another whisper to me, and my dick started to drip pre cum already.

He reached down then, and for the first time, I felt his big, large hand stroke over my cock with a nice firm grip. I let out a moan, my eyes drifting shut halfway in pleasure. I could sense he was smiling when he spoke again, "So hard for me already boy, we haven't even started anything yet." He was teasing me, because I was so hard and throbbing. This was just so exciting! I couldn't believe this was happening to me, of all people. I felt so lucky to be here.

"I'm sorry sir.' I whispered, because as excited as I was, I was also ashamed of myself for behaving like this. But that got him to laugh softly, "Don't ever be sorry for being hard for me Joshua. I like you this way. Hard and throbbing, aching for me." He gave my cock another long stroke, and then he slapped it, a nice firm, hard slap that had me let out a soft groan.

His hands were on my shoulders then, and he was turning me around. "Bend at the waist, and grab your ankles. Spread your legs wider." He kicked my ankles apart, and I bent over, wrapped my hands around my ankles tightly. This was a humiliating way to stand, and I felt him squeezing my ass cheeks, rubbing them slowly. Then a finger was against my puckered hole, the muscle tensing at the touch. "This looks like a virgin hole to me. Is it boy? Is this hole untouched?" And I was breathing heavily, bent in half the way I was. "Yes Sir.. Yes Sir it is a virgin hole." I had never been with another man before except for a few blow jobs at a booth in one of those unmentionable stores. Never anything like this for sure.

The finger continued rubbing my tender muscle there. I felt the pressure as he rubbed harder, and forced his pinky finger right inside me. I let out a soft groan, gripping my ankles so tight. I felt light headed, standing like this. But as quickly as the finger slid inside me he pulled it out and gave one of my ass cheeks a firm, hard smack. "Stand up."

I was quick to let go of my ankles and stand back up straight. And so as not to fidget, I put my hands behind my back again, and stared at the floor, feeling hot and flushed now. I could still feel his finger against my little ass hole, and I had liked it.

***Joshua's adventures to be continued soon...

Next: Chapter 4

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