The Room

By A Le

Published on Feb 18, 2013


The Room, Part Two

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The first time I met Master I knew there was something special about him. I was working on a new client case which consisted of hours upon hours of auditing. It wasn't my favorite thing to do, but I was a numbers man, an accountant for a prestigious law firm, and I did whatever they wanted me to do. Right now, they wanted me to audit.

The office I was in was a high rise downtown in the middle of the busy district, full of law firms, finance companies, marketing, advertising, whatever you needed, you could find an office here that specialized in it. Auditing was shitty work, no one liked having their books gone through, and no one ever gave me straight answers to anything. They were, at most, politely rude to me, but I was used to that when auditing was involved.

It was my third day of being shut off in what couldn't have been called anything other than a supply closet that they shoved a desk and chair and computer in for me. I was cut off from the rest of the floor I was on, and that was fine with me. The quiet was good to work in, but a window would have been nice. Regardless, I had a job to do, and I was going to do it.

Time passed quickly when I was working, and without windows, and the door mostly closed, it was hard for me to see or hear people coming and going. And auditing was not a nine to five job, it required me to be there long days and nights, which was fine with me, I didn't have much of a personal life to speak of.

After finishing a book of numbers finally, I sat back and stretched a little in my chair then stood up. Thinking of some water from the small break room down the hall I headed in that direction. The place was a ghost town. It was after eight in the evening, and everyone was long gone. I was going to start on a new book, get another two hours in then call it a night.

Retrieving a cup of water from the dark break room, I could hear someone at the far end with a vacuum, and figured it was the cleaning lady. Wandering back toward my little hole of an office, I rounded a corner, and ran smack into Master. I hit him hard enough my water went flying from my hand and I nearly fell to my ass. Not to mention the fact that it scared the shit out of me, since I thought I was in the place alone now.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!" I cried, moving, bending over to pick up the spilled plastic water cup. Lifting my head, my eyes roamed up, and up, and up a little more, to look upon the man's face. He was tall, and utterly gorgeous. Not a thing was out of place in the three piece black business suit he was wearing. It was perfectly tailored to fit his wide, broad shoulders, that narrow waist. His eyes were beautiful, wide and full of expression. He stood there still, quiet, watching me fumble about, flustered and foolish as usual. And then he smiled a slow, easy smile, "It's quite alright, I did not mean to startle you." His voice, it was so deep! I felt it in the very pit of my stomach, the way those words rolled off his tongue. So beautiful. I knew I was staring, but I couldn't seem to help myself. I fidgeted with the cup in my hand, clearing my throat.

The man was still smiling, watching me closely. He reached out and touched my shoulder with his large hand squeezed my shoulder tightly, causing me to stop fidgeting and just look up at him. "You must be Joshua, the auditor. Working late I assume?"

I could only nod, still staring up at the man, "Y...yes... I'm Joshua Mills." I responded, sounding of course like a complete idiot.

But that hand, it felt so big, and strong, holding on to my shoulder like that. "I apologize for not coming by to meet you sooner Joshua. My name is David Rigg."

Of course I knew who David Rigg was. The CEO of the company. The man that supposedly could scare the pants off anyone. That had the reputation for being intimidating, and yet a brilliant business man. The man nobody wanted to work for but everybody did everything they could to get hired here. I knew who David Rigg was. And now, I was even more flustered. I felt my face turning dark red, and I lowered my eyes finally, clearing my throat again. Another nervous habit. "That's alright Mr. Rigg, I know you are a busy man and I'm just here to audit... your people were kind enough to give me an office and the books I needed...' I knew I was rambling, I just couldn't help it!

That hand squeezed my shoulder a little tighter and I stopped talking, and just stood there rather looking at the floor. It was weird, but I could feel him getting closer to me, leaning in, towering over me now so that I tried to take a step back, but his hand on my shoulder held me still, not letting me back up like I wanted. He leaned down a little, closer, and spoke so quietly to me. "I can see I make you nervous Joshua. Are you nervous right now?"

I nodded several times, feeling my breath picking up. I was nervous, and I didn't even know why. "Yes... yes Sir, yes Mr. Rigg I'm nervous. I'm sorry." Why the hell was I apologizing?

"You should be nervous Joshua." That deep voice said, nearly in my ear now. His hand moved, from my shoulder, to the back of my neck. His skin felt so warm against my own skin, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. I was breathing so quick now, my chest rising and falling and his hand was squeezing the back of my neck in a firm grip. "I have some personal financial matters I need your help with Joshua. Meet me at my place first thing in the morning. Six am sharp. Don't be late."

It was the weirdest thing he could have said. I had no idea what the hell he was talking about, but I found myself nodding, responding like a dope, "Yes Sir, Yes Mr. Rigg, six am at your home, I can be there, no problem, thank you."

And then that hand was letting go of me and the man was moving past me, no other words or anything, he didn't even give me his address. But I knew he would be easy to find, and I hurried back to my little office to finish the work I needed to get done.

When I got home that night, it was nearly impossible for me to sleep. I kept tossing and turning, thinking about the man. I'm a tall man myself; six foot, but he must have had a few more inches on me. And he was just bigger overall than I am. I wasn't sure how old he was, it was hard to gauge in a man like Mr. Rigg. I found myself lying in bed, my hand down my pajama pants, slowly stroking my uncut cock, teasing the swollen head, thinking about what Mr. Rigg's cock might look like. I groaned, pulling my cock out, imagining I was stroking his, imagining I was putting my mouth on him, sucking on him, pleasuring him. It was a great orgasm I had moments later, spurting my hot seed up against my belly, rubbing it into the soft hair there.

I was awake before long, having only slept a few hours. But that was alright. I was up and showered and shaved, dressed in one of my usual suits. I got my briefcase and headed for his home; I had looked it up the night before, and put it into my gps. I had no problems finding the place. It was a huge mansion, sprawling over several acres of land. The gate was open and I was able to drive up to the door. I rang the bell, it was three minutes to six, and I was right on time.

A few moments later the door opened and I found myself looking at the man of my fantasies last night again. Except this time it was in the early morning light, and he was much, much better looking than I had even remembered from the night before. "Good morning Mr. Rigg.' I said quietly, looking up at him then down a little. He was wearing a robe. It was knee length, clearly made of silk, the way it hung against his well-muscled body.

"Joshua. You are on time." Was the greeting I got, as he stepped back and let me inside his home. The large wood door was swung shut behind me. If I had known then, when that door closed, how my life was about to change, I sometimes wonder if I would have run away. Most of the time I know I wouldn't have.

Mr. Rigg led me into what appeared to be his study. It almost seemed like a library, the way there were floor to ceiling book shelves, all of them packed with books. A large, cherry oak desk was in the middle of the room. Mr. Rigg sat down behind the desk. There were two seats in front of the desk and I moved toward one of those, and sank down, putting my briefcase at my feet when he spoke, "I did not tell you to sit down."

This was weird, very weird. I lifted my head, looking over the large desk at him, and after seeing that he was serious, and not joking, I slowly pushed myself back up to my feet, feeling my face flushing red again. I stood there, feeling so awkward, my hands started to fidget, smoothing down over my suit jacket, messing with a button there.

"Put your hands behind your back now. Your fidgeting is distracting." He snapped the words at me, making this encounter seem even more weird now. First I wasn't allowed to sit down, and now I was supposed to put my hands behind m y back? I blinked a little, hesitating slightly but I moved my hands behind me, and clasped them together at the small of my back.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, not sure what I was sorry for, not really sure what in the hell was going on.

"Sir. I'm sorry Sir, is what you should say."

And I found myself holding my breath a little, looking at the man sitting there behind that desk in his blue silk robe, staring at me. I let the breath out slowly, "I'm sorry Sir.' I repeated it quietly, not even arguing or questioning. I realized much later, that he had been testing me, seeing how far he could push me, trying to gauge if I really was as naturally submissive as he thought I was. A normal man, by now, probably would have been laughing at him, or getting angry at him. But me? I was just doing what he told me to do, not even questioning it. Master told me later that it was this moment that he knew I was going to be special.

"Better." He said quietly, still staring at me. And this continued for a few minutes. The silence lingered on, and I stood there, my hands behind my back, while he looked at me. I felt my face staying red, felt myself wanting to fidget, to move around, it was so hard to just stand there. Why was he looking at me? What was this all about?

Finally, when I didn't think I could take it anymore, he spoke again. "Joshua. I want you to step forward to my desk, and bend over it. I want you to reach your hands up then, and grab onto the other side." His words were so quiet, so clear, and so firm.

I felt my stomach clench tight, and of all things, my cock start to harden inside my suit pants. I stammered, not sure what the fuck was going on, "I don't understand..." I finally whispered, so confused.

And Mr. Rigg was very patient with me just then. He smiled the slightest bit, still sitting there, staring at me across the desk. "You don't have to understand Joshua. All you have to do is what you are told to do. Now, step forward, and bend over my desk. Reach your hands up and grab the other side of the desk." He said it again, still softly, quietly.

It was so weird, so confusing. I had no idea what was going on, I also had no idea why I was still standing here listening to this shit. I didn't' work for this man. All I had to do was tell him to go fuck himself, and get the fuck out of there.

But I didn't. Instead, I moved forward, took a few slow steps until I was close to the desk. And then I lowered myself slowly, bending over it. The desk was at a perfect height for me, and I stretched my arms out, toward Mr. Rigg, and wrapped my fingers around the edge. It was so weird, to be doing this. My cheek rested against the cool wood of the table.

And there I was, a young man, in my nicest business suit, stretched out along a strange man's desk in his home at six in the morning. It was by far the weirdest thing that had ever happened to me.

The man got up, finally, after a few long minutes of silence. I heard him moving, making his way around the table. "Whatever you do, do not let go of the desk. Do you understand me Joshua?"

I had no idea where this was going, and I was afraid. I was very afraid. "Yes Sir." I whispered though, because I understood not to let go of the desk. I was just doing what I was told to do.

"Good boy. You are learning so quick." He praised me, and I felt myself get excited at the praise, felt a warmth of happiness spread through my body when that little bit of praise came.

"Thank you sir.' I whispered it, meaning it; excited I was doing something right, whatever it was. I heard him chuckle softly behind me, and I felt his hands, pushing my suit jacket halfway up my back. And then they were at my waist. He didn't take his time, his hands undid my belt, pulled it from my pants, and then my pants were open. He was pulling them down, over my firm, round ass, down to my thighs, followed by my white boxer briefs. It happened so fast, within a matter of seconds I was naked from my waist almost to my knees.

"Sir..?" I questioned, feeling cool air over my cock, now dangling free, brushing against the desk I was now bent over.

He didn't really give me a chance to ask anything else though. While I was processing the fact that my ass was now naked, my pants halfway down, the man had taken my belt in his hand, and swung it with great force smack down across the middle of my ass.

It took my breath away, the force of the leather against my skin. I cried out when it came rushing back, so confused. But I couldn't ask anything, because another lash came, followed by another, and he was whipping me with my own belt so fast, so furiously, I could do nothing but scream. I held on to the desk, and my body thrashed from one side to the other, and I cried and screamed with every blow he landed.

I had never been spanked before, let alone whipped with a leather belt. It hurt, my ass burned, my body ached, and my cock became hard as a rock. I didn't realize it yet, but I was dripping pre cum, and he was burning welts across my ass, across my thighs.

Just when I didn't think I could take any more, it stopped as quickly as it had started. Those lashes were finished, and I was laying there crying, panting, and trembling. I felt his hands against my ass, rubbing my burning cheeks slowly. "Good boy.' He said quietly to me again.

He came around the table and reached down, grasping my chin. His other hand was there, wiping the tears from my eyes, and I was crying quietly, looking at him, confused.

The man had a smile upon his face though, he didn't look angry, I didn't know what had caused him to whip me like that. But he was smiling, and he leaned down to whisper to me quietly, "Joshua, you didn't let go of the desk."

It was such quiet words, and I realized then that he was right. I had held on to the desk through the entire whipping, and I had no idea why. He continued speaking in that deep, sexy, quiet voice, "You could have stopped that from happening to you. You could have let go of the desk, you could have stood up, you could have told me to fuck off... but you didn't did you? Instead, you lie across my desk, and let me pull your pants down, and whip you like a bad little boy." His fingers were in my hair, stroking it gently back from my face while he spoke to me. "And you didn't tell me to stop one time. You just let me do it."

I was crying harder then, because it was true. "I don't' know what's wrong with me!" I cried out to him, so horrified, terrified, and more than anything I was ashamed. What kind of normal man lets another man do that to him and doesn't even tell him to stop?

But he was soothing me, still holding my chin, still stroking my hair, wiping my tears away. "There isn't anything wrong with you my little boy, except that you need me. You need me to take care of you don't you?"

And I was agreeing, crying, nodding my head, "Yes Sir, yes sir please. I need you to take care of me!" I didn't know why, but I knew I needed him. I was flying high on my first ass beating, and I wanted him to take care of me like he was talking about so badly.

"Good boy." He whispered again. I felt him lean down, and press a soft kiss to my forehead. Then he stood up, letting go of me. "Pull your pants up, and get to the office. You have a lot of work to do today." He sat back down behind the desk.

This was even more confusing now. I did what he said, stood up, slowly tugging my pants back up, and tucking my hard, aching cock away. And then I wiped my face clean, trying to stop the tears. "Yes Sir.' I whispered, reaching for my briefcase. I headed for the door, and he stopped me right before I left, "And Joshua, meet me in my office at eight tonight."

I turned toward him slightly and smiled, giving a nod, "yes sir. I will be there at eight."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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