The Room

By A Le

Published on Apr 14, 2023


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The Room Part 10

I don't remember much over the next several days after my first outing as a pet. My piercings started to heal, and I grew more accustomed to their weight. The tattoo on my wrist had been kept from me with a bandage so I still had not been able to see it. My sunburn healed, and my body recovered. I spent the time in Bruno's room in his soft bed again. They took care of me until I was better and then, I was taken back to my room. Except this time there was something new there. In the corner that I tended to lay in to rest, was a nice thin mattress and a blanket. I could not believe how fortunate I was, and I grinned when I saw them, crawling over quickly to check them out. "Thank you Master!" I cried out, so excited.

"You are welcome pet, that is your reward for being so good." Master smiled to me from the doorway.

I crawled over to him quickly and licked at his boots to show my appreciation. I was learning so well. He let me lick both boots for several long minutes and then he reached down and gripped the back of my neck, "Don't forget your rules. Don't get lazy on me."

"I won't Master, I know the rules. I promise." I looked at the floor, the way he liked me to do, and he loosened his grip. "Good boy."

He was gone after that, the lock turning and once more I was back alone in my room. But this time I felt a little different, because I had missed the room. I had missed the comfort and familiarity of my own space and I realized I was changing. It was happening without me realizing it and it scared me a little. I soon fell back into the routine of keeping myself clean and exercising. I thought of Masters cock all day long and tried to keep myself as hard as I could. I slept on my new mattress and blanket and spent hours and hours staring at those four walls. Master brought me food twice a day as always, but he had been sitting the tray just in the door and leaving without a word to me. I presented myself to the door every time, but he didn't touch me or talk to me.

I lost track of time as I always did. I knew when it was day or night because of my open window, but I lost count of how many days went by like this. It was dark out when I heard the lock turning and I hurried into the middle of the room. I put my head to the floor and my ass in the air toward the door and waited, anxious, maybe tonight would be the night he would talk to me!

And I wasn't let down. I felt a hand against my back and I knew right away it was Master, "Crawl, upstairs." He spoke quietly. I turned quickly, lifting my head and I crawled out of the room and made my way to the stairs, climbing them as quickly as I could. At the top of the stairs I could see Bruno's feet, I knew his shoes, and I quickly kissed them as I came up out of the basement. He laughed softly, "Good little pet." I felt him reach down and pet my hair so gently. I smiled at the praise, so happy to be out of my room and with them again.

This time I was taken down the all and into a new room I hadn't been in before. It was a nice living area, with large leather couches and chairs and soft carpeting. There was a large fireplace that had a beautiful fire already burning in it. There were refreshments on a side table, I couldn't tell what it was, but I saw it there briefly as I crawled in. Bruno guided me with a nudge of his foot, "Here, in front of the fire, this carpet is your space in here." It was a nice fluffy carpet and I settled on it easily on my knees, resting there quietly.

Master turned music on and they were getting themselves a drink when the doorbell rang. "I'll grab it." Bruno headed out of the room and I just sat still, looking at the carpet quietly, keeping my eyes down.

A moment later Master handed me a small glass, "I'm giving you something to relax you and you will probably get a little sleepy. It's safe. Drink this." I took it from him and drank it down in a few swallows. It was cool and tasted like lime with another flavor I couldn't quite figure out. When it was gone I handed the glass back up to him. He had stood there watching me drink it all down until it was gone.

Bruno came back a moment later with another man, though I didn't dare look at him or any of them. Instead I kept my gaze lowered and just listened. I could hear them chatting about nothing, the weather, sports, movies. They were eating and drinking now and still I just knelt there, but I was feeling a little off. I realized it when at first, I felt a warmth spreading through my body. It started in my toes and worked its way up my body until my head started to spin a little bit. "Master." I mumbled the word, lifting a hand up to my head.

I felt them all turn to me then and Bruno came forward. He knelt down on one knee and I felt his cool smooth hand against my forehead, "Just breathe, you're alright. We gave you a little something to relax you, you're going to need it tonight." I could hear the smile in his voice, as usual. Bruno shifted me from kneeling to lay down on the rug on my back, his hand stroking me, touching my face, my hair, my shoulders, just easing me.

The room was definitely spinning some, but I did feel relaxed and in a bit of a daze. Timed passed. I could hear them, but it was almost like I was completely removed, the way their voices floated around me. I was warm and comfortable, so relaxed without a care in the world right then. I trusted Master fully and I was enjoying being out of the room and having quiet time in front of the nice warm fire on the soft rug.

At some point their voices got closer and I felt Master's large hands against my body. My eyes opened a little and he was kneeling at my side, stroking the piercings in my nipples. He smiled when he saw me looking up at him, "Nice and relaxed now aren't you?" he smiled gently.

"Yes Master." I whispered, so in awe of him. He was so beautiful, his smile so engaging. I loved how strong his jaw was and how piercing his beautiful eyes were. His hand stroked down my stomach to rub gently. I loved how large his hands were, how strong they felt whenever they touched me.

No one was speaking now, the two other men were standing close enough, just watching Master for the moment. His hand had moved lower now, to stroke over my cock slowly. He teased the piercings there, making me moan quietly. They were still sensitive and yet, it was a good sensitive. I was still getting used to the weight of them, how they tugged on my skin when I moved certain ways. It was a constant reminder of what Master had done to my body.

"Tonight, you will give yourself to me fully." His voice was deep and quiet, and my eyes opened a little more, focusing on him as he spoke.

"Do you want to tell me to stop?"

"No Master. No." I whispered in return, feeling a slight panic. I didn't want him to stop, I didn't want any of this to stop.

"Do you want to talk about leaving?"

I remembered how before I had told him I wanted out and he had refused me the conversation. Now he was offering it and yet I shook my head a little back and forth, "No Master." I had no desire to leave at all now.

He smiled, his hand still stroking my cock while he asked me these questions.

"Do you trust me with your life?"

"Yes Master." I meant every word, staring up at him intently.

"Good boy." He leaned down, and I felt his lips against my forehead oh so gently. I smiled when I felt his lips and closed my eyes, feeling good now.

A moment later a blindfold was placed over my eyes and secured behind my head. I felt Bruno's cool hands under my shoulders, helping me up. It was good he was helping because as I lifted my head up the room spun again, I could feel it spinning even in the darkness. Bruno guided me until I was on my hands and knees and I breathed in and out. I felt that cool bar going between my legs, spreading them nice and wide.

The cool touch to my ass made me suck in a quiet gasp. The fingers pressing inside me were cool, slicked with lubricant. I couldn't tell whose fingers they were though, as they worked deep inside my ass, stretching my hole slowly. It felt good and I moaned quietly, rocking back onto the fingers slowly.

Master was stroking my hair then, I knew it was his touch. "I couldn't believe my luck the first time we met. You were so submissive, so eager to please, so embarrassed at your actions. I knew you were something special. I knew I had to have you. Tonight, you get to choose me."

I wasn't sure what his words meant, but I nodded, my voice so soft, "Yes Master." He seemed so warm right now, so warm and tender and it was making me feel so good in a way I had never felt before. Those fingers inside me were stretching me more and more. I felt a third added and it was still stretching. I moaned quietly, rocking a little. Master was there, at my side, his hand in my hair. His other hand was buried in my ass and he pulled it out slowly. I felt more of the cool gel against my hole and then he was pushing inside me again. Bruno's cool hand was against an ass cheek now, "There we go, nice and slick."

Master made a sound in his throat and I felt a fourth finger now. It was starting to hurt, the way he was stretching me. "Master.' I whispered, arching my back a little.

"Be still." His voice was deep in my ear. I groaned as he stretched me like that. His fingers were moving slow, in and out, stretching apart inside me, opening me up so completely. It hurt, and it felt good all at the same time. My cock was hard, but I didn't even realize it until I felt Bruno's hand wrap around me, stroking my cock slowly. He liked to pull the skin back and tease the piercing in my cockhead, I knew he would like that, he's the one that wanted the piercing after all. It felt so good and I was feeling amazing all over.

I knew there was another man in the room, their friend I hadn't met just yet. But I remembered he was there when I felt another hand touching me, one I didn't recognize. Light fingers against my cheek and then something under my nose, "Breath in." The voice said. It was a pleasant voice, not as deep as Master's but still nice. I breathed in as instructed and instantly felt a surge through my body. I felt my head spin as a warmth crept up through me. My body stretched and arched, and my ass relaxed just enough to ease a little of the pain of being stretched so wide.

Master chuckled, "There we go. Now he's getting nice and relaxed."

He kept stroking his fingers deep inside, stretching me so wide. His thumb was next. I felt his fingers pull out and more of that cool gel being applied. Just as I felt all five of his fingers starting to press inside of me that hand was against my cheek again, `Breathe in." I sucked in the breath through my nose, inhaling again and as I did, Masters hand forced its way inside my body.

I heard myself cry out as my back arched and I pulled forward to try and get away. I wasn't going anywhere though because Bruno grabbed hold of my hips and pulled me back, holding me still.

Masters hand was making its way past the tight ring of muscle now, forcing me so wide open. I was panting and squirming, breathing heavily. Again, that hand against my cheek, `Breathe in." I inhaled once more, feeling that rush, I felt hot, I could feel my heart pounding and at the same time my ass relaxed for Master, making it so much easier for him.

One of Bruno's hands left my hip and returned to my cock. Whatever I was inhaling had my dick so hard, dripping pre-now and Bruno was stroking me just how I liked, his thumb teasing over my piss slit, toying with the piercing there. I was starting to feel overwhelmed, my head spinning from whatever earlier drug they had given me, from how stretched my ass was, the way Bruno was touching me. I couldn't do anything but moan.

Soon I knew his hand was buried inside me. I could feel it so deep, his fist so large and he was twisting it from side to side, pushing as deep as he could go. I heard Bruno's voice through a tunnel, "Ah there you go. It's beautiful David. Your entire wrist is buried in him." I could hear a snapping then and I realized that pictures were being taken. I groaned realizing how deep inside of me his hand was.

It felt like hours I knelt there, Masters hand inside my ass. Now and then that light touch against my face, telling me to inhale, to breathe in. I came in Bruno's hand once, and not long after a second time. My cock exploded with thick ropes of hot cum and they laughed both times, amused at how quickly I came, amused at how much I came. I didn't care, I was completely lost. That fist was rubbing in all the right places. After the second time I came I lowered my head to the floor, panting heavily. I was soaked in sweat, my entire body flushed a dark red.

Once more that strangers hand was on my face and I heard Master's voice this time. "Alright my pet, this is going to hurt so you will inhale through your nose when I say and relax your ass as much as you can. Understand?"

I realized he was going to be pulling his hand free and I whimpered, starting to feel nervous, "Yes Master." My voice was shaking, and I felt Bruno's hands on my hips again, holding me still. The large hand was rubbing, pulling back and forth some and then that deep voice, "Inhale now."

I breathed in as deeply as I could through my nose against what was held there. At the same time, I did, Master pulled his hand back firmly, tugging in one quick hard pull until it popped right out of my ass. I let out a scream as it came free and then pressed my face to the floor, gasping.

My hole felt so empty suddenly. I groaned deeply, reaching my hands up to curl into my own hair. I held on tightly as I felt Masters cock rub against my stretched ass. A moment later he plunged himself deep inside me and I grunted as his thrusts began. Hard, fast thrusts while one of his arms curled under my chest and the other gripped my hip. I grunted with every stroke of his cock inside me. Master felt so good to me, I loved the way he held me, the way he fucked me so hard and so fast. His moans were quiet, deep, and his voice so sexy in my ear, "That's a good pet, take my cock, you like it don't you? You need this cock, don't you?"

He drove me crazy with his words and the way he was holding me so tight and firm. I cried out quickly, begging him. "Yes Master, yes, I need your cock, I need it so badly. Please Master, please I need your cock!"

I could tell he liked it by the way he grunted, and his hips jerked faster, my begging turning him on even more.

"Master please! Oh god please, please cum inside me, please I need it, I need your cock, please I want your cum!"

His hand tightened around my chest, I felt his fingers pinching my nipple, twisting, tugging on the piercing and I groaned loudly. Seconds later I felt him explode, his hot seed filled my ass fully. He was panting in my ear as he came, shaking behind me. He let go of my nipple and pulled his hand back, smacking my ass hard enough to leave a hand print. "Good boy.' He praised as he stroked my back slowly. I felt him pull back some, but his cock was still inside me.

I loved how he felt inside me. I felt the hot stream a few moments later and I realized he was pissing inside my ass. The very realization caused me to moan loudly and my cock to harden yet again. "Master, ohh." I moaned the words out, lost in the darkness of my blindfold, feeling his hot piss fill my ass to the brim.

"Good boy." He pulled out when he was finished. I didn't have to feel empty though, because Bruno came forward and pressed a thick, fat plug inside my stretched hole. It was so big it would keep me stretched, but also hold all the cum and piss inside.

"Roll him over." Master spoke, and I felt those stranger's hands on me now, helping Bruno to take the spreader bar off and roll me onto my back. I collapsed there with a quiet groan, catching my breath still. My legs were spread again soon enough though this time I felt rope being tied to them as they were stretched wide open and secured to small hooks in the floor. They had been under the rug earlier and I hadn't seen them, but they were being used now.

My arms were pulled, stretched up over my head and again I felt rope and then they were secured to the floor. Held down now I felt Master's hands on my face, "Open your mouth." I didn't even hesitate. I opened my mouth and I felt Masters cock there, against my tongue. I started to lick him instantly, so eager for him, loving how he tasted.

"Mm good boy, open wider." I had my mouth open as wide as it could go, and he pushed himself further inside until he hit the back of my throat. I groaned around the thick shaft. I could hear Bruno there, kissing Master, touching him. I heard them both inhaling those poppers and all the while Master was fucking my throat. I was just a tool right then, for his cock to fuck down while he and Bruno kissed and touched and moaned to each other. I didn't care though, I loved being used and I loved making them feel good.

Eventually Masters hand was gripping my hair and he was fucking down my throat good and hard, fucking my face until I couldn't breathe half of the time. It made me so dizzy, made my head spin even. But my cock was hard, and I loved how excited they were. Listening to them groaning over top of me was pure heaven.

When Master came this time, he filled my throat and pulled back, so I could taste it as well, his jizz flooding my mouth. I swallowed and groaned and sucked on his cock until he was dry. He pulled back and I kissed and licked his cock head until he pulled it away. I didn't even have time to thank him for giving me his seed before I felt Bruno's long cock against my mouth. I moaned, licking at his fat cock, wiggling my tongue against his piss slit. He was even harder than Master was on my throat. Bruno gripped my head in two hands and tipped it back until he could fuck right down my throat furiously.

He must have been worked up from watching Master with me because normally Bruno took his time. But right now, he was not taking his time. He was like an animal, his cool fingers held me so tightly while he fucked my face. It wasn't long before he was crying out and I felt all his hot cum down my throat. My muscles convulsed, milking him for all he had while he made it near impossible for me to breathe.

When he finally pulled back I was gasping loudly. Master was holding a glass to my lips and I drank the water gratefully, letting it sooth my burning throat. "Good boy."

Anytime I heard those two words, "Good boy" it made me feel so good. It made my cock throb and my stomach tremble. I loved the praise so much.

He let me drink the glass of water and then I was pulled up by hands under my arms, lifting me up off the floor completely. I felt myself tossed over a shoulder and soon I was carried up the stairs. My body was settled down into the tub of warm water and I let out a quiet moan of pleasure. "Thank you Master."

I was still blindfolded but I was used to the darkness by now, and I didn't mind it. I felt Masters hands washing me and it relaxed me so much. My ass was still full of that plug, but I felt so good it didn't matter.

When he was finished washing me he stroked my cheek softly, "Leave your blindfold on. Rest. I'll be back soon."

He left me there alone in the tub and I did relax. The water was warm, and I felt half out of it, so relaxed and comfortable. Possibly a half hour passed, I dozed off and woke when the water grew cool and I felt Bruno there, his slender hands helping me up, "Good boy, come on now pet, let's get you dried off." I stood still, swaying a little, while my body was tried. Bruno took time to lick and tug on my nipples a little, toying with the piercings. "Such a good pet." He was smiling as he said it, I could always tell.

"Thank you Master." I smiled in return to him, so glad to make him happy.

I was picked up again, tossed over a shoulder, my head dangling down as I was carried back down the stairs. I was placed on the rug again, on my knees and Bruno knelt behind me. I felt his arms come around me, holding me still gently.

Master spoke once we were settled, "Give us your arm with the tattoo." I still hadn't seen my tattoo and I held it out toward him. I felt his large hand hold mine now, and the plastic was removed. "Ah so beautiful."

"Master please, may I see it? Please?" I begged him quietly, wanting so badly to see what was there.

"Soon my pet. Soon."

I learned why the other man was there next, when Master spoke to him. "Alright, he's ready for you now."

I leaned back against Bruno a little when I felt the strangers hands on me, touching over the tattoo. He was cleaning it off, it didn't hurt any longer, fully healed now. I heard tools being moved, banging together some, I heard the soft whir of a drill or sander. Then I felt a thick metal around my entire wrist.

"Your work is beautiful Marco, truly." Master spoke, sitting nearby. Bruno behind me made a sound of agreement, "David's right, it's so perfect for our pet."

Again, I heard the whirring noise, and Marco spoke gently, "It's going to feel really hot for a few moments Joshua, but don't jerk away, alright?"

"Yes Sir." I whispered the words, not sure what was going on. He wasn't wrong though because a few moments later the heat started on the back of my wrist. It seemed to get hotter and hotter and I tossed my head back against Bruno, struggling not to move.

Bruno's arms tightened around me and he whispered in my ear, "Shh, he's almost finished. You're doing great."

I didn't know if I was doing great, or how I was doing great. It was hot, and I made another sound in my throat and then as quickly as it had started, it cooled off. I made another sound, this one of relief now.

"See? All done." Bruno kissed my ear.

I smiled a little, nervous though. And Marco spoke, "Now give me your other wrist." I held that hand out while he let go of my other one. Soon, the same process started all over again. I felt the metal against my skin, the heat, and then the blessed coolness as it ended.

Master spoke then, "Perfect. Job well done Marco."

"I'm glad you like it David. This was fun for me to create. Now, the last one of course. When you're ready."

The last one? I had no idea what that meant yet. Bruno was still holding me, and I was leaned back into his strong body, slowly relaxing as the nerves faded. I lifted my arms, feeling how heavy they were now. It wasn't unbearable, it was just a different weight. Like the piercings, something I would have to get used to.

I felt Master's hands on my head now, and he pulled the blindfold off. The light was not overly bright in there, but I blinked a few times, my eyes adjusting. Master was in front of me and Bruno pushed me back up to my knees fully. "Look at your wrists pet."

I did then, lifting my arms a little. The cuffs were gorgeous. They were a fine silver color, almost polished looking. With an intricate pattern embossed into the metal. When I looked a little closer I realized the pattern was small, interlocking handcuffs, twisted with rope throughout. I felt myself flush a little as I looked. Master reached for my right arm and he turned it over. The inside of this cuff was perfectly clear, almost like glass or plastic. But the tattoo was completely visible now and I looked closely at the beautiful design. It was a rope again, this time twisted into the simple word "pet". I stared at it for a long time before Masters spoke again.

"Do you like it pet?"

I nodded slowly, still looking at it, "Yes Master, I love it. I love it so much." And I did love it. It was so perfect, the rope so perfect, the word so perfect. It fit me, and Master had designed it himself, forever linking me to him. I tipped my head back to look up at him and he knelt slowly, "The last piece is this." He handed a slender box to me.

I took the box and touched it lightly before I opened it. Inside lay the most beautiful collar. It, too, was designed in the same silver, but it looked like a rope, and engraved in the middle, again the simple word, "pet". I smiled slowly, running my fingers over it and then looked up at him.

"Master, it's beautiful." I was in awe of the thought and detail that had gone into the gift.

He returned my smile, his large hand reaching to stroke my hair back lightly. "It is your choice tonight, Joshua. Do you want to be mine fully? To belong to me completely? If you do, then give me the collar."

I knelt there in front of him, with Bruno silent behind me. I had never felt so wanted, so needed in my life. It was the most amazing feeling ever.

I stroked my fingers over the collar slowly and then I pulled it out of the box. It looked heavier than it was. It was light and cool in my hands. Very slowly I looked up at Master again and then I held it out toward him, "I am yours Master."

I watched the smile form over his face as he reached out and took it from me gently. "Yes. You are mine." He stroked my cheek lightly and then he gently placed the collar around my neck. It was a perfect fit, and I realized he must have measured at some point. It clicked shut with a soft sound and then Marco came forward. "Bend your head forward Joshua."

I leaned forward, my head low and soon, I felt that heat. I realized then that Marco was sealing it with heat, just like he had my cuffs. They would not be coming off without tools. The very realization made me suck in a deep breath several times. The heat started to get so bad but then, like with the cuffs, it cooled off.

Master leaned me back once it was done and he stroked the collar on my neck. "I own you. Completely now."

I smiled up at him, excited, pleased, so eager to please him. "I belong to you Master." I repeated it to him, tears flooding my eyes suddenly. It was all so overwhelming. He had claimed me completely tonight. My ass, my mouth, my wrists, my neck, my soul. The tears were hot on my cheeks as he stroked my neck so lovingly. Yes, I belonged here. Completely.

Should this one continue? It could end here. Let me know your thoughts.

I enjoy comments and conversation. Email me at

-- Thanks! A Le

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