The Rogue Archon

By Purple Jubliee

Published on Jan 23, 2019


Hello everyone! Here's a brand-new story for you that I know some people have been waiting for. This story follows after the events of "Sins of a Future World", so if you haven't read that, I recommend it otherwise you might be a bit lost.

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Thanks for reading! <3 PurpleJubilee

The Rogue Archon: Chapter 1

"I thought that you were supposed to be a mechanic." The quiet teasing voice came from over Jace's shoulder.

Jace grunted in annoyance. "I'm a damn good mechanic. But this is all nonsense. Why don't you try singing to it?"

Ryn kicked him gently as he stood up.

"The damage can be repaired internally." Calae's automated voice came from overhead. "It will take time, and the shuttle must be landed first."

"Where can we set down?" Ryn asked, moving to the map table. A hologram of the system they were in sprang to life before him.

"There is only one planet within our current reach that will be suitable." The map enlarged on a single planet and began listing details about the surface and atmosphere. "It is called Terana. The Light records state that it is sparsely populated by a primitive people."

Ryn nodded. "Thank you, Calae. Touch down in a remote location if possible. We should not needlessly scare the inhabitants."

Jace stepped up behind Ryn and gently massaged his shoulders. One of the things Jace appreciated most about Ryn was that the was always thinking of others.

With a contented sigh, Ryn leaned back into the massaging fingers and allowed his mind to idly rub against Jace's, sharing warm emotions with him. The two did not often cohabitate a headspace. Even though their love was strong, they had learned from experience the dangers of being too interconnected. Not to mention the fact that they each greatly enjoyed the other's uniqueness. Mingling their thoughts constantly made it hard for one to ever surprise the other. Instead, they opted to frequently connect their minds at a very basic level. Just enough to share a feeling or an understanding. Not only did this create greater intimacy between them, but it also helped avoid arguments and disagreements by showing the perspective of the other.

Jace pulled Ryn back against him and held him tight. No matter how many times he wrapped his arms around the beautiful platinum-blonde boy, no matter how many times they slept cuddled together, no matter how many times they kissed, he could scarcely believe that Ryn was his. He couldn't imagine what he had done to be so lucky.

As he often did, Jace shared the essence of this thought with Ryn, who turned on him with his incandescent blue eyes and smiled.

"Stop that." Ryn said with a soft giggle.

"Stop what?" Jace put a hand to the side of Ryn's face.

"Stop thinking that you are not good enough." Ryn stood on his tiptoes to kiss Jace, but Jace pulled back.

"Well, you might be a big important Archon, but not even you can tell me what to think." He teased.

Ryn scowled in frustration and cocked an eyebrow at Jace; an expression that, on Ryn's young face, always made Jace laugh. That reaction was not always appreciated since the expression was often what Ryn considered his `serious face'. This time however, Ryn cracked a smile before looping his arms around Jace's neck and finally pulling him in for a kiss.

Almost a year had passed since the battle for Varros, and the two young lovers had wasted none of it. They had spent a fair amount of it on a tropical moon in the same system that was a popular vacation spot for the higherups of Varros. They had shared an entire lake paradise all on their own for several months. Jace could not remember ever being happier. Perhaps it was their mental connection, but Ryn was the first person that he felt like he could spend almost every waking moment with without becoming exhausted by their company.

Ryn had grown restless though. He was not one to sit still for long. Even the ancient wisdom of the Archons that flowed through his mind was not enough to overcome his youthful desire for spontaneity and adventure. It had taken some convincing, but eventually they set out to the stars once more. After scouring records of the Harmonious Light, Ryn had persuaded Jace to travel to a distant system in a corner of the Light's territory. It had only been given cursory exploration for the sake of data collection, so in Ryn's mind that made it the perfect place to search for excitement.

They had only just entered the system when their shuttle, Radiance, had encountered some difficulties. Radiance was not a craft designed for extended long-range phase jumps. The journey into the system had damaged one of the engines, landing them in their current predicament.

Calae had assured them that the damage was not critical or immediately dangerous, but that it prevented them from performing long-range jumps. And so, they approached the planet of Terana.

"How long until touchdown Calae?" Ryn asked.

"Estimated touchdown in six hours, thirty-seven minutes, Archon." She responded.

"Thank you Calae." Ryn turned to give Jace a mischievous smile.

"What?" Jace asked, though he already had an idea where this was going.

Ryn shook his head innocently. "Nothing." He promised before gently laying two fingers on the skin of Jace's bare upper arm.

Immediately, Jace felt a soft wave of warmth and pleasure ripple through him as Ryn used his psionic gifts to activate Jace's nervous system. Jace closed his eyes and grunted in appreciation and felt himself beginning to stiffen in his pants.

"Keep that up and I'll have to take you to the bedroom." Jace warned.

In response, Ryn placed his other hand on Jace's other arm, completing a circuit and doubling the feelings.

"Mmm..." Jace groaned. "That's it. On your knees, Archon." He ordered, applying some pressure to Ryn's shoulders.

Ryn licked his lips seductively. "Again?" He asked with a sly giggle. It was true that it was not the first time in the past twenty-four hours that Jace had given him a similar command. Like most men his age, Jace had a push-to-start sex drive, and Ryn had become very good at pushing. Despite this, he offered no resistance and slowly sank to his knees in front of Jace. He sat staring up at his lover, iridescent eyes sparkling.

"Well?" Jace teased expectantly. "You started this. It's only fair that you finish it."

Ryn smiled coyly. Jace had discovered that, for someone so accustomed to giving orders, Ryn definitely enjoyed being told what to do, at least as far as their lovemaking was concerned.

Calae had graciously gone silent. The A.I. or `anima' of the Harmonious Light were stunningly advanced to begin with and Calae was one of the smartest. In the time since their adventures had started, she had learned to read the temperatures and pheromone levels in the room and put herself into hibernation when necessary.

Obediently, Ryn undid Jace's pants, rubbing gently on the bulge that was growing underneath. He fished out Jace's length and wordlessly expressed his appreciation for the size of it. Ryn did this frequently and Jace thought it was very cute when he found out that it was a genuine expression and not just intended as an ego boost for Jace. It certainly had that effect though.

Ryn took hold of it and gently began to stroke it. He did not put any of his psionics behind this touch however. That would come later, as Jace knew. This was only the beginning. Leaning in, Ryn touched his tongue to the base and licked slowly all the way to the tip. The entire time he looked up at Jace. He knew what Jace liked and had become an expert at pleasing him.

Jace loved staring into Ryn's eyes in general. The way they seemed to catch the light in an almost animalistic fashion always enthralled him. This went double for when Ryn was on his knees in front of him, honing his technique.

Very slowly, Ryn put the tip into his mouth. Only then did he release his gift. Jace had learned that it transmitted just as easily through Ryn's lips or tongue as it did through his fingers. He moaned in pleasure and pushed forward slowly. The constant buzz of sensation gave the illusion that Ryn's mouth was vibrating around him. Jace knew that it was not actually moving, but the nerves in his most sensitive organ tricked him often.

He hit Ryn's gag reflex and he felt his little lover begin to pull back. The ecstasy of pulling out was just as great as going in. Ryn flicked his tongue across the tip, tasting Jace's seed as it began to leak out.

Placing one hand on the side of Ryn's head, Jace stroked the smaller boy's beautiful white-blonde hair as Ryn engulfed him once more, sliding his tongue up and down the shaft with practiced skill.

"Fuck, Ryn you're amazing." Jace murmured as he thrust gently into Ryn's mouth.

Ryn pulled off long enough to give Jace a smug look and send a wordless confirmation of Jace's statement. He immediately began to bob up and down on Jace's shaft once more. Jace laid his hands on Ryn's shoulders to steady himself. It was always hard to pace himself with Ryn. The boy's enthusiasm combined with experience and his supernatural abilities made each time new and different. Ryn's tongue never felt exactly the same when he licked the entire length. It was always a fresh tingling sensation, like a gentle flow of electricity.

Jace took hold of either side of Ryn's face and pumped a little more forcefully several times, unable to resist the urge to push himself over the edge. Ryn gladly accepted his guidance and let Jace thrust into his eager mouth. Holding it as deep inside as he knew Ryn could handle, Jace erupted. His warm masculinity filled Ryn's mouth and the smaller boy swallowed it gratefully, adding his own moans of pleasure to the mix as a dry orgasm rocked his body as well.

It was rare for Jace to finish without Ryn doing so also. Their connection was such that Jace could rarely stop his own pleasure from spilling over to Ryn. This meant that Ryn would frequently climax at the same time or shortly after Jace did without any kind of physical stimulation. That did not stop Jace from working to pleasure his lover though.

Ryn let out a high-pitched sigh as he sat back on his heels. He licked his lips clean and caught his breath before smiling up at Jace.

Jace leaned down and scooped Ryn up in his arms and kissed his cheek. Immediately, Ryn cuddled against Jace's strong chest and shoulders, keeping eye contact at letting gentle tendrils of thought brush against Jace's mind.

"Do you remember how timid and afraid we were when we met?" Ryn of course knew the answer before Jace responded, but they usually chose to speak aloud to each other even when it wasn't fully necessary.

Jace sat back in one of the comfortable piloting chairs, holding Ryn in his lap. "I remember how timid and afraid you were." He countered.

Ryn scowled at him. "Really? Of course, you were not afraid at all at our first meeting when your captain wet himself due to my influence."

Wincing slightly, Jace recalled the image of Admiral Hicken writhing in pain on the floor. "Well... Maybe a little bit. I've got a much better captain now though."

"Captain?" Ryn experimented with the word. "I like that. It is good for you to have respect." He cheekily patted the side of Jace's face.

"Respect for the boy who just swallowed my..."

"Apologies, Archon." Calae's voice came from overhead, startling both of them. Ryn jumped to his feet and cleared his throat.

"Yes, what is it Calae?"

"As stated, Light records show that Terana is centuries removed from interstellar technology. However, there appears to be a large craft orbiting the planet."

"It is not one of ours?" Ryn asked, curiosity piqued.

"No, Archon. It is difficult to be certain from this range, but its heat signatures suggest a much more primitive construction. It more closely resembles a Coalition vessel, though the emissions are unknown to me."

"Unknown?" Ryn repeated, puzzled. "You have never encountered a vessel like this one before?"

"No, Archon. Nor have any of the anima in the hosts of the Harmonious Light. The origins of this craft appear to be totally alien to us."

"Not Coalition or Harmonious Light." Jace summarized. "Who could it be then?"

Ryn didn't answer for a moment. He stared out the viewport of the shuttle. Even though the strange ship was thousands of miles away on the opposite side of the planet, Jace got the distinct impression that Ryn was staring right at it.

"It appears..." Ryn eventually turned back to Jace. "That we may not be as alone in the galaxy as we thought."

It took a moment for the full gravity of the statement to sink in. "You mean that this could be an entirely new type two or type three civilization?" Jace queried.

Ryn sighed but nodded. "Your classifications are... oversimplified. But yes, it is a possibility that this is a people or species that has achieved interstellar capabilities relatively recently, without the knowledge of the Light or the Coalition."

Jace thought for a moment. "If they're new to space travel then they'll be suspicious of outsiders."

With a brief nod of affirmation, Ryn continued, clasping his hands behind his back and assuming his `commander voice' as though their romantic exchange only moments ago had never occurred. "True. All the more reason for Calae to set us down somewhere remote. Activate heat masking as well. Even if these strangers are as underdeveloped as you suggest Calae, it cannot hurt to make sure we remain unnoticed while we are here."

"As you say, Archon Embara." Calae replied.

The shuttle descended to the planet quickly. The advanced technology of the Harmonious Light allowed for surgical precision when entering the atmosphere. Jace and Ryn changed into the form-fitting mesh jumpsuits that were stowed in the shuttle and used for venturing onto an unknown planet surface. They were made of an incredibly flexible material that allowed for one size of suit to fit both Jace and Ryn, yet still be nearly skin-tight. Ryn informed Jace that they were incredibly sturdy as well and would cushion him from all but the strongest of impacts. The gloves that accompanied them were equipped with small hologram computers and sensors to map an area. The boots had small propulsion jets in them that Ryn advised Jace not to use until he was able to practice with them.

Ryn pressed a button on his wrist link and a mask-like helmet folded out from the back of the jumpsuit and around his head until only his piercing eyes were visible through a wide clear visor. The shuttle touched down gently on the planet surface.

"The atmosphere on Terana should be fine to breathe." Ryn told him. "But it is better to adjust slowly and filter it for a time."

"I will begin the repairs to the long-range phase engines." Calae said. "The estimated time until they are fully operational again is two days."

"We may as well explore a little bit then." Jace pressed the button and flipped his own helmet up over his head.

"Here, take this." Ryn handed him a strangely shaped pistol with a glowing blue light along the side. "It's better to be safe."

Even as a mechanic, Jace had still been considered military personnel, so he had some basic weapons training, but only with Coalition firearms. He looked down at Ryn. "What about you?"

Although he couldn't see Ryn's mouth, he knew there was a smirk hidden under the mesh mask. "I have other ways to protect myself."

The airlock hissed as the pressures equalized. Ryn and Jace stood side-by-side looking nearly identical in their steel-blue jumpsuits, with the only difference being their size. The ramp extended, and the door finally slid open on the surface of Terana.

Ryn gasped quietly as they looked out on what Jace saw as a desolate wasteland of a desert. Dunes of sand rose and fell as far as the eye could see. It was an unbroken ocean of rippling brown waves.

Suddenly, Ryn pushed a button on his wrist link and his helmet folded back behind him. He inhaled deeply, closing his eyes, then jumped off the ramp onto the soft sand below.

"What happened to adjusting to the air here?" Jace asked with concern as he joined Ryn on the surface of the planet.

Ryn looked at him with a broad smile. The soft breeze ruffled his platinum hair. He held up his hands in an all-encompassing gesture and turned slowly in a full circle before bursting into laughter. "It is just... too beautiful not to experience with my own senses."

Looking around skeptically, Jace raised an eyebrow. "This is beautiful?"

"Of course!" Ryn declared. "Look at it. It's exactly like the Homeworld."

Now, Jace recalled his time aboard the Luminous Hand, the flagship of the Harmonious Light's holy fleet. Ryn had showed him the skyline of the city of Abarest where he had been born. He remembered looking out over the pristine city and seeing the sand dunes stretching into the distance.

"Feeling homesick?" He asked, moving closer.

Ryn's smile faded and he shrugged. "Perhaps. It has been some time since I have set foot on the Homeworld."

"Well, let's go then. Once we're patched up, we can go where ever we want, remember?"

Giving him a wistful smile, Ryn pulled Jace in for a quick hug. "Maybe someday."

Jace pushed his own wrist link, causing his helmet to fold down as well. Taking a breath of the foreign air he was surprised by how the dry heat of it seemed to sear at his nostrils. He snorted uncomfortably, causing Ryn to laugh.

"Maybe you would not like the Homeworld as much as I do." Ryn joked.

"Archon Embara." Calae's voice sounded urgent. "Lifeforms are approaching rapidly. Estimated time of contact is sixty seconds or less."

Ryn whirled to Jace who was already checking the pistol that Ryn gave him.

"So much for going unnoticed." Jace commented. "Couldn't have given us any more warning?"

"Apologies, Jace Marron. Something is interfering with my sensors. I believe the mineral composition of the earth in this area is affecting my range."

"Let's try talking first." Ryn cautioned.

Jace shrugged. "They might not be in the mood for talking."

Very soon they heard a strange muted thundering sound that grew louder by the second. It took Jace several moments to recognize it as hoofbeats. By that time however, the dunes around them came alive. Dozens of mounted figures rose up over the crest of the sand hills on all sides. The strangers reigned in their mounts to stare down at the intruders.

Jace turned in a slow circle to see the sheer number of these unhappy-looking locals. They were surrounded.

Next: Chapter 2

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