The Robber

By Wombat

Published on Jun 17, 2004



The Robber.

By Wombat. ---------

-------------------------------------------------------- Any constructive comments are appreciated. I'm at "". --------------------------------------------------------

I stood naked in front of the enormous mirror that ran the length of the motel room I was using. I ran my hands over the big muscles of my massively powerful body and I liked the feel. My tanned shiny hairless skin felt satiny smooth. I like my body. I like the powerful physique, the thick mop of straight golden blonde hair that falls down over my big bright blue wide-set eyes. I like my handsome head with the strong jaw and cheekbones and the golden sideburns. I like my wide powerful muscular shoulders and the way my torso tapers in a convex curve down to a nice slim muscular waist with an impressive eight-pack of abdominal muscles. I like my deep wide chest packed with muscle, particularly the thick massive rounded slabs of pectoral muscles. I stand 185 centimetres (6'1") tall and weigh in at 135 kilograms (300 lb.).

I did a double biceps pose in front off the mirror. It is very satisfactory the way my great big well-veined biceps muscles swell up into nice big round peaks. My ripped body was shiny all over like it had been oiled. Well-veined muscles stood out all over. I look magnificent. I am a seriously sexy hunk of muscle.

I had given up waiting for the good-looking young American guy whom I'd been chatting up in the bar of the General Havelock Hotel a couple of hundred yards down Hutt Street from the Hutt Motel where I was now. In room thirteen. Using my telepathic sense I tuned into the American guy's mind and found he was still in the General Havelock's front bar chatting up yet another girl. He was determinedly heterosexual although he had been interested in me.

I had consoled him after a tiff with a girl in the bar. He had got her to agree to go to bed with him, but she had been still dallying with her friends. He got impatient and asked if she was "going to sit on her fanny with her girl friends all night". At that she had slapped his face and told him to fuck off. She wasn't interested in rude Yankee bastards.

Crestfallen, he had wandered up to the bar and sat next to me and started talking. He took a liking to me, the big blonde muscular man dressed in pale fawn moleskin trousers and a blue short-sleeved shirt that showed off my big muscles. Guys like this particular American seem to take comfort in my powerful physique. They see me as a kind of protective big brother.

Gently, I explained to him that in Australia, "fanny" meant a vagina. It certainly did not mean an arse or butt. He did not understand what a vagina was, so I told him it was a cunt. He blushed and giggled. We continued talking. I bought him a couple of drinks. I could feel him running his eyes over my body. He admired my musculature.

He talked about himself. He was over here in Adelaide working for a large American computer company that had a big contract with the South Australian State government. He was a computer systems programmer.

While he was talking, I transmitted ideas of sex with me into his mind and he did not reject them out of hand. It is fun being a telepath. Other people's minds are completely open to me and usually they have no idea that I know what's going on in their heads. You've got to be subtle though. You can't afford to give the game away. Telepathy's power lies in the fact normal people don't believe in it. At this time it is one big awesome secret.

I set him up so that he broached the subject first. Our conversation slid from computers to sex. He found it hard to understand Australian girls. They were not like American girls and he was not having much luck. He was a long way from home, which was in Cincinatti, Ohio. We started talking about alternatives. He wondered out loud what it would be like to have sex with another man and looked at me meaningfully. I played hard to get, keeping it friendly but not too interested at first. But he got more and more excited by the idea of having sex with the big blonde muscleman that was I. He had never done it with another man before and was curious to try.

I told him about my room in the Hutt Motel and he agreed to see me there. I left and he was going to follow me there after a decent interval. Well, he didn't. He got sidetracked by this woman and he had completely forgotten about me. Well, them's the breaks. He was obviously not a long-term proposition. In fact right now, he was about to leave the bar with a German backpacker. He was taking her back to his town house just down Carrington Street.

The General Havelock Hotel is on the corner of Hutt Street and Carrington Street in Adelaide. It is well known as one of Adelaide's meet markets. I go there now and then to see whom I can pick up. Sometimes a guy misses out on a lay and is willing or desperate enough to try having a fuck with another guy. I am a pretty impressive specimen.

I switched off the light in my motel room and got into bed. It was a fairly warm night so I lay naked in the bed with only a sheet over me.

As I lay in darkness, I let my telepathic sense wander around the vicinity. The Hutt Motel used to be on the corner of Hutt Street and Gilles Street in Adelaide. It was demolished several years ago and was replaced by an edifice called Oxford Terraces that contains shops and apartments. Just south of Gilles Street is the southern part of the belt of parklands that surrounds the city centre. My mind ranged as far as Glenside Mental Hospital outside the southeast corner of the parklands. The Great Stone Mother was where I used to work as a psychiatric nurse many moons ago. Not any more.

In the south parklands were sleeping out a few sad destitute homeless souls who had not been able to get a bed for the night in either the St. Vincent de Paul hostel or the Salvation Army Hostel.

My mind ranged closer to my fellow guests staying in the motel. The rooms on each side of mine were vacant. In the next room but one lay a lady aged 82 years old. She had just become a great-grandmother and was so excited that she had difficulty sleeping. Her granddaughter and great-granddaughter were in St Andrew's Hospital just down Gilles Street. She had travelled to Adelaide from Hamley Bridge to be at the birth.

The rooms on each side of mine were vacant and the next room along on the other side was occupied by a travelling salesman selling industrial cleaning products for a company in Melbourne. He did not much like what he was doing and was a boring person to boot. His main interest was making money.

There were few other people staying in the motel. It was fairly run down then. It was only a matter of time before it was sold and demolished. The competition from the Clarice Motel a few doors north was stiff and the Arab Steed Hotel was directly across the road.

My telepathic sense was drawn to a mind harbouring a nefarious intent. A teenage boy had seen the splendid array of rings that the old lady wore on her fingers and was planning to break into her room and rob her of them. She was carrying a fortune on her fingers. I had seen them myself. She wore rings with rubies, emeralds and diamonds. I peeked into her mind and found that she had had them valued recently at about $30,000. That was a very nice sum. Mind you, he would have got only a tiny fraction of that amount from a receiver. Certainly it was enough to feed the teenager who had not eaten for a day. He was starving.

The boy sneaked into the motel grounds. It was quite dark. No one had seen him. He had taken note that the old lady was staying in room 15. I sent a mild mind glitch into his brain changing his memory to room 13, my room. I was going to have some fun tonight.

The young robber pulled on his balaclava over his head and approached my darkened room. I was at full alert. My mind was recording every thought and impression that went through his mind. He was a strong well-built lad of sixteen years old. He had been thrown out of his home by his father because he could not get on with his stepmother. She had accused him of sexually abusing her two daughters who were much younger than he was. It was a complete lie and the injustice rankled. Homeless, he had been living on the streets for about three weeks. His mother had married another man and had gone off overseas to work with some charity looking after homeless young people in Burkina Faso, a country in West Africa.

Using telekinesis I hastily arranged the pillows on the bed to look as if someone was sleeping there and stood naked behind the door. My skin was shiny and slick because I had created a force field on the skin.

The boy opened the door with a thin flexible plastic card and cautiously looked around my room with his torch. He saw the huddle of pillows on the bed and thought it was the old lady sleeping. Quietly he crept over to the bedside cupboard looking for the rings. He held his knife ready to use it. I was troubled to perceive that he would have at least threatened the old lady with it; he would have used it if necessary. He would have even cut her fingers off to get the rings. He was desperate and dangerous.

I slammed the door shut, it locked automatically, and snapped on the light. The teenager jumped and whirled around. I could see his eyes grow round inside his black balaclava. He got a tremendous surprise to see a big naked blonde muscleman with shiny skin standing behind the door. Recovering quickly, he whipped around with his hunting knife and rushed at me. The end of the knife blade broke off when it hit my rippled steel-hard abdomen. I am invulnerable; I am a superman.

Before he could recover from the shock, I grabbed him and whipped off his balaclava. By the room light I saw that he had short straight medium brown hair and steely grey eyes. He would have been quite good looking except for the pimples marring his face. He had moderately severe acne.

I threw him face down onto the bed, leaped on top of him, removed what was left of the knife from his hand and took off his runners. I pulled off his black jeans. He struggled furiously. He was strong but he was no match for my superhuman strength. Compared to me he was as helpless as a small child.

I did not bother pulling off his black T-shirt as I would have ripped it, but I pulled the front over his head to the back of his neck so that his big rounded pectoral muscles and all his muscular abdomen were exposed. His body was hairless except for his bush of pubic hair. As I held him tightly in my powerful arms, I relished the feel of his lean hard strong young body struggling against mine. His struggles were a real turn on. I liked the way his big biceps bulged as his strong arms strained.

"What are you going to do to me?" he demanded. There was real fear in his voice.

I said nothing. I knew that things were going to get noisy so I created a force-field barrier against any sound getting out. There was no point in alarming the old lady.

I folded the boy up double with his knees up near his armpits and held him tight with one arm. He struggled furiously in my grip to no avail. I groped his nice hard muscular round buttocks. His arsehole was nicely exposed. I felt around his bottom until my finger rested on his arsehole.

"You bastard", he yelled. "What are you doing?"

I gently worked my finger into his arsehole.

"You fucking poofter", he screamed, more with fear and horror and with any pain. I was not hurting him and I was not going to hurt him.

"What are you going to do to me?" he screamed again.

"I'm going to fuck you", I replied quietly.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooo!" He screamed again. He struggled violently but he was helpless in my grip.

I gently worked my finger further into his arsehole and used a force field to make all the shit in his bowels vanish away into nothingness. There had not been much shit inside him but his colon ended up as clean as a whistle. When I had pushed my finger all the way in, I started massaging his prostate gland with one finger in his rectum and my thumb outside on his perineum between his cock and balls. Most men find it a very pleasurable sensation. His struggles diminished in intensity. He started crying and begging me not to do it to him. Unmoved, I held him doubled up in a vice-like grip.

His anal sphincters relaxed enough for me to get a second finger up his arsehole. I massaged his prostate with both fingers up his anus. He was crying in loud deep sobs now but his cock was fully erect as I continued with massaging his prostate. I sent signals to the nerves in his groin and caused his arsehole to relax completely, enough for me to get my cock in.

My cock was now fully hard and erect. It is quite a sight, fully twelve inches (30 cm) long and eight inches (20 cm) in circumference; in fact it was as thick as a coke can. It was as hard as a steel ramrod. My unwilling fuck partner however had his back pressed against my front so he could not see what was about to impale him.

Gently I removed my fingers and, still keeping him folded up double, pushed my cock head up against his arsehole, which was still relaxed. I put in place a small repulsive force field around my cock, which made it feel wonderfully slippery and well lubricated. The force field eased open his arsehole. Gradually, gently and painlessly I pushed my cock up into it. The teenager felt his anal sphincters being stretched by my slippery cock like they had never been stretched before.

He realised then that I really was fucking him. I had inserted my cock a little way up into his anus. He screamed again and struggled violently as I held him still doubled up in my iron grip. He could scarcely move. He kept on screaming as I continued pushing my cock relentlessly up into his arsehole. I let him scream. It was from fear and anger. No noise was getting out from the room. With my technique I certainly was not hurting him. His strong virile young body struggling in my arms was a powerful erotic stimulus to me; I found it increasing my lust for him even more.

My cock head rubbed up against his prostate making it tingle pleasurably. His groin was being flooded with erotic sensations. His cock was as stiff as a ramrod. As I thrust my cock deeper into him, I used a force field to straighten his bowel ahead of my cock so that all my cock would fit snugly inside him and cause him no pain, only the purest utmost pleasure. His screaming stopped but his struggles continued unabated. He grunted with the effort.

I kept on gently thrusting my big fat cock up into his lovely hot tight arsehole. The stimulation was intense for both of us. I blocked my impending orgasm, intending to enjoy this fuck to the full. I was not going to blow until he started to come. He whimpered as intense erotic sensations coursed through his body.

Finally I had pushed the whole length of my cock up into his arse. It felt really good. He whimpered. His struggles stopped. He could feel that his rectum had a remarkably full sensation. It felt good, really good, better that he expected. I caused my cock to swell in thickness even more inside him. It was hugely thick now. It stretched his anal sphincters tremendously, but not enough to cause him any pain, just pure pleasure. I kept on thrusting it in and out. My cock pressed against his prostate, massaging it intensely. Orgasmic pressures started to build within his body.

I released his legs and straightened them out while keeping a firm grip on his hard strong body. His arsehole and muscular pelvis felt so wonderfully tight around my cock as I kept thrusting it in and out of him in short strokes that the sensual feelings flooded through my body as they did through his.

He started crying.

"Why are you fucking me like this?" he whimpered. "I'm not a queer. I'm not a poofter, you know."

"I know that," I replied. "I'm fucking you because you're bad to the bone, you're a hot, seriously sexy young robber and you really turn me on. I lust after your strong muscles, your hot, hard, manly body, your hard round buttocks, your muscly chest and your sheer hot maleness. It's your hot, undiluted masculinity that really gets my lust going. You're all man and you're fucking gorgeous."

He fell silent. I kept on fucking him slowly, easily and inescapably. My huge fat stiff hard cock lubricated by the force field slid in and out of his hot tight arse easily. His hard muscly well-rounded bottom was pressed against my groin as I held his body tightly, enjoying the feel of his muscular torso. I took hold of his sweet uncircumcised cock, which was stiff and hard with velvety skin. My hand also had a force field for lubrication. To him it felt deliciously soft and slippery like it was soaped. I felt the thrill run tremulously through his body as I rubbed my encircling hand up and down his stiff cock, masturbating it gently. I ran my other well-lubricated hand over his strong young body, gently massaging the hard muscles of his abdomen. There was no way he could get away off the huge cock rammed up his arsehole. His rectum felt incredibly full and pressing hard against his prostate with my moving cock inside it. It was extremely arousing sexually. His groin was congested and intensely stimulated. He groaned as passionately erotic feelings flooded through his body. He started to relax against me into his approaching orgasm. I had blocked my own until he started.

I thrust my cock into him faster with longer strokes, thumping it up against his prostate and seriously stimulating his insides. My groin thumped up against his perfect hard bubble butt. I fucked him with a ferocious joy. With my hand I kept on masturbating his cock. Just for fun I increased the length of his cock from six inches (15 cm) to a splendid eight inches (20 cm) and in thickness to that of a coke can. It was splendid. I could feel it swell in thickness even more a bit in my hand as ejaculation came close. His body tensed all over. Orgasm hit him like an express train. He gave a great shuddering groan as his hot white spunk gushed out in spurts all over the sheet. Using my penis as a conduit, I pumped a lot of energy and good vibrations of love and sensual enjoyment into him to prolong his orgasm greatly. He howled as great orgasmic gusts swept through him. I released the block on my own orgasm and rammed my cock up into his torso as far as it would go. It was sheer joy to squirt a bucket load of semen up his anus into that lovely muscly slim-hipped torso of his. I kept on pouring love and energy into him and fuelling his continuing orgasm. With my telepathic sense I could feel his every sensation that coursed though his body and it fired my orgasm to greater heights. He could feel the energy pouring into him from me as being like great thick sparks of electricity shooting from my cock into all the nooks and crannies inside his body. He felt tremendously stimulated. I pushed him into a hugely prolonged, overwhelmingly powerful multi-peak orgasm that went on and on and on. He was on an orgasmic roller coaster going up and down; one peak would never finish before the next one started. He felt as if he was caught in an endless train of gigantic orgiastic tsunamis of orgasms that swept over him in fiery joy. His body became slick with sweat. He felt as if he was on fire. To him my cock felt like it was this huge hard red-hot throbbing bollard rammed all the way up into his arse and was pouring great torrents of white-hot molten metal all over the insides of his body. He screamed with the sheer intensity of his endless orgasms. I could feel his groin pulsing vigorously against my cock as he squirted great gobs of his spunk out of his steely hard cock. I kept on shooting my spunk up into his body as my orgasm continued on and on. I revelled in his intense ecstasy that coursed through him. Never before had he had such a hugely powerful sexual experience.

His consciousness blurred, stretched out like molten toffee and wrapped around my huge cock up his arse. Orgasm was like a great pillar of fire that burned inside him without consuming him. Orgasm filled his mind with this huge and powerful sexual ecstasy. There was no room for anything else. He was conscious of nothing else but my great big fat cock up thrust up his arse way up into his torso past his belly button and his anal sphincters being hugely stretched by its thickness. That just added to the enormous force of his orgiastic rapture.

His orgasm continued on and on for a couple of hours as I kept pumping my orgasmic energy into him. Finally I eased up on the torrent and allowed our concurrent orgasms to subside into a state of bliss. The boy relaxed against me. His big fat cock was still ramrod stiff because I had locked it into an erection and it was going to stay stiff until I let it go down. It was fun. I held his hot stiff cock in my hand. My cock was still huge, swollen, thick and erect up his arse. I delighted in running my hands over his body. His muscular hardness felt good to touch.

"You are beautiful", I said quietly. "And you're a really hot and sexy hunk of muscle. You're just so male."

He turned and looked at me sleepily but said nothing. He was trying to come to grips with the situation in which he found himself. He had just had the most enormous orgasm of his life with this big muscleman's huge cock thrust up his arse. It had not hurt a bit. In fact it had been an incredibly fantastic orgasm. It was the best he had ever had. Guiltily, he admitted to himself that he had enjoyed it. He did not know that I was reading every thought that passed through his mind.

I lifted up one of his legs and swivelled him around easily on my force field lubricated cock up his arse until he was face to face with me. I lay him back down on the bed and I lay on top of him with his legs either side of my body. I partially levitated myself so that he was not bearing the full weight of my body. I held him tightly so that our fronts were pressed together. His rock hard cock was sandwiched between our bellies. I ran my hand through his hair. I really like the way his cowlick at the front stood up. He looked really sexy, despite the pimples.

"You are one gorgeous hunk", I said.

He did not say anything. He felt confused. He was angry at forced into being fucked by me but it had been a fantastically enjoyable experience. He hated to admit it but he would like to do it again.

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him gently on his lips. He did not respond. I inserted my tongue between his lips and into his mouth. He bit down hard on my tongue but I am invulnerable. He just could not bite into my force field protected tongue. It was a really strange experience for him to be unable to bite down with all his strength onto a soft fleshy tongue that was moving freely inside his mouth. I transmitted a heavy beam of loving, sensual and joyful vibrations into his mind. I liked him. He had been going through a hard time and I wanted to bring some joy into his life. He relaxed and started to respond to my enthusiastic tongue kissing. Soon he was kissing me back as enthusiastically as I was kissing him.

Our passions rose as our kissing became more fervent. He started humping his big stiff cock against my belly. It fell into the slick central groove between the thick ridges of muscle running down the eight-pack of my abdomen and slid easily along it. I started thrusting my cock into his arse once more. Our fervour increased. He actually enjoyed it as I rammed my huge stiff cock up his arsehole into his torso, thrusting against his prostate and heavily stimulating his insides. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and his legs around my waist while I fucked him vigorously. His ramrod stiff cock sandwiched between our bodies thrilled with intense feeling as it slid along the muscular groove of my abdomen.

Our orgasms started simultaneously and quickly. He arched his back and screamed in the intensity of his passion while I poured torrents of spunk and energy into him. Again I took him on a roller coaster ride of continued orgasmic peaks. His lovely muscular body was tense and hard all over as it shuddered with the force of the experience he was undergoing. Hot white spunk gushed out of his cock sandwiched between our bodies. It was rapture beyond compare. His body filled with the energy that I was pouring into him. He felt as if I was filling him with electric fire.

I was a state of glorious bliss as I had my cock thrust up his anus into his lovely strong young body. My balls and groin kept on pumping my semen deep into his muscular torso.

I kept our mutual orgasms going for around about an hour then gradually diminished the flood of loving energy I was pouring into him. Our orgasms wound down to an end. I rolled over onto my side still keeping his hot and sweaty body clasped to mine. We lay front to front together with our arms around each other. He lay quite limply against me with his eyes closed. He had gone through one more huge almighty multiple orgasm and he was still coming down. I let him take his time. I let our cocks go limp.

When I gently removed my cock from his arsehole, his eyes opened.

"I liked that", he said with a sleepy smile.

I kissed him.

"I really liked it too", I replied. "You're really hot, sexy, hunky guy. You're just so masculine."

"You're into fucking guys", he said.

"I sure am. I'm heavily into manly love. You're just one gorgeous hunky guy. You're a real man and that's the way I like it. You've got nice big muscles. You're a real he-man."

"You've got absolutely huge muscles. You're one hell of a big muscleman. I wouldn't mind muscles like yours."

"Stick around and you will. You've been working out. You played football at school and you worked out at the gym. I like your muscles. You know, you'd never think that you were only sixteen. You look older, say in your early twenties. You're a really hunky man with nice muscles."

He grinned.

I continued. "It's pretty awful being homeless and having to live on the streets, Robin. You must have been pretty upset being chucked out of home because your stepmother told awful lies about you to your father, Robin. You left school because you were ashamed to admit you were homeless."

His eye flew open. "How did you know all this about me?" he demanded. "How did you know my name?"

"I can read your mind. I'm telepathic. I know you were going to rob the old lady of her rings but you blundered into my room instead. I thought I'd show you there's an alternative to the shit and misery that was filling your life."

He looked at me with those steely grey eyes of his wide open.

"What kind of guy are you? Are you some kind of freak? How come my knife shattered when I tried to stab you in the guts? Are you human?

"I am a superman. I've got all these super powers, like I'm invulnerable, I can read minds and I'm super strong. I once was just an ordinary guy like you until another superman taught me how to become a superman."

"Can you fly?"

I floated up off the bed into the air to demonstrate.

"Wow!" he exclaimed.

"Would you like me to teach you how to become a superman yourself?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah! I sure would." His eyes shone brightly with eagerness.

"Well, we've already started", I said.

"Like you teach guys by fucking them?"

"Well, actually I have already started preparing you."

"Fantastic! Can you take me flying?"

He jumped onto my back and I floated up into the air. He wanted to go outside. I jumped from my room outside into the motel yard. It was still dark. He was confused by suddenly finding himself and me floating in the air outside above the motel yard. I explained that I translocated myself and him from my room through the wall to the yard by a process like jumping through hyperspace. He was mightily impressed. We shot up high into the night sky until we could see the lights of Adelaide spread out from Sellicks Beach in the south to Gawler in the north between the sea and the hills like a glittering carpet way below us. The golden light of the sodium street lamps illuminating the main roads were like long golden threads running through the blackness. White suburban streetlights made up the background.

We floated in the air about a mile (1600 metres) above Adelaide.

"What would you like to do now?" I asked.

I could feel Robin grinning as he lay on my back clasping me tightly. He rubbed the front of his body against my thickly muscled back. He was not the least bit afraid.

"Why don't we go and have a fuck on a tropical desert island somewhere?" he suggested.

With that I climbed up higher into the sky and accelerated away to the southeast rapidly. I put a force field around us so that Robin would not be buffeted by the high wind of our passage and to minimise our sonic boom. We ascended into the stratosphere. A couple of minutes later we were streaking high over the east coast of Australia. To the south in the distance we could see the blazing lights of Melbourne. North of us far away were the lesser lights of Canberra. The eastern horizon was showing a little light from the approaching dawn that was still a couple of hours away from Australia. We flew over Cape Howe and headed in a more or less easterly direction across the Tasman Sea. We flew over the North Island of New Zealand about halfway between Auckland and Wellington as we headed to an uninhabited coral atoll I knew of in French Polynesia in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. It was six time zones east of Adelaide or about 8300 kilometres (5200 miles) away. The sun was well and truly risen there. We flew into the dawn after passing New Zealand. Robin was dazzled by the rising sun. Ahead of us lay the vast empty watery space of the Pacific Ocean. Far below us were visible the tiny waves on the ocean's surface. I could feel Robin's sense of wonderment.

"I hope you know where we're going", he said.

"I do. We're going to a tropical desert island just like you said."

After about ten minutes of hypersonic flight our destination came into view. It was a small coral atoll at the eastern end of the Tuamotu Archipelago about 300 miles (500 km) northwest of Pitcairn Island where the mutineers from the Bounty had settled. It was one of a small cluster of atolls.

We flew down towards the largest of the islands that made up the ring shaped atoll. All the islands of this atoll were uninhabited. They formed a ring of emerald green dots of varying sizes around the clear blue lagoon. I could feel Robin's amazement as we made a leisurely descent. In the middle of the island we were heading for grew a thick grove of coconut palms about twenty acres (8 hectares) in extent. In the shade of the palm trees grew a thick carpet of soft green grass. Surrounding the grove was a broad beach of soft white sand. We landed at the edge of the grove on the lagoon side of the island and Robin slid down off my back. He was eager to explore this little piece of tropical paradise.

His broad shoulders, deep chest and muscular torso narrowed down into a narrow well-muscled waist above a perfect bubble butt marred only by a pimple. His body was almost hairless. He was a beautiful virile young athlete except for his acne. He was naked apart from his black T-shirt with the front pulled over onto the back of his neck showing the hard round mounds of his pectoral muscles and the well-defined six-pack of his abdomen. His nice big cock hung invitingly down between his thick muscular thighs. He looked faintly ridiculous but extremely cute; he looked like a kid; indeed he was a kid with muscles. He was grinning from ear to ear. He was so happy.

I suggested that he remove his T-shirt, which he did, and we raced off and dived into the clear blue water of the lagoon.

The morning sun shone warmly on us as we swam and splashed and laughed in the calm water. We swam out towards the centre of the lagoon where it was quite deep. I was pleased to see that Robin was a strong swimmer. He swam up to me and put his arms around my waist. We kissed as we floated together in the warm salt water. We wrapped our strong arms around each other, as our kisses became more and more passionate. Our cocks stiffened rapidly and rubbed together as we pressed our bodies fervently against each other. It was time for another fuck.

I held him tight with my thick powerful arms and flew up from the water with him over to the edge of the palm grove. I released him and we ran together through the palms to a nice shady nook carpeted thickly with soft green grass growing on the soft sand in the centre of the grove. I threw myself down on my back on the grass and Robin leapt on top of me. We entwined our arms around each other and kissed passionately. Our raging hard cocks rubbed together vigorously. Robin was coming close to orgasm.

He lifted himself up off me a little then instinctively backed his anus up against my huge stiff cock. He was really horny. I sent telepathic feelings of ease and love to him and his arsehole opened up readily. I guided my swollen cock head to his arsehole and gently thrust the end of my force field lubricated cock into the opening. His anus closed tightly around the shaft. Already my cock head was rubbing against his prostate driving him wild with lust. He backed up against my groin then sat up astride it, driving the full twelve-inch length of my big fat cock deep up into his torso. Suddenly it was buried to the hilt up his anus. I raised my thighs and he leant back against them. I expanded the thickness of my cock inside him and thrust it into his bowels. He loved it. It felt wonderful for both of us. His anal sphincters were tight around the base of my cock as I kept on thrusting. The muscles inside his narrow pelvis were pressing hard against my shaft. Above them my cock head plunged into the soft velvety pleasures of his bowels in the centre of his torso. I poured energy into him. He felt the massive pillar of my cock thrusting up his arse into the core of his being stimulating all his insides. He felt as if great sparks of electricity were shooting from my cock all the inside of his body. His groin was pulsating and congested, filled by my huge thick thrusting penis. He was awash with rampantly powerful erotic sensations and pure rapturous bliss.

Robin was desperately keen to become a superman and if being fucked by a superman with a huge cock was the way to do it, he was an enthusiastic participant. He was really getting off on me. He was strongly aroused sexually by my great big bulging biceps, my thickly muscled arms and wide powerful muscular shoulders, my massive thick rounded slabs of pectoral muscles, my deep wide chest tapering down with a convex curve into a small muscular waist, the mountainous ridges of the eight-pack of my abdomen and my shiny, slippery, glistening skin. He was really getting off on seeing my huge hard muscles working vigorously as I fucked him hard and deep. He was having a fantastic ride. His whole body was slick and shiny with sweat.

His own cock was stiff thick hard and splendid. It was still the eight-inch length and coke-can thickness to which I had increased it earlier. It bobbed up and down as I fucked him vigorously. It was slick and dripping precum on my belly. He leant back against my raised thighs and rubbed his cock with his hand. He looked at it uncomprehendingly, realising that it was a lot bigger than before.

Suddenly he burst into orgasm. He shuddered and yelled as gouts of his white spunk shot out of his stiff cock. It was a massive turn on for him to see his hot spunk shooting forth in great gobs from his big fat cock all over the great big thick rounded mounds of my pectoral muscles and my huge bulging muscular arms and pooling in the cleft between my pectoral muscles.

I roared into orgasm too. I continued pumping energy into him taking him on a wild long lasting orgasmic roller coaster ride. It was sheer joy to thrust my huge cock deep into his torso and pump my hot spunk deep into his lovely body. He thrilled to feel my fuck rod pulsating inside him. His anus was clamped tight upon my shaft although it was being stretched enormously. Our orgasms continued on and on. It was the most glorious rapture. Torrents of his hot white spunk shot forth from his cock all over my front. It became covered in a slick white layer. His spunk ran down between my chest and my arms into the grass beneath me. My whole chest was covered in a thick gooey white layer of his spunk. His head was thrown back and his mouth was open with an expression of the utmost joy and rapture that filled his whole being.

Our orgasms went on for ages. Finally I wound down the energy I was pumping into him and our orgasms came to an end. He sat on my groin with my cock still stiff up his arse with a blissfully happy expression on his face. That said it all.

He leant forward and gleefully rubbed his hands over my chest slick with his semen.

"Fuck! Did I shoot out all that spoof?" he asked.

I grinned up at him. "You sure did."

"Fuck! You made me shoot a fucking bucket load! Fuck! That was fucking incredible!"

He lay down on top of me and rubbed his body sensuously against my semen-slicked torso. It felt fantastic to feel his muscular body slipping and sliding against the huge muscles of my own body. He loved it. He kissed me full on the mouth and I responded eagerly, holding him in my arms. I realised then that he was nearly as tall as I am. The fervour of our kiss increased. His cock stiffened up rapidly again. He started thrusting his body back and forth along my torso against my stiff cock still up his arse. His cock slid back and forth along the semen-slicked cleft between the thick ridges of muscle of my belly. He delighted in thrusting his butt against my groin forcing my cock deeper into his torso. I commenced thrusting my pelvis too, timing my thrusts with his so that my penis slid in and out his tight anus with long and rapid strokes that were highly stimulating for both of us. He was really getting into the fucking business. It felt fantastic for both of us.

Suddenly he stopped and gave a deep groan. His body tensed and shuddered as another mighty orgasm swept over him. He hung onto my shoulders with desperate lust. I thrust my cock deep into his body one last time and my orgasm exploded within me. It was sheer joy to feel my hot spunk squirting into his hot insides that gripped my cock and to feel his hot cock throbbing against my belly as it squirted his hot spunk all over my front. It was sheer joy to feel his intense pleasure at having my huge cock up inside him squirting my man juice into his bowels and feeling his own cock squirting his spunk against my hard muscular belly. He was absolutely crazy with lust as he thrust his arse against my groin forcing all of my cock up into his torso. I pumped more energy into him, prolonging our joyful orgasmic togetherness.

After a while I let the energy flow diminish and the orgasms faded away to a close. Robin lay quietly on top of me, spent and blissfully happy. My arms were wrapped around him and he felt comfortable and secure. He was filled with joy. I loved him.

I focused my mind on my friends in South Australia, 8300 kilometres away to the west. It was lightening in the east there. Dawn was approaching in Adelaide. I wanted to get back to the motel while it was still dark. I was not willing to take the chance that someone might see us fly in.

I rubbed my hands over Robin's sweat-slicked back. He lifted his head. Our eyes met.

"I love you", he said.

"And I love you, Robin", I replied.

We hugged and kissed and nuzzled each other gently. We savoured this moment of bliss as we lay in each other's arms on the soft green grass under the palm trees in the morning sun. All we could here was the pounding of the surf on the ocean beach, the rustling of the palm fronds in an occasional zephyr and the sporadic cry of a seabird. It was beautiful but I was conscious that this was not our permanent place.

After a while I managed to get Robin to stir. I explained that we needed to return to Adelaide while it was still dark. We walked hand in hand to the lagoon where we swam and washed off the semen drying on our bodies. It was fun to stick my head under water and watch a shoal of small colourful fish that came in and gobbled up the lumps of semen floating in the water. I produced a pair of eye goggles from Somewhere Else so that Robin could see them too. He watched entranced. The fish finished and moved on. Robin and I swam in the lagoon a little while longer then swam into shore.

Robin retrieved his black T-shirt which I then put Somewhere Else for him. To him it just vanished. I explained to him that I took advantage of the multi-dimensional nature of space-time and had tagged a particular set of coordinates as my own private storage space. It was like a huge storeroom and it had many things in it that I kept there, all sorts of things, keepsakes and mementos. There were an infinite number of dimensions but ordinary space-time could be described completely using only 21 dimensions. My tag had 36 coordinates for 36 dimensions.

He did not understand it. He just grinned at me cheerfully and said that he hated physics at school anyway.

"Anyway, you're just fucking fantastic. You're a most incredible guy, you great big blonde beautiful superman", he said.

He climbed onto my back and we ascended slowly up in the air over the island. We circled the atoll in farewell and then sped off westwards back towards Adelaide.

We flew back across New Zealand where it was already broad daylight. Dawn was approaching Australia's East Coast.

Robin clung tightly to my back as we flew. He really liked being up close to my powerful muscularity. He found my body a real turn on. The cheeky rascal was humping me as we flew. His cock was really stiff again and I could feel him thrusting it between my buttocks. I laughed to myself.

Adelaide was still in darkness when we returned but the eastern horizon was becoming lighter. The black outline of the Mount Lofty Ranges was distinctly silhouetted against the lightening eastern sky. Directly above the city I dived straight down vertically several kilometres towards the motel roof. Robin's grip tightened on me. I jumped into the motel room from above the roof.

Inside the room Robin slid off my back.

"Wow! That was fucking incredible!" he exclaimed.

He looked at me with a sly smile on his face. His fat erect cock was sticking straight out in front of him as stiff as a ramrod.

"Can I fuck you?" he asked.

I grinned at him. I had to admire his boldness. He was a real spunk.

"Yeah, alright", I replied.

He literally jumped at me. We kissed passionately again with our arms around each other. My cock stiffened rapidly.

I lay down on the bed with my knees up and he leaped on top of me landing between my thighs. He fumbled with his cock as he tried to find my arsehole. He poked around with his fingers and found my anus, then placed his cock head against the opening. He pushed against it. My force field lubricated anus opened easily and he quickly rammed his penis all the way into my arsehole. To him my force field lubricated arse felt wonderfully smooth, slippery and tight as he eagerly thrust his cock in and out. His technique was ratshit; many men would have found his rapid thrusting unpleasant, but then, I have had thousands of men come up my arse. His vigorous and enthusiastic thrusts like an animal up my arse bumping my prostate I found strongly stimulating. While he thrust up inside me, he squirmed around on my front really enjoying the feel of my great big fat stiff hard cock and the massive thick hard muscles of my torso rubbing against his body. My cock swelled in thickness even more as my orgasm approached. I really enjoyed him squirming on top of me too. I wrapped my powerful arms around him and held him close against me. I was careful not to crush him with my arms or between my thighs as my sexual excitement increased rapidly. I delighted in feeling the muscles of his torso working hard as he thrust into me. He kneaded my big thick rounded slabs of pectoral muscles with his hands while he kept on ramming his cock up me. He was really getting off on the huge muscles of my magnificent body.

He stiffened suddenly, plunged his cock as deep as he could up into my arsehole and groaned deeply as he squirted his spunk deep into my bowels with orgasmic joy. I clamped my anal sphincters and pelvic muscles onto his cock, intensifying his pleasure even more. He grasped tightly me round my chest. I could feel his hot spunk shooting deep into my pelvis. I pumped energy into him to prolong his orgasm and roared into my own. It was sheer joy to feel him pumping his spunk into me while my own cock pulsed and squirted hot semen out between our bodies tightly clasped together. My semen squirted up underneath his jaw. His orgasm slowed but mine continued apace. He sucked on the end of my penis swallowing my semen as it came squirting out the end. My cock head was almost too big to fit into his mouth but he made an effort and got it all in. He relished the taste of my sweet tasting semen.

My orgasm slowed to a stop. He lay on top of me between my thighs with his cock still stiff up my arse.

"Fuck, that was good", he said. "I really enjoyed that. You're really hot, big fella. I really love your huge big enormous muscles. You're so fucking hot."

I grinned up at him.

"How big are your arm muscles?" he asked.

"24 inches (61 cm)."

"They're fucking massive. How big's your chest?"

"60 inches (152 cm)."

"Fuck, that's huge. You're one huge big fella with a huge big chest. I love those huge big pectorals of yours."

He looked my body over including down at my slim muscular waist.

"You're incredibly ripped all over. Your muscles really stand out. And your veins do too. They look so thick. You must have zero percent body fat."

"Well, it kind of looks like that."

"Your waist looks so slim. How big is it?

"32 inches (81 cm)."

He ran a hand over my thighs admiringly.

"How big are these? They're so thick and huge, like tree trunks."

"29 inches (74 cm)."

"God that's big. How much do you weigh?"

"135 kilograms or 300 pounds."

"You're one big heavy guy. How tall are you?"

"185 centimetres or six foot one."

"That's not much taller than me. I'm 180 centimetres or 5' 11" if you like. And I weigh in at 90 kilos (200 lb.).

"90 kilos of solid hard muscle. I like it!" I squeezed him affectionately and ran my hands over his body appreciatively.

He continued. "I never thought I'd say this, but your spoof tastes like ice-cream. It's really nice and sweet and creamy."

I laughed cheerfully. "Glad you like it."

He lifted himself up and looked down at my cock beneath him. It was still massively erect and swollen out to 11 inches (28 cm) circumference.

"How the hell did I manage to fit that fucking great big donkey dick of yours up my arse? It's fucking huge! It's the biggest dick I've ever seen on a human being."

I grinned. "You've got a nice elastic arsehole."

"This cock of yours, it must be a foot long, it's so fucking huge."

"It is."

"Shit. You know, I gotta admit it felt really great up my arse. I reckon I had the biggest bang of all time with you."

I hugged him.

He went on: "You know, we've been fucking all this time. You know my name's Robin because you can read my mind. What's your name?"

"Steve. But my friends call me Wombat."

"Wombat! Wombat! I like it."

His face suddenly split open in a wide grin. His eyes sparkled merrily.

"Wombatman! I'm Robin and I'm gonna be Robin and you're Wombatman. We're gonna be Wombatman and Robin together. Wombatman and Robin! Fantastic! You'll teach me how to be a superman and we can be superheroes together."

He climbed further up my body, thrusting his cock deeper into me, put his arms around my neck and kissed me hard on the lips. His face smelled of my semen. We kissed eagerly with our arms wrapped around each other. He started thrusting his cock into my arse once more and started sucking on my cock head in his mouth at the same time. He was rewarded with me erupting with another gush of semen into his mouth. He swallowed my semen down but after a few strokes he exploded into orgasmic joy as well. He plunged his cock as far as he could up into my arse and arched his back as he squirted his spunk deep into my pelvis. It felt really good. He yelled out his joy as he clung tightly to my chest.

Our orgasms slowed to a close. This time they did not last as long. Robin lay on my chest sleepily. His limp cock slid out of my arsehole. However, he was a horny young man.

He looked at me. "You know, I kinda miss that great big huge fat cock of yours up my arse. It feels really tremendous up there."

We kissed again. Our tongues slid ravenously around inside each other's mouth. He was really getting into the swing of manly love. He then started kissing and licking my cock, which soon became almost painfully stiff and as hard as steel. It was really big, fat, veiny and purplish in colour.

"Fuck me again, big fella?"

Robin slid forward up my body then backed his anus onto my cock head, which I held in place. His anus opened lusciously when penetrated by my cock it then closed tightly around my shaft. He groaned with utter delight as he forced more of my cock up into his arsehole by backing onto it. He squealed as the cock head impacted his prostate and pushed on further up his bowel. He kept on backing up his anus until it had accepted the full length of my cock. His anal canal felt wonderfully full and distended. His groin felt joyfully congested as he sat astride my groin. I compounded his pleasure by thrusting my cock in and out his arsehole and deep up into his torso. He rode up and down on my thrusting pelvis getting really aroused sexually by seeing the huge ripped muscles of my powerful body working hard pumping my cock into him. He also saw that his fully erect cock was bigger that it had been before. It was back to its eight-inch length.

"Fuck me!" he yelled. "Fuck me hard. Fuck me as hard as you can, big fella. Oh fuck me, fuck me like hell. Your cock is so fucking huge inside me, it feels so fucking fantastic, oh fuck me, Superman, Wombatman with your huge muscles, fuck me hard and fuck me deep."

He quickly went into orgasm and ejaculated all over my front, covering my chest and belly with his thick white semen. That was quite enough to tip me over into orgasm as well and joyfully I rammed my cock right up into him and squirted my semen deep into his body. I pumped a blast of energy into him. Delirious with orgasmic delight, he fell forward on top of me, clung desperately to my chest and squirmed wildly on my semen-slicked chest and belly. He went absolutely crazy with the orgasmic joyous rapture that was exploding inside his body. He felt that his body was being raked by great arcs of electric fire shooting out from my cock implanted deep in his torso.

He slobbered and drooled on my chest, quite unconscious of anything else but the huge orgasm that was shaking his body. His cock kept squirting his hot spunk all over my belly as I kept shooting my spunk into his torso.

I took him on another wild orgasmic roller coaster ride, but not as long this time. Gradually I let him come down from his orgiastic high until he lay quietly on top of me with my cock still up his arse.

After a while he raised his head. His grey eyes looked into my blue eyes.

"You've got such blue eyes", he said. "Christ, I love you, Wombat."

"I love you too, Robin", I replied.

He kissed me. We kissed and hugged replete in the golden afterglow of glorious sex. He ran his hand admiringly over the massive thick rounded slabs of my pectoral muscles. He was enraptured. His mind overflowed with love for me and I did not need to be a telepath to know that. He had attached himself to me as firmly as an abandoned puppy, which in a sense he was. To me he was rather special and he would grow quickly under my tutelage. This Batman and Robin thing he had about me made me smile. He obviously had a long running fantasy about joining up with a big powerful hero like Batman and I was filling that role. I was Wombatman. In his mind I was better that Batman. I am a real superman.

He saw his acne as a real problem. I know that teenagers often regard one single zit as a major catastrophe, but Robin did have a problem. I had to admit that, but it was nothing I could not fix easily. He had been applying all sorts of lotions and creams and had undergone a number of treatments but they had not made much difference. It was clear he had bucket loads of testosterone coursing around his virile strong young body. He had big muscles for his age and his balls were significantly bigger than average. While he was still at school and playing football, he had been working out intensively and his muscles had thrived massively. He obviously had the genes for it. He was going to grow into a big powerful man even if I had not been around.

Of course, once he had been chucked out of his home by his father, he had been too ashamed to go to school and the workouts had stopped. The past three weeks had been a lean time for him. He had been living rough out in the open and he had little to eat. The last thing he had eaten was half a meat pie he had found in a rubbish bin two days previously and he had been ravenously hungry. He was still very naive and still had a lot to learn about living as a street kid. Most of his clothes and things he had brought from home had been stolen by the other street people. Virtually all he had left were the clothes he had been wearing. He had swapped his good Nike runners for the hunting knife that he had broken on my belly.

It had not been all bad, however. All the puppy fat had melted off him, leaving him with a lean hard strong body with well-defined muscles. He had a body many men would envy. He was starting to realise that his strength was a real asset.

It was broad daylight outside. The sun had well and truly risen some time ago. Sunlight shone on the blinds covering the windows. I suggested breakfast to Robin and he was very keen on the idea. He was not as desperately hungry as he had been before because he had swallowed a lot of my semen, which is packed full of protein and carbohydrate. It is very nutritious. However, he wanted to have a shower first.

We got off the bed and stood in front of the mirror that ran the length of the room regarding our naked bodies. He ran his hands over the huge veined muscles of my arms lost in admiration. Then he came up behind me and ran his hands over the massive musculature of my torso. It was quite clear that he was only a little shorter than I was. I snapped a double biceps pose and the sight in the mirror of all my muscles bulging massively caused his cock to snap to attention. It was quite amazing how quickly it stiffened to its enhanced eight- inch length. He started rubbing it between my buttock cheeks.

"I've been meaning to ask you", he said. "But how come my cock is so big now? It's a hell of a lot bigger and fatter than it was used to be."

He looked down at his big long fat ramrod stiff cock sticking straight out in front of him.

"You are really turned on sexually", I said.

"Oh yeah. I got to say that I've never felt so fucking horny before I met you. You are so incredibly fucking sexy. Your huge muscles make me feel so terribly horny. You are just so hot. Is that why my cock is so big now? And so fat? Because of you?"

"I guess so", I replied.

He ran his hand along his shaft admiringly. He tensed up and all the muscles of his lean hard torso bulged.

"Jesus, my cock is just so fucking huge and hot. This is incredible. I feel so fucking horny again and your huge muscles make me feel so hot."

I had pumped a lot of energy into him during our sex together, maybe a bit too much. This boy was rearing to go again.

He put his arms around my torso again and ran his hands over the thick massive rippling rock-like muscles of my chest and belly relishing the feel of my smooth soft shiny skin. The previous evening I had put in place a force field on my skin that made it look and feel beautifully slippery, glistening and wet like it had been soaped all over. Robin revelled in the slick feel. He rested his chin on my shoulder like a randy dog and rubbed his front against my slick shiny back while he rubbed his hands over my torso.

I threw another double biceps pose and Robin got really horny. He started thrusting his cock in between my arse cheeks along the tops of my thighs. All this attention from him caused me to feel strongly aroused too. My cock stiffened like a ramrod and stood up vertically along the midline of my belly. Robin ran his hands along the thick hard shaft with delight. The reflection in the mirror made us both incredibly horny. He felt my balls with amazement; they are big, the size of goose eggs.

He bent his knees and guided his cock to my anal opening with his hand. I relaxed my arsehole in anticipation. He gave a thrust and his cock entered my arsehole easily. He straightened his knees and rammed the full length of his cock into my anus. It felt incredible. He thrust his cock vigorously in and out my arsehole, delirious with joy. He loved the sight in the mirror of himself fucking hard the massive muscleman with the huge muscles all bulging and standing out. He loved the smooth velvety well-lubricated feel of the inside of my anal canal and the hard muscles inside my pelvis against his cock. He loved the feel of the steel hard rippling muscles of my washboard abdomen. He loved the feel of the mighty rounded slabs of my rock hard pectorals. He loved the feel of the thick hard powerful muscles of my back pressed against his front. He loved the hard round hemispheres of my muscular buttocks pressed against his groin. I loved the feel of his big fat stiff cock thrusting into my arsehole and ramming into my prostate. My arsehole felt nicely full. It felt really good. As his orgasm approached, he wrapped his arms tightly around my chest clasping my pectoral muscles hard.

Together we ejaculated simultaneously. He thrust his cock as far up inside my torso as far it was possible to go. It was wonderful to feel him pumping his hot spunk deep into my bowels with such ardour. My spunk spurted out of my cock in great ropy arcs all over the mirror. I stood as stiff and hard and strong as a bronze statue with my muscles bulging out all over while Robin clung to me with an overwhelming passion. I tightened my steel hard buttocks and clamped my anal sphincters on the shaft of his cock. The tight grip of my anal canal on his stiff cock sent him berserk with passion. His knees wobbled with the intensity of his rapture and he desperately clung for support to my solid robust torso with his chin on my shoulder. But still his cock remained thrust up deep inside me squirting his man juice into my bowels. Clamped inside my arse, it was taking a fair amount of his weight. The sensation was incredible for him.

I could not help myself. I pumped more energy into him prolonging his orgasm. It felt really good. He was absolutely crazy with lust as he pumped lots of spunk into my anal canal. His arms were like thick tough graspers held tight around me. His consciousness blurred. He howled in the heights of his ecstatic passion.

Finally our concurrent orgasms wound down to a close. Robin was almost limp but he still held onto me tightly with his chin on my shoulder. His cock was still clamped inside my arsehole.

He moaned. "Oh, fuck that was incredible."

I grinned at him in the mirror. I knew that it would not take much more for me to switch on telepathy in his mind.

He saw the ropes and splats of semen that I had ejaculated all over the mirror and giggled.

"Fucking hell, you shot a real bucket load all over the mirror", he laughed, full of admiration. "You're like a fucking great big stud bull. You must have a ton of cum inside your fucking huge bull's balls."

His cock softened and when I relaxed the grip of my arse, it slipped out. He leant against me with his arms around me replete with joy. He had a lovely big happy dopey grin on his face. He closed his eyes and snuggled up against me.

"Do you still want that shower?" I asked. I had a feeling that it could be a long one.

He nodded.

Reluctantly, Robin released me. We made our way to the bathroom. It was big for a motel bathroom. Three walls were covered in white tiles. A vast mirror covered the remaining wall over the hand basin. The capacious shower alcove was behind the door and opposite the mirror. The toilet was between the shower alcove and the mirror away from the door. The exhaust fan whirred into action when we turned on the light. There was no shower curtain.

I turned on the water and he got in the shower alcove with me. There was no way he was going to shower separately from me. The warm water sprayed over both of us. I soaped him all over gently with my special wash lotion that leaves the skin nice, soft, smooth and clean. He really enjoyed the attention as I washed every corner and crevice of his body. His cock became fully erect to its new size and stood out straight in front of him with its foreskin folded back.

I noted the acne particularly on his face and chest. It concerned me and I knew it troubled him greatly. He had completely forgotten about it in the past few hours.

"Would you like me to get rid of your acne for you?" I asked him.

"Oh fuck yeah! Would I ever!" he exclaimed in reply.

I explained to him that I could cure him quickly in about a minute but it would hurt a lot, or I could do it in about several hours and that cause him to tingle all over for that time, or I could take a couple of months and he would feel no pain at all.

He chose the short sharp painful method. I told him that he was a real tough guy. He grinned, but he was a little bit apprehensive.

He saw a powerful aura appear around me as I switched modes. Telepathically I asked a healing angel for help and called up a host of lesser spirit beings like fairies, elves and pixies to remove the acne from Robin. He stiffened as the spirits entered his face and body to remove the poisons festering in his system and to perform the healing process. Because it was a rapid process, his nerves were touched and jangled as the scarred flesh was repaired and renewed. His whole body was burning, stinging, raw and sore all over. He was tensed up and hot against mine. He was in pain. He whimpered and groaned and shuddered and I held him in my arms pumping energy into him to supplement the healing process that the healing angel was guiding.

It was all over quickly. I thanked the angel and the other spirit beings and they departed into the higher dimensions. Robin's pain stopped. He ran over to the mirror and saw that all trace of his acne had disappeared. His face was smooth, unmarked and beautiful as was the rest of his body. He put his hands to his face and felt that his skin was as smooth, soft, supple and unmarked as a newborn baby's. His grey eyes were big and round with wonder. He turned his body so he could see all over in the mirror. His chest, arms and buttocks were unmarked and free of pimples. His naked muscular body was very nice indeed. His face was handsome, no, beautiful. His brown hair was plastered down with water. He looked really attractive and fuckable.

Robin was overwhelmed with gratitude.

"Oh Wombat, thank you, thank you, thank you so much", he cried. "You are so absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much."

He leapt across the bathroom, jumped into my arms as I stood in the shower and planted lots of kisses on my face like an eager puppy.

"I love you, I love you so much", he panted between kisses as I held him in my arms. "You are just so wonderful."

The kisses became more serious. Our lips locked together. He wrapped his arms around my neck and writhed against my slick wet body panting with passion. Our cocks stiffened quickly and he humped his cock against my chest. He felt my massive member sandwiched between our wet bodies and pressed against his groin. He wanted it inside him badly. He wriggled around against me trying to get it into his anus. I lifted him up in my arms. He lifted up his legs and I impaled his arse on my great big cock. His anus opened easily under my influence. He wrapped his legs around my waist and bore down on my cock. He gave a deep heartfelt groan as I thrust my cock full length up deep into his torso. He writhed in absolute pleasure as I moved it up and down his anal canal. All his internal organs were being stimulated. His prostate thrummed with pleasure as my great big thick penis pressed and rubbed against it. His anus was stretched tremendously as my cock thickened even more inside him. His groin felt incredibly full and congested. The muscles inside pressed hard against my shaft as I thrust it joyously up inside him until my cock head felt the soft velvety guts deep inside his torso.

Robin erupted, deliriously shooting his spunk all over my chest. It was washed away by the warm shower water pouring over us. Orgasm hit me. I thrust my cock deep up inside him and ejaculated joyously into the core of his being. I pumped lots of energy into him to prolong his orgasm greatly. He arched his back and screamed in his orgasmic rapture. He was on the wild roller coaster ride of orgasms except this time there was little difference between peaks and dips. He felt that he was in a wild sea of orgasmic fury. He was completely crazy with lust and love. He tried to sink his teeth into the steel hard muscles of my neck. He wanted me incredibly badly. His whole being ached to merge with me totally. He wanted to be swamped by me completely. He wanted to consume me and get inside me at the same time. He wanted to be one with me. His brain, his mind, his soul opened up and reached out for me like a flower with tentacles.

Now was the time to switch on telepathy. I reached into his mind that had opened up to me trying to envelop me and merge with me. I reached the region deep in his mind that trying to sputter into action and with a mind glyph started it up. It was like pressing a big red button. His telepathy switched on. His telepathic sense started to function. His mind resonated with me and with the barriers taken down his mind just flowed into mine.

It felt like some kind of schizophrenia as his mind launched into mine. His being was threatened with being swamped by mine but so ablaze he was with love for me that he had no fear at all. He was burning with love for me and he wanted to be part of me forever. Our minds touched and partially merged. Each impression and feeling coursed between us. He could feel my sensations as I fucked him to the full, my pleasure in squirting my spunk deep inside his lovely muscular torso, my feeling his teeth on my invulnerable neck. He knew that I sensed every sensation that coursed through his body. I could feel his joy at my cock pulsating deep inside him, his arsehole stretched considerably by my cock, the currents of energy pouring in great arcs from my penis to throughout his whole body, his delight in the huge muscles of my magnificent body, the great big thick powerful arms wrapped around him, the warm water from the shower pouring down upon us both. He knew that I was spurring his huge gigantic orgasm on and on and he was crazy with ecstatic rapture. I had this crazy man inside my head and he was crazy for me and I loved him totally. I wanted him to grow and be beautiful. I wanted him to become a superman like me. Telepathy was the first step and he had made it. It was sex magic that did it, pure and simple.

Our orgasms were fuelled to an even greater intensity by our telepathically linked minds. We were like twin pillars of fire entwined about each other. He revelled in the energy that poured from me into him. He was in a state of the utmost rapture.

There was a refrain running through him and on to me; Wombatman and Robin; Wombatman and Robin. He saw me as a god-like figure to whom he was conjoined and he worshipped me with everything he had. He was at an ecstatic peak.

At last I brought us both down to a soft landing. Our orgasms came to an end. Robin clung to me burbling happily. He looked at me with sleepy happy eyes.

He knew that something had happened to him. He remembered his acne disappearing. But something had happened to his mind. He was looking at himself through my eyes. He saw his clear skinned handsome face through my eyes. The acne that was the bane of his life had well and truly disappeared.

He felt his body through mine. He felt my love for him. He knew now that I loved him. He was like an open flower in the warmth of the sun of my love. He revelled in it.

A thought formed in his mind. << Am I telepathic like you? >>

<+ Yes +>

<< Like I now can read minds like you? >>

<+ Yes +>

<< Wonderful! You made me telepathic! It's marvellous. >>

He hugged me

<< Thank you so much. I love you so much. You are so wonderful. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. >>

I beamed at him.

Robin: << You are fantastic. You are like a god. You are a god. You are my own personal private god, my own private muscle god. >>

<< I'm, well, like you could say, a very junior god. You certainly don't have to worship me. I'm far too junior. I haven't been around all that long. I think you have to be at least a million years old before you can be a proper god. All you have to do is make lots of love to me. >> <+ Amusement +>

Robin clung to me as the shower ran upon us. He was busily sorting through things in his mind. I offered him my experiences.

Robin: << Can you guys live a million years? You mean, I can live forever too, like when I'm a superman. How old are you? You're thirty-five? You dirty old bugger! I'm less than half your age. You mean you're immortal now. >>

Thoughts buzzed silently and rapidly between our minds. We rubbed noses together affectionately and kissed gently. Robin pressed his body against me. He was buzzing with the wonder of it all.

Robin: << You know, I thought you were only about twenty or twenty- five at the most yourself. I never would have guessed that you're nearly twenty years older than me. And you will live forever and look young and beautiful forever! Wow! >>

I tuned into the mind of the motel owner and sensed that he was wondering when I was going to come and pay up. He would charge me extra if I were late. Robin piggybacked on my mind and saw for himself.

Robin: << He's a bit of a mean old bastard. >>

I laughed. << We'd better get a wriggle on and get out of here. >>

My limp cock slid out of his arsehole much to his regret. He stood up and leaned against me with his arms around me.

He was alive with new wonder. His mind joyfully scampered around mine and tentatively explored further afield. He was like a puppy or a very young child. It was as if he had been born again. In effect he had been born again. He was alive with a new and wonderful sense. His whole being had just stepped up to a new level.

Robin: << You could make heaps of money playing poker using telepathy. You could read people's minds and see what cards they had. >>

I laughed. << We just don't do that kind of thing. We don't take advantage of normal people because we recruit from normal people, like you were until just now. Anyway, it's not fair. >>

I picked up his black jeans from the floor and retrieved his semen- soaked black T-shirt from my storage space in Somewhere Else. Robin was fascinated by that. Both items were dirty. I washed them in water using ultrasonic sound and dried them with 'superheat'. The whole process took two seconds flat. Super powers come in handy. Robin was agog.

I called up some fairies to clean the splats of my semen off the mirror. Robin watched amazed. He was like a small child open-mouthed with wonder. He could not see the fairies clearly like I can; he could perceive them as small ripples against the background. However he was able to sense them with his telepathic sense.

Robin: << Fairies! I never thought I would ever see fairies! I never thought they would exist and they do. >>

The fairies finished their task quickly. I thanked them and they slipped away. Robin giggled at the realisation he had to believe in fairies; they really did exist.

I left the double bed unmade with its semen stained sheets because I knew that the motel owner got a buzz out of that. He got a real thrill out of guys fucking each other in his motel rooms.

I pulled on my biker gear, blue denim jeans, flying boots and a sleeveless blue denim jacket with the Roadknight Motor Cycle Club insignia, a red flared German-style cross on a white shield with the word 'Roadknights' in gothic script underneath, on the back. I left the jacket open at the front showing off my muscular chest and abdomen.

Robin sat on the bed still naked and looked at me in awe. He drank in the sight of me clad in denims. I explained telepathically that the Roadknights were a biker club for supermen and superwomen. You had to be superhuman to become a member.

I suggested breakfast again. Robin was interested. He got dressed and delighted in the feel of clean clothes against his skin once more. I telephoned the Arab Steed Hotel across Hutt Street and ordered breakfast in advance. There are lots of eating places in Hutt Street, but most of them cater for the coffee and croissant end of the market. The Arab Steed was the only place nearby where you could get a hearty man-sized breakfast. Robin salivated at the idea of steak, sausages, eggs and bacon.

I packed up quickly and we got to the motel office about ten minutes before checkout time which was ten a.m.

The motel was one of those that charged the same whether one or two people used the one room. I handed the motel owner two twenty-dollar notes in payment for the night. The owner was a corpulent man past middle age. He sat behind the counter and looked us both over with a dour interest as he took the money. He was fascinated by my muscles.

"You two fellows have a good time last night?" he asked.

Robin grinned from ear to ear. The owner looked at him thinking what a handsome young buck he was. He was almost wistful under his gruff exterior.

I smiled easily and replied: "Yep, sure did."

We could feel his eyes boring into our backs as we swaggered out the office. We mounted my trusty Harley Davidson. It roared into life and we rode out into Gilles Street. It was only fifty metres (yards) across the tree-lined boulevard of Hutt Street to the Arab Steed Hotel but I did not want to leave my bike at the motel. We parked the bike in the street outside the hotel, which is a rather striking art deco edifice. It was a glorious morning. The sun was shining from a bright blue sky with a few fluffy white clouds about.

The people inside stared at us as we entered the dining room. The barmaid came up to us and I flashed a megawatt smile at her, almost bowling her over with good vibrations. She looked admiringly at us. She was so dazzled by me as to be almost speechless. I told her that we had already ordered and she showed us to a table next to a window overlooking Hutt Street. She apologised for the chip cooker being turned off and asked if toast was all right. That was fine by us. It was nearly ten o'clock in the morning. You cannot expect too much. I ordered a pint of beer for each of us. The barmaid had no inkling that Robin was underage; she thought he was in his early twenties and a really handsome hunk.

Robin looked around the dining room. I shared his perceptions and scanned with my telepathic sense. The room was nearly half full of mainly elderly diners taking their time over a late breakfast. The exceptions apart from us were a young English couple in their twenties touring Australia and a man in his thirties in a suit with his nose in a newspaper.

Behind me was an old man with a nasty angry mind. He kept glaring at my back disapprovingly. He hated bikers and any one who was not what he considered 'normal'. Nothing was said but Robin was quite disconcerted by the blast of anger and hatred coming from him. Dear Robin was getting quite angry on my behalf. His eyes flashed. I sent soothing thoughts to him to calm him down. If he got too upset or angry, his telepathic sense would just implode in on itself and stop functioning. I would have to fuck him again to restart it. I passed that knowledge on to him and got a grin from him in reply. I was not the least bit concerned. The old man could not harm either Robin or me. Robin was far too strong for him and I am, well, a superman with an impressive array of tricks to play. The longsuffering wife of the old man sat opposite him at their table. I could detect the smell of burning martyr coming from her. She had endured forty-five self- denying years of marriage to him and she was sure she was due for a reward in heaven.

The other people cast sidelong glances at us. They did not want to be caught staring at us but they could not keep their eyes off us. My physique impressed them mightily.

Breakfast arrived for both of us. As promised, each steaming plate contained a large rump steak of about a pound (half a kilogram) with sausages, three eggs, plentiful bacon and toast. Robin fell upon his with gusto. It was the best meal he had eaten since before leaving home three weeks ago. He was ravenous. He wolfed his meal down, finishing before I did and sat back with a satisfied burp. He looked at me gratefully. He had a full stomach for the first time in weeks. I continued on eating happily.

Robin: << Life's really worth living with you around. >>

I sent him a warm buzz of acknowledgement.

<< How do you become a superman? >>

<< Through God. You go up to Him in Heaven, stand before Him and pledge to serve Him forever and then He grants you superpowers. >>

<< Just like that? >>

<< Well, sort of. That's a very cut down version of the story. You need to be a telepath, which you are, and you've got to be brave. You don't want to go shitting yourself in terror before the Lord God Almighty. >>

Robin grinned. The thought amused him. << Don't worry. I won't. >>

He continued. << You know, when I'm a superman, I guess I might go and kill my father and that ugly fat bitch of his who got him to marry her. >>

I was amused. << God would not approve of that. That's certainly not what He wants people doing. Anyway, there's a much better way of dealing with the situation and that's to do nothing. You just stay out of sight and your father will be consumed by guilt at tossing you out of home. That guilt will eat away like acid at his relationship with your stepmother. He'll blame her and she'll blame him. Those two are going to be living in hell together. God wants us to take responsibility for our actions. You do nothing and there's no one there to alleviate his guilt and redirect her anger. Your father and your stepmother will have to live with the consequences of their action. That's how God wants it. You don't do a thing and meanwhile, you grow big, beautiful and strong and they suffer. You never know, they could end up like the old couple behind me. >>

<< So God really does exist. >>

For answer I pointed to God. For the first time Robin became aware through his telepathic sense of an overarching loving nimbus of being that surrounded and permeated all that is, the whole Universe including this very dining room. This was a Being that was all- loving, all-knowing and all-powerful and in Whom and by Whom the whole Universe was kept in being.

Robin was awed. << I serve Him? He wants me to serve Him? >>

<< Yes. >>


Robin trembled. A current of love flowed from God over both of us.


The Presence drew back a little. Robin was silent. This was far bigger than he had ever dreamt of and he was being called to serve this gigantic numinous Being, the Lord God Almighty. He needed time to think things over. Events were moving so fast that his comprehension was stretched.

The other diners carried on oblivious to the Presence of God. Since I had first become a superman, it had always seemed a little odd to me that so few normal people had any inkling of the huge loving Being that was all around them and that permeated and held in existence the whole of reality around them. Normal human beings were so very ordinary, but they had within them the potential to become superhuman beings like me. Some were difficult to transform like the cranky old grump sitting behind me, some were easy to transform. Robin was a gift. He glowed with appreciation.

I flicked my telepathic sense back to the owner of the Hutt Motel across the street. He was cleaning up in the room where we had spent the night. He had pulled the sheets off our bed and he held them up his nose inhaling the strong odours of our semen and sweat that had soaked into the sheets. He revelled in the smell. His mind was full of the lurid images of two strong virile muscular young men fucking each other with lusty enthusiasm. I felt sorry for the lonely old man. Robin burst out sniggering. The image of the old man sniffing our sheets and getting excited by the smell of our semen appealed to his schoolboy sense of humour.

I finished my breakfast and swigged off the remains of my beer. Robin had finished well before me. He had been starving but now he was well filled. We stood up, paid up and left the dining room, the cynosure of all eyes.

Outside we stood in the sunshine next to my motorbike and Robin stripped off his T-shirt exposing his muscular torso. He wanted to show off his body too. I put the T-shirt in one of the bike's panniers and gave him a red neckerchief with a Roadknight insignia of a flared red cross on a white shield on the back. He put it on proudly around his neck. It was held in place with an old Boy Scout woggle with a small Roadknight pin. I also gave Robin a chinless bike helmet and aviator style sunglasses, both like mine.

We put on our bike helmets and sunglasses and mounted the bike. Robin sat behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. With one kick my hog roared into life and we took off down the leafy tree-lined Gilles Street towards Pulteney Street.

We were waiting for the Pulteney Street traffic lights to change.

I asked: << Do you prefer to be called Robin or Rob? >>

<< I don't care much. My friends at school call me Rob but I want to be Robin with you, Wombatman. >>

The lights changed, we turned left onto Pulteney Street and roared south over South Terrace onto Unley Road past the playing fields and gum trees of the South Parklands. The traffic lights at Greenhill Road were green and we continued south along Unley Road. People call Adelaide the City of Traffic Lights and Unley Road is one of the worst places with traffic lights and pedestrian crossings scattered densely along its length. Unley Road passes through the leafy well-heeled suburbs of Unley, Parkside, Malvern, Hyde Park and Unley Park. Our destination was our community house in Unley Park. The road was clogged with all these shiny, spotlessly clean new four-wheel-drives, Toyota fucking Landcruisers and their Lexus clones, Range Rovers, Nissan Patrols, Landrovers, Jeep Grand Cherokees, Mercedes Benz M class, Honda CRVs and a few Mitsubishi Pajeros. Most of them were being driven by women who had what they considered more important things on their minds than paying attention to their driving. Several times I had to flick the attention of a driver telepathically so that she would see us and not pull out into us. I had the headlights of the motorbike switched on but still they did not see us. Robin clasped me tightly around the waist. He was agog at the goings on around us as we threaded our way through the traffic. His telepathic sense was working hard as he struggled to take in all the impressions.

On Unley Road in front of the Unley Shopping Centre and the Unley Civic Centre there are three sets of traffic lights within a hundred yards (metres). We rode down in between the two rows of halted traffic waiting at the red lights and pulled up alongside a white 1959 Ford Thunderbird convertible. The big car with red upholstery had been converted to right-hand drive and was in immaculate condition. It was being driven by a middle-aged man sporting a grey ponytail and wearing a spiffy slim black pair of Raybans, blue jeans and a black T- shirt celebrating Metallica. His face looked well used.

Robin: << Look at that old poser driving the old Yank Tank. >>

I just smiled with amusement.

The Thunderbird driver looked up at the two of us apprehensively. His eyes travelled along the thick muscles of my huge arms. I looked an impressive sight with my helmet, sunglasses and powerful denim-clad physique on a powerful motorbike with my mate.

I grinned showing my white teeth. I soaked up the deep-throated rumble from its big V8 motor as it idled.

"Nice car", I said warmly. "Very nice. It sure is a magnificent machine you've got there."

The man's eyes took in the two of us. He noted Robin's bare well- muscled torso and arms, the red neckerchief he was wearing and the way he held me around my waist. He saw that Robin was a hot hunky young spunk bucket. He knew.

"Thanks", he replied uncertainly.

The lights changed to green. We roared away. Thank heavens the three set of traffic lights were synchronised so Unley Road was relatively clear ahead of us for a short distance. The Thunderbird was stuck behind an old lady driving a Toyota Camry; she was accelerating sedately.

The Thunderbird driver looked after us wistfully. His eyes bored into Robin's broad strong back as we rode away down Unley Road. He was into his third marriage now and that was failing. His first marriage went bust thirty years ago when he had a wild and passionate love affair with another man. It was fantastic and beautiful while it lasted. Robin reminded him of his first lover. He had had but a few sexual encounters with other men in the intervening years since then but they were very furtive and secretive; he told no one. Since the AIDS scare hit the scene in the early mid-eighties, he had only had one fling with another man. Sex with another man was a pleasure that seemed denied him now, what with AIDS and haemorrhoids and creeping old age. What was he now? A sound engineer with one of Adelaide's commercial FM radio stations. He was considered a bit of an old hippie who was over the hill. A hippie? Not!

He knew of the Roadknights and that some of them enjoyed sex with other men. I represented to him all that was wild, wonderful and free. I was a beautiful blonde young muscle god and I had a gorgeous young hunk as a lover. He was pensive, envious and melancholy, yearning for the good old days and all those things that he thought were out of his reach now. I sent a thought back to him that he should join the Roadknights. He thought that maybe he was too old. I made a mental note to look him up after his current marriage had finished in divorce and bring some joy back into his life.

We arrived in Unley Park and waited in Unley Road to turn right when the oncoming traffic cleared sufficiently. The sun was warm on our backs. Our chance came and turned into the narrow tree-lined street where our community house was. 'Bethany' was a vast roomy old neo- gothic stone mansion with two towers and had been built by a wealthy Adelaide merchant in 1897. It has stayed in the family ever since. It was now owned by my friend Guy Talbot who had inherited it and a fortune at the age of twenty-one when both his parents were killed in a car crash. He was an only child. For several years afterwards he had lived a drug and drink soaked life that had been one continual party. The party stopped while he was away overseas in Paris with his girlfriend when the police raided his house and arrested everyone living there. It had been a real hippie style commune with lots of drugs and freewheeling sex but it was happening years after hippiedom had gone out of fashion; things were not the same. Guy had come back after he had broken up with his girlfriend and found his house trashed and empty. All his friends were either in gaol, in mental hospitals, dead or gone away. He was in despair and about to commit suicide when one of our Order rescued him, made love to him and persuaded him to become a superman and join us. He invited a group of us to move in and we comprehensively cleaned and restored the house using our superpowers. 'Bethany' is now one of several community houses in Adelaide where members of the Order live and others like me stay a while when passing through.

Robin picked up all the thoughts passing through my head as we came up to the house. He jumped off the bike and opened the gate.

We rode round to the back of the house. Julie and Jenny welcomed Robin in the kitchen. Robin was fascinated to meet two telepathic women and they were beautiful too. Information buzzed back and forth between their minds. He was intrigued to discover that it is easier for a woman to become telepathic and then superhuman than it is for a man. The result is that there are noticeably more women than men in the Order. They also explained that the Order is made up of supermen and superwomen. Its full title is the Order of the Knights of God and it is a chivalric order organised on lines like the medieval chivalric orders, except that men and women are equal and there are not lots of silly rules. The term knights is used in a non-sexual sense. The existence of the Order and its superhuman members is kept secret on the direct orders of the Lord God Himself. It is not yet time for us to reveal our presence. Our numbers are still too low.

Julie and Jenny thought Robin was a real cutie. He glowed with their attention. The word went out telepathically that Wombat had picked up another beautiful boy. Other members started gathering in the kitchen to see.

First in was Fiona followed closely by her husband Douglas. She was a little above average height and very attractive and nicely built. Doug was powerfully muscled with a similar physique to mine. Robin looked at him with awe. Then he realised that there was something alive inside Fiona's belly. She laughed gaily and informed him that she was two months pregnant. She and Doug had been married three months. Robin focussed his mind on the little foetus growing inside her belly; he was fascinated. There was no real consciousness detectable at this stage; the foetus's mind was still yet unformed. Her pregnancy had not started to show yet.

Fiona: << He's a little boy. He is going to grow into someone gorgeous like you, or him. >>

She jerked her thumb back at Doug. He came up behind her and wrapped his massive arms around her gently, smiling happily. He was wearing only a pair of shorts. He was absolutely delighted to be the father of this unborn child.

Fiona and I had been lovers at one stage. She had several men as lovers at the some time but she had wanted me to be the father of her children. I was not ready to make the commitment to her and to bringing up children. I really enjoy lots of sex and I love making love to people but I still prefer men. Doug was very keen on her and when I got cold feet, he jumped in willing to make the commitment. He was one of her lovers and he was more than happy to make babies and raise children with her.

The other people in the house trooped into the kitchen, Craig, Helen, Annette, Brian, Kevin, Henry, Mark, Philip, Rick, Jared, Sarah, Sally, Linda, Ruth, Wolf, Peter, Susan and Guy. With them came a bunch of about half a dozen small children. The older children were at school. Keir, a boy of four years old, boldly went up to Robin and asked who he was. Robin sent back a reply telepathically which Keir was not able to receive. With amusement Sally explained to Robin that Keir was far too young to be telepathic. Robin told Keir briefly who he was.

Robin was enthralled by the supermen and superwomen around him. They all liked him. He was like a puppy going from one to the other. His mind was busily absorbing all the impressions and information coming at him from the others. He was beside himself with wonder, awe and happiness at being welcomed into this group of wonderful superhuman beings. They were appalled to know that he had been thrown out of home and was living as a street kid. They thought Robin's father and stepmother were complete idiots. Doug put it well when he considered that their loss is our gain.

The men and women were all beautiful and the men all had muscular physiques ranging in build from not much bigger than Robin was through to truly huge. None of the men apart from me were wearing any sort of top. Jared was a fifteen-year-old superman and he sported a fantastically well muscled body; he stood 185 cm (6'1") and weighed 145 kilograms (320 lb), a little more than me. He had been a superman for less than a year. Robin goggled at Jared the gorgeous handsome blonde super hunk with awe. He was overjoyed at being invited to become a superman himself. He had never dreamt that such a thing was possible.

Jared assured Robin that pledging himself to serve God was easy. The main thing was not to get frightened of God who loves us absolutely. Jared told the story of one man who shat himself with terror in front of God who was not impressed. The cherubim fell about laughing. The man had been pushed into it too quickly by his over eager young teacher. Jared was really rapt in being a superman. He would never ever go back to being a normal again. That would be just too boring. Serving God was not onerous. The main thing was to stay within in the parameters of God's Will and avoid working against God. Jared was recruiting new people himself and really enjoyed it. He also liked lots of sex. He flashed a double biceps pose and let Robin feast his eyes on his huge 25-inch (64-cm) flexed biceps. Robin just gaped in awe and admiration. Jared had a really hot, perfectly symmetrical, massively powerful and muscular body with great broad shoulders and deep wide muscular chest tapering down to a slim and muscular waist. His latissmus dorsi muscles flared like a cobra's hood. Robin's eyes were round like saucers.

I took Robin up to my room. We stood and hugged. Robin was grateful to have my arms around him.

Robin: << Do you think I'm ready to become a superman? >>

<< If you feel ready, you are ready. My mates and I will teach you all that you want and need to know. With telepathy it is really easy to gain knowledge, especially once you are a superman. You don't have to know heaps when you go to see God. You just have to have the right stuff and I know you have it. >>

<< Can you back out after you have made your pledge? >>

<< Yes. You'd be weak to do that and also it would mean that God would take your superpowers away from you and you would go back to being a normal. Nobody has ever done that. Life is just too good as a superman to give it up. >>

<< Being a superman would be a hell of a lot better than being a street kid chucked out of home and robbing people to make a living. >>

<< It sure would. >>

<< You are my family now. And your friends are really wonderful. It would be fantastic to be like them. >>

Robin leant against me thinking hard. His mind was buzzing. Finally he made a decision.

<< OK, Wombat, let's do it. Take me to God. I'm ready. >>

We both stripped naked. I held Robin in my arms and jumped up into the higher dimensions. The walls of the rooms dissolved around us into a formless grey with sparkles shooting through. It seemed to be moving like windblown fog. The grey lightened into a brilliant white.

Robin wrapped his arms around my chest and held onto me tightly but he watched the changes with fascination. I could feel his heart beating hard against my chest.

We arrived in Heaven in amongst the billions of spirit beings who dwell there, the souls of the departed and the angels, archangels and elder gods. Overall ruled the Lord God Almighty. Robin eagerly pledged to serve Him forever and in return received the benefice of supernatural powers. A lot happened but I won't go into details here. However the result was that Robin was transformed into a magnificent superman. He chose to have a body like mine, six feet one inch (185 cm) and 300 pounds (135 kg) of huge solid hard ripped powerful muscles. His face was very slightly altered to make him look even more beautiful. The slight asymmetry was ironed out. He also found out that he could transform himself into any shape he chose. If he wanted a different body, he could easily change it to whatever he wanted. However, he was in raptures in the magnificently muscular body he had now.

We returned to my room. I stood back and admired Robin. He was recognisable as the same person but now he had a truly magnificent body. He was a brown haired, grey eyed, gorgeously handsome, muscular superman. I looked him in admiration. He had really turned out well.

I made a full-length standard mirror float over to him so he could see himself. He stood in front of it looking at his new body with rapt wonder. He ran through a couple of poses making his muscles bulge hugely. I came up behind him and put my arms around him. I delighted in the feel of his huge hard muscles. He twisted around and kissed me hard on the lips. He wanted to celebrate his transfiguration.

Robin: << I feel so awesome and so hot. This is tremendous. Wombat, you are just so wonderful. >>

<< So are you, mate. >>

<< It's just so fantastic to have such huge muscles. I'm just as big as you and that's how I like it. >>

<< Let's fuck. >>

I turned on a force field around my body that made it look slick, shiny and slippery as if I was covered in oil or soapy water. I showed Robin how to do it and he did the same thing. We held each other tight and rubbed our big muscular bodies together revelling in the feel of our big muscles slipping and sliding over one another. We floated over towards the big double bed writhing and kissing in mid- air.

Robin lay back on the bed and looked up at me, his eyes desperate with lust.

"Fuck me, Wombat, please fuck me", he moaned.

I slid down his body and wrapped my lips around the head of his huge stiff hard penis. I sucked it gently and he bucked his hips. I ran my tongue down his shaft and mouthed his large balls one by one. With pleasure I licked his whole shaft. He moaned and groaned with sheer joy especially when I concentrated my tongue at the top of his shaft just below the piss slit. I put my mouth over his cock head once again and went down on his shaft, taking his whole penis into my mouth. My mouth went up and down on him a couple of times and he erupted with passionate joy. His savoury semen flooded into my mouth and I swallowed it with relish. He was a superman now and he could come as many times as he liked. While he writhed with orgasmic joy, I rubbed my hand over the hard ridges of muscle on his belly and stroked his thick hard muscular thighs.

Afterwards, I sucked him dry then licked down the length of his shaft past his balls until I reached his exposed arsehole. His cock was still as stiff as a ramrod. So was mine, but I'm patient. Delicately I ran the tip of my tongue around the rim of his anus. He groaned with delight. He was a superman and his arsehole was clean and smelled of manly musk. I delighted in the musky odour of his balls filling my nostrils. He writhed with delight as I licked the ridged pucker of his arsehole. My tongue put a little more pressure on the anal opening and his anus opening willing. My tongue slipped inside into his anal canal and pushed further inside, pushing his anal sphincters open wider. He was beside himself with sheer joy.

Once his anus was sufficiently relaxed, I withdrew my tongue and sat up. I poked the head of my big fat cock against his anal opening and pushed. My cock slid into his arsehole easily. He watched with fascination as my cock slid its full length into his body. I started thrusting into his arsehole joyfully with long sweeping strokes that drove him wild.

I lay down on top of his big strong heavily muscled body and fucked him with all the vigour I could muster. We both held each other tightly. He wrapped his legs and arms around my body as I fucked him deeply. He howled with sheer rapture as I thrust into him. Our orgasms exploded simultaneously within us and our bodies felt filled with liquid fire. Our telepathically linked minds merged together in a firestorm of passionate love. It was ecstasy to pump my semen deep into his powerfully muscled torso and to feel his utmost joy at having my huge fat pulsating penis imbedded deep within him.

Our interconnected orgasms went on and on for the rest of the afternoon. Robin was sheer joy.

We stayed another couple of days at 'Bethany'. Robin revelled in his newly acquired supermanhood. He learnt quickly the essential skills of being a superman from me as well as the other people in the house.

Afterwards we flew up to the Mount Remarkable Community, which is near Melrose in the Flinders Ranges north of Adelaide. It is the largest community of the Order, or the People of the Way as we call ourselves publicly. There are a couple of thousand of us living there but the population varies widely as people come and go.

Robin grew into a lovely superman. He had many friends and lovers but he always has loved me as his teacher.

His mother wrote to him from Burkina Faso and invited him to spend Christmas with her and her second husband in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. Robin decided to spend Christmas with us at Mount Remarkable because we were his family in his eyes and it was preferable to the fractured family he had left behind.

However, he decided to spend some time with his mother and her husband after the New Year celebration. Guy donated the money for the airfare and in January Robin took a series of airline flights to Ouagadougou pretending he was a normal human being. After all, we had to keep our superpowers secret.

His mother and her husband were delighted to see him and were filled with admiration at what a fine young man he had grown into. They worked with a Christian charity looking after homeless children and young people. About half the population of the country are Muslim.

Robin with his characteristic superhuman energy and charm organised some of the older boys into clubs for playing Australian Rules Football. He attracted the intense admiration of some of the boys. These boys he transformed into supermen and the movement snowballed rapidly. There were problems with street gangs in Ouagadougou. However, Robin and his comrades persuaded the gang members to join them. They all had tremendous fun fucking all these black guys and turning them into supermen. These days there is a growing community of superhumans in Burkina Faso that is also spreading to other countries in West Africa.

Robin's visa expired and he returned to South Australia. When he left Ouagadougou, many people turned out to farewell him.

A number of supermen and superwomen jump over here to Australia from all over the world to participate in the activities here but we don't tell the Australian immigration authorities that. It's all a lovely big wonderful secret now but we will be coming out some day.

The End.

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