The Roadie

By Limo Man

Published on Apr 24, 2000


The usual warnings:

This story contains depictions of sex between three teenage boys.

Under 18 - leave now!

This type of story is illegal where you live - leave now!

This type of story would offend you - leave now!

This is the continuation of a true story of my travels with a famous band in the 60's. I was a Roadie at the tender age of sixteen. Hope you enjoy this portion.

The Roadie - Part Two - Kelly And Kyle

It was a hot humid day in early August. We had arrived somewhere and had set up. I was beginning to lose track of where we were. The concert hall was fairly large, seating about 6000 people. As usual, I scouted the backstage area for a secluded spot. The only place I found was a large storage area immediately under the stage. It was filled with old props, clothing and scenery from countless past plays. In the midst of chaos was several stacks of some kind of padded matting. The mats were about eight foot by eight foot and a few inches thick. Lacking anything better, they would make a large and private spot for any activity I might be able to arrange.

Heading for the "fish pond", I surveyed the waiting crowd of mainly female fans. I wore only my jeans and was barefoot and naked from the waist up. I was armed with my pass and Eddie's. I could see a couple of guys but they seemed attached to female partners. Deciding to set my sights on a nice sweet young girl, I scanned the crowd. Over on the far side, I spotted her. She was about five seven with short, reddish hair. She looked to be alone. She would do nicely. I made my way in her direction. As I passed through the crowd of females, I felt several stray hands brush across my chest in an attempt to get my attention.

As I neared the red head, I tripped over something and almost fell. As I recovered my dignity, I spied the object that had gotten in my way. It was a boy. A young boy, possibly ten or eleven years old. He was very short - probably only four foot six at the most. He had the blackest hair I had ever seen; clean and shiny looking; shoulder length and surrounding a golden brown face. His eyes were deep brown pools that stared back at me as I eyed him. He looked to be Native American. His face was long with high cheek bones. He wore a white T-shirt that contrasted sharply with the golden brown skin of his neck and bare arms. He wore cut-off jeans that ended just below his crotch. His legs were the same shade of brown and ended in white socks and sneakers. Red-head you ask; what red-head?

"What's your name," I asked.

"Kyle," he answered as he looked up at my face.

"Hey, Kyle. My name's Dave. Going to the concert," I asked?

"No, I couldn't afford a ticket," he said, looking sad.

"Well," I said, "this may be your lucky day. Would you like to come back stage with me? I work for the band and I can get you in."

"Could I," his eyes lighting up like stars?

"Sure, c'mon," I answered.

He hesitated for a minute.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh, can my brother come, too," he asked, a hint of panic in his voice.

Damn, I was hoping Kyle was alone. This might not turn out so well after all. Then I remembered the excited look in his eyes. I had made a commitment and didn't want to break Kyle's heart.

"Yeah, sure," I said, "Where is he?"

"Hey, Kelly," he hollered.

I could see the crowd parting as someone came towards us.

"Holy shit," I exclaimed as his brother came into view! They were twins - mother fucking identical twins. I couldn't believe it. They were even dressed alike. I suddenly realized that my heart was racing and I was breathing heavily.

Kyle told his brother who I was and that we could go back stage. Kelly almost bounced up and down, he was so excited.

"Just one thing," I said. "Nothing in life is free. You have to earn it."

"That's O.K.," Kelly said excitedly. "I would do anything to get back stage."

"Remember you said that," I laughed as I started to lead them to the door.

We entered the door and I proceeded with the fifty-cent tour. The boys were excited as they saw the stage, the huge hall and the band's instruments. It was always impressive standing on a stage looking out at 6000 empty seats. It looked ten times big as it did when you were in the audience. At some point, we ended up in the washroom as both boys had to take a leak.

In an effort to relax things, I stepped to the urinal first and dropped my pants to my ankles. I was almost totally naked as I pissed into the white porcelain. Both Kyle and Kelly watched as I relieved myself.

"C'mon guys, I thought you had to go."

Both boys stepped to a urinal. Kyle undid his zipper and pulled out what appeared to be about four inches of uncircumsized brown boy cock. Kelly appeared to be the braver of the two. Stepping to the urinal next to me, he undid his cut-offs and pulled them and his white briefs down to his knees. He grabbed hold of his dick and let lose a golden stream that never seemed to end. He really did have to go.

"You're really cute," I said as I reached over and brushed my fingers across Kelly's smooth round ass cheeks. He clenched them slightly, but did not pull away. I looked at his face and realized that he was looking at my long soft cock. I looked down and saw that he had stopped peeing and was sort of letting his fingers slide along his brown dick. I didn't know about Kyle, but Kelly was definitely interested in what he saw.

I waddled to the sink, and proceeded to wash my hands, then my cock. I was careful to ensure that both boys could see, as I carefully slid back my foreskin and washed my large red head. Kelly joined me at the sink and proceeded to wash himself. Kyle just stood back watching as he zipped himself back into his shorts. Kelly and I dried off with paper towels and then pulled up our pants. We headed out the door for the rest of the tour.

The last stop was the storage area I had found earlier. I pushed opened the door and ushered Kyle and Kelly inside. They both let out a small gasp as they looked around. I hadn't stopped to think about it, but I guess the room held a lot of neat things. They both started rushing around; touching props and costumes; picking up fake weapons; and generally having a good time. They ended up at a fake Roman Chariot made out of cardboard and wood.

It was painted to look almost real. The two boys picked up swords and shields and entered into a mock battle. A light flashed in my brain.

"You guys want to stay here for a while and play some really great games," I asked?

"Yeah, that would be neat," they both chanted in unison!

"O.K., but come over here for a minute and lets talk," I said as I pointed to the stack of padded mats. The two boys came and sat down. I hunkered down facing them and removed the passes from my pocket.

"How old are you guys," I asked?

"Thirteen," answered Kelly. Sensing my doubt, he added "we're short for our age. We have a problem with some kind of gland and we don't grow fast."

"How late can you guys stay out at night," I asked? I didn't want to have them earn passes they couldn't use.

"We can stay out all night if we want. It's Saturday," Kelly said in a quiet voice.

"Your parents let you stay out all night," I said.

Kelly hesitated. He almost seem to be ready to cry. "Our mom and dad drink a lot and party on the weekend. They are usually gone all weekend - or at home, passed out, and don't notice us anyway."

I felt really sad for these kids. I could remember some kids I knew whose parents were alcoholics. It was really hard on the kids as they usually paid the price. I needed to change the subject back to where I had started. I was getting depressed and so were the twins.

"Know what these are," I asked? Both boys shook their heads in a "no".

"These are backstage passes and they could be yours if you want to earn them."

I explained what the passes were for and what they could do with them.

They looked at each other.

"What do we have to do," Kelly asked?

"Well, I like you guys a lot in more ways than you realize. We can play some kids games like what you have been doing. Then we can play some adult games that I like doing. It will be a lot of fun and you guys will really enjoy it."

Kelly was obviously wise in the ways of the world. "Will we have to take our clothes off?"

"Sure, eventually we can all take them off if we want to. The adult games are better without them."

He looked at Kyle and at the passes. Kyle nodded his head at his brother.

"Yeah, it might be fun, and we can go home if we don't like your games." It was a statement, not a question.

"O.K., then," I said as I slipped the passes back into my pocket. "So you guys want to play Roman soldiers?"

"Yeah," they both jumped up off of the mats and ran at me.

"It will be a lot more fun if we dress like real soldiers," I added.

Hunting around, I found some sheets that could be made into togas. I decided to go first so that they would get the hang of it. I stripped off my jeans. I started to wrap a sheet around my body. It lay over one shoulder, partly covering my chest. It ended below my crotch, just barely covering my cock. Finished, I turned a circle and modeled for the boys. They seemed to like the idea.

Grabbing another sheet, I stood waiting for the boys to undress. Kelly was first. He quickly removed the white T-shirt revealing a smooth hairless torso and hairless armpits. His nipples were a darker brown than the surrounding skin. His stomach was flat and smooth. As he slipped off his jeans, the contrast of white briefs against his brown skin was exciting and I felt my penis start to perk up a little.

Not hesitating, Kelly pulled off his white shorts and presented himself to me for wrapping. It would be like gift wrapping a present for myself. I would later have the fun of unwrapping it. Kelly was not circumcised and his thick cock jutted out at an angle as it rested on his tight sac. He appeared to be starting to get a boner. He was about four inches in this state. I was going to wait for Kyle to undress but decided he might be more comfortable if he saw his brother in costume.

Taking the sheet, I saw that it was too big. I folded it in half; bit the edge with my teeth to break the seam; and ripped the sheet in half. I wrapped it around Kelly's brown body in the same manner as my own. I made sure that my hand brushed him frequently in the process so that he would get used to my touch. Once he was finished, he did the model's turn and faced Kyle.

"C'mon Kyle. It's your turn. Don't be a sucky baby," he admonished.

Kyle stepped slowly towards us. If Kelly's strip show had been fast, Kyle's took forever. After removing his shirt, he turned his back on us. It seemed like five minutes passed before he stood there, holding the elastic on his briefs. Still facing away, he slowly slid them down revealing a beautiful round ass with firm bubble cheeks. As he bent forward to pull his briefs off, his cheeks parted slightly giving me a flash of his little brown anus. Having removed his briefs, he stood with his back to us.

"C'mon Kyle. Don't be a chicken shit. Turn around," Kelly urged.

Slowly, Kyle turned to us.

"Kyle's got a boner. Kyle's got a boner," Kelly chanted as his brother faced us.

And Kyle did indeed have a boner. His beautiful young cock jutted out at an angle that brought it almost to his belly. It was an even brown color with a hint of a dark purple head pointing out from beneath his foreskin. It was thick like his brothers, but stood about five inches in its erect state. Like his brother, he was totally hairless. Kyle's brown face showed a slight reddening as he blushed beneath his dark skin. So much for Kyle being the quiet one that I thought would take the most convincing to get him into the games. He seemed more than ready.

I proceeded to wrap Kyle with the other half of the sheet. The fun part of the game was trying to wrap his hard on. It took a while, but I finally covered it - with plenty of accidental touches, of course. We were now ready to play.

I had to caution the boys against getting carried away. The swords and other weapons were fake but could still accidentally injure. Kyle and Kelly did most of the playing. I was content to watch as their actions gave me plenty of opportunity to see their young bodies. The togas moved and shifted as they enjoyed their antics, leaving them almost naked from the waist down. Kyle and Kelly didn't notice or didn't seem to mind as they frolicked. Even though the storage room was cool because of its cement floor and walls, the boys were soon sweating. As they played, I looked around for some other props we could use.

My eyes came to rest on a box that appeared to have Indian gear sticking out of it. I walked over and started rummaging through it. There were feather headdresses of various sizes. There were loin clothes and bows and arrows and other goodies. There was even a tray of water color paints. In the box next to it were cowboy clothes including hats, guns, holsters and a lasso. We could have a game of Cowboys and Indians. Of course, the Indians would have to win.

When I turned my attention back to Kyle and Kelly, they had tired of being Roman soldiers and were sitting on the mats, watching me.

"Do you guys want to play Cowboys and Indians," I asked?

"Sure," Kelly yelled. "We get to be the Indians!"

It took only a matter of a few seconds for them to unwind their togas - even the shy Kyle was quickly naked. Kyle had lost his erection during their game. They started rummaging through the boxes picking out things they wanted to wear. Taking them to the mat, they started to dress.

As Kelly started to put on a loin cloth, I asked, "didn't your parents teach you anything about your ancestors?"

They both shook their heads from side to side.

"Indian braves never wore loin cloths. Those were just invented for the movies. When they went to war, they never wore anything except a few feathers and war paint. You want to do this right don't you," I asked?

"Yeah, I guess," it was Kyle who spoke this time.

"O.K.," I said. "Let's get you ready."

I place leather headbands on both boys, tying them at the back. I gave each a single feather inserted at the back. I found leather arm bands and tied them around each of their arms, the ends dangling. There were leather belts with knife scabbards and fake knives. I tied these around slim waists, having to double wrap them to get them to fit. Leather leg bands were tied around their smooth brown thighs.

It was time for the paint. Yellow would look good on their brown skin.

Having no water, I spit into the yellow paint a couple of times and started to mix it around.

Taking my finger, I painted Kyle's face then Kelly's. Then it was time for their bodies.

Kyle stood in front of me as I applied streaks of paint across his shoulders and down the sides of his chest. My finger against his smooth skin caused him to giggle.

I put streaks across his chest, joining his nipples. More streaks were applied across his lower belly and thighs. Kyle squirmed as the paint coated finger tickled him. As I painted, I noticed he was getting hard again. Applying paint to the fronts of his legs and thighs caused him to wiggle so that his five inch semi bounced in front of my face. I resisted the urge to kiss it.

Finishing Kyle's front, I turned him around. I applied paint to his back, his bum cheeks and down the backs of his legs. Now, it was Kelly's turned. Another generous donation of spit gave me a second load of paint to work with. As I had done with Kyle, I applied it to Kelly's body. As I painted, I looked for differences in the two boys. Maybe there mother could tell them apart, but I sure couldn't. The only difference was in the sound of their voices. Kelly was a little louder and more confident. Kyle was quieter and generally took a breath before he spoke.

By the time I reached Kelly's thighs, he too was getting hard. His smooth brown dick bounced and jiggled in front of my eyes as he struggled against the ticklish application of the paint. Finished with the paint, I handed them both bows and arrows.

"No fair," cried Kelly, "we want guns."

In a compromise, I put a bow across each boy's shoulder and handed them a rifle. Now it was my turn. I put on a cowboy hat and a holster with two six guns. I found a leather vest that partially covered my upper body. A lariat graced my shoulder. My jeans would have to do for the rest of my costume.

"Time for the Indians to chase the Cowboy," I said.

A wild chase ensued as we galloped around props and over and under all kinds of theatrical junk. As we were running around, I spotted a prop tree. It looked to be made out of chicken wire and paper mache, but looked pretty real.

As I ran close to it, I "fell" off of my horse.

"Oh no, I fell off my horse. The Indians are going to catch me and torture me. They're going to tie me to a tree and burn me alive," I screamed in mock terror.

Kyle and Kelly took over the game instantly.

"White man must die," cried Kelly!

"Pale face burn at stake," yelled Kyle!

Standing up, I allowed them to push me over to the tree. I had to be careful as I could easily have pushed it over. Grabbing my lariat, the boys proceeded to wrap it around my arms and body until I was "tied" to the tree. They started to do a war dance around me, whooping and hollering. It was really cute. Two naked little Indians, dancing around me; sweat streaking the yellow paint on their brown bodies; their semi-erect boy penises bouncing as they danced. I was starting to get turned on and my jeans became a little too tight for comfort.

When a break came in the noise, I spoke, "don't take my clothes off in front of your whole tribe. I'll die of shame!"

Hesitating only a second or two, Kyle and Kelly proceeded to strip me. Off came the hat. Off came the holster. The vest had to stay on as it was held in place by the ropes. Their young hands were at the button on my jeans; pulling them open; tugging down the zipper. They pulled the sides of my jeans and struggled until they were at my feet. I helped them pull them off. I was left tied to a tree in nothing but my white briefs and my vest.

The boys looked at each other then grabbed for my briefs. My semi erect cock was already pushing the front out, but I don't think they expected it to be so big. As they freed it from my briefs, I heard a quiet double "wow". The surprise over, they pulled my briefs down and off my feet. They stood their wondering what to do next.

"Don't torture me," I cried! "Please don't tickle me with a feather! I am so ticklish, I would die!"

Taking the not-so-subtle hint, Kyle and Kelly grabbed feathers from the box. They started to tickle my chest and neck. I giggled and writhed as best I could without pulling the tree over. The feel of the feathers against my skin was getting me really worked up. My nipples were hard and my cock was almost at full attention.

The boys started to tickle lower, down my sides and across my belly. Shit, this really was torture. I never realized how sensitive I was. As the boys got bolder, the feathers came closer to my pubic hair and mound. The twins seemed momentarily fascinated by the growth of hair as they tickled in and around it. Soon, feathers were applied to my groin and thighs. They seemed nervous about approaching the big dick that throbbed in front of them.

Feathers found my balls as I spread my legs a bit. It was ticklish, but very erotic at the same time. As Kyle stayed on my front, Kelly circled the tree, tickling the backs of my thighs and any other areas of exposed skin not up against the tree.

Kyle had finally got up enough nerve to tickle my cock. Slowly, unsure of himself, he tickled the base. As he worked his way up it gingerly, he watched the effects showing clearly on my face. I wasn't sure whether I was going to pass out from laughing, or blast my load across the room from the intense pleasure in my erection.

Kyle soon found my throbbing red head. My foreskin was almost completely pulled back. Pre-cum wet the tip and threatened to drip off the end. Eyeing it, Kyle temporarily stopped feathering me and reached the tip of his finger to my slit.

"Did you pee," he asked?

"No," I answered. "That is semen. When boys get very excited. Semen comes up from their balls into their boners and shoots out the end."

"Why," Kyle asked. Kelly had joined him to look at what his brother was talking about.

"Well," I continued. "Sperm in the semen is what helps a girl to have babies, just like your mother had you two. When a boy puts his penis ...........boner, to use your word........ into a girl's vagina, and moves it back and forth, semen shoots into her. The little sperm meet up with her eggs and a baby is born."

"Yeah, we know. Dad tried to tell us about it once but he got embarrassed," Kyle said.

"But why is it coming out now. There is no girl here," asked Kelly?

"There doesn't have to be a girl. You can make it come out all by yourself. All you have to do is rub your boner long enough and you will feel really good and semen will shoot out - if you are old enough to make it," I added, looking at their hairless bodies. The little bit you see now is called pre-cum. Sometimes it comes out before the rest of my semen ......... or cum ......... shoots out."

"What does it look like when it shoots out," Kyle asked innocently?

"Well, if you keep playing with those feathers and maybe play with my boner a little, you will make it shoot out."

Kyle and Kelly looked at each other. "That would be neat," Kyle said to Kelly, "want to try it."

Kelly nodded his head up and down. A few seconds passed and then the feathers started their work. As they continued to torment me with pleasure, they continued to ask questions. Answering was difficult, but I tried.

"Why does it get so big and hard," Kelly asked?

"It fills up with blood. It gets big so that it can get all the way inside the girl's vagina to where the eggs are. See, you are getting excited, too. Your boners are filling up with blood and getting hard."

Both boys looked at each others erections. Then continued with the feathers. My mind was going numb with the intense feelings moving up and down my dick.

"What does it feel like," Kelly asked?

"What does what feel like," I moaned?

"Your boner. What does it feel like," he continued?

"You can touch it if you want.," I managed to gasp out the words. One of the boys was tickling my head while the other tickled my shaft and balls. I was going rapidly insane with the pleasure, but the stimulation was not quite enough to make me shoot. So I just hung there on the edge enduring the most pleasant torture any boy ever experienced.

I felt, rather than saw, the first light touch of Kyle's fingers. He reached out and circled the head with a finger, smearing my pre-cum as he did so.

"Taste it," I moaned.

I managed to focus my eyes long enough to see him put his finger to his tongue. His face registered neither pleasure nor displeasure as he returned his finger to my throbbing, sticky red head. He circled his fingers around it. Slowly and gently, his fingers slid back and forth over my head. The gentle touch was almost as bad as - or as good as - the feather.

As Kyle slowly massaged my throbbing head, Kelly ran his fingers up and down my shaft. Like his brother, Kelly's touch was very light and would not allow me to fall over the edge into my orgasm.

"Rub it harder," I sobbed to no one in particular.

Kyle was the first to obey. He wrapped his fingers around my shaft and slid my foreskin back and forth over my head. His grip was firmer and I could feel the tightness forming deep in my scrotum as I prepared to shoot my load. Kelly watched as his brother stroked my throbbing cock. He reached a finger to my slit and gathered some of my pre-cum. He tasted it. His face broke into a half smile.

Before I even realized what had happened, Kelly had pushed Kyle's hand off my head and down farther on my shaft. As Kyle stroked my shaft, Kelly placed his lips over my piss slit. His tongue drove me mad as it wandered up and down my slit; gathering pre-cum and tasting it; then sliding back to search for more. The supply exhausted for the moment, Kelly slid his mouth over my cock head and tried to suck out some more of my juices. I didn't know whether to warn him or not. He was going to get more than he realized.

"Ughhhhhh! I'm cumming," I moaned.

My juices were boiling up from my sac; they almost burned as they finally shot up the inside of my shaft; seeking release and an end to this torturous orgasm. Kelly caught the full blast in his young mouth. He sputtered and choked as he pulled off. Kyle stroked my juices out of my throbbing organ. The next blast hit Kelly in the face. He pulled away from me as the third and fourth shots burst into the air and arced to the floor. Kyle continued to rub my cock long after the last of my semen dribbled harmlessly to the ground.

Finally, I could breathe. I freed myself from the ropes. Kyle took this as a sign to let go of my dick. He looked down at his hand and fingers, sticky with my cum. Meanwhile, Kelly had recovered from his surprise gift. He seemed to have swallowed much of it and was now wiping his face clean with his fingers. Each time he gathered more cum, his fingers would be shoved into his mouth to be sucked clean. I noticed Kyle was also having a taste of my sperm.

I managed to stagger to the mats and fall onto my back. My two naked Indian boys followed, still dressed in their feathers and leather straps. They lay on their sides beside me, both facing my reclining, recovering body.

"That was neat," Kyle was the first to speak. "Do you think we can shoot like that? I've rubbed on my penis until I got a boner, but always quit because it felt weird."

"Me too," chimed in Kelly. "I want to shoot like that."

Far be it from me to deny these two golden brown beauties the opportunity for what could be their first orgasms. My mind was working overtime as an idea formed that I just had to act on.

"You know there are better ways to make your penises shoot cum," I said. "Do you want me to show you?"

They both nodded their heads in affirmation.

"O.K., I will show you each what to do and then you can do it to each other," I said.

Which one should go first. Well, it was Kelly who accidentally swallowed part of my load. Maybe he should go first. I rolled and raised up until I was over top of Kelly. I told him to move farther onto the mat. When I was over his five inch erection, I stopped him. Deciding to delay the process, I crawled up his body and began to lick and kiss his neck and shoulders. My mouth smeared the yellow paint as I worked. I bathed him in my saliva until I was at his nipples. Each one, in turn, was sucked and licked and nibbled until it was a tiny little bullet.

I licked down over Kelly's chest and to his belly button. I cleaned out the small puckered navel. My tongue teased his smooth brown flesh as I licked across the base of his stomach and onto the raised mound above his beautiful dick. It was pointing right at me, the small round purple head half emerged from its cocoon. I brushed the end with my tongue and it jerked in reaction. My mouth closed over top of his head as I sucked his foreskin up over it. With my mouth covering his head from its raised edge to his tip, I pushed my tongue in under his loose foreskin. I found I could slip my tongue all the way round his head, inside his foreskin.

This must have felt pretty good as Kelly moaned several times as I licked his tender head. I played with his head for a couple of minutes, them released it. I licked down his five inch erection until I was at its hairless base. I allowed my tongue to wander to his tight sac and fondled the two small eggs between my lips. Playing with them, I sucked them in and out of my mouth; first one at a time; then both of them together. Kelly was moaning and raising his hips in a slow hypnotic motion. His young cock throbbed into the air, trying to fuck something that wasn't there.

Not wanting to make Kelly suffer as I had with the feathers, I returned to his purple head. There was no indication of any pre-cum and I wondered if he was able to produce any sperm yet. Maybe the same gland that had delayed his growth physically had also slowed down puberty. His hairless body might be an indication that sexually he was younger than his thirteen years.

Taking Kelly's stiff shaft in hand, I pressed my lips together. I pushed my mouth against his head. Allowing my lips to part slightly created a tight opening for him to slide in and out of. Slowly, his purple head squeezed between my clenched lips. Keeping my lips almost together, I slid all the way down his shaft. His body shivered and shook as I slid tightly down to his mound. I set up a steady up and down motion, timing myself to the slow pumping of Kelly's hips. I wondered if Kyle was watching. I was sure he would be and probably stroking his own five inches as he watched.

Pumping up and down on Kelly's shaft and head was sending small shocks through the boy's body. I could tell when they hit as he was unable to keep up the momentum of his hips as they pumped his cock into my mouth. Each time he would recover, only to lose his rhythm a minute or two later. His moans and cries of ecstasy filled the store room, echoing all around. I could feel him coming closer every second. I fondled his two small testicles in their tight brown sac. They were almost up inside his body. I felt the first spasm as he started to cum. His hips stopped pumping and he just lay there and twitched. His five inch boner throbbed madly between my lips. I felt the rising orgasm driving his seed up his shaft and towards my mouth. Kelly was gasping and had tangled his fingers in my hair. He hung on as the ride got even wilder. As his first shot hit my mouth, I tasted the thin watery seed that told me he was not quite through puberty yet. It was not thick and creamy as mine was, but still had that wonderful sweet boy taste that I had come to love.

His body jerked and bounced as four or five more small loads of his sweetness shot into my mouth. I was able to swallow it easily. I continued to suck him as the last spasms left him limp and satisfied. Beads of sweat had formed on his body. His breath slowed from a ragged gasp to deep, long breaths. I released him from my mouth. Not quite soft yet. I held his shaft in my fingers and peeled back his foreskin, exposing the entire head. A last drop of his juice formed at his slit. I licked it with my tongue. I lowered his spent little tool onto his belly and let his rest.

"Your turn," I said, turning to Kyle. He grinned at me as he lay down on his back. His hard little boner bobbing and throbbing for attention.

When I did not approach him, he looked puzzled.

"I'm not doing it, if that's what your thinking. Your brother is going to take care of that big thing between your legs," I teased.

I looked over at Kelly and saw that he was already up on his knees advancing towards his brother. He didn't look like he was going to need any encouragement to take his brother's boy meat into his mouth. As he was about ready to climb over Kyle in the same position I had been in, I stopped him.

"No, I want you to do it differently. And while you work on his weenie, I will work on a few other places," I said as I grabbed Kelly by the waist and picked him up.

Standing up on the mat, I turned him around. I deposited him gently onto Kyle's chest; his face over Kyle's erection; his cock and butt nearly in Kyle's face. By the time I knelt down on the mat again, Kelly was already licking his brother's purple head.

I moved over Kyle's face and gave him a tender kiss on the mouth. The side of my face was resting against Kelly's smooth bum. As I pulled away, he smiled at me. I wasn't sure whether he smiled at my kiss or the feeling of his brother kissing and sucking his dick. So, I kissed him again. Slowly, I parted his lips and entered his mouth. It took a few seconds for him to respond, but when he did, it surprised me. He threw one arm around my neck and pulled my face hard into his. Finally, unable to breathe, I broke free of his grip.

Moving onto my hands and knees behind Kyle's head, I eyed Kelly's wide spread cheeks and the exposed puckered holed between them. While Kelly pleased Kyle, I would show Kyle how to please his brother. I leaned my face forward and kissed Kelly's soft cheeks. I found the crack between them and licked up and down it, being careful not to smother Kyle in the process. After a few licks, I brought my tongue to rest on Kelly's tight anus. I licked around it, wetting it throughly. I pushed my tongue against the moist hole and moved it in a small circle as I gently pushed forward.

My tongue was greeted by a tight resistance that slowly relaxed. I pushed in farther and farther until my lips rested around his anus. I slowly drew back then pumped him with my slick, wet tongue. I felt a light push from Kelly's body. He could not push back too far without releasing his hold on Kyle's cock. He seemed to be enjoying himself judging by the noises I could hear coming from that direction.

I continued to slide in and out of Kelly's tight ass. I reached a hand under his hips and slid it past his tight sac to his dick. Kelly was already getting hard again. It was time to help Kelly out by speeding up Kyle's orgasm.

As I released my tongue from Kelly's tender tight hole, I bent down and kissed Kyle. I went to the other end of the mat where I could see Kelly bobbing up and down on his brother's wet erection. Getting down between Kyle's legs, I grabbed his ankles and pushed them forward. This raised his knees, exposing his crack between his legs. I would not be able to get my mouth in there without disturbing Kelly's rhythm. But, I would try for a finger.

I pushed in as close as I could get to Kelly's head. I pushed Kyle's knees apart. I could just see the little puckered hole peeking up at me. I reached my hand between his cheeks and, as I slid my hand up his crack, was able to push my thumb against Kyle's anus. As my thumb rested against Kyle's tight ring, I started to push it inside. Slowly and deliberately, I pushed my way in. At first his body tried to resist, but the constant pressure of my thumb against the opening eventually overcame his small muscles.

My thumb slipped up inside of him. Slowly, I penetrated his tightness until I could go no further. I started to rock my hand back and forth gently. This caused my thumb to slide in and out of his tight ass in a slow, steady motion. By flexing my thumb, I was able to massage his prostate.

Kyle's body was giving every indication that it was about to explode. My finger in his butt and the work his brother was doing on his hard on was more than a young boy could take - for very long, anyway. I watched in awe as Kelly worked over his organ. He sucked it and slid up and down its full length, pausing occasionally to tease the swollen purple head. I enjoyed watching Kelly work as much as I had enjoyed working on his boyhood - well almost.

Kyle started to buck and heave, trying to force himself into his brother's face. His anus tightened so much on my thumb that I thought I'd never get it out again. Kyle's little body shook as he lost control of all his muscles. I could see that Kelly had reduced the length of his strokes, working on the upper half of Kyle's pumping erection. Kelly was milking Kyle's seed from his hard boner; not losing a single drop. He continued to pump up and down on his brother until Kyle collapsed in a heap on the mat, no longer able to move. I watched as Kelly released Kyle from his mouth; peeled back Kyle's foreskin and lapped the last drops of his thin boy juice into his eager mouth. I slid my thumb from Kyle's anus and sat up on the mats.

Kelly rolled off Kyle and lay beside him. I could see that Kelly had a stiff erection once again.

"Another one to take care of," I laughed as I reached over and grabbed Kelly's dick in my hand and worked it like a stick shift.

"Did you like the feel of my tongue in your bum," I asked Kelly?

"Yeah, it was neat. But it made it hard to concentrate on what I was doing to Kyle." Kelly's face turned a deep red brown as he realized he was talking about sucking his brother's cock.

"Did you like it when I had my thumb up your bum," I asked, nodding towards Kyle?

"Yeah. It hurt a little at first, but then it was like ........ really intense. I couldn't tell whether I was shooting from my boner or what. The feeling just seemed to go........ all over me."

"Well, how would you like to have Kelly's boner up inside your bum," I continued?

"I don't know. Would it hurt," Kyle answered and asked?

"Maybe a little at first, but you would soon start to enjoy it and Kelly would REALLY enjoy it. And maybe later Kelly will let you do it to him."

"O.K. I guess so," Kyle answered.

I could just hear the start of the sound check on the stage above us. We had about an hour left before I gave Kyle and Kelly their passes. Just enough time. I got off of the mats. I slid Kyle over to the edge so that his bum rested just at the edge. I stood Kelly beside his butt. Too low, I needed another mat. I motioned Kyle off the mats and dragged one more on top of the pile. I pushed Kyle back down onto the mat. His anus was just the right height so that Kelly could stand and enter him.

"I need to get everybody nice and slippery," I said.

I knelt on the floor next to Kyle's butt. I pushed his legs forward and exposed his upturned crack and brown bud. I pushed my face into it and gave him a rather fast and rough tongue bath. Kelly stood beside me watching my every move. I pushed my tongue inside of Kyle and wet him thoroughly. Removing my tongue and taking my middle finger and wetting it in my mouth; I placed it against his anus. I pushed it in gently and firmly. Working it back and forth, I gradually relaxed Kyle until I was sliding in and out easily. Kyle was already moaning a bit and pushing down to meet my thrusting finger.

Kyle was ready. Now for Kelly. I got down on my hands and knees and took his hard erection into my mouth. Sliding my mouth back and forth, I wet him completely; my mouth sliding his foreskin up and down, bathing him in my saliva. Kelly was really ready. I got up and positioned him between Kyle's legs. He stepped forward, placing his head against Kyle's puckered wet anus.

"O.K., go slow. Just put a little pressure on Kyle's hole and don't relax it.," I instructed. "Kyle, you push down like your taking a dump - without actually taking one."

I watched as Kelly leaned his dick head against his brother's brown ring. The weight of his body was behind it as he leaned slightly forward. Sure that everything was going to go well, I sat on the mat next to Kyle's bum. As I watched Kelly slip slowly inside, I took Kyle's limp cock in my hand and started to massage it.

Kelly was half way in and still pushing. Kyle was responding to my attention to his dick and was starting to harden. With a gasp from both Kyle and Kelly, Kelly slid completely inside. He rested there for a moment, then started to take short strokes. Gradually they became longer as he got used to being inside his brother's tight ass. Kyle's legs were along either side of Kelly's chest. Kelly gripped them firmly as he stroked back and forth. From the look in his eye's, Kelly was in a different world - one where there was no pain, only true pleasure of mind and body.

All this action was having its effect on me. My own cock was hard, and I started to stroke it in time with my motion on Kyle's dick. I could not concentrate on all that was going on. I changed positions, laying on my side on the mat. My head was next to Kyle's bum as I leaned on one elbow. I resumed my stroking on his rock hard cock and watched Kelly pump. My own cock would have to wait.

Kelly continued to pump his brother. His stroking gradually became faster and a little erratic as a few preliminary spasms shook his body. Kyle was breathing hard as I worked my fingers up and down his stiff boy dick. I could see Kyle reaching the brink of his orgasm. He held tightly to Kyle's legs; his knees like rubber as the powerful forces overtook his little body. I watched the beautiful sight unfolding in front of me. Two identical brother's, each about to experience an orgasm for only the second time in their lives.

Kelly was the first to arrive. His knees almost buckled as he pumped his boy juice into his brother's tight ass. He pumped frantically, trying to release his young body form the tension that held it. As wave after wave of pleasure swept from his young cock and flooded his body with a thousand new feelings, he held on for dear life.

The frantic movements in his tight hole pushed Kyle to the point of no return. I forced my head in over his throbbing erection and found it with my mouth, almost pushing Kelly over in my eagerness. I took the first shot of Kyle's beautiful cum into my mouth and savored the heat and the sweet taste. Five or six more boy-sized loads shot into my mouth. Kyle gasped and panted as his tight anus gripped Kelly's hard dick buried deep inside of his. I licked the last of Kyle's seed from his purple head as I felt his legs push against me. Kyle had collapsed forward, almost pinning me in place.

Freeing myself, I got off the mat and helped Kelly to lie down beside his brother. I lay beside them, watching the rise and fall of their young chests as they recovered. My cock was still hard as a rock and needed attention badly, but time was running out. Although the passes were probably the farthest things from Kyle and Kelly's minds at this moment - I wanted them to have them. This night was already memorable and I hoped it would be even more so.

The twins started to stir and I heard them whispering to each other. Without warning, they attacked. Kyle landed on my chest, his head facing my dick and his ass near my face. Kelly sprang in between my legs, forcing them apart with a mighty effort. I wasn't sure what they had in mind but I was eager to find out.

I felt four small hands on my cock and balls as the boys scrambled into position. Kyle licked my swollen red head as Kelly tongued my balls through their thin sac.

Kyle moved his mouth over top of my head and started to swallow my dick. Kelly moved up and licked the under side of my shaft, as his fingers squeezed and massaged my balls. The pleasure was intense. It was even better because I couldn't see what they were doing. The only view I had was of Kyle's spread cheeks and recently fucked anus.

Kyle managed to take about four inches into his mouth before he started to gag a little. Satisfied that this was all he could handle, he proceeded to slide his mouth up and down over my head and upper shaft. Kelly continued to lick and suck down to the base. As I lay there, I watched as a little bit of Kelly's boy cum escaped form Kyle's anus. What the heck. I leaned my head forward and licked him cleaning. I tongued his tiny brown bud, hoping for more, and occasionally being rewarded for my efforts.

The twins worked feverishly to get me off. And it was certainly working - what with the partial hand job I had already given myself - I was almost ready to shoot again. Kyle was enjoying sucking on me and the taste of my pre-cum. Kelly alternated between my balls and my shaft. When he wasn't licking my balls, he was massaging them in his small fingers.

"Oh shit, you better get ready. I'm ready to blow," I moaned as loudly as I could manage. Kyle must have heard me and decided not to risk getting blasted in the mouth again. He pulled his mouth off of my head. He wrapped both hands around my shaft and started to pump up and down rapidly. Kelly watched and waited, still squeezing my nuts. Kyle's hands slid back and forth on my wet dick. His fingers pulled my foreskin back and forth over my head, causing me to pray for immediate release as the tension built inside of me.

As Kyle's magic fingers stroked me and Kelly's squeezed my testicles, I felt the first surge of sperm rising from my sac. Kyle and Kelly seemed in awe as they watched the first load shoot up and splash onto my chest. Load after load emerged to follow, creating a trail of cum down my smooth chest and onto my belly. Kyle put his mouth back over my swollen head, taking the last few shots into his sweet mouth. He sucked until I had nothing left to give. As Kyle sucked me, Kelly moved up to my chest and started to lick my cum. As his mouth became sticky and cum oozed from his lips, he gave me a huge grin. Once my dick was sucked dry, Kyle joined Kelly in the final clean up. Together, they removed every last sperm from my body - inside and out.

I couldn't help myself. I grabbed both boys and pulled them to my body in a big hug. We remained like that for some time, until I heard the noises of the audience as they cheered for the band to come on stage. I would have been happy to spend the rest of the night with these golden brown boys hugged close to me.

"Do you live here," Kyle asked?

"No, I travel with the show. I wish I did live here and could stay with you guys."

"I would like that," Kelly added.

"I love you," Kyle finished.

We hugged some more. I reminded them about the passes and that they had a show to see. I helped them dress then put my pants on. I hung a pass around Kelly's neck and one around Kyle's. I walked upstairs with them to the side of the stage. For the first time on the tour, I felt like watching the show, rather than sleeping. As the band prepared for their entrance, I pulled three chairs to the side of the curtain. I sat on one and Kyle and Kelly sat on the other two. Both boys pulled in close to me and we held each other for the entire show.

I was very sad when it ended. I introduced the boys to the band members and then headed off to pack up the equipment. I never saw Kyle and Kelly again, but I would miss them for a long time. I wished I could have stayed and somehow made their lives better. But I had a job to do and had to move on.

The end of The Roadie - Part Two. Hope you liked it. Stay tuned for Parts Three and Four. Comments appreciated.

Next: Chapter 3

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