The Roadie

By Limo Man

Published on Apr 18, 2000


Usual Warnings

Contains depictions of sex between teenagers.

  • Under 18, leave now.

  • Material of this nature is illegal where you live - leave now.

  • Material such as this might offend you - leave now.

This is a true story. I was the roadie and I was sixteen years old when this took place. I have omitted the name of the band, but you would know them instantly if I were to name them.

The Roadie - Part One - Ryan

On April 8, 1963, I turned 16. It was a turning point in my life. I went to school as usual. Heading straight for the principals office; I dumped my pile of textbooks on his desk; and told him where he could put them. I was a free man. School was no longer part of my life.

I should explain. For several years, I had been a true free spirit. As my parents would say, I was totally out of control. In reality, I was only out of their control. I had two interests in life and devoted all my time to them.

The first was money. For a young teen, I had an amazing string of part time jobs that brought in more cash than any other kid my age had ever seen before. Most of these jobs were acquired because they would put me in a position to pursue my other interest - sex. This was the true driving force in my life.

I generally drove my parents nuts. I came and went as I pleased. Most weekends, I would leave the house on Friday afternoon and not return until Sunday night.

And my parents were powerless to stop me. Until my sixteenth birthday, they were legally responsible for me. They tried many times to "straighten me out" as dad called it. They even went to court to have me declared "at risk". But, as I always kept my nose clean and had never broken the law, the judge told them to go home.

I found myself needing a full time job as I was going to move out as quickly as possible. My parents made no efforts to stop me. I was sure they would glad to see me go. One of my part time jobs was working for a local radio station. I was a pretty good photographer and I took publicity photos for the station. This job put me into contact with all the D.J.'s who relied on these photos as part of their job portfolio when they were hunting for a higher paying job.

The job also got me into every concert that came to our large city - and got me backstage to meet the biggest rock stars of the era. As a confirmed bi-sexual, it also brought me into contact with crowds of teenage boys and girls who would do anything to get back stage. This was a dream job and I took full advantage of it. At sixteen, I partied with the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and every major group or rock star from the sixties.

In my hunt for full time work, I talked to the D.J.'s. One of them said he had some friends who might be able to use me. Now, at sixteen, I was six foot and carried 205 lbs. of lean, hard muscle on my body. The only part of school that ever held my interest was sports and I played them all. I also did a lot of weightt lifting. I was good looking and knew it. A conceited little bastard - well, not so little.

It wasn't long before my D.J. friend told me that a band he had worked with was going on tour and could use me as a roadie. He knew that mentally and physically, I could handle it, or he never would have recommended me. On a day in early June, I found myself in my dad's car on the way to the airport in Seattle. I had a ticket to L.A. where I would attend tour rehearsals and learn my job.

Landing in L.A., I was met by a guy named Eddie. He would be my partner on the road. Eddie drove one of the tractor trailers and I would be the slave which is what the unskilled roadies were called. It was evening, and rehearsals started in the morning. Eddie asked me where I was staying. I had not given it any thought. I could get a hotel. I had cash in my pocket.

No need as Eddie invited me to stay at his apartment. It turned out Eddie was gay. As soon as we were at his apartment, he hit on me. Now, Eddie was over forty and looked like he had led a hard life. I politely refused his efforts to get me into bed and slept on the couch. The next morning, we went to rehearsals.

I will not name the band, but if I did, you would know them instantly. It was a thrill to work with them and get to know them. We spent a week setting up equipment before the band rehearsed; tearing it down again; and packing it into the trailers. Unlike today's massive stage shows, we had two separate road crews. Each crew had two tractor trailers and a van. Each truck had a driver and a slave. The six guys who rode in the van were the "skilled roadies". They did the sound and the lights.

By the time we were ready to tour, I knew my job well and had proved to everyone that I was as strong as a bull and not afraid of any task. The tour consisted of 50 cities in 60 nights. Our crew would handle 25, and the other crew would handle 25. We would leap frog across the country. While one crew was setting up in a city, the other crew would be moving to the next one. The band traveled by plane or bus, depending on how far apart the cities were. The plan was to work our way across the country and finish in Seattle in late August.

Before I knew it, we were on the road. Our first day out on the road, Eddie taught me to drive the big rig. It was a thrill for me, even if I had lied when Eddie asked me if I had a drivers licence. I soon became skilled at handling the eighteen wheeler. This allowed Eddie and I to rotate so that one could sleep in the bunk behind us, while the other drove.

I found out that being a roadie had its perks. The most important was the backstage pass. At every concert we did, I was given a backstage pass. Eddie told me what it was for. Most roadies traded it for sex. It was like gold. On our first stop, we were set up and ready to go with at least four hours to kill before the band arrived. It was our job to get everything in place early so the skilled roadies had time to get the sound and lights wired and tested.

When we were done setting up, Eddie took me "fishing". The backstage pass was our "bait". We went to the rear exit of the arena; talked to the guard at the door for a few minutes; then went outside. There were approximately a hundred teenage girls outside, all waiting for a chance to meet the band. Eddie explained that most of these girls were experienced. They knew that to get backstage, they would have to "earn" their pass. This meant sex with the roadie who gave them the pass - either in the bunk of the truck, or somewhere in the arena. Eddie suggested that it was a good idea to check out the back stage areas at every arena or concert hall. There were usually lots of unused dressing rooms or other secluded places to take the "fish" once you "landed it". I couldn't always count on the truck bunk being available as he might be using it. >From then on, I always took his advice.

Mixed among the waiting girls were a few boys. These were the ones that interested Eddie. He explained to me some of the techniques he used for picking them up. Unaware that I was bisexual, he told me they would work on the girls, too. Eddie was disappointed. Most of the boys were with their girlfriends or in groups. He told me you had to pick out the ones that were by themselves. Not finding any, he went back inside, flipping me his pass as he went. I would also learn that Eddie rarely went "fishing". He was usually more interested in the other roadie perk - drugs. They were plentiful on the road and he usually spent much of his time high. This was good for me as I usually could talk him out of his backstage pass and would have two to "fish" with. Fortunately, I stuck to marijuana and left the harder stuff alone.

I was starting to get excited. Having my pass and Eddie's to work with, I was ready for a good time. Most of the girls were giving me the once over. They looked at me like they wouldn't mind sleeping with me, even if I didn't have "the pass" they wanted. It didn't hurt that I wore a tight T-shirt, the sleeves of which were rolled up onto my shoulders, giving them a good view of my muscular body. My blue jeans were just tight enough to show off the seven and a half inch cock between my legs.

I stood there, leaning against the wall, eyeing the girls as they eyed me. I had almost decided on one, when I saw him. Way off to one side of the group stood a boy. He was five foot five and slim. He wore a T-shirt with the bands' name on it. His hands were deep in his jeans pockets. And, he was alone. Tough luck, Eddie. This boy was mine.

I strolled past the girls. They eyed me in the hope that I might pick one of them. When they saw me heading for the boy, they turned away. I heard someone mutter the word "fag". Not me lady.

I walked up to the boy and stood in front of him. He looked up at me.

"Hi, my name's Dave. What's yours?"

"Ryan," he replied.

He looked down at his feet as they shuffled around in the gravel. Ryan was cute but also very shy.

"Going to the concert," I asked?

"No, don't have a ticket," he answered.

"That's too bad. Do you want to come in and have a look around?"

His face lit up, even though he could still not look away from his feet.

"Yeah, sure, could I?"

"Sure Ryan. I work for the band. I can get you in. But remember one thing Ryan, nothing in life is free. You have to earn it." It was Eddie's line but I borrowed it.

Ryan followed me to the door, past a hundred pairs of jealous eyes. We entered. I nodded to the guard. He did not try to stop me. Just winked at me as we went by. I gave Ryan the grand tour. I even let him hold some of the instruments and bang on the drums. He was in total awe. He looked out over the huge arena in amazement.

After the tour, I invited Ryan back to the truck for a "smoke". In this particular arena, the trucks were inside in a loading bay. I prayed that Eddie would not be there. As we arrived at the truck, luck was on my side. Eddie was nowhere in sight. I opened the door. Ryan stared inside, wide-eyed.

"I have never been inside a big truck before," he exclaimed excitedly.

I grabbed his slim waist. With a little help from me, he lifted himself into the seat, looking at all of the instruments.

"Climb into the bunk and make room for me."

Ryan hesitated a minute, then slid over the seat into the bunk. I climbed in with him. The space was cramped, especially for a six footer like me. As Ryan watched, I took off my boots and dropped them onto the truck seat. I wore no socks - laundry was a drag on the road. The less you wore, the less you had to wash. I also took off my T-shirt as it was warm in the bunk.

"It's hot, man," I suggested. "Why don't you take off your shirt."

Ryan looked like a scared rabbit. I could see that he was having second thoughts about being in such a confined space with a half-naked teen.

"It's O.K., Ryan. I don't bite."

He hesitated then grabbed the bottom hem of his T-shirt. Slowly, he slipped it over his head and off his arms. He threw it onto the seat with my boots. Ryan was beautiful. His skin was like ivory; his tan ending at the base of his neck. Obviously, he never took his shirt off outdoors. He had small brown nipples and a firm, flat tummy. There was no hint of hair on his upper body except for a faint line from his navel to the top of his jeans.

I reached behind me and into my bunk locker. I pulled out a small bag and rolled us a joint.

"I don't smoke," Ryan stammered.

"Oh, this is aint no cigarette. It is much better. It will help to relax you. You've got to try it, man."

Ryan looked scared, again. I lit the joint and took in a long slow drag. I held it deep inside me until I had to breathe. I showed Ryan how to do it. His first couple of tries ended in fits of coughing. Soon, he got the hang of it. He took a half dozen good hits. He was really starting to mellow out and relax. He was evening giggling a bit. As I took another long hit, Ryan reached for the joint.

"No, little man, I think you've had enough. Don't want to make you sick," I told him.

I extinguished the joint between my wet thumb and forefinger and replaced it into the bag and back into my locker. I reached into my pocket and pulled out "the pass". I played with it in my hands.

"What's that," Ryan asked?

"This," I said, holding it up. "This is a backstage pass. It was a small card encased in plastic, hanging from a heavy yellow string."

"What's a backstage pass," he asked.

"This get's you backstage when the concert is on. The owner of this pass can stand at either side of the stage and watch the show. You can't get any closer than that."

His glazed eyes started to shine brightly. I had his interest.

"AND," I added. "This gets its owner into the party."

"What party," he asked excitedly. He was sitting up, like a dog begging for a treat.

"THE PARTY. After every show, the band has a little party backstage to get to meet a few of their fans."

Ryan's eyes were about to jump out of their sockets. Suddenly, his shoulders sagged and he looked down at his crotch.

"What did you mean outside when you said nothing is free, you have to earn it." His voice was barely audible.

I leaned forward and placed the string over his head and let it drop. The plastic pass fell down onto his naked chest, startling him. I didn't know what he knew about the facts of life.

"Well, just that, Ryan. I can't just give you the pass. You have to earn it. You see, I could have had any one of those girls outside. They would have come in here and done whatever I asked just to get that pass. It happens all the time."

I could see he was thinking about every word I said, so I continued.

"But, I picked you Ryan. Do you know why?"

He shook his head from side to side.

"Because you are really cute, Ryan. And, I like cute boys just as much as I like cute girls. And I know I can have just as good a time with you - maybe even better - than I could have with any of those girls out there."

His head was still down. He was deep in thought.

"What do I have to do," he asked. His voice seemed a little stronger. His courage was building, most likely bolstered by the weed he had smoked.

"You don't have to do a whole lot. We can take off our clothes and play with each other a bit. I will make you feel better than you have ever felt before. Then you can go watch the concert."

He thought some more.

"You mean naked? Here? What if someone sees us," he questioned?

"There's no one back here," I said. "And there won't be until the concert is over and we pack up."

"And then I can have the pass," he asked?

"Yes, Ryan. Once you earn it. But I want you to be sure. You are free to get up right now and walk away. I still have time to go out and get one of the girls if you say no. But if you stay.....if you stay....... I promise that I will not hurt you in any way and that you will enjoy yourself more than you ever have before in your life."

Slowly, Ryan nodded his head up and down.

"Yeah, I want that pass, even if I have to earn it." His voice was still a little shaky but he didn't sound scared any more.

I would have to be slow and gentle with Ryan. I suspected he was a virgin and had never had sex with anyone - boy or girl.

"How do I start," he asked?

"Undo the button on your jeans, pull your zipper down, then roll over on your tummy," I instructed.

Ryan did as I asked. He undid the button. Pulling down the zipper, he revealed his white briefs. I decided I was going to keep my pants on as long as possible. I didn't want to scare Ryan. He rolled onto his tummy, stretched out full length in the bunk. He lay his head on his folded arms. His back looked pale and smooth. I could see the movement of his body as he breathed deeply. His back begged me to caress it.

I moved over him. Resting on my knees, I straddled his legs just below his bum. I reached my fingers to his brown neck and stroked it gently. My first touch sent a shudder through Ryan's body. I stroked his slender neck and his shoulders. My rough fingers, moving as lightly as possible. Goose bumps appeared on Ryan's bare arms. My fingers wandered all over Ryan's back. They played between his shoulder blades. They stroked his pale sides, causing him to squirm.

Wanting to relax him, I placed my hands flat on the small of his back. Using firm pressure in my fingers and palms, I massaged his skin deeply. As he started to relax, he let out a deep sigh. I massaged all of his back, his neck and his upper arms. Ryan had a very small amount of hair under each arm and I played with it, trying not to tickle him.

My firm hands pressed their way, sliding down to the small of his back and along the top of his pants. His rolling over had lowered his pants a few inches. The elastic and an inch or two of his briefs were visible. Lifting off of his legs, I knelt at his side. I took my left hand and massaged his back along the white waist band. Slowly my fingers worked under it as I pressed back and forth over Ryan's smooth skin.

Ryan stirred uneasily as my fingers slipped farther and father into his briefs. I could feel the top of his crack as his body tensed, then relaxed again. I slid in farther, massaging and squeezing each cheek. I purposely avoided his crack. There would be plenty of time for that. I removed my hand from inside his briefs.

"Let's get these off, Ryan," as I patted the back of his jeans.

He said nothing. His hips rose in the air as I slid his jeans to his knees. As he lay back down, I wiggled then to his ankles and over his feet. His jeans joined his shirt on the seat. Pulling his jeans down had also pulled his briefs part way down his bum. I looked at the top of his soft round cheeks and the beginning of his crack.

Leaving his cute ass for later, I massaged his thighs and legs until I reached his feet. I kissed the soles as I rubbed his ankles.

"Time to roll over, Ryan," I instructed.

Ryan rolled over onto his back. His briefs were know resting in his thin pubic hair at the base of his dick.

"Nice boner, Ryan," I whispered.

He giggled and covered his eyes with one arm. I straddled him once again. This time, the crotch of my jeans pressed against the jutting erection in his briefs. As I had done on his back, I gave Ryan the best massage of his life - and probably his first. My fingers and hands worked their magic. Ryan was sighing frequently. As my hands finished up, massaging his mound and his pubic hair, I saw that Ryan's dick was hard against his briefs and fully erect. A small wet spot showed where it pushed against the white material.

I decided not to bother with Ryan's legs. He was ready for the main course. I bent down to Ryan's chest. My crotch pushed against Ryan's erection. I licked his nipples until they popped out, firm and eager. I sucked them and licked them. As I worked, Ryan's eyes followed my every movement. What ever fear he'd had was gone. Replaced by the curiosity in his brain and the strange new feelings I was bringing to his young body.

My teeth nipped at Ryan's nipples. My mouth began a slow descent to his belly button. All the time, my crotch pressed against his erection. The movements of my body teasing and rubbing it. I bathed Ryan's outie, sucking the tiny knot of flesh into my mouth. My tongue found the faint trail of hair that traveled from his navel to his pubes. I tried to lick them right off his body. Ryan was breathing hard in anticipation. I am sure he had guessed what I was going to do to him. I only hoped that he was as eager for it to happen as I was.

At about his time, my tight jeans became too tight for my swollen dick. As I stripped them off, I saw the clock on the dash. We had been here less than an hour. Three glorious hours left. My pants dropped to the seat and I returned my attentions to Ryan's panting body.

For a minute or two, I tongued Ryan's pubic hair. I wanted Ryan to be comfortable with my mouth so close to his boyhood. I wanted this to be a good experience for him. I valued my own sexuality and wanted to get Ryan off to a good start - not scare him away from sex.

Rather than remove Ryan's briefs right away, I licked his erection through them. Ryan's body jerked as he felt the first gentle touch of my mouth on his erection. After the initial shock, his body returned to its steady breathing. I smiled at Ryan as he continued to watch me. His cock was about five inches long and curved upwards in an arc. I licked Ryan's dick, thoroughly wetting the front of his briefs. I could taste the sweet cum that had spotted the front of his briefs. Still working through the cloth, I started to suck on his head. I heard Ryan whispering. I looked at his face.

"Take them off .......please," his voice was so faint, I almost had to read his lips.

I nodded. I leaned my head forward. Grabbing the waist band with my teeth, I raised it from his body. I slid his briefs over his dick until his woody popped into view. It was a beauty. I continued pulling his briefs until they were held back by the cheeks of his ass. Ryan raised up and I slid them to his knees. Ryan kicked them the rest of the way off.

His cock was gorgeous. It was so full of blood that it was a deep shade of red from head to base. I had never seen a boy whose shaft and head were the same color. He was circumcised. His erection had pulled the skin on his shaft so tight that it couldn't possibly stretch any farther. And that curve. His dick sprang from the light coating of hair at it's base. It curved up in a wide arc, the head caressing his lower belly. I had seen curved cocks before, but not like this.

"Kiss it," I heard Ryan say. His voice carried an urgency. A need to get on with it so he could experience his climax.

I didn't disappoint him. I licked the under side of his shaft as it lay directly in front of me. Ryan moaned and his dick jerked. It was a nice thick one and was going to feel great in my mouth. I licked his shaft a few more times. Placing finger and thumb around the base of his cock, I lifted it away from his belly. I could not resist licking the spot where his dick had left its pre-cum on his belly. Licking this spot sent shivers through Ryan's body. I kissed the end of his dick, tasting his sweet pre-cum, again.

Ryan's young cock was throbbing between my fingers. I licked his bright red head. My tongue played along the raised edged that jutted out past the shaft. I nipped at the edge with my teeth. Ryan squirmed under me.

I could not tease the boy any longer. I slid my mouth over his head, covering it with my lips and tongue. I sucked eagerly sending spasms through Ryan's fragile body. I slid my mouth down his shaft, feeling it in the opening of my throat. I tried to swallow him, the action of my throat muscles caused Ryan to convulse on the bunk; and caused me to choke.

As I pumped my mouth up and down on his curved shaft, Ryan moaned in pleasure. His hips bucked slightly as he tried to push himself deeper into my throat. I reached my hand down and massaged his firm boy balls nestled in a sac of baby soft skin, pulled up close to his body. I rolled them between my fingers waiting for the first sign of the tightening and throbbing that would precede his orgasm.

Ryan twirled his fingers in my hair as he tried to push me harder onto his dick. The passion flowing through his young teen body would soon become too much for him. His fingers gripped my hair tighter as the first wave of spasms overtook his slender frame causing him to gasp for the breath that had been driven from his lungs. His sweet young seed shot into my mouth with boyish enthusiasm. I drank it in as it washed over my tongue, savoring the sweet salty flavor.

My mouth and throat became slippery and slimy as my mouth filled with more and more of his young hot juices. I stopped moving my head as Ryan pumped his hard cock into my mouth, fucking my face. I am sure he had no idea what he was doing, but instinct is a marvelous thing. Slowly his hips stopped their frantic pumping. I swallowed the last of his seed, sad that it was all gone. As Ryan's boy cock softened, I released it and let it flop out onto his firm young belly. Even soft, it maintained its marvelous curve.

Ryan had the innocent smile of a baby who had just finished suckling at his mother's breast. He looked totally happy and satisfied. But I still had a problem - the seven and a half inches that throbbed in my briefs. I had lots of time left with Ryan and intended to use every minute of it.

As Ryan lay on the bunk, he continued to smile at me as if he still felt the after effects of his frantic orgasm.

"My turn," I said.

I don't think that having to return the favor had ever crossed his mind. He fingered the plastic pass that lay between his brown nipples. I was almost afraid he was going to hand it back to me. After making up his mind, he allowed the pass to fall back onto his chest. He got up and we changed positions, the width of the bunk barely accommodating my six foot height as I stretched out at an angle. Ryan moved over my crotch. His eyes widened as he got his first close up look at the large cock that strained the white cotton as it pushed out towards his face.

Resigning himself to the task at hand. He proceeded to work my underwear over my hips and off of my long body. Of course, I co-operated fully. My throbbing hard on was now exposed and eager for his young mouth. Ryan stared at it, studying the logistics of my big dick in his small mouth. His school math had taught him that seven didn't go into four without a lot left over.

He took me by surprise as his head dipped quickly forward and his tongue brushed across the tip of my dick, still half hidden under my foreskin. I could see by the look on his face that he had picked up my pre-cum and was studying the taste. He licked a couple of times more. Making himself more comfortable, he settled between my legs. His hand reached out and grasped my shaft about three inches from the tip. His fingers held me warmly as they slowly slid the skin off of my large red head. The softness of the touch and the innocent look of wonder on his face sent a shiver of delight throughout my body.

"You're different," Ryan said, more of a statement than a question. As he spoke, he looked at his own soft dick. With his free hand, he tried to move the skin on his circumcised penis up over his brownish pink head. He was able to move the skin a little but his beautiful smooth, head was still as naked as the day he was first cut.

"You're so big," he added as an afterthought.

I almost told him he would be someday, but I stopped. Didn't want to disappoint him in later life in case he didn't grow anymore. His fingers started to slide the skin back and forth. His gentle, soft fingers spread around my shaft; slipping the skin up and down; covering and uncovering my swollen head. This innocent virgin boy was bringing more pleasure to my cock than anyone before him.

When I thought I could take no more of this, he remembered he was supposed to put his mouth on it, too. Pulling my foreskin as far down as it would go, Ryan placed his tongue on my piss slit. He moved it back and forth a few times, then started circling the opening. The circles grew larger as he moved out over and down my head. Ryan's tongue was as gentle as his fingers. I had always prided myself on being able to "outlast" anybody - but Ryan was making quick work of me.

His gentle tongue beneath the base of my head sent shiver after shiver through my body. I was becoming weak with pre-orgasm pleasure. As I just got used to his tongue caressing my sensitive cock head, Ryan engulfed it in his mouth. The sight of my large head slowly slipping between his sweet lips was beautiful beyond belief. I would have given my left nut to have a picture of him sliding onto me.

His mouth was warm and wet and slid smoothly up and down on my head. There was no urgency in his motions. He worked slowly, his lips and tongue brushing the sensitive skin on my cock head as his mouth moved up and down it. My pre-cum was flowing freely. As Ryan stopped occasionally, it was obvious he was tasting each new offering.

Just as I was ready to explode, Ryan's mouth slipped down over my head and started to descend over my shaft. He had settled on an "inch at a time"approach. He worked his mouth to a position about an inch below the edge of my head and set up an incredible up and down motion. His mouth was so soft and his touch so gentle, I was brought to the edge once again. After satisfying himself that he could handle this much of me, he slid down an inch farther. He proceeded to bob up and down on my dick in a steady rhythm. I gritted my teeth, trying to hold back. I wanted to see just how much of me he could take into his beautiful mouth.

My patience was rewarded as he tried another inch. He hesitated a couple of times as if he thought he might gag. But ultimately, he won out over the spasms in his throat and resumed his pumping. He was now taking in three inches plus my head. Probably four and a half inches in total.

His rhythm was slow and steady, never varying in speed or intensity. Damn, it was sure working its magic on my swollen, throbbing boner. Catching me by surprise once more, he tried for another inch. This time he did have to stop once or twice as he gagged then fought to win control. I almost hoped that he had found his comfort zone, because he was sure making me uncomfortable. My cock begged for relief as it bounced and throbbed against his young mouth. I was no longer interested in how far he could go.

"Keep it up, Ryan" I moaned, wanting him to concentrate on the actions of his mouth and forget the challenge of swallowing me whole. Instead, he seemed to think I was goading him on. He pushed farther onto my shaft, not allowing himself to gag more than once or twice, before continuing with his pumping. He was within an inch of swallowing me, his head bent far forward as he tried to fit me into his throat.

I could only lay there and watch as my teenaged orgasm pounded through my body, robbing me of the ability to breathe. The first spurt of my juices let loose at the back of Ryan's throat. This caused him to gag and choke before he slid far enough off my dick to be able to swallow. If I'd had any control over my body at that moment, I would have applauded his efforts. Instead, I lay there like a helpless spastic child, my body totally in control of the most fantastic orgasm I had ever experienced. At least it felt like it at that moment.

I shot wad after wad of cum into Ryan's tender mouth. Most of it he swallowed. Some ran down the shaft of my dick and onto my balls. Some ran from the corners of Ryan's mouth. Had I been able to move, I would have kissed his sticky lips. But I just lay there as my hips, totally out of my control, continued their frantic efforts to feed Ryan my last drop of teen sperm. When I was done, and thought I might be able to draw a breath again, I saw a smile come over Ryan's face. He was still sucking the head of my dick, cleaning my semen from it.

Removing his mouth, he asked, "did I do it right"?

I grabbed Ryan by the ears and pulled him, squealing, up my body until his face was in front of mine. I bent his head towards me, placing my mouth on his soft lips. I kissed him tenderly. There was a look of surprise on his face as he slowly surrendered his young mouth to me; his lips parting to allow my tongue deep inside. When we finally broke apart, Ryan's smile was bigger than the sun.

"Did you do it right? Man, that was so right, I may have to let you do it again," I said. "You were the best." Reluctantly, I let him go.

"I've got to take a leak, man," I said.

"Me, too," he replied.

I reached for my jeans and slid into them. Ryan followed my lead. Not bothering with shirts or boots, I slid from the bunk and helped Ryan down from the truck. We ambled out of the truck bay. Locating the men's room, we walked through the large door. As we entered, I noticed a pair of shoes in one of the stalls. These shoes did not belong to a man. As Ryan watched curiously, I walked to the stall door and opened it. There was a rather rough looking chick sitting on the seat. As she smoked her cigarette, her mouth worked away at a piece of gum. She wore a T-shirt with a bra visible underneath and a knee length skirt. She was reasonably attractive, probably about seventeen.

"C'mon out," I ordered.

"You woik here," she demanded, her accent giving away her New Jersey roots.

"No, I just want to talk to you." I said. In truth, a weird idea had popped into my head as soon as I had seen her shoes underneath the stall door.

"O.K.," she replied, "but you'se ain't going to rat me out, is you?"

"No, not yet, anyway," I wanted to leave her guessing.

"Man," I said to Ryan, "I really got to piss."

I walked over to one of the tall urinals and unzipped. The girl followed. I thought about asking her name, but I really didn't give a shit. I pulled my jeans down far enough to free my dick. In the process, I also uncovered most of my bare butt. Ryan stood back, unsure of what to do. I let loose a long golden stream that splashed into the urinal. The girl watched me, eyeing the length and thickness of my cock.

"Nice tool," she said nonchalantly.

I finished my piss. Not bothering to cover up, I stepped back and motioned Ryan to the urinal. He was nervous but his need to urinate was stronger than his fear of the girl. Ryan unzipped and, baring as little as possible, let go of his stream.

"You ever see a girl pee," I asked Ryan? He shook his head from side to side.

"Go ahead, show him," I said to the girl.

"What the hell," she replied. She walked to one of the urinals. Ryan looked stunned. Spreading her legs on either side of the floor length urinal, she hiked her skirt up to her waist. Ryan was quick to note that she wasn't wearing panties. She bent her knees.

"Get a closer look," I instructed Ryan.

Ryan stood beside her, his pants partly open; his young dick still exposed. He leaned his head in front of her, banging it on the urinal in the process. As he watched, she unleashed a broad stream of urine that landed in the bottom of the urinal, between her feet. As she finished shaking the last few drops of her pussy, she looked at Ryan.

"Get me some paper, hun."

Ryan went into the stall and came back with a large wad of paper. He went to hand it to her.

"Be a sweety and wipe me."

Ryan paused then reached the paper down between her legs. He took a long time drying her snatch, taking in the sights while he worked. Having dried her thoroughly, Ryan dropped the paper into the urinal. The girl pulled her skirt down.

By this time, I was at one of the sinks, my pants at my ankles. I washed my dick and dried it with paper towels. Losing some of his shyness, Ryan joined me. Pants at his ankles, he washed his teen cock. By this time, the girl was beside him, eyeing his dick. I wasn't sure if it was the washing process, or the eyes of the girl on him, but Ryan was getting a hard on again.

Ryan was startled when the girl took him into her hand.

"If you'se guys don't squeal on me, I could take care of dis for ya." She rolled Ryan's swelling dick in her fingers. Ryan got the hint. He turned to face her, his jeans slipping below his knees in the process. He leaned back against the sink counter, pushing his feet forward and spreading his legs. You horny little bastard, I thought. But what the hell, let him have his fun. I would make him pay for it later.

I leaned back against the counter to watch the fun.

"Bout time you felt what a girl's sweet mouth can do for your pretty little pee pee," she said to Ryan as her eyes looked over at me. She seemed to know that I had already sucked Ryan's dick.

The girl released Ryan's cock from her hand. Hiking up her skirt again, she knelt in front of him. Without removing the gum from her mouth, she swallowed Ryan's dick. And I mean swallowed it. It disappeared between her lips in an instant. This girl was experienced. Her mouth moved back and forth on Ryan's hard teen meat, stroking it in long, smooth strokes. Her mouth would almost come off his head, but she never lost her hold on it.

Finding Ryan's balls with her hands, she directed them between her lips and sucked them in beneath his dick. She had a funny way of moving her head that fascinated me and I watched, learning something new. As she slid back off of Ryan's dick, she thrust her jaw forward as she tilted her head back. This accomplished two things. Ryan's sac, was shorter than his cock, and this angle allowed her to keep it in her mouth as she came almost off of his head.

As well, the angle of her head caused Ryan's hard cock head to slide along the roof of her mouth. The hard, rough surface of her palate was making Ryan moan in agony. She was going to make quick work of him.

Ryan started to fuck her mouth as he raced to his climax. Her mouth continued to work back and forth. Ryan moaned and gasped as the combination ball and cock suck brought him to the brink. This was definitely a technique I was going to make good use of.

Suddenly, Ryan's knees started to buckle and he had to grab hold of the counter. He shot his first load into her pumping mouth. If she was aware of it, she didn't let on. She continued to pump, not losing her fantastic rhythm.

Ryan pumped his young semen into her mouth, gasping and panting for breath. He was barely able to stand as his sensitive head slid back and forth at the top of her mouth. Finally, he had no more of his boy seed to give her. He seemed almost relieved as she released his wet balls and softening dick. He'd had about all a young lad could take without losing consciousness. The girl stood up and eyed me. I realized my pants were still at my ankles and my boner was partly erect.

"Not today," I said as I pulled up my jeans. "I've got other fish to fry."

Looking back at Ryan she said, "I bet you do."

As Ryan and I started to leave the room, I flipped her Eddie's back stage pass. I was out the door before she could say anything. Ryan and I returned to the truck. Naked and comfortable in the bunk, I looked at Ryan's red dick. It looked raw after it's workout in Miss New Jersey's hard mouth.

"Guess, you won't be playing with that for a while," I joked.

Ryan blushed.

"Do you want me to suck you again," Ryan asked? He couldn't look me in the eye as he spoke. I took his chin in my hand and looked into his eyes. His face was red.

"Do you really want to or do you think you still have to earn your pass," I asked? "The pass is already yours. I would never be mean enough to take it back. If you want to leave, you can."

His face blushed every shade of red imaginable, spreading down his neck to his chest.

"I ........... I don't want to go," he stammered. "I like being with you." He had trouble getting the words out and the redness deepened.

"I like being with you," I answered, pulling him ro me and giving him a hug.

Watching the girl suck Ryan had made me very horny and I badly wanted this cute boy. He sat back on his haunches, waiting for me to do something. I lay down in the bunk and stretched to my full length, finding a comfortable spot. I instructed Ryan to turn around and straddle my legs. As I sat up, Ryan's smooth pale butt was almost in my face. His legs spread on either side of me caused his cheeks to part and exposed his pink anus. I reached forward and stroked Ryan's upper body. I rubbed his smooth back; his lightly tufted under arms and under his torso to his flat chest and hard little nipples. I ran my hands along his back until I was stroking the cheeks of his creamy smooth ass. Each cheek was round and perfect. I couldn't resist the urge to kiss them; using my tongue and mouth to lick and squeeze each cheek in its turn.

I reached between Ryan's spread legs and massage his young sac as it dangled beneath his body. My stroking caused it to tighten up against him. I reached forward and grasped his dick between my fingers. My hand formed a circle around it. I slowly slid my hand back and forth, bringing Ryan almost to erection.

Still rubbing his cock, I reached my tongue forward and into his crack. I bathed its full length in long sweeping strokes. Every time I hit his little bud, his body quivered slightly and he pushed his cock forward between my fingers and palm. I centered my actions around his puckered anus. My tongue ran around it in ever diminishing circles, until I was finally centered on it. Ryan gasped as I pushed my tongue against the tight opening. But, instead of sliding forward as he had been doing, he pushed back, forcing my tongue into his tight anus.

Ryan's boy musk was overpowering as my need for him increased rapidly. I pushed my tongue inside his tight, wet hole. Ryan's moans fueled the fire that was building in my groin. My tongue worked back and forth; lubricating his insides; forcing his tight hole to open up to my probing. Ryan was trying to ride my face. He pushed back onto my tongue, almost pushing me over. I had hoped to open him up even more, but time was running out. If I didn't mount him soon, I would be spilling my young seed onto the bunk. Ryan seemed more than ready and certainly willing.

Disengaging my tongue from his tight hole, I scrambled out from under him. Getting on my knees behind his smooth white cheeks, I prepared to enter his body. Ryan was rocking back and forth, missing the action of my tongue in his ass. I grabbed his hips with my hands. Placing the head of my dick on his round pink hole, I prepared for entry. I would have to go slow. Ryan's ass was so tight and I was going to stuff a lot of hot teen meat into it. I wet my hands with my spit and applied it to my boyhood. I spread my saliva gingerly, not wanting to trigger my own orgasm.

I pressed my head against his hole. I felt the resistance as he fought to keep me out, while deep in his brain, he wanted me inside him. I pressed forward, my head gaining a slight victory as it started to slide in. Minutes passed before I had my head buried in the grip of his anus. I was sweating with the effort of trying to penetrate him. Ryan moaned in pain or pleasure; I could not tell which. He pushed back against me, trying to swallow me into his anus.

Slowly, over what seemed like an hour, my cock slipped into him. I did not have to worry about an early orgasm. His ass held my cock so tight that nothing could pass up it to shoot out the end. Finally, with a giant sigh of relief, my balls rested against Ryan's smooth ass. My cock throbbed against Ryan's tight insides as his muscles massaged its length. I wasn't sure he could relax his grip enough for me to even move. I just had to wait him out. Eventually, he would loosen enough for me to pump my load into him.

My body screamed for relief. I had to move my cock; to get enough motion to bring me to my climax. With every muscle in my body, I focused on the task of pulling back out of him. I pulled back an inch and pushed forward again. Satisfied that I was at least moving, I worked my cock back and forth in inch long strokes. Slowly, my strokes lengthened. My dick finally able to free itself from his vise-like grip enough to satisfy itself.

As my stroke reached full length for the first time, I felt my impending explosion. It seemed like I had been in him forever. My seed pushed its way up from my balls, gliding along the restricted inner wall of my cock. I felt my semen burst into his insides. The ecstacy of my long awaited orgasm caused me to collapse onto Ryan's back for support as I pumped my juices. My balls felt almost painful as they worked to force my load into Ryan's tightness. Slowly, the agony in my body subsided as the relief I had sought finally arrived. I lay on Ryan's smooth back, the sweat from my chest causing us to stick together.

My weight became too much for Ryan's as he crumpled to the mattress of the bunk. I lay in silent satisfaction, waiting for him to release my softening dick. I was in no hurry. I felt complete, flushed with the aftermath of a great orgasm. Ryan groaned underneath me, not in pleasure, but from the excess weight on top of him.

As my sticky cock slipped from his slimy ass, I rolled off of him. Ryan rolled on his side and smiled at me. His eyes wandered down to his erection. God, I didn't think I could handle any more of this horny young beauty. Ryan started to stroke his dick, hoping that I would take over.

I rolled onto my back. Lifting my legs, I presented my asshole for his inspection. Ryan did not need an invitation. He climbed over my body and his swollen dick found my crack. I took it in my hand and guided his head to my anus. I could feel his pre-cum as he pressed against me. Within seconds, he was deep inside of me. Ryan started to pump me as if this was as natural as breathing. His young belly slid over my sticky dick as he slipped back and forth. He felt so pleasant inside of me. The curve of his dick as it slid in my anus made it feel thicker than it really was.

My recent presence in Ryan's backside had brought him close to his orgasm. He had hardly started fucking me when he started to gasp. Resting on his hands, his hips drove his cock into me. His back arched as he tried to push deeper into my body.

"Ungh! Ungh!" his cries of delight filled the sleeper.

"Ungh! Ungh!" his moans echoing as he shot his load inside of me.

"Ungh! Ungh!" his announcement to the world that he was cumming and nothing could stop him.

As the spasms caused his body to jerk convulsively, he shot the last of his seed and collapsed onto my chest. He lay there panting. I could feel Ryan's heart beating in his slender chest. Gradually it slowed to a normal pace. He felt so warm in my arms. I wished there was some way I could take him with me.

Ryan crawled off of my chest. He rested on the bunk. I glanced to the clock in the truck. It was almost time for the concert.

"Better get dressed," I said. "It's almost time for the show."

Ryan's face mirrored the inner turmoil in his mind. He wanted desperately to see the concert, but wanted to stay and experience the new found wonders of his body all over again.

"I'm going to miss you," I whispered as Ryan retrieved his clothes and started to dress.

"Before you go, there is something I want to know."

"What," he asked?

"Well, when I first saw you tonight, you seemed to be watching all the girls. Yet, when we were together, making love, you didn't seem bothered by the fact that you were with a boy. How come?"

"I have always been confused," Ryan answered slowly. "Sometimes, I like looking at girls and dreaming about seeing them naked. But sometimes, when I see a cute guy in the showers at school, I get really horny. I can't decide whether I like guys or girls the most."

"Well, Ryan, you have proved tonight that you can enjoy both. There is something special about making love - whether with a boy or a girl. So, don't sweat it. No matter who you are attracted to, go for it."

Ryan finished dressing. I was tired and planned on getting some sleep before we had to pack up. I lay in the bunk as he slipped down onto the seat. Ryan leaned into the bunk, gave me a peck on the lips.

"Thanks," he whispered, "for everything."

Hope you liked it. I have picked out the four highlights of my adventures as a roadie. Ryan was the first. Three others will be added as I get time.

Next: Chapter 2

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