The Road My Life Takes

By ni.oohay@05yelin

Published on Jan 15, 2011


This story is my property and may not be sold or posted to any other sites without my permission. If you are under age or if it is unlawful to read such stories please leave. This story will contain some sexual content between teen males, but it is more a story of friendship and love. All characters in this story are fiticious. This Story is purely authentic and not a copy from any source. Story and its contents, if matching with any person or their life is purely a coincidence.

The Road My Life Takes*


Written By: The Mystery Guy (TMG)


After the class we went to check out our pairs.

"Shit. I got Danny again. What about you?" Jesse asked.

"Let me see."

.......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... 5. Jesse Edwards --------------------------- Danny Howard 6. Daniel Wood --------------------------- Jessica Brooks 7. Jackson Russell --------------------------- Eric Foster

I was totally shocked at what I saw.

OMG. Was this really happening? Is this really happening to me. Is this real? Or am I dreaming. I kept thinking to myself.

"Wow.... That's awesome." Jesse said.

"Looks like we're both partners." I heard a voice behind me. I knew Who it was. I turned around and it was Eric, standing right in front of me.

"Um.....Yeah, we are, I guess." I said hesitatingly. This is the first time I ever spoke to him.

"Hi. I am Eric." He put his hand forward. Now I'll even touch him for the first time. (He might have touched me before also, not touch but pushed me accidenty while walking in the crowd, but that's something different, you know what I mean. Sorry, Back to the story.)

"I am Jackson. Hi." I shook his hand. I felt a sort of current pass through me.

"Sorry, I am getting late for my classes. Can I talk to you after the school?"

"Ok. I'll catch you later."

"Cool" saying that he walked away.

After he went, I turned to Jesse.

"So, finally you not only talked to him but also touched him. I thought you'd even kiss him."

"Oh shut up." I punched his arm and we both laughed. Then we chatted and headed to our next class.

After school

When the school ended, I came out with Jesse, Ron and Gloria.

"So Jacky, with whom did you pair up for the physics project?" Ron asked.

"Eric Foster."

"What? No, you can't do your project with him."

"Um any problem?"

"I hate that guy. In the football match, he always tells me what to do as if I don't know how to play. He's an asshole."

"Ouch" Jesse wispered behind me.

"No, he's not. He's a very nice guy."

"Well, how do you know?"

"I.....I... ummm..... forget about me, whom did you pair up with?"

"Hailey the hottie."

"What did you say?" Gloria asked with an angry look.

"I mean Hailey....the......the.....the...potty. Yeah, Hailey the potty."

She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"I'll catch you later guys. Gloria, Im sorry." Ron went after her. I was so angry at Ron.

"How could he talk about Eric like that." I asked Jesse angrily.

"Don't ask me. I am not Ron."

"Yeah, right. If I hear one more word about Eric from his mouth, Im gonna break his teeth." Jesse laughed at that.

"Hey Jesse, can I walk home with you" I heared a voice behind me. I saw Cris Sanders coming towards us as he smiled at Jesse, and he smiled back. Then he saw me and said "I mean I need to talk to you about the um... physics project......"

"Its okay Cris, he knows about us."

"Oh, um.... sorry..... hi, Im Cris."

"Im Jackson." We both shook hands.

"So you and Jesse are best friends."


"Ok, enough of gossip, Im getting late." Jesse said looking at wrist watch. "I hope you'll have a good Eric-Jack time."

"huh?" Cris asked jesse.

"C'mon" Jesse said pulling Cris' hand, "I explain on the way. Bye Jacky." Saying that they went their way.

"Bye." After sometime, a car stopped by me. It was Eric.

"Im sorry to keep you waiting in this cold." Eric said.

"oh, its ok."

"How about I give you a ride and we can talk on the way?" Eric asked. Oh yeah, I don't want to miss this chance again, I thought to myself.

"ok" I got in the passenger seat and then he drove off.

"So, got any idea for the project?" I asked.

"Not really. Actually I really suck in all these stuff. Only an Einstine can help me. Thank god you are my partner."

"Please, I am not an Einstine. But I can assure you to get a B grade."

"B grade? Really?" he asked me excitedly.

"How can you be happy with just a B grade? Oh, right turn from here."

"B grade to me is like a pearl at the bottom of the ocean."


"That's my house." I said. He stopped the car in front of it.

"Nice house."

"Thanks. So, I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"ok, I guess. Can I have your number?"

"Sure." He gave me his cell phone. I gave him mine. We both saved our numbers.

"There you go." After he gave my cell, I got out of the car.

"Thanks for the ride. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Cool." He smiled at me. A smile the could melt me. Then he drove off the road and I went inside my house.

"Im home." I shouted as I entered the house.

"Welcome honey." I heard my mom's voice from the kitchen. I went in there.

"Wow, cookies." I headed to pick one.

"Don't touch them until dad comes."

"sorry. Where's dad?"

"He's got some extra patients at the hospital. So, something special happened today at school?"

"No, not really." Actually, a lot of things happened, I thought to myself.

"Then why is there such a bright smile on your face?"

"No, there's not. I mean......forget it. Im going upstairs." As I got into my room, I kept my bag and layed my bed and started to think about all the encounters I had with Eric.

The Next day at school

It was the last day before winter holidays. It was lunch hour. I entered the cafeteria. I couldn't find any of my friends. So I just sat on an empty bench. The I saw Jesse running towards me. He had a huge smile on his face.

"I have a great news to tell you but I won't and no power in this world can insist me to tell you that" he said as he sat down.

"Fine. Neither will I insist you."

After 5 seconds, "Ok fine, let me tell you. Yesterday, while I was telling Cris about you and Eric, he told me that Eric is his cousin."


"I know, I was also shocked."

"Oh god, this is so cool"

"I know"

"Oh no, this is not cool."

"I kn...... what? Why?"

"What if he told Eric that I have a crush on him?"

"Don't worry, he won't. I told him not to. One more thing, our plan to visit my grandma has been cancelled." We both gave a high five.

"Where's Ron by the way? I haven't seen him since morning."

"He is busy saying sorry to Gloria. Remember what happened yesterday."

"He is really dumb." We both laughed. Then we headed to our respective classes.

When the school ended, I came out with Ron.

"So, you and Gloria finally ended up."

"Yeah. But its all her fault."

"Her? Its your fault. I mean why did you have to call Hailey a hotty, especially in front of her?"

"But she should also understand that Im a guy and I am attracted to lots of other girls also besides her."

"Ron, you are horrible. When will you grow up?"

"She is the one who needs to grow up. You know what, forget it. This chapter ends here. I'll start a new chapter again."

"That's the spirit."

Then I saw Eric coming on me. I would almost melt everytime I saw him.

"Hi Jackson."



"Eric." They both looked each other with an angry look.

"I'll catch you later Jacky. Got football practice to kick someone's butt." Ron said.

"I'll take care of you in the field Wilson." Eric replied. I giggled at their conversation.

"So Jackson.............."

"Call me Jacky, all of my friends do."

"ok, Umm... so can you come to my house tomorrow morning so that we can discuss our stupid physics project." He just invited me to his house. I was soooooooo happy.

"That would be great. What time should I come?"

"Come at around 10."


"Cool. I gotta go for my practice." I kept looking at him and smiled as he walked away. I liked the style with which he walked.

"Yo" I heard someone shout in my ears. It was Jesse.

"Dude, you alomst scared me."

"So finished staring at Eric or you want some more time?"

"Shut up" We both laughed.

"So What did he say?" He asked as we headed to our home.

"He invited me to his home to discuss the project."

"Wow, you are so lucky all this is happening to you."

To be continued.......

Note from the writer::

Hello guys. This was the third chapter of The Road My Life Takes. Sorry for taking a long time to post it, but my exams were going on. There are more chapters to come. Email me your comments at I'll try to bring the fourth chapter soon. Love and Blessings.

Copyright© TMG

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