The Road Home

By Minotaur

Published on Dec 25, 1996



Disclaimer: This is a story of sex between two consenting adult males, and if such action discomforts you in any way, then I suggest that you terminate now. This story is not for those who are under 18, and if you are, you are advised to terminate this post immediately. This story and its characters are copyrighted to Any alterations to the story-line must be discussed with the author.

The Road Home ############# by Minotaur, 1996.

Jason was excited about going to visit his friends at the coast. Sarah, another friend, had said that she would accompany him on the 8 hour drive. Jason arrived at Sarah's home at about 1 p.m., and after loading her ample luggage into the car, they set off for the coast. It was a swelteringly hot day, and Jason thanked his lucky stars in choosing a car that had air-conditioning. The two necessary gas stops afforded them the opportunity to stretch their legs, and buy some food to nibble along the journey. Sarah and Jason chatted about an array of topics, and this seemed to make the journey that much quicker. As the day wound to a close the sky became a canvas of crimson hues, and the twilight gave way to the pitch darkness of night. The beams from the headlights were their guide as they carved a path through the darkness. They smelt the saltiness of the sea air long before they knew that they were nearing the coast. Jason had been to the coast when he was much younger, and he hastily admitted to Sarah that he didn't have a clue as to their whereabouts. Sarah took it upon herself to lead the way. Squinting through the darkness she concentrated on reading the street signs, as the cars headlights skirted acr oss them. She teased Jason about being his navigator in some rally. However, Sarah was of little help with finding the street which they needed. Finally, it was Jason, who located the street they were seeking nestled between two imposing trees. On the previous sweeps of that part of the street, they had assumed it to be a driveway, however on closer inspection it was yet another street. Jason edged the car up the tree lined avenue until he found Bruce's home, where they would be spending the next three nights. As they pulled up the driveway, Bruce came out to greet them. "Hi, Jason, Sarah - have any problems finding the place?", asked Bruce, as he hugged each of them in turn. "Well, I'm thinking of getting a new navigator," Jason said, and headed for the luggage stored in the boot. Bruce raised an eye-brow in puzzlement, but after Sarah gave Jason a hard jab in the ribs - Bruce understood all to well what had transpired. He remembered from school how Sarah always liked to take charge, but never managed to complete the task at hand. Bruce still recalled the day that Sarah informed him that she and Jason were going steady. Ironically, Jason had no knowledge of the fact that he and Sarah were going out. However, Jason being a true gentleman decided to play along in the hope of maintaining Sarah's integrity, and honour, so he played the role of the dutiful boyfriend. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately their friendship was very strong, and Jason felt as though he was kissing his sister everytime they

kissed, and Sarah felt a similar reaction from Jason. There were many happy girls and guys when they officially broke up. Bruce was one of the guys who was happy about them breaking up. He had a terrible crush on Jason, and still did. From the moment that Jason stepped from the car, in his tight jeans and golf shirt, Bruce had been fighting a strenuous mental battle to keep a hard-on at bay. Even 8 years after school, at the age of 24, Jason still had an incredible build. A well-defined upper body, and nice strong legs. Bruce remembered from the showers at school how he used to drool over that gorgeous body. Jason still had his blond hair, and green eyes, which were offset by his lovely tanned skin.

The three friends moved the luggage inside, and Bruce showed them to his room. He and another guy, Marco, shared the house, as neither one of them could afford the rental alone. "Okay, guys are we all going to sleep on the same double bed", Sarah asked when she saw the bed in Bruce's room. They all laughed. Bruce had rehearsed this exact scene over millions of times in his head, and he hoped that it would play out correctly. "I have a sleeper couch for one in the lounge; so one gets the double, one the sleeper, and one the floor," said Bruce looking at Sarah, and expecting her to lay down the sleeping arrangements. "Why don't two of us sleep in the double bed," suggested Sarah, taking control of the situation. "Well, okay, Bruce and I can share the double bed," said Jason effectively taking control of the situation, "after all we would not want to compromise a lady's reputation." Sarah and Bruce looked at each other in stunned silence. Bruce hastily agreed with Jason, that he wouldn't mind - if of course, Sarah was happy with the situation. After much grumbling about being banished, etc. she agreed with the sleeping arrangements. Now that the sleeping arrangements wer e settled Bruce gave them a grand tour of the small two bed roomed house. The other rooms included a study - from which Bruce worked - a kitchen, bathroom, and living room. It was dark, so they could not see much of the grounds, but the could hear the crashing of the waves in the ocean. Bruce showed them a hedge at the far end of the lawn, and told them that on the other-side lay the beach, but that he would advise against going swimming, as he had gone in the morning and almost froze to death. As it was so late they decided to sit and chat. Bruce warmed up some lasagna, which he had made earlier, and they had a hearty supper and afterwards they sat around drinking beers. At about eleven the chit chat was interrupted by the rustle of keys in the door, and Marco entered. Bruce quickly jumped to introduce Marco when he entered the room, but his introduction of Jason was wasted, as the immediate attraction between Marco and Sarah was apparent. Marco dumped his stuff in his room, and after some clattering of plates in the kitchen, he emerged with a plate of lasagna and a cold beer. He went right over to Sarah, and sat next to her. If there had been a spotlight in the room it was have shone on them, because Jason and Bruce might not even have existed. At midnight Bruce suggested to Jason that they go to bed as they had much visiting to do in the morning. Bruce as ked Sarah how many blankets she wanted, but Marco waved him aside saying that he would see to them. Bruce and Jason headed for the bedroom. Jason asked Bruce what side of the bed he normally slept on, and once all the technicalities were ironed out, Jason went to the bathroom to have a quick shower. When he returned after a few minutes Bruce went to go and shower. After toweling himself off thoroughly, Jason pulled on a pair of boxer shorts, and slipped beneath the sheet. No sooner had his head touched the pillow and he was deep asleep. On his way back to his room after his shower, Bruce noticed that Sarah would not have to worry about sleeping on the couch, as she and Marco would undoubtedly share the night together. Entering his room Bruce found Jason asleep in his bed. He had dreamt about this moment for as long as he coul d remember. They had been friends in high school, but had never j/o together or anything of that nature. Bruce had been to scared to initiate anything in case he lost his friend. They had gone out for the swim team together at school, and Jason had the speed and stamina, which made him get in to the swimming team. However, they had still practiced together, and Bruce still had his nicely chiseled frame from the hours of water torture which Jason had subjected him to. But it had been worth it. Not only did Bruce get a stunning body from it, but he saw Jason naked very often, and at night could fantasize about sucking on that small uncut cock, and blowing a load. Bruce's hard-on pointed the way to the bed as he finished toweling himself dry, and pulled on a pair of boxers. He slipped beneath the covers, and could feel the presence of Jason's body heat. Leaning over he k issed Jason on the lips. An electric charge skirted down his spine. For a long while Bruce just lay and listened to Jason's breathing, and then finally he dozed off into sleep. He woke up during the night thinking that Jason's whole visit was a dream, but Jason's stubbled chin against his ni pple, and his arm around his stomach were testimony to the fact that he was indeed in heaven. Jason's body resting against his was too much for Bruce, and his 7" hard on shot forth without his even touching it. Bruce's body trembled with orgasm, and Jason adjusted his body in his sleep. Now h is cock touched Bruce's leg, and Bruce was thrilled that it was rock hard. Bruce ran his hand down Jason's back, and under the elastic of the boxer short. The hairless ass cheeks greeted his hand, as he moved it around to the front until he brushed against Jason's throbbing member, and low han ging balls. Bruce's primal instincts took over as he slowly pried himself from underneath Jason's sleeping frame. He pushed Jason back so he was lying on his back, and then he quickly discarded his soaked boxers. After pulling the sheet away, Bruce removed Jason's boxer, and finally they were

both naked on his bed. His heart beat with such veracity, that he thought it might jump out of his chest. There before him was the source of all his dreams - 7" of erect uncut man-meat. Leaning forward Bruce took the cock in his hand and peeled back the foreskin, exposing the sensitive purpl e head. He lowered his mouth over the head, and began to slowly lick its surface. The taste of another man - a dream - can never be explained. Bruce was in heaven. He wanted more of the cock, and he sucked it all until the blond pubes caressed his upper lip. Then Bruce began to pump up and down on the cock with his mouth. He didn't even bother to check if he might wake Jason or not. He wouldn't have stopped even if Jason had told him to. He couldn't stop until he swallowed some of Jason's cum, because then he would always be a part of Jason. Jason moaned in his sleep. Bruce t hinking that Jason might think this a dream did not see, that Jason was wide awake, and a smile creased his face. Jason lowered his hands and began to run his hands through Bruce's curly blond hair. He had wanted this a long long time ago, but had never had the courage to initiate the contact. Jason felt a tingle grow in his balls - he shoved deep into Bruce's mouth, and shot a load of 8 years of pent up sexual frustration. He came and came, until it felt like he had drained all of his seed. Bruce swallowed every drop. Jason pulled Bruce's mouth from his cock, and brought it up t o his lips. They French kissed. Neither saying a word. Jason could taste his cum in Bruce's mouth, but he also wanted to taste Bruce's lovely cut cock, which still lay erect between his legs. Lowering his mouth Jason swallowed Bruce's cock to the hilt, and only needed to suck once or twice b efore Bruce orgasmed. Bruce's orgasm was so intense that he dug his nails into Jason's shoulders. Jason swallowed all of Bruce's man juice, and then they kissed passionately again. Afterwards they lay side by side on the bed. Neither of them wanting to break the spell of the moment. "We've wasted so much time, Jason," Bruce said caressing one of Jason's nicely formed nipples. "I know," was Jason's reply. Glancing at the alarm clock, Bruce saw that it was only five in the morning. "I can't sleep now - can you?" asked Bruce. "No, and I know what I want to do," said Jason. He slowly began to explore every part of Bruce's body with his tongue. From his earlobes to his toes, and back. After Bruce had done the same. Jason asked him to fuck him. Bruce hesitated, but after Jason told him that he had had numerous dild os up his ass, as he fantasized about him, Bruce told him to lift up his legs and expose his ass crack. Jason thought that Bruce would enter him immediately, but instead Jason felt the warm wet feeling of Bruce's tongue as he rimmed him, and slowly inserted first one, and then two, and finally three fingers. When Bruce was happy that his new lovers ass was nicely dilated and lubricated he positioned his cock at the entrance, and pushed forward. Jason's ass greedily swallowed all of Bruce's cock to the hilt, and soon Bruce was pumping in and out. At first his stroke was slow, but af ter Jason saying that he must go faster, he picked up his pace. Every jab of his prostate released a pearl of cum on Jason's cock head. His cock was not erect so he moved his one hand down and began to jerk himself off. "I'm close Jason", Bruce said after a while. Their bodies covered in a s heen of glistening perspiration. Bruce lowered his lips to Jason's and kissed him as he came. The warmth of Jason's ass seemed to invite his cum. Bruce could hardly believe that he had cum for the third time. Just as Bruce's orgasm was subsiding, Jason came, and his ass muscles spasmed, and milked even more from Bruce's cock. Bruce collapsed on top of Jason, and fell asleep with his cock still imbedded in Jason's ass. Jason loved the feeling of having the cock in his ass, so he didn't even try to remove it, although it was getting soft. He just tightened his loose ass muscles ar ound it. It was not long and he too was fast asleep. As they slept Bruce's cock freed itself from Jason's ass, but Jason woke to the feeling of Bruce's hard cock pumping in and out of him. Bruce kissed his neck, and sucked on his earlobe. Jason loved the burning sensation in his ass. It made him feel alive. He had found the road home.


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