The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Dec 1, 2005


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home: Part Six (The Restaurant)

"Hahahaha.." Derek laughed as he entered his room followed by his parents. "How come they're never this quiet at home?" He asked his parents.

"Shush Derek! Let them sleep." His Mom said.

"Wake them up Linda. they'll never sleep tonight if you let them sleep now."

Larry told his wife.

Larry went around to Tyler's side of the bed and stepped up on his desk chair so he could better see Luke to wake him up. "Hey Pookie Lukey! Time to get up!" He said ruffling Luke's shoulder.

"Mmmmm... Hi Dad, when did you get back?"

"Just now Lukey! C'mon, get up or you won't sleep tonight." His Dad pulled him into his arms and brought him down from the bed.

On the other side of the bed Derek could be just as gracious and loving at waking Kyle up or not! "Hey tard boy! Get the Hell up! And you better not have wet my bed"

"DEREK!" He got from both of his parents.

"Hey everybody," Kyle yawned and looked around the room from his vantage point. "Man I would hate to wake up having to take a piss in the middle of the night and forget I was this high up."

"Kyle get the Hell off my bed so I can make it up!" Derek demanded.

"Derek!" He got from both of his parents. again!

Kyle jumped down and asked "Where's Ty?"

"Probably at work!" Larry said. "So did you guys have fun this afternoon?"

Both boys began talking over one another and finishing each others sentences telling their parents about what they did. This just made Derek more miserable knowing that comparisons were being made.

"Hey Dad, could we take Tyler home and leave Derek here?" That comment resulted in a pillow flying at him.

"Kyle we'll meet you halfway and leave Derek here okay?" Larry smiled.

"Okay Dad!" Said a smiling Kyle while looking at his older brother. "LARRY!" Linda glared at him.

"I'll make you a better deal Kyle; you can keep Tyler if I don't have to look at your face ever again!" Derek shot back.

"DEREK" He heard from both of his parents, again! "Seems to be an echo in here." He mumbled aloud to himself. Luke heard it and grinned.

"Shouldn't you guys be checking into your hotel?" Derek asked?

"He's right dear, we really should get checked in." Linda said to her husband as she filled each drawer of his 5-drawer chest.

"Okay rug rats. let's get checked in." Larry called out.

"Dad, do you think they will have bunk beds in the hotel?" Luke asked.

"Not likely Luke, you have to share a bed with your brother tonight." Larry said.

"Do we get to see Tyler again?" Kyle asked.

"Have you got Tyler on the brain Kyle?" Derek asked shaking his head.

"Nope, he's just the brother that Luke and I have always wanted" Kyle said.

"Yeah, he's so cool Dad! You should see him skate on the half pipe!" Luke chimed in.

"You'll probably get to see him tonight Kyle if we go to that Italian restaurant for dinner." Larry said.

"I WANT PIZZA!" Luke yelled

"You'll eat anything and everything Luke" Kyle said.

"Honey what do you think? Want to try the restaurant that Tyler works at?" Larry asked Linda.

"Sure honey, but I think we really should let Derek decide."

"You're right! Derek, where do you want to eat tonight?" Larry asked him.

"Like I have a choice?" He answered.

"Of course you have a choice Derek! We want to go eat whatever would make you happy. We don't have to eat Italian. You'll just have to listen to your brothers whine all night." Larry winked at Derek.

"Fine, we'll eat at Tyler's restaurant." Derek said.

"Does Tyler own the restaurant?" Luke asked.

"No tard boy number two! He just works there." Derek snarled.


"I know, I know." He responded.

"Larry, did you look at Tyler's artwork? These drawings are incredible. Look at the charcoals of his dog and his little brother has the same eyes as Kyle." Linda said.

"Look at his drawings of Damon Rhodes Mom! It looks like a black and white picture but he actually drew it."

"Yes dear, he really is talented. I wonder why he isn't pursuing a degree in art?" Larry said.

"Maybe he wants a job." Linda snickered.

"Did I tell you he wouldn't accept any money for looking after the boys this afternoon?"

"Really? We can't accept that. You have to give him something tonight." Linda said.

"Wait and see if he earns first!" Derek snarled

"HA! Like you would know anything about that!" Kyle tossed in to the conversation and Derek took off after him down the hallway.

"Boys!" Yelled Linda but they were already gone.

"Linda you better have a talk to that boy! I spoke with him last night but it obviously didn't sink in. Tyler's life is going to be hell with Derek if he doesn't alter his attitude." Larry said and Linda reluctantly agreed.

Derek returned with Kyle in a headlock. "DEREK" Yelled Larry, and as Derek released his brother, messing up his hair he said, "Dad, I was only hugging my favourite brother."

Luke innocently added, "I'm glad I'm not his favourite brother."

"Okay boys, we're going now! Derek, we'll pick you up at 7:30 and please dress appropriately! Larry said.

"That means wear some underwear Derek." Kyle laughed and ran out of the room before Derek could even think about coming after him.

"Dad! See what I have to put up with?"

"Right Derek. it's all their fault." Larry just shook his head and walked out.

"Derek, wear a nice shirt and your beige cargo pants please! And I will tell you right now I'm up to my limit with you! Your father and I have spent a lot of money on you this week. Your brothers haven't said a word or even asked if they get something! You didn't have to put up with them all afternoon and you are still mean to them. I know they are a lot younger than you but you're at the age where you should know better! I really don't know what I did to raise such a selfish, spoiled brat." Linda said with a strict voice.

"I know every parent says it to every child but someday you're going to want to have your brothers beside you and they won't be there. When that happens just remember whose fault it is! You misbehave tonight and you'll deal with me in front of your brothers and Tyler. I think you owe Tyler a great deal of thanks for just giving us a few hours of peace today." Derek didn't say anything. He just Brendant his head down hoping the lecture would end sooner rather than later.

"Oh Derek, please stop sulking. I love you, you know?" Linda said to her son.

"I know Mom. I'm sorry I let you down. again. I know I'm a disappointment."

"Derek! Don't start that crap with me! You've never been a disappointment.

But you are missing the enjoyment of the world around you. Soon enough you'll be out on your own and you'll realize all that you had up to this point and how you've wasted so much of your life being angry and jealous. I want you to be happy, but you have to learn to love and accept yourself, warts and all, to be able to love others and see the beauty around you. Now go get ready and remember how much your family really loves you!" Linda kissed her son and walked down the hallway to the elevator.

"I love my family too Mom." Derek said but she was already gone.

Derek stripped down to his boxers and walked over to look at Tyler's wall of drawings. He removed the one colour photograph off the wall and stepped up on Tyler's bed using his desk chair to help him up. He laid down staring closely at the family picture.

Dr. Anderson phoned Ciccone's Trattoria and made reservations for five with Gina as soon as they checked in to their room. He further requested to be seated in Tyler's area.

Gina laughed and said. "I think I need another two Tyler's because everyone wants to be served by him."

"Well we are new friends of Tyler's. My son is Tyler's room mate at Drexel and Tyler recommended we come here for dinner while we are in Philly." He told Gina.

"He's such a good boy. After all he's been through this year I wonder how he does it!" She said.

Dr. Anderson didn't pursue the conversation any further but made a mental note of what she said. "He seems to be a wonderful boy and my two youngest think the sun rises with Tyler."

"Everyone here loves Tyler Mr. Anderson. I would adopt that boy in a minute if I could!" She replied. After a few more pleasantries Larry got off the phone.

"Boys, why don't you go check out where the pool is, and don't get wet! Be back in 10 minutes okay?"

"Okay Dad!" They yelled and hurried out the door letting it slam shut.

"Linda, I just had an interesting conversation with the owner's wife of the restaurant that Tyler works at."

"What did she say?" Sparking Linda's attention.

"She made a reference about Tyler and 'all he's been through this year'? I didn't pursue it but I think there's a lot more to Tyler than we know." Larry said.

"Do you think it was safe for us to leave him with the boys today?" Linda asked.

"I think that was fine. If there had been a problem we would have known by now. Luke would say anything in front of anyone, and from the way the lady spoke it sounds more like there has been some sort of tragedy in his life recently." Larry mused

"Oh Goodness Larry. Do you think we should confront him? Make sure he is okay." She asked.

"No Linda. I think Derek will be the first to find out but I wouldn't say anything to him about it. He can be very cruel at times. Let's find the boys and go get Derek. I'm looking forward to tonight. Maybe the boys will want to sleep at the dorm and you and I can have some private time?" Larry said raising his eyebrows and smiling as he pulled his wife into an embrace.

"Want to wager on the odds of us getting a night alone before our anniversary in November?" She asked Larry.

"Mmmmm.. That would involve Derek offering to keep the boys overnight. No. I think is a pretty safe bet" Larry and Linda turned off the lights and went searching for the boys.

The party of five arrived just after 8:00 p.m. Tyler spotted them and immediately went to the front entrance to greet them and grab 5 menus.

"Good Evening Madame's et Monsieur's et les enfant!" Tyler said in a horribly outlandish Quebecois accent! "Welcome to Ciccone's Trattoria, je m'appelle Tyler! I will be looking after you tonight!

Everyone laughed and Derek said, "You've just obliterated 1000 years of French culture with that accent Monsieur Peel!"

"Are you mocking me Monsieur Anderson?" Asked Tyler.

"I apologize Monsieur Peel, I forgot you were Canadian, I will repeat it slower. Much Slower!" Derek said to a round of laughter from his family.

Tyler wraps his arm around Derek who was surrounded by the family and said in his horrid French accent, "Tsk! Tsk! Monsieur Derek?" Tyler said waving his index finger. "Are you not aware that one should never mock the person who serves you your food or is capable of placing small, non-domesticated animals with reptilian qualities in your bed while you sleep!" Everyone laughed.

"Oh, so you met his past girlfriends?" Said Kyle! (Roar of laughter)

"Derek Zero, Tyler Zero, Kyle One!" Luke said and got a high five from Tyler who then said, "Nice one Luke! Now I get to play with your food and Derek's!" He winked and led them to their table.

"Noooooooooo!" Was all Luke said as he put his hands up to his face imitating the Home Alone movie.

"Now, Dr. and Mrs. Anderson, would you care for something to drink? Perhaps a nice bottle of wine! If you like red we have a wonderful Chianti Ruffino '98. We also have a great Borelli from '97 but since you are throwing away a lot of money on your eldest, I might be able to scare up a half bottle of something in the alley out back from one of the winos?" Snickers came from four of the five people sitting at the table.

"A bottle of Red would be great. Thank you, Monsieur Peel."

"And for your three darling children?" Tyler asked.

"ROOT BEER!" Announced Luke.

" Sigh. you can dress them up." Tyler said smiling at Luke. "And Monsieur Kyle will be having?"

"Anything that will make the sound of that fake French accent go away."

"Aaaahhh. then Monsieur wants a double Scotch, no ice and a Coke then!"

"And for the graduate?"

"I'll have what he's having!" Derek smiled and pointed at Kyle.

"Aaaahhhh. Monsieur also wants a 'Shirley Temple' then???" Tyler asked twisting his face. Kyle just glared up at him with death-ray eyes!

Tyler messed up Kyle's hair and again looked at his hand and then wiped it on Kyle's back. "When will I learn to stop doing that? I hope we have some disinfectant in the back" He said walking away while everyone but Kyle laughed, as he was too busy fixing his hair.

Tyler returned with a tray of drinks and five empty wine glasses. As he pulled open the cork on the bottle of red wine, he stuck his finger in his mouth and made the popping noise of a bottle of Champagne being opened followed by the 'shhhhhhhhhhsssshhh' of the overflowing bubbly. Luke giggled and Tyler looked at him and said in his faux French accent, "Sacre Bleu! It isn't that type of wine is it?"

He carefully poured three glasses of wine, placing them in front of Dr. and Mrs. Anderson and Derek. Then Tyler walked around the table to where Kyle and Luke were sitting. He pulled out a can of grape soda and wrapped it gently in a napkin, showing each of them the label. He asked both of them if this was acceptable and it was! Luke just giggled with his hands over his mouth, as Tyler's show continued. Tyler dramatically pointed the can of grape soda off in another direction, lowered himself down on one knee, and 'popped' the pull-tab, to a round of applause from the table. He carefully poured a small amount in each of their glasses and asked them to make sure the vintage was acceptable? It was!

Tyler then took their order for appetizers and or a salad? It was decided that they would all have a 'kicked up' Caesar salad and bruchetta. "So that is four Caesar salads and a one pig trough for the little one?" He said pinching Luke's shoulder three times. Luke was giggling so much he got the hiccups.

Tyler returned to fill Luke's glass of water and asked if 'perhaps he'd been drinking Monsieur's double Scotch?' That only made things worse as Luke now gasped for air. Then Tyler said if there was only a Doctor in the house. one that we could afford!!!!" Linda and Derek had tears running down their faces from laughing hysterically. Dr. Anderson almost spit up his wine after that comment. "I'm sorry pal!" He said to Luke. "I apologize, and to make it up to you I won't spit in your food. only Derek's!" Tyler said.

The hiccups were gone but Luke had to hold his dinner napkin over his mouth he was laughing so hard. Kyle was wiping tears from his eyes. Tyler stood for a moment and looked at all of them and said, "Really now! If the lot of you don't start behaving.." And he turned his back and walked away. Other customers in the restaurant began looking over in the corner to see what was so funny. Those sitting close to the Anderson's table could barely contain themselves over this one-man show.

Tyler returned with their Caesar salad and bruchetta and then took their dinner order. Everything was going fine until he came to Luke.

"Wot up Lucas?" Tyler grinned.

"I don't know what I want." Luke whined.

"Luke, you said you wanted Pizza!" Kyle reminded him.

"I dunno." Luke said.

"Okay Luke, how about a homemade custom pizza just for you?" Tyler offered.

'Really? Cool!" Luke smiled.

Tyler went off the to the kitchen and placed their orders. Tyler returned about 10 minutes later with his hands behind his back. He asked Luke to get out of his chair. Tyler pulled the chair out and turned it towards himself.

He then asked Luke to stand up on the chair. When Luke was on top of the chair Tyler presented Luke with a paper Chef's hat to wear.

"Put this on Luke!"

He told Luke to put his arms around his neck and then he picked Luke up and carried him back into the kitchen.

"Chef-in-waiting Lucas Anderson, meet Master Chef and owner Angelo Ciccone!"

Angelo extended his floured hand out to shake with Luke. Luke had one arm around Tyler's neck and used his other arm to shake hands.

"Chef Lucas wishes to have a customized, homemade pizza! Can you help him out Angelo?"

"It would be my honour Tyler! Any friend of Tyler's is a friend of mine! What would you like on your pizza Lucas?"

Luke pointed to mushrooms, four different cheeses, pepperoni, sausage, green peppers, and saut‚ed onions.

"Do you have any peanut butter?" Luke asked?

"What?" Said a shocked Angelo. "Peanut Butter on pizza?" Luke just nodded.

"Tell ya what Lukey, if you don't like your pizza I will go out and get you some peanut butter okay?" Tyler said.

"It's okay Tyler. Thanks Chef Angelo! Can I have extra mushrooms?" He said.

"Anything for a friend of Tyler's! It was nice to meet you Lucas. Come back and visit anytime!" Angelo said. Tyler carried Luke back to the table and set him down letting him keep the Chef's hat.

"So can anybody guess what Luke wanted on his pizza?" Tyler asked.

All together they answered, "Peanut Butter!" Everyone laughed.

"I love ya Luke, but you are just too weird!" Tyler said.

"Tell us about it." Said Derek.

Luke went on to tell everyone about how he got to custom make his pizza and how the owner Chef Angelo personally followed his instructions.

Tyler returned with four of the five meals. He had Lasagne for Dr. Anderson; Fettuccini Alfredo for Mrs. Anderson; Shrimp Scampi on a bed of Angel Hair pasta for Derek; and Linguini with mussels in a spicy Arrabiata sauce for Kyle.

He then asked if everything was okay and hoped they would enjoy their meal! As he was about to depart Luke asked, "What about my pizza?"

"Your pizza?? Ummm well.did you order a pizza??" Tyler said rubbing his chin staring off towards the kitchen. Then out came Chef Angelo with a large pizza on a cake pedestal and Gina carrying a server's tray with a jar on it covered over by a large cloth napkin.

"Mr. Lucas! May I present to you, your very own personalized extra-large pizza. and may I suggest a bib? Perhaps a bucket too?" Chef Angelo said. Everyone at the table perked up to see a large pizza with the name "LUCAS" spelled out in mushrooms. The Chef received a warm round of applause from the table and Tyler. Then Angelo got down on one knee beside Luke and presented the covered jar on the tray. He told Luke to remove the napkin. Underneath was a large jar of Kraft© Peanut Butter. Anyone at a table with a view of the Andersons broke out into laughter. Chef Angelo got a hug from Luke.

Tyler returned to freshen up drinks and make sure everything was okay. "Everyone doing all right?" He asked.

"Tyler you have made this a most memorable evening for all of us." Linda said. "I don't even know how to begin to thank you."

"It's my pleasure Mrs. Anderson. I just wanted to make it special for everyone, especially Derek. since I have to live with him and all." He smiled and winked at Derek.

"He snores!" Luke said between gulping large chunks of a slice of pizza.

"Holy Crap Lucas! You've eaten almost half of that!" Tyler said. "You better slow down or you won't have room for dessert!"

"Luke slow down? Did you sleep through lunch Tyler?" Kyle asked. "Lunch to him was a midnight snack."

Luke gave Kyle 'the look' but was too busy stuffing pizza into himself to respond verbally.

Tyler returned to clear the table. He just glared at Luke. There was only about one-third of the pizza left. "Someone please tell me they've been helping him eat that!"

"I seriously doubt it Ty. He smeared peanut butter all over it before anyone had a chance to sample it." Dr. Anderson told him.

"Oh. My. God." Tyler said. "You really do put peanut butter on pizza?"

Luke looked up and smiled with a mouth full of peanut butter pizza. "Dear God, somebody get me a bucket!" Tyler said. He cleared away all of the dishes and excess silverware and finally convinced Luke to give up on the pizza but he would certainly package it up for him to take back to the hotel. "God knows it's not like any of the bums out back would even eat that!" Tyler said.

"Make sure no one tries to steal my pizza." He said as Tyler walked back to the kitchen with his pizza. The Anderson's then heard Gina in the kitchen say "Oh My God!" in her thick Italian accent. Everyone laughed and Luke just said 'whatever.'

Tyler returned with coffee for the Andersons and a refill of the boy's drinks. The Anderson's could see the kitchen staff gathered around Tyler at the bar. They were all laughing and patting him on the back. He then returned with four plates of desserts. He held the tray up high so no one could see what was on it.

"Please accept these desserts compliments of Ciccone's Trattoria!" Tyler began, "For Mr. Lucas Anderson!" Tyler set down a plate with a perfectly straight canneoli on it. Tyler squirted liquid chocolate on one end to turn the canneoli into a hockey stick. He then inked out a hockey puck with a net around it all in chocolate.

"Whoah!" Said Luke.

"For the 'not so little dude'!" Tyler announced as he set down a curved canneoli with two large dots of chocolate below it that looked like skateboard and a stick figure drawing of a skateboarder on top.

"Wow! Hey everybody look! It's a skateboarder riding a canneoli skateboard! THANKS TY!"

"For Monsieur Derek" He said winking at him. "Welcome to your new home graduate!" Tyler set down a canneoli that he chocolate inked into a graduation cap with a tassel. Below it read 'welcome friend'

"Thanks Tyler. That's really nice of you." Derek said smiling.

"Finally. for my 'piece of resistance'" Which Tyler said in his broken French. Which in turn brought three 'boo's' from the boys! Tyler stopped and glared at the three of them for mocking him. "Dr. and Mrs. Anderson. Thank you for being kind enough to share your family with me." And Tyler set down a plate with two cannoeli's on it. Tyler drew a chocolate ring around each canneoli and then a third matching chocolate ring but no canneoli inside of it. Written around the edge of the plate it said, 'one down, two to go'. That got a round of applause from the table and Mrs. Anderson stood up and gave Tyler a hug and a kiss.

Kyle and Luke said "Oooooooooooo!" Teasing Tyler.

Kyle then added, "Get a room! There are children here!" Everyone in the kitchen watching what was happening started laughing after hearing Kyle's comment. Tyler and the Andersons turned around hearing the noise from the kitchen and then separated like a light bulb and cockroaches.

Tyler returned with a large cardboard pizza box and paybook with the cheque inside. He handed the paybook to Dr. Anderson and then placed the pizza box in front of Luke. Luke was about to open it and eat another slice but Tyler slammed his hand down on the box and said, "Don't even think about it!!"

"Hey guys, you should go check out the washroom! There's something really unusual in there that you never see in a restaurant!" Kyle and Luke ran to the washroom.

Derek asked, "Please tell me it isn't a bidet?"

"Why I think that would be a great idea!" Linda said.

"In the guys washroom Mom? Think about Luke?"

"Your right. he'd probably want to go get a toy boat to sail in it."

"That would really be rough seas for sailing" Tyler added staring off in the distance.

"Derek, you of all should go and see what's in the washroom, after all I have to share a room with you tonight!" Derek got up and strolled to the washroom with his father's request to make sure his brother's weren't flooding the place.

"What's in the washroom Tyler?" Dr. Anderson asked.

"Mouthwash dispensing liquid and cups!" He smiled and walked away.

Dr. Anderson opened the paybook and read over the items on the bill. "Honey, he really didn't charge us for the cannoeli's or that new jar of peanut butter."

"Well desserts certainly aren't for free and I am sure Tyler will have to pay for it out of his own pocket. This is certainly the best family meal we've ever had. I know you will take care of him Larry." Linda squeezed his hand.

Derek was the first to return. "They have a mouthwash dispenser in the washroom. Luke is drinking the stuff." He laughed.

"Derek! Don't you know enough to stop him?" Linda asked of her son.

"Mom! The kid eats dirt, newspaper, rubber stoppers, Lego's, and the corner of your night table if I remember correctly. A little mouthwash might just clean him out."

Dr. Anderson went over to the till to pay and Gina met him there. As she went to ring in the bill on the cash register she stopped and told Dr. Anderson of his mistake in leaving a tip.

"No mistake Mrs. Ciccone! He didn't charge us for those delicious Cannoeli's or the peanut butter and I know they don't come for free! His thoughtfulness is appreciated but he is still a student. My wife and I can't remember a nicer family meal!"

"Why thank-you Dr. Anderson. We've already had several compliments from people who sat near your table. You know our business has almost doubled on the weekends because of Tyler! He even convinced the entire staff to donate 10% of their tips to charity." She held up a large pickle jar that was half full with bills and change.

Tyler approached Gina and Dr. Anderson and asked, "if everything was okay?"

Dr. Anderson pulled out his billfold and removed a one hundred dollar bill and stuffed it into the opening of the pickle jar. He thanked Mrs. Ciccone again for 'the best family meal they've ever had'. He patted Tyler on the shoulder and returned to his table without saying anything.

When everyone was back at the table he asked them if there was anything more he could do for them? "Luke! Would you like a breath mint perhaps?" He asked.

"You heard huh?" Luke said lowering his head.

"Yeah, but it's okay, they're taking it out of my next pay check!"

"Nooooooooo?" Luke said, worried that Tyler was serious.

"I'm just teasing ya Lucas!" Lucas wiped his forehead in an Oscar winning performance.

"You are such a ham Luke!" Tyler said.

"Damn! That's what I forgot to put on my pizza!" He crossed his arms in disgust.

"So everybody enjoyed their meal?" A round of 'thanks', 'Oh yeahs' and one "burp" from Luke answered Tyler's question.

Tyler pulled out the chairs of Kyle and Luke and Luke jumped up on one chair and jumped into Tyler's arms. He gave Luke a big kiss on the cheek while he squeezed the back of his neck three times. Tyler gave his butt a triple squeeze in return and set him back down.

Kyle then said, "I want a hug too!"

"Geez Kyle, I hope you don't expect me to pick you up?" He said Brendanding down. Kyle hugged him and whispered in his ear, 'I love you Ty'. Tyler said, "I love you too 'not so little Kyle'" And winked at him and set him down. They both turned around and Tyler had his hands on Kyle's shoulders and gave him three squeezes.

"C'mon Derek," Said Kyle "Aren't you going to give Tyler a hug?"

Derek glared at him and said, "I would but not until our date is over tomorrow night." That got his parents and Tyler laughing and Luke and Kyle just looked at each other.

"Buck up, Prom Date and give the boy a hug!" Kyle demanded. That got the biggest roar of the evening and of course Kyle could only be one-up'd by Luke who added, "Derek Zero, Tyler Zero, Kyle Two! Games over folks! Time to go home!"

With all that said the group of six moved towards the front door. Derek and Tyler following behind. Derek put his arm around Tyler and hugged him. "Thanks for everything bro!" Tyler inadvertently gave him three squeezes as he hugged him back. Nothing was said but Derek couldn't figure out what it meant and Tyler didn't realize he'd released some feelings out to Derek like that.

Outside, Dr. and Mrs. Anderson didn't just invite, but insisted that Tyler join them for brunch on Saturday morning before they headed home. Tyler tried to politely excuse himself but between Mrs. Anderson's insistence and Kyle and Luke pulling on each arm he couldn't refuse. Besides, Derek whispered in his ear loud enough for everyone to hear, 'don't mess with The Mom! Trust me!'

"Larry is it too late to spend Derek's college fund on drugs and alcohol?" She asked.

"Yea!!!!!!!!!!!" Said Luke only to have everyone stop talking and stare at him.

"What?" Luke said.

"See ya at home Derek! Good night guys! Thank again for coming Mr. and Mrs. Anderson!" He waved as he returned inside the restaurant and locked the door.

Gina called everyone around who was working that night. "Everyone, Look!" Gina held up the charity jar for all to see. "One of Tyler's customers deposited a one-hundred dollar bill into the jar!" Gina said. A round of applause was heard and Tyler's face became flushed with embarrassment.

As usual Tyler got first dibs on the leftover Caesar salad and he loaded up a carry out container. "Hey Tyler!" Brendan in the kitchen yelled, "Do you want some peanut butter on that salad?" Everyone, including Tyler, laughed over that comment. Cortina, another server, yelled to Angelo in the kitchen, "Are we adding peanut butter to the menu? If so I hear it goes good with jam" She said pointing at Tyler and laughing. Everyone took their turn digging at Tyler, all in good fun.

As Tyler was putting on his coat to go home Gina called him over. "You did really good tonight Tyler! I'm very proud of you! Everyday you are here you raise us up to a new level. Your parents would be so proud of you!"

"Thanks, Mrs. Ciccone. That's very nice of you to say. it means a lot!" Tyler was becoming misty-eyed and left immediately. "Good night everyone, see ya tomorrow." Tyler said.

As Tyler headed through the kitchen to leave he handed Brendan, one of the line cooks, a card.

"What's this?" Brendan asked knowing full well what it was.

"Happy Birthday Brendan! Hope it's a great day and a better year!" Tyler said.

"Oh Ty, thanks! How did you know it was my birthday?" Brendan said grinning.

"Who do you think decorated the cake you guys had earlier? I'm sorry I couldn't be here but I had to look after my roommates little brothers today." Tyler said.

"Thanks Ty, but you really didn't need to get me a card, but thanks!" Brendan said.

"Brendan, you make my job so much easier and you make it fun to come to work! I couldn't imagine being here without you! Happy Birthday! Catch ya laterz!" He yelled leaving out the back door.

Brendan slipped out back and opened his card and a small envelope fell out.

"Happy Birthday Brendan, Hope you have a great day even though you had to work. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be at the staff party for you earlier but I wanted you to know I was thinking of you. Words don't seem enough to say thanks for all you do to make my life better, so I hope a gift card from the Business Depot is appropriate for an internet junkie like yourself! LOL All the best on your day, Ty!"

"I can't believe he remembered me?" Brendan thought to himself as he went back inside to complete the close.

When Tyler returned to the Dorm he noticed his parking place was open. This surprised him because with all the vehicles arriving this weekend he didn't think it would be free. As he pulled up his headlights spotted something shiny on the ground. He stopped the Jeep and got out to look. The entire parking space was covered in nails. He got back in to his Jeep slamming the door and parked at the first available space he could find.

"Hi, can I leave a message for Gus?" Tyler asked the weekend, night security guard.

"Sure thing!" He handed Tyler a pad of paper and a pen. Tyler wrote out the current time and brief description and then told the security guard about what he found in the parking lot.

"So let me get this straight. You've been parking in this space for a month now because Gus told you to and you drive in to find nails carefully dumped there?" He asked Tyler while making notes.

"Yes Sir. The nails were purposely placed only in that one spot. Gus was keeping a security camera on that space and he told me to park there under the light post so he could keep track of the area."

"Hmmm. let's see. Yup, camera 5 is pointed there. Why don't we go run take a look at the tape and see what we find out? Mike, as his badge stated, invited Tyler behind the security desk and told him to take a seat. He ran the tape back to 4:00 p.m. and put it on fast-forward stopping it whenever someone came into view.

"Now you see. what's your name Son?" Mike asked.

"Tyler Sir, Tyler Peel!

"Aaaaah, the man with the sweet heart!" Mike said laughing. Tyler looked at him strangely.

"Maybe I should rephrase that Tyler, the man with the good heart and the sweet tooth! Everyone wants Gus's shift." He laughed.

"What do we have here?" Mike said stopping the tape. "Tyler these cameras feed live images every second but they only snap and record one frame every 10 seconds." Mike wrote down 8:55:40 p.m. He paused the recording and pulled the image on to the screen and then enlarged it. "I would guess that is a hockey jacket? Does that look like the number 17 on the side of his coat?" Mike asked.

"Yes Sir, I would say so." Tyler squinted trying to read the face.

"Do you know people on the hockey team Tyler?"

"Yes Sir, I'm on the hockey team, but I don't know who #17 is."

"That won't take long Son! I think we better call the Coach and the police."

Mike said picking up the phone.

"NO SIR! Please! Talk to Gus first! He will explain, but is it possible for me to get a copy of these frames?"

"Alright. Settle down, is this some sort of practical joke?" Mike asked.

"Mike, Sir, would you mind disturbing Gus at home. Please!" Tyler asked.

Mike picked up the phone and called Gus. He stared at Tyler while speaking with Gus.

"Sure, no problem. Here Tyler, Gus wants to speak with you." He said handing the phone over. Tyler spoke briefly with Gus and returned the phone to Mike and Mike said goodnight to Gus and apologized for disturbing him.

"Well Tyler, Gus wants me to do exactly as you ask. He wants me to make two copies of the frames and give one to you on a blank tape. He also wants the mess cleaned up right away and for you to put your Jeep back there tonight! I also have to send out a memo alerting all security to be on the look out for anyone wearing the hockey team jackets. We are to monitor them closely.

Oh and Gus said to make sure you back your jeep in!"

Tyler thanked Mike and left his cell phone number and room number so Mike could reach him when the spot was cleaned up.

Many thanks to those of you have taken the time to write and to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story. Everyone has been very kind and forgiving of my mistakes. Every email has been appreciated and inspires me to take the time necessary to tell this story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying writing it.

Comments or opinions are welcome. Please email:

Next: Chapter 7

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