The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Dec 24, 2005


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home: Part Thirteen (Deep Cuts the Knife)

The month of October was to be even longer than September for Tyler. The majority of conversations between Tyler and Derek involved Derek asking to borrow his MP3 player. Tyler never refused even when he wanted to use it himself. Derek spent most of his time with Amber but never brought her near the dorm room. He never stayed the night with her either. Tyler carefully kept his distance from Derek and tried to remain as friendly as possible. This only aggravated the situation as Derek was looking for a fight he wasn't going to get and that just made him angrier.

"Hey Ty!" Cody said.

"Hi Cody."

"What class are you off too?" Cody asked.

"Business Math. with Danny." Tyler said.

"Have you talked to Danny at all?" Cody asked.

"Cody, have you seen us talk at all in the dressing room these last 4 weeks?" Tyler asked.

"Ummm. No. Sorry, stupid question. I was just hoping." Cody said.

"Yeah, me too! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bark at you." Tyler apologized. Tyler led Cody over to the water fountain by the Science building where he stopped before his class every Wednesday and Friday and when he was jogging.

They both sat down on the bench in front of the water fountain.

"Is Danny okay?" Tyler asked.

"I'm not really sure. He hardly speaks to me anymore. I think it's over between us." Cody said holding back the tears.

"Don't worry Cody, it's got to get better before this month ends!" Tyler smiled punching his arm.

"How's Derek doing?" Cody asked.

"I don't know. He hasn't spoken to me since the day after the fight. He's currently looking to move out. Though so am I. Whoever finds a place first will go. That's probably the only thing we agree on." Tyler said.

"Why is he mad at you? Cody asked.

"He thinks I'm taking Danny's side."

"Are you?" Cody asked.

"Nope. I told Derek that he got what he asked for because he was taunting Danny." Tyler said.

"So you support Danny?" Cody said as his mind stirred.

"Not at all! I don't agree with either of them. They were both stupid that night and neither has the balls to admit it. They both need to apologize to each other. I love them both but I'm not playing matchmaker! Don't forget that neither of them has tried to speak to me. Funny how I seem to be at fault for all of this?" Tyler mused and Cody laughed.

"Ty, I know that Danny is really hurting inside. I wasn't even involved and he hardly talks to me. It's so depressing that I think I am going to end it with him." Cody said staring at the ground.

"Don't Cody, please! Danny really is one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet. When this is over Danny will reward you with a lifetime of love for your patience. He might not realize how lucky he is to have you in his life right now, but one day soon he will! I promise you!" Tyler said putting his arm around Cody's shoulder.

"Thanks Tyler. I wish Danny knew how lucky he was to have you for a best friend?" Cody said.

"Danny doesn't need or want me Cody, he has you and that is all that is really important. I've really had enough of this fucking school! Between Danny, Derek, and hockey I'm about ready to quit and go back to Toronto." Tyler said.

"NO! You can't quit! I need you, Danny needs you even if he doesn't realize it, and God knows the team needs you!" Cody laughed.

"That's the funny thing Cody. if you think about who really needs me? No one! A third of the hockey team wants me gone, Danny hasn't spoken to me in almost a month, same with Derek. why the HELL am I wasting my time here?" Tyler got up and left Cody on the bench.

Tyler went to his class. Danny was already there but had moved to another seat four weeks ago.

That night Cody knocked on Danny's door. Tony answered it and Cody signalled him to come out in the hallway.

"Tony I need a favour?" Cody asked. "I need some time alone with Cody could you disappear for a bit?"

"Sure Cody, anything that will help get him out of this funk he's in. If he stays like this one of will be moved out of here before Christmas!" Tony said.

"Here, take my cell phone with you and I will call you when it's safe to come back okay?" Cody said.

"Okay." And Tony left.

Cody walked in and sat down in Tony's chair. Danny never even looked up to see that it wasn't Tony.

"Are you going to say Hi?" Cody asked.

Danny turned and looked at Cody and turned back to his homework.

"I was talking to Tyler today." Cody said.

Danny stopped typing on his computer but didn't turn around

"If you won't talk then you can damn well listen!" Cody yelled! "I've tolerated a month of this shit and I'm not going to take anymore of it! If you don't love me then say so, but I have to tell you that I love you more than anyone I've ever known! As Tyler said, I want you with me fifty years from now sitting in Leo's Pizza Parlour! If you don't want it then have the balls to say so!

"Tyler's thinking of quitting school because of you and Derek! He hates it here. This is your and Derek's fault and I suggest you fix it up! If you still love me then you will apologize to Tyler. If you don't then I will know how you feel. You've got till this Sunday to make things right with Tyler!" Cody said standing up.

"Derek isn't speaking to him and neither are you. I don't care who's right or who's wrong. You and Derek were both wrong and you're smart enough to know that! You're both so pig-headed that neither of you can own up and be responsible for your actions!

"Derek was wrong when he said there isn't any difference between you, Justin and Troy. You know better! I'm not going to spend my life with a bitter and angry guy. I want to spend it with the Danny I know! The one I love! If you don't want me then you don't have to do a damn thing! Just remember this! I love you but even I won't stand around and watch you crash because you're too stubborn to admit where you were wrong!"

Cody said and turned and walked down the hallway saying, "Remember, Sunday night if you love me and you love Tyler!"

'Tyler's thinking of leaving?' Danny said to himself.


"Get your ass in here!" Dakota yelled at Ryan.

Standing in the hallway facing each other Dakota pulled out an 8" hunting knife pointing it at Ryan. Ryan stepped back.

"I want you to listen carefully Ryan!" Dakota said and Ryan nodded not taking his eyes off the knife.

"Our bus leaves at 7 p.m. I want you to come by here at 6:15 p.m. and get this knife!" Dakota said and Ryan's eyes opened wide taking another step back.

"I want you to take this knife and take care of Tyler's four tires! You do this and you are forgiven and you get your Assistant's position back! Understand!" Ryan nodded still looking at the knife. Dakota put it back in its sheath and told Ryan to get lost.

Tyler was packing his hockey bag when Derek came in and slammed the door shut. This was his way of announcing he was home and displeased with anyone else being there. Tyler straightened his tie and put on the hockey jacket he hated wearing. He grabbed his Functions and Relations math text so he could study for mid-term exam the next morning. He grabbed his hockey sticks and left without saying a word.

"Hey Gus, how are you tonight?" Tyler said.

"Fine and dandy Mr. Peel! You gonna win us another game tonight?" Gus asked.

"Hopefully Gus! We're playing the toughest team in our league tonight. it's gonna be a killer!" Tyler said. "You keeping an eye on the Jeep?"

"You betcha!" Gus said switching on Camera number five and zooming in on his Jeep. "Looks a little dirty Ty," Gus winked "you should take it out and wash it!"

"Yeah, I've got lots of time for that with mid-terms starting tomorrow and running all next week!" Tyler said.

"Have a good game son!" Gus smiled.

"Thanks Gus!" Tyler said leaving for the bus.

As he walked outside he notice how dark it was beginning to get with change from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time the previous Sunday. Tyler hopped on the bus and passed by Danny without even looking. Danny was going to say something but then didn't. Tyler sat down in his usual seat.

Ryan arrived at Dakota's room at 6:15 p.m. and when Dakota answered the door to let him in. "Get in there and strip and get on the floor and assume the position!" Dakota yelled.

At 6:45 p.m. Ryan was in the bathroom cleaning up and Dakota was putting his tie on when a frantic knocking came at the door. Dakota took the knife and put it in his top drawer and closed it. He opened the door to Josh.

"Is Ryan here?" Josh said out of breath.

"He's in the washroom getting ready." Dakota said returning to the mirror.

Josh banged on the washroom door, "RYAN! Coach wants to see you right away!" Josh said and ran back to his room to get his sticks. Ryan rushed out of the bathroom.

"Fuck the coach" Dakota said to Ryan. "You have work to do!"

"I. I. can't Dakota! I have to see the Coach. I'll do it next game! Promise!" Ryan said and turned to leave.

"RYAN! You're finished! You had your last chance!" Dakota said slamming the door.

Ryan ran down the hall to the stairs. He was starting to cry as he ran.

Dakota grabbed his sticks and the knife and headed off to the bus. He set his sticks against the back of the bus being careful not to be spotted by Coach Conners talking to Ryan. Dakota ran back to the dorm halls. He carefully walked into the parking lot and waited by a lamppost. He was searching to make sure the coast was clear. He kept looking at his watch. "Shit, 7:59!" He said aloud to no one. Finally at 8:03 the coast was clear and he casually walked over to the Red Jeep. He carefully looked around and then put his knife into the front tire of Tyler's Jeep. When he pulled it out the wisp of air sounded like a balloon being released. "Shit!" He said.

He looked around and saw no one. He moved to the back of Jeep as it had more cover since Tyler backed it in now. He turned around making a full circle and forced the knife into the tire.

Gus looked over at the movement on Camera number five. "HOLY SHIT!" Gus yelled and hit the record button. He jumped over the security desk and took off towards the back entrance.

Dakota slowly pulled the knife out of the tyre allowing the air to release more quietly. He looked at his watch and it read 8:10 p.m. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" He pulled the knife out and ran to the bus grabbing his sticks on the way as Tyler's Jeep sank down on its left side.

Gus ran out the back door into the parking lot and over to Tyler's Jeep. "SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!" Gus yelled and he kicked Tyler's flat tyre.

"Control, This is Gus, you copy?" Gus said into his walkie-talkie.

"Gus, this is control, what do you need?" The man asked.

"We've got some vandalism here in the parking lot behind Boyd House. We're gonna need the police." Gus said cursing out loud between transmissions.

"Copy Gus, police are on their way."

"Thanks Control, can you send someone over to watch my desk, and tell them not to touch the recording equipment!"

"Copy Gus!"

"DAKOTA!" Yelled Coach Conners! "Where the Hell have you been?"

"Forgot my sticks Coach, sorry!" Dakota said. "You can expect some extra ice time on Tuesday!" The Coach yelled as Dakota headed to his seat in the back row of the bus. As he passed Tyler reading his textbook, Tyler looked up and Dakota grinned at him. Tyler looked around and watched him swagger to the back of the bus. He couldn't figure out what that was for? Tyler did notice that Ryan wasn't sitting in the back with Josh and Dakota. Ryan was sitting two rows behind Tyler and on the other side. Their eyes met and Ryan dropped his head down. Tyler knew something was up and he figured that Ryan was in trouble over something.

Adam turned around to talk with Tyler but Tyler told him he had to study for his exam the next morning.

"Looks really boring!" Adam said smiling.

"It is!" Tyler said! "And worse than that! This book costs over two hundred dollars!"

"Holy FUCK!" Adam said and he grabbed Tyler's book out his hand and yelled, "Who will give me five bucks for Tyler's two-hundred dollar textbook?" He said waving it in the air. Tyler reached once to get it back and Adam teased him pulling it away so Tyler grabbed his I pod and said "want to bet I can get more than five bucks for this?" as he waved it in the air!

Adam handed Tyler his textbook back. Tyler smiled and returned his I pod. "Hey Adam?" Tyler said quietly and Adam turned around in his seat. "Don't be obvious when you look but do you notice something different tonight?" Tyler asked.

"Ummm not really?" Adam said.

"Take a look at the posse!" Tyler said.

"Shit" Adam said quietly. "Why is Ryan not with them?"

"That's what I am wondering!" Tyler said.

"So are you ready for the Trenton Tigers Ty?" Adam asked.

"Adam, we're not going to go there! Remember last time!" Tyler said returning to his book.

"Gotcha!" Adam smiled.

The first period was tough for both teams. No goals were scored and penalties were everywhere. Tyler noticed that Ryan was actually trying tonight. Almost friendly too!

During the second period Tyler called the Coach over and asked him, "What's going on with Ryan tonight?"

"I don't normally do this but I pulled him aside before we left and let him know that he was being scouted tonight. This is one of his few chances left before the draft next summer." Coach Conners said patting Tyler on the back. Tyler immediately change his game plan and was putting every puck in Ryan's stick that he could.

Dakota saw what was happening and when he was out on the ice he skated by the Tiger's Captain and said, "Number 17 on my team says you're a Fag? Is that true?" He laughed and skated away.

Midway through the second period Ryan got the first goal. Trenton's fans were not amused and the Tiger's were downright pissed! Before their shift was up Tyler got a goal as well. Tyler and Ryan knew on the second shift that the hits were getting dirtier every time. With just under 10 minutes left in the second period Tyler had a breakaway with Ryan on his right side.

Tyler crossed over in front of Ryan and hoped he would remember the same trick they used before. As Tyler skated behind the net he dropped the puck but positioned his stick to look like he still had it. Ryan hadn't forgotten and flipped the puck in the net without the goalie even noticing.

One of the Tiger's came in low after the goal was scored and flipped Tyler into a 360 smashing him into the boards. Two other Tiger players took Ryan into the boards and he collapsed clutching his shoulder. All three Tiger players were tossed from the game and the crowd 'booooed" the Referees.

Tyler wasn't unconscious but he was badly shaken and both he and Ryan left the ice immediately with one of the assistant Coaches and some medical people. Adam sat on the bench and listened to Dakota laughing and smiling through all of this.

They brought Tyler and Ryan into the dressing room. Ryan was sobbing his eyes out in pain. He wouldn't let anyone touch him. Tyler and the medical team could see that his shoulder was dislocated. With some cleaver eye communication, one of the medical people walked behind Ryan and the other in front. Placing his hands gently on Ryan's back he held him still and talked calmly. The other medical person put his hand on Ryan's shoulder. The guy behind Ryan simply said, "NOW!" And the guy in front pushed his shoulder in on an angle and everyone heard a 'POP'!

Ryan stared at Tyler, both with wide open eyes not believing what had happened. Ryan gently moved his arm a little and stopped. He paused and looked at them both and said "Owww! That hurt!" Everyone busted up laughing except Ryan.

"Sorry son, but you would be in much more agony if we didn't put it back in.

We could take you to the hospital but they would only do the same thing." He said.

"Now we need to get that Jersey off and check you out." The other medical man said.

"NO!" Ryan said backing away.

"Guys!" Tyler said. Is he okay to make the trip home and see the team doctor there?"

"Yeah, I would imagine." One of them said.

"Look, do me a favour and leave me some scissors to cut Ryan out of his jersey and a sling to wrap up his arm. I will do it! If that's okay with you Ryan?" Tyler asked.

Ryan nodded. "Guys, where's our assistant Coach?" Everyone looked around but he was gone. "Look, is it possible to have the team use another dressing room for second intermission instead of this one so Ryan doesn't get bumped around?" Tyler asked.

"Good idea! I will talk to your coach, we'll just tell him we are working on him, but guys, if anything else is bruised or bleeding I have to know! Deal?" He said.

"Sure!" And Tyler shook his hand and thanked them as they left. Tyler went and locked the door. When he turned around with the scissors Ryan stepped back and Tyler stopped.

"Something wrong Ryan?" Ryan just shook his head.

"Do you want to do it yourself or me to bring them back in here to do it?" Tyler asked. Ryan again shook his head no. Tyler turned the scissors around and set them down on the bench near Ryan.

"Why don't you just sit down and rest while I get changed?" Tyler said and Ryan sat down. "Those were great goals you scored! I'm glad you got them. I told the Coach what a great player you are!" Tyler said removing his equipment. He looked over at Ryan who was staring off in the distance.

"You okay Ryan?" Tyler asked.

"You told the Coach what a great player I am?" Ryan asked seeming confused.

"Yeah! How do you think you got your suspension cancelled?" Tyler said laughing.

Tyler turned around naked and walked over and sat down beside Ryan.

"It's time to get this off you okay? I will be very careful, I promise." Tyler said and Ryan started to cry.

"Oh Ryan, don't cry! I promise I won't hurt you. Ummm look I'll go get one of the medical guys to do this." Tyler said walking over to put some boxers on.

"NO!" Ryan yelled trying to hold back the tears. "You do it, please!"

"Okay, well there's no need to get upset. Just relax." Tyler said as he turned Ryan's body away from him. "I'm going to cut up the seam on the right side so it won't hurt your left shoulder." Tyler said and began cutting. "And if I cut you, you'll be the first to know! That was a joke Ryan!"

Tears slowly streamed down Ryan's face as Tyler cut and removed his jersey. Tyler then began completely unlacing his pads so they would come off in pieces. Tyler stopped and looked at Ryan, wiping his tears away with his thumbs.

"Hey, it's okay, you're doing fine." Tyler said as he unlaced his skates. Ryan's sobbing began to increase. Tyler had him down to his boxers and was making a sling when the buzzer for end of second period went off. Tyler had Ryan stand up while he placed the cloth sling under his left arm and pulled it up around his neck. He tied a knot between the shoulders at his back so that it wouldn't rub on neck.

"All better now?" Tyler asked trying to make Ryan feel better.

Ryan started crying again Tyler gently hugged him placing his head on Ryan's right shoulder. Ryan took his free arm and wrapped it around Tyler. Ryan began shake as he cried and Tyler lowered him back onto the bench fearing he would fall. Tyler got up and went into the showers turning two of them on.

He walked back to see Ryan still crying but less than before. "C'mon, we both need a shower." Tyler said as he helped Ryan up and walked him into the shower.

"Don't worry about the sling, we'll dry it or get you another one." Tyler winked. "Now stop those tears" Tyler position Ryan under one of the showerheads but Ryan wouldn't let go of his waist so Tyler got some shampoo and told him to close his eyes while he washed his hair. Ryan looked deep into Tyler's eyes and when Tyler looked at Ryan, Ryan said, "You really got my suspension cancelled?"

"Yeah!" Tyler said. "How else do you think it happened? I told the Coach that it was his fault for creating this mess in the first place. Making me an assistant Captain was just a dumb idea and not fair to others who had been on the team longer. I never wanted the position in the first place. Hell I don't even care about playing the game. It's really just a favour to the Coach to help some other team members who want to make the draft. He even made Dakota apologize to me, though I wish he hadn't because that just made him angrier. I told the Coach that if he suspended you and Dakota then everyone would just be taking sides and we would never gel as a team! Can you tell me why Dakota hates me so much?"

"Shit!" Ryan said and broke down crying. "I've been such a stupid asshole!"

He pulled Tyler into a hug and said, "I'm so sorry. I never knew. I should have known."

"Hey it's okay Ryan. I was never here to take your position." Tyler said.

"I know that now. I should have always known that and not listened to Dakota." Ryan said. "Can you ever forgive me?"

"Let's just put it in the past Ryan. Dakota is another story though. he's going to pay for what he's been doing to another team member though!"

Tyler turned Ryan around and began washing his back while Ryan leaned against the shower wall. Tyler asked Ryan to spread his legs a little wider as he washed around his butt. Tyler put some soap in Ryan's right hand so he could wash his genitals. Tyler wrapped his arm around Ryan's tummy to steady him. He gently ran his soapy fingers up from the bottom of Ryan's ass and saw blood in the soap.

"Holy Shit Ryan!" Tyler said,

"What?" Ryan asked.

"You're bleeding out your ass. We've got to get the medics in here right away!" Tyler said panicking.

"NO! PLEASE! Don't!" Ryan said and began to cry again and sunk down to the shower floor.

"It's okay Ryan! We won't do anything you don't want to do, but you really need to have that looked at. You've probably got some internal injury from the hit you took! You're going to have to see the team doctor when we get back though!" Tyler said kneeling down in front of Ryan.

Ryan held his free hand over his eyes and cried more. Tyler gently pulled him into his chest and kissed his head. Between sobs Ryan confessed to Tyler, "It's not from the game."

Tyler just stroked his wet hair and wondered what he meant. He was thinking haemorrhoids at first and then the light clicked on! "Oh FUCK Ryan, not you too? Is Dakota doing this to you also?" Tyler yelled!

Ryan's crying turned to sobs as he nodded his head up and down.

"That fucking asshole, he's going to pay for this." Tyler said.

"No!" Ryan said, "You can't say anything to anyone!"

"Ryan, it's rape, plain and simple! I promise you Ryan he will never touch you again or anyone else for that matter! Let's get you out of here." Tyler said helping Ryan stand up.

Ryan leaned against the dressing room wall while Tyler dried him off as best as he could. "How's your shoulder doing?" Tyler said.

"Better than earlier, but it still hurts like hell!" Ryan said trying to smile.

"Ryan, we're going to come through this okay! You're going to make the draft, I promise!" Tyler said looking into Ryan's eyes. Ryan pulled Tyler into a hug with his free arm. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Ryan's eyes continued watering and he manage to say through his tears, "I don't deserve anything Tyler.

"Ryan, listen to me! You've been abused mentally and sexually! No one deserves that! No one should ever have to live like that! Don't you see that Dakota's already made you believe that you're not worth anything? It isn't true and I'm going to start helping you realize it right now!" Tyler set Ryan down on the bench and kneeled before him. He placed a hand on each side of his face and kissed him gently on the lips. Ryan closed his eyes. "Ryan, that is what love is!" Tyler taped his side of his ass gently and said, "When someone isn't welcome down there, that's abuse!" Tyler stood up and walked across the room to get dressed. When he was finished he helped Ryan get dressed and then unlocked the door and went out to find the medics.

"How's your friend doing?" One of them asked.

"He's okay for now" Tyler said smiling. "I was just wondering if I could get a second sling because that one is wet from his shower?" The medic opened his kit and gave Tyler another sling.

Tyler returned to the change room and Ryan asked what the score was? "Still three zip!" Tyler said smiling. Ryan smiled. "Maybe now you will start realizing how much your team needs you Ryan?"

Coach Conner's was called over by one of the Referees after the game ended. The referee said the Tiger's would be filing a harassment complaint against #17 for calling the Captain a 'queer'!

"What?" Said Coach Conners! "Since when is name calling a reason to file a complaint?"

"Look Coach, new rules on verbal and sexual harassment! I think it's silly too but it's now the law this season. Apparently your Captain told the Tiger's Captain that, ahhhh, Ryan Chambers was picking on his sexuality!"

The Dragon's began to file in to the change room after the game ended. When Dakota came in he saw that both Ryan and Tyler were showered and dressed and he said, "DID THE TWO FAG BOYS HAVE A FUN SESSION IN THE SHOWER?" Dakota yelled.

Tyler stood up and grabbed the front of Dakota's jersey. He pulled his right arm back and struck him hard in the side of his nose. Dakota dropped to the ground and blood began to pour from his nose.

"GET THE FUCK UP RAPIST!" Tyler yelled. Everyone in the room stopped moving or talking. "GET THE FUCK UP ASS MASTER so I can beat the shit out of you!" Dakota was still stunned from the punch and Tyler reached down and starting pulling him back up. As he pulled his right arm back to hit Dakota again Josh grabbed him from behind and Dakota dropped to the ground.

"LET GO OF ME JOSH so I can kill the fucking rapist! C'mon Dakota, tell everyone what you like to do to team members!"

Coach Conners heard the commotion and came running in to see Josh and Cody (#3) holding Tyler back yelling at Dakota.

"What in Hell is going on in here!"

"TYLER punched me for no reason Coach!" Dakota said wiping away blood all over him. Tyler tried to lunge at him again but Josh and Cody held him tight.

"Peeler, I want you out of this dressing room NOW!" Coach Conners yelled at him!

"No fucking way Coach!" I'm not leaving him alone with any player here! C'mon Dakota, tell him! Tell him how you've been raping players!"

"He's fucking sick Coach! He's crazy!" Dakota said!

Coach Conner's had one of the assistant Coaches take Dakota out of the room.

Tyler relaxed and Josh and Cody let go of him. "Calm down Son!" He said to Tyler. Sit down for a moment! He pointed to Tyler's seat. "Does anyone here know anything about Dakota saying something to the Captain of the other team?" Coach Conners asked.

Adam raised his hand. "This isn't Sunday School Armitage, if you've got something to say spit it out!"

"Sir, Coach, I heard Dakota say something about '17 is a fag' but I can't be exactly sure. He was smiling and laughing when Tyler and Ryan got taken down though! I know because he was right beside me on the bench." Adam said looking over at Tyler and Ryan.

"Boys, a complaint has been filed against Ryan! The Tiger's claim that you made a sexually degrading remark to or about the Captain of their team." Coach said.

"WHAT? That's insane! I never said anything Coach! I swear!" Ryan said holding his shoulder.

"I believe you Ryan, and Adam just confirmed it. Dakota initiated your take down! JOSH! What do you know about this?" Coach Conners yelled!

"Nothing Sir! Honestly!" Josh said.

"If I find out that you are involved or have any knowledge of this that you didn't tell me here and now, you'll also be off the team! So if you have anything to say spill it!" Coach Conners said!

Josh looked at Tyler and looked down to the ground.

"Boys, you can shower at home, get your skates off and get the Hell on that bus! Tyler, don't you move an inch from that seat until I tell you too!" Coach Conners yelled and left the room to go see Dakota.

Everyone looked at Tyler. Tyler looked at Cody and Cody looked away. Tyler looked at Ryan and mouthed to him "you stay here!" Ryan nodded his acknowledgement.

The change room was quiet except for the noise of skates and shoes. One of the assistants came back in and asked, "Which bag is Dakota's?" Josh picked the bag up and as he was about to hand it to the assistant Ryan yelled, "NO!

Don't touch that bag!" Everyone froze.

"Adam!" Ryan chose, "Open his bag carefully and check the contents, but don't touch anything!

"RYAN! Shut the fuck up, you don't know what you're talking about!" Josh said.

"So you knew about it too!" Ryan asked.

"Hey! There's a knife in here! A big one!" Adam said.

"Don't touch it!" Ryan said.

"You're so fucking dead Ryan!" Josh said.

"You're so fucking dead Josh!" Tyler said. "Looks like you're going down too!"

Josh attempted to go after Tyler but three players grabbed him.

The assistant told Josh to "Get the fuck out of here now and get on the bus!

Everyone else out too! Josh! Drop that bag!" Josh pushed his way out followed by everyone except Tyler, Ryan, Cody, and Danny. Tyler glanced at Danny and Danny looked back. Each looked away.

The Coach slammed the dressing room door open and told the three of them to get out! Tyler stopped the Coach and said they were staying. if they wanted too?

"I just spent 15 minutes convincing the Tiger's Coach and their Captain not to press charges against the team or Ryan. Dakota admitted that he made it up and apologized. Dakota is going to be dealt with tomorrow!

"Tyler, what do you have to say for yourself?" The Coach yelled.

"Sir, before I say anything, I'd like to know if anyone else in this room has anything to say?" Tyler looked at his three-team mates and all three lowered their heads.

"I guess they have nothing to say Coach. Do you remember when you, me and Dakota had that meeting in your office?" The Coach nodded. "Dakota went and told Ryan that he saved his ass from suspension and that I was trying to get them and several other players removed from the team!"

"What the Fuck?" The Coach said. "I do blame you now for that meeting because Dakota and Ryan would have been out of this University if I hadn't listened to you!"

Ryan started crying and Cody went over beside him and put his arm around him.

"Ryan, look at me!" The Coach yelled! "What did I tell you? I said we're not going to have any more chats like this remember?" Ryan nodded his head.

"Sir, there's a lot more to this! Dakota has been sexually abusing players and that's why I punched him Sir! I'd do it again if I could get at him too!" Tyler said looking down at the ground.

"Sexually abusing players?" The Coach asked shaking his head. "What are you talking about?"

"Sir, nobody wants to admit to you or anyone else for fear that they might have to go to court and it would all be too embarrassing." Tyler looked at the three of them. "Is anyone going to back me up and tell the Coach that they are aware of any players being sexually abused?"

"It's true Sir!" Danny said. "I know of one player."

"So do I Dad." Cody said.

"Me three!" Ryan said.

"Sir, the problem is gone, or at least in 30 minutes will be gone, so why don't you leave it to the people who know about it to assist those on the team that need help? If no one wants to come forward then we won't have a big scene in the newspapers!" Tyler said. "We can't force anyone to testify against Dakota, but you have to believe it's true Sir!"

"I know you don't lie Tyler!" The Coach said. "Okay boys, let's get going and Cody, I want to see you tomorrow! Ryan you're still on the team, but I want to talk with you tomorrow about this knife in my office."

"Yes Coach." Ryan said and burst into tears and got up and went over to Tyler for a hug.

Dakota stormed up to the bus before the final four arrived. He punched the side of the bus so hard everyone stopped talking inside. As he walked towards the back of the bus no one would look him in the eye and he stopped at Tyler's seat. He picked up his textbook and shred it into pieces, throwing it up in the overhead storage. He sat down in the back of the bus and smiled.

The Coach and the four boys walked up to the bus where the two Assistant Coaches were waiting outside. Tyler was the last of the four boys to get on the bus. Whispers could be heard everywhere but no conversations could be made out.

As they entered Philly's city limits Tyler looked for his textbook. It wasn't anywhere.

"Adam, have you got my textbook?" Tyler said.

"Ummm, no, I don't. I wasn't going to mention it until we got off the bus but look up above you!" Adam said and ducked back down in his seat.

Tyler stood up and reach overhead to feel the pieces of paper. He pulled a handful out and saw it was his textbook. He looked over to see Dakota and Josh laughing quietly.

Tyler yelled, "YOU FUCKER! I know you did this!" Everyone turned forward or looked back to see what was happening. Coach Conners got up and walked down towards Tyler's seat.

"You can't prove I did anything?" Dakota yelled!

"Somebody had to see it! Who saw it?" Tyler screamed looking around the bus! No one said anything.

"Fuck the lot of you! You're all scared of that rapist! That piece of shit! You all deserve each other!" Tyler said.

"Calm down!" Coach Conners said forcing Tyler into his seat so that he couldn't get at Dakota.

"Dakota!" Coach said, "Did you do this?" He said reaching above and pulling out the torn up textbook.

"No Sir!" Dakota lied. "Of course I wouldn't do that, it would be too obvious that it was me! Probably one of Tyler's friends or even Tyler, trying to get me in trouble!" Dakota said.

The bus was less than two miles from the University when Adam spoke up.

"Coach! I saw who did it. It was Dakota!" Adam said.

"You little fucker!" Dakota yelled!

The Coach was about to say something but Tyler interrupted him.

"Dakota! You win! Keep your fucking team. Except for Adam here the rest of you deserve Dakota! I QUIT! I've had enough of this shit! I don't have to be here and I'm not trying to play in the NHL! Fuck every last one of you!

"Yeah you fucking Canadian faggot! I knew you wouldn't last!" Dakota said, "I knew the moment you skipped the first team meeting in July that you thought you were too good for us!

Tyler tried to jump over the seat to get at Dakota. Cody ran up to Tyler and pulled him back. Coach Conners blocked the front.

"I'll rip you apart you fucking asshole! You son of a bitch! You don't know why I wasn't there!" Tyler started crying.

The bus rounded passed the bus stop a half block from the school.

"Dakota! You fucking asshole!" The Coach yelled. "Tyler wasn't here because his entire family was killed in a car accident while he was on the flight down here!"

There was one large 'gasp' and even Dakota's jaw fell open. Cody wrapped his arms around Tyler as he cried. The bus was noisy with quiet chatter amongst each little group from front to back. The only person not talking was Danny and he broke down and cried for Tyler and for himself.

The clamour to chatter came to a quick end when some yelled, "What's all the flashing lights?" Everyone looked out the window to see the three police cars with their full lights blinking.

As the bus driver pulled up to the gate he was usually waved through but this time they stopped him. He was told quietly by the guard to pull up to the Police vehicles and not to open the door until a police officer arrived.

Everyone watched out the window as they moved closer to the action and wondered what was happening.

"Cody" His Dad said. "You stay with Tyler at all times and keep an eye on Dakota." Cody nodded. The Coach walked up to the front of the bus where he was greeted by a police officer.

'Good Evening. Coach Conners?" He asked flipping through pages of his notepad.

"Yes Sir." The Coach said. The two of them had a brief conversation and the Police Officer boarded the bus. He walked directly to the back and pointed at Dakota.

"Are you Dakota Thompson?" The police officer asked.

"Yes Sir." Dakota said pulling the bloodied tissue away from his nose.

"Would you come with me?" And the police officer stepped aside and followed Dakota out of the bus. Everyone slid over to the right side of the bus to watch what was happening. The saw the police take Dakota over to the hood of the police car and slam his face down on it. They put handcuffs on him.

Someone on the bus yelled, "They're arresting Dakota!" Which was obvious to everyone on the bus.

The police returned to the bus and called for "Tyler Peel" and Tyler got up, wiped his eyes and walked off the bus. When he got outside he saw a huge crowd of students gather in a semi-circle. One police officer and Coach Conners took him to the side of the bus and explained that two of his tires on his vehicle had been slashed. Tyler immediately punched the side of the bus startling everyone on it. Gus came over and explained that he got everything on tape and they could clearly see the number eight on the jacket of the person who did it! Ironically, Dakota was still wearing that jacket with his handcuffs on. The police officer told him that he would need to file charges against Dakota or else they would have to release him. Coach Conners then handed over the knife that they found in Dakota's bag. The police officer took the knife and placed it against his palm. "Sadly, it's legal, just barely!"

Coach Conners asked for the knife back. "It might be legal in your area but it isn't legal on the University's property." He said.

The Officer asked Tyler what he wanted to do.

Tyler asked the Coach to get Ryan, Josh and Cody off the bus and bring Dakota over here. When all had arrived Tyler asked the police officer to leave them alone as Gus would keep an eye on him.

"Here's the deal Dakota! Ummm, Coach, could you excuse us for a moment. This isn't something you want to hear about for the good of the University."

The Coach walked over to the police officer.

"Gus tells me that this Tyler is one amazing kid?" The Officer asked.

"You better believe it. His entire family died in a car accident in July while he was on a flight down to Drexel. The poor kid blames himself for it. He says if he hadn't come down here they would all be alive." Coach said.

"Shit! That's awful. Poor kid. Doesn't he realize it isn't his fault?" The Officer asked.

"Nope, but he will in time. My wife and daughter died in a car accident and my son Cody, over there," the Coach pointed, "only he and I survived. I know exactly what Tyler's going through and you never really get over it. you just sort of accept it."

"What about the Thompson kid? He's got a record! What the Hell is he doing here?"

"Do you know the Dean?" Coach asked.

"Dean Thompson?" The officer said.

"Put one and one together. and you get grandfather-grandson!" Coach said.

Cody, Ryan, and Josh got off the bus and joined Tyler, Gus and a handcuffed Dakota.

"Here's the deal Dakota! You get Josh to go get your digital video camera with the disc of Cody in it and give it to me and I won't press charges! You got one minute to make up your mind and then the deal is off and you go to jail!"

"I'm gonna have you charged with assaulting me! Then I'm going to hand that video over to the Coach." Dakota beamed with his announcement.

"Dakota, there isn't a person on that bus who will back you up!" Josh said.

Tyler turned around and took Ryan and Cody aside. "Ryan, listen to me, trust me just this once. I want you to nod in agreement and when you lock eyes with Dakota I want you to look as mad as possible! Tyler turned around and walked up to Dakota.

"Never mind, deals off! Ryan and Cody are both having you charged with sexual assault! You're going to spend the next twenty years in jail having your ass pounded by cell mates!" Tyler turned around and winked.

"Wait! Wait Tyler!" Dakota said. Tyler turned around.

"Josh, my keys are in my right pocket. Go to my room and get all the discs. They're in the inside pocket of my high school hockey jacket, in my closet!"

Dakota said.

"Wait!" Said Tyler. "How many discs are there?"

"Three!" Dakota said.

"Josh, you've got five minutes to be back here with three discs and a working camera or he is gone and I wouldn't be surprised if you go down with him!" Tyler said looking at his watch. Josh ran off to their dorm house.

Tyler looked at Dakota and said, "We both know they would be found in a search of your room before the evenings over! You're getting out of this too easily!" Dakota smirked.

Tyler turned around and winked at Cody. He looked up at everyone on the bus and saw Danny right in front of him crying. "Coach!" Tyler yelled.

The Coach and police officer came running over. "Do we need the rest of the guys to stay on the bus?" Tyler asked. The Coach looked at the police officer and they decided to get everyone else off the bus. The team piled out of the bus but no one left wanting to see what was happening.

Tyler turned back to Dakota. "You owe me for two tires by the way!"

"Fuck you! That wasn't the deal!" Dakota said.

Tyler looked over Dakota's shoulder and Dakota turned around himself to see Dean Thompson standing there.

"Dakota!" Dean Thompson yelled.

"Grandpa, what are you doing here?" Dakota said.

"Grandpa?" Tyler said, and turned smiling at Ryan and Cody.

"Dean Thompson, your grandson owes me for two tires!" Tyler said.

"Call my secretary in the morning and make an appointment for the afternoon.

I will take care of everything." The Dean said glaring at his grandson.

Coach Conners stepped up and said, "Dean, this was found in your grandson's possession and I think I will save myself the trip of delivering it personally to you.

Dean Thompson looked at the knife. "Dakota, I gave this to you when you graduated public school! You know better than to bring this on campus!" Dakota just stared at the ground.

Josh was trying to get through the police line and the Coach told the officer to tell his buddy to let him through. Josh handed three discs and the video camera over to Tyler. Tyler popped the first disc in and pulled the viewer panel on the side open. He clicked play. Cody and Ryan each peered over his shoulders. Tyler popped the disc out and inserted the second disc and hit play. "Dakota has a really big ass doesn't he?" Tyler said quietly to Ryan and Cody. They both snickered. Tyler popped the third disc in and hit play! "Third times a charm boys!" He popped it open and handed all three discs to Cody. He thought about the Coach watching and said, "Cody I want you to hold on to these for me!"

Tyler handed the camera back to Josh and the police officer said, "Let me see that son," and Josh handed the camera to the police officer.

The police officer yelled, "Hey Brady, get over here. Run this serial number!"

Tyler, Ryan, and Cody all saw Dakota mouth the word 'shit'.

The three began to laugh. "Officer!" Tyler called. "We have settled this and if you don't need us, we need to get Ryan to the Doctor's. He was hurt on the ice tonight."

"If you're sure about this?" The officer said.

"No Sir, but a deal is a deal and I always keep my word. Since the Dean is going to replace my tires there is no point in wasting anyone's time in court Sir." Tyler said.

"Sergeant! It checks out! Missing from the Best Buy store out at AMC plaza." Officer Brady said.

"You! Where did you get this camera?" The officer said.

"From Dakota's closet in his room Sir!" Josh said.

"Dean Thompson, we would like to look through your Grandson's room. Stuff like this I can return to the insurance company without much paperwork. if you get my point, or I can post an officer on his door and get a warrant and things will get very public?"

"Gus, will you go with Josh and the Sergeant and quietly assist them please."

"Yes, Sir! Dean Thompson." Gus smiled and walked off with Josh, the police officer and Dakota's keys.

"Coach, thank you for your phone call! Drop by my office tomorrow and we'll discuss the best way to handle all of this." Dean Thompson said.

"That's okay, Dean Thompson, you do whatever you want. If I see him anywhere near me again I'll break him in two! Just email me whatever you want me to tell the student newspaper and the press." Coach Conners said.

"You think this will hit the press Coach?" Dean Thompson asked.

"Look around you Dean, there are probably a thousand students standing here. What do you think?"

"Good night Sirs," all three boys said as they headed into the bus to grab their equipment.

The police officer told Dean Thompson that he wanted to take him down to the station first for finger printing so they would have him on file and he could pick him up in twenty minutes. The entire team watched as a handcuffed Dakota was led into the back of a police cruiser. A round of applause began by the entire team!

When the boys departed the bus, Cody ran up to his Dad and hugged him, "Thanks Dad, you're the greatest!" Coach Conners smiled and released his son. "We still have to talk tomorrow son. Maybe we'll go have some lunch somewhere off campus." He smiled and winked.

Tyler was next to go and hug the Coach saying, "Thanks DAD!" everyone laughed. While hugging the Coach, Tyler whispered to him, "go easy on Ryan, he's taken more abuse than anyone else."

Tyler released the Coach. "You amaze me Son! Cody couldn't have a better role model. Are you sure you won't reconsider staying on with the team Tyler?"

"Pretty sure Coach! I think they might had a chance of becoming a real team now!" Tyler said.

The Coach looked at Ryan and Ryan lowered his head. "Son come here." Ryan walked over to the Coach. He pulled Ryan in close near Tyler and Cody and said. "Ryan, you've got three people right in front of you that never stopped believing in you. It's your choice as to whether you put Dakota behind you or not. Just know that we are all here for you. When you're ready to come back and play line one is waiting there for you!" Ryan began crying and the Coach hugged him gently.

The three boys grabbed their gear. Tyler carried Ryan's hockey bag and his own. Cody carried all the sticks. Ryan walked on Tyler's right to protect his shoulder and Cody flanked the other side. As they walked past their team mates Ryan and Cody looked at them all smiling. The team started clapping and chanting "Tyler! Tyler!" but Tyler never looked up and Danny lowered his head after Tyler went past him.

Many thanks to those of you have taken the time to write and to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story. Everyone has been very kind and forgiving of my mistakes. Every email has been appreciated and inspires me to take the time necessary to tell this story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying writing it.

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Next: Chapter 14

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