The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Dec 22, 2005


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

**Author's Note: I have tried to get as many chapters out as I can before Christmas and I think most will agree that I have produced a fair amount in the first month of this story being published? Please be patient as things are going to slow down a bit over the next few weeks. All of your emails inspire to keep at it, even during the tough chapters. There are at least another 10 chapters to finish the story and I will do my best to get at least one out per week.

The Road Home: Part Twelve (Too much sugar in the blood)

As Tyler quietly inserted the key in the door he heard Derek yell from inside, "I'M UP!"

Tyler walked in and closed the door. He saw Derek sitting behind his computer wearing only his boxers.

"I brought you a hot chocolate from the Bakery." Tyler said handing it over to him.

"What? No cinnamon bun? Derek said slurping up some hot chocolate.

"There was. but it's a long story." Tyler said.

"Sure, beat me up and seduce me Mr. Peel and you think one lousy hot chocolate makes up for it?" Derek said smiling.

"Yeah, I do! You're cheap and easy Mr. Anderson." Tyler shot back.

"Does it show that easily?" Derek laughed. "Thanks for the hot chocolate. You're not wearing your sweats. so you didn't go for a run. a man of principle would be there in the morning when I wake! I know your type Mr. Peel. Tsk! Tsk! Mother warned me about people like you!"

"Your Mother warned me about you too!" Tyler said changing his clothes.

"You can be really cranky in the morning Mr. Peel. you should have your blood sugar che."

"SHUT UP! Or I'll lay the beats on you again!" Tyler said.

"Anytime Ty. anytime! So where did you go this morning?" Derek asked.

"I went out for breakfast with Danny." Tyler said.

"Out? As in you didn't eat downstairs?" Derek inquired.

"Good one Sherlock!" Tyler responded.

"And you didn't invite me? Sniff" Derek moaned.

"You won't come to dinner with us tonight but you would've gone to breakfast this morning?" Tyler said.

ring ring, ring ring, ring ring, ring ring, ring ring.

"Derek, your phone is ringing!" Tyler said.

"Why don't you answer it. it will just be Mom, she likes you better than me anyway!" Derek said wanting to savour his hot chocolate.

Tyler grabbed the phone telling Derek, "I hate the sound of a phone ringing.Derek's Dungeon of Devastation. Pray for all those who enter, especially those who have to live here... How can I be of absolutely no service to you?" Derek glared at Tyler.

"Hahahaha" laughed Mrs. Anderson. "Good morning Tyler!"

"OH Good Morning DEAN THOMPSON!" Tyler said into the phone. "No I'm sorry; Derek is still unconscious from last night's orgy!" Derek jumped up and hit his head on the bottom of his bed trying to grab for the phone but Tyler held it up away from him reaching it. "And how are you today Mrs. Anderson?"

"I'm fine Tyler, and it sounds like your world is going good as well?" Linda said laughing.

"You lived with him for 18 years Mrs. Anderson. isn't that sort of a silly question?" Linda and Tyler roared. Derek was clawing away at Tyler to get at the phone.

"I think your son wants to talk to you now Mrs. Anderson. he seems a little hyped up today!!!" Tyler yelled from a distance as Derek wrestled the phone away from him.

"Hi Mom!" Derek said panting from lack of breath.

"Derek, you're all out of breath. You need to get some exercise. You're not doing drugs are you?" Linda asked.

"MOM! You don't give me enough money to have a drug habit. however speaking of money..." Derek said. Tyler laughed hearing the one side of the conversation. "Could you ask Dad to remove a few extra organs out of his next patient?"

"I'll go to the bank on Monday honey. and mortgage the dog house. since that all we have left since you started school!" Linda joked.

"MOM! That's so not nice to say to your first born, the son you love the most!" Derek said rolling his eyes for Tyler to see.

"Have I reminded you lately about the stretch marks I still have from when you were born? A 9.2 lbs baby and a 12 lbs ego! sigh" Linda teased.

"MOM!" Derek said again.

"Settle down sunshine. I just wanted to make sure it was okay for Kyle to come stay with you on the weekend of November 11 through 13 so your Dad and I can celebrate our 20th anniversary alone? Linda asked.

"I think I have a game or something that weekend Mom?" Derek said trying to get out of it.

"Fine Derek, if it is really a problem for you then I am sorry I asked you for this one small favour. Kyle was so looking forward to spending time with you and Tyler. We'll just cancel our weekend and do it another time." Linda said.

"Mom, that is so not nice to pull the shit that I use on you! Kyle can come, besides Tyler is actually looking forward to it, which isn't surprising since he has the mental capacity of a 14 year old!" Derek said sticking his tongue out at Tyler.

Tyler shot a rubber band back and hit Derek in the leg! "MOM, Tyler's hurting me!" Derek said in a little boy voice.

"Not enough Honey, I can still hear you breathing!" Linda joked.

"MOM! You're supposed to love your son more than his roommate who didn't bring me a cinnamon bun this morning! What? Okay put him on. Hey Lukey, how are ya? Cool, did you score a goal? Great! Okay! If I have too. Kyle. It's fine. He's fine. Yeah, second weekend in November." Derek walked the phone cord down the hall towards the door and said quietly, "Yeah, I love you too Kyle, you know that! Okay, hang on. Tyler, Kyle wants to say hi!" Derek said handing him the phone.

"Hey Kyle! Nice to hear your voice!" Tyler said.

"Did you hear? Mom's making Derek keep me over the weekend in November!" Kyle laughed.

"Not true Kyle! Your brother asked me if you could stay. He wants you to come for the weekend and so do I." Tyler winked at Derek.

"Really?" Kyle asked.

"Really! We both want you to come here. the place is a pigsty and needs cleaning!" Tyler said and both Kyle and Derek laughed.

"Thanks a lot!" Kyle said.

"You're Welcome Kyle! Here, I will give you back to your brother now. cause you know if he doesn't have something in his hand to play with then he's playing with his."

"Hahahaha" yelled Kyle into the phone as Derek grabbed it back.

"I thought I told you to never touch my phone!!" Derek said to Tyler.

"Kyle don't believe a thing he says!" Derek said.

"Oh Mom, your back on. No, no. Tyler can use the phone anytime he wants." Derek said turning his back away from Tyler. Linda heard Tyler's fake roar of laughter as well.

"Derek! Dear God! We are paying for your phone, not you! If I ever hear that Tyler can't use the phone then I will rip that phone out of your room! You hear me!" Linda yelled.

"Yes Ma'am!" Derek said very quietly. Tyler figured out what was going on and he put his headphones on and plugged into his computer.

Derek hung up the phone but before he could say anything, Tyler said, "So are you coming to dinner tonight?"

"I DON'T THINK SO!" Derek said.

"Okay, no problem, but I would like you to come and Tony will be there." Tyler said.

"Danny's going to be there isn't he?" Derek asked.

"What does it matter if Danny is there? He's my best friend and if you could make the slightest effort to get to know him you would love him as much as I do!" Tyler said.

"Look it would just ruin everyone's meal if I was there." Derek said.

"Only if you are rude or mean! If you gave these guys a chance you would see how great they are!

"I saw last night. thanks!" Derek said.

"Look! I'm sorry for Danny's cheap shot! He didn't know that you wouldn't be aware of when my birthday was. It's just natural for him to find out and celebrate everyone's birthday he knows! I've already spoken to him about how he acted." Tyler said.

"And he's sorry?" Derek asked.

"Not exactly. but he knows he was wrong to open his mouth." Tyler said.

"So you agree with him then?" Derek challenged Tyler.

"NO! Don't put words in my mouth! Nobody was right and nobody was wrong, but I can tell you he didn't go about it like a sulky little brat! Let's drop it! Just stay and eat here with your friends! I don't want you coming along and being miserable and spoiling it for everyone else. I just wanted you to like my friends and become their friends!" Tyler said.

The room remained quiet for most of the afternoon until Tyler began cursing at running out of printer paper. "I'll be back in about a half an hour." Tyler said grabbing his keys and heading out the door. About 10 minutes later there was a knock at the door.

Derek opened the door to see Danny standing there. "He's not here right now." Derek said not looking directly at Danny.

"Ummm okay, I just wanted to return some of his stuff he brought over the other night." Danny said also not making eye contact with Derek.

"Sure, C'mon in." Derek said holding the door for Danny to pass. Danny set Tyler's stuff down on the loveseat while Derek stood next to his desk.

"I guess I'll see ya later then." Danny said as he walked passed Derek.

Danny stopped and turned around halfway down the hall. "Look, I'm sorry about last night. I was rude and mean, and that really isn't like me though you wouldn't know that from the two times we've met. Tyler tore a strip off me this morning about it but I had already felt bad before he said anything.

Tyler thinks the world of you." Danny started to say and Derek raised one eyebrow.

".And I couldn't understand how he could think so much of someone who couldn't remember his birthday, but I guess you never knew. Tyler was my first friend here and has become my best friend. So I guess I'm a little over-protective of him even though I have no right to be. Maybe even a little jealous since he likes you more than he likes me." Danny said staring at the ground moving his foot around the block or parquet floor tiles. He turned to walk out the door and Derek stopped him.

"Danny! You don't need to apologize to me. You are right! I really like Tyler too, but I act like an asshole more than a friend to him. He's very lucky to have someone like you and I think he knows it! He will defend you to the death!" Derek smiled and Danny's eyes brightened.

"Well I wanted you to know that I am glad you are coming with us to dinner tonight and I'm happy that I got to talk with you before hand because I didn't want it to be awkward for anyone else there." Danny said.

"Look Danny, allow me to apologize to you for being an ass and probably I should apologize for all the times I will be an ass in the future!" Derek said as Danny just grinned.

Derek extended his hand first and Danny shook it. "Want to wait around until Tyler gets back? He won't be long, I think he's out of printer paper!"

"Sure!" Danny said. Ten minutes later they had the Baltimore Raven's game on TV and were discussing football while sitting on the loveseat.

"Where are you from Danny?" Derek asked.

"Just outside of Des Moines, Iowa!" Danny said.

"Cool. I guess?" Derek smiled.

"Only in the winter Derek!"

Tyler returned carrying three bundles of printer paper and a new black inkjet cartridge. When he opened the door he heard the football game on and then the sounds of two hands high-fiving. When he got to the end of the hallway he almost dropped everything. Derek and Danny were sitting side-by-side on the loveseat so deeply into the game they didn't notice he had returned.

"I know it's getting colder outside but did Hell just freeze over?" Tyler asked.

The only response he got was an "Shssssh!" from Danny. Tyler crawled under Derek's bed to get back to his computer. He loaded the paper and began printing his assignment to hand in Monday morning.

When the printer began they both turned around and said, "Shssssh!" Tyler turned off the printer. "Maybe I should leave so you two can have the room alone?"

"Shssssh!" They both said. When halftime began Danny got up and told Tyler that he returned his stuff he left in their room.

"Tony's garbage was building up so high that I couldn't see your stuff anymore so I thought I better bring it back." Danny told Tyler.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." he said putting everything back except the sleeping bag. "You know this would make a good footstool in front of the loveseat!"

"Yeah. whatever." Danny said watching the TV.

"Don't let me interrupt the game Danny!" Tyler said.

"It's okay, I have to go back to my room anyway. Thanks Derek for letting me watch!" Danny said smiling. They fisted each other and Derek said, "Hey anytime! Ravens are on Monday night next week if you wanna come and watch the game!"

"Coolies!" Danny said.

'Coolies'? Tyler thought to himself!

"I'm outta here. See you guys at five for dinner! Bye Derek!" Danny said leaving.

After he was gone Tyler said, "Bye Danny."

"What the fuck just happened here?" Tyler asked.

"Ah sorry Ty, I gotta use the washroom!" Derek said getting up and taking the telephone into the washroom with him.

"Hey Lukey! Is Mom around?"

"MOMMMMMMMM!" Luke yelled.

"Thanks Luke for yelling that in my ear!" Derek said.

"No problem!" Luke said without cluing in to Derek's comment.

"Hello?" Linda said.

"Hey Mom!"

"Derek! Is everything okay?"

"Yeah Mom, but I need a small favour, okay a really big favour?"

"What did you do this time?" Linda asked.

"Mom! I didn't do anything. Sunday night is pizza night with the guys but I didn't know it was Tyler's birthday yesterday. I thought that since this is my first time being invited that I would buy the pizza and soda for everyone! But I need some money in my account. right now actually!" Derek spit out faster than Luke could eat a slice of peanut butter pizza.

"Oh Baby! We missed his birthday? I never gave it a thought. You make sure you buy them all dessert too and wish him happy birthday from all of us! I will get a card in the mail to Tyler tomorrow. I wonder if I should buy him something? I don't even know what he would like."

"MOM! The money???" Derek said interrupting Linda.

"Yes honey, I haven't forgotten. I'll deposit some in your bank account right now and Derek that is awfully sweet of you to do! I'm very proud of you." Linda said. "Thanks Mom. I know your fourth son will appreciate it!" Derek said sarcastically.

"Oh Derek! Stop that, you know I love you almost as much as I love Tyler!" She paused!

"Derek! It was a joke! Lighten up! You go ahead and have fun and I will go online and transfer some money into your account! I love you!" Linda said.

"Love you to Mom, and thanks!" Derek said hanging up the phone. He decided that while he was in there he might as well make use of the facilities. When he came out of the bathroom he saw Tyler looking at him as he set the phone.

"What?" Derek said.


"What is it Tyler?" Derek demanded sitting back down on the loveseat to watch the second half.

"I was just thinking that if you want to have phone sex just tell me and I can leave? You don't have to hide in the bathroom!" He smiled at Derek.

"EAT IT RAW MR. PEEL!" Derek said loudly.

"Been there, done that." Tyler said as the printer began to spew forth.

Danny, Cody, and one starving Tony knocked on the door at five! As they walked out of the building Tyler asked the group, "Do you want to cab it or take the bus?"

"Let's take the bus!" Derek said. "I haven't seen much of the city since the day I got here."

"Ty, do you think we could stop by that bakery? I want to get some cinnamon buns!" Danny said lifting his shirt and rubbing his tummy for everyone to see.

"Speaking of. I understand that someone owes me a cinnamon bun." Derek said directing his comment at Danny. Tyler just lowered his head and smirked knowing he was getting 'the look' from Danny.

"I'm a growing boy! It's not my fault that your roommate didn't buy enough?" Danny laughed.

"Okay Danny, I have to give you that. My roommate is a cheap SOB who never does anything for anyone but himself! Why just this morning the hot chocolate he brought me was almost room temperature and it didn't have a cinnamon bun to go with it either!" Derek winked at the others.

"Yeah, Ty's never even brought me a cinnamon bun" Tony said trying to look dejected but his smirk made everyone else laugh.

"Where is this place Ty?" Cody asked.

"Downtown, not far from Walnut Street. It's called 'Brewed Awakenings'" Tyler told the group.

Five hungry teens piled on to the sidewalk and walked two blocks to 'Leo's Pizza Palace'. As they were about to be seated Derek told the others he had to use the washroom.

"Excuse me Miss?" Derek interrupted the lady filling a pitcher with soda.

"Yes Sir, how can I help you?"

"I'm sitting with those four guys over there." Derek pointed to the noisy guys in the round corner booth. "Could you make sure our server gives me the bill? We're celebrating a birthday and I want to make sure I pick up the tab."

"Certainly Sir. You're in Tammy's section and I will make sure she knows that the cute guy with the Dragon's football jacket gets the bill!" She said eyeing Derek's well-packed crotch. Derek handed her a five-dollar bill and said 'thanks.'

"Sir, would you like to surprise the birthday boy with a birthday pizza for dessert?"

"What's a birthday pizza?" Derek asked.

"It's a pizza crust that is covered in pralines and decorated in a sweet, white icing saying 'happy birthday whomever'! Think of it as a cinnamon bun pizza!" She said.

"Hey, that sounds perfect! Can you write 'Happy Birthday Tyler' on it?" Derek asked and she assured him it would be taken care of.

When Derek finally made it to the table Danny asked him if he 'fell in'? Tony followed with, "So who is that chick you're hittin on up at the counter?" Tony laughed. Danny looked at Tyler and when their eyes met, Tyler wouldn't look back.

"Nobody Tony, I was just chattin her up!" Derek smiled. "So what are we having for dinner?" No one said anything and Derek noticed the silence that hadn't existed before he sat down.

"Well guys, just so you all know. tonight is my treat because it's Tyler's birthday so have anything you want, except you Tony, and maybe you Danny." Derek smiled and the atmosphere seemed to lighten up. "Well," Danny said, "The last couple of times we've been getting two extra-large pizzas, one meat lovers and one supreme.

"I wish you guys had 'Canadian pizzas' here!" Tyler said.

"What's a Canadian pizza?" Cody asked.

"The same as an American pizza," Derek said and was joined in by Danny, "BUT IT TAKES AN HOUR TO GET HERE!" And the table roared with laughter.

When Tammy came to their table Derek gave her the order for everyone. "Could we have an extra-large supreme and an extra-large meat lovers, a pitcher of RC and a. guys, how about an order of garlic cheese bread to start?" Danny and Tony high-fived each other! When the pitcher of RC and the garlic bread arrived everything got quiet.

"Okay guys," Derek said. "We have a tradition in our family that takes place on Birthdays, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day!" Everyone stopped eating wondering what they were being lead in to.

"On birthdays, everyone must take a turn saying something to the birthday boy. Note it doesn't have to be nice, just honest!" Derek said and everyone laughed.

"I will start!" Said Derek, raising his plastic cup of RC. "On your birthday plus two days 'ahem', I wish you all the best in the year ahead. I thank you for your friendship, kindness, and patience with me. Whenever I am deserving of it I want you to always feel free to 'lay the beats' on me." Derek winked at Tyler. "I thank you for sharing your great friends with me, and if you ever show up with a hot chocolate without a cinnamon bun to go with it I will beat the crap out of you!"

"HERE! HERE!" came a round of applause from the table and much laughter.

"Okay guys, you see how it is done! Tony, since you're next to me, your turn!"

Tony raised his plastic cup of RC. "Tyler, you were my first friend here at school. You didn't treat me differently because of my 'small' size." Everyone laughed, "You helped Danny and me become friends! I consider myself to be very lucky to have you in my life. And if you send Danny home with an empty bag of cinnamon buns again I will have Derek beat the crap out of you!"

"HERE! HERE!" And another round of applause. Cody was next.

"Tyler, you scare the crap out of me!" Everyone laughed "Next to Danny, I can't think of anyone nicer in my life and I've learned that first impressions don't always tell the truth. You are my role model and someone that all standards should be set by. I've had more fun this month than all of last year here. Ummm. If you're picking up cinnamon buns could you grab me a Cheese Danish?" Danny laughed the hardest! "DON'T EVEN SAY IT DANNY!" Tyler said.

"What?" Danny said.

"Don't say, 'if you're getting a Cheese Danish for Cody.'" Tyler said.

"AHEM!" Danny began raising his plastic cup, "Tyler you are without question the best friend I've ever had. You've watched out for me and protected me from the moment I arrived. I hope we are friends for life and beyond. I hope I always remain worthy of your friendship and I want you to know how much I love you!" Danny kissed Tyler's cheek and everyone said, "HERE! HERE!"

Tammy arrived as Danny just finished his speech. She set down the pizzas along with five plates and grabbed the pitcher of RC to refill it. Danny grabbed two slices of pizza before anyone else had a chance.

"GUYS! Derek said, "we still haven't heard from the birthday boy!"

"Oooooooooooo" came from Tony, Cody, and Danny.

"You are so not nice Derek!" Tyler laughed. "Honesty huh? Okay. firstly, thank you Derek for this birthday meal! It wasn't necessary but it shows how kind and thoughtful you are! I haven't made being your roommate easy and I love you for putting up with me. Tony, you have the biggest heart of anyone I know. I'm glad we met and hope we become even better friends in time. Cody, I have to say that I didn't trust you when I first met you, but now that I know how great you are, it makes our friendship now even more special. You taught me to not pre-judge people. I apologize for anything I thought about you earlier. I want to be honest and tell you how important of a friend you have become. The trust you have put in me hasn't gone unnoticed. It is me that hopes I can earn your trust and be worthy of your friendship! Tyler reached over Danny and gave Cody a hug squeezing his shoulder three times.

"And then there is Danny.." Everyone laughed. "You cinnamon bun scarfing Puckhead! In the two months I've known you, you've gone from a scared little boy into a determined and wise young man. and I want you to stop it right now! I'm afraid that by Christmas you won't need me as a friend! But seriously Danny, I'm in awe of your courage! There is no one on this planet I trust more than you! No one that I am less worthy of calling my friend and you still owe me six bucks for those cinnamon buns you ate!' The roar of laughter spread through the restaurant.

"Guys!" Tyler said, "I hold this glass up and toast the four most awesome people on the planet! May we all be friends forever and sitting here eating pizza together in fifty years time!"

"HERE! HERE!" Derek, Tony, Cody, and Danny chimed in.

When dinner was cleared away. Tammy asked if anyone wanted more drinks? Nobody said anything so Derek piped up. "Tammy, I know Tyler would love a coffee and so would I. Anyone else?"

Tony also wanted coffee; Cody drank tea; and Danny wanted a large chocolate milk shake. Tyler smiled and shook his head. From where they were sitting Tyler couldn't see the front of the restaurant but he could see the reflection in the mirror!

The entire serving staff of the restaurant followed Tammy carrying a large cinnamon bun pizza with three candles in it down the aisle towards their table. The reflection of candles flickering in the window caught Tyler's eye. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Tyler said, making everyone wake up to what wonder what was happening? Derek grinned from ear-to-ear.

"The beats for you Mr. Anderson!" Tyler said smiling.

"I'm going to hold you to your word Mr. Peel!" Derek said.

Danny, Cody, and Tony wondered what it was all about when they heard the servers begin singing 'happy birthday' to Tyler. When they set the burning pizza before him, Derek pulled out Tyler's digital camera and began snapping pictures. Danny put his arm around Tyler and Derek took a picture of that. When the servers finished singing, Danny asked them to take a couple of pictures of the five of them and the pizza! Tyler moved in between Cody and Tony and held up the pizza so the 'happy birthday Tyler' would be in the picture.

When all had settled down Danny asked, "What is it?"

Tyler and Derek began laughing. "It's a cinnamon bun pizza!" They said in unison.

Danny's mouth dropped open and his eyes popped out just in time for Derek to snap a picture of him.

"Hey Tyler, betcha six bucks that Danny can't eat the whole thing?" Derek said.

"No way Derek, that's like betting a child on whether the sun will rise tomorrow! You're already buying dinner I don't want to take your money too!" Tyler laughed.

Danny glared at him with his mouth full of cinnamon bun pizza. Tammy returned with the three slices of pizza left in a carryout container. Before she could set them down Danny grabbed the container from her. He paused and looked at Derek.

"Swoo-wee! This is yours!" He said with a mouthful of pizza!

"No Danny! All yours! I know you didn't get much for breakfast this morning." Derek grinned. Danny tried to stick his tongue out but couldn't because his mouth was full.

"HEY Derek! So this is where all the noise is coming from?

"Hey Justin, Hey Troy! We're just here celebrating Tyler's birthday." Derek said. "Everyone, this is Justin and Troy! Guys, this is Danny, Cody, Tyler, and you already know Tony!" Everyone nodded.

"So Derek, you coming out with us tonight?" Justin said.

"No, I've got homework to do. Where are you guys going?" Derek asked.

"There's some fag party off campus and we're going to go bust some heads! Are you sure you guys don't wanna join us?" Justin said. Danny choked on his pizza and glared at Justin. Tyler nudged Cody and Cody pulled Danny back towards him from under the table.

"No Justin!" Derek said just lowering his head.

"Hey you three are hockey fags aren't you?" Justin said and his sidekick Troy laughed along.

"JUSTIN!" Derek said.

"We wouldn't want to break up the party Justin!" Danny said, "You two make such a cute couple!" Derek glared at Tyler and Tyler said, "Danny, shut up!"

"You wanna take this outside fag boy?" Justin asked.

"Justin, you and Troy should go now!" Derek said.

"Sure. whatever. Derek. Stay here with your fag buddies! Oh, Amber has been trying to find you. She wants to know what colour suit you're wearing to the parade game so it won't clash with her dress! Justin laughed.

"So you guys are having a pride-parade game?" Danny asked flashing a wide grin.

Justin went to reach for Danny's throat when Derek caught him.

"I said it's time to go Justin!" Derek said as he pulled Justin back and pushed him up the aisle away from the table.

"Geez, Derek, I didn't think you were a fag lover!" Justin said.

Derek escorted them both out of the restaurant. Everyone looked out the window to see Derek talking with Justin and Troy and then they saw Derek fist with each of them.

"See!" Danny said! "He's just like them. He's probably telling them that he had no choice because you're his roommate and it's your birthday! I warned you Tyler!

"Danny we don't know what's going on out there. Don't judge Derek by his teammates! If you do you are saying the same thing to Tony!

"Tony didn't go out there in the parking lot Tyler! Why do you defend that asshole anyway?" Danny asked. "Just watch, he'll come back and just say they're assholes and ignore them."

When Derek came back he said. "I'm sorry guys. Justin and Troy are just troublemakers. They spend all there time trying to build themselves up to be something they're not! Just a couple of assholes."

Danny glared at Tyler. Tony earned his way into the inner circle by saying, "Guys, it's after seven and I need to get back and finish my homework. Thanks for a great dinner Derek and Happy Birthday Tyler." Tony winked.

As they each slide out from the corner booth Cody thanked Derek for the dinner and Tyler added his thanks also. Danny wouldn't even look at him. Derek paid the bill and left a tip while the four waited outside.

"Danny! Don't!" Tyler said.

"What!" Danny snapped back at Tyler.

"Danny don't start something! Please!" Tyler yelled.

"I didn't start this!" Danny yelled in the middle of the parking lot walking away

"Danny! Derek didn't start it either! These are two ignorant, red necks and you should know better than to waste an ounce of time on them!" Tyler said.

Derek came out of the restaurant carrying the leftover cinnamon bun pizza. He handed it to Tyler. It didn't take long for Derek to see the mood swing and he knew it was Danny that was leading it.

"Danny. I'm sorry about my friends. I mean Justin and Tony." Derek said.

"Derek! Not now okay!" Tyler said placing his hand gently on Derek's chest.

The bus ride back was silent. Derek and Tyler could see the anger building up inside of Danny.

When they got off the bus and walked the half block to the Campus Derek tried again.

"Danny, are you never going to speak to me again?" Derek asked.

"DEREK!" Tyler yelled, "Will you shut the fuck up!"

"NO Tyler! I didn't do anything wrong and everyone is blaming me for those two assholes." Derek said!

"NO!" Danny yelled! "No one is blaming you for what those two inbred, knuckle-dragging, bible thumping, white supremist said! What makes me angry is that you PRETEND to be one thing and then go out in that parking lot and shake hands with them! We all know you apologized for being with us! You're embarrassed to be around a bunch of 'hockey fags' aren't you! Image is everything, but YOU are nothing!"

"DANNY! I said enough!" Tyler yelled.

"Tyler butt out!" Derek said. "As you put it, he's not a little boy anymore! What do you want Danny? You don't know what I said out there! So what's your fucking problem?" Derek yelled in Danny's face. "You're angry! Do you want to punch me with that clenched fist? Would that make you feel better?" Derek said sticking his face within inches of Danny's.

Danny turned half way around and pulled back his arm. He turned with the speed that only a goalie could. His clench fist struck Derek's cheek and Derek stumbled back three steps but didn't fall. Danny grabbed his fist and held it. Derek put his hand to his face checking for blood and lost teeth. Cody grabbed Danny and pulled him back and Tyler jumped in between the two of them. Danny looked at his fist and thought he might have broken it.

"Do you feel better now Danny?" Derek taunted him as he turned to walk away. "Hey Danny!" Derek yelled, "Exactly how are you different from Justin and Troy?"

Tyler didn't say a word to Danny he just shook his head and ran after Derek.

Tyler got in the elevator as Derek was trying to close it to prevent him from getting on.

"Thanks for holding the door." Tyler said but Derek didn't respond. When the elevator door opened Derek stormed out and Tyler pushed "G" and stayed on. When it arrived at ground floor Tony, Danny, and Cody were standing there waiting for the elevator. Danny was holding his hand. They all looked at each other and then Danny and Tyler's eyes met.

Tyler said, "Excuse me" and pushed his way past the three of them. They got on to the elevator and as the door was closing they could see Tyler approaching the security desk.

In the elevator ride up to the fifth floor Cody broke the silence. "Do you think Tyler's gone to the security desk to have you charged?"

"Shut the Fuck up Cody!" Tony said. "They're best friends. Use your head!"

As the elevator door opened on the fifth floor Danny exited first saying, "We were best friends."

Tyler asked the security desk if there were any ice packs to be had?

"In a college dorm house?" he laughed. "Of course, we keep more ice packs around than we keep beer!" He winked. Tyler smiled.

"I need two of them if you can? The kind that you fill with ice." Tyler pleaded.

"No problem Tyler. Normally you have to sign them out and fill in a report but I'm sure you will quietly get them back to me?" He winked.

"Yes Sir! I promise and thank you for trusting me." Tyler said.

Tyler got off the elevator and stopped to think about which way to go? He decided that he would take the first ice pack to Danny.

He knocked and Tony opened the door. Cody was sitting on the loveseat and Danny was in the bathroom. Tyler could hear the water running.

Tyler knocked on the bathroom door. "Danny, open up." No response came from within.

"Danny open this door!" Tyler said.

The door opened and Tyler could see that Danny appeared to have been crying but he couldn't tell if it was from the hand or over what had happened. "Can you move your fingers?" Tyler asked as they both watched him move each finger gingerly.

"Can you make a fist?" Tyler said. Danny slowly made a fist though he grimaced with pain. "Good, it isn't broken! Put some lotion on the back of your hand and keep this ice pack on for 20 minutes, then take it off for 20 minutes and so on." Tyler said handing Danny the ice pack. Before Danny could say thanks or anything else Tyler turned around and left the room.

Tyler stopped and stared at his dorm room door. He didn't know what to expect when he got in there. Tyler unlocked and opened the door. The bathroom door shut as he came in. He could hear the water running.

"Derek, can I come in." Tyler asked tapping lightly on the door. No answer.

"Derek, please?" Tyler said.

"It's not locked." Derek mumbled.

Tyler opened the door and Derek was bent over the sink leaning on his arms spitting into the sink. There wasn't any blood but Derek was starting to swell up. Tyler pulled Derek up to look at him and grabbed some hand cream.

"Take your hand away. It's okay. You're the last person on this planet I want to hurt." Tyler said seriously as he stared into Derek's eyes.

Tyler rubbed cream gently around his cheek and Derek winced slightly. Then Tyler held up the ice pack and Derek did his best to smile. As Derek opened one arm to take the ice pack Tyler pulled him into a hug laying his head down on Derek's shoulder. Derek slowly wrapped his arms around Tyler and they stayed like that for almost half of a minute.

"C'mon, we need to get you lying down and put this on your cheek." Tyler said. Tyler took Derek by the hand and led him back into the bedroom. He took hold of Derek's sweatshirt and raised it up over him. Derek used his free hand to block the shirt from touching his face. Tyler began opening his belt and Derek steadied himself against the side rail of his bed with his free hand. Tyler undid the tabs of his button-fly jeans. He lowered them pulling Derek's boxers down with them. Derek didn't bother to grab hold of his boxers, he just watched Tyler. Tyler stopped and pulled his boxers back up. Derek stepped out of each leg and Tyler folded his jeans. He opened the second drawer of Derek's chest of drawers and removed a navy-blue pair of cotton sweat shorts. Tyler got down on one knee and pulled Derek's boxers off to reveal Derek's growing erection. As Tyler pulled the sleeping shorts up over Derek's member it remained pointing to the ceiling. Tyler reached inside of Derek's shorts and gently forced his cock back down.

Tyler looked Derek in the eye and put his hand over Derek's hand and pulled the ice pack away from his face. He set the ice pack on top of the bed and made a cup with his hands. He hoisted Derek into bed. Tyler went back to the bathroom and grabbed the lotion and his rechargeable flashlight. He tossed both of them on to his side of the bed.

Tyler stripped down naked. He turned his computer on and loaded up his Music Match program and set it shuffle play. He grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and tossed them up on the bed. Tyler put the deadbolt on the door and turned off all of the lights. He climbed onto his bed and slid his pillow over next to Derek. He then lifted Derek's comforter and got underneath it.

Tyler extended Derek's right arm out snuggled up to him on his side. Derek's arm came around and pulled Tyler in tight. Tyler placed his arm on Derek's stomach and his fingers gently grazed his left nipple.

"Want me to hold that pack for a while?" Tyler said into Derek's right nipple.

"No, I want you to just keep doing what your doing." Derek mumbled out the right side of his mouth.

Tyler heard something early in the morning that woke him up. He lifted himself out from Derek's arm and jumped down to the floor from his side of the bed. He walked around the room looking for something out of place and found the ice pack on the floor. He picked up the bag of water and dumped it in the bathroom sink. Tyler grabbed his keys and went down to the common area and refilled the ice pack with more ice. Tyler wrapped the ice pack in a towel and placed it on the bed beside Derek. He set up the coffee machine to make a cup but didn't turn it on so as not to wake Derek with the smell of fresh brewed coffee.

Tyler grabbed a clean towel and put on a new pair of boxers and went to have a shower. When he arrived there was a line up of two people waiting to shower, as every stall was full. While leaning against the sink in line to shower Cody came in.

"Hey" Cody said not looking at him.

"Hey" Tyler responded.

"How's Derek's face?" Cody asked after a couple minutes of awkward silence.

"Looks really good. No swelling, just a little hint of green from bruising." Tyler said.

"How's Danny's hand?" Tyler asked.

"Not sure yet. I haven't spoken to him this morning but it seemed okay when he left."


"I think Danny feels bad about last." Cody said.

Tyler turned his head and whispered in Cody's ear, "I really don't think this is the place to discuss it and considering your relationship with Danny I don't think you and I should talk about it either. Nothing personal Cody, you understand?"

Cody nodded.

"Don't give up on him Tyler." Cody said quietly but Tyler didn't respond.

Tyler took the first open stall and began his shower. Tyler was happy that the next open stall for Cody wasn't near him. Tyler hauled ass to get out of there and while drying himself in front of the mirror his eyes met Cody's through the mirrors reflection. Tyler wiped the shaving cream off of his face, pack his shower kit back up and left without acknowledging Cody.

As Tyler opened the door he could see Derek's elbow extended up in the air so he knew that Derek was awake, holding the ice pack against his face.

"Hey!" Tyler said as he clicked on the coffee machine.

"Mmmmmph" Derek mumbled.

"Let's see your pretty little face Mr. Anderson!" Tyler said peering up over the side rail of Derek's bed. Derek pulled the ice pack away and Tyler told him he looked fine.

"Good! I was afwaid to go into the bathroom and look," He mumbled.

"Not easy to talk when half your face is frozen is it. coffee will be done in a second." Tyler said. Tyler poured a coffee for Derek and handed it up to him in bed.

"Are you going to be okay?" Tyler asked.

"I'll be fine. He didn't really hit me that hard. He just caught me off guard. Don't worry though Dwanny will get his. I promise!" Derek said slurping his coffee.

"You can't do that Derek!" Tyler said.

"Ty! He's fwucking lucky he isn't in wail, up on assault charges and kicked out of schwool!"

Tyler laughed.

"What's so fucking fwunny about it?" Derek yelled!

"It's hard to take someone serious who sounds like Elmer Fudd! Can you say 'wascally wabbit' once for me? Tyler laughed.

"Fwuck YOU!" Derek said.

"I'm sorry, but you have to admit it's kind of funny. or not?" Tyler said.

"Not! He's your fwucking fwiend and that's the only reason he's not in jail right now!"

"Derek! STOP! I can't take you serious when you 'twalk' like that! I'm sorry!" Tyler said trying his best to stifle his laughter.

"Okway, I will talk slower! Like a Canadian!" Derek said. Tyler snorted.

"What are you going to do about Danny?" Derek asked.

"What do you want me to do about him?" Tyler questioned Derek.

"Well are you going to remain his friend or mine?" Derek demanded.

"I have to choose?" Tyler said not believing what Derek was asking.

"Not now you don't! You just gave me your answer!" Derek said jumping down from his bed.

"Derek. Danny was wrong! No question, but so were you! You taunted him! I told both of you to shut the fuck up but neither of you would listen!" Tyler said.

"I didn't hit him! I didn't hit him back! I tried to talk to him as an adult! He sucker punched me! Just cause I'm a football player doesn't make me a thug like Justin and Troy!" Derek yelled in anger.

"You're right Derek, but you taunted him to hit you. You actually asked him if he wanted too?" Tyler said calmly. "What do you want from me Derek?"

"Nothing! Nothing Tyler! Nothing ever again! I want you to stay the fuck out of my life! I want conversations with you to be only as necessary and as short as possible. I'm sure that before the beginning of next semester I can be in a new place to live." Derek punched the side of his bed, grabbed his towel and left to have a shower.

Tyler gathered up his books for class. He packed his computer into his backpack in case Derek threw a fit when he got back and wrecked his computer. He headed out of the room before Derek would be back.

"Hey Danny! Wait up!" Cody called.

"Yeah." Danny said being barely polite.

"Did I do something wrong?" Cody asked.

"No! I just don't feel like talking to anyone right now." Danny said.

"You weren't at practice last night and I was worried!" Cody said.

"Yeah, I phoned the Coach and told him I was sick." Danny said.

"Is your hand okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine. I just didn't want to." Danny said.

"Want to. what?" Cody asked.

"CODY! Just shut up! Please." Danny said.

"You didn't want to face Tyler?" Cody said trying to keep up to pace with Danny.

"Shut up!" Danny said getting angry.

"Okay. Sorry. I'll talk to you some other time I guess." Cody said turning around and walking away. Danny stopped and turned around to see Cody running off.

"Great! Now Cody's mad at me too!" Danny threw his cell phone down and it smashed into several pieces. "Shit!"

Many thanks to those of you have taken the time to write and to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story. Everyone has been very kind and forgiving of my mistakes. Every email has been appreciated and inspires me to take the time necessary to tell this story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying writing it.

Comments or opinions are welcome. Please EMAIL:

Next: Chapter 13

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