The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Dec 19, 2005


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home: Part Fifteen (Pre-Birthday

Tyler rubbed the back of Derek's head gently and held his back firmly to him. Derek tried to talk to but Tyler kept shushing him. "Just be quiet and let it out. You'll be okay." Tyler said softly.

"I'm afraid Ty, I'm afraid." Derek said through his sobs. "I'm afraid of being alone and I'm afraid of being loved."

"I think I know what you're talking about Derek"

"No, no you don't. Everyone loves you. You're like the greatest guy in the world. Only I can fuck up a friendship with the most loving, tolerant guy in the world!" Derek said as his tears died down. "It only took you one week to hate me. Though that might actually be the longest anyone has ever gone?" He laughed and sniffed up his running nose.

"Derek! Listen to me. I'm not the easiest person to live with either. I didn't get along very well with my father either. I'm a private person, very private.." Tyler began to say as Derek interrupted him.

"Private? Hahaha. that's an understatement, you are a complete mystery to me!" Derek said.

"Are you going to let me talk?" Tyler said sitting down beside him and staring into his watery eyes.

"Sorry. See I fuck everything up! Sorry. I'll shut up." Derek lowered his head.

"Derek, you don't listen very well. You can be so wrapped up in yourself that you don't hear anyone else. I'm not blaming you or accusing you. I'm simply telling you that you don't take an interest in anyone else but yourself. Friendship is a two way street. Now, back to what I started to say. In a lot of ways we are the same. I don't talk about my past or private life to anyone. You won't see a wall of hockey or school awards here! I don't even wear that stupid hockey jacket they gave me because I'm embarrassed to admit I even play the game. You might think I'm an extrovert but I'm not. The truth is that when you see me putting on the show at the restaurant, what I'm really doing is keeping people entertained and diverting their attention away from the real me. It's a show! Nothing more or less, but it isn't me." Tyler said softly, taking Derek's hand in one hand and holding up one finger to his lips. "Shush! Don't talk, listen please. Then you can say what you want."

"I'm going to tell you a couple of things I've never told anyone else before and you are not allowed to ask questions about it. I'm terrified to let people in to my heart. I love lots of people from afar, but they rarely know it. Which I guess is the one big difference between us? I'm not afraid of loving someone, just being loved back." Derek narrowed his eyes and tilted his head trying to understand what he was being told. "Let me put it another way Derek. I don't really like myself but I'm trying to do what I can to be a better person. I don't think you like yourself either but all you are doing is getting angry at the world so nothing about you is going to change! Only you can do it and it won't happen if you don't make the effort!

"Unlike you, I'm not afraid to admit the truth to myself, but I am terrified to admit it to anyone else. Think of me as a work in progress!" Tyler smiled at Derek. "If you think you're the only one to be afraid, you're sadly mistaken! In a lot of ways you are luckier than I am. You think you're alone but you're really not. People love you as much or more than they love me but you won't let them in. You can actually be hostile to anyone who tries to get close to you. We both have walls built up to protect us but the problem is those walls don't let anyone in either." Tyler said looking down at the floor.

"If I want to have any credibility with you then I have to apologize to you as well! I don't make an easy roommate. We're each other's first roommates and that isn't easy for either of us! I'm still not prepared to let you or anyone else get inside of me. You have to understand that, but I'm still going to try my best to be kind and thoughtful to you or anyone else I meet.

I had some expectations I put on you and I had no right. I was hoping for things that will never be and I'm sorry. I apologize Derek, but I really don't think we're meant to be friends and I don't think we're meant to be enemies either. All I know is that I can't live like this. You're hot and cold all the time. Like I said before. you don't just get mad or a little angry, you are hostile and you scare me! I'm afraid some day you're going to punch me!" Tyler said looking Derek right in the eye.

"Things are not going well on the hockey team and I'm not even sure how long I will be on it. I have the pressure of hockey, school, a job, and some stuff at home to deal with, so I really need a place to relax, but this room has become the biggest pressure cooker in my life right now. I really dread coming in here, and when you're not here I'm dreading your arrival because I don't know what kind of mood you'll be in and how long you'll be that way. Derek, I want us to be friends, but I don't have the time to take on a battle with you. I think it would just be better if I got out of here." Derek started crying again.

"Be honest with yourself Derek. Be honest with me! It's easy for someone to pretend to be something they are not. I've met hundreds of people like that. Which probably explains why I don't really like people. Problem is. I don't like being alone either. What is really difficult is learning to be the real you! I'm not there yet but I'm working on it. The last thing I want to say is that I've never told anyone what I have just said to you now.

So I guess I've tried to open up a little. I'm done now." Tyler said releasing Derek's hand and facing forward. They sat there in silence for a moment both facing the wall.

"I'm sorry Ty." Derek said looking down at the floor. "I was, well, I guess I am jealous of how much my family loves you. I'm still jealous of that, and I'm jealous that you like everyone else except me. Hell, I'm even jealous of my brothers! Even if it is all my fault, you're the one I want to be like, but I guess that isn't being me is it?" Derek said answering his own question.

"You're right about yourself too! I've tried to get you to let me in. You frustrate me so much! I want to learn about you. I want to learn from you.

You won't let me in. I guess there is some comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one you won't let in." Derek smiled at the floor. No one other than my Mother has said to me what you've said. Somehow it is different not coming from your Mom. Tyler, I can't do it without you. I may never be able to do it without you? I know you don't need another fucked-up head-case in your life but I NEED YOU! Uncle Sam needs his Mountie!" He said smiling at Tyler. This made Tyler laugh.

"I can only ask. or maybe beg is the right word? Will you help me?" Derek pleaded.

"Derek, my Mom always said that hate or jealousy is nothing more than a poison, and if allowed to run through your veins it will only eat you alive from the inside out. You have a lot of good inside you. When you took the time to say goodbye to your brothers I knew what potential there was inside you. I know there is so much more within, wanting to come out. You can be a great person! A leader of all men! Derek, you can be anything you want to be in life, but it is up to you. I can't change you." Tyler said.

"Meet me a little of the way! I'll try to go the extra mile. You have to give me one more chance? Sorry, you don't have to do anything and I have no right to even ask it of you, but if you could at least help me get started? I can prove it to you! Wait! Stop! Don't say it! I know I have to prove it to myself! But I can prove it to both of us! I've already changed and I can show you right now! Close your eyes. please?" Derek asked with a smile.

Tyler closed his eyes. Derek leaned over close to Tyler. "Keep your eyes closed!" Derek said. He slightly opened his mouth and kissed Tyler on the lips. Tyler sucked in a deep breath of air from Derek's lungs at the touch of his lips. Derek opened his mouth a little wider and turned his head on a 45-degree angle and kissed both of Tyler's lips together. He pulled back a couple of inches and said, "you can open your eyes now!"

Tyler savoured the moment and softly licked his own lips and then opened his eyes to a smiling Derek. "I wanted to show you Ty, that I am capable of loving!"

"I don't think that was a good idea Derek." Tyler said.

"What! Why?" Derek asked.

"How are you going to explain this to Tiffany?" Tyler winked.

"She's just a hoe. I just wanted a blowjob. I was horny. Besides. it's going to take her a while to locate Dylan if she wants anymore!" Derek said laughing.

Anymore? Tyler thought to himself. "Derek, you have to start being honest with me about your feelings, anger, and fears if you want to remain as roommates! You can't bottle it up and then blow up at me. If there's a problem you need to talk like an adult and we can try to work things out." Tyler said.

"Anything you want Ty! Anything!" Derek pleaded

"Derek, saying you'll do anything is only going to make things worse! It's about compromise, respect and communication!" Tyler said.

"Yeah, I understand, and you have to too, I mean I hope you will make the effort too?" Derek asked.

"No promises, but I will try. And no more kissing me!" Tyler said. It hurt so good he thought, but knowing that Derek liked girls, he couldn't bear any more contact like that with someone he knew he could never have. Derek didn't respond. He got up and walked away as he thought he might cry again from Tyler's words, or become so angry with himself that he would put a fist through a wall. Derek had summoned up the courage to open his heart a little and this was the result he got from Tyler.

"You're angry? I can sense it." Tyler said.

"I'm not angry." Derek yelled.

"Derek. This is the problem. You're not communicating with me. You're squeezing your fist so tight you want to hit something. probably me?" Tyler said.


"I better go!" Tyler said.

"No, please. I'm not angry; I'm disappointed in something you said. I have to learn that I'm not going to always get what I want. You've offered me more than I deserve. Please don't go, please forgive me!" Derek pleaded.

"Derek what are you angry with me about?" Tyler asked again.

Before Derek could even think about answering. Tyler got up and said, "I can't live like this Derek. The tension is going to kill us, maybe not today, but soon! Very soon!"

Tyler walked down the hallway and opened the door, as Derek said, "I wanted you to kiss me back!" He heard the door shut and dropped down on the loveseat and put his head down between his legs. He knew he'd blown his one chance to win back the only guy he was in love with.

"All you had to do was ask!" Tyler said standing at the corner into the room leaning against the wall.

Derek almost screamed. "I thought you had left?" Tyler sat down beside him.

"Look, I can't kiss you right now. There are a lot of emotions here and I don't think that would help anything. It might actually make things worse, but remember one thing Derek. I didn't complain about you kissing me did I?" Tyler smiled.

Derek smiled. "Please stay the night Ty? I mean, in your own bed. I don't want to be alone. Please!" Tyler turned and walked down the hallway. "You're leaving?" Derek said.

"I need my pillow!" Tyler said letting the door close behind him.

Tyler knocked on Danny and Tony's door. When Tony opened it up he let Tyler in.

"Where's Danny?" Tyler asked.

"Not sure. Some guy named Cody came over and said he needed to talk to Danny right away and he left!" Tony said.

"Okay. I'm going back to my room tonight. Thanks for the offer to stay here. I will probably take you guys up on it in the near future." Tyler smiled. "Do me a favour and tell Danny when he gets back that my cell phone is on if he needs me?"

"Sure thing Ty." Tony sat there smiling.

"You're still on for Sunday night right?" Tyler asked.

"Wouldn't miss it for a free buffet!"

"Hahahaha. Well put Tony! Night!"

"Night Ty!"

"Where are we going Cody?" Danny asked.

"Someplace quiet. I don't know where though." He said.

"How about Boyd house? It's big enough to get privacy there!" Danny suggested.

"Sure. whatever."

"What's up?" Danny asked still upset over earlier.

Cody just stared out the window as he gathered his thoughts.

"Look Cody, I'm sorry I got mad at you tonight about Dakota, but I really can't believe you would hang out with those losers. It's your right to be with whomever you want and I have no right to say anything but I want you to know."

"Will you SHUT UP Danny?" Cody got angry. "I'm sorry, Danny, I didn't mean to say it like that. I have something to tell you. Something I should have told you already."

Danny's stomach dropped. He figured he was about to be dumped.

"Danny please listen! I have something to tell you but you have to swear on your life that you will never tell another soul!"

Danny felt a little better. Now he didn't think he was about to get dumped.

"I can't do that Cody. I will try my best, but if you tell me that you murdered someone I can't promise to never tell anyone?"

"Fine! I will have to trust you since you're the only person I can trust. I don't think you will want anything to do with me after I tell you, but I have to be honest with you. because I love you." Cody said staring down at the table between them playing with a straw. Danny sat up and leaned forward on the table.

"Just hear me out before you leave me!" Cody said, still not willing to look Danny in the eyes.

"Last year Dakota was attempting to make another hockey player's life miserable. He always has to have someone to pick on. Riley was really nice and we became friends. Very good friends if you know what I mean?" Cody looked upward to catch Danny's eyes and looked away.

"Dakota caught Riley with an erection in the shower from looking at him. That was all that Dakota needed to go after Riley. Riley and me became good friends, not lovers, but very, very good friends if you know what I mean?" We were careful to not be around each other if any of the hockey team were there. Riley was first person I had 'sex' with, and when I say 'sex', I mean 'sex'! We were always careful, with both the team and with condoms. I SWEAR TO GOD DANNY!" Cody said holding up his right hand. Danny clasped his hands together in front of his mouth and just nodded.

"You know what being a bottom means?" Cody asked raising his eyes to meet Danny long enough for another nod.

"There's no nice way to say it. I'm a bottom person Danny. Anyway. Riley mentioned to someone that he couldn't go with him to wherever on Saturday night because a buddy of his from high school was coming up for the weekend.

Dakota found out. Dakota got into his room and planted a wireless web camera. This wouldn't be a problem with the exception that Riley invited me over Saturday night to meet his friend."

Cody began tapping the table with his twisted straw not saying anything more.

"Are you telling me that Dakota has a video of you and two other guys have a 3-way?"

A tear ran down from Cody's left eye and he looked up Danny.

"Oh My GOD!" Danny said holding his hands over his mouth.

"Are you being blackmailed Cody?"

"If it were that simple I wouldn't be telling you any of this." Cody stared out the window.

"There's more?" Danny asked with eyes wide open.

"Dakota has blackmailed me a few times for different things. Last year Dakota, Ryan, Josh, and a few others got into some serious trouble and used me to get them out of being suspended or even tossed out of school. I don't really care about that. What Dakota has been threatening to do is give the video to my Dad." Cody sat up and leaned forward.

"Look Danny, it's just my Dad and me. He wants me to try for the NHL and we both know I will never make it but he needs me to try because he never made it. What he really wants is for me to get married and give him a family with grandchildren. I know the day will come when I have to tell him the truth. I don't know how he will take it. All we have is each other and if I lose him I have no family!! Do you understand?" Cody pleaded.

Danny dropped his head down and asked. "There's more to this isn't there?"

"I'm now Dakota's fuck buddy. Personal sex slave if you will. Anytime he wants it I have to go to his room and take it." Cody said and the tears began flowing. His voice was cracking up as he said, "All I want is to be with you!"

"Cody! That's rape! In the first degree and probably a few other charges as well? You need to go to the police and get help!"

"NO! NEVER!" Cody got upset.

He covered his eyes and looked out the window; afraid anyone in the cafeteria might notice them. Danny pulled his hands down and held on to them. "Danny! Someone will see us!"

"I don't care who sees us Cody. Right now you need someone more than you need to worry about anyone seeing us." Danny got up and slid around to Cody's bench and put his arm around his shoulder and Cody dropped his head on Danny's shoulder. If anyone saw them they could only see the backs of their heads Danny figured.

"Let's get you out of here." Danny said.

They went for a walk and Cody answered most of Danny's questions. He told him why his ass was sore and he had to leave. He also told him about their pending plot to get Tyler off the team.

"I have to tell Tyler!" Danny said. "You know I will, you can't expect me to keep that from him."

"It's okay Danny, I already told him tonight." Cody said.

"You were talking to Tyler?"

"Yeah, it didn't go well. I know he doesn't like me and I figured you would never speak to me again after tonight so I wanted to make sure I was honest with him." Cody said.

"Let's sit down over here. Cody I do love you! I'm proud of you for telling Tyler the truth and being honest with me. Nothing you can say will ever stop me from loving you!" Danny said holding Cody's hand between them under the tree.

"There's more Danny." Cody said pulling his hand free.

"Of all the things I've told you this is the one that is the hardest. I want you to know that I love you and I'm sorry for what I did. Please never forget that!" Cody said leaning on his hands. Danny placed his hand on his back rubbing it lightly.

"I saw you and Tyler in the shower together that first weekend. I'm so sorry I spied on you." He was about to continue but Danny's laughing stopped him.

"Oh my God? You saw me and Tyler and you think I would stop loving you for that? Shit Cody! If you hadn't seen me how would we have ever gotten together? Danny said laughing.

Cody was relieved! He just turned and smiled at Danny sideways shaking his head over Danny's response.

"You amaze me Danny. I so don't deserve you!"

"You bet your ass you don't!" Danny laughed. "And don't ever forget that!"

"I love you Danny." Cody said.

"I've never stopped loving you!" Danny said as he leaned in about to kiss Cody.

"There's more Danny!" Cody said holding his hand up.

"Oh fuck. how much more of this are you expecting me to take?" Danny asked?

"Tyler knows about this too."

"What? He knows and he didn't tell me?" Danny said shocked.

"Wait Danny. He only just figured it out. When I watched you in the shower and I was peeking through the door. I blew my load all over the door and doorframe, and floor. When Tyler left the shower room he. ummm. sort of stepped in it. So he knew someone had seen you guys. He didn't want you to get upset. He figured out the room that I was in, but he didn't know it was me until he caught us in the shower, and then a couple of weeks later I was in the shower and he put all the pieces together. He said I should tell you; that it wasn't his business and he was right, and I'm sorry. I hope you will believe that I didn't mean to intrude."

"You blew your load in the hallway? Hahahaha." Danny laughed.

"This isn't exactly how I expected it to go?" Cody said smirking.

"Are you complaining?" Danny said pulling Cody back against the bench and kissing him. For both it was their first kiss in public. "I love you Cody, don't ever forget that!"

"I love you too, now shut up and keep kissing me Danny!" Was all Cody had left to say.

The following Thursday Tyler was getting his gear together for that nights game when Derek walked in. "Pewwwwwww! What smells in here?" Derek asked fanning the air in front of his face.

"Sorry, that's my hockey bag. I'll be out of here in a minute. I thought you had a football game today?"

"Tonight! I have to be there in half an hour to get dressed and pre-game warm up. I needed to take a shit and didn't want to use their bathrooms. they stink!" Derek said laughing.

"Great! So you want to stink up our room?" Tyler chuckled.

"I think it's too late for me to do any damage here! It would be like throwing a match on a burning building. Will you close that damn bag or open a window? By the way, can I please, please, please borrow your MP3 player for warm up?" Derek smiled.

"Don't you always use it? But thanks for asking!" Tyler smiled tossing it over to him.

"Sweet! And thanks!!!! Hey, there's a party after the game! Lots of drinking! Want to come? You could be my Prom date?" Derek asked.

"Thanks but I will pass, I have school tomorrow and then I work until 10 p.m. so I need my sleep tonight. We have an away game tonight so it's going to be after midnight before I get home anyway. That reminds me. I better take along some homework to do on the bus!" Tyler mused as he sniffed for a clean jock to wear.

"Geez. did you remember to check your undies for skid marks too? You know, in case you have to go to the hospital! Don't want the nurses there seeing that kind of thing." Derek told Tyler.

Tyler ignored his comment and straightened his tie. Lifting up his hockey bag he headed for the door. "Derek, make sure you do your puking before you get home eh?" Tyler laughed.

"Thanks, I will try to remember to roll on to your side of the bed if I feel sick. do you have to wear a tie to every game?" Derek asked.

"Shit! Thanks for reminding me. I have to wear this dumb hockey jacket too! Coach gave me shit at the last away game. I owe you one for reminding me!" Tyler said.

"No problem. you can clean up after I get sick tonight and we'll call it even!" Derek said as Tyler left the room.

Adam turned around on the bus to talk with Tyler. "So Ty, how many goals are you going to score tonight?" He laughed.

"Depends on how much help I get from my line." Tyler said rolling his eyes to point towards Ryan.

"How many points are you ahead of Dakota right now?" Adam asked.

"No idea and I don't care!" Tyler said looking back into his textbook.

"You know we're playing the Harrisburg Bears tonight right?" Adam said.

"Yeah. I guess! I knew we were going to Harrisburg. What about it?" Tyler asked.

"They're only a Double A team, but they're unbeaten like us! The only difference is that they won their division and State last year! They're a much tougher team to play than most in our league." Adam explained.

"A loss wouldn't really hurt us Adam." Tyler said staring at his book.

"What? How can you say that?"

"Think about it Adam. We don't play as a team. Half hate the Captain and ignore him and the other half don't know what to do. Hell, I've got a guy who won't shoot the puck at the net, and you know whom I'm talking about." Tyler said quietly.

"Yeah, but what's it going to accomplish if we lose?" Adam asked.

"Coach can't say too much if we win every game. I'm tired of playing short-handed every shift! Maybe I should play like Ryan." Tyler said.

"Why don't you talk to the Coach?"

"The Coach isn't in control of Ryan, Dakota is! I'm not sure what Dakota has got on him but something is going on!" Tyler said.

When they got off the bus, Tyler pulled Ryan away from the team and took him around the other side of the bus. "I don't know what's going on here. I know you don't like me and that's fine, but tonight is going to be one of our hardest games of the season. If you let the team down I'm going to the Coach about this. Unlike everyone else I'm not afraid of Dakota! I don't know what he has on you but there's no point in having you on my line. If the Coach has to decide between you or me on this team who do you think he's going to choose?" Tyler walked away.

When the Dragon's came out on the ice for pre-game warm up the new members got their first look at the Bear's. "Holy FUCK!" Danny said to Tyler. "Do they double as the football team too?"

"Not sure Danny, they might also be the wrestling team?" He smiled and skated away from the net.

The Bear's weren't as fast on the ice as the Dragons, but what they lacked in speed they made up for with pure force. Tyler scored the first goal and was targeted for the kill. He got taken down twice in the first period. The second time he didn't even return until the beginning of the second period. The Bear's scored three goals in the first period and one of them was shorthanded.

Tyler wished the Coach would stop screaming in the dressing room during the first period as he already had a headache from the hits.

"What in the Hell are you sissy's doing out there? You have to play smart! Stay in your zone! FIVE shots on goal? Dakota, what's your problem tonight? Ryan, you have to pick it up with Tyler out!"

"It's okay Coach, I'm back in this period!" Tyler said.

"Are you sure? We can't afford to lose you Tyler! If you don't feel well you sit out!" Coach Conners told him.

Dakota scored the first goal of the second period to bring them with in one of the Bears. It was Dakota's turn to be the marked man. On his next shift two players took him down and one punched Dakota in the stomach. Dakota's sacrifice at least eliminated one Bear for the rest of the game. Dakota remained bent over on the bench for the rest of the period.

Tyler stood still on the blue line with the puck. He looked at Ryan and skated away. He shot the puck off the backboards behind the net and Ryan picked it up. Ryan spun around and tipped it into the net. Score tied! Tyler skated by and winked at Ryan. Coach Conners held off a line change because Dakota was out. Lines two and three were playing double shifts to use up time on the clock. Tyler and Ryan knew that Ryan was currently marked to go down. When the puck dropped at centre ice, Tyler skated off as fast as he could and beat the goalie unassisted. Dragon's took the lead 4 to 3. Tyler and Ryan had their final shift of the second period with less than one minute to go. Bears made the decision to take Tyler out of the game permanently. Tyler was returning from his own end when both defensemen left their zones and gave him a one-two crunch. Since Tyler had the puck they only got penalties. Tyler was lying on the ice with the wind knocked out of him. Most of the fans cheered Tyler's take down. Coach Conners and one of the assistants were on the ice before any of the Dragon players could make it to Tyler.

When Tyler stood up with the help of the Coach and one of the referees the crowd gave him a standing ovation. Tyler lay back against the wall in the dressing room during second period intermission while the Coach yelled at the team. He told everyone that Dakota and Tyler were done for the night and that the team had better start playing as a team!

Everyone emptied out of the dressing room except Dakota and Tyler. Dakota lifted his head to look at Tyler who was laying back but watching Dakota. Tyler started removing his skates. He hurt everywhere. Dakota was in even worse shape since he wasn't as conditioned as Tyler. When Tyler got his skates off he looked over at Dakota and saw him stick his tongue out at him.

At first he thought Dakota was being childish but then he realized that Dakota was about to throw up!

Tyler grabbed the garbage can and moved as quickly as a broken man could over to Dakota. Dakota choked for air and then up it came! After about a minute Dakota waved the can out of his face. The smell was going to make him sick again. Tyler got a water bottle and held it for him to rinse his mouth out. Dakota spit out the water into the can that Tyler was holding. Tyler set the can down in the corner and went back and sat down. He began pulling off his jersey as Dakota leaned back against the wall and threw up some more. Tyler couldn't make it and Dakota puked all down his jersey. His face was covered. Tyler got a towel and wet it. He wiped Dakota's face clean and pulled the jersey off of him.

"C'mon, you need a shower." Tyler said.

"I don't need your help, I can stand up on my own." Dakota said looking down at the floor holding his head in his hands.

"Fine, do it yourself! I don't think you should go on to a slippery floor feeling the way you do! Your call Captain." Tyler said as he walked back to his seat to get changed. Dakota raised his head slightly to watch Tyler change. In no time Tyler was butt naked and his thick, flaccid member was dangling happily between his legs. Dakota felt his own cock beginning to swell.

"Do you want to shower with me or wait until Josh or Ryan come back?" Tyler asked.

"Fine, but I can do it myself! I don't need your fucking help!." Dakota said.

Tyler stood naked in front of Dakota. Tyler tried to help him stand up but he just swatted at him to move away. Tyler took Dakota's hand and placed it on his shoulder and started to lead the way into the shower. As they walked one behind the other to the showers they heard the crowd roar.

Dakota said, "SHIT! It's tied up!" Tyler leaned Dakota against the wall and turned two showerheads on.

"Not so loud Prom Date! I've got a headache. or two." Tyler said smiling. Dakota snarled.

"Don't fucking talk to me!" Dakota said.

"Geez, you sound like my roommate!" Tyler smiled.

"Maybe that should give you a hint then." Dakota said moving himself in front of the showerhead.

Tyler watched Dakota leaning against the wall and noticed his usual piece of equipment. Dakota's cock was thick, almost fat, and in its flaccid condition stuck straight out nearly 3 inches. Tyler had never seen one like that before.

Tyler opened up his shampoo and held it out for Dakota to open his hand. Dakota accepted the squirt of shampoo but never said 'thanks'.

The crowd roared at the Bear's scoring of another goal. "I'm done if you're ready to get out of here!" Tyler grinned.

"I can walk on my own. You're the last person on the planet I want help from!" Dakota said.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Tyler asked.

"You are the problem!" Dakota said.

"What the Hell have I done to you Dakota?"

"You snubbed the team in July! You tried to take the assistant's position! You think you're too good to be in a dorm hall with the rest of your team. You turned down a scholarship because you don't want to play hockey but you play anyway! We could have had someone who cared about being with the team, but we got you! You suck up with the Coach. I know your type!" Dakota said.

"So why the Hell didn't you show up to the first meeting? I had to give up my July 4th weekend so I could fucking greet you and the other assholes!"

"That is none of your business! The Coach didn't have a problem with it so it shouldn't be any of your concern! Isn't the Captain supposed to help create the team, not divide it?" Tyler snapped back. Tyler fished out his towel and wrapped himself in it and sat down. He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. He opened his eyes and looked over at Dakota who was staring at him. The final buzzer went and a dejected Dragon team filed into the dressing room like a funeral procession. Adam looked the worst of everyone.

The Coach came over and talked to Tyler asking him how he was feeling? "Better Coach, breathing is fine, just a bit of a headache. No yelling tonight please!" Coach Conners smiled and patted his shoulder. "Get showered boys it's almost eleven. We'll talk about this game at practice on Tuesday!" He said softly but not soft enough for a wincing Tyler.

"Dakota, how you feeling son?" The Coach asked.

"Fine Sir. Well. better now. I think I got it all out of my system." He looked at Tyler. Tyler didn't look over but smiled at the pun.

"Ewwwwwwwww, who puked?" Josh said holding his nose.

"Tyler did!" Dakota said without looking at him.

Danny looked at Tyler and Tyler shook his head. Danny smiled.

Tyler yelled to Dakota, "Hey Dakota wanna go get some Philly Cheese Steaks when we get back? Maybe some chilly cheese fries to go with it? I can just smell it now." Tyler said. Dakota jumped up and ran to the 'puke' bucket and deposited another load. The 'Ewwwwwws' over powered the laughter. Danny said for a few to hear, "Tyler One! Dakota Zero!"

Tyler smiled and thought that he should update Luke on the score.

Dakota glared at Tyler as he walked back to his seat.

It was almost twelve-thirty when the bus pulled out. Tyler was one of the few to have his overhead light turned on and he pulled out his textbook.

Adam turned around from the seat in front of him and said, "I hope you're right! You got your wish tonight!" Before Tyler could say anything his cell phone rang. It actually woke everyone around him up.

"Hey Uncle David! What a surprise. Everything okay?" Tyler said. "Yeah, I guess it is after midnight." He said looking at his watch. "Thanks, that's really nice of you. Oh, I'm on a bus coming back from a game. No, we lost.

Yeah. Yeah? Sure. (pause) Hi Aunt Sarah. Thanks! Tonight I feel a lot older. No we lost." Tyler ended his conversation quickly because he didn't want to keep the others awake. "Love you too! Buh bye!" Tyler said.

Adam had been looking at Tyler, listening in on his conversation, waiting for it to end.

In a little boys voice Adam asked with a big grin and pouty lips! "Somebody celebrating a birthday today?" He laughed.

"Shut up Puckhead!" Tyler winked.

"HEY EVERYBODY!!!!!!!! IT'S TYLER'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!" Adam yelled and Tyler just sunk down in his seat covering his ears, hoping the thumping pain would go away! Because good deeds don't go unpunished in life, Adam started everyone in a chorus of Happy Birthday. Only he and Danny and about half of the team were singing until Adam told everyone he has a headache and hates loud noise!!!! Then the entire team, except Dakota, Josh, and Ryan joined in! Finally he got a round of applause.

Tyler stood up holding his ears! "Thank you all for adding to my pain! The beats for all of you when we get off this bus. well, maybe in a few days." He said rubbing his temples.

The Drexel Dragon Football team had a better night than its hockey counterpart. Derek was MVP with his two touchdowns and running for over 100 yards! Celebration to follow! The team headed off campus to a house party that was only blocks away. It was held by a couple of the seniors on the team. Everyone was insisting on giving Derek a drink and he didn't go unnoticed by female cheerleaders. By eleven o'clock Derek was virtually passed out with one of the hottest cheerleaders, Amber, who was sitting on his lap with her hand down his pants.

"I want to go home!" Derek mumbled through his fog.

"Sure Baby! We can have some private time there!" Amber said sliding her hand out of Derek's pants. Tony was passing by as Amber was trying to pull him up.

"Is Derek okay?" Tony asked.

"I'm just trying to get him up to take him home." Amber said.

"Here, I can probably handle him better than you. I will take him home." Tony said.

"Oh. Okay, well, he invited me back to his room." Amber said smiling.

Tony just looked at her as if to say. yeah, right babe!

Tony picked up Derek and Amber grabbed her bright fluorescent green purse.

Tony looked at the purse and wondered if she carried it as a warning signal when crossing the road.

Amber fished through Derek's pocket trying to find the keys. When she did find them Tony told her what one it was. Amber walked in first and turned on the light. She saw the raised bunkbeds and said, "Oh SHIT! How the hell will my baby get up there?"

Tony just rolled his eyes. "Move!" And she did!

It only took Tony one bench press to throw Derek into bed. He looked at Amber and smiled. "Now these are real muscles!" He said trying to impress her.

"Whatever.. Thanks for your help ummm." She staggered trying to think of his name.

"Tony! Don't mention it," He said. "Are you staying here or do you want me to stay with him until Tyler gets home?"

"Who's Tyler?" Amber asked.

"His roommate" Tony said wanting to add 'dumbass' but thought he better not.

"When will he be home?" Amber said looking disgusted at her watch, thinking her plans were foiled.

"Probably not till after one, it's only twelve-thirty now." Tony said.

Amber looked up at Derek and said, No problem! I will look after my widdle baby. Thanks..."

"TONY! It's Tony!"

"Whatever. can you roll Derek on to his back? I think he will be more comfortable that way."

"Right." Tony said rolling his eyes.

When Tony left Amber wasted no time in getting naked to her bra and panties, but before she could figure out how to get her main prize she had to figure out how to climb up on the bed. "Damn, where's . that big guy when I need him?" Amber pulled out Derek's desk chair, which was on wheels and tried to pull herself up on to Derek's bed. It was working until the chair moved out from under her and she was half on and half off his bed.

Amber dropped down to the floor and began to think about how to approach this dilemma!

"Think lady!" She said to herself. "You're not gonna bag yourself an NFL hubby if you can't climb into his bed!" She walked around to the loveseat and stepped up on a cushion, then onto the crossbeam and climbed up. Little did she know that neither Derek nor Tyler had thought of it themselves! She crawled over his face and turned around on his chest. Amber backed her way down over Derek's legs and removed her bra. She then began opening Derek's belt. Amber slid her hand in Derek's boxer slit and grabbed hold of his member. Derek let out a snort or a snore? Amber couldn't quite decide. She did decide that there was only one way to wake her money ticket up!

Amber pulled Derek's jeans down as best as she could and freed his thickening member. Pulling her blond hair out of her face she took aim with one hand holding her hair back and one hand holding Derek! Lightly running her tongue around Derek's head she sucked the tip back and forth. Derek started to wake up and moved his hand to her head to feel something going on down there. Derek started to dream that it was Tyler going down on him. The blood in his veins began to pick up speed and his cock engorged with a steady flow of blood. If Amber hadn't pulled off she might have had his expanding cock stuck in her mouth. Derek lifted his head and was about to say, 'oh Tyler' when he opened his eyes and saw this strange blond girl going down on him.

"What the." Derek said.

Amber looked up at Derek with cock in mouth and grinned.

"Oh God!" Derek moaned.

Derek was awake now, though groggy from alcohol. He sat up on his arms to watch the show. Amber let go of his member and removed her panties. She walked on her knees moving up towards Derek.

"Oh God! Ummm No!" Derek stopped her.

"What?" Amber said.

"Ummm I don't have any condoms!"

"No problem. I've got lots!" And Amber pulled out her big glowing green purse and said, "Trojans, Durex, Jimmies, Simplex, Ansells, Vitalis, Kama Sutra, Donkey Dong's, and of course glow-in-the-dark strawberry flavoured ribbed Hot Rods! She proudly announced and displayed!

Derek stared at her for a moment and said. "I'm allergic to strawberries!"

"No problem! I'm on the pill!" Amber proudly announced as she dropped her big green glowing purse over Derek's head an on to the loveseat.

"Look. .ummm? Who are you again?" Derek asked.

"TSK! Silly, I'm Amber! Remember the party?" She said.

"Party. Oh God. that's why my head feels like Jello!" Derek said rubbing his eyes.

Amber wasn't waiting to bag herself a man! If she couldn't have sex tonight she wanted to make sure she didn't lose her man! Amber dropped on Derek's inflated member like a vacuum hose to carpet.

"Oh God!" Derek yelled.

"Mmmm hmmm" Amber responded.

Cody, Danny, and Tyler grabbed their hockey bags and sticks and headed back to the dorm hall.

"Why can't they drop us off at our Dorm hall?" Danny asked.

"Please don't talk unless it is a relevant question! Tyler said.

"I've got some Aspirin in my room if you want it Tyler?" Danny said.

"No thanks Dan, that stuff does weird shit to my stomach." Tyler said.

"I've got Tylenol if you want?" Cody said not looking at Tyler.

"Yeah, maybe that would help?" Tyler said.

"No, wait!" Cody said, "I don't think you're supposed to have that if there's a chance you have a concussion. I think I have some of that Allieve stuff! Dad says it's safe." Cody smiled at Tyler.

When the three were riding alone in the elevator Danny stood on his toes and leaned over and kissed Tyler. "Happy Birthday Tyler, I love you!" Tyler smiled.

"Yeah, Happy Birthday Ty." Cody said from the far side of the elevator.

Tyler winked at Cody. "Don't I get a kiss from you too?"

Cody smiled. "I thought we would wait until we got back to my room!"

"GUYS! That is so bad! Tyler you shouldn't be influencing him like that! One of you is enough. And CODY! You're so not going to get it this weekend!" Danny said and Tyler held his head still as he laughed. Cody dropped his mouth open at Danny saying that in front of Tyler.

"Don't look so shocked!" Danny said as he kissed Cody. The elevator door opened and Danny left first saying good night. Tyler dropped his bag outside his door and followed Cody down to his room.

"C'mon in and sit down. I will get the pills and a drink for you." Cody said. Tyler sat down in Cody's desk chair. Tyler looked around the room and noticed a small collection of pictures on Cody's dresser.

"Are these of you and your family Cody?" Tyler asked?

"Yeah, that's me and my older sister and Mom and Dad." Cody said handing Tyler two pills and a bottle of water. Cody placed his hands on Tyler's neck and Tyler stiffened. He grabbed his head from the sudden move. Cody began massaging Tyler's neck as Ty held the bottle of water in one hand and the family picture in the other.

"You can't be older than five in that picture?" Tyler laughed. "Does your whole family live around here?"

"Just me and Dad." Cody said glumly. "Mom and my sister were killed in a car accident. Only Dad and me survived." Tyler began choking on his water and dropped the picture on the floor. Cody hit his back firmly and Tyler got his breathing back.

"Are you okay? Sounds like you swallowed some water the wrong way?" Cody asked still holding his shoulders.

"Yeah, sorry Cody. Listen I've got to get to bed. Class at eight and I have to work tomorrow night. Thanks for everything." Tyler said getting out of there quickly.

"Tyler!" Cody yelled.

"What?" Tyler said stopping at the door.

"It's okay. I know what you're going through." Cody said.

"Who, what?" Tyler said narrowing his eyes at Cody.

"Ty, I'm the Coach's son. I know what happened to your family. I've never said a word to anyone, not even Danny! I'm here if you need me. I've been down this road before." Cody said staring at the door. Tyler left without a word.

Tyler walked back to his room and sat on the floor next to his hockey bag. He started to cry. He saw someone starting down his hallway from the elevator and got up, wiped his eyes, and picked up his hockey bag. He inserted the key into door quietly so as not to wake Derek up. When he opened the door he could see Derek sitting up, leaning on his arms with a blond girl's head going up and down on him. Tyler let the door slam shut!

Many thanks to those of you have taken the time to write and to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story. Everyone has been very kind and forgiving of my mistakes. Every email has been appreciated and inspires me to take the time necessary to tell this story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying writing it.

Comments or opinions are welcome. Please EMAIL:

Next: Chapter 10

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