The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Dec 6, 2005


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home: Part Eight (Food Glorious Food)

Tyler woke up before Derek's vibrating butt warmer could go off. He slid his hand down near Derek's ass and removed his cell phone. He then jumped down to the floor. Derek rolled over to where Tyler was sleeping and hung his hand over the side of the bed.

Tyler removed his boxers and went to the bathroom to relieve his morning hard on. He picked up his jogging pants and decided they really needed to be washed so he dug out a pair of navy blue jogging shorts. He added a white tank top and laced up his runners.

Strapping his MP3 player to his arm he searched to select one song to play on repeat as he always did. "Hmmm. too gay, too gay, definitely too gay!" He laughed aloud. "Oh Yeah. I haven't listened to 'Great Big Sea' in a while." After selecting the song 'When I'm Up' he headed out the door and down the stairs. As he left the University compound he found that 'When I'm Up' just wasn't 'up' enough for him so he switched to Garrity's 'Gotta Get More'. He jogged his way down to the restaurant and knocked on the door to see Angelo working. Tyler smiled and waved and continued on to the bakery. This time he bought two double-chocolate hot chocolates, two large coffees, and four cinnamon buns. As he sat on the bench at the bus stop waiting for the bus he was singing aloud.

"What'll you think, what'll you say, what if it all comes down today, what'll you do now, what'll be." Tyler looked to left to see an elderly man sit down beside him laughing at him. Tyler smiled and apologized for making his suffer through his singing. The man continued laughing.

Tyler slowly jogged the half block back to the University from where the bus let him off being careful not to spill anything. He dropped off his first coffee and cinnamon bun to the gate security guard, then he set down a hot chocolate and cinnamon bun at the security desk as Jack wasn't there at the time. When he let himself in to his room he crept quietly to his desk. Derek's hand was still stretched out over the side of his bed. Tyler popped the drinking spout open on the coffee and hot chocolate. He decided to go have a shower and maybe the smell of coffee would wake Derek up.

Tyler opened the door to the shower room just after 7 a.m. and heard one shower running. The guy under the shower turned to look at who had entered and when he realized it was Tyler got very nervous.

"Hey" Said Tyler.

"Hi Tyler" He responded

Tyler didn't know who it was at first and was a little shocked that he knew his name. Long, curly blond hair. oh yeah. I remember now he thought to himself

"It's Cody right?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah. What are you doing up this early?"

"I've been up for almost two hours. I just got back from my run" Tyler said peeling off his sweat soaked running shorts.

Cody got a good look at Tyler's uncut cock and other assets as he bent over and turned around removing his shorts. Cody remained facing the showerhead so his growing interest wouldn't show. He did his best to never look at anyone in the shower after his hockey games. They both knew better than that. Tyler turned on the shower, among other things, next to Cody.

"So you live in this wing don't you?"


"You're in room 556 right?"

"Yeah." Cody said with some hesitation

"We're almost neighbors Cody. I'm in room 545." He said smiling as he was trying to act casually interested and not make it sound like an inquisition.

Tyler stepped into the shower next to Cody.

"This is your second year on the team?" Tyler asked.


"You're Danny's friend right?" Tyler asked.

". Yeah" Cody shut his shower off immediately when he heard Tyler's last question and tried to escape as quickly as possible. "I've got to get running. Lots of things to do today! Stuff to clean up before my new roommate arrives. Stuff to do."

Tyler sensed his nervousness or guilt. he wasn't sure which it was but he wasn't letting Cody go without letting him know something. "No problem Cody. Have a great day. Maybe I'll have an early morning shower buddy? I never see anyone here this early in the morning." Tyler said not looking at Cody.

Cody wrapped his towel around him and excused himself as politely as he could, almost running to the door.

"Hey Cody!!" Tyler yelled as he reached the door.

Cody stopped and turned around holding the door open.

Tyler never turned his face away from the showerhead as he yelled to him. "Be careful at the door there. someone spilled something all over the doorframe and floor the other day. I stepped in it and almost fell." Tyler could barely contain himself. He didn't have to look at Cody to know that his eyes popped wide open and he was out of the room in a flash.

"You are so bad Tyler Peel!!! So bad.." He chuckled to himself. 'I'd love to be a fly on the wall next time he's alone with Danny.' Tyler thought to himself. He finished his shower alone and headed back his room.

Derek was still asleep lying on his back with his arm laying over the edge of the bed. Tyler grabbed his phone and searched for the 'vibrate only' setting. He gently set the phone down on the comforter over Derek's crotch and pushed the 'sample' button.

'bzzzzzzzz, bzzzzzzz, bzzzzzzzz,' "What the fuck?" Derek said jumping up. He looked down at a smiling, naked Tyler standing below him with a towel wrapped around his neck.

"You Bastard!" Derek said laughing. "Geez, tell me you're not going to sing are you?"

"5 dolla Joe! You pay, me play!" Tyler said with an Asian accent.

"Geez" Derek said falling back on the bed. "Give it up on the accents! You can't talk and you can't sing!"

"You cranky in da morning Joe!" Tyler said continuing with the accent.

"Okay! Okay! I'll pay the '5 dolla' if you just SHUT UP!"

"Fine then, be mean. you don't get what I brought for you to eat." Tyler said.

"FOOD? You got me food? Did I tell you how much I love you?" Derek said.

"Nope, you only told my phone. 'sniff sniff' So what do you want? Coffee or Double- Chocolate Hot Chocolate!" Tyler asked.

"Ummm, whatever. What do you want?"

"Coffee! But thought I would be polite and offer you first choice." Tyler said putting his nose up to the mattress with his hands on each side of the bed frame he then winked with both eyes.

Derek started laughing, "You're right that is funny, even if you're mocking me again." Tyler handed him his hot chocolate and went in to his closet to pull out some nice clothes to wear for breakfast.

"For a Canadian you might just turn out to be alright. if you keep bringing me hot chocolate every morning. Did I say that slow enough for you to understand?"

"Fine. be that way! I'm not sharing my cinnamon bun with you for that last comment!" Tyler said opening up the bag from the bakery.

"No! No! I was just joking Ty! I swear! I love you! You know that!"

Tyler held up a cinnamon bun in the air, but not close enough for Derek as he tried to reach down and grab it. "So you're going to be nice to me?" Tyler asked.

"When am I not?"

Tyler took a big bite of the bun and held it back towards him out of Derek's reach.

"You're never going to make fun of me being a Canadian again?" Tyler said with a mouthful of bun.

"I've never made fun of you being a Canadian! You're our Northern brothers!" Derek said holding his hand against his bare chest with a voice of shock and utter disgust at the accusation.

Tyler took another big bite of the bun and held what was left of it towards him.

"You're not doing so well Derek. last shot! You're going to be nice to your family while we have brunch today!" He said barely able to get the words out as he was trying to swallow the bun and talk at the same time!

"Hahahaha. be serious! For one stinkin' bite left of a cinnamon bun? Derek laughed.

Tyler grabbed the bag with the other bun inside it and tossed it up to Derek "You're right, why would I expect a divine miracle to happen for one cinnamon bun?

"YES!!!!!" Derek devoured the bun and slurped his hot chocolate down.

"Don't spill it dumbass, I just washed those sheets!"

"What do I care? It's your bed. it will just look like you had an accident in your sleep."

"Remember what I said about small, non-domesticate animals?"

"Gotcha! No messes here!"

Tyler's cell phone rang "Hello?"

All Tyler heard on the other end was, "I wanna talk to him."

"No, I wanna talk to him."

"Boys! Give me the phone!" Larry said.

"Hey Ty? It's Luke!"

"Hey Lucas! How are ya feeling after last night?"


"Word! What else would you be feeling right?

Luke giggled into the phone.

"Give me that Luke! Hey Ty, It's Kyle!"

"Hey 'not so little dude'?


"Hey Kyle."

"HAHAHA. made you say it!!!!!" Kyle said almost ecstatic.

".Dumbass! Hehehe" Tyler finished his sentence.

"Shit!" Kyle said laughing.

"KYLE! Watch your language!"

"Yes Mom."

"KYLE! Watch your language!" Mimicked Tyler.

"Shut up asshole!" Kyle whispered into the phone

"Tell your Mom 'but the TV's not on? NO DON'T! I'm just joking Kyle. How are you this morning?"

"I don't get it?" Kyle replied.

"Never mind." Tyler said.

"Missing you" Kyle whispered into the phone.

"I miss you too 'not so little dude' and I'm not joking!" Tyler whispered back.

"So what did you guys do last night?" Kyle asked.

Derek was sitting on Tyler's bed eating and trying to listen to one side of the conversation when Tyler looked over at him. "Well I wanted to go to sleep but your brother kept asking me about how to jerk off." Derek jumped off the bed and grabbed the phone.

Derek mouthed to Tyler 'you're so fucking dead when I get off this phone' "Kyle! He's just shittin you he's been picking on me all morning. Let me talk to Mom!"

"It's okay Derek, I wouldn't repeat that." Kyle said laughing.

"Yeah. I know you wouldn't Kyle and I appreciate it. Give the phone to Mom please." Derek begged. Tyler moved around Derek and began getting dressed.

He put on a Tommy striped dress shirt, beige cargo pants, and his brown shoes. Then Tyler mouthed quietly to Derek. 'Do we need to wear a tie?'

"Hi Honey, how did you sleep?" Linda asked.

"Great Mom, except for Tyler's phone going off" He said sticking his tongue out at Tyler. "By the way Mom, Ty wants to know if he needs to dress up for brunch?"

"Mom says no. Just be casual and comfortable. So Ty you can just wear a towel but Mom says 'No singing'! What? Okay, I'm supposed to tell you that I made the last part up." Tyler flipped Derek the bird.

"Your father and I were thinking we would pick you guys up around ten. Your brothers want to go for a swim before we leave."

"Okay. Great Mom, we'll be in front of the dorm at ten. Yeah, love you too, bye" Derek hung up the phone.

"I'm soooo going to kick your butt!" Derek said tossing the cell phone to Tyler. Tyler just laughed and told him, 'no more cinnamon buns for you!'

"Noooooo! You wouldn't do that to me!" Derek pleaded

Tyler held up his hand to Derek's face. "Talk to the hand!" Tyler sat down and turned his computer on while Derek got dressed. He received an email from his Uncle David telling him that things were progressing well and that the house was okay. He also said he had forwarded his last two emails to Mrs. Johnson. He also mentioned that a friend of his brothers had wanted his address because he wanted to send him something of his brother David's. Kelly had told Mrs. Johnson that he would forward it himself because he wouldn't trust anyone else with it. Tyler wrote back saying it was fine to give Kelly his address and also suggested to give him his email address and the kid could contact him.

Tyler grabbed his digital camera and he and Derek were headed out at about 9:45 a.m. to wait for his parents to arrive. They sat on a bench, under a tree, in front of the Dorm House.

"Hey Derek, can I take your picture?"

"I guess. if you want to?" Tyler had Derek sit in different poses and took several pictures along with some facial close-ups. The Anderson's pulled up in their dark green mini-van unbeknownst to Derek and Tyler. Kyle was trying to sneak up on Tyler but Derek shook his head and said, "You don't really want to be responsible for damaging his camera do you?"

Tyler stopped and turned around to have Kyle and Luke jump up on him. "Hey guys!" He said getting a dual hug from both of them. "Go sit by your brother for a second and we can take a couple of snaps." Tyler asked. Tyler got pictures of Luke sitting on Derek's leg and Kyle leaning on the bench behind him. Tyler's favourite shot was of Luke sitting on Derek's lap with his head resting on Derek's chest and Kyle with his arms around Derek's neck.

"C'mon guys, smile once for me! Please?" Tyler asked.

"Do I get to strangle him when I'm done?" Kyle asked smiling and Tyler got the picture he wanted.

"Hi Dr. and Mrs. Anderson! How about one of the whole family?" Tyler actually got about eight different shots of the entire family. He also managed to get several pics of Kyle and Luke individually in different positions. Luke's best picture was of him sitting with his legs crossed on the bench with his hand supporting his chin. Kyle with sitting sideways on the bench with one leg pulled up to his chin and his arms wrapped around that leg. This shot wouldn't have happened without Luke's help. Kyle wouldn't smile no matter how much Tyler begged so Luke grabbed Tyler's sunglasses off the top of his head and began pretending he was a famous Italian movie director.

"Kyle! Kyle! Smile for the camera." Luke said in a fake Italian accent that he stole from Angelo. "What's-a-matta? I pay you big money? I make you supa-star! I get you movie contracts!" Nothing was working until Luke came up with his own one-two punch, "I make-a-you a peanut-butta pizza Kyle!" That was it for Kyle and he burst into laughter along with everyone else.

"Nice work Luke! You're hired if I can afford you?" Tyler said.

"You've already paid me enough Ty!" And everyone said "aahhhhh!"

"That's so sweet of you Luke, thanks!" Tyler said.

"I'm keepin' the shades! Now getta back to worka before I dock you a pay!" Luke told him with his Italian accent.

"Nice Luke!" Tyler said. "I will call you little Derek now!"

Luke tossed the shades back to Tyler and said, "That was low! Even for you!"

"I've been living with your brother for almost 24 hours now Luke. I'm a quick learner!" Tyler said as Derek swatted him across the back of the head walking back to the van. "Owwwww!"

"Okay kids. all four of you! Get in the Van now!"

"Hey Ty! I'll race ya to the Van?" Luke asked.

"No way. I'll kick your butt! Ask your brother, he's so slow he can't even get into bed!"

"Owwww!" Tyler said as Derek smacked him across the back of the head again.

"Boys! Namely the two older ones. don't make me put you both over my knee!"

Larry said laughing.

"He started it Dad!" Derek said, laughing too.

When they piled into the Van, Derek leaned over and said, "I thought we were supposed to be nice to my family?"

"No, this is YOU be nice to YOUR family! I said nothing about me being nice to you!" Tyler responded.

"Shut up Prom date!" Derek said smiling.

"Dad? Is Tyler gonna be Derek's prom date?" Luke asked.

"Only if he marries him Luke!" Larry said. "So where do we want to go for brunch guys?"

"Some place that has pizza!" Luke said.

"NO!!!!!!!" Said Derek, Kyle, and Tyler.

"Dad already said no more pizza for you this weekend, 'pukey lukey'" Kyle said.

"PUKEY LUKEY?" Derek and Tyler said together looking at Luke?

"I don't want to talk about it!" Luke said holding up his hand.

"I don't want to think about it" Said Kyle.

They found a Fuddruckers and manage to satisfy both Kyle and Luke with a round corner booth to sit at. Both wanted to sit beside Tyler so this solved the problem. Mrs. Anderson began with, "So Tyler tell us a little about yourself and your family."

"Nothing much to say Mrs. Anderson. I have one brother, David. My Dad worked for C.G.E., which is the Canadian division of General Electric, and my Mom quit working as an assistant radiologist when I was born. We've lived all over Canada, from British Columbia to New Brunswick because of Dad's work. I could ice skate before I could walk they tell me. I was offered a hockey scholarship to play here by a scout but I applied for an international scholarship in the Sciences and was accepted. Though I'm sure someone in hockey circles here had to have something to do with me getting it, because it allowed them to bring in another player. Not much else to say I guess."

"Worked?" Thought Larry.

Tyler, knowing how to change the subject, asked Dr. Anderson, "What kind of a Doctor are you Sir?"

"I was a practicing GP Tyler but I went back to school for two years to become a surgeon. Now I deal with real problems rather than Senior's who can't sleep at night." Dr. Anderson smiled.

Dr. Anderson began to talk about getting on the road home because they still had two other boys to get ready for a new school year on Tuesday. At first Tyler thought it was Kyle and Luke being depressed over going back to school but even Derek became a bit solemn at this point. Tyler could see that the bond between these brothers was as strong as he had with David and much stronger than Dr. and Mrs. Anderson realized. Tyler was the only one smiling, as he was just happy for the three of them even if they didn't realize it yet. There was another Derek buried within and if you looked closely enough it would occasionally poke its head out.

"You guys had better use the washroom before we leave here." Larry said.

"I'm pretty sure I can make it back to the dorm Dr. Anderson!" Tyler said smiling.

As Kyle and Luke headed off to the washroom Tyler signalled to Derek that he wanted him to go someplace private. "Derek. I'm not going to say this twice and I'm not going to argue with you about it. You really need to say good-bye to your brothers and let them know you love and will miss them. I see it in their eyes, and more so, I see it in yours. I'm going to get your parents away from the three of you. Don't blow this one! For them or yourself!" Tyler exited before Derek could respond.

"Hey Dr. and Mrs. Anderson, let's take a minute and I will show you a little of the downtown area. Can you wait for your brothers Derek? He asked but didn't wait for a reply. Tyler literally took Dr. and Mrs. Anderson out by each arm and walked them down the block. "Sorry if I am appearing pushy. The boys need a little time alone together. It's now sinking in that they're going to be separated for awhile."

"Oh Tyler, that's sweet of you! I noticed how quiet things got when Larry mentioned heading home." Linda said.

"By the way, I wrote down my email address and cell phone number if you need to reach me or Derek. Maybe you could email me anything I need to know about Derek or his health, allergies, contact information and stuff like that?" Tyler asked.

"Derek should have all of that on him." Linda said.

"Linda, Tyler's right. What if something happened to Derek and he couldn't speak? Good thinking Tyler. I will email everything you need to know." Larry said patting Tyler's back. As they walked back to the Van they could see the rear hatch was open and Luke was sitting on Derek's lap and Kyle was leaning against Derek.

"See Mr. and Mrs. Anderson!" Tyler said nodding toward the boys. "They really do love each other very much. It's just not cool to let your parents know that. Damn, if I could be a fly with a camera right now!" Larry put his arm around Tyler's shoulder and Linda put her arm around Tyler's as they walked back. "Does Derek have a Teddy Bear or anything?"

"Oh he does Tyler, but you will likely never see it and of course you don't know that!" Linda said.

"Know what?" Said Tyler smiling.

"Sorry guys, we didn't mean to be so long." Larry said.

Luke's eyes were red, Kyle's were wet, and Derek's were on the edge of overflowing. Not that the big wet stain on his chest from Luke wouldn't have been enough of a clue. Tyler and Mrs. Anderson made mindless conversation on the drive back to the dorm. Tyler sat in the front row of rear seats with his arm around Kyle and Derek sat in the back row with Luke glued to his side.

When the Van came to a stop outside the dorm hall Tyler slid the sliding door open and Dr. Anderson turned the ignition off. Tyler figured someone had better say something.

"Well guys, I will get out of here so you can officially boot Derek's ass out." Tyler stepped out and pulled Kyle with him. He picked Kyle up and hugged him. Holding him close he whispered, 'l love you and we will see each other again' then he kissed his cheek and set him down.

"Lucas! Get your peanut butter ass over here!" He picked up Luke and hugged him squeezing him three times. "You promise to come visit me?" He asked.

"You bet!" Luke said.

"Good 'cause if you don't come back and eat up that peanut butter I'm gonna have to pay for the jar!" He said setting Luke down.

"Dr. Anderson, it was a pleasure to meet you. It's been an honour to spend time with your family."

"Tyler, the honour and pleasure are ours! You are welcome at our home anytime. And keep a close eye on our little boy for us please!" He said shaking Tyler's hand.

"Ma'am! Thank your for the most fun I've had since I've arrived here. I wouldn't trade these three for any less than $20.00?" He winked at Linda. She pulled him into a hug kissing him and Tyler's eyes got watery when she released him.

"Good-bye all until next time! And you two," he said pointing at Kyle and Luke, "Don't be messing with my Prom Date!"

"I thought you were leaving?" Derek finally asked!

"You wish pal, you're stuck with me and Sponge Bob for a very long time!" Tyler said while walking away.

When Tyler returned to his room he hopped up on his bed and lay there for a moment staring at the ceiling and thinking about the past 27 hours. He smiled and closed his eyes.

Their outer door shutting woke Tyler up. He rolled over to see the top of Derek's head. "Everything okay?" He asked.

"Everything's fine, why wouldn't it be?" Derek shot back as he sat down at his computer. Tyler didn't say anything more.

After about 15 minutes Tyler jumped down from his bed and sat down at his desk turning his computer on.

"This is kind of weird eh?" Tyler asked.

"What?" Said Derek not looking away from his monitor.

"Just weird having someone sitting at a computer next to me." Tyler mused.

Tyler turned on his MSN and saw that Kyle was online. He also saw he had three emails. One was from 'theredheadedstepchild'. Who the fuck would that be Tyler thought? He opened the email and began to read,

"Hey Tyler this is Kelly. You brother David's friend from school. I got your email address from Mrs. Johnson. I wanted to tell you that I have something of David's that I thought you should have. We had to make a video for school and I recorded it with my Dad's video camera. I had Dad put it on a CD for you and I wanted to mail it to you. I will put it in the mail on Tuesday when I go back to school. The post office is closed until Tuesday. There's also some other stuff I need to talk with you about but I don't want to put it in an email. Maybe you could message me on MSN sometime? Thanks, Kelly.

Hmmm Tyler thought. Kelly, Kelly. Yeah, cute little guy with reddish blond hair. I think he was a new friend of David's that year at high school? Tyler sent an email back to Kelly telling him to add him to his MSN whenever he wanted to talk and that he should go see Mrs. Johnson later next week and she will give him some money to cover his costs and time.

Kyle changed his nickname on MSN to 'not-so-little-dude'


Hey yourself 'not so little dude' ;) How was the trip home?

It was okay. Mom sat in the front row with Luke and I laid down in the back and listen to Paul Janz over and over LOL

Hahaha. too cool Kyle. 123



Yeah, dumbass! 123

Oh! Yeah! 123 (((((((Ty))))))))

How's Derek?

Sulking and lonely. I think he misses you guys already. He isn't even speaking to me right now.

I sort of miss him. a bit.

I know you do Kyle. I understand how you feel and I'm proud of you for being honest about your feelings. 123

123 Ty!

G2G not so little dude! Have to be at work by 4 p.m. Btw, I miss you already!

I miss you too! 123

123, bye

Tyler turned his MSN to offline and walked into his closet to get changed.

"You have to work tonight?" Derek asked.

"If I want to eat outside of the food hall and have a cell phone. And maybe someday a coffee machine!" Tyler said.

"If you had a coffee machine I wouldn't get anymore cinnamon buns so forget it!" Derek said. "Hey Tyler, I don't mean to be nosey but are you really that broke? Don't your parents pay or at least help pay for school?"

"Not as of yet!" Tyler grabbed his necessities and headed out the door to work.

Derek wasted no time in sliding into Tyler's chair and snooping through his hard drive. There really wasn't much to find. In fact Derek was suspicious as to how clean it was. He looked through his program menu and saw that Tyler had a PGP wipe program, Spyware blocker, and even Ad-aware. There was one file folder marked 'Priv' that Derek assumed meant private. He tried to open it but it requested a password. He made several attempts but to no avail. He then tried to close the password request box but it wouldn't. "Damnit!" Derek said. He decided that the only thing he could do was to turn Tyler's computer off and hope that it wouldn't pop up when he turned the computer back on. Derek sweated away the evening worrying about Tyler's computer. He knew that Tyler would be home sometime after ten when it closed but wasn't exactly sure. He didn't know if Tyler rode a bus or got a ride from someone at work. By ten o'clock Derek was in bed so he could pretend to be asleep by the time Tyler got home. As he lay there in bed he decided to leave Tyler a note.

"Hey Ty. I shut your computer down so it wouldn't burn out the screen or waste electricity. Night Derek"

It was after 11 p.m. when Tyler got home from work. The dorm was buzzing with parties everywhere. The line up for the elevator went almost to the front entrance. Tyler jogged up the stairs over people passed out or sleeping in the entryways. Party season had already begun and school didn't start for another two days mused Tyler.

Derek lay there thinking about removing the note because that might draw attention to his snooping around the computer should that password box come up when he next turns the computer on. He heard the key in the door. Derek broke out into a cold sweat, sometimes shaking a little.

'Damn! Why didn't I think to pull the curtain across?' he thought to himself. Tyler became very quiet when he saw that the only light in the room came from beside his computer. He tiptoed quietly around their beds and began changing out of his work clothes. Derek followed his shadow on the ceiling around the room. He hung up his pants and tossed his shirt into his laundry basket. As he sat down and turned his computer on Derek started to shake a little. Tyler read the note and tossed it in the recycling bin under his desk. Derek listened quietly as he heard the MS opening chime. It was so quiet in the room he could hear Tyler scratching his chest. Snap No, it wasn't his chest, it was the waistband snapping on his boxers. Derek could hear more scratching and then it stopped!

As soon as the MS chime came on, Tyler turned his speakers off so as to not wake Derek.

Derek rolled over as quietly as he could and peeked down through the crack between the beds so he could see Tyler's computer screen. He couldn't make out what Tyler was typing but he could see his screen. Tyler heard Derek move.

"USER NAME: Administrator" and "PASSWORD: _____________" appeared.

Tyler typed as quietly as he could. GITON and hit enter.

The password box to the PRIV file appeared immediately requesting authorization. Tyler typed his password in "GITON" It immediately flashed a request for his mother's maiden name.

"Weird" said Tyler aloud. Derek's heart beat faster as he watched. Tyler typed in "COULTER" and a box popped up saying 14 attempts had been made at entering this file folder. Tyler clicked to see the attempts made. It listed several possible spellings of his name. Tyler couldn't help but smile when he read one of the password attempts was 'sexyboy'. He closed the 'PRIV' folder and turned on his MSN. There were no new emails so he turned off his computer, set the alarm on his cell phone and climbed up on to his bed.

Derek moved his head back from looking down at Tyler's computer just in time, but was still forced to lie on his side facing Tyler. Any more movement and Tyler would have heard he was awake. Tyler covered up under his comforter and leaned on his left arm staring down at Derek in the moonlight. Derek sensed that something wasn't right. He wanted to open his eyes and see exactly where Tyler was and what he was doing but he was afraid of a confrontation. Tyler just continued to stare. Derek was sweating profusely and came up with a plan. He began to stretch and yawn, sticking his arm to where it actually touched Tyler. Derek opened his eyes. "Ahhhhhh."

"Sorry! Did I scare you?" Tyler said.

"Sort of . I didn't expect anyone to be staring at me. Luke used to do that. He would come into my room and not want to wake me and he would just stare at me. Scared the shit out of me sometimes."

"Sorry. I was just looking at your earring. I've always wanted one but was never allowed." Tyler said.

"Oh! Ummm! Yeah. You would look good with one. A hoop, like mine! Why don't you get one? Derek asked.

"I don't know?" Tyler answered cryptically and rolled over and faced away from Derek.

After a couple of minutes Derek said, "Night Ty."

No response.

Derek didn't speak to Tyler on Sunday or Monday unless Tyler asked him a question. When he did it was just a short reply of yes or no. Tyler figured he would just lay low around Derek and not say too much. He figured that maybe Derek was homesick. When Tyler came into his room on Tuesday after his first day of classes Derek was sitting in front of his computer with his shirt off rubbing his shoulder and moaning.

"Weird. usually it isn't rubbing my shoulder that makes me moan!" Tyler said grinning.

"Shut the fuck up!" Was Derek's response and Tyler did exactly that.

Tyler made a copy of his class schedule and pinned it up on his corkboard next to the bathroom door. "I pinned up a copy of my schedule on the board in case you ever need to find me.. Shit! Sorry, I'm not supposed to speak."

Tyler said covering his mouth

"Don't talk to me!" Derek said.

Tyler couldn't read into Derek as to whether he was mad at him or simply having a bad day. Tyler turned on his computer and went and got his digital camera. He plugged in the USB cable and uploaded the pictures he had taken of the Anderson's. Tyler cropped and sized the pictures one by one. When he was done he thought about sending some to Kyle but he didn't want Derek to know that he had him on his MSN. He selected one picture of Kyle, Luke, Derek each, and one of Dr. and Mrs. Anderson and put them in an email to Derek. Tyler put a one-line sentence at the top of the email saying 'thought you might want to forward these to your family.' He could easily see and hear the 'new mail' message appear on Derek's screen with 'Tyler Peel' and 'family pictures'. Tyler watched with one eye as Derek closed the box and ignored it.

Tyler saw an email message sent that afternoon from Danny and he opened it.

** Hey Ty. I was wondering if you wanted to grab a bite to eat down at the cafeteria tonight? I really need to talk to you and I think we need to talk before hockey on Thursday. I heard you met Cody! LOL He thinks you're HOT!

Catch me before 6 if you wanna eat together. Bye Danny**

Tyler turned on his MSN and unblocked Danny. Danny was online.

Hey Puckhead ;)

Hi Ty : )))

When do you wanna eat?

Anytime Ty, I'm starved.

Okay, I can go right now. why don't you drop by my room and meet my evil roommate?


That or it's 'that time of the month'? I'm not exactly sure. Just be nice and try not to drool Puckhead ;)

Be there in 5! I assume we are not inviting him to eat with us?

You assume correct #1. Just don't say too much beyond Hi. I haven't figured him out yet. He's hot one minute and cold as ice the next.

Only the first part counts ;) See ya in a min.

Tyler logged off his MSN but decided to leave his computer turned on and see if Derek wanted to play with it. Everything personal on it was password protected.

He clicked on Vertigolf. A 3-D simulation mini-put game and was in the middle of the first hole when he heard a knocking at the door. Derek jumped up to get the door.

"Hey!" Said Danny as he stared at the God before him.

Derek couldn't help but notice his eyes and cute smile. "What?"

"Ummm is Tyler here?"

Hearing his voice, Tyler yelled, "C'mon in Danny!" If Danny hadn't had his hand on the door it would have hit him in the face when Derek let go and walked back to his desk.

"Nice plaid shirt Danny!" Tyler winked at him.

Tyler stood up from his computer and said, "Oh, sorry Danny. Danny this Derek, Derek meet Danny! Danny's on my hockey team."

"Hi Derek!" Danny said extending his hand

"Humph!" Was all Derek would say not even looking away from his computer screen!

Danny just shook his shoulders and narrowed his eyebrows looking at Tyler. Tyler rolled his eyes. "Have a seat Danny, I'll just be a second. You can play my 3-D golf game." Tyler said.

"Cool. Don't be long, I'm starved!" Danny said and began trying to figure out the game. When Tyler finished dressing he gave Danny some pointers. He could see Derek in the reflection of his monitor was watching, he even appeared interested.

"C'mon, let's get going." Tyler said and Danny stood up.

"Owww!" Danny said hitting his head on Tyler's bunk.

"Yeah, ya gotta learn to watch that."

"Derek, I'll leave the computer on in case you want to try the game or play around on my computer?" Tyler said smirking to himself. He knew that Derek couldn't see his face sitting down at his computer.

Before Derek could respond the phone rang.

"Hey!! We've got a phone? A real phone!" Tyler said.

"Wrong! I've got a phone!" Derek said answering it. "Yeah, great it works, thanks!"

Danny rolled his eyes looking at Tyler and they exited the room.

The door slammed shut at the same time Derek slammed the phone down.

"What was that all about?" Danny asked.

"I really don't know. It seems like it's going to be a long two semesters though. I think I might be looking for a new room mate before Christmas." Tyler said.

Tyler and Danny got in line at the Boyd House Food Court. It was located on the main floor off the front Atrium.

"I wonder what the food is like at the Food Court?" Asked Danny. Before Tyler could say he didn't know, a student in front of them turned around and said, "You mean the Food Trough don't you?" Tyler and Danny laughed.

They ran their dinner cards through the access card reader and grabbed two red plastic trays. It was truly cafeteria style, with a few food servers portioning out the main entr‚es.

"Hmmm. mystery meat?" Danny said sticking his fork into a veal cutlet and holding it up. "I wonder what kind of animal this is?"

"I thought the salads were supposed to be green, and the meat was suppose to be brown?" Tyler responded. "Some one better tell the Head Chef!" Tyler said. Danny laughed.

"Ah Sweet!" Said Tyler, "RC cola on tap!"

"What's so great about that?" Danny asked.

"We don't have it on tap in Canada."

"What I like on tap usually has alcohol in it!" Danny said grinning.

"Do you know what we do with Canadian Beer that has less than 6% alcohol?" Tyler asked.


"We mark it as 'safe for minors or senior citizens' or ship it to the U.S." Tyler said laughing loudly.

"Hey Ty, what's the difference between a bucket of shit and a Canadian? The bucket!" Danny said before Tyler could even offer up an answer.

"Danny, what's the only greeting card that Hallmark makes available only in the U.S.?" Tyler asked.

"I don't think I want to know." Danny said smiling.

"Happy Birthday Uncle Dad! Hahahaha" Tyler said.

"Why did the Canadian cross the road?" Danny asked.

"I don't care why." Tyler said walking away.

"TOO GET TO THE MIDDLE! Hahahaha." Danny laughed

Danny wasn't finished either, "Johnnie moved from Canada to the US. He began attending grade 3 at a local school. The first day, the teacher asked everyone to count to 100. Only Johnnie could do it with a couple of small mistakes. That night he told his Dad how well he did in school! His Dad told him, 'that's cause you're a Canadian son!' The next day the teacher asked everyone to say the alphabet. Only Johnnie could say the entire alphabet with a couple of mistakes. That night he proudly told his Dad how he did better than everyone else! His Dad said, 'that's cause you're a Canadian!' On the third day Johnnie had gym class and in the showers he notice that his cock was 5 times bigger than any other boy in the shower. Johnnie proudly told his Dad that night how much bigger he was than everyone else! His Dad said, 'that's because you're 23 years old!'" Danny said laughing hysterically

Tyler just glared at him smiling, and punched his arm hard!

"Let's find a seat Ty, these jokes are killing me!" Danny said rubbing his arm.

Danny and Tyler grabbed a seat near a window looking out into the parking lot. Tyler could see his Jeep from where they were sitting.

"What are you looking at?" Danny asked.

"My Jeep!"

"You've got a Jeep? Cooool!" Tyler just shook his head and laughed.

"What?" Danny asked.


"So, umm how are your beaks and claws?" Danny asked not looking up from his plate.

Tyler began laughing and Danny joined in.

"Danny, I'm sorry I seemed upset. I mean, I'm sorry I got upset! It's your life and I had no right to act like a. like a. Derek?" He smiled.

"I don't know what to say Tyler. I was lonely. I met Cody in the shower and well ."

Tyler just held up his hand. "Please, I don't want to know the details. When I told you that you were the best friend I could have asked for, I meant it! The dumbest thing I could do is sacrifice a friendship with someone like you because."

"Because?" Danny asked.

"I was jealous." Said Tyler lowering his head.

"That's so sweet Ty! You are the greatest!" Danny said.

Tyler shook his head. "Just accept my apology. Please?"

"No need to apologize. It simply shows you really do care for me. I need you a lot more than you will ever need me Ty. I don't want to lose you." Danny said.

"You won't, but Danny, do me a favour please? Be very careful with Cody. There's something strange about him. I don't know what it is but I sense something's not right."

"Why do you say that?" Danny became defensive.

"Dan. Remember how I warned you about hockey players?"


"And I was right. And I warned you about Dakota and his posse?"


"And I was right again! So put a little faith in me and simply be careful!!! I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the Coach's son; I'm just saying tread carefully. Okay?"

"Yeah. I guess." Danny was apprehensive about Tyler's comment, not his Cody.

"So is my room mate a hottie or what?" Tyler said changing the subject.

"Holy Shit! You're right. The really hot ones are obnoxious and rude!"

"Not entirely true. look at Dakota! He's just obnoxious and rude." Tyler said laughing.

"So I made my point and you will be careful." Tyler said shoving some brown lettuce into his mouth. "Thank God I eat well on Friday and Saturday nights at the restaurant."

"Oh yeah, thanks for the food. Cody and I. oh sorry."

"It's okay Danny. You and Cody like it?" Tyler smiled.

"Yeah, he thinks you made it!" Danny laughed. "I didn't say one way or the other."

"You know he is pretty hot when his curly long blond hair is wet. Sexy, actually!" Tyler said stuffing his mouth full.

"Hehehe. Yeah he is! He is to me, what I am to you. He's like a little puppy wanting to be loved and guided around. It's really cute. I think he wants a threesome!" Danny said laughing.

"Whatever. please, I don't think I'll sleep tonight if I have to dream about you and Cody. Hell, I can assure you that sleeping isn't what I would be doing!" Tyler winked. Danny giggled.

"I love when you giggle. You remind me of Derek's little brother."

"He's got brother's? Are they hot?" Danny's eyes bugged out.

"Geez Danny, you're on to number two and it's only Labour Day weekend. Can you save a little for the rest of us? Yes, his brothers are really cute and very funny. My guess would be that Derek is adopted!" Tyler said while trying to identify something on his plate.

"Tell me more?" Danny pushed his plate away and rested on two open palms.

"Geez. Am I going to have to hose you down?" Tyler asked but Danny just grinned.

"Promises, promises. I've been waiting for that offer since I first met you!"

"Perv!" Tyler said with a mouthful.

"You know it!" Danny grinned.

"Okay, short version. Luke is eleven, dark hair and big dark eyes, plays hockey, likes peanut butter pizza and giggles like you." Tyler said.

Danny scrunched his nose up as if to say 'what the fuck?' "Peanut Butter pizza?"

Tyler ignored Danny and continued, "Kyle, the cutie skater-boi is 14. Sandy-blond hair, big eyes, perfect smile, baggy clothing, well-tanned, and is a good kisser!"

"WHAT?" Danny woke from his fantasy.

"What what?" Tyler teased.

"You were kissing him?"

"Well. Luke's a good kisser but he has small lips, like Derek. Kyle has these full-bodied red lips. Not that I really noticed." Tyler said gulping down his RC.

"Go back! You're not answering my question or questions?" Danny looked up to nowhere.

"Down Perv boy! I kissed both of them before they left. Mom and Dad and Derek were there also. I even got a kiss from Mrs. Anderson." Tyler proudly admitted.

"And Mr. Anderson?" Danny was teasing.

"Nah. the moustache thingy. not for me, eh!"

Danny giggled. "True Ty, I know you don't like a large crop of hair in your face.hahaha"

"Speaking of. I hope you trimmed those things for Cody?" Tyler asked.

"Not exactly. Cody sort of trimmed them for me!" Danny said grinning proudly.

"TOO MUCH INFO! Let's get out of here, I have homework to do."

"Yeah, me too!"

"Thanks Danny for not giving up of me. Sometimes you need to kick me in the head!"

"Anything for my best friend, night Ty"

"Night Daniel"

Tyler unlocked his dorm room door and saw what appeared to be Derek jumping back into his chair. It was the movement of a wrinkled Sponge Bob curtain that gave him away. He figured he caught Derek by surprise so he went directly into the washroom to have a pee. He washed his face and brushed his teeth trying to give Derek enough time to undo whatever it was he was doing. When he came out of the bathroom Derek seemed more relaxed but not any friendlier to approach. Tyler stripped down to his boxers and put his clothes away. He flipped open his cell phone to check for new calls but there weren't any. He then clicked on the redial to see the last number dialled. It was the restaurants so he knew it hadn't been used.

Tyler unplugged his laptop from the power cord and unhooked the speakers and internet connection. He set the laptop up on his bed. Tyler then took his clamp-on light and hooked it on his headboard. Tyler searched through his closet and pulled out a sketchbook and some charcoal pencils. He jumped up on to his bed and placed the laptop on his pillow. Tyler crossed his legs and placed the sketchbook in his lap. He opened the email from Derek and pulled up his picture to a full screen and began sketching him. Tyler went to work on doing the eyes, as they were always the toughest to draw. If he messed them up then he wouldn't have wasted as much time on other parts of his body.

'Damn, would I like to draw this boy naked!' Tyler thought.

Whoever took the picture certainly captured a rare moment in time Tyler thought. His smile was like Mona Lisa's. You couldn't tell if he was smirking or smiling and with the eyes you really could say at least a thousand words. The more he drew of Derek the more he began to fall in love with him. 'I never fantasized about someone this hot before' he thought to himself. When Derek smiled he could warm up an entire room Tyler figured... if he just didn't open his mouth! Derek's attempt to get up on the bed interrupted his fantasy. Tyler minimized his screen and closed his sketchpad. After three attempts Tyler extended his hand. He didn't smile or laugh; he just held his hand out. Derek grabbed his hand and Tyler pulled him up.

"Thanks." Derek mumbled and lay down on his bed. Tyler didn't respond.

Tyler opened his computer and sketchpad again, turning both away from Derek's eyes. He hadn't been drawing for five minutes when Derek said, "Think you could turn off that light so I can get some sleep?"

Tyler looked at his watch and saw it was only a little after nine. 'Who goes to bed at nine?' Tyler thought. Tyler never said a word and reached back with his right hand and pulled Sponge Bob along the rail.

"It's still too bright!" Derek whined.

"Talk to the Bob! I'm not allowed to talk to you remember." Tyler said and clicked off his light before Derek could respond. Tyler jumped down from his bed and plugged the power cord, internet cable, and speakers back in. He clipped his light back on the support post where he had removed it from earlier. He then got up and dug around his backpack and pulled out the headphones from his mp3 player. He plugged them in and put on his all time favourite song by ODDS loud enough that Derek would know that he was listening to music and not be able to hear him.

Many thanks to those of you have taken the time to write and to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story. Everyone has been very kind and forgiving of my mistakes. Every email has been appreciated and inspires me to take the time necessary to tell this story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying writing it.

Comments or opinions are welcome. Please email:

Next: Chapter 9

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