The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Dec 3, 2005


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home: Part Seven (Say hello to my little friend.)

"Where's Cody?" Demanded Dakota.

"No idea?" Josh said. "I reminded him about the team meeting. Why isn't Ryan here?"

"He'll be here. He's taking care of something for me." Dakota said.

knock knock (pause) knock

"That better be Cody. I don't tolerate anyone being late!" Dakota said going to open his dorm room door.

"Where the Fuck have you been asshole?" Demanded Dakota.

"Sorry Sir. I couldn't get away from my new room mates parents." Cody said with his head bowed.

"I don't give a fuck about your room mate, his parents, or even your Dad! You do what I say or you'll be off the team!" Dakota said loud enough for everyone to hear. "I don't think you want a certain video to fall into the wrong hands now do you?" Cody shook his head and sat down with the others.

"Now I've called this meeting because we have a problem! We don't need any more problems after last year. Can someone tell me what this problem is?" Dakota paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. No one said anything.

"JOSH! Tell these Puckheads what THEIR problem is!" Dakota demanded.

"Tyler Peel. Sir!"

"Tyler Peel." Repeated Dakota. "This Canadian asshole is bent on destroying this team! A team I've worked very hard to create! THIS IS MY TEAM, not HIS!"

"We need a cohesive plan to ." knock knock (pause) knock Dakota stopped and went to open the door.

"Hey D."

"How did it go?"

"Perfect. Exactly as you planned, everything is set up." Ryan said smiling hoping to please Dakota. Dakota gave Josh the Al Pacino' slap to the side of his face. "Go sit in your place." Dakota told him.

"As I was saying. we need to remove Mr. Peel from the team, but we need to be very careful about how we do it. Don't fool yourself! Tyler is not stupid, even though he is a Canadian. I sat through a lecture from the Coach because of him. He almost had most of us removed from the team. He complained about each and every one of you ganging up on him. You have to understand that Coach Conners job is on the line. That is why he brought in this asshole. Are we going to stand for this?" Dakota yelled at them. No response.


"NO SIR!" They all responded in unison.

"Now we need a plan, but it has to be foolproof. Nothing can come back on us. Ryan and Cody, will you go get us something to drink?" Dakota asked smiling at him.

"Yes Sir." And Ryan and Cody left the room.

"I asked Ryan and Cody to leave because I want you all to know that Ryan was selling me out to the Coach as well. So you better believe he will turn on any one of YOU! Cody, I just don't trust him but the day may come when we need the Coach's son in our corner, of course I have some insurance there already. When Peel is out of the way we'll deal with Ryan but right now we need to keep this enemy close. If I hear a word of this conversation has gotten back to Ryan or Cody then I guarantee what I do to you will be ten times worse than what I will do to Ryan! Now the person who comes up with the best plan to get rid of Tyler Peel will be rewarded with the second Assistant Captain's position on the team once he is gone! Is everyone clear?"

"YES SIR!" They said together.

"Good! Now start throwing out ideas so when Ryan and Cody return they will think this is what we've been talking about. I want everyone to remember that this meeting started at 8:30 p.m. if anyone should ever be asked!" Dakota said continuing his pacing back and forth.

Ryan and Cody returned with a 12-pack of Coke and a mickey of Rye. Dakota poured out seven plastic cups of Rye and Coke but doubled up the Rye in Ryan's drink. Dakota listened to many stupid ideas, from kidnapping and killing him, to breaking into the school's computer and changing his marks. He smiled at each one of their stupid ideas, trying to encourage their hatred for Tyler and their loyalty to him.

As the meeting was about to break up Dakota reminded them all, "Remember everyone! Tyler is out to get you. Don't do anything to give him reason to go to Coach Conners. Be polite, but barely friendly. He needs to know that he isn't liked but leave his final demise up to me. Now all of you get the hell out of here, except you Ryan!" Dakota yelled at his team.

After everyone had left Dakota glared at Ryan who dropped his head down. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't throw your ass off the team?" Dakota said, slapping Ryan across the face. Ryan put his hand to his cheek hoping to ease the sting but said nothing to Dakota.

"I fucking hate TRAITORS!" Dakota said as he walked to his door and locked it. "You're either on my team or you're not!" Ryan started to whimper. "Get your fucking clothes off traitor!" Dakota yelled.

Ryan began removing his 'blue light' sweatshirt over his head and Dakota pulled on it, tearing the neckline and removing it off his body.

"Turn around traitor! I can't even stand to look at your face!" He said as Ryan dropped his shorts and sponge bob briefs.

"Faggot briefs for my little faggot! You know the position! Get down on all fours traitor!"

Ryan dropped to the floor on his hands and knees and tears began flowing freely.

"You're not worthy of my cum traitor" Dakota said as he pulled down his track pants and rammed his erect cock up Ryan's ass."

"Oh god that hurts D.!!! Please use some lube!"

"Shut up traitor, your lube was in your drink! Dakota said as he fiercely pumped Ryan's tight ass. Ryan yelped in pain.

"Shut up faggot!" Dakota said slapping the back of head with one hand and gripping Ryan's ass with the other. As Dakota was quickly approaching his orgasm he pulled out of Ryan's ass and demanded he turn around and made him face him on his knees. He then told Ryan to bring his face up to his cock and begin masturbating him to orgasm.

"Don't even think of opening your mouth traitor! You're not worthy of eating my cum!"

Dakota felt his balls pull in tight. He was really getting off on this but didn't want to show Ryan how much pleasure he was getting. "When I say 'let go' you LET GO and don't move! Not one fucking inch faggot!" Dakota said.

"Close your fucking eyes and let go!" He yelled at Ryan.

Dakota took over jerking himself off and exploded his orgasm all over Ryan's face. After three good shots over Ryan's closed mouth he drained the last four all over Ryan's face. Then Dakota took his cock and rubbed his cum all over Ryan and finished off by wiping it three times on each side of his face.

"Now lick your shit off my cock and take your clothes and clean yourself up in my bathroom. Then get the fuck out of here!" He yelled pointing down the hallway.

As a steady stream of tears flowed down Ryan's face he did as he was told and left without saying a word.

Dakota's cell phone rang. It was Josh on the call display. "What up number two?" He said to Josh.

"Hey Dakota, I was doing a search on Tyler Peel and I found out his birthday is September 30th. Which happens to be a Friday! Do you think we could come up with something to tie into a birthday party for Tyler?" He asked.

"Good thinking Josh! That's why you're the number two man on this team! By the way, ring up Cody and tell him I will be needing his services tonight!"

Josh laughed and said, "No problem Dakota. Night."

"Night Josh!" Dakota said clicking his cell phone shut. A birthday party for Mr. Peel. hmmm. Dakota thought to himself. "Nah. too many people. I need to so something to him where I am near him so I can't be blamed!"

Tyler unlocked the door to his room only to find it in darkness. He couldn't tell if Derek was asleep or not so he pulled the bathroom door to within a couple inches of being shut and turned on the bathroom light. He then trudged through the darkness around the loveseat and reached underneath his bunk bed to turn on the little light by his computer. He peered over his bunk and saw Derek wasn't there. Tyler turned on his computer and then turned on the overhead light. He wanted to go shower and go to bed but he needed to stay up and move his vehicle. He set the alarm on his cell phone to go off at 6 a.m. so he could have a run before having brunch with the Anderson's. Tyler had proudly perfected his left hand flip of the cell phone over his head and on to the bunk bed above. When his cell phone hit his bed he heard the 'smack' of his phone hitting something. He looked up on his bed to find his family picture lying there. He looked over to the wall to see that the picture was missing. Picking it up he looked at and said aloud, 'David I love you and miss you'. He hung the picture back over his 5-drawer chest and sat back down at his computer.

knock knock knock knock

Tyler got up to answer the door figuring it was Mike. He opened the door to see Derek standing there.

"Thanks Ty! I forgot my key and was hoping you would be home."

"No problem!" Tyler said turning and walking back to his computer.

There was this uncomfortable silence in the room for Derek. He wasn't use to it being this quiet. 'Am I actually missing my family before I've been away one night' he thought to himself. Derek stripped down to his boxers and began hanging up his dress clothes. Tyler kept stealing glimpses of Derek's sculpted chest and firmly packed butt! Tyler really liked the height of these beds as he could stare all he wanted without Derek seeing him do it. Derek put his pillows inside of two pillowcases and tossed them up on his bunk bed and then dropped his head down under to ask Tyler a question. He caught Tyler staring right at him.

"Ty, are you going to bed soon?"

"No, I have to go out in a bit and then I want to take a shower. I kind of reek of garlic if you haven't noticed?" He said. Pointing his nose into his armpit. "That ain't doin so well either."

'Hmmmm. shower with Tyler.oh yeah!!' Derek thought.

"How long do you have to go out for?" Derek asked.

"Ten minutes at the most, but I will be real quiet if you want to go to bed!"

"Nope. I'm too stuffed to sleep. I think I will get the rest of my computer hooked up now that I have a power bar and probably take a shower myself. I smell like a mall myself. a garlic mall to be exact!"

Tyler smiled. "So where are the showers?" Derek asked.

"Halfway down the hall on our side. I can show you when I get back if you want?"

"Great. Thanks, that would be."

knock knock knock

"I'll GET IT! IT'S FOR ME!" Tyler jumped up.

He opened the door and Mike was standing there. Derek peeked around his bed and saw it was a security guard. He wondered what it was about but they seemed to talk in whispers. Something just isn't right he thought.

Tyler reappeared and said he would be right back.

"Everything okay?" Derek asked sounding concerned.

"Yup." And Tyler grabbed his keys and ran out of the room.

Derek looked over at Tyler's computer and wanted to snoop around. He jumped into his chair and looked at the screen. His desktop pic was of his brother and their dog. He saw his MSN was on and he opened it up to look at it. There were only five people on it and one of the offline names was Derek. Another offline name was 'David' and Derek figured that it must be his brother. 'Weird. I have about seventy people on my MSN.' Derek then clicked on options, tools, privacy, and he scanned the blocked list. There must have 200 people on it. 'Wow this guy really doesn't like people though you wouldn't know it in the restaurant.' Then Derek looked at the 'view' list of people who had Tyler on their MSN. He scanned the list and figured it had to be over 200 as well.

"What the fuck? Is that my brother's email address!" He said aloud.

Tyler inserted his key into the door. Derek heard the key, closed the options menu and minimized the MSN and jumped back into his chair pretending to be hooking up power cords into the power bar. As Tyler rounded the loveseat Derek took one last look and quickly turned Tyler's chair so it was facing out his side while Tyler wasn't looking his way.

"I really like the way you set the room up Ty. I love this curtain." He said pulling it back and forth.

"Good. I put it up there for you. I didn't really but there are times that a guy does need his privacy." Tyler said while staring at his screen and typing an email.

Derek laughed but Tyler didn't react to it.

"Shit, it's almost midnight!" Tyler said looking at his watch. "I need to shower now and get to bed."

"What's the rush?" Derek asked flipping on the power button to his computer.

"I want to get a run in tomorrow morning before we go to brunch."

"It's Brunch Ty! What fucking time do you get up to run?" Derek asked.

"Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in until six."

"WHAT THE FUCK? Sleep! Till six!" Derek gasped. "Who the fuck gets up at six?"

"Umm. normally I try to be on my run by five so I beat the heat and humidity. Is that a problem?" He asked looking concerned.

"Not as long as you don't wake me!" Derek laughed.

"I'm off to shower." Tyler said getting up and stripping off his clothes.

"Hey! Wait! Don't go without me." Derek said standing up and pulling out a towel.

Tyler walked around Derek with a towel wrapped around his waist and Derek immediately noticed his package was extruding out and downward from the half toga.

"Got your key Derek?" He said passing by him.


"Don't worry about it, I've got mine." Derek followed Tyler out and caught up to him walking on his right side. Tyler slowed and stared at room 556 as they passed it by. It didn't go unnoticed by Derek.

"Looking for someone?"

"Maybe." Tyler said as he took a sharp left into the shower room and turned on the lights. Derek followed as Tyler removed his towel and tossed it over his shoulder. Derek traced the exposed left half of Tyler's body. Tyler stepped into the first shower and turned it on. Derek stepped into the shower directly beside Tyler and did the same. While Tyler ran his face under the hot steaming water, Derek removed his boxers and place them on the hook followed by his towel. Derek stepped under the water while trying to glance over the partition wall and check Tyler out. He didn't have any luck because Tyler was turned towards the door. At first Derek thought that maybe Tyler was shy and simply covering himself up but he realized that he was actually watching the shower room door. Something strange was going on with Tyler thought Derek. He seemed to stare at room 556 and now he's watching the doorway.

Tyler shut off his water and turned to grab his towel. As he turned he saw Derek staring at him. He stopped and stared back for a second. "Derek? Derek?" Tyler asked.

"Huh? What?" Derek said blinking his eyes.

"Nothing. I was just going to tell you that I was headed back to the room."

"Oh, okay. Wait up a sec I'm done. sort of." He smiled as he looked down at his partially erect cock. Tyler wrapped his towel around and walked to the door. He turned around and leaned against the door waiting for Derek.

When they got back into their room Derek dropped his towel by his side of the bed and went searching for clean boxers. He was trying to put on a little show but Tyler wasn't biting tonight. figuratively or literally! Tyler put his foot on the window ledge and hoisted himself up into his bed, covered up and closed his eyes.

Derek put both his hands on the side rails of the bed. His nose was resting on the top of his mattress. He shook the bed slightly trying to figure out the best way to get up without falling and making a fool of himself. This woke Tyler and made him turn his head to look at him and he broke out laughing.

"HAHAHA Killroy is HERE!" Tyler laughed so hard that he had to hold his stomach. Tears flowed freely as he gasped for breath.

"What's so funny?" Asked Derek missing the humour of the situation.

"Derek! Have you never seen the drawings on bathroom walls of the top of the guy's head with his nose hanging over and the two hands? Below the caption reads 'killroy was here!'" Tyler burst out laughing so hard again he almost went into convulsions.

"Well if you don't die from laughing or me killing you. would you mind telling me the best way to get up here?" Derek said more than a little perturbed with Tyler.

"Aaaaah hahahaha. Ooooooo hahahaha. STOP IT deep breath you're killing me already" Tyler went on mimicking a seizure. "Oh GOD! Oh GOD! Don't . say. another. word." Tyler gasped.

When Tyler regained as much composure as possible he leaned over on to Derek's side of the bed and looked down at him saying, "What was it you wanted again?" And broke out into another fit of laughter. "Okay, okay. I'm all better now. HAHAHAHA. No! No, I'm not! HAHAHAHA" Tyler went on. Derek was really getting pissed at Tyler now.

Tyler climbed over on to Derek's bed and lowered his hand to pull Derek up. Derek grabbed it while putting one foot on his desk chair and made it up. Tyler let go and fell down laughing, half on Derek's bed.

"I'm sorry! Gasp I'm so sorry gasp Oh God. somebody kill me now" and Tyler went back into another wave of uncontrollable laughter and tears flowing steadily down his cheeks. Derek lay on his side facing Tyler, as he had no room to go anywhere else with Tyler on half of his bed. Tyler turned on his side facing Derek, almost pushing him off the bed. Tyler wrapped his arm around Derek's waist and pulled him close, face-to-face. "C'mere, closer gasp I want to gasp tell you something. Tyler began singing to the theme of the 'hokey pokey' while pointing down behind Derek. "You put your right hand here. and your left foot there. and you give yourself a lift and you turn it all about . HAHAHAHA" Tyler rolled over toward his bed in hysterics. Derek picked up a pillow and smashed him over the head with it.

"YEAH gasp That's it! gasp Kill me! It's the only way to stop me! gasp hahahaha. Please kill me!!" Tyler did his best to be audible between breaths. After a few minutes Tyler settled down to occasional giggles. He dare not look at Derek's face he thought and then snorted thinking about what might happen. Tyler looked over at Derek lying on his side with his right hand holding up his head and smiling.

"Oh God no!" And broke into laughter again. After another 10 minutes of snickering on and off. He looked over at Derek. Biting his top lip he snorted again. Derek gave up. He couldn't hold it back any longer and they both started laughing this time. Derek burying his head in the pillow and Tyler kicking his feet up and down like a child having a temper tantrum.

BANG BANG BANG "KNOCK IT OFF IN THERE!" It came through the wall beside them. That only started the two of them up again. Next thing they were both gently touching each other trying to 'shush' each other up through their laughter when their eyes locked on each other and everything became silent and still. They let go of each other at the same time and Tyler moved back onto his bed. Each covered up to their necks with comforters and lying on their sides facing each other, they smiled.

"This is kind of like being 12 years old and having a friend sleep over for the first time." Derek said.

"I'm not telling you what me and a friend did on our first sleepover!" Tyler said grinning.

"Me neither! Thanks for tonight Ty, what you did at the restaurant was really special!"

"Your welcome Derek. I had more fun than you guys did. Your family is really great!" Tyler said looking away.

"Yeah, my family really loves you, more than they love me I'm sure." Derek said sulking.

"Derek!" Tyler sat up in bed. "Don't say that! Don't even think that! They love you and you're fucking lucky to have them! Your brothers are amazing. I'd kill to be their big brother!"

"Whatever." Derek sighed.

"Sorry!" Tyler said.

"Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry I said anything. It isn't any of my business to comment on your family and if you don't know how good you've got it then it isn't my right to be pointing it out!" Tyler was getting angry.

"You heard my brother and Dad. they would trade me for you in a minute! You're everything they ever wanted in a son and brother anyway." Derek said rolling over to face away from Tyler.

"They were teasing you asshole and you deserved it. You treat your brothers like shit. Someday when you need them, they won't be there for you and it will be too late for you to make up." Tyler said rolling over and facing away from Derek.

"Christ! You sound like my mother!" Derek yelled back.

There was silence for what seemed like a very long five minutes when Derek said, "I noticed you didn't say you would kill to be my brother."

"You're right; I wouldn't kill to be your brother." He said aloud. I'd kill to be your lover if you weren't such an obnoxious and self-righteous fuckhead he thought to himself.

knock knock

"Wot?" Answered a sleeping Danny laying his head against the door.

"Shit! I'm sorry Dan! I didn't think you would be asleep?"

"What time is it? Danny asked through his haze.

"It's after midnight. I'll get going. I'm sorry I woke you."

"After midnight? What happened? I thought you said your meeting would be over by ten?" Inquired Danny.

"I know. I had some extra work to do and couldn't get away until now. I'm really sorry Dan, I missed you so much! I came over as soon as I got out of there. Talk with you tomorrow." Cody said.

"No. It's all right. Come in. It's our last night without me having a roommate so we shouldn't waste it." Danny rubbed his eyes and yawned pulling the door open to let Cody in.

Danny closed the door and Cody pushed him back against the wall. Holding his face still Cody began kissing Danny.

"Okay. Okay. I got the point," Danny said pushing Cody back. Go get changed and join me in bed. I have the alarm set for 7 a.m. You have to be out of here by then in case my new roomy shows up early."

"Cody hopped up into Danny's bed and snuggled. They began kissing and rubbing each other's backs. Danny was waking up more by the minute and so was his erection. He worked his hands down Cody's back then tried to rub his butt but Cody flinched!

"Don't do that!" Cody yelped.

"Don't do what?" Danny asked.

"I've gotta go. We're not going to get any sleep. I love you!" Said Cody kissing Danny's lips and then jumping down out of the bed. Cody threw on his clothes and dashed out the door.

"What the fuck just happened?" Danny said rubbing his eyes.

"Ty? You asleep?" Derek whispered. "Not anymore." Tyler mumbled into his pillow.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I know you mean well and I know you're right even if I don't want to admit to it." Derek said quietly as Tyler rolled over to face Derek.

"Look Derek, it's going to take time for us to get to know each other, to live with and accept each of our little quirks!"

"You mean like your half-naked dancing and horrid singing?" Grin

"Yeah. like that asshole!" Tyler glared at him jokingly. "I can be just as obnoxious as you and twice as stubborn!"

"Who ever said I was obnoxious?" Derek laughed

"I never actually 'said' it!" Tyler used his fingers to make quotations marks.

"What do we do about . you know?" Derek whispered.

"I know?"

"Yeah! You know!" Derek repeated.

"Derek it's after one in the morning. what the fuck are you talking about?"

"Jerking off! Masturbation! Pullin' the pud!" Derek said.

" 'Pullin' the pud?' Since when is jerking off a group subject? Oh God. I'm in grade eight again." Tyler said dropping face first into his pillow.


"Well what?"

"What are we going to do about jerking off?" Derek asked.

"Now? I just want to sleep Derek."

"No no, no! I mean what do we do about privacy?"

"Oh Thank God. by the way, if anyone asks? You are definitely Luke's brother!"


"Dammit Derek, don't change the subject on me!"


"I'm going to bed Derek. 'la la la la..' I can't hear you anymore." Tyler said into his pillow. Derek pulled the pillow out from under his face.

Tyler invoked his Southern drawl again and said, "I KEEL YOU!"

"Seriously Ty! What if I wanna jerk off right now? What do I do?"

"You don't know how? THIS IS NOT HAPPENING TO ME! Derek? Why does every American I know, that also knows you, THINK I am the slow one???"

"Sure! Change the subject on me when I'm talking to you about something really personal here!" Derek crosses his arms on his chest.

"Note to self! This chapter of my life will be title ' A Canadian Yankee in a Kangaroo Court!" Tyler said pulling his pillow back from Derek's lap and putting it under his head. "Derek! Listen closely! See the CURTAIN up there? Pull the fucking thing across when you want to jerk off and let me go to sleep!


"No?" asked Tyler.

"NO! I can't jerk off now because you're awake and you'll know I'm doing and therefore I won't be able to get hard so I won't be able to do it.." Derek babbled on.

"Trust me, it will be just you and Sponge Bob! Now shut the fuck up or I am going to rip your cock off and shove it down your throat till you can't breath!" Tyler yelled

"Fine! Be that way!" Derek grumbled

Tyler rolled over. "Derek, are you a little upset or lonely maybe? I understand if you are, I went through it when I first arrived."


"Thank God! We got to the heart of the problem.. Roll on your side and slide over here." Derek did as he was told. Tyler wrapped his comforter over himself and Derek as well. He slid his knees so they were inside of Derek's knees and spooned up against him. He then put his arm around Derek's chest and pulled him in close.

"Thanks Ty."

"That's what best friends are shut up and go to sleep so I don't have to 'keel' you." Tyler gently squeezed Derek's chest three times.



"I'm not sure how to say it but there's something sticking up my ass?"

Tyler's eyes popped open. "I hope you're not expecting me to pull out whatever it is you have in there?"


"Hang on. hehehe. sorry, my cell phone!" Tyler laughed.

"Does it vibrate?" Derek asked?


"Okay, you can leave it there then." Derek sighed and closed his eyes.

"Huh?" Tyler said.

Many thanks to those of you have taken the time to write and to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story. Everyone has been very kind and forgiving of my mistakes. Every email has been appreciated and inspires me to take the time necessary to tell this story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying writing it.

Comments or opinions are welcome. Please email:

Next: Chapter 8

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