The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Nov 29, 2005


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

**Author's note: This has been one of my two favourite chapters to write so far. I hope everyone has as much fun reading this as I had writing it! I giggled more than Luke does in this story! At times I will mention certain songs that you might find enhance the spirit of the chapter as you read it. Thank you to all who have made it this far. (My other favourite chapter is coming up next! ;)

The Road Home Part Five: (A Walk in the Park)

"Derek, make sure you have all your cables and network connectors in one bag so we don't have to find them to set up the computer." Larry told his son.

"Dad! I know what I'm doing." Derek snarled.

"I simply asked you to make sure that they are all together. Don't get rude with me young man."

"Yes sir." Derek said grumbling.

Kyle popped his head in Derek's bedroom door and asked his Dad, "What time are we leaving in the morning?"

"You're not going are you?" Derek asked wondering if his day could get any worse.

"We're leaving at 7:00 a.m. sharp which means we hope to be out of here by nine. Noon at the latest with the speed your brother packs." Larry smiled at his son.

Derek just glared at his Dad's back. "Why is he going? I thought he didn't want to?"

"Apparently he does, so he is coming. Of course it could be that he might be already missing his brother though I can't see why with the way you treat him?"

"Dad!!!!!" Derek whined.

"Dad!!!!!" Larry imitated Derek's whining.

"Derek, sit down here for a moment." Derek sat down on his bed next to his Dad and gave a noticeable 'sigh'.

"Look Son, your Mother and me are very proud of what you've accomplished, more so in your studies than on the football field and we want you to have a great time but remember you are a part of this family. A very important part, but not the only part." He said putting his arm around Derek's shoulder and pulling him in to him.

"In 48 hours we will be back here and you will be starting a new chapter of your life. You're not likely to ever be back here year round. I know you look at this as getting away from the 'tard boys' as you put it and the grumpy old man who makes your life difficult, but please remember that we all love you. You will always be a part of this family but you have to want to be a part of us too. No one can make you. That is up to you. I only hope you are going to miss us half as much as we are all going to miss you."

"You constantly frustrate me. You always fight me. And if I can seal off nine of ten doors for you to exit, I know damn well you'll find the tenth!" They both snickered over that comment. "I don't think I've made it as tough on you as you've made it on yourself. At least your brothers watch and learn from your mistakes! That's probably why you think I am tougher on you."

"Hey Dad." asked Luke

"Luke, I'm busy here, unless there's a fire, go ask your Mother. and don't tell her I said whatever it is, is okay!"

"Look Luke, umm I mean Derek! You're my first." Larry said.

".Mistake?" Replied Derek

"Derek! I couldn't love you any more than I do even if you were a good kid?" Derek stuck his head up and Larry winked at him.

"Seriously. I've never stopped loving you since the day you were born. In spite of your efforts to crush my spirit, you failed! I still love you. Your Mother and me wouldn't have had two more kids if we didn't love you. Well. they were both on sale and we didn't get them as cheap as we paid for you." Larry said smiling.

"DAD!!!!!!!" Derek said smiling.

"Okay. settle down. Look, it's this simple. I love you as much or more since the day you were born. I'm going to miss you, well. most of you. Wink but at this point in my life I am entitled as your Father to give you one piece of advice in life."

"What?" Derek said grumbling about the forthcoming lecture.

"No lecture, just one thought I want you to remember and give some consideration to. Nobody gets angry with someone they don't care about, because if they didn't care, they wouldn't worry about them. So remember that when someone gets angry you it is because they care. Enough said!" Larry kissed the top of his son's head and left his room.

Tyler tidied up the room even though there wasn't much to do. He knew that Derek and his parents would be arriving around noon the next day and he wanted to have a run in the morning so he didn't want to get behind. It was going to be a zoo starting tomorrow with thousands of new students arriving this weekend.

He turned on his computer and put on some tunes. This would be his last night to crank the music up loud. Tyler turned on his MSN to check if Derek might want to reach him but Derek wasn't online. He did notice that Danny was online but marked as 'away', which was fine with Tyler. They hadn't spoken since that night on MSN. Danny just avoided him in the dressing room before and after practice. Both being stubborn, they made sure they saw the other was online. Both wanted to talk but neither knew what to say. Tyler then checked his email and discovered a ton of the usual spam mail for Viagra, Breast Enhancement, stock options, and one from a 'Kyle Anderson' with no title in the subject line?

"Why does that name sound familiar?" He thought to himself.

Since it was almost midnight, Tyler thought it was safe for him to go have a shower so he decided he would think about whom Kyle Anderson was before he opened it. Tyler stripped down to his boxers, grabbed a towel and key and headed to the shower. He closed his door quietly and walked by room 556 very slowly as to not attract any attention. When he arrived at the shower room he opened the door and discovered the lights were on. As he entered the steam filled room and walked towards the showers he saw Danny in the arms of one some guy with blond curly hair. They were kissing. Danny looked up when he heard the door shut and their eyes locked. Tyler turned around and walked back out just as Danny's friend turned around.

Tyler hurried back to his room. His first thought was anger. Why would Danny choose his shower when he could use the shower in his own hallway? It would be closer. Unless Danny wanted Tyler to see him? Tyler punched the bathroom door as he walked by it. He sat down at his computer and 'deleted' Danny from his MSN. Not five minutes had past when an instant message popped up from Danny.

Tyler? Are you there?

"SHIT! I forgot to block him" Tyler exclaimed aloud.

No, I'm not here

K??? Look Ty, I'm really sorry about tonight. I understand if you never want to talk to me again but let me explain something.

We're already not talking . or haven't you noticed the last week?

Yeah, I know. Please, just listen and then you can say anything you want or nothing at all. And if you never want to speak to me again then I promise to stay out of your way.


I didn't know you would be there. There was no way for me to know and we only used that shower because it was close to Cody's room and this was the last quiet night before. well you know, everyone moves in. I swear I wasn't doing anything to you. You told me not to fall in love with you. That's easier said than done.

'Cody huh? Hmmm, that has to be the guy in 556? But which Cody is it on our team? Is it the Coach's son? He wondered to himself.

I don't know how to apologize and I'm not sure if I would even accept an apology if I were in your spot. I'm just sorry Ty. You're my first real friend and truthfully, my first real love. I know I can't have you. You already said so, but I don't want our friendship to end. I know you don't need me but I need you. I guess that is all I have to say except that I am sorry for what happened tonight and I hope you will accept my apology. I couldn't feel any worse than I do right now.

I'm sorry I walked in you. With that said, Tyler blocked Danny. He didn't know what he was feeling and he didn't know how to deal with whatever was going on in his mind and heart. When he closed his MSN page, his hotmail page reappeared with the mysterious Kyle Anderson.

Tyler clicked on the email figuring that even spam would be a distraction.

Hi Tyler

This is Derek's brother Kyle.

"Ah Hah!" Tyler thought to himself, I know who this is. well sort of?

I just wanted to say Hi. We're leaving early in the morning and we'll be at your place by lunch time. Oh, and don't tell anyone I wrote you okay? Plz!!!!!!!!!! And I like your skateboarding drawings!!! If you want to you could add each other to our MSN's?

Bye, Kyle

"Hmmm. cryptic kid." He said aloud and laughed. Tyler turned off his computer and crawled into bed.

Tyler woke up around seven on Friday morning. He felt good though he didn't know why at first. He figured that he only had himself to blame for what happened with Danny but he wasn't sure as to how he would deal with the next time he saw him. He put on his sweats and hoody and wired his head up to his MP3 player. Tyler took the stairs, dropping his key off with the night security guard and headed off on his run. By now everyone security person in the area new of Tyler and his Jeep and he was always waved on through. Some mornings he would hear the buzzer go as he jogged up the steps to the dorm hall entrance. After running for about an hour he spotted a McDonald's and grabbed four breakfast burritos. Two with hot sauce and two with mild sauce! As he jogged up to the security gate he tossed one BB to the security guard and asked him if he wanted hot or mild sauce? He did the same with the night security guard. Seeing the line up of new students and luggage waiting at the elevator he decided to jog up the stairs to his room. As much as he loved his Breakfast Burritos he always felt guilty for eating them so the stair climb also helped alleviate some of his guilt.

"I thought we were going shopping?" Asked Luke.

"Not just yet Luke. Between the three of you and all of your brother's things I thought it would be better if we unloaded Derek's stuff and then we can spend the day racking up the credit card." Larry said sarcastically to his son. "Okay, I want you and Kyle to wait in the van while we take Derek in to find his room. Once we locate it we'll come back and get you and all of his stuff."

"Awwww, Dad!!!!!!!!!!!" Came from Kyle and Luke.

"I have to pee Dad!" Exclaimed Luke.

"You'll just have to hold it Luke. Try not to get your brother wet."

"Dad. you are so gross!" Said Kyle.

Dr. Anderson loaded up Derek and his wife Linda with as many bags as they could carry and then he packed himself up with more of Derek's 'crap' as he liked to call it.

"Linda, look at all the crap these kids are bringing to school! Have you ever seen so many stuff animals? I guess that's why we think of it as a zoo.." He said to no one in particular.

Tyler grabbed a quick shower and shaved in the shower room. He wanted to look his best at the 'meet the parents' event this morning. Back in his dorm room he cranked up the music and put on a clean pair of boxer shorts. He chose the white pin stripe boxers because they were a little snug and would be more revealing tonight when he and Derek got ready for bed. Anyone in the hallway would probably have complained about his music if it weren't for all the people moving in. He chose "C'mon, C'mon by Gigolo Aunts" and turned up the volume on his computer speakers. Tyler had his large beach towel draped over his head as he dried his hair while standing in his walk-in closet. Dancing, as he always does in private with music cranked up, he turned around and danced out of the closet singing to himself. He was being as careful as he could, considering he could only see the floor below him. Dancing his way around the bed towards the bathroom he came to a sudden stop when he saw three pairs of feet at the entrance to the bedroom.

"OH SHIT!" He exclaimed through the towel.

The sound of laughter from the three pairs of feet was louder than the music. Tyler popped his towel up on top of his head. Looking like Mother Teresa he stepped backwards and unplugged the speakers from the back of the computer and squeaked out, "Sorry!"

Dr. and Mrs. Anderson were beside themselves with laughter trying to catch their breath and Derek just shook his head with this look of 'you're so busted right now'! Derek was the only one of the four of them taking note of Tyler's nicely cropped package hanging off the right inside of his boxers. Derek extended his hand to Mother Teresa and said, "Hi, I'm Derek!"

Tyler took his hand and said, "Hi, I am a total idiot! I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you to be here before noon!"

"That's okay, neither were we. You know. you really should get one of those red dots on your forehead. it completes the outfit." He said laughing at him. "By the way, these are the 'rents"

Tyler dropped the towel around his shoulders, Derek kept looking at Tyler's goods and Dr. and Mrs. Anderson introduced them selves to Tyler.

"Hi Tyler, I'm Larry, Derek's worst nightmare."

"Hi Dr. Anderson, a pleasure to meet you. I apologize for my music and umm, state of dress." He said shaking Larry's hand.

"State of UNdress is more like it Ty!" Derek winked at him. Tyler's eyes popped and he wrapped the towel around his waist and extended his hand to Mrs. Anderson.

"Ma'am, I really apologize. I'm very sorry!"

"Goodness Tyler, no need to apologize. We've got three boys! You think we haven't seen or heard it all? And please, call me Linda."

"Well, I hope this doesn't mean I can't take your Son to the dance Saturday night?" He joked with Dr. and Mrs. Anderson.

It was Derek's who turned beet red while his parents again gasped for oxygen from laughing.

Dr. Anderson, not to be upstaged by a teenager responded with, "Of course you can take him to the dance. just remember that you'll have to marry him once the dance is over!"

"What kind of a dowry does he have?" Tyler shot back!

More laughter from Dr. and Mrs. Anderson!

"Just think Honey. finally, the son we've always wanted!" He said putting his arm around her and smiling.

"DAD!!!!!!!!" Whined Derek. "Don't you have two other son's in the van?"

"Not if we're lucky!" Dr. Anderson excused himself to go get the boys.

"Now, if y'all will excuse me now, I'm going into my closet and die from embarrassment!" Tyler said in a Southern drawl. More laughter from the Andersons. Tyler stepped into his walk-in closet and threw on a pair of cargo shorts and a bright red tee shirt. He topped it off with his navy blue Maple Leafs ball cap. Offering his help they politely refused because they themselves didn't know what to do with everything he had. Tyler sat down at his computer, turned down the volume control and reach over between the bottom of his bed and the top of his computer to plug the speakers back in.

Two new voices entered the room and Tyler peered through space between the bunk bed above and the desk and saw a Washington Redskins jersey and bright blue oversize shirt with a picture of an injured stick man and a broken skateboard. The caption above the drawing said, "Silly Willy learns to Skateboard". The Washington Redskins jersey began to lower and a pair of eyes appeared. Tyler looked over while still typing and smiled. He stopped and came out of his 'office'.

"Hey, who are these two little dudes?"

"I'm Luke!" Said a proudly fierce Luke.

"I'm not 'a little dude!'" Responded a mildly insulted Kyle.

"Hi Luke, Hi 'not so little dude'" Tyler said as he smiled and extended his hand. Tyler's joke made 11 year old Luke giggle and pull both of his hands to his mouth before shaking Tyler's hand. Tyler turned his hand towards a grimacing 14-year-old Kyle who at that moment spotted the Damon Rhodes drawings on the wall and passed right by Tyler.

"WOW! These are so COOL! Did you draw them? Do you know Damon? Is he a nice guy? Is Damon going to the X-games this year?" Kyle rambled off his questions.

"Yes, yes, yes, and I don't know but I imagine so?" Replied Tyler to Kyle and a giggling Luke.

Kyle turned and stared him down, which was actually up because of his lack of height. "Are you mocking me?" He asked of Tyler.

"Noooooooooo." replied Tyler.

Tyler flipped out his cell phone and hit the speed dial. He held his finger up to his mouth signalling to the boys to be very quiet. He clicked the speaker button on his cell phone.

"Can you hear me now?" Was how Damon always answered the phone.

"Dude you owe me Sooooo much money for those games of eight ball you lost!"

"Tyler man! Hahahaha. where are you? Are you here in Cali Dude?

"Sorry Damon, I'm in Philly"

"Dude that's Sooooo harsh!"

"Yeah, well, I was craving some cheese steak and they don't deliver! Go figure? Anyway, I got one quick question for ya man, are you doin' X this year?"

"You know it Puckhead! Got the Long Beach Invitational this weekend! So how ya keeping Ty, I haven't seen you since."

Tyler cut him off knowing what he was about to say. "Listen Damon, I really have to run. I had a friend here who's a big fan and he wanted to know so I said I would give ya a quick call. Good luck with LB and I'm sure you will kick ass as usual!"

"Take care Ty, and stay in touch. next time a little longer though! By the way. checks in the mail Hahahaha." 'Click'

"Wow, Oh God, Oh Wow! That was Sooooo cool!"

"Hey 'not so little dude' I make this one promise, to the both of you. I swear that I will never, ever lie to you. Okay?" Tyler said kneeling and holding his right hand up in the air. Luke high-fived him and Kyle just glared.

"My name is KYLE!"

"Whatever, 'not so little dude'." Tyler replied winking at him with a smile and then rubbing the hair on his head.

"And don't touch the Do!" Kyle told Tyler as Kyle corrected his perfectly parted skater's haircut.

Tyler rubbed the fingers of right hand into his right palm and said, "Ewwww, I can understand why no one should touch your hair." Luke was about ten seconds away from peeing himself as he held his crotch tight.

"Luke! Use The Bathroom!" Whispered Tyler in his best Darth Vader voice. "Bathroom! Down the hall, first door on the left." Luke ran to the bathroom.

"So. I hear we missed your song and dance routine" Kyle said trying to one up Tyler.

"Yeah, you did. and I usually charge for my show, but if you really want me too I'll get naked and do it again for you later." Tyler said rubbing Kyle's hair again.

Kyle turned beet red and his parents laughed at his embarrassment.

Tyler rubbed his hand on Kyle's back and said, "Man, I gotta stop doing that." More laughter erupted from the room and Luke returned wanting to know what he missed?

Kyle caught a glimpse of Tyler's skateboard hanging on the back of his walk-in closet door and ran to it.

"WOW! You've got an autographed Damon Rhodes skateboard?"

"Well duh Kyle! You just heard him talking to Damon on the phone." Said Derek.

"Okay boys!" Piped in Larry. "We've got a long day of shopping. even if we don't know where he will put anything?" Linda and Derek just glared at him and Kyle and Luke whined that they didn't want to but would rather go to their hotel and hang out while the rest went shopping.

"No dice boys!" Said Larry. "We're not leaving you on some unsuspecting hotel!" Too which simultaneous groans could be heard.

"Dad, why couldn't we leave them at the hotel and then we don't have to listen to them whine all afternoon?"

"Derek." Began Larry.

"Umm. if you guys wanted, and you two don't mind, I could take the boys for the day and show them Philly, or at least what I know of it." Tyler offered.

Linda looked pleadingly at Larry as if to say 'don't look a gift horse in the mouth'!

"Are you sure you want to try babysitting these two for the day?" Larry asked.

"Man Ty, are you a sucker for punishment! I can't handle a one hour car ride with these two." Derek said.

Tyler leaned down to Luke and Kyle and said in a loud whisper for everyone to hear, "Is my new room mate always this crabby?" Luke burst out laughing and Derek just pointed directly at Kyle before he could get a word out. so he said nothing and smiled.

"Well Tyler, that is awfully nice of you to offer but are sure you can handle them?" Larry asked.

"No problem Sir. It will be fun as long as they know they have to do as I tell them. If I say no wandering off that means no wandering off!" Both boys beamed at the thought of hanging with Tyler for the afternoon. "The only hitch Sir is that I have to be back here, showered, changed and gone by four p.m. I have to be at work for five."

"You have a job Tyler?" Asked Larry as he glared at Derek. Derek just sunk his head and returned to unpacking.

"Yes Sir! I work in this little Italian restaurant. I'm a server." He beamed proudly.

"That's great Tyler. Hey Linda, maybe that's where we should eat tonight?" Tyler and Larry exchanged cell phone numbers in case of any problems, while Derek hooked up his computer.

"Hey guys, did you bring skateboards or inline skates?" Luke didn't but Kyle had his skateboard in the van, however they both had Ipods so Tyler told them to get them because he had an idea. When the boys returned he added one song to each of their players but made them promise not to listen to it until he told them could.

"Okay guys, I'm adding my second favourite song of all time!" Tyler told them.

"What's your most favourite song of all time?" Asked Kyle.

"Not telling!" Tyler said smiling.

"Why not?"

Tyler whispered into Kyle's ear, "because it is personal and I will only share with someone that I think I will love forever or be friends with forever. It's not that the song is that great, it is the great mood it puts me in and I only want to share that with someone very special."

Tyler grabbed his wallet, keys, and skateboard.

As the three headed out the door they heard Larry say, "Derek? Where's your power bar?"

"Ummm. In the wall at home I think." Mumbled Derek.

The three boys walked out into the parking lot, two carrying skateboards, one on each side of Tyler and it went something like this.

Kyle - How far do we have to walk? Ty - Not far Luke - Do you have a car? Ty - Yes. Luke- what kind of car do you have? Ty- Jeep Kyle - what color of Jeep? Ty - red Luke - are you married? Ty - are you asking? Luke - No Ty - no? Luke - are you gay? Ty - do you know what that means? Luke - no Kyle - where are you from? Ty - Toronto Luke and Kyle - Oh. we'll talk really slow then! snicker Ty - shut up. the lot of you. Luke - Why do you wear a Maple Leaf's hat? Tyler - Because I can! Luke - They suck! Tyler - Tell me something I don't already know. Tyler - Why do you wear a Redskins jersey? Luke - Cause Grandma and Grandpa gave it to me. Tyler - Good answer. Kyle - Do you make a lot of money being a waitress? Ty - Server 'not so little dude' it's called being a server! Luke - So are you? Kyle - So are you rich? Ty - Am I what? Luke - Gay? Ty - only on the second Thursday of the month Kyle - Can we take the roof off of your Jeep? Ty - no and no 'not so little dude'! Kyle - why? Ty - Cause I said so. Luke - Kyle, what day is today? Kyle - You're mean! Luke - I'm not mean! Kyle - My name is Kyle dumbass or should I say it slower? Ty - Luke he was talking to me; can I call you Kyle Dumbass then? Luke - Will you buy us something to eat? Ty - There's a water fountain over there! Luke - Kyle's right, you're mean! Ty - your words I quote "I'm not a little dude" hence the name! Kyle - I hate you! Ty - Get in line or get over it. Kyle - Are you are virgin? Ty - Who? Luke or me? Luke - I'm not a sturgeon! Kyle and Tyler - Luke . shut up! Luke - Can we listen to fifty cent? Ty - Not in my vehicle! Luke - You're mean! Ty - Get with the program Luke. we've established that and moved on. Kyle - So are you? Ty - Am I what? Luke - Why can't I listen to the song you uploaded on my pod? Ty - Yes, Kyle I am. I've been saving myself for you. Kyle - You wish Luke - Why? Tyler and Kyle - Why Not? Luke - Damn. you guys know that one! Ty - You can't listen to it because you promised you wouldn't until I say so. Kyle - Ever have a car accident? Ty - Only on your side of the Jeep! Kyle - I'm sitting behind you. Luke - Can I drive your Jeep? Kyle and Tyler - NO! Ty - So which one of you is the oldest? Kyle - I am! Luke - He is. Ty - No, I mean mentally? Kyle - I am! Luke - He is. he's mental as anything! Tyler and Luke - snicker Luke - Owww, Kyle that hurt! Ty - Did I ever tell you guys how much I love you? Luke and Kyle - No. Ty - Nuff said.

Luke - So where are we going? Ty - I'm dropping you off at the mall to be with your parents and brother. Luke - That's so Gay! Ty - Nope, this is Friday, first week of the month.

Tyler, Kyle, and Luke continued their tour of the of the University campus with a stop at the arena. He showed them the observation room, weight room, change room, and the adjoining fitness complex. Every member of the hockey team had to sign up for one intramural sport outside of hockey. Tyler chose boxing. He lifted Luke up into one of the boxing rings and Kyle climbed in on his own. They had a brief pretend fight and each got to ring the bell once on the side of the ring. When they left the Athletic complex they came to one of the main roads running through the campus.

With Luke on Tyler's left and Kyle on the right they waited patiently to cross the road. Tyler reached down and took Luke's hand in his. Luke looked up and smiled. Tyler squeezed his hand three times in a row and Luke responded with the squeezes back

"Let's go guys. RUN!" Tyler yelled as they ran across the busy road. After safely reaching the other side of the Tyler released Luke's hand and placed his arm around his neck pulling him into his side as they walked along. All this attention didn't go unnoticed by Kyle or the lack of attention Tyler was paying to him.

As they walked along in silence back towards the dorm, Luke wrapped his right arm around Tyler's waist and Tyler squeezed his shoulder three times.

Luke looked up at Tyler and asked, "What does that mean?"

"What does what mean?" Tyler responded. Luke pinched his back three times.

"Ooooh, that. that's a secret actually! Only my brother and one friend know what that means." He teased Luke.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kyle asked as he was intently eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Nothing." Replied Tyler.

"Yeah, nothing Kyle." Said Luke

"You're just full of secrets aren't you Ty? Fine! I don't care anyway." Pouted Kyle

"Look guys I don't want anyone to be miserable today. Luke I will tell you if you promise to never tell anyone ever?" Tyler said.

"Okay, I promise! Really!" Luke said jumping up and down.

"And Kyle, I will tell you about later if necessary. It isn't about you, so don't worry about it okay?" Kyle wouldn't even look at Tyler.

All three stopped and Tyler asked Kyle to give Luke and him one minute alone. Kyle stormed off and kept walking towards the parking lot.

"Okay Luke! Just between you and me eh?" Luke nodded. "One, two, three or tap, tap, tap, means 'I love you'. When you're out in public and can't say it out loud it is a secret way to tell the other person that you love them."

"Cool Ty! Thanks for trusting me. I won't tell anyone, I promise."

"I know you won't Luke, but I am going to have to tell your brother otherwise he will sulk the rest of the day. C'mon, let's catch up to him." Luke and Tyler ran up to Kyle and when they reached him Tyler put his arm around Kyle's shoulder. Kyle shrugged Tyler's arm off.

Luke tried to whisper to Tyler but it didn't matter because Kyle could hear him. "Did you tell him yet?"

Since Kyle was walking between Tyler and Luke, Tyler leaned back and whispered aloud to Luke, "I tried too, but he isn't speaking to me." Tyler winked at Luke.

"Guys, I'm walking between the two of you and I can hear every word you're saying." Kyle informed the two of them.

Tyler leaned back behind Kyle and whispered loudly to Luke, "Hey Luke, I think he's speaking to us again." Luke started laughing.

"Okay guys, hold up a minute! Luke, do you see the red Jeep over in the parking lot? It's parked under the light post."

"Yeah, I see it."

"Here's the keys, go on unlock the doors and get in. I want to talk to Kyle for a moment. We won't be long." Tyler said handing Luke the keys. Luke sprinted to the Jeep.

Tyler yelled, "Don't start it up!" Luke looked back with a mischievous grin on his face and kept running.

Tyler put his arm around Kyle and pulled him down on to a park bench on the pathway they were walking.

"You wanna tell me what's a matter not so little dude?" Tyler said with a smile keeping his arm around Kyle's shoulder.

"Nothings a matter!"

"Yeah, right. talk to me, please?" Tyler asked.

"You could call me by my name! I do have one you know." Kyle said looking at the ground with his legs stretched straight out.

"I think it's more than that but if you don't want to tell me that's okay, but just give me a couple of minutes and if you don't feel better I'll take you to find your parents okay?" Kyle shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you know what a 'term of endearment' is?"

"No." replied Kyle

"It's a special name you give to someone you care about. If your friends were around us right now I would call you 'Kyle'. I would never embarrass you in a truly public way. In private however. hahaha. I will pick on you as much as I can. I will make you think, laugh, learn, and hopefully love all the great things about you. Kyle, I want us to be friends. I think you are really cool and it's not because you skateboard but because of your enthusiasm for life. If you see something that grabs your attention then you go for it. I don't think you care too much about what others think of you and I respect and admire that about you."

"You do?" Asked Kyle.

"Absolutely! Look Kyle, Luke is younger than you. He needs a little more attention. I need to earn his trust so that I have an easier time with him today. I don't want to have to worry about him running away. He would be lost in a big city. With you, I know you can handle the world a little better. I think you and me are going to become really good friends. if you want to be? I know I want to! I hope in time I will become something like a big brother to you and you a 'not so little brother' to me!" Tyler said winking at Kyle. Kyle just shook his head and smiled.

"Kyle, give me a chance! Meet me halfway and you might decide you will like me as much as I already like you!" Tyler said as he pulled Kyle close to him and squeezed his shoulder three times. "C'mon 'not so little dude' let's get back to the Jeep before your brother drives away on us!" They left the bench and walked to the Jeep with Tyler's arm around Kyle's neck. "You make a pretty good arm rest you know?" Tyler said.

"You'd make a pretty good dead man Ty!" Kyle winked at Tyler.

"Okay guys we're going to start our day at a skateboard park!"

"YEAH!" Yells Kyle from the back seat.

"Great." Says an unenthusiastic Luke.

"You guys all buckled up?" Tyler asked.

"Luke, I promise you will have fun! This is were you get to listen to the song I put on your pod!"

"Cool!" Responded Luke.

"Then we'll go have lunch and do some of the tourist crap!" Said Tyler.

"So where is this park?" Asked Kyle

"Up here on your right. Fairmont Park. It's pretty cool." Tyler said.

Tyler and the boys parked and walked down to the skate park with their boards. Tyler pulled Kyle aside and whispered to him. "I want you to do two things for me and I really need to count on you here! I want you to keep a close eye on your brother when I'm skating and I want you to listen closely to the lyrics of the song. Think of it as a song from me just for you." Kyle smiled and promised to watch out for his brother.

There were several different tracks to skate but Tyler wanted to use the half-pipe with bowl on one end. Tyler had uploaded the song "Go To Pieces by Paul Janz" on to their pods and he asked them to set them up to play when he told him to turn it on so the three of them could listen to the song at the exact same time.

"Okay guys, you know you have to stand behind this line so you don't get hit by a skateboard. I'm going to give you each a chance to touch my board. Be gentle! The first one to touch it gets to decide what we have for lunch okay?"

"Yeah!" They both said.

"Okay guys I'm going to get in line, you guys stay right here!" Tyler got in line and asked one of the guys if he could borrow his helmet. Tyler stood at the open end of the half-pipe across from Luke and Kyle. He held up his MP3 player and three fingers. He tied his player to his bicep and counted down from three using his fingers so they could all start the song at the same time.

"Three, two, one." Tyler mouthed to them and started his mp3 player. He dropped straight down the pipe and up the other side working back and forth three times to get his height. He started with a 360-degree Ollie followed by a rail slide and a grind. Kyle and Luke were yelling and screaming listening to the music. Tyler then did a backside front flip and a nosestall transfer. As he came up the pipe by Luke and Kyle he did a 180-degree grab and Kyle and Luke reached out to touch his board. Since Kyle's arms were longer he touched Tyler's board. A crowd had started to gather. Word was spreading and everyone was coming over to watch Ty. Tyler returned quickly to Kyle and Luke and did an Indy grab mid air. Luke reached out but Tyler was going to fast. Kyle and Luke looked at each other and giggled as they sang along with the song and watched Tyler go up the opposite side of the pipe and do a stalefish grip of his board airborne while doing a 360. Tyler got applause for that one even though he couldn't hear it. As the song was finishing he did a power slide at the bottom of the pipe finishing with a heel kick and catching his board in the air. He clicked his mp3 player off to hear the roar and applause. Several skaters slid down the half pipe to meet and greet Tyler but his eyes were focused on his two charges for the day. He returned his helmet to its owner and the guy wanted Tyler's autograph but Tyler refused saying "this is the guy whose autograph you should ask for" and held up his board so he could see Damon's autograph.

Luke ran up to and threw his arms around Tyler. Kyle was smiling and Tyler winked and said, "Did you like the song?"

"It's the best Ty! Thanks!" Kyle said winking back at him. Tyler released Luke and asked, "So who touched the board?"

Luke was about to say Kyle did, but Kyle jumped in and said, "Luke got to you first!" Luke just looked at him and smiled knowing that Kyle was lying and just being nice. As Luke walked by Kyle he tapped him three times and walked on. At first, Kyle thought Luke wanted him but then remembered that Tyler had done the same thing. Kyle didn't say anything.

"Okay Lucas! What's for lunch. since you're buying." He smiled.

"What?? I have to buy lunch?

"I'm just teasing you, what do you want to eat?" Tyler asked.

"I want a hamburger! I big hamburger!" Luke said stretching his arms out wide.

"Is that okay with you Kyle? Tyler asked.

"Burgers are always good!"

"Okay, I know of a place. I've never been there before but lets try it!" The boys hopped into the Jeep and left for Moriarty's on Walnut Street. The boys sat down to banquet burgers and fries with all the extras. Luke also had two chocolate shakes to Tyler's surprise. Tyler brought his camera in and snapped a couple of pics of them eating.

"Are you sure you're not going to throw up all over the place Luke?" Tyler asked.

"He eats like that all the time!" Kyle said. Luke wanted dessert too but Tyler suggested they wait and go to Bredenbeck's Bakery and Ice Cream Parlour later when Kyle and he might actually feel like eating some ice cream too!

The rest of the early afternoon was spent hitting all of the tourist hotspots. They saw the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, toured Veteran's Stadium and walked around the Wachovia Centre. Tyler also wanted them to experience a little bit of culture and told them that their parents would be really proud when they tell them they had been to this place! Tyler took them to the Rodin Museum, the largest collection of his work outside of Paris. Although they walked through it very quickly, Tyler made them take time to view "The Thinker". He wanted them to not only tell their parents about it but to remember the significance of the sculpture. After a quick stop for two one-scoop ice cream cones for Tyler and Kyle, and a triple-scoop for Luke they decided to head back.

It was getting on to 3 o'clock when they arrived back at the University. Tyler put them together on a large rock under a tree outside his dorm building and snapped some pictures of them individually and apart. Luke was yawning and Tyler thought he would have to pick him up and carry him to the room because they took the stairs to avoid the line-up at the elevator of students moving in. When they arrived in the room Tyler told them he had to take a shower to get ready for work and suggested to Luke that he take a nap? Luke quickly declined the offer but when Tyler suggested he could sleep in his top bunk Luke thought it was too cool to resist!

Luke was out like a light one-minute after Tyler lifted him up on to the bunk bed. Tyler began speaking in whispers as to not wake Luke up.

"Kyle do you want to watch your brother's TV or play on my computer while I go have a shower?" Kyle's eyes lit up. He was actually going to get a chance to snoop threw Tyler's computer.

"Ummm, I guess I could go online for a bit and talk to friends on MSN if that is okay?"

"Go crazy know what to do?"

"I think so. I don't know much about computers, but I do know MSN." Kyle lied pretending to know nothing and sat down at Tyler's computer. Tyler was standing inside his walk-in closet facing away from Kyle. Kyle turned on the computer and looked left to see Tyler removing his shorts. Kyle stared at Tyler's butt. He realized how tight his boxers were and he desperately wanted to see the front. Then Tyler's boxers came down and Kyle could have almost reached out and touched his ass. Kyle knew he had to think quickly if he was ever to see Kyle's front. He shut down the MSN he had just opened up and said, "Hey Ty, where's your MSN?" Hoping he would turn around rather than just answer. Tyler turned around naked not thinking anything about it and Kyle's eyes bugged out. He immediately popped a boner in his shorts. Tyler walked over to the computer and ducked under the bunk bed leaning over to use the mouse.

Kyle's arms were laying on the armrests of the chair. As Tyler leaned in Kyle kept his head facing the screen but looked down to his lower left side as best as possible without being obvious. Tyler's cock was within three inches of Kyle's wrist. Kyle's body began to shake. He studied Tyler's thick, uncut cock as it hung over two large balls and dropped down. Kyle thought he was uncut but wasn't sure because it hung down so low. Kyle also notice he was cleanly shaven down there! There was only one guy on his hockey team that uncut and no one in his gym class. He had to be as big or bigger than Derek Kyle figured. Kyle gripped the armrests as tight as possible to try and making his shaking less noticeable.

"It's easy Kyle, just click start, programs, and follow alphabetically to MSN messenger. Then enter in your email address and password and click open. You can play with the lighting on the screen if you find it to be too light or too dark. Okay?" He said turning to look at Kyle with a smile.

"Huh?" Said Kyle. "Oh, yeah, right. Thanks."

Tyler moved behind and put his hands on his shoulders and said, "Okay, I'm right here, you can do it." Kyle was shaking so bad that he didn't want to move his hands off the armrests.

"Yeah, I got it. go have your shower" Kyle said in a high-pitched voice.

Tyler squeezed his right shoulder with his hand three times and turned to move out of there. The one, two, three reminded Kyle of what Luke had done earlier and he still didn't understand it but he knew it was a code. Tyler wrapped his dry towel from that morning around him and left his closet. He was standing in front of Kyle's left side when he took his cell phone and brought up the number for Dr. Anderson. Kyle could briefly look at Tyler's cloth covered crotch without being seen. He was in a full stare when Tyler suddenly dropped down and handed him the cell phone telling him that he wanted him to call his Dad and let him know they were back.

"You okay Kyle? You look like you've seen a ghost?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Tyler started to walk around the beds heading off to go take a shower when Kyle called him, "Hey Ty can I ask you something?"

Tyler stopped and turned around. "Sure bud, what's up?"

Kyle came out from behind the computer and walked around to meet Tyler. They were standing, facing each other in front of the loveseat. "Can you tell me what this means?" and he reached out and tapped Tyler's arm three times.

Tyler showed a huge grin and said, "Like I told your brother.that's a secret!"

"But you told him right?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, I did and I promised you I would tell you if you needed to know. Do you need to know?" Tyler asked, now teasing Kyle.

"Stop teasing me, and tell me please." Kyle begged.

"Sit down here with me Kyle and I will tell you what I told your brother. You're only the fifth person in the world to know what that means! One, two, three means 'I love you'. It's a way of saying it without saying it. Like if you want to say I love you in a restaurant to someone but don't want anyone else to know you said it. Understand?"

"Did you really mean it when you squeezed my shoulder just now?" Kyle asked.

"Kyle, I said it before and I will say it again. I will never lie to you! I may chose not to answer a question you ask but I will never lie to you. I think you are wonderful, as well as your brother, and I wish both of you were my brothers." Kyle jumped on to Tyler and wrapped his arms around Tyler's neck hugging him tight.

"Kyle! Kyle! Your knee is in my crotch.. Kyle" Tyler squeaked. Kyle moved off Tyler and was kneeling on the loveseat next to Tyler with his arms still around Tyler's neck.

"That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me Ty." And he pulled himself into Tyler. Tyler wrapped his arms around Kyle while Kyle inhaled his scent. Tyler quietly rubbed Kyle's back sensing this boy must really feel unloved. Kyle gave Tyler a quick peck on the check and said ever so quietly in his ear, "I love you Ty. Thank you for the today." He then hugged Tyler so tight that Tyler thought his neck my get broken.

"Kyle.neck. air." He said gasping when Kyle released him.

Tyler put his hands on each side of Kyle's face and said, "I have to go shower Kyle. Do me a favour and don't ever stop being you!" He kissed Kyle's forehead and got up and left to have his shower.

Kyle was huddled up asleep on the loveseat with a hint of a smile on his face when Tyler returned. He hadn't moved back to the computer. Tyler crept by Kyle and quietly put on his dress clothes for work that night. He stepped outside of the room to phone Dr. Anderson and tell him that the boys were back at the room and both sound asleep. Dr. Anderson thanked him and asked what they did today but Tyler said he would let the boys tell him. Dr. Anderson asked Tyler to leave directions to the restaurant in the dorm for him. He also insisted on paying Tyler for his time and the lunch he had provided but Tyler refused saying that he should be paying him for allowing Tyler to have such a great time. "Honestly Sir, I haven't this much fun since before I arrived here." Tyler said goodbye and clicked off his cell phone.

When he went back inside his room they were still both asleep. Tyler grabbed everything he needed for work. He was going to leave a note saying he had left but decided to wake Kyle up.

"Hey sleepyhead." Tyler whispered in his ear. Kyle stretched and opened one eye and smiled. "I'm off to work and I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for the great time I had today. I also wanted to remind you that I love you." Kyle threw his arms around Tyler and he lifted Kyle up into his arms. Kyle wrapped his legs around Tyler's waist.

Tyler lifted Kyle up on to Derek's bed and reached over to pull part of his comforter away from Luke and cover Kyle up. Kyle smiled sleepily and whispered, "I want a kiss, a real one!" Tyler stepped up on Derek's chair leaning into Kyle and placed his lips against Kyle's. He pulled away, smiled, winked, squeezed his hand three times and left without saying another word.

**WOW! You readers are amazing! I am awed by effort so many of you have made to write me about the story! Many thanks to those of you have taken the time to write and to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story. Everyone has been very kind and very forgiving of my mistakes. Every email has been appreciated and inspires me to take the time necessary to tell this story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying writing it.

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Next: Chapter 6

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