The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Jul 16, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

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Important Author's Notes at End of Chapter

The Road Home: Chapter Thirty-Five. (Boy Butter)

"WAKE UP EVERYONE. MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Luke yelled through out the upstairs!

"Shut the Hell up!" Derek yelled from his bedroom.

"Derek's up!" Luke yelled at Casey and they ran into Derek's bedroom jumping on the bed between Derek and Tyler.

"I made you a present Derek!" Casey said.

"Mmmmm. really?" Derek said still not opening his eyes.

"I hope its ear plugs!" Tyler mumbled.

"Don't be a grouch on Christmas morning Ty!" Luke said trying to tickle him.

"Santa Tyler is grouchy if he doesn't get his 55 hours of sleep each night Luke!" Tyler mumbled a warning.

"It's after five o'clock Ty! Get up!" Luke said.

"Oh no. what's your shirt say today?" Tyler asked and Luke spread it out wide for Tyler to read. "When God made me, he was just showing off! Hahahaha." Tyler laughed and Luke grinned.

Derek sat up and rubbed his eyes. When he opened them Casey was sitting on his lap grinning and bouncing up and down.

"Down boy! It's too early to bounce!" Derek said as Casey handed him a drawing.

"What do we have here?" Derek pondered.

"This is the house, and there is Mom and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, and Tyler, Kyle, Luke, Mango, you and me!" Casey proudly said.

"And we are holding hands?" Derek said smiling. Casey dropped down on Derek and hugged him.

"I just wanted to say thank you for saving my Mom's life and giving us our new family!" Casey said.

Before Derek could say anything they all heard Tyler crying. "That's so beautiful!" Tyler said.

Derek and Casey and Luke started laughing.

"Owwww! That hurt Tyler!" Derek said. "Casey that's what your brothers are here for! Anything you need, anytime, you just call!"

"That'll teach you to laugh at me!" Tyler said sitting up and wiping his tears away. "C'mere Casey!" Tyler said giving him a hug and kiss. "Merry Christmas little brother" Tyler said.

"Looks like tissue expenses are going to rise in this house now!" Luke said laughing and Derek joined in. Tyler smirked!

"Well now that we are all up.." Luke began and Tyler and Derek started beating him with their pillows! Abbey jumped up on the bed and joined in trying to lick Tyler's face.

"Will you guys shut up!" Kyle yelled from his room upon hearing the laughter in Derek's room.

"Stop! Stop!" Luke cried with laughter. "Let's go wake Kyle up!"

"You guys go wake Kyle up and Derek and I will wait for you." Tyler said. Luke and Casey jumped off the bed along with Abbey and ran into the bathroom and stopped.

"Are you guys just going to lock the doors?" Luke asked with his hands on hips.

"Nooooooooooooooo." Derek said laughing. "See! I'm getting up to come along as well!" He said walking up to the bathroom door and shutting it!

"Hahahaha!" Tyler laughed. "That was so mean!"

"Let's hope they aren't smart enough to realize that the bathroom door locks from the inside." Derek said crawling on top of Tyler.

"Merry Christmas boyfriend!" Derek said.

"Go brush your teeth!" Tyler said

"Go shave Sasquatch!" Derek said.

"Make me!" Tyler said.

"We've got Church at 10 a.m.!" Derek said.

"You win! I suppose I can't go naked then?" Tyler asked.

"If you're an Altar boy it's required!" Derek teased.

"Can I give your second gift since we are alone right now?" Tyler asked.

"Ummm okay?" Derek said and Tyler grinned and winked.

Tyler pulled out a wrapped box and gave it to Derek.

"What the Hell is it? It weights a ton!" Derek said opening the paper and then reaching inside the box. "It feels like a tub of sour cream?" Derek said and pulled out the container to read it.

"BOY BUTTER?" Derek said laughing hysterically. "You bought me a 16 oz. Jar of Boy Butter?" Derek said laughing as he fell backwards on the bed. He held up the package and read the description. "Churn your love around? HAHAHAHA!" Derek's laughter turned into a hacking cough.

"Oh My God that is without question the funniest gift I've ever been given!" Derek said turning to look at Tyler who wasn't laughing.

"Oh God! Oh God! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude! I apologize! I just thought the lube I buy was fine for my ass?" Derek said feeling really guilty until he looked at the label again and burst into laughter. Tyler smiled and didn't say a word.

Derek looked at Tyler again and snorted. "I'm so sorry! Really I am! I'm calm now!" Derek said but his giggle fit wouldn't quit.

"Are you mad at me?" Derek asked and then snorted again with laughter.

"No Derek I'm not mad. You didn't even ask what it was for?" Tyler said.

"Ummm. well. with the label and all. it's kind of self explanatory. or if you will? Exploratory!" Derek said laughing again and kicking his feet back and forth on the bed.

"I'm going to go have a shower and shave. When you settle down we can talk about it." Tyler said very seriously.

"Doesn't this need to be in the fridge?" Derek barely got out of his mouth before starting to laugh again. "Hmmm. I'm think it is probably good on Corn on the Cob so it would be okay for corn holes? HAHAHAHA.." Derek laughed so hard he held on to his stomach. Tyler was trying to hold back his laughter.

Derek jumped out of bed and ran up to Tyler. He stood facing him with their faces only inches apart. He stared into Tyler's eyes and SNORTED. Derek put his free hand on Tyler's shoulder to hold him still. "Okay. calming down. better. better. butter! HAHAHAHA" Derek could hardly stay standing up.

Tyler lifted Derek's hand off of his shoulder and said, "It's not for your ass! It is for mine!" Tyler turned and walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

"Huh?" Derek said with his mouth hanging open. Derek tried the doorknob but it was locked. He heard the shower begin running. He tossed the jar of Boy Butter on the bed and ran around through Kyle's room to enter the bathroom from his side. Luke and Casey were busy wrestling with Kyle. The door was unlocked and Derek entered quietly!

Derek dropped his boxers and slid the shower door open. Tyler looked over his shoulder. Derek stepped into the shower and wrapped his arms around Tyler. "I'm sorry Babe. I didn't mean to laugh." Derek said.

"I wasn't offended. It was pretty funny actually! Not as funny as Danny and Cody at the airport, but still funny." Tyler said.

"So you are saying what I think you are saying?" Derek asked.

"It's my gift to us this Christmas!" Tyler said as he turned to kiss Derek. "Maybe we won't get all the way but I would like start tonight with you. I want you to be my first and last Derek." Tyler said kissing him.

"We better get out of here or two elves will be looking for us!" Tyler said turning off the shower. Tyler shaved and they left the bathroom to get dressed.

Derek and Tyler arrived downstairs to smell of fresh coffee brewing. Linda and Larry were slumped over on the counter. Luke and Casey had gone to the trouble of setting up place settings for breakfast. Kyle and Kathy had not come downstairs yet.

"Good morning Mom and Dad." Tyler said sitting down at a barstool. Both Linda and Larry raised their heads up off of the counter to look at them. Tyler and Derek started laughing.

"Where's Kyle?" Luke yelled.

"Don't yell Honey please!" Linda said.

"Where's Mom?" Casey demanded to know.

"She was smart enough to move up into the 3rd floor where you guys couldn't be heard." Larry said with his eyes shut.

Derek looked at Tyler and smiled. Tyler grinned back. Derek noticed that the knives and forks were set up backwards so he started correcting them. He checked on all of the plates. "Good!" he said aloud.

He then checked for glassware, mugs, peanut butter, raspberry jam, and marmalade for Mom then he stopped. His eyes bugged out and his mouth fell open. Tyler looked at him.

Derek snorted. Tyler looked at him and Larry and Linda opened their eyes after hearing Derek snort. Derek glared at Tyler and then moved his eyes down to jar sitting in front of his father. Tyler followed his eyes and snorted and then broke into laughter.

Derek shrugged his shoulders and looked at Tyler.

"Mom? Coffees done! Dad? Could you get the milk out of the fridge?" Derek said and when they both turned around Derek grabbed the jar of Boy Butter off of the island and stuck it in Tyler's hand.

"What do you want me to do with it?" Tyler whispered.

"Hide it up your ass for all I care. Just get rid of it!" Derek said.

Tyler looked over at Luke and Casey who were busy checking out the wrapped gifts from Santa Claus. He took off out of the room and ran back upstairs to hide it back in his suitcase.

"Morning Beautiful!" Tyler said to Kyle giving him a kiss. "I thought you were already up? It's almost 6:00 a.m. and your brothers are driving us crazy!"

"I told them they could go ahead and open gifts without me. Mmmmm. I need a back massage!" Kyle requested.

"No problem. I will send Luke and Casey up to see you!" Tyler said.

"Maybe I don't need a massage that badly!" Kyle said yawning and rolling over.

"C'mon, not-so-little-dude. It's time to go see what Santa brought you!" Tyler said.

Kyle put on a sweatshirt and pants and followed Tyler down to the kitchen. When they arrived Kathy was now there with Casey sitting on her lap at the island. Tyler went over to Kathy and gave her a hug and a kiss and wished her a Merry Christmas.

"Can we open our gifts from Santa now?" Luke pleaded.

"Go crazy!" Larry said sipping on his coffee. Luke and Casey ran to their stack of gifts from Santa. Tyler caught Derek's eye and directed him over to Kyle. Kyle was sitting at the island tapping is foot rapidly on the crossbar of his barstool. He didn't want to appear like his two little brothers.

"Hey Kyle? Why don't you go see what Santa brought for you?" Derek asked. Kyle looked at Derek and then at his parents. He hopped down from his stool and tried his best to walk calmly and slowly to his gifts but failed miserably at it. All the adults got a quiet chuckle over it.

Tyler refilled his mug of coffee and all the adults worked their way over to the two sofas.

"Socks, underwear, pyjamas, I don't think Santa got my list?" Luke questioned. "Peanut butter! YES!" He yelled pumping his fist in the air. Luke and Casey's gifts from Santa got better and they were finally down to one large box each that was left from Santa. They looked at each and ripped off the paper their identical boxes!

"Holy Crap!" Casey said looking at the box.

"Holy Crap is right!" Luke said and looked over at Tyler. "There really is a Santa Claus!" Luke said looking at Tyler.

Tyler sipped on his coffee and said only loud enough for Linda and Derek to hear, "Yes Virginia!" Derek snorted and Linda laughed.

"Well? What did Santa give you guys?" Kathy asked.

"Inline Skates!" They both yelled in unison.

"Mine are red!" Casey said holding one skate up and smiling.

"Mine is lime green!" Luke said smiling.

"Sounds like Santa knew they would match your shades!" Tyler said sipping on his mug of coffee.

Everyone began opening presents as Luke and Casey distributed them out to their owners.

Casey and Luke also got hockey sweaters and along with hockey equipment and each of them got a ticket to go and watch the Washington Capitals play.

Tyler was given skis and all the equipment needed, clothing, and a bathrobe with his name on it and white silk boxers with hearts all over and the word 'Derek's' embroidered on them. He also received a fresh stock of inks and charcoal pencils for his artwork.

Kathy received clothing, gift certificates for clothing, and four new tires from all of the boys for her car, and a hand inked sketch of her and Casey that Tyler made. She opened one box that contained an envelope in it. The outside of the envelope said, 'Not a word to anyone!' It contained a receipt for a college fund in the name of Casey Mitchell. She started to cry and got up and left the room saying she had something in her eye. Linda got up and left to take care of her.

Larry and Linda received a fully paid, upgraded room for their 4 days and 3 nights away at New Year's for Luke's hockey tournament in Greenwich, Connecticut from all five boys.

"Boys that's really lovely but you didn't need to do that!" Linda said.

"Mom! It has TWO bedrooms!" Derek said glaring at her.

"Mom! It's New Year's Eve!" Tyler said winking.

"Thanks boys!" Larry said laughing.

Linda also opened a box that was signed 'for the best Mom in the world from all of her boys.' She opened it to find her heart shape locket with a broken clasp that had belonged to her Mother. Linda started crying. She asked all sorts of questions but no one would answer her. Derek, Tyler, and Kyle just grinned. Larry caught Tyler's eye and mouthed the word 'thanks'. Tyler ignored Larry playing dumb to it all.

Derek plodded through gifts of clothing, updated ski equipment, peanut butter from Luke but seemed a little disappointed until he opened up a large box from his parents.

"Oh Shit!" Derek said grinning from ear to ear.

"Wow!" Tyler said.

"What did you get?" Luke asked running over to see.

"A Toshiba Lap Top computer with my name on it?" Derek asked.

"Identity theft protection!" Larry joked. "Your mother insisted it have your name on it."

"Like his clothing when you sent him off to school?" Tyler teased. Luke fisted with Tyler over that one.

Kyle got a new pair of Vans shoes, skater clothing, a couple of hoodies, a winter jacket, subscriptions to some skate magazines, and a DVD/CD player for his computer.

Everyone was busy chatting and Tyler noticed that both Derek and Kyle seemed down about something. "What's a matter Kyle?" Tyler asked quietly as he put his arm around Kyle.

"Nothing." Kyle moaned.

"Not happy with your Christmas gifts or is just let down now that all the present opening is all over?" Tyler asked.

"No. everything is fine." Kyle moaned.

"C'mon! Spit it out." Tyler said.

"It would just sound rude to say it." Kyle said.

"That's never stopped you before!" Tyler winked.

"Ummm. I thought that I might be getting something from you for Christmas?" Kyle said quietly.

"I'm sorry Kyle! I didn't know I was going to be here otherwise I would have bought you something really special!" Tyler said.

"Don't punish him anymore!" Derek said and Kyle's eyes brighten up

"Fine! I might just give your last gift to Kyle!" Tyler said grinning.

"Which last gift? Today's last gift or tonight's last gift?" Derek asked.

"Both!" Tyler grinned. Derek feigned a sour face

"What are you guys whispering about?" Linda asked.

"Nothing!" All three of them said at once.

"Shouldn't you be making us breakfast Mom?" Derek said.

"No! We're having brunch after Church when the Coulters come over!" Linda said.

"You got me something didn't you?" Kyle asked grinning.

"Mmmmmm. maybe?" Tyler said smiling.

"You said you would never lie to me!" Kyle tossed back at Tyler.

"I said I would always lie to you about birthday and Christmas presents!" Tyler said.

"Can I have it now?" Kyle asked.

"Right here? In front of everyone!" Tyler teased and Derek elbowed him.

"You guys really put the spirit of giving into Christmas you know!" Tyler said.

"No! We put the spirit of receiving in Christmas!" Kyle said grinning and Derek and Kyle fisted in front of Tyler.

"Fine! Kyle if you want your table gift now there won't be anything at the dinner table?" Tyler said.

"Cool! You drew my name?" Kyle asked. Tyler grinned.

"And I suppose you want your gift now as well?" Tyler asked Derek smiling.

"Hell yeah! I'll take gift number two or three right now!" Derek said grinning.

"If I give you your gifts now then the two of you stop whining for the rest of the day and leave me alone?" Tyler asked looking back and forth between the two of them.

"No deal on number two!" Derek said.

"Agreed! I'm not wasting a moment of the time I have with you!" Kyle said and kissed Tyler's cheek.

"Okay. you've got a deal!" Tyler said getting up and leaving the room. He returned with three packages, two small ones and one large one.

Tyler stopped at Larry and whispered into his ear. "Have you got the camera ready?"

"I can. Just give me a second." Larry said.

"More gifts for me?" Luke yelled.

"Sorry Pookster! You already got your stuff. Just a couple I forgot to put under the tree." Tyler said.

Everyone gathered around Derek, Tyler, and Kyle to watch.

"Derek, you can open yours first but make sure you follow the directions!" Tyler said.

Derek began unwrapping the gift marked 'number one'.

"Oh Crap! I love you Tyler!" He said kissing him.

"Must be an engagement ring?" Linda joked.

"Better! It's an IPOD with a gift certificate for two hundred songs!" Derek yelled all excited.

"It's already got about 100 songs on it." Tyler said.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've always wanted one of these!" Derek said beaming with happiness.

"Almost as much as I wanted you to have one so I could actually use mine when I wanted for a change!" Tyler teased. "Open number two now!"

Derek opened gift number two. "It's a battery charger with rechargeable batteries! You know this is sort of a let down after opening gift number one?" Derek said.

"No problem just give it back and I will buy you some boxers so you stop taking mine!" Tyler said.

"Tis okay Ty! I like to listen to music while stealing your clothes!" Derek said.

"I hope someone is giving me name tags to sew into my underwear for Christmas!" Tyler said. Luke gave Derek a disgusted look.

"I can't wait to test this out during Church this morning!" Derek said grinning at his parents. Linda glared at him.

"If I have to suffer through Reverend Bagpipes then so do you Derek!" Larry said and Linda glared at him.

"Ummm. a little spirituality won't hurt you Derek!" Larry said.

"Nice save Dad!" Luke said.

"Okay not-so-little-dude. Your turn!" Tyler said.

Kyle tore the paper off in about three seconds! "It's a . box! Oh thank you Tyler! I love you!" Kyle teased imitating Derek. Derek gave Kyle the evil eye.

Kyle cut through the tape on the sides and front and flipped the box open. He pulled out a rolled up poster and then lifted the tissue paper to see a skateboard.

"Wow! It's a skateboard!" He said lifting it up. "It's a. used skateboard?" He asked looking at the three chips out of the top right corner.

"Unroll the poster Kyle!" Tyler said sitting there with his arms crossed and shaking his head.

"Cool! It's a Damon Rhodes autographed poster to me!" Kyle grinned holding it up for all to see.

"Kyle?" Tyler asked.

"Ty!" Kyle said.

"Look at the skateboard in the poster!" Tyler said.

"It looks like the same one you bought me." Kyle said.

"Look closer at the skateboard in the poster!" Tyler said.

Kyle looked but didn't see anything. Tyler pointed to the three little chips out of the skateboard in the poster."

"HOLY FU.." Kyle covered his mouth. "You got me Damon Rhodes actual skateboard!!!!!!!!" Kyle said as he jumped on Tyler hugging him and crying.

"I guess he sort of likes his gift." Derek said grinning.

"Kyle! Kyle!" Tyler said pushing Kyle off of him. "Look underneath the skateboard!" Tyler said.

Kyle flipped the board over and read out loud. "All the best Kyle Anderson! Hope you have as much luck with this board as I have had. Damon!" Kyle jumped back on to Tyler hugging him.

Luke looked through the box and said. "What's the big deal. there isn't even any peanut butter in here?" Everyone laughed.

"Now do you believe that I love you and will do anything I can for you?" Tyler whispered in Kyle's ear.

"Yeah. Sorry. I love you so much Ty!" Kyle whispered into Tyler's ear.

"Dad, could we back a couple of the vehicles out of the garage and into the driveway so I could try my skateboard?" Kyle asked.

"Now?" Larry moaned.

"I'll move them Sir! Umm Dad." Tyler said smiling. Tyler and Kyle got up to leave and Tyler stopped to bend down and whisper into Linda's ear. "turkey?" He said.

"Oh Shit! I completely forgot!" Linda said jumping up and running into the kitchen to put the turkey in the oven.

Larry got up and sat down beside Derek. "Bet you have a great story to tell me about this?" Larry asked holding up the locket.

Derek looked over at his Dad and said, "Tyler kissed me and put it in my hand. That's all I know!" He smiled and put his right earphone back in his ear.

"You're not much of a story teller are you?" Larry said but Derek just smiled not hearing a word he said.

Tyler pulled both vans out into the driveway leaving only Kathy's car in the right side of the garage. Kyle practiced for a bit while Tyler watched.

"Want to try?" Kyle asked.

"Nope! I don't want to break it and besides I think you are much better than me now." Tyler said.

"You're so full of shit!" Kyle said laughing. Tyler didn't respond.

"Can we talk for a moment Kyle?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah sure." He said skating over and then sitting down the hood of Kathy's car beside Tyler.

"I want to tell you a short story about Danny and me but it can never leave your lips to anyone, especially Danny! Okay?" Tyler asked.

"Sure." Kyle said playing with the wheels of his new board.

"The second night that Danny and I were at Drexel, back in early August and before I met you guys, we showered together." Tyler began and Kyle suddenly paid full attention to what Tyler was saying.

"Danny was lonely being away from home on his own and I was lonely too. I really liked Danny and I even learned to love Danny, but the best thing about Danny is having him as my best friend at school. If you believe that I would do anything for you then you should know that Danny would do ten times that for me.

We had a talk just before he left for Iowa. He admitted to being jealous of Derek and me, but he also realized that friendships could last a lifetime. Often longer than lovers last! He's not getting everything he wants with me, such as having sex, but he realizes now that he would rather have me as a friend and brother for life than a short term love interest." Tyler said. Kyle stared at the floor.

"I'm being completely honest with you Kyle when I say that if I could, I would love to make hot monkey love with you!" Tyler said smiling and Kyle laughed. "But! I don't want to ruin what we have. I want our friendship and brotherhood to grow. The temptation with you is tough enough without you trying to encourage it. I want you to feel that you could lie naked next to me and feel safe in knowing that you are loved without ever feeling someone physical had to happen. I can tell you right now that it isn't going to happen and it would change things between you and me. You have to believe me that it would. As I said before it might not make sense right now but I love you enough to never cross that line. I'll give you everything I have but I can't give you that so it would really make my life easier if you weren't trying to cross that line either. I promise you that I worry more about losing you than you losing me!" Tyler said.

"You'll never lose me Ty!" Kyle said resting his head against Tyler's shoulder.

"In a year's time you'll hardly know I exist and your biggest concern will be what did you buy me for my birthday or Christmas!" Tyler said laughing.

"Don't say that cause it isn't true." Kyle said angrily.

"Look deep inside Kyle, you already know that Chris is just a stepping stone in your life. You've already moved on from him. I can see it in you. I know you love him dearly but you're no longer 'in love' with him. That's going to happen a lot between now and age 20. I know that if I have any sort of physical relationship with you that would be the beginning of the end and I want to hold on to you as long as I can. Please don't grow up any faster than you have to!" Tyler said finishing up. Kyle looked up at Tyler and then looked away.

"Anything you want to say?" Tyler asked.

"No. I know you love me and I know you are right. I just wish you could trust me as much as I trust you! I don't want to take you away from my brother. He's the happiest he's ever been and I know I love him more than anyone in this world. Even you! I just wanted something special for me, something for us to have and remember! Like you have with Danny!" Kyle said squeezing Tyler's hand.

"Tell ya what! When you turn 19 you let me know if that need still exists and we'll talk about it then!" Tyler said smiling and wrapped his arm around Kyle.

"Nineteen? That's like a life time away!" Kyle said.

"Not if you had lived in my shoes and everything you knew and loved was one day taken away from you. Live for today Kyle! Plan for the future but live today to its fullest. This is Christmas Day 2005 and there will never be another one exactly like this! Make all the memories you can and then capture then in your heart! Don't waste time like I did because you might wake up one day and it will all be gone!" Tyler said.

Derek opened the garage door and said, "You guys need to get ready for Church!"

"Wanna shower?" Kyle asked. "Just teasing! Let me show you we can have a nice shower together!" They jumped down from Kathy's car and walked arm in arm back towards the house.

"How do you know that I am no longer in love with Chris?" Kyle asked.

"When you love someone as much as I love you, you are always observant of how the people you love are feeling and acting. I know you love Chris and I know you are not IN LOVE with him but he is good people and I would give him a little bit of time to see if he grows up to be along side of you. Remember! You are 14 years old in age only! Everything else about you is far more mature than even you realize. You know you are your Mom's favourite! She trusts you the most!" Tyler said and Kyle laughed but didn't deny anything.

"How did you get to be so smart?" Kyle asked as they walked up the stairs.

"One day I met this 14 year old and realized he was damn near as smart as me so I figured I had better start learning more or the irritating not-so-little skater dude was going to pass me! Did you know they even call that brat Tyler Jr.? Can you believe it?" Tyler teased.

"Sounds like about as big of compliment as someone can get!" Kyle said looking up.

"I fear the day when you no longer look up to me Kyle!" Tyler said.

"Won't be long. I'm going to be tall!" Kyle teased. "And yes Tyler, I know the double meaning to what you said!" sigh

"See! You are getting smarter! Let's go shower!" Tyler said.

As they all piled into Larry's van to head to Church, Linda gave strong warning to Larry about behaving! "You keep your mouth shut Larry!" She warned. Tyler gave a quizzical look at Derek who only smiled back at him.

"I'm not keeping my mouth shut Linda! I don't like the guy and he doesn't like me! I wouldn't waste a moment's time in this place if it wasn't in exchange for not having to listen to your banter for the next three days about not attending!" Larry said. "In fact I'm might even teach you about what happens when you drag someone against their will to Church!"

"You wouldn't dare!" Linda angrily challenged him.

"Boys! What do I always say?" Larry asked.

"Never start a fight but always make sure you finish it!" Derek, Kyle and Luke all said together and then laughed until their Mother looked back at them!

"One jab! One insult from that asshole and he's going to be drinking holy water from a straw for the next month!" Larry said. Luke snorted and the rest of the ride was in silence.

"Father Hillman, Merry Christmas!" Linda said.

"Awwww Linda, Merry Christmas to you too! Tis a wonderful day to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ!" Fr. Hillman said.

"Father!" Larry said.

"Larry! How nice of you to make your bi-annual pilgrimage to acknowledge the birth of the man who died for your sins!" Fr. Hillman said. Linda yanked on Larry's arm.

"Larry is so busy at the hospital!" Linda said smiling.

"Too busy to save your soul, Larry?" Fr. Hillman said with a grin.

Larry handed Fr. Hillman a bag with a wrapped bottle and an envelope in it. "Here Father, there's a cash filled envelope and a bottle of booze to keep you from unexpectedly showing up at 5 p.m. for a free meal, a hundred dollars cash, and drinking a quarter bottle of scotch for another year!" Larry said with a cheesy grin.

"You know Larry. if you spent a little time with your Bible and read Leviticus parts." Fr. Hillman began.

"Save it Father! I'm here under duress as it is!" Larry smiled and added, "Merry Christmas Father, see you at Easter!"

"Larry, you're not setting much of an example for your three. ummm four boys here!" Fr. Hillman said. "Linda, have you considered foster care? We have great orphanage at St. Dominic's!"

"Father! Please don't poke a stick at a dog who is already foaming at the mouth!" Linda said as she tried to push Larry away. Kyle snorted.

"What did he just say?" Larry yelled and people at the back of the Church turned around to see the commotion. Luke snorted.

"Nothing Larry! Get in there now!" Linda said pushing him away.

"You think my kids belong in foster care? I think you people should clean up your own backyard before you start telling me how to raise my kids!" Larry yelled.

"Here! Here!" came from someone in the rear pews of the Church. People began to walk to the back of the Church to follow what was happening.

"I was trying to say Larry, that if you don't attend Church regularly your not setting a good example for your boys and they would be better off in foster care where they would be raised properly!" Fr. Hillman said raising his voice. A crowd had now gathered at the steps entering the Church and from the inside.

"Raised properly? Fr. Hillman, that was completely out of line!" Linda said.

"Larry is a great father to all of his boys! And it sounds like you are questioning my abilities as a Mother?"

"How can you defend him Linda standing here in God's house saying that he is a good father to those boys when he doesn't attend Church regularly?" Fr. Hillman said turning a brighter shade of red.

"I love my kids and I would do anything for them. Maybe you should be asking them what they think of their father? I love each and everyone one of them as they are and not as some fat drunkard self-proclaimed Shepherd who spends his time fleecing his flock!" Larry yelled at Fr. Hillman.

"Well it's fairly obvious who needs to be spending some time in the confessional box asking God's forgiveness!" Fr. Hillman yelled back. "You're a poor excuse for a Catholic Larry! A good Catholic would know the Bible inside and out!" he added.

"A good Catholic would live by the words of Bible rather than showing off to everyone that he has a good memory! If I was in the confessional right now I would be thanking God that you are not indicative of every Preacher, Pastor, or Minister on God's planet!" Larry yelled. Several people inside and outside the Church snickered.

"You cannot say that in my house Dr. Anderson!" Fr. Hillman yelled.

"Thank you for making my point Fr. Hillman! This isn't your house! It's God's house and that of the people of this community! It is the house of the people who attend and support this Church! Priests will come and Priests will go but it is the flock that keeps and spreads God's word!" Larry said. A round of applause came from inside and outside the Church.

Larry grabbed the bag out of Fr. Hillman's hand. "You can stay or you can go Linda, but this is not a house of God and I won't spend another minute in here!" Larry said storming off down the steps. People gathered outside the Church waiting to get in clapped and patted Larry on the back. Derek looked at Fr. Hillman and shook his head and followed his father down the steps. Kyle and Luke looked up at Linda waiting for the next move.

"Go to the car!" she said. "Sadly Fr. Hillman, my husband has been right about you all along and my penance will be to have to listen to him throw it in my face now! We'll be back when this Church has a man of God rather than a man who thinks he's God! Merry Christmas Father!" Linda said and turned and walked down the steps. Another round of applause followed and several parishioners followed suit and left with them.

The walk back to the car calmed Linda down more than she thought possible. She opened the door and got in. She looked at Larry and said, "I think I would like to drive!"

"I'm fine!" Larry said slowly in a deep voice.

"No you're not and I don't blame you! You were right all along and I was wrong. I am sorry I dragged you to this Church." Linda said.

"Really?" Larry said almost smiling.

"Really, Really!" the four boys said from the back seat and then began laughing. Larry and Linda looked back at them. Everyone froze and looked away in different directions.

"Okay, you can drive!" Larry said getting out of the van.

Linda climbed into the driver's side and turned around to face her four boys. "Guys! Don't let what happened here be an excuse to avoid going to Church or reading the Bible! That man doesn't reflect God's words or this Church! The best thing we could do is pray for Fr. Hillman to gain some wisdom from what happened today!

"Look at all the people leaving! Talk about people who live in glass houses." Larry mumbled and Luke's mouth dropped open and looked at Tyler. Tyler winked.

When they arrived home Kathy and Casey were already gone to her sister's. Linda left the van parked outside the garage door in case Kyle wanted to board some more in the afternoon.

"You were really good today Dad!" Tyler said, "And you were even better Mom!" They both looked at each other and then at Tyler.

"You taught the four of us how you communicate a problem, support each other, admit when you're wrong, and move on!" Tyler said. "Face it! You guys rock as parents! I think if God is watching right now he would really proud of you both. At least I am."

Linda pulled Tyler into a hug and said 'thank you' in his ear. "We do need to know when we are doing something right!" Linda said smiling.

"Tyler's right! We definitely have the best parents in the world! I'm never moving out of here!" Derek teased.

"Me neither!" Tyler chimed in.

"You see! I should have hit him and then we would be bad parents and then Derek would leave!" Larry said to Linda. Linda rolled her eyes and shook her head.

As everyone walked up the front steps to the house Luke took his father's hand and asked, "Are you mad at Fr. Hillman?"

"No Luke. I'm only mad at myself for losing my temper. Like your Mom said we should pray for Fr. Hillman that he learns something from this. We should also remember not to judge everyone else by the actions of one man!"

Derek was walking ahead with his arm around his mother and said, "Seems like Dad just avoided the couch tonight!"

"Pretty much Derek, pretty much!" Linda said opening the front door to the sound of the phone ringing.

"Hello?" Linda said and then covered the mouthpiece. "Someone from the Baltimore Sun asking if Luke would like to make a comment?"

"I'll take that!" Larry said grabbing the phone. "Lucas Anderson is not making a statement at this time but if he should decide to then we will let you know!" Larry hung up the phone.

"Somebody want to tell me what the Hell is going on?" Linda asked.

"Gosh I'd better get started at breakfast before Chris, Jeff and Mr. Coulter arrive!" Tyler said.

"Oh yeah and I promised I would help!" Derek said following Tyler into the kitchen.

"Thanks guys! I owe you!" Larry said.

Derek began cooking the sausages and bacon while Tyler prepared the Egg Nog French Toast and home fries.

Linda hauled Larry and Luke into Larry's office. Larry filled her in on the chain of events that happened at the Salvation Army Christmas Dinner. He carefully finished the story with Luke giving up his two Kraft teddy bears to a boy named David and his little sister. Linda was holding Luke with tears of joy running down her face when Tyler knocked on the office door.

"Just go ask Mom and Dad!" Derek said getting angry with Tyler.

"Why can't you?" Tyler said.

"Because it was your idea and it's a good idea!" Derek said.

"I need to stop this talking out my ideas with you!" Tyler said.

Derek kissed Tyler and said, "I hope not! Every day I find out how much I have to learn because of you!"

"Put the broccoli quiche in the oven please!" Tyler said as he left the kitchen

Larry waved him in. "I can come back later if you're busy?" Tyler said.

"Nope we're done here. What did you need?" Larry asked pulling Tyler down on to his lap and hugging him. Tyler looked at Luke who was sitting in his Mother's lap. Luke started to laugh.

"I just need to speak with the two of you when you have a moment about Christmas dinner." Tyler said.

"Run-a-long Luke!" Linda whispered in his ear and he did.

"Before the Coulters arrive I was wondering is there a chance they are going to stay for Christmas dinner?" Tyler asked.

Larry looked at Linda and shrugged his shoulders. "I hadn't really thought about it?" Linda said.

"The reason I was asking is because of the table gift thingy. Derek and I got matching ID bracelets for Chris and Jeff and we probably should pull them out of their stockings before they get here." Tyler said.

"What about a gift for Ian?" Linda asked of Larry.

"Not sure. Maybe we could wrap a bottle of blueberry wine?" Larry said winking.

"Larry! We like him!" Linda scowled at him.

"He does drink Scotch Sir and you now have a second full bottle." Tyler said grinning.

"The $150.00 bottle we were going to waste on Fr. Hillman?" Larry laughed and Tyler smiled at Linda.

"That's a great idea Tyler! Bring me the two bracelets and Larry's bottle of cheap Scotch and I will wrap them up!" Linda said and Tyler snorted.

"So are you having a good Christmas?' Larry asked.

"Yes Sir, I mean Dad! I have my family with me and that's all that matters! Just being here is better than any gift I could be given." Tyler said as his eyes water up.

"Hmmm. sounds like we can return that table gift then!" Larry said winking at Linda.

"All I care about is having a seat at the table." Tyler said and Linda got up and hugged him.

"If you feel up to it Tyler and there is no pressure to do this, but we would like you to say grace tonight at your first Peel-Anderson Christmas dinner?" Linda asked.

"Thank you Ma'am, I mean Mom. I'm not sure what I would say!" Tyler said.

"I think you have a lot on your mind to say and I think you would deliver an inspiring Christmas thought for us all!" Larry said.

"I better go get those gifts out of the stocking." Tyler said getting up.

"Yes, and I've got a CD I want to burn!" Larry said smiling at Linda.

Tyler looked outside the office. "Shit! They're here!" Tyler said.

"Makes sense Tyler; we would just be home from Church about now." Larry said looking at his watch.

"Stall them!" Tyler yelled running into the Great Room.

"Merry Christmas Guys!" Larry said as he and Linda opened the door.

Linda hugged Chris first and then Jeff wishing them both a Merry Christmas. Chris handed a large red and white Poinsettia to Linda.

"Thank you guys! This is absolutely lovely! I can put it right up on the island so everyone can see it. Larry, take their coats!" Linda said.

"Welcome guys! Merry Christmas Ian." Larry said shaking his hand. The boys hurried into the kitchen and Great Room.

"Ian, have you said anything to the boys about going away skiing?" Larry asked.

"Not a word! I thought I would let Derek surprise them with it." Ian said smiling.

"Now what are you going to do with four days and no kids?" Larry teased.

"Hmmm. I heard Kathy was going to stay home and look after Abbey." Ian grinned and winked.

"You sly dog you!" Larry laughed.

"Jeff!!!!!!" Luke and Casey yelled and ran up to get a hug.

"They love me!" Jeff said grinning at Tyler and Derek.

"Lucky you!" Derek said. "They loved us at 5 a.m."

As everyone gathered around the island waiting for brunch to begin Derek proudly announced, "Let it be known on this 25 th day of December in the year 2005 that I Derek Anderson filled up the empty ice cube trays that I didn't empty in the first place!"

"That's great Derek!" Larry said. "It's too bad we're all out of hero cookies." Laughter over took the sound of a Sponge Bob Christmas playing on the TV.

"Remember to add that to your resume!" Ian teased.

"Well. there. you. go. I hate you all!" Derek said grinning.

"Why are you using a hole punch on pieces of bread Tyler?" Ian asked.

Tyler held it up and asked, "What does it look like?"

"Swiss cheese on legs?" Ian guessed.

"A wholly mess?" Larry teased.

"It's very Art Nouveau!" Linda said.

"I was thinking more Andy Warhol?" Ian said.

"Good point! Especially if he adds some Campbell's Tomato soup to it!" Linda said laughing.

"Derek's right about the lot of you! Casey, Luke! What is it?" Tyler said holding up the piece of bread.

"Sponge Bob!!!!!" They yelled and Tyler stuck his tongue out the adults who laughed at him.

"Tyler, art is never truly appreciated while the artist is alive!" Larry said smiling.

"More arsenic in Dad's food Derek, so that someday we can truly appreciate his sense of humour!" Tyler said.

"I can't believe you boys are doing all this cooking!" Ian said. "I would love to have Jeff and Chris cook a meal for a change."

"Speaking of meals Ian. what are you boys doing for dinner?" Linda asked.

"I threw a ham in the oven before we left!" Ian said. "I have to work most of next week so we didn't plan a trip to my parents in Arizona."

"Good! Grab the ham and bring it over because the three of you are having Christmas dinner with us!" Linda said putting her arm around him.

"Oh no! We wouldn't impose Linda but thank you for the kind offer!" Ian said.

"It wasn't an offer Ian!" Larry said grinning. Linda dragged him into the dining room to show him that there were already place cards at the table with his name and those of the boys.

"This is a beautiful set up Linda!" Ian said.

"We're not taking no for an answer! We're family now!" Linda said giving Ian a hug. "And besides we have a tradition of one table gift per person at Christmas dinner and Tyler and Derek have something for you and the boys! Yours is really special!" Linda said.

"How can we refuse?" Ian smiled.

"Breakfast is served!!!!!!!' Derek yelled.

"Let's go eat!" Linda said.

Casey, Luke, Chris, and Kyle filled up on French toast, bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs, and hash browns. The rest ate Tyler's quiche.

"What's the secret to these great potatoes?" Ian asked.

"Green onions, garlic, and a sprinkling of celery salt at the end!" Tyler said.

"Who wants an English muffin?" Larry said.

"Oh I will honey! Thanks!" Linda said holding her plate out. "Derek could you pass the marmalade please?" Linda asked. Derek reached out and handed her the marmalade.

Linda spread some Orange Marmalade on her English muffin and bit into it. "This isn't quite right!" She said getting up and going to the fridge. She opened the door and look around saying. "Funny? I thought I just bought a new jar of Boy Butter when I was shopping?"

Tyler snorted and Derek coughed up a sausage into his hand. They both looked at Mom and Dad who were standing there laughing at them.

"They're good!" Tyler said.

"Very good. and obviously very evil!" Derek added wiping his mouth.

"Larry, why don't you put some music on? It's Christmas after all!" Linda said.

"Funny you should mentioned that Linda. I just burned a CD of classics!" Larry said.

Derek, Kyle, and Luke all groaned in unison.

"No I think you guys will like this!" He said popping the CD into the player.

"Gosh Larry! I haven't heard this song in years!' Linda said as she danced a little in one spot.

"It's George Benson's." Larry began.

"No! Don't tell me, I can guess?" she said. "Here comes the chorus."

When Derek and Tyler heard the chorus of song Tyler snorted and Derek dropped his fork on the plate looking up at his mother.

"That's it! Churn Your Love Around! I knew the name was on the tip of my tongue!" Linda said laughing at Larry.

"I've got lots of good ones on here Honey!" Larry began counting off on his fingers. "Churn, Churn, Churn, by The Byrds! Churn the Page by Bob Seger! Carlos Santana's Churn Your Light's On! Bob Marley's Churn the Lights Down Low."

"I think you've both made your point!" Derek said wiping his mouth with the napkin

"Don't worry son, I added one just for you! "Cher's If I Could Churn Back Time!" Larry said grinning. Tyler snorted with laughter.

"At least one of our sons has a sense of humour!" Linda said staring at Derek with a smile. "Muffin Honey?" Linda offered, holding the tray out towards Derek.

Derek picked up his white cloth napkin and waved it in a circle above his head and then threw it down on the plate and got up and walked out of the kitchen. Tyler could barely control his laughter.

Tyler went up to the bedroom to see him a few minutes later. "You okay?" Tyler asked as Derek was hooking up his new computer.

"Yeah. fine." Derek mumbled.

"I found out what happened! Do you want to know?" Tyler asked.

"I dunno. do I?" Derek said.

"It's funny! Funnier than Danny and Cody at the airport!" Tyler said laughing.

"Wot?" Derek asked.

"I guess Luke and Casey got booted out of Kyle's room while you and I were in the shower. Luke saw the jar sitting on the bed and read the label and figured it belonged in the fridge. So he took it down set it on the island to use for breakfast not realizing what he had done. Your parents saw it and picked it up and read the label. hence the abuse we've been taking. It's pretty damn funny when you think about it!" Tyler said laughing.

"Are you okay Derek?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah. I'm just tired! I'm trying to keep up to your schedule and I don't know how you do it? You've cooked more than Mom has this holiday!" Derek said.

"It's not a competition Babe. I'm just high on being with the guy I love the most in this world and having a family again! There's a part of me that is ready to pack up and head back to Drexel so we can just be alone but I know that will come in time and right now I'm trying to make the most of everything and everyone. I've been neglecting you and I'm sorry but not really! Kyle and Luke have needed me and I want to get to know Chris and Jeff, not too mention your parents, or rather our parents. It might be hard to believe but you are still my number one! I just told Kyle that this morning in the garage and he said the same thing to me that you are his number one!" Tyler said.

"I know. he told me about your conversation. We have no secrets!" Derek said.

"So you have two guys who think your shit doesn't stink! Doesn't sound like a bad Christmas now does it?" Tyler said.

"I was expecting you to be mad for knowing what you said to Kyle in confidence!" Derek said.

"Never Derek! Never ever! Family comes first and I will always be number two to the Andersons! I wouldn't love you as much as I do if it were any other way." Tyler said. "That's why I hope you understand the time and attention I am giving to all of our brothers?" He added.

Derek kissed Tyler and the Tyler pulled Derek up and shut the bedroom door. "I think we need a little afternoon nap together!" Tyler said and they lay down on the bed, with Derek tucked safely in Tyler's arms.

"You are an enigma Mr. Peel-Anderson." Derek said smiling.

"I like that! Tyler Peel-Anderson!" Tyler said and closed his eyes.

"Well of course you should. you would be my wife!" Derek said covering his laughter.

"That would just make me the luckiest wife in the world!" Tyler said drifting off to sleep.

"Speaking of wife." Derek began. He opened up and went to the closet and pulled out two wrapped boxes and gave it to Tyler. "Merry Christmas my love! This one is from me and the other is the one from Danny you haven't opened yet!" Derek said giving Tyler a kiss.

"Thanks Babe! You really didn't have to do anything. I've already got everything I ever wanted in you." Tyler said.

"Give it back then!" Derek teased.

"Not a chance in hell! I can probably sell whatever this is for some cheap wine or put it on EBay!" Tyler said winking. "By the way I love it already!" Tyler added.

"You don't know what it is yet!" Derek said.

"It's from you and that is all that matters." Tyler said.

"Shut up and open the damn gift!" Derek said glaring at him with smile.

"Is this yours?" Tyler asked looking at Derek.

"Not anymore. I want you to have it so you will always have something of me with you at all times. aside from my undying love. You make my world mean everything now!" Derek said leaning in to kiss Tyler. When Derek pulled away he opened his eyes to see tears streaming down Tyler's face. Derek smiled. Tyler couldn't even see well enough to undo the clasp of the gold chain so Derek took it and opened it up. He put it around Tyler's neck and locked the clasp.

"I thought you said you had an infection at that is why you took your earring out?" Tyler asked looking at Derek's hoop dangling from his gold chain.

"I lied to you so you wouldn't know that I wanted you to have it for a Christmas present. The hoop doesn't mean a damn thing to me but the gold chain is of great sentimental value and I wouldn't want you to have something of mine that didn't mean something special to me." Derek said.

Tyler pulled Derek down on the bed beside him and they kissed for several moments until Tyler said, "This is so beautiful Derek. I'm not into material things but this really means something and more so, that you would give it to me. Thank you for the wonderful Christmas gift!" Tyler said.

"You haven't opened all of your gift yet!" Derek said.

"There's something else?" Tyler asked.

"Search inside the box!" Derek said and Tyler found a slip of paper and opened it up.

"It's a. it's a. is it really?" Tyler asked.

"It is!" Derek said. "Read what it says!"

"This gift certificate in the name of Tyler Peel is good for one ear piercing and gold hoop. You really got me this?" Tyler said in shock.

"I knew you wanted it and you could only look sexier with a small gold hoop to accent your beauty!" Derek said as he kissed Tyler. "Now let's see what Danny gave you!"

Tyler opened the card and read it to the two of them out loud. "Merry Christmas Tyler, It is difficult to think of anything to give you that could equal all that you have given to me! If I had to pick the best gift you have given me I would have to say it is love! You taught me how to love and how important loving and being loved is. I think this gift shows true raw love in its purest form and I hope you will agree? Love, your Daniel!" Tyler said.

"Isn't that sweet!" Tyler said choking up over his words.

"Whatever. open the damn gift!" Derek teased.

Tyler tore the paper off and together they saw a framed print of the picture Danny took of them in their dorm room hall. Tyler and Derek were embracing.

Derek's eyes were closed as he rested his head on Tyler's shoulder.

"That's my naked body he's got there!" Tyler said laughing. "How come I'm naked and you're dressed?"

"More importantly does Danny have a pic of the other side?" Derek said laughing and Tyler punched his arm.

"Mom and Dad need to see this!" Derek said pulling the picture out of Tyler's hand.

"Hell no!" Tyler said taking the picture back.

"It's a beautiful picture Ty!" Derek said.

"Right! Beautiful picture Derek but it only captures the physical side. It doesn't capture what we were feeling at that moment!" Tyler said staring into Derek's eyes. They kissed again and then fell asleep in each other's arms.

Jeff walked into Derek's room looking for them and came to a stop when he saw them both lying on the bed asleep. He turned around to leave when Derek called out. "It's okay to come in! This is your room too!"

Tyler moved back and smiled as he waved Jeff to come lie down with them. Jeff crawled on to the bed in between them. Derek faced Jeff and Tyler coming from behind sandwiched him.

"I like this! Jeff can't escape! Maybe Jeff will sleep with us like this in New." Derek began.

"Derek! SHUT UP!" Tyler yelled.

"Oops! Sorry." Derek said. Jeff knew he heard something he wasn't supposed to hear so he said nothing and tried not to look at Derek.

"You might as well tell Jeff now." Tyler said.

"I'm sorry." Derek said feeling really bad.

"Not a biggie Derek. He's going to find out at dinner anyway." Tyler said. "Jeff can you keep your mouth shut so as not to spoil it for Chris?"

"Sure but I don't want you guys fighting over something. You don't need to tell me anything." Jeff said.

"You should tell him Ty! It was your idea anyway." Derek said.

"Derek!" Tyler said not wanting to continue with Derek feeling sorry for himself.

"Fine! We'll tell him together, but you start." Derek said.

"Jeff, next Thursday or Friday we planned to. kidnap you and Chris." Tyler said laughing.

"Yeah, kidnap is the right word. on an all expense paid trip." Derek added.

"Just finish it Derek. You know where we are going." Tyler said.

"To the Adirondacks in New York State to our family cottage to go skiing!" Derek said.

"Don't even say the word Jeff!" Tyler warned.

"Really?" Jeff squeaked out like a schoolgirl

"Oi." Tyler groaned.

"It was all Tyler's idea about taking you along. I wanted to leave you at home!" Derek joked and Jeff laughed. Jeff rolled over and hugged Tyler.

"Thank you Ty! That is so nice of you. I would just be happy to be with you guys anywhere!" Jeff said.

"We wouldn't go without you unless you didn't want to go or had plans with Ashlea for New Year's Eve?" Tyler said.

"No I don't. Does Dad know about this?" Jeff asked.

"He's a huge supporter and I think even more so after the last 24 hours!" Tyler said.

"Why is that?" Jeff asked.

"Kathy is staying home because of her job and she is going to look after Abbey! So they will have some time alone together." Tyler said grinning.

"I wish I had known about them. I would have liked to give them a Christmas present. Something like dinner and a movie." Jeff said.

Derek sat up leaning on his left arm looking at Tyler.

"What?" Tyler said.

"Dinner?" Derek said.

"Oh. yeah! Go get it and bring it up here. Ask Mom for a generic Christmas card as well. but do it quietly." Tyler said.

"What?" Jeff asked.

"Just wait a moment." Tyler said as Derek ran downstairs.

Derek ran back into the room and handed two things to Tyler and then pulled $50.00 out of his own wallet and added that to what Tyler was holding.

"Here ya go Jeff! Make sure you get your brother to sign the card!" Tyler said.

"What the. Shit! Where did you get this?" Jeff said grinning. "It's perfect! I'll pay you guys back!"

"The gift certificate for Ruby Tuesday's was already part of your stocking gifts and you don't owe us anything Jeff. That's what brothers do for each other." Tyler said.

"Don't you understand how much we love you and that we would do anything for you?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, but this is too much! Way too much!" Jeff said.

"Anything that helps our brother be happy or look good is never too expensive!" Tyler said.

"Guys I really want to pay you back for this. It is non-negotiable!" Jeff said hugging each of them.

"Everything is negotiable Jeff!" Derek grinned. "Looks like you are sleeping with us while away!" He joked.

"Hell I would be happy to sleep at the foot of your bed on the floor!" Jeff joked.

"We were thinking that but usually Abbey is there." Derek said winking. "Ty, do you want to go see if you can quietly get Chris up here?" Derek asked.

Tyler got up from the bed and Jeff said, "This is all too much guys!"

"Jeff, think about it! You're telling your Dad and Kathy that you would both be happy to see them happy together!

"We should have Casey sign the card too!" Jeff said. Tyler and Derek looked at each other and smiled!

"See Derek! I told ya! Casey's gone for Christmas dinner at his Aunts so just forge his name." Tyler said walking out of the room.

"What?" Jeff asked.

"By thinking about including Casey it shows what type of person you are Jeff! You are just like Tyler and he is all about giving. The way you treated Tyler when he first showed up I didn't want to invite you on the trip but he defended you saying that I didn't see all the good inside of you. He was right and I was wrong and I couldn't be happier about being wrong!" Derek said as Kyle, Chris, and Luke came into the bedroom.

"Jeff's got this great idea guys! He's going to tell you about it!" Derek said as he left closing the bedroom door.

Derek was walking through the front foyer when he heard the front door open behind him. He turned around to see Casey with his eyes all red and it was clear that Kathy had been crying too. Casey ran into Derek's arms and Kathy went straight upstairs to the apartment.

"Casey? What's wrong little brother?" Derek asked.

"Everyone was picking on Mom!" He said crying and wiping his eyes. "All they did was talk about Paul and kept saying I told you so. Mom was crying and I told her I didn't want to stay there anymore."

Linda came out of the kitchen when she heard someone crying, figuring Kyle had fallen trying to slide down the banister again.

"What's a matter honey?" Linda asked.

"Mom! Kathy is upstairs. You had better get up there." Derek said.

"C'mon pal, let's go into the living room where we can have some privacy." Derek said picking Casey up in his arms. "I love you Casey." Derek said. Casey didn't say anything but he did squeeze Derek tightly.

"Want to talk about it?" Derek said sitting down on the sofa holding Casey on his lap.

"No." Casey said.

"That's okay. You're safe in your home with your family now! I'm glad you came home when you did because Jeff came up with an idea for a Christmas present for your Mom and Mr. Coulter and he wanted you to sign the card so that you would be a part of it. It's a gift certificate to go out for dinner at Ruby Tuesday's and then go to a movie afterwards. What do you think?" Derek asked.

"That'd be cool! I like Mr. Coulter." Casey said starting to smile.

"Why don't we go and get you a chocolate peanut butter square and go upstairs to my room so you can sign the card!" Derek suggested.

"Yeah!" Casey said smiling.

Derek, Casey, Luke, Chris, and Jeff returned to the kitchen and Great Room to see Tyler, Larry, and Linda working on Christmas dinner and Ian and Kathy talking quietly together on the sofa.

Casey ran over to hug Ian and Chris and Jeff went and gave Kathy a hug and a kiss and wished her Merry Christmas.

"If you're done slicing the turkey then I think we are all ready!" Linda said. Everyone gathered together and picked up something to bring to the table, as was the Anderson tradition. Casey insisted that he was sitting next to Derek so Linda rearranged some place cards to make it happen. Now Luke wasn't next to Casey and he got upset. So Linda rearranged again. Linda was getting a little perturbed after she had gone to all the trouble to place everyone.

Kyle wasn't about to miss an opportunity to tease his Mother said, "I wanna sit between Casey and Luke!" He said grinning. Linda went to pick up Kyle's place card and then realized that it just wasn't possible. She looked at Kyle and everyone started laughing.

"I'm setting your place card over at Abbey's bowl!" Linda said smiling at Kyle.

"Better yet," Derek said, "Why not give Kyle place to Abbey?" Kyle stuck his tongue out Derek. More laughter.

"Why don't we just play musical chairs?" Linda said sarcastically.

"Can someone move the jar of peanut butter over here?" Luke asked.

"You're kidding right?" Ian said staring at Luke. More laughter.

"Tyler?" Larry asked.

"Yes Dad." Tyler said grinning. "Would everyone please join hands and bow their heads. Luke, I'll try not to be longer than an hour okay?" Tyler said smiling at him.

Luke narrowed his eyes and glared at Tyler. "Grrrrrrrrrrrr" He said smiling.

"Dear Lord, on this day we celebrate your birthday." Tyler began, "We thank you for all you sacrificed on our behalf and we thank you for all we have to celebrate on this day. Kathy and Casey are safe and home with their family now." <Derek squeezed Casey's hand three times> "You have given us the gift of Chris, Jeff, and Mr Coulter to not just add, but complete our family. The one empty seat at our table appropriately symbolizes the true spirit of our Mom and Dad, as there is always a place set at the table for anyone who wants to join the family. We remember with more happiness than sorrow those who can't be with us today but are here in spirit, especially Mrs. Coulter, my Mom, Dad, and brother David. In our thanks and prayers today we remember those around the world who are not able to freely celebrate your birth." Tyler said.

"Just one more thing Luke!" Tyler said winking. "I want to thank you God for giving me the nicest gift of all, my brothers. I have Derek's leadership, Luke's wisdom, Casey's humour, Kyle's trust, Jeff's bravery, and Chris' honesty. along with the hope and love that they all bring to make us brothers forever. Lastly," Tyler said and Luke sighed.

"We thank you for giving us our house protector, Abbey!" Upon hearing her name Abbey jumped up into the open chair and plunked her head down on the plate sniffing at the glazed carrots in front of her. "We can all be thankful and learn from Abbey about unconditional love. We thank you Lord for giving us a place to call home. Amen!" Tyler said.

"Amen." Everyone chimed in and sat down.

"Down!" Linda said pointing to the floor and Abbey whined and jumped down.

Luke picked up his jar of peanut butter to look at and said, "I think this jar stale dated waiting for Tyler to finish?"

Tyler looked at Luke and said, "Grrrrrrrr."

"That was beautifully said Tyler!" Kathy said smiling.

"Absolutely Tyler!" Ian chimed in.

"I'm not sure about Luke's wisdom but I agreed with the rest of it!" Kyle said.

Linda stared at Luke. "What?" Luke said. "He insults me and you look at me?" Everyone laughed.

The phone rang and Luke jumped up to go answer it.

"Mom you've got to do something about Luke answering the phone?" Kyle moaned.

"It' might be your grandparents Kyle. better him than me!" Linda said. Larry gave her the evil eye. Linda winked and faked a grin for Larry.

"How come Mr. and Mrs. Anderson aren't here?" Tyler asked as he scooped out some mashed potatoes and passed the bowl over to Jeff.

"They're at Uncle Ted's at Christmas. Better them be there than us!" Derek said grinning until he saw the look on his father's face. "Ahem." Derek added.

"Zach must be. 23 now?" Linda asked.

"Probably." Larry said.

"Going on 12!" Derek added.

"Don't like 'em huh?" Tyler asked.

"He use to ignore me up all the time when I was small." Derek said.

"Be fair Derek! Tyler, Zach's Mom died when he was very small and his step-mom isn't the nicest person in the world!"

"Step-Monster is more like it!" Kyle added. Larry glared at him.

"Hello! You've reached the Luke Anderson for President of the United States campaign office. How can I help you?" Luke said.

"I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number! My apologies." The man said.

"Maybe not? Who are you looking for Sir?" Luke asked.

"Tyler Peel." The man said.

"He's here! Are you sure you wouldn't like to make a donation to the elect Luke Anderson for Governor of Maryland fund?" Luke said.

"I thought you said President of the United States?" The voice said.

"I'm pretty open-minded at this point! It really depends on which office needs me more." Luke said.

"Being from Canada I don't think I'm allowed to give to your election campaign." The voice said laughing.

"I won't tell if you don't? I accept cash!" Luke said. The voice on the other end laughed again.

"You must be Derek's brother?" The voice said.

"Is that going to influence your donation?" Luke said reaching over to pull a piece of skin off of the turkey.

"Not at all Luke! Are you having a nice Christmas?" The man asked.

"Great! I got several jars of peanut butter!" Luke said.

"Peanut butter?" The man said.

"I also got lots of other stuff and Tyler gave me and my best friend Casey tickets to go see the Washington Capitals play, and a hockey jersey and a pair of really cool inline skates which are from Santa Claus but I know he bought them!" Luke said.

"Sounds like you're a very lucky boy Luke!" The man said.

"I am. Tyler's the best brother in the world! He reads me stories before bed and makes me these chocolate peanut butter squares and me made me a Santa Claus with 5 reindeer to hang on the ceiling light in my bedroom." Luke went on.

"Is it possible for me to speak to Tyler?" The man said.

"Sure! Can I tell Tyler who's calling?" Luke asked.

"It's his Uncle David from Toronto." The man said.

"Oh!" Luke said.

"Oh?" David said.

"Ummm. Just let me see if he wants to talk to you." Luke said setting down the phone and running back into the dining room.

"Ty, it's your Uncle David on the phone." Luke said sitting back down at the table. Tyler froze with a fork full of stuffing and the room went silent. Tyler set his fork down, wiped his mouth with the napkin, and looked briefly at Derek who mouthed 'love you', and got up and excused himself from the table.

"Hello." Tyler said calmly.

"Merry Christmas Tyler." Uncle David said.

"Merry Christmas Uncle David. Are you having a nice Christmas?" Tyler asked.

"As good as can be expected. the in-laws are here and all Grandpa Jack can do is make lawyer jokes. as always." Uncle David said and Tyler laughed but didn't say anything.

"So how is your Christmas going with your new family?" Uncle David asked.

"I'm having a really nice time." Tyler said giving no more information than he felt necessary.

"I see. Little Luke - I assume that's Derek's younger brother - seems very fond of you." Uncle David said.

"Yes Sir and I am very fond of him." Tyler said.

"You seem preoccupied or busy?" Uncle David asked.

"We are in the middle of Christmas dinner." Tyler said.

"Oh. I'm sorry. You know how we always have our meal at noon. I apologize for interrupting. I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas." He said.

"Thank you Uncle David. I hope you and everyone there has a Merry Christmas and New Year. Please send my best to Aunt Sarah. I do appreciate that you called. You do still have my cell phone number?" Tyler asked.

"Yes I do.Aunt Sarah doesn't actually know I'm phoning you." Uncle David said. "Did you get your card?" He asked.

"Yes Sir, but I haven't opened it yet. We are doing some presents after dinner." Tyler lied.

"Well there's nothing to fear in opening it Tyler." Uncle David said.

"Thank you Sir. I should be getting back to dinner." Tyler said.

"Yes you should and I please extend my apologies to everyone." Uncle David said.

"I will. I love you Uncle David." Tyler said.

"I love you too, Tyler. Very much! Thank you for saying it." He said.

"Real love never goes away Sir. Take care." Tyler said hanging up the phone. As Tyler figured, when he re-entered the dining room the conversation stopped. Everyone looked down and depressed.

"Somebody die? Did we run out of peanut butter?" Tyler said and everyone lightened up.

"Sorry Tyler. We were just worried about you. Is everything okay?" Linda asked reaching across Kyle to place her hand on Tyler's arm.

"I have no secrets from my family so I will just give everyone a quick version of what happened. I was polite, he was nervous. I lost my temper with him last time and there was no way I was going to give him the satisfaction of thinking he could get to me. He asked me if I had opened the card he gave me and I told him no. I told him I loved him and he said the same thing back. That was pretty much it." Tyler said.

"Oh good Tyler! I'm happy for you. That must be a relief?" Linda said.

"There was one interesting thing he said on the phone though." Tyler added and everyone stopped talking.

"Yes?" Larry said, as everyone seemed to lean towards Tyler listening.

"My Aunt Sarah, the hardened born-again Baptist. doesn't actually know he phoned me!" Tyler said laughing. Larry reached over and patted Tyler on the shoulder.

"Congratulations Tyler! Maybe the old expression, 'the apple doesn't fall to far away from the tree' is actually true and your Uncle David is more like you than you thought?" Larry said.

Tyler signalled Derek and they got up to begin clearing off the table. "Sit Mom! Your boys are doing the dishes!" Derek said.

"Wow as if that isn't a Christmas present all in itself!" Kathy said.

"You know Kathy, since Thanksgiving I've actually been able to start to enjoy the holidays since they all pitch in and help!" Linda said.

"Derek can you handle clearing the table while I work on dessert?" Tyler asked.

"Sure! Whatcha doin'?" Derek asked.

"I already have the praline sauce warm and the sugared pecans are ready to go, but for the chocolate cheesecake I thought it would be nice to do a peanut butter sauce to pour over it in case someone out there might like peanut butter?" Tyler joked.

"Nah. can't see it happening. Did you start the coffee maker?" Derek asked.

"No, but if you could please I would appreciate it!" Tyler said whisking the peanut butter sauce.

Kyle, Jeff, and Chris came in with loads of empty plates and partially devoured bowls of food from dinner.

"Guys, can you take out the clean dinner plates, ice cream, scoop, tray of coffee mugs, cream and sugar, forks, and two cheesecakes please." Tyler asked.

"Oh my God!" Kathy said as the boys came out with the two cheesecakes and set them down in front of Linda to serve. "Where did you buy those?" Kathy asked.

"I know this pastry Chef named Tyler. a relative of the family actually!" Linda teased.

"You're kidding me? Tyler made these! What is the light coloured one?" Kathy asked.

"Egg Nog cheesecake with sugared pecans and a praline sauce to drizzle over it! The other one is called Virginia's Chocolate cheesecake. It's a recipe of Tyler's Mom!" Linda said.

Everyone sat down and Tyler came in with a tray containing two gravy boats and two squeeze bottles. He sat down in the empty seat between Luke and Linda at the end of the table.

"This explains why we are using dinner plates for dessert! Looks like we are going to have the 'Tyler Effect' on dessert as well!" Linda said. "Kathy what would you like?" Linda said.

"Gosh. cheesecake is so fattening. so I'll have a piece of both!" She said laughing. Tyler pointed to how he wanted the pieces place on the cake to look like two eyes. He then added a sugared pecan to the top of each piece.

On the chocolate half of the face he coloured in peanut butter curly hair, half a nose, and half of a smile. Then he did the other half the exact same but in praline sauce. Kathy was presented with a picture of herself.

"Ian?" Linda asked.

"Chocolate of course!" He said smiling. Linda cut the piece and waited for Tyler's instructions. Tyler stared at Ian for a moment and then had Linda place his piece on its side over to one side of the plate. Tyler took the warm peanut butter sauce and drew a pickup truck carrying a piece of cheesecake!

"That's about the size of piece I like too! Thank you very much Tyler." Ian said.

"Christopher?" Linda asked.

"I'll try the Egg Nog please!" He said.

Tyler quickly did a hockey stick, puck, and goalies net and handed it over to him. Everyone clapped.

"Hey, I've already seen you do that before!" Luke said. Tyler pointed the peanut butter squeeze bottle and Luke and he opened his mouth. Tyler shot some peanut butter in and said, "Maybe that will shut him up for a while!"

"Jeff? What would you like for dessert?" Linda asked.

"Whatever Tyler recommends!" He said.

Tyler told Linda to cut a piece of both and place them side-by-side on the plate. Tyler then created a large musical note that spread across the top off both pieces on an angle but he did the chocolate half of the note in peanut butter and the Egg Nog half of the note in praline.

"Casey? What would you like honey?" Linda asked.

"Chocolate please!" Casey asked.

Tyler refilled his peanut butter squeeze bottle and turned the piece of cheesecake around on the plate so he was looking at the crust. He added a base and then iced out triangles on each side in peanut butter. He then took the praline sauce and dotted the peanut butter triangles.

"It's a Christmas tree!" Luke said excitedly.

"Whoa!" Casey said when he was handed his piece.

"I don't see it?" Kyle said.

"Look!" Said Derek. "Tyler made branches going out from the piece of cheesecake and see the star on the top?"

"Coolies!" Kyle said.

"Luke. as if I need to ask?" Linda said

Tyler grinned and looked at Luke for a moment. Luke laughed for no other reason than the attention was on him. Tyler took the bottle of peanut butter sauce and covered the tip with his finger and shook it violently! Tyler jammed the tip of the bottle down inside the centre of the cheesecake and squeeze until peanut butter came leaking out everywhere.

"YES!" Luke yelled raising his hands in the air. Tyler then did a single heart of peanut butter in the centre of the cake covering the hole had made.

He added the letter 'I' on one side and the letter 'U' on the other and handed him his dessert. Luke gave Tyler a hug and kiss for his effort and Tyler stuck the squeeze bottle back in Luke's mouth for a quick squirt of peanut butter.

"Kyle?" Linda asked.

"I don't think I want any." Kyle said. Tyler picked up both squeeze bottles and pointed them at Kyle. "Maybe a little piece of the Egg Nog cheesecake. Tyler smiled.

Tyler began creating his most difficult piece of art yet! He drew a broken skateboard in chocolate and then he iced a skater who appeared to have hit the piece of cheesecake and was lying on it and down one side with a broken arm and broken leg. At the bottom Tyler lettered 'wear ur helmet'. Kyle laughed and Tyler got a round of applause from the adults.

"Tyler doesn't say much when he's creating does he?" Ian asked.

"He never speaks while creating!" Derek said. "Too bad he doesn't create more often." Tyler glared at him and Derek grinned.

"Derek, what would you like?" Linda asked.

"I'll try the chocolate cheesecake please! Big piece too!" Derek said.

Tyler shook his head no! "No?" Linda said. "Should I give him Egg Nog cheesecake then?" Tyler shook his head no and then winked at Linda.

"Oh, so Derek is being mean so he doesn't get any?" Linda asked. Tyler grinned looking at Derek.

"You are so dead later Ty!" Derek said laughing. Tyler took a clean plate and wrote 'biotch' on it in praline and then dotted the letter 'i' with a praline and passed it down to him. Everyone laughed especially Casey.

Derek took his finger and drew a heart in the praline sauce and sent it back down to Tyler. Tyler read it, winked, and handed the plate back to Linda. She cut a large piece of chocolate cheesecake for Derek.

Tyler did a giant heart that hung down one side of the piece of cheesecake and then wrote on the plate 'Merry Christmas my love". Tyler got up and personally delivered the piece of cheesecake but he set it down in front of Kathy and gave her a kiss. Everyone went into hysterical laughter! He stood back up and hit the side of his head and picked up the piece of cheesecake from Kathy and started to walk over to Larry! More laughter erupted. Tyler returned to Derek and set the piece down in front of him and gave him a kiss and there was a round of applause.

"Larry what would you like?" Linda asked.

"I'd like a piece of the lemon cheesecake bar if that is okay?" Larry said laughing looking at Tyler.

"I'd like one too! Could you cut one for me as well?" Tyler asked.

"Be right back!" Larry said getting up.

"What are you having Mom?" Tyler asked.

"Egg Nog! No question about that." She said handing him the piece she cut.

Tyler made little tiny hearts on the top of the piece of cheesecake. Then Tyler wrote 'I love you very much Mom, your Tyler!'

"Don't even think about crying!" Tyler said and gave her a hug and kiss. Everyone ate their dessert and Luke had a second piece of chocolate cheesecake and then he demanded they get to open their table gifts!

"Okay Luke. Since you are so excited about your gift. let's start with Jeff!" Larry said smiling. Derek got up and went over and got Jeff and Chris' gift and handed them to them.

"There is a gift inside the gift so what I am going to do is suggest that you both unwrap them together. Jeff you open the first gift and then Chris you can open the second gift!" Derek said.

They both read the card that said, 'much love from all your brothers! Casey, Derek, Kyle, Luke, and Tyler.'

"On three?" Jeff said.

"Word!" Chris smiled.

"One, two, three." Everyone counted together.

"HOLY CRAP!" Jeff said.

"Whoa!" Chris added.

Jeff immediately got up and went around to hug five of his six brothers. Chris followed suit.

"What does it say on them?" Kathy asked.

"It's Latin and means 'brothers forever'" Kyle said smiling at Chris.

"Okay Chris lift up the bracelet holder!" Derek said.

Chris lifted it and pulled out a piece of paper. He read it aloud for all to hear. "You are invited for a 4 day and 3 night stay at the Anderson cottage in New York State for New Year's!" Chris' mouth dropped open and he began to shake.

"Can we go?" Chris asked his Dad.

"Of course you can go! As long as you remember that Derek and Tyler are in charge and do as your told!" Ian said and Chris hugged his dad.

"Thanks guys, this is wonderful. I can't think of a better way to bring in the New Year than being with all of my brothers." Jeff said beaming.

"Casey and me won't be there Jeff!" Luke frowned.

"You guys are at a hockey tournament!" Kathy said.

"Yeah we know." Casey moaned.

"You don't want to go now?" Linda asked.

"Yeah we do, we just don't want to be away from our brothers." Luke said.

"We'll only be a couple of hours away Luke. I'm sure we will find some time to connect." Derek said and Luke smiled along with Tyler.

"Okay, how about Ian's gift!" Larry said.

"Could we do Dad's and Kathy's gift together?" Jeff asked.

"You can do anything you like Jeff!" Larry said smiling. Jeff put his right hand on Tyler's leg. Tyler snorted. Derek got up and picked up two gifts off of the sideboard. He handed one to Kathy and one to Ian.

Jeff handed Kathy an envelope that said 'Merry Christmas Dad and Mom love Casey, Chris, and Jeff.'

"Are those little hearts drawn on the outside of the card?" Derek asked teasing Kathy. She pinched his thigh.

"Oooooooooo!" Tyler and Kyle said teasing Kathy and Derek.

Kathy opened the envelope and pulled out the card to find the gift certificate to Ruby Tuesday's and a $50.00 bill. The note inside said 'dinner and a movie from your sons'. Kathy thanked Casey and kissed him. She then got up and went over to Jeff and Chris to give them both a kiss and thank them.

"Oooooooooo!" Tyler and Kyle said again.

She then gave Ian a kiss and another 'Oooooooooo' came from everyone followed by a round of laughter.

Ian opened his gift to find a bottle of Scotch. Tyler winked at Larry who was very quietly moaning over giving the bottle away. Kathy got a cell phone so she could call for help if she were ever in danger Larry told her and smiled. Kathy winked at Larry understanding the true meaning of the gift.

As Larry was opening his gift of a Cross gold pen with his name engraved on it, Jeff was getting Tyler's help to put on his ID bracelet from his brothers. Jeff flipped his arm upside down and laid it on Tyler's thigh to make it easier for Tyler to attach the clasps together. When Tyler was done Jeff took his hand under the table and held on to it as he squeezed it three times.

Derek's gift was a digital camera. He narrowed his eyes and grinned at Tyler. He immediately got up and snapped a couple of pictures of everyone at the table.

Casey received ice cream maker with a card containing a $50.00 bill and a message to have lots of fun at his hockey tournament.

Derek got up and went over to the table and got an envelope for Luke. He was bouncing in his chair as he excitedly tore the envelope open to find and empty Christmas card signed by his Dad, Mom, Derek, Tyler, and Kyle. The note inside said, 'knowing that you've discovered the true meaning of Christmas we thought the best gift for you was to tell you that we love you very much and are very proud of you.' Luke's mouth dropped open.

Luke stared at Tyler for a moment and said, "You're behind this aren't you!" Tyler smiled and looked at Derek. Luke followed Tyler's eyes and said to Derek. "I should have figured it was you." Luke scowled at him.

Everyone laughed except Luke. Larry got up and walked over to the sideboard and picked up a box and set it down in front of Luke.

"Better!" Luke announced disgusted at his family for playing a joke on him. He opened the box to find four-restaurant size jar of peanut butter and a Kraft Smoothy Teddy Bear with a green ribbon tied around his neck. Smoothy was holding a $50.00 bill in his hands. Luke was almost in tears he was so happy. Kyle got up and left the room and came back with a Kraft Crunchy Teddy bear with a red ribbon around his neck and gave it to Casey.

"Sorry Casey, we wanted to have a little fun with Luke first!" Kyle said handing Casey the bear. Kyle whispered something in both of their ears they each got up and ran around to give Chris a hug.

"What's going on?" Linda asked.

"It was Chris who got the bears for us!" Luke yelled.

Linda received a pair of gold earrings. from Santa.

"Thank you Santa!" Linda said winking at Larry.

Derek got up picked up a card off of the sideboard and handed it Kyle. Kyle's mouth dropped open and Luke pointed at him and laughed.

"How funny is it now Kyle?" Luke asked.

Kyle glared at Luke and said, "I already knew that Tyler drew my name!" Luke feigned a pout.

Kyle carefully opened the envelope and pulled the card out. He held it up to his face and read the outside of the card slowly to himself. "I can feel that there is something inside of this!" Kyle said giggling. Tyler looked at Derek and they both grinned.

Kyle opened the card and a hard plastic card fell out and dropped into his lap. He picked it up and read it out loud. "All Access back stage pass - Gatorade Washington National X-Games qualifying classic July 7th, 8th, 9th 2006. Is this what I think it is?" Kyle asked looking over at Derek. A slow smile formed on Derek's lips.

"YES! YES! YES!" Kyle said jumping out of his chair.

"I guess he sort of likes it?" Larry said. After Kyle calmed down everything got quiet.

"Anyone want some more coffee?" Linda asked and Tyler held out his cup.

"Well if we are all done here then why don't we clear the table and move back into the Great Room." Larry suggested.

Tyler looked around at everyone. He was wondering if he was going to get a table gift? Everyone avoided direct eye contact with Tyler.

As Linda got up she told Tyler to relax and finish his coffee. "You've done so much to help with dinner and the party last night why don't you just relax for a moment." Linda said kissing his cheek. A minute later Tyler was alone in the dining room with two almost half-eaten cheesecakes and a decanter of coffee.

Derek came back into the room and sat down beside Tyler. "Are you having a good Christmas so far?" Derek asked.

"So far? I don't think I could handle any more happiness than I have right now!" Tyler said and Derek pulled his face over and kissed him.

"Let's go! You've still got a gift to open and then we are doing the stockings." Derek said getting up and pulling Tyler up with him. Tyler pulled Derek back into another kiss.

"You've given me the greatest Christmas I've ever had Derek. If it weren't for you I wouldn't be sharing in any of this. A week ago I was actually looking forward to being alone and now I can't ever imagine being anywhere without you." Tyler said.

"I don't want to give you a swelled head Ty but you've got it all wrong. This family can't believe what we've done to be lucky enough to have you become part of it. One year ago Christmas was dull and boring and no one ever spoke unless we were fighting. Everyone feels free to be themselves now and we are all learning to love and enjoy each other. Face it Mr Peel-Anderson you and you alone have made us a family again." Derek said.

Tyler smiled and shook his head not believing him. "I don't want to hear this kind of shit Derek. People don't change much but if allowed they will let the real personality come out." Tyler said.

"Face it Tyler you just don't want to deal with the idea that some people might hang on every word you say!" Derek said.

"Shut up Derek." Tyler laughed. "At least with small people anyway!" Tyler said.

"Yeah, your little brothers hold you in pretty high esteem! Does that really bother you?" Derek asked.

"What do you think? I'm terrified of screwing up with them. I don't even feel I can be myself anymore." Tyler said.

Derek kissed Tyler's check and said. "I don't think you give them enough credit even if they are only eleven and fourteen years old. Let's go open your last present!" Derek dragged Tyler towards the kitchen.

Everyone was gathered around the island and one bar stool had been left open. They were all grinning at Tyler. As Derek led him around to the one open bar stool he noticed two large wrapped packages. One was the size of a microwave oven and the other was the size of a small briefcase.

"What's going on? I feel like I'm being ganged up on here!" Tyler said grinning.

"Tyler, the smaller gift is your table gift. As the card says it's from Mom and Dad. You've spent a lot of money around here and put a great deal of effort into making both Thanksgiving and Christmas so much better than any of us could have dreamed of! This is a little way to say thank you and to tell you how much we love you." Larry said. Linda put her arm around Larry and smiled.

Tyler opened the card. There was a hand drawn Christmas tree on it by 'Luke and Casey'. Inside the card Tyler read out loud. "Merry Christmas to our dear Son! There is no gift worthy of telling you how much you mean to us and how much you make this family complete. We hope this brings you some happiness in your quiet moments. Always remember how much we love you! Mom and Dad." Kyle and Luke each put an arm around him. Tyler lifted Luke up on to his lap.

"You guys wanna help me?" Tyler grinned. Before anyone could answer Luke began tearing the paper off. Kyle lifted Casey up to help on his side. Tyler looked at Kyle and winked at him.

"What's a Toshiba?" Luke asked peeking under the paper.

"Really?" Tyler said.

"Really, really!" Everyone said and burst into laughter.

"I really hate you all!" Tyler teased. "So this explains the engraving on Derek's huh?" He said laughing.

"Thank you very, very much Mom and Dad!" Tyler said. "I'll email you a thank-you!" Tyler joked.

"Now gift number two!" Larry began. "Is from all of the people in this room!

Some gave a few dollars, some gave more than a few dollars, but everyone contributed to this gift because everyone in this room wanted to!" Larry said.

"I threatened them all!" Luke said laughing.

"Yes, Luke threatened them all!" Larry teased.

"This gift is soooo gay Dad!" Luke said.

"So is the giftee!" Derek responded laughing.

"And the giftee is about to become single and available.." Tyler said smirking at Derek.

"Thank you everyone for this. There is absolutely no need to buy me anything when I have all I will ever need right here with me!" Tyler said.

"Ty, you're starting to sound like that crappy show 7 th. Heaven! Open the gift!" Luke sighed.

"When I said I have everything I need I was talking about Abbey not you!" Tyler said and Luke elbowed him. Tyler kissed his cheek.

"You guys going to help me?" Tyler asked of Casey and Luke.

"Nope!" Casey said. "We want to see the look on your face when you get something you've never asked for but always wanted!" Derek moved around to the other side of the island and got his new digital camera ready.

"Did you remember to put the film in it?" Tyler asked seriously. Derek looked at his camera for about three seconds before cluing in. The roar of laughter made Abbey bark.

"Think you're pretty funny Mr. Peel-Anderson?" Derek asked grinning.

"No he doesn't!" Luke said. "He's just wayyyyyy smarter than you!" Luke laughed and Casey fisted with him.

Tyler stood up to reach the card on the top of the box. He began to read aloud. "Congratulations on your new house!"

"You guys bought me a house?" Tyler said winking.

"Okay, Okay! May this help you to make your house into a home! Love your entire family! Abbey, Casey, Chris, Derek, Ian, Jeff, Kathy, Kyle, Larry, Linda, and your favourite Luke! Hahaha." Tyler laughed.

"Lucas! You didn't actually write that!" Linda scolded him. Luke just smiled.

"I just made it up!" Tyler said. "I can't do this alone! Since it's a family gift everyone has to help me tear the paper off!" Tyler said.

"STOP!" Tyler yelled! "Don't tear into the box in case it's a really shitty gift and I want to return it!" Luke, Casey, Chris, Jeff, and Kyle tackled and tickled Tyler down to the ground.

"Uncle! Uncle!" Tyler screamed amidst bouts of laughter. He got back up on his bar stool and put Casey on one knee and Luke on the other.

"Okay, on three everyone!" Tyler said.

"One!" They all yelled.

"Two!" They all yelled.

"STOP!" Tyler said. "Are you sure the camera is loaded Derek?" Kyle slapped Tyler across the back of the head.

"Thanks Kyle I owe you!" Derek said holding the camera to his eye.

"Yeah, thanks Kyle I owe you one too if you know what I mean!" Tyler said and Kyle took a step back.

"THREE!" Kyle yelled to save his life and everyone began tearing the paper off.

"Holy shit!" Tyler said.

"A Kitchen Aid Professional 600 Stand Mixer?" Tyler asked with his eyes bulging out.

"Seems that college does pay! Tyler can read." Ian said jokingly.

"It's got all the attachments to go with it Tyler!" Linda said.

"Including the Ravioli maker!" Kathy said grinning.

"And you haven't even clued into the best thing about it yet, have you Ty?" Derek asked.

"What? It can't get any better than this!" Tyler said.

"Rotate the box one turn to your left!" Derek said. Tyler rotated the box.

"Oh My God! How did you know?" Tyler asked.

"Well. it was in your favourites on your computer!" Derek said smiling.

"What are they talking about?" Chris asked.

"Look!" Tyler said pointing to the little square in the top corner of the box! "It's LIME GREEN!" Tyler yelled excitedly!

"And?" Chris asked.

"Lime green is Tyler's favourite colour!" Derek said.

"Ohhhh." Chris said.

"Thank you everyone! I've wanted one of these for so long!" Tyler said.

"It's his desk top picture on his old computer!" Derek announced to laughter. Tyler glared. "Or maybe it isn't." Derek said smiling.

Fresh coffee, a couple of Scotch's, two glasses of wine, and some R.C. cola made their way to the Great Room to be consumed while the boys opened their stockings.

Jeff found more sheet music, Reese Peanut Butter cups, a gift card to the music store in the mall, and a complete set of replacement strings for his guitar.

"What the." Kyle said as he pulled out an empty jar of peanut butter with what looked like material stuffed inside of it.

"I can feel the same thing inside of my stocking as well!" Derek said.

Kyle unscrewed the lid of the jar and pulled out a rolled up t-shirt. "Oh no." He said looking at a grinning Luke. He rolled out the t-shirt and read it out loud. "FREE to a good home!" Kyle said giving Luke the evil eye. Larry laughed the loudest and Linda jabbed him in the ribs for it.

Derek pulled out the jar in his stocking and saw a navy blue t-shirt. He unrolled it and read out loud to everyone, "I'm not GAY, I'm Heterosexually Challenged!" More laughter erupted than over Kyle's t-shirt.

"You da man Pukester!" Derek said fisting with a grinning Luke.

"I'm afraid to look at mine now!" Tyler said.

"Wimp!" Luke said laughing.

"Word!" Derek added.

"Indeed!" Kyle said laughing.

Tyler glared at the three of them.

"I got one too!" Casey yelled pulling the jar out of his stocking. He opened it up and started laughing.

"What's it say honey?" Kathy asked.

Casey didn't say a word. He held up the t-shirt for everyone to see. There was a picture of Luke with a big grin, winking and holding one thumb up in the air in front of his wall of empty peanut butter jars! The caption on top read 'Luke Anderson is #1'.

"Lucas! That's a terrible thing to do!" Linda chastised him. Luke pulled off his sweatshirt to reveal a t-shirt with Casey's picture on it and the caption read, 'Casey Mitchell is #1'

"Okay. maybe it's not that bad!" Linda said. Luke stuck his tongue at his mother when she wasn't looking. Larry glared at Luke. Luke made a pouty face.

"C'mon Ty! I really want to see what your t-shirt says!" Derek said.

"I already looked and it says 'I love Tyler' on it" Tyler lied.

"Liar!" Derek said grabbing the jar out of his hand.

"That's my gift!" Tyler yelled and Derek took off with the jar and ran behind his parents.

"Mommy and Daddy can't save you this time!" Tyler said getting up and chasing after him. Everyone started laughing. Derek pulled out the shirt and read it. He laughed so hard he fell to the floor.

"What's it say?" Kyle asked.

Tyler grabbed the shirt from Derek and read it. He burst into laughter. When he calmed down he held it up for all to read. 'Hung like Einstein, Smart like a Horse!" it read. It was several minutes before the room calmed down and Abbey stopped barking. Tyler unbuttoned his shirt and put on the t-shirt right away. He went over and gave Luke a hug.

"Thanks Pookster! I'm wearing this the first day back to class!" Tyler said laughing.

"Is this for me?" Luke asked holding up a Washington Capital's hockey mug.

"You said you needed a new cup for hockey!" Linda teased. Luke lowered his eyes and glared at her. A room full of 'boo's' followed.

Derek spotted a yellow envelope on the coffee table and picked it up. It was addressed to Tyler Peel. He handed it to Tyler and asked, "Are you going to open it? It feels like it's got something inside it." Derek asked.

"Derek. That's personal for Tyler!" Linda said.

"We're family Ty! We won't laugh at you too much!" Luke grinned.

Tyler took the envelope and began to open it.

"You really don't have to open it right now Tyler!" Linda said.

"It's okay. Luke's right, you guys are my family." Tyler said as he pulled the card out. As he opened the card Derek leaned in to read it as well. Tyler looked over at Derek and Derek back away. Tyler held the card so they could both read it. He took an envelope out of the card and read out loud to everyone. "Dearest Tyler, Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Love your Uncle David."

"That's weird. Aunt Sarah's name isn't on the card?" Tyler mused. He opened the envelope inside and pulled out two Air Canada return tickets.

"Holy Shit!" Derek said. Tyler and Derek's eyes opened wide as they read it. "Tyler's Uncle gave him two airline tickets! One with Ty's name on it and one with mine!" Derek said.

"Big deal." Luke said. "Isn't Canada on everyone's top ten places in the world to travel too?" He laughed. No one laughed with him.

"Tough crowd tonight!" Luke said and Tyler laughed at him.

"Congratulations Ty. That's a really good sign!" Linda said.

"Yeah. more of a relief I think." Tyler said.

"When do you go?" Kyle asked.

"Whenever we want according to the ticket. It's open-ended ticket." Derek said looking at his.

"They'll probably have a big party for you guys and serve roast beaver covered in maple syrup!" Luke said grinning.

"Maybe we could go on our March break?" Derek suggested.

"Maybe." Tyler said. Derek sensed Tyler's uneasiness with his gift and changed the subject.

"We need to get the dishes done eh Ty?" Derek said.

"Yeah." Tyler said understanding and appreciating Derek's rescue. Tyler, Derek, Kyle, Chris, and Jeff got up and went into the kitchen. Casey and Luke went upstairs to grab their NASCAR remote control cars so they could play with them in the front foyer.

"Do you hear that?" Casey said.

"What?" Luke asked.

"It's a cell phone ringing!" Casey said. Luke and Casey followed the sound to Derek's bedroom and saw that it was Tyler's cell phone going off.

"Hello, you've reached OZ! The wizard is busy right now may I take a message?" Luke said and Casey giggled.

"Luke?" Cody said.

"Is this to do with someone putting laxatives in the staff room coffee pot at school?" Luke asked.

"I don't even want to know! Luke, it's Cody!" He said.

"Cody! Merry Christmas!" Luke said.

"Tell him I said Merry Christmas too!" Casey said and Cody heard him.

"Tell Casey I said Merry Christmas back!" Cody said.

"Cody says you're ugly and your Mom dresses you funny." Luke said and then winked.

"LUCAS!!!!!" Cody yelled so loud that Luke had to hold the phone away. Casey and Luke laughed.

Luke put the phone back to his face and said, "Or he might have said Merry Christmas?" Luke said. "It's a really bad connection!"

"Let me talk to Casey please!" Cody said.

Luke handed the phone to Casey saying; "I think he wants to ask you out on a date." Cody giggled.

"Hi Cody! Did you have a good Christmas?" Casey asked.

"I did, how about you?" Cody asked.

"The best ever!" Casey said.

"Casey could you walk the phone to Tyler wherever he is please!" Cody asked.

"He's in the kitchen where he belongs!" Casey said and Luke and he started to laugh. Luke fisted Casey and said, "Good one!"

"Just a second, here he is!" Casey said handing the phone to Tyler.

"Hey Cody! Merry Christmas. Uh Huh! What do you mean I shouldn't be letting Luke answer my phone?" Tyler said. Luke and Casey ran out of the kitchen laughing.

"Tyler that was a beautiful present! I can't imagine how much time you put into that!" Cody said.

"As long as you and your Dad liked it that is all that matters." Tyler said and Derek smiled at him.

"It's already hung up over the chesterfield!" Cody said.

"There's whole bunch of people who want to say Merry Christmas to you Cody so hang on and I will talk to you when they are done." Tyler said handing the phone over to Kyle. All of the boys in the kitchen took turns talking to Cody and then gave the phone back to Tyler.

"Yeah, I'm heading back tomorrow morning." Tyler said, and everyone else in the kitchen stopped what they were doing. Tyler caught on to the mood in the room and added, "I can't buy a house from in Philly while here in Baltimore!" Everyone smiled. Tyler and Cody chatted for a bit and he gave Cody a message to give to Danny. "Tell him to haul his ass back to Philly by Thursday. Love you too Cody!" Tyler said closing his cell phone.

"So you're leaving tomorrow?" Derek asked as he washed pots in the sink.

"I was hoping that we were leaving tomorrow actually!" Tyler said and Derek grinned. "I wouldn't buy a house for us that you didn't fully approve of!" Derek leaned over and kissed Tyler.

"Can't you two do anything without kissing?" Luke said as he manoeuvred his NASCAR through the kitchen.

"We can but it's not as much fun!" Derek said. Tyler and Derek finished up in the kitchen and joined everyone else back in the Great Room. Ian had his arm around Kathy's shoulder and Kathy was holding Ian's left hand in hers. Tyler asked Chris to get up and then he pulled Chris back down on his lap.

"Are you excited about our trip?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah it's going to be so cool!" Chris said.

"Be sure and bring your stick and skates because we might be able to play some hockey on the lake if it is cold enough!" Tyler said hugging him.

"Sweet! Maybe we can teach Kyle how to skate?" Chris said teasing Kyle.

"I already know how to skate! I just use a board and prefer warm weather over freezing my ass off outside on a frozen pond!" Kyle said.

"Don't worry Chris. we need a stick boy anyway!" Tyler said and Chris laughed.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Kyle said not amused.

"Are you coming with us tomorrow Kyle?" Tyler asked. Kyle saw Chris' smile disappear.

"Nope! I'm hanging with my best friend tomorrow!" Kyle said and Chris' eyes lit up. Tyler winked at Kyle and smiled. "Hey Chris, let's go see if anyone from school is online!" Kyle and Chris left the room.

"What do you guys want to do?" Derek asked.

"Doesn't matter to me." Jeff said.

"This might sound kind of boring but I brought something with me from Toronto if anyone wants to see it?" Tyler asked.

"What is it?" Derek asked.

"Hang on and I will go get it!" Tyler said.

"You don't have to hang around tomorrow to be with me Kyle!" Chris said.

"True! I don't have too. I want too. You're my boyfriend, remember?" Kyle teased giving Chris a kiss that wasn't really returned.

Kyle looked at Chris who was staring at the computer and added, "I love you Chris."

"Love you too." Chris said without any enthusiasm.

"Chris?" Kyle called.

"Yeah?" Chris said looking over at him.

"Is something wrong?" Kyle asked.

"I was going to ask you that?" Chris said. "You've been acting kind of weird and I don't want you to feel you have to be with me if you don't want to."

"A couple of days ago I was at the grocery store with my brothers. I wandered off for a bit and saw this really hot looking guy. For a split-second I thought about him and then you popped into my head. I felt guilty for even thinking about another guy and then I realized that he made me think about you! I didn't feel like I was stuck with you but instead how lucky I am to have you. Sometimes I look at Derek and Tyler and I wonder what the fuck does Ty see in him? I love Derek but I don't know anyone who even ranks as being worthy of being with him. Then Tyler tells me that I just don't see all that he sees in Derek. It took me a bit to realize all that is inside of you and I think to myself, 'shit!' I not worthy of being with you but I'm damn glad you'll have me." Kyle said and got up and went over to his dresser. He pulled out the bottom drawer and reached underneath to find a wrapped box. He put the drawer back and handed it Chris.

"I was saving this for New Year's Eve but I want you to open it now." Kyle said.

One tear ran down Chris' face. "I feel like such a shit for what just said." Chris said to Kyle.

Kyle smiled and said, "Open it Chris."

Chris opened the gift to find Kyle's leather necklace with the glass teardrop filled with red liquid in it. "This is your necklace you always wear!" Chris said.

"I don't know why but it's always been sort of a lucky charm. It doesn't really do anything but I always felt I could do whatever I had too when I was wearing it. Even when bad stuff happens, good things come out in the end when I'm wearing it, like having you in my life. I want only good things to ever happen to you Chris so I hope you will always wear it and remember that I really do love you." Kyle said and Chris leaned in and kissed him.

Tyler returned to the Great Room carrying a large manila envelope. "Can I sit between you ladies?" Tyler asked.

"Wot dat?" Derek asked.

Tyler slid out a photo album and Derek's eyes lit up!

"Baby piccies of our Ty Ty?" Derek said in a baby voice.

"You're now not allowed to look!" Tyler said pointing at Derek.

"Yeah right!" Derek said and he and Jeff got up and came around to the back of the sofa.

Luke and Casey joined Derek and Jeff behind the sofa as Tyler opened the photo album.

"Are there any pictures of you lying naked on a beaver skin rug?" Luke asked and Derek fisted him behind Tyler's head.

"I saw that Derek!" Tyler said.

"How?" Derek asked.

"Look straight ahead beyond the Christmas tree to the reflection in the window!" Tyler said.

"Damn!" Derek laughed.

"This Mom and Dad on their wedding day!" Tyler said.

"Are your grandparents still alive Tyler?" Linda asked.

"Just my Grandmother but she's in a home because she doesn't know anyone anymore." Tyler said. "Is this close enough for you Luke?" Tyler asked pointing to a picture of Tyler being bathed in the kitchen sink as a baby.

"That's a bathtub in Canada Casey!" Luke said.

"Really?" Casey asked.

"Really, really!" Derek said laughing.

"Mom, can you send Derek to his room!" Tyler asked grinning.

"I've been trying for years Tyler." Linda said.

"Look at you in front of the Christmas tree!" Luke said. "Nice Power Ranger jammies!" He said laughing.

"Would somebody," Tyler began. "Oww!" Said Luke. "Never mind."Tyler said.

"What are you doing in that picture Tyler?" Jeff asked.

"Apparently I was obsessed with flushing all of the clean washcloths and towels down the toilet!" Tyler said and Linda and Kathy laughed.

"Do you ever wear clothes Ty?" Luke asked pointing to a naked Tyler in an inflatable pool.

"Crap Ty! I'm not that big now!" Jeff said laughing.

"Me neither. must be some genetic freak of nature!" Derek said.

"Okay we're done now!" Tyler said and Linda prevented him closing the album.

"Just ignore them!" Linda said.

"Here's my brother David!" Tyler said.

"He looks just like Kyle when he was six months old." Larry said.

"There they are dressed in their hockey uniforms standing next to their car." Luke said. "How come you're not smiling?"

"I hated hockey!" Tyler said. "These are a collection I put together of David up until last Christmas."

"Wow. He really does look like Kyle except for the hair!" Derek said.

"They are a lot alike as well. Both are sort of loners." Tyler said.

"Ha ha ha! Nice suit!" Luke said laughing.

"That's my grade eight graduation picture." Tyler said as he flipped through the pages.

"There's the picture of you with your family on the wall in your bedroom!" Luke said.

"Look at that one of you asleep on the sofa with your arm around a dog!" Casey said.

"That is Tucker, my chocolate lab." Tyler said as he closed the album. He handed it to Larry and asked him to store it somewhere that it wouldn't get damaged, as he didn't like keeping it in the dorm room.

Linda put arms around Tyler and hugged him. "Thank you for sharing that with Tyler. You have a beautiful family!" Linda said.

"I have a beautiful family here too!" Tyler said smiling.

"I hate leave but we really need to get going. I've got work in the morning." Ian said.

"Me too!" Larry said.

"Jeff, would you go and get your brother?" Ian asked.

"I can do it!" Tyler said. "I want to put my phone back on the charger." Tyler went upstairs and ran into Chris and Kyle coming down the hallway. "Chris you're going home so gather your stuff together. Kyle! Go change your shirt." Tyler said.

"Why? There's nothing wrong with it!" Kyle said.

"You've got cum on your shoulder!" Tyler said grinning. "Chris you may want to go wash your face with some cold water. You're pretty flush right now." Tyler said winking.

"Merry Christmas Christopher! I love you very much! Thank you for making my Christmas extra special." Tyler said.

"I didn't do anything Ty!" Chris said smiling.

"Yeah, you let me part of your family! Let's try to make some time together when we are away. Just you and me okay?" Tyler asked.

"Cool. Thanks. I'd like that too." Chris said.

Ian, Chris, and JEFF left for home. Kathy and Linda got Casey and Luke ready for bed.

"Would it be okay to take some of the two cheesecakes back with me for Gus?" Tyler asked Larry.

"Gus?" Larry asked.

"He's the security guard that watches out for my Jeep and he also looks after us!" Tyler said.

"You made them besides it's your house too Tyler! I'm off to bed boys. What time are you leaving for Philly?" Larry asked.

"7:00 a.m." Tyler said

"Noon!" Derek said.

"Derek's taking the bus back I gather." Tyler said and Larry laughed.

"What is your obsession with this morning shit?" Derek asked.

"I get more done when I get up early. I would leave earlier but I thought I would take Abbey for a run and let you sleep in!" Tyler said smiling.

"I think I'll just sleep in the Jeep." Derek said.

"When will you boys be back home?" Larry asked and Derek looked at Tyler.

"I have an 11 a.m. appointment with the lawyer on Monday. We need to go furniture shopping and I want to get the Jeep in for an oil change and tire rotation before we head to New York. Possibly Tuesday night or Wednesday afternoon at the latest." Tyler said.

"I thought you guys would just pile into one of the vans?" Larry asked.

"Actually I thought about it. and I don't mean to be morbid but if anything happened on the way there or back I thought we should be in two vehicles. I figured I could take Chris and Kyle and Derek could take Jeff, Danny, and Cody. If something happened nobody needs to lose an entire family." Tyler said with his head hung down.

Larry hugged Tyler and said, "Good thinking Son but lets not mention this conversation to anyone else!" Derek hugged Tyler from behind.

"I better get to reading Luke and Casey their bedtime story." Tyler said separating from the two of them.

Larry handed Derek and envelope. "It's time you had one and it is to use not abuse!" Larry said. Derek opened the envelope to find a VISA card with his name on it.

"Wow! Thanks Dad!" Derek said.

"Derek! Credit is not something to play with! This is for emergencies and for skiing and food and such while you're away! Besides, you are on my card so I will see all the bills." Larry said.

"Damn!" Derek joked and gave his Dad a hug. "Thanks for making Tyler feel like part of the family Dad."

"Thanks for bringing us the son we always wanted!" Larry joked.

"Night Dad, I love you." Derek said.

"Night Derek. I love you and I'm very proud of you!" Larry said.

"You guys are all tucked in and ready for bed?" Tyler asked.

"Just waiting for you!" Luke said hugging Smoothy in one arm and Mango in the other.

"Okay then, I have a nice short Christmas story for you guys. It's called 'The First Miracle' by Sir Jeffrey Archer but tonight I will tell you the short version of his story and slightly altered by me!" Tyler said.

"We want the full version!" Luke demanded.

"Buy the book!" Tyler said. "Now where was I. oh yeah, it was December 25 th. late in the afternoon in the tiny town of Bethlehem. There was a young boy named?" Tyler asked.

"Luke of course!" Lucas said and Casey rolled his eyes.

"Luke it shall be then!" Tyler said.

"Indeed!" Casey said. Tyler laughed.

"Lucas was about 7 years of age and he lived in a small but nice house on the outskirts of Bethlehem. Luke's father was." Tyler began.

"Darth Vader?" Luke said grinning.

"Yes! End of story!" Tyler said getting up.

"Noooooooooo!" Luke said.

"Then are you going to let me tell the story?" Tyler asked. Casey threw his hand over Luke's mouth.

"Luke's father supervised about 50 Roman soldiers who guarded one quadrant of the town. The Romans had built a wall around Bethlehem to prevent attacks. The gates would be locked at sundown, so if you lived outside the town, like many farmers did, you needed to get out before the sunset. Conversely, if you lived inside you needed to be back before the gates were locked." Tyler said.

"Luke's mother gave him some money and sent him to one of the farmer's markets outside of the city walls. He was to pick up nuts, dates, and pomegranates to go with their dinner that night. She warned him sternly that his father would be very angry if he wasn't back in time!" Tyler continued.

"Luke headed outside of the city walls and went to the farmer's market where he and his mother often shopped. He got all the things she asked for and started back towards Bethlehem, as it was getting dark! He was passing by an abandoned barn that he had been by many times when he heard a baby crying. Luke went up to the broken down barn and peeked in one of the open windows to see a woman holding a wrapped up baby in her arms. There was donkey eating away at bits and pieces of grain lying on the ground. There was also a man who appeared to be her husband in there and he was also collecting pieces of grain up and putting them into a piece of cloth he held in his hand." Tyler said.

"Luke wasn't sure why but he opened the barn door and went inside. The mother smiled at him as she held her newborn baby and the father seemed a little concerned at the boy's arrival. Luke walked over to peek at the baby. He could see how beautiful he was and he turned to see the man put a piece of grain in his mouth. Luke handed the man his sack of nuts, dates, and pomegranates. The woman placed her hand on Luke's cheek and thanked him. Luke left as quietly as came in. He looked out at the sky and saw the sun had disappeared. He ran as fast as he could to the gate but it was already locked when he arrived. He banged on the gate doors and one of the guards opened a peak hole to see Lucas." Tyler said.

"The gates are closed for the night! Get lost boy!" The guard said.

"But Sir! I must get in! My Mother will worry!" Luke said.

"No one goes in or out after sundown boy!" The guard said.

"But Sir! My father will be very angry!" Luke pleaded.

Another guard came up to see what was happening and said, "Lucas?"

"Yes Sir!" Lucas smiled at being recognized.

"What are you doing out here at this time of night! Your father will have your hide if he finds out you're outside the wall!" The guard said. "Let him in!" He said to the other guard.

"The rules are." The first guard protested.

"This boy's father is our Captain! Do you want to be the one who refused his admittance?" The second guard said. "I'm sure your punishment will be ten times what this boy is in for tonight!" He said and the first guard opened the door.

"Lucas ran as fast as he could to get home!" Tyler continued. "When he got home his mother and father were furious with him. His Mother hugged him and then his Father dragged him by his clothes to the dining room table where he demanded to know where he had been and why he didn't have the nuts, dates, and pomegranates that his mother sent him to get!"

"Luke told the story of the man, woman, and newborn baby and how they had no food. His father, angered by Luke's lies, pulled him over his knee and strapped his son's butt 10 times! Luke cried and cried and when his Father finished he was sent to his bed with no dinner. A little while later Luke's Mom came in with a bowl of broth and piece of bread for her son to eat. She also brought wet towels and some oils to rub over Luke's strap burns and boils from his Father's whipping. Luke was lying face down on his bed whimpering when his Mother came in. She pulled up his night shirt to look at the damage his Father had done and to her surprise there were no markings at all!"

"She had heard the rumours about the coming of Christ and she then knew that everything Luke had told was the truth. Luke rolled over to notice that he had no pain."

"Lucas, eat your broth!" She said.

"But Mama! Look! I have no scars and no pain." Luke said. Luke's Mother looked out his window to see one very bright star overhead and she knew that all the rumours were true and that the Son of God had arrived. She covered Luke back up and told him never to speak of what happened tonight again!" Tyler said. "End of story."

Neither Luke nor Casey said a word. Tyler kissed both of them and told them goodnight.

Tyler tapped on Derek's bedroom door before opening. "You don't have to knock Ty! It's your room too!" Derek said.

Derek was lying on the bed wearing his robe. Tyler's robe was lying on the bed beside him and Derek was playing with the jar of Boy Butter.

"Sorry, force of habit." Tyler said going into his suitcase. "I'll be right back! I won't be long!" Tyler said walking through the bathroom and into Kyle's room. Kyle was sitting at his computer chatting with Chris on MSN.

"Got your cam on?" Tyler asked.

"Uh huh." Kyle said typing away on his keyboard.

"Can you kill the cam for a second. Maybe tell Chris you need to reboot?" Tyler suggested.

"Sure. why?" Kyle asked.

"Because I asked you too!" Tyler said winking. Kyle shut down his MSN and clicked the power button on his cam.

"What's up?" Kyle asked.

"I wanted to give you something but I didn't want to give it to you in front of Chris." Tyler said and Kyle grinned.

"Should I get naked now?" Kyle said. "It's a joke Ty!"

Tyler ignored his joke and said, "Here you go!" Tyler handed him a second all access pass to the Gatorade Washington National X-Games qualifying classic.

"You get to take a buddy with you. Anyone you want but just in case something happens between you and Chris I suggest you hold on to it until closer to July." Tyler said.

"Nothing will happen Ty, but I will take your advice!" Kyle said and hugged him.

"Thank you Kyle for making this my best Christmas ever! It wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you." Tyler said.

"Wasn't anything my hero wouldn't have done!" Kyle said winking. "You know Ty, the weird thing is that all this cool stuff I got for Christmas doesn't compare to having you here."

"Damn, when are the gifts going to stop coming?" Tyler asked aloud.

"There are more gifts?" Kyle asked.

"No, that isn't what I meant Kyle." Tyler said.

"I know what you meant!" Kyle said giving him a hug. "You better get going Ty you've got a big night ahead of you!" Kyle said winking.

"Shit! I forgot there are no secrets between brothers!" Tyler said smiling. "Any advice for me?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, you should start slowly! Perhaps on someone a little bit smaller than Derek?" Kyle said winking.

"Go to bed assmite!" Tyler said getting up.

"Can I watch?" Kyle teased.

"No!" Tyler said.

"Can I put the webcam in there and watch from here?" Kyle asked.

"NO!" Tyler said shaking his head with a grin.

"Oh Ty?" Kyle called.

"What?" Tyler said.

"You'd better do a number two first huh?" Kyle winked.

"Night Kyle, love you!" Tyler said

"Night Ty! Call me if you need me!" Kyle said laughing.

"Bed! Now!" Tyler said closing the bathroom door.

"I heard that great lovers through out time have screamed the name Kyle when achieving orgasm!" Kyle yelled laughing.

"I hate you!" Tyler said.

"So put the sign back up on the front lawn!" Kyle laughed. "Seriously Ty, one finger, two fingers, three fingers more. add one more and we'll call you a whore!" Kyle fell back on is bed into a belly roll laughing.

Tyler had a number two, a shower to clean himself inside and out, and then he dried himself off. He came back into the room carrying his clothes.

Derek was snoring away. "Nice try Derek. You do many irritating things but snoring isn't one of them!" Tyler said and Derek started to laugh. Tyler laid his bath towel down on the bed. Derek brought Tyler down on top of him and began kissing him.

"I love you Tyler." Derek said.

"I love you too Derek!" Tyler said.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Derek asked.

"Yes and No!" Tyler said. "I don't really want anything in there including my own finger but I want you in there. It sort of consummates our relationship and besides we are equal partners and if I can enter you then you can enter me!" Tyler added.

"We don't have to do this tonight Ty. Why don't we wait until you are more relaxed?" Derek said.

"Derek, thinking about it makes me uptight. I want you to make love to me! I know the first time isn't going to be good but I hope in time that I can please you." Tyler said.

"Ty! You please me in a hundred different ways that are more important than this! Sex isn't even in the top ten things I like about you!" Derek said kissing him.

"Shut up and grab the Boy Butter!" Tyler said smiling. Derek opened the jar.

"Just relax and I will walk you through it every step of the way!" Derek said. "You really should be starting with someone smaller than me like Kyle?" Derek suggested.

"Shut the fuck up Derek!" Tyler said pulling his knees up to his chin.

"How does anyone breath with their knees in their chest?" Tyler asked gasping.

"The lack of oxygen to the brain numbs the pain!" Derek said winking. "Put your knees down Ty and relax." Derek slid down the bed and turned Tyler on his side and began sucking his member. He worked his hand in between Tyler's legs and began rubbing Ty's ring back and forth with Boy Butter. Derek looked at Tyler to see him hanging on to the headboard with his eyes shut and mouth hanging open as he panted.

Derek worked his way up inside to his fingernail watching Tyler's face for a change in expression. He then moved in deeper to his knuckle.

"Pain?" Derek asked.

"No. more like slight discomfort." Tyler said.

"Want me to stop?" Derek asked.

"No." Tyler said.

When Derek got his whole finger in he left it there and didn't move. He then wiggled the tip of his finger around inside without moving in or out. A slight smile appeared on Tyler's face and his breathing relaxed a little. Derek slowly moved his finger back and forth picking up the pace. He looked down at Tyler's cock to see it had shrunk and softened a little. He carefully lapped up the precum that had pooled inside the foreskin.

Placing his middle finger on top of his index finger he inserted the tip in to pass the ring as quickly as possible. Derek stopped once inside knowing that Tyler would flinch and he did! This time Derek picked up the pace moving his crossed fingers in and out a little faster about three times and then stopping to let Tyler rest. He repeated this cycle a couple of more times and stopped. When Tyler's breathing relaxed again he moved his two fingers so they were now side-by-side and worked them back and forth. Derek made sure his hand was vertical with Tyler's crack and he then started to separate his fingertips as wide as he could and then close them again. He then began to work the two fingers in and out faster and faster. He looked at Tyler to see a bit of drool running down the side of his face. Derek laughed to himself knowing that Tyler's concentration must have been strong for him to not notice he was drooling.

The third finger brought Tyler out of his trance as his eyes popped wide open!

"Okay!" Said Derek, "we'll stick with two fingers!"

"Nuff fingers! Let's do the nasty!" Tyler said smiling and Derek started laughing.

"Okay Ty, get up on top and I'm going to be on the bottom!" Derek said.

"I thought it was supposed to be the other way around?" Tyler asked.

"Considering you're the smartest guy I know you sure are dumb about some things!" Derek said.

Derek lay down and rolled a condom on.

"Why are you wearing a condom?" Tyler asked.

"Because the first few times you might bleed a little and we don't want either of us getting any infection. Not to mention the general mess is concealed in one handy disposable container!" Derek said smiling.

"You are smart! Should I be taking notes?" Tyler teased.

"No need. I plan on practicing this a lot until you get it right!" Derek teased.

Tyler sat on top of Derek and leaned down to kiss him. "Good!" Derek said. "Now don't sit down until I am in line! When you sit up I want you to impale yourself slowly on me and if you really want to make this as painless as possible then you will push like you are taking a hard dump and it will go much easier!"

"Oh God that's tight!" Derek moaned as Tyler worked his way over Derek's head and stopped.

"Yer preachin' to the choir!" Tyler said stopping to rest.

"Just relax and remember you quit anytime you want." Derek said.

"Thanks for being patient with me Derek." Tyler said holding Derek's hands up in the air.

Tyler bounced his way down Derek's shaft. "Well that's a new way of doing it! How do you feel?" Derek asked

"Full! I feel like I need to take a dump right now." Tyler strained to say.

"Straighten your body out Ty. It leaves more room!" Derek said. "Oh my God you are such a tight-ass!" Derek added laughing and Tyler flinched his sphincter muscle on Derek making Derek moan in pleasure.

"Just relax for a bit Tyler. There is no rush! Tell me one of your boring stories?" Derek teased. Tyler smiled and flinched his sphincter again.

"Oh God! Oh Yeah!" Derek said. "Okay Ty, I want you to count backwards from 30 out loud but quietly!"

When Tyler finished counting backwards his breathing had returned to normal.

"How do you feel?" Derek asked.

"Like I wanna get fucked!" Tyler said grinning.

"Let's try something. Sit up just a little on your knees." Derek asked and Tyler raised himself up a few inches. Derek began slowly grinding in and out. Tyler leaned down to kiss Derek that in turn gave Derek more room to grind Tyler's ass. The only sound that could be heard beyond two mouths panting was Derek's balls slapping off of his ass and Tyler's!

"Now Ty I want you to find that spot! You control the speed and depth!" Derek asked.

Tyler worked very slowly up and down. He stopped to ask Derek to add more Boy Butter, which he did. There was a cooling sensation from the Boy Butter that helped Tyler to feel less inflamed on the inside. Tyler didn't really understand what he meant until he got up so high that Derek's head was barely inside him. Tyler smiled.

"Find it?" Derek asked. Tyler grinned and began moving very fast in very short strokes.

"Now I'm going to double your pleasure Ty! Slow down just a bit." Derek asked and Tyler slowed. Derek felt Tyler's precum dripping rapidly on his tummy. Derek began to fuck Tyler from the bottom cutting Tyler's workload in half. Tyler's eyes were rolling back in his head and Derek called it quits!

"Okay Ty! Stop!" Derek said.

"Huh? What? Why?" Tyler asked.

"Because it's time to bring you home. Plant yourself down deep on me." Derek ordered. "Now we're going to roll over!"

"Huh?" Tyler said.

"Hold on to me tight and we are going to change positions!" Derek said and rolled Tyler on to his back. Derek put his arms under each of Tyler's shoulders and kissed him.

"I love you so much Tyler!" Derek said.

"I love you too!" Tyler whimpered. Derek laughed to himself.

Derek worked his rhythm back up and Tyler grabbed on to his own cock and started jerking himself off.

"Tell me when you are close and when you are I want you to stop!" Derek asked. Tyler gave him a perplexed look but continued jacking himself.

"Close" was all Tyler said!

Tyler's sphincter clamped down tight on Derek's cock just before Derek pulled out. When Derek pulled back the front half of the condom was still inside Tyler. The snapping of the condom flying off and hitting Tyler made him scream. Derek grabbed both of their cocks and jerked them off together.

As he leaned in to kiss Tyler their orgasms began. Tyler was holding Derek and moaning while they kissed.

When their mutual orgasms ended Derek slurped up their body oils and shared it with Tyler. They kissed for a moment after and then Derek said, "I need to remove it Ty!"

"Noooooo! That's going to hurt!" Tyler whined.

"It's not going to hurt I promise! I am sorry about the condom coming off!" Derek said laughing. "Bet that really hurt along with me pulling out?" He said trying to control his laughter.

"Mmmmm hmmmm." Tyler agreed.

"So what did it feel like?" Derek asked as he slowly removed the empty condom and set on the towel beside them.

"Like passing Honda Civic!" Tyler said.

"What? You mean like on the highway?" Derek asked and Tyler rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Derek laughed. "I'm just teasing you Tyler!"

"I wanted to feel you have your orgasm inside of me." Tyler said.

"That's an old wives' tale I believe!" Derek said. "I can't feel a thing unless you hit my prostate!" Derek picked up the condom and turned the table lamp on.

"Good news! No blood!" Derek said smiling.

"Why do I feel like I have internal bleeding then?" Tyler joked.

"Don't worry that feeling will go away in a week or two!" Derek joked.

"Huh?" Tyler said.

"It's a joke, though you're definitely not running in the morning!" Derek said laughing.

"I doubt I will be walking in the morning!" Tyler said. Derek snorted.

"Are you going to be okay? Seriously!" Derek asked.

"I've never been better Derek!" Tyler said kissing Derek and turning out the light.

"Merry Christmas Ty."

"Merry Christmas Derek."

"Merry Christmas you guys!" Kyle said from the darkened space between the bathroom door and the wall.

"Kyle!!!!!!!!" Tyler and Derek yelled.

Kyle snorted and ran back to his room.

Author's Notes and Thank You:

There are over 1600 people to thank at this point but there are a few I would like to point out!

NIFTY.ORG: Enough can not said about and the people who work tirelessly at keeping the site up and running. If it were not for this vehicle in which to post my little story then none of you reading this would have ever been aware of its existence! It is a thankless job and one that gets far less praise and far more whiners than I would get in a million chapters! is more than just a new writer's dream come true; it rises above all others as the pre-eminent showcase for writers and readers alike to access a diverse and eclectic forum for gay literature. Whether you secretly live in the closet or head a National Pride foundation in your city, we all embrace the art of writing, as it illuminates our feelings within and gives us a shared common bond. The past is but history, the present is today, and the future is yet unwritten. Through our support of it will be here for many years to record our future as it unfolds.

If you enjoyed the story then please say thank you to Nifty for hosting "The Road Home" and thousands of other writers by making a small donation! If you hated the story and still like Nifty then please make a small donation! Roadies are leading edge when it comes to charitable causes proving that we can make a difference one person at a time!

PROOFERS: My proofers are much like the crew on a movie set. They work as many hours as I do tweaking and correcting. They ask nothing in return and give of themselves for the love of literature. They have a demanding and impatient task master (me) who needs the work done as quickly as possible. For the many of you who can only find fault with this story I must tell you that it would be far worse without their dedication to this fictional story.

These people represent the mom and dad as well as the big brother to the writer. When I am down they lift me up! When I want to quit they get me started. The inspiration and encouragement they provide is unparalleled, and I will be forever indebted for what they have given me, and in turn given you, the reader!

My main proofers have been Peter (Australia), Paul (Australia), Peter (U.S.), David (U.S.) and Jon (Canada). I've also had assistance from Kelly, Chip, Matt, Greg, Treb, Dan-knee, Steven, Donna (Mom), Jeff, Jeff B., Shadow, Kip, Jesse, David, Stephen, Kandi, Scott, Mike, and some guy from Rochester named Bret just to name a few. My apologies to those of you who I have missed! Your guidance has been appreciated as well.

ROADIES: (I saved the best for last eh!) Where does one begin? We love, fight, yell, hug, and a lot of 1 2 3's! Not unlike a real family? As a group you've helped me empty my mailbox - Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (Only half the story would be out by now if it weren't for the Yahoo The Road Home Group!) Without the support of many members this story wouldn't be where it is today!

If you have never joined a Yahoo Group before this might be worth trying! We have every age, race, religion, both sexes, and four continents of the world represented. This isn't a 'gay group', but rather a family that spans the globe! The topics discussed far exceed the boundaries of one fictional story. It is fun, aggravating, topical, frustrating, loving and always educational! Most groups have more Chiefs than Indians but in our Yahoo Group when someone is need or there are causes to support, Roadies always come through with emotional and financial support! If Yahoo gave a humanitarian award for a group then Roadies would win it! As a group, Roadies are awe-inspiring and as a member you will always get back 10x more than you give! If you are traveling a road home then I suggest you join and you will never have to walk alone.

FINALLY. there is a small, tight-knit group of friends who tolerate me, inspired me, protect me, advise me, love me, educate me, lift me up when necessary and most importantly. make me laugh! As 'Ty' might say, "I am humbled and honoured" to be considered their friend. In no particular order I wish to extend my thanks to the following for their love and support.

Peter, David, Jon, Steven, Bret, Matt V., Al, Thomas, Lloyd, Alex, Matt K., Donna, and Danny with the plaid shirt on! Collectively and individually they personify all that "Tyler" wishes himself to be. In their own private lives as well as on the internet they make the world a better place one person at a time! Hugs and love to you all!

NEW SITE: It is time to give Tyler and family a home of their own. If you wish to continue reading this story then you will need to join The Road Home Yahoo Group to find out where the entire story will be posted along with subsequent chapters. Any news pertaining to the TRH will only be posted there!

To save on emails and postings at TRH Yahoo I can tell you a few things about the new home. The format will be easier to read! Access to the story will be about 3 clicks! New chapters can and will be posted in about 5 minutes (should the story continue) so the moment members receive a 'special notice' of a new chapter it will be there and ready to read. I have tried to implement an easy-to-read design and ease of access to the story while incorporating the needs of the visually impaired. There will also be no content restrictions. Expect the new site to be up and running in less than one month if all goes according to schedule.

My sincerest thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read the first thirty-five chapters and those who have contributed to both the story and! ~Tyler Peel~

Post your gripes/compliments/questions at:

Please do not email the author!

Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor archivist at Nifty who has tolerated me over the past nine months! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel.

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