The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Jun 8, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home Yahoo Group:

AUTHOR'S NOTE: For this chapter it would really help you to enjoy it if you familiarize yourself with the song "Change The World" by Eric Clapton! (Apologies to Eric Clapton for bastardizing his song)

The Road Home: Part Thirty-Two (Fudd Unplugged!)

Tyler dumped the clothes out of his suitcase that Derek had packed.

"What are you doing?" Derek asked.

"You really don't know how to pack do you?" Tyler grinned and began repacking his suitcase.

"Fine then I'm going to McDonald's. do you need anything while I'm out?" Derek asked.

"Yeah. actually. I have to call the Ciccone's and tell them I will be away but I will do that. I've got an idea but let's step out into the hall so Kyle doesn't hear us." Tyler said and Derek followed Tyler out of the room.

Kyle came out of the bathroom to find no one in the room. He ran to the open the door and Tyler came back in saying, "Just give me a second and you can use my credit card."

"Whatcha buying me?" Kyle grinned.

"Nothing, not-so-little-dude!" Tyler smiled.

"If you loved me you would buy me something!" Kyle declared.

"Exactly!" Tyler said and Kyle punched at his arm but missed!

"Getting slow in your old age huh? Your arm can't be getting much exercise with your new boyfriend!" Tyler suggested. Kyle narrowed his eyes at Tyler and said, "Ha Ha!"

"We might be in the shower by the time you get back!" Tyler said.

"Probably. Kyle you want your sausage McMuffin and two hash brown's with a hot chocolate?" Derek asked.

"Please! Could I have two sausage McMuffins? I'm starved!" Kyle asked.

"Sure. why not, think of it as your last meal anyway before Mom and Dad get to you!" Derek said. Kyle snarled at him.

"Derek! You're not really helping the situation. Don't you have a few errands to run for me?" Tyler hinted.

"Right. send me away so you two can be alone and talk about me behind my back." Derek said walking down the hallway to the door.

"Right. like we would waste private time without you around talking about you?" Kyle said winking at Derek.

"I can arrange an accident on your side of the Van on the way home!" Derek said with a grin.

"I'm riding with Tyler!" Kyle shot back.

"You're both staying here and I'm going to Baltimore alone if you both don't stop it!" Tyler teased.

"Just give me a kiss o' love of my life and I shall be gone!" Derek said closing his eyes and puckering his lips. Kyle kissed him. Derek opened his eyes to see Kyle in front of him and Tyler standing behind grinning.

"You're both little shits you know!" Derek said as he turned and walked out.

Tyler sat down in his desk chair and called Kyle over to sit on his lap.

"Kyle you know better than to run away from home without telling anyone." Tyler said.

"I didn't run away! I was with Derek." Kyle said frowning.

"Derek didn't know and more importantly your parents didn't know. Do you remember the first day we met and I took you guys on a tour of the city?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah." Kyle said.

"Remember what I told you about not disappearing or running off anywhere without my knowledge?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah." Kyle moaned.

"It's not that I don't trust you or think you couldn't handle yourself but I am afraid of someone else hurting you. It was pretty cold last night too, and that was just dangerous staying in the Van." Tyler said.

"I took my sleeping bag." Kyle said defending his actions.

"Kyle, you know about the trip planned for the Adirondacks at New Years right?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah." Kyle said in a low voice.

"I don't think I ask a lot of you and I think I treat you like an adult, but if you don't have the common sense to not do stupid things like that then you won't be going." Tyler said. Kyle began to cry.

"I don't want anything to happen to you and I need to know that when I tell you to do or not do something that it's not because I am being mean or trying to take away your fun. It's because I care about you and don't want you to get hurt. Whether it is always wearing a helmet when skating or looking both ways when you cross the road, I am trying to watch out for you.

Okay?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry." Kyle said wiping his eyes.

"I don't want you to be sorry Kyle. I want you to use your head and think about the consequences of your actions. You are my not-so-little younger brother and I want you in my life for the next 80 years." Tyler said kissing his cheek. "I'm trying to earn your trust and respect Kyle. That is just as important as having your love but I need you to give me a chance to prove myself. If I say I can't tell you something it's because I really can't. Not because I'm being mean and trying to hide something. I guess I have failed you and that is why you don't trust me. I'm sorry." Tyler said.

"Ty, Mom and Dad use that load of crap on me all the time!" Kyle said smiling.

"Really? I thought it was just my Mom!" Tyler winked.

"I understand all that you've said and I will try to better in the future." Kyle said. "I was just afraid that after all the things I said last night I would never see you again. I was afraid it would be my last chance to tell you I love you and thank you for all you have given me." Kyle said laying his head on Tyler's chest.

"I really haven't given you anything Kyle. I'm just trying to be a friend and big brother." Tyler said.

"Shut up Ty and don't ever let go." Kyle said.

"That goes both ways Kyle." Tyler said squeezed him three times.

"I'm sorry about your family Ty." Kyle whispered.

"Thanks bud. I lost one brother but I gained about 6 more. In some ways I have a better family now than I did a year ago." Tyler said kissing Kyle's forehead. "I need to get showered Kyle." Tyler said.

"Me too!" Kyle grinned.

"Showered! That is all Kyle." Tyler said.

"Rrrrrrrrright!" Kyle teased.

"Shut up and get naked." Tyler said.

"Yes!!!!!!" Kyle said jumping up off of Tyler's lap and ripping his clothes off.

"No!!!!!!" Tyler said throwing a towel over his head.

Derek returned as Tyler and Kyle were drying off in the bedroom. "Did you guys have fun?" Derek teased.

"No!" Kyle grimaced.

"Whoa! You guys really didn't have fun then." Derek said.

"Did you get everything done?" Tyler asked.

"I got most of it done, though there are a few details we need to take care of back in Baltimore." Derek said. "I see your computer's broken."

"I put my foot through it." Tyler said casually.

"So there is a lesson to be learned here." Derek said winking at Kyle. Kyle just glared at Derek. Tyler caught the look that Kyle gave Derek.

"Kyle! I broke it! No one else did anything. It's my fault." Tyler said and Kyle ignored Tyler and continued getting dressed.

While Tyler was rummaging through his closet Kyle said to Derek. "I broke it. It wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been talking to him." Derek hauled Kyle out into the hallway and closed the door behind him.

"Kyle! Listen up. You didn't break it. Tyler got angry and lost control just like you did on the phone with him. We are all responsible for our own actions." Derek said. "Does Tyler love you?"

"Yeah." Kyle said.

"Are you absolutely sure that he loves you?" Derek asked again.

"Yes." Kyle said.

"Then that is all that matters. Just remember that if you didn't have that talk with him he would still be here and be alone for Christmas. We all have you to thank!" Derek said and Kyle smiled. "People can fight and yell and scream but that doesn't mean they don't love each other!" Derek added giving Kyle a hug. "Why don't you go and gather up all of the pieces of his laptop and put them in a bag and we can see if we can get it fixed over the holidays." Kyle smiled.

"Hey Derek?" Tyler called as Derek and Kyle re-entered the room.

"Yeah Babe?" Derek said walking in with his hands on Kyle's shoulders.

"We really need to talk about moving. Are you in or out?" Tyler asked.

"Sorry. I was being an ass. you know like Kyle?" Derek teased and Kyle flipped Derek the bird. "I'll go wherever you are."

"Before we leave do you want to take a drive over to look at a place?" Tyler asked.

"Sure! You found a place already?" Derek asked with a look of surprise.

"Uh huh. It's a four floor townhouse." Tyler said with a big grin.

"You're shittin' me right? When you said apartment I thought you meant we would be squeezed into a one bedroom at best! What's the rent going to be?" Derek asked.

"How far from the school?" Derek asked.

"About six blocks on a quiet street and it has a one-Jeep parking garage!" Tyler winked.

"One Jeep? Right." Derek laughed. "Ummm. $1500.00 to $2000.00 per month? He guessed.

"I did a rough estimate and if the four of us share it then it will be about $300.00 each plus cable or satellite and a phone." Tyler said grinning.

"You can't rent a four floor townhouse for $1200.00 a month Tyler!" Derek said.

"Sure you can! It will only cost you about $300.00 per month and I'll prove it when we leave!" Tyler grinned. "The only thing not included in the price is house insurance because I didn't know what it would be."

Tyler finished packing his clothes while Derek and Kyle loaded up the Van. He did a quick check through all of his drawers but stopped when he opened the bottom of his 5-drawer chest. He removed a large brown manila envelope that contained a binder and stuffed it in his backpack along with the file he kept on potential properties. Tyler dumped two boxes of Folger's singles in his backpack, unplugged everything from Christmas lights to the TV, closed the drapes, and turned out the lights before locking the door. "Merry Christmas", he said to the room with a smile as he left. Tyler walked halfway down the hall towards the elevator and stopped. He turned around and walked back up the hallway passing his room.

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Tyler!" Cody said with a big smile.

"Hi Cody, wasn't sure you would be here but thought I would knock and see! I'm leaving for Derek's right now and wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas." Tyler said holding back a grin.

"SWEET!" Cody yelled. "Things are better?"

"Look at it this way. the bad things are over so things can only get better right?" Tyler said holding crossed fingers up in the air. "Derek and Kyle are here and we are going to drive over to look at number three. Do you want to come for the ride?" Tyler asked.

"Do I? Fuck yeah!" Cody said and ran back and grabbed his coat and put his boots on.

Derek was closing up the Van when Kyle spotted Cody carrying some of Tyler's things.

"Cody!" Kyle yelled and went running up to him.

"Kyle!" Cody said picking him up into a hug. "My God you're getting heavy. Is your cock that big now?" Cody smiled and winked.

"Nah." Kyle said, "It's still only twice as big as Danny's!"

"Ho ho ho!" Cody yelled. "You know I'm gonna tell him what you said?"

"I'm counting on it! Tell him I said Hi and that I miss him. Wish him a Merry Christmas too!" Kyle said.

"I will Kyle" Cody said setting him down. "Will I get to see you again over the holidays?"

"Not sure. I'm in a bit of trouble right now." Kyle said as they walked back to the Van and Jeep following behind Tyler.

"Should I ask?" Cody said.

"It's nothing. I ran away last night and hid in the Van. That's how I got here." Kyle said grinning.

"Little Dude you are so radical!" Cody said.

"Cody. Skaters don't say radical anymore!" Kyle smiled.

"Whatever. just try to make some time to come up here and be with me okay?" Cody said putting his free arm around Kyle as they approached the Van.

"Guys lets get moving! Pile into the Jeep." Tyler said. All four got into the jeep along with Tyler's backpack and headed a few blocks over to the street with the townhouse on it. Tyler parked directly across the road from it. Everyone crawled out and Tyler pulled out his camera.

"Which one is it?' Derek asked.

"The one with the sign dumbass!" Tyler said looking at Cody.

"Ty! That says for sale, not for rent. dumbass!" Derek said looking at Tyler.

Tyler flashed a big grin.

"No! No way! No?" Derek said with his mouth hanging open.

"Yes! Yes way! Uh huh!" Tyler said still grinning.

"You're going to buy it?" Derek asked putting his hands on the top of his head.

"Thinking about it. but I need to know what you think first?" Tyler asked.

"It's not very wide?" Kyle said.

"Unlike Danny's ass!" Cody said and Kyle laughed fisting him.

"Help me find my keys Cody and we'll drive out!" Kyle said bursting into laughter and Cody joined in. The two of them collapsed into each other laughing so hard.

"Guys!" Tyler yelled. "Take a pill or something."

"Jonah! Jonah! Come 'ere!" Manny called.

"What?" Jonah said.

"Look down there!" Manny said.

"Look at what?" Jonah said as he started to open the sheers on the window. Manny slapped his hand.

"What?" Jonah asked.

"Don't open the drapes. they'll see us! Manny said.

"Who?" Jonah asked getting fed up with Manny's little game.

"Them!" He said pointing down to the street. "Cute little college boys and I think they are looking at our property!" Manny added.

"They're too young to be looking at buying our place Manny." Jonah said walking away from the window.

"One of them is taking pictures and the other two are reading some pages and pointing." Manny said.

"Really?" Jonah said running back to the window. "Maybe we should talk to them?"

"You think?" Manny said sarcastically.

"Fuck off Manuel! We need a subtle approach though!" Jonah said rubbing his goatee.

"I'll go down and get the paper and ask them if they are lost?" Manny suggested.

"I knew you were good for something other than being in the bedroom!" Jonah teased and kissed Manny's cheek.

"After a comment like that I might not even be good in the bedroom any more bitch!" Manny said putting his hands on his hips and shaking them as he walked out of the room.

"You should go knock on the door!" Kyle suggested.

"You don't just go and knock on the door Kyle!" Derek sneered. Kyle stuck his tongue out at him.

"I think we need to contact the agent first." Tyler said writing down the phone number on the back of the listing.

"Ummm Tyler, isn't the agents name and number written on the listing here?" Cody said.

"Oh yeah. how dumb of me." Tyler grinned.

"No problem Ty, you see. you really need to read the fine print." Cody began.

"Shut the fuck up Cody!" Tyler laughed.

"What's Kyle doing?" Cody said pointing over at Kyle climbing the steps up to the front door of the townhouse.

"Kyle!!!!" Derek yelled as Kyle raised his right hand to knock on the door. The door opened and Kyle almost hit the man opening the door.

"Hi!" Kyle said with a big grin.

"Hi young man!" Manny said with a smile. "Are you going to hit me?"

"Oh sorry!" Kyle said lowering his fist. "I was about to knock as you opened the door."

"How can I help you?" Manny smiled at the cute young boy in front of him. Kyle turned and pointed over towards Tyler, Derek, and Cody.

"You see the guy in the middle?" Kyle said.

"Yes?" Manny said.

"That's my brother Derek and the guy on the left of him is his boyfriend Tyler. The other guy is their friend Cody. They all go to Drexel and Tyler wants to buy your house!" Kyle said turning back to the man.

"Your brother's boyfriend?" Manny asked.

"Yes Sir. My brother is gay. I hope you don't have a problem with that!" Kyle said with a furrowed brow.

Manny extended his hand and said, "My name is Manuel, but all my friends call me Manny! You seem like a friend so, if you like, you may call me Manny too!"

"Hi, I'm Kyle and I'm almost 15 years old. I live in Baltimore. I ran away from home last night and that's why I am here!" He said shaking Manny's hand.

"That is why you are here?" Manny said and turn back into the house. "JONAH! Get down here!" Kyle took a step back. Seeing this Tyler ran across the street for fear that something bad might happen.

"Are you all right Kyle?" Tyler said.

"Yeah, this is Manny, he's really nice!" Kyle said.

"Hi Manny, I'm Tyler, please excuse Kyle!" He said shaking Manny's hand.

"No excuses!" Manny said, "He's a charming young boy! I would keep him if we weren't moving!" Manny joked.

"Well, when he gets back home to his Mom and Dad he might be looking for a new place to live but that is another story." Tyler said and Kyle gave Tyler the evil eye!

"So I hear! You are looking to buy this home?" Manny asked.

"I'm not sure Sir. I would like to arrange a time in the New Year to look at it but we need something before the new semester begins in the end of January." Tyler said.

"Well we are looking to unload this place as quickly as possible." Manny said. Jonah arrived standing behind Manny. Manny wouldn't have noticed he was there if it weren't for Tyler and Kyle looking beyond him at something.

"Oh Jonah, I would like you to meet Tyler and Kyle. Tyler is interested in purchasing our home." Manny said and winked at Jonah.

"Hey!" Kyle said. "I saw that! He is serious!" Kyle said.

"Kyle, please be quiet. Look we are serious about wanting to see it and we'll just leave it for a time when we can see it with an agent. I apologize for bothering you both." Tyler said turning to leave. Kyle glared at Manny.

"Wait please!" Jonah said. "Are you really serious or just playing a game?" Tyler turned around.

"I am serious and I have enough cash to buy this place about four times over though that doesn't mean I would pay the asking price!" Tyler said.

"Please forgive us." Jonah said. "We have people knocking on the door all the time. Most are not serious! Would you and your friends like to come in and see the place?" Jonah asked.

"We would but I gather this isn't the right time!" Tyler said glaring at Manny.

Jonah visibly nudged Manny. "I apologize Tyler. As Jonah said it has become a nightmare with people knocking on the door or people coming through and making ridiculously low offers. Please forgive me!" Manny said extending his hand. Tyler smiled and said nothing but did shake his hand.

"Derek! Cody! Come here please!" Tyler yelled and they ran across the street.

After introductions on the doorstep everyone piled in and the most repeated word was 'whoa!'

"Before we begin the tour I must ask you Tyler how do you plan to finance the purchase of this house?" Jonah asked.

"Can I give you the short version?" Tyler asked.

"Please!" Jonah said smiling.

"Last July as I was flying down here for tryouts on the Drexel hockey team my entire family was killed in an auto accident in Toronto. I received a lot of money from insurance. Roughly about 1.3 million U.S. dollars plus I still have the family house in Toronto. I've done one semester at Drexel and have decided to continue here because I love the city, the school, and most importantly my boyfriend Derek." Tyler said taking Derek's hand in his.

Cody's boyfriend Danny is back in Iowa for Christmas and the four of us are quite literally like brothers!" Tyler said showing Jonah and Manny the front and back of the bracelet. Derek and Cody also showed them that they wore them as well.

"COOL!" Kyle said. "When did you guys get those?"

"They were a present for me and Ty when the four of us celebrated Christmas on Thursday night." Derek said.

"Sirs, we have 11 possible properties to look at." Tyler said pulling out the stack of pages. Yours is our first choice and we wouldn't have bothered you if it weren't for Kyle knocking on the door." Tyler said.

"Sorry. My bad!" Kyle said with a grin.

"No Kyle, my bad, and I apologize for being rude!" Manny said. "I hope you will forgive me?"

"We're already friends so there is no need for apologies!" Kyle said with a big smile.

"Offer me $50.00 and throw in Kyle and we have a deal!" Manny said laughing.

"I'll pay you $100.00 and you can have his little brother too!" Derek added. Kyle elbowed him.

"Sir, we want the four of us to be comfortable but we also want Kyle and his little brother Luke to be able to come and stay as well. We all have three and half years of school left minimum and it would be nice to have a stable place to call home!" Tyler said. Jonah and Manny looked at each other. Both raised their eyebrows.

"From the plans and pictures I saw I would like to turn the third floor into a computer and study area with accommodations of overnight guests. Derek and I would take one bedroom on the second floor and Cody and Danny would take the other. I work part time in a restaurant so I like to cook. Your place has the largest kitchen of all eleven properties! We also like the idea of the laundry on the second floor!" Tyler said laughing. My Jeep was vandalized last October on Campus so I would really like to have it inside a garage and making sure it would fit into the garage is mandatory! You have a fenced in patio so the four of us can live our lifestyle in peace.

"I'm sorry to hear about your family Tyler and I'm sorry I had to ask but we needed to know you are serious. We would be very happy to have someone buy our home and make it theirs! I should tell you that the listing runs out on December 31 st.!" Jonah said.

"Tyler you have to make a decision right now then if we are going to go skiing for New Years!" Derek said.

"Derek. You're not listening to what Jonah is saying!" Tyler said smiling. Jonah smiled back.

"I guess I am not either?" Cody said.

"They're saying that if Tyler waits until the New Year he could buy without involving real estate agents!" Kyle said shaking his head.

"No deal unless you include Kyle!" Manny said winking at Kyle!

"What do you really want for the place?" Tyler asked.

"We want to walk away with two hundred and ten after expenses! We bought it for one hundred and forty about four years ago. The developer went under right after the walls went up! We upgraded the windows, heating and cooling, hardwood floors, better appliances, sound proofed the walls, added the garage, and moved the laundry room to the second floor!" Jonah said. "We want out of it what we put into it. We are not hurting for money Tyler!

Manuel's mother isn't well and lives down in Key West. Manny is a Cuban refugee and if you haven't figured out by now, my partner. Manny is an interior designer and I am a money manager." Jonah said.

"I have four dollars! Can you turn that into a new skate board?" Kyle asked.

"Nope, but Manny has milk, gingerbread and oatmeal raisin cookies in the kitchen and they're free if you like?" Jonah said winking at Kyle.

"Deal!" Kyle said jumping up and Manny led him to a bar stool at the island while he poured a glass of milk and made some coffee. Jonah took the three boys for a house tour.

"Thank you for the tour. What do you think guys?" Tyler asked as they gathered around the island.

"Jonah?" Manny began, "Did you know that Kyle has a boyfriend as well?"

"Wonderful Kyle! I'm happy for you!" Jonah said smiling.

"Tyler you don't like oatmeal raisin cookies?" Manny asked.

"Sorry, I am allergic to oatmeal." Tyler said passing on the plate Manny was holding up.

"Manny, give Tyler one of your cinnamon buns you made last night!" Jonah said.

"Danny is gonna shit himself!" Cody said laughing out loud. "Oops. Sorry."

"Cody's boyfriend Danny goes crazy for cinnamon buns from Brewd Awakenings!" Derek said.

"Brewd Awakenings?" Jonah inquired. "That place is up for sale. The owner is one of my clients. It's one of the best bakeries in Philly! Maybe you should look at some investments Tyler?"

Derek and Cody both looked over at Tyler with ear-to-ear grins! "Guys! Shut up! Jonah, we'll talk in the New Year!" Tyler said and everyone laughed. "It would be a good investment until Danny finished school and moved away." Tyler said sipping on his coffee. He looked over at Cody and Derek and they all started to laugh again.

"So Jonah, would you consider selling any of the furnishings in here?" Tyler asked.

"Except for the small personal items and most of the pictures everything is for sale. We really don't want to haul everything back down to Key West and we already have a home there." Jonah said.

Tyler and Jonah exchanged personal information and Jonah gave Tyler the name and phone number of his lawyer. Tyler said he would get a lawyer to handle things on his side over the holidays.

"I've asked my Uncle to arrange having some of my investments cashed out to purchase a home and that will be completed by December 28 th." Tyler said. Everyone said their goodbyes and the four boys left happier than they arrived.

"Where are we going?" Cody asked.

"To a flower shop!" Tyler said. Cody and Derek looked at each other.

"Same one as before?" Kyle asked with a big smile.

"Yup!" Tyler said.

"You're the best Tyler!" Kyle said.

Tyler and Kyle got out and went into the flower shop. Tyler ordered a large Christmas poinsettia to be sent to Jonah and Manuel with a thank you card that wished them a very happy Christmas and thanked them for taking the time to show them the house. They came out of the Flower shop with a large tri-colour poinsettia that had a large red ribbon on it and a big card in the front that said, "Merry Christmas Nonna and Nonno!"

When they pulled up in front of Ciccone's Trattoria Kyle jumped out and banged on the front door! Cody had never been to the place before.

Gina spotted Kyle and yelled something in Italian out to Angelo! She ran to open the door! "Kyle!!!!" she yelled.

"Nonna!" Kyle said hugging her.

"Angelo! Angelo! Our grandson is here!" Gina yelled. Cody looked at Derek and Derek winked at him.

"Mrs. Ciccone this is one of my best friends Cody and you remember your other grandson Derek!" Tyler said introducing them.

"Hey Kyle, I think you forgot something in the Jeep?" Tyler said. Kyle ran out and came back in with the plant for Gina. Gina began to cry. Angelo came out and rescued Kyle with a big hug. Kyle planted a kiss on Angelo's cheek and Derek and Tyler noticed the proud Grandpa look on Angelo's face. Gina showed Angelo the card as she wiped the tears away. It took almost half an hour to rescue Kyle out of there and Kyle was really in no rush to leave. They left with enough food to feed the Anderson's and neighbours lunch!

After dropping Cody off at Drexel and Derek getting into the Van they gassed up and headed for Maryland. Kyle crawled into the back of Tyler's Jeep to moon Derek a couple of times. When they drove by a state trooper Kyle decided to quit. During a straight stretch of highway with Tyler leading, he pulled out into the left hand passing lane and speeded up and then signalled back into his lane. Derek figured out what he was doing and followed. They passed several invisible cars on the way back to Baltimore. Derek took the lead once they entered the city limits and together they made the trip in less than two hours.

As Tyler pulled in the driveway to climb the hill up to the house he saw Luke looking out Derek's bedroom window. Luke disappeared when he saw Tyler had spotted him. Larry and Linda came out to greet their sons through the front door but Luke was nowhere to be seen.

"Welcome home Son!" Larry said to Tyler as he hugged him.

"Thanks Dad." Tyler whispered. Tyler squeezed him tight and Larry responded. "Your home now Tyler and don't ever forget that!"

Linda stared at Kyle who was afraid to get out of the Jeep. She went around to Kyle and opened his door just staring at him. Kyle got out of the Jeep but wouldn't look at her. She took him in her arms and hugged him. Kyle sighed.

"I could kill you Kyle for what you did but you would get out of it too easily!" Linda said holding him tight. Kyle snorted and smiled. "Don't you ever forget how much your father and I love you!" Linda said.

"I know Mom. I'm sorry." Kyle said. Linda with Kyle under her arm walked around to join Larry and Tyler.

Larry looked at Kyle and said, "The sign's back in the front lawn!" Larry winked and picked up Kyle in his arms. Kyle hugged his Dad. Linda hugged Tyler.

"I love you Kyle if you haven't figured that out already?" Larry whispered.

"Anybody going to help here?" Derek asked unloading the Van. Everyone grabbed some of Tyler's stuff and Linda took all of the food in that Angelo and Gina sent. As Derek, Tyler, and Kyle went upstairs to unload Tyler's things they all noticed that Luke's bedroom door was closed.

"Kyle! It's Chris on the phone!" Linda yelled up to him from the front foyer. Kyle ran down the hall to his parent's bedroom to talk to Chris.

"I gather Luke's still really pissed?" Tyler asked.

"Seems like it but let me talk to him." Derek said leaving his room.

"Luke can I come in?" Derek said tapping on his door. No response. Derek opened the door and Luke was playing with his action figures on the floor of his room. Derek saw that there were pieces of a smashed Santa and his five reindeer on the floor.

"Hey Luke. Did yeah miss me?" Derek teased.

"Yup." Luke said not looking at him. Derek sat down on the floor beside Luke and picked up one of the action figures.

"You know I brought Tyler home?" Derek asked. No response from Luke.

"He loves you very much Lucas." Derek said. "I don't think you're being fair to him. He's gone through a lot this year and he really needs all of our love and support."

"Shouldn't you go and be with your boyfriend?" Luke said not looking at him.

"Okay Luke. If that's what you really want then I will leave. The Ciccone's sent a lot of food and we are going to have it for lunch and then we're all going to go get a Christmas tree." Derek said.

"I'm not hungry and you guys can go get the tree. I have things to do." Luke said getting up and moving over to his bed.

"Okay Luke, you do what you want then." Derek said.

"He's not what claimed to be!" Luke said.

"Maybe not, but nor are you. Tyler bought you a Santa Claus for your ceiling light and painted little peanut butter jars on it and Jeff took the time to install it for you but I see you smashed it! I don't think you're the Luke I know and love right now." Derek said. Luke didn't respond.

"No one wants to ruin your Christmas so maybe we should send Tyler back to the dorm to spend Christmas alone then?" Derek suggested and got up and left the room closing the door behind him.

Tyler strolled into the kitchen with a stack of papers in his hand and set them down on the island. Larry and Linda were opening up all of the food containers and warming everything up.

"That was really nice of your bosses to send all this food." Linda said.

"Yeah, they're great people. Gina was so excited to see her grandson." Tyler laughed. "I think that was the best Christmas present she could have."

"They sent a restaurant sized jar of peanut butter as well for Luke." Larry said shaking his head. "I think we need to add another pantry to store his jars of peanut butter?" Larry suggested.

"Luke's still pretty angry with me I gather?" Tyler asked.

"Don't let it bother you Tyler." Linda said. "He's a little hurt and probably angrier with himself than with you. He's just not old enough to understand. More importantly, how are you doing Tyler?"

"Better!" Tyler said smiling.

"Dr. Anderson I was wondering if you would mind taking a look at a townhouse sometime. Derek, me, Danny, and Cody are thinking of moving into for next semester." Tyler said. Larry and Linda looked at each other.

"Sorry. I tried to talk to Derek a few days ago and he wasn't really interested in discussing it. I took him over to see the place this morning." Tyler said handing Larry the spec sheet on Townhouse number three.

"Wow!" Larry said. "This place is amazing!"

"Tyler this is beautiful!" Linda said.

"It's located about six blocks from the campus and we can rent it for about $300.00 plus dollars each per month plus the cost of cable, internet, and phone." Tyler said.

"Tyler, it says it's for sale, not for rent." Larry said.

"I know." Tyler said. Larry and Linda looked at each other and then at Tyler.

"If you both approve then I'm going to buy it." Tyler said very seriously.

"Oh." Was all Larry said!

"I won't buy if you both don't approve. We all have at least three and half years of school left. It would be an investment that I could turn around and sell in four years time. The place is only about five years old. There's a copy of a home inspection on the last page." Tyler added.

"It's still a lot of money Tyler." Larry said.

"We've negotiated a price of around $220,000.00 including appliances. Any personal items like area rugs or sofas that they want to sell are being offered to me at half the price they paid for them! They have every receipt for everything they've ever purchased. They even have a cleaning lady that comes once a week for $75.00! I think it would be worth it with four guys living together." Tyler said.

"Derek!" Linda and Larry said in unison and laughed.

"Derek!" Tyler added.

"Somebody call me?" Derek said walking into the room.

"I've called you a lot of things over the years." Larry said.

"I've called you a lot of things over the past four months!" Tyler added.

"It's so good to be loved!" Derek said feigning hurt feelings.

"How's Luke?" Tyler asked.

"Don't ask!" Derek said. "Dad, Luke doesn't want to go get the tree and Mom, Luke says he isn't hungry."

"Luke's not hungry?" Larry inquired.

"Don't worry; I will take him up something to eat." Linda said.

"I think you should make him eat with the rest of his family." Larry said but Linda ignored him.

"Is it okay if Chris and Jeff come over?" Kyle asked running into the kitchen.

"Sure honey!" Linda said.

"Good, cause I told them they could!" Kyle said grinning. "Chris went downtown with Jeff to get a new string for his guitar. They're going to drop by on their way home.

"You better open the gate Kyle so they can get in!" Larry said.

"Tyler did you want to take this tray up to Luke?" Linda suggested.

"No Mom!" Derek interrupted. "I don't think that is a wise idea. Luke already smashed the Santa Claus Tyler made for him into a million pieces."

"I'll take the tray up to him!" Larry growled yanking the tray out of Linda's hand.

"Oh oh." Kyle said.

"You're not exactly out of the dog house yourself Kyle!" Larry said leaving the kitchen.

"Fill your plates boys!" Linda said.

Knock, knock, knock Larry banged hard on the door and immediately opened it. "Here's your lunch Lucas! If you want peanut butter on it then you will have to get it yourself! Don't worry about not going to get the family Christmas tree. You're not invited this year." Larry said setting Luke's lunch down on his desk. "That broken Santa had better be cleaned up and in the garbage before you step foot outside of this room!" Larry yelled and slammed the door shut.

As Larry was coming down the stairs he heard the knock at the front door and answered it. "Hi boys, you're just in time for lunch!" He said.

"Hi, Dr. Anderson." Chris said with a big smile.

"Hi, Dr. Anderson. Is it okay if we bring our guitars in? They really shouldn't be sitting in the cold." Jeff asked.

"Sure but you have to sing us a song!" Larry winked and patted Jeff's back.

"Say, you boys haven't met Tyler yet have you?" Larry asked.

"Is that who owns the Jeep?" Chris asked with excitement.

"It most certainly is! Everyone's favourite son has come home for Christmas." Larry teased.

"We should go Chris!" Jeff said.

"What are you talking about? Don't you want to meet The Tyler?" Chris asked.

"I really think we shouldn't interrupt Chris." Jeff said.

"You're not interrupting Jeff, you boys are family too!" Larry said guiding an unwilling Jeff towards the kitchen.

"Hey everybody!" Chris said with a big smile as he saw Kyle, Tyler, and Derek sitting at the island eating.

"Chris!" Kyle said. "Come and eat! Tyler brought lunch!"

"Sweet!" Chris said.

"Chris, this is my brother's boyfriend Tyler! Really nice guy, but lousy taste in boyfriends!" Kyle said. Tyler started to choke on his lunch with laughter. Derek reached behind Tyler and smacked Kyle across the back of the head, which only made Kyle laugh more.

Chris stared at Tyler with his mouth hanging open. His eyes went from Tyler's face to his crotch and back again.

"Try not to be so obvious Chris?" Kyle whispered and began laughing. Tyler had a big grin on his face holding back laughter from Kyle's comment. "Hi Chris, it's an honour to meet you. Kyle's told me all about you!" Tyler said extending his hand.

"All?" Chris said.

"Every tiny little detail Chris!" Derek said and Tyler elbowed him.

"Chris? Chris?" Kyle said snapping his fingers.

"What?" Chris said turning to look at Kyle. Kyle shook his head and laughed.

"Oh! Tyler. This is my big brother Jeff!" Chris said.

"Hey Jeff!" Derek said. "C'mon over here and sit beside me." Jeff walked around passing by Tyler as he turned to shake hands and introduce himself. Kyle and Tyler looked at each other.

Derek handed Jeff a plate and told him to eat something. "Thanks but I'm not hungry." Jeff said.

"What are you talking about? You love Italian food Jeff!" Chris said. "This is awesome Tyler!"

"You're welcome Chris. It comes from the restaurant I work for in Philly." Tyler said.

Jeff pushed his plate away and Derek paused to look at him. "So Kyle says you play guitar Jeff?" Derek asked.

"I play a little. I'm still taking lessons." Jeff said appreciative of the personal attention from Derek.

"Don't listen to him everyone. he's an amazing guitar player!" Chris proudly announced.

"What kind of guitar do you play?" Tyler asked.

"A Marshall!" Jeff said staring Tyler down.

"Very cool. Six or twelve string?" Tyler asked.

"Twelve string." Jeff said coldly. Derek turned and looked at Tyler giving him the 'what the fuck is up' look. Tyler shrugged his shoulders.

"You must be good at it Jeff." Tyler began, "To play it properly you really have to know how to pluck the strings. I was never able to fully master it."

"You play guitar?" Kyle said.

"I was about to say that Kyle!" Derek said and laughed.

"There sure are a lot of things we don't know about you!" Kyle said as he lightly jabbed Tyler in the side.

"We have both of our guitars here. Maybe you guys could play something together?" Chris asked.

"I don't think I am in Tyler's league." Jeff said still staring down Tyler. Kyle caught the look he gave and Kyle's stare at Jeff was even colder.

"I was going to say the same thing to Jeff! I'm sure you're much more talented." Tyler said smiling sincerely at Jeff.

"That's not what I've heard!" Jeff shot back.

"Jeff! Since you're not eating and I am finished let's go get the guitars!" Kyle ordered! Kyle got off his bar stool and Jeff followed him out of the kitchen. When they were out of the kitchen Kyle grabbed Jeff's shirt and dragged him into his Dad's office.

"What's your fucking problem?" Kyle demanded.

"What problem?" Jeff said.

"You're as cold as a frozen pizza with Tyler! He's a great guy and you're cutting him down every chance you get! You don't even know him!" Kyle said.

"You're acting like Luke!"

"Maybe Luke has a reason to act the way he's acting." Jeff said.

"He doesn't and you're not 11 years old!" Kyle said.

"Yes Sir!" Jeff said saluting Kyle.

"Let's just put this to your being in a bad mood and hope it goes away real fast!" Kyle said turning and walking out of his father's office. As Jeff left the office Kyle handed him one of the guitar cases and Kyle went back into the kitchen.

All the boys moved to the Great Room and Jeff ended up sitting beside Tyler on one of the sofas. Tyler had Chris' guitar and Jeff had his own.

"Would you play something for us?" Tyler asked. Jeff didn't respond but began playing some acoustic melodies.

"Wow! You're good Jeff!" Derek said.

"You can tell he was born with the talent! That's 'Wander This World' by Jonny Lang isn't it?" Tyler said to Jeff. Jeff was infuriated that Tyler knew what he was playing.

"Back in Toronto I was trying to learn to play 'Still Raining'." Tyler added but Jeff ignored him and played louder.

"Jeff can probably sing too!" Kyle said and Tyler flipped him the bird. Larry returned to the kitchen and dropped the tray angrily on the counter. The room became silent and everyone looked over at Larry.

"Sorry!" Larry said faking a grin.

"Jeff, could I borrow your guitar for a few minutes?" Tyler asked.

"NO!" Jeff yelled. He caught the look that Kyle gave him.

Before another word could be said Tyler asked Chris. "Could I use your guitar for a moment Chris?"

"Sure but it's a little out of tune." Chris said.

"Yeah I noticed and I think it's still to cold to get it in tune but it will do." Tyler said standing up and leaving the room.

Everyone glared at Jeff.

Knock, Knock "Luke? It's Tyler! May I come in?" Tyler opened the door and stepped inside closing the door part way. Luke was lying on his bed facing the wall.

"You didn't tell me I couldn't come in so I thought I would." Tyler said. Linda came from Kyle's room putting away clean clothes in his closet. She stopped as she passed Luke's room hearing voices when she heard Tyler's voice.

"I know you're mad at me and I don't really know why but I wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry for whatever it is I did that made you mad at me."

Tyler pulled Luke's desk chair over next to the bed and sat down.

"Have you ever heard of a singer songwriter called Eric Clapton?" Tyler asked. Luke didn't respond but appeared to shrug his shoulders.

"He sings one of my favourite songs and it sort of describes how I feel about you!" Tyler said. "I thought I would sing it for you." Luke immediately covered his one open ear. Tyler laughed.

Larry came up the stairs and Linda called him over with her hand telling him to not make a sound.

Tyler began plucking away on the guitar.

Tyler sang, "If I could reach the stars, I'd pull one down for you! Shine it on my heart, so you could see the truth. That this love I have inside, is everything it seems but for now I find, it's only in my dreams."

"This is the chorus Luke! It's really cool!" Tyler said and Luke's hand moved slightly away from his ear.

"That I can change the world, I would be the sunlight in your universe! You will think my love was really something good, baby if I could, change the world."

Larry held Linda in her arms as they listen to how well Tyler played and sang.

"I'll be right back guys." Derek said getting up and leaving for upstairs. Kyle clicked on the television as Jeff was playing and he stopped.

"Be right back guys, I need to go to the washroom." Kyle said staring at Jeff as he left the room.

"There's good news Luke!" Tyler said. "Only one more verse!" Larry snorted and Tyler looked out the bedroom door but didn't see anything. Derek came up the stairs and Linda called him over and told him not to say a word. He listened and could hear Tyler playing and singing to Luke.

"If I could be king, even for a day! I'd take you as my queen,"

"Actually Luke, make it prince! Derek's more like my queen!" Tyler said. Luke snorted and Linda and Larry had to cover up their laughter. Derek snarled at both of them but also thought it was funny.

"I'd have it no other way and our love will rule, in this kingdom we have made, Till then I'd be a fool, wishin' for the day

That I can change the world I would be the sunlight in your universe! You will think my love was really something good,

Baby if I could. change the world, Baby if I could. change the world, Baby if I could. change.. the world!" Tyler kept strumming on the guitar.

Linda had tears in her eyes and Derek had his head bent down. Kyle arrived and got a triple 'shush'! Tyler heard the 'shush' and smiled. He looked behind him and didn't see anything.

"Shit! He can really play guitar!" Kyle whispered.

"He can really sing too!" Derek added.

"You know Luke. Eric and I aren't the only ones to have sung this song! Did you know that Elmer Fudd also sang this song?" Tyler said. Luke giggled out loud.

The laugher in the hall was a clear giveaway to Tyler that he wasn't exactly alone. "Yeah Luke, Elmer sang the last verse with Eric on a rare Best of Clapton CD! It's so rare that I am the only one that knows about it!" Tyler said. Luke burst into laughter, as did the crowd in the hallway.

"It goes something like this." Tyler said as he continued to gently play the guitar

"If aaaaaaaaaahhhh kwood be King, ewan foh a dwaaaaaaaaaaaay! Eyyyyyyyyd take yewwww as muh kweeeeen, Aaaaaaahd have wit no udddddderrrr waaaaaaaaaay,"

<Larry, Linda, Derek, and Kyle laughing out loud beyond control in the hallway>

"And oww Wuuuuuuuuhv will woooool, in this kwingdom we haaaaaaave maaade! Twil then aaaaaaaahd be a foooo-uhl, wishin' foh da dwaaaaaaaaay, When aaaaaahd change da dwoold I wud be da sunlight in your uniworseeeeee! You would think my wuv was weally sumptin gwood Bwaby, if I could thwange da dwoold!"

Tyler got up and closed Luke's bedroom door and crawled up on Luke's bed. Luke still had tears rolling down his face from laughing.

"I love you Luke and I'm sorry for hurting you but I promise there was never a moment that I didn't love you from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I hope you will foh-gwive me?" Tyler said kissing the back of his head. Luke started laughing again.

"I remember the first day we met and we were walking and talking on the campus and you took my hand and I squeezed it three times and then you squeezed it back three times. You will always be the first Anderson that I said 'I love you' to! I'm going to stay tonight but I will be gone in the morning. The last thing I would ever do is intentionally hurt you or ruin your Christmas. Just remember Luke that I have never stopped loving you for even one second!" Tyler said as he started to get up.

Luke reached back and grabbed Tyler's arm and squeezed it three times. Tyler set the guitar down on the floor with his free hand. Luke continued to pull him back on to the bed. Tyler lay down behind Luke and put his arm around him loosely. Luke pulled his arm tight and then backed up into Tyler. Luke squeezed Tyler's hand three times and Tyler responded back with three taps on his chest. Both closed there eyes and fell asleep.

"That was fudd-tastic!" Kyle said laughing.

"Don't you have friends downstairs Kyle?" Larry said.

"Oh yeah. one anyway." Kyle said.

"What's up with Jeff?" Derek asked Kyle. Kyle signalled him to follow him into his bedroom away from his parents.

"I'm not sure but I think Jeff still has his crush on you and he's more than a little jealous that Tyler is here." Kyle said.

"I'll straighten this out right now!" Derek said getting up to leave but Kyle stopped him.

"No Derek. Let me handle it so he isn't embarrassed." Kyle said. "If you say anything he will just leave and then he might go back to his old ways."

"Okay Kyle, but if you don't fix it I will!" Derek said and Kyle passed by him to go back downstairs. When Kyle returned to the Great Room he saw Chris watching TV and Jeff was gone.

"Where's Jeff?" Kyle asked.

"He left. Just as well." Chris said. "I'm sorry about how he acted."

"It's not your fault Chris. I just wish he was here so I could kick his ass." Kyle said flopping down on the sofa beside Chris.

"Get in line. Is Derek mad?" Chris asked.

"Nope. He isn't even aware of it." Kyle lied.

"Good. I was worried I wouldn't be allowed to see you again." Chris said.

"No one makes that decision but you and me!" Kyle said as he looked behind him to make sure no one was around and kissed Chris.

"I love you Christopher!" Kyle said.

"Love you too Kyle!" Chris said smiling. "I better get home before Jeff destroys the house. Do you want me to leave my guitar here?"

"No it isn't necessary. I will go get it. Would you send a message to Jeff for me?" Kyle asked and Chris frowned.

"Tell him I said I love him." Kyle said smiling.

"Thanks Kyle. I needed to hear that more than he does." Chris said.

"He's still our brother!" Kyle said and got up and went to Luke's room to get the guitar.

Kyle quietly opened Luke's bedroom door and saw Tyler and Luke with their backs to him. They were both talking and laughing quietly.

"Sorry to interrupt but I need to give Chris his guitar back!" Kyle said.

"Oh sorry Kyle. I sort of fell asleep." Tyler said.

"Well Jeff left and Chris needs to get headed home." Kyle said.

"Luke and I have to run out to a couple of stores so tell Chris we will give him a ride!" Tyler said.

"Sweet! Can I come along?" Kyle asked. Luke shook his head no.

"Sorry Kyle, it's Luke and Ty time right now!" Tyler said. "Hope you understand?"

"Whatever." Kyle said smiling as he left the room with Chris' guitar.

Tyler and Luke got up off of Luke's bed. "Oh shit! What's your t-shirt say now?" Tyler grinned. "Chaos, Panic, and Disorder. My work here is DONE!" Tyler shook his head and Luke laughed at him.

Tyler tapped on Larry and Linda's bedroom door. Larry opened it and smiled.

"I see you got that wart growing on your back again!" Larry said.

"Yes Sir. We need to run out to get a couple of things if that is okay?" Tyler asked.

"It's very okay! Luke, you behave and do exactly as you are told!" Larry said.

"Yes Sir!" Luke answered and giggled.

"C'mon Luke you haven't seen what Mr. and Mrs. Ciccone sent for you for Christmas yet!" Tyler said running down the stairs with Luke on his back.

Tyler set Luke on top of the island and handed him a large white bag. Luke giggled with excitement and his feet banged against the cupboard door below as he reached into the bag and pulled out the largest jar of peanut butter he had ever seen! Luke was hysterical with laughter.

"Christ Luke, get over it. it's peanut butter!" Kyle said helping Chris pack is guitar up.

"They don't understand us Luke!" Tyler said giving Luke a kiss and hug.

"Word!" Luke said smiling as Tyler hugged him.

"You and I still need to have a quiet talk sometime over the holidays okay?"

Tyler asked.

Luke gave Tyler a concerned look.

"It's nothing bad. I just want to tell you in private about what happened and some of the stuff I've gone through. I want you to hear it from me okay?" Tyler said. Luke smiled. "I need you more than you'll ever need me Luke!" Tyler said as his eyes teared up. Luke wiped Tyler's tears with his thumb and then pulled himself up on to Tyler.

"I need you too Ty." Luke said and he laid his head down on Tyler's shoulder.

"Thanks Luke. It feels good to be needed." Tyler said.

"Are you two done?" Kyle said getting impatient.

"Mind your own business Kyle and kiss you boyfriend!" Luke yelled.

Chris doubled over with laughter.

"You little." Kyle began upset that his parents might have heard something.

"Shut up and listen to your intelligent brother!" Chris said with a huge grin and pulled Kyle in for a kiss.

Larry walked into the room unnoticed by everyone. "Will you two get a room and you two get going so you can get back and we can go get a Christmas tree!" Larry said ignoring everyone.

Kyle's face turned beet red and he stormed out the Great Room leaving Chris, Tyler, and Luke laughing.

"Okay guys let's go!" Tyler said.

"Thanks for lunch Dr. Anderson!" Chris said and Larry came over and gave Chris a hug.

"Thanks for making Kyle so happy Chris!" Larry said and winked. Chris beamed.

Tyler ran upstairs to Derek's room. "Can I have my credit card back?" Tyler asked.

"I guess." Derek teased opening his wallet. "Are you going to buy me something?" Derek asked before handing over the wallet.

"Some bandages and a sling if you don't give me the card back!" Tyler joked.

"Can I come with you?" Derek asked.

"I can't imagine cumming without you, but as for the Mall. no, it's me and Luke time!" Tyler said.

"Things are better I assume?" Derek said tapping away on the computer.

"I think so. We still need to talk at some point but he knows I love him. I told him I was leaving in the morning because I didn't want to ruin his Christmas." Tyler said

"YOU WHAT?" Derek yelled.

"Relax. he wants me to stay. I think?" Tyler pondered as he got changed. Derek left the room and went downstairs. Luke was still sitting on the counter looking at his industrial size jar of peanut butter.

Derek picked him up off the counter and dragged him into Larry's office.

"You listen little man and you listen good! Tyler's still not sure if you want him to stay or not. If you do anything to make a guy leave here that lost his entire family in a car accident then I will spend every free moment I have left making your life a living Hell! You might think you run this place but you don't run my life or Tyler's! Neither of us is accountable to you! Maybe you need to think about whether you are worthy of being Tyler's brother!" Derek said and stormed out of the office. Chris was standing in the front foyer and heard everything. He went in to see Luke crying. Chris gave Luke a hug and said, "Don't worry everything will be all right."

Luke sniffed.

"Do you love Tyler?" Chris asked and Luke nodded his head up and down.

"Does Tyler love you?" Chris asked and Luke nodded again. "Then that is all the matters. If you did something wrong, then make sure you apologize for it." Chris said and kissed Luke's forehead. Luke hugged Chris back. Tyler came downstairs and called the boys as he walked out the front door to his Jeep.

Tyler asked Chris if he wanted to go with them to the Mall but Chris said no. As they pulled into Chris' driveway, Tyler asked if Jeff had any Jonny Lang sheet music.

"No, I'm sure of that but I know he would love some!" Chris said. "He also likes the Counting Crows and the Dave Matthews Band!" Tyler looked back at him and Chris winked.

"Thanks Chris. I owe you one!" Tyler said.

"Cool because I have several ideas on how to collect!" Chris winked climbing out of the Jeep. "Bye guys, nice to meet you Tyler!"

"Bye Chris, see you soon I hope!" Tyler said. "Lucas. haul yer ass up front."

Luke climbed up front and buckled himself in. Tyler looked down smiling and saw that Luke had been crying. Four blocks away from Chris' house there was a park with all the kids amusements ever needed. Tyler pulled over and parked the Jeep.

"C'mon Luke." Tyler said getting out.

"Where are we going?" Luke said climbing out Tyler's side.

"If you can't figure it out then you are dumber than me!" Tyler winked. Tyler took Luke's hand as they waited to cross the road to the park. Luke squeezed Tyler's hand three times. Tyler squeezed Luke's hand back three times. "Times a billion Luke!" Tyler said and he pulled Luke forward across the road when traffic was clear.

Tyler sat down on a swing and then set Luke on his lap. "Want to tell me what is wrong?" He asked Luke.

"I'm sorry Ty." Luke said.

"I'm not sure what you need to be sorry for Luke?" Tyler asked.

"I'm sorry for thinking I was wrong about you. I thought you didn't love me and didn't want to spend Christmas with me." Luke said.

"God no Lucas! If my family were alive right now I would probably be wishing I could be with you if it weren't for my brother David." Tyler said.

"What's David like? I mean what was David like?" Luke asked.

"David was a lot like Kyle but much shyer. He didn't trust many people, like me. He liked playing hockey and he was fascinated with anything electronic. He had the same sort of smile that you have. He could make everyone else in a room smile. Most people liked him but he didn't like most people. Kind of funny now that I think about it, he never like to be alone, which is strange for a guy who doesn't like people?" Tyler said.

"Was he nice?" Luke asked.

"The nicest! He was more like you that way. If he found someone he cared about he would go to the end of the earth to help them." Tyler said.

"I'm not really that nice if you haven't already noticed?" Luke said.

"You're wrong Luke! Of all the people I've ever met you are the one I would most want to be like. There's no bullshit! You only want real people around you. Don't ever stop being the real you regardless of what anyone else says! Understand?" Tyler asked. "Understood!" Luke smiled and squeezed Tyler's hand three times.

"Should we see how high we could swing this baby?" Tyler asked.

"No! I'll be the first to fall off and you might land on me." Luke said.

"At least I would have something soft to land on eh?" Tyler teased. Luke looked up over his shoulder and glared at Tyler's big smile.

"Okay. lets go shoplifting then!" Tyler teased.

"Sweet!" Luke said jumping off of Tyler's lap.

"That was a joke Luke."

"Whatever." Luke said taking Tyler's hand as they walked back through the park towards the Jeep.

"Are we going to make some of those peanut butter squares?" Luke asked.

"Are you going to help?" Tyler asked.

"Are you?" Luke asked with a smile.

"Fine. we'll stop at Kroger's on the way home and pick up what we need." Tyler said

"Can we get some peanut butter too?" Luke asked. Tyler stopped and looked at him.

"Hey I might run out over Christmas!" Luke laughed.

"Can I come in?" Chris said tapping on and opening his brother's bedroom door.

"Go away." Jeff said as he listened to a Jonny Lang MP3 on his computer over and over trying to learn the song on his guitar.

"I just wanted to know if you're okay." Chris asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine now so please go away." Jeff said not looking up at him.

"No you're not fine but I will leave alone. I love you." Chris said with a slight smile as he closed the door behind him.

"You can stay if you want!" Jeff yelled through the closed door. Chris returned and sat on Jeff's bed.

Jeff played one chord over and over but ended up getting frustrated and put his guitar away.

"Couldn't you just find the sheet music online?" Chris asked.

"It's everywhere online if you can afford to pay for it and have a credit card." Jeff said.

"Want to talk about it?" Chris asked as he lay down on his right arm looking up at Jeff in his desk chair.

"I told you! I don't have a credit card!" Jeff said.

"That's not what I meant and you know it!" Chris said. "And don't even think about saying you don't want to talk about it because you wouldn't have called me back otherwise!"

Jeff looked over at Chris with his arms crossed.

"Did Tyler do or say something to piss you off?" Chris asked.

"No!" Jeff said.

"I sort of know what you are feeling." Chris said.

"No you don't!" Jeff said.

"The morning after Kyle stayed the night it was his idea to go in and wake you up! He wanted to share playing the game the night before. He was the one who insisted on buying you your favourite pizza! He's in love you with Jeff!" Chris said.

"Fuck off Chris!" Jeff said.

"I'm not joking! Maybe he's not in love with you but he sure likes you. More than he likes me so I know how you feel." Chris said as he drew on Jeff's comforter with his finger. "Unlike you idolizing Derek, I've been in love with Kyle since the beginning of grade nine." Jeff looked at him. "So don't tell me I don't know what you're feeling." Chris added and got up and left Jeff's room.

Jeff thought about what Chris had said and then went to Chris' room. He wasn't there. He searched the house until he found Chris sitting on the sectional in the basement next to their Christmas tree retaping his hockey stick.

Jeff sat down in the opposite corner. They would each take turns looking at each other and then look away.

"How come you're not jealous of Kyle?" Jeff asked.

"I was at first, but I know you would never hurt me and I know Kyle wouldn't hurt me." Chris said.

"But how do you know?" Jeff asked.

"I've always known I wanted Kyle more than he wants me. Why would he want me anyway? Kyle's cute and I am plain. He doesn't realize he could have almost any guy gay or straight!" Chris said.

"How do you know that I don't want him?" Jeff asked.

"Cause you're straight. I know you would do things with me or Kyle because you love me but I've watched you and you are straight!" Chris said not looking at him.

"If I'm so straight then explain." Jeff started

"Why you are attracted to Derek and mad at Tyler?" Chris said finishing his sentence. "I'm only guessing but I think it's normal to want to share in everything with the person you are in love with, or in your case, idolizing.

I want Kyle to love me and you want Derek to love you. They both have other ideas in mind. In your case, you are mad at Tyler but not really and you know you are wrong but you can't get over how you feel. In my case I can!" Chris said.

"What's the difference?" Jeff asked.

"If you really love someone then you want him or her to be happy! In your case, you will realize it eventually and stop being angry with Tyler but it may cost you your friendship with Derek. If I were you I would look at it from another way. You would just be really happy to be Derek's friend! So why not find out what he sees in Tyler? You're not going to win Derek away from Tyler and that has nothing to do with Tyler. You were an asshole today and you should apologize, but I want you to know that you come first before Kyle or any of them!" Chris said.

"How did you get to be so smart?" Jeff laughed.

"I watched you and did the opposite!" Chris shot back. Jeff got up and jumped on Chris and began tickling him. If the doorbell hadn't rung Chris might have died from laughter.

"TIME! TIME! Someone's at the door!" Chris yelled escaping his brother's torture and running up the stairs.

He opened the door to see Tyler. "Hey Ty!" Chris said. Jeff heard Tyler's voice and ran to the bottom of the stairs but stayed hidden where he couldn't be seen.

"Hi Chris. Derek and me were talking about doing a Thursday night bowling and pizza for all the brothers. It's our treat and you and Jeff have to come along!" Tyler said.

"I'd like too! I'm not sure about Jeff but he might be busy that night?" Chris suggested trying to protect Jeff.

"Okay, well let me know. If Jeff's not coming then we are not doing it! It's all family but under 20 only!" Tyler winked! "And I heard something about no underwear is allowed if you're a teenager. yeah. I'm sure that's what it was!" Tyler teased and Chris laughed.

"Okay I have to get the peanut butter man home! Would you give this Jeff please?" Tyler said handing Chris a brown envelope.

"What is it?" Chris asked.

"It's for Jeff!" Tyler said smiling and walking back to the Jeep! Luke was waving frantically at Chris form the Jeep and Chris waved back.

Chris closed the door and Jeff ran upstairs. Chris handed him the envelope.

Jeff began opening and said to Chris, "I forgot earlier. what you said to me before? Thanks Chris!" Jeff said.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Chris said.

"What you said about choosing me over anyone else. I guess the first time you said it I thought you were just being nice, but now I know you did mean it and I know that I would choose you as well! Not because I have too but because I would be an idiot not too considering I have the best brother in the world." Jeff smiled. "Shit! Now I know why I hate him!"

"What?" Chris asked.

"He's so fucking perfect I can see why he is number one in Derek's mind!" Jeff said showing Chris the booklet of sheet music for 'Wander this World.'

"From all that Kyle's said I can't imagine anyone's life not being a little better for having Tyler in it." Chris said.

"Want to come listen to me play it?" Jeff asked.

"I'd rather be tied naked to a hockey net and have pucks shot at me!" Chris said sliding around Jeff and running downstairs!

"We can do that later Chris. after you've listened to me play the song!" Jeff yelled running upstairs.

"So where have my boys been and what did you buy me?" Linda teased Tyler and Luke as they came into the kitchen from the garage.

"We bought stockings!" Luke said.

"Something sheik I hope?" Linda said and Luke gave her the look. "We have stockings hung up Luke!"

"No, for Casey, Chris, and Jeff!" Luke said as Tyler held up three stockings, some glue, and a squeeze bottle of gold glitter.

"NO! Tyler you did not bring glitter into this house!" Linda asked. Tyler dropped the glitter back into the bag.

"No Ma'am! We would never do that!" Tyler said with a big grin.

Luke handed Linda two bags of groceries and said, "Here Mom, put this away. I'm so exhausted from shopping! I feel like I've been on my feet all day!" He said pulling out a jar of peanut butter and some bread.

"Lucas! You don't talk that way to your mother especially when you've just brought a bottle of glitter into this house!" She teased him.

"I guess we won't mention the red and green glitter then!" Luke said sticking the knife into the jar.

"We need red and green glitter to do Santa and eight reindeer!" Tyler said with a grin.

"Only, and I repeat, only on this counter!" Linda said. "Lot's of newspaper and you guys have to clean up the mess!"

"Fine Mom. be that way. see if we share the chocolate peanut butter squares we're making this afternoon with you!" Luke said biting into his sandwich.

"Really? Tyler you're going to make those yummy squares?" Linda asked.

"We, as in Luke and me are going to make them!" Tyler said looking at Luke.

"Hey! I thought of it! You can't expect me to do all the work around here!" Luke said walking off into the Great Room and turning the TV on.

"If it is okay, Thursday night Derek and I are going to take all the boys out for pizza and bowling?" Tyler asked putting the groceries away.

"Are you kidding? A few hours alone to wrap gifts, listen to my music, maybe have a bath without hearing 'we're all out of peanut butter'. No of course you can't go!" Linda laughed. "Mmmmm! Scotch and suds! It's much more romantic than it sounds!"

"Word!" Tyler said as he pulled out the three stockings and spread old newspapers around one end of the island counter.

"Do you need any help with Christmas dinner Mrs. Anderson?" Tyler asked.

"I swear to God Tyler if you call me Mrs. Anderson once more you'll be eating Christmas dinner in the dog house with Abbey!" Linda joked.

"Yes Ma'am, but then I couldn't really help with dinner or the clean up!" Tyler said.

"Word!" Linda responded and they both laughed. "I better get a list of things for Casey's stocking as well as Chris and Jeff!" Linda added.

"Kyle insisted that we have stockings for them as well. He didn't want Santa to forget his brothers." Tyler laughed. "I got most of the stuff for Jeff's stocking and I got lots of Peanut Butter stuff for Casey's but I have no idea about what to do for Chris but I will ask Kyle." Tyler said.

Taking the large bottle of glue he bought, Tyler scripted each of their names on the top of the stockings and then added gold glitter on top of the glue. On Jeff's stocking he added a red guitar and two green sparkling music notes. Chris' had a giant hockey stick and a puck. Casey's stocking had small hockey stick with two jars. One jar with a red lid and the other jar with a green lid and both had a giant K in the centre.

"Wow Tyler that is really good! They will all be impressed!" Linda smiled and rubbed Tyler's back.

"Thank you Ma'am. Is Casey going to be around for Christmas?" Tyler asked.

"Kathy said they would be here for our annual Christmas Eve party and Christmas morning brunch but then she would be leaving for her sister's right afterwards." Linda said.

"Christmas Eve party?" Tyler inquired.

"Oh yes! Every year we have an open house on Christmas Eve. People drop by and have a drink or something to eat. We've had up to 60 people some years!" Linda laughed.

"Do you need help with the food for that night?" Tyler asked.

"We just do munchies and snacks, but I could use help with Christmas brunch and dinner. I would love you to make that frittata breakfast thing you made at Thanksgiving and if you want to make stuffing for the turkey and if you really wanted to do a dessert that would be great as well!" Linda said winking at him.

"Okay, but what about some desserts for the Open House on Christmas Eve?" Tyler asked.

"Go crazy foolish boy who offers to do make my life easier!" Linda laughed. "You do realize how much you are a part of this family don't you Tyler?"

"Yes Ma'am. I hope you realize how much it means to included." Tyler said.

"You're family Tyler and we all appreciate you allowing us to share in your life!" Linda said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Now when are you going to make those squares?" She winked.

"Pookster! Get over here!" Tyler yelled and Luke's head popped up from behind the sofa.

"Pookster?" Luke said walking into the kitchen. "Listen up Fugly! Who said you could call me that?"

"I'm telling Santa you called me Fugly!" Tyler said.

"Nooooooooo! I was just joking! Besides there really isn't a Santa Claus!" Luke said.

"What do you mean there isn't a Santa Claus?" Tyler asked.

"You know what I'm talking about!" Luke said.

"No I don't! Don't say things that aren't true!" Tyler said putting the lids back on the bottles of glitter.

"I know there isn't a Santa and I can prove it this year!" Luke said.

"How?" Tyler asked.

"I'm asking for something that no one knows about to see if Santa is real or not!" Luke grinned.

"What are you asking for?" Tyler said.

"If I told you then I wouldn't know if he was real or not!" Luke said.

"If you don't tell me, then how do I know you're not just teasing me? I want to know if Santa is real too!" Tyler said.

"Good point! Okay I will prove it to ya!" Luke said leaning close to whisper in Tyler's ear. "I'm asking Santa for a new pair of inline skates but I never put it on my Christmas list." Luke said.

"Well how is Santa going to know you want it if you don't put it on your list?" Tyler asked.

"He knows if you've been sleeping and he knows if you're awake so he must know what I am thinking!" Luke surmised.

"If Santa knows what goes on in your head I can't imagine you're getting anything!" Tyler shot back.

"I'm sooooo writing Santa a letter about you!" Luke said walking back to the TV.

"Pookster! Get back here!" Tyler said.

"Wot?" Luke asked.

"What do you think of the stockings?" Tyler asked.

"As long as no one's stocking is bigger than mine then it's all good!" Luke said walking back to the TV.

"Little capitalist!" Tyler said quietly shaking his head.

"Bolshevik!" Luke said just loud enough for Tyler to hear.

"Here Mrs. Anderson. ah, I mean Ma'am! Here is some stuff for the stockings!" Tyler said handing her a bag without Luke noticing.

"Does Luke know about this?" Linda teased.

"No I left him in the pet store talking to an elderly couple. He was telling them to invest their money in desalination plants. When I returned they seemed very relieved that I had come to collect him." Tyler said.

"So why did you have to collect him?" Linda joked.

"I heard that!!!!!" Luke yelled and Tyler and Linda laughed.

Tyler went up to Derek's bedroom. He knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Derek shouted.

"Hey!" Tyler said.

"What the fuck are you knocking for?" Derek asked.

"Well it is your room and the door is closed." Tyler said.

"Look Puckhead! It's our room. Yours and mine! You don't ever have to knock unless I have one of my boyfriends over or something." Derek teased.

"Just tie a condom on the door handle so I will know then!" Tyler said. "Guess what we are doing Thursday night?"

"I love this. we aren't even married yet and you're making plans for us. isn't that just so. special?" Derek said laughing.

"Whatever. you insisted on all of us guys going for pizza and bowling on Thursday night!" Tyler said.

"I insisted huh?" Derek said.

"Yeah, that's what I told Chris and Jeff!" Tyler said.

"That fucktard can stay home!" Derek yelled.

"No, we want you to come too!" Tyler said with a grin.

"Jeff was a complete asshole to you and don't say you didn't notice!" Derek said.

"Derek, he doesn't know me and once he knows me then he will hate me just like your family does!" Tyler joked.

"Why waste your time on him. I've already spent lots of time with him and this is how he treats my boyfriend!" Derek said.

"Exactly. I'm competition to him for your affection." Tyler said.

"Not in the slightest! You know I have the hots for Jeff way more than you!" Derek grinned.

"Good! Cause it's some sort glow-in-the-dark bowling!" Tyler said.

"You still haven't convinced me to go along with your stupid idea." Derek said.

"I've never bowled before!" Tyler said.

"WHAT? What do you mean you've never bowled? That's like saying you never eaten a French fry! Shit! This means I can kick your ass at a sport finally! I'm all over this idea!" Derek laughed.

"At least I've motivated you to the idea. I think?" Tyler said.

"Word! I get to kick your ass at a sport, see your balls glow-in-the-dark, and eat pizza!" Derek joked. "It's like Christmas came early!"

"Speaking of coming early." Tyler said as he climbed on top of Derek and pushed him back on his bed. Tyler and Derek started kissing.

Kyle barged into the room. "Oh sorry!" He said.

"No problem Kyle." Tyler said. "We were just discussing bowling. balls." He said with a pause.

"What should I get Chris for Christmas?" Kyle said lying down on the bed beside them.

"He's really staying! Can you believe it?" Derek said smiling up at Tyler. They both looked over at Kyle who was mumbling away about what he could buy for his boyfriend for Christmas. Kyle stopped and looked over at the two people beside him and Derek and Tyler began laughing.

"You're mocking me. aren't you?" Kyle said in his Buzz Lightyear voice. Tyler jumped over Kyle and then he was surrounded. Derek and Tyler started tickling Kyle.

Luke walked into Derek's room without knocking.

"Hey it's the Pookster!" Tyler said.

"More like Pukester!" Kyle added. Luke jumped up on the bed and landed on top of Kyle.

"Thanks for knocking before coming in Pukester!" Derek said pulling him down into his arms.

"You don't live here anymore if you remember!" Luke said.

"Hey guys, guess what Derek is doing Thursday night?" Tyler asked.

"Cleaning my room?" Kyle offered up.

"Getting a life?" Luke suggested only to be further tickled by Derek.

"Good guesses guys but he's taking us and Casey, Chris, and Jeff out bowling!" Tyler said. Derek just looked at him.

"Really? Cool!" Luke said.

"Sweet! Thanks Derek. Do we have to include Jeff?" Kyle said.

"Of course we have to include Jeff! He hung up my Santa Claus." Luke said.

"You smashed your Santa Claus into a thousand pieces Luke!" Derek said.

"It was an accident!" Luke lied.

"Lucas!" Derek said.

"Derek!" Tyler said. "Enough! We have a brand new Santa with eight reindeer now and a bag full of jars of peanut butter. So Luke, why don't you call Jeff and see if he would come over and hang up your new Santa Claus for you?"

Kyle and Derek looked at Tyler in disbelief. Luke jumped up and left the room to go phone Jeff. "Don't give me that look guys! Jeff is family now."

"Whatever." Kyle said and started to get up. Tyler pulled him back down on the bed into his arms.

"Kyle! Do you love Chris?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah." Kyle said.

"I mean really love him?" Tyler asked.

"I think so." Kyle said.

"If you love him then you will accept his brother to make him happy and because we love you we will accept Chris and Jeff. Right Derek?" Tyler asked.

"Right." Derek said but not in a convincing way.

"You're a freak sometimes Ty." Kyle said.

"Word!" Derek added with a slight grin.

"Guys listen up! When my family died I didn't want to let anyone into my heart because I was afraid of loving someone and then losing them." Tyler began.

"I'm not sure I understand?" Kyle asked.

"Okay Kyle, Chris loses his bike and you feel bad for him but not really. You lose your own bike and you feel really bad." Tyler said.

"Okay. but I still don't understand?" Kyle asked.

"You don't miss what you've never had, but things that mean a lot to you really hurt when you lose them." Tyler said and Kyle pondered while Derek quietly listened.

"But." Kyle began.

"Shut up Kyle and let Ty talk." Derek said.

"When I lost my family I was afraid to love anyone or rather let them into my heart because losing someone you love hurts so much you don't want to feel that pain ever again. You guys are the first one's I've let into my heart and I can tell you it is definitely worth it. I wouldn't trade this family for all the peanut butter in the world!" Tyler joked.

"Bad analogy but I understand what you are saying." Kyle said. "So what's this got to do with Jeff?"

"Do you know that he hasn't lost some thing that he desperately loved and now he is afraid to let anyone in?" Tyler asked.

"No." Kyle said and Derek shook his head.

"I've learned from watching others. I've seen people do everything possible to turn other's away from them because they are afraid they will love them and then that person will leave them and they will go through all that pain again." Tyler said.

"Makes sense in a twisted sort of way." Derek said.

"So Jeff has this crush on Derek and he's heard about how great you are and he doesn't want to get to know you because he might like you and he can't compute liking the guy who is preventing him from being with Derek?" Kyle asked.

"Whoa!" Derek and Tyler said in unison.

"You sound like Ty!" Derek said.

"I shall call you. mini-me!" Tyler said sticking his right baby finger in the side of his mouth. Kyle and Derek laughed. "Seriously Kyle I hadn't thought it out that far but you are probably right and he needs time to adjust to the idea that my being in Derek's life doesn't effect his having a close friendship with your brother."

"Tyler Jr. is pretty smart for a skater!" Derek teased messing his hair.

"From my side of things, I had already seen people become bitter and. I think the word is disenfranchised? Basically people become distant and fear any contact with other people. So if a guy loses his wife he might avoid situations where he has any contact with women. In my case I worked at turning the bitterness into being a friend to all but at a distance." Tyler said.

"Are you still sad about what happen to your family?" Kyle asked.

"Of course Kyle. I probably always will be but I am learning that life goes on and I am trying to remind myself that it isn't about the amount of time spent with someone but the quality of time spent. I don't want to know a thousand people from a distance. I want to know. maybe ten people in life that I will be close too and always remain an active friend or lover."

"That lover had better only be one person!" Derek teased.

"Right!" Kyle added. "And it had better be me!" He said winking at Tyler. Derek messed Kyle's hair.

"All that matters Kyle is that you give Jeff a little space and time to sort things out. Try to understand his problem from his point-of-view rather than scold him because he sees things differently. I still like to believe there is good in all of us. even Derek!" Tyler said winking at Kyle. Derek's arm reached over Kyle and swatted Tyler on the side of his head.

"Ya almost had me believing everything you said until you mentioned Derek!" Kyle said sitting up with a big smile. He kissed Derek and told him he loved him and then Tyler.

"You could learn something about yourself too!" Tyler said to Kyle.

"Wot?" Kyle said defensively.

"Kyle you really are a hawtie and I don't mean cute like Luke! I'm glad that you don't act like it but you really need to see how great you are on the inside. You have a lot of love to share. You might go through 99 assmites to find one real friend or lover, but I think I am learning it is worth the trip." Tyler said reaching across and taking Derek's hand.

"Time for you to go Kyle!" Derek said staring into Tyler's eyes.

"Always a bridesmaid. never a bride!" Kyle joked getting up.

"Don't worry Kyle, I promise that you will be Derek's maid of honour at our wedding!" Tyler said. Kyle burst out into laughter.

"Hey Kyle! I promise you'll be a pall bearer at Tyler's funeral." Derek shot back.

"Want me to strip you naked in the hallway like I did to Danny?" Tyler asked.

"You did what?" Kyle yelled.

"Go Kyle!" Tyler and Derek said.

"Finally some quiet time!" Derek said.

"Hey Ty?" Luke called out as he walked into Derek's bedroom with Abbey following. "I just got off the phone with Jeff and he can't come over he said he is learning some stupid song! Can you install my Santa? Pweeeeese!!!!" Luke begged. Tyler laughed at Derek and kissed him.

"1 a.m.! Be here!" Tyler said getting up to go help Luke.

"Abbey! C'mere girl! You love me don't you?" Derek asked.

Abbey sniffed Derek's socks and turned around to follow Tyler and Luke in case they were going to the kitchen.

Larry and Linda came in to Derek's room and closed the door. Larry shut the door to the bathroom as well.

"Am I in trouble?" Derek asked.

"No not at all." Larry said. "Your mother and I were talking and we decided that since you are old enough that your input should be included in our decision."

"Decision about what? Moving into a house with Tyler?" Derek asked.

"Lord no Derek." Linda said. "We think it's a wonderful idea and it will save us a lot of money as well! Though we do have some concerns about your relationship with Tyler and living together full time but that isn't our business. We were talking about what Kyle did, running away and not telling anyone! We would like to know what you think should be his punishment." She said.

"Punishment? Ummm. I don't know, I think he feels bad enough and he knows what he did was wrong. Tyler told me that he really let him have it and told him that if he couldn't be trusted then he couldn't come with us for New Years. When Tyler gets mad at Kyle that has more effect on him than the two of you combined!" Derek said. Larry and Linda looked at each other.

"No. you're not going to stop him from going are you?" Derek asked sitting up.

"That would upset you?" Larry asked.

"Dad! I've been a horrible brother for a long time now. I'm trying to make up for what I've done and not done for Kyle and Luke. I will be the most responsible guardian of my brothers you could ever have! I've never seen Ty, Danny, or Cody even have a beer! I know they don't do drugs! If Kyle can't go then Tyler, Luke, and me won't go!" Derek said defiantly. Linda and Larry looked at each other but said nothing.

"Luke isn't able to go anyway because he and Casey have a hockey tournament." Linda said.

"Derek if you boys don't want to go that is your decision but don't even think about putting the responsibility on us! We decided to include your input so worry about handling that responsibly first!" Larry said.

"Dad when I woke him up he was in the very back seat with two seat belts strapped around him inside of a sleeping bag. It was a stupid thing for him to do but he did it in a very responsible way! He knows he was wrong but sometimes in life you go and do something stupid things because of the greater good. like going over to Kathy's house!" Derek said.

Larry raised his finger to say something to Derek but stopped.

"If Kyle hadn't had the fight on the phone with Tyler he wouldn't be here right now! We all saw how upset he was and the three of us are probably most at fault for not realizing that there was as strong possibility of Kyle doing what he did. When you couldn't find Kyle who did you phone first?" Derek asked.

"You." Linda said. Larry gave her the look of being sold out.

"See! It made sense what he did even if it was wrong. The day that Paul gets out of the hospital isn't it likely that you guys are going to be checking that everything is locked up tight around this house for fear of him coming here?" Derek asked. Larry and Linda exchanged glances.

"Right!" Derek said. "So it makes sense that the three of us are also at fault here."

"He's fourteen Derek. He should know better by now!" Larry said.

"Look if you have to punish him then. I don't know. If he likes sleeping in the Van so much why don't you make him clean it out from top to bottom!" Derek joked.

"Hmmm." Larry said. "Do I still get to make him suffer a bit first?"

"Me? You're asking me?" Derek laughed.

"Yes, that is why we are here. We trust you Derek and we believe in you so shouldn't we be able to seek your opinion?" Larry asked.

Derek smiled. "Thanks. That means a lot! Sure. go ahead and taunt him a little. I think the three of us owe you that for all we've done to you! I think you should know that Tyler and me have had a talk about Kyle and Luke.

I told him that as much as I love him. my brothers come first and Tyler agreed completely. I don't know where Tyler and me will be a year from now but Kyle and Luke will always be my brothers. Family has to come first!"

"Tyler's family too Derek!" Linda said smiling.

"Yeah, isn't that great!" Derek grinned. "Did you guys get it done yet?" He whispered to his parents.

"Your father is picking it up tomorrow and taking it over the framers." Linda said.

"When are we giving it to him?" Derek asked.

"We were thinking of making it his table gift at Christmas dinner. What do you think?" Larry said.

"I think that would be great but he's just going to cry his eyes out and dinner will be cold. I think we should give it to him on Christmas Eve when everyone gets to open one present. Then he will get to enjoy the whole day with the family." Derek said.

"He's getting too damn smart Linda!" Larry said.

"By the way Larry, you need to get the ink to do Abbey's paw print!" Linda said.

"Hey Dad, Tyler's computer is broken and I was wondering if you knew of a good place to get it fixed?" Derek asked.

"Yeah I know of a couple places. What's wrong with it?" Larry asked.

"Screen is broken for starters. I think it happened shortly after Kyle and he were talking on the phone." Derek said.

"What kind of computer is it?" Larry asked.

"A Toshiba laptop Tecra something." Derek said.

"Why don't you bring me the pieces quietly and I will see what I can do!" Larry smiled.

"Thanks Dad." Derek said.

"Derek, please tell your brother in about 5 minutes that we would like to see him in the office and don't say a word about this conversation!" Larry said and they left Derek's room.

"Are you sure you don't want to wait for Jeff to put this up?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah I'm sure!" Luke said.

"Luke, it would really mean a lot to me if you waited for Jeff and. sort of. let him be the guy to do it!" Tyler said.

"Why can't you do it?" Luke asked.

"It's not that I can't but Jeff really needs to feel needed and loved right now and I think you're the only one who can really work that magic!" Tyler winked.

"Fine. We'll wait!" Luke said.

"Why don't you call him again?" Tyler told Luke as he left his room.

Derek went into his parent's ensuite bathroom and got some cotton balls and stuffed them in his cheeks. He knocked three times slowly on Kyle's bedroom door.

"Kyle Anderson!" Derek said in his best Italian Godfather voice. "Youze in der?" Kyle opened his bedroom door.

"What?" Kyle said. "Have you got the mumps? Stay away from me!" Kyle said backing up.

"Kyle Anderson?" Derek asked as he walked in and moved towards Kyle.

"It seems you've shamed da Anderson family name!" Derek said trying his best to imitate Marlon Brando. Kyle started to laugh which in turn made Derek start to laugh and he spit up one of his cotton balls. Derek caught the cotton swab and quickly placed it back in his mouth.

"Have you been drinking? Like really cheap wine or something!" Kyle asked.

"Don't mock the messenger Little Enzo!" Derek said.

"I'm telling Mom and Dad that you're on drugs!" Kyle said.

"You lookin' at me! I said! Are you lookin' at me?" Derek continued.

"Yes! I'm looking at you now watch me throw you out of my room!" Kyle said.

Derek spit out his cotton balls into his hand and said, "Hey I was doing the Godfather!"

"You are to the Godfather what Ron Weasley is to Harry Potter! Now what do you want?" Kyle asked.

Derek stuffed the cotton balls back in his mouth and said, "The Godfather and his wife want to see you in the Dungeon!"

"Shit! Now I'm in for it when I get called in there." Kyle said.

"Hey it would have worked if I wore a suit coat stuffed with a pillow under it!" Derek said defending himself.

"Derek, it wouldn't have even worked if you had pulled the pillow out from between your ears!" Kyle said walking past him to see his parents in his Dad's office.

Kyle hated the dreaded walk down the curved staircase as he could see through the glass door into his father's office. He saw his Dad sitting on the corner of the desk and he knew his Mom would be in one chair and he would have to sit in the other.

Kyle opened the office door and slammed it shut so loud that his parent's jumped a little from the noise.

"Something wrong Kyle?" Larry asked.

"NO!" Kyle yelled.

"Kyle, park you anger outside the door!" Larry said.

"All the parking spaces were full!" Kyle shot back.

"For that alone you're now grounded for the next 24 hours! Want to take me on and we'll see if you can spend it in your room with no computer or video games!" Larry said. Kyle stared at the floor and kicked his foot hard against one of the legs of the chair he was sitting in.

"Kick it again and the video games are gone!" Larry said.

"Sorry, I forgot you're the only one allowed to break furniture in this room!" Kyle said staring at the floor.

"I don't really want to end up grounding you into the New Year so why don't you tell us what is wrong?" Larry asked.

"Nothings wrong! My life couldn't be more perfect." Kyle said flashing a fake, sarcastic grin.

"Get up!" Larry said and Kyle stood up. "Linda would you excuse for a bit." Larry asked awaiting her protest but she left without saying a word. Larry sat down and pulled Kyle on to his lap.

"You know I love you right?" Larry asked.

"Yes Dad. we've had this conversation a couple of hundred times!" Kyle said.

"Then if you know that then please tell me why you are angry with me and what is wrong?" Larry asked.

"I don't want to talk about it. Just ground me and leave me alone!" Kyle said.

"You don't really have a choice here Kyle. You don't have to talk but I'm not ever going to leave you alone!" Larry said.

"Are you angry because I saw you and Chris kissing earlier?" Larry asked. Kyle covered his face and started to cry.

"Kyle, I couldn't be happier that you are in love with someone. I really like Chris! If you're happy then that is all that matters." Larry said pulling Kyle into a hug. "I only hope that Chris is worthy of having someone as special as you in his life. I know that's how I feel about you!"

Kyle's tears subsided as he lay in Larry's arms staring at the wood grain panelling on the wall. "I don't want you to ever feel ashamed to love someone you care about! I don't want you having sex with someone in front of Luke but you could never call this place home if you weren't able to be yourself." Larry said.

Kyle sniffled and squeezed his Father tighter. Larry hugged back.

"When you are all grown up and on your own, whether you are with a man or a woman, I want you to feel that you would want to raise your children in the same manner that your Mother and I have raised you. I want you to feel that you had a happy and stable upbringing where the walls were there to protect you, not lock you in. A place where the love was real and you were allowed to become who you really are. Not what anyone thinks you should be." Larry said.

"We could just go up to your room and say, 'Kyle, sneaking out of the house and hiding in the Van was a dangerous and stupid thing to do so we are grounding you for a month!' No one does that in this house. We talk to you in private and we ask to hear your side of why you did what you did! I grew up in a house where you didn't speak and you weren't allowed to defend yourself. That's a feeling that still haunts me and I don't want you to ever know that feeling." Larry said.

"Kyle have you ever been punished for doing something wrong the first time?" Larry asked.

"No." Kyle said realizing that he had long ago lost this discussion.

"That's right. Only when you kept repeating a mistake did you ever get punished! So I can only ask you to rethink of this office as something other than 'the dungeon'!" Larry said. Kyle moved back and stared at his father.

"How did you know.?" Kyle began.

"I know a lot more than you give me credit for Kyle!" Larry said with a grin. "I know why you left. I know that you didn't intend to hurt anyone or yourself! What I don't know is if you know how wrong it was to do that and how dangerous it was to do something that stupid."

"I know Dad and I knew before I even got into the Van." Kyle said.

"And are you going to do that again?" Larry asked.

"No Sir!" Kyle said.

"No Dad, please! This isn't the army here." Larry said.

Kyle smiled.

"Can I ask you a question?" Larry asked.

"You just did!" Kyle teased and Larry wiped the last few tears away from Kyle's face.

"Why didn't you just ask us if you could go? I would have let you for no other reason than to have someone to keep Derek awake while he drove that late at night." Larry said.

"I just assumed. that you would say no." Kyle said feeling embarrassed.

"That's what hurts the most Kyle, that as an equal member of this family that you don't feel comfortable to talk with your parents. It makes me feel like I've failed at everything I've tried to do for you. I just wish I could make you understand that everything we do is for our children! In some ways, right now, you are my greatest disappointment Kyle. You are light years ahead of Derek and Luke. well he is just light years away." Larry said and they both laughed. "I do have higher expectations of you Kyle because you are so far ahead of your brothers for you age. I'll never forget that you are 14 year old right now but I try to treat you like someone much more mature because most of the time you are! I will never stop challenging you or setting the bar higher for you! I want you to see that you can achieve anything you want to in this world."

"Thanks Dad! I'm sorry for what I did, but more importantly I'm sorry for letting you down. I don't want to lose your love or trust in me." Kyle said.

"That will never happen Kyle! This Dad will only be more in love with his children every day! Try to remember what I have said a hundred times before; you only need to worry when I stop getting angry when you do something stupid." Larry said.

"I wouldn't trade you for anything Dad!" Kyle said.

"Me neither Son, but we do need to talk a bit about what you did. Your Mother and I decided that you really shouldn't be going on the trip with Tyler and Derek next week." Larry began. Kyle's mouth dropped open and his had the look of disbelief. "Now let me finish! We spoke to Derek about it and he defended you to the point that if you weren't allowed to go then the entire trip was off!" Kyle's eyes began to water.

"Your brother said the nicest thing I've heard him say! Nicer than what he said at dinner on Thanksgiving. He said that he and Tyler had a talk and he told Tyler that if he had to chose between Tyler and you that there was no question that his brothers comes first!" Larry said and Kyle remained silent as his tears began to flow again.

"How many big brothers on this planet who have a boyfriend like Tyler or it could be a girlfriend, it doesn't matter, would choose their 14 year old brother over anyone else as the most important person in their life?" Larry pondered out loud.

"One!" Kyle said as he cried and hugged his Dad.

"I think you already know how important you are to Tyler right?" Larry asked.

Kyle nodded his head up and down in his Father's chest.

"You know about the house that Tyler is going to buy right?" Larry asked.

Kyle again nodded.

"Did you know that Tyler would only consider a house that would have room for you and Luke to be able to stay there as well?" Larry asked.

Kyle shook his head no.

"He did! He said it had to be able to house his whole family!" Larry said. "Now we aren't going to stop you from going on the trip with Tyler and Derek. We had decided that we were going to make you clean out the Van since you seem to like being in there so much." Larry began. Kyle started laughing. "But if you feel that you now know you can come to your parents with any problem at any time then we will chalk this up to a lesson learned!" Larry said.

"I love you Dad. Thanks for being my Dad!" Kyle said.

"Thank you for being my Son!" Larry said. "Now go get out of my dungeon and gather everyone up to go get our Christmas tree!" Kyle wiped his eyes and kissed his Dad and ran out of the office and upstairs.

Larry walked into the kitchen where Linda was marinating shrimp to be put on kebobs and barbequed for dinner.

"How did it go?" Linda asked.

"It went well. I like being a Dad! I think we should keep them!" Larry said giving Linda a kiss on the cheek.

"So all is calm right now or at least for the next five minutes?" Linda asked.

"Yes! So I am going to treat myself to my favourite Christmas time event!" Larry said rubbing his hands together.

"You and your freshly cut Christmas tree huh!" Linda said shaking her head.

"Why do you always act that way? This is my one moment for me at Christmas!" Larry said.

"You don't have to clean up the needles afterwards or deal with Abbey trying to pee on it every year!" Linda said.

"This is my one moment of the Christmas season that reminds of all of the wonderful Christmas' I had as a child!" Larry said.

"What?" Linda yelled. "Every Christmas with your Father was a living Hell!"

"Allow me my fantasy Linda! You have your French Maid and Innkeeper fantasy and I have happy childhood Christmas fantasy!"

"Your fantasy is still too far out from reality Larry!" Linda teased.

"Right and French Maids wear 6" spiked stiletto heels?" Larry shot back.

"You've never complained about them on your back!" Linda said not amused.

"Since when have you needed spiked stilettos to walk all over me?" Larry said leaving the kitchen before Linda could answer.

Kyle pushed Derek's door open and ran into his arms. "What's wrong Kyle?" Derek asked.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong!" Kyle said and hugged Derek as tight as he could. Tyler walked in with Luke on his shoulders. Kyle turned and said. "Dad wants everyone in the Van to go get the Christmas tree!"

"Shit!" Derek said.

"What?" Tyler asked.

"I hate this tradition! It's Dad's big thing. We go to the lot and Dad and Luke look at trees. Luke picks one out while Dad very carefully contemplates the perfect tree. An hour later we always take the tree that Luke chooses!" Derek said and Tyler laughed.

"I think it will be cool! We never had a real tree at home. I think Mom hated the idea of the pine needles all over the place." Tyler said.

Larry, Luke, Kyle, Derek, and Tyler climbed into the Van with an ample supply of rope to tie their Christmas tree to the roof. They arrived at 5:40 p.m. and the lot was full of not-so-happy last minute Christmas tree shoppers.

"Dad this place closes in twenty minutes!" Derek said.

"Relax Derek, they can't throw us out of here." Larry said walking past the fence into the yard of trees lined up like solders.

"That's the one Dad!" Luke said pointing to a tree in the third row at the front.

"Now don't rush this Pookey! We want to make sure we get the perfect tree." Larry said.

"Mother nature isn't perfect Dad! Home Depot is!" Derek said and Larry glared at him.

"If you didn't want to come you could have just stayed home Derek!" Larry said.

"I did that one year Ty and he didn't stop reminding me about it for an entire year!" Derek said and Tyler sneezed.

"Are you all right?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Tyler said sneezing again.

"What do you guys think of this one?" Larry said pointing to a tree.

"Sure Dad, whatever anything." Kyle said rolling his eyes.

"Looks great Dad!" Derek said checking his watch.

"Nope! This one Dad!" Luke said pointing to the original tree he picked out.

Tyler sneezed again.

"Ty, you're eyes are all puffy and watery!" Derek said.

"We could go with this one!" Larry suggested.

"Sure Dad! Great!" Kyle said.

"Nope!" Luke said and Kyle elbowed him in the arm.

Tyler sneezed again and again.

"Can I help you fellows?" A young man asked.

"Yeah!" Derek said. "Tell my father its closing time!"

"It was closing time 17 minutes ago!" The man said checking his watch.

"This one has really nice needles on it!" Larry said.

Derek shook his head in disgust.

Tyler sneezed.

"Dad! You better take a look at Tyler!" Derek said.

"Shut up Derek. I'm fine!" Tyler said sneezing again. Larry came over and looked at Tyler.

"Open your mouth Tyler!" Larry ordered.

Tyler sneezed on Larry. Larry turned to the guy and asked him how much the tree was that Luke pointed at.

"That'll be forty-five dollars!" The man said. Larry pulled out his wallet and gave the man a fifty-dollar bill and apologized for holding him up.

"Okay, let's go boys!" Larry said walking off with his arm around Tyler.

"Sir! What about your tree?" The man said.

Larry waved him off.

"Where are we going Dad?" Luke asked.

"Get in the Van boys we're going to Home Depot!" Larry said.

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Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few months! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel.

Next: Chapter 33

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