The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on May 30, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home Yahoo Group:


**Author's Note on TRH Yahoo Group: For those of you who DO NOT belong to The Road Home Yahoo Group it should be noted that updates and changes happening to the story will only be posted there with the exception of some recommended music to listen to before the following chapter. The story WILL be leaving NIFTY.ORG in the near future!

You are required to get a FREE Yahoo ID to join TRH Yahoo Group, but that is all! When joining the group you DO NOT have to receive any emails from anyone! You can simply read and enjoy the postings and keep up-to-date on the happenings of the story and the over 1000 Roadies who belong to the group already! :)

While the search is on for a New Home for 'Tyler and the boys' if one is not found then subsequent chapters MAY be posted at TRH Yahoo Group temporarily!

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The Road Home: Part Thirty-Six (Heros and Villains)

"What's exactly is going on Dad?" Derek asked.

"Casey's Mom has been beaten up by her drunken boy friend Paul and we are on our way to get her out of there before he comes back!" Larry said.

"Shit!" Derek said. "No one messes with my little brother's Mom!"

Larry smiled to himself as he rounded the corner almost taking out a parked car. Larry pulled up in front of the house, half on the sidewalk! All three jumped out. Derek and Jeff followed Larry up to the broken front steps of the house.

"Kathy!" Larry yelled in the front door.

Kathy picked up the phone in the bedroom. "They're here Linda. I'm going to hang up! Thank you for everything!" Kathy said.

"You're coming here Kathy! You'll be safe. See you shortly!" Linda said hanging up the phone.

"Yes Larry, I'm upstairs packing!" Kathy yelled down.

"Jeff! Grab the garbage bags and bring them upstairs! Derek, you watch the door until the police show up. If a drunk arrives then call me and don't let that bat out of your hand!" Larry said and Jeff ran in behind Larry and up the stairs to the bedroom.

"Oh my Kathy! Let me see that eye!" Larry said.

"You can look at it later Dr. Anderson." Kathy said.

"Where is Casey's room?" Larry asked.

"End of the hall on the right." Kathy said.

"C'mon Jeff!" Larry said and took Jeff into Casey's room. He instructed to Jeff on what to pack! "No time for folding or being neat Jeff! Clothes, games and stuffed animals, then anything extra you think he needs!" Larry said.

"DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Derek yelled. "It's back!!!!!!!!!!!"

A drunken Paul pulled into the driveway in his aging, rusty Van. He parked half on the lawn just missing Larry's Van. He slammed the Van into park and stared at Derek sitting on the front railing tapping the baseball bat in his palm.

"Kathy he's back! You don't come downstairs until me or the police tell you! That goes for you as well Jeff!" Larry said.

"Yes Sir! Here take the bat!" Jeff said.

"It's okay I don't need it! You hold on to it in case something goes wrong." Larry said. He put his hand around the back of Jeff's head and quickly kissed his forehead. Larry headed down stairs.

Paul looked at Derek and opened the driver's door. As he stepped out he fell to the ground. "Fuck!" Derek heard him yell. Derek laughed.

Paul got up and saw Derek laughing at him.

"Hey Fucker!!!!!!!!! Get the fuck off my front porch!" Paul yelled. Derek stood up and tapped the bat on his hand.

"You're not coming up here Paul!" Derek said standing on the top step. "The police are on their way. I suggest you get the fuck out of here!" Derek told him.

"No little punk-assed kid tells me what to do in my house!" Paul said staggering up to him. Derek held the bat straight out so it almost touched Paul's chest. Paul stopped. Larry came outside.

"I'm not going to tell you again Paul! You're not coming up here! No one touches my little brother or his Mom!" Derek said with some rage in his eyes.

"Paul! Kathy is packing her things and Casey's. You wait out here and she'll be gone in 15 minutes."

"Who the fuck are you?" Paul said grabbing the half broken railing to support himself.

"I'm Dr. Anderson, and you are in a lot of trouble right now so I suggest you don't make it any worse for yourself!"

Paul extended his arms out and turned around in a circle saying, "I don't see any Cops?? I think you guys are the ones who are in trouble." Paul fell down. He paused to remember where he was and got back up on his feet with the help of the broken railing.

Kathy came down carrying two suitcases. Paul saw her behind the screen door.

"You bitch!" Paul yelled and started to climb the stairs. Derek poked him once with the baseball bat saying, "Ah, ah, ah! I told you, you're not coming in here!"

Paul fell backwards on to the ground.

"You're gonna die you little fucker!" Paul said trying to get up. Derek moved down one step.

"He carries a jackknife!!!" Kathy yelled out from behind the door.

"Derek, step back up here!" Larry said.

"That's right little boy! Be smart and do what Daddy tells you to do!" Paul said laughing at Derek.

Derek stepped down another step.

"Think you're tough kid?" Paul said. He reached into his back of his jeans and pulled out a knife.

"Hey BITCH! It's not a jack knife! It's a switchblade!" Paul said hitting the tab on it and the knife popped straight out.

"Derek! Up here now! This is no time to be a hero with a drunken idiot!" Larry said.

"Who you callin' an idiot Dr. Fuckface?" Paul said pointing the blade at Larry. The police drove up in a cruiser without the lights or sirens on.

"What the fuck?" Larry said holding his arms out! "Hey Paul the police are here!" Larry said pointing behind him.

"Right. you want me to turn around so your little baby can swing his bat at me!" Paul said.

Larry yelled to the police, "He's drunk and he got a switchblade! He's beaten his wife up inside!" Two police officers slowly got out of their cruiser not sure what to make of the situation before them.

Kathy came out the front door and stood beside Larry and pointed to her eye!

"He did this!" She yelled pointing at Paul. "He's got a jackknife too!" She yelled.

Derek took another step down holding the bat with two hands pointed at Paul's chest and Paul backed up one step.

The police officers clued in and separated to either side of Larry's Van. Each pulled out their weapon. One officer leaned on the corner of Larry's Van and took aim at Paul. The other moved in slowly and said. "Set the knife down!"

As Paul turned to look, Derek swung the bat perfectly at Paul's hand knocking the switchblade off into the front lawn. As Paul grabbed his right hand in pain, Derek jumped the final steps and punch threw his hardest right hook into Paul's left cheek. Paul lay on the ground unconscious.

Everyone froze. Derek was shaking. Larry came up behind and wrapped his arms around Derek. Derek twitched at being touched. The police officer behind the Van came up and removed the switchblade and then held his gun firmly pointed at Paul while the other officer phoned in for an ambulance and then handcuffed the unconscious Paul.

"Let me see your hand Derek?" Larry said. Derek wasn't conscious of the fact that he was even holding it.

"It doesn't look broken but we will need to x-ray it!" Larry said. Larry ran down the steps to Paul. One of the officers was going through his pockets.

"Don't move him. I'm a Doctor!" Larry said reaching down and checking for a pulse. Larry paused, and then tried to open Paul's mouth.

"What's wrong?" The cop asked.

"He's not breathing. He's swallowing his tongue but his jaw might be broken." Larry said. "Give me your gun!" Larry demanded.

"What?" The cop said.

"Give me your fucking gun or you'll be dealing with a dead body!" Larry screamed at him.

The cop pulled out his gun and handed it to Larry.

"Is the safety on?" Larry asked. The cop looked at it.. "Yeah"

"Yeah? Yeah isn't good enough! Make sure it is on." Larry yelled.

The other cop, watching this unfold came over and gave Larry his gun! "The safety is on Dr.!" He said looking Larry in the eye.

Larry took the gun and using the butt of the handle tapped Paul's jaw on the right side. Everyone flinched at the sound. Larry opened Paul's mouth and reached in and pulled his tongue back out.

"If his jaw wasn't broken before it is now!" Larry said. "At least he is too drunk to feel any pain for a while."

"And he is breathing!" The cop said taking his gun and returning it to its holster.

After giving statements and clearing out the house of Kathy and Casey's belongings, followed by a visit to the hospital, all four returned to the Anderson home. Kathy had charges filed against Paul for assault with the complete support of C.P.S. based on their previous visits and meetings with them. It was just after seven on Saturday night when the four arrived home.

Derek was still in a mild state of shock when he came into the kitchen.

"Oh my baby!" Linda said hugging him. "Is your hand going to be alright?"

"Yeah Mom it will be fine. Nothing's broken. Just bruised and swollen." Derek said.

Jeff's father was there with Chris waiting for Jeff to return. Mr. Coulter hugged his son through tears.

"Dad I didn't do anything!" Jeff said mildly disappointed. "Derek's the hero!"

"Jeff! Don't even think that! You protected Kathy! You were the final line of defense. Your son put his own life on the line to protect Casey's Mom!" Larry said.

Casey left his Mom to hug Jeff. "Hey Casey, we got all your stuff in the back of the Van! Want to go dig it out?" Jeff said. Casey and Luke smiled and Chris and Kyle left to help bring everything inside.

Kathy came over to Jeff and hugged him and thanked him. "I wouldn't let anyone hurt my little brother Casey or his Mom!" Jeff said very seriously. All of the adults shared a smile over Jeff's words!

"Don't worry Jeff!" Linda said, "Casey and his Mom are going to be staying here so you can visit Casey anytime you want!" Linda said hugging Jeff.

Jeff went to pitch in and help carry everything up to the third floor apartment. Luke made room in his bedroom for Casey and his stuff.

"Hey! Look at that Casey!" Luke laughed pointing at the flying Santa Claus.

"That's soooo cool Luke!" Casey said. "Look at the bags behind Santa!" Casey said pointing.

"Whoa!" Luke said and they locked fists.

After a little resistance from Mr. Coulter, he and his boys stayed for a pizza dinner. Jeff and Derek got to have one beer each, Chris and Kyle got R.C. cola, and Casey and Luke spread peanut butter all over their slices of pizza.

Only Linda and Kyle took notice of Derek's silence.

"Hey Derek, did you get me that Santa?" Luke asked as he munched away on his peanut butter pizza.

"No Luke. Tyler got it just for you and you might notice something special in the bag!" Derek said smiling at Luke.

"I did! Did Tyler do that too?" Luke asked.

"He did! Just for you!" Derek said.

"Cool! Thanks for putting it up!" Luke said.

"Actually you need to thank Jeff for that! He was the man behind it all and he did all the work!" Derek said.

"Really?" Luke asked.

"Really, really!" Derek said. Jeff blushed. Luke jumped down from his bar stool and ran over to Jeff to hug him.

"Thanks Jeff! I love you!" Luke said with a big smile.

"Don't believe everything your brother says! I only helped and all that matters is that you and Casey are happy with it!" Jeff said giving Luke a kiss on the cheek.

Mr. Coulter announced that it was time to go home. "Give me a second Dad, I have to gather up my clothes." Jeff said.

"I'll give you a hand Jeff." Derek said getting up and leading Jeff upstairs.

"I think my backpack is in Kyle's room. Be right back." Chris said. Kyle and Chris left the kitchen to go upstairs.

Jeff quickly stripped down and got dressed in his old clothing. "C'mere Jeff." Derek said as he sat on the bed and watched. Jeff sat down on Derek's left side. Derek leaned to his left and Jeff to his right. There lips met briefly. "You were brave beyond anything any man could ever be asked of today!" Derek said. "I am honoured to have you as my newest brother Jeff and I hope that in time you will allow me to earn the right to be your friend!"

"Allow?" Jeff laughed. "You did all the work and put yourself in danger to protect. our brother! I just hope I can earn the right to be your brother!"

"I told you! You're already our brother Jeff." Derek said. They shared one more kiss.

Kyle pushed Chris down on the bed and jumped on top of him. "I love you Chris!" Kyle said kissing him.

"I love you too. Do you wanna come stay the night?" Chris asked.

"I can't. Derek needs to talk to me about some problem." Kyle said kissing Chris some more.

"Okay. I will talk to you tomorrow. We had better get back downstairs." Chris said getting up from the bed and zipping up his backpack. Chris followed Kyle through the shared bathroom into Derek's room. They both stopped upon seeing their brother's kissing.

"Ahem" Kyle coughed at the entrance to Derek's room.

"Hey guys. Are you all ready to go Chris?" Derek asked.

"Yes Sir." Chris said.

"Yes Sir?" Derek responded.

"Derek!" Kyle yelled giving him a look.

"Okay guys let's get you off." Derek said with a sly grin. All four began laughing. As they walked out of the room Derek put his good arm around Chris.

"I'm sorry we haven't had a chance to really meet Chris. Maybe we'll get together and do something before Christmas?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, that would be great." Chris said stopping in the hallway. "Thank you for looking after my brother today. I couldn't imagine life if anything ever happened to him."

"Your brother is a real hero Chris! You should be very, very proud of him!" Derek said.

"I am. He's my hero!" Chris said.

"You're a smart man Chris!" Derek said and they continued on downstairs. Jeff and Chris left with their Dad shortly afterwards.

Kathy began getting settled in and Larry went into great detail to explain the alarm system and how long Paul would be in the hospital. He also pointed out that Paul was handcuffed in bed and sedated. After x-rays and surgery to wire his jaw shut he will be moved to the prison hospital for recovery and only after that will he get a bail hearing! Kathy and Casey seemed relieved!

Casey was going to sleep in the apartment with his Mom but she suggested that it was more important for him to keep Luke company, while winking at Luke! Luke knew exactly what she meant and smiled. Kathy waved him over to join in their group hug. Larry winked at Kathy and told her that it was her night to read to her boys!

By nine o'clock, it was just Larry, Linda, Derek, and Kyle in the kitchen. Derek was still silent for the most part and Larry picked up on this by noticing Linda's concern.

"I'm going to head to bed." Derek said getting up from the bar stool and carrying his plate over to the sink.

"Me too." Kyle said

"How's you hand feeling?" Larry asked.

"It's fine Dad." Derek said.

Linda gave Derek a hug and a kiss as she told him how proud she was of him but Derek wouldn't hug her back. Kyle noticed Derek's coldness as well as Larry.

"Night boys." Larry said.

"Night Dad." Derek and Kyle said leaving the kitchen.

Linda looked at Larry and Larry hugged her in silence.

Derek sat down on his bed and Kyle followed him into his room.

"Here, let me help!" Kyle said lifting Derek's sweatshirt over his head.

"I need a shower!" Derek said.

"Yes, you do need a shower!" Kyle said. "Can you remove your plastic cast to shower?" He asked.

"Yeah, no problem. It's just to protect my hand from getting bumped. The emergency room Doctor wasn't even going to put one on but Dad insisted." Derek said.

Kyle went into their bathroom and turned the shower on. He returned and helped get Derek's clothes off.

"Thanks Kyle. I might need you to wipe my ass as well!" Derek joked.

"I can wipe your ass at anything, any time, big brother!" Kyle teased.

"Yes you can." Derek said.

"Hey, when did you get that?" Kyle asked picking up Derek's arm.

"That is a Christmas present from Danny and Cody. Ty got one too." Derek said.

"What's it say?" Kyle asked.

"Brothers forever!" Derek said smiling.

"Cool!" Kyle said.

"Yeah it is. Danny and Cody bought each other one for Christmas as well." Derek said standing up and Kyle pulled down Derek's boxers. Kyle began removing his clothes.

"You're having a shower too?" Derek asked knowing full well what Kyle was doing.

"You can't be showering alone Derek!" Kyle said as he stepped out of his boxers with a big grin. Derek put his good arm around Kyle and they walked in to their bathroom. Kyle slid the shower doors open and Derek saw the bathtub was over half way full.

"Kyle, you're running a bath for me?" Derek asked.

"Uh huh! Get in!" Kyle ordered pointing towards the tub. Derek stepped into the tub and lowered himself down with Kyle holding onto to his elbow to help lower him down.

"Ahhhh." Derek moaned and Kyle poured some bubble bath in the clear water. Kyle inserted a homemade CD into the player on the vanity. He pressed play and then told Derek to sit up and move forward. Kyle crawled in behind Derek and slid his legs around Derek's butt.

"Okay, now lie back" Kyle said as he splashed a little water on himself. Derek lay back on Kyle's chest and Kyle put his arms around Derek and scooped up handfuls of water and washed Derek's chest. Derek lay back and relaxed closing his eyes. Kyle took a plastic cup and filled it with water and poured it over Derek's hair so it ran down on to Kyle.

"Mmmmmm, what's this song?" Derek asked.

"It's one that Ty sent me. It's called "All I Want" by Toad the Wet Sprocket.

"It's nice! I hope you set it on repeat!" Derek said.

"Shush! Keep your eyes closed I'm going to wash your hair now." Kyle said as he poured shampoo on top of Derek's head.

"You shouldn't have done what you did today Derek. You could have been seriously hurt!" Kyle said.

"Kyle!" Derek yelled.

"Shush!" Kyle said.

"No you shush! Everyone has said I shouldn't have done anything! Are you going to be another bystander in life Kyle? When exactly do people start getting off their asses and doing something? If you saw Luke being pulled into a car by a stranger would you just watch? Not one person has said I did the right thing!" Derek said.

"Rinse!" Kyle warned and poured the plastic cup of water over his head. "You sound like Tyler right now!" Kyle added.

"Whatever!" Derek shot back.

"You're wrong Derek! You could have been stabbed or even killed! It was a stupid thing to do! The police were called." Kyle said.

"Kyle! The police casually drove up almost 15 minutes after we got there. I can't imagine them moving any faster unless we had told them there were free donuts! I told them he had a knife, Kathy yelled to the cops he had knife and they still didn't do anything until they actually saw the switchblade in Paul's hand! If I was going to be hurt it would have been because of the police not showing up and not because I did something dangerous! Dad actually considered having charges brought against them but decided to have a chat with their Captain instead." Derek said but Kyle didn't respond.

"If we hadn't gone over Kyle, where would Kathy be right now?" Derek asked but Kyle didn't respond. Kyle reached down to massage Derek's crotch and Derek pushed his hand away. "Help me out of here!" Derek ordered. Kyle stood up and then assisted Derek to stand in the bathtub.

Kyle got around Derek and turned the water on and pulled the plug out of the tub. He then faced Derek holding the showerhead and hose and rinsed Derek's body off. After catching each other's eyes a few times Kyle said, "I love you."

"I know." Derek said turning around so that Kyle could rinse his back. Kyle turned off the water, they both got out of the tub, and Kyle dried the two of them off. No words were exchanged.

When Derek put the plastic cast back on over his hand and wrist he asked Kyle, "Can you do the Velcro straps up please?" Kyle pulled all three straps through their hinges and made sure each was snug. Kyle left Derek standing at the vanity while he pulled out a pair of red night shorts for him. Derek pulled back the comforter and sat down on the bed. He considered turning on the computer but was too tired to try to type with one hand. Kyle came out of the bathroom with a towel and dried Derek's hair.

"Just let me do it Kyle!" Derek said, frustrated with Kyle attempting to dry to hair. Kyle said nothing and walked out Derek's bedroom door. He returned moments later with a glass of apple juice, which he set down on Derek's night table next to the one lamp on in the room. Kyle walked over to the bathroom and removed his towel, turned off the bathroom light and crawled into Derek's bed on the other side.

"Kyle, I would really like to be alone tonight if you don't mind." Derek asked.

"Sure!" Kyle said and proceeded to move close enough to Derek that his naked body was touching Derek's backside."

"Kyle!" Derek said upon feeling Kyle's hand wrap around him.

"Uh huh?" Kyle said tapping him three times.

Derek didn't respond. They remained quiet for a few minutes until Derek announced that he had to roll over because his hand was swelling. Kyle rolled over in his spot never moving an inch, forcing Derek to bring his plastic covered arm over and around Kyle. Kyle took his pillow and put it in front of him so Derek's arm would be elevated.

<10 minutes pass>

"So you're not going to speak to me just like you're doing with Mom and Dad?" Kyle asked.

"What are you talking about?" Derek asked lifting his head off the pillow.

"You're angry at me because I don't agree with you." Kyle said.

"I'm not angry at you Kyle!" Derek yelled.

"You just yelled at me and I'm six inches away from you." Kyle said.

"Well I'm sorry Kyle!" Derek yelled.

"No you're not, you are still yelling! You said you wanted to talk to me and here I am but you're just angry with me cause you did something stupid and I don't agree with it!" Kyle said.

"I don't want to get in to this again Kyle!" Derek said in a softer tone.

"Derek, you took on a guy with a switchblade when you didn't have too! Say what you want but you can't argue that I am wrong!" Kyle said.

"I said I don't want to discuss this Kyle!" Derek repeated.

"Fine! I think I will go sleep in my room!" Kyle said crawling out of bed. Derek sighed.

"Kyle?" Derek said as Kyle rounded the end of the bed.

"WHAT?" Kyle asked.

"Do you know what's going on between Mom, Dad, and Tyler?" Derek asked.

"Maybe, but why don't you ask them since you're not speaking to me!" Kyle said slamming Derek's bathroom shut behind him.

"Oh boy." Derek sighed rubbing his face with his good hand.

"Hey Ty,

I know u r not online because u r probably at work. It's been a strange day here. Kathy called asking Mom and Dad 2 keep Casey here. It turns out that her b/f has been beating her up. Dad and Derek and Jeff went over 2 get her out of there when her drunken b/f showed up with a switchblade. Derek took his bball bat and took the guy down. He's got a broken jaw and a broken hand. Derek's hand is in a cast as well but nothing is broken.

Derek hasn't been speaking 2 Mom or Dad. He's angry with me cause I told him he shouldn't have gotten in2 a fight that he didn't have 2! He's not really speaking to me now! I heard Dad on the phone talking 2 someone about u. I think his name was David so maybe it was u r little brother but I'm not sure b/c Dad slammed the phone down and then threw a chair in2 a wall. It was kind a weird seeing Dad cry. He's never done that b4! I don't know what's going on but if u can help I would really appreciate it! I hope u haven't shut u r computer down yet before u leave for Toronto. Merry Christmas Ty, I wish u were going 2 be here like at Thanksgiving. I love u always! u r Kyle!"

Knock, knock, knock

"Hey Cody, how was the airport?" Tyler asked.

"Funny you should mention that Ty!" Cody said. "We went through security fine and we were sitting there waiting for Danny's boarding call and these two security guards walk by and one says Hello!"

"And?" Tyler asks.

"Well the one we remembered and the other we didn't know but Danny opened the bag of cinnamon buns and offered each of them one. They each took one, smiled, and left. Nothing happened but it was funny. I couldn't wait to get out of there. That place just makes me feel uncomfortable." Cody said laughing as he handed Tyler his keys back.

"Thanks for the use of the Jeep. That is really fun to drive!" Cody said.

"Anything, any time Cody!" Tyler said.

"Good! Speaking of. you're expected for dinner on Christmas day! No arguments!" Cody said. Tyler looked at him.

"We'll see Cody okay?" Tyler said.

"Coach's orders! You argue it out with him! He said he will come up here and personally drag you back if he has too!" Cody said smiling. "And he will, besides it's all casual anyway. Only my grandparents on my Dad's side are going to be there."

"We'll see Cody! Okay? Tell your Dad I appreciate the offer." Tyler said.

"I have to get to work. Do you need a ride to your Dad's?"

"No, I've got the van. I just left it here. Danny and I have been talking about getting an apartment near campus so I'm going to spend the afternoon online checking out what's available." Cody said hoping Tyler would bite.

"Hey that's really great. Won't you miss mystery meat night downstairs?" Tyler teased.

"I don't think so. we don't really have the option of sharing a room here without offending our roommates so it would be easiest to be off campus but in walking distance." Cody said.

"There are pluses and minuses to living together but as Derek says, how else are we going to find out if we can make a life together?" Tyler said.

"So?" Cody asked.

"So?" Tyler responded.

"Would you and Derek be interested in getting a place with us for second semester?" Cody asked.

"Ummm. Hadn't thought about it Cody. I would like to be out of here somewhere that my Jeep is safe!" Tyler said smiling. "I'm not sure what Derek would think?"

"I think Derek is interested!" Cody said.

"Really?" Tyler said pausing doing up his white dress shirt.

"Sorry, I really shouldn't say that." Cody said.

"It's okay Cody. This is private between you and me. I didn't know that Derek was discussing moving in with you guys. That is his business and he can tell me when and if he wants too! He may not want to live with me in the New Year anyway." Tyler said resuming doing up his shirt.

"Ty, I don't know that he has talked to anyone. Danny just inferred that Derek would be open to the idea. I haven't been told anything else." Cody said trying to make sure he covered himself from future problems.

"It's okay Cody! I will phone Derek or maybe email him. and ask him his opinion. I guess I should be clear first if you and Danny are inviting me to join you guys? Tyler asked.

"Ty!" Cody said holding out his bracelet. "Danny is my boyfriend and I love him more than anything else on this planet but when it comes to living arrangements I would rather share a room, apartment, or house with you than anyone else." Tyler smiled.

"He is a bit of a pig isn't he?" Tyler joked.

"Just a bit." Cody said shaking his head. "Consider yourself officially invited by me and Danny and that invitation is also extended to our other brother Derek."

"Look, I've got to go here but would you do me a favour Cody?" Tyler asked.

"Anything, any time Ty!" Cody said smiling.

"Don't look for an apartment! Look for a house!" Tyler said.

"Really?" Cody asked.

"Really, really! If we have at least four of us we can probably rent a townhouse or condo for not much more than an apartment and have a lot more space! If there were enough bedrooms we could even invite others to join in!" Tyler said but added, "I think it would be nice if the four of us had a three bedroom place and then we would have a spare bedroom for company or make it in to a computer room."

"This is so fucking cool Ty! That's a brilliant idea! We might have to make a decision right away if we find something!" Cody said.

"Assume that I can cover the first and last month's rent." Tyler said putting his winter coat on.

"Really?" Cody asked with a big grin.

"GO, you have work to do Cody!" Tyler smiled shaking his head.

"I love you Ty, and thanks again for the use of the Jeep." Cody said stepping out into the hallway first so that Tyler could lock the door.

"Hey Cody, could I hire you to do some private work for me?" Tyler asked.

"Sure, but you don't have to pay me!" Cody said.

"No, I have a specific job I need done. I can pay you or pay someone else! If you want some extra cash for Christmas then it is yours for the taking!" Tyler said.

"Sure. I'm pretty much broke anyway. I could use the money!" Cody said smiling.

"Okay, listen carefully." Tyler ordered. "You're not to say a word to anyone about this. Especially Danny and Derek! If you have any problems with that say so now!"

"No problem." Cody said though a little concerned.

"Within a 12 block radius of this campus I want you to hunt out the 10 best Townhouses for sale! I want to know the location, prices, taxes, maintenance fees, age, and location to the bus, the good, the bad, and the ugly! I need to know what it costs per year to have heat, water, electricity, and cable. I want pictures, agent's names, and any details you think are important. I'll pay you $300.00 for the work plus any expenses you incur. Let me know tonight or tomorrow okay?" Tyler asked.

"For Sale?" Cody asked. "You're serious?"

"I hope you didn't forget all the other things I just asked for?" Tyler laughed.

"Nope! I got it! You're serious?" Cody asked with a big grin.

"I need a place to park my Jeep as well! Give preference to places with a garage!" Tyler said giving Cody a kiss on the cheek then running down the hall to the elevator. On his way to work he dialled the Anderson's home phone but the line was busy.

"Hullo?" Cody said answering his phone.

"Cody." Coach Conners said.

"Hey Dad. Oh shit! Sorry I forgot to tell you I was staying here tonight. I got a temporary job though!" Cody said hoping to appease his father.

"You're supposed to have the Van back at six!" His Dad said.

"I'm really sorry Dad. Do you want me to bring it home right now?" Cody asked.

"No that's okay. Just bring it in the morning. What's this about a job?" Coach Conners asked.

"Well. me and Danny were thinking about getting an apartment if we could find something reasonably priced." Cody began.

"Cody we can't afford an apartment! That could cost us $600.00 to $800.00 per month if you split it with Danny!" The Coach said.

"Wait Dad! I talked about it with Tyler and he wants me to investigate buying a townhouse for him. He would rent rooms out to each of us! He's paying $300.00 plus expenses to locate up to ten possible places within a 12 block radius of the Campus!" Cody said.

"Hmmm. That might work out better than staying in Boyd House!" Coach Conners said.

"Dad, he really doesn't want anything more done to his Jeep and I think it would be a good growing experience for all of us to see if we can live together." Cody suggested.

"Just promise me you will talk it over with me before you commit my money to this?" Coach Conners asked.

"Always Dad. You're still my number one guy in my life!" Cody said.

"I'm your number two, but that is okay as long as number one is Danny. Did you warn my number one player about making sure he shows up for Christmas dinner?" Coach Conners teased.

"Yes Sir. I'm not sure I had much luck but I think if he goes anywhere it will be our house. I can't explain it but Danny told me he really just wants to be alone this year." Cody said.

"I can relate Cody. You were a bit young your first Christmas without your Mom and sister but I know I didn't want the family around even though we ended up with them all. Well don't pressure him then but make sure he knows we would love to have him!" Coach said.

"He knows that Dad. I really didn't pressure him and I don't think he thought we were inviting him because we felt we had to!" Cody said.

"One more thing Cody! Don't be taking any money from Tyler! That boy is on his own now so he needs every cent he's got! If you need money you come to me!" The Coach said.

"Yes Sir. Thanks Dad." Cody said.

"You're my world Cody! I love you very much." Coach Conners said.

"I love you too Dad, and no matter what you think you are still the number one man in my life! Night Dad." Cody said hanging up the phone.

"Night Son." Coach Conners replied.

Tyler stepped on something in the darkness of his room when he opened the door. He picked up the piece of paper and read it.

"Hey Puckhead, I'm here for the night. Got most of what you required done and printed out! If you're up to it then come visit me. Love you always, your Cody."

"Sweet!" Tyler said out loud. He was going to email Derek about it but thought it would be easier to just phone him. He looked at his watch and decided that ten-thirty probably wasn't too late to phone.

"Hello?" Linda answered.

"Hi Mrs. Anderson. It's Tyler." He said.

"Hi Tyler." She said not sure what to say next looking at Larry.

"I was wondering if Derek is able to come to the phone?" Tyler asked.

"He went up to his room about nine but just hang on and I will check. Larry would you go see if Derek is still up?" She asked.

Larry went upstairs and knocked on Derek's bedroom door but there was no answer. He opened it and stuck his head in.

"Are you still awake Derek?" Larry said softly. Derek was awake but didn't answer.

"Tyler's on the phone and wants to speak with you." Larry said.

Derek moaned.

Larry pulled the door shut and Derek yelled, "What?"

Larry opened the door again and said, "Tyler's on the phone; are you awake or asleep?"

Derek turned on the light on his bedside table. "Shit. Kyle has my phone now."

"You can use the one in our bedroom, it will give you more privacy anyway." Larry said walking away.

"How are you doing Tyler?" Linda asked.

"I'm good, just really tired from work today. It seems like everyone in Philly is having their Christmas party at Ciccones!" Tyler laughed. "But the money I'm making is incredible."

"Good, good Tyler. I don't wish to interfere and this is between you and me, but you know that we would really love to have you here for the holiday.

We would love to have you here all year long in fact!" Linda said.

Derek untangled himself from his bed and went into his parent's room. He picked up the phone to hear Tyler say, "Thank you Mrs. Anderson."

"Hey." Derek said.

"Hey!" Tyler responded.

"I'll get off the phone now, take care Tyler and Merry Christmas!" Linda said.

"You too Mrs. Anderson." Tyler said.

"What's up?" Derek said yawning.

"Nothing important. Did they wake you up?" Tyler asked.

"It's all right. Been a long day around here today." Derek said.

"Everything okay?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah. nothing worth boring you about." Derek said.

Tyler paused. "K."

"You wanted something?" Derek asked.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. You called, I'm here, what do you want?" Derek asked.

"This seems like a bad time. I can talk to you tomorrow. Sorry I woke you." Tyler said.

"Tyler!" Derek yelled. "If you got something you want to say to me spit it out!"

"Cody and I were talking about getting an apartment or renting a house or something and I just wanted to know your thoughts on the idea?" Tyler asked very softly.

"I don't care. Do whatever you want." Derek said faking another yawn.

"Okay. I'm sorry I bothered you. Go back to bed and get some sleep. I love you." Tyler said.

"Yeah. I love you too. Night." Derek said.

Tyler set hung up his cell and when Derek heard the disconnection of the line he slammed the phone down on the receiver.

Linda and Larry heard the noise and Linda started to go out of the kitchen when Larry stopped her.

"You can't get involved until we are asked and even then we can't say what we know!" Larry said and Linda turned around.

Tyler stared at his closed cell phone for a moment. He opened it and called Cody telling him to come over. Cody brought with him a binder filled with prospective properties. Each property categorized in order of best to worst in Cody's opinion. He handed Tyler the file and Tyler said thanks but nothing else.

"How many do you have here?" Tyler asked as sat down on the loveseat.

"I actually found 14 properties and narrowed it down to 11. I figure the ones over $500,000.00 were out of your price range." Cody said smiling. Tyler didn't look up at Cody while he reviewed them. Cody felt like he was in public school and the teacher sitting at her desk grading his paper while he waited.

"This is good. very good!" Tyler said pulling four of the files out and tossing them aside.

"I didn't really have a lot of details to work with. Three bedrooms and a garage narrowed down the options considerably." Cody said.

Tyler resorted them. "Okay, three, one, six, two, and eight! That gives us five choices and none of them are over $250.000.00." Tyler tossed the leftovers down on to the floor.

"I don't mean to be nosey but you can afford a quarter of a million dollar home?" Cody asked.

"Uh huh! I'm just not sure how long it will take to free up the cash!" Tyler said and Cody just stared at him with his mouth hanging open.

"Cody. When my family was in the car accident my parents died immediately. My brother lived another two days. Because my brother was alive at the time of my parent's death we both got paid from my parent's insurance policies and the one Dad had at work. Then when he died I automatically got his money along with another payout from the insurance company on his policy. I also have the value of our home which I still own!" Tyler said and then returned to looking through the options.

"You don't have to answer this but how wealthy are you?" Cody asked.

Tyler paused and thought about it.

"I'm sorry Tyler. That was really rude! I shouldn't have asked." Cody said.

"You're my brother Cody so it is okay. I can't say that I wouldn't also be curious myself if I were in your shoes. I really don't want to discuss the exact figure before I talk to Derek. Let's me just ask this! Do you know any millionaires?" Tyler said.

"Not personally." Cody said.

"You do now!" Tyler said winking at him. Cody smiled.

"Here's what I am thinking. I buy the house and we calculate the expenses for the house for one year and divide it equally between the four of us or however many choose to live there!" Tyler said.

"However many?" Cody asked.

"I was afraid you might pick up on that." Tyler said. "I just got off the phone with Derek and he was colder than the temperature outside right now."

"Do you think he knows?" Cody asked.

"I'm not sure. He might, but I think if he did he would have said something.

I'm pretty sure his parents won't say anything. Your word is everything in that family." Tyler said.

"Your word is everything in this family as well!" Cody said winking.

Tyler handed Cody file number three. "What do you think Cody?" Tyler asked.

"Looks kind of small." Cody said.

"It is but it isn't! It's only 18 feet wide but goes back almost 100 feet and it has four floors. The main floor has an open concept kitchen, dining and a living room. The second floor has two bedrooms and a master bathroom, with one bedroom in the front, one in the back. Third floor has a huge master bedroom with a sitting area and ensuite bathroom. The basement is finished with a fireplace and rear exit to the garage! Oh, above the garage on the main floor you exit out sliding glass doors to a patio built on top of the garage from the kitchen. We could have a barbeque! And it is fenced so neighbours on both sides can't bother us! Hardwood floors and did you notice that the laundry room is on the second floor? We wouldn't have to carry all our shit down to the basement like we do here!" Tyler said.

"Hmmmm I just figured out why you like it best!" Cody said smiling.

"You think so huh?" Tyler quizzed Cody.

"One word! Kitchen! It has the biggest kitchen of all of these places!" Cody said.

"I think you're getting too smart for your own good Mr. Conners!" Tyler laughed.

"So you and Derek would have the top floor?" Cody asked.

"Nope!" Tyler said.

"Sweet! You're giving the top floor to me and Danny then!" Cody asked.

"Nope!" Tyler said smiling. Cody frowned.

"The top floor will be the study and work area. We can put all four of our computers up there. That way the second floor is a quiet area for sleeping." Tyler said.

"Or other things." Cody winked.

"Or other things Cody." Tyler said. "I think we might put a bed or a sofabed up there in case of company. Did you notice that the basement and the entire wall by the stairway is all made of brick on the inside?" Tyler asked.

"No." Cody said.

"You have to read the fine print Cody!" Tyler laughed. "Do you think your Dad would come with us to look at these?"

"Yeah, I'm sure I could talk him into it!" Cody said not looking at Tyler. "What kind of rent do you think we would need to pay?"

"That's really easy. We just add up all the expenses for the year, add 5% considering for the unexpected. Since we might have four people living there I'll divide by four! Hang on a minute and let me see." Tyler began adding figures up.

"You mean divided by three. You don't have to pay rent, you will own it!" Cody said.

"No Cody. We share the expense equally! I may own the house but it is all done through a group decision." Tyler said. "I would estimate somewhere between $275.00 and $300.00 per month all inclusive except food!"

"Shit! Really?" Cody asked.

"Really, really!" Tyler said laughing.

"That's doable!" Cody said with a big smile.

"Well it depends on whether we have three or four people!" Tyler said.

"Derek is a question mark?" Cody asked.

"Big time!" Tyler said.

"Now you boys be good for Derek! He's in charge!" Linda said.

"Muwahahahahahaha!" Luke said rubbing his hands together.

"Luke! To bed now!" Derek said.

"Derek! Luke you behave. Derek the phone number of where to reach us is on the fridge." Linda said.

"Where are you going?" Kyle asked.

"It's Daddy's Christmas party from work." Linda told Kyle.

"Borrrrrrring!" Kyle said.

"You betcha!" Larry said putting on his dinner jacket. "If it wasn't for your Mother I wouldn't have to attend this crap!"

Linda looked at Larry with a furrowed brow.

"I mean. how often does your Mother get out of the house away from you guys?" Larry said with a fake grin.

"Honey, have you got your gift?" Linda asked.

"Right here!" Larry said holding up a Fisher-Price Doctor's kit.

"You're giving them a kid's Doctor's Kit?" Kyle asked

"It's filled with tiny little liquor bottles!" Larry said winking. "We play some stupid game and you get to choose a secret Santa gift! Pretty lame isn't it?" Larry said.

"Word!" Kyle said smiling

"Any Peanut Butter in there?" Luke asked.

"No Lucas!" Linda said.

"Good, cause I wouldn't want you to waste it on a bunch of boring old people!" Luke said.

"I'll have you know I work with those boring old people Luke!" Larry said winking at him. "Never mind, you're right Luke. as always!" Larry said kissing Luke good night.

"Good night boys." Linda said kissing Luke and Kyle.

"Not too late guys, I know you're on Christmas vacation now but we have to go and get the tree tomorrow and then decorate it." Larry warned. "And then your Mom will show us how it should be decorated!" Larry winked.

"Good night Honey." Linda said to Derek. "Thanks for staying in and watching the house." She said and tried to kiss him but he walked away.

"Night. have fun." Derek said walking away from all of them.

"Boys. Please take it easy on Derek okay? For me!" Linda asked.

"He's not even speaking to me so I don't think it will be a problem." Kyle said.

"Maybe if you spoke to him Kyle?" Linda said. "You guys know where everything is! Luke, what are you doing tonight inside the house since Casey and Kathy are away at his Aunt's?" Linda asked.

"Hmmmmpt!" Luke said crossing his arms. "I was going to start construction of my army of snowmen but I guess that is out now. I guess I will just have to kill myself!" Luke sighed.

"That's fine Honey, but don't get blood on the carpet because I can never get it out!" Linda said winking at him and giving him another kiss. "I love you honey!"

"I love you too Mom! Have fun. though I don't know how without me there!" Luke said and skipped off to the TV in the Great Room.

"Neither do I Luke, neither do I." Linda said smiling

"If you really loved me you wouldn't leave me with these two!" Kyle stated.

"You're right. if I really loved you?" Linda winked and kissed Kyle. "Just remember that because you are the only real man in the house doesn't mean we have to tell the others!"

"LINDA!" Larry yelled.

"Coming Dear." She said as she picked up the Fisher-Price Doctor's Kit that Larry left sitting on the island and shaking her head.

"Aren't you supposed to wrap it so it is a secret?" Kyle asked.

"Larry! I just have to run to the washroom!" Linda said smiling at Kyle. "Where would I be without you?" She said running into the dining room to wrap up the gift.

Kyle popped his head into Derek's room and asked, "Is Tyler home yet?"

"How the Hell would I know?" Derek said playing with his football.

"You are his boyfriend aren't you?" Kyle asked.

"Who knows? He was leaving yesterday at lunch." Derek said.

"Cool, I'm going to go see if he is online!" Kyle said walking out of the room.

"Don't you already have a boyfriend Kyle?" Derek asked sarcastically.

"Several. it seems!" Kyle grinned and ducked as Derek threw the football, just missing him and rolling down the hallway.

"Little fucktard!" Derek snarled after Kyle had entered his room.

Kyle turned on his computer and then his MSN messenger. Tyler was online but listed as away. Kyle open the message box and clicked on the webcam icon. He saw a pair naked legs dangling from the bunkbed and knew those were Tyler's legs. Kyle could never forget any part of that body. The door to Tyler's walk-in closet was open and Kyle could see all of his clothes hanging neatly pack. Tyler was scratching his left leg with his right foot.

Someone else appeared on the screen but Kyle couldn't see his face. He was wearing blue Nike© t-shirt with the logo pasted across the front in white and the words 'Just do it!' below the logo.

Kyle watched as the stranger handed some papers up to Tyler. He watched as the guy adjusted his equipment and Kyle figured he was looking up at Tyler' crotch. The thought made Kyle adjust himself as well. Kyle checked his email and saw that Tyler had responded to his email.

"Hey Kyle,

Sorry it took so long to get your email. I haven't been online much and when I have been Cody and me have been searching every free moment we have for a new place to live before the next semester starts in late January. I'm happy to hear that Derek and Kathy are okay. Be proud of your brother, not angry for what he did! He probably saved her life and he isn't stupid, he knows what he can and can't do!

If everyone isn't speaking then I probably know what is all about. It's my fault and lets just leave it at that. It's not something I can talk about right now. I'm sorry that I am making your life difficult and that of your family. Please don't be angry with any of them! Between you and me I would really like to know what this David said? Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year not-so-little-dude! I love you very much! 123 Ty.

Kyle reread the email again. Something wasn't right but he couldn't figure it out. He closed his email up and returned to watching Tyler's cam. Kyle guessed that it was probably Cody that was there. Whoever it is was definitely getting turned on watching Tyler. Kyle could see the stranger putting on a winter coat and Tyler jumped down. Kyle saw royal blue silk boxers pass by the web camera. Kyle adjusted himself again.

Tyler came back into view a few minutes later and put on a white sweatshirt and then sat down at the computer. Kyle was about type in a message to him when Chris came online.

"Hey Babe!" Chris said.

"Hey Chris. I'm busy right now with Ty okay?" Kyle said.

"Should I be nervous? ; )" Chris asked.

"Chris! U know no one is speaking in this house and I'm pretty it's all over Tyler! Take with u later or tomorrow okay? 123" Kyle said.

"Np. Love you babe!" Chris said.

"Hey!" Kyle typed in the message box to Tyler.

Hey not-so-little-dude : )

How are things Ty?

Okay. I would ask the same of you but I gather things are still bad?

Yeah, very bad! Derek won't even acknowledge Mom and Dad are alive. Would you tell me what is going on?

Sorry not-so-little-dude. I can't.

Yes you can Ty! Whatever you know is destroying this family!

I'm sorry Kyle. I'm not trying to ruin your family or your Christmas.


Kyle went to Derek's bedroom via the hallway and quietly walked in and asked Derek, "Did you say that Tyler was leaving for Toronto yesterday?"

"That's what he told me." Derek said trying to ignore the intrusion. Kyle slammed his bedroom door shut and then closed the bathroom door before going back on the computer.

Back! What the fuck is going on Ty?

I can't talk about it Kyle.

You fucking well can talk about it! This is Kyle!

You said you would never, ever lie to me! So answer me this! You told Derek you were leaving for Toronto on Monday after getting your Jeep fixed or something. So why are you still in your dorm room?

Why are you not packed? I see all your clothes in the closet! I see your work stuff sitting there so I know you worked tonight! Why are you not going home for Christmas?

Tell me what the fuck I did to you to deserve this?

Kyle you're really angry right now so I don't think we should continue this discussion!

<Kyle picked up the receiver and banged in each number on the phone dialling Derek's dorm room. After it rang six times Kyle put the receiver between his shoulder and ear and began typing.>

Answer the fucking phone!!!!!

"Yup." Tyler said.

"Hi." Kyle said not really expecting Tyler to answer it.

"You wanted to yell at me some more?" Tyler said.

"No." Kyle said caught off guard.

"Go ahead and get it out of your system. You're angry with me because your brother's in a bad mood and it is effecting your life. so it must be my fault!" Tyler said forcibly holding back his own anger.

"You promised you would never lie to me and now you are lying to me!" Kyle said.

"I've not lied to you Kyle." Tyler said.

"You're lying to me because you won't tell me what's going on!" Kyle said raising his voice.

"That isn't lying Kyle!" Tyler said.

"It is to me! You don't trust me!" Kyle stated

"I never said I don't trust you and NOT telling you something isn't lying!" Tyler said.

"You're really angry and you're directing it at me! I think we should end this conversation Kyle. I love you very much and I am sorry that you are upset at your brother. Even if I caused his bad mood it isn't my fault if he mistreats you." Tyler said.

"Yes it is! It's like a Cancer and this Cancer comes from you and it's spreading through this house!" Kyle yelled.

"Then all I can say to you Kyle is that I am sorry you feel that way. If you really think that I am to blame for the way your brother's treating you then I will say I am sorry and goodbye. I promise to never darken your path again." Tyler said as he began to tear up.

Kyle was watching Tyler while talking to him. He had the advantage of watching Tyler's facial reaction. Kyle saw Tyler wipe his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Kyle said.

"No Kyle! I know you are only 14 years old but you really feel deep down inside that I am like a Cancer on your family then I should leave! Maybe you are the smartest one of all of us to recognize it and admit to it?" Tyler pondered.

"No Ty! Why can't you tell me what this is about? Why can't you tell me why you're not going home for Christmas? What does this have to do with your brother David?" Kyle said raising his voice with each question

"IT'S NOT MY BROTHER KYLE! IT'S MY UNCLE DAVID! MY BROTHER IS DEAD!!!!!!!!" Tyler screamed into the phone.

"Oh My God Tyler. I'm sorry I didn't know!" Kyle said feeling his stomach drop.

"You're not supposed to know!" Tyler yelled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell."

"What does your Uncle David have to do with this?" Kyle asked calmly.

"He has nothing to do with anything anymore!" Tyler said. "I told him about Derek and he is homophobic! He wants me to see their Baptist minister or a Psychologist about being gay! He thinks they can cure me of this disease." Tyler said wiping his eyes.

"What do your parents say about this?" Kyle asked.

"Kyle, listen closely! I'm only going to say this once! Remember one thing before I hang up! I really do love you! A lot more than you know and a lot more than I even want to admit to myself! Do you understand?" Tyler asked.

"Uh huh." Kyle mumbled as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I want you to listen closely and say nothing! Last July my family drove me to the airport to fly to Philly for the first week of tryouts and meet and greet crap. It was my Canada Day or your Independence Day weekend. Before I had even taken off from the airport my parents, brother, and dog where in a car accident on the major highway that runs through Toronto. Mom and Dad were killed instantly along with our dog. My brother died two days later. I didn't find out until I got off the airplane in Philly. I immediately headed back home that day! I have no family Kyle and I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me! This Christmas I just want to be alone! Do you understand?" Tyler said very calmly.

Kyle squeaked a noise but that was all.

"I didn't want Derek to know about any of this until after Christmas but your parents found out from my Uncle David. They are not telling your brother because they know it has to come from me! Derek has the right to know before you or anyone else! Doesn't matter now. Just remember that I love you and your Cancer will be gone shortly!" Tyler said hanging up the phone.

Kyle was still holding the phone and watching the webcam when he saw Tyler's foot come at the computer and then he went offline. Kyle picked up the phone and threw it at the wall. The phone actually hit the bedroom and door and broke into pieces. Kyle began sobbing and ran to his bed. He grabbed his pillow and sobbed uncontrollably.

Derek was finishing unpacking his last suitcase that included his present from Tyler. He was holding Tyler's present in his hand when heard the noise and ran into Kyle's room through the hallway. He saw Kyle lying face down on his bed and the broken phone lying in pieces on the floor.

"Kyle? What's wrong?" Derek asked going over to his bed. Luke came running down the hallway and stood at the entrance to see Kyle screaming and crying into his pillow and Derek rubbing Kyle's back.

"Talk to me Kyle?" Derek asked. Kyle shrugged his shoulders to let Derek know that he didn't want to be touched.

"Did you have a fight with Chris?" Derek asked but Kyle just cried.

"Did you have a fight with Jeff?" Derek asked trying to figure out what is wrong.

"Where you on the phone with Tyler?" Derek tried and Kyle's crying got louder and he began to hyperventilate. Derek forcibly picked Kyle up off of his bed and sat him down on his lap. Kyle protested momentarily and then wrapped his arms around Derek still unable to catch his breath.

"Calm down Kyle. Just relax. You're shaking so much I can barely hold on to you!" Derek said rubbing his back. Luke held on to the doorframe with one finger in his mouth.

"When you're ready, take a deep breath and tell me what happened with Tyler on the phone." Derek asked. Hearing Tyler's name made Kyle's sobbing and shaking worse. Derek looked around Kyle to see Luke standing at the door. He put his hand up to the side of his face and mouthed the words 'call Mom'.

Luke pulled his finger out of his mouth and gave Derek a strange look. Again Derek held his hand up the side of his face and mouthed the words 'call MOM'. Luke paused. 'NOW!' Derek mouthed to Luke and Luke ran down the kitchen.

"I love you Kyle." Derek said trying to calm him down. Kyle tapped Derek's back three times.

"Hullo! Is Dr. Anderson there?" Luke said

"Just one moment please and I will see if I can find him!" The voice on the other end of the phone said.

"This is Dr. Anderson." Larry said.

"Dad! You've got to come home now. Something's wrong with Kyle and I think it has something to do with Tyler. Derek told me to phone you and Mom and tell you to get home now." Luke said frantically.

"Okay Luke, you tell your brother we are on our way and then I want you to go watch some TV and leave them alone okay?" Larry asked.

"Okay." Luke groaned.

"I love you Pookie!" Larry said.

"Love you too." Luke said hanging up the phone and then running back upstairs. When Luke arrived at Kyle's bedroom door he stopped. Kyle was still crying. Derek looked over at Luke and Luke nodded his head up and down. Derek signalled for Luke to come over and he did. Luke stood in front of Derek who had Kyle sitting on his lap. Derek opened his left arm and pulled Luke into a group hug. Kyle didn't look away from Derek's neck but he did slide his arm around Luke's waist. Kyle's crying began to slow and his breathing calmed down slightly.

"Kyle would you please tell me what is wrong?" Derek asked and Kyle shook his head back and forth. The three of them in Kyle's room could hear and feel the garage door opening beneath them.

"Mom and Dad are home." Derek said but neither Kyle nor Luke made a move. Larry and Linda made their way up to Kyle's room where the three were huddled together.

"My Baby!" Linda said sitting down next to Derek and taking Kyle into her arms from him. Larry sat down in Kyle's desk chair.

"Tell me what's the matter honey?" Linda said wiping the tears away from his red, puffy eyes.

"We know what the problem is Linda." Larry said. "C'mere Kyle." Larry said taking Kyle into his arms. Luke crawled up on his mother's lap.

"It seems everyone knows what the problem is except me!" Derek snarled.

"Derek! Shut up and listen!" Larry said not amused with his whining. "This has nothing directly to do with you."

"Now Kyle, did Tyler tell you what happened last July in Toronto?" Larry asked. Kyle started to wail again and Larry held him tight.

"What the hell happened last July?" Derek asked not backing down from his father.

"Derek! I'm not going to tell you again! Settle down and listen!" Larry said.

"I don't think Luke needs to hear this?" Linda asked.

"No Linda, Luke isn't a little boy and as a part of the family he has every right to know as well." Larry said. "Now Kyle do you want to tell everyone what you know?" Larry asked. Kyle just shook his head no into his father's chest.

"Okay, now everyone relax and listen to the entire story!" Larry said. "If I make a mistake or you have something to add Kyle, then interrupt me please."

"I received a phone call from Tyler's Uncle David last Friday. Your mother and I learned some things about Tyler that he hasn't told any of us! They're personal things and it is his right to tell who he wants and when he wants. I spoke with him about it on Saturday morning in Philly and he told me that he wanted to tell Derek first before anyone else. I advised him that it wasn't a secret he should feel he needed to keep but he was afraid that we would all think of him differently. He didn't want us to treat him any other way than we have been." Larry said.

"Now Derek is it fair to say that Tyler is independent and doesn't want anyone to feel sorry for him?" Larry asked.

"Yes." Derek said with his hands clasped together staring at Kyle's dangling foot as it weaved back and forth.

"David Peel made it clear that to me that he was not happy with Tyler and Derek's relationship. He had planned to force Tyler into counselling and wanted your mother's and my help to break you both apart. David's wife is what you might call a fundamentalist Baptist who strongly opposes the idea of Tyler and Derek being together. I made it clear that I didn't agree with him!" Larry said.

"Is that why you threw the chair into the wall and broke the lamp?" Kyle asked. "Oops!" Derek looked up his Dad with his mouth hanging open.

"Yes Kyle. I lost control of my temper and that was definitely wrong! Tyler made it clear that he planned to tell Derek everything after Thanksgiving but when he had this fight with his Uncle David he knew he that there was no way he was going back to Toronto for Christmas. He didn't want Derek or any of us feeling sorry for him or inviting him here for Christmas because we felt we had too!" Larry said.

"But Dad?" Luke said, "Why wouldn't he want to come here for Christmas? We had the best Thanksgiving ever because he was here!" Luke asked.

"Luke, I believe that he would really love to be here for Christmas but he didn't want everything thinking about his past problems." Larry said.

"If he really loved us he would come and be with us.. Tyler doesn't really love us!" Luke declared.

"No Luke. He really does love everyone of us but let me finish please!" Larry said. "He said he would tell Derek everything in the New Year."

"Are you going to tell us what happened?" Derek asked getting angry.

"On the 4th of July weekend he was flying down to Philly to meet the Coaches and the rest of the team for one week of tryouts. Even before his plane took off from Toronto to fly to Philly his entire family, Mom, Dad, Brother, and their dog, were killed in a car accident going home from the airport." Larry said barely able to get to the words out.

"His brother didn't die until two days later!" Kyle said and started crying and this time Luke joined in as well. Linda held Luke as tight as she could and kissed the top of his head and rubbed his back. "It's okay Luke. Let it out."

Derek's eyes squeezed tightly shut as he looked down at the floor. Linda placed her left hand on his and Derek wrapped his hands over her hand.

Larry continued with a breaking voice. "He didn't get news of the death of his parents until he had landed in Philly and was on the next return flight home." Larry said. "He's been through more in the last year than everything we've gone through as a family together." He added.

"Dad." Luke said. "He's part of our family. Why couldn't he trust us?" Luke said with his head buried in his mother's chest.

"He trusts us Luke more than he trusts anyone else in his life, but still he's had so many people pretend to be his friend only because they felt sorry for him and that really hurts him inside. I don't think Tyler can bear to be hurt anymore Luke. Imagine if you lost your entire family Luke? Wouldn't you be a little afraid to start loving anyone else in case they leave you too?" Larry asked. Luke shrugged his shoulders.

"He doesn't trust us and I was wrong about him!" Luke yelled and stormed out the room. Everyone heard Luke's bedroom door slam shut.

Linda got up and said, "I will go talk with him."

"Any questions Derek?" Larry asked.

"I'm sorry that we had to keep you in the dark about what we knew but Tyler wanted to be the one to tell you and he didn't want to ruin your Christmas. We wouldn't have found out if David Peel hadn't called us. In fact, he thought we already knew and figured that Tyler was going to be here for Christmas. That is why he called me. You're free to continue being angry at your mother and me but don't take it out on Tyler." Larry said. Derek never looked up at him.

"How are you doing Kyle?" Larry asked. Kyle shrugged his shoulders.

"What are you thinking about Kyle? Larry asked.

"I just hurt for Tyler. I couldn't imagine not having any of you around. I wouldn't want to live!" Kyle said and that made Derek get up and walk out of the room. He slammed his door shut behind him.

"We need to give Derek some room and time to think about things. He's a good brother inside and he will do the right thing." Larry said kissing Kyle's forehead.

"I wish I hadn't said what I said to him tonight." Kyle said.

"Some pretty bad stuff huh?" Larry asked.

"Really bad." Kyle said.

"Well if Tyler really loves you he will forgive you and you will forgive him." Larry said.

"I don't think I will get the chance again after tonight." Kyle said and started crying again.

"Kyle there are some lessons to be learned here! Someone says something stupid or people assume things without all of the information and next thing you know everybody is making assumptions about someone. You have no right to prejudge Tyler until you have all of the information on what has happened! You've opened your mouth and made a fool of yourself and you've probably hurt him inside as well. Always gather all of the information before you make a decision, and make sure the decision you come to is the one you believe in and not something that is currently popular. Larry said.

"I'm the fool Dad!" Kyle said.

"Yes, but not really. Tyler knows you and he knows that what you said to him was without knowing the entire story! Imagine if you were a book reviewer and you only read half of the book and then you gave your review? Your comments would be just a load of bullshit! You would look damn stupid to everyone who read your review wouldn't you?" Larry asked.

"Look? You would be an idiot and a fool. like me." Kyle sighed.

"You're not a fool or an idiot Kyle. In many ways you did the right thing! You went directly to Tyler and voiced your complaint! I can assure you that your mistake is pretty minor compared to what some others did like George Bush and his WMD's!" Larry said.

"WMD's?" Kyle asked.

"Weapons of Mass Destruction that never existed." Larry said. "In your case will just call it WMB's!

"WMB's?" Kyle asked.

"Weapons of Mass Bullshit" Larry said with a big grin. Kyle made a fist and pretended to punch his Dad in the stomach.

"Kyle, I can't speak on behalf of Tyler but I do know that he loves you and everyone here. I don't think it's the last you've heard from him and when you do hear from him make sure you apologize from the heart!" Larry said pulling Kyle tight and kissing him.

"I love you Dad!" Kyle said.

"You're sure that's not a WMB?" Larry teased.

"No Dad. I'm sure." Kyle said getting up off his Dad's legs.

"Thank God, I can feel the blood in my legs again. Now it's way past your bedtime. for a school night!" Larry winked. "You've had a long day but remember what you've learned! Words are powerful tools and every idiot and genius has the ability to use them for good or bad. You can inspire and improve or criticize and divide. Night son." Larry said leaving Kyle sitting on his bed.

"Night Dad." Kyle said rolling over on his bed and hugging his pillow.

Larry tapped on Derek's door before he opened it. Derek was laying face down hugging a pillow on his bed. Larry said as he sat down beside Derek. "How are you feeling?"

"Better than I thought. Worse than I thought too, but for different reasons." Derek said.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Larry asked.

"Not really Dad. I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you and Mom." Derek said. Larry rubbed Derek's back.

"We sort of expected it. Your Mom wanted to tell you right away but I wouldn't let her so the one to blame is me." Larry said.

"I understand why you didn't tell me but I am still angry for you guys not trusting me enough to say something. All of this tonight could have been avoided if you had said something." Derek said.

"True, but what would have been learned? Kyle shot his mouth off and really hurt Tyler. I don't know what he said and I don't think I really want too but Kyle has learned from it. You've learned that your parents will keep secret anything told to them in trust. You might be angry with me for not telling you but now you know that you can come to me and I won't say anything to anyone if you tell me not to." Larry said.

"I guess." Derek said.

"You shouldn't have found out this way Derek. Tyler was wrong for not saying something sooner but that was his decision and when you think about it he was trying to protect you as much as himself. He didn't want to ruin our Christmas and I think that is pretty damn selfless on his part! I would have hoped that he had more trust in us but I can understand why he is afraid to trust anyone or even open his heart to being loved." Larry stated but Derek didn't respond.

"Things had been really difficult between you two up until Thanksgiving right?" Larry asked.

"Very difficult but that was my fault." Derek said.

"Maybe 70/30 split?" Larry asked grinning.

"More like 90/10 in Ty's favour!" Derek said.

"So you really haven't given him a lot of reason to trust you then?" Larry asked.

"Nope. None at all. though he seems to trust me more than anyone else." Derek commented and rolled over.

"Do you want to end the trust that you have built so far?" Larry asked.

Derek thought for a moment and said. "No! Absolutely not!" Derek smiled.

"Seems like the love you feel for Tyler is very real?" Larry asked.

"It is Dad. He is my world. You guys are too, but in a different way." Derek said.

"There comes a time in a man's life when he realizes that someone else is what makes him whole Derek. It doesn't mean you love your family any less." Larry said. "Can you imagine finding another Tyler in your life?" He asked.

"Not in a thousand lifetimes Dad!" Derek said.

"Then you had better make sure you don't lose the one you've got." Larry said kissing Derek's forehead. "I love you Derek. Now get some sleep. Between Saturday and tonight I think you need to go back to Drexel if you're going to get any rest!" Larry teased. "One more thing Derek. I can live with myself if you're mad at me but don't take it out on your Mother! She's been your biggest defender and supporter for almost 19 years!" Larry said closing the door behind him.

Larry stopped at Luke's room and looked in. Luke was in bed, almost asleep, Mango safely under his arm, and Linda was massaging his back. He went into the room and leaned over Linda to give Luke a kiss good night. Linda followed Larry out of the room closing the door behind them.

"How's Luke?" Larry asked.

"Not good. He really hates Tyler right now. Well, he hates himself more for what he thinks is misjudging Tyler." Linda guessed.

"Sounds more like his way of not dealing with his feelings about Tyler's loss is to turn it into anger?" Larry suggested.

"Do you think so?" Linda asked.

"Hey what would I know? I am just a Doctor!" Larry grinned. "Maybe you should watch Oprah tomorrow or check out those Message Boards? There are a lot people there who think they know it all!" Larry said with a big grin.

"Not tonight honey." Linda said.

"Sorry. Luke will be fine. though probably not by morning." Larry said taking his suit off.

"We should have told Derek." Linda said.

"Do you really want to get into this before bed?" Larry asked.

"No." Linda said yawning as they both crawled into bed.

Kyle saw the light come on in Derek's room. He listened carefully. Derek was getting dressed. Then he heard Derek picking up his car keys and putting them in his pocket. Kyle snuck over to the edge of his own door and peeked into Derek's room. When Derek's bedroom light went out Kyle took a step back to not be seen. He watched Derek go down the hall and knock on his parent's bedroom door. Kyle sneaked down the hallway and into the bathroom.

"Come in!" Linda called.

"I just wanted to tell you that I am leaving for Philly right now." Derek said. Linda looked at Larry.

"Derek it's far too late for you to travel to Philadelphia!" Linda said. Kyle ran back to his room. Derek looked at his father.

"Are you awake enough to make the two hour journey?" Larry asked and winked at Derek.

"Yeah, I am fine and couldn't sleep tonight anyway. Set another place for lunch though!" Derek smiled.

"Larry! You're not really going to let him go at this time of night?" Linda said angrily as she sat up in bed.

"Honey, he may always be our little boy but he's not a little boy anymore! Take my cell phone, it's charging by the fireplace and come back up here and I will give you some money and my credit card." Larry said as Derek left to go find his father's cell phone. Kyle ran down the hallway and then down the stairs to see where Derek was. Derek took the phone off the charger and shut out the kitchen lights. Kyle stood still and Derek almost bumped into him but didn't notice Kyle.

"Okay Dad, got the cell. Do you want me to ring you when I arrive?" Derek asked.

"Please Derek!" Linda said. "Drive slow and safe!"

"I will Mom. I love you." Derek said giving her a kiss and hug. Derek then went around to his father's side of the bed.

"I love you Derek, have a safe trip, and tell Tyler we love him and want him here for Christmas." Larry said giving Derek a hug.

"Won't be a problem. I am going to tell him if he isn't coming back with me then I'm staying with him!" Derek said winking.

"Don't even joke about it Mister!" Linda said.

"If you can be back by ten we will go get the tree!" Larry said.

"Don't count on it, but I will be back and not alone!" Derek said closing their bedroom door behind him.

It was just after 1:30 a.m. when Derek phoned home to tell his parents that he had arrived. He parked next to Tyler's Jeep. It was surprisingly warm for January and he left his coat in the car. Locking up and taking the cell phone, keys, and half finished coffee he head towards Boyd House. He looked up to see Santa's Village still had the lights on but was closed for the evening.

When he reached the door he quietly inserted his key and pushed open the door quietly in case Tyler was asleep. The room was bright enough to see with all of the Christmas lights glowing. The only surprising change to the room was that Tyler was sleeping in Derek's bed. Derek settled in on the loveseat and closed his eyes and smiled.

"That was Derek and he arrived safely." Larry said.

"I kind of figured that out from your conversation and speaking of conversations. don't roll away from me Larry! You and I are going to have a conversation about how we deal with our boys!" Linda said. "I will not have you undermining all the years I have put into raising these boys! You want to stay at home and deal with this on a daily basis you can have the job and I will go back to work." Linda began

'Dear God' Larry thought to himself, 'if you're going to take me do it now!'

"You can't go and override something I say without discussing this with me first! We have an agreement that we don't give the boys permission to do something major without both of us in agreement! Telling Derek that he can drive two hours in the middle of night because he wants to talk to his boyfriend is not the action of a responsible parent!" She continued.

'I've tried to be good God! Why doth thou forsake me in my time of greatest need? I'll bet you've tuned her out haven't you? God, I'll bet you've gone to bed and are sleeping like a baby while I have to get my 2 a.m. lecture.' Larry thought.

"You're also sending a clear message to Kyle and Luke that they can get away with those kind of actions as well! Mango see! Mango do! We are a team Larry and if I can't count on you for support when there is a problem then I might as well give up being a parent. You didn't go through the 27 hours of labor pains with Derek! You didn't have pulled ligaments and stretch marks!

You weren't the one who was up all night when these kids had the flu and couldn't sleep! Don't you start snoring Larry!!!! It won't work! You're going to need some sort of divine intervention greater that God himself to free you from this conversation." Linda rolled on with no end in sight. Larry sighed.

"Don't you sigh at me Dr. Anderson! I'm not one of your old lady patients complaining about imaginary illnesses because none of their families call them anymore." Linda said.

Their bedroom door opened and Luke and Mango came in. "What's a matter honey?" Linda asked.

"I can't sleep." Said a sleepy Luke and he crawled in between them and got under the covers.

"I don't know how you did it but we're not done with this conversation!" Linda said as she wrapped her arm around Luke

Larry snorted.

"Shush!" Luke mumbled, "Mango's trying to sleep!"

Larry snorted again.

"Hmmmpft!" Linda mumbled.

'You're good God! Damn good! Nothing mysterious about the way you work!' Larry thought to himself with a smile and closed his eyes.

The sunlight coming into their dorm room and reflecting off of the TV screen woke Derek before Tyler. He looked at his watch and saw it was getting close to 7 a.m. 'Tyler didn't set his alarm to get up and run!' He thought to himself.

Tyler began to stir. He stretched and yawned before sitting up in bed with his legs dangling over the bunkbed on Derek's side. 'Got to pee!' he thought to himself and jumped down to go to the washroom.

"AAAAAAAhhhhhhh!" Tyler yelled seeing Derek on the loveseat in front of him.

"Personally I prefer the vibrations of your cell phone as a wake up call but to each their own!" Derek said.

"What are you doing here?" Tyler asked.

"I actually live here in case you didn't realize it?" Derek said.

"No, what are you doing here!" Tyler said.

"I ran out of clean underwear so I thought I would raid your drawer." Derek said. Tyler glared at him.

"When did you arrive? I never heard you come in." Tyler asked.

"Just before two a.m." Derek said.

"Why didn't you sleep in your bed?" Tyler asked still foggy from waking up.

"Someone was in my bed!" Derek said.

"Oh. Sorry. I have to pee." Tyler said.

"Thanks for the info." Derek said as he got up and started to make coffee. Tyler came out of the bathroom and sat down in the loveseat not saying anything. Derek walked past Tyler and went into the bathroom to fill up the Coffee decanter. When he returned he filled the coffee machine up and hit the brew button. He then went under his bed to pull out his desk chair. He saw Tyler's laptop in pieces with a broken screen. He took his chair out and sat down in front of Tyler.

"I have one question and one question only." Derek said and Tyler didn't respond or look at him.

"I gather you probably know about what happened with Kathy and Casey?" Derek asked.

"Yeah. Kyle emailed me about it." Tyler said.

"Do you know exactly what happened and what I did?" Derek asked.

"I think so. You protected the house and the drunken idiot???" Tyler said trying to remember the name.

"Paul!" Derek said.

"Yeah, Paul! He pulled out a switchblade and you whacked his hand with a baseball bat and then broke his jaw to protect Kathy?" Tyler said.

"Good. Was I wrong to do what I did?" Derek asked.

"Hell no! You did what most would never do, but should have! You did what you had to do. You did what was right!" Tyler said staring at him and wondering where he was going with this.

Derek got up and leaned down and kissed Tyler on the lips. "Thank you for saying that!" Derek said.

"What? Why?" Tyler asked confused.

"Not one single member of my family or friends thought what I did was right!

Everyone was mad at me for putting myself in danger. All I thought about was what would you do if you were in this situation and what would life be like for Casey without his Mom." Derek said.

Tyler looked away and Derek realized he got a little too close to home with Tyler.

"Get your bags packed Ty! We're going home. Dad wants us back by ten so we can go get a Christmas tree." Derek said walking into Tyler's walk-in closet and pulling out his suitcase.

"Derek! Thank you but I'm not going back to your place!" Tyler began.

"Ah ah ah! Now hush! This is not negotiable!" Derek said. "We can have Christmas here or at my house or we can have it in Toronto, but we are having Christmas together! Now of course Kyle will be a little upset if you and me are not there for Christmas morning. As for Luke! Well he will miss me anyway. He hates you!" Derek said piling Tyler's clothes haphazardly into a suitcase.

"Luke hates me?" Tyler asked.

"That's an understatement! He's been screaming and crying since last night." Derek said.

"Why does he hate me?" Tyler asked sitting back down in the loveseat.

"He learned about the loss of your family and then he found out that you don't want to spend Christmas with us when you don't have your own family anymore! He's taken it pretty bad. You see he approves everyone who comes into the house. You are the first, and only might I add, to be approved instantly! He now figures he was wrong about you and that you don't really love any of us." Derek said.

Derek's cell phone rang. "Hey Mom?" Derek said.

"It's Dad!" Larry said.

"Sorry Dad." Derek said.

"Everything okay there?" Larry asked.

"Yeah Dad, all is good. Tyler is packing right now!" Derek said smiling and Tyler looked up at him with glaring eyes.

"What?" Derek said. "What do you mean you can't find him? Let me call you back." Derek said hanging up the phone.

"Get dressed now! Kyle is missing!" Derek said running out of the room. Tyler threw on some jeans, a sweatshirt and his running shoes. He grabbed his key and was at the elevator before the door opened.

"What do you mean he is missing?" Tyler asked.

"Dad went to check on him this morning and he wasn't there. His coat and winter boots were gone as well!" Derek said.

"Where are we going?" Tyler asked as the elevator door opened.

"I'll betcha Christmas in Baltimore that I know where he is!" Derek said.

Tyler ran after Derek towards the Van. Derek popped the electronic lock on the Van and opened the back door. Kyle was lying on the back seat wrapped up in his coat and in a sleeping bag still asleep held snugly by two fasten safety belts.

"Kyle!" Derek yelled. Kyle opened his eyes.

Derek flipped open the cell phone and held down the number one on the phone.

"Found him!" Derek said when his father answered the phone. "Yeah he is fine! Love you too!" Derek said closing the cell phone.

"You are so grounded!" Derek said. Tyler reached in, unbuckled and picked up Kyle and pulled him into his arms.

"I love you so much Kyle." Tyler said and started to cry. Kyle burst into tears hugging the life out of Tyler. Derek just shook his head and smiled at Kyle. Kyle grinned back through his tears.

"C'mon, get you butt over here!" Derek said to Kyle. Kyle moved into Derek's arms.

"I love you Kyle!" Derek said.

"I love you to Derek. I'm sorry." Kyle said.

"I could have used the company on the trip but I am glad you're here anyway." Derek said. "You can ride back to Baltimore with Tyler and I will be carrying ALL of his luggage in case he's thinking of driving anywhere else this Christmas." Derek said hugging Kyle and looking at Tyler. Tyler smiled.

"You know Kyle, my boyfriend has already told you he loves you but he hasn't said that yet to me?" Derek said closing the Van door.

Tyler walked up to Derek's open arms and said, "You are my one true love Derek!"

"I'm freezing! Can we go inside?" Kyle asked.

"No! You can wait in the Van." Derek winked and put his arm around his brother as he guided him up to Boyd House.

"I need to pee sooooo bad!" Kyle said.

"Well you're going to take a nice hot shower with Tyler and then help him pack while I do a McDonald's run for the three of us!" Derek said. Kyle looked up at Tyler with a big grin!

"He said shower Kyle!" Tyler said.

When they got back into the room Kyle ran into the washroom.

"We need to talk Derek." Tyler said.

"Yes we do and you can talk to me now, later, after the New Year or at our 50th anniversary!" Derek said kissing him. "I love you Tyler Peel and you are everything I've ever wanted and more than I will ever be worthy of. I hope some day you will be able to have the faith in me that I have in you!" Derek said hugging Tyler.

"I always did Derek, but now I am sure of it. I'm really sorry for letting you down and all the problems I've created!" Tyler said.

"We have no problems! On the other hand, Luke is your problem and I can't honestly say that you will be able to repair the damage done!" Derek said.

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Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few months! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel.

Next: Chapter 32

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