The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on May 24, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

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The Road Home: Chapter Thirty (Separate Ways)

Jeff moaned as Kyle ran his finger up and down his exposed right arm. He opened one eye to see Kyle smiling at him. "I hate morning people." Jeff mumbled.

"Do you hate me?" Kyle asked very softly.

"Maybe." Jeff said in a fog.

"Maybe?" Kyle asked.

"Maybe not if you get in under the covers with me!" Jeff grinned still not opening his eyes but he did pull open the covers for Kyle to crawl in. Kyle snuggled back into Jeff's chest and Jeff pulled him in tight and sighed.

"Do you hate me?" Kyle.

"Hate you? For what?" Jeff mumbled.

"For what I said last night." Kyle said running his finger over Jeff's hand.

"First of all Kyle..." Jeff began as he opened his eyes. "You made me realize what an asshole I've been to Chris and I promise you that I'm doing everything I can to make it up to him!" Jeff said.

"I know you have. He acts like everyday is Christmas now and says for the first time in his life he doesn't feel alone and he isn't referring to me!" Kyle said smiling and Jeff brought his hand up to cover Kyle's mouth.

"Do you ever shut up?" Jeff teased.

"Kyle, you've already taught me that my priorities are out of whack! I've only ever thought about me. My opinions, my thoughts, my world! I never cared to listen to anyone unless they were talking about me. I didn't like what you said to me last night but I never argued that you were wrong either! I thought about Derek as I lay in bed and realized that my hero worship, as you called it, was about achieving what Derek had already done. I've listened to you talk for hours about him and all the changes he has made. I still have that hero worship for Derek but now it is about what he is becoming since he moved out rather than the trophy scarfing old Derek. I've also learned that hero worship isn't right but in the case of your brother it isn't a bad goal either! Where you emulate Tyler, I think I emulate Derek, so I don't think you have too much to say about either!" Jeff said laughing.

"Nope!" Kyle said. "There's nothing wrong with having someone to look up too!"

"Derek is only one of my Heros Kyle. There is another as well and I think you know who he is?" Jeff said tickling him.

"So you're not mad at me then?" Kyle asked. Jeff turned Kyle around and looked into his eyes before he kissed him once.

"I'm mad at you for pointing it out to me and very thankful that you did. This is all new to me Kyle so have some patience!" Jeff said.

"There is something I need to tell you and I ask that you keep it between you and me for the moment! As much as I love you and Chris, I'm really not comfortable being part of a threesome. Even the whole guy thing is pretty weird. I have a girl friend and I know this definitely counts as cheating! I really don't want to be involved in any sex stuff with you guys. I like hanging out with you guys and I hope that doesn't end, but Chris and I need time to work on being friends and brothers. Sometimes I think you are more interested in being with me than with Chris but I won't do anything that might hurt my brother! He comes before you, but not by much!" Jeff winked.

"Please don't ever leave my life Jeff?" Kyle asked as he squeezed Jeff's hand

"Not a chance in Hell that you could get rid of me Kyle! I really do love you for all the right reasons. Now get back to bed with your boyfriend!" Jeff said kissing Kyle on the lips.

"What about your girl friend?" Kyle asked sitting up.

"That's definitely over. Not because I don't like her, but it isn't fair to keep her where she is in my life while I figure out what I want." Jeff said.

"I knew there was so much more to you Jeff!" Kyle said kissing Jeff's cheek.

As Kyle got up to leave Jeff asked one more question. "Hey Kyle, is your brother into threesomes?" Jeff winked.

"I don't know. you can ask him when he gets home this morning!" Kyle said. Kyle could see the erection pop up through the comforter, but he didn't say anything to Jeff. Kyle smiled as he left and Jeff went back to sleep.

Knock, Knock, Knock

Tyler removed his earphones because he thought he heard something?

Knock, Knock, Knock

He opened the door to see Danny standing there with a couple of suitcases on each side of him. "Hey Danny!" Tyler said.

"Hey Puckhead! Just leaving for the airport and wanted to drop by and say Happy Christmas." Danny said. Tyler looked down at the ground.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Danny asked.

"Since when do you need an invite Danny?" Tyler smiled. Danny dragged his suitcases in and closed the door behind him. He followed Tyler into the bedroom and sat down on the loveseat.

"When's your flight?" Tyler asked.

"Not till three, but I have to be there two hours in advance so they can check my shoes for explosive devices." Danny laughed.

"When are you leaving for Toronto?" Danny asked.

"Not sure." Tyler said as he pulled out laundry to do.

"That's not the answer I want to hear four hours before I get on an airplane Ty." Danny said.

"What answer would you like to hear?" Tyler said.

"The truth! It's Danny! What the fuck is going on?" Danny asked getting angry. Tyler didn't respond. Danny got up and walked up behind Tyler who was in his walk-in closet.

"You're not packed to go anywhere?" Danny said. Tyler didn't respond.

"You're not going anywhere are you?" Danny asked. Tyler stood up carrying his laundry basket and gave Danny a quick stare as he moved past him back into the bedroom.

"Puckhead! Talk to me!" Danny yelled.

"Danny it doesn't concern you." Tyler said.

"You're right Ty. and our friendship is of no concern to you obviously!" Danny said.

"Danny, I don't want to talk about it." Tyler said as he began stripping his bed.

"Are you going to spend your Christmas vacation here alone? I'll bet you still haven't told Derek yet? Why are you not going back to Canada anyway?" Danny asked.

"Yes, right, and don't worry about it." Tyler said.

"Those are the best answers you can give?" Danny asked. "You really don't place any value on our friendship do you? It's all just talk isn't it?" Danny said getting angry.

"Danny you don't really want to walk down this road do you?" Tyler asked.

"No, I don't, but from what I've learned from you, I think maybe it's better to walk down a road without you on it than to be in your life but always kept away at a distance you feel comfortable with! This isn't what friendship is all about Tyler." Danny said.

"That's your decision Danny and the door is right over there!" Tyler said raising his voice and pointing down the hall. Danny leaned against the wall and looked at Tyler and then looked away.

"You never really liked me did you?" Danny asked.

Tyler sighed. "Where in the fuck did you come up with that idea?"

"When we first met. I wanted you and you knew it but you turned me away." Danny pouted.

"Danny. You are my best friend. Yes, I turned you down or away or whatever you want to call it because I didn't want to be your boyfriend!" Tyler said.

"Exactly, I knew it!" Danny said interrupting Tyler.

"You didn't let me finish Danny! Boyfriends come and boyfriends go but best friends are for life. I really don't know what the future holds for me and Derek and I don't know what the future would have held for you and me in a relationship, but I can tell you that I would rather have you as my best friend for life than my lover for three months!" Tyler said.

"Best friends tell each other everything!" Danny said.

"No they don't Danny, but if they want to talk that is who they go to first!" Tyler said getting angry. "A best friend knows when to shut up, when to listen, and when to be near in case they are needed. If you really feel that because I don't want to talk about one part of my life to you that I am not a good friend then you really shouldn't waste anymore time with me Danny!"

"I'm sorry." Danny said pausing and then continuing. "When you don't talk to me about stuff that I know is hurting you, then it feels like you don't trust me. When shit bothers you it bothers me as well! You have your ideas and rules about how you live your life and if someone doesn't follow those standards then they 'know where the door is'. You want to lecture me on what friendship is but it's by your rules only! Isn't friendship about compromise and meeting your friend halfway?" Danny said. Tyler just stared at him.

"Oooo. Not the 'I'm so pissed at you' Tyler glare!" Danny said. "Face it Ty, you're as fucked up as the rest of us."

"Thanks for telling me something I already know!" Tyler said as he stripped Derek's bed.

"How are things going in your world of one?" Danny asked.

"My world of one Danny, as you want to call it, is fine until it collides with someone else's world! There's nothing you've said today that isn't true! You are right but that doesn't make me wrong! I've been alone for most of 5 months now. Before the accident I had my brother and my Mom. I've survive this long so I think I might make it a couple of more months with or without you beside me. Do I want you with me? Damn right and there isn't even a number two to fill your space but if your big complaint against me is that I don't tell you everything then take your own damned advice and move on!"

"I'm sorry. When I know something is wrong and you won't talk about it, it's kind of like you are lying to me." Danny said looking at the floor.

"Fuck Danny! Now you sound like Dr. Anderson! I've already had my morning lecture.." Tyler stopped realizing he had said more than he wanted too.

"Derek's Dad was here?" Danny asked walking up to Tyler.

"This morning; to pick up Derek." Tyler said.

"And he knows about everything?" Danny asked.

"Yes, he knows." Tyler said. "And don't start up on me about Derek not knowing!"

"Thank you for telling me even if you didn't want too." Danny said.

"I guess I better get going before I ruin what's left of our friendship."

"Danny! You haven't ruined anything in our friendship. If you had really pissed me off I would have had you out in the hallway in less than one minute. with or without your clothes on!" Tyler winked. "I know you love me and I know you care and you don't want to see me hurt. If I thought your intentions where anything else, then your naked ass would be in the hallway.

I asked you not to say a word to Derek about what you know and I know that hasn't been easy for you but that is the one thing that makes you and Cody stand out from all of the others around me and remain my two best friends."

"No lectures then huh?" Danny asked.

"No lectures please, but because you're my best friend if you want to say something then go ahead." Tyler said sitting down in his desk chair.

"I have lots to say but I think I would be wasting both our time because you would only be humouring me." Danny said.

"Danny, I swear on my love for you, that if you have something to say to this self righteous, arrogant fucktard from Canuckistan, then I will listen and consider every word you have to say! Like I said before, real friends are there to listen when needed. You can walk out that door and never speak to me again if you want, but it won't change how much I love you." Tyler said.

Danny smiled and pondered Tyler's words for a moment. "You are going to tell him eventually?" Danny asked.

"I already gave him my word that I would answer any question he has about my past and tell him anything he wanted to know. but not until after New Years!" Tyler said.

"So you're going to spend Christmas alone with nobody because of an artificial deadline you've imposed?" Danny asked.

"Danny, please try to remember that you haven't lived my life. Put yourself in my place. This is going to be my first Christmas without my family. It's not going to be good no matter where I spend it. I don't want to ruin anyone else's Christmas and I don't want people feeling sorry for me. I think I actually need to be alone this year with my thoughts and feelings and considering all I try to do for others I really don't think I'm being all that selfish! Am I?" Tyler asked.

"No." Danny said not happy at not making his point to Tyler. "It's going to be far worse if Derek finds out from someone else!" Danny said.

"Maybe not? He's going to be angry, upset, mad, and a bunch of other things but if he truly loves me he will stand beside me in the end." Tyler said. "Is not telling him about my past telling a lie?"

"Yup!" Danny said with stern conviction.

"How?" Tyler asked.

"It's like having a STD and sleeping with someone. your past can have a huge consequence on others." Danny said proudly.

"I don't have and STD's but then again I haven't been to Doctor since our foursome eh?" Tyler grinned and winked. "This is my past, not Derek's! It's not like saying I got some girl pregnant and at some point in time there may be a kid showing up at our door!"

"I hate you!" Danny said smiling.

"No you don't!" Tyler said laughing.

"Shut up! Do you always have to be right?" Danny asked.

"I'm not right that often, in fact I'm wrong for not telling Derek sooner, but it can wait until after the holidays." Tyler said.

"I love you Ty!" Danny said.

"I love you too Daniel!" Tyler said.

"We have to stop having these talks Ty." Danny said smiling.

"No we don't! They're good for both of us." Tyler smiled

"But you always win." Danny said.

"No but this time, like it is for all best friends, I think we both won." Tyler said getting up and giving Danny a kiss on the cheek.

"Would you promise me one thing then?" Danny asked.

"Not likely! I promised Luke and Kyle that I would never lie to them and that has been hard enough to keep. What's your request?" Tyler said.

"Promise me that if Derek asks, then you will tell him?" Danny asked.

"I don't need to promise that Danny, I would have no choice. But if I discovered that he found out because some Puckhead got word to him then I would lose more than just Derek in my life!" Tyler warned sternly.

"Do you really believe that I would do that to you?" Danny asked.

"Honestly Danny? I think there is a possibility that! I know that you would have the sincerest intent behind it and I guarantee you that it would cost us our friendship!" Tyler said.

"If I slipped up and said something to Derek you would end our friendship?" Danny asked getting angry.

"Again Danny, you're not listening like a best friend should! If I specifically told you not to say anything and you deliberately went against my wishes then I could never trust you again. so what would be the point of us being best friends if there is no trust?" Tyler said sorting whites from colours.

Danny chewed on his thumb staring at the floor but didn't respond.

"Danny I give you lots of little ideas and suggestions. Whether you used them or not is your call. When you don't take them and I am right, I don't go and throw it in your face do I?" Tyler asked.

"No." Danny said.

"Good! So I will listen to your ideas and suggestions but I will make the final decision and it is me who will have to live by the consequences of my actions or lack there of! You don't have a final say in the decisions I make about my life, no matter how wrong they may be!" Tyler said.

"I've got to go Ty." Danny said unzipping one of his travel bags. "Cody is going to be freaking out at me." Danny pulled out a flat Christmas wrapped package and handed it to Tyler. "Since you're not going to be with anyone would you save it for Christmas morning?" Danny asked handing him the gift.

"It would help me get through the day a little better knowing that you had something to open on Christmas morning."

"Thank you Danny." Tyler said hugging him. "Always remember that the best things in life, like friendships, don't come easy but they are always worth the work!"

"There's been so many times that I wished that you were holding me instead of you holding Derek but I think I now understand why it is better we stay best friends. Besides you always know what is best for me!" Danny said giving a sad smile.

"Don't put yourself down Danny, you are as smart as me or smarter. You just lack the confidence to trust your heart and instincts, though you've come a long way since I first met you. One last thought for you Danny. When all is said and done with Derek I have to take responsibility for what happens! I don't want to be blaming you or anyone else. Please have some faith in me.

I'm not just avoiding telling him for him, but for me! Have a safe flight Danny and never forget how much I love you!" Tyler said.

Danny put his fist up and said, "Brothers forever!"

"Brothers forever Danny!" Tyler said knocking fists.

"Shit! I almost forgot! Is it possible for us to borrow your Jeep to go to the airport?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, no problem. I guess you guys don't want to take the Van eh?" Tyler teased.

"Something like that." Danny said and Tyler tossed him the keys.

"Just tell Cody to drop them back before 2 p.m. because I have to get into work." Tyler said.

"Okay. I will call ya Christmas morning and email me when you figure out about Derek's cottage and what we are doing!" Danny said giving Tyler one more kiss and then leaving.

Larry pushed the button on the remote control to open the garage door and they drove in. Derek jumped out as quickly as possible and opened the tailgate to begin unloading.

"Should we leave Tyler's Christmas presents hidden in here for now?" Larry asked.

"Whatever." Derek said not looking at his father.

"Derek! Don't whatever me! I understand you are hurting and somewhat confused right now but remember I am your father and more importantly, I do love you!" Larry said staring at Derek.

"I'm sorry." Derek said in a cool tone. Derek loaded himself up and walked into the kitchen where Luke and Casey where eating breakfast.

"I hope you saved some food for me?" Derek said with a big smile.

"Derek!" Luke yelled and ran over to Derek. Derek dropped everything on the kitchen floor just in time for Luke to jump up into his arms.

"I missed you Pookie!" Derek said and gave Luke a kiss on the cheek.

"I missed you too!" Luke said. Derek felt two arms wrap around his waist from behind and he set Luke down to see Casey with a big grin.

"How's my Casey?" Derek said picking him up and kissing his cheek.

"Don't I get a hug and a kiss?" Linda said joining Casey and Derek.

"Yeah Mom." Derek said giving her a short, cold stare.

"Wanna help Casey and me build a snow fort in the back yard?" Luke asked.

"Sure Luke, but in a little bit. Right now I want to get unpacked and have some lunch." Derek said grabbing his stuff and heading up to his bedroom.

"It's still breakfast around here. everyone slept late." Linda said wondering why Derek was so cool with her.

Larry walked into the kitchen just as Derek was leaving. Linda looked at Larry and Larry shook his head back and forth while Luke and Casey weren't looking.

"DAD!" Luke and Casey yelled and both ran over to give him a hug.

"How are my boys this morning?" Larry asked.

"Casey farted all night long!" Luke said.

"I did not!" Casey said.

"Did too!" Luke said teasing.

"I think both you little farts need to finish your breakfast and have showers, and no more greasy food before bedtime for either of you!" Larry said smiling.

Luke and Casey walked back to their bar stools and Casey suddenly turned around and ran back to Larry to give him another hug. Larry picked Casey up off the floor and hugged and kissed him. "Everything all right Casey?" Larry asked.

Casey whispered in his ear. "Thanks for having me over Dad."

Larry whispered back into his ear. "You're most welcome Casey. This is your home too! You're part of this family and are always welcome here. We love you more than you realize!" Larry said as he closed his eyes and held Casey tightly into him. When Larry opened his eyes Linda was smiling at him. Larry set Casey down and there sat Abbey with her tail banging on the floor.

"I suppose you want a hug and a kiss too?" Larry asked. Abbey's tail banged faster. Larry walked over to the plate of sausages and took one. He ran it under cold water for a moment and then gave it to Abbey.

"You've really got to learn to chew before you swallow Abbey!" Larry said bending down to pat her head and gave her a kiss. Abbey strolled back over to the other side of the island and sat between Casey and Luke waiting for falling bits of food or the occasional hand fed treat from one of her boys!

"So does the other lady in your life get a kiss?" Linda teased.

"I suppose. if Abbey isn't watching?" Larry asked. Larry took Linda in his arms and gave her a long kiss.

"Oooooooooo." Came from Luke and Casey and then they started giggling.

"You two should get a room. there's kids here!" Luke said as he spread peanut butter on his sausages.

"You heard the man!" Larry said to Linda.

"Dad! That's gross. even for you!" Luke said and Casey giggled.

Derek opened the door to his bedroom and it wasn't until he had dumped his suitcases that he realized he wasn't alone.

"Mama Bear. I think someone's been sleeping in my bed?" Derek said not recognizing who it was because his face was buried in the pillow. Derek sat down on the bed and that moved the covers over a bit exposing a finely honed and well-tanned back. Derek ran his index finger down the boy's back once.

Jeff mumbled something inaudible into his pillow and the only word that Derek could make out was 'Kyle'.

"Well that's a clue at least!" Derek said getting up off the bed and wondering through the bathroom into Kyle's room. Kyle was lying in bed half naked with Chris' head on his chest and his arms protectively guarding his boyfriend. Kyle had a slight smile on his lips. Derek looked down over the two of them and smiled. He got down on his knees and leaned in to give Kyle a quick kiss on the lips.

Kyle's eyes immediately opened and he yelled "Derek!" almost waking Chris up as well. Chris rolled over on to his other side and Kyle rolled on to his side to hug his brother.

"How did you know it was me?" Derek laughed.

"Shhhhsh! Chris is still sleeping!" Kyle said holding one finger up to his lips.

"Sorry." Derek whispered. "How did you know it was me?"

"I heard you the first time Derek. Nobody kisses like you!" Kyle said giving Derek another kiss and a hug.

"Weird. that's what Tyler says." Derek pondered.

"Is Tyler here?" Kyle asked with a huge grin.

"Down boy! Sorry, you'll have to settle for just your brother! Ty has to work this weekend and then he is leaving Monday to go back to Toronto." Derek said.

"Hey, I'm not disappointed, well, maybe a little. I've got my brother back and that is all that matters!" Kyle said hugging Derek so tight he could barely breathe.

"You know it's after 12 noon now huh?" Derek asked

"Really? Ummmm we had a late night!" Kyle said winking.

"Yeah, I sort of figured and this is your boy friend Chris?" Derek asked.

"Oh yeah, you two haven't met yet! Isn't he cute?" Kyle said all excited.

"He is and if he makes you happy that is all that matters!" Derek said kissing Kyle's forehead. "Anyway, you go back to sleep. Sometime this weekend I need some private time with you okay?" Derek asked.

"Yeah sure!" Kyle said with a big grin.

"No Kyle, not that kind of private time. I need to talk with you alone about something." Derek said seriously.

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked.

"Not sure, but I need your input on something and you're the only person in the world I can trust right now. Just keep all of this quiet between you and me okay?" Derek asked getting up.

"Sure. Is Ty alright?" Kyle asked yawning.

"I think so!" Derek winked. "Kyle, just one quick question before I go. I know that I don't live here anymore but who did you guys rent my bedroom out too?" Derek said grinning.

"Oh Fuck!" Kyle said and Derek laughed. "Sit down for a second Derek. That's Chris' brother Jeff. The one I told you about that played football with you last year? He has such a huge crush on you! We used the Jacuzzi last night and when Dad told me to find a pair of your shorts for him to wear I thought he was going to blow is load right in front of Mom and Dad!" Kyle said and they both laughed.

"So this is the guy that gave you the hard time about skating and you put him down on the kitchen floor?" Derek laughed.

"Yeah, but he isn't like that anymore! When I told him how great you are he now wants to be the same way." Kyle proudly announced.

"Maybe I should have some fun with Mr. Jeff?" Derek asked.

"Derek, he thinks the sun shines out your ass!!" Kyle said smiling.

"Well doesn't everyone?" Derek asked grinning.

"I know it does for me but I can't speak on behalf of anyone else!" Kyle said.

Derek flicked Kyle's nose with his index finger.

"Shit, you haven't done that to me in years!" Kyle laughed.

"Do you know what that meant?" Derek asked.

"That I was right?" Kyle guessed.

Derek flicked his nose again! Kyle grinned.

"Hey Derek, did you know he has a scrapbook of every time you where in the school newspaper? I think you could make Jeff's Christmas for him!" Kyle winked.

"Is he Luke approved yet?" Derek asked.

"Chris is, but I'm not sure about Jeff yet, but they shared peanut butter and banana roll ups last night. Luke actually sat on his lap!" Kyle said.

"He's approved Kyle! He's family now!" Derek said.

Derek walked back to the shared bathroom door and grinned at Kyle as he pulled it shut behind him. Kyle slid back down and giggled.

Derek closed his bathroom door as well and then closed his bedroom door. He stripped down to his boxers and walked over to his bed. Jeff had rolled over to face the bathroom door now but his face was still buried in his pillow. Derek walked to the other side of bed and lifted the covers.

"Sweet ass if I do say so myself. he's wearing my night shorts too?" Derek said and laughed. Derek crawled in and moved close to Jeff. He brought his arm around to Jeff's chest.

"Mmmmm" Jeff groaned. Derek kissed his bare shoulder. "Mmmmmm" Jeff groaned again and rolled over on to his back.

Derek moved his hand down Jeff's chest and on to his tummy. Jeff moved his arm for easy access. Derek then moved his hand on to Jeff's left upper thigh and lightly rubbed it back and forth. Jeff turned part way and spread his legs open to give easy access. Derek, lying on his right arm grinning, guided his hand up and down Jeff's leg. Each time Derek moved his hand he got slightly more inside the shorts that Jeff was wearing. Jeff moaned again and with his hand took Derek's hand and helped them up into his shorts. Derek almost burst into laughter. He could hardly wait for the moment when Jeff opened his eyes.

Derek gently cupped Jeff's shaved balls. 'Hmmm. I wonder if he knows I shave my balls and did the same thing?' Derek thought to himself. Derek moved his hand on to Jeff's shaft. It was only when Derek said the word 'nice' out loud that Jeff's eyes opened to the strange voice.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Jeff yelled and Derek laughed but still didn't let go.

"Do you normally let strangers put their hands up your shorts?" Derek asked grinning.

"Oh My God! Oh My God!" Jeff repeated.

"I'm not God! Though a few have suggested the idea!" Derek teased.

"I'm in your bed!" Jeff squeaked out.

"Yes you are!" Derek said.

"I'm wearing your clothes!" Jeff said starting to shake.

"I noticed that." Derek said snapping the elastic band on the shorts.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you would be home yet!" Jeff said apologizing.

"Jeff?" Derek said.

"Uh huh?" Jeff said starting to shake.

"What am I doing right now?" Derek asked.

"Ummm. nothing?" Jeff said.

"Try again?" Derek asked and he ran his hand up and down Jeff's throbbing member.

"Oh." Jeff said.

"Oh?" Derek asked.

Jeff nodded.

"Jeff?" Derek asked.

"Uh huh?" Jeff said still shaking.

"Close your eyes!" Derek said.

Jeff squinted his eyes really tight. "Are you going to punch me?" Jeff asked.

Derek leaned in and kissed him on the lips! Jeff moaned and opened his eyes to see Derek's eyes closed.

Derek pulled back and said. "Jeff, you're Luke approved and my brother thinks the sun shines out your ass! Welcome to the family!" Derek smiled.

"Really?" Jeff asked smiling!

"Really, really!" Derek said. "And Jeff, if you are ever here for the night you are welcome to use my bed, my computer, or my room, even if I am here! But if you ever do anything to hurt any of our brothers I will crush you like a pumpkin on the freeway!"

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt Luke or Kyle or Casey!" Jeff said sitting up and leaning on his palms.

"Chris and Tyler are also our brothers Jeff!" Derek said.

"Our?" Jeff asked.

"Ours, as in yours and mine! We are family and that includes you!" Derek said and he kissed Jeff once more on the lips before getting out of bed. Derek had a full erection so he took the opportunity to drop his boxers and pull out his flag boxers and put them on right in front of Jeff. Jeff's mouth hung open watching.

"Jeff? Jeff? Up here!" Derek smiled as he snapped his fingers.

"Huh?" Jeff said.

"I've got to install this stupid Christmas Santa in Luke's bedroom and then stow some shit in the garage. Maybe we can hang out a little later?" Derek asked.

"Really?" Jeff asked.

"If you say 'really' once more I might have to hurt you!" Derek teased.

Jeff smiled for the first time.

"By the way Jeff, when we play football in the back yard you're on my team!!!!" Derek said and winked.

"Did you want some help?" Jeff asked.

"Well it's going to be really dirty in the garage and then we would have to take a shower afterwards." Derek said pulling on some track pants. Jeff jumped out of bed and ran to the washroom yelling, "I just have to pee first!!!" Derek smiled and laughed to himself.

When Jeff returned Derek suggested he not ruin his old clothes and gave him some of his own clothes to wear.

"Jeff we already have a puppy so put your tongue back in your mouth and chill!" Derek pulled him into a hug and said, "We're family. get over it!"

"You're so much greater than even Kyle said you were!" Jeff said pulling his socks on.

"Remind me to smack #2 around later!" Derek said in his Captain Piccard accent! Jeff laughed.

"What are we doing first?" Jeff asked.

"My boyfriend made a Christmas gift for Luke and it has to be installed in his ceiling light." Derek said.

"I can install that! It would be nice to do something special for Luke! I love him so much!" Jeff offered.

Derek put his arm around Jeff's shoulder and kissed the side of his head as they walked out of the room with Santa and his 5 reindeer.

"You're going to fit in here fine!" Derek said patting Jeff's ass as he went by him. Jeff paused for second wondering exactly what he meant by that?

Derek dug through the linen closet inside the main bathroom to find a stepladder. He took the five-step ladder out and Jeff followed him into Luke's room.

"Whoa!" Jeff said.

"Yeah. we hear a lot of that!" Derek said laughing.

"I love that Jessica Simpson poster!" Jeff said and Derek looked down from the ladder at him.

"Whoa! Look at the peanut butter jars!!!!" Jeff said.

'Better, much better.' Derek thought to himself and laughed.

"Hey Jeff would you turn the light on and then off please?" Derek asked.

"Sure!" Jeff said running the switch at the bedroom door and flicking it on and off.

"Good, now put a piece of masking tape over the switch in the off position please." Derek asked.

"Okay, but why?"

"Because we are not going to the trouble of figuring out what breaker runs this part of the house so we want to make sure no one turns on the light!" Derek said.

"Your smart!" Jeff said.

"Safety first, accuracy second, speed third is what my electronics shop teacher always said!" Derek told him climbing down from the ladder.

"Does that apply to anything and everything?" Jeff said laughing.

"It does! Now let's go get Santa and his 5 reindeer!" Derek said laying the ladder down on the floor, on its side.

"Why are you putting the. never mind. Luke or Casey might come in while we are gone!" Jeff said and Derek put his arm around him. "You're good Jeff, very good!"

Derek and Jeff searched through bags and boxes in the car. They pulled out Derek's desktop computer and when they found Santa Derek said, "Here he is. Santa and his. ummm. 4 1/2 reindeer?"

"Here!" Jeff yelled holding up his hand. "I found Vixen's bottom half!"

Derek looked at him and twisted his face. "How the fuck do you know its name is Vixen?"

"Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen; Comet and Cupid, Donner and Blizten! So reindeer number four is Vixen!" Jeff proudly announced.

"You're weird!" Derek said.

Jeff frowned.

"It's a good weird Jeff. don't worry about it!" Derek said and Jeff smiled.

"Jeff we all tease each other as much as we can but never in a hurtful way." Derek said.

"Yeah, I've noticed but there's so much love even when you guys say something that is sort of mean, it really isn't! If that makes any sense?" Jeff asked.

"It does and it is! Just remember that while Luke is 11 going on 40, he's still on 11 years old! He will insult you, then punch you, and then want a hug from you as he tells you he loves you." Derek said.

"I understand but I don't?" Jeff said.

"Okay, short version, think of Luke as the guy who keeps everyone honest! Whether it's love, anger, hatred, or humour. It's okay with Luke as long as it comes truthfully from the heart. Bull shit him and your dead meat! He has this ability to read people. He knows who is real and who isn't which drives his teachers insane! They can't get away with anything around him. Luke sees all that is around him and all that is happening in the world." Derek said.

"That's so cool!" Jeff said.

"No, it's really scary. It's like having a crystal ball constantly telling you if you fucked up! When he was about 4 or 5 years old he came down into the Great Room one night long after his bedtime. Dad gave him hell because he was supposed to be asleep in bed and you know what he said?" Derek asked.

"Not sure I want to know now!" Jeff said smiling.

"He said and I quote verbatim! 'It's hard to sleep when your tummy is empty and your mind is full'!" Derek said holding the palm of his hand up! "Honour bright my friend!"

"Whoa! That is so deep!" Jeff said.

"Deep doesn't even begin to describe it at his age!" Derek said. "Let's get this shit up stairs."

Jeff and Derek carried all the pieces to his computer up to his bedroom along with Santa and the four and a half reindeer. Derek saw his parents talking in his Dad's office. When they spotted Derek they both looked at him. Derek looked away and continued up the stairs with Jeff in tow. While Derek put his computer together Jeff glued Vixen's back half back on.

"This is so cute! Did Tyler do the peanut butter jars as well?" Jeff asked.

"Cute isn't exactly what I was thinking of . but anyway, haul your ass up that ladder and I will show you what to do!" Derek said.

"You wanted me to do it?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah, so then I can tell Luke that YOU did it for him!" Derek winked.

"You guys are all something else. I can't even imagine a family like this exists! Much less being apart of one." Jeff said.

"Do we scare you that much?" Derek asked.

"Terrified is more like it, but it's all right with me!" Jeff said smiling.

"We are as much about maintaining tradition as we are about breaking away from it." Derek said.

"We don't do a lot of family stuff. seems like we all try to make it through the day without killing each other." Jeff said laughing. "Okay all installed. Try the light switch."

"You'll only get out of your family what you put into it Jeff! I just learned that. I've spent six years wanting out of here and it only took me two months to want back in. If it wasn't for Tyler I would have transferred back here and lived at home." Derek said flicking the switch. Santa began his infinite journey again.

"You're really in love with Tyler?" Jeff asked.

"I think so." Derek said putting the ladder away.

"Think so?" Jeff asked.

"If you can define love for me then I can answer that question!" Derek said winking at him.

"I understand. I guess you know that my brother and Kyle are more than just friends?" Jeff asked.

"Yup. I probably know more about them. and you than you do! Kyle and me trust each other more than anyone else in this world." Derek said.

"Oh." Jeff said.

"Oh?" Derek asked.

"How much do you know?" Jeff asked getting a sour feeling in his stomach.

"Jeff, you don't need to worry. I know pretty much everything. I know that you're a good kisser, rarely wear boxers, nicely equipped, and that my brother can put you down on the floor at any moment he chooses!" Derek said laughing. Jeff just looked at him. "Jeff, as long as you don't hurt any of them intentionally no one in this family will ever hurt you."

"I had a talk with Kyle this morning. I'm pretty sure he likes me more than Chris and sort of put a stop it all. I can't do anything that would hurt Chris and I'm not into the threesome thing!" Jeff said.

"How do you feel about foursomes?" Derek asked and Jeff just gave him a strange look. "It's nothing Jeff. I was just wondering. Nothing to do with you and me! Let's go move the shit in the garage."

When they got into the garage Jeff asked, "Where do we put all this stuff?" "Up the ladder over there and into the attic." Derek said. "It's pretty hot up there and there is insulation all over the place. Why don't you carry boxes up the ladder and just set them inside the attic and I will carry them down the ramp to where they are stored. I'll switch with you halfway so you don't have to keep running up and down the ladder." Derek said messing Jeff's hair like he would a little boy's hair.

"What is all this crap anyway?" Jeff asked.

"About six of the boxes are summer clothing which I brought back from school. The other shit is stuff I packed up out of my room and never got around to putting it away before I left for Drexel. Mom threaten me that it had to be done over my Christmas break and since I have this hawtie helper." Derek winked and Jeff smiled. "So you were saying about Kyle?"

"Yeah, I think he has a crush on me!" Jeff said.

"Kyle has good taste Jeff!" Derek said. "How do you feel inside?"

"My head is spinning. My life has done a 180-degree turn in three weeks. I can't even think straight. It's a bit strange having someone really like you to the point of obsession." Jeff said.

"You're preaching to the choir Jeff!" Derek said as he sat down on a box and pulled off his tee shirt. Jeff said down beside him on the next box.

"Yeah.I guess you know I have sort of had a little crush on you?" Jeff asked not looking at Derek.

"Little? Sounds more like a life time obsession?" Derek said. Jeff closed his eyes tight.

"I'm sorry Jeff. I was trying to be funny and that was just being cruel. I didn't mean it in a bad way. I'm flattered that you think so much of me and honestly can't figure out why you feel that way, but it really means a lot to me. Will you forgive me?" Derek asked.

"Forgive you?" Jeff said looking over at him.

"Jeff, I am Derek, nothing more, nothing less, but I can tell you that I am a lot less than either of my brothers."

"No you're not Derek. You're much more than that. You're my hero Derek!" Jeff said and a tear began to form in his left eye. Jeff turned his head away to wipe his eyes.

Derek stood up and moved in front of Jeff. Derek reached out his hands to Jeff and pulled him up and into his arms. Jeff rested his face into Derek's chest and began to cry.

"It's okay Jeff." Derek said rubbing his back. "I think you are a great guy and I already think of you as a friend, even someone I am learning to love, but my heart belongs to Tyler." Derek said and Jeff cried more.

"I don't want to confuse you Jeff. I may tell you I love you and it will be real! We may have some fun together too, but I won't lie to you either. I am deeply in love with Tyler and that isn't going to change." Jeff nodded his acknowledgement at the crying slowed.

"Maybe I am to you, what you are too Kyle? Life isn't fair, it simply life!" Derek said and he slowly rubbed his back. "You're part of our family now as long as you want to be. I would be honoured to have you as my little brother and friend if you'll have me?" Derek asked.

Jeff looked up at Derek with tears streaming down and began laughing. "If I would have you in my life? That's too fucking funny. Just when I think I've heard it all, my idol, my hero, wants me to be his friend!" Jeff squeezed Derek tight and Derek squeezed back. "I just don't want this moment to ever end Derek!" Jeff said.

"I know Jeff, I know." Derek said resting his head down on top of Jeff's. "Hugs, kisses, and love are always no charge for family members so you can get them anytime! We never run out!" Derek said smiling down at him. "Please don't be sad Jeff. I think you and I could become very good friends.

Hopefully friends for life!"

"I know you're right Derek. I know your heart belongs to Tyler. It just hurts." Jeff said.

"I'll bet when you told Kyle this morning that you didn't want be part of a threesome that Kyle made you promise not to leave his life?" Derek asked.

"Yeah. he did! How did you know that?" Jeff asked.

"Kyle knows that you have a lot to offer and teach him. He would rather have you as a friend than not have you in his life at all. If you really love someone, all you really want is for them to be happy, even if they can't be happy with you." Derek said thinking about Tyler.

"Thanks Derek." Jeff said.

"You're all sticky and dirty. Why don't we go have a shower together and I will wash that stickiness off?" Derek said.

"I'm getting sticky in the front too!" Jeff said laughing into Derek's chest.

"We'll wash that too! C'mon little brother let's get out of this furnace." Derek said pushing him towards the attic door.

"What's going on Larry? Derek looked at me like I was his worst enemy! Did I do something wrong?" Linda asked.

"You didn't but possibly we did! Let's go into my office it will be more quiet there." Larry said.

Larry closed the door and sat down at his desk. Linda leaned up against the bookshelf next to Larry.

"I lied to Derek about there being a problem with the car so I could get Tyler alone. He admitted to everything but still won't tell Derek." Larry said.

"Why not? Derek's going to find out!" Linda said.

"He told me that he's already promised Derek to tell him everything about his families death and answer all of Derek's questions but not until the new year." Larry said.

"Why wait until the new year? What's that got to do with anything?" Linda asked.

"He was planning on telling Derek everything after Thanksgiving. But after he had a fight with a relative, he didn't say it was his Uncle David and I didn't say that I had talked to him, that he didn't want Derek feeling sorry for him and feeling he had to invite him here for Christmas!" Larry said.

"Had too? Hell, we would all love to have him. He's part of our family Larry! Did you tell him that?" Linda asked.

"Yes dear! I told him all that and more. He has this thing. about people feeling sorry for him! I think he learned a lot about his friends and relatives after his family died. I think he's been burned so many times he doesn't trust his heart to anyone." Larry said.

"Not even Derek?" Linda asked.

"I wouldn't say that. I think he trusts Derek more than anyone but he is in love with him afraid that Derek will feel sorry for him." Larry said.

"I would think that would only be normal?" Linda pondered.

"Of course it is normal, but for Tyler it will trigger his past experiences and even if it doesn't really affect Derek, I am pretty sure that the first sign that Derek is like the people in his life back in Toronto, he will be gone from all of our lives." Larry said.

"We can't just sit here and do nothing!" Linda said.

"We don't have a choice. You tell Derek, Derek runs to Tyler! You know he will be out the door and gone before you can finish a sentence. Derek will be mad at us for telling him. He will be mad at Tyler for us knowing before he did. Tyler will be mad we told Derek. It's a no win situation. They're not children anymore and love is not a game. They have to make their own decisions and live by the consequences Linda." Larry said.

They both paused to see Derek followed by Jeff heading upstairs.

The phone rang and Linda answered.

"Hello?" Linda said into the receiver.

"Hi Mrs. Anderson, it's Kathy Mitchell!" She said.

"Hi Kathy, please call me Linda. Are you all right? You sound like something is wrong?" Linda asked and she held the phone so Larry could listen in.

"Yes, but that isn't important right now. Paul is drunk and we had a fight. I'm wondering if you can keep Casey for a day or two?" Kathy said trying to hold back tears.

"Ask her if she is all right?" Larry whispered.

"Kathy? Are you all right?" Linda said.

"I'll be fine. I'm getting my stuff together right now before he comes back." Kathy said.

"Ask her if he has touched her!" Larry whispered.

"Kathy, has Paul hurt you or hit you in any way?" Linda asked.

"Oh Linda. Sorry. I'm use to him hitting me. It doesn't even faze me anymore. I just afraid that he might do something to Casey now! It's no longer safe for him to be here." Kathy said crying.

Larry grabbed the phone. "Kathy, this is Larry. I'm on my way right now! Gather what you can and if Paul arrives back before I get there run to the neighbours! DO NOT STAY INSIDE THE HOUSE! You stay on the phone line with her. Tell Kathy to stay in shouting distance if he shows up and call the cell! I'm calling the police right now!" Larry said running out of his office.

Larry yelled up the stairs to Derek and Jeff! "Derek! Jeff! Down here NOW!" They both came running along with Kyle, Chris, Luke, and Casey!

"What's wrong Dad?" Derek said.

"You and Jeff clean out the back of the Van NOW! And just leave the one bench seat in! Grab a box of garbage bags! Kyle, come here! The rest of you upstairs! NOW!" Larry screamed as he ran to the kitchen to grab the cell phone.

"What's wrong Dad?" Kyle asked.

"You keep that gate shut, the doors locked, Alarm on, and Abbey and the boys in the house! Don't let anyone in through the gate except me or the police!" Larry said. "Oh and don't use any of the phone lines!" Larry added running out to the garage!

"Grab the baseball bats Derek!" Larry yelled opening the garage door.

They were out and on their way to Casey's house when Larry asked, "You guys know how to use baseball bats right?"

"Ummm sure Dad? What's going on?" Derek asked.

"Here, dial 911 and then give it back to me!" Larry yelled.

Derek dialled and handed the phone back to his Dad.

"Yes, this is Dr. Larry Anderson and we have a domestic assault in progress.." Derek and Jeff looked at each other.

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Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few months! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel.

Next: Chapter 31

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