The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on May 19, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home Yahoo Group:

The Road Home: Chapter Twenty-Nine (Sex, Lies, and Junk Food)

"Hello?" Luke said into the phone as he bit into his apple.

"Hi? Is your Father home?" The voice said.

"Nope!" Luke responded.

"Is your Mother home?" The voice asked.

"Yup!" Luke responded with a mouth full of apple.

"Can I speak to your Mother?" The voice asked.

"May I!" Luke said.

"Excuse me?" The voice said.

"May I!" Luke repeated! "May I speak to your Mother?"

"Right. May I speak to your Mother?"

"Can I tell her who's calling?" Luke asked.

"No." The voice said.

"Are you selling carpet cleaning, new windows, magazine subscriptions, sponsorships, long or short distance plans, Satellite programming, driveway resealing, investment opportunities, cemetery plots, wanting political opinions, tire rotations, furnace cleaning, hard or soft wood flooring, pool cleaning supplies, newspaper subscriptions, gutter cleaning, vinyl siding, pharmaceutical drugs from Canada, membership in the Republican party, discount travel deals, or an eternal afterlife via some remote town in Mexico where you write blank cheques, get your balls cut-off, and then drink really bad Kool-Aid?" Luke said as he took another bite of his apple.

"No!" The voice said.

"Are you calling from my school?" Luke asked taking a second bit of his apple.

"No!" The voice said.

"MOM!!!!!!!!" Luke screamed into the phone. "There's a guy on the phone that hates Jesus who wants to talk to you!"

"Give me the phone Lucas and get ready for school or else you'll miss the bus!" Linda said. "Hello?"

"Hi Linda, it's Greg Anderson calling but don't mention my name if Luke is around." The voice said.

"Oh Hi! Haven't seen you at the boy's games in a while?" Linda asked.

"No, sorry, work keeps me late most nights. Some days I forget what little Greg looks like!" Greg laughed. "But I'm not calling about Greg or Luke. I received a very strange message from David Peel, a friend of mine from back in school. He is looking to talk with Larry about his nephew and highlighted that it was very important and very confidential. I am only supposed to talk directly to Larry but I haven't been able to reach him all morning." Greg said.

"Larry is away at a conference this morning in D.C. but will be home this afternoon. He's driving up to Philly to pick up Derek at school for Christmas vacation." Linda said.

"Great! It will do him some good to be out of the office for a day." Greg said.

"Absolutely and he and Derek are finally connecting. I think the teen angst years are finally over between them. though it might be starting up with Kyle now!" Linda said laughing.

"How is Derek doing at University?" Greg asked.

"We're really not sure. but hoping that things turn out okay. It's been a rough three months for him and lot of growing up. He's now in a relationship with his roommate Tyler Peel so that seems to have settled him down and we all love Tyler so much." Linda said.

"That might explain what the call is about! This is very off the record Linda. but David Peel was the type to gay bash back in school. A really good guy but very homophobic! David is a good person but he has very radical religious views on right and wrong. You might want to forewarn Larry quietly." Greg said.

"Thanks Greg. I appreciate what you are not telling me. Do you have the number so that I can give the message to Larry?" Linda asked.

The banging of the bed against the wooden loveseat frame woke Derek up. He heard faint voices as he tried to remember why he had been sleeping on the loveseat.

"Harder! Harder!" Cody whispered.

"Shut up Cody, you'll wake them." Danny said.

'Wake them?' Derek thought! 'Bang my head once more with that bed and neither of you will be having sex for a month!' Tyler stirred and Derek put his hand softly over Tyler's mouth. When Tyler looked at him, Derek put his index finger up to his mouth and then tapped his ear to tell Tyler to listen.

"Are you seeing stars yet?" Danny quietly teased Cody.

"Actually from this position with my legs over my head all I see is the underside of Santa's sleigh." Cody whispered back.

"Good enough for me!" Danny said breathing hard.

"I think the sleigh is really cool!" Cody said watching it fly around the room in circles.

Tyler covered his laugh with his hand on his mouth and elbowed Derek lightly in the ribs.

Tyler very quietly whispered, "See! Cody likes my Santa!"

"Cody's getting his brains fucked out hoping Rudolph doesn't shit on him from all those cookies he's been eating." Derek said. Tyler pounded his leg with his fist to hold back the laughter. Together, they quietly moved around to Derek's side of the bed staying as low as possible.

They both placed their palms flat against the side railing over their heads.

Simultaneously, they raised their heads to peek at the action going on. They picked the backside and could see Danny's butt moving in and out and his balls slapping against Cody's ass. Derek raised his arm with his index finger pointed out towards Danny's hole but Tyler pulled his arm back. Again they both watched silently and Derek slid his hands into Tyler's boxers and pushed them down. Tyler was already erect as was Derek. Tyler bent down under Derek's bunk and began sucking on his cock. Just enough to tease then he quit. Derek looked down at Tyler wondering why he stopped and Tyler signalled for him to come down and join him.

They moved under the bed to Tyler's side. Each one turned around slowly and backed up until they could just see Danny's forehead moving up and down and Cody's hair hanging a little bit over the edge of the bed. Tyler mouthed the word 'morning' and Derek smiled. Tyler held out three fingers and one by one pulled them into a fist. Derek knew that meant on the count of three.

Again they placed their palms flat on the Tyler's side rail of his bunk. They looked at each other and trying hard to not giggle, mouthed the words together.

<One, two, three>

Tyler and Derek jumped up and in unison said, "MORNING!"

"Aahhhhhhhhh!" Danny yelled which made Cody yell, which made someone next-door bang on the wall three times! Before Danny could say another word, a naked Derek hopped up on the bed beside him and crawled around to his other side. Tyler followed suit and was on the other side of Danny and Cody.

Derek started kissing Danny and Tyler kissed Cody. Tyler and Derek's hands were roaming all over Danny and Cody's body. Derek's finger found Danny's ass and began working its way in. Tyler placed his hand on Cody's cock and began jerking him while he sucked on Cody's right nipple.

"Merry Christmas Cody!" Tyler said between nibbles on his nipple.

"I love you Danny!" Derek said as they tongued each other.

"Merry Christmas Ty. God I wish Christmas came more than once a year!" Cody said.

"If Christmas came as much as you Cody we'd only have one day on the calendar!" Danny said.

"Oh God this is so hot! Where's my Derek?" Cody called. Derek left Danny's lips and dropped down on to Cody without losing his finger position.

Tyler worked his way out from around Cody's knee. He switched hands on Cody's cock and began kissing Danny. Tyler moved his right hand around behind Danny searching for his hole. When he reached it he burst into laughter.

"What?" Cody asked not knowing what was going on.

"Nothing Cody, I just found something I wasn't expecting to find!" Tyler said and he tapped the back of Derek's hand three times. Derek immediately left Cody's mouth to join in a three-way spit swap with Tyler and Danny.

"That is so fucking hot to watch from down here!" Cody said as he reached up and tweaked Tyler and Derek's nipples.

"I love you guys, all of you!" Tyler said getting into the moment.

"You guys need to lie down beside us and join us!" Cody said.

Derek was working his left hand down under Danny's butt to play with his balls.

"Touch my balls and I will blow right now!" Danny warned Derek as they kissed. Derek pulled his hand away like he had touched a hot stove.

"I don't have any lube up here Cody." Tyler said. Danny bent over and dropped down on Tyler's cock while Derek and Tyler continued kissing over Danny's back. Cody grabbed a tube from his jeans pocket hanging on the bedpost and handed it to Tyler. Cody then took hold of Derek's erect member and began stroking him. Cody took some lube from Tyler and put it on his index and middle finger. He worked his way behind Derek and inserted one finger, then the second and began moving them in and out. Derek moaned each time Cody pushed in.

"I'm ready Ty." Derek said between kisses.

"So am I!" Tyler said.

"Make love to me now!" Derek said staring him straight in the eye.

Tyler had to rip Danny's mouth off of his cock so he could lube his cock. He moved around behind to reach Derek.

"Where's your ear ring?" Tyler asked as he went to nibble on Derek's ear.

"I took it out for a bit." Derek said and Danny smiled at him.

Cody and Derek moved over towards the window to make room for Derek and Tyler.

Danny stopped pumping Cody and Cody even sat up to watch their Tyler insert his member into Derek. Derek flipped his legs back under his arms and grinned at both of them. Tyler reached over to the edge of his bed and put on his cowboy hat. They all started laughing. Tyler carefully pulled back his foreskin.

"Whoa!" Danny and Cody said together. In one long, slow push Tyler entered deep within Derek. Danny saw Derek's eyes roll back in his head momentarily. There was no sign of pain on Derek's face, only pleasure. Tyler used the same speed to re-enter Derek only this time he went deeper. Tyler's face was tense as he concentrated on Derek's reaction to gauge what he could handle.

Tyler dropped down on his hands on either side of Derek. He kissed him and said, "I love you Babe more than anything in this world. You make my heart beat and my blood flow!" Tyler began to pick up the pace.

"Cody, your going to hurt you neck trying to watch!" Danny said and he pulled Cody up on to himself. "I love you Cody, you are the only star in my night and the only light that guides me through the day!" Cody kissed him and then pulled him back down on to the bed.

Derek nodded in Danny and Cody's direction and Tyler smiled and winked at him. The sound of Tyler's balls slapping against Derek's ass and Derek's shortness of breath made Danny and Cody stop what they were doing.

"Danny, I've got to see this! We may never get the chance again!" He whispered in Danny's ear. Danny nodded and pulled out of Cody's ass. Danny moved around to the other side of Tyler. Danny put his finger to his mouth to tell Cody not to interrupt. Cody nodded acknowledgment of the message.

Danny put his hand on Tyler's back and started to gently rub it. Cody slid his hand down to jerk Derek off.

Tyler sat up and slowed his movements in and out of Derek. He smiled at Danny and Cody as they all looked at Derek who was far away in a haze. Tyler grabbed Cody and Danny's cocks and brought them both up on each side of Derek's upper arms. Tyler fisted each of their cocks jerking them back and forth. Cody continued to jerk Derek off while Danny and Tyler began kissing.

Derek came back to reality and placed his hands with Tyler's on Danny and Cody's cocks helping Tyler jerk them both off.

"I can't hold it!" Danny said. Tyler and Derek tightened their grip on Danny. His first shot never touched Derek but landed on Cody's hair, face and forearm. The second, third, and fourth shots lay on Derek's tummy.

Tyler yelled, "My turn!" and pulled his cock out of Derek's ass and began jacking it so fast Danny and Cody could barely see Tyler's head appear out of its pocket. Cody put both hands on Tyler's face and began kissing him. Derek was masturbating like a madman right below Tyler. At times their fists would collide but never was a beat missed!

"Now!" Tyler yelled and through his head back. Danny and Cody looked at each other with huge grins. Tyler's first shot hit from Derek's chest up to the right side of his neck.

"Holy fuck!" Cody yelled. "That's at least a six inch solid rope of cum!" The second and the third shots where just as milky white and thick as the first, but didn't shoot as far. After the fourth shot Tyler opened his eyes. He looked at Cody and Danny with their mouths hanging open.

"Guys! I think Derek needs a little assistance!" Tyler said and winked at Derek. Danny and Cody dropped down on Derek's cock faster than Abbey finds a treat on the floor. Danny got to the top of Derek's cock first so Cody moved on to Derek's balls. Touching Derek's balls made him groan.

"Here it comes!" Derek said and Danny backed of and laid his head down in the pool of Tyler's orgasm and opened his mouth. He jerked Derek as if he had to save his own life. Tyler quietly inserted his middle finger back into Derek and closed his hand putting pressure on Derek's prostate.

"Oh GOD!" Derek said never having had three-way action on himself. Derek's first orgasm shot over Danny's head and hit Derek in the face catching him by surprise! Danny wasn't to be deprived of the rest of though! He slammed his mouth down on Derek's cock and sucked him dry. Derek had to pry Danny's mouth off of him and when he did Danny grabbed Cody's head and began sharing Derek's orgasm with him. Tyler smiled at Derek over the top of Danny and Cody's kissing. Derek winked back.

"Umm guys, there's a bit of a mess down here!" Derek said. Cody and Danny looked down at Tyler's orgasm all over Derek's tummy, chest, neck and the side of Danny's face. They raced to slurp up as much as they could. Tyler giggled and shook his head. Derek just smiled.

When they had finished Tyler said. "Somebody didn't get to cum yet?" Everyone looked at Cody with big grins. Derek and Tyler each took one of Cody's arms and pushed him down on the bed laying on his back. Cody lay there staring at his three brothers while his cock twitched with excitement.

"Of all of us brothers Cody, you're the one who has been hurt the most." Tyler began and Derek and Danny nodded in agreement. "While we are all equal, you are the one that most needs to know that you are loved and will always have the protection of your three brothers. What happened with Dakota will never happen with us! When someone hurts you they hurt all of us!" Derek kissed Cody's left cheek and Danny followed kissing Cody's right cheek. Cody wiped a single tear from his left eye before it could escape.

Danny moved around behind Cody and lifted him up so Cody was lying back on Danny's chest. Danny rested against the support beam between the two windows. He wrapped his arms around Cody's neck and kissed the top of his head saying, "I love you Cody."

Derek kneeled down and kissed Cody and then began sucking on his left nipple. Cody moaned. Tyler placed his cock on top of Cody's and picked them up together in his hand. Cody immediately twitched which made Tyler's cock twitch. Holding both members in his hand Tyler looked into Cody's wide eyes and winked as he began stroking the two cocks together.

"Whoa!" Danny said. "That is so fucking hot!" Danny had to readjust his now erect member under Cody's back.

Tyler picked up his stroking pace and he and Cody could feel their balls slapping together which only heighten the sensation. As Tyler was much larger in all senses, his balls hung down just below Cody's so that heads of their members were inline. Each thrust down with his hand made Tyler's balls move back and forth into Cody's. Cody's began heaving.

Tyler could see how erect Derek was and he focused on Derek's cock to bring him closer to the edge.

"I'm gonna cum guys." Cody said as his eyes focused on Santa spinning out of control.

"Derek! It's time!" Tyler said as he threw his head back. Derek put his mouth over as much of both cocks as he could. Tyler's orgasm started first but the moment Cody felt Tyler's orgasm flowing he also began cumming. Derek's could feel Tyler's hot cum actually shoot into his mouth and hit the inside of his cheek. Derek's mouth was full in seconds and he pulled off while Tyler and Cody finished on Cody's tummy.

With his mouthful, Derek leaned down and kissed Cody opening his mouth slightly for Cody to slurp some back. Derek then moved up to Danny and Danny inserted his tongued and moved it around the inside of Derek's mouth. Finally, Derek moved over to Tyler and they embraced as they kissed and shared their liquid bond.

Danny slid out from under Cody and slurped up all of the remnants of the dual orgasm lying on Cody's taut little tummy. He then went for the ultimate prize and picked up Tyler's thick, sagging cock and put it in his mouth to slurp up what was left.

"Danny! Danny! Sensitive Danny!" Tyler yelled pushing Danny off of him. Everyone stopped and look each other and smiled. They all focused on Cody who still seemed in a daze and was not completely coherent to his surroundings.

"Cody?" Tyler said snapping his fingers a couple of times. Cody came back from reality to see Derek, Tyler and Danny all kneeling in front of him again.

"Did I just dream that?" Cody asked with a furrowed brow.

"Yeah Cody," Danny said laughing. "Tyler didn't just do a mutually explosive jack off session with you." Tyler, Derek and Danny laughed.

Tyler leaned down towards Cody with his hands resting on each side of him. "Cody! We love you and will always be there for you! We are now brother forever." Tyler said and leaned down kissed Cody very softly and passionately.

Cody wrapped his arms around Tyler's neck and repeated. "Brothers forever!"

Derek moved in and pushed and pushed Tyler out. He gave Cody a gentle kiss and said, "Brothers forever Cody!"

Cody lifted his head to give him a quick kiss back. "Brothers forever Derek!" Cody said with a smile.

Danny bent down and kissed Cody. "Cody, you're my lover forever!" Danny said staring into his eyes.

"You know it Babe!" Cody said as wrapped his arms around Danny and pulled him down over him.

Tyler and Derek moved over to Derek's side of the bed with Tyler on the outside. Tyler turned to face his three brothers and wrapped his arm around Derek. Placing his palm on Derek's chest he pulled him into him and whispered in his ear. "I love you Derek. forever." Derek placed his hand on Tyler's and squeezed it three times.

Danny lay on his back with Cody on the edge of the bed lying on his right side. Cody ran his finger all around Danny's chest and tummy. Spelling out 'I love you' over and over. They all relaxed quietly and no one seemed to know what to say.

Tyler broke the silence by making them all break into laughter when he said, "God, I need a cigarette after that!"

"I need a cigar!" Derek added.

"I need a cinnamon bun!" Danny said to a lot of laughter. Danny began to sit up so he could go get a cinnamon bun but Cody pressed his chest back down on the bed.

"You're not going anywhere!" Cody said. Tyler and Derek snickered.

Everyone focused on Cody who then realized that it was his turn to say something. anything?

"I need someone to unstuck me from this pillowcase." Cody said as his cum soaked head had sealed itself to Tyler's pillow.

"Ewwwwwwwww!" The other three laughed and thoughts of post-orgasmic trauma were dispensed with.

Tyler reached over and grabbed Danny's hand. Derek added his hand and Cody capped the situation with is right hand.

"Brothers forever!" Tyler said.

"Brothers forever!" Derek, Danny, and Cody chimed in together.

"I love you guys! Each and every one of you!" Tyler said. "Are you okay Cody?"

"Yeah, thanks. Being loved does a lot more than two months of therapy!"

"Not being alone helps." Danny said. "Everyone has the choice to be alone or not." He added staring at Tyler. Tyler stared back at Danny but Danny couldn't read his expression. He knew he had made his point with Tyler.

"I'm not alone Danny, I have my brothers." Cody said not realizing he was breaking an uncomfortable silence.

"Babe?" Derek said. "We've got exams to write in just over two hours!" Derek was the first to rise. He leaned over and gave Cody and Danny a quick kiss each. "Thanks guys for allowing me into your family." Derek said.

Danny pulled him back for a quick kiss. "Our family Derek, our family!" Derek smiled.

Danny and Cody got dressed and headed back to their respective rooms. Derek stopped Tyler in the hallway coming out of the washroom and said. "I love you Ty! Are you okay with all that happened?"

"I love you to Babe! Yeah, I am more than okay." Tyler said smiling. "I was afraid that allowing myself to love someone other than you would take away from us but it doesn't. I guess we all have enough love inside us to share with everyone."

"You've been loving everyone forever Ty. You just don't realize it. Everyone who comes into your world gets to share in all the love you have to give." Derek said and kissed Tyler's forehead.

"You ready to shower?" Tyler asked.

"Yup. You want to put on some boxers and we'll go?" Derek asked.

"Nah.just a towel. Let's walk naked to the shower." Tyler said winking. Derek chucked his boxers while Tyler grabbed his shaving kit and keys.

As they walked out the door Tyler said, "I want to see if I can beat Danny's three offers!" Derek laughed.

As the boys walked naked down the hall with their towels hanging over their right shoulders catcalls and whistles could be heard. Derek and Tyler glanced momentarily at each other and grinned as they entered the shower room.

Chris rang the doorbell bell twice wondering if anyone was home. He adjusted his backpack, as it was heavy with all of his homework. A young boy wearing green plastic sunglasses answered the door holding an open Bible. He was in cargo shorts with sandals wearing a tee shirt with an image of Jesus on it and the words 'even Jesus had a fish story' printed below. He wore a fake silver chain with a large silver medallion hanging off of it that said 'JESUS' on it.

"Is Jesus in YER heart?" The boy said in a Southern accent.

"What?" Chris asked not believing what he was hearing.

"I said. Is Jesus in yer heart? Cause if he ain't then it must be SATAN!!!" The boy said pulling down his green plastic shades to take a closer look at Chris. The boy moved his sunglasses back up the bridge of his nose and leaned in to sniff Chris. Chris leaned backwards.

Chris noticed that the boy's hair was greased and flipped back in full Sunday morning tele-evanglist style!

"You might be the DEVIL knocking at our door!" The boy said in a slow Southern drawl.

"I rang the bell actually." Chris said taking a step back.

"Are you a SINNER?" The boy responded abruptly!

"Apparently so." Chris said.

"I can exercise the demons from your soul!!!!" The boy said as he pushed his shades back up his nose.

"It's exorcise, not exercise and no thank you, that's okay." Chris said setting down his backpack between them. As Chris bent down and began to unzip the backpack, the boy moved behind the open door with only his head poking out watching what Chris was doing.

Chris reached in and pulled out a large jar of Kraft smooth peanut butter and extended his arm out saying, "Hi, I'm Chris, you must be Luke?"

Luke eyes lit up and he grabbed the jar from Chris. He ran towards the kitchen he yelled up to the bedroom, "Kyle!!!!! Your girlfriend is here!"

Chris decided it was safer to stay standing outside the door until Kyle showed up. Kyle came running across the hall with Abbey in tow and then jumped over the railing and on to the banister and slid down the stairs jumping off just before the knob at the end.

"Hey Chris!" Kyle said with a big smile. "C'mon in!"

"Are you sure it's safe?" Chris said sticking only his head in the door and looking around the room.

"Yeah, Abbey won't hurt anyone. she just barks a lot!" Kyle said holding the door open.

"It wasn't Abbey I was talking about." Chris said stepping inside carrying his backpack. Kyle closed the door and spun Chris around to kiss him.

"I missed you." Kyle said.

"I missed you too. since third period!" Chris laughed. "Should you be kissing me out here in the front hall?"

"It's just you, me, Abbey and Luke." Kyle said. "C'mon up to my room. Mom should be home soon.

Chris paused as he passed Luke's room and saw the wall of peanut butter jars. "Whoa! That's totally sketchy!" Chris said peeking into the room.

"Word! C'mon... we've got video to play amongst other things." Kyle said as he took Chris's hands and pulled him into his room. Chris looked back down the hallway as he entered the room and saw Luke peeking around the corner at him.

"Your brother gives me the creeps." Chris said.

"My brother gives everyone the creeps! The only person I've ever seen Luke take too instantly is my brother's boyfriend Tyler. Luke's a great judge of character. If he likes you then you are a good person, and if he hates you then run for your life!" Kyle laughed as he set up the video game.

"He's still kind of weird." Chris said looking down the hallway but seeing nothing.

"Did you bring the peanut butter like I told you?" Kyle asked.

"Yup." Chris said.

"Good, you're 90% in then. Luke can tell me more about what you are really like in one day than I could after knowing you for a year and a half." Kyle said setting up the two-player button.

"Can I use your bathroom for a second?" Chris asked.

"Sure, just through that door." Kyle said pointing behind him. "I share one with Derek. I'll get us something to drink and snack on. what do you want?"

"Do you have R.C.?" Chris asked.

"Good choice! We always have R.C.!" Kyle said. "Want something to eat?"

"Actually I brought a couple of bags of Reese mini peanut butter cups." Chris said pulling two bags out of his backpack.

Kyle laughed. "Are you sure you got enough?"

"I figured I had better bring a second bag for your brother." Chris said. Kyle grabbed one of the bags from Chris and yelled, "LUKE!" and then tossed the bag over his left shoulder at the door without looking. Chris watched as a pair of hands came out of nowhere and caught the bag. Luke ran down the hall to his bedroom and closed the door behind him.

"Damn! You're good!" Chris said laughing as he stepped over Kyle to go to the bathroom.

Kyle stopped at Luke's room on his way to the kitchen and knocked on his door. "Luke?"

"Yeah" Luke said.

"I'm getting some R.C. for Chris and me. Do you or Mango want anything?" Kyle asked.

"Mango wants some apple juice." Luke said from behind the closed door.

"Don't eat the whole bag Luke or Mom will notice if you don't eat your supper!" Kyle said walking away. "What am I talking about? Luke could eat two bags of peanut butter cups and three servings of dinner!

Kyle knocked on Luke's bedroom door on the way back to his room but there was no answer. "Luke, Mango's apple juice is outside your door!" He yelled through the door.

Kyle came back into the room carrying two cans of R.C. cola. Chris was now lying on his bed with the remote control in his hand.

"Thanks!" Chris said taking his can of soda and setting it down on the floor below him.

"Is Luke in here?" Kyle asked.

"Not that I know of. though nothing would surprise me about your brother!" Chris said.

"You'll learn to love him and I think Luke is going to love you as much I do." Kyle said and they both turned to each other to share a kiss.

"I hope so but he sort of scares me." Chris said as they hit resume on the video game.

"Lucas scares everyone but once he decides you are good people he'll be your best friend ever." Kyle said.

"Like Jeff is now my best friend?" Chris asked smiling.

"Word!" Kyle said. "Luke is and always will be my best friend in the world."

They both heard the sound of feet running out of the bathroom into Derek's room and turned around to see that no one was there. Kyle looked at Chris and winked. They continued playing in silence

"LUKE! KYLE!" Linda yelled as she came in from the garage carrying groceries.

"Be right back Chris, Mom is home!" Kyle said leaving his game. When he passed by Luke's room he noticed that bottle of apple juice was gone. "Hi, Mom!" Kyle said.

"Hi sweetheart! Did you have a good day at school?" Linda asked.

"Why do you keep asking me that? The only good days at school are Saturday and Sunday!" He said taking the bags of groceries from her hands.

"Where's your brother?" Linda asked.

"Somewhere. and before you ask, I was at Luke's school on time and we made sure Casey got on the bus!" Kyle said sighing.

"You're such a good boy!" Linda said. "I think we're going to take that sign out of the front lawn that says "14 y/o free to a good home!" Linda teased as she kissed Kyle on the cheek.

"Whatever. Chris and I are playing vids in my room." Kyle said leaving the kitchen.

"Kyle! Come back here." Linda said. "I want to meet this friend of yours that you've been spending so much time with."

"CHRIS!!!!!!!!!!" Kyle yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Kyle! Don't be yelling unless there is a fire." Linda said. "Is Chris going to stay for dinner?"

"I dunno, but probably if he can?" Kyle asked. "We were thinking of going to a movie tonight." Kyle added.

"Are you going to take Luke and Casey with you?" Linda hinted.

"Mom!!!!! That's not exactly my way of having fun on a Friday night!" Kyle whined.

"It sure is for me though!" Linda teased and messed up Kyle's hair. "Go back and play with your friend."

Kyle paused to adjust his hair and smiled. He ran back upstairs. Kyle came to a complete stop upon entering his bedroom. Chris was still lying on the bed playing the game and Luke was lying on his back using Kyle's game controller. The bed was littered in Reese peanut butter cup wrappers and Kyle was pretty sure it wasn't Chris that was eating them.

"Luke! Mom's looking for you!" Kyle said as he lay back down on the bed beside Chris.

"Looks like you made a new friend?" Kyle asked.

"Not really sure. He climbed up on the bed. I didn't even know he was in the room scared the shit out of me. He crawled onto my back. I asked him if he wanted to play your controller and he took it but said nothing. So I reached in the bag and pulled out a PB cup and handed it back to him. He took it and said nothing. We played a bit and during a refuelling I handed back another cup and he took it. He still hasn't spoken to me. He didn't try to kill me or anything so I figure I'm safe!" Chris said.

"Oh Chris, if Luke didn't like you, you would be dead already!" Kyle teased.

Chris stopped playing and looked over at him with a straight face and then turned back to his game. Kyle started laughing.

"Kyle!!!!" Linda yelled from the bottom of the stairs!

"Be right back. speaking of, watch your back huh!" Kyle teased running down the hall.

Chris paused the game and looked back at the darkened bathroom. "I'm imagining things." He said aloud.

"What Mom?" Kyle asked.

"What do you and Chris want for dinner?" Linda asked.

"Food! I'm starved!" Kyle said. "Anything that doesn't involve vegetables, liver, or boiled cabbage."

"Who opened another jar of Peanut Butter?" Linda asked.

"Mom! How can you be so smart and ask such dumb questions." Kyle said with a big grin.

"Word!" Linda said and Kyle laughed.

"Mom! You're too old to say 'word'!" Kyle teased. "And Chris brought a jar of Peanut Butter for Luke so I figure that explains the open jar."

"Ahh. Chris is sucking up to lessen the Luke experience?" Linda asked.

"Mom, most of my friends who know Luke won't come near the house! I really like Chris so I had to give him a head's up on Luke!" Kyle said helping Mom put the groceries away.

"Luke got to the door before I did because I was in the washroom!" Kyle whined.

"Oh God!" Linda said. "And Chris is still here?" She teased.

"Mom! It's not funny. You've got to stop letting Luke answer the door."

"Kyle, have we ever been robbed?" She asked.

"No." Kyle said not following her.

"That's my point! If you were going to burglarize this house and you ran into Luke what would you do?" Linda asked.

Kyle just glared at her.

"Has he been Luke approved yet?" Linda asked.

"Nope. but soon I think! Luke is lying on top of him right now but he still isn't speaking to him." Kyle said.

"Must be a bit more to your friend Chris than your other friends you've brought home?" Linda said.

"That's what I told Chris but I think he thought I was joking." Kyle grumbled.

"How about some homemade burgers on the barbeque with cheese and bacon, some potato salad, fresh veggies with blue cheese dip and tortilla chips?" Linda asked.

"You rule Mom!" Kyle said giving her a hug.

"I know just don't tell your father!" Linda said.

"Don't tell your father what?" Larry said.

"Hey Dad!" Kyle said giving him a hug and kiss.

"Hey Kyle! Still no takers on Kyle yet, I see!" Larry said to Linda. Kyle punched Larry's arm hard.

"I'm going back to play with Chris." Kyle said running out of the room.

"I'm just going to have a shower and get headed to Philly." Larry said.

"Oh honey, before you go and shower I need to speak to you about something." Linda began.

"Luke?" Larry asked.

"No!" Linda said.

"Kyle?" Larry asked.

"Larry! Shut up and listen!" Linda said pulling out a package of extra-lean ground beef from the fridge.

"Derek? Dear God don't let it be Derek!" Larry said rubbing his tired eyes.

"Larry! It's about Tyler!" Linda said.

"See! I would have made it there eventually!" Larry said. "Though Tyler would always be my last guess."

"Greg Anderson called and said that Tyler's Uncle, David Peel, contacted him and said it was urgent that he speak to you in private. Even I am not supposed to know that he has called and I gather that there is something wrong." Linda said.

"Does Derek know anything about this?" Larry asked.

"I don't think so. I talked to him two nights ago about arranging when to pick him up and everything seemed fine. Maybe something has happened in the last day? Here's the phone number in Toronto." Linda said sounding worried.

"Okay, I will be in my office." Larry said.

"Now don't forget anything!" Tyler warned. "I've stacked it all up on my bed."

"Yes Mom!" Derek said teasing him.

"Don't fuck this up Derek! I'm serious. I want Kyle and Luke to have their presents for Christmas morning." Tyler said as Derek had his arms wrapped around and was kissing him.

"I love you Mr. Peel!" Derek teased. "I'm not sure how I'm going to handle 11 days away from you." He said resting his head down on Tyler's shoulder.

I'm sure we'll make up for it in the Adirondacks Derek." Tyler said kissing him back. "I've got to get going it's after three now!"

"How much more can you work Ty? You've only had last night and Monday off work!" Derek asked.

"I have to work tonight, tomorrow, and all day Sunday because of all of the staff Christmas parties at this time of year. The tips are great though! I haven't made this much money since I started." Tyler said smiling.

"Are you table dancing on the side?" Derek teased.

"Some nights it feels like it." Tyler said. "I love you Derek and you are my world! Don't ever forget that!"

"You're my world too Babe! I will email you tonight when I get home and maybe give you a wake up call in the morning?" Derek said.

"Yeah, I could probably use it! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas Derek!" Tyler said getting a bit teary eyed.

"It's me and our family Tyler! Luke can't understand why you can't spend Christmas with us. I love you Tyler! Always have, always will!" Derek said. They shared one more kiss before Tyler left for work.

"Good afternoon, it's Larry Anderson returning David Peel's phone call." Larry said.

"Hi Larry, good of you to return my call! Have you got a few minutes to talk?" David asked.

"My time is yours as long as you're not billing me for it!" Larry joked.

"I'm having a problem with Tyler and I was hoping for your help. I figured he might be spending Christmas with your family and I wanted to discuss the situation before he comes to your house." David said.

"As far as I know Tyler is going home to Toronto to be with his parents and brother for Christmas, but things change so quickly around this house and I am usually the last to know - especially if it is costing me money." Larry said.

"Oh dear. I gathered that you knew about Tyler's family? I guess you don't.

This is going to take a little bit of time. I had better start at the beginning." David began.

Kyle walked into his bedroom to see his boyfriend Chris sitting on the floor with his brother Luke sitting in his lap. Luke was playing a completely different game now and Chris was unwrapping Reese Peanut Butter cups and feeding Luke.

"Juice!" Luke ordered and Chris opened the apple juice bottle and held it up to Luke's mouth to take a drink.

"Oh My God! I don't believe my Chris has become my brother's slave!" Kyle said.

Luke looked over on briefly to wink and grin at his brother. Chris smiled.

"Luke! Get up off of Chris and clean up all your wrappers!" Kyle demanded. Luke started to say something and Kyle stopped him. "Mango hasn't been in here so don't even try to pin the blame on him!"

Luke stood up and before he could even start, Chris jumped up and started cleaning Luke's mess. Luke grinned at Kyle and stuck his tongue out!

"Is there a garbage can?" Chris asked looking up a very displeased Kyle leaning against his bedroom door with his arms folded across his chest. Chris handed the pile of wrappers to Luke and suggested that maybe he should put them in the garbage.

Kyle sat down on the floor next Chris and put his game back in. Luke crawled up on the bed behind Chris and wrapped his arms around Chris' neck.

Kyle looked over and Luke and said, "You are such a suck up Luke some days I wonder why I even love you." Luke leaned over and kissed Kyle's cheek and then said, "You've got chocolate on your face." Chris started to laugh.

An hour later there was a knock on Kyle's door and Mrs. Anderson came into the room. "Supper is almost ready boys!"

"Oh Mom, this is my friend Chris!" He said still concentrating on the game.

Chris began to stand up but Luke wasn't letting go. He walked in front of Kyle with Luke still wrapped around him and extended his hand.

"Chris Coulter Ma'am! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Chris said with a smiling Luke hanging around his neck.

"Nice to meet you Chris! You really should talk to Kyle's Dad about having that wart removed off your back." Linda said.

"Word!" Kyle chimed in.

"I see you've been Luke approved?" Linda said smiling.

"I think so Ma'am? Not really sure at the moment.." Chris said winking at her.

"I think it's a done deal Chris! Welcome to the family!" Linda said.

"Hey Mom, Chris and I are thinking of going to a movie tonight if that is okay?" Kyle asked still not looking away from his video game.

"Which one Kyle?" Linda asked.

"There's something playing with The Rock in it!" Kyle said glancing over briefly.

"Hey Kyle, what about seeing Wallace and Grommet: Revenge of the Warerabbit?" Chris suggested.

"That's a movie for babies!" Kyle said.

"But if we went to it then Luke could come along too?" Chris suggested.

Linda couldn't help but smile when she saw the grin on Luke's face. Kyle stared at Chris with a look of disbelief! The silence in the room was broken by sound of Kyle's car crashing into a group of Senior citizens crossing the road in his video game. Everyone laughed except Kyle.

"Kyle!" Linda asked. "Have you been eating chocolate this close to dinner? You know better than that! Now wash your face before dinner!" She said. Chris and Luke snickered at Kyle

"It's dinner time anyway Kyle! You boys wash up and get downstairs. Chris, do you need to phone home and tell them you are staying for dinner?" Linda asked.

"Yes Ma'am. If I may?" Chris said putting his arms under Luke's thighs for support.

"There's a phone next to my computer Chris." Kyle said walking out of the room letting everyone know that he wasn't amused. Chris set Luke down and picked up the phone.

As Kyle was washing his face in the main bathroom he looked over to get a towel and saw Luke staring at him from just inches away holding a clean towel. "What?" Kyle asked as his face dripped into the sink.

"He's really nice! I like him. I can see why you're in love with him." Luke said with a straight face.

"What?" Kyle asked. "Who said I'm in love with him?" Luke tilted his head from one side to the other but never said a word.

"Is it that obvious?" Kyle asked wiping his face dry.

"Only to me. He's not as good as you but he's really nice!" Luke said softly.

"You're screwing with my head aren't you?" Kyle said smiling trying to test Luke.

"You're my best friend Kyle. I've hardly seen you the last three weeks. I wanted to make sure he wasn't going to hurt you." Luke said.

"Why do you always have to say the right things at the right time?" Kyle said bending and hugging Luke. Luke didn't respond but held on to his brother tight.

"You really think he's okay?" Kyle asked.

"You didn't have to tell him to bring me peanut butter. I would have liked him anyway." Luke said softly into Kyle's ear.

"I don't' want to sound like Dad Luke, but don't grow up too fast. I feel like I'm starting to lose you." Kyle said.

"I doubt that will ever happen! We're brothers forever unless you want to borrow money." Luke said grinning and ran out of the bathroom. Just as Kyle was leaving Chris appeared with the 'wart' on his back and they headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Luke yelled, "Daddy!" seeing Larry in his office on the phone. He jumped down and ran into Larry's office.

"Hang on a moment David. Yes, Pookie, what do want?" Larry said.

"I just wanted to say Hi." Luke said with a big grin.

"Daddy's really busy right now. Are you sure you don't need something?" Larry asked.

"Can I go to the movies with Kyle and Chris?" Luke asked.

"Ask your mother! And would you tell your mother to come here for a moment please." Larry said.

David could hear Larry giving Pookie a quick kiss.

"Lucas, close the door please!" Larry said smiling.

"Sorry David! Please continue." Larry said.

"MOM! Dad wants you in his office and he said I can go to the movies with Kyle and Chris!" Luke said jumping up on the bar stool next to his best friends' best friend.

Linda asked Kyle and Chris to watch the barbeque and warned Luke to stay away from the barbeque before she went to see what Larry wanted. Linda quietly opened the door and then closed it behind her.

Larry was saying a lot of 'Uh huh's and 'no, I think you are wrong David.' He scribbled down a note on a piece of paper and handed it to Linda. Linda read the note and stared at Larry.

"Call Derek A.S.A.P. and tell him I have emergency surgery tonight and can't pick him up. Tell him I will get him in the morning. Do it where the boys can't hear you. I will fill you in later. Who is Chris and I didn't tell Luke he could go to the movies!"

Linda left the office as quietly as she came in and reread the note. She tucked in the pocket of her skirt and went out to the barbeque to put the boys dinner together. The boys filled their plates and headed into the Great Room to watch TV while they ate.

Kyle was the last to leave and asked, "Is something wrong Mom?"

"I'm not sure honey but don't you worry about it!" Linda said faking a smile that Kyle knew all too well about.

"Is Grandpa okay?" Kyle asked.

"Grandpa is fine. You're Dad has to go in and do emergency surgery tonight and can't pick up your brother until tomorrow. Now go eat and let me know when you want me to drive you to the theatre." Linda said walking out of the kitchen in a haze.

He watched his Mom go upstairs and then he heard her bedroom door shut. Kyle crept over to his Dad's office door getting as close as he could without being detected. He moved his ear close and tried to pick up pieces of the conversation.

"David your thinking is a hundred years old! You should stop reading selected parts of the Bible and try reading it front to back! I can't believe that you would turn your back on Tyler with all that he has gone through! I can't even understand how that boy manages to function on a day-to-day basis after going through such trauma! He'd be better off without you in his life!" Larry said slamming the phone down so hard that it made Kyle jump. Kyle moved back to the kitchen as fast as he could.

Just as he picked up his plate he heard a loud bang. He dropped his plate on the counter and ran back to his Dad's office. He opened up the door to see Larry standing in front of his desk, with one of the guest chairs lying on its back in the corner and a broken wall lamp dangling from its socket. He knew right away that his Dad had thrown it at the wall.

Linda came running down the stairs and actually bypassed the office thinking it came from the kitchen. When she arrived in the office she said, "What the hell happened?"

"I stood up on the chair trying to change the dead light bulb and fell down." Kyle said looking at his father.

Linda looked at Kyle and then at Larry. She knew Larry would be yelling at him right now if that were what really had happened.

"Kyle you know better! Are you okay? Let your father look at you! And Larry, you should know better than to let your son do something stupid like that. I'm on the phone with Derek right now so please try not to break the rest of the house!" She said staring briefly at Larry before leaving the room and heading back upstairs.

Larry dropped into the one chair left and Kyle wrapped his arms around his neck and whispered, "Are you gonna be okay Dad?" Larry held tightly on to Kyle and started crying. His crying turned into sobs and Kyle just held still never having experienced this before. Larry released Kyle and apologized.

"Dad you're the one who always said you don't need to apologize for being yourself!" Kyle said.

"Father's don't cry in front of their sons Kyle." Larry said wiping his eyes.

"That's bullshit Dad! If you can't be real with your family then who can you be yourself with?" Kyle asked.

Larry held back more tears after hearing what Kyle said. "What if you don't have a family to begin with Kyle?" Larry asked.

Kyle smiled and said, "You join our family because we always have lots of love to share." Kyle wasn't expecting Larry to pull him back into a hug like he did, but when it happened he was happy to be there for his Dad.

"Do you know why we parents tell our kids how much we love them Kyle?" Larry asked.

"So we don't forget?" Kyle guessed.

"That too, but we never know when we won't get another chance to say it." Larry said and started crying again.

"Do you want to talk about it Dad? Maybe I can help!" Kyle suggested.

"You already have Kyle, more than 99% of sons in this world do! You've made me the happiest Dad in the world. Go back to your friend and always remember how much your Mother and I love you!" Larry said pushing Kyle towards the door.

"Are you sure Dad?" Kyle asked.

"Of course I am sure we love you!" Larry said.

"No Dad, are you sure that you want me to leave?" Kyle asked.

"No, I am sure I never want you to leave, or your brothers. And Kyle, thank you for earlier! Of all the people I have met in my life, do you know who you most remind me of?" Larry asked.

"No?" Kyle asked afraid of the answer he might get.

"If I ever call you Tyler Jr. then take it as a compliment!" Larry said smiling as the tears slowed.

"Always Dad. always! Don't forget that I love you too!" Kyle said leaving and pulling the door shut behind him.

"Everything okay?" Chris asked.

"Yeah. I climbed up on a chair to change a light bulb and fell. I took down a wall lamp while I was at it." Kyle said regretting telling a lie.

Chris jumped up and ran to Kyle wrapping his arms around him. "Are you okay? You could have been seriously hurt Kyle!" Chris said staring at Kyle. Kyle could see the concern in his face and felt like shit for lying.

"I'm fine Chris but thanks for caring. It means a lot to me and says even more about you!" Kyle said getting a hug from Chris.

"Told ya Kyle!" was all Luke had to say walking back to the kitchen with his empty plate. "Are you going to finish this Kyle?" Luke asked.

"I hadn't started it Luke but go ahead and eat it. I'm not hungry." Kyle said.

"Some thing is really wrong isn't it?" Chris asked.

Kyle tilted his head towards Luke and brought his finger to his lips. Chris nodded.

"Should I go?" Chris asked. "It isn't a problem if you want me to leave. Our family has days like this."

"I seriously doubt your family has days like this one Chris and no, I don't want you to go. I don't want you to ever leave." Kyle said.

"Why don't I call Jeff and see if he could give us a ride to the show?" Chris asked. Kyle nodded with a slight smile. When Chris returned from the phone in the kitchen he gave Kyle the thumbs up.

"Luke! Call Casey and see if he wants to go see Wallace and Grommet and tell him it's all covered okay!" Kyle said.

Luke ran halfway to the kitchen and stopped. He turned around and ran back to Kyle and pulled him down to give him a hug. Chris stood over them and watched the closeness. Luke grabbed Chris' shirt and pulled him into their hug.

With Chris and Kyle's face on each side of him he said, "I love you guys!"

"I love you too Luke" Kyle said kissing his cheek.

"I love you as well Luke, thanks for allowing me into your family." Chris said and Luke moved over to give Chris a full hug! Chris released Luke and he ran to the phone to call Casey. Moments later Luke returned with a big grin.

"Casey's allowed to go!" Luke announced.

"Will you guys go up to my room, and Luke you show Chris how to shut everything down and then stay there until I come and get you?" Kyle asked. Luke jumped on Chris's back and they headed up to Kyle's room.

Kyle peeked in through the office door. His Dad was pacing back and forth while talking and his Mom was sitting in his Dad's chair. She looked like she'd been crying. Kyle didn't know what was going on but he knew it was bad! Kyle knocked on the door and his father waved him in.

"Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to tell you that we are leaving for the show. Chris' brother is going to pick us up and take us." Kyle said and turned to leave. His Dad called him back.

"Don't you need some money?" Larry said smiling at him.

"I have money Dad, don't worry about it. Seems like you guys have enough to deal with." Kyle said. Larry pulled five twenty-dollar bills out of his billfold and gave it to Kyle.

"Make sure you cover Jeff's gas money and show and if they want something to eat get that too!" Larry said. "Will that be enough?" He asked.

"Yes Sir." Kyle said.

"Now Kyle, you make sure you look after your brother and if Casey is going keep an eye on him too." Linda began.

"LINDA! Enough! He's not a little boy anymore. He loves his brother and Casey and he will do what is right!" Larry said and Linda didn't speak.

"I've got the cell phone if we need to reach you!" Kyle said but no one spoke.

"I love you guys." Kyle said walking out.

"Kyle, come here!" Larry said. "We love you and your four brothers more than anything in this world!" Larry kissed the top of Kyle's head as he hugged him. Linda joined in the hug. The buzzer on the gate went off and they released Kyle. He pulled the door shut behind him.

"Hullo?" Tyler said into his cell phone as he was refilling a large pitcher with Coca-Cola for one of his tables.

"Hey Babe, sorry to bother you at work. Just wanted to tell you that I'm still here tonight. Something is wrong at home and they're not picking me up until tomorrow."

"What's wrong at home?" Tyler asked.

"I don't know and they won't tell me. The excuse they gave me is a straight out lie! How's work going?" Derek asked.

"Insane! Frick'n insane! Is Kyle okay or do you know?" Tyler asked.

"Mom says everyone at home is fine. I thought maybe it was to do with Grandpa's heart but he is fine too. Whatever it is she isn't telling and Kyle hasn't been on his computer all night so I have no way of finding out." Derek said.

"Do you want me to come home right now?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, but not really. I am fine and thanks for offering." Derek said smiling to himself.

"Derek this is just a job, you are my life! Just say the word!" Tyler said as he finished filling the pitcher.

"I love you Babe, see ya when you get home!" Derek said.

"Love you too; please call me if you get any updates?" Tyler asked closing his cell phone before Derek could answer.

"Tyler!" Gina called. "We need 6 more Rudolph the Red Nose Cannoelis, 2 Santa Claus Cannoelis, one Christmas tree Cannoelis, a Manger Cannoelis, and some Star of David Christmas cookies!"

Tyler paused for a moment as he was lifting up his tray of drinks to carry out to three different tables and asked "Star of David Christmas cookies?"

Gina winked and said, "Just making sure you are listening!"

"I hope Santa gives you a new sense of humour for Christmas!" Tyler said smiling and Gina swatted his butt with a menu.

Tyler's beeper went off and picked it up and spoke into it! "Shit!" He said realizing it wasn't a phone. "Don't these people have Christmas shopping to do?" He mumbled going back to pick up another order.

"Brendan!" Tyler yelled as he stacked his tray.

"Wot up Doood!" He winked and wiped away the sweat pouring down his face.

"Get rich quick! Like now! Marry me and take me out of here!" Tyler joked not even looking at him.

"Okay, but first can you make me some Star of David Christmas Cannoelis?" Brendan shot back and the kitchen staff all started laughing.

Tyler paused and held up his index finger!

The entire staff said in unison, "We know! It's the beats for all of us!" The laughter was heard out in the restaurant.

Angelo came up behind Tyler and said, "Thanks Tyler, they needed that to get them through the next hour!" Tyler winked and left with his tray.

Tyler noticed that at one of the tables there was a 9 y/o girl who wasn't eating her dinner. She was over tired and making a fuss. The parents would try to do anything to make her happy but it didn't matter. Customers sitting near their table were being disturbed by her tantrums. Gina said "Tyler, Do something!"

"But she's not in my section?" Tyler asked. Gina glared at him.

Tyler came up from behind and bent down beside the little girl.

"Spaghetti isn't your thing is it?" Tyler asked. She shook her head no.

"I hate to see a pretty young lady like you be unhappy. Is there something else you would like to eat?" Tyler asked showing a big happy face. She thought for a moment and then punched him in the nose. The sting made his eyes water.

The mother scolded Trisha for her behaviour, but that really didn't matter to the little girl.

"Well I was going to ask the Chef to make you whatever you wanted but not if you're going to be mean!" Tyler said still leaning down near her but back out of arms reach.

"I want French Toast!" Trisha demanded.

"Sorry, I only make French Toast for ladies who ask politely! If you want to ask politely then I will be happy talk to the Chef!" Tyler said getting up.

"You're rude! My Daddy won't tip you!" Trisha said. Tyler turned around and bent down beside her.

"I'm not looking after your table so I don't get a tip and I really don't care if Daddy tips or not! If you hit me once more I will put you over my knee, lift your dress, and spank your little girl butt in front of every customer here! Now if you don't want your spaghetti, then you come and ask me politely and I will talk to the Chef!" Tyler turned and left. He headed into the kitchen and told Brendan to cut four thick slices of the largest Calabrese bread he could find. He also asked Angelo to whip up some French Toast batter but to use Egg Nog instead of Milk! Angelo looked at him and shook his head.

Trisha didn't get any sympathy from her parents and she was getting hungry so she walked over to find Tyler.

"Excuse me Sir!" Trisha said.

"Yes Ma Lady! How may I be of service to you tonight?" Tyler said with a big smile!

"Would you please make me some French Toast?" She asked.

"It would be my pleasure to make some special just for you!" Tyler said. "Come with me!" Trisha followed Tyler over to Gina at the bar and asked for one red rose for the lady.

Gina snorted and handed Tyler the rose!

"Would the lady care to take my arm as I escort her back to her table?" Tyler said handing her the rose. Trisha laughed and took Tyler's arm as he escorted her back to the table.

"With your parent's permission may I offer you a private tour of the kitchen so you can see your meal being prepared?" Tyler asked. Trisha giggled and covered her face.

"If you will be kind enough to stand up on your chair I will carry you so that your beautiful dress doesn't get dirty!" Tyler said and held Trisha's hand to help her up on to the chair. Tyler scooped Trisha up and handed her the rose back to carry with her. They walked into the kitchen and the staff started to chuckle.

"Gentlemen! May I introduce Lady Trisha! She is here to inspect the fine quality staff who will be preparing her dinner tonight!" Tyler said. "Lady Trisha, May I introduce the head Chef and owner here Mr. Angelo Ciccone!" Angelo shook her hand and thanked her for coming to their restaurant. Tyler then carried Trisha down to meet Brendan.

"He's a cutie isn't he?" Tyler asked of Trisha and she giggled. "If you don't have a boy friend yet I know that Brendan is single!" Tyler said and Brendan smiled at Trisha and then glared at Tyler. "Brendan will be cutting you specially made toast and dipping it in our secret recipe batter just for you!" Tyler returned Trisha to her table and she began to tell her parents of her experience in the kitchen. Tyler checked on all of his tables and those closest to Trisha's table thanked him profusely.

Tyler returned to the kitchen and took the four cooked slices of French Toast and laid them on a cutting board. Grabbing a knife he went to work! The entire kitchen staff took turns peeking at what he was doing.

"Brendan!" Tyler yelled!

"Your bitch at your service!" Brendan said to a roar of laughter.

"I need some of that white icing you put on cinnamon buns and shit. and I need it now!" Tyler yelled.

Brendan found a frozen tube that they used for some desserts at private parties and warmed it in the microwave.

"Get me the icing sugar please and some sort of pancake syrup!" Tyler demanded.

"Tyler! This is good! Very good!" Angelo said.

Tyler held up the finished product for all too see. He had carved a Manger, which was really just a typical outline of a house. He used the white icing to give the effect of a barn door with some windows. He did some stars out of another piece of French Toast and with the last two pieces he made some goats, sheep and pigs. He poured the syrup to make it look like there was a stream running by the manger. He grabbed the powdered sugar, some milk, and his tray and headed out with Trisha's dinner.

Trisha had a big smile when she saw Tyler coming to her table. Tyler presented her a platter and began to explain the dish! "This is the manger that Baby Jesus was born in, and here are the goat, and sheep, and pigs. There was a stream running by the back of the manger and up in the sky there were all these beautiful stars but one was brighter than the rest! Do you know why that star was brighter than the rest?"

"Cause. cause. it guided the three wise men?" Trisha guessed.

"You're a smart young lady! When do we celebrate Jesus' birthday?" Tyler asked.

"On Christmas Day!" She answered and then giggled.

"Right and that's in winter right?" Tyler asked. She nodded.

"What happens to the weather outside in winter?" Tyler asked.

"It gets cold and snows!" She said.

"Right! So we need some snow!" Tyler held up the powdered sugar over the plate to a height just above Trisha's head and gently tapped the tin can and it began to snow.

"Now I need you to taste one of those sheep and tell me what you think because Chef Angelo says if you like it we might add it to the menu at Christmas time?" Trisha happily ate one of the sheep in one bite and nodded her approval. People around the restaurant had gathered to watch Tyler's creation unfold and hear the story behind it. A round of applause began Tyler gave Trisha a kiss on the cheek. "Enjoy your meal Sweetheart!" Tyler said and headed back to the kitchen.

"Brendan!" Tyler yelled! Brendan turned around and Tyler kissed him right on the lips. "Did I tell you I love you?" Tyler said winking at him. Brendan smiled.

"Your girlfriend out there loved your creation!" Tyler said and left to go decorate cannoelis for Gina.

"I can't believe what our boy has had to go through." Linda said wiping tears away.

"I can't believe an educated man like Tyler's Uncle could be so backward in his thinking in the 21st century!" Larry said as he paced back and for in front of his desk.

"What about Derek?" Linda asked.

"What about Derek?" Larry responded.

"I don't think he knows! He would have said something." Linda asked.

"That's really up to Tyler to decide what he tells us or Derek." Larry said.

"We can't let Tyler spend Christmas alone!" Linda insisted.

"We don't have a choice Linda." Larry said. "Maybe he wants to be alone this Christmas?" Larry pondered out loud.

"No one should be alone at Christmas Larry. This is going to ruin my Christmas just knowing he's alone." Linda said and started to cry again.

"You can't force the boy Linda. He has to come to that decision himself." Larry said.

"You could talk to him Larry? You'll see him tomorrow!" Linda asked.

"I suppose. if I get the chance to be alone. I would sure like to know why he's been hiding this from Derek. if he's been hiding it from Derek?" Larry pondered.

"Derek wouldn't keep a secret like this from us!" Linda said.

"Linda, there's a bond there that is so tight I think either of them would do anything the other asked." Larry said.

"So if Derek knew then he would make Tyler come here for Christmas?" Linda said.

"Honey, think about the consequences down the road. if Tyler finds out we told Derek then how would he trust us? How would our other three boys trust us to keep what they tell us secret?" Larry said.

"I know Honey. sometimes we know that people do stupid things and cover up for other reasons, right Larry." Linda said staring at the broken light hanging down the wall.

"I didn't think that would slip by you." Larry said sitting down across from Linda.

"C'mon Larry we've had these discussions about our kids before. We were both pretty sure that Kyle was gay and Derek caught us completely by surprise!" Linda said.

"Ya got me there! I didn't see that one coming. I'm sure glad it's Tyler for the time being that he's with. That boy has had a better effect on Derek than our 18 years of parenting." Larry said chuckling. "Speaking of Derek being gay. remember how we decided that we would have to wait for Derek to tell us! I think that was the right course of non-action and it is the same thing with Tyler! Maybe Kyle will be straight?" Larry laughed.

"Nope!" Linda said smiling.

"Two out three?" Larry asked.

"Yup! When I came down from the bedroom I saw Chris holding Kyle in his arms. I think they really love each other but he is only 14 so it might be a stage." Linda said.

"You're never wrong Linda!" Larry said smiling.

"Why thank you Larry for finally admitting to it!" Linda teased.

"But we can still count on Luke for grandchildren?" Larry asked smiling.

"Most definitely! That's where we need to be worried! I wonder how many we will have before he turns 18?" Linda sighed.

"I have the perfect contraceptive for that!" Larry smiled.

"What?" Linda asked.

"To prevent certain allergies, children under two can't have nuts of any type! The thought of Luke not having peanut butter will be enough to keep his zipper up!" Larry laughed.

"Just think of how lucky Luke's children will be to have the Uncles they are going to have?" Linda said smiling. "Are you going to be okay Larry?"

"Sure, but I'm not going to let that bastard David Peel hurt our son!" Larry said clenching his fist. Linda got up and came over to Larry and sat on the arm of the chair he was in.

"I love you when you get so protective of our children." Linda teased.

"You're really picking the wrong day to make fun of me." Larry said looking up at her.

"I'm not making fun of you Larry. I love that I see the same guy I did on the day I married you! I see so much of Tyler in you that if I didn't know better I would say that you were his real father!" Linda said rubbing Larry's back. "What are you going to tell Derek?"

"Nothing for the moment but I am going to have a talk with Tyler if I can get him alone." Larry said.

"How much does Kyle know?" Linda asked.

"He doesn't know any of the details but he knows something is wrong. I don't want to lie to him but I don't want to say anything either." Larry thought aloud.

"Kyle talks with Tyler on his computer a lot." Linda mused, "So why not ask Kyle to keep a close eye on Tyler?"

"If I even hinted to Kyle something about Tyler don't you think he would be the first to pick up the phone and call him?" Larry asked.

"Yes, I imagine so." Linda said. "I wonder how they came to be so close?"

"Maybe Kyle told Tyler about his being adopted and Tyler might bond closer with Kyle because he has no family?" Larry suggested.

"I somehow doubt it. Kyle's always known he was adopted and that's never been a concern. In fact the last time it ever became a concern was when he was in grade five and doing his family tree. If Kyle told Tyler that he was adopted it would have been based on his knowing about Tyler's family so I really don't think he knows anything." Linda said.

"Who is Chris again?" Larry asked out of the blue.

"Chris is Kyle's friend from school. His brother Jeff played on Derek's team last year in High School." Linda said.

"Hmmm you think I would remember him." Larry said.

"I don't think he got a lot of play being two years younger than Derek. Kyle says that Jeff idolizes Derek!" Linda mentioned.

"It's a small world we live in huh?" Larry laughed.

"Kyle told me that Jeff used to treat Chris like Derek treated Kyle but I gather when Jeff made the connection of who Kyle's older brother was he had a change of heart and now the brothers are best friends." Linda said.

"You really know what's going on in our boy's lives. It seems like Tyler Jr. is working his magic on Chris and his family." Larry said.

"Of course I do honey. It's my job to keep on top of what they are doing and with whom!" Linda said.

"What time does their movie get out?" Larry asked.

"It's 8:30 now so it should be out any time. Why?" Linda asked.

"Do we have all the frozen crap in the freezer that the boys love to eat?" Larry asked.

"You mean onion bites, mozzarella sticks, jalapeno poppers, onion rings, tortilla chips. all the stuff you hate but eat when there are leftovers?" Linda teased and Larry glared at her.

"Dig 'em out of the freezer and phone Kyle and tell him to bring everyone back here to eat! I'll turn up the heat on the Jacuzzi. I want my family home tonight!" Larry said. "You better call Casey's Mom and see if he can stay the night." He added.

"Sure honey. I'll do all that while you turn up the thermostat on the Jacuzzi." Linda said getting up to leave.

"Point noted. What do you need me to do?" Larry asked.

"Bring some cold sodas from the fridge in the garage, make some of your BLT nacho's, and shovel the snow off the deck to the Jacuzzi!" Linda said smiling.

"Sorry I asked!" Larry groaned.

"No you're not!" Linda said and winked as she left.

"No I'm not!" Larry smiled to himself.

Tyler laid his head against his dorm room door and sighed before putting the key in. "Dear God, please let me have the key right side up because I don't have the strength left to turn the key over." Tyler said. "Damn."

Tyler unlocked the door and walked in to see that all of his Christmas lights were turned off. He walked down the hallway to the bedroom to see Derek sitting reading a book wearing his Canadian flag boxers. The room was aglow with the light from seven candles burning through out the room and the only sign of Christmas was his spinning Santa which had been reinstalled in the ceiling fixture.

"Hi Babe, welcome home. Tough night huh?" Derek asked getting up and helping Tyler remove his coat.

"Uh huh." Tyler began. "If we ever have a daughter we're not naming her Trisha!"

"Word!" Derek said and laughed. "Relax, I have something for you."

"Derek I'm too tired. I just want to go to sleep. I'm sorry." Tyler said unbuckling his belt.

"Shush!" Derek said as he undid his tie. He helped boost Tyler into bed and then set a couple of jars up on the bed beside Tyler. "I want you to put one of your pillows under your chest." Derek said.

"Do I smell Vanilla?" Tyler asked.

"Those are the scented candles." Derek said as he turned on the CD player and Kenny Loggins "Outside in the Redwoods" disc began playing.

Derek climbed up on top of Tyler and sat on his butt. He squirted Vanilla scented oil on Tyler's back and began a back massage.

"Mmmmm" Tyler moaned. "I didn't know until this moment that I could love you even more than I already did!"

"Shhhh! Relax and go to sleep my love." Derek said.

After almost 20 minutes of a massage Tyler asked, "Would you come to bed and just hold me?"

"Sure, just let me put the candles out first!" Derek said gathering up his massage oils and climbing down out of their bed. When he returned he snuggled up close to Tyler. Derek wrapped his arm around Tyler and Tyler squeezed Derek's hand three times.

"I love you too Tyler, now close your eyes and everything will be better in the morning." Derek said. Derek soon closed his eyes to the sound of Tyler purring in his sleep and Kenny Loggins singing, "If you believe".

The front door opened to the sounds of five pairs of winter boots being kicked around. Larry and Linda came out to meet and greet the five of them.

Kyle was the first one to run and hug his Dad.

"I love you Dad!" Kyle whispered in his ear.

"I love you too Kyle. Are you going to introduce me to that someone special and his brother?" Larry said. Kyle pulled away in shock and saw his Dad wink at him. Kyle grinned.

Kyle pulled his Dad by the hand like any four year old would in a department store wanting to go to the toy section.

"Dad, these are my two best friends in the world! This is Chris and his brother Jeff!" Kyle said. They all shook hands.

"Chris it is nice to meet you. Tyler, I mean Kyle, never stops talking about you. Hi Jeff! I think I remember watching you play a bit of ball with Derek last year?" Larry asked.

"Yes Sir!" Jeff said with a big grin on his face over being acknowledged.

"Well let's all go into the kitchen boys because we've got lots of snacks for you to eat!" Larry said. The boys gathered on the bar stools on the other side of the island while Larry and Linda served up large platters filled with all the unhealthy treats they could find. Larry opened the fridge and pulled out a special plate for Luke and Casey filled with peanut butter and banana rolls.

"Oh yeah Dad!" Luke yelled raising his arms up in the air.

"Your father made them too!" Linda said.

"Hey guys, I turned on the Jacuzzi and it should be ready in about a half an hour so if you guys want you can all go hot tubbin'!" Larry said smiling.

"Casey, we phoned your Mom and she said you could stay the night if you wanted?" Linda said.

"Yay!!!!!!!" Luke and Casey said in unison.

"Kyle you could probably find something of Derek's for Jeff to wear in the Jacuzzi?" Larry asked.

Jeff almost choked on a mozzarella stick when he heard Larry say that. Kyle and Chris started to laugh knowing that it would be an ultimate fantasy come true for Jeff.

"Actually Jeff, why don't you call home and see if you can both spend the night. If you don't mind sleeping in Derek's bed?" Larry said. That made Jeff start choking on his R.C. and there was no holding back the laughter for Kyle and Chris.

"Thank you Sir, but I probably should head home. It won't be a problem for Chris to stay though." Jeff said catching his breath.

Larry came up behind Jeff and put his arms around him. "Jeff you are more than welcome to stay. Any friend of Kyle's is automatically a member of our family. You are welcome here anytime you like!" Larry said.

"Thank you Sir! That is really nice of you to say!" Jeff said as he tried one of the peanut butter and banana roll ups.

Kyle pulled out the change from the movie and gave it back to his father. Larry put the money in Jeff's hand and said, "Here this is yours for driving and baby sitting!"

Before Jeff could even say thank you Luke said, "You like peanut butter and banana?" Luke asked.

"You bet! It's one of my favourites!" Jeff said. Luke got down from his bar stool and crawled up on Jeff's lap. Jeff wrapped his right arm around Luke to hold him from falling.

"You can sleep in my room with me and Casey and Mango!" Luke announced if not ordered! Larry and Linda started laughing and Linda winked at Jeff who had a big grin on his face.

"Luke, he's going to sleep in Derek's bed! There's no room with you, Casey, and Mango!" Kyle said.

"Who's Mango?" Jeff asked. Another burst of laughter came out from everyone.

Luke stared each of them down, one by one, until there was silence in the room. "Mango is my pet monkey." Luke said looking up at Jeff.

"Don't worry Jeff, we don't have to feed him because he's already STUFFED" Linda said with a wink.

"Ohhhh. You know Luke I sleep with Bucky, a stuffed bear!" Jeff announced. Kyle and Chris started giggling. Jeff glared at his brother.

"And you know Luke. Chris sleeps with." Jeff started to say.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" Chris said pointing at Jeff.

"Ever seen the two bears on the jar of Kraft peanut butter?" Jeff asked Luke.

Linda, Larry, and Kyle burst out laughing! "Yeah I think he's heard of them!" Kyle said.

"Well Chris has one of those bears with the red ribbon around his neck and he calls him." Jeff began.

"You are SO DEAD Jeff!" Chris said getting up to go after him but Kyle held him tight.

"Crunchy! Crunchy the bear!" Jeff said barely getting it out over his own laughter. Abbey came into the room barking over the noise and Luke got down from Jeff's lap and went over and hugged Chris.

"They don't understand us!" Luke said resting his face into Chris' tummy." Chris stuck his tongue out at Jeff, which only brought on more laughter.

"Excuse me a moment!" Kyle said, "I need to go post something on the internet!" He said stepping down from his bar stool with a big grin. Chris grabbed the collar of his shirt and said, "You're not going anywhere!"

Almost an hour later there were 5 white, fluffy towels stacked next to the sliding glass doors in the solarium. Larry and Linda were sitting on bar stools drinking a glass of wine.

"I think there's more water outside of the tub than there is in it now!" Larry said.

"Are you feeling better Larry?" She asked.

"Yes and no. I love our kids and their friends. Now that I know I can see the chemistry between Kyle and Chris. I wish you had told me before!" Larry said.

"Really? I didn't think it mattered to you?" Linda asked.

"This is our life Linda and I don't want to miss another minute of it!" Larry said as he kissed Linda.

Kyle and Chris were on one side of the Jacuzzi and Jeff was on the other with Luke on one leg and Casey sitting on the other. What no one could see was that Jeff's foot was in the crotch of Kyle and Chris giving them a massage. Luke began making his rounds and moved to sit on Chris' lap. Chris was concerned about Luke sitting on his full erection and tried in vain to move Luke. Luke slid his hand down into Chris' shorts and moved his erection to one side and then leaned back. Chris wrapped his arms around Luke and quietly kissed the back of his head. Luke tapped Chris' arm three times. Chris flexed his muscle three times against Luke's butt and Luke laughed.

"Do you think we better bring our two youngest boys in?" Larry asked.

"Give them a few more minutes! It's winter now and you don't have to deal with them inside the house all day!" Linda said laughing.

Luke was the first to notice his Mom and Dad kissing and pointed it out to everyone. Chris looked at Kyle and Kyle smiled back. They both knew that things must be a bit better.

Luke moved over to Kyle but this time he laid into Kyle and rested his face on Kyle's chest. Luke wrapped his arms around behind Kyle and tapped him three times.

Kyle whispered in Luke's ear, "You'll always be my number one Lukey!"

"Crunchy and Smoothy! Time for bed! Get your wet butts in here!" Larry yelled. Jeff and Kyle found that funnier than Chris did. Luke and Casey did the 10 second dash to the open patio doors, Luke in Linda's towel covered arms and Casey into Larry's where they were carried upstairs to get ready for bed.

Kyle reached across and pulled Jeff over beside him. "I'm gonna head inside guys!" Jeff announced.

"What? Why?" Kyle asked. "We just got you alone to ourselves."

"I think you guys should have a little quiet time in the Jacuzzi alone!" Jeff smiled.

"NO!" Chris said.

"Look, you guys can come visit me later in Derek's room!" Jeff said winking.

"Jeff! Derek's boxers are in the 3rd drawer down of his chest. Don't touch the Flag or Mickey boxers. He'll know! See ya in a bit!" Kyle said and pulled Jeff in for a kiss.

"Not here! Your parent's might see!" Jeff said pushing Kyle away.

"Jeff, they already love you because they know I love you and they trust me!

Didn't Dad wrap his arms around you and tell you that you are welcome here anytime?" Kyle said and Jeff nodded with a frown. "What's wrong Jeff?"

"I just wish our Dad would do that with us." Jeff said looking at Chris and they both looked away.

"Jeff? How long have you been playing tough guy asshole? When was the last time you hugged your Dad and told him you loved him?" Kyle asked. Jeff didn't answer.

"Chris?" Kyle asked.

"I tell him that I love him all the time but he isn't the huggy type." Chris said.

"So it's both you guys' fault! Haven't you learned how to train your parents yet?" Kyle said and Jeff and Chris started to laugh.

"Obviously not, but you've done a damn good job!" Chris said.

"No shit!" Jeff said. "You've got me under your spell. but then again I like being under you" He said winking.

"When you go home tomorrow, I want both of you to give your Dad a hug and tell him that you love him! Then watch the change happen!"

"Who taught you all this stuff?" Chris asked.

Jeff shook his head up and down and said, "Good question lil bro!"

"Luke." Kyle said very quietly.

"What?" Chris said laughing!

"Let's go in guys!" Kyle said standing up. The boys went inside, grabbed their towels, and headed up to Kyle's room. As they passed Luke's room they could hear Larry reading a Bearinstein bears story to them. Chris threw on a pair of Kyle's boxers and along with Jeff they went back to Luke's room to say good night.

Jeff returned to Derek's room and Kyle and Chris went to Kyle's room. "Where's Jeff?" Kyle asked.

"Dunno?" Chris said. "Maybe he went to Derek's room?"

Kyle walked through the bathroom into Derek's room to see Jeff looking at all of Derek's trophies. Kyle snuck and wrapped his arms around him.

"Ahhh!" Jeff said.

"Scared ya huh?" Kyle said.

"No! Cold hands!" Jeff said.

"Sorry, I just brushed my teeth." Kyle said. "Pretty cool huh?"

"Yeah." Jeff said.

"Its just stuff Jeff." Kyle said.

"I know, but it's proof of success!" Jeff said holding the M.V.P. trophy in his hand.

"So having been given the M.V.P. by a bunch of fucktard's whose world revolves only around football means something?" Kyle asked.

Jeff looked Kyle. "I'm sorry Jeff. I didn't mean it like that."

"What did you mean then?" Jeff asked setting the trophy back on the shelf and folding his arms.

"It's a piece of plastic with a fake wood base and some badly etched brass plate and nothing more!" Kyle said. "Look, if you become the greatest football player in the world that is great, but it doesn't really mean anything! Who was the M.V.P. of the Superbowl in '84?"

"I don't know Kyle and I don't care!" Jeff said getting angry.

"Exactly! It doesn't mean shit and no one will remember anyway." Kyle said. "Chris and I love you and being loved should mean more than any trophy!"

Kyle pulled Jeff into a hug. "I'm not trying to be mean Jeff. I know there is more to you than football. I've seen it in you and when you meet my brother and Tyler they will tell you the same thing." Kyle said and then looked up at Jeff who showed no emotion.

"Good night Kyle, I love you, go to bed." Jeff said pushing him away.

Kyle walked to the shared bathroom door and turned and said, "Ever listen to those hockey parents at the games? All they can talk about is when they played hockey and how great they were?" Kyle walked on through into his room.

"How was story time with the Bearinstein bears?" Linda asked as she set down her book.

"They haven't changed much since I read them to Derek and Kyle!" Larry sighed.

"Are the boys settled down yet?" Linda asked.

"A little but not really. Luke was blaming it on Mango and Casey backed him up so I told Mango if he didn't settle down he would be grounded for the rest of the weekend." Larry sighed taking off his shirt.

"I can't remember the last time you read to any of the boys?" Linda pondered and Larry stopped and looked at her.

"I assure you that you those days are long gone. If I'm home, I am reading to Luke before bed from now on. Kyle, Derek, and Tyler too if they want!" Larry said putting his pyjamas on. Linda laughed.

"What time are you leaving in the morning?" Linda asked.

"I hope to be gone by 7:30 or 8:00 at the latest." Larry said crawling into bed.

"Don't forget to set the alarm then dear!" Linda said.

"I get up at five most mornings! Why would I need to set the alarm?" Larry asked.

"After the day you've had you might just sleep a little later tomorrow!" Linda said.

"I'm more likely not to sleep at all tonight." Larry said fluffing his pillow. Linda slid over to Larry's side of the bed and snuggled up against his back.

"Turn the radio on for a bit. maybe we can catch the weather for the morning?" Linda said and Larry set the timer to 30 minutes.

"I'm really proud of you today Larry!"

"For not breaking the entire house?" Larry said.

"That too. I'm proud of you for standing up for our son!" Linda said.

Larry snorted. "He really is our son, isn't he?"

"He was our son long before we knew about his past or even his relationship with Derek." Linda said.

Larry started to cry and tried to hold it back.

"Let it out Larry. Don't hold it in." Linda said hugging him tightly. Larry began to sob.

"I wonder if I will ever be cried out? I wonder if it will ever stop? I wonder why this is happening to me?" Larry said as he calmed down a little.

"Larry, you of all people know that the parent-child relationship has little to do with DNA! It comes from your heart and soul. Those are happy tears Larry! You are sharing Tyler's pain. There aren't many truer signs of love than what you are experiencing right now!" Linda said.

"Do the tears ever stop?" Larry asked sniffling.

"For the most part yes, you learn to cry inside. It's that first day of school when you send them off on their own. The first girlfriend, or in our case boyfriend!" Linda said and Larry chuckled. "And then there's the day they move out on you and there are a few thousand other times in between." Linda said.

Larry thought about Linda's words in silence.

"You're the best Dad they could have ever had and the best husband in the world! In some ways I feel worse for you than I do for Tyler right now." Linda said.

"If that's supposed to make me feel better then you're not doing a good job Mom!" Larry said.

"Larry I wouldn't change giving up a career for raising our boys for all the money in the world! You brought home the pay check but in doing so, you missed out on a lot of special little moments and not all of them were good either!" Linda joked.

"Lucas!" Larry said.

"Lucas!" Linda concurred.

"You still did more as a working Dad than 99% of the fathers in this world. You gave them everything they ever needed or wanted, but mostly you gave them your love and you gave them the freedom to become themselves. Those boys worship you Larry! Kyle is 14 and will still give you a hug and kiss in front of his friends! Luke would drop a peanut butter sandwich to say goodbye or hello to you, and Derek, our prodigal son, < Larry laughed> had to go away to learn for himself what is really important but he figured it out and that is because of the grounding you gave him in life!" Linda said kissing the back of Larry's head.

"I always wondered if all those time I grounded him would pay off?" Larry said smiling.

Linda ran one nail straight down his back. "It was a joke Linda!"

"So why do I still hurt so much inside then?" Larry asked.

"What you experienced tonight Larry was sort of like being first on the scene at a car accident and I must say you handled as well or better than anyone could. You're really lucky that you got to experience what you did!" Linda said.

"How so. this should be good." Larry said sarcastically.

"Larry. Most men never get involved, but you've now taken the next step of becoming a more active parent. You are hurting beyond anything you've ever experienced. You haven't lost a parent yet so you really don't know what the pain is like until now. Remember that feeling pain is still better than feeling nothing at all!" Linda said.

"Now you sound like me!" Larry smiled.

"Good Heavens! I can't be that bad of a Mother?" Linda teased and poked his ribs.

"I understand everything you've said to me but I still don't know why I hurt so much right now?" Larry asked.

"Do you really want me to give you the answer?" Linda asked.

"Do you want me to get any sleep tonight?" Larry asked.

"I just think it's something you need to figure out on your own." Linda said.


"The answer is right in front of you but no one likes to admit it." She said.


"It's very simple. You've come to the realization that you can't fix every problem that happens to your sons. There's a part two to this also?" Linda hinted.

"More?" Larry asked.

"This is the tough part Larry. Buckle up! You've come to the realization that you need your boys more than they need you!" Linda said rubbing his chest.

"I didn't want to know that." Larry sulked.

"I know honey but I heard this rumour that if you did a good job before they leave the house, they keep coming back!" Linda said kissing his back.

"I didn't want to know that either!" Larry joked and Linda swatted the back of his head.

"I know it doesn't matter hearing it from me that you really are the world's greatest Dad but I can assure you that in time you will hear it from all of your boys!" Linda said.

"Hold me Linda." Larry said and Linda brought the side of her face against Larry's back. The song 'One Hundred Year's' by Five For Fighting came on and Larry turned up the alarm clock radio's volume. Larry started to weep again.

Derek woke up hugging Tyler's pillow but Tyler was nowhere to be seen. Derek jumped out of bed and dialled Tyler's cell phone number. He heard the buzzing and saw that Tyler didn't take the phone with him because it was still charging. Derek threw on some boxers and grabbed his keys to run down and see if Tyler was in the shower. When he opened the door there stood Tyler about to stick his key in the door holding a McDonald's bag.

"Shit! You scared the Hell out of me!" Derek said.

"Me? What did I do?" Tyler said.

"You were gone! You weren't here!" Derek said.

"Sorry. I just went to McDonalds. I brought Breakfast Burritos with extra hot sauce!" Tyler said holding the bag up in the air.

Derek just stared at Tyler. "Are you okay Derek?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah. I had a dream and you got hurt or killed or something. I don't remember and then I woke and you were gone." Derek said.

"You're sweating Derek. Relax; it was just a bad dream. You said there was something happening at home and that fear probably brought on the nightmare!" Tyler said.

"Maybe you right!" Derek mused and calmed down.

"When is your Dad due to arrive?" Tyler asked.

"Not until 10 so I have a couple of hours!" Derek said following Tyler back into the room.

"Derek! It's 9:45 a.m. now!" Tyler said laughing.

"Shit! You slept in! Why did you sleep in? You've never slept in since the day I met you!" Derek yelled and Tyler laughed.

"I was tired and it's Saturday morning. and I had this great massage last night that made me sleep like a baby!" Tyler grinned. "You really should get this guy I had to give you a massage! He's very sexy and has these smooth hands and ripped muscles. God he is hot! I'm thinking about moving in with him next semester so you will have to find another roommate!" Tyler teased. Derek just stared at him.

"Here Derek, drink your hot chocolate and eat your breakfast burritos!" Tyler said and Derek grabbed the bag out Tyler's hand and dropped into the loveseat.

"You're welcome!" Tyler said laughing.

"I had a bad dream and you don't even care!" Derek said with a mouthful of burrito.

"Yes I care Pookie. but not really!" Tyler said kissing the top of his head.

"You need a shower Derek!" Tyler said as he climbed up on his bed to remove Santa and his five reindeer.

"Oh God, you're not really making me take that thing home to Luke are you?" Derek asked. Tyler looked down over Derek and shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Got to admit you did a nice job on the PB jars!" Derek said as he started on burrito number three.

"See! You just needed some food in your tummy!" Tyler teased.

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Shit!" Derek said with a mouthful. "Dad is here!" Derek ran down the hallway to open the door.

"Derek!" Larry said.

"Dad! I missed you!" Derek said hugging Larry. "Sorry, I slept in because Tyler didn't wake me up! I still need to shower and finish packing."

"That's okay Derek. Actually Derek I am having some problems with the van and I thought I might get it checked out here before we head home." Larry said following Derek back into the bedroom

"Good morning Sir!" Tyler said from atop the bed removing Santa.

"Morning Tyler. Wow! You guys really decorated the place up for Christmas!" Larry said.

"No way Dad! It was all Tyler! If I were doing decorating it would be much more tasteful!" Derek said dropping his boxers and wrapping a towel around his waist.

"I can only imagine. since your half of the room looks like it should be photographed and published in 'Better Slums and Hovels'!" Larry said. Tyler snickered and then looked at Derek.

"Actually Tyler, if I could borrow you to come along with me to a Ford dealership while Derek showers and packs just in case they need to keep the Van for a while?" Larry asked.

"Anything for you Sir!" Tyler said.

"Cut the Sir crap out!" Derek said.

"To whom? You or your Dad?" Tyler said with a big grin.

Tyler hopped down from the bed and suggested that they carry all of his presents for the boys now since they are going to the Van anyway.

"I'll call you Derek if we are going to be more than an hour!" Larry said giving Derek a hug and kiss before they left.

After Tyler and Larry loaded everything into the Van, Tyler said, "If you want to follow me I know where the closest Ford Dealership is."

"Get in!" Larry said to Tyler.

"That sounds like more of an order than a request?" Tyler asked.

"Smart boy! It is!" Larry said.

Larry started up the Van and pulled out and left the University and started driving towards downtown.

"Where's that bakery that you get those cinnamon buns?" Larry asked.

"About eight blocks down and make right at the 1st. National Bank." Tyler said.

"Is this about last night?" Tyler asked.

"What do you know about last night?" Larry asked.

"Derek called me at work and said something was very wrong at home." Tyler said not looking up from the floor. "Are Luke and Kyle all right?"

"Luke and Kyle are fine!" Larry said. Tyler released a loud exhale and Larry smiled to himself.

Larry pulled into Brewd Awakenings and told Tyler 'not to move'! He returned with two large black coffees and two-dozen cinnamon buns.

"Closest park?" Larry demanded.

"Four blocks that way and down to the waterfront." Tyler pointed as he held on to the two coffees.

Tyler followed Larry to a picnic table and Larry told him to sit down.

"Yes Sir." Tyler said now pretty damn sure he was in trouble and it was likely to do with his relationship with Derek.

"You don't want me near Derek anymore do you?" Tyler asked sinking his head down.

"Actually Tyler if it was legal to marry you guys and I was capable of doing it you would both be married by now before Derek fucks something up and you leave him. You're the single best and most important addition that the Anderson family has ever had!" Larry said just shy of yelling. Tyler turned his head slightly and looked up at Larry.

"Do you have any idea as to why I brought you here?" Larry asked.

"Is easier to dispose of my body in the water?" Tyler answered with a slight grin.

"That thought might have crossed my mind last night Tyler but it is daylight and all." Larry said. "Anything you want to tell me Tyler?"

"Sir?" Tyler raised his head with a confused look.

"Anything that might be relevant. say. about your past?" Larry asked. Tyler's head dropped back down.

"How did you find out?" Tyler asked still looking down at the grass.

"That's really not important. The question might be at what point in time were you going to tell Derek or the rest of your family in Baltimore?" Larry asked pacing back and forth in front of Tyler.

Tyler didn't respond.

"I'm actually surprised that Derek doesn't know by now! He doesn't know does he?" Larry asked.

"No Sir." Tyler mumbled.

"If I were Derek I would googled your name and found that the first 20 news articles related to a car accident on a major highway in Toronto but while Derek may be many things he's a lousy detective!" Larry said.

Tears began streaming down Tyler's face. He didn't look up.

"I'm sorry Tyler, I shouldn't have said it that way." Larry said. "Were you ever going to tell him?"

"Mmmm Hmmm." Tyler mumbled.

"When?" Larry asked.

Tyler set his coffee down and wiped his eyes with both hands. "We had a talk and I promised him that I would tell him everything about me and he could ask me any question he wanted but not until after New Year's." Tyler said.

"Why not until after New Years?" Larry asked.

"After we worked everything out when we got back from Baltimore I was going to tell him then because I was going back to Toronto for Christmas. I figure he needed to know then because if he didn't want to be roommates I needed to find some place else to live in the New Year. Then I had this argument with a relative and I knew there was no way I was going back to Toronto for Christmas. If I told Derek before hand he would insist that I come to your place and I didn't want to do that." Tyler said looking over at Larry.

"Why wouldn't you want to spend Christmas with us? You don't like us?" Larry asked.

"No Sir. Too be honest, I love each and every one of you more than my own family with the exception of my brother David. I don't expect you to understand this but the reason is really simple. I don't want people feeling sorry for me. I don't want people to be my friend, love me, invite me for dinner, or anything else because. 'Poor Tyler, he doesn't have anyone'. I CAN'T DEAL WITH THAT!!!!!!" Tyler yelled.

"Sorry Sir. I didn't mean to yell."

"There's one of your basic problems Tyler. You don't have to apologize for you being you!" Larry said sitting down beside Tyler.

"Are you going to tell Derek?" Tyler asked.

"No. I can't!" Larry said. Tyler looked over at him with the same confused stare.

"Anything one of my son's tells me stays in confidence or else they would never trust me again." Larry said not looking at Tyler.

"Thank you Sir." Tyler said.

"You're only hurting yourself and Derek and I can't say how he will deal with this the longer you wait. If you really love him and I believe you do, then you will talk with him very soon!" Larry said.

"Does Mrs. Anderson know?" Tyler asked.

"Yes she does but that is all!" Larry said. "She did say that this was going to ruin her Christmas thinking of you being all alone!"

"Don't put that on me Sir. That's not fair!" Tyler said.

"It's no less fair that lying to Derek?" Larry argued.

"I didn't lie to Derek! Not saying something isn't lying!" Tyler said.

"Technically no, but in reality yes! Withholding something this big isn't right but that is for you to decide and remember that you will have to live with the consequences of your lack of action." Larry said. "I don't love you like a son, I love you as my son! Linda and the boys all feel the same way." Larry said.

"Thank you Sir. I feel that way myself." Tyler said.

"I don't think you really do Tyler! I think if you really trusted and loved the Andersons you would have the faith in us to be able to tell us anything and know that we wouldn't love you any less. I can tell you that when you really do love someone you want to be share in their good and bad times. You're really not setting much of an example for Derek and as for Kyle. he worships the ground you walk on! Derek's not a little boy but Kyle still isn't a man! I'm not even sure if you'll be able to repair that friendship?" Larry pondered. Tyler didn't respond.

"You're not a little boy Tyler and I will respect your right to privacy and for you to make your own decisions. If this blows up in your face I promise to stand beside you because I believe in you and love you but my guess is you're just going to relive the pain you experienced last July all over again. I can't fathom the pain you must carry with you Tyler but I can't imagine that being alone wouldn't make it any better!" Larry said pulling Tyler into a hug. Tyler's eyes began pour again.

"You have been and always will be a son and brother to the Andersons if you want to be." Larry said. Tyler squeezed his arms tighter around Larry.

"Do you know what we call Kyle now?" Larry asked. Tyler shook his head no in Larry's chest.

"Tyler Jr." Larry said and Tyler started to laugh.

"I think that belt for the alternator is now fixed huh?" Larry said and Tyler nodded still holding on to Larry.

"Sir?" Tyler asked.

"Yes, Tyler." Larry said.

"Just remember that I love you and all of the Andersons!" Tyler said and got up and walked ahead of Larry back to the Van.

Larry followed behind thinking that wasn't what he wanted to hear Tyler say.

They rode back to the dorm in silence. Riding in the elevator Tyler looked over at Larry and Larry looked at Tyler. Tyler looked down at the floor.

"I'm not ready yet." Tyler said as the door opened and walked out ahead of Larry.

Tyler walked past Derek not able to look him in the face. Derek could tell that Tyler had been crying. "How did it go?" Derek asked as they returned.

"Fan belt for the Alternator. We'll have working headlights for the road home. Got everything packed to go?" Larry asked.

"Yeah. Lots of laundry for Mom and a Santa with 5 tiny reindeer for Luke!" Derek said.

"How many loads do you figure?" Larry asked.

"I think we can both carry everything down in one load." Derek said.

"Okay, well let me take these two suitcases and I'll put those bags under my arms. I just want to say good bye to Tyler first." Larry said.

Tyler turned around from his closet and Larry came up and wrapped his arms around him. "We're going to miss you around the dinner table Tyler. I don't know why you don't skip the trip up north and come south for the holiday?" Larry said.

"I will miss you too Sir." Tyler said.

"Never forget how much we love and will be thinking of you!" Larry said and kissed the top of Tyler's head. Larry loaded himself up and told Derek to take his time, as there was no rush.

"I guess this is it for the next 11 days." Derek said standing in front of Tyler with his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah. You should get going Derek. If you stand here any longer I think I am going to cry." Tyler said.

"Me too Ty. I left your present on your bed! Remember, no peeking until Christmas morning! I love you Tyler Peel! You are my everything." Derek said.

Tyler pulled on Derek's sweatshirt and half smiled as he kissed him. "You are my world Derek, my one and only, now and forever!" Tyler said. "Get going please!"

Tyler helped Derek load himself up. A lot of quick glances and eye contact happened over the next two minutes but no words were spoken.

As Derek stepped out the door he turned around and said, "Is there something you want to say?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, I love you Derek Anderson." Tyler said and closed the door.

Derek got in the passenger side of the Van and they left the University to go home to Baltimore. Larry pulled into a rest stop to get gas. While he went to the washroom Derek pumped the gas. When he was done he popped the hood of the Van and checked the oil. He looked at the alternator and then twisted the fan belt. He slammed the hood down and got back inside the Van.

They headed back south on the freeway towards Maryland in silence. Derek sat with his arms crossed staring out the window.

"How did your exams go?" Larry asked.

"Fine!" Derek said not looking at him.

"I assume you passed all of your courses?" Larry asked.

"Yes." Derek said angrily.

"Did they charge you much for the new fan belt?" Derek asked looking out his window.

"I don't know." Larry said.

"I'll bet you don't!" Derek said. Larry just looked forward on the road.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" Derek said staring at his father.

"What in particular do you want to know?" Larry said.

"Mom's lying to me on the phone last night, you and Tyler go out to fix a fan belt but he doesn't take his Jeep, he comes back and I can tell he's been crying, and I checked the oil when we got gas and it's an OEM fan belt that probably should be changed!" Derek said.

"All good questions but you're asking the wrong person." Larry said.

"Who should I be asking?" Derek said.

"If you're that good of a detective you'll also figure out the answer to that question!" Larry said.

Tyler climbed into bed and turned on his MP3 player and set it to Kenny Loggin's "Conviction of the Heart" on repeat. He pulled Derek's pillow over; hugging it he closed his eyes.

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Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few months! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel.

Next: Chapter 30

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