The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on May 11, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home Yahoo Group:

The Road Home: Chapter Twenty-Eight (Fratres in Aeternum)


"Come in!!!!" Derek yelled as he pulled his boxers back up and closed the screen he was watching.

Danny opened the door and came in. He stopped and noticed that entire room was decorated for Christmas. Blinking lights lined the window and all the doorframes in the bedroom. A two-foot Christmas tree sat on top of the television blinking away. A large banner swooped down the wall opposite the bathroom saying 'Happy Holidays' on it. There were two stockings hanging off each of the bedposts with the names Derek and Tyler on it.

"Hey Derek!" Danny said.

"Hey Danny!" Derek answered.

"You guys having a white trash pre-Christmas sale or something?" Danny asked smiling.

"One might think so. I didn't have anything to do with this!" Derek said.

"Wow! You guys really decorated up for Christmas!"

"Ty's idea, not mine! He's turned this place into Santa's Palace South!" Derek said. "If I hear the song 'It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year' once more I will punch something!" Danny laughed.

"This is really cool! I didn't think Tyler was this much into Christmas?" Danny asked.

"Me neither!" Derek said. "He left to go get his Folger's Singles on Wednesday morning and when I got back from my Applied Human Nutrition exam this place had been transformed into a Winter Wonderland." Derek sighed.

"I think it's really sweet!" Danny said.

"You try sleeping with the constant flickering of lights! Ty is Christmas Crazy! Note that he didn't mention that on his roommate personal bio!" Derek said tapping away on his computer.

"I think it's cool!" Danny said as he spun around slowly looking at all the decorations.

"Neurotic is more like it! My mother doesn't do our house up this much! Open his closet door!" Derek said. Danny opened Tyler's closet door to see about twenty wrapped presents.

"Holy shit! Look at all of this and there's no labels on any of them?" Danny said.

"He's coded every one of them so I can't find out what he got for me. he thinks I snoop! Can you believe it?" Derek said.

Danny stared silently at Derek. Derek looked up at Danny and said. "Shut the fuck up!" Danny just laughed.

"What did you get him for Christmas?" Danny asked.

"Not telling!" Derek said not looking away from his computer.

"C'mon! You tell me and I will tell you what I got for him?" Danny said.

Derek stopped typing to consider the offer. Only his eyes moved to look up at Danny through wood crossbeams of his bunkbed.

"K. but you go first!" Derek said.

"Okay, but only cause I'm dying to tell someone!" Danny giggled. "I got him an authentic cowboy hat and a plaid shirt to go with it!" Derek started to laugh.

"What?" Danny asked. "Do you think he won't like it?"

"No Danny. He will love it! I just can't picture him in a cowboy hat." Derek said.

"Think about it Derek. all he is wearing is a cowboy hat and maybe some chaps that show off his butt?" Danny said grinning.

"Damn! He's going to like your gift better than mine! Well. I know I am going to like the gift you're giving Ty more than the one I am giving him." Derek said.

"So spit it out before he comes back!" Danny asked.

"Okay, well he is always nibbling on my earring. so I got him an 18 kt gold chain and I am putting my earring on the chain for him and to go along with it. I also got him a gift certificate to get his ear pierced! He's always wanted too but been afraid of what his parents would say." Derek said. "So? What do you think?"

"I think that's really sweet. He will always have it to remember his first Christmas with you!" Danny said leaning down and kissing Derek's cheek.

"Mom and Dad also got him a present!" Derek said.

"Really? How cool! What did they buy him?" Danny asked.

"We have a cottage up in the Adirondacks. We can swim in the summer and ski in the winter. So I asked Mom and Dad if I can convince Tyler to come back early, if we could spend New Year's Eve there! They said yes, and they bought Tyler a set of skis and my brothers are giving him the rest of the equipment. I just hope he says yes and will come back from Toronto a little bit early!" Derek said. Danny smiled and said nothing.

"What?" Derek asked.

"Oh. nothing! I was just thinking I brought my skis with me so maybe sometime we can go skiing around here?" Danny said hoping he covered himself okay in front of Derek.

"Hey Danny! If I can convince Tyler to come back early why don't you and Cody come with us? It's secluded! Has an outdoor hot tub that seats eight.

Four big bedrooms, fireplace, all the amenities! What do ya say?" Derek asked.

"Really? You mean it?" Danny said getting excited.

"Have you booked your return flight yet?" Derek asked.

"Nope. I kept it open in case of a storm. I can fly on Standby! Count me in if I can convince Cody as well!" Danny said grinning.

"No problem, just make sure that Tyler knows nothing about it!" Derek asked.

"Not a word. So when are you guys leaving for home?" Danny asked.

"I have my last exam on Friday morning and someone is going to pick me up that night if they can get here before Friday night traffic. If not they will get me Saturday morning." Derek said.

"When's Tyler leaving?" Danny asked trying to play stupid.

"He has an appointment for his Jeep on Monday morning and then he is leaving right after that. He said it's about a 10-hour trip depending on how long it takes to cross the border back into Canada. He will be home sometime early Monday evening." Derek said. "When are you flying home?"

"Saturday morning. if airport security lets me in the airport?" Danny said winking.

"At least you will be one of the few that will enjoy the body cavity search!" Derek teased!

"No shit!" Danny said laughing. "I guess we all better get together soon to exchange gifts huh?"

"We should all go out for dinner together! Some place nice and we have to do it before Friday because Tyler works that night. So it's got to be tomorrow night!" Derek said.

"Good idea. but where do we go?" Danny asked.

"No idea, but I gather Tyler won't want to eat Italian! Every time he brings something home from work now he gives it to me or you to eat." Derek said.

The door opened and Tyler came in. "Hey Daniel!" Tyler said giving him a hug and a kiss.

"Hey Babe!" Tyler said giving Derek a much more intense kiss.

"Go way. I'm preparing study notes!" Derek said.

"Feels so good to be loved." Tyler said.

"Oh Ty, Danny and me were talking about getting together for dinner tomorrow night to exchange gifts before we all leave. What do you think?" Derek asked.

"Are me and Cody invited?" Tyler teased.

"Yeah, but you have to sit elsewhere!" Derek shot back. "Anyway assmite. where would you like to go? I think we should dress up and go someplace nice! Danny and me were thinking of having Italian!" Derek said winking at Danny.

"Sure!" Tyler said not to be outdone. "Burger King has their Chicken Parmesan back for a limited time! We could even go through drive-thru though it seems pointless to do that in a suit! How about Pizza Hut? Pappa John's? Domino's? Or we could just drive to Canada and get Pizza Pizza?" Tyler said with a smirk.

"How about a steak house?" Danny said.

"Tyler doesn't eat red meat!" Derek said.

"But pizza has red meat on it and you eat those veal stuffed raviolis!" Danny said.

"Shut up Danny!" Tyler smiled and winked. Tyler turned on his computer and did a google search. "Okay, we got steaks, Moroccan, French, Bistro, Pub grub. anything you want?"

"Mexican?" Danny asked.

"Chinese?" Derek said.

"Oh My God! I got it! I got the perfect place and we don't have to dress up!" Tyler said staring off in the distance.

"Where? Where?" Derek and Danny said in unison!

"Guys! Where is the perfect place for four gay guys to go eat?" Tyler asked.

"Sushi bar?" Derek said smiling.

"Funny, but wrong! The Cheesecake Factory!" Tyler said with a big smile!

"YEAH!" Danny said. "It's like dessert heaven! I wonder if they have a cinnamon bun cheesecake?" Tyler and Derek began throwing anything they could get their hands on at him.

"OKAY! I was just joking! Geez.." Danny said blocking his face for incoming projectiles.

"What do you guys think? Seriously! It's about a 30-minute drive. Not really expensive and Derek, they are the exclusive purveyors of Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake!"

"You're shittin me right?" Derek said jumping up and hitting his head on the bunkbed above."

"Nope. No joke!" Tyler said. "So we are agreed as long as Cody also wants to go. Maybe we should look at some other options just in case Cody doesn't want like the place."

"Fuck 'em!" Danny said. "He can sit in the Jeep! I'm starting with. open up the menu dammit!" Tyler opened the online menu. "Okay I am starting with. the. apple crisp for an appetizer. Then for my entr‚e I am going to have..ummm.. scroll down.. The Toblerone Swiss Almond Cheesecake with a side of white chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake and for dessert. I think I will have.." Tyler closed the screen. "HEY! What the fuck did you do that for?" Danny yelled.

"I'm beginning to hate the place already and I haven't even been there! No more dessert discussions until dessert!" Tyler said sticking his tongue at him.

Danny pulled a cinnamon bun out of his pocket and flopped on the loveseat. He looked up at Tyler and said, "Grinch!"

"Whatever. you actually keep cinnamon buns in your pocket?" Tyler asked.

"What's wrong with that?" Danny asked.

"Hey Danny, do you keep peanut butter in your jock too?" Derek asked laughing out loud.

"No! Does it help with jock itch cause I could sure use.?" Danny began.

"OUT! Go back to your room Danny!" Tyler said smiling and pointing towards the door.

"Fine. I know where I'm not loved." Danny said walking down the hallway.

"Danny?" Tyler called.


"Don't forget to check out tomorrow night with Cody!" Tyler said.

"Don't worry he'll be there if he ever wants his ass reamed again." Danny said with a mouthful of cinnamon bun walking out the door

"Hey Ty can we talk for a second?" Derek asked.

"Sure." Tyler said in a suspicious manner.

"Okay, just hear me out! I talked to my parents about this and they thought it would be a great idea. We have a cottage, well. second home in the Adirondacks. It's a great place to swim in the summer and ski in the winter. I was wondering if there was any chance you might be able to come back before New Year's Eve and we could spend it there. Just the two of us!" Derek said raising his eyebrows up and down.

"Really? You've got a place in the mountains?" Tyler said smiling.

"Really, really! Mom and Dad thought it would be nice for us to have some time together. Kyle and Luke thought it would be nice for them to have some time with us!" Derek said laughing. "I told them that was our time together."

"Oh." Tyler said.

"What? You want to be locked away in a snow covered mountain with my brothers?" Derek asked smiling.

"Ummm. Yeah. They're great! I couldn't imagine going away without them to be honest!" Tyler said.

"Good! Cause I told them we wouldn't go without them!" Derek burst into laughter.

"You little shit!" Tyler said jumping on to Derek's lap in front of his computer. Tyler began kissing him.

"Mmmm. Air! Air!" Derek said and Tyler stopped kissing him. "Ty, I know you love them as much as I do! Probably more since you haven't had to live with them, but the four of us are family and if I ever had to choose between you and them.." Derek began.

"I would never ask you to choose between me and them Derek! They are your brothers and they come first!" Tyler said.

"You finished my sentence, Mr. Peel! That's a bad sign!" Derek laughed.

"My bad, but why?" Tyler asked.

"Because it makes us sound like adults, or even my parents!" Derek teased.

"What's wrong with that? I love your parents." Tyler asked.

"Yeah, I do too, but it just makes us seem old and mature! Of course if everything goes as planed I will get my doctorate in Kinesthesiology and be Dr. Anderson. So you can be my wife!" Derek said laughing so hard he had to hold his stomach.

"Ya think so, eh?" Tyler said tickling him. "I say we let Luke and Kyle decide!"

"No way! They love you much more than they love me!" Derek said laughing. "Dr. and Mrs Anderson! I like the sound of that."

"Okay. whatever." Tyler said.

"Okay? You agree to be Mrs. Anderson?" Derek said wide-eyed.

"Yup, if it makes you happy then that is all that matters." Tyler said.

"If I didn't have a study group in.. 12 minutes I would have you fuck me right now!" Derek said kissing him.

"You could and would still have 8 minutes to get to class Babe!" Tyler said winking.

"Laterz Ty, love you!" Derek said running out the door.

Tyler's cell phone began ringing and vibrating.

"Hello?" Tyler said into the phone.


sigh "Uncle David?" Tyler groaned and sighed again.

"I got your latest email and thought we should talk." Uncle David said.

"There's nothing further to discuss. I'm not going to ruin your Christmas or mine for that matter!" Tyler said flopping down into the loveseat.

"Don't get smart with me young man! I am still your Uncle!" He said.

"Sorry. I'm not trying to be rude. I'm simply not coming back to Toronto for your Christmas." Tyler said.

"Tyler. We want you to be here with us. Despite what you think we love you very much. Just because you think you might be gay is no reason." Uncle David began.

"Think? I don't think! I know! It's not something that happens overnight.

It's not something that happens because of trauma or stress in my life!" Tyler began.

"Tyler! Don't interrupt me! Your Aunt Sarah talked to our Minister and he is going to have a talk with you about your feelings. I know of several good psychologists that can help you through this. Don't turn your back on your family!" Uncle David said.

"I could say the same thing about you!" Tyler shot back. "You can't simply be happy for me? You've never met Derek but you are already prejudging the both of us. I'm not going to be subjected to a head shrinker or some white supremist born-again Baptist Minister who wants to save my soul from damnation!" Tyler said.

"Tyler, don't you forget this is your Uncle you are speaking too! Your father's brother! You should treat me with the same respect you would for your father!" Uncle David said angrily.

"Uncle David, up until now I always had higher respect for anyone than my father. You didn't live with him! You didn't know how he treated me! You didn't know the mind games he played. He didn't give a rat's ass about his family. We were here for show and nothing more! Mom lived in Hell with him! She always said if it weren't for being a Catholic she would have divorced him years ago! Talk to David's friends and they will tell you what David thought of his father! David's friends will even tell you how Dad treated me! You really don't know the Jekyll / Hyde personality of my father." Tyler said just getting warmed up.

"Tyler! Stop it! I know your father and I know he loved all of you! I grew up with him, remember?" Uncle David said. "Now you are coming home for Christmas and you will talk with either our minister or a professional psychologist!" Uncle David began, but was quickly silenced.

"YOU LISTEN!" Tyler yelled! "I am an adult! I will make my own decisions! I respect you as my lawyer but it really ends there. You're not really much different than Dad, are you? It's your way or the highway! You say that you love me, but it is under your terms! You don't wish to accept me for what I am; you want to change me into something you think I should be! It's not me who has to come to my senses! I'm really sorry that I disappoint you, but I am who I am and I would rather be alone in this world and be honest with myself than lie to have friends or family." Tyler said.

"You realize what you are saying, Tyler? You are choosing being gay over your family?" Uncle David said.

"You realize what you are saying, Uncle David? You are rejecting me because of my sexuality, even though I'm of your own blood!" Tyler shot back.

"If you were here right now I would probably slap you across the face for being rude to me!" He said.

"Don't worry, Dad's done it enough times in the past and he couldn't change me. I hope that is one habit I never pass on! This conversation has been really nice Uncle David, .but not really! Let's not do it again real soon! Just remember - I am not the one making the choice here! I wonder how you would react if your father said to you 'it's my way or out?' Send my love to everyone and I hope you all have a nice life!" Tyler said and quietly hung the cell phone up. Tyler pulled his arm back to throw the cell phone into the wall and stopped. He realized that doing that would make him no different from his father.

Tyler tossed the cell phone up in the air and caught it. He smiled and set it down on his 5-drawer chest. "I am different than my father!" He said smiling.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Tyler said and sat down on the loveseat. "David where are you when I need you!" Tyler yelled out loud.

"I think this ends our session for today. I hope you both have a wonderful and happy holiday. Ryan, I am very happy for you that you have someone to call your own in your life right now. I can't say this enough times to all of my patients. there will be events, places, or even a single word that will take you both back to some of your experiences of the past. You must remember that it is nothing more than a flashback! Do not assume that the person who triggered the memory is another Dakota. If and when it happens, and it will happen, remember how far you've both come. Now get the Hell out of here!" Dr. Reynolds said with a wink and a smile.

"Sir?" Ryan said.

"Yes Ryan." Dr. Reynolds said.

"We both wanted to say thank you for all you have done." Ryan began.

"And we've both learned a lot about accepting what can't change and changing what we can!" Cody added.

"We just wanted to give you something to say thanks." Ryan finished and handed Dr. Reynolds a wrapped jar with a card.

"Why thank you boys! That is very kind and very unnecessary. Should I open it now?" Dr. Reynolds asked.

"If you like Sir!" Ryan said.

Dr. Reynolds unwrapped the large jar from BMK Nuttery and began laughing! "You know this is the first time in all of my years that anyone has ever given this psychologist a jar of nuts!" Dr. Reynolds said leaning back in his chair and going into a fit of laughter. "I wonder if Bret still owns the place? I wonder how Bret is dealing with his Mommy complex?" He muttered aloud.

"The crazy guy in the peanut suit?" Ryan said laughing.

"The shell suit is a physical affirmation of his mother's womb. very complex. and certainly not in any of the textbooks I've ever read! If I remember correctly he was found lying naked in the back of his store. in the fetal position, covered in peanut shells. calling for his Mommy. The guy is nuts!" Dr. Reynolds muttered out loud, as he munched on some cashews.

"Shell shock?" Cody said, not holding back an ear-to-ear grin.

Dr. Reynolds realizing what he just said sat up and pointed at each one of them as he said, "You did not hear what I just said about Bret!"

"No Sir!" They both said in unison and giggled.

"We hope you like your gift, Sir. It was more in the spirit of you having to deal with us nuts." Cody said.

"We wouldn't be where we are today if it weren't for you, Dr. Reynolds." Ryan said.

"No Ryan, I believe you would both would be fine but it would take you years to work it out on your own. I haven't done a thing to help you boys except listen. If you haven't already figured it out, you both have been healing yourselves and each other. There is a bond between you both now that can never be broken. It isn't a bond of trauma but one of self-renewal and inner healing. You are what can simply be described as brothers forever!" Dr. Reynolds said.

".Brothers forever." Cody pondered out loud.

"Next to these cashews you two are my favourite nuts!" Dr. Reynolds said winking at them. "Now get out of my office and don't forget to set up your next appointment with Carol!"

Cody and Ryan grabbed their backpacks and left.

Derek opened the door to his room to see that the 'spirit' of Christmas had spread. "What the fuck has he done now?" Derek asked out loud. Tyler had installed a Santa sled with 5 reindeer on it to the light in the center of the room. It was flying around in a continuous circle when the ceiling light was turned on.

"What? No spray or glitter?" Derek asked sarcastically.

"The craft and hobby shop was sold out!" Tyler said.

"Add some daubers, Ty, and you play bingo in here." Derek said taking his coat off.

"Real men don't play bingo Derek!" Tyler said ignoring him.

"Ty! This has got to stop! I've been home thirty seconds and I'm getting dizzy from watching Santa and his.. Five? Reindeer." Derek said.

"I got it for half price and coloured the lead reindeer's nose red to look like Rudolph. There's Dramamine in medicine cabinet by the way." Tyler said working away on his computer.

"No Tyler, I think you are missing my point here and please turn that damn song off! How many times can any human being be forced to listen to Andy Williams singing 'It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year'?" Derek said.

"I've got Bing Crosby's White Christmas?" Tyler said tapping away making notes.

"NO! That's even worse. I think?" Derek said.

"So the Carollers I've hired to sing Christmas songs on the loveseat tomorrow are a no go then?" Tyler teased.

"You better be joking. wait. you are joking! Aren't you?" Derek asked wide-eyed.

Tyler picked up his cell phone and pressed a bunch of numbers and pretended to be talking on the phone. "Sorry people. The Grinch says no-go about tomorrow! Yeah, I'm sorry." He said hanging up and grinning at Derek.

"You didn't really talk to anyone on the other end, did you?" Derek asked.

"Don't worry about it, Derek. shouldn't you be out stealing candy from the little children of Whoville?" Tyler teased.

"Do you always get like this come Christmas?" Derek asked.

"Get like what?" Tyler asked.

"Nothing. never mind. only 48 hours more to go of this." Derek said.

"Derek! What is your problem? You want me to rip everything down then I will! It's our first Christmas together, even though we won't be together and I wanted to make it special for US!" Tyler yelled. "You've done nothing to help and bitched ever step of the way. If you really hate Christmas then just say so!" Tyler got up and began pulling the Christmas lights down of the window. Derek came up behind him and wrapped his arms around him pulling him away from destroying his work.

"Stop Tyler. STOP!" Derek said. "I'm sorry. I guess I am upset about us going to be apart for eleven days. We've never been apart more than one night. I'm sorry. I was just being selfish. again."

Tyler turned around embracing Derek. "You counted the days as well? That's means a lot to me Derek." Tyler said smiling at him.

"I was thinking Ty. about our Christmas presents." Derek began.

"And you don't want to exchange? Too late!" Tyler said smiling.

"Shut up for a second. I don't want us to exchange gifts tomorrow night. I want you to open yours on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning!" Derek asked.

"Okay." Tyler said.

"Okay? You don't mind?" Derek asked.

"Right." Tyler said.

"Okay. I thought you would argue the idea?" Derek said.

"No. If it makes you happy, then it is fine with me." Tyler said kissing Derek's lips.

"Thanks, Ty. I just want us to have something special to remember our first Christmas even if we can't be together." Derek said hugging Tyler. Tyler sighed inside.

"What are we wearing tonight?" Cody asked of Danny.

"Clothes for sure!" Danny said smiling. "If you don't get back to your room then we are going to be late."

"When are we giving them our gifts?" Cody asked.

"I'm not sure. All I want is for us to give our gift to them last! We definitely have the coolest gifts!" Danny said as he dried his hair.

"You look so hot with wet hair Danny!" Cody said.

"I think the same thing about you. I love when your long blond curls are hanging down close to your face. They emphasize your eyes even more." Danny added.

"With or without my glasses?" Cody asked.

"Will you go and get dressed!" Danny asked.

"Whatever. they're not going without us and you still haven't told me what to wear?" Cody said.

"Casual-dressy! No tie, once removed! Got it?" Danny asked.

"Got it!" Cody said giving Danny a quick kiss before running out the door.

Danny and Cody arrived together at Tyler and Derek's room.

"Hey guys c'mon in. Derek is the bathroom still primping." Tyler said, winking at them.

"I'm not primping, assmite!" Derek yelled from behind the bathroom door.

"Holy Fuck!" Cody said. "Look at this place. it looks like Santa's village."

"Yeah, if Santa lives at QVC!" Derek yelled from behind the bathroom door.

"Will you shut up and finish up!" Tyler yelled back.

"Shit! Look at Santa and his. five reindeer?" Cody asked.

Everyone heard Derek's laughter from the bathroom.

"Shut up Cody! It was on sale!" Tyler said winking at him.

"Do you play Bingo?" Cody asked.

Another roar of laughter came from the bathroom.

"If you still want your Christmas present, Cody, I suggest you shut up." Tyler said laughing.

"Hey Cody!" Derek yelled from the bathroom. "Tell 'em no. He's giving you a Santa with 5 tiny reindeer on it."

Danny and Cody laughed and Tyler joined in.

"Derek!" Tyler yelled. "We're leaving without you!" Derek returned from the bathroom in a pair of Calvin Klein boxer-briefs.

"Damn!" Danny said. Cody punched Danny in the arm.

"How's my hair?" Derek asked.

"You have no hair Derek!" Tyler said. "You shave it to within an inch!" Derek stuck his tongue out at Tyler.

"Guys, do you think we should wait and exchange Christmas presents after dinner?" Danny asked.

"Sure, sounds good with me!" Tyler said.

"Yeah, agreed. When you see the crap Tyler is giving you guys you won't have an appetite!" Derek teased.

"Hey Derek?" Tyler said.

"Here it comes. what Ty?" Derek said faking a cheesy smile.

"I was going to say. do you think that you would be wise to give Cody his gift from you before dinner?" Tyler said raising his eyebrows. "Think about it Derek!"

"You're right Babe! Would that be all right guys? It's something you could use for dinner." Derek said.

"Not another tie?" Cody said feigning a fake smile.

"Fine! I will keep it for myself then." Derek said pulling his brown cargo pants up.

"Shut up, Derek, and give it to him." Tyler said.

Cody, Danny, and Derek all looked at each other and broke into laughter.

"Great! My Christmas is complete. I have the three 'not quite' wise men in the room." Tyler said laughing.

"While Tyler works on his comedy routine. somewhere else we hope. you guys sit down on the loveseat and I will get your gift, Cody." Derek said.

Tyler and Derek grabbed their own desk chairs and rolled around to each side of Danny and Cody.

"Cody." Derek began, as he handed Cody his gift. "We don't really know each other all that well and what you know of me isn't all that good. I do think of you as a friend and I hope I earn the right to rank as one of your best friends in times to come. Best friends make the best memories so I hope this gift helps you make great memories for the future." Cody's eyes began to water. He got up from the loveseat and gave Derek a hug.

"Derek there is no gift that could be greater than what you just said." Cody said.

"Cool, I'll take his gift then!" Danny said trying to pry the package out of Cody's hand.

"Fuck you, Puckhead!" Cody said, moving the gift out of reach.

"Oh Cody, here you'll need these." Derek said handing him a four pack of Duracell batteries.

"You got him a vibrator?" Danny said smiling.

Derek looked at Tyler and said, "You told him, assmite?" Everyone laughed.

Cody peeled open the wrapping paper on Tyler's side and peeked at the package. "Holy Shit Derek! You shouldn't have! This is great! I've always wanted one." Cody said.

"What?" Danny said bouncing in his seat.

"It's an HP digital camera. and a battery charger with rechargeable batteries, and a carrying case. Thank you Derek! Thank you so much!" Cody said getting up and giving Derek another hug along with a kiss. "The gift is great."

"Okay kids. let's get going!" Tyler said. "By the way guys, dinner is Derek's and my treat tonight!"

"No way Ty!" Cody said. "You are always buying dinner for us! Danny and me are buying tonight."

"Sorry Cody." Derek said. "We called it first!" Derek grinned and got up to put his coat on.

The boys had to stand in line for 20 minutes while waiting for a free table.

Derek and Tyler were in front of Danny and Cody. Danny nudged Cody and pointed for him to look down and they saw Tyler index finger holding Derek's baby finger.

"They're so cute" Cody said snickering. Tyler and Derek turned around to see what they were laughing about. Danny and Cody's faces grins disappeared immediately.

Danny whispered in Cody's ear, "I think we should give them our gift at the table." Cody nodded. "Have you got the batteries in your camera?" Danny asked. Cody again nodded.

"Good evening, my name is Joyce and I will be happy to seat you at your table. Please follow me." She said, and they did.

"A round booth. Perfect!" Tyler said, as he slid in with Derek beside him.

Instead of going in on the other side of the booth, Cody pushed Derek in further. Tyler ended up going all around the table.

"Cody. If you wanted to sit beside Derek then you should have just said so!" Tyler said shaking his head.

"Hi Guys, my name Albert and I will be your server tonight." He said.

"Wow! We got a total hawtie for a server!" Danny said checking him out from top to bottom. Al started to laugh.

"I was just thinking I had four 'total hawties' for customers tonight and no blue hair!" Al said. They all laughed.

"Don't mind Danny! He's not really an assmite, just a horny pervert!" Tyler said laughing.

"I'll have you know I resemble that remark!" Danny shot back and laughed.

"You go to Drexel don't you?" Derek asked.

"Yeah. I thought I recognized you from the weight room! I wasn't sure though seeing you with all of your clothes on." Al said with a wink and a smile.

"He looks much better naked." Tyler said pinching Derek's thigh three times.

Derek turned beet red.

"I'll grab four menus for you guys. Have you guys ever been to the world famous Cheese Cake Factory?" Al asked.

"Nope, this is a first time for all of us." Derek said.

"Well, why don't you guys peruse the menu and I will give you some time to think about what you want. Just make sure you save room for dessert." Al said.

"I know what I want!" Danny said, grinning at Al.

"Down boy!" Cody said. "Sorry Al, we're having him neutered next week!" Danny stuck his tongue out at Cody. Al laughed and walked away.

"Okay guys, what do we want for appetizers?" Tyler asked. "I'm going to start with Boston House salad."

"No you're not!" Derek said! "We're here to have fun and eat fun food! Salad isn't fun. Right guys?"

"Word!" Danny said laughing.

"Ditto!" Cody added. "Hey Ty, why don't you have the Crispy Crab Wontons so I can try them?" Cody grinned. "While I start with Mini-Crab Cakes! I might even share them. if I don't like them!"

"You've been hanging with Danny too long!" Tyler said to Cody.

"I'm going to have the Chicken Pot Stickers." Derek said.

"Gentlemen!" Al began, "Have you decided what you are going to have for appetizers?"

"Yes, I will begin with the Boston." Tyler started.

"He's having the Crispy Crab Wontons. with extra dipping sauce please!" Cody said and then grinned at Tyler.

"Sir?" Al asked looking at Derek.

"I'll have whatever Cody's says I should have!" Derek said and winked at Cody. Derek then turned and looked at Tyler. "Hey! I know better than to argue with him!"

"Derek will have Chicken Pot Stickers!" Cody said smiling at Derek. Derek grinned and looked at Tyler.

"What the." Tyler began.

"I will have the Mini-Crab Cakes please!" Cody said. "What are you having, Pookie?" Cody said to Danny.

"POOKIE?" Derek, Tyler, and Al said in unison.

"Man, that is soooo gay, and I am gay so I should know!" Al said shaking his head and smiling. Al then winked at Tyler and Derek.

"I'm going to start with the Apple Crisp!" Danny said.

"Scuse me?" Al asked. Tyler, Derek, and Cody started laughing.

"I said I would begin with the Apple Crisp, Al, thanks!" Danny said with a smile.

As Al wrote the order down he asked Danny if he wanted him to order a steak for dessert? "Steak for dessert? That would just be weird!" Danny said.

"Do you guys know what you want for dinner?" Al asked.

"What am I having Cody?" Tyler asked with a grin.

"How would I know?" Cody said looking at him.

"I will have the Bang-Bang Chicken and Shrimp please and thank you." Tyler said.

"No, Tyler wants the Shrimp Scampi please!" Cody said to Al.

Al looked over at Tyler for confirmation. "I guess so?" Tyler said. "Seems that I am his bitch tonight!" Everyone laughed.

"Can I book a night next week and have you as my bitch?" Al asked with a big grin.

"He's all bitched up next week, Al!" Derek said putting his arm around Tyler and pulling him close. Al laughed.

"Speaking of. what would you like for dinner tonight?" Al asked.

"What am I having Cody?" Derek asked.

"Anything you like Derek." Cody said smiling.

"I'll have the Thai Chicken Pasta, if you please?" Derek asked.

"It pleases me fine!" Al said smiling.

"And Master Cody will be having?" Al asked.

"May I have the Crispy Spicy Beef, Al?" Cody asked.

"You most certainly can!" Al said. "Now I'm almost afraid to ask. what would soon-to-be-neutered boy like for dinner?" Tyler, Danny, and Cody laughed so loud that people sitting around them turned to see what was happening.

"For my entr‚e I think I will have the Toblerone Swiss Almond Cheesecake and a side order of white chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake." Danny said. Tyler just covered his face while Derek and Cody laughed.

"Right. now seriously. What would you like to have for dinner?" Al said leaning on the banister going around the seat.

"I am serious!" Danny said.

"He's serious!" Tyler added.

"You don't get out much do you?" Al asked, as he wrote down Danny's order. All four boys laughed at that comment.

"And could I have a Raspberry lemonade please?" Derek added.

"How gay is that?" Danny asked laughing. "Could I have a glass of white milk, please?"

"Coming from the soon-to-be-neutered dessert boy. I would say you should know." Al said, not looking up from his order pad. Tyler spit up his water he was drinking from laughing.

"Now Master Cody. what will your bitch be having to drink?" Al said smiling.

"He would like fresh brewed, black coffee and a fresh glass of ice water - hold the straw!" Cody said giggling.

"You better enjoy this, Cody, 'cause payback's a bitch!" Tyler said smiling.

"Al, he will have whatever he wants!!!" Cody said. Al laughed.

"And finally. Master Cody?" Al asked.

"I will have the same as Tyler!" Cody said.

"Ah, your bitch has a name!" Al teased. Everyone laughed. "Nice to meet you, Tyler! Now I have a name to go with the face everyone on campus talks about!" Al extended his hand and Tyler shook it. "As for you three. you should all know better than to mess with the Alpha male!"

"Everyone talks about me?" Tyler said sliding down in his seat.

"It's all good Tyler! Very, very good!" Al said winking.

"And you would be Tyler's boyfriend?" Al said extending his hand.

"Yes Al, I'm Derek." Derek said, as he attempted to stand a little while shaking Al's hand.

"You're a lucky guy, Derek!" Al said.

"Wrong!" Tyler said. "I'm the lucky one!"

"My point is now proven! Derek you are a very lucky guy!" Al said.

"You know it!" Derek said as he kissed Tyler's cheek.

"Cody!" Al said extending his hand.

"Al!" Cody said grabbing hold and giving a firm handshake.

Al paused and looked down at Danny and sighed. They all laughed.

"Are you Chinese?" Danny asked.

"Not exactly. I am Taiwanese." Al said.

"You have beautiful eyes, Al!" Danny said staring.

"With two compwiments you get egg woll!" Al said with an Asian accent and everyone burst into laughter except Danny.

The silence made Cody nudge Danny in the side. "What?" Danny said.

"Stop staring! You're embarrassing yourself. if that's possible." Cody said.

"Are you from California?" Danny asked.

"Why yes, I am. Is it that obvious?" Al asked. Danny just smiled.

"I'm guessing he's from West Virginia?" Al said joking.

"Close!" Cody said. "Iowa!" Everyone laughed.

"I'm Danny!" Danny said.

"I'm not!" Al said smiling, as he shook Danny's hand.

"Is there a difference between being Taiwanese and Chinese?" Danny asked. Tyler, Derek, and Cody just grinned and shook their heads.

"Is there a difference between a farm boy from Iowa and a farm boy from West Virginia?" Al asked.

"Word!" Danny said smiling.

"Don't ever stop being you, Danny!" Al said smiled and left with their orders.

"You're such a flirt, Danny!" Cody said.

"Wait till you see the size of the piece of cheesecake I get!" Danny said.

They all burst into laughter.

"It's all about the food isn't it Danny?" Tyler asked.

Danny just grinned. "I ain't an inbred farm boy dummy Tyler. and Cody, don't think for one minute that anyone could ever replace the sweetest guy in the world!" Cody leaned over and kissed Danny.

"Now?" Cody asked.

"Yup!" Danny replied.

"What?" Derek said.

"We decided we didn't want to wait to give you our Christmas present." Danny said.

"While they are the same thing and they are from both of us, I am giving Derek his gift and Cody is giving Tyler his gift!" Danny said. "Neither of you can open them until we tell you to!"

"They sure have a lot of rules about gift giving in Iowa, eh Ty?" Derek said laughing.

"I'll bet it's a box of corn or something!" Tyler said winking at Derek so Danny and Cody could see.

"Maybe mine is a plaid shirt?" Derek said laughing. Danny glared at him and then smiled.

"Whenever you boys are done." Cody said, not amused, but with a grin.

"Sorry! We really appreciate the 'corny' gift you are giving us Danny!" Tyler said smiling.

"Derek. I've never worked harder to develop a friendship, nor has it been more rewarding than having you in my life. Through all the bad and good experiences we've had, I have always learned something that made me a better person. My love for you is only exceeded by my respect. I know that I will always be able to count on you to be a true friend and I hope this gift will be kept as a sign of a life long friendship." Danny said and then bit down on his lower lip.

"Wow Danny! Thank you. I feel the exactly same way about you. The best things in life are the things you work the hardest to achieve!" Derek said staring into Danny's eyes.

"Here Tyler, here is your gift!" Cody began as he handed an identically wrapped package to Tyler. "I've never met anyone who gave so much and asked nothing in return. Everyday I wonder why you would even want me as a friend? I even wonder what I ever did to deserve someone as sweet and loving as Danny. You gave me a new life. You gave me hope for the future. You gave me your heart. I am honoured to have you as a friend and although I don't speak as well as the three of you, it doesn't mean that I don't love you all. I always feel like the extra but around here you three always make me feel like an equal. There is no way I can ever return to you three what you have given me, but I will never stop trying. Happy Christmas Tyler, Derek, and Danny. You are forever my brothers and I love you all very much." Cody said and everyone wiped their eyes.

"Open your gifts!!!!" Danny said, bouncing up and down in his seat.

Tyler and Derek began opening the paper on their gifts. They looked at each other's gifts and saw identical jewellery boxes.

"On three?" Derek said looking at Tyler.

"THREE!" Danny said and they both opened their boxes.

"Danny! Cody!" Tyler said. "Oh my God! It's! It's! ." Tyler began.

"It's beautiful guys! What a wonderful present, but what does 'fratres in aeternum' mean?" Derek asked.

"It means, . brothers forever!" Tyler said as tears began rolling down his cheeks.

"Read the back!" Cody said. They both flipped the silver bracelets over and read the inscription. It said 'Cody, Danny, Derek, Tyler - Xmas 2005'.

Derek started crying as well and Al returned with their drinks and appetizers.

"What did you two do to these two?" Al asked feigning a disgusted look. Tyler, with tears running down his face, held up the box with the bracelet in it for Al to read.

"Family forever?" Al guessed.

"Brothers forever!" Danny said smiling.

"Of course! Fratres! As in fraternal brothers! Guys, that is so awesome!" Al said handing it back to Tyler, who was wiping his eyes. Danny and Cody both pulled up their shirtsleeves to reveal the same bracelets on their arms.

"So you guys got them as well?" Al asked.

"Yeah, it's our gift to each other for Christmas and we decided that since Ty and Derek are also a part of our family that we should all have the same bracelet." Danny said.

Al began tearing up and sniffling a bit. "I'm sorry, this is so unprofessional." Al apologized.

"Being real is never something to apologize for, Al!" Derek said. Tyler took Al's hand and they all slid around so Al could sit down with them for a moment. Al picked up the box and removed the bracelet. He turned it over and read the inscription. "That's so sweet! Why can't I meet a guy like you people?" Al said.

"They are out there, Al." Tyler said. "The trick is not to go looking. They will appear and sometimes they are right in front of your eyes and you don't realize it." Al put his arm around Tyler and pulled Tyler's face next to his for a moment.

"Hey Al, would you mind snapping a couple of pictures of the four of us?" Cody asked holding out his camera.

"Sure, I would be glad too!" Al said. The four boys slid to the centre of the booth. Each one of them had their arms around the other with their hands hanging down and bracelets showing. Al snapped four pictures and returned the camera.

"It's Christmas, guys, and it seems like you all have a lot to be thankful for so smile and eat up!" Al said leaving the table.

"He's got such a tight butt!" Danny said staring at Al's ass as he walked away.

"Shut up and eat Danny!" Tyler said.

"Word!" Cody added.

When Al returned with their dinner Danny had a slice of Toblerone Cheesecake that was the size of three pieces. He looked at the other three and grinned. They all smiled and shook their heads. Everyone was too full to eat dessert. except for Danny! Al returned with four coffees and a huge slice of Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake for Danny. Derek started to drool watching Danny dig in. Tyler and Cody couldn't even look at him.

"I really can't believe you had a three course meal that consisted of dessert!" Tyler said.

"At home Mom will bake a pie just for me and I can eat it in one sittin!" Danny said.

"Sittin?" Derek said laughing.

"Wot?" Danny said with a mouthful of cheesecake.

"Nothing." Derek laughed. Danny took a large fork full of cheesecake and held up to Derek's mouth. Derek ate the piece from Danny's fork.

"Oh my God! That is so rich!" Derek said. "This is going straight to my thighs!" Derek added in a lispy voice. They all laughed at him. "Danny, make them sample it!" Derek said.

Their server Al returned to find out how everything was.

"We all got to sample Danny's cheesecake, Al, and it was too die for!" Derek said.

"It was wonderful Al, and you made our first Christmas together even more special!" Tyler said handing Al his VISA card.

"Why thank you Tyler! This is really kind of you but I already have my own VISA card!" Al said teasing him.

"Buy yourself something nice!" Danny said.

"Buy yourself something expensive!" Cody added.

"You two!" Tyler said pointing at Danny and Cody. "Shut the hell up!" Everyone laughed

When Al returned with the bill, Danny and Cody insisted on contributing to his tip since Tyler and Derek were buying dinner. Al came back to pick up the closed money holder and thanked them all for coming. When Al returned to the cashier's booth he opened it up and found the VISA authorization slip, $80.00 in cash, and the back of their receipt had a note on it. 'Happy Christmas Al. Thanks for making our evening extra special.' Each of the boys had signed the slip individually.

As they walked through the parking lot to the Jeep, someone came running up behind them. They heard the steps and all turned around to see Al carrying a big bag. He handed it to Cody and said 'Thank you guys. That was way too much of a tip!'

"We wanted you to know that you're worth it!" Derek said. Al blushed, thanked them again, and ran back inside the restaurant.

"Whoa!" All four boys said looking at Al's butt!

"Oh God!" Danny said, "It's like the perfect ass! An upside down heart! We're coming back here again!"

"He's got a butt just like J-LO without the skank reputation attached to it!" Cody said licking his lips.

"Word!" said Tyler, Derek, and Danny in unison.

They all climbed into the Jeep and Tyler started the engine. He looked over to see Danny sitting beside him holding the package, and Derek was now in the back seat talking away with Cody about the bracelets. Tyler looked at Danny and Danny smiled. Before pulling out of the parking place Tyler looked through his homemade CD collection and pulled one out and inserted it into the CD player. He set it to song number three. As he pulled out on to the highway Jesus Jones' song 'Right Here, Right Now'!" began playing.

Danny grabbed Tyler's free hand and Cody took Derek's hand. In the second verse they all began singing the song together. "Right here, right now, there's no other place I want to be. Right here, right now, watching the world wake up from history."

Danny looked back at Cody and Derek as they sang and he pushed the repeat button on the CD player.

"It doesn't get any better than this." Danny said to Tyler, as he squeezed his hand three times. Tyler quickly looked over and winked as he squeezed Danny's hand back three times.

"What's in the bag?" Tyler asked. Danny opened the bag to see a stack of paper plates, a plastic knife, and about a dozen plastic forks. He lifted the plates and utensils up see a box with "Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake" label on it!

"Shit! Al gave us an entire Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake!" Danny said, and Derek and Cody sat up looking in the bag.

"I'll bet I could finish it tonight!" Danny said.

"No you're not Danny! You're not getting any of it!" Derek said from the back seat. Danny's face dropped and he turned around to look at Derek in shock.

"What?" Danny asked.

"I said you're not getting a piece of it! Nor are any of us!" Derek said smiling.

"What do you mean?" Danny asked.

"I know what Tyler's going to do with it!" Derek laughed. Tyler looked in the rear view mirror and smiled at Derek.

"What are you going to do with my cake?" Danny demanded. The other three started laughing.

Tyler pulled up to the security gate and stopped, even though he didn't need to!

"Hey Tyler, how's your evening?" Mike asked.

"It was great Mike! The four of us went out and had a Christmas dinner together before they go home. We all decided to bring you guys back a Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory!" Tyler said and Danny slumped back in his seat and sighed. "I'm going to leave it with Gus but make sure he doesn't eat it all!" Tyler said, winking, and Mike thanked all of them in the Jeep. As Tyler drove off to his parking spot he looked over at Danny who was staring forward biting his lip. Tyler placed his hand on Danny's thigh and squeezed it three times. Danny looked over and faked a smile.

"It's just a cake Danny!" Tyler said.

"I know. I know you are right. I know they deserve it more than anyone else on this campus. I just wish I didn't know." Danny said running his fingers along the outside of the box.

"Is there any greater gift than the feeling you get from giving?" Tyler asked as they began to pile out of the Jeep.

"Yeah! Eating!" Danny said smiling.

The four boys walked back into Boyd House through the rear entrance. Gus was reading the sports page with his feet on the desk. They quietly came up behind him hoping to surprise him.

Without looking away from the paper Gus said, "Leave the cake and get out!" He then burst into laughter as he held up his walkie-talkie. The boys began laughing.

"Actually, it was Danny's idea!" Tyler said. Danny looked at Tyler as he handed the bag over.

"Why thank you Danny! That is really nice of you! Thank you all!" Gus said.

"Your very welcome, Gus. We just wanted to say Merry Christmas and thank you for all you do for us!" Danny said. Derek rubbed Danny's head like he was a little boy.

"Hey Gus take a look at what Danny and Cody gave Derek and me for Christmas!" Tyler said proudly displaying his silver bracelet.

"Fratres in aeternum" Gus read out loud. "Brothers forever, if I recall?"

"Yes Sir!" Cody said smiling proudly.

"Well that is just a fine present for four fine young men!" Gus said smiling.

"Have a great night Gus!" Tyler said leaving, and the other three said good night as well.

"Thanks boys!" Gus said, grabbing the bag and heading into the back room.

"Think any of the other guards will get a piece?" Derek asked.

"Probably. If Gus tries to eat that himself he will go into a diabetic coma!" Tyler teased as rode up in the elevator. "You guys are coming back to our room, right?"

"I guess." Danny said still sulking over the lost cheesecake.

"Danny! This is our Christmas party. The four brothers! I will buy you a fucking cheesecake tomorrow if you want! Okay?" Tyler asked.

Danny winked at Tyler. "I was just teasing you the whole time Ty!" Derek and Cody burst out laughing and Danny joined in. "Derek tapped me on the shoulder before he started up about the Cheesecake!"

"It's the beats for you, Mr. Armitage!" Tyler said as he put Danny into a headlock and flipped him down on the floor in the hallway. Derek unlocked the door and Cody followed him into the room while Tyler and Danny wrestled in the hallway on the floor.

"Should we go rescue Danny?" Derek asked.

"Sure! You go ahead if you think you can take on Tyler!" Cody answered.

"Hmmm. I'm still sore from playing football with Ty at Thanksgiving!" Derek said

A few minutes later Tyler ran into the room and shut the door behind him and then locked it. Derek and Cody looked at each other. There was a loud banging on the door as Tyler came into the room panting and laughing carrying all of Danny's clothes.

Bang, Bang, Bang!

"Let me in assmite!!!!" Danny yelled from the other side of the door. Derek almost fell off his chair and then he laughed so hard he started choking.

Tyler walked back to the door and said, "Who's there?"

"You're dead, Puckhead!" Danny yelled through his laughter. Tyler opened the door and Danny came running in naked, wearing only his shoes, socks, and bracelet.

"Isn't it always the case. we've got the naked guy and now no cake for him to jump out of?" Derek said.

"Gimmie back my clothes!" Danny said laughing, as his cock swayed back and forth.

"He really has a nice ass, don't you think Cody?" Derek said teasing Danny

"It's okay. not that tight anymore." Cody said, winking at Derek.

"Shut up. the lot of you! Cody, I will deal with you later!" Danny said as he gasped between fits of laughter.

"Where's your camera Cody?" Derek said smiling.

"Don't even think about it!" Danny said. "My clothes! Please Tyler?"

Tyler gave him his clothes back. "All you had to do was say please Danny!" Tyler said.

"Fucktard!" Danny said as he took his clothes and went into the washroom.

Tyler walked past Danny and slapped his butt. "Assmite!" Tyler said giggling. "CLICK" went the camera.

Cody showed Derek the picture on the preview screen of the camera. "Wow Cody, that is great! Definitely worthy of posting on the net!" Derek said and winked.

When Danny came out of the washroom, Tyler went over and gave Danny and hug and kiss. "I love you, Danny."

"I love you too, Puckhead!" Danny said giving him a hug back.

"Are you angry?" Tyler asked.

"No, it was damn funny. I just wish it had happened to someone else!" Danny laughed and Tyler giggled.

"C'mon, you've got a couple of presents to open!" Tyler said wrapping his arm around his best friend and walking him back into the bedroom.

"Ahhh. You got dressed Danny! I was getting a chubby watching you." Derek teased.

"I can get naked again?" Danny asked with a big smile.

"Down boy!" Tyler said. "Save it for New Year's Eve."

"What's happening New Year's Eve?" Cody asked sitting up in the loveseat.

"You didn't tell him?" Tyler asked.

"Nope. I thought Derek should be the one." Danny smiled at Derek.

"You're keeping secrets from me now?" Cody asked.

"Do you ski Cody?" Derek asked.

"Do Bears bear? Do Bees bee?" Cody said. Everyone groaned.

"Hey that's my line Cody!" Tyler said.

"Did I tell you that you could speak?" Cody said with a big grin.

"No Sir." Tyler said lowering his head with a big smile trying to pretend he was in trouble.

Danny whispered in Tyler's ear loud enough for everyone to hear. "Last night HE was on top and now the control has gone to his head!" Danny said laughing.

Derek laughed the loudest and fisted Cody. "Cody, what's it like?" Derek asked laughing.

Before Cody could answer Tyler winked at Derek and said. "Cody, can I speak with you out in the hall about your new aggressive attitude?"

"Ahhhh. sorry Sir! My apologies for my behaviour earlier Sir!" Cody said curling up on the loveseat in the fetal position with a big cheesy grin.

"Better!" Tyler said.

Danny shook his head in disgust at Cody.

"What? I don't want to end up naked in the hallway?" Cody said.

"Cody, would you like to spend New Year's Eve with me and Tyler and Danny in New York State at my parent's cabin?" Derek asked.

"Really?" Cody asked.

"Really, really!" Tyler and Danny said in unison and then laughed.

Cody glared at both of them. "Do we really have to take them?" Cody asked with a smile.

"I'm afraid so. Tyler is driving!" Derek teased.

"Seriously!" Cody said.

"Yup. I'm serious we have to take them!" Derek said.

"No assmite, I mean about spending New Year's Eve at your parents place in New York?" Cody asked.

"Cody, we're brothers remember! If you can't come then I don't think the three of us will be going!" Derek said. Tyler and Cody looked at each other and smiled. Cody jumped up and gave Derek a hug almost knocking him out of his chair.

"Oh thank you, thank you!" Cody screamed. "This will be so fucking cool!"

"Do you have skis?" Derek asked.

"No." Cody said.

"I don't have mine here, Cody, but I am sure you and me can rent them up there." Tyler said.

Danny looked at Derek with a big grin. Derek saw the smile but didn't acknowledge it.

"Speaking of renting skis, guys," Derek began, "I will need to get some measurements of you guys so I can reserve the proper size skis and boots for you both." Derek said and Danny snorted.

"What?" Tyler asked.

"Nothing, Ty. I was just thinking of the fun we can have measuring you guys!" Danny said covering his tracks.

"Perv!" Tyler said.

"Word!" Cody said with a big smile.

"I want my Christmas present dammit!" Danny whined with a big smile.

"Okay Danny. Just one thing! You guys should know that Tyler and I decided to wait and exchange gifts at Christmas." Derek said.

"You mean Tyler's spending Christmas with you?" Danny said all excited.

"NO!" Tyler yelled, causing everyone to stop what they were doing. Tyler realized what he did, but he didn't want Danny to open his mouth and say something he shouldn't. "No Danny. Since we can't be together at Christmas, we wanted to have something special for each other to open on that day." Tyler glared at Danny and Danny got the point.

"Gifts?" Cody said trying to break up the awkward silence. Tyler's cell phone began vibrating and ringing. He grabbed the phone and almost answered it. He saw the 416 area code number and knew it was his Uncle's number, so he turned his phone off.

"Who was that Ty?" Derek asked.

"No one important." Tyler said as he went into his closet to pull out some gifts.

"Merry Christmas, Cody!" Tyler said handing him two gifts. "This one is for you and your Dad to open on Christmas day and this one you can open right now!

Cody was a little more excited this time and bits of paper were flying everywhere. "WHOA!" Cody said looking at his gift.

"What is it Cody?" Danny asked.

"Look!" He said turning the gift around. Tyler had inked a drawing of Danny, Cody, and Tyler arms around each other, dressed in their hockey uniforms on the ice.

"Cool! That's really great, Tyler!" Danny said. "What's written in the corner?" Danny asked bending down to read it. "Best Friends - TJP 2005" Danny read out loud.

Cody set the picture down in front of the other wrapped gift and got up and hugged Tyler as tight as he could.'

the camera clicked and everyone turned to look at Derek.

"It was a Kodak moment! What can I say?" Derek said, smiling as tears ran down Cody's face.

"Tyler, that's the most beautiful thing I've ever been given!" Cody said giving Tyler a quick kiss on the lips. Cody sniffed and wiped tears away.

"Ahem." Derek said clearing his throat and staring off into the distance as he waved Cody's camera around in the air.

"I mean Ty, next to the digital camera that Derek gave me." Cody said winking at Tyler.

"I'm glad you like it, Cody. I enjoyed drawing it because it was for you. The other present is a picture as well but I want you to save it for Christmas morning with your Dad, okay?" Tyler asked.

"Sure. You really didn't need to do this. It is far too much." Cody said.

"Hey Ty, is the other one the one that I helped with?" Danny asked.

"Yeah Danny, it is." Tyler said.

"Coolies!" Danny said smiling.

"You know what the other one is?" Cody asked. Danny just grinned.

"He doesn't know, Cody. He knows the concept but he's never seen the finished product." Tyler said.

"Danny, why don't you open your gift from me?" Derek said, handing him a wrapped package and a card.

Danny tore open the paper faster than Cody did on his gift. "How did you know?" Danny asked clutching the gift to his chest. went the digital camera by Cody.

"It took some detective work and a lot of help from Mr. Conners and Tyler but I got it!" Derek said smiling.

"Are you hiding it for some reason, Puckhead?" Cody asked. Danny turned it around to show an autographed picture of Patrick Roy in his Colorado Avalanche uniform. "All the Best Daniel, I hope Drexel goes all the way this year! Patrick Roy, 2005!"

"Oh My GOD!" Cody said jumping up and down. Tyler and Derek laughed at the two little boys before them. "Hey Danny, you've still got a couple of envelopes in front of you!" Tyler said.

"Oh yeah! Thanks Derek. This is great!" Danny said setting down the framed, autographed print and picking up the two envelopes. "Which should I open first?"

"How about the one that says 'Merry Christmas Danny 1' on it?" Tyler teased. Danny started laughing at his own stupidity.

Danny opened the envelope to find ten gift certificates for a dozen cinnamon buns. Danny's eyes opened wide when he open the envelope and pulled out the certificates.

"Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh me God!!!!" Danny said as he started hyperventilating. Cody looked at the Tyler and Derek. Danny stood up and started to shake.

"What is it?" Cody asked. Danny ran over and jumped on Derek's lap. "I love you so much, Derek!" he said and then began kissing his face all over.

"Someone pull this maniac off me!" Derek began yelling through fits of laughter. Danny sat up on Derek's lap and giggled as he waved the ten gift certificates around.

"I'm almost afraid to ask but what's in the other envelope?" Cody said.

Danny, still sitting on Derek's lap, began tearing open the other envelope. Derek wrapped his arms around Danny's waist and rested his chin on Danny's right shoulder. Tyler smiled and winked at Derek.

"Better hold tight Derek!" Tyler teased.

"What is it?" Danny asked pulling out a FedEX receipt from the envelope.

"What does it say?" Derek asked Danny.

"Pickup date of Dec 23rd! Delivery date of Dec 24th. Oh My God!!" Danny says as his bulged wider. Cody snapped another picture.

"What?" Cody yelled starting to get angry.

Danny turned on Derek's knee and said, "I think I love you!" Tyler laughed almost as loud as Derek.

"Danny, you'd better tell Cody what this is about." Tyler said.

"If I read this correctly I am getting a dozen cinnamon buns FedEX to me on Dec 24th in Iowa?" Danny asked of Derek.

"Two dozen actually!" Derek said smiling. "I thought I would make it a Baker's dozen of cinnamon buns for you."

Danny counted on his hands and said. "I don't want to sound ungracious but ten gift certificates plus two dozen cinnamon buns shipped doesn't equal a Baker's dozen?"

Derek reached behind him to the cabinet holding the TV and Christmas tree and pulled out a bag containing one dozen cinnamon buns and handed it to Danny with a big grin saying, "You ungrateful bastard!"

Tyler and Cody where down on the floor laughing at them. Danny was hugging Derek to point of him not being able to breathe. When Derek was finally able to push Danny away from him, Danny already had a cinnamon bun in his mouth.

"Cody you had better get a good job so you can afford to keep Danny in cinnamon buns!" Derek said. Danny continued to sit on Derek's lap with Derek's arms holding him. Danny had his arm around Derek's neck for support while holding a half eaten cinnamon bun in his free hand.

Tyler picked up a wrapped box and handed it to Cody. "Merry Christmas, Cody." Tyler said.

"Thanks Tyler." Cody said while unwrapping his gift. "Sweet!" Cody said holding a number 87 Pittsburgh Penguins Hockey Jersey. "Thanks Tyler." He said getting up and giving Tyler a kiss on the cheek.

"Umm.. Cody?" Tyler said.

"Yeah Ty?" Cody answered.

"Did you notice anything on the front of the jersey?" Tyler asked.

Cody looked at the front of the jersey. "FUCK! I've got a rookie autographed Sidney Crosby jersey!" Cody yelled.

BANG, BANG, BANG "Keep it down in there!" They all heard through the wall. Everyone flipped Derek's walk-in closet the bird!

"We've got to find a new place to live, Derek!" Tyler said shaking his head.

Derek and Cody looked at each other and smiled but didn't say another word.

"This is so cool! Thank you Tyler. How the fuck did you get this?" Cody asked as he pulled his shirt off to put the jersey on.

"Nice nips!" Derek said.

"Uh huh!" Danny concurred with a mouth full of cinnamon bun.

"I have low friends in high places, but most of the work was done by your Dad. They have all the connections, eh!" Tyler said.

"Here Danny!" Tyler said handing him a gift that looked like a framed picture.

"I wonder what it is?" Danny teased as he shook it up and down.

"It's an inked drawing of a plate of cinnamon buns!" Cody said laughing hysterically and the others joined in.

This time Danny carefully removed the paper and then pulled the frame out. "I remember this. I think?" Danny said thoughtfully.

"Let's see!" Cody said. "That's at the first hockey dinner back in August."

"Yeah! That's it." Danny said.

"Actually Danny, it's from one of the pictures taken from the orientation dinner meeting. It was a special day for the two of us not knowing anyone else. I thought it captured the beginning of our friendship." Tyler said staring into Danny's eyes.

Danny remembered the blowjob he got from Tyler in the shower. As if it wasn't special enough that it was his first, it had the extra added bonus of being from Tyler. When Danny came back to reality he notice Tyler was still staring at him with a coy smile that only he understood.

"Wow. You guys look really good in your suits! You did a great job, Ty!" Derek said.

"Yes he did!" Danny said and then he and Tyler burst into laughter. Derek and Cody just looked at each other not understanding what was so funny.

"Guys, I will be right back with your gifts! I hope you don't mind but I wrapped them up into one box since I am giving all three of you the same thing!" Danny said.

"You've got something else for me?" Cody said in shock.

Derek started laughing! "I know what it is! I know what it is." He sang.

"Shut up Derek!" Danny said smiling and left the room.

"Don't you have an exam tomorrow Derek?" Tyler asked.

"Yup, but not until noon and it's a no brainer!" Derek said.

"Don't you have an exam tomorrow Ty?" Derek threw back at him.

"Yup. Just statistics and then I am done. I would get the credit even if I didn't show up but I really like my Prof." Tyler said. "Besides, I never study the night before."

"Really?" Cody asked. "That's usually when I start to study." He said laughing.

Danny came back in the door laughing. "I got three offers for dates!" He said laughing. too bad they were all females! Cody ran over to him and kissed him passionately!

"Just remember Danny, you're mine. as long as you will have me!" Cody said.

"Only for a lifetime, Cody! I'm making no promises about the afterlife!" Danny said winking and then they shared a long, slow passionate kiss.

Tyler and Derek began coughing, <Cough, cough, hack, and cough> then they stopped and smiled when Cody and Danny turned to look at them.

"Sorry. were we interrupting?" Derek said. "We can go back to our room? Oh wait! This is our room."

"Point noted!" Cody said.

"Don't stop guys! I was really getting off on watching you guys." Tyler said and grabbed his semi-hard erection through his pants to prove it.

"Okay guys, here is my one crappy, though authentic gift for each of you." Danny said.

"We love it already because it's from you, Danny!" Tyler said kissing the top of Danny's head.

"You'll say anything to get a free gift, won't you Ty?" Danny teased.

"Damn Gay!" Tyler said.

"Don't you mean damn straight?" Cody said. "Umm. Never mind!" Cody used his finger to make a gun and fired it at his head.

"I think Tyler should be the one to open this gift!" Derek said.

"Really? Why?" Tyler asked.

"Just cause." Derek said. "Could you get naked first before you open it?" Derek teased. Danny and Cody started laughing. Tyler looked at all three and stood up and started tearing his clothes off.

"Oh my God! He didn't even undo his belt. he just slide everything down at once!" Cody said

"He wasn't wearing underwear either if you noticed!" Danny said.

"Ask Derek about that. he's been wearing all of my underwear lately!" Tyler standing completely naked except for his socks with his arms crossed and cock starting to protrude from its foreskin. "Am I naked enough?" Tyler asked?

"Go stand out in the hall and we'll get a consensus!" Danny said.

"Like hell he will stand out in the hall!" Derek said. Everyone laughed.

"Never know Babe. I might get as many offers as Danny?" Tyler teased.

"Yeah. right Ty! You would be raped alive by every virgin, slut, and Nun in the city!" Danny said. Tyler sat down on the floor and began peeling back the paper. Cody, sitting beside Tyler on the loveseat, twisted his head to peer down at Tyler's crotch. Sensing he was being watched. Tyler pulled a piece of Christmas wrap and placed it over his crotch while he glared at Cody.

"I wanna open that gift next!" Cody said pointing to Tyler's crotch. Danny elbowed him in the side.

"Thanks Danny! I owe you one!" Tyler said.

"I'll take it out in cinnamon buns" Danny said winking. Tyler tossed another bag of cinnamon buns to Danny.

"Sorry Danny, I forgot!" Tyler said opening the box.

"What the. oh shit! How cool!" Tyler said, pulling out a cowboy hat, wrapped in tissue paper with his name on it. Tyler put the hat on and modelled it for everyone. Then Tyler pulled out the other two hats but they had no names on them. "Whose is whose?" Tyler asked.

"The dark brown one is for Cody and the light brown one is for Derek. They both have the same size head!" Danny said and then he thought about what he had just said and started snickering.

Tyler took each hat and covered up his front and back with each of them. "Now I am safe to go out into the hall!" He exclaimed and slowly danced his way out of the bedroom and down the hall to the door, to the hoots and roars of his three brothers!

"I hope you're using my hat for the front!" Derek yelled.

"Of course Babe! You don't mock me like Cody does!" Tyler said as he walked back into the room naked.

"He kind of looks a bit like Jon Bon Jovi, don't you think?" Cody said.

Tyler flashed his perfect smile.

"Yup he does! Except he is cuter and younger!" Danny said laughing. Tyler took off his cowboy hat and leaned down and kissed Danny on the lips.

"Why thank you kind stranger, for this wondrous token of our friendship!" Tyler said in a horrid cowboy accent.

"My, my, my. I do believe I might be getting a case of the vapours?" Danny said in a Southern ladies voice.

Cody began yelling, "Stella!!!! Stella!!!!"

Derek put on his hat and said in his best cowboy voice, "I do believe this here calls for a round of mint juleps but would y'all settle for some cold R.C. cola?" Derek opened their mini fridge for everyone to see.

Everyone started laughing as Derek handed out the colas and they all sat and drank with three of them wearing cowboy hats.

"I think Derek looks the part best with his hat on!" Tyler said.

"No shit!" Danny added. "He just needs a white button down shirt and some chaps!"

"Don't go there, Danny! We've already had this conversation." Derek said smiling, and then lowered his hat down over his eyes and slid down in his chair. Laughter erupted again.

"It's time for bed guys." Cody said yawning. "Danny's almost asleep."

Derek looked at Tyler and Tyler caught his stare but didn't know what he wanted.

"Hey Cody, why don't you guys spend the night here?" Derek said. Tyler looked at Derek in disbelief.

"Really? It would be like a sleep over. That would be great if you guys really don't mind?" Cody asked.

"No, not at all." Tyler said, still staring expressionless at Derek. Cody woke Danny up and told him it was time for bed. Danny mumbled half asleep. Then Cody told him they were staying the night here with Tyler and Derek. Danny woke up with a big grin.

"How are we going to work this?" Cody asked.

"Ask Derek." Tyler said pulling on a pair of night shorts.

"Just pick out a spot on the bed. Let's go brush our teeth Ty!" Derek suggested.

Derek followed Tyler in the washroom and pulled the door shut behind him. Derek turned on the water to make noise and said quietly. "Do we have a problem here?"

"I'm not sure Derek. I thought we might spend our last night together alone.

This is our Christmas Day." Tyler said.

"I'm sorry Ty. I figured Danny probably wouldn't be moved and. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I wanted to become a closer part of the three of you. I'm sorry." Derek said.

"I'm sorry too Derek. I'm being selfish wanting to be with you and I have to remember our family out there as well." Tyler said wrapping his arms around Derek.

"I can call my parents and tell them not to pick me up until Saturday." Derek said.

"No it's okay. I have things to do to get ready and you need to get home. We'll just boot them out in the morning and we can make love then!" Tyler said smiling.

"Coolies!" Derek said.

"Want to trade for the night?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah. I would really like to heal things between Danny and me but what if he wants to do something?" Derek asked.

"That is really your call Derek." Tyler said.

"But how would you feel?" Derek asked.

"That's not a fair question Babe. We're not married. You are free to do as you wish." Tyler said.

"That's really putting a lot of guilt on me, Ty." Derek said.

"Think about what you are asking of me Derek." Tyler said. "When Kyle was here and even at your house, I didn't feel it was right to be with Kyle unless you were there. I love Kyle but I am not IN love with Kyle. I think I am afraid that if anything happens tonight it might change us or our friendship with Danny and Cody." Tyler said leaning against the bathroom sink.

"I don't think that will ever happen, Ty." Derek said.

"It happens a lot Derek. Especially with gay couples! Sometimes you wish and wish for something and when you finally get it you stop playing with it the next day and want something new. I can't tell you what to do, and it isn't fair of you to ask. You invited them to stay for a reason, which I don't really understand, but that is okay. There isn't a moment since we got back from Thanksgiving that I don't fear losing you. I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone." Tyler said, and abruptly stopped.

"I don't want to have sex with either of them, but I really want to heal the scars I've made. I want them both to feel for me the way I feel for them. If either one tried something I would stop it immediately. I think Cody has the cutest face I've ever seen on any human being and I love his long curly blond hair but I have no desire to be anything more than his best friend. As for Danny. I love him like a pain in the ass little brother. I'm not sexually attracted to anyone but you. I've got the best. why would I want anything else? If Danny or Cody wanted a blowjob I would be first in line to give it but I couldn't let them touch me that way. I have the biggest fucking reserve sign on me in the world, and that sign says: Property of Tyler Peel." Derek said, and Tyler started to laugh.

"I just thought Ty, what about STD's? We don't have condoms because we are both clean." Derek asked.

"Derek, everyone in athletics has to have a full physical and that includes blood work and checking for STD's. Everyone on the hockey team has been checked out. Cody was checked out at the hospital along with Ryan the night he wrecked his shoulder. They have been solely committed to each other from the time they met. So as long as you haven't done anything with your bimbettes. then we are all fine." Tyler teased. Derek snarled and stuck out his tongue.

"You are right though Derek. There was a hidden meaning about the gift I gave Danny. Back during the first couple of days we where here in August, Danny and I were in the shower together alone. He was lonely in a new place, and I gave him the blowjob he wanted. He tried to reciprocate but I refused. I love Danny like I love my own brother but I knew he wasn't the one for me and I didn't want to start something I couldn't finish. I made it clear that it was a one-time thing that bonded our friendship but nothing more would come out of it. So I do understand and I am okay if something happens in there." Tyler said, and started brushing his teeth.

Derek put his toothbrush away and kissed Tyler on the back of the head. "I love you Tyler, and I want you as my better half forever." Derek walked out of the room. Tyler turned off the water, had a quick pee, washed his hands and left the room, turning off the light.

The Christmas lights and the flying Santa and his 5 reindeer illuminated the room. Tyler almost walked into Derek who was leaning against the wall at the entrance to the bedroom. Tyler brought his arm around Derek's waist and peeked around Derek to see what he was looking at.

Danny was asleep in Cody's arms in the loveseat. They had taken Tyler's comforter and wrapped themselves up. Derek smiled as he turned to look at Tyler.

"Our little brothers are asleep." Derek said.

"We can't leave them there." Tyler said.

"I knew you were going to say that!" Derek said lightly elbowing Tyler in the side.

"Like you knew about the cake, eh?" Tyler said.

Derek kissed Tyler's cheek and said, "You're good people, Mr. Peel! The kind I want to hold in my arms for a lifetime."

"Lets go move them." Tyler said walking by Derek. Tyler picked up Cody and woke him up. "What the?" Cody said.

Derek and Tyler together lifted Cody up on to Derek's bed and then turned him around so he was facing the window. They then picked up Danny and did the same thing but put him up on Tyler's side of the bed. Derek and Tyler each climbed up on the heat register below the windows and spread the comforter over the two of them. Derek climbed on to the bed and moved Cody over closer to Danny. When Danny felt Cody he rolled into his arms and Tyler pulled the comforter tight and tucked Danny in so he wouldn't fall out.

"They fit like a key and a lock!" Derek said, hugging Tyler. They both sat down on the loveseat and Tyler moved into Derek's chest. Derek wrapped his arms around Tyler and they pulled up the comforter and tucked it around them. Tyler closed his eyes and dropped into dreamland immediately. Derek pondered the events of the evening as he listened to the hum of Santa and his reindeer on their endless trip.

"Ty?" Derek whispered.

"Hmmmm." Tyler mumbled.

"Santa has to go!" Derek said smiling.

"Don't worry. . I already promised him to Luke." Tyler said half asleep.

"Oh dear God. you didn't?" Derek said.

"Look closely at the gifts in Santa's bag." Tyler said as he drifted back to sleep.

"I'm looking but I'm only getting dizzy. What's in Santa's bag?" Derek said.

"Little jars with green and red caps on them! You figure it out!" Tyler mumbled. "Night." Derek started to laugh.

"Every good boy and girl gets a jar of Peanut Butter from Santa huh?" Derek said.

"Good night, my Cowboy with the horse sized cock!" Derek said kissing the top of Tyler's head.

Tyler clapped his right foot on the floor three times

"Hahaha!" Derek laughed.

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Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few months! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel.

Next: Chapter 29

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