The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on May 5, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

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DONATIONS: My sincerest thanks to those who made a financial donation to the Nifty Alliance Group.

The Road Home: Chapter Twenty-Seven (The Stalker)

Derek's morning stubble scratching across Tyler's chest woke him up. He untangled himself from Derek and slid down out of their bed. While he waited for the computer to boot up, Tyler plugged in Derek's kettle and made himself a cup of coffee.

"Ahhhh. Folger's single brew! Man's best friend in the morning." Tyler said as he sipped enough coffee out of his mug so he could carry it back to the computer without spilling any.

Tyler turned on his MSN and saw he had one new email and it was from his Uncle David. When he paused to see if anyone was online he yelled out "Holy Fuck!"

"What?" Mumbled a half asleep Derek.

Tyler covered his mouth and sat there silent for a moment hoping Derek would go back to sleep. He looked again at his MSN list. Only one person was online at the moment. He clicked on the nickname and typed "Kelly?" He could see that he was typing a response.


"Yeah Kelly! It's me! I can't believe we finally caught up with each"

"Shit! Oh.. shit! I can't believe this either!"

"LOL. It's okay Kelly! Just relax. Can you talk for a bit?"

"Yeah. Mom and Dad are still asleep. They went to some party last night so I had to stay home and baby sit my little sisters!" :(

"I'm sorry Kelly. I had to work last night" :(

"Work? I thought you were in school?"

"I am, but I have a p/t job at an Italian restaurant."

"Cool. I wish I had a job so I had some money!"

"So how is school Kelly?"

"Sux! It's no fun without David."

"Yeah I know. I miss him too Kelly."

"Sorry Tyler, I probably shouldn't have said that."

"No, it's okay. It feels good knowing that you miss him as much as I do!"

"I miss him more Tyler!"

"I almost forgot to thank you for the DVD! That was great and I will treasure it for life!"

"You are welcome Tyler. I thought you might want to have it."

"Kelly, I remember you at the house sometimes but I'm sorry we never really got to meet. Life was hectic with school, a job, and getting ready to go to Philadelphia this fall."

"Np Tyler! I had only met David when we started going to the same High School. We are best friends! Or were best friends" :(

"That's cool Kelly! I'm glad you go to know him. I miss him as much as you do! You said you wanted to talk to me about something?"

"Ummmm yeah. I'm not even sure how to ask this."

"It's okay. This is all private between you and me!"

"Okay. You really promise that you won't say anything to anyone? Especially my parents!"

"Honour bright Kelly!"

"Honour bright?"

"LOL Yeah Kelly, it means a solemn promise. Kind of like crossing your heart and hoping to die?"

"Cool! Never heard that before. Anyway. do you know what happened to David's hard drive from his computer?"

"Yeah. I have it somewhere. Did you need something off of it?"


"What Kelly?"

"Nothing. Okay thanks Tyler. Sorry to bother you."

"No Kelly. What's up? Why do you want his hard drive?"

"There's some private stuff on it."

"Private stuff?"


"It's okay Kelly. I think I can figure this out. You and David were close friends right?"


"Very, very close friends?"


"There might be some pictures or videos on the HD that are private between you and David?"

" :) "

"Okay. I understand. What would you like me to do with the hard drive?"


"Really! If it is private stuff between you and my brother then I won't look at it. I can destroy it or bring it home with me at Christmas and give it to you?"

"You really won't look at it and you really will give the hard drive to me?"

"Really, really! LOL Kelly!"

"Oh Tyler you're the best guy in the world! Now I see why David never stopped talking about how great you are and how much loved him! I was always jealous. I wanted to have a big brother like you."

"Thanks Kelly. That is nice of you to say. So I really can't look at the contents eh?"

"Ummm, it might be better if you didn't! You wouldn't like what you would see!"

"Kelly. Do you see the little webcam icon in the top right corner of this chat box?"


"Click on it Kelly and I will show you something."

"Wow! Cool. Is that your dorm room?"

"Yes it is and that is me. Take a look at my wall of drawings!"

"Wow! Did you draw that? It's awesome!"

"Yes I did and thanks. I want to show you one more thing okay?"


"Okay Kelly, do you see that guy?"


"Okay watch carefully."

<Tyler climbed up on to the bed on Derek's side. He slowly crept over top of Derek and kissed his lips. Derek's eyes opened wide and he smiled. >

"Now that's how I want to be woken every morning!" Derek said. Tyler kept kissing him and then said.

"Shhhh. Go back to sleep! I am on the computer and I have cinnamon buns" Tyler said kissing him once more before he got up off of Derek and jumped back down to the floor.

"Shit! That is hot!" "Shit! He is hot!" "Damn, You're hot like David!" "Oh FUCK!" "Ooops. Sorry!"

"LOL, no problem Kelly. I just wanted you to see my roommate and boy friend Derek! I thought that might make you feel a little better about things?"

"SHIT! FUCK! This is so cool! I have no one to talk to too! Tyler I miss him soooo much! I've never loved anyone like I loved David."

"It's okay Kelly. I know you hurt as much as I do."

Tyler began sending Kelly some pictures of David on his own, with the family, or playing hockey. Tyler hadn't shared any of these with anyone but it somehow seemed that Kelly had as much right as he did to have them.

"BRB Tyler!"

Tyler waited almost ten minutes for Kelly to return.

"Sorry. I'm back"

"Are you okay Kelly?"

"No, but yes. I just needed some time."

"I understand exactly what you are saying. Hugs Kelly. I wish I could be there right now for you."

"I wish you were here as well. Are you coming home for Christmas?"

"As far as I know. I have to tell Uncle David about Derek and me. I'm not sure how he will take it? He isn't like my Dad though so it should be fine :)"

"Awesome! Yeah, I know David didn't like the way your Dad treated you. He mentioned it several times."

"Really? I never knew that. Maybe at Christmas we can spend some time together?"


"Really Really Kelly! LOL"

"That would be so awesome! It would be like having a big brother!"

"Yeah, well I can always use another little brother Kelly! ;)"

"You're so amazing Tyler! I can see why David made his video about you!"

"Thanks Kelly, and I can see why you were so special to David!"

"I gots2go Tyler!"

"No problem Kelly it was really nice to finally be able to get together. And Kelly, one more thing before you go!"


"Remember how lucky you and I for having been able to know David in our own way! No one else did and no one else can take that away from us!"

"You're the greatest Tyler! Thanks. Write me sometime please and let me know when you are coming home?"

"No problem Kelly, and I will bring that present home for you when I come back to Canada! ;)"

"Thanks Tyler, and you can look at it if you want? ;)"

"Okay, thanks. We'll see. It sounds like it should be private just for you and David."

"Okay. Buh bye Tyler!"

"Bye Kelly hugs!"

Tyler closed the chat room box with 'theredheadedstepchild'. He then read the email from his Uncle David and thought it was good time to respond while Derek was still asleep.

"Dear Uncle David," Tyler began typing.

"Thank you for your email. I write my last my last exam on Friday December 16 th so I would likely be home that weekend or early the following week depending on the weather. I do have some great news! I have someone special in life finally. I'm not really sure what truly being is love is supposed to feel like, but if is like not being able to eat or sleep, and you feel like you can fly even though you don't have wings then I guess I am in love. This might shock you but I hope it won't offend you? His name is Derek and he is my roommate Derek. It's almost hard to decide if I love him or his family more? They have considered me to be a part of their family since I met them on Labour Day weekend. It feels so good to be loved and be in love. I didn't think I would ever know the feeling! I will tell you more about it at Christmas.

Yes, I had a wonderful time at the Anderson's! American Thanksgiving is unlike anything we have in Canada. I got to meet Dr. Anderson's parents (Derek's Grandparents) and they are as nice as everyone else in the family. I am attaching a photo taken of us on Thursday night. Derek is the one with the earring and obviously the oldest. Kyle is the blond and Luke is the youngest. Mango is his pet monkey and Abbey is their dog. See you at Christmas, love and hugs, your nephew, Ty."

Tyler attached the jpeg to the email and clicked send.

Tyler heard a Tap tap tap on the door. He threw on some boxers and quietly went up to the door. Looking through the peephole he say Ben's distorted face and started laughing.

"Morning Ben" Tyler whispered opening the door. He saw Ben was dressed in sweats and a hoody ready to run.

"Hey Ty." Ben whispered back. "I assume your roomie is back and asleep?"

"Yeah. So be verwey, verwey, quiet!" Tyler said in an Elmer Fudd voice. Ben laughed shaking his head.

"Can I make you a coffee?" He asked Ben as came into the room. Ben saw Derek stretched out sideways across both beds.

"No that's okay. I rang your celly a few times and there was no answer so I was concerned and thought I should drop by!" Ben said.

"Really? I didn't hear it ring or vibrate!" Tyler said. He felt around on the bed until he found his phone. "Hmmm. how did it get over there?" Tyler asked aloud.

Ben snorted. "So I take it things are all better between you guys?"

"Yeah, more like perfect now! Just don't ever tell Derek that I am the one who is lucky or else it will give him a swelled head!" Tyler joked.

"Good. I'm happy for you! Well I will get out of your way. I just thought you might want to go for a run this morning or have some help packing, but as long as you are happy then I am happy for both of you." Ben said very straight-faced.

"Is something wrong Ben?" Tyler asked.

"No all is great! I don't have to spend the day packing! I better get going. Let me know if you want to run again?" Ben said getting up from the loveseat to leave.

"Sure. Call me in the morning. I do actually run almost every morning." Tyler said sensing Ben was uneasy about something.

"Well you might want to sleep in tomorrow morning. So you have my number if you're going to run give me a call." Ben said walking out the door.

Tyler closed the door quietly and rested against the door thinking. He slid down to the floor trying to figure out what was wrong. 'I wonder if he is offended that I didn't take his offer to change rooms? Maybe he isn't getting along with Ryan and wanted to move out?' Tyler thought to himself.

"I have a swelled head!" Derek called from the bed not able to control his giggling.

"You assmite! You were listening in on a private conversation!" Tyler yelled half-heartedly.

"Maybe, but I still have this swelling head problem." Derek replied laughing as kicked his feet up and down on the bed while he laughed.

"I'll give you a swelled head." Tyler said getting up off the floor. Tyler ran down the hall towards the bed making a leap off of Derek's desk chair up on to the bunkbed. He would have made it had the chair not been on wheels. The half of Tyler on the bed slid off and dropped to the floor below. Derek jumped up and looked down over the side of the bed to see Tyler smiling as he lay on the hard floor with his left leg tangled in the tipped over chair.

"Dats gotta hurt!" Derek said peering down at his lover.

"When I get back from the hospital Derek. remind me to kill you!"

Derek giggled and fell backwards on to the bed.

Chris' sudden jerk awake at feeling an arm holding him only stirred Kyle. It only took Chris about two seconds to remember exactly where he was and whom he was with. He smiled and placed his hand over Kyle's. Chris rolled over to face Kyle and Kyle's eyes opened momentarily and a slight smile formed on his lips before falling back asleep.

Chris kissed Kyle's lips and Kyle smiled, again without opening his eyes. Chris slid his hand down Kyle's back and under the elastic band of his boxers.

"Mmmmmm," moaned Kyle with a smile forming on his lips. Chris moved his hand inside the front of Kyle's boxers grabbing hold of his already erect cock. Kyle moved his hand over top of Chris' tenting boxers.

"I've never touched something so perfect in my life!" Chris exclaimed.

"Me neither!" Kyle concurred without opening his eyes.

"Yeah right. I'm not near as big as you Kyle!" Chris said. "I wasn't talking about your cock Chris. it's what it is attached too that is perfect!" Kyle said.

"Huh?" Chris asked.

"Dumbass! I'm talking about you!" Kyle smiled opening his eyes.

"Oh hey!" Chris replied laughing. "Sorry. I'm not really up yet this early in the morning."

"Sure feels like you're up!" Kyle said as he snuck a kiss from Chris.

Kyle crawled up on top of Chris pushing the comforter down to the bottom of the bed. Kissing his chest, Kyle worked his way down to Chris' boxers. Chris gently placed his hands on top of Kyle's head massaging his scalp.

"You're messing my hair!" Kyle said.

"Get over it!" Chris said.

"Okay, but only for you! I don't let anyone mess my hair! Hahahaha." Kyle laughed.

"What's so funny?" Chris asked concerned that maybe Kyle was laughing at the size of his penis.

"Nothing. I'm laughing at your Scooby Doo boxers." Kyle said as pulled them down Chris' legs.

"What's wrong with Scooby boxers?" Chris wondered aloud.

"Nothing! Nothing at all. I see Shaggy in here. Now shut up while I get me a Scooby snack!" Kyle laughed as he grabbed Chris' erection firmly at the base and slurped his way down until his nose was buried in 'shaggys' hair!

"Geez Kyle. Slow down or I will cum in your mouth!" Chris said. Kyle closed his mouth a little tighter to apply more pressure. He worked his middle finger of his left hand in between Chris' butt cheeks and Chris opened up to allow Kyle better access. As Kyle's fingertip grazed his sphincter muscle Chris shuddered and began moving his head violently from side to side.

Kyle's left thumb stroked Chris' balls. As they pulled tightly up against Chris' body the skin wrinkled and tighten. The testicular thumb massage was enough to send Chris into orgasm. His first shot into Kyle's mouth caught him off guard. Kyle pulled off Chris' cock and paused to taste. Not really as sweet as he had read it might be, but rather salty. The second shot hit Kyle's closed lips by surprise and Kyle immediately returned to the task at hand or rather mouth! Kyle pushed his fingertip inside Chris' ring and wiggled his finger. This brought one more shot into Kyle's mouth but this time it was much thicker in consistency than the first two. Kyle removed his finger as he felt the decrease in volume of cum coincide with Chris' breathing returning too normal. Kyle used his right thumb to work the last bit of cum up Chris' shaft. When he was finished he laid Chris' now flaccid cock down in its shaggy nest. Kyle leaned in and placed a gentle and loving kiss on Chris' shaft.

Kyle looked up at Chris and saw that his eyes where still closed and he was breathing in short gasps. "You okay Chris?" Kyle asked.

"Oh yeah!" He said opening his eyes. "That is the most wonderful thing I've ever experienced."

"Better than kicking my ass at video?" Kyle asked.

"Okay. second best thing I've ever experienced!" Chris said giggling. "Roll over. It's my turn!"

"You don't have to if you don't want too?" Kyle said.

"Don't have too? You don't want me too?" Chris said looking dejected.

"No. I would really like you too but I don't want you to feel that you have too." Kyle said.

"Anyone ever tell you that you over analyse things?" Chris said switching places with Kyle.

"Hey, I'm an emotional, loving person!" Kyle said with a big smile.

"Shut up emo kid and get ready for the ride of your life! You think I'm waiting another moment to pleasure the guy I've been in love with for over a year now!" Chris said as he almost ripped Kyle's boxers taking them off of him.

"What?" Kyle yelled.

"Shush! You'll wake the house up!" Chris said.

Kyle sat up.

"What?" Chris asked.

Kyle put his arm around Chris' neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Kyle pulled Chris down on top of him and said, "What do you mean you've been in love with me for over a year?"

"Sorry. I probably shouldn't have said that." Chris said. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"You're not scaring me Chris. That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." Kyle said. Chris rolled on to his side leaning on his arm. "I guess I never thought anyone noticed me?" Kyle added.

"Kyle, I noticed you the first day of high school. I followed you around as much as I could. I know your locker in first year was in the tech section. Number 210 if I remember! You were in my first semester English and Geography and my second semester gym, Spanish, and math classes." Chris said pausing to share an extended kiss with Kyle.

"In English class last year I sat one seat behind you and one row over so I could stalk your hot body!" Chris said laughing and Kyle joined in. "On warm days you would wear those summer plaid shirts with the top two or three buttons open and when you turned I could see your left nipple. Now it's all mine!" Chris said blushing. Kyle threw his right arm over his eyes to hide his embarrassment.

"I'm embarrassing you aren't I?" Chris asked.

"Big Time!" Kyle said through his laughter.

"I'm sorry, I will stop." Chris said.

"NO! Don't ever stop!" Kyle said as he moved his arm away and rose up to kiss Chris. "I want to hear all the sordid details of the stalker I love!"

Chris' eyes widen along with his smile when he heard Kyle's words.

"You really mean that?" Chris asked.

"Of course I do! I want to know everything!" Kyle teased knowing exactly what Chris was asking.

Chris pinched Kyle's right nipple. "Oww!" Kyle said. "Fine! Okay I really did mean that what I said about loving you. till you pinched me!" Kyle said giggling. "Want to know a secret Chris?"


"I dropped biology class to take keyboarding because I knew they would have to move me from my gym class to yours." Kyle confessed with his arm back covering his eyes. Kyle didn't hear a word so he moved his arm down slightly to peek at Chris out of his right eye. Once he saw Chris staring at him with a big smile they both burst into laughter.

"C'mon Chris. spill your guts!" Kyle said moving his arm back to cover his eyes.

"You're really shy aren't you?" Chris asked.

"Shut up stalker!" Kyle said laughing.

"Okay. let me see! I know you've had six different pairs of shoes in a year. I like your brown Vans the best by the way! You always wear red boxers on Friday. When you get your hair cut it is never above your ears. Gillette Spring Rain deodorant! You chew on your pen caps and you never wear socks in the warm weather. When drying off after a shower you dry your right leg first but when it comes to putting shorts or pants on you put you left leg in first. When eating a burger with fries you always eat the fries first before you eat anything else. When asked a question by a teacher during class you always make this swallowing noise first before you answer. You chew gum on the left side and when someone puts a straw in your drink you always remove it! Your favourite band is Foo Fighters and you cringe every time Jessica Dawson tries to hit on you!" Chris said counting off each point on a finger.

"Whoa!" Kyle said.

"Oh yeah, and your favourite expression is 'whoa'!" Chris said. Kyle tweaked Chris' left nipple.

"I really chew gum only on my left side huh?" Kyle said as he rubbed his chin to appear in deep thought over the revelation.

"Shut up assmite! I guess I'm kind of creepy huh?" Chris asked looking away.

"I was going to say observant but creepy is fine too!" Kyle said laughing. "Do I have any good habits your creepy stalking mind observed?"

"Everyone of them Kyle! I wouldn't change a thing about you!" Chris said kissing Kyle.

"Fuck!" Kyle began to say between kisses. "I'm." "in love" "with a stalker!" "This is sooooooo not an ABC after school special is it?"

"Kyle? When you write in your journal tonight. make sure you spell my name right when you put in "Stalker duct tapes emo kids mouth!" Chris said and Kyle burst into laughter.

Chris crawled back on top of Kyle. He stopped long enough to look seriously into Kyle's eyes and mouth the words 'I love you Kyle'. Kyle smiled.

Chris lowered himself down to Kyle's cock. "Holy fuck!" He said in a barely audible whisper. "Where do I start?"

"Fuck off!" Kyle said chuckling at hearing Chris' comments.

"One more word and it's duct tape for you Kyle!" Chris said as he dove down on Kyle's erection until he gagged.

"Take it slow Chris. maybe you need to invite a friend to help you?" Kyle joked. Chris placed his hands on Kyle's balls and slowly began squeezing.

"Right! Nuff said! Not another word!" Kyle said and Chris let go of his balls.

Despite Chris' naivety about sucking cock, he took to it like a natural. He jerked the base of Kyle's cock while sucking on the tip. He used his free hand to tweak the skin on Kyle's balls. Chris stopped for a moment to squeeze the precum up and out so he could taste it. Kyle opened his and peered down to see the smile on Chris' face as he savoured the taste.

Chris was wondering what he was doing wrong as he had been at it for over 15 minutes and Kyle hadn't come. He stopped and looked up at Kyle who seemed to be daydreaming. "Ummm. Kyle?" Chris asked.

"Huh? Sorry. what?" Kyle said coming back to reality.

"Are you even aware of what's going on?" Chris asked looking disgusted at Kyle.

"Ah. yeah? What's the matter?" Kyle asked.

"What are you thinking about?" Chris asked.

"You, what else would I be thinking of?" Kyle said.

"How long does it take you to cum?" Chris asked.

"Oh sorry. I guess I was just thinking about all that you said to me. I can't believe you really love me and I can't believe that of all the people who could say they love me it turns out to be from the guy I most want to hear it from." Kyle said.

Chris crawled up and kissed Kyle. He then lay back on his side and grabbed hold of Kyle's cock with his hand.

"Do you mind if I jerk you off?" Chris asked.

"Hell no! You can do anything you want to me." Kyle said placing his arms behind his back.

Chris leaned in close to Kyle's cock and he stroked him up and down.

"Oh yeah! Tighter babe!" Kyle said as his hips started grinding in sync with Chris' strokes.

"Here it comes!" Kyle said in short breaths. Chris' mouth hung open as squirt after squirt of cum shot out with great force. Chris pointed Kyle's cock down so that his cum shot out just below his rib cage and then it ran down into his tummy where it formed a pool. Chris squeezed the last remnants of cum to the top of Kyle's head and sucked them off. Then he slurped up the pool of cum. "Sweet!" Was all Chris said!

Kyle looked at him funny. "What?" Chris asked.

"Nothing.." Kyle said.

"Kyle, all of my jack off sessions for the last year and half have been about you. I always dream about you jerking off and now I got to see it for real and even participate!" Chris said smiling as he licked his lips.

"You really need lose this obsession with me. but not too much!" Kyle winked as he grabbed some tissues to clean himself up.

Both boys put their boxers back on and pulled the comforter up over them. Embracing tightly they shared many long kisses and swapped cum soaked mouths.

"What time is it?" Chris asked.

Kyle rolled over to look at the alarm clock on Chris' nightstand. "Almost nine o'clock." Kyle said. "What time is your hockey game?"

"It's a practice. Starts at noon so I have to leave by eleven." Chris said. "We've got lots of time."

"Want to do something?" Kyle asked grinning.

"I thought we just did?" Chris asked.

"Let's go wake your brother up!" Kyle said.

"You got the hots for him don't ya?" Chris said teasing.

"Nope. I've got the hots for you and you only, but he is a hawtie!" Kyle said winking.

"He's got a big one Kyle!" Chris said teasing Kyle. "And if it wasn't for watching you two go from enemies to best buddies last night I would have guessed he was totally straight! Did you see his erection?"

"Fuck yeah! You noticed too huh?" Kyle said.

"Like you think I wouldn't?" Chris laughed.

The boys crawled out of bed. "Hey Chris, let's switch boxers before we go in there." Chris laughed and pulled his off to exchange with Kyle.

"I'm not returning these Kyle. or washing them! They're going to stay under my pillow for nights when you're not over here."

"So I'm in love with a Stalker with an underwear fetish?" Kyle teased.

Chris slowly opened his bedroom door and peeked out into the hallway to see if anyone was up and about. Both his Dad's bedroom door and Jeff's were closed. They quietly stepped out into the hallway and Kyle pulled the door shut behind them. Chris slowly turned the handle on Jeff's door and pushed the door open to see Jeff lying in the centre of his bed asleep with his hands behind his head. They both giggled at the sight.

Chris crept around to the far side of his double bed and Kyle to the other side. Kyle pointed to the wad of tissues on the nightstand. He picked them up and smelled them. He immediately became hard at the fresh scent of cum. He gave Chris the thumbs up. Chris giggled and signed to Kyle that he was to toss the wad of tissue over. Kyle smirked and did so. His throw landed on Jeff's chest. They both froze and had to cover their mouths as they began laughing at what happened. Chris reached over the double sized bed to pick the tissue up off of Jeff's chest when he began to move. Chris froze. Jeff stopped moving and Chris removed the tissue unnoticed. He sniffed and smiled. Then he opened the wad of tissue and licked the inside. Kyle again covered his mouth and turned away so Jeff wouldn't hear his laughter. When Kyle looked back at Chris, Chris smiled, licked his lips and threw the tissue back at Kyle to set back down on the nightstand.

At the same time they each lifted up the comforter on their own side and slipped into Jeff's bed waking him up.

"What the." Jeff said as he opened his eyes. Kyle and Chris lay their heads down on each side of Jeff's chest. The both placed one hand on top of each other's down on Jeff's chest. Jeff wrapped his arms around both of them without opening his eyes.

Kyle stretched up and kissed Jeff's cheek. Jeff moaned. Chris followed suit and did the same thing adding, "I love you Jeff!"

"I love you too Christopher!" Jeff said. Kyle pulled his hand away from Chris and began tonguing Jeff's right nipple. Chris did the same thing. Jeff moaned. Kyle quietly worked his hand down to Jeff's boxers only to find out that Jeff wasn't wearing any boxers.

Kyle immediately sat up and pushed his boxers down. Chris figured out exactly what Kyle was doing by his motions but he didn't know why. Kyle covered himself up with the help of Jeff and turned sideways so that Jeff could feel his erection against his thigh. Jeff's eyes opened and he looked down at Kyle. Kyle sensed the movement and looked up at Jeff and smiled. Chris looked at both of them and smiled. He then removed his own boxers.

Jeff began caressing Kyle's back as Kyle returned to gently sucking on his nipple. He would occasionally stop and blow cool air on Jeff's nipple while he grinded back and forth. Chris could feel the movement of the bed and began doing the same thing on his side. Jeff's eyes remained closed with a big grin on his face. Kyle took Chris' hand and placed their hands together around Jeff's cock. They began gently stroking his member.

"Jeff?" Kyle whispered so that only the three of them could hear.

"Mmmm Hmmm." Jeff mumbled.

"We wanted you to know that we really do love you and wanted you to be a part of us. If you want too?" Kyle said.

"Us?" Jeff said popping his eyes open.

Chris crawled up and began kissing his brother much to Jeff's surprise. Kyle crawled under the covers and began sucking on Jeff's cock. After a couple of minutes Kyle announced from under the covers that it was time to switch. Jeff started to move but Kyle placed his hand firmly down on Jeff's chest.

"You don't move! We are doing this for you because we love you." Kyle said with an intensely serious stare! Jeff dropped his head back on the pillow and smiled.

Kyle planted his lips firmly on Jeff while he began grinding his cock in to Jeff's chest. Jeff pulled Kyle's butt up a bit and placed one hand behind Kyle's butt and the other on Kyle's cock while Chris was under the covers sucking away on his brother cock. Chris felt Jeff's hand hitting the top of his head and looked up to see Jeff inserting his finger into Kyle's ass. Chris followed and from his position on his knees worked his middle finger between Jeff's legs while he continued his blowjob.

Kyle paused to tell Jeff. "You really don't have to do that. This is all about pleasing you and reminding you how much you mean to the both of us!"

Jeff's only response was to pull Kyle's head back down and kiss him, this time with his tongue as well. Kyle wrapped his arms around Jeff's neck and started kissing his cheek as he whispered to Jeff, "Deeper, deeper!"

"Kyle." Jeff whispered.


"Can you trade back with Chris? I need him up here right now."

"Cool!" Kyle said sitting up and winking. "I knew there was something special about you. You are just like my brother Derek!" Kyle said and kissed him again on the lips. Chris and Kyle changed places.

Chris sat on Jeff's chest while Kyle went back to work on Jeff's cock. Jeff took Chris' hands in his own and pulled him down so that their faces where just inches apart.

"Chris I am sorry for being a shit. I hope you will forgive me?" Jeff asked.

Chris wrapped his arms around Jeff's neck and pulled him tight to himself.

"Shshhh! Don't cry Chris. I want to make you happy. No more tears, ever!"

Jeff said has he stroked Chris's hair.

"I'm happy!" Chris said as tears rolled down on to Jeff's cheeks. "I just want my brother and now I have you. I don't ever want to be alone again."

"I promise Chris! Never alone again! Now please smile for me?" Jeff asked as he lifted Chris up. "Put your hands on the wall Chris."

Jeff pulled on Chris' thighs and took Chris' erection into his own mouth and began sucking. He jerked the base of Chris' cock with one hand while he massaged Chris' butt with the other. Chris began pumping himself back and forth into Jeff's mouth. Kyle kept feeling Chris' butt banging against his head so Kyle reached up and inserted his finger into Chris' sphincter and worked it in and out.

Chris looked down at his brother and then looked up at the ceiling. "I'm gonna cum. again!" He said to no one in particular. Jeff increased his suction, as did Kyle. When Jeff heard those words he tensed up and began his own orgasm ahead of Chris. Chris followed immediately and shot three good spurts into Jeff's throat. Kyle sat up and wiped Jeff's cum around his mouth away. Jeff just stared off in the distance dazed over what had just happened.

"Fresh is better!" Chris said to Kyle and they both began laughing.

Tap Tap Tap

All three got under the covers and Chris and Kyle pretended to be asleep.

Mr. Coulter opened the door quietly to the bedroom and peaked in. Jeff opened his eyes and yawned. "Sorry!" Mr. Coulter whispered. "I wasn't sure where the boys were!" He smiled and Jeff smiled back. He closed the door and walked down to the kitchen.

After a minute of silence had passed Chris started giggling and Kyle joined in. Jeff pulled both into a three-way hug.

Kyle looked up at Jeff from his chest. "Thanks Jeff!" He said smiling.

Jeff tilted his head down and kissed the top of Kyle's head and smiled. Kyle closed his eyes and had almost fallen back asleep when he heard Jeff whisper to Chris. "I love you Chris!"

Chris raised his left hand off of Jeff's chest and with his index finger spelled out 'I u 2'. Jeff kissed the top of Chris' head and then laid his own head back down on the pillow. Jeff drifted back to sleep with a smile.

"Whatcha doin?" Derek asked peeking down over the bed at Tyler sitting in the loveseat.

"Trying to finish this sketch of Cody and his family. It's a surprise Christmas present for Cody. I had Danny steal the picture from his room for me to use." Tyler said.

"You're making a Christmas present for Cody and it's not even December yet? I think I hate you again." Derek said laughing. "Looks really good Ty."

"Thanks. It's going better than I thought it would." Tyler said as he set down his sketchpad and began getting dressed.

"Let's go out for breakfast?" Derek suggested, as he lay naked on the bunkbed with his head hanging over the edge.

"I can't. sorry. I've got a staff meeting at work." Tyler said getting dressed.

"I thought you just had a staff meeting?" Derek asked.

"We did. This is more of a staff photo session and interview with the Philly Daily news." Tyler said as he buttoned up his dress shirt.

"What the fuck? You're going to be in the newspaper? Hockey player of the month again?" Derek asked sitting up in bed with his legs dangling over the edge.

"Nope, this is work related. All servers have been donating 10 percent of their tips, along with customer donations, and Mr. and Mrs. Ciccone had agreed to match what we raised. So there is about $4500.00 to donate to charities for this Christmas." Tyler said as he put his tie on.

"Wow! That's so fucking cool! That's so fucking Tyler Peel eh?" Derek said laughing.

Tyler glared and said, "You need to be a Canadian to say 'eh' eh! You don't hear of Canadian's saying 'y'all comin to the hoe down Bubba'?" Tyler said and Derek laughed.

"You won't hear this American saying that either!" Derek replied jumping down. He turned Tyler around from the mirror and adjusted his tie even though it didn't need it. Derek kissed Tyler and said, "I'm so proud of you Ty!"

Tyler picked up his cell phone, keys, and coat on his way to the door. "Love you Babe!" He said to Derek and winked before exiting the room.

"Babe! How cute is that? He called me his Babe!" Derek giggled. "Okay. boxers. nope! nope! definitely not! Derek began rummaging through Tyler's 5-drawer chest. "Oooooo. Boxer shorts with little Canadian maple leaf's all over them! These will do EH!" Derek laughed out loud.

Five minutes later Derek's phone rang.

"Oh Canada.our home and native land. next to the best country in the world." He sang into the receiver.

"Please don't mess with my National Anthem!" Tyler said on the other end.

"Oh, sorry. I was just in a Canadian state of mind!" Derek said laughing.

"Brain freeze eh?" Tyler said.

"Your words not mine! What did you forget Babe?" Derek said.

"Nothing. I just thought that since you are slumming around for the next couple of hour's maybe you want to call Cody, Danny, Tony, and Ryan and see if they want to all get together at Leo's for pizza tonight?" Tyler asked.

"Consider it done! Do you have all of their phone numbers written down?" Derek asked.

"They're on my computer in the address book." Tyler said.

"Okay, but can I access them?" Derek said and stopped realizing he had said too much.

"Yup, just type in "GITON". I no longer use 'sexyboy'!" Tyler said and clicked his cell phone off as he laughed.

"Shit!" Derek said slamming the phone down. "Why can't he be the asshole and I be the perfect guy for a change!" Derek said laughing to himself.

Ryan unlocked the dorm room door as quietly as he could in case Ben was asleep. When he stepped inside he could hear the shower running so he dumped all of his stuff and tried to open the bathroom door. It was unlocked. Ryan smirked.

Ben was soaping his cock up in the shower when the Ryan quietly opened the bathroom door. In the reflection of the bottom half of a fogged up mirror he could see Ben's outline behind the shower curtain. Ryan stepped back into the hallway and closed the door as quietly as he had opened it. He stripped off all of his clothes and rushed back into the bathroom. Ryan held the door handle open until he had pushed the bathroom door shut and then slowly turned the knob back and released it.

Ben's breathing heightened as he neared his orgasm. Fearing being seen, Ryan crept towards the shower curtain staying near the wall so he wouldn't come between the lights over the sink and Ben. Two fingers pushed the shower curtain forward and he could see the back of Ben's head and his finely shaped ass. Ryan pushed the shower curtain forward until the first three rings on the bar were almost touching. He could feel the warm spray of water reflecting off of Ben and hitting him.

Ryan put his right foot in the shower. As he transferred his full weight to his right foot Ben felt the tub shift and turned around.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Ben yelled as he faced Ryan fully erect. Ryan broke into laughter.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Ben said with anger in his voice. Ryan, almost in tears at the humour of it put his hands on Ben's shoulders and pulled him into a forced kiss! Ben relaxed a bit and brought his arms up to Ryan's side. Ryan pulled away from the kiss by a couple of inches and stared into Ben's eyes without saying anything. The anger that seconds ago was in Ben's eyes faded and turned into a smile. Ryan placed his hands on each side of Ben's face and pulled him for another kiss.

"You still didn't answer my question?" Ben asked after the kiss ended.

"You have been spying on me. so it was my turn to spy on you!" Ryan winked.

"We've wasted three months as roommates Ben, let's not waste another moment." Ryan said and kissed Ben again. Ben started to say something but Ryan put his finger to Ben's lips. "We can talk later." Ryan said as he reached behind Ben and turned the shower off.

"Right now I want the guy I've been thinking about for the last two days to make love to me!" Ryan said giving Ben a quick kiss.

"Are you sure you're ready for this? We don't need to rush anything." Ben said.

"Thank you for caring enough to ask Ben. Now I am sure that I am ready." Ryan smiled and kissed Ben again. The exited the shower and Ryan took Ben's hand and led him back into the bedroom.

Tyler walked into the restaurant via the kitchen. When Tyler walked into the dining room he had his hands behind his back. Everyone gave him a spontaneous round of applause.

"What Tyler? No cinnamon buns today!" Angelo joked.

Tyler brought a bag out from behind him and everyone began laughing.

"I should have known!" Angelo said. "Now if everyone will be seated and be quiet please! Brendan is going to report on the two charities we are making donations too and then we will have some pictures taken and some interviews done. Then you can all go home or back to work! Brendan?"

Brendan came up in front of the group with a few pieces of paper in his hands. "Thank you, Mr. Ciccone. I've researched out several possibilities for charities for this coming Christmas season and narrowed it down to the best two." Brendan began.

"The first one I came up with merged with the Greater Philadelphia Food Bank. I found links that they have support from the Drexel University Student Charity Association so I thought that would make Tyler happy! They not only distribute the normal canned food like you see in food banks, but they do a fair amount of perishable items too. And they are big on education about nutrition for families. They even have a recipe link for nutritious food. Anyway, here it is." Brendan said.

Philabundance 3616 South Galloway St PO Box 37555 Philadelphia, PA 19148-7555 javascript:ol('');

"The second charity is a personal favorite of mine. It's a toy thing and if you guessed Toys for Tots then you guessed correctly! I know they do great work just like our families that serve our country overseas. In the Philadelphia area alone, the Toys for Tots campaign will collect and purchase more than 105,000 toys for the 2005 Christmas season and they will distribute to over 50,000 kids. I can't think of a more deserving organization. Anyway, what I could find was donations should be sent to," Brendan said.

United States Marine Corps Attn: Toys For Tots Armed Forces Reserve Center 2838-98 Woodhaven Rd Philadelphia, PA 19154

Brendan received a round of applause from everyone including the reporter and photographer for the Philadelphia Daily news. Brendan sat back down and Angelo got up.

"All in favour say 'aye'?" Angelo asked.

"AYE!" Came the response from everyone in the room. The donation jar was sitting atop the round dining table and while everyone was chatting up about the charities the two people from the newspaper opened their own wallets and dropped some money into the donation jar themselves. The noise in the room quickly died as all of the staff watched what was happening. The two people from the newspaper stopped suddenly noticing they were the center of attention.

"What?" Said the reporter. Everyone started clapping again and began patting them on the back. Angelo offered them cinnamon buns and they happily accepted. Group photos were taken around the donation jar and then the Ciccone's along with Tyler and Brendan were interviewed for the article.

"I'm going to push for front page in tomorrow's paper for the lifestyle photo!" The reporter said. "Maybe we can get other restaurants to take up the cause as well?" Everyone cheered hearing his support.

"Thank you so very much for coming!" Gina said.

"It's a pleasure to write about people helping people for a change Mrs. Ciccone." He said shaking her hand.

Tyler left as quickly as he could. He started up the Jeep and dialled Derek.

"Hey!" Derek said answering his phone.

"Hey babe, did you reach the guys about dinner?" Tyler asked.

"I got Cody and Danny but no luck reaching Ryan." Derek said.

"Ben didn't answer?" Tyler asked.

"Nope. Want me to try again?" Derek asked.

"Tis okay. I will drop by his room when I get back. I better stop and grab some cinnamon buns. Did you need anything?" Tyler asked.

"Just you!" Derek said smiling.

"Not as much as I need you." Tyler said and closed his cell phone. When he arrived back at Drexel he walked over to Ryan and Ben's dorm hall. Tyler knocked on their door but no one answered. Tyler wrote a note to Ryan and Ben inviting them to Leo's for dinner. He slipped it under their door and left. When he returned to his own dorm hall he went over to Danny's room and knocked on his door.

"Tyler!" Tony said.

"Tony!" Tyler replied and wrapped his arms around Tony giving him a hug. "How was your Thanksgiving?"

"It was great except for the family, the relatives, and the traveling!" Tony said winking. Tyler laughed. "How was your Thanksgiving Ty?"

"Excellent!" Tyler said grinning from ear to ear!

"Things are okay with you and Derek then?" Tony asked with a suspicious look on his face.

"As my best friend Jon, back in Canada would say, it's all good!" Tyler said smiling.

"He must be an optimist like you?" Tony said as he started to get good pants and a dress shirt out of his closet.

"He's a happy, easy going dude like you! Probably explains why I love you both so much!" Tyler said leaning against the wall.

"Hey Tony, do you and Danny want to join Derek and me for dinner at Leo's tonight?"

"Thanks Ty, but I have a date tonight." Tony said

"Whoa! Dude! That rocks! Where are you taking.. Her? Him? Sorry, I really don't know what to say here?" Tyler said laughing.

"Him! Thomas to be exact! He's from Boston and has that cute Boston accent." Tony said almost giggling.

"Coolies Tony! What's he like?" Tyler asked.

"He's cute, very shy, wears glasses, sexy as shit, and hates sports!" Tony said laughing and Tyler joined in.

"So a future starting line man for the NFL is going on a date with a guy who hates sports?" Tyler joked.

"Yeah, isn't it great! No jock attitude to deal with! He's so sweet! In the summer when he is back at home he looks after his Mom who hasn't been well for a while. He does all sorts of contract computer work in his spare time to send money home for his Mom. He's thin and has dark eyes and tight ass to die for! I've never met a kinder human being on this planet! He only sees the good in everyone and never says a bad word about anything. The only thing I can't figure out is what he sees in me?" Tony said staring off in the distance.

"I think he sees the same things we all do in you Tony. You're sexy and kind, loving and good-natured! I'm really happy for you both!" Tyler said giving Tony a hug and kiss from behind. "What are you doing on your hot date tonight?"

"We're going out to dinner and then a movie!" Tony said smiling.

"What movie?" Tyler asked grinning.

"Brokeback Mountain! It's Thomas' favourite movie. I think he's seen it about 20 times now, but I've never seen it and he has promised not to say a word during the movie." Tony said.

"That's too funny. Are you bringing him back here for the night?" Tyler asked winking.

"You know it Puckhead!" Tony laughed. "Danny is going to stay at Cody's tonight so we can have some private time."

"I hope you got condoms young man!" Tyler said shaking one finger at him! "And did you put fresh sheets on the bed?"

"Yes Ma'am! All taken care of!" Tony said punching Tyler's arm.

"Well if you decide you want to join us then know that you and Thomas are welcome and I will make sure that Danny and Cody behave themselves! We don't want to scare this hawtie away!" Tyler winked.

"Thanks Ty, but we will be fine! I just wish I didn't have to go watch the stupid movie." Tony said.

"Why? It's supposed to be really good!" Tyler said.

"Because the sooner we get back here he can begin ploughing my ass!" Tony said and Tyler dropped to the floor from laughing so hard.

"Oh My God! You are the last guy I ever expected to hear say that!" Tyler said choking on his words as he gasped for breath. "One last question Tony. how did you guys meet?"

"He's my tutor!" Tony said. Tyler again burst in to laughter but with tears running down his face this time.

"Oh God! Stop it! Oh geez!" Tyler said holding his chest from laughter. "I've got to go!"

"Hey Ty? Can I ask you a private question?" Tony said as Tyler tried to stand up.

"Sure anything!" Tyler said.

"Promise you won't laugh?" Tony asked.

"No!" Tyler said still laughing.

"You don't happen to have a leash?" Tony asked very seriously.

Tyler burst into laughter again and left the room without answering. As he walked down the hallway towards his own hallway one thought came to Tyler's mind. 'How will I ever keep a straight face when I meet the two of them?'

Tyler unlocked his dorm room and entered. Derek was tapping away on his keyboard writing. "Honey! I'm home!" Tyler said smiling. Derek peered over his monitor and smiled back but said nothing.

"What? No hello Tyler? How are you? How was the staff meeting?" Tyler asked.

"Shush! I'm finishing a term paper for psych! It's due Tuesday but I want the TA to read it over first before I turn it in." Derek said not looking up from his notebook as he typed.

"I see. it's gonna be like this now. I come home. dinner isn't ready. my laundry isn't done. Tony needs a leash for sex with his new boyfriend. you're ignoring me." Tyler said trying to hold hack his laughter.

"What did you say?" Derek said stopping his typing and looking up. "I thought we were going out to eat?" Derek stared at Tyler holding a straight face for about five seconds when they both burst into laughter.

"Tony needs a leash?" Derek asked

"Never mind Derek." Tyler said leaning down to kiss Derek. "I love you Babe and you have made me the happiest guy in the world for choosing me!"

"I'm all yours Ty. until something better comes along." Derek said with a smirk as he resumed typing.

across the back of the head. "Ow!" Derek said still laughing.

"I'm going go turn on my computer." Tyler mumbled as he started to get changed out of his good clothes.

"Try getting naked and wearing only a couple of memory cards!" Derek said.

Tyler laughed. "Is that what you do to turn on your computer?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah. but so far it hasn't really helped. still very buggy." Derek said tapping away.

Tyler and Derek worked away at homework for the next couple of hours until Derek looked at his watch and said, "Shit! It's almost five now! I better grab a quick shower before dinner. I'll be right back!" Derek said as he grabbed his bath towel and headed down the hall to the door.

"Smell ya later." Tyler said. After Derek left Tyler decided he did enough homework and turn on his MSN. Kyle was online but listed as away. He had one new email message and he took a deep breath as he clicked on it.

"Tyler, I really don't know what to say? You've caught me completely off guard. It's really unfair of you to spring news like this through an email.

You could have phoned! I haven't said anything to your Aunt Sarah yet. I know she will be horrified when she hears the news. I can only think that your father would be even more shocked and sadden by this news that I am. I can only hope that this is a phase you are going through. We really need to talk so I can teach about the real world and how homosexuals are treated, not to mention what it says in the Bible about homosexuality. I don't think you have any idea what a horrible after life you will have. Your father would be so disappointed in you if he were alive right now! I can't believe you would do this to him? We should talk about this over Christmas and I think you should transfer back to U of T! I know this has been the most difficult year of your life but don't worry, your family is here for you and we will get you the help you need. Love, Uncle David."

Tyler held his hand over his mouth and blew a deep breath through his fingers. He didn't know how long he had been staring at his computer but it was Derek's return that brought him back to reality. Tyler didn't sign out of his email but simply clicked the x in the corner.

"I forgot to tell you what happened to Danny and Cody at the airport! It's so fucking funny! Ummm, maybe I should just let them tell you." Derek said laughing as he dried himself off.

Tyler stared at the screen for a while as Derek continued getting dressed. When Derek finished dressing he put his watch on said, "Its 5:38 did you want to give Ryan one more try?" Derek said but got no response from Tyler. Derek stuck his head down under the bed and look at Tyler staring at his desktop.

"Earth to Tyler! Come in Tyler?" Derek said smiling.

"Huh?" Tyler said.

"I said, do you want to give Ryan one more try before we go?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, sure." Tyler said pulling out his cell phone and dialling.

"Hey!" Ryan said answering his phone.

"Hey Ryan, where have you been all day? Did you just get back?" Tyler asked.

"Nope been here since this morning. Just been. busy." Ryan said laughing.

"Well Derek, Cody, Danny, and me are going to Leo's for dinner. Did you want to come with us?"

"I better not Ty, kind of busy here." Ryan said and Tyler could hear some noise in the background.

"Okay. Gotcha. You're not alone. Well you can bring your friend along if you want?" Tyler said.

"You mean I can bring my boyfriend along?" Ryan said. Tyler heard giggling in the background.

"Bring anyone you want Ryan. well except Dakota eh!" Tyler joked.

"Don't think you ever have to worry about hearing from him again!" Ryan said. "Okay, we have to grab a quick shower and we'll be there by. six thirty-ish?" Ryan said.

"Sure, no problem. We'll wait. Well I can't speak for Danny, but the rest of us will wait." Tyler joked. They said their good byes and both hung up.

Derek answered the knocking at the door. "Hey guys! Welcome back Danny!" Derek said. Derek reached out and hugged Danny. Danny looked over Derek's shoulder at Cody and gave him strange look. Cody smirked.

"Glad to have you back Danny!" Derek said as he released Danny.

"Thanks Derek." Danny said feeling a little strange about being hugged by Derek.

Derek then hugged Cody. Cody's eyes bugged out and it was Danny's turn to smirk.

"Did you have a nice Thanksgiving Cody?" Derek asked.

"Ummm, sure. Yeah it was good." Cody said.

"Tyler!" Danny said running up to him and wrapping his arms around him.

"Hey Danny, welcome back. How was the flight?" Tyler asked.

"The flight was fine, the airport security though. damn those guys are good!" Danny teased but only Cody and Derek laughed. "You didn't tell 'em did you?" Danny asked of Derek. Derek shook his head through his laughter.

"Tell me what?" Tyler asked.

"I'll tell you over dinner!" Danny said.

"Nice to have you back home Danny." Tyler said smiling.

"Home? Ummm. Yeah. I guess I never thought of this place as home, but you are right. Home is where your family is." Danny said as Tyler stared into his eyes. Tyler's eyes began to water up and he turned to grab his coat.

"Let's get going guys." Tyler said. He picked up a bag and handed it to Danny. "For you. Missed you bunches" Tyler said as he kissed Danny's cheek.

"Damn Tyler! You know how to look after your friends." Danny said pulling one cinnamon bun out and biting into it.

"We're about to eat dinner Danny!" Derek said smiling. Derek handed Danny a bag as well. "I just wanted to say thank you for all you did for me before you left to go home." Derek said. Danny opened up the bag and looked inside to see all of the cinnamon buns and smiled. Derek stood there looking at him with a smile. Danny opened his arms and gave Derek a hug. Derek held him tightly and gave Danny three gentle squeezes. Danny hugged Derek back even tighter. Derek whispered in his ear 'thanks for everything'. Neither seemed to want to let go. The past was now behind them.

"Ahem!" Cody said. "If you don't let go of my boyfriend I may have to fight ya!" Tyler put his arm around Cody's shoulder and said, "Maybe they should get a room?" Tyler led Cody down the hallway with Danny and Derek in tow.

When they arrived at the restaurant they headed to their usual corner with the circular bench seat.

"Ryan will be joining us shortly with his new boy friend!" Tyler said looking over the menu.

"Cool!" Said Danny. "Who is he?"

"Not sure." Tyler replied.

Tyler was sitting with his back to the entrance. Derek was beside him and Danny and Cody were across them. Ryan came bouncing down the aisle towards them. Danny was the first to say hello.

"Hey Ryan!" Cody said.

As Tyler was about to turn around and greet Ryan and meet the mysterious new boyfriend Cody added, "Hey Ben!"

Tyler stared at Cody for a second before turning around.

"Hey guys." Tyler said as Ryan and Ben arrived. Danny and Cody slid around the table so that Danny was sitting next to Derek. Ryan sat down with Ben beside him and directly across from Tyler.

Ryan beamed with pride over Ben. They held hands under the table but everyone there could tell what was going on. Secret little nuances between them resulted in giggles through out the meal. Cody and Derek thought it was cute and funny, Tyler seemed disinterested bordering on annoyed, and Danny was preoccupied watching Tyler's reaction to all of this.

Danny let Cody tell the story of the airport, which gathered several rounds of laughter from everyone except Tyler. When Ryan began telling the story of him and Ben, Tyler announced that he had to go to the washroom. Danny asked to be excused once Tyler had left the table.

Danny pushed the washroom door open and yelled "Dooooood!"

Tyler looked over at him from the urinal and laughed.

"Talk to me Puckhead!" Danny said unzipping beside him.

"Talk about what?" Tyler said.

"Don't fuck with Mr. Peel! I know you better than your boyfriend does. What's wrong? And don't say 'nuttin'!" Danny said getting angry.

"I don't want to talk about it right now okay Danny." Tyler said zipping up and walking over to the sink to wash his hands. Danny followed him to the sink beside Tyler.

"Fine, but we are going to talk tonight! You were acting weird at your room and when Ryan and Ben showed up you got weirder. Now I know you're from Canuckistan but this is even weird for you!" Danny said elbowing Tyler in the ribs. Tyler glared at him not seeing any of the humour in it.

"Puckhead! You know I love you and would do anything for you. Don't shut me out! Please?" Danny said giving Tyler a hug. "I don't want to lose the best friend I've ever had."

"Thanks Danny." Tyler said squeezing him three times.

"Besides, who else buys me cinnamon buns?" Danny said winking at him. "We better get back or people will talk!"

"Sure. Just get me out of here okay." Tyler asked.

"Anything for you Puckhead!" Danny said leading the way out the door.

"Who wants dessert besides Danny?" Cody asked.

"I don't want any dessert Cody. I really need to get back. I've a project to finish for business class. Hey Ty, could I get your help for a little bit tonight?" Danny asked.

"Sure Danny." Tyler said. Derek reached under the table and squeezed Tyler's leg three times. Tyler's face didn't react but he did reach back and squeeze Derek's leg three times.

Derek picked up the tab for everyone saying that he owed everyone for helping Tyler make it through the past three months of living with him. Everyone thanked Derek and left together heading back to their vehicles. Tyler climbed in his Jeep with Danny and Cody in the back and Derek up front.

"How about some music?" Danny asked.

Tyler pulled out one of his homemade CD's and picked the last song on the CD.

"Hey I know this?" Cody said. "It's the theme to The Soprano's! Who sings it?"

"The band is called A3." Tyler said.

Danny was banging his hands on the back of Tyler's head rest singing ". when you woke up this morning everything was gone by half past 10 you head was going ding dong. Ringing like a bell from your head down to your toes, like a voice telling you there was something you should know. Last night you were flying but today you're so low ain't it times like these that you wonder if you'll ever know. The meaning of things as they appear to the others."

"DANNY! HIT MY HEADREST ONCE MORE AND I WILL BREAK YOUR HAND!" Tyler yelled. The Jeep became silent except for the song playing. Derek glanced back at Danny and narrowed his eyes. Danny held up his hand where Tyler couldn't see it and mouthed to Derek to 'wait and relax'. They returned to the residence in silence. Danny crawled out through Derek's side and repeated his message quietly.

"Just let me talk to him and find out what's wrong." Danny said squeezing Derek's shoulder three times. "Thanks again for dinner Derek." Danny said giving Derek a hug and a kiss. Cody then gave Derek a hug as well. Tyler gave up waiting and walked off on his own to the elevator.

"What the fuck is going on?" Derek asked as he, Cody, and Danny followed Tyler from a distance.

"I don't know but let me talk to him. I know he will talk to me. Did anything happen while you guys where in Baltimore?" Danny asked.

"Everything happened, but I thought it was all over. I came back from my shower and he was acting strange." Derek pondered aloud.

"Just leave it with me Derek." Danny said. "Cody I will catch up with you later okay?"

"Sure Danny" Cody said giving him a quick kiss as they entered through the rear doors of the building.

"Danny, you have to tell me what's going on if you learn anything!" Derek said.

"Sorry Derek. You know I can't do that, but I will do everything possible to convince him to tell you whatever he might tell me. I know when he gets like this he needs his space and if you get in his face he will push you so far away you'll never get back in!" Danny said.

When they arrived at the elevator they expected Tyler to be gone upstairs already but he was leaning against elevator wall.

"Did you guys have a nice 'let's figure out what's wrong with Tyler conversation'?" Tyler asked not looking at any of them.

"No Tyler." Danny said. "We just talked about the size of you dick and what a big dick you can be at times!"

Cody snorted and Derek just looked at the floor expressionless. When they left the elevator all four headed down the hallway together. People just naturally moved out of their way.

"Later guys!" Cody said as he walked on past the three of them to his room.

Tyler unlocked the door and Derek and Danny followed him in.

"Grab your text book Ty." Danny said. Tyler searched but couldn't find it.

"Don't worry about it, we can share mine." Danny said walking back down the hall to the door.

Tyler went around to Derek sitting at his computer and bent down to say, "Be back soon. I love you!" Tyler kissed Derek.

"Love you too Tyler." Derek said as Tyler headed down the hallway.

Danny and Tyler walked in silence back to Danny's room. When Danny opened the door Tony was in there with some strange guy. Tony and the guy looked startled at the arrival of Danny and Tyler.

"Hey!" Danny said.

"Hey." Tony responded. "I thought you were going to be at Cody's tonight?"

"I am. Just needed this room tonight but that is okay. Ty, want to go up to the roof?" Danny asked.

"Sure. But I don't have my coat with me." Tyler said.

"Here! Take mine! Will you guys just go!" Tony said getting angry.

"I'm sorry Tony!" Tyler apologized. "Hi, I'm Tyler. Nice to meet you." He said extending his hand.

"Huh. hi! I'm Thomas. Tony's tutor." Thomas said.

"Damn! You are much cuter than Tony described! He only said you were hot." Tyler teased. Tony's face went red. "I'm just teasing ya Tony!" Tyler added. "Hey Thomas, Tony's really, really shy! It's gonna take a lot to bring him out of the closest but you won't find a better friend or student!"

Tyler added.

Tyler kissed Tony on the cheek. "Night Tony! Love you." Tyler said winking at Thomas. Thomas started laughing at the ribbing Tyler was giving Tony.

"I would love you more if you just leave! We're. studying." Tony said still beet red in his face.

"I can see that. I guess." Tyler said smiling at Thomas. "Hey Thomas, every Sunday night a small group of us get together and go out for pizza. You're welcome to join us anytime you want? You can even bring Tony!" Tyler said winking again at Thomas.

"Do I have too?" Thomas said smiling.

"Tyler! OUT! NOW!" Tony said pointing to the door.

"Night guys!" Tyler said walking out.

"You're mean sometimes!" Danny said walking towards the stairs.

"I'm mean all of the time Danny, it's just the smile that fools everyone." Tyler said climbing the stairs behind him.

Danny pushed the door open and wind took the door away and banged into the wall.

"Damn it's windy, not really cold, but windy." Danny said.

"Looks like this door is self locking. I better brace it with something to keep it from locking us out here." Tyler said as he braced the door open about one foot. There were several new pails of roofing tar sitting next to the door so they sat up on top of them next to the open door.

"Okay Ty, listen up! I haven't finished what I started in the van this morning with Cody. We haven't seen each other since Tuesday morning. Spit it out! No bullshit! I'll stay up all night with you but don't be pulling my chain!" Danny said stuffing his now cold hands into his pockets.

Tyler began laughing. "Did I tell you what Tony asked today?"

"You're avoiding the subject Mr. Peel!" Danny said.

"No, I am right on topic! Tony told me about Thomas coming over and asked me if I had a leash!" Tyler said bursting out into laughter.

"A what?" Danny said.

"A leash! As in a dog collar and leash!" Tyler said. Danny almost fell off the tar pails from laughing so hard.

"Okay Tyler. Nuff stalling. What happened today or this past week? No! Hold that thought! What happened that got you upset?" Danny said feeling proud that he had cornered Tyler into focusing on the subject.

"Oooooo, Mr. Armitage is getting good at this!" Tyler said laughing.

"I have the best teacher in the world Mr. Peel!" Danny said.

"I love you Danny." Tyler said.

"I love you too Tyler. Spit it out! I'm can feel my balls crawling up inside me from this wind."

Derek looked over at Tyler's bookshelf. He knew that Tyler organized his textbooks according to each day of the week so in the morning he could simply grab what was needed for that day.

"How fucking neurotic is that?" He asked out loud to an empty room. "Probably can't sleep unless he sees lines in the carpet before bed." Derek said laughing. He looked over at the shelf again and saw the textbook. "Thank God for parquet flooring!"

"Shit! There it is. Right where he always keeps it. Why didn't he notice it?" Derek pondered.

A few minutes later he said, "DAMN! He did notice it. He knows it's there but he didn't take it because he really didn't need it." Derek continued working on homework.

"What the fuck is going on?" Derek wondered.

Derek got up and grabbed the textbook from the bookshelf. "No I shouldn't!"

He said putting the textbook back on the shelf and sitting back down at the computer.

"So tell me Tyler!" Danny asked.

"I sent an email to my Uncle David today telling him about Derek and how I loved him. He wrote back and it wasn't good!" Tyler said pulling on a thread coming loose from his pants.

"And you haven't told Derek about this?" Danny asked. Tyler didn't answer.

"Tyler? You've got to tell Derek everything. Now!" Danny said. "Don't you see how much this is going to hurt you the longer you leave it?"

"Tyler?" Danny repeated.

"NO! I'm not ready to tell him everything yet! I was going to talk with him this week but after getting that email from my Uncle I know there is no way I am going back to Toronto for Christmas! If Derek knows he will feel sorry for me and insist that I go to his house and I don't want to spoil there Christmas." Tyler said still not looking at Danny.

"Spoil their Christmas? They fucking love you like the son they always wanted and they've already got three great kids! Especially Kyle." Danny said.

"Stop drooling! It'll just freeze to your mouth." Tyler teased.

"Tyler you can't spend Christmas alone! Come to my place, or go to Cody's? They would love to have you for Christmas!" Danny said.

"Danny, I don't expect you to understand this but I really just want to be alone now for Christmas. I have no family left. I can't explain it but I think I need to be alone and in a sense be with my immediate family. Does that make sense?" Tyler asked turning his head to look at Danny.

"Yeah, I understand. You need to put some closure to what has happened to them. I think you just ruined my Christmas now because I will be thinking of you being alone." Danny said resting his head down on his fists.

"You see Danny! Everyone will feel sorry for me. Everyone will be acting weird trying to make me forget something I can't forget or even forgive myself for! It would make the holiday's even worse for me!" Tyler said.

"I understand completely Ty, but I want you to know you are wrong. Completely and totally wrong!" Danny said.

"Why?" Tyler asked.

"Dammit!" Derek said out loud. He grabbed the textbook and his keys and left the room. Upon arriving at Danny's door he couldn't see any lights on in the room. He knocked on the door but no one answered. He knocked again but still no answer. When he knocked the third time he heard "FUCK OFF!" So he knocked again.

Tony answered the door wearing only a blanket wrapped around his waist. "WHAT!"

"Umm sorry Tony. I thought Danny and Ty were supposed to be here working on a project?" Derek said.

"They were here but they left to go up to the roof! Now go away!" Tony said slamming the door in his face.

"Must be a full moon tonight?" Derek said walking towards the door to the stairway. When he opened the door he felt the cool air coming in from the roof. Derek quietly shut the door and listened. He heard a door down below open followed by footsteps that were going down and then he heard another door open and then shut, finally silence. Derek crept up the stairs to the open door. He heard voices. He heard Tyler and Danny.

"It's wrong because you're only hurting yourself in the long run! If you can't trust Derek enough to tell him then you have no right to be in a relationship with him. Speaking as someone who originally thought Derek was the second biggest asshole on the planet next to Dakota, I can tell you that you have one of the greatest guys in the world and he loves you more than anything else. He's not perfect like you but he would give his life for you. The irony is that you might end up being the one that screws it all up!" Danny said and then began laughing.

Derek inched closer to the open door.

"What's so funny?" Tyler asked.

"Tyler! You're like the chosen one! You are perfection beyond anything the rest of us can even attempt to achieve!"

"I am not perfect and don't say that! People bitch all the time that I'm too perfect and then when I screw up you would think that the world collapsed and it is entirely my fault! People put expectations on me! Expectations that no human can live up too! I try my best to be a good person but I am not! Most people are thoughtless and selfish. I try not to be like that. It doesn't make me any better than anyone else. Trying to be a good person doesn't make you anything special or some type of hero! It should be the norm and not the exception." Tyler said blowing warm air into his cold hands.

"How much to you love Derek?" Danny asked.

"More than my life matters to me. I never knew what being in love was until I met him." Tyler said.

"Then you know what you have to do! To have love, you must have trust and communication. You're going to lose Derek if you don't start including him in your inner world! Anything else?" Danny asked.

"Yeah. I can't make sense of this and I can't ever tell Derek." Tyler said.

"What?" Danny asked.

"It's actually nothing, but I don't know why it bothers me?" Tyler said.

"What? I'm freezing here Ty!" Danny said.

"Okay, stand up and move around a bit." Tyler said. Danny hopped down from the pails of tar. Derek froze and then moved his right foot down one step.

"I picked up Ben halfway back to Philly. We went jogging, did some shopping, and had dinner together, that sort of stuff." Tyler began.

Derek felt his stomach drop.

"Are you telling me you have a thing for Ben?" Danny asked.

"No, not at all. In fact he made a move on me and hinted a couple of times that he was more than just interested and I did my best to make it clear that I wasn't interested in the slightest. Well. he is attractive, but I'm not in love with him. Actually, it was almost like being tested. I could have spent the night with him but I knew the only person I love is Derek. I didn't want to be alone that night but I also knew the only person I wanted in my arms was Derek." Tyler said.

Danny laughed and said, "Damn, you got it bad Puckhead!"

"No Danny, I got it good! I got the two best people in the world! My boyfriend Derek and my best friend Danny!" Tyler said smiling.

"Thanks Ty. You know it goes the same for me as well!" Danny said. "So finish up about Ben and how did they become a couple in one day?"

"Not sure about part two, but this is going to sound really bad. In some sort of way I feel jealous inside about Ben and Ryan! I could be with Ben right now but I'm not and I don't want to be yet I feel like I was dumped? I know it's stupid and I have no right to even think it but I feel that way inside and I don't know why?" Tyler said.

"Why don't you want Derek to know about you and Ben?" Danny asked.

"Me and Ben?" Tyler responded.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it that way, but why don't you want Derek to know?"

"Because it's all in my head and Ben is a really great guy and I don't want Derek acting funny around him or not wanting to be around him." Tyler said.

"How do you feel about being around Ben? Like I really have to ask after tonight." Danny smiled

"I feel exactly like what I don't want Derek to feel like." Tyler said

"You really think Derek needs protection?" Danny asked.

"No, not at all. I don't want to go through what I had to watch with you and Derek." Tyler said. "Neither of you guys would listen to me."

"We both heard you Tyler, some days we're just tired of you being right all the time." Danny teased. Tyler took a swing at Danny's arm but Danny moved.

"Going back to what you are feeling inside. I'm not sure I can answer that one Ty but I can tell you that you're not the only person to feel that way. I think you've lost so much in the last year that losing anything takes you back to ground zero." Danny said.

"Maybe." Tyler answered.

"Think of it this way. You're ten years old and one friend invites you to go to a show but you've already made plans to go with someone else. Then you see that friend at the show with another person and you feel jealous that you could be replaced that easily! It happens to all of us and you are certainly not alone. I guess it is a reminder to make the most of the time you have with those you love because you never know when you're going to get dumped!" Danny said and then stopped realizing what he just said.

"Or simply lose what you take for granted." Tyler added.

Danny reached over and pulled the door open. "I'm freezing!" He said as he stepped inside.

"Derek? What are you doing here?" Danny said as Tyler followed in behind him.

"Ummm, I found the textbook and brought it over to your room and Tony said you guys were up on the roof." Derek said not facing them. Danny looked over his shoulder at Tyler who was staring at Derek holding his textbook.

"Umm I better get going. Night guys." Danny said moving around Derek and skipping down the stairs two at a time. When door to the hallway closed the outside roof door also banged shut to end a deafening silence.

"You better sit down Derek." Tyler said and Derek dropped on to the step. Tyler sat down beside him but one step up.

"How long have you been listening?" Tyler asked in a calm voice.

"Not long." Derek said.

"How long?" Tyler repeated.

"A little while." Derek said.

"What exactly did you hear?" Tyler asked.

"When I came up the steps I heard Danny say something about 'if you can't trust me enough to tell me.' and then you guys started talking about Ben. I'm sorry." Derek said.

"I'm sorry too Derek." Tyler said.

Derek felt his stomach drop at Tyler's comment. It could be taken two ways.

"I'm sorry Derek that I put you in the position that you felt you needed to spy on me." Tyler said and Derek started to cry.

"Don't cry Derek. I didn't mean to upset you. I said I am sorry!" Tyler said gently rubbing his back.

Derek began sobbing. "I, I, I thought you were dumping me. You probably should." Derek said wiping his eyes.

"Derek, I am the one in the wrong. twice in one weekend! I'm catching up to you!" He said laughing a little. Derek laughed a little bit through his tears.

"Derek, listen please. Give me until after the holidays and I will tell you everything about me! The good, the bad, and the ugly truth! You can ask anything you want and I will answer it as honestly as I can. Just wait until the new year okay?" Tyler asked.

Derek nodded his head up and down as he cried.

"And Derek! No more spying! Not on my computer and not on me. Ask anything you want and if I want to tell you I will and if I don't, I will tell you that I don't want to right now, but I promise not to lie to you! Okay?" Tyler asked.

"Uh huh." Derek said as he continued to sob.

"All I want tonight is to go to bed with you holding me all right?" Tyler asked. Derek got up and leaned into Tyler as he continued to cry.

"I love you so much Ty." Derek mumbled through his tears.

"I love you too, but I gather you picked up on that earlier?" Tyler teased.

Derek sat down beside Tyler and wiped his eyes. "Danny knows everything huh?"

"Nope, but he knows most of it. Please don't put him in a position where he might have to make a choice?" Tyler asked.

"No I would never do that. I wouldn't be here with you if it weren't for him." Derek said leaning on Tyler's shoulder. "Where did you get this ugly coat Ty?" Derek asked and Tyler laughed.

"It's Tony's. Not mine. He loaned it too me. Speaking of, I better return this to him!"

"I wouldn't Ty. He's not in a good mood right now!" Derek said.

"Let's go home to bed Babe!" Tyler said as the got up and walked down the stairs together.

"You normally stalk the people you love Derek?" Tyler teased.

"Always!" Derek joked back and lightly punched Tyler's stomach.

Derek turned around and ran back up three steps to pick up the textbook he left lying on the steps. As he bent down his boxers showed.

"You're wearing MY boxers!" Tyler said shaking his head.

"Uh huh. got a problem with that?" Derek asked as he stood up and turned around.

"Actually it turns me on!" Tyler said and then they walked holding hands back to their room.

As the limousine pulled up to the automated gate the driver pushed a button on a remote control under his visor. Waiting only seconds for the Iron Gate to slide open he continued down the tree-lined driveway and up to the circle in front of the manor.

Submerged spotlights nestled through out the grounds shone brightly on the stone walls of the mansion. The driver came to a full stop and quickly jumped out leaving the limousine running. He nearly slipped on the newly fallen snow as rounded the back of the car hurrying to open the back door. He opened the back right door and extended to his hand forward to receive the briefcase of his occupant as he did every night at this time. When he returned the briefcase to its owner he noticed the newspaper lying on the seat.

"Sir! You forgot your newspaper!" The young man said.

The occupant gave a momentary glare at him before accepting the newspaper. "Thank you Carl, have good evening." He said walking away without waiting for a response.

"Thank you Sir!" Carl said. "See you at 6:30 Sir. good night" He said as the man climbed the stairs only to have the door opened for him by one of his staff.

"Good evening Sir!" Susan said with a slight smile.

"Hmmmpft!" Was all he said as he handed her his coat and briefcase but held on to his copy of the Monday evening Philadelphia Daily news.

"Sir, your dinner is ready and your soup is being served in the dining room right now. As usual, your tray in the kitchen is ready!" Susan said as she walked off to hang his coat up and place his briefcase on top of his desk in the library.

He walked into the kitchen and saw the tray sitting there as it always was at this time of night. He lifted the dinner plate cover and saw sliced roast pork with gravy, mash potatoes, and orange glazed carrots. Lifting the cover off of the soup bowl he smelled cream of broccoli. Peeking under the cover placed over the side plate he saw a slice of Susan's homemade coffee cake. "I must tell her to wrap up a piece for me to take to work in the morning!" He said to an empty kitchen.

He tucked the newspaper under his arm and lifted the tray being careful not to knock off the bottle of water lying on its side. He looked around the kitchen as he did every night to make sure he was alone. He walked over to a locked pantry door and inserted his key. As he removed the key, the door opened on its own. He pulled the chain in front of him that illuminated the spiral staircase that went down two floors to a hidden tunnel underground.

The tunnel was a straight five-foot by eight-foot high hall that ran downward on a slight slope for 600 feet to the barn. Seven lights each spaced 100 feet apart lighted the tunnel.

He could hear the foot steps in the concrete tunnel getting closer. That sound had begun to haunt him. He knew his dinner would be coming but he wondered what else might happen? It would depend on the old man's mood. He started to shake thinking about what might happen tonight when he realized that he didn't have his leg irons clamped on. He had only learned how to pick the locks in the last week and didn't want him to know that he knew how to get out of them and was now spending his time trying to pick the lock on the door. Quickly and quietly he reattached the leg irons and returned to his stripped mattress and pillow. He heard the key being inserted into the lock and began to shake again uncontrollably.

The old man opened the door about six inches and peered in to make sure that his charge was where he was supposed to be. Upon realizing he was on the bed, he opened the door fully and walked in. He set the tray down on the small chrome table that didn't have any chairs. He saw the young man cowering and he smiled inside knowing that despite his age he ruled his world and those around him. He turned and walked back to the door to leave.

Before he left, he turned around and threw the newspaper at the young man.

"Wow! Thanks!" The young man said with a smile. The old man grinned slightly and walked out closing and locking the door behind him.

He hadn't had anything to read except textbooks. He picked up the paper and read the date.

"SHIT! I missed Thanksgiving Day!" He said angrily. Then he realized that he did have turkey for dinner one night last week! He was just happy to know what date it was having not been outside in weeks. He couldn't decide if he should read the newspaper or eat first? He decided to eat while his dinner was probably still warm. He stood up to hear the clanging of the leg irons and paused to look down at them. He tossed the paper on to his bed and started towards the one table in the room containing his dinner. As the paper fell open something caught his eye and he turned back to pick up the paper and read it.

"Local restaurant takes City of Brotherly Love to a new level: The spirit of giving starts at work for this family run restaurant" the caption read above the picture. He looked at the picture and saw an older couple surrounded by their staff. He looked closer at the people in the picture and then stopped at one face. He scanned the article. "Tyler Peel, an honor student at Drexel here in Philadelphia came up with the idea and began giving a percentage of his tips to a donation jar for local charities. The rest of the staff joined in and Angelo and Gina agreed to match the contributions of the staff."

The old man had reached the sixth light in the tunnel on his way back to the house when he heard "Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgh!!!" He stopped and smiled to himself as then climbed the circular staircase back up to the kitchen.

The young man grabbed the front page of the paper and rolled it up into a ball and threw at the wall yelling, "You're soon to be history Tyler Peel and this time I won't be using my knife on your tires!"

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Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few months! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel.

Next: Chapter 28

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