The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Apr 26, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

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DONATIONS: My sincerest thanks to those who made a financial donation to the Nifty Alliance Group.

The Road Home: Chapter Twenty Six (This Kiss)

Tyler dropped into Brew Awakening's before work to pick up some cinnamon buns.

"Where have you been?" The lady asked and Tyler laughed.

"I was away in Baltimore for Thanksgiving." Tyler said smiling.

"We didn't know what to do with all the extra cinnamon buns around here." She joked.

"I'll make up for it today! Can I get two dozen please?" Tyler asked pulling out his wallet.

"Hmmmm. cinnamon buns. Do we still make those?" She teased. "Oh look! We have some right here!"

Tyler came into the restaurant through the back kitchen. Pots were bubbling and prep work seemed to be on the way but no one was in the kitchen. When he walked into the dining area he could see about half of the staff sitting down and heard Angelo's voice. Tyler checked his watch and realized it was 2:12 p.m. He remembered that Angelo had mentioned that everyone had to attend one of the two staff meetings being held.

"Tyler. You're late?" Angelo smiled looking at his watch.

"Sorry Sir. I stopped to pick up cinnamon buns for everyone." Tyler said setting the bag down on the table.

"Cinnamon buns! You can be late for every meeting from now on!" Angelo joked as he took one out of the bag and passed it around. Tyler looked up and thanked God for helping him cover his ass.

"Tyler, we were just discussing what to do with all this money we have raised. Christmas is coming and I was wondering if everyone wanted to put some or all of the money towards the Food Bank?" Gina asked.

"Yes Ma'am that would be a great idea. In Toronto, we have the Daily Bread Food Bank but it might be a good idea to divide the money up and give some toward Christmas presents for children in need and some to a Soup Kitchen that will serve Christmas dinner to the less fortunate?" Tyler asked. Everyone talked amongst themselves about what a great idea it would be.

"We will need someone to find appropriate charities to give the money to and we really need to count the money!" Angelo said.

"I'll take the money home and count it for you!" Brendan offered with a big grin. Everyone laughed the idea.

"Brendan? Why do we keep you here again? Oh, for comedy on slow nights. now I remember!" Angelo teased patting his back.

".and I thought it was my good looks and hot body?" Brendan said pulling up one sleeve and flexing his muscles. Some staffers feigned coughing and hacking.

"So I guess I won't mention the idea of a Brendan 2006 swimsuit calendar then?" Everyone stared at him in silence. "Fine, I will get a list of possible charities for us to give to!" Brendan said smiling.

"See! I always said you were good for something!" Angelo joked.

"I only work here because I feel so loved." Brendan pouted and then smiled.

"Brendan! We love you as far as you know!" Angelo laughed.

"I'm quitting this game. I can't win." Brendan said laughing.

The meeting ended when the last cinnamon bun was finished or about another ten minutes.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Larry asked.

"Yeah Dad. There isn't much more I can do." Derek sighed. "You should head back before it starts getting dark."

"You've got enough money?" Larry asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine Dad. Believe it or not, I really don't spend much money." Derek smiled.

"I know you don't Derek. Why don't you get together with a friend and go out for Chinese food tonight or see a movie?" Larry suggest putting his coat on.

"Maybe. I'll see. I've got a couple of projects to work on." Derek said.

"How is your psychology class going?" Larry asked.

"It's okay. Doesn't seem to have much to do with the real world though. It seems that all of my problems are not exactly textbook examples." Derek sighed.

"Well it is important Derek if you're going to major in Kinesiology then you have to be knowledgeable in healing the mind as well as the body. They work side by side in helping any patient recover. If the patient doesn't want to get better then it's a much longer road to recovery Derek." Larry said hugging his boy.

"That was directed at me wasn't it Dad?" Derek said.

"The heart, mind, and body all work together Derek. When you start to feel better about being who you really are then others will start feeling better about you." Larry said letting go of Derek. "You know where to find me if you need me!"

"I know Dad and I can't even find the words to tell you how much that means to me! I have my family and that's still the most important thing in my life." Derek said.

"Derek, I wish everyone realized that before it was too late. You've come so far, so fast! I want you to know how proud I am that you're my son and know that your family will always be here to support you through the good and bad times." Larry said stepping outside the door into the hallway.

"I love you Dad. Have a safe trip back." Derek said leaning on the door.

"I love you too Derek." Larry said walking away.

Derek closed the door and thought 'Chinese food huh'? "Hmmmm."

"Do you think he's going to jack off on cam?" Chris asked, as his semi-erect state was clearly visible in his boxers.

"Nope!" Kyle said. "He's going to get dressed in black pants, white dress shirt, and.. umm I will say the blue neon tie. Watch!"

Both boys watched as Tyler put on clean boxers, deodorant, Tommy Sport aftershave balm, and a white dress shirt.

"Damn! You're good!" Chris said staring at the screen.

"Yeah. I've been told!" Kyle said.

Chris looked at him with a smile and elbowed him. "Let me be the judge of that!"

Kyle leaned back in the computer chair while Chris leaned forward watching the screen intently. He had never taken the time to notice Chris' profile. His soft brown hair wasn't long or short. It seems to flow halfway over his ears yet stay close to his head. His long, straight, small nose made his deep brown eyes stand out his most prominent feature. Chris' innocent beauty would have made him a perfect model in a Sears' commercial. All American boy looks with a killer smile and a face of a thousand expressions.

Kyle realized that Chris' facial expressions easily revealed what he was feeling inside.

"Chris?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah." Chris mumbled looking over at Kyle only for second before returning to watch Tyler pull on his black dress pants. "Oh God. Do you see the size of that? He had to pull his pants out just to tuck that monster inside." Chris laughed and looked back at Kyle staring at him. "What?"

"Nothing. Well, maybe something. Can I say something personal?" Kyle said still leaning back in the chair with his index finger held snugly between his teeth. Chris now gave Kyle his full attention.

"You really are so gorgeous, so why are you not dating someone?" Kyle asked.

"I'm not gorgeous. I'm average." Chris said slightly embarrassed at the question and was now watching Tyler again. Tyler put on a hunter green tie.

"Ha! You didn't guess the colour of tie right so you lose!" Chris teased.

"Lose? We didn't have a bet!" Kyle said sitting up in the chair.

"Doesn't matter you were wrong and now you have to pay up!" Chris teased.

"What?" Kyle argued.

"Shut up and close your eyes." Chris said grinning. Kyle closed his eyes and tried to hold back his giggling. Chris stood up and leaned into Kyle bringing his lips down on Kyle's.

"Mmmmm." Kyle said, as they broke apart. "Remind me to bet with you more often! Funny, now that I think of it I thought we bet for more than that?"

Kyle leaned in and met Chris halfway in another kiss. This time Kyle's hand ran up Chris' thigh and gently caressed his full erection. "Oh. mmmm.. Yeah!" Chris said, as they pulled apart. Kyle opened his eyes first to see that Chris' eyes were still closed. He smiled.

A knocking at the bedroom door interrupted their attempt at a third kiss. "Come in." Chris said.

"Hey assmites! I'm gone for a few hours so don't fucking wreck the place, and Chris you're supposed to shovel out the driveway!" Jeff said to Chris as he glared at Kyle.

"You don't have to be rude Jeff!" Chris yelled at him.

"Whatever!" Jeff said turning to leave.

"Hey Jeff!" Chris yelled.

"What assmite?" Jeff said coming back to his bedroom door.

"What time do you want to have dinner?" Chris asked.

"You'll have dinner when I get back and when I say so!" Jeff snarled. "You fags are watching some guy on a webcam?" Jeff laughed out loud.

"Actually we are watching my brother and his boyfriend's webcam at school!" Kyle said. Jeff stopped laughing and walked up to the computer to look at webcam.

"Where is this?" Jeff asked as he watched Tyler getting dressed.

"Drexel University." Kyle said.

"Must be a fag school! Hockey's a gay sport anyway, like skate boarding!" Jeff said walking away.

"Can I have some fun?" Chris asked and Kyle nodded. "Hey Jeff?" Chris called.

"What?" Jeff said sticking his head back in the bedroom door.

"Did you know that Kyle's gay brother plays football at Drexel?" He said.

"Ummm No." Jeff said. "Who's your brother?"

"You'll find out." Kyle said smiling. "I'm sure he will want to talk with you. again!"

"Your brother knows me?" Jeff asked with some concern in his voice.

"Oh Yeah! Aren't you late for something?" Kyle said and Chris laughed. Jeff glared and left the room.

Tyler was tired and grouchy by the time he left work. The only highlight to his day was getting out of work by 10:30 p.m. The lack of sleep and morning run had taken a physical toll on Tyler. All he wanted to do was climb into bed. It wasn't until he turned the Jeep's engine off that he remembered punching his window earlier that day and why.

"Shit! Derek is back!" Tyler said. He pulled out his cell phone and dialled Cody's dorm room in the off chance that they came back early and maybe he could sleep there tonight. "No answer. Damn!" Tyler didn't want to sleep anywhere near Ben at the moment. He walked in the back entrance and stopped by to check for mail. He offered the security guard a cinnamon bun that was graciously accepted.

He inserted the key in the door and quietly pushed the door open. The room was in darkness. "Thank you God!" He said out loud for letting him come home and Derek not be there. He clicked on the light switch and nothing happened. Tyler flipped the switch up and down a few times.

"Shit! The light bulb is burnt out." He said aloud. He walked down the hallway towards the bathroom reaching his hand out as far as he could trying to turn the light on inside the bathroom while holding the door open to get light from the hall. He had to let the front door shut to reach the bathroom light switch.

Tyler flipped the bathroom light switch on and nothing happen. "Fuck we have a power failure!" He said. Then he remembered that there was light in the hallway. He continued down the hall running his hand along the wall until he reached the corner. The strike of a match and the light from it scared the shit out of Tyler.

Derek lite a candle that sat on a makeshift coffee table of two cardboard boxes covered by a large bath towel. He had placed the coffee table in front of the loveseat at the end of their beds.

"What do I smell?" Tyler said sniffing the air.

"Dinner!" Derek said.

"Why?" Asked Tyler.

"We have a date tonight if you remember?" Derek said.

"We do NOT have a date tonight!" Tyler said undoing his tie.

"Yeah we do!" Derek said standing up. "I asked you out on a proper date for Saturday night and last I checked. this is Saturday night!" Derek smiled.

"I recall that I said if I don't have to work." Tyler said.

"I recall that if you had to work we would do something quiet after work." Derek replied as he stepped aside so Tyler could pass by to his side of the room. Derek sat back down and began opening the different containers of Chinese food.

"Do we have any working light bulbs in the room?" Tyler asked as he discovered the light wasn't working in his walk in closet either.

"Nope!" Derek said. "I got a big bottle of R.C. cola."

"Nope?" Tyler said looking down at him.

"Nope!" Derek said without looking up at him.

"Where is the fuse panel for this room?" Tyler asked.

"That won't help you much." Derek said. "Oh the sauce in this dish is soooo good!"

"Why won't the fuse panel help?" Tyler asked getting perturbed at this conversation.

"Because I removed all the light bulbs." Derek said. "I hope you like Spring rolls. egg rolls always taste like biting into a cold wet tea bag."

"You normally eat cold wet tea bags?" Tyler asked.

"Not if I can help it." Derek said.

"Derek! I need some fucking light!" Tyler yelled. Derek got up and went around to his side of the bed and returned carrying a single long stem red rose. He handed it to Tyler and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Then Derek sat back down.

"Dinner is getting cold Ty!" Derek said.

"I don't care about dinner! I don't care about cold wet tea bags! I care about getting a working light bulb in this room!" Tyler said.

"If you want a light bulb then you have two choices! You can go buy one or you can sit down and eat and then I will put all the light bulbs back. Actually, you have two more choices as well!" Derek said without explaining.

"And those choices would be?" Tyler asked growing angrier by the minute.

"Well." Derek said lowering a noodle down into his throat. "Damn this is so good! Well your other two choices are. one; you could sit at your desk and play on your computer. Oh! Wait! Your power bar won't work either! The other choice is that you could quit your bitching, sit down and eat with me, and then get your light bulbs and power bar back!

"Option five! I could beat the shit out of you!" Tyler said.

"You could, but you won't!" Derek said. "I don't know what they stuff inside these deep-fried won tons but it so damn greasy and good! Oh yeah baby, come to papa!" Derek said as he munched on a won ton.

"Will you stop playing this game?" Tyler yelled.

"Sure if you answer me one question honestly! Actually two questions!" Derek said standing up to face Tyler.

"What questions?" Tyler said.

"Would you lie to me?" Derek asked.

"No. Never! Unless it was about a birthday gift or something like that." Tyler said.

"Good! So when you agreed to this date you weren't lying then! That's good Ty because I wouldn't want to tell Kyle that you lied. You know how he is about you and your word." Derek said. "Do you like your rose?"

"Derek! Second question so I can get some lights turned on." Tyler said.

"I will assume that is a yes, you like your rose! Okay, second question is so easy and if you answer no then you get your light bulbs, power bar, and the date is over! I even promise that you will never hear another word from me once you move out!" Derek said.

"Ready?" Derek asked.

"Ready!" Tyler said.

"Tyler Peel remembering your answer to the question that you will never lie to me! Do you love me?" Derek said and sat back down on the loveseat. Tyler didn't say a word. He turned around and went into his walk in closet and removed his shirt and black pants. He pulled on some sweat pants and sat down next to Derek on the loveseat.

"What are we having?" Tyler asked picking up his plate and putting a spring roll on it.

"Hey! You don't get to eat this stuff!" Derek said very seriously.

"What?" Tyler said setting the plate down.

Derek licked the barbeque sauce off of his fingers from eating a spare rib and then said, "You didn't answer the question."

"No answer! No food!" Derek said in a fake Chinese accent.

"That was a pretty good impersonation!" Tyler said.

"I know!" Derek said scooping some Cantonese chow mien on to his plate and then continued eating.

"So?" Tyler asked.

"So what's your answer?" Derek said with a mouthful of food.

"Yes I love you. I have always been in love with you." Tyler said.

"Yeah, I know." Derek said licking more barbeque sauce off his fingers.

"Can I eat now?" Tyler asked.

"If I don't finish it all first. go ahead!"

"You're such a fucking asshole!" Tyler said as he filled his plate up.

"Like you didn't figure that out the first day you met me?" Derek said stuffing two chicken balls in his mouth at once. "You got to try these chow mien noodles!" Derek said rolling up a ball of noodles in his fork and feeding Tyler.

"Shit! Those are to die for!" Tyler said.

"Not my balls, I talking about the noodles." Derek said smiling and looking at him.

"I never said I was talking about the noodles Derek." Tyler grinned.

"I love you Ty." Derek said without looking at him.

"Yeah I know!" Tyler said. "I still hate you at the moment."

"That's okay I hate you too at the moment." Derek said.

"Thank God we love each other eh?" Tyler said sucking the meat off of a spare rib.

"Eh!" Derek said. "You do that well you know!"

"Do what well?" Tyler asked.

"Sucking the meat off the bone." Derek said without looking at him.

"It's good to know that if the NFL won't take you then the Comedy Club will.

What's for dessert?" Tyler asked.

"Nuts!" Derek said slurping on his R.C.

Tyler burst into laughter. "That was really funny wasn't it?"

"If you say so!" Derek said ignoring him. "With a sense of humour like yours I can't see how you are able to judge what's funny!"

"So I end up supplying dessert on my first date with you?" Tyler asked.

"Nope!" Derek said as he squeezed the plum sauce out of the package on to the last spring roll.

"But you said we were eating nuts for dessert?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah!" Derek said setting a glass jar of gourmet chocolate sauce on the coffee table between them.

"We're covering your nuts in chocolate sauce? Wait a minute. I just realized something." Tyler said and Derek burst into laughter.

"We're having Chef's chocolate salty balls aren't we?" Tyler started to laugh and Derek nodded laughing so hard he could barely speak. When Derek calmed down he reached down under the loveseat and set a salt shaker down on the table and then burst into hysterical laugher. Tyler laughed as well and admitted to walking into that one!

When they finished eating they both leaned back in the loveseat with their arms and thighs touching holding their drinks.

"So you really didn't do anything for dessert eh?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah I did!" Derek smiled.

"Coolies! What are we having? You ate everything and I'm still hungry." Tyler teased

"We need to talk first Ty!" Derek said seriously turning towards Tyler.

"That's my line Derek!" Tyler said smiling.

"I'm still mad at you." Derek said.

"I know." Tyler said.

"You walked out on me." Derek said.

"I know." Tyler said.

"I was wrong too!" Derek mused.

"I know." Tyler said.

"When I screw up you can't get up and walk out on me!" Derek said.

"I know." Tyler said.

"I love you more than anyone on this planet!" Derek said staring at the lights on the CD player.

"I know." Tyler said.

"If you knew you were wrong and you knew I was wrong then why did you leave?" Derek asked now looking at him.

"Because I can be a dumb ass too Derek. I can be wrong and stupid and immature and selfish too! You think I'm some sort of Roman God but I am only human!" Tyler said.

"Actually I think of you as a Centaur. You know, half man and half horse!" Derek burst into laughter. Tyler smiled and punched his arm.

"Derek you were a little bit wrong but for me it hurt really deep inside. What I did was a thousand times worse but understand from my point of view, after you said that I had to question if everything you said you felt for me was true? Was it all a lie? You weren't forced to choose between your family and me. You openly and freely said that it wasn't what it looked liked." Tyler said.

"Please don't repeat those words. They still torture me and probably will until the day I die." Derek said sniffling.

"I'm not trying to torture you Derek. If I had been more rational I would have looked at both sides but those words cut deeper than anything else you've ever done to me. I will always try to be there to help you up if you fall, but don't expect me to hold you up. Do you understand?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah I do." Derek said.

"Derek you've shown me more love in the last week than I've ever thought you were capable of. Don't think that I don't fuck up and don't make me out to be something I'm not. We were both wrong here but I was more at fault than you! I failed you as well and I am more sorry for that more than anything else I've ever done to you." Tyler said tearing up.

"You didn't fail me Ty. You've shown me unconditional love and no matter how much of a fuck up I am you keep letting me back in so I do know how much you love me." Derek said taking Tyler's hand in his. "Can we start over?"

"No." Tyler said.

"No?" Derek asked.

"No! I don't want to go through the hell you put through for the last three months again. How about we simply move forward? Learn from our mistakes and accept each other's imperfections." Tyler said smiling.

"You know a lot don't you?" Derek asked.

"I know." Tyler smiled.

"Is there anything you don't know?" Derek asked.

"Probably lots Derek." Tyler said staring into his eyes.

"Did you know I've been practicing with a carrot?" Derek grinned.

"Excuse me?" Tyler said wide-eyed.

"You know.practicing. you've got use a big one and break the tip off though!" Derek teased.

"I did not know that!" Tyler said shaking his head.

"I'm just teasing Ty!" Derek laughed.

"Good! I was afraid I was in love with some vegan freak!" Tyler laughed.

"No seriously. I was really using a cucumber!" Derek said trying to keep a straight face.

"When you get up to butternut squash call me!" Tyler said winking and Derek doubled over in laughter.

"Speaking of nuts, are you ready for dessert?" Derek asked.

"I'm not really sure how to answer that right now." Tyler said.

"Tyler! I'm talking about dessert. As in food you eat!" Derek said getting up and going to his walk in closet. When he returned he set the dessert on top of his bunkbed where Tyler couldn't see it. He pushed the button on his CD player and Faith Hill came on singing "This Kiss".

"Hey we do have power!" Tyler said.

"I wanted to be able to watch TV while I was waiting for you to come home and guess what?" Derek asked.

Tyler shrugged his shoulders.

"The TV isn't working!" Derek said and started to laugh. So I burned a CD for you. Are you ready for dessert?"

"I thought it was right in front of me?" Tyler joked. Derek set the bag down on Tyler's lap. Tyler opened the bag lifted out a small plate that had a huge mound on it and was covered in tinfoil. As he peeled off the tinfoil he saw a Chocolate Moulton Lava Cake. Inscribed on the cake was 'I love you, Tyler'. Tyler set the cake down and stood up pulling Derek into his arms and kissing him.

"Ty!" Derek said pushing him back. "Wait! Stop. Dessert! Remember?" Tyler started kissing him again trying to shut him up. Derek pushed him away again.

"Ty! Do you know what I went through to get that cake?" Tyler kissed him staring into his eyes. "I had to go in and tell this 50 year-old lady that it was for my boy friend!" Tyler just kept trying to kiss him and began pulling Derek's sweatshirt up over his head. "Hey! Aren't you going to eat it? It cost me almost ten bucks!" Derek said while Tyler was kissing his face all over.

"Ummm. I guess we could eat it later then." Derek said as Tyler was undoing his belt and kissing his chest. "So you like the cake then?" Derek asked as Tyler began sucking on his left nipple. "I'll take that as a definite maybe!"

Just Breathe by Faith Hill came next on the CD player. Tyler began grinding their crotches together. "I'm glad you accepted this date. I was really worried about where I would find another Tyler to give the cake to on such short notice?" Derek said between shared sloppy kisses with Tyler.

"Derek, do you think you could just shut the hell up?" Tyler asked as he dropped his sweat pants down to his ankles.

"Oh... Yeah. No dessert huh?" Derek said. Tyler slid his hand down inside of Derek's boxers. "Oh God! Yeah Ty. We can eat the stupid cake later.."

Kyle and Chris were sitting at the kitchen table eating pizza when Jeff came in. "Do I smell pizza?" Jeff yelled closing the front door.

"Yup!" Chris yelled from the kitchen.

"I told you guys not to order pizza until I came home?" Jeff yelled as he kicked off his snow boats and pants.

"Jeff, it's 8:30 p.m. how long did you think we should wait?" Chris yelled back shaking his head at Kyle.

"How did you order pizza? I have the money!" Jeff demanded to know.

"I noticed. Dad left that money for me, not you! I'm sure you can explain to him why you took it and didn't show up until now?" Chris said winking at Kyle. Kyle laughed. "What the hell is this? Almost all of the pizza is gone and there aren't any hot peppers on it?" Jeff said looking in the almost empty pizza box. "You guys drank a large bottle of Coke too?" Jeff asked holding up the empty bottle for them to see. Both boys giggled. "You're in so much shit with Dad when he gets home!"

"Really?" Chris laughed. Jeff came up behind Chris and put him in a headlock, lifting him out of his chair by the neck.

"You think your fucking funny huh?" Jeff said holding Chris as he gasped for air. Kyle jumped up and reached around Jeff's neck pulling him backwards. Kyle then pushed his right leg out to the right and Jeff let go of Chris and fell to the ground. Kyle grabbed Jeff's left wrist and flipped him over on to his stomach pulling his hand up towards the back of his neck.

"You ever lay a fucking hand on Chris again and I rip your head off and shit down your neck! Now apologize to your brother!" Kyle yelled with his knee pushing into his back.

"You're so fucking dead when I get up!" Jeff yelled. Kyle pulled his hand up another inch towards the back of his neck and Jeff screamed like a baby.

"That didn't sound like an apology." Kyle said in a deep, low voice. Kyle moved his hand up another inch. Tears were running out of Jeff's face. Chris was watching this go on in shock and rubbing his own neck.

"Sorry." Jeff said. Kyle looked up at Chris and Chris nodded that it was okay. Kyle moved his knee and released Jeff's arm but his arm didn't move much. Jeff lay there panting.

"Chris go to the bathroom and put a cold, wet cloth on your neck!" Kyle said. Chris was about to object but Kyle's eyes told him he didn't want him in there so he left.

Kyle bent down slowly moved Jeff's arm forcibly back into place. Kyle leaned over his face and whispered quietly. "Listen up asshole! If I ever hear you laying a hand on Chris again I will do this and much more in school, in front of your friends, and I promise you it will hurt far worse than you do right now! Got it?" Kyle said sitting up.

Jeff nodded without saying a word.

"I paid for our pizza and we ordered a second large pizza made the way you like it, just for you! We also got you garlic bread with cheese and a large Hire's Root Beer because your loving brother wanted it for you! I also paid for that! You wanna fuck with me go ahead and try! You wanna get your friends together and gang up on me? I promise you will meet my brother and your death only moments apart!" Kyle said standing up.

Kyle held out his hand to pull Jeff up off the kitchen floor. Jeff flinched when Kyle moved his hand towards him. Kyle took Jeff's hand and pulled him up with enough ease to make Jeff question just how strong Kyle was?

"I'm not going to tell you what to do but I suggest you go and quietly apologize to your brother! For some reason Chris looks up to you and talks about how great you are?" Kyle lied but it was for everyone's good.

"Maybe it's time you starting acting like a big brother should." Kyle said grabbing the plates and glasses off the kitchen table and taking them to the dishwasher. When he finished, he turned around and saw that he was alone. He could hear voices upstairs.

Chris returned with a strange look on his face and Kyle winked. Chris smiled.

"Want to go play some video?" Chris asked.

"Sure. Have you got some four player games?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, why?" Chris asked as they left the kitchen.

"Jeff?" Kyle called upstairs in a soft voice. Jeff appeared from his bedroom without a shirt on. Kyle figured he was checking for permanent damage and held back a smirk. He also took the moment to study Jeff's muscular body.

"We're going to play some video downstairs. Want to grab some of your pizza and join us?" Kyle asked with a smile.

"Ummm. Maybe. Sure if you guys want me too?" Jeff said. Chris clued in immediately to what Kyle was doing.

"Of course we do Jeff! You're my brother stupid!" Chris said as the two of them headed downstairs. When they got to the bottom of the stairs Chris turned around so quickly that Kyle almost knocked him over. "You're amazing!" Chris said and leaned in and kissed Kyle before Kyle realized it.

"So are you Chris!" Kyle said wrapping his arms around him and taking a kiss for himself.

Jeff joined them with a plate of pizza and garlic bread for himself and two drinks for the boys. He sat on the right arm of the sectional while Kyle and Chris played their game.

"What game are you playing?"

"Race with the Devil: Grandma's Revenge!" Chris said as he rapidly hit buttons and leaned to each side with the turns his car made on the screen.

When Jeff had finished eating he asked if there was a multi player feature on the game.

"Yeah!" Said Kyle. "We can just start over and all three of us can play."

Chris whined because he was leading at the end of the current level of the game so Kyle came up with a solution. "Hey Jeff are you left or right handed?" Kyle asked.

"I'm left-handed." Jeff said.

"No, I don't mean when you jerk off, I mean when you write!" Kyle teased and Jeff's glare quickly turned into a faint smile. "Sorry, I was just teasing. Here, you sit between Chris and me and we can play together!" Kyle said standing up and moving so Jeff could sit in between them.

"How are we going to do this? Each play a level?" Jeff asked.

"Naw. this will be more fun since I am right-handed! You run the left hand side of the controls and I will play the right. Shouldn't be hard to beat your tard on your left!" Kyle winked at Jeff.

"So you're right handed when you jack off huh?" Jeff said smiling.

"Nope. I need both hands!" Kyle said grinning and Chris fell over laughing.

"It's true! He's in my gym class!" Chris said.

Jeff and Kyle played really badly together but had a lot of fun. They spent most of their time trying to run Chris' car off the road and since Grandma was programmed to attack the lead car Chris was getting frustrated.

Everyone was getting tired by eleven o'clock and Kyle leaned into Jeff so much that Jeff's right arm was hurting so he lifted it out and put it behind Kyle resting on the back of the sectional. Kyle eased his head down on Jeff's shoulder and a couple minutes later worked his left arm under and around Jeff's back. He brought his hand up against Jeff's left side into an awkward hug. Jeff looked down at Kyle, and Kyle sensing Jeff's movement raised his eyes upwards to Jeff and smiled. Jeff's arm wrapped around Kyle's shoulder.

Jeff could feel his erection slowly building and moved the game controller so that his left hand rested on his crotch. The readjustment of where the controller sat brought Kyle's right hand down on his thigh. This didn't help his problem.

At the end of the level Chris said he was heading up stairs to bed. Jeff wanted to play one more level so Kyle asked if it was okay? Chris didn't care as he could barely stay awake and told them he had hockey in the morning anyway.

Nearing the end of the level Kyle was getting tired as well and began doing stupid things to run them into walls, over bridges, and into random pot holes of hell. When they finally died from not completing the level Kyle tossed the game controller over to where Chris had been sleeping and wrapped his right arm around Jeff's tummy. He laid his head down on Jeff's chest. When he opened his eyes he realized that he could actually lick Jeff's nipple as he was that close but decided he better not. Jeff gently rubbed his back not really knowing what to do and already had to deal with strange new feelings inside of him.

"That was a lot of fun Jeff. Thanks for playing with us!" Kyle said resting comfortably into Jeff.

"I had fun too Kyle! Thanks for including me." He said.

"Sorry about earlier Jeff." Kyle said turning his head slightly so that his lips were almost touching Jeff's nipple.

"No, I'm sorry Kyle. I was an asshole. You're a smart little dude!" Jeff said giving him a half hug and resting his cheek on the top of Kyle's head.

Kyle giggled. "Tyler calls me not so little dude!"

"If you need two hands then he's probably right!" Jeff said laughing.

"Tyler needs four hands minimum!" Kyle said seriously

"Four hands?" Jeff laughed.

Kyle took Jeff's left arm and pointed it upwards to the ceiling from his elbow. He then wrapped his right hand around Jeff's arm. Kyle brought his had up one hand length and marked the arm again and then again. "Well three anyway." Kyle said quite seriously.

"I probably shouldn't ask how you know that should I?" Jeff said.

"Probably not!" Kyle giggled. "I better get to bed." Kyle added slowly pulling apart they sat side by side on the sectional.

"You're really nice Jeff. I hope we become friends." Kyle said not looking up from the floor.

"Me too Kyle! Me too!" Jeff said. Kyle got up and said good night. He was just about to start up the stairs when Jeff called to him.

"So who is your brother?" Jeff asked. Kyle walked back into the room and his tented jeans didn't go unnoticed by Jeff nor did Jeff's stare go unnoticed by Kyle.

"You really want to know?" Kyle asked as he leaned on the back of the sectional beside Jeff.

"What do you think?" Jeff said.

"I'll give you a clue! He's the wide receiver for the Drexel Dragon's Football team!" Kyle teased.

"No idea." Jeff said leaning back and rubbing his tired eyes. Kyle had a clear view inside the top of his jeans. 'No underwear' Kyle observed and smiled.

"Another clue will cost ya!" Kyle said.

"How much?" Jeff said smiling as he looked back and up over his right shoulder at Kyle.

"It's not how much but rather what!" Kyle winked. Before Jeff could ask he gave him another clue.

"Last year's most valuable player, most valuable receiver, most valuable offensive player, most." Kyle began spouting off.

"YOU'RE Derek Anderson's brother???" Jeff asked turning sideways to look at Kyle with his eyes now wide open.

"Yup!" Kyle said and leaned forward and kissed Jeff's cheek. "Night Jeff" Kyle grinned.

As Kyle headed up the stairs he heard Jeff yell, "Now I know why he calls you not so little dude!" Kyle burst into laughter and continued up the stairs to Chris' room.

Chris was sound asleep in his bed sprawled out on his stomach covering most of it. Kyle looked down at him and laughed. He leaned over Chris on the bed and kissed the back of his head. Chris never moved. Kyle stripped down to his boxers and searched through his backpack to find his toothbrush and toothpaste. He headed down the hall to the bathroom where he met Jeff. Kyle smiled as he walked into the bathroom and went to the sink. As he turned on the cold water, he noticed that Jeff was standing there staring at him. Kyle inserted his toothbrush into his mouth and began brushing. He turned and smiled at Jeff with his mouth full of toothpaste.

When Kyle finished brushing his teeth he washed his face in the sink. Lifting his head up with his eyes closed he reached for a towel that was hanging next to the vanity. Jeff placed the towel in Kyle's hand. Kyle thanked him for the towel without opening his eyes. When he did open his eyes he saw a smiling Jeff leaning against the shelving unit inside the door.

"Could you close the bathroom door please?" Kyle asked.

"Oh sorry." Jeff said walking out of the bathroom.

"No Jeff you can stay in here!" Kyle said lifting the lid of the toilet seat up. "I just have this thing. I can't pee with the door open!" Kyle laughed as he pulled down his boxers.

Jeff felt very uncomfortable but that didn't stop him sneaking peeks at Kyle's equipment. 'He's definitely Derek's brother!' Jeff thought to himself. Kyle finished, flushed, and washed his hands.

"All yours." Kyle said as he and turned sideways to get past Jeff and went back to Chris' room. Kyle tried to push Chris over to one side of the bed but wasn't having any luck. He came short of yelling at Chris to get him to wake up but it still didn't help. Kyle tapped on Jeff's open door and asked him for help to move Chris over. Jeff offered Kyle part of his bed but Kyle politely refused fearing Chris might be offended in the morning. Together they moved Chris over and in doing so, woke him up.

"What?" Said a very sleepy Chris.

"Move over bitch!" Kyle teased.

"Sorry." Chris said sliding to one side.

"Thanks Jeff!" Kyle said giving him another hug. This time Jeff returned the hug and pulled Kyle into him. Kyle enjoyed the feeling of being held by someone bigger than him. It reminded him of being held by Tyler. Kyle moved his hands up and down Jeff's back. At that moment Kyle could feel Jeff's growing member against his tummy. Jeff separated quickly, turned, and said goodnight to both of them pulling the bedroom door shut. Kyle smiled, turned out the light and crawled into bed with Chris.

"So are we going to cuddle?" He asked Chris as he wrapped his left arm around Chris' chest. Chris mumbled something inaudible and Kyle kissed his shoulder and fell asleep with his head lying on Chris' back. Kyle smiled to himself, happy that he was not alone anymore.

Tyler took a naked Derek's hand and led him over to Derek's side of the bed.

He cupped his hands and Derek knew to step in and Tyler would help him up into the bed. Tyler then placed both of his hands on the side rails and lifted himself up and on to the bed.

"How do you do that?" Derek smiled shaking his head. Tyler didn't say a word. He crawled over Derek forcing him to lie down on his back. Tyler's semi-erect cock grazed over Derek's erection. Staring down, face-to-face, eye-to-eye, Tyler lowered himself and kissed Derek.

"Oh God yes!" Derek moaned.

"Do you get the same sensation that I get from kissing you?" Tyler asked.

"Well. I don't actually kiss myself Ty." Derek joked.

"What if there's a mirror nearby?" Tyler said smiling.

"You've been spying on me haven't you?" Derek asked as he fingered Tyler's nipples.

Tyler kissed Derek again.

"Can you lie beside me and we can talk for a bit?" Derek asked.

"Oi Vey!" Tyler sighed as he lay down beside Derek resting on his right arm.

"Oi Vey?" Derek asked. "Are you going to make fun of Jews around the world now?" Derek asked.

"I'm not making fun of Jews Derek! Judaism is steeped in belief in God and the importance of family. I'd never mock that and furthermore, I've never met a Muslim I didn't like either. Most Muslim's are not of the extremist nature that you see on the news. Having faith in your own God is something that we all should respect. Being different isn't something to fear but something to celebrate."

"Like being gay?" Derek asked.

"Like being gay!" Tyler said.

"You still won't make a very good Jew Tyler!" Derek said.

"Why not? I've got the accent down! No one enjoys a good bagel with a schmeer more than I do!" Tyler joked with Derek.

Derek grabbed hold of Tyler's cock and tugged on his foreskin a few times.

"Oh!" Tyler smiled. "I still think I would make a good Jew! I believe in God and I am still pissed about The Merchant of Venice! Shylock should have been given his pound of flesh! Of course I would have changed the ending and awarded Shylock one pound of Shakespeare's flesh so I wouldn't have to read anymore of that crap!"

Derek laughed.

"You really do love me?" Derek asked.

"I really do love you Derek!" Tyler said.

"You would make a great anything you want to be Ty, but you're not losing this!" Derek said as he worked his thumb over the head of Tyler's cock.

"Keep it up and I will make a great orgasm!" Tyler joked. "You never know Derek. you might just suck the foreskin right off me? Hmmm Rabbi Tyler! Has a nice sound to it!" Tyler joked.

"Are we going to grow old together Ty?" Derek asked.

"I don't know, I hadn't thought it out that far in advance." Tyler said. "I just want to live for today Derek. Who says there will even be a tomorrow?"

"Now you're depressing me." Derek sighed as he locked his arms together.

Tyler ran his finger's nimbly over. "What's going on inside that football brain of yours?" Tyler asked.

Derek's eyes shot a look of anger at Tyler. "Ty, in one week we've gone from one extreme to the other! I could be in jail right now for punching you or we could be getting married from some of our talks!" Derek pushed Tyler on to his back and laid his head on Tyler's chest. Tyler wrapped his right arm around Derek and held him close. He ran his fingers gingerly back and forth across Derek's back.

"Want to tell me what is really on your mind?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah. but I'm not sure what's going through my head right now? All I know is that I don't ever want to be very far from you. I know I love you, I know I am in love with you, but in many ways I don't know anything about you? Tell me something about you?" Derek asked as he twirled one finger over Tyler's tummy.

"What do you want to know?" Tyler asked.

"Ummm. your family! You said you don't get along well with your Dad! Why is that?" Derek asked.

"I think it's a few different things." Tyler began, "I have a few memories of being really young with him and they're not good memories."

"Like what?" Derek asked.

"I remember being around two years old or even a bit older and Dad getting mad at me for not standing up when I peed." Tyler said.

"What?" Derek lifted his head to laugh. "Are you serious?" Tyler glared down at him showing his disapproval with Derek's reaction. "Sorry. Please continue."

"Dad told me that big boys stood up to pee and I didn't want too. I don't know why but I didn't want too. Something had to have happened for me not to trust him?" Tyler said. "He told me if I didn't stand up to pee then I couldn't go outside and play with my friends! It made me angry I remember. All the kids around me were girls and they were a few years older. David wasn't born yet. Do you know what a tutu is?"

Derek snort with laughter. "Yes I do but do I even want to hear this?" Derek continued laughing.

"The girls dressed me up in a tutu and presented me to Mom. She thought it was funny. Dad came in from work but he didn't see the humour. I remember them having a big fight about it. Next thing I knew I was being dragged kicking and screaming to hockey." Tyler said.

Derek rubbed Tyler's chest. "I'm sorry Ty, I can't even imagine how you managed to live carrying shit like that."

"When I was eleven years old. we lived in Vancouver at the time. Dad took two friends and me on a steam engine train trip up to a little town called Squamish in the interior. You need to know that at age eleven there is some competition between friends as to who has the best father. Both my friends came from wealthy families but we were dirt poor in comparison. Three times on this birthday trip Dad referred to me as being stupid and bull-headed. It sort of became a joke with David and me. We would answer the door to company and introduce ourselves as 'Hi I'm stupid, and this is my brother bull-headed!'"

Derek had to cover his mouth he was laughing so hard. "Damn Ty, you are a little more like Luke than I originally thought."

"You think I'm like Luke? Tyler asked.

"Yeah. sort of. The first time we met you were half naked singing out loud without a care in the world." Derek laughed and so did Tyler at the memory.

"I take that as a compliment Derek!" Tyler said.

"It was meant as a compliment Ty!" Derek said. "So back to your train trip?"

"When I got home I was really upset. It was embarrassing to have your own father make fun of you in front of your best friends when I was always telling them how great he was. Mom knew something was wrong. I didn't want to eat and I didn't want to play with my friends either." Tyler recalled.

"So what happened?" Derek said sitting up beside Tyler with his legs crossed under him.

"About three days later I was still feeling sorry for myself. I have been raised that I was less than average and incompetent at most things I did - except hockey! So Mom forced it out of me. I told her what happened and what she said changed my life forever." Tyler said sitting up and facing Derek in the same position.

Derek took both of Tyler's hands into his own and asked him, "What did she say?"

"She told me that Dad came from a family that didn't show love. She said that Dad wasn't capable of loving anyone else because he didn't love himself. The news sort of freed me from my own guilt but it made living with him even more difficult. I began to see where he really only had a family for show. I became more protective of David from that moment on so Dad wouldn't hurt him like he had me." Tyler said.

"Was your Dad mean to David as well?" Derek asked.

"He was until I began protecting David. I would take the blame for what David did so he wouldn't get in trouble. It took me a few years to realize it but as I pieced the puzzle together I began to see that Dad was in competition for David's affection against me. He would do anything and everything for David but not because he cared, instead it was his way of taking shots at me." Tyler said.

"That's really sick and demented." Derek said still holding Tyler's hands. "Sorry, I probably shouldn't say that."

"No, it's alright and it's true. Derek, you should never be afraid to say what you are feeling!"

"I guess your Dad wouldn't be too happy about the idea of you being gay then huh?" Derek asked.

"Not in the slightest, but that isn't something that needs to be dealt with, just try to understand that my relationship with my Dad hasn't been an easy one. Are we done with this or do you have more questions?" Tyler asked smiling.

"Yeah. I'm done. I'm sorry." Derek said.

"Derek! Please don't be sorry for me! It bugs the shit out of me! I don't want people feeling sorry for me!" Tyler said getting angry.

"I'm sor.. I mean.. I don't know what I mean." Derek said feeling upset that he had hurt Tyler.

"No Derek! You've neither done nor said anything wrong. Even if I am sensitive to something it doesn't mean that you are wrong." Tyler said. "It's one thing not to say something but it's another to blatantly lie. Please don't ever lie about your feelings towards me. That is all I will ask of you!"

"Honour bright eh?" Derek said

"Honour bright Derek!" Tyler responded smiling.

Tyler leaned in towards Derek. "Derek, come get a little bit closer. Breathe in and get a bit higher. You'll never know what hit you when I get through with you." Tyler said as he pushed Derek back down and crawled on top of him.

"Derek, I love you more than anyone I've been in love with before." Tyler said planting kisses as he moved down Derek's chest.

"Ty. Ty. Please stop! I don't want to do this right now. I just want to hold you in my arms and never let go." Derek said sitting up and kissing Tyler.

Derek took the lead for the first time and pulled Tyler into his arms. Derek grabbed one pillow for the two to share and pulled the comforter up over the two of them. Tyler closed his eyes and held on to Derek's arms.

"Are you still going to move out tomorrow?" Derek asked in a shaky voice

"Derek, if I move out it doesn't mean that I don't love you. I just wonder if we have a better chance of being together if we are not living in the same room." Tyler said.

"I think the best way for us to learn about dealing with each other is by living together! There's only four weeks of school left. I like to prove to you that I can be everything you want me to be; everything I should be!" Derek sighed.

"I love you Derek and I know you love me. That's the only important thing right now and about all I can handle until morning okay?" Tyler said.

After a few minutes of quiet Derek chuckled breaking the silence.

"What?" Said Tyler.

"Do you want your light bulbs now?" Derek said through his laughter


"Nope?" Derek asked.

"Right, no more light." Tyler said.

"No more light! Why?" Derek asked

"Cause it means this night would have to end." Tyler said lifting up Derek's hand and kissing it.

Derek kissed the back of Tyler's head and they both closed their eyes.

Jeff closed his bedroom door and paused to stretch out his boxers. He looked down at his erection and when he slid his hand inside to readjust he felt the wetness. <Snap! > He released his boxers, turned out the overhead light and walked through the darkness to turn on the bedside lamp on his night table. Jeff pulled back the comforter and got into bed. He fluffed his pillow up and pulled out his football playbook to go over four new plays he had to learn for Tuesday.

Jeff pulled the four pages out of his playbook. While skimming through them he reached into his boxers to scratch himself. The wetness again distracted him. He put the pages back in the book and pushed his boxers and the comforter down.

Fisting his flaccid cock he moved his thumb behind the head to the sensitive area and gave it a little rub. His erection filled out immediately. He closed his eyes and thought about his girlfriend Paula. As he pictured her from behind getting undressed, she turned around with Kyle's face. "What?" Jeff said opening his eyes. He closed his eyes again and all he could think of was Kyle and Kyle's touch. Jeff didn't fight it at all. His mind swirled around between the memories of the heat coming off Kyle's body, to the touch of his fingers, to look in his eyes. He knew that not fifty feet away that Kyle and Chris were playing around and that thought made his cock pulsate. He opened his eyes at the feeling of precum dripping on to his navel.

Closing his eyes again, Jeff thought about the Chris and Kyle kissing and touching each other. He then thought about Kyle's taking a piss and what a strange turn on that was for him. Jeff wasn't turned on by anyone pissing but he knew it was the closest thing to watching someone have an orgasm. His chest heaved in and out. His thoughts went back to the kiss that Kyle gave him and then to the strangely erotic feeling he had when Kyle pinned him down to the floor and then back to his first memory of Kyle in the hallway wearing only boxers.

Jeff stroked with his left hand while his right hand clenched deeply into his thigh as he began to shake all over. The contraction of his first volley of cum felt like a hammer hit his balls. He shot himself in the face. The next one hit his right arm bicep and the last four shots oozed out on to his ribbed chest. Jeff panted and trembled from what had just happened.

"Shit! That was the best orgasm I've had in years." He said. Jeff grabbed some tissues and wiped his face and arm. Running his index finger through the pool of cum he tasted it.

"Hmmmm. why can't we have it in our mouths to enhance the orgasm rather than after?" He wondered to himself. Discarding the balled up tissues to his nightstand he turned out the light. Grabbing his extra pillow, he hugged it pretending he was holding Kyle in his arms. Jeff closed his eyes and he gave his pillow a quick peck.

"Please! Please! Please Dad! I won't wreck it! I promise!"

"No Cody! You're not driving the Miata in weather like this. Besides with all the stuff Danny is going to bring back you would never fit it inside." Coach Conners said.

"But Dad!!!!!!!!!!" Cody pleaded. "The shocks and struts are screwed on the van! The thing rocks back and forth if there's a slight wind at a stop sign!"

"No Cody! You take the van and if you ask again I will come along with you for the ride!" Coach Conner's said smiling to himself as he washed the breakfast dishes.

"Fine!" Cody stormed out of the kitchen.

"And if you don't get your sulking ass out to the airport Danny's going to be pissed!" Coach Conner's said.

"I'm going, I'm going." Cody said putting his jacket on at the door. Coach walked up to Cody at the door.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to your old man?" Coach asked.

"Bye Dad. Thanks for letting me use the van to pick Danny up." Cody said still sulking.

"I love you Cody." Coach Conner's smiled.

Cody stood up from putting his winter boots on and looked at his Dad. "I love you too Dad! I'm sorry."

"It's okay Cody. I understand you wanting to use the Miata but the weather isn't good enough for anyone to drive it and the last thing I want is a phone call from the police that something has happened! Drive safely and have the van back home by six okay?"

"Thanks Dad." Cody said giving his Dad a hug.

"Send your boyfriend my love!" Coach said quietly into Cody's ear as he hugged him back.

"Really?" Cody asked beaming

"Really! Just save the occasional kiss for your old man okay?" Coach teased.

Cody reached up and gave his Dad a kiss on the lips. "I love you so much Dad! Thought I better do that now. might be all out later!" Cody winked and left.

Cody paced back and forth waiting for Danny's connecting flight on U.S. Air to arrive from Chicago. Danny's flight had arrived 12 minutes early and people were disembarking but there was no sign of him. As the crowds dispersed Cody began to wonder if Danny was even on the flight. He was about to go ask one of the flight attendants standing at the runway door if Danny was on the flight when a wheel chair appeared. There was no one in the wheel chair but the foot pedals held a suitcase and a hockey bag stood vertically on the wheelchair seat along with a pair of downhill skis and poles. The chair banged three times at the door before making it's way through. Danny's head appeared to one side as he looked down to see what he was hitting.

"DANNY!" Cody screamed attracting the attention of everyone still in Gate C.

"CODY!" Danny yelled back! Everyone thought it was two long lost friends or brothers until they ran to each other and began kissing heatedly.

All of the male and female flight attendants thought it was really cute and few were even making notes between them.

"Edna! Edna! Wake up!" Bill said as he nudged his wife in the lounge chair beside him.

"What Bill? Is my walker in the way?" Edna asked.

"No. Look over there! Which one's the girl?" Bill asked as he pointed his shaky finger towards Danny and Cody.

"Their both boys Bill. You woke me up for that?" Edna asked disgusted in him.

"Boys? Kissing? It's that damn American Idol show! Can't tell the boys from the girls! They're all fruity as a cake if you ask me! Especially that idiot Judge!" Bill said as he snarled, disgusted at the sight before him.

"Oh God I've missed you!" Said Danny.

"Fuck you Puckhead. I've missed you more!" Cody said embracing him and showering him with kisses.

"I've gotta pee soooo bad Cody! Be right back. Watch the stuff for me please." He said running off to the washroom.

Cody watched and waited for Danny to return. He was still holding a surprise package for Danny in one hand. He watched as Danny left the guest lounge washroom looking in his wallet. He then watched Danny flag down two passing security guards. Danny approached the security guards and handed him the wallet. One of the security guards pulled out a walkie-talkie attached to the side of his belt. Cody could hear one of the guard's voices as he spoke through the intercom system through out the entire airport.

"William Jamieson! Mr. William Jamieson. Please contact any service counter if you are in the building."

"Bill! That's you they're calling! Go see what they want." Edna said.

"Probably telling us our flights been delayed! I hate airports!" Bill said getting up and walking over to the U.S. Air flight check in desk.

"Yes Sir, can I help you?" The flight attendant asked.

"Yes, I am Bill Jamieson. I was called over the speaker system." He said.

"Just one moment Sir." She said dialling some numbers on the phone.

"Yes I am at Gate C12 and I have a Mr. Bill Jamieson here. He was paged." She said into the phone. "Yes, thank you. Bye."

"Just wait one moment Sir and someone will be here to help you." She said.

"I don't need any help!" Bill said slightly upset at the accusation.

The call came through to the security guards walkie-talkie in the passageway near C12. The guard smiled and pointed to the elderly gentleman standing at the counter. The two guards almost had to drag Danny over with them, as he didn't want to go.

"Mr. Jamieson?" One of the security guards asked.

"Yes?" Bill said.

"Sir, can you show me some identification please?" The guard asked. Danny started to snicker. Bill reached into his coat to find his billfold but it wasn't there. He frantically searched everywhere for his wallet but no luck.

Edna sensed something was wrong and was attempting to stand up with her walker alone. Cody saw her struggling and went over to assist her to stand.

"Did you need any help Ma'am?" Cody asked.

"No, thank you. I'm just walking over to see my husband over at the desk." Edna said.

"If it would be easier, you are welcome to hold on to my arm and I can take you there?" Cody offered.

"Why thank you." Edna began.

"Cody Ma'am!" Cody said smiling. "It would be my pleasure to walk a beautiful lady over to the counter."

When they arrived at the counter to join the others Edna said, "What's the problem Bill?"

"These men want to see some identification and I've lost my wallet." Bill said.

"Ma'am what is your home address?" The security guard asked.

"1010 Cedarwood Crescent, Apt 309, Rochester, New York." Edna said.

"Thank you Mrs. Jamieson. That's what we needed to know! Mr. Jamieson, here is your wallet Sir." The security guard said handing it to him.

"What? What are you doing with my wallet?" Bill demanded to know.

"Bill!" Edna said grabbing his arm. "These nice gentlemen are returning your wallet to you!"

"Actually Mrs. Jamieson, this young man here found your husband's wallet in the washroom over there and turn it over to us." The guard said patting Danny's shoulder.

"Doesn't look like anything has been stolen Edna! I guess you men can let him go!" Bill said staring down Danny. The security guards and Cody burst into laughter.

"It's alright Bill! No one was stealing anything. This fine young man simply returned your wallet and his friend here walked me over to you! Now thank the young gentleman for being honest!" Edna said shaking her head in embarrassment.

"Hmmmpft!" Bill snorted.

"Ma'am can I walk you back to your seat?" Cody offered.

"Why thank you Cody!" Edna said taking his arm and turning to go back to sit down.

"Sir, did you want to take my arm and I could walk you back to your seat as well?" Danny asked.

"I'm not your type!" Bill growled and turned and walked away. That got both guards to burst out in laughter. Danny just held his hands up in the air saying nothing but he did smile.

"Thank you very much Cody." Edna said as she sat down.

"Glad to be of help Ma'am." Cody smiled. Bill sat back down beside Edna and gave Cody a glare. Danny joined Cody in front of the Jamieson's.

"Everything all right?" Danny asked.

"Yup. All is good!" Cody said. "By the way I brought you a present!"

"Really! What?" Danny asked. Cody held up a bag of cinnamon buns from Brewed Awakenings.

"HOLY SH.. Yum!" Danny said catching himself. Danny opened the bag and saw a dozen cinnamon buns inside. He looked over at the Jamieson's. "Only a dozen?" Danny said winking at Cody.

"There's another bag waiting for you!" Cody teased.

"Would you people like to try a cinnamon bun?" Danny asked.

"Oh thank you but we are fine! I'm sure there will be snacks on the plane ride home!" Edna said.

"Exactly Mrs. Jamieson. Snacks! These are the best buns in Philly!" Danny said and Cody burst into laughter. Danny smiled and glared at Cody.

"Please try one!" Danny said holding the bag open for them. Edna took a bun and then Danny offered one to Bill. Bill carefully eyed the contents. As he reached inside to take one out he said, "No maple glazed in there I gather." Danny looked at Cody and Cody smiled.

Danny turned around to see the two guards still standing there and he went over and offered each of them a cinnamon bun. They graciously accepted one each and thanked him for being honest about returning the wallet. Danny and Cody extricated themselves from the airport lounge and headed to the elevator.

"A lot of freaks live in Rochester huh?" Danny asked smiling.

"All of them. You'd have to be nuts to want to live there!" Cody joked.

"So where did you a park?" Danny asked.

"Top floor, number 5. The place was packed I could barely find a parking space." Cody said. When the elevator door opened and they walked through a couple of sliding doors to see an empty parking lot.

"I thought you said the place was packed?" Danny asked. "There's like only 10 vehicles out here!"

"It was packed when I came in! I swear!" Cody said laughing

"So where's the Miata babe!" Danny asked.

"Ummm. I brought the van. Dad said no way in this weather!" Cody sighed.

"No problem, my skis wouldn't have fit in anyway." Danny said as they walked up to the van. Cody crawled inside and Danny passed his luggage to be set on the floor. Danny stared at Cody's butt and couldn't wait any longer. He jumped inside and pulled the van door shut behind him. Danny flipped Cody over and began kissing him.

"What are you doing Danny?" Cody asked.

"If you don't know by now you never will!" Danny laughed as he unbuckled Cody's belt and began pulling his jeans down.

"Danny! No we can't do it here! We'll be back in the dorm in 25 minutes so just wait." Cody begged through his laughter.

"We'll be fine Cody! No one's around! There are only a few cars here." Danny said pushing his own jeans and boxers down to his ankles. "It's been almost six days, I'm gonna explode here!"

Cody giggled as Danny put on his condom and lifted Cody's legs to the roof of the van. "Did you miss me?" Danny asked stealing kisses.

"Did I ever!" Cody said wrapping his arms around Danny and kissing him.

"Did you miss this?" Danny said winking as he slid in past the sphincter. Cody yelped and nodded. Cody's head thrashed back and forth against the floor as Danny got into his rhythm. The van began rocking up and down to their grinding motions.

"This van rocks.literally!" Danny said laughing. Cody's eyes rolled back into his head from the ass pounding Danny was giving him.

Two security guards entered the fifth floor parking level from the elevators. They walked around the elevator walls to give them a quick view of the entire parking level.

"Looks good here." One guard said to the other.

"Yup. Let's go. hey! Do you see that?" The second guard pointed over to the van in the back corner.

"Looks like some couple didn't get to make the mile high club so they're going for 150 yard club?" The first guard said laughing. He clicked on his radio to control.

"Go ahead Rick" the response came back from control.

"Control! Jason and I are on the fifth parkette and we have another mile high club wannabe!" Rick said.

"Got your camera?" Control said back to Rick.

"Negative Control! Send us up a SV please! Over." Rick asked.

"Roger Rick. Security vehicle on route." Control said.

"Let's go catch us some pie!" Jason said as he fisted with Rick and smiled.

"I hope she's a blond and under 50 this time!" Rick said as they quietly approached the van.

"Please, don't remind me! I still have nightmares from that one!" Jason laughed. "I can't even look at my Grandma in the face anymore because it reminds me of her!" Rick snorted.

Jason and Rick went on each side of the van. Jason peeked into the back of the van through the side window. He went around to the back of the van where he met Rick and mouthed the word 'blond I think'! Rick smiled.

"Did you see something?" Cody asked.

"Nope!" He said as he continued pounding Cody's ass.

"No really Danny! I think someone is outside. You better stop! I saw something!" Cody said.

"You're just seeing stars Cody man!" Danny said as he kissed him. "Shit I'm really close now!" Jason pulled open the back door of the van. Cody screamed. Danny screamed from the sound of Cody's scream.

"Holy Shit Rick! We got a frat couple here!" Jason said.

"We got a gay frat couple here to be exact! Nice Scooby Doo boxer's son! How gay is that Jason?" Rick said.

"Fuckkkkkkk!" Danny said as he dropped down on Cody.

"Would you boys kindly put your clothes back on and step outside of the van please!" Jason said. The security van pulled up in front of the Cody's van and blocked it. Cody and Danny placed their hands up against their van, spread their legs, and were thoroughly searched for weapons and drugs.

"Both are clean!" Rick said as he handcuffed each of them and led them towards the security van. Jason pulled out all of the ownership, registration information, and insurance papers from the glove box.

"Well Rick you got two-thirds of your wish!" Jason said. Rick gave Jason a perplexed look. "Blond and under fifty!" Jason laughed.

"Yeah, next time I will be more specific!" Rick laughed. The van drove off with Cody and Danny to the security detention area.

Danny and Cody were taken handcuffed into a large glass room with a table and several chairs around it. Security guards from everywhere would walk up to the room, look in, laugh and leave.

"That red-headed security guard was kind of cute huh?" Danny whispered.

"Shut the fuck up Danny! It's your fault we're in this mess." Cody said with a deep anger in his voice.

"Sorry. You're right. I take full responsibility for it! I'm sorry I got you into this mess." Danny said staring down at the table in front of him. Cody started to giggle. Danny looked over at him.

"What's so funny?" Danny asked. Cody looked over and giggled more.

"We're both at fault Danny, but that is sweet of you to want to take responsibility. Just another reason why I love you so much." Cody said.

"Bad pun Cody!" Danny winked.

"What the fuck are you two doing in here?" The security guard asked.

Jason walked in behind him and said, "Kevin, these two were up in five trying to join the mile high club!"

"I'm not surprised. I thought they were going to do it at in the arrival's lounge! What exactly happened?" Kevin asked.

Jason gave a detailed description of what happened. Then Kevin asked him if anyone else saw it? "Nope, no one was around!" Jason said.

"Get the cuffs off them and take them back to their van! Danny! Cody! Never, ever again! You hear me!" Kevin asked.

"Yes Sir!" They both said in unison.

"Hold up a second Kevin! What are you doing?" Jason asked.

"Jason, Danny here found an elderly man's wallet full of cash and credit cards and turned it in to security. Namely me! We need more people like these boys! Now do as your told and if you're not happy file a grievance with your union!" Kevin said and stormed out of the room.

Jason begrudgingly removed the handcuffs from both boys. Danny and Cody immediately apologized to Jason and that seemed to calm him down a little. Jason drove them back to their van and returned all of their vehicle ownership information. They got into the van and headed out as quickly as possible. Cody paid the parking attendant while Danny casually started eating a cinnamon bun from the bag. Soon they were back on the freeway headed to Drexel. Cody could barely control driving the van he was shaking so badly

"Damn!" Cody said.

"What?" Danny asked as he stuffed another cinnamon bun in his mouth.

"I forgot to ask the security guard if they validated parking stubs!" Cody said with his fist banging on the steering wheel feigning anger. Both boys immediately burst into laughter. Danny coughed up most of a half eaten cinnamon bun.

Special Acknowledgement: I bastardized lyrics from the song "I Want You" by Savage Garden. My apologies to a band I highly respect and enjoy!

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Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few weeks! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel.

Next: Chapter 27

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