The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Apr 8, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home Yahoo Group:

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DONATIONS: My sincerest thanks to the following Roadies and Readers who made a financial donation to the Nifty Archive Alliance.

March donations: Jim, Wayne, Rich, Joe, Dave, Eastern, Sacramento, REC, Thomas, Robert, Gerald, Orlando, V.L., Kip, Paul, Gianluca, San Jose, Terry, Jon, Bob, Ronald, Tyler, Luke, Thom, Andrew, Edwin, Winnipeg, Marron, Gaylord, Ron, Richard, Douglas, Andrew, Dave, Michael, Ron, Russell; and online: F.C, R.J., Felix, David, Brian, Patrick, Guy, Gardner, Michael, John, John, Harvey, Andreas, Alfred, Andre, Bret, Lloyd, Tashika, Jeffrey, Ronald, John, Robert, Brad, Andy, Michael, Wesley, Louis, Charles, Alvin, Peter, Jadawin, Steve, Thomas, Jeffrey, Glen, Peter, David, David, Nino, Arne, King, Andrew, Derrick, Joseph, Douglas, Richard, Jason, Heath, Jody, Per, Stan, Thomas, Joseph, Charles, Mario, Laurnce, Albert, Gregory, Everett, Pat, Jerry, Sanford, S.K., Robert, Terry, Peter, Daniel, Jorge, Kevin, Nigel, Jon, George, Paul, Homer, Alexey, Robert, Ronald, Ryan, Ralph, David, Thomas, Lauren, Stefan, Jonathan, Fred, Richard, Jeff, Michael, Neal, Les.

About 100 of the 700 members of the Yahoo 'The Road Home' Group gave to Nifty. While I am pleased with the donations I am disappointed with the number of contributions. What happened to the rest of you? Even 600 one-dollar donations will help! I'm not going to lecture anyone on the importance of giving but I am going to share an email my friend and fellow writer Scott Turner (Strange Bedfellows - Nifty/Gay/College) forwarded to me from a reader:

"Scotty, You are absolutely right. Tyler is too nice to all those leeches that suck up all the great free stories every day and never give anything in return. I know I don't have any talent for writing but I dug deep and gave $50.00 in February to help fix the server problems. Please don't mention my name to anyone; I'm not looking for any recognition. If someone like me on disability and a terminal illness can cough up that much, you would hope that others with jobs could at least come up with $10.00. Sorry for jumping on my soapbox, but there is no one else for me to rant off to.

Scotty, If you think it will help get people off their duffs and give at least $10.00 to Nifty, go right ahead and mention the circumstances. EVERYONE who has internet can afford 10 bucks. They spend more than that on a movie and dinner." Your bud, Larry!"

While I don't believe anyone is a leech, I think Larry's point is well made!

I promise I won't bother any more readers with requests for donations until the final chapter. Again, all of you who gave thank you sincerely! It does inspire me to continue to write. ~Tyler~

Ps: Luke says a big shout-out to Larry for giving when even when it isn't easy to do so!

The Road Home Chapter Twenty-Five: (What Would Tyler Do)

Tyler quickly jumped out of the shower and shaved. He rushed back to his room to get dressed for work. He started to feel better inside than he had in a long time. He applied a little more makeup that he got from Andrew to cover up his black eye.

"Shit! It's almost two o'clock now!" Tyler said putting his watch back on. He grabbed his coat, keys, and cell phone he dashed out of the dorm room and headed to work.

As he ran out of the elevator he yelled, "Hi Gus, bye Gus!" Tyler hurried in the back entrance of the restaurant.

"Hey Brendan!" He yelled running past him.

"Hey Ty, Happy Thanksgiving! Nice eye!" Brendan said laughing at him. Tyler flipped him the bird from behind his back.

After saying hello to Gina and Angelo he began getting the tables ready for dinner patrons.

"Tyler! Come over here and let me see your eye." Gina demanded. Tyler stopped placing silverware settings out and showed Gina his eye. "My God! You have to be more careful! You could have lost an eye!" She told him.

"Yes Ma'am! I will be more careful in the future. I've taken steps to make sure it never happens again." Tyler said smiling.

"Good boy. How was the drive back from.?" Gina asked.

"Baltimore. It wasn't good. I wouldn't want to do that on a regular basis." Tyler said.

"When you are finished have Angelo make you something to eat. You must be starved!" She asked.

"I'm a little hungry but I'm still full from dinner last night." Tyler said continuing with his table set up routine. "Oh, Mrs. Ciccone, Kyle said to say hello to Nonna!"

Gina smiled and bit down on her lower lip with pride. "He's such a good boy!"

"The good boy is supposed to be here tomorrow but I don't think you'll get to see him. The entire family is coming for my roommate's football game, if the game is still on with this weather." Tyler said.

"I hope he drops in. I miss my Grandson so much!" Gina said, winking at Tyler.

"I hope he brings Lucas! We've got a lot of peanut butter to use up!" Angelo said laughing.

When Tyler finished setting up all of the tables he vacuumed the carpet in the eating area. He then replaced the wilted flowers in the bud vases with fresh ones. He made up eight 'turkey cannoelis' for customers that night and refilled the ice bins at the bar. Angelo called him over to have some food. While eating veal stuff raviolis and Caesar salad he told them the highlights of his three days away. Gina filled Tyler in on their Thanksgiving Day and the lack of news of any forth coming Grandchildren. Tyler laughed and Angelo simply shook his head.

"I was wondering if it would be okay to have Sunday off." Tyler asked.

"Tyler, I wasn't expecting you to work Sunday if you are here on Friday and Saturday. We are planning a short staff meeting on Sunday about the donation jar if everyone is back?" Gina said.

"I thought you might be short staffed because of the holiday and need me? If you do, I can work but if it's not necessary, I really need the day off."

Tyler said wiping up the last of the Caesar dressing on his plate with his last ravioli.

"Got a big date planned?" Angelo teased him.

"No Sir. Actually I am moving!" Tyler said.

"Moving?" Gina said. "Why are you moving? Is there a problem with your roommate? What his name. Duncan?" She asked.

"Derek." Tyler replied.

"Weren't you just there for . oh. I see. You had a fight or something?" Gina asked.

"Gina! This isn't our business!" Angelo scolded her.

"Tyler is my boy Angelo! Of course it is my business!" Gina snapped out at Angelo.

Tyler laughed as he ate his dish of raspberry gelato.

"Well is it because of this Derek person Tyler?" Gina asked.

Tyler looked up at her and then looked away from her. He pointed to his eye.

"Oh My Goodness! That lil bastard hit you!!!!!" Gina said. Tyler nodded.

"My Grandson's brother?" Gina asked.

Tyler tried to hold back a smile and simply nodded as he held up his bowl to scrape the residue of gelato into his spoon.

"Did you call the police? Have him charged!" Gina demanded to know.

"Gina! Settle down. It's a private matter for Tyler and his friend. or ex friend!" Angelo said shrugging his shoulders.

"No Mrs. Ciccone I didn't. It was a misunderstanding. Its just time for me to move out! I need to concentrate on school and work." Tyler said as he picked up his dishes and headed out to the kitchen.

"Rough game?" Brendan asked as he chopped up fresh parsley.

"Rough roommate actually and I really don't want to talk about it." Tyler said.

"Sorry Tyler. I was just teasing." Brendan said.

"No problem Bren and sorry, I didn't mean to take it out on you. It's just that a lot of shit has happened in the last week and now I have to move out this weekend." Tyler said.

"It's that bad that you have to leave?" Brendan asked.

"No. I am not forced to leave. I'm just choosing to get out." Tyler said

"You can move in with me if you want Ty? We would have to share a bed though! Not that I would mind." He said winking at Tyler.

Tyler laughed. "Thanks Brendan but I need to stay on campus and I already have a place to move too. I think?" He said as he walked out of the kitchen.

Derek walked into Kyle's bedroom and saw that he wasn't there. He looked at his computer and could see Kyle's MSN was on and that he was chatting with some kid from school. He wanted to check his email and normally would have just done it but thought he had better ask Kyle first. He went downstairs to find Luke and Casey watching a DVD. His mother was in the kitchen making turkey pies with the leftover turkey.

"Where's Kyle?" He asked his mother.

"Begging your father since I told him no." Linda said smiling.

"Where are Grandma and Grandpa?" Derek asked.

"They left already. You were asleep and we decided not to wake you. Do you feel any better?" She asked.

"Yeah. somewhat. So Dad is where?" Derek asked.

"In his office I imagine with your brother begging him to allow him to stay at Christopher's house on Saturday night." Linda said chopping up the chunks of turkey into bite-sized pieces.

"Thanks Mom." He said and headed down the hallway to his Dad's office.

"But Dadddddddddddddddddddd!" Kyle whined as he leaned over his father's desk.

"Kyle, if your Mom said no then don't expect me to say yes! I have to share a bed with her. If things change and we can't go Philly tomorrow then you are welcome to stay the night at Christopher's house. Period!" Larry said as he searched for some piece of paper on his desk.

"Excuse me. Kyle can I use your computer for a moment? I want to check my email." Derek asked. They both stopped and looked at each other and then at Derek.

"Since when do you ever ask?" Kyle said.

"I'm trying to be respectful of your things Kyle." Derek said.

"Sure go ahead, just don't turn off my MSN because I have to tell my only friend in the world that I'm not allowed out of this prison!" Kyle said storming out of the office past Derek.

Derek looked at Larry and shook his head. Larry responded by rolling his eyes. "You see Derek? I just get you back for less than a week and I lose Kyle!" Derek laughed.

"At least you have a little more experience this time Dad!" Derek teased.

"A little more grey hair to be exact." Larry said shuffling papers.

"I was going to say a little less hair." Derek teased. Larry glared at Derek. "But I won't Dad!" Derek smiled and left the room. He ran back up the curved staircase to get to Kyle's computer but Kyle was already sitting there banging the keys to the point of breaking them.

"Dude! Not a good idea to break the computer. especially considering it is your only way of communicating outside of this prison!" Derek teased Kyle as he flopped on his bed. Kyle stopped typing only long enough to give him a look. Kyle banged away on his keyboard for another two minutes and then got up.

"Here! Go ahead!" He yelled and dropped on to his now vacated bed.

Derek tapped away on the computer for a moment and began to read and email and then stopped. He got up and ran out of the Kyle's bedroom and down the hall without saying anything. Kyle went over to the computer and looked at the screen. He saw the email from Tyler. "FUCK!" Kyle said.

Gus handed Ben a new set of keys to Dakota's empty room. "Are you sure that Tyler wouldn't prefer to have a room to himself?" Gus asked.

"I think he would but I didn't think he should be alone after all that's gone on in the last week. Besides, the only reason he is playing hockey is to help Ryan make the draft so they really should be roommates and I will be right next door." Ben said thanking Gus for giving him Dakota's old room to move into.

Ben opened the door to his dorm room and saw that Ryan hadn't returned yet. He picked up the phone and dialled Ryan's home phone number.

"Hello?" Said a lady on the other end.

"Hi, this is Ben. Would Ryan be available?" Ben asked.

"Just a moment." She said. "Ryan" she yelled. "Phone!"

"Doh!" Ryan said into the receiver.

"Hey Ryan!" Ben said.

"Hey Ben, everything alright?" Ryan asked.

"All is great! I'm back already. When are you coming back?" Ben asked.

"Probably not until Sunday morning. I'm having too much fun with the 'rents and relatives" Ryan laughed.

"Well I just called to tell you I've good and gooder news!" Ben teased.

"Gooder?" Ryan laughed.

"Yeah. The good news is that I'm moving out!" Ben said and paused.

"Out? What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" Ryan asked.

"Nope! Just wait! I haven't given you the gooder news!" Ben teased.

"Wot?" Ryan said.

"You've got a new roommate!" Ben said enjoying the teasing he was giving Ryan.

"WHAT?" Ryan yelled. "What are you talking about?"

"Tyler Peel is moving in with you!" Ben said and paused. There was a long silence on the phone. "You still here Ry?"

"Yeah. what's going on?" Ryan asked all serious now.

"I can't really tell you. That is up to Tyler but I can tell you that he has a black eye and it came from his roommate!" Ben said.

"That fucker! I'll kill Derek!" Ryan said.

"Chill Puckhead!" Ben said. "If anyone gets to kill this Derek it will be Tyler and he isn't going to kill him. He just thinks it is best if he gets out of there. So I offered to trade roomies with him."

"You're NOT going to live with that asshole!" Ryan yelled.

"No I'm not! I'm actually moving into Dakota's vacated room." Ben said.

"Right next door?" Ryan asked.

"Unless he's moved elsewhere. I would have to say yes! So I will be right beside you if you need me." Ben said.

"Cool! I do need you! But why isn't Tyler moving into the empty room?" Ryan asked.

"He doesn't know it's available and I didn't think he should be alone after what I heard had happened. I think he should be with someone who cares about him and will watch out for him. Besides, I get a running partner every morning now!" Ben laughed.

Ryan laughed. "Well at least I don't have wait until you're asleep to jack off now!"

"Got to go here Ryan. I will talk with you when you get back okay?" Ben said.

"Yeah, no problem. Thanks for the update!" Ryan said.

"Oh, and Ryan, I was never asleep!" Ben laughed and hung up the phone.

"What?" Ryan said to the dial tone.

Derek ran into his father's office and slammed the door shut! "Dad! I have a major problem!"

"No, you can't sleep over at Christopher's house either!" Larry said lowering his reading glasses.

"Dad this is serious!" Derek said almost in tears.

"What's wrong?" Larry asked.

"I just got a message from Tyler. He's moving out this weekend! I need to get back there. Now!" Derek yelled.

"Calm down Derek! There's a snow storm out there right now. You're not going anywhere at the moment." Larry said. "Sit down and tell me exactly what he said."

Derek sat down in the chair across from Larry's desk. Larry got up and sat down in a chair next to Derek.

"A guy named Ryan on his hockey team has a roommate named Ben and he is going to switch rooms with Tyler. He's going to be gone by Sunday Dad! I need to get there to talk to him." Derek pleaded.

"I know you don't want to hear this Derek, but maybe you both need a little time apart. Time to miss each other." Larry said.

"Dad I miss him already and he's only been gone a few hours!" Derek said tearing up.

"I know you love him and miss him Derek, but you can't force him to love you. You have to earn that." Larry said. "Your Mom is still doing your laundry so why don't we see if the storm clears up by dinner time and I will drive you back tonight if the weather is better. If not I will drive you in the morning regardless!" Larry said.

"Okay. Thanks Dad. I love you." Derek said.

"I love you too Derek! Why don't you go check out the weather channel and maybe you should call your Coach and see if you still have a game tomorrow?"

Larry asked.

"Okay." A dejected Derek said getting up to leave.


"Yeah Dad." He said turning around at the door.

"Listen very carefully to me. Give Tyler the time and space he needs. If he truly loves you he won't be gone for long! Tyler isn't someone you own Derek; he's someone you earn the right to be with. The same goes for Tyler with you!" Larry smiled.

"Thanks Dad. I understand. I've already counted to ten a few times." He said leaving the room.

"Good! I wasn't even sure they taught you how to count to ten in school these days. at least I know my money is well spent." Larry said to an empty room.

"Hey Kyle, I need your computer for a bit and some privacy okay?" Derek asked.

"Yeah. I figured you might." Kyle said turning off his MSN.

"You read the email?" Derek asked.

"Well you left it sitting open on my computer!" Kyle said defensively.

"It's okay Kyle. I don't want to ever hold any secrets from you." Derek said.

Kyle got out of his chair and hugged Derek. "Are things going to be okay between you and Tyler?" Kyle asked speaking into Derek's chest.

"I don't know Kyle. It doesn't look good right now." Derek said laying his cheek down on the top of Kyle's head.

"What did you do this time?" Kyle asked.

"Kyle! Why do you assume it's always me?" Derek asked.

"Sorry." Kyle said hugging him tighter.

"It's okay Kyle. Fair question. Dad came into my room and we were kissing. and I do mean kissing and I said something really stupid, but under the circumstances it's not as bad as Tyler is making it out to be." Derek said rubbing Kyle's back.

"What did you say?" Kyle asked.

"When Dad interrupted we broke apart and Dad apologized for walking in on us. I told Dad that it wasn't what it looked liked." Derek said.

"I don't get it?" Kyle asked looking up at Derek.

"Sit down for a moment Kyle and I will explain. I was wrong. What I said was really stupid and I accept full responsibility for it but! And I do mean but! Tyler over reacted." Derek said.

"I'm confused?" Kyle said.

"That's okay. Emotions don't always make sense. I am guessing that Tyler thinks that what I feel towards him isn't real. I basically denied to Dad in front of him that I love him." Derek said.

"I would be mad at you too!" Kyle said.

"Yup! I'm not very proud of myself either Kyle, but for some reason Tyler doesn't understand what it is like to get caught kissing a guy in front of your parents!" Derek said.

"He doesn't talk about his family does he?" Kyle asked.

"No he doesn't. I've noticed that before and when I approach the topic he changes the subject."

"Do you think he really loves you Derek?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah. I'm sure of it! Who the hell would put up with me if they didn't?" Derek laughed and Kyle joined in.

"So Kyle, what do you think I should say in an email to him?" Derek asked.

"I don't think you should email him. I think he's really pissed and you leave him alone for a bit." Kyle said.

"Shit! You sound just like Dad! Did you know that?" Derek said ruffling his hair. Kyle glared at him and started fussing with his hair.

"Sorry, I know I shouldn't touch your hair unless we are in bed or in the shower!" Derek winked. Kyle grinned.

"C'mere sexy boi and help me write something that won't make things worse!" Derek said sitting down in Kyle's computer chair.

"Okay." Kyle said happy to be included. "How about something like. "Dear Tyler. I love you, don't be a fuckhead?" Derek laughed.

"Maybe you should go play video games!" Derek winked.

"No. I'll be serious. Let me sit down and try at it!" Kyle said and he began typing in the blank email address to Tyler.

"Dear Tyler, I'm sorry u feel this way. U know what I said was because Dad caught me off guard and doesn't know that I am gay. I hope u will forgive me. If u don't then I understand. Just know that I really do love u! Derek."

"How's that?" Kyle said.

"Not bad! Let me tighten it up a bit!" Derek said and Kyle got out of his chair. Derek continued typing where Kyle had finished.

"Dearest Tyler!

You fucking, anal-retentive Shithead! Do I need a crowbar to pry your ass open so you can see the reality of the situation? I'm not fucking perfect like you! I will likely never be worthy of walking on the same planet as you!!!! If you want someone like yourself in your life then I suggest you clone yourself because you will never find another you! God knows the world couldn't handle a second one of you anyway! I'm sure that Jesus probably wore a bracelet that said "WWTD?" You're so fucking perfect I can't really stand you anyway. even if I love you more than anyone else on this planet! Since we both know that I'm not worthy of picking the peanuts out of your shit we might as well call off the friendship too! In fact, why don't you just go fuck yourself foolishly because no matter how much I try to show you that I love you, neither me nor anyone else will ever be worthy of your love!

"Feel better getting that out Derek?" Kyle asked laughing!

"Oh yeah.. I just had to vent!" Derek laughed

"Okay, read it back to me so you get it out of your system!" Kyle joked.

Derek read it back to Kyle out loud with deep passion and then said, "And then all I have to do is click send!"

"Derek! You just clicked send!" Kyle screamed!

"Oh FUCK!" Derek yelled holding his hands to his head. "I've got to send him another email telling him not to open the one I just accidentally sent!"

"Right Derek. you really think you should be sending him another email?" Kyle laughed. "Why don't you tell me what you want to say and I will type it for you?"

"Kyle! I can't fuck this up anymore than I already.. Okay, you type, I'll dictate!" Derek said.

"Would there be anything else you need?" Tyler asked filling a customer's empty cup with more coffee.

"Some coffee would be nice?" The customer joked as he looked down at his cup of hot water.

"Sorry Sir. I must have grabbed the wrong pot! I'll be right back!" Tyler said taking his cup of hot water away with him.

"Tyler." Gina said.

"Yes Ma'am." Tyler said inserting a fresh basket of coffee into the coffee machine and clicking on the 'brew' button.

"Relax and slow down!" Gina said. "You've been making all sorts of little mistakes tonight. I know you're upset but please calm down and try to concentrate."

"Yes Ma'am. Sorry!" Tyler said

"Excuse me Ma'am?" A customer asked who came up to pay his bill. "This isn't my bill?"

"I'm sorry Sir!" Gina said. "Let me straighten this out. We are short staffed tonight because of the holiday so we only have Tyler working all of the tables. I do apologize for the mistake."

"It wasn't a problem. I just wanted to make sure that I was paying the right bill. I notice our waiter seems a bit preoccupied tonight." The customer commented.

"Yes, he drove for hours through the storm to come back to help us out so he is very tired." Gina said apologetically.

"As I said. It wasn't a problem. We've had him look after us before and he is very good!" The customer said taking his receipt and leaving.

After locking the door Tyler began the Saturday evening tear down of the tables. All salt, pepper, sugar, and Parmesan cheese containers had to be removed from the tables and cleaned and refilled. While Tyler worked away quietly, Gina came over and sat down at the table he was working at and began helping him. After a few moments of silence and occasional glances back and forth Gina finally spoke.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked not looking directly at him.

"Not really Mrs. Ciccone. I'm sorry for my screw-ups tonight. It won't happen again." Tyler said.

"What's a matter honey?" Linda asked of Derek as he kept staring at the weather channel.

"Nothing Mom. I was just hoping the storm would let up so I could go back tonight."

"I thought you said your bowl game was cancelled tomorrow? You don't have to go back until Sunday if you don't want too?" Linda asked.

"Mom, I needed to be there seven hours ago!" Derek said throwing the channel changer on to the other sofa. He got up and stormed out of the Great Room.

"Tyler, this is your first bad night and I can assure you that as far as bad nights go this was very minor! I'm not worried about your work tonight. I'm worried about you! I know the look of a broken heart. How do I say it in English? A defeated man?" Gina asked.

"That would be just about right Ma'am!" Tyler said.

"You might think that I wouldn't understand, being an old woman and all. but I might surprise you!" Gina smiled at Tyler. Tyler smiled but didn't say anything.

"Let me offer you some advice from an old woman who doesn't really know what's going on." Gina began. "I know the look of being in love and I can tell you are not only in love with this Derek but his entire family." Tyler's eyes opened wide and his mouth fell open. "Just listen to me Tyler!" Gina continued.

"No one should ever be in an abusive relationship, physical or otherwise! Every so often men are more stupid than us women realize." Gina winked. Tyler grinned as he wiped the edges of the saltshakers down before putting the tops back on.

"Men don't know how to let their love show. Have you ever seen a little boy punch a girl and then tell her that he likes her?" Gina asked and Tyler burst out laughing. He nodded his agreement. "That is what men are like Tyler! You need to understand that most men are not like you! He isn't going to learn if no one teaches him. He probably isn't going to learn if you don't teach him." Gina said pointing her finger at Tyler.

"Why does it seem that the price you pay for love is that it comes with so much pain?" Tyler asked.

"Nothing of value in life is free Tyler! If it were, you wouldn't appreciate it as much. If you love him, you can't give up! Besides, I don't want to lose my only grandson!" Gina joked as she got up and left the table.

Tyler finished his clean up duties and removed his 10% out of his tips for the kitchen staff. The rest of his tip money he threw in the donation jar. He didn't feel he had earned any of it tonight. As he was about to leave Angelo gave him a bag full of food. "Thank you Angelo but I'm not really hungry."

"You might feel hungry in the middle of the night! Take it! It's how we Italian's say we love you and appreciate you!" Angelo smiled and patted Tyler's back.

"Thank you Sir! You mean a lot to me as well!" Tyler said. The smell of whatever was in the bag Angelo gave him was making him hungry by the time he got home. Gus had already left for the night so he headed up to his room. Tyler pulled out his cell phone and called Ben.

"BEEP! You've got Ben! Leave a message!" Ben said into the phone.

"Ben?" Tyler asked.

"Hehehe. yeah Ty!" Ben laughed.

"Damn! That almost sounded like a real recording!" Tyler laughed.

"I've got to work on the beep part a bit!" Ben joked.

"You hungry?" Tyler asked.

"Duh! Always!" Ben said.

"I've got food if you've got something to drink?" Tyler propositioned.

"Vending machine at the end of the hallway! Dr P. okay?" Ben asked.

"Yeah great! Be right over!" Tyler said.

"It better be good if I have to spend money on it!" Ben teased.

"Goods satisfactory or your money refunded!" Tyler threw back at Ben.

"I haven't seen your goods Ty, but I am sure they will be just fine!" Ben said laughing.

"Perv!" Tyler said.

"You know it puck boy! See ya in a few!" Ben said hanging up.

Tyler debated about checking his email before going but decided he was hungrier than he was interested in seeing what kind of response he would get from Derek. He knew it would be full of 'I'm sorry' and 'please forgive me' anyway! Tyler bundled himself and the food up before heading over to Ben's dorm room. The short walk from his dorm over to Ben's building had him covered in snow. He was about to knock on Ben and Ryan's door when the door open.

"Eddie the Eskimo?" Ben asked laughing.

"Grrrrrrrr" Tyler said behind his zipped up jacket covered in snow.

"Nanook of the North?" Ben asked.

"Grrrrrrrr!" Tyler said again completely white with snow.

"Okay! Okay. one last guess? Frosty the Snowman?" Ben said chuckling at Tyler.

Ben stood before him wearing only his boxers and white socks. The blue silk boxers glistened off his tanned skin. The room seemed to be in darkness behind him.

"Oh is it snowing outside?" Ben teased. Tyler not amused by the joke shook like a wet dog and sent the snow flying everywhere, including Ben's almost naked body!

"Aaaaaaaah!" Ben yelled as the cold, melting snow sprayed his body.

"Serves you right for answering the door dressed like you live in Florida!" Tyler feigned being angry.

"So did Eddie the Eskimo have a nice time at work?" Ben joked taking the bag from Tyler.

"No, Eddie did not have a nice time at work. thank you for asking!" Tyler growled.

"I didn't really care. I was just making polite conversation." Ben joked. "Why don't you strip down here at the door so you don't flood the place?"

As Tyler removed his outer clothes Ben took the bag of food into the bedroom area. "Mmmm this smells so good!!! Where did you buy this?" Ben asked.

"I didn't buy it. My boss at work gave it to me to take home." Tyler said kicking his snow boots off.

"Right! You did tell me you work at a restaurant, and it's obviously one that doesn't have drive thru either. Maybe there's hope that a hockey player exists in this world with some class?" Ben mumbled as he opened each container.

Tyler made his way down the darkened hallway to the bedroom. There was one small night light on in the corner. In the center of the room were two pairs of pillows stacked one on top of the other. Ben was sitting on one pair of pillows setting the food out between the pillows on the floor. Tyler sat down on the other pillows facing Ben.

Tyler sniffed the air. "Damn, you smell fine Ben!" He said sniffing the air.

"You smell like garlic and I would make you take a shower but I have a feeling after this meal I will smell just like you." He grinned and winked continuing to place the food around.

Tyler carefully watched Ben movements. What appeared to be a lanky, small-framed boy when clothed was actually toned and well defined young man.

Tyler noticed his long eyelashes. They seemed to accent the deep blue eyes and pointed eyebrows. The simple motion of Ben's blinking his eyes could easily be misconstrued as suggestive winking. His slightly upturned pug nose highlighted his pouty upper lip. A small, deep brown mole on his right cheek helped offset his perfectly symmetrical face. Wisps of his short, sandy-blond hair were gelled upward like the crown on the Statue of Liberty. The row of spiked hair across the top of his forehead warned any intruder of danger ahead like thorns protect their rosebud. Like all of Ben's features, his face was that of a golden child. Tyler was sure that Ben hadn't changed much since fifth grade in public school. Ben would always have that innocent, youthful heir about him. As Ben opened each container Tyler saw the veins pulse on the back of his hands and arms. How could skin so baby smooth looking have such define muscle tone Tyler thought? Definitely an image worth banking for future drawing. Tyler woke up to seeing Ben staring back at him.

"You alright?" Ben asked smiling.

"Yeah! Ummm sorry, I was just wondering what that was you were wearing? I know the scent!" Tyler said hoping to have covered up his lingering eyes.

"Xerysus by Givenchy!" Ben said. "You like it?"

"Very much. sort of smells like Ginger ale?" Tyler laughed.

"I noticed that you wear Tommy Sport!" Ben said winking or blinking, Tyler wasn't sure.

"Yeah, the aftershave balm. It smells like." Tyler began.

"Watermelon?" Ben laughed and Tyler nodded smiling.

"So Ty, tell me what we have here to eat?" Ben asked.

"This is veal stuffed ravioli!" Tyler said pointing to one container. "Caesar salad, eggplant-parmesan lasagne, garlic bread, and mussels with linguine and clam sauce!"

"Did I tell you that you are new my new best friend?" Ben said as he picked up a single ravioli with his fingers and sucked it back! "Oh God. that is pure heaven!" Ben said with his mouth full.

"No Shit!" Said Tyler staring at Ben's nipples. Tyler took a fork full of Caesar salad and fed it to Ben. Ben grabbed Tyler's hand to hold the fork steady. As he removed the salad from Tyler's fork he pulled Tyler's hand away from his mouth but didn't let go of his hand. Tyler looked down at their hands. Ben followed Tyler's eyes to their hands and he released him. Ben smiled. Tyler smiled back at him.

Tyler harpooned a mussel and then twirled some linguine on to the fork. He again held the fork up to Ben's mouth. Ben took Tyler's hand and guided him towards his mouth. Tyler watched as Ben took the entire fork full with the exception of one stray piece of linguine that hung down over his lips and stuck to his chin.

"Slurp" and it was gone. Ben reached over and turned on his CD player. Oasis came on with their song "All Around The World". Tyler blinked coming back to reality.

Ben ended up eating 90% of the food and when they had finished he said, "Ty, you look really tired. Why don't you get some sleep?"

"Yeah. Long day, long week, long year." Tyler sighed. "If someone had bet me that this morning I would have woke up in Derek's arms and tonight I am sleeping alone in Philly, I would have lost the farm!"

"You don't have to sleep alone! If you like, you are welcome to sleep here?" Ben said with mischievous smile.

"Thanks Ben. The offer is very tempting, but I better go back and get unpacked and packed."

"Want to run in the morning?" Ben asked.

"Sure but you may have to pull me out of bed to wake me up!" Tyler smiled.

"I can pull you in bed if you want?" Bed said smiling.

"Thank you for being here for me Ben. Having you give up your room to help me out is more than I know words to describe!" Tyler said getting up off the pillows.

"It's not much to do for someone who I think is going to become a very good friend. Ryan makes you out to be a Saint but I've rumours the opposite might also be true?" Ben said stepping over the empty containers of food. Ben followed Tyler to the door. Tyler turned around and Ben took his tie in hand and straightened it.

"You look so damn good all dressed up!" Ben said.

"Smelling like a garlic factory?" Tyler asked.

"Smelling like a garlic factory!" Ben repeated and smiled. Ben reached forward and pulled Tyler into a hug. He kissed his cheek and said into his ear. "Tomorrow will be a little bit easier and the day after will be even better." He let Tyler free to put on his winter boots.

"So you're going to get me up in the morning?" Tyler asked.

"I guarantee I can get you up in the morning. I can wake you as well?" Ben winked.

Tyler opened the door and walked out into the hallway. "Night Ben." He said with a sad smile.

"Night Nanook!" Ben teased leaning on the doorframe. Tyler's eyes drifted downward to see the thick mass of tissue hanging off to Ben's left, inside his boxers, rubbing against the door. Tyler's eyes rose to meet Ben's smile.

Tyler took a deep breath and said, "I've gotta go!"

"Hey! I'm only five hundred yards away by snowmobile if you need me! Call 23/7!" Ben said smiling.

"23/7?" Tyler asked as he turned back towards Ben from down the hall.

"I always like a good hour of foreplay!" Ben said. Tyler laughed and turned to walk towards the elevator.

When Tyler got back inside his room he turned on his computer and stripped down to his boxers. He noticed they were damp and that was no surprise to him. Tyler opened his hotmail account and saw several emails. The three most recent emails where from Kyle, and two from Derek. Kyle's email subject said, 'open me first'. Derek's email said, 'open me first before opening the first email from me'. Tyler opened Kyle's email.

"Dear Ty,

Derek and Dad filled me in on what has happened. I know it is none of my business but I needed to write u about it! Please! Please! Please! Don't open the email from Derek. I was with him when he wrote it and he was just angry. He never meant to click send! I was joking with him about getting the anger out of his system and told him to read it out loud to me. He was actually laughing at how stupid what he wrote was!

He really loves u and I know u really love him! After Derek told me what he said I agreed that he was wrong. Really wrong! But I don't believe he said it to hurt u. Put yourself in that situation? Do your parents know that u are gay? I honestly think u over reacted about the situation. I think u know that I need u in my life more than Derek does! U won't be in my life if you're not with him. Maybe you've had your fill of our family? If so, I wouldn't want u to be around any of us! It seems like every other week u guys are on or off. I know that Derek loves u more than I do if that is actually possible. U say u will never lie to me. U say u will always love me. I just wish u would make up your mind about Derek! I think we are what Dad calls a package deal? With Derek u get the rest of the family. Make up your mind about Derek but don't do it over one stupid email my brother wrote! I really love u and want u in my life forever but if u don't feel the same way then say so! When u have decided what u want, please tell me!

Love always, your Kyle."

Tyler wiped a tear and clicked the arrow down to automatically open the next email.

Dear Ty,

You asked me not to lie to you. You asked me to communicate my feelings. Sometimes I say dumb things in anger and sometimes out of fear. Today I accomplished both. I know what I said to Dad in front of you hurt you. You think I let you down and I did. I'm sorry.

Never once did you think about what I was going through. You never asked if I was okay? You talk about me being childish, but you packed up your things and left. I can't be what you want me to be. I can only be Derek. I can become a much-improved Derek but I will still always be me.

I love you so much and from so deep inside me that I really don't know how to say it or show it. If you're waiting for some giant sign of proof I don't think it is going to happen. I'm just me and while I will try to improve, I don't think I will ever be what you want me to be. I can't imagine life without you but I also know that I wouldn't want you to be here if you didn't really want to be.

Now that I've written these few words I have decided that I really don't care if you read the other email. I want you know how I feel and what I think. I would rather not have you but know that I was honest with you then to have you feel I wasn't being honest. This time do what is best for you!

I will love you always, Your Derek.

"Whoa!" Tyler said. "It's got to be really bad!" He opened up the first email from Derek and began reading. When Tyler finished reading Derek's email he smiled and turned off his computer and went to bed.

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Would you like me to surgically attached that to your head?" Larry asked as he opened the bedroom door and entered Derek's room

"Sorry. What?" Derek said pulling the earphones out of his head from Kyle's Ipod as he lay on top of his bed.

"Nothing. Just wanted to check that you are okay?" Larry asked.

"I dunno. I'm kind of. I'm not sure what I am?" Derek said.

"Numb?" Larry responded.

"Yeah. That's the right word! What time are we leaving in the morning?" Derek asked.

"The snow is supposed to quit by 8 a.m. I figure if we give them two hours to get the Interstate cleared I can have you there by 2 p.m. at the latest! Is that okay?" Larry asked.

"It's not like I can make it happen any sooner." Derek grumbled.

"Are you starting to realize that all this parental advice in life isn't there just to ruin your day? I like to think of it as more of a bonus for clothing and feeding you guys." Larry teased.

"Yeah Dad. Even your sense of humour is almost. funny?" Derek shot back.

"Ooooooo! My boy is developing a quick wit! Maybe you're not adopted and will have to live the rest of your life just wishing you were?" Larry said.

"Dad! Did you want something?" Derek asked in a not so polite way.

"I just wanted to remind you that Tyler really does love you. Probably more than you love him. Remember what I said to you before you left for Drexel? He wouldn't be upset if he didn't truly care! I love you Derek, now try to get some sleep!" Larry said.

"Love you too." Derek said as he put the earphones back on, closed his eyes and continued listening to 'Games People Play'.

It was the knocking on the door that woke Tyler up, but what actually startled him was that he was hugging Derek's pillow. He jumped down from his bed and pulled on yesterday's boxers to go answer the door. Tyler opened the door to Ben with his eyes closed blocking the light from the hallway.

"Morning sunshine!" Ben joked with two coffees in hand.

"Morning." Tyler mumbled letting Ben slide inside past him.

"I can't see a thing in here." Ben said walking down the hallway to the bedroom area. Tyler following behind flipped on the bathroom light illuminating most of the bedroom. As he pasted Ben holding the two coffees he turned on his bed light and rubbed his eyes.

"You look a little sleepy to be running this morning. Why don't I go without you?" Ben asked.

"No. no." Tyler mumbled as he shucked his boxers exposing his half morning woody. He grabbed one of the two coffees as he passed to Ben to go to the washroom. Ben fondled his own equipment after noticing Tyler's half erect member.

"I just need a little time to wake up. Haven't had a lot of sleep in the last few days." Tyler said flushing the toilet. He washed his hands and came back into the bedroom. He noticed Ben eyeing him up as past by him. Tyler began stretching and bending to loosen up for the run. He twisted his neck and they both heard the crack.

Ben set his coffee down and came up behind Tyler and placed his warm hands on each side of Tyler's neck and began massaging his muscles. Tyler moaned leaning on the side rails of his bunk bed.

"God that feels good!" Tyler sighed.

"Just relax and enjoy." Ben said casually pushing his crotch against Tyler's naked ass. Tyler wasn't sure where this was headed but he was sure he wasn't ready to go in that direction right this moment.

"Thanks Ben." He said working his way out from Ben's hands and getting some clean boxers to wear. He threw on his sweats, stuffed some money in his sock, and grabbed his keys and coffee. They walked in silence to the elevator each slurping their own coffees.

"What kind of pace do you run?" Tyler asked.

"I can do anything you want just to not run alone! You set the pace and I will follow." Ben said smiling.

Tyler took off at a comfortable jog with Ben at his side.

"Where are we going?" Ben asked.

"I always do two laps of the campus to warm up and then hit the road." Tyler said.

They ran in silence for almost an hour when Ben took the lead and picked up the pace.

"Hey! No fair! You run marathon's!" Tyler yelled and laughed. Ben slowed his pace down for Tyler to catch up. Tyler did catch up and ran past Ben at full speed.

"You fucktard!" Ben laughed easily catching up to Tyler. As Tyler poured every ounce of his strength into keeping ahead of Ben he discovered that Ben easily kept his pace. Ben even taunted him with, "c'mon. is that all you got?"

Tyler reached his limited at 75 minutes into their run and dropped the pace down to a fast walk to cool down.

Panting hard Tyler said, "Sorry Ben. I guess I am more out of shape than I realized? I thought I would be a decent partner to run with."

"Honestly Ty, I had about another minute left in me before I collapsed on the ground. I was just hoping we wouldn't be crossing an intersection when it happened." Ben said laughing while gasping for breath.

They walked into a McDonald's down in the Market and grabbed some breakfast.

Tyler had three breakfast burritos and a large orange juice. Ben ate a full pancake breakfast with sausage and hash browns.

"How do you eat that shit and stay so skinny?" Tyler asked.

"I burn it off. in bed!" Ben teased and winked.

"So. have you got someone special in your life?" Tyler asked slurping on his O.J.

"Nope, but I have someone in mind." Ben said grinning slightly.

Tyler quickly changed the subject. "C'mon, let's get out of here. I need to find some nuts!"

Ben broke into laugher. "Did you lose yours on the run?" Tyler looked and Ben and shook his head back and forth. "I need to take a leak first Ty!"

"Me too!" Tyler said. "Some idiot brought me coffee to drink before my morning run!"

They both went into the McDonald's men's room. There where three stand up urinals. The two on the left were for adults and the one of the right was for kids. Ben took the left urinal and Tyler stood right next to him. Both of them undid the knots in their drawstrings on their sweatpants. Tyler pulled down his sweats and lifted out his member. Immediately a stream began to flow and he sighed at the pending relief to his bladder. Ben pulled his member out as he stared at Tyler peeing. Tyler looked down at his own flow and then peeked over to see Ben. He noticed that Ben wasn't peeing!

"Want me to rub your back for you?" Tyler joked.

"Huh?" Ben said as he was caught off guard. Tyler replaced his cock back in its secure pouch and went over to wash his hands.

"It's not easy to pee with a clown staring me in the face." Ben said defending himself. He could hear Ben start to pee and his sigh as it finally happening. Ben finally joined Tyler at the sink.

Where should we go to find your nuts?" Ben said laughing and looked down at Tyler's crotch. Tyler just shook his head.

"I've got some you can have anytime!" Ben winked. Tyler flicked his wet hands at Ben's face and left the men's room.

"I don't think there would be any place open at. 8:10 a.m." Ben said looking at his watch. "Why don't we go back and get showered and then come back down and find your nuts." He said giggling at Tyler.

Tyler phoned Angelo when they got back to his dorm room. Angelo recommended a place called BMK nuts. Tyler wrote down the address and thanked Angelo.

"Is this the place?" Ben asked.

"BMK Nuttery. the sign says! Must be?" Tyler said reading the sign above the door out loud. ".We handle your nuts with care."

"My kind of place Ty! At least it's not a nunnery!" Ben laughed.

"You do know what Shakespeare meant when Romeo told Juliet to 'get thee to a nunnery'?"

"A convent I assumed." Ben replied

"Nope. He meant get thee to a whorehouse and get some experience." Tyler laughed.

"Let's skip the Nuttery and go to a Nunnery?" Ben winked.

Tyler looked in through the front door trying to see inside the Nuttery. Ben leaned in over his shoulder also trying to see. The reflection of the outside light made it difficult to see inside. Tyler squeezed the handle on the door and pushed his way inside with Ben close behind.

"Whoa!" Ben said into Tyler's ear.

"Whoa is right!" Tyler echoed.

Closing the hundred-year-old door behind them they gazed upon a room that was only 20 feet wide but at least 200 feet deep. Floor to ceiling shelving units lined the walls from front to back with what seemed like a thousand different jars in multiple shapes and sizes. Every jar filled with various quantities of different nuts inside of them. Down the centre aisle of the store were sacks, bags, and boxes of nuts on display. Shelled, chocolate covered, candied, salted, and roasted nuts were all available.

"This place is crazy!" Ben said.

"That's an understatement! More like nutty!" Tyler said staring up at the top shelves.

"Would be kind of fun to ride on one of those sliding ladders down to the back of the store!" Ben laughed.

A voiced came from right behind the boys. "GENTLEMEN!" Ben and Tyler both jumped. Turning around they both shrieked at what they saw. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" Ben said.

Standing before them was a man wearing a hard plastic peanut costume. His face poked through an oval cut out near the top. He wore black nylons and had black gloved hands.

"Shouldn't you have a monocle and a top hat on?" Ben asked smiling.

"That's Mr. Peanut numb nuts! You think I want to get sued by Planters?" The peanut man asked.

"No Sir!" Ben said backing up into Tyler.

"Do you want something or are you here to make fun of me?" The peanut man asked with a defensive look.

"We could do both!" Ben whispered to Tyler. Tyler elbowed him hard in the ribs.

"I was looking for some nuts?" Tyler asked.

"I think you found your nut!" Ben whispered into Tyler's ear. Tyler turned back to give Ben the evil eye.

"Nuts huh? I sell anything you ever wanted or needed to do with nuts!"

"Do you sell Peanut Butter?" Tyler asked thinking of Luke.

"No! What you think we are a grocery store?" The peanut man said.

"No Sir, just asking!" Tyler said

"I've got almonds, cashews, pecans, pistachios, Brazil nuts, pine nuts, mixed nuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, walnuts, pinon nuts, beer nuts, and deer nuts!" The peanut man proudly exclaimed.

"Deer nuts?" Ben asked. "What are those?"

"Well. beer nuts are just under two dollars a pound and deer nuts are under a Buck! Get it?" Laughed the peanut man!

Ben and Tyler looked at each other and then smiled slightly at the peanut man.

"I was just looking for some nuts to give as a gift." Tyler said.

"What are pinon nuts?" Ben asked.

"East Indian nuts dumb ass!" The peanut man said as he hobbled over to a sack full of pinon nuts.

"Do you normally insult your customers?" Ben asked.

"Have you bought anything yet?" The peanut man asked.

"Not yet." Ben said.

"Then you're not exactly a customer yet are you?" The peanut man said leaning forward over Ben causing him to lean backwards.

"Isn't if difficult to walk in that peanut suit?" Ben asked.

"You ask a lot of questions don't you Son?" The peanut man said.

"I have an inquisitive mind Sir." Ben said smiling.

"Do you sell peanuts?" Ben asked.

"Peanuts are not nuts but vegetables and yes, I do sell them." The peanut man answered.

"Barbequed peanuts?" Ben asked.

"Yes." He said.

"Barbequed peanuts with salt?" Ben asked.

"Yes." He said.

"Are they roasted?" Ben asked.

"Broasted!" He said.

"Broasted ?" Ben asked.

"Broiled and then roasted!" The peanut man answered.

"Interesting." Ben said rubbing his jaw.

"No it isn't! Not in the slightest!" The peanut man said glaring down at Ben.

"Ah, Sir? I need a jar with some nice nuts in it for a gift." Tyler asked hoping to end the duel.

"What will the lucky person who receives a wonderful jar of BMK nuts being doing with them?" The peanut man asked attempting to scratch an itch that he couldn't reach inside his costume.

"Doing with them?" Tyler asked.

"Is there an echo in here?" The peanut man said looking around the room.

Tyler and Ben looked at each other.

"Wake up college boy! Are they for eating, cooking, planting, or feeding to the squirrels? And if it's for some perverted sexual fetish you have I don't need to know!" The peanut man said.

"Eating Sir." Tyler said.

"What's this?" Ben said lifting a chrome lid off of a large kettle.

"It's a broaster!" The peanut man said slamming the lid back down. "Didn't your parents teach you not touch other peoples things?"

"My parents taught me to be curious about everything in life!" Ben snapped back.

"Do your parents ever refer to as a nosey little fucker?" The peanut man asked.

Before Ben could respond the door opened and a teenager yelled in as he threw a snowball at the peanut man. "You're one crazy-assed mother-fucker Mr. Peanut!" The snowball hit the peanut man in the lower half of this costume just missing Ben.

"Wow! That just missed your nuts!" Ben said looking at the open potato sack of peanuts on the floor.

The peanut man tried to run after the kids as he screamed, "You little bastards! I know who you are!!!!" The boy along with his two friends watching ran off down the street. The peanut man could barely walk, much less run in his peanut costume. He made about six steps before he fell forward, flat on his face.

Tyler and Ben looked at the poor man lying face first near the door and they began to quietly laugh. His arms and legs where flopping in like a fish out of water. He couldn't roll over or even get up.

Tyler signalled to Ben to come over and help him pick the peanut man up. Ben looked at Tyler and popped a single peanut into his mouth from the open barrel before him.

"I heard that you bastards! You're eating my profits!" The peanut man yelled.

"This guy is seriously cracked!" Ben laughed eating a second peanut.

"Shell shocked is more like it! C'mon, give me a hand here." Tyler said. Ben and Tyler got on each side of the peanut man and lifted him up in the air and had him standing on his feet before he even realized it.

"Oh! Gosh! Thank you guys! The last time I fell I was stuck on the floor for over four hours until a customer came in." The peanut man said.

"Here!" Ben said sticking a quarter in the peanut man's hand. "There's for the two broasted peanuts I ate." Ben just looked at Tyler.

"Let me get you your change." The peanut man said.

Ben's eyes opened wide along with his mouth. "Fuck Ty, let's get out of here!" Ben said and then yelled at the peanut man, "Don't worry about it. You need it more than I do, maybe put it towards therapy! Tyler! Let's get out of here!"

"No, no! Here's your change! I am an honest businessman!" He said putting 17 cents in Ben's hand. Ben just stared at Tyler. Tyler couldn't hold back his grin.

"By the way, my name is Bret!" The peanut man said offering his gloved hand to Ben.

"Not Michael? As in Michael Jackson?" Ben joked shaking the hand of the gloved one.

"Are you deaf numb nuts? I said my name is Bret!" The peanut man snarled.

Ben shook Bret's hand never looking away from Tyler. Tyler giggled. Bret turned around to shake hands with Tyler and Tyler face went straight. It was now Ben's turn to smirk.

"I want to thank you both for helping me out. Those little bastards come here about once a week to make my life a living hell." Bret said.

"Have you thought about being nice to them?" Ben asked.

"Sure I have! I've also thought about having my balls cut off but I haven't done that either!" Bret said staring down Ben.

"Yeah. that would be just nuts!" Ben said awaiting a laugh from the room but Bret just glared at him.

"Now what kind of nuts would you like to give your friend?" Bret asked. Ben burst into laughter and Tyler couldn't help but laugh too.

"Honestly Sir I have no idea! Just something that most people would like to eat." Tyler said still laughing. Ben covered his mouth from that comment.

"Hmmm, well pistachios are liked by everyone but you end up with shells everywhere. Macadamia nuts are excellent but very expensive. I would recommend mixed nuts or broasted almonds!" Bret said

"Could I make up a jar with a mixture of chocolate covered almonds, cashews, and macadamia nuts?" Tyler asked.

"That's just nuts!" Bret said laughing at his own joke. Tyler and Ben just stared at him.

"Hmmmm." Bret sighed as he looked at them for a moment and then walked behind the counter to fill Tyler's order.

"Youth is wasted on the young." Bret sighed as he went to collect nuts for Tyler. Tyler choose a jar and Bret carefully wrapped the glass jar up with the three different types of nuts mixed thoroughly within. Tyler also got a couple of bags of broasted peanuts and then paid Bret for everything. Bret locked the lid on tight and placed a "BMK Nuttery" gold sticker on the outside of the jar.

Handing the jar filled with nuts to Tyler he said, "Knock, Knock!"

"Excuse me?" Tyler said taking the jar from Bret.

"Knock, Knock!" Bret repeated

"Who's there?" Ben said elbowing Tyler in the side.

"Cash!" Bret said.

"Cash who? Oh fuck, I walked into that." Ben began.

"I knew you were nuts!" Bret said and burst into laughter.

"We've really go to go Tyler!" Ben glared at Tyler.

"Ummm. yeah! Thank you Sir. for the. nuts." Tyler said as he and Ben moved towards the door.

"No! Don't go! I've got a million jokes!" Bret pleaded.

"I'm sure you do. but Tyler has a cake in the oven or something." Ben said pulling Tyler out the front door.

"You sooooo owe me for that!" Ben joked. Tyler tossed one of the bags of broasted nuts into Ben's hand. "We're even!" Tyler winked.

"Damn! I had something else in mind!" Ben laughed.

"No you didn't! You were thinking of nuts! Next time, be more specific." Tyler said as they walked back towards the Jeep.

"Let's get back. I have to get ready for work and I want to be out of the room before Derek gets back." Tyler said.

"So when are you planning on moving out?" Ben asked.

"Not sure. Not sure what I am doing." Tyler said.

Ben placed his hand on Tyler's shoulder to stop him as they walked back to the Jeep. "You're having second thoughts?" Ben asked.

"Ben. You don't just stop being in love when you have a fight." Tyler said displeased with Ben for even taking the conversation in this direction.

"No problem Tyler. I'm not trying to tell you what to do. Just remember what the past three months have been like. Good and bad!" Ben said as they continued towards the Jeep in silence.

Tyler returned to his room alone telling Ben he needed to shower. Tyler wrote a note to Derek that read, "They're really not that expensive to buy!" and attached it to the jar of nuts placing it on his desk.

"Are you sure you don't want us all to come along?" Linda asked.

"No Mom! Please! I have to try to work things out with Tyler." Derek said hugging him Mom goodbye.

"Bye Derek, I love you!" Luke said wrapping his arms around Derek.

"I love you too Lukey! You look out for Casey too!" Derek said rubbing the top of Casey's head.

"Where's not so little dude?" Derek asked.

"Kyle!" Linda yelled. "Your brother's leaving!" Kyle ran down the hallway and hopped over the railing landing halfway down the curved staircase.

"Kyle! I've told you not to do that!" Linda scolded him.

"Right Mom. sorry!" He said flashing a big toothy grin as he ran into Derek's arms.

"Walk out me to the van Kyle." Derek asked.

"Sure! Le'me grab my coat! I'm heading out to Christopher's now too." Kyle said winking.

Derek and Kyle walked out the front door with Derek's arm over Kyle's shoulder.

"So who's Christopher?" Derek asked smiling at Kyle. "Gots yerself a boi friend eh?"

"Derek! You just said eh!" Kyle laughed.

"Yeah. guess Tyler's rubbing off on me eh?" Derek asked.

Kyle burst into laughter over the sexual innuendo.

"Shut up perv!" Derek said pulling Kyle in closer to him. "So stop avoiding the question!"

"Ummm. Chris is in a couple of my classes. We don't really know each other very well but I've seen him checking me out in the shower after P.E.!"

Derek bent over and whispered in Kyle's ear. "Pull the bottom left drawer completely out of my dresser and you'll find condoms! You might need them tonight." Derek teased.

"Fuck off asshole!" Kyle laughed.

"What? I just want my little brother to be protected. I want you around for a long time!" Derek said very seriously.

"I've got my own condoms Derek and I made sure I packed a whole box!" Kyle grinned.

"A whole box? Screw going back to Philly! Can I come stay at Chris' house too?" Derek joked.

"I'd rather stay at home with you Derek." Kyle said in a sad voice.

"Me too not so little dude!" Derek said pulling Kyle into a hug. "You remembered to wear clean boxers right?" Derek's teasing continued.

"What boxers?" Kyle shot back with a wink.

"Get the hell out of here stud boy and you better email me pictures of this hottie Chris!" Derek warned Kyle.

"Be good and I will send you the video!" Kyle joked.

"I love you Kyle, more than anything or anyone in this world." Derek said giving Kyle a quick kiss on the lips.

"Ewwwwww." Kyle said laughing. "You want people to think we are gay?"

Derek looked at him for moment and said. "Only those we love Kyle! Only those we love." Derek messed up Kyle's hair and climbed into the van. Kyle ran up to the passenger door and hugged Derek one more time. He squeezed Derek three times and said, "1 2 3 Derek!"

As Larry and Derek backed out and drove around the frozen fountain Linda, Luke, Casey, and Kyle waved goodbye.

"Gotta run Mom! See ya later!" Kyle said.

"Are you sure you've got everything?" Linda asked.

"Yeah Mom!" Kyle said.

"Are you wearing clean underwear?" Linda asked and Kyle stopped, turned around and glared at her. Luke and Casey giggled!

"Where's Kyle going?" Luke asked.

"He's gone to Christopher's for the day and night!" Linda said smiling.

"Can Casey and me build a fort?" Luke asked.

"Sure! As long as it is outside in the snow!" Linda said kissing the top of Luke's head.

"That's no fun. it's cold outside." Luke whined. Casey whispered in his ear.

"MOM! Can we build a fort with my empty peanut butter jars?" Luke asked all smiles.

"Sure Honey!" Linda said walking away. A few minutes later Luke arrived in the Great Room pulling his comforter with Casey following behind holding the other end of the comforter up in the air. It was filled with every empty peanut butter jar in the house.

"Not down here! In your room!" Linda said shaking her head.

"Ooooooooh!" Luke whined.

At 1:45 p.m. Tyler's alarm went off on his cell phone reminding him to leave for work. He raced around the room to grab everything he needed to escape before Derek and his family showed up. Tyler was halfway down his dorm hallway by the time the door clicked shut. Alone in the elevator he pushed G for ground and paced back and forth. The elevator door opened and an awaiting crowd pushed their way in almost blocking him from getting out.

Derek came in the front door wearing his backpack and carrying a suitcase. He saw Tyler round the corner from the elevator and heading out to the rear parking lot. He ran after Tyler and called out to him. "Tyler!"

Tyler stopped dead in his tracks but didn't turn around. He knew the voice to well that called. Derek came up behind him and said, "Are you not going to speak to me?"

Tyler didn't respond.

"We have to talk!" Derek demanded putting his left hand on Tyler's right shoulder. Tyler spun around pushing Derek into the wall holding his arm against Derek's neck and pushing his left thigh against Derek's legs.

Dr. Anderson walked into the front atrium and saw the two of them.

"Listen, and listen good! Your whipping boy's about to speak! Whoever said that I had to take it on the chin, or be a good guy and I'll win in the end, hasn't lived my life! Whoever said I had to get down on my knees for you, give up my beliefs, or simply spend my time trying to please, hasn't lived with Mr. Derek Anderson! Don't ever!" Tyler said pointing his finger in Derek's face. "Don't you ever, ever, tell me that I have to talk to you! Do YOU understand?" Tyler yelled not really asking. Tyler pushed himself off of Derek. Derek rubbed his throat and steadied his breathing.

In a very low voice Tyler repeated his question. "Do you understand?"

"Yeah." Derek said and Tyler walked away. Derek picked up his suitcase and walked back to the elevator. He was surprised to see his Dad standing there.

"Are you okay?" Larry asked.

"Yeah." Derek said wiping his watery eyes. They got into the elevator and headed up to the fifth floor.

As Tyler approached his Jeep he reached into his pocket to pull out his keys but they weren't there. He tried his other pocket but to no avail.

"FUCK!" He yelled punching the driver's window of his Jeep. He stopped and looked around at everyone in the parking lot looking at him. Tyler looked up to the sky but no answer came forth. He walked back towards the dorm.

"I really need the washroom Derek." Larry said as Derek was trying to find the key to open the door to his room. Derek pushed the door open for Larry to go ahead of him. Larry dumped Derek's things on the floor in front of Derek's bed and ran into the washroom.

Tyler walked up to his dorm room door. He raised his hand about to bang on the door when he stopped. He lightly knocked three times on the door. Derek opened the door and took a step back when he realized that it was Tyler. Instead of his usual walking away and letting the door fall into the person's face he backed up tight against the wall allowing Tyler to pass.

"Thanks." Tyler said as he passed him. "I forgot my keys." Derek followed Tyler back into the bedroom and began unpacking while Tyler searched for his keys. Derek picked up the jar on his desk and read the note. He laughed out loud and said, "Thanks for the nuts."

Tyler paused his search and looked over at him. "Your welcome." He said giving Derek a slight smile. Tyler found his keys in the pocket of his hoody and headed down the hallway.

"Tyler! Would you please wait one minute?" Derek asked holding a handful of clean, balled up socks. Tyler stopped with his hand on the doorknob and turned around to look at Derek.

"Dad?" Derek called through the bathroom door.

"Yes Derek." Larry said opening the bathroom door and standing between both boys.

"Dad. I want you to know that I lied when I told you nothing was happening.

I love Tyler more than anyone in this world and even if he doesn't feel the same way towards me I wanted you to know that and I am sorry for not saying what was truly in my heart." Derek looked beyond his Dad at Tyler.

Larry turned around. "Oh Tyler. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here?"

"Hi Dr. Anderson. I assure that this is far more awkward for me than this is for you. Thank you for a great weekend Sir. Have a safe trip back." Tyler said smiling without looking at Derek. "I have to get to work. I'm late already." Tyler said walking out of the room.

Derek started to shake uncontrollably. His eyes filled and Larry wrapped his arms around him holding him tight.

"It's going to work itself out Derek. I'm not sure which way it will work out but things will get better. I promise!" Larry said and Derek sobbed into his Dad's shoulder.

"Hey Kyle, c'mon in!" A smiling Christopher said pulling the door wide open wearing only a bath towel.

"Thanks Chris!" Kyle said kicking the snow off his shoes before entering. In the few years that Kyle had known Chris this was the first time he had ever seen him smile.

"Throw your coat over there. You can bring your backpack up to my room." Chris said.

"Sorry. I guess I came to early." Kyle said.

"No problem Kyle." Chris said.

"Looks like you're about to have a shower." Kyle asked.

"I was, or rather I am but that's okay. I just wasn't expecting you this soon." He smiled.

Kyle followed Chris up to his bedroom. Chris ran ahead into his room and as Kyle entered he saw Chris turning off his monitor on his computer. He thought he saw a naked guy on the screen. Kyle smiled to himself.

Chris' room was painted in pale blue. He had a double bed under his window and a double dresser with a 20" TV sitting on one end. The walls were covered with NASCAR posters and pictures of Jeff Gordon.

"Where's your family?" Kyle asked.

"Dad took Jeff to his hockey practice so I get the house to myself." Chris said.

"Yeah, your brother plays Varsity football doesn't he?" Kyle asked.

"More like he lives Varsity football!" Chris said rolling his eyes.

"Maybe he knows my brother Derek?" Kyle asked.

"Are you kidding? He's never stopped talking about what an amazing receiver your brother is!" Chris laughed. "I hate football."

"So what do you wanna do today?" Kyle asked.

"I don't know. we could play some video games? Or we could just hang out and get to know each other." Chris said.

"Yeah. I think that would be cool too. Funny thing is that we've known each other since the start of grade nine? Yet I don't really know you." Kyle pondered.

"I hope that doesn't turn out to be a bad thing?" Chris winked. "C'mon, you can talk to me while I'm in the shower."

Kyle got up and followed Chris to the main bathroom. It was a tiny washroom, only five feet wide and about fifteen feet long. There was vanity on the left with one sink. On the right side was a built in shelving unit with louvered doors. Just beyond the shelving unit was a toilet and the glassed in bathtub and shower ran the width of the room at end with a window looking out to the front of the house. The walls were covered in loud, yellow floral wallpaper. Chris turned on the shower. There was barely room in there for both of them.

"Nice wallpaper!" Kyle joked.

"Yeah. kind of loud. It was one of my Mom's last projects before she died."

Chris said very nonchalantly.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean to insult your Mom." Kyle said feeling bad.

"Don't Kyle! Please don't be sorry. Ever since Mom died everyone avoids me like the plague. Say what ever you want, but please be honest. If it makes you uncomfortable being around me or being here then go now!" Chris said defensively!

"No Chris. I remember when your Mom died and I'm sorry that I never said anything to you about it but I'm not here because I feel sorry for you." Kyle said not looking at Chris.

"Thanks Kyle. Thanks for being real." Chris said. Kyle looked up at Chris and they caught each other's eyes. Kyle opened his arms and gave Chris a quick hug but the separated quickly from the awkwardness of the moment. Both felt more relaxed after because of it.

"Umm have a seat!" Chris smiled pointing to the toilet. Kyle closed the lid on the toilet and sat down. His knees almost touched the vanity. Chris placed his hands on Kyle's shoulders and stepped over him to shut the bathroom door.

Chris removed his towel and said, "Here, make yourself useful and hold this." Chris handed the towel to Kyle. He again placed his hands on Kyle's shoulders stepping back over him so he could get into the shower. Kyle got the feeling that Chris' cock missed his nose by only six inches on purpose. Chris climbed into the shower from the back and slid the frosted glass door shut. Kyle could see his silhouette perfectly with the light coming in from the window.

"Is your brother a nice guy?" Chris asked while soaping up his body.

"Which one?" Kyle responded.

"You've got more than one?" Chris said.

"Yeah, Luke's my younger brother. He's insane. Derek's my older brother. He used to be an asshole but now that he's gone to Drexel now he's become my best friend." Kyle said watching closely where Chris' hands moved.

"Cool. I wish me and my brother were best friends." Chris said.

"Maybe it will get better if he knows your best friend is Derek's brother?" Kyle said

'Best friend'? Chris thought and smiled to himself. Chris turned off the shower and slid open the glass door smiling. "Jeff can't be my best friend Kyle! You already took that position." Kyle smiled and handed him his towel.

"What do you want to do today?" Kyle asked as they entered Chris' bedroom.

"I don't know. I was thinking about not getting dressed and just laying around all day." Chris said flopping down on his bed.

"Do you have internet for your computer?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Chris asked.

"Well. I've got to go take a leak but why don't you turn your computer on and we can surf for bit?" Kyle said.

"We can try? The ADSL is kind of sketchy on the weekend cause everyone is online." Chris said as Kyle walked off to the bathroom. Kyle figured that would Chris time to clear the picture off of his screen. When Kyle returned Chris had taken a chair from the kitchen and was sitting in front of his computer. He had left the comfortable computer desk chair for Kyle to sit in.

"Thank Chris but you sit your chair. I will sit on the wooden chair." Kyle said.

"No way Dude! You're my guest, more importantly my best friend!" Chris said seriously and then went back to typing.

Kyle wasn't sure why he was about to do what he did, but he did it anyway! He leaned up close to Chris and kissed the side of his head. "You're my friend too Chris!" Chris stopped typing and just stared at the screen.

"I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have done that." Kyle said getting upset.

Chris turned and smiled at him. "I'm glad you did Kyle! I don't want to be on this stupid thing anymore. How about you?"

"No." Kyle smiled.

"Let's go down to the basement and watch TV or something." Chris smiled.

"Or something." Kyle smiled. Chris turned the computer off while Kyle backed up his chair to stand up. He waited to follow Chris. Chris threw on some boxers and a sweatshirt. Chris stopped and looked at Kyle and smiled. He reached down and took Kyle's hand and pulled him along behind. They stopped in the kitchen!

"Sumptin to drink?" Chris asked.

"Yeah. I'm on fire." Kyle smirked. Chris smiled back. He grabbed two Cokes and again took Kyle's hand. Downstairs in the basement was beige L-shaped sectional couch. They sat down side by side on the sectional. Chris turned on the TV and flipped through all the channels. As both relax they bumped knees. Each time one or the other would pull away. Slowly and deliberately they each moved their knees closer together until they touched and neither pulled away. At that moment, Chris decided he couldn't find anything of interest to watch and he had flipped through so fast that Kyle hadn't had time to see what was on anyway. He held out the remote control for Kyle to play with but Kyle passed on it.

"No, take it!" Chris said. Kyle held his open palm out and Chris set the remote into his hand. Together they stared down at their hands joined together and they embraced the remote between them. Both turn to look back at each other. Kyle smiled first to let Chris know it was okay. Kyle set his eyes on Chris's lips and leaned to his left. Chris followed suit. The first joining of their lips was only a split second. The second was much longer! The remote dropped on to Kyle's leg and found it's way to the floor below. The only noise was the sound of a Car Dealer pushing his Thanksgiving weekend blow out!

"Christopher! We're home!" Mr. Coulter hollered.

"Shit! Just like when I am about to spunk a load!" Chris said. Kyle started laughing.

"Hey Dad! I'm downstairs with Kyle!" Chris yelled.

Mr. Coulter came downstairs followed by Jeff carrying his hockey bag. "Dad, this is my friend Kyle!" Chris proudly announced. Kyle stood up and shook hands.

"Nice to meet you Sir." Kyle smiled.

"Nice to meet you too Kyle. Hope you guys have fun this weekend! I am headed into the office for the afternoon Chris. You know where to reach me if needed?" Mr Coulter said.

"Yeah Dad. We'll be fine!" Chris said.

"Jeff. You look after your brother and his friend Kyle!" Mr Coulter demanded.

"Whatever. He's old enough to take care of himself." Jeff snarled as he walked by them all.

"JEFF! I don't want an argument! If he needs your help then be there for him." Mr. Coulter said.

"Dad, we will be fine!" Chris said embarrassed by all that was going on.

"Chris, I have to work the Kinsmen Dance tonight. I am working the bar so I won't be home until early in the morning. And remember you've got a hockey game at noon so no staying up too late guys! You got your DVD's and PS2 games right?" Mr Coulter asked.

"Yeah Dad. All is cool!" Chris said.

"Okay. C'mon upstairs and I will leave you some money so you guys can order pizza for dinner." Mr. Coulter said.

"Be right back Kyle." Chris said jumping up and climbing over the back of the sectional.

Jeff continued to pull everything out of his hockey bag and ignore Kyle so Kyle picked up the remote control and surfed for something to watch. He found Tampa Bay X-trials on and he saw that after the first run, Damon Rhodes was in first place.

"Skating is for fags!" Jeff said looking up at the TV.

"Really?" Kyle said pissed at the comment.

"Yeah are you a fag too?" Jeff asked.

"I guess so because I am a skate boarder and one of my best friends went to school with Damon Rhodes!" Kyle shot back.

At that moment the TV announcer said, "Next up is Damon Rhodes! Damon will just have to show up to win the title but you can bet he will put on a great show for the fans in Tampa!"

Jeff got up to leave, disgusted with the show on TV. As he walked by he said out of the corner of his mouth. "Assmite!"

Kyle didn't miss a beat when he said, "Fucktard!" Jeff stopped and turned around.

"What did you just call me?" Jeff said.

"Fuck! Tard! Want to get me one of your crayons and I will spell it out for you?" Kyle asked glaring at him.

"Want me to beat the shit out of you fag?" Jeff said keeping his voice low so his father didn't hear him.

"Go ahead and try! Even if you win my brother will squash you into a grease spot!" Kyle said.

"That's classic! Call on big brother to stand up for you." Jeff laughed.

"I don't need him to fight my battles and if I did he would shove your head up your ass so far that you could eat and shit at the same time while his boy friend would put you in a body cast for a year!" Kyle said getting angrier by the second.

"Hahaha" Jeff laughed. "Your faggot brother and his boyfriend are going to hurt me? I hope your faggot brother's boy friend carries a big purse!"

"Actually he is the top hockey player in the Atlantic division playing for Drexel, and yeah, you better believe his purse would hurt you! I'll pass your comments on to him!" Kyle shot back.

"Only my ass is worried fag!" Jeff said leaving the room as heard Chris coming back downstairs.

Jeff slammed Chris into the wall as they passed each other on the stairs. "Owww! What the hell is that for?" Chris asked.

"Ask your faggot friend!" Jeff said climbing the stairs up to the bedroom.

"What happened?" Chris asked rubbing his shoulder.

"Nothing. Your brother's an asshole. Period!" Kyle said going back to watching TV.

"What did he do?" Chris demanded.

"Don't worry about it Chris." Kyle said.

"Kyle! I have a right to know." Chris asked sitting down beside him.

"Okay. Short version. I turned on the Skating X-trials in Tampa Bay and your brother starts in this 'must be a fag shit' if you watch boarding. I just ignored him until he called me a name so I called him a name back. He wanted me to repeat it so I suggest he get me one of his crayons and I would write it out for him!" Kyle said starting to laugh at the recollection of the conversation. Chris laughed as well.

"Let me guess Kyle. Assmite?" Chris said.

"Yeah! I guess he's used it before?" Kyle laughed.

"What did you call him?" Chris said giggling.

"Fucktard!" Kyle said laughing. Chris burst into laughter and fell sideways on to the sectional.

"There's more Chris that you should know!" Kyle said and Chris stopped laughing when he saw the serious look on his face. Chris waited in silence as he could see that Kyle was thinking about what he was going to say.

"Can we go online for a moment?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah sure." Chris said and they both ran up to Chris' bedroom.

While waiting for the computer to warm up Chris asked, "What are we looking for?"

"It's actually my MSN I want to turn on. I want to see if I can show you someone. You better close your bedroom door and lock it if you can?" Kyle asked taking over the computer from Chris.

"Sorry, no locks allowed in this house." Chris said closing the bedroom door. Kyle entered his password and looked for an email from Tyler but there was nothing. He saw that Tyler's MSN was online so he clicked on 'send an instant message' and then clicked on the webcam icon. "Watch!" Kyle said.

"What? I see part of room. A dorm room?" Chris asked.

"Yeah. Just relax and watch. it could take a while." Kyle said leaning back in the computer chair. Both boys discussed everything from music, school, hockey and skating to having a brother and hot guys they've seen around their school. Twenty minutes later something flashed across the screen.

"Hey!" Kyle said. "Watch now and tell me what you think?" A couple of times Tyler's sweatshirt and jeans appeared on the screen. Finally he bent down over his desk chair to type something and his face was in view.

"HOLY FUCK! Who is dat?" Chris said eyes popping wide open.

"Shut up and watch!" Kyle teased. Chris read the name above the webcam picture. "Tyler Peel?" He asked aloud.

"Yeah, now watch!" Kyle said enjoying watching Chris' reaction to seeing Tyler's face.

Tyler was still reading his screen and appeared to be using the mouse occasionally as he removed his sweatshirt.

"Oh Fuck! Look at that pack!" Chris said adjusting his growing erection. "Look at the muscles on his arms!" Chris added. Then Tyler dropped his jeans and boxers in one swift motion and walked into his closet.

"Look at the package!!!!! How fucking big is that? We don't eat roasts that big at Sunday dinner!" Chris said and Tyler roared with laughter.

"That my best friend Chris is 20 cm!" Kyle proudly announced.

"What the hell is that?" Chris asked squinting his face.

"Eight thick, beautiful inches!" Kyle announced.

"Fuck. I couldn't get my mouth around that." Chris mumbled and then realized he said it out loud. Kyle fell out the chair laughing so hard.

"I don't believe I said that out loud." Chris said shaking his head.

"Chris! That was the first thought I had when I put my mouth around it." He said winking at Chris.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaat?" Chris said. "You actually know this guy? You've met him?

You've sucked 'em off?"

"Close your mouth Chris. you're starting to drool." Kyle teased. "Tyler Peel is my brother's boy friend!" Kyle announced.

Chris' mouth dropped opened again. "After he beats the shit out of my brother can I suck him off too?" Chris asked. Kyle burst into laughter again. "Probably Chris. just to piss your brother off!"

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Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few weeks! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel.

Next: Chapter 26

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