The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Mar 17, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

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"Whatcha readin' Ty?"

"Just a skater mag Luke."

"K.. So why are we sitting here?"

"We're waiting."

"K.. So what are we waiting for?"

"To get into that room over there."

"What's in that room?"

"Read what it says on the door."

"It says 'chat room'"

"Right! And we are waiting to get in."

"Why can't we get in?"

"Go try the door!"

<Luke runs over and tries to open the door but it won't open>

"It's locked Ty?"

"So it appears.what does your shirt say Luke?"

"My shirt doesn't speak Ty!"

"No? Really Einstein?

"Who is Einstein?"

"Never mind Luke." <Tyler reads Luke's shirt>

"Carpe Cannis!"

"Carpe Cannis? Seize the dog?"

"But Ty, people have been coming in and out of there so how come we can't get in?"

"Not sure Lukey, but sometimes, some people can't get in there."

"Hey Ty? I understand why they call this a waiting room!"

"What is this?"

"That's a daisy Luke."

"And what's this?"

"That's a dove."

"And this?"

"That's a picture of a field of flowers with some birds flying into the sunset. Why are you asking Luke?"

"Just wondering. they have all the women's products advertised and I don't understand them."

"What don't you understand Luke?"

"Well. these are all about that 'time of the month' right?"


"So women are always cranky and complaining they are bloated and have cramps and whiny and."

"Right Luke, I understand. so what's your point?"

"Why don't they all just use a picture of an albatross?"


"Think about it Ty! Their kind of bloated, can't fly and the squawk a lot?"

"What the hell are you reading?"

"Cause mo poll tish an"

"Cosmopolitan? Hahaha. Luke why are you reading a woman's magazine?"

"How else am I to learn what they are being told about us men? It's not you're going to be much help!"

"I love you but you're evil some days Luke!"

"So who's in this room?"


"What people?"

"People who read 'The Road Home'! This is where they go to chat."

"k. so who's in there?"

"Ummm, Al, Andy, Jason, Chris, Jon, Andre, Jesse, Matt, J, David, Kip, Steven, Kandi, Christopher, Greg, Jason, Pablo, Treb, Tracy, Gary, Shadow God, and lots of others."

"Shadow God? That's a weird name!"

"He's from California eh!"

"That explains it. tree huggin hippies!"

"Is Bret in there too?"

"Bret's always in there Luke!"

"Does he ever go home and like. shower?"

"Not that I know of. he wears a lot of Aqua Velva though!"


"No shit Luke!"

"How many people donated?"

"So far. hmmm. about 60 people, but we don't know if they donated because of TRH."

"Duh, of course we know they didn't! They donated because of me!"

"Right. well Luke you have to understand that some people can't afford to give and others won't give as long as it is free.

"Isn't that kind of like stealing?"

"Yes and no. It's like going to an event where they ask you to volunteer a donation but it isn't mandatory. There are always a few that will take advantage."

"Kind of like downloading music off the net and not buy the CD?"

"Shut up Luke!"

"How much did you give Ty?"

"I gave $20.00 to Nifty."

"Really? Cool! You doubled our request?"

"Nope. I gave ten dollars from me and ten dollars from you!"

"I love you Ty!"

"I love you too Luke."

"So what are we going to do when we get in there?"

"We will talk to the people, answer questions, and most importantly. thank them all for their donations!"

"Did Bret give?"

"Of course Bret made a donation! He was like the first to give! I pick on him all the time but he's really a great guy!"

"Anyone from my hockey team give money?"

"Ummm. I know Nino did and Andy, Patrick, Greg, Peter, and Jason as well!"

"It still doesn't sound like 700 donations Ty?"

"Nope it isn't. All we can do is ask the readers to consider what they get for their donation!"

"No Ty! You're too nice! You lack the ability to command like General Lucas Anderson would!"

"Uh huh. Luke go back to reading Cosmo okay?"

"Suck it up Soldier! War is hell and hell isn't for free! Get off your lazy ass and get up from that computer chair. YOU! That's right, you lard ass! Don't just stare at your screen! Open up that wallet! What are you gonna spend that money on anyway, another bottle of Aqua Velva or some crappy Caramel Machiatto maggots!

"Have you thought of joining the North Korean's?

"Give me twenty right now soldier!"

"Geez. you sound like your brother Derek!"

"You're a perv Ty!"

"Yeah. I am!"

"So when can we get into the chat room?"

"Whenever we can open the door!"

"Any luck?"

"Nope it's still locked."

"Look through the key hole, do you see anyone?"

"It looks like a forest in there! Is this outside?"

"No. a forest?"

"Oh wait. Sorry. That must be Bret's ass!"

"That's why we can't get in Luke. Bret's ass is blocking the door!"

"What do we do then Ty?"

"We wait Luke until we can get in or people send enough money that we can rent a bull dozer and break the door down."

"Seriously Ty! What happens if people don't donate?"

"Nothing happens. It simply means that Nifty can't upgrade or improve service and eventually they won't be on the Internet!"

"Can't we just ask for more donations?"

"No Luke! You only get one chance to make a first impression. We're not going to harass readers to make donations! We explained the situation and asked politely. If people don't care about giving then there's isn't anything we can do about it! I can tell you that other writers like Scott Turner who writes 'Strange Bedfellow' in the gay-college section is also promoting people giving to Nifty!"

<Luke falls into Tyler's arms>

"So we failed Nifty huh Ty?"

"No Luke, we didn't fail Nifty. Readers of all stories gave over $1500.00 so far this month Luke. That's something to very proud of! We tried our best and a lot of people did do something just because of you! Even if someone only gave five dollars it really does help!"

"You really think so?"

"I know so Luke! There are good people out here and they do care about you and me and Nifty! Let's just hope we can get into the chat room and thank all of them who gave up something to help out!"

"Yeah, you're right Ty. I was just hoping that Nifty would see that Roadies are the bestest readers in the world!"



"Okay Luke! I can't argue that one! TRH readers are like you. the bestest!

"Maybe if we push on the door together we can get in the chat room Luke."

"Dunno Ty, that was one big ass in there blocking the door!"

The Road Home: Chapter Twenty-Four (honour bright)

Abbey carefully searched the house looking for Tyler. When she finally found him, she jumped up on the bed and plopped her chin down on Tyler's thigh and sighed. "Hmmmm" Abbey moaned. "Hmmmm!" She moaned again. The movement of Tyler's hand off of Derek's back and over to scratch her ear got her tail wagging. The thumping of Abbey's tail on the bed woke both of them up. Then with their slight movements, Abbey nuzzled her way in between them and curled up into a ball.

"I love you!" Tyler whispered.

"I love you too!" Derek mumbled back.

"I was talking to Abbey." Tyler said. "Oww!"

"That was the best night's sleep I've ever had!" Derek said.

"Why is that?" Tyler asked.

"Because I was with you!" Derek said without opening his eyes.

"Are you sure it wasn't the effects of a turkey hangover?" Tyler asked laughing.

"Yeah. you're probably right!" Derek said. "Oww! What was that for?"

"For agreeing with me you little shit!" Tyler teased. Tyler leaned in to kiss Derek and as their lips prepared to dock with each other Abbey joined in licking them both.

"ABBEY! Get out of here!" Derek said, pushing her off the bed. Abbey wasn't really offended but she did know how to get even with Derek for pushing her off the bed! Abbey began licking Kyle's face to wake him up. Derek pulled Tyler close to him and as their lips were about to meet Kyle popped up beside them and said, "Morning guys!" Tyler grinned and Derek rolled his eyes at Tyler. Since Kyle was on his knees leaning on the bed next to Derek, Abbey decided it was okay to get back up on the bed. She nosed her way in between Tyler and Derek and thumped her tail on the bed. Tyler moved back to the edge of the bed to make more room, and Derek threw back the covers on his side of the bed and pulled Kyle in between him and Abbey.

"This bed was not made for three people and a dog." Derek said, as he wrapped his arms around Kyle and lay his head back down on the pillow.

"Derek, your cock is sticking out and into my butt!" Kyle said grinning at Tyler.

"My cock was sticking out before you interrupted Kyle and it wasn't meant for you!" Derek said with his eyes closed as he humped Kyle a couple of times.

"No problem big bro. Tyler and me can leave you and Abbey alone if you want!" Kyle said winking at Tyler. Tyler snorted as he softly rubbed Abbey's tummy. Derek pinched Kyle's side.

"I!" Kyle said.

Derek pinched his side again.

"Love" Kyle said out loud

Derek pinched his side once more.

"Abbey?" Kyle said, breaking into a fit of laughter, and Derek began tickling him. Abbey wasn't amused at the interruption and jumped off the bed.

"Helppppppppp!" Kyle yelled as he giggled from the tickling. Tyler reached over to the nightstand beside the bed and gave Kyle a quarter.

"Here, call someone who cares!" He said laughing but then pulled Kyle away from Derek and into his arms.

Luke and Casey came running into the bedroom hearing Kyle's call for help. They jumped up on the bed and eventually crawled in under the covers as well. Michael heard the call for help and arrived shortly after Luke and Casey. He stopped at the doorway and started laughing when he saw Tyler, Kyle, Casey, Luke, and Derek all in bed together.

"C'mon in Grandpa! There's lots of room." Luke said.

"Shut up Luke!" Derek said. Tyler and Grandpa laughed

"Looks like I need to bring up two coffees and three chocolate milks?" Grandpa said.

"No Grandpa! They're all just leaving!" Derek said.

"Shut up Skippy!" Luke said Derek. "That would be great Grandpa. Thanks!"

"What do you want to do today? It's a great day to avoid the malls!" Derek said.

"I have to phone Angelo and see if I am needed at work this weekend." Tyler said.

"You have to go back to Philly today?" Kyle asked as Grandpa returned with a tray of coffee and chocolate milk.

"Not sure. A lot of the staff are away for the long weekend." Tyler said as he tightened his hold on Kyle. "Hey Derek, when do you have to be back for the game?"

"We have a team breakfast at 10:00 a.m. but the Coach said I don't have to be back for it. The parade is at one and the game is at three!" Derek said.

"You boys are not likely to be going anywhere with the storm." Michael said.

"Cool! Maybe Philly got hit and the game will be cancelled?" Derek wished out loud as he sat up to take his coffee from Grandpa. "Okay you three. outta here!"

"This is my room Derek!" Kyle replied wrapped tightly in Tyler's arms.

Tyler's cell phone rang and he answered it. "Hello?"

"Tyler?" Angelo said.

"Yes Mr. Ciccone."

"You sound far away?" Angelo asked.

"Yes Sir, I'm in Baltimore." Tyler said.

"Oh. I guess you can't work tonight then?" Angelo said.

"Not a problem, Sir! I will be there unless the snow hasn't been cleared on the freeway yet." Tyler said. "If there's a problem I will call you."

"Don't take any chances Tyler! We don't want anything to happen to you!" Angelo said.

"Thanks Mr. Ciccone, I will drive safely." Tyler said and closed his cell phone.

"Breakfast everyone!" Larry yelled from the hallway.

"You have to work tonight?" Derek asked.

"Yeah." Tyler said. "They're short staffed because of the holiday. Are you going to come back with me or go with your parents tomorrow?"

"I'm definitely going back with you!" Derek said.

"Can I come too?" Kyle asked. Tyler looked at Derek for the answer to that question.

"I don't think so, Kyle. Tyler's got to work tonight and tomorrow, and I will be gone all day tomorrow because of the game." Derek said.

"Probably best you stay here, Kyle," Tyler began, "because you wouldn't be allowed to spend the day alone. You said your Dad was angry about last weekend!" Kyle moaned.

"We better get dressed for breakfast." Tyler said and all three of them climbed out of bed. Derek and Tyler headed back to Derek's room to get dressed. Derek closed the bathroom door as they entered his room and put his hand on Tyler's shoulder spinning him around.

He pulled Tyler into his arms and began kissing him. Their hands roamed up and down each other's backs, grinding their crotches together. "God, I've waited so long just to have five minutes alone with you!" Derek said.

Knock Knock Knock on the open bedroom door. Derek stepped back in shock and turned around to see his father standing in the doorway.

"Sorry to interrupt guys. the door was open! I just wanted to tell you that breakfast was ready." Larry said turning around to leave, feeling embarrassed.

"Dad! It's not what you think!" Derek blurted out.

Larry stopped and turned back to face Derek. He saw Tyler staring at Derek with his mouth hanging open in shock. "Derek, I wasn't thinking anything. I just wanted to tell you that breakfast was ready. and you guys should probably learn to shut the door if you don't want people walking in on you!"

Larry left the room closing the door behind him.

"Oh my God!" Derek said holding his hands to his face.

"Oh my God is right, Derek! What the fuck just happened here?" Tyler said with his hands on his hips.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! My Dad just saw us kissing!" Derek said, as he dropped on to his bed covering his face.

"I don't think we're talking about the same thing here, Derek!" Tyler said.

"What are you talking about?" Derek asked still in shock.

"You just said to your Dad 'It's not what you think!' What exactly is it then?" Tyler said crossing his arms on his chest.

"I don't understand?" Derek asked.

"What do you mean you don't understand? Are you fucking stupid? Do you think I'm fucking stupid?" Tyler yelled.

"Keep your voice down! They'll hear us!" Derek said.

"Don't worry Derek. There's nothing more to be said!" Tyler said as he walked into Derek's closet and pulled out his suitcase and suit pack.

"Don't you see what's wrong, Ty? My dad just saw us kissing!" Derek pleaded with Tyler to understand him.

"Derek, if you think that is a problem then I can assure you it will be over with in an hour and you won't have to worry about it." Tyler said as he continued to slam things into his suitcase.

"What is your problem, Ty?" Derek asked.

"Derek! Are you on drugs? Think about what you just said to your Dad!" Tyler said.

Derek couldn't even remember what he said. "What did I say?" Derek asked.

"You told your Dad `IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!' Well what exactly is it, Derek? Tell me right now! I want to know! You grabbed me! You held me in YOUR arms! You kissed me!" Tyler said pointing his finger at Derek!

"Tyler, that's my Dad! He doesn't know about me, about us." Derek said defending his words.

"I don't know about you either, Derek. What you say and what you mean are two very different things! At least I know the truth about you now. I've got four more weeks to suffer you in my life. I really suggest you stay the fuck out of my life!" Tyler said slamming the lid down on his suitcase.

"Please don't say that, Ty! You know I love you!" Derek pleaded.

"No Derek! I know that you don't love me! I know that when forced to make a choice, you are about image and not substance. I could never trust you to be there for me and without trust there is nothing!"

"You don't love me?" Derek asked.

"Don't play mind games with me Derek! This isn't about me! It's about you!

You already know that I love you. Anyone who would put up with your shit over the last three months would have to either be stupid enough to love you or would have killed you by now!" Tyler said. "I can't even believe you said that in front of me, but I should have known that your ego is only thing that is important to you."

"Tyler, I love you!" Derek said as tears started to run down his cheeks.

"Derek, you only love yourself! You're not capable of loving me or anyone else! You can live the rest of your life in your little fantasy world or wherever the hell you want, just don't drag me down with you!" Tyler said. "I'm going to eat breakfast and get out of here. You can go back with your parents."

"What will my parents say? They think that I am going back with you." Derek said.

"Why don't you just tell them the truth? Tell them that I made a pass at you! Tell them that I was kissing you! Tell them how disgusted you were with what I did to you! Tell them whatever the fuck you want to! I DON'T CARE!" Tyler yelled and left the room.

Derek lay down on his bed. Abbey came in through the bathroom and looked at Derek.

"C'mere girl!" Derek said patting the bed but Abbey turned around and trotted back through the bathroom into Kyle's room.

When Tyler entered the kitchen everyone stopped talking.

"Did I interrupt something?" Tyler said with a slight smile.

"No Tyler." Linda said. "Boys, why don't you take your plates over and watch some TV?" Luke and Casey jumped down from their stools and grabbed their plates and chocolate milk. Kyle looked at his mother and Linda stared back at him. Begrudgingly he took his plate and went over to join Luke and Casey.

Tyler poured himself a mug of coffee and sat down in Luke's chair.

"What would you like to eat?" Larry asked.

"Nothing Sir. I'm not that hungry. Mr. Ciccone called and I have to head back now to work tonight." Linda looked at Larry.

Larry set a plate of food down in front of Tyler and said, "Well, you'd better have something before you make the long trip back."

"I'd better go get Derek's things ready to go then." Linda said.

"No rush, Mrs. Anderson. Derek is staying here and going back with you guys tomorrow." Tyler said, not looking up from his plate.

Linda again looked at Larry.

"Michael, we really should get our things packed up!" Mary said as she grabbed his arm to pull him away from the island. Tyler played with his food only taking a couple of bites.

Linda nodded her head to Larry to go away and he did.

"You want to talk about it, Tyler?" Linda asked.

"No Ma'am." Tyler said playing with his food.

"We could hear some yelling upstairs but we couldn't hear what was being said." Linda mentioned as she rubbed Tyler's back.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me what's wrong?" Linda asked again.

"There's nothing wrong, Mrs. Anderson." Tyler said

"Are you lying to me Tyler?" Linda asked.

"Yes Ma'am, because I don't want to talk about it." Tyler said.

Linda leaned over and kissed the side of Tyler's head. "That's okay. Thank you for being honest with me. At least try to eat something so I worry a little less about you being on the road home alone?" Linda asked.

"Yes Ma'am. Thank you, Ma'am for having me over. It was a wonderful experience that I will never forget." Tyler said still not looking at her. Luke and Casey returned with their plates and empty glasses.

"Oh God. what does today's shirt say Luke?" Tyler asked trying to read what was written on Luke's shirt. " 'Jersey Girls Aren't Trash! Trash Gets Picked Up'" Tyler shook his head laughing.

"Boys. Go get cleaned up please and make your bed Luke!" Linda said.

"I won't try to apologize for whatever Derek did but I can tell you he's come farther in three months with you than he has in 18 years with me." Linda said.

"Ma'am, I'm not expecting any apologies from." Tyler began.

"Hold up Tyler! I'm not done." Linda said holding her hand up in the air.

"Sorry, Mrs. Anderson." Tyler said.

"Tyler, you can't put expectations on someone like Derek to mature five years in three months time. As I've said, he's come a long way and still has a way to go." Linda said.

"I understand." Tyler said staring at his plate.

"He doesn't realize it, Tyler, but he is testing you. He's subconsciously pushing you away so that he doesn't get hurt inside. It might sound crazy but it's true! If he lets you into his heart and you leave him then he will be crushed. He thinks that if he opens his heart to being loved it will just get stepped on. It's easier for him to push you away now so he can prove himself right that nobody loves him. For Derek, it's no gain, but no pain." Linda said giving Tyler a hug.

"You're way too close to home, Mrs. Anderson." Tyler said.

"What's up?" Kyle said bring his dishes back into the kitchen.

"I have to get going Kyle, but could I use your computer for a moment?" Tyler asked.

"Sure, what do you need?" Kyle asked.

"I want to download a song for the trip back." Tyler said.

"You're not going to wear that music thing while you drive are you?" Linda asked.

"No Ma'am! I have a cassette tape that plugs into any CD player or MP3 player and I can play music through the Jeep's stereo system." Tyler said as he left the kitchen and ran outside to his Jeep to start it up and knock the snow off. When he came back in through the front door he followed Kyle up to his bedroom. When they entered Kyle's bedroom Kyle closed the door. Tyler sat down at the Kyle's computer and booted it up.

"What's really going on?" Kyle asked.

"I have to work tonight Kyle." Tyler said not looking up.

"My brother is lying on his bed curled up into a ball, Ty!" Kyle stated.

"Kyle, it's not something that I can discuss with you." Tyler said. "Would you go get my MP3 player from my back pack please?"

"You go get it!" Kyle said sitting down on his bed with his arms crossed. Tyler turned to look at him. Kyle stared him down. Tyler got up and went out Kyle's bedroom door and knocked on the Derek's closed bedroom door before entering.

Derek was laying on the bed in a fetal position hugging a pillow. "I just needed to grab my MP3 player." Tyler said not looking at him. Derek didn't respond and Tyler left the room closing the door behind him.

Tyler sat back down at the computer and uploaded the song "Games People Play" by The Alan Parsons Project on to his MP3 player. When he was finished he asked Kyle if he wanted the song left on or erased?

"Whatever you want. doesn't matter to me." Kyle said still glaring at him.

"Okay. I will leave it on and you can erase it if you want." Tyler said turning to face him. "You're pissed at me?" He asked Kyle.

"You won't tell me what's wrong between you and Derek!" Kyle sulked.

"Kyle, I can't betray private conversations of other people. I don't say much to anyone about things you and I say between us." Tyler said, but Kyle didn't respond.

"Look, I have to get going. The snow is still coming down pretty heavy. Are you going to say good bye to me?" Tyler asked.

"You're not coming back again, are you?" Kyle asked.

Tyler stared down at the floor and quietly said. "I don't think so, Kyle."

"Then you better get going." Kyle said with his words trailing off.

"You know Kyle, I can say from personal experience that you don't always get a second chance to say good bye! I have to live with that everyday. Don't repeat my mistakes in life." Tyler said, as he pushed Kyle's chair in to the desk. Tyler leaned down over Kyle and kissed his forehead. "Remember, not so little dude. I love you very much!" Tyler said as he got up and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Tyler again knocked on Derek's door before entering.

"You don't have to knock to enter." Derek said to his pillow.

"It's your room, Derek. I just wanted to grab my stuff." Tyler said as he put on his winter coat and back pack. He threw his suit pack over one arm and lifted his suitcase with the other hand. Walking up to the closed bedroom door he placed his free hand on the doorknob and paused to think about the words he said to Kyle.

"Goodbye Derek!" Tyler said as he opened the door and walked out pulling the door shut after him.

"Bye." Derek said to the closed door.

Kyle went over to the computer and saw the song "Games People Play" on his music player. The open Window's page below the player contained the lyrics to the song. He began reading them aloud.

".I don't wanna live here no more, I don't wanna stay Ain't gonna spend the rest of my life, Quietly fading away

Games people play, You take it or you leave it Things that they say, Honour Bright! If I promise you the Moon and the Stars, Would you believe it Games people play in the middle of the night." Kyle clicked play on the music player.

Tyler stopped in at Luke's room to say good-bye to them. "Hey Guys! I'm off! Just wanted to say good-bye." Tyler said, setting his suitcase and suit pack down. Luke and Casey ran into each of his arms.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much!" Tyler said.

"Thanks for making this the best Thanksgiving ever, Ty!" Casey said.

"Yeah Ty! I can't wait for next year's!" Luke teased.

"Guys, this was my best Thanksgiving ever also! It wouldn't have been the best without you guys as part of it, and I expect to see both of you in February at the game!" Tyler said smiling at them.

"YEAH!" They both said in unison.

"Casey! You remember that if you need help you tell Luke okay?" Tyler asked.

"I promise!" Casey said hugging Tyler's neck.

"And Luke, you keep an eye on our Casey!" Tyler asked.

"I will, I promise too!" Luke said.

"Okay guys go back to playing or you're both gonna make me cry." Tyler said and the boys went back to their video game. Tyler's last stop upstairs was the Anderson's master bedroom. He knocked on the door. Mary answered.

"You're leaving already, Tyler?" Mary asked.

"Yes Ma'am. The snow is heavy and I have to be at work by about 2 p.m." Tyler said. "I just wanted to say good-bye and tell you how nice it was to meet you. You have such wonderful Grandsons! It's been an honour to be included in your Thanksgiving celebration."

Michael extended his hand to Tyler. As Tyler grasped his hand, he pulled Tyler into a hug. "Thank you for all that you have done for this family, Tyler!" Grandpa said. Mary then hugged Tyler as well. "Have a safe journey young man, and I hope you realize that you will always be a part of this family!" Mary added.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson." Tyler said turning and leaving. When Tyler got down to the bottom of the stairs he set all of his belongings down at the front door. He walked into the kitchen where he found Larry and Linda in deep conversation. They didn't notice him so he tapped on a cupboard.

"Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to tell you that I was off and thank you for the most wonderful Thanksgiving weekend I've ever had." He said trying to smile amidst the tension in the room.

"Tyler, come here please." Linda said. Tyler immediately thought of his own mother upon hearing those words. He crept slowly toward them, as if in trouble.

"Larry just told me what happened. We want you to know that we love you very much and that the idea of you being more than just Derek's roommate is just fine with us!" Linda said, hugging Tyler.

"Ma'am, I don't think I've ever felt more awkward in my life than at this moment!" Tyler said and Larry started laughing.

"Tyler, I think what she means is that we want you in our life regardless of what happens with you and Derek." Larry said.

"Thank you, Sir. That means a great deal to me. Mrs. Anderson and I had a talk earlier about Derek. To be honest Ma'am, all the things you said about Derek also apply to me. I'm not an easy person to be around either." Tyler said. "Derek needs some time to figure his life out but being completely honest, I can't be his crutch to lean on. I have my problems to deal with and I could end up dragging him down."

"Tyler, do you know how to teach the second dumbest kid in the class a math lesson?" Larry asked.

"No Sir."

"Have him teach the lesson to the dumbest kid!" Larry smiled.

"I think you've got the second dumbest kid figured out pretty accurately Sir!" Tyler laughed.

"What I mean is that you can both help each other fight your own demons. I'm not involved so I can't really tell you what is best but I can say that you both can only go forward if you stick together." Larry said hugging Tyler.

"I understand, Dr. Anderson." Tyler said holding Larry tight. "I had better get going." Tyler said releasing his hold on Larry.

"Will we see you tomorrow at Derek's game?" Linda asked.

"Not likely Ma'am. I have to work tomorrow night as well, and I don't think you both will be coming if Casey isn't picked up - right?" Tyler asked.

"Gosh Larry, I hadn't thought about it. We can't take Casey across a State line." Linda mused.

"We'll figure something out, Dear. I'll give John a call and ask him." Larry said.

"I asked Casey to make sure he told Luke if anything was ever wrong!" Tyler said. "Do you think Mr. Rubinstein will need me?" He asked.

"If he does I'll give him your cell phone number and email address." Larry said. "Don't worry, Tyler, we'll look after Casey even if it means adding a fifth son to our growing family!" Larry smiled.

"Thank you again for all that you've done for me!" Tyler said. "I am honoured and humbled to have been included in this celebration." Larry and Linda walked Tyler to the front door.

"Where is everyone?" Linda asked. "Let me go get the boys."

"NO MA'AM! I've already said good-bye to everyone." Tyler smiled and picked up his things and walked out the door.

The heat of the engine running had melted all the snow off of his vehicle. He loaded up the back of the Jeep and realized that he was forgetting his hockey bag that was still inside the garage. He signalled to the Anderson's who were standing at the open front door that he needed the garage door opened. He collected his skates, stick, and hockey bag. He carefully backed up to turn around to go down the hill. He wanted to make sure he didn't hit Grandpa's Lincoln Town Car. As he turned to take one last look and wave, Casey and Luke also appeared at the door waving. Tyler waved back. He slowly cruised down the hill toward the now open gate. He looked in his rear view mirror and saw Derek watching from his bedroom window. Tyler put his left signal on and turned out of the driveway, never looking back.

Kyle came into Derek's bedroom via the bathroom and asked, "What does honour bright mean?"

"What?" Derek said staring out the window.

I said, "do you know what 'honour bright' means?" Kyle asked.

"Ummm, yeah. sort of. It means something like 'solemn or trustworthy promise' or 'my word'. It's a line from D. H. Lawrence's The Rocking Horse. Why do you ask?" Derek wondered, still looking out the window and watching the snow fill in Tyler's tire tracks.

"Tyler wanted some song downloaded to play on his ride home. I was listening to it and reading the lyrics but I didn't understand what that meant." Kyle said walking back to his room.

Derek ran into Kyle's room and asked, "What's the song called?"

"Games People Play." Kyle said. "Want me to play it?"

"No, can you put in on your Pod and let me listen to it please." Derek asked.

"Ummm, yeah, sure." Kyle said. Kyle uploaded the song to his Pod and gave it to Derek.

Derek returned to his bedroom closing the bathroom door. He lay down on his bed and set Kyle's Ipod to play the song on repeat.

"Larry, what are we going to do about Derek and Tyler?" Linda asked.

"What can we do?" Larry said.

"I know it's your policy to not interfere but I think this calls for us to get involved!" Linda said.

"I really think we need to stay out of it, Linda. It's up to Derek to tell us about his feelings for Tyler when he is ready."

"Honey, the cat is out of the bag! He has to be wondering if we still love him! If we still accept him!" She said.

"If you really feel you need to talk with him about it then go ahead." Larry said, unconvinced that it was the right thing to do.

"Actually I think you should be the one to talk to him!" Linda said. Larry turned back and stared at her with a confused look.

Ring Ring, Ring Ring

"Hello?" Linda said answering the phone. "Oh Hi John, yes he is, just a moment! It's John Rubenstein returning your call."

"Saved by the phone!" Larry said taking the phone from her. Linda narrowed her eyes and shook her head at him. "Hello John, thank you for returning my call!" He began.

Beep Beep Beep

"Hello?" Linda said through the intercom.

"Hello. This is Kathy Mitchell! Casey's Mom! I'm here to pick up Casey." She said.

"Please come right up. I'll open the gate for you!" Linda said.

"We're thinking of going to Philly to watch Derek's game tomorrow and I wanted to check if it was okay to take Casey along?" Larry continued.

"Excuse me Larry!" Linda interrupted. "Kathy Mitchell is here to pick up Casey!"

"Did you hear that John?" Larry asked.

"Yes I did. Can you keep her there and I will get someone to go over right away!" John said.

"John, I don't think that is wise. We want this to be a safe place for Casey and maybe his mother too if she needs it! Let me talk with her and I will call you once it is done. I am actually going to ask her if Casey can stay the rest of the weekend." Larry said.

"Okay Larry, I understand where you are coming from. If her boyfriend is with her I don't want you to create any potential problems for yourself or family. Just play dumb about CPS! Call me as soon as you finish and tell my secretary that it is an emergency!" John said hanging up.

"John said for us to not mention CPS. Let me take the lead here with her." Larry said walking out of the kitchen with Linda following.

Larry opened up the front door as Ms. Mitchell was getting out of her car. "Hi Kathy?" Larry said smiling and extending his hand to shake hers.

"Yes, Mr. Anderson!" Kathy Mitchell said shaking his hand.

"Just Larry please, and this is my wife Linda." Larry said as they all exchanged pleasantries.

"Please come in! Casey and Lucas are playing video games." Larry said.

"I apologize for the mix up. I hope Casey wasn't a bother for you?" Kathy asked.

"No, not at all! We enjoyed him so much we were hoping you wouldn't come to get him!" Larry laughed.

"Please come in and have a seat." Linda said guiding Kathy into the living room.

"I really do apologize. There was a mix up. My sister was taking Casey for the weekend because I was going to be away at my boyfriend's parent's house.

I am confused, though, as to how Casey ended up here?" Kathy Mitchell said.

"I can easily answer that, though the answer won't make a lot of sense!" Larry laughed. "Our son Derek is home from Drexel in Philly. He brought his roommate along as he is from Canada and doesn't celebrate our Thanksgiving. Tyler happens to be a star hockey player and the coach of Luke and Casey's team was sick so Tyler offered to take over their practice.

When leaving, they found Casey waiting to be picked up so they drove him home and obviously no one was there. So Tyler drove Casey to his Aunt's and there was a note on the door saying they were away until Monday. Tyler left notes with our phone number on both houses so whoever came home first would know where he was." Larry said.

"Well thank Tyler for me. I went to my sister's to pick him up and found the note. That's how I knew he was here." Kathy said.

"How did you get our address?" Linda asked. "I didn't know you had phoned?"

"I did phone and the line was busy but I got the answering machine and you gave your name, 'the Anderson's' so I looked it up in the phone book and got the address and came right over." Kathy said.

"Linda, would you mind getting us some coffee please?" Larry asked. Linda knew he meant for her to leave the room.

"Kathy, I need to speak to you about an important matter regarding Casey." Larry said.

"Is there something wrong with him?" Kathy asked.

"No, not at all, but I want you to hear me out! I'm a medical Doctor. By law, I have to report Casey as being abandoned and I have already done so!" Larry said. Kathy tensed up and her eyes widen.

"Now please just relax and hear me out! I want to help you here. I spoke with John Rubenstein who is the head of CPS and also a friend of mine. They are going to want to interview you and Casey, and possibly your boyfriend. I have a strong feeling that this weekend is all a misunderstanding and it will all be straightened out. I do however have concerns about Casey. His clothing is shabby at best, he seems borderline malnourished, and I believe he has concerns about your boyfriend. The fact that you would leave your son to go away with your boyfriend doesn't look well in other's eyes, even if it is no one's business! What I am about to say is strictly between you and me. If there is any current problem or one comes up in the future, you are welcome to bring Casey as well as yourself and stay here! If there were a drug or alcohol problem in the house then it would be best for you and Casey to not be there! If there is any kind of physical or sexual abuse happening to Casey I will personally take him out of there!" Larry said.

"I assure you, Dr. Anderson, that is not the case." Kathy began.

"Just a moment, Kathy! Let me finish. I'm not accusing anyone of anything!

I'm sure that this is uncomfortable for you to listen to but hopefully you will realize I am trying to help you and Casey. I want your word that if there ever is a problem at home that you will at least bring Casey here so he is safe. You can come with him or leave him here as long as you need to. I want you to feel that this is a safe place for you to be. We have a third floor apartment that would give you both privacy and you would be more than welcome to stay here. I'm sure you love your son very much and want the best for him but I'm sure you know better than anyone else if there is tension at home. Do you understand?" Larry asked.

"Yes, Dr. Anderson, and I appreciate what you are saying and offering. Things are tight with money. My boyfriend Paul does drink a little too much sometimes but doesn't do drugs. He would never hurt Casey. They don't really get along but that is because Casey won't give him a chance and Paul is impatient. It's just going to take some time." Kathy said.

"I appreciate your honesty Kathy and you certainly don't need to answer to me about your personal life. All that matters right now is Casey's welfare! CPS are not bad people and if you ask them for help they will be happy to assist you. Don't lie to them because if you get caught in a lie then Casey will be taken away. Tyler made Casey promise to tell Luke if anything is wrong at home and Luke will tell me. I can assure you Casey has been told that if anyone tells him not to say anything then he is to make sure he tells us!" Larry said.

"Yes, I understand and I would want him to tell me as well if something was wrong." Kathy said.

"He might feel that he can't talk to you about Paul but you probably should have a private talk with him regarding the three of you." Larry said. "We were actually planning on going to Philly for the day tomorrow and seeing Derek's college bowl game. We were hoping to take Casey along if you wouldn't mind?" Larry asked as Linda returned with coffee for the three of them.

"That's an incredibly generous offer, Dr. Anderson." Kathy said.

"Larry, please! Just call me Larry!" He said. "We would cover all expenses so you need not worry about that."

"I want to tell you, Larry and Linda, that the reason I am home early was that I was calling my sister all day yesterday to wish Casey a happy Thanksgiving day and there was no answer, so I came home this morning because I was worried that something was wrong." Kathy said.

"I am sure from what you are telling me that this is all a misunderstanding, Kathy, and as I said we are not judging you! I hope you understand that our concern is for both you and Casey. We want you to know that you have a place to come to anytime you need to. Anytime you simply want to come." Larry said smiling.

"Casey has been a complete joy to have around. He and Luke are like twins and their strange love of peanut butter.. Well." Linda laughed and so did Kathy.

"Oh my yes. the peanut butter!" Kathy said as she sipped on her coffee, "He loves to make what he calls a spamwich with peanut butter on it! I can't even stay in the kitchen when he does it."

"Wait until you see Luke's bedroom!" Larry said. "Kathy, why don't you go up and see Casey. Just tell Luke that we want to see him downstairs and if you don't mind we would love to keep him for the rest of the weekend but that is entirely up to you."

Kathy got directions to Luke's bedroom and headed up the curved staircase. "Hey Baby!" Kathy said as she entered the room.

"MOM!!!!!!" Casey yelled and ran into her open arms. "Mom this is my friend Luke! He goes to my school and plays on my hockey team! And guess what?"

"What?" Kathy said giggling.

"I won a $25.00 gift certificate at practice!! And Tyler got me a bunch of new clothing and I got chocolate bars and I." Casey said bouncing around.

"Okay honey! Slow down. Luke, your parents wanted to see you for a moment." Kathy said.

"Okay." Luke said as he left the room.

"I'm so sorry Baby about Aunt Pattie not picking you up." Kathy said with tears coming down her face. She pulled Casey into a hug. "I've been so worried about you. I was calling your Aunt's house all day yesterday to talk to you."

"I missed you too Mom. I was worried you weren't coming back for me." Casey said as he began to cry.

"Oh Baby! You're my number one always Casey! Without you I am nothing." Kathy said stroking his hair from his eyes and wiping his tears away with her fingers. "I'm so glad you have a great friend like Luke!"

"Me too! And Tyler, and the Anderson's! Tyler bought me all these clothes and he bought me the first three Harry Potter books!" Casey said holding them up for his Mom to see.

"Did you know that Dr. and Mrs. Anderson have invited you to go to Philadelphia with them to watch their oldest boy's football game tomorrow?" Kathy asked.

"Really? Cool! Can I go Mom?" Casey said still bouncing.

"If you want to! You can come over and play with Luke anytime you want or you can have Luke over to our house." Kathy said.

"Oh Wow! Thanks Mom!" Casey said throwing his arms around his Mom's neck.

"You know I love you Casey, don't you?" Kathy said.

"Yeah I know Mom. I love you too!" Casey said smiling.

"How about you, me, and Luke go out for lunch and then I will bring you back here and pick you up on Sunday night?" Kathy said.

"Really? What about Paul?" Casey said in a somber tone.

"Paul is still at his parent's house. You know, Paul is trying to be your friend, Casey, but you're not giving him a chance." Kathy said.

"He doesn't like me!" Casey said looking at the floor.

"I think he does like you but it's tough for him to make a new friend when the friend doesn't really want him." Kathy said.

"He scares me when he drinks." Casey said still looking away.

"Casey. Don't be afraid. Look at me. Has Paul ever hurt you?" She asked.

"No, but he yells sometimes." Casey said.

"I will talk to him about his yelling and drinking Casey. We are a package deal, you and I! If he wants me in his life it has to include you and if he doesn't like that then he won't be with us, but it won't work if you don't try a little from your end okay?" Kathy said.

"Okay." Casey said smiling.

"Casey, if for any reason you don't feel safe at home you are to come here or call Luke and then call me! Okay?" Kathy said.

"Okay Mom!" Casey said.

"Solemn promise?" She asked. "Solemn promise!" Casey replied.

"Let's go get Luke and go for lunch!" Kathy said.

"You're the best, Mom!" Casey said.

"Thank you Baby, but I've let you down and I will do my best not to let it happen again!" Kathy said. "Oh My God! What is that?" Kathy said looking at the wall.

"Isn't it cool?" Casey said.

"It's something else Casey." She said laughing. "Casey?"

"Yeah Mom?" He replied.

"Happy Thanksgiving son!" Kathy said holding her arms out.

"Happy Thanksgiving Mom!" Casey said running into her arms. Kathy, Casey, and Luke finalized arrangements with Larry and Linda for the rest of the weekend and then the three left to go out for lunch. Larry phoned John Rubenstein and filled him in on what had happened. John was fine with holding off until Monday to speak with Kathy and asked Larry to give her his phone number.

"Seems like we've solved another one!" Larry boasted to Linda as he gave her a hug.

"Yes, have I told you how wonderful you are?" Linda teased him.

"Not nearly enough!" Larry joked back.

"Well that's because you still have Derek to deal with! Why don't you try to make two for two today?" Linda asked.

"Fine! What do you want me to do?" Larry asked.

"Tell him we love him regardless of what decisions he makes in life, or that you are thoroughly disgusted and he should pack his bags!" Linda winked.

"But if I did the latter then we would lose our favourite son wouldn't we?" Larry smiled.

"Favourite son? I didn't know we had favourites Larry! I'm learning new things about you everyday!!!!" Linda said not amused at his joke.

"Right. I can only dig my hole deeper right?" Larry smirked at Linda.

"I think you have more work to do upstairs!" Linda said giving him a cheesy grin.

"Yeah. I was just about to go and solve number one son's problems and if I have time I will cure cancer and world hunger while I'm at it!" Larry said mocking himself.

"Just be finished in time for dinner honey!" Linda said, cleaning up the breakfast dishes.

Larry climbed the stairs and walked down the hallway to Derek's closed bedroom door. He knocked but got no answer. Larry knocked again and still Derek didn't answer. He opened the door to Derek's room slowly. He looked away from the open door and said. "Hello!!!!!!! I'm coming in!"

Derek heard him through his earphones and said, "Not funny Dad!"

"Did I ever tell you that you get your sense of humour from your Mother's side of the family?" Larry said, sitting down on the bed at Derek's feet.

"Are you here to make fun of me?" Derek said.

"Yes, my only goal in life is to mock you and your mother. Though you can't make me sleep on the sofa so I have much more freedom to pick on you!" Larry laughed.

"Is this pick on Derek day?" Derek moaned.

"Every day is pick on Derek day - you should know that by now!" Larry taunted.

"Dad!!!!!" Derek said.

"Oh settle down Number One!" Larry said in his Captain Piccard accent from Star Trek. Larry crawled up on the bed beside Derek. He wrapped his left arm around Derek and pulled him in against him. "I love you!" Larry said.

"You say that to all your kids!!!" Derek teased back.

"Oh sure. make fun of your old man!" Larry said.

"Got too! While you're still alive, eh!" Derek said.

"Eh? You've been hanging out with that Canuck too long! Soon you'll be applying for Canadian citizenship, getting married, having babies." Larry teased.

"DAD!!!!" Derek yelled.

"Okay, you won't actually be having babies." Larry said. "Seriously Derek! I love you so very much and I love Tyler also. This whole damn crazy family loves the both of you. You couldn't make me prouder of you than I already am if you chose Tyler to be your partner for life."

"Dad, we really need to stop having these father and son talks!" Derek laughed.

"Agreed! Your mother made me do it!" Larry joked.

"Seriously?" Derek said.

"No Derek! I apologize for walking in on you and Tyler this morning. I've been trying for last six years to get it through your head that we love you and we are here to support you! If I didn't want to see you with Tyler it would be because I didn't like Tyler. Not because he is a guy. All I've ever wanted is for you and your brothers to be happy." Larry said as he leaned over on top of Derek.

"You're not going to kiss me, are you?" Derek joked. Larry kissed him on the lips.

"Nooooooooo. I would never do that! It might mean that I loved you unconditionally!" Larry said. "You're not a bad kisser though!"

"DAD! This is not happening to me!" Derek said rolling back over to his side.

"Feel a little better now?" Larry asked.

"Maybe." Derek said.

"It was the kiss wasn't it?" Larry teased.

"Dad! I love you too, Dad." Derek said.

"I know you do Derek and thank you for telling me. I need to hear it as much as you do."

"I don't deserve this family." Derek moaned.

"I've been saying that for years as well." Larry smiled as Derek turned his head back to look at his father. "You are such a tight ass at times, Derek - although that should make Tyler happy!" Larry taunted.

"DAD! This is not happening." Derek said.

"I know lots of good therapists?" Larry offered.

"Can you ever be serious?" Derek asked.

"Can you ever be straight?" Larry said. He paused and thought about what he said and both broke out into a fit of laughter. "I want to hug my son for a little while before he is gone into another man's arms forever!" Larry asked. Derek rolled back over and laid his head on Larry's chest. Larry held him firmly.

"Can you fix things up with Tyler?" Larry asked.

"I don't know and I'm not sure I want to!" Derek said.


"I said I'm not sure I want to!" Derek repeated.


"Because I'm mad at him!" Derek said.


"Because he didn't support me. All he did was think about himself." Derek said.

"I guess that would hit pretty close to home for you, wouldn't it?" Larry asked.

"That's a cheap shot Dad." Derek said.

"Derek, don't let selfish pride get in your way. Whatever happens, I love you, your mother loves you, hell. Mango loves you!" Larry said getting up. "Derek, there's not a thing in this world will ever change how much we love you and how important you are to us." Derek got up off the bed and hugged his Dad. Larry left the room in silence. He closed the door behind him.

Derek opened the bathroom door and walked through to Kyle's room. He knocked on the doorframe. "Can I come in?"

"You never have to knock Derek." Kyle said.

Derek walked up behind Kyle who was sitting at his computer and kissed the top of his head. He wrapped his arms around Kyle's neck and asked, "Can I use your computer for a moment?"

"Yeah, no problem. I have to pee!" Kyle said getting up.

Derek turned on his MSN. He opened his email account and began writing a message to Tyler.

"Dear Tyler, Would you phone or email me to let me know that you made it back to Philly safely. Love Derek."

Tyler punched in Coach Connor's home phone number.

"Hola!" Cody said answering the phone.

"Hey Lonely boy!" Tyler laughed.

"Tyler? You're breaking up. Where are you?" Cody asked.

"Somewhere! I can't see a thing on the highway. What's the weather like in Philly?" Tyler asked.

"Shitty, Puckhead! Are you driving in this, dumbass?" Cody asked.

"Are you kidding? I can run faster than I am driving. At least there are enough vehicles on the road that I can follow their tail lights." Tyler sighed.

"Get the hell off the road! You should know better than to drive in this weather."

"I've got to work this afternoon but I'm going to pull in to this rest stop and fuel up. Before I lose you, tell me if you know whether we still have a game tomorrow night?" Tyler asked.

"Nope. Cancelled! Figures that Princeton is full of wimps and afraid to travel here." Cody laughed.

"Hey! Don't knock Princeton. that was on my list of universities to attend!" Tyler laughed. "Hang on a second, let me call you back. There are tons of buses at this rest stop." Tyler said and clicked his cell phone off. He weaved his way through all the traffic pulling up to the Exxon pumps. After refuelling his Jeep, he drove over to the mini food gallery. They had a Subway, McDonald's, Dunkin Donuts, Pizza Hut, and an Arby's."

"Damn, no Quiznos! What kind of dump is this place?" Tyler asked to no one in particular.

"It's the best thing around if you are stuck on a bus!", said a familiar voice.

Tyler turned around and saw this thin blond haired, blue-eyed hottie standing before him. "I know you!!! Don't tell me! Ummm. you're Ryan's roommate!" Tyler said still trying to remember his name.

"I'll give you two points out of ten for remembering that much." the almost stranger said.

"Hold up! You run track! Lots of medals! Varsity I think? .BEN!!!!!!" Tyler said smiling. "I'm sorry! I should've remembered. My bad!" Tyler laughed and extended his hand.

Ben laughed and said, "Okay, eight out of ten for getting my name and sport right! Your bus is stuck here too?" He asked.

"Nope! I'm driving. I just stopped in for fuel and to get a bite to eat. I was thinking something healthy like Subway but every time I see that Jarrod idiot I want to punch out the TV!" Tyler said laughing.

"Me too! He reminds me of the androgynous Pat on Saturday Night Live. If I had his address I would like to send him a few dozen donuts! Must be nice to be driving and not stuck on a bus!" Ben added.

"If you want to finish the ride in shabby luxury with a hockey player that listens to one song over and over then you're welcome to hitch a ride!" Tyler offered.

"Really? Fucking COOL! I so hate riding the bus!" Ben said.

"Let's go grab your stuff and get the hell out of here!" Tyler said. Tyler followed Ben over to the bus and the driver opened the door. Ben went in and grabbed his backpack and told the driver what he was doing. The driver opened one of the storage compartments under the bus and Tyler pulled out one suitcase and one hockey bag. Ben thanked the driver and they headed to Tyler's Jeep.

"You've got a Jeep? Fucking awesome!!!" Ben said and Tyler laughed at his enthusiasm.

"Tell the truth Ben. you would be happy in a beat up Honda Civic to just not be in a bus?" Tyler asked.

Ben flashed his perfect smile and winked. Tyler stared for a moment at Ben noticing how hot he was. Ben put his stuff in the back of Tyler's Jeep and then Tyler motioned for him to follow him into Dunkin Donuts.

"I need coffee so bad!!!" Tyler said. Tyler's cell phone rang.

"Can you hear me now?" Tyler said answering his phone.

"Hey Puckhead. You're supposed to phone me back! I was worried about you." Cody said.

"Do you want a coffee? I'm buying." Tyler said to Ben.

"You've got Derek with you?" Cody said listening in to half of the conversation.

"No Cody. I left him at home where he belongs. I did however pick up a guy at a rest stop on the freeway!" Tyler said smiling at Ben.

"You left Derek at home? What the fuck is going on and whom did you pick up? That's dangerous Ty! You don't pick up strangers." Cody began yelling into the phone.

"Down Cody! He thinks I'm picking up strangers at rest stops!" Tyler laughed.

"I have been told I'm kind of strange." Ben replied laughing.

"What the hell is going on Ty?" Cody said getting angry.

"Chill Cody-man! I found this blond hottie with these intense deep blue eyes and a killer smile so I thought I would take him along for the ride." Tyler said laughing and Ben chuckled knowing what he was doing.

"Tyler what are you talking about? Don't fuck with me man!" Cody yelled.

"Cody, I ran into Ryan's roommate Ben. He's on a bus headed back to Philly so he is now going to join me for the rest of the ride. Geez. take a pill!" Tyler joked.

"Sorry Ty. I was just worried about you." Cody said.

"And I appreciate that you care enough to worry. If the storm gets too bad we will pull off the road and find a way to keep warm." Tyler said winking at Ben who choked on a mouthful of coffee upon hearing what he said.

"What are you talking about Ty? What about Derek? Something's happened?" Cody's string of questions began.

"Laterz Cody. We're just heading out now. There's only an hour left in good weather so we should be home in two plus hours! Call ya later. Love ya bro!" Tyler said and clicked his cell phone off.

"Wow! This is an amazing vehicle!" Ben said.

"Really? What's so amazing about it?" Tyler laughed.

"Four wheel drive. amazing stereo system." Ben said.

"Yeah, it drives like it's summer when I have the 4x4 on!" Tyler said turning on his MP3 player. "I forgot to tell you there is a price for driving with me. you have to listen to the same song over and over again!"

"Tis cool. I have my own Ipod to listen to if I want too." Ben joked. "I don't think I know of any runner that doesn't own some sort of music player today!"

"Shit! We were supposed to go for a run weren't we?" Tyler said apologetically.

"No problem. We can still run together sometime if you like." Ben said.

"Yeah, that would be great. I'm really sorry. Life's been like a soap opera this year." Tyler said.

"I sort of guessed that from listening to the lyrics of this song. Somebody fucking you over?" Ben asked. Tyler didn't respond.

"Sorry." Ben said. "I didn't mean to intrude on your private life."

"It's okay. You weren't intruding. I was just thinking. People get a little strange if I talk about my life so I generally don't discuss much with anyone." Tyler said, slowing down to follow a snowplow. "Shit! I hate being stuck behind these guys!"

"Don't worry it won't last long we are almost at the state line so they will be taking an exit soon." Ben said.

"I don't want to freak you out. I'll just simply say it." Tyler said and stopped.

"Say what?" Ben asked.

"I'm gay." Tyler said releasing a deep breath.

"So?" Ben asked.

"Oh. I didn't know if you knew that. Guys get afraid that I'm going to jump their bones when I tell them so I don't." Tyler said.

"I'll just assume that since you are driving in a snow storm that I am fairly safe right now!" Ben said laughing.

"I can always pull over, Ben!" Tyler joked.

"Why don't we wait until we get back to the dorms, Ty?" Ben winked and then laughed. "So why don't you tell me what's wrong with your personal life? If you want to! No pressure. Maybe if you talked about it I wouldn't have to listen to this song anymore?"

Tyler banged his hand repeatedly on the steering wheel laughing. "Go ahead and find something else to listen to on my MP3 player."

"Can I put on a CD? I've got a song for you. Let's play this one and see if you get any subliminal messages from it." Ben said inserting the CD into the stereo.

"Who is it?" Tyler asked.

"The band is called Dakota Moon! Four black guys with a really soulful sound to them! I'll program two songs on repeat for you to listen to! 'Call On Me' and 'Another Day Goes By' are my two favourites!" Ben said.

Tyler began moving his head around and tapping on the steering wheel. Ben started laughing and began singing along with the song.

"Whoa! You can really sing Ben!" Tyler said. Ben ignored him and continued singing and moving to the music. Tyler joined in and began to sing and Ben stopped and burst into laughter.

"Holy Shit, Ty! You cannot sing!" Ben roared with laughter.

"Shud up.. Don't make me drop you off on the side of the road!" Tyler said laughing.

"If you're going to continue singing I really won't be offended." He said elbowing Tyler.

Ben continued singing, "When you're in need just call on me, I'll be your strength anytime you're weak. You'll be all right just wait and see; I'll be your shelter just call on me.."

"Whoa! I think you were black in a previous life! You really know how to sing. You could serenade me anytime!" Tyler said looking over at Ben. Ben stopped singing and looked back into Tyler's eyes very seriously. Ben's lips formed a slight smile. He winked at Tyler.

"So talk to me Puckhead!" Ben said.

"Hey! You've got to play hockey to be able to call me that!" Tyler teased.

"Stop avoiding the question and get it off your chest." Ben reprimanded him.

"I don't know where to begin? I'm in love with a guy I hate. His family totally rocks! They are the coolest people on the planet! Most of the time Derek and I don't get along but we both share a deep love for each other. or so I thought until this morning." Tyler said.

"What happened?" Ben asked.

"This morning I'm in Derek's bedroom and the door is open. He grabs me and kisses me! His Dad walks in the room and sees us, so Derek tells him, 'It's not what you think'. I couldn't believe the fucking little Judas! When it came down to it, he either lied to his father or to me!"

"Aren't you over reacting to it Ty?" Ben asked.

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked.

"Well I assume he isn't out to his family? What did you expect him to do?" Ben asked.

"I expected him to be honest with both of us! Especially me! I don't advertise that I am gay but I sure as hell don't deny it either! If you or anyone else has a problem with that it's fine with me but I want to know immediately so I don't waste time on you!" Tyler said getting angry.

Ben didn't respond.

"What?" Tyler asked.

"Nothing." Ben said.

"You want to say something so just say it!" Tyler said.

"Calm down Ty!" Ben asked.

"I'm calm. I'm sorry!" Tyler said.

"Tyler, it's only an outsider's opinion but I think you're over reacting. I couldn't imagine the shit that would fly if I was caught kissing a guy!" Ben said.

Tyler didn't respond.

"Do you really love him?" Ben asked.

"I don't know Ben. See this black eye? That came from Derek! He's been the roommate from hell!" Tyler said.

"So you do love him!" Ben said.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Tyler asked.

"Anyone who would put up with that shit must really love him!" Ben said looking out his passenger window.

"Ben, think about spousal abuse for a moment! She loves him but he beats her up. She still loves him despite what he does but that doesn't mean she should spend the rest of her life with him!" Tyler said.

"Holy Shit Ty! You're in an abusive relationship!" Ben said upon his realization of what was happening.

"Yeah, it sort of seems that way. find me some other music please?" Tyler asked.

Ben put on some Savage Garden and Tyler groaned but told him it was fine. Almost three hours after Tyler began his trip he pulled in through the security gate.

"Thanks for the ride Ty! I owe you one." Ben said pulling his stuff out of the back of the Jeep.

"You don't owe me anything. I appreciated the company and our talk. Thanks for being honest with me Ben. Not many bother to do that!" Tyler said.

"If it gets to be too bad Ty, either Ryan or I can switch rooms with you for the last few weeks of the semester!" Ben offered.

"Really? You would do that for me?" Tyler asked.

"In a minute! I may not look strong but I throw a fast punch!" Ben joked. He then punched Tyler's arm so fast that Tyler only felt the hit.

"Wow! You are fast!" Tyler said.

"I box in my spare time!" Ben said.

"Really? I'm taking boxing! Would love to get you in the ring sometime and learn a few tricks!" Tyler asked.

"I'm sure I could teach you a few things!" Ben said winking at him and he then waved goodbye.

Tyler loaded himself up and worked his way through the back entrance into the dorm hall. He looked for Gus at the desk but remembered that it was only just after one p.m. and Gus didn't start until two! The place was completely deserted. He opened the door to his room and dropped his stuff in the hallway. He rushed to the bathroom to relieve himself and then turned on his computer while he put things away. Tyler took his cell phone and began dialling.

"Ciccone's Trattoria." Gina answered.

"Hi Mrs. Ciccone." Tyler said.

"Tyler! You made it back?" She asked.

"Yes Ma'am, but I need to have a shower so I might not make it in by 2 p.m. okay?" Tyler asked.

"Take your time Tyler. We only have four reservations for tonight but I think you are our only server that is going to make it in." She said.

"I'll be in before three Mrs. Ciccone! Bye!" Tyler said closing his cell phone.

Tyler turned on his MSN messenger and clicked on his mail. There was an email from Kelly as well as a recent one from Derek. He held the mouse over Derek's name thinking about whether he wanted to read it or not. Derek was on his mind all the time but it wasn't about missing him. His feelings had gone from hurt to hate. He opened the email.


I made it home fine. Thank you for inviting me to your home for Thanksgiving. Ryan's roommate Ben has offered to trade rooms with me until the end of the semester. I think that is the best for both of us.


**For your information, the term 'honour bright' comes from D. H. Lawrence's

"The Rocking Horse" - it means a solemn and trustworthy promise. A worthwhile read if you haven't experienced this story. T. P.

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Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few weeks! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel.

Next: Chapter 25

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