The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Feb 18, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

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***TRH YAHOO/NIFTY CHAT: THIS SUNDAY FEBRUARY 19 th. 2006! 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. EASTERN STANDARD TIME AND 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EASTERN STANDARD TIME (Morning Chat for those in European Time Zones; Evening chat for those in North and South America)

The Road Home: Part Twenty-Two (Casey's at Bat)

Derek ran up the stairs as fast as he could with Tyler in tow. Kyle heard the sounds of running feet and he ran to close and lock his bedroom door. Derek pushed Kyle right out of the way of the door and toppled him onto his bed. Derek spread Kyle's legs apart with his knees and lowered his crotch down on to Kyle's nakedness. Kyle was giggling and screaming as Derek tickled him. Tyler waited at the doorway for a moment and then pulled the bedroom door closed and headed into Derek's room. He decided to let them have some fun.

Derek pinned Kyle's hands down and Kyle weakly gasped for air.

"Who's the best Anderson of this family?" Derek said with his lips almost touching Kyle's.

"ME!" Kyle said through his laughter. Derek stuck his tongue out and licked from the bottom of Kyle's chest up the side of his neck.

"That's GROSS Derek!" Kyle said laughing.

"Really?" Derek asked. Kyle just smiled and shook his head 'no'.

Derek began rubbing his crotch over Kyle's growing erection.

"Is this gross too?" Derek challenged him. Derek felt Kyle's arms stop fighting him and Derek released his hold on him. Derek pressed his lips to the centre of Kyle's chest and Kyle moaned. He wrapped his arms and legs around Derek and pulled himself up into Derek. Kyle could feel Derek's erection as it had popped out of his boxer slit. Derek lowered himself and Kyle down on the bed. Their faces passed each other and fell side-by-side, touching. Kyle began grinding his thighs into Derek. Both began grunting and Derek slowly raised his head and moved over until he was nose to nose with Kyle.

Kyle watched as Derek's eyes clouded over and he saw his lips begin to open.

Derek came back to life as if waiting for permission to go to a place he'd never dared go before. Kyle looked through Derek and placed his hands on Derek's face pulling their lips together. All sounds and movements stopped.

Kyle opened his eyes briefly to see Derek's eyes squinted shut. Kyle closed his eyes again and savoured the moment.

Kyle gently pushed down Derek's boxers without any help and then rolled Derek down on to his back with Kyle on top. Kyle sat up and made circles on Derek's chest. When their eyes met Kyle smiled. Kyle reached behind him and grabbed hold of Derek's erection stroking him up and down. Derek's eyes closed and his mouth opened. He raised his hands to Kyle's chest and began tweaking his nipples.

Kyle continued stroking Derek and was lubricating Derek's cock with his precum. Kyle bent down to kiss Derek passionately. When he sat back up he tried to guide Derek's cock into him. Derek's eyes opened wide. "Kyle, no!" Kyle placed one finger over his lips and started gently humping down on Derek's cock. He grabbed Derek's hand and placed it back on his chest encouraging him to play with his nipples.

Derek pulled Kyle down on to his chest and very gently said, "No, Kyle! We're not ready for that and I'm not sure I ever will be." It was Kyle's tears landing on his shoulder that told him what Kyle was feeling. "Kyle, I can only love you more every day I'm near you." Derek said, and Kyle put his arms around Derek's neck. Kyle sniffled.

"Have patience with me Kyle, I am way behind you in learning how to love anyone. All I know is that you are the most important person in my world! Even more than Tyler because you are my family! Kyle squeezed tighter and Derek hugged back.

"Tyler! Kyle! Derek!" Lucas yelled as he ran down the hall. "MOM'S home from McDonalds!" Tyler caught Luke just as he was about to open Kyle's door. Derek and Kyle froze looking at each other!

"You can't disturb your brothers right now. Derek is helping Kyle finish his homework so we can all play football in the backyard this afternoon, okay?" Tyler said loud enough for Derek and Kyle to relax. Kyle dropped his head down into Derek's chest.

"That was too close!" Derek whispered while rubbing Kyle's back.

"No shit!" Kyle said. "We owe Tyler big time!" Kyle said looking into Derek's eyes. Derek eclipsed an evil smile. Kyle spent a few seconds trying to figure out what Derek was thinking. As if one brother could communicate silently with another, Kyle smiled.

"Now go back downstairs and tell your Mom that everyone is showering and we'll be down in a bit. Kyle wants to surprise your Mom with his homework done. And Luke, how about if you and I make dessert for Thanksgiving dinner?" Tyler asked.

"Really? Just you and me?" Luke's eyes beamed

"Just you and me! Besides, if you're going to be my partner in football this afternoon, then who else would I count on to help me make dessert?" Tyler said. Luke threw his arms around Tyler and kissed his cheek. "I love you so much, Ty. Please don't ever leave?"

"Get going and tell your Mom we will be down in a bit." Tyler said. Luke ran down the stairs and back to the kitchen.

Knock! Knock! Knock! "It's just me, guys!"

Kyle began to get up and Derek pulled him back into his arms. "C'mon in, Ty." Derek said and Kyle looked at him in shock and then smiled.

"Who will always be my number one, Kyle?" Derek whispered and winked.

"Sorry guys, I wasn't expecting. after I knocked. I'll come back later." Tyler fought for words.

"It's okay Ty, we were just talking about you, and you know what happens when people talk about you?" Derek said pulling his erection out from under Kyle and waving it at him.

"Your Mom is home with McDonalds! You guys should finish up and get showered." Tyler said turning to leave.

"Fine! Be that way!" Derek laughed. "Let's get showered, Kyle!" Tyler got into the shower in the bathroom between their bedrooms and Derek and Kyle showered in the main bathroom.

"Hey, Derek! Does Tyler know about Thanksgiving Day dinner yet?" Kyle asked.

"No and don't you tell him either!" Derek said pointing a soapy finger at him.

"Isn't that kind of cruel? He's going to freak out when he sees what Dad does at dinner!" Kyle asked.

"We'll play it as it comes. Which ever one of us is sitting next to him can help him along if necessary." Derek said.

"Have you figured out what you are going to say?" Kyle asked rinsing his hair.

"I've got an idea but I'm not really sure yet. What about you?" Derek said.

"Yeah, I know what I've got to be thankful for!" Kyle said winking at his brother.

"Me too Kyle, just don't get all mushy, okay?" Derek asked as he turned off the water and handed Kyle a towel.

"Remember, Derek! If he's mad about not being warned it is your fault!!!" Kyle said as each of them headed back to their own bedrooms.

Tyler was dressed and lying down on Derek's bed holding one of the pillows over his face. "You awake?" Derek asked pulling his towel off.

Tyler nodded but didn't respond. "You okay, Ty?" Derek asked as he sat down on the bed next to Tyler and rolled him over to face him. Pulling back on the pillow he could see that Tyler had been crying.

"Hey, no more tears. What's a matter? Was it Kyle and me earlier that was bothering you?" Derek asked.

"No. I'm happy you guys found each other!" Tyler said.

"Found each other?" Derek queried. "Ty, I love my brother more than anything but we are not 'lovers' if that's what you think? I can't explain it but we are sort of catching up on some stuff the two of us missed. I guess I am trying to make the most of the time I have with him before I go back to school."

"Geez, Derek! I didn't mean it that way and you guys have nothing to do with this. This is just me." Tyler said rolling back over.

"Okay, Ty. I'm not going to push you on it. I love you and you know I am here. All I ever asked of you is to try to trust me a little bit and let me into your world. When you're ready I am here for you." Derek said rubbing Tyler's back. He got up and went to get dressed.

"I know you are here for me. I know you are trying and I can be as bad as you at times. I just can't explain it. It's just being here. It's scary but it isn't! You have the most perfect family in the world and even though everyone is trying to make me feel part of it, I'm still an outsider. It's not you guys, it's just me." Tyler said staring out the window from the bed.

"Ty, are things really that bad with your family that you prefer to be here?" Derek asked but Tyler didn't respond.

"I'm going to grab Kyle and go eat. You come down when you feel like it." Derek said leaning over to kiss his cheek. I love you, you know!" Derek said.

"I know, and thanks, Derek. for everything." Tyler said not pulling the pillow away from his face. Kyle walked into the bedroom via the bathroom and stopped. He looked at Tyler and saw Derek hold one finger up to his mouth. Derek put his arm around Kyle and took him out of the room to go eat breakfast, leaving Tyler alone.

Luke was back watching TV when Derek and Kyle entered the kitchen. "I didn't think you guys were ever going to show up!" Linda said.

"Sorry Mom, I was helping Kyle finish up some homework so it would be out of the way." Derek said.

"Oh, Derek!" Linda began. "I'm so glad to have my baby back!" She said pulling him into a hug. Derek rolled his eyes and Kyle grinned as he began searching the bags of food.

"Where's Tyler?" She asked.

"He'll be along in a bit. Say Mom?" Derek said breaking away. "Tyler's a little emotional today so be careful and don't ask him too many questions." Linda gave Derek and Kyle the 'what do I not know' look!

"Mom now isn't the time! I'll just say that I think he is missing being with his family and we bring back a lot of memories." Derek said. "I know you, Mom, and I know you mean well, but this is definitely not the time for you to get involved!"

Linda looked hurt and confused but since Derek had never said anything like that to her before, she decided to trust his judgement. Tyler arrived dressed in button-fly jeans and a denim button-down grey shirt. Linda wouldn't have noticed he had been crying if she hadn't been warned in advance.

After five seconds of silence Linda said, "Now you boys know what to do raking leaves. Tyler and I won't be long shopping."

"Dad's not going to try deep-frying the turkey again, is he?" Kyle asked and Derek started choking on his Egg McMuffin.

"Did it taste bad? I've never heard of deep-frying a turkey." Tyler asked.

"We don't know how it tasted!" Derek said laughing. "You would have to ask Abbey!" Abbey's head popped up and came over looking up at the three boys eating.

"How was the turkey Abbey?" Tyler asked. Abbey moaned. Kyle slipped her a piece of his sausage McMuffin.

"Dad actually blew the turkey up!" Kyle said. "We don't talk about it!"

Tyler began joining in Derek's laughter.

"How the hell do you blow a turkey up?" Tyler asked.

"You let Larry cook it!" Linda said, disgusted at just thinking about it.

"I'm lost." Tyler said.

"Ty!" Derek said, "It's a Southern way of cooking. You have to completely clean and dry the turkey out! Dry is the key word! Otherwise it explodes. into the neighbour's yard!" Linda and Kyle burst into laughter.

"Sounds like Abbey had a great Thanksgiving?" Tyler said.

"Ty! I caution you! It is a non topic around here!" Derek said. Linda had tears running down her face from laughing as she said, "I think there's still some turkey up in the trees!" That got everyone laughing again.

"Anyway Tyler, we need to get shopping so finish your breakfast and we will go!" Linda said.

"Yes Ma'am. I need to pull up a couple of recipes off the net first. Luke and I were going to make dessert if that would be okay?" Tyler asked.

"As long as it doesn't explode we're cool with anything you do!" Derek said to another uproar of laughter.

"How many people are going to be here for dinner?" Tyler asked. The phone began ringing.

"Hello!" Kyle said beating Luke to the phone.

"Hang on!" Kyle said putting the phone in Luke's hand.

"Probably another one of his girl friends!" Linda said. "Well, there's the six of us and Larry's parents plus you never know if we get unexpected company!"

"Tyler could do it! He's the star player of the Drexel Dragon's in Philly. He's also the top scorer in his league! Hang on, Coach! I'll ask!" Luke said into the phone. "Whatcha doin tonight, Ty?"

"Cooking! With you." Tyler said.

"Want to Coach my hockey practice?" Luke asked.

"What's a matter honey?" Linda asked.

"Coach is sick and he's calling to say he has to cancel the practice." Luke said.

Tyler looked at Linda and shrugged his shoulders to see what she thought. "Have you got your skates, Tyler?" She asked.

"Yeah, I never go on trips without them. Never know when you might need them. The only thing I'm missing is a hockey stick. Is there anything planned for tonight?" Tyler asked.

"No, not at all. His practice is actually at five so it won't take up the evening anyway. We can just have dinner a little later." Linda said. "Are you sure you want to?"

Tyler took the phone from Luke and spoke with his Coach for a few minutes. He found out what they do and then Tyler asked if he could do a few different things. They were on the phone for about 20 minutes talking before Tyler hung up.

Tyler pulled out his cell phone and dialled the Coach's home phone number.

"Hey Cody! Happy Thanksgiving Day. almost!" Tyler joked.

"Hey Ty! So you decided to take me us up on the offer of coming to dinner?"

Cody asked.

"Nope. I'm in Baltimore actually. I don't mean to cut this short but is your Dad home?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, hang on. Oh, Ty! Is everything alright?" Cody asked.

"Yeah, it's real good Cody. if you know what I mean!" Tyler whispered into the phone.

"Cool! Can't wait to hear about it when you get back! Hang on, I'll get Dad." Cody said as he walked the wireless phone down the hallway to his Dad's bedroom. "Dad, it's Tyler on the phone for you!"

"Hi, Tyler! Are you coming over for burnt bird, stove-top stuffing, and instant mash?" Coach Conners joked.

"Seriously Sir?" Tyler asked.

"No, Tyler! I've become a really good cook!" The Coach said. Tyler could hear Cody hacking a fake cough! Tyler laughed.

"Sounds like Cody may have a second opinion on that!" Tyler said.

"Cody might be eating soup and hot dogs tomorrow for dinner!" Coach Conner's joked. Tyler heard Cody get up close to the phone and say in a little kid's voice, "You're the best cook in the world Daddy!"

"And you're the biggest suck up East of California!" The Coach responded. "What can I do for ya, Tyler?"

"Well Sir. I need a favour. It's kind of a long story.." Tyler began.

When Tyler got off of the phone Luke was bouncing all around him. "What did he say?" Luke asked all excited.

"He said I should make you do extra push-ups!" Tyler smirked.

"Yeah right. So are you going to do it?" Luke asked.

"Luke! If the Coach just said Ty should make you do extra push-ups then that means he is going to coach your team's practice tonight." Kyle said. Luke stood in front of Tyler and pulled his arms around to the front of him.

Luke stuck his tongue out at Kyle.

"Kyle! Please! Luke! Did you make sure that Mango stripped your bed?" Linda said. Luke ran out of the kitchen to check that Mango had stripped the bed.

"Tyler, we have to plan for up to 10 people. Something always happens." She said.

"Picking up strays off the street?" Tyler asked.

"Already done, that's you, Ty!" Derek grinned. Linda swatted the back of his head.

"You are going to be so sore from playing football this afternoon, Derek!" Tyler said.

"Me. afraid of you? Playing football? Hahahaha! Too funny, Tyler!" Derek said.

"Warm up the hot tub for Derek in the morning, Mrs. Anderson." Tyler grinned.

"Tyler, what did you have in mind for dessert?" Linda asked. "I better get the corn bread out of the oven and put away before Luke finds it or there won't be any stuffing for the turkey." She added.

"Well, I was thinking of three things. Luke and I are going to make a peanut butter squares for starters! My Mom does a pumpkin pie but with a twist! She makes it with a gingerbread base." Tyler said.

"Oh, that sounds delightful, Tyler! I've never thought of that before. but it makes sense since the spices used are almost the same." Linda said as she took a large glass pan of freshly made cornbread out of the oven and hid it inside one of the microwave ovens.

"The third thing I was thinking of was a traditional apple pie, but made with cheddar cheese hidden inside and a pecan crumble topping on it." Tyler suggested.

"That sounds great, Ty!" Derek said.

"I'm not sure that you will be able to eat it with a jaw that's wired shut and a broken arm!" Tyler joked.

"Right, Ty! Like you could catch a wide-receiver!" Derek laughed.

"Who runs almost every morning, Derek?" Tyler said grinning.

"Hmmmm. Nope! Not gonna happen, Ty!" Derek laughed.

"Whatever. Derek! Mrs. Anderson, can we stop to get a few things for the hockey practice tonight?" Tyler asked.

"Sure Tyler. We're not in a big rush. the longer we take, the less leaves there will be for you to rake!" Linda winked.

"Mom!!!!" Kyle whined.

"Kyle!!!!" Linda whined back with a smile.

"Hey Ty, can I borrow your MP3 player for raking?" Derek asked.

"You've got balls, Derek! It's somewhere in my backpack." Tyler said getting up and taking his plate to the dishwasher. "Later guys, happy raking!" Tyler smiled as he put on his jacket and followed Linda to the garage.

As Linda drove them to the shopping centre she asked Tyler what all he needed for the hockey practice. He told her that he needed a stick, two orange hockey balls, some gift certificates to the Sport's Authority store, and two cases of chocolate bars!

"Are you serious?" Linda asked laughing.

"Yup! We're going to have fun and work hard. Parents pay for the ice time so we might as well use it. Luke tells me that they don't do much except skate around and do exercises so I thought I would make it a little more interesting."

"Sounds like it!" Linda laughed. "I really do appreciate your offer to help with dinner for tomorrow night. This is a bigger present than anything I get at Christmas!"

"It's my pleasure to help out. It's an honour to be able to experience an American Thanksgiving Day celebration." Tyler said.

"It's our biggest family celebration of the year. Many think it is about being American and remembering our roots but with us it has become more about family and giving thanks for what you have in your own home." Linda said.

"Yes Ma'am! When I drove down here in August I couldn't help but notice all of the flags waving everywhere! Some Canadians think it is just ego, but I think it's pride! I wouldn't change being a Canadian for anything but I sure am proud of our Southern neighbours! In Canada we take what we have for granted." Tyler said gazing out the window of the mini-van.

"Most of us think very highly of our neighbours to the North, Tyler!" Linda said. "I think you are the perfect example of what a great neighbour, son, and a friend really is!" She looked over and smiled at Tyler.

"Thank you, Ma'am! I love being with your family. Everyone is so loving and open. They can fight one minute and hug the next. I love the way a New Yorker can be at the opposite end from a Texan on an issue! They can argue until the end of time, but they will always protect each other and stand up for each other in a time of need.

In Canada, we all seem to hate Quebec and Quebec hates the rest of English Canada and if you talk to someone from Quebec, one-on-one, you'll see how nice most of them can be! It doesn't make a lot of sense when you live in a city like Toronto. I mean, next to New York City, Toronto has one of the largest mixed populations in the world! We all get along and celebrate each other's ethnic diversity." Tyler pondered.

"I guess that's what we call the melting pot down here? Everyone is equal."

Linda said.

Tyler laughed. "I don't mean to disagree with you Mrs. Anderson, but that is the only thing about America that I don't like! The idea that everyone is equal is a load of crap. Different religions, races, colours, sizes, shapes, social backgrounds, income levels. the list goes on an on. I don't want to deny my roots from the United Kingdom even if I am a Canadian. Why can't I be proud of both?" Tyler asked.

"I think you can, Tyler!" She added.

"But no one is really equal? Some are smarter, some are cuter, and some are disadvantaged! If you just pretend that all are equal then don't the needs of some get lost?" Tyler asked.

"Tyler, you're too smart for your own good!" Linda laughed as she pulled into a parking space. "All I need to give thanks for this holiday is having my five boys at home!" She said smiling at Tyler.

"Thanks Mrs. Anderson. Keep saying things like that and you're going to make me cry!" Tyler said looking away from her.

"Tyler, never be afraid to cry! If you need a hug and it doesn't seem to be there for you and then come and take one anytime! They're always free in a good home!" She said wrapping her arm in Tyler's arm.

Tyler smiled and joked, "Mrs. Anderson! Won't people be talk?"

"Of course they will. so let's give them something to talk about!" She said pulling his arm in tight against hers.

"We probably shouldn't let the word out about our love child just yet?" Tyler winked.

"Oh. I don't know! I've already sent Mango's birth announcement to the newspaper." Linda said. Tyler burst out laughing as he grabbed a shopping cart.

"Now I know where Luke gets it from!" Tyler said pushing the cart ahead of Linda.

"Careful, Tyler! You might also be needing the hot tub in the morning!" She nudged him with her hip.

"What all is on the list?" Tyler asked.

"Aside from what you've added. there's just a few things! Sweet potatoes, green beans, pecans, potatoes, corn syrup, milk, eggs, butter, whipping cream, apples, brown sugar, ground pork, cheddar cheese, brown sugar, sweet onions, country sausage, coffee cream, ice cream, chicken broth, chocolate chips, candied pecans, vanilla wafers, bacon, home fries, flour, sofa pop, popcorn, thyme, sage, and.." She said reading off the list.

"Peanut Butter?" Tyler joked.

"Peanut Butter!" Linda repeated.

"Should I get a second cart for the peanut butter?" Tyler laughed.

"That's not even funny, Tyler! Kraft foods sent us a Christmas card last year after Luke mailed in a picture of his bedroom wall! I was so embarrassed and he took it to school to show his class!"

Tyler laughed. After they bought everything from fresh veggies for the meal to ice cream to go with dessert they headed to the Club Warehouse for chocolate bars. Tyler purchased a case of Reese deep-dish Peanut Butter cups and a case of Hershey chocolate bars. While at the Sport's Authority store he got a new hockey stick, two orange road hockey balls and three gift certificates equal to the value of a new hockey stick each.

"You're going to spoil those kids!" Linda teased.

"Yeah, isn't it great? I hated playing hockey so much as a kid! I never want to see happen to them what happened to the guys I played with." Tyler mused. "Parents shouldn't be allowed to attend hockey games or becomes Coaches! They take the game too seriously up in Canada."

"I see a little bit of it here but not too much! It goes the same way down here with football, I'm afraid! Linda said.

"You and Dr. Anderson don't seem like that, though?" Tyler asked.

"We try not to be. Larry can get quite involved at times, but he isn't harsh. It's been a difficult journey between Derek and his father and I really have to put most of the blame on Derek." Linda said.

"I think he knows that himself. He's really coming out of his shell, though." Tyler smiled

"I can that and it is because of you Tyler! He's never relaxed around the house and even less so if he had a friend over, but he's the calmest we've seen him in years since you guys arrived yesterday. Normally Derek and Kyle are at each other's throats but it is like they are best friends now." Linda said

"I think Derek is learning that he doesn't need to compete against anyone." Tyler added.

"Larry couldn't stop talking about getting hugged by Derek!" Linda laughed.

"He was just as excited as Kyle and Luke last night." Tyler laughed. Linda clicked on of the garage door buttons and the gate began opening.

As they collected up all the bags of groceries Linda said. "You know that Derek really does love you! I can see it in his eyes. He's like a kid on Christmas morning who finally got what he's wanted all year long." She said squeezing Tyler's arm.

Tyler said, "Yes, Ma'am!" Shying away from her comment, but she held his arm seemingly awaiting a reply. Tyler looked into her eyes and said, "I love him too, Mrs. Anderson. I hope that we are friends for life." Linda smiled as she released her grip on Tyler.

When the groceries were put away, Tyler and Linda looked out the solarium window, both holding a cup of coffee. Luke and Kyle were raking one large pile at the back left side near the fence and Derek was raking his own big pile about 30 yards away from them along the same fence.

"What are they doing?" Linda asked to no one in particular.

"Easy, Ma'am! They're making goal posts for playing football!" Tyler laughed. Look at Luke dancing to the music on his I Pod!"

They both laughed. "I had better get out there and help them, Mrs. Anderson, if you don't need me anymore?" Tyler said.

Linda kissed his cheek and said, "Tyler this whole family will always need you and want you! Don't ever forget that!"

Tyler smiled. "I won't, Ma'am! I need you people more than you need me." Tyler walked out the door and the three boys stopped what they were doing and ran up to see him with Abbey leading the way.

"I get that feeling too, Tyler." Linda said aloud to an empty room as she walked back into the kitchen.

With Tyler back and Luke more than happy to give up his rake, the three boys wasted no time in raking up two more piles so they could have a game of touch football.

"Oh Shit!" Linda yelled just as Luke walked in through the solarium. Luke came to a dead stop and noticed that he left the peanut butter jar open with a knife next to the microwave oven. He slowly stepped backwards hoping to leave unnoticed.

"LUCAS ANDERSON! You get your ass up here right now!" Linda said without turning around.

"How does she do that?" He wondered to himself.

As Luke slowly approached the kitchen, the sliding door behind Luke opened and Kyle stuck his head in to yell, "LUKE! C'mon, we're ready to play. You're on Ty's team!"

Luke turned around and holding his hands together said, "Oh Thank You Kyle! I owe you big time!"

Linda turned around and said, "Yes Kyle, Luke owes you big time!" Kyle shook his head, not knowing what was going on. Luke ran past Kyle and headed out on to the field.

The boys played touch football until almost 1 p.m. Derek was truly a gifted receiver but it was too bad that he couldn't run as fast as Tyler! Tyler sacked him 22 of 31 times! Derek claimed it was only because they didn't want to beat them too badly! The only way Tyler and Luke could score points was to have Tyler toss the ball to Luke and then have Luke immediately toss it back to Tyler. No one could catch Tyler but then they still never came close.

A withered Derek panted, "We kicked your ass! I think?" And fell over.

"Derek, you got your seven of your nine scores in the first ten tries! Once we figured you out it wasn't a problem to defeat you! Tyler gasped for breath lying on the ground.

Kyle flopped down on the ground between them and Luke collapsed on top of Tyler. because he could!

"We still beat your ass!" Derek exclaimed and he high-fived Kyle. Derek then collapsed on to his back again.

"Dude! You only beat us because Kyle can throw! Not because you can run!" Tyler laughed and then he high-fived Kyle.

"Rematch, Derek?" Tyler gasped.

"In Hell. maybe. have your people get back to my people!" Derek said and everyone laughed.

"Word!" Luke said. More snorts of laughter.

"God, somebody kill me!" Kyle said.

"You? Hell, you weren't being attacked by Tyler for the last two hours!" Derek said. "I'm the one who deserves to die the most!"

"I think I am!" Luke said. Everyone lifted their head and looked at Luke and then at each other!

"Ummm Luke! Nobody hurt you, you don't get first right to die!" Derek said.

"Mom found out I was into the cornbread!" Luke said grinning.

"LUCAS!" Kyle said. "That's what that was all about in the kitchen?" Luke nodded.

"You win Luke! You deserve to die the most! No one crosses 'the Mom'!" Derek laughed along with Tyler and Kyle.

"What's all this crap about nobody crosses the Mom? She's a sweetie! You guys get away with everything!" Tyler asked.

"Ty, you don't understand. That's how it is with Mom. She never punishes us so we make a joke out of it." Kyle said.

"That's really cruel! Your Mom is great!" Tyler said disgusted in the three of them.

"Ty, you don't understand. When we say 'don't mess with or don't cross' the Mom what we are saying is we know she is right! It's a way we discipline ourselves so Mom doesn't have too. Or worse! Tell Dad!" Derek explained.

"So, your Mom catches you doing something wrong and you say out loud 'don't mess with the Mom' which is your way of telling your brothers that she is right and they are wrong? That is so fucked up and so very cool! You guys amaze me every minute I get to know you!" Tyler laughed.

"How much did we lose by, Ty?" Luke asked.

"We didn't lose Luke, we won!" Tyler said and fisted with Luke.

"How the fuck do you figure that, Ty?" Kyle said sitting up.

"Simple, ask your brother tomorrow morning when he is soaking in the hot tub!" Tyler grinned.

"Kyle. they won!" Derek said.

"But the score? We won!" Kyle declared.

"Yeah Kyle, we won the battle but Tyler won the war. I'll explain it to you later if you'll help me stand up? I'm afraid you guys might leave me here and some bear will eat me in the middle of the night!" Derek said laughing.

"Hahaha.. No bear would eat you, Derek! You don't have any fat on you!" Luke proudly announced.

"Actually he's got about 7 inches of fat on him Luke!" Tyler said awaiting a reaction.

"HO HO HO!" Kyle gripped his stomach from laughing so hard.

"Fuck you, Ty! I've got almost 8 inches of fat on me!" Derek laughed.

"Luke, explain to your brother the difference between centimetres and inches!" Tyler joked.

"Hey! I would bitch-slap your ass if every bone in my body wasn't broken at the moment!" Derek joked.

"Luke, run up to the house and grab some peanut butter so we can spread it on his 8 cm of fat to attract a bear!" Tyler asked.

"Right. like I'm wasting my peanut butter on his tiny dick!" Luke said as he walked off towards the house!

The loudest roar of laughter of the day came quick and hard from the three remaining boys!

"Looks like Luke won the game all on his own!" Kyle said.

Tyler stared up into the tree above him and watched a squirrel packing nuts into a hole in the tree. He saw the twig coming down at him and yelled "INCOMING!" And everyone rolled over. The 'twig' hit Tyler on the back of the head. Tyler picked it up for all to see and said, "Look? It's a bone!"

When Tyler and Kyle stopped laughing they began to worry about Derek as he was hyperventilating from laughing so hard. Tyler stuck the bone in his pocket and said "Souvenir!"

"Kyle can you go get the hot tub in the bathroom started up?" Tyler asked.

"You don't want to use the outside one? There would be room for all of us there." Kyle asked grinning.

"It would take too long to heat up in this weather." Tyler said. Kyle ran up to the house while Tyler helped Derek get up and walked him towards the house.

"Okay Luke, are you ready to start cooking?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah! What are we making?" Luke asked sitting on a bar stool across the kitchen island from Tyler.

"You, not me, are going to make Chocolate-Pecan-Peanut butter squares!" Tyler smiled.

"Me? I thought we were doing this together?" Luke asked

"I'm here to assist you, but you get all the credit for doing it! What does the recipe say?" Tyler asked already knowing it off by heart.

"Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Combine peanut butter, condensed milk, chocolate and peanut butter chips, pecans, and two cups of smashed vanilla wafers together and bake in a greased pan for 20 minutes! This sounds easy!" Luke declared.

"It is easy so get to it. I'm right here if you need my help. I'm going to make the gingerbread base for the pumpkin pie." Tyler said.

Luke mixed the can of condensed milk with two heaping serving spoons of crunchy peanut butter together and melted them in the microwave oven. He smashed the wafers in a plastic bag and added them to the mixture along with a cup of chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, and pecans. Tyler helped him press the mixture into the 9 x 9 glass pan.

"Now I bake it in the oven?" Luke asked.

"Nope! You forgot to preheat your oven so you need to wait until the oven is ready." Tyler smiled.

"Why didn't you do it?" Luke asked.

"Because you were reading the directions and making it. I am just here to help when you need me." Tyler said kissing Luke's forehead.

"That's not fair! If you knew you should have told me! I'm new to this." Luke whined.

"Luke, are you going to remember to read and follow the directions next time?" Tyler asked.

"I'm never cooking again!!!" He said leaving out of the kitchen.

"LUKE!" Tyler called out.

"What!" Luke said with his arms folded across his chest. Tyler giggled at seeing the disgusted look on Luke's face.

"Oven is ready!" Tyler smiled. "And I wouldn't count on going away for 20 minutes because it will burn if you don't take it out when it's done!"

Tyler opened one of the fridges and saw a case of Clementine Oranges in a crate. "Hmmm I could use those for hockey!" He thought to himself

"Did Mango get your bed changed?" Tyler asked.

"Shut up!" Luke snapped leaning on his arm staring at the oven timer.

"Okay. Sorry." Tyler said as he mixed his base for the pumpkin pie. Tyler pressed his pumpkin pie base mixture into two round nine-inch glass pans. The buzzer went off and Luke ran around to the oven.

"Do you know where your Mom keeps the pot holders?" Tyler asked. Luke glared at him and pulled out a pair of oven mitts from a drawer next to the oven. Tyler opened the oven door and removed Luke's creation setting it down on a trivet too cool. He then put his own two piecrusts in to pre-bake for 15 minutes.

"Wow! Does that ever smell good!" Luke said.

"Yup, and it will taste good but you need to wait about half an hour for it too cool until you sample it." Tyler smiled. Luke still glaring at him walked out of the kitchen. Linda walked by Luke into the kitchen.

"What smells so good?" Linda said.

"Luke's chocolate-peanut butter-pecan squares! They're just out of the oven!" Tyler said.

"Ooooooo! Can't wait to sample!" Linda said. Tyler spotted Luke's arm at the edge of the kitchen entrance.

"Well, you will have to wait and then ask Luke if you can sample them! He did it all on his own! Everything from preheating the oven to watching for them to be done!" Tyler said.

"Really? He won't even make a peanut butter sandwich if he can get someone else to do it! I would have expected him to be complaining about having to watch you make it!" Linda laughed.

"No Ma'am! He was great! He wanted to do it all himself. You should be really proud of him. The only thing I did was lift the hot pan out of the oven. I didn't want him to burn himself on it." Tyler said, "I was wondering. Do you think I could borrow your crate of oranges for the hockey practice? I'd like to make sure they all have something in them before we start. I figure a bunch of them won't get dinner until after practice. I'll replace the case."

"Tyler! Please stop this! You're here not as an invited guest, but because you are part of our family. Help yourself to anything you want, and as I tell my other four boys, if you're taking the last one let me know!" Linda said wrapping her arm around him and kissing his cheek.

"Careful Ma'am, I don't want you hurting our love child!" Tyler joked.

Linda laughed but Luke darted around the corner into the kitchen. "Mom's having a baby?" Luke yelled. Tyler and Linda burst into laughter.

"No Honey, Mommy's not having a baby! You're my only love child! Tyler was making a joke!" Linda said. Luke eyed each one of them up.

"I'm tellin' Dad!" Luke said.

"Go ahead and tell your Dad, Luke!" Tyler said, "Just remember that when all is over that you will be the one the joke is on!"

"Luke, you know better than to listen in on other people's conversations!" Linda said. "But feel free to tell your Dad if you think it's true!"

Luke again eyed each one of them up. Tyler and Linda stared at him and then they looked at each other and broke up laughing.

"You guys are no fun!" Luke said turning and leaving the kitchen. The buzzer went off and Tyler grabbed the mitts to remove his two pie shells. Linda held a finger up to her mouth and left the kitchen through the other entryway. She snuck around to the other entrance up behind Luke.

"Gotcha!" Linda said grabbing Luke and scaring the crap out him. "I told you not to listen in on conversations. Tyler laughed, hearing what was going on.

"Hey Luke, if you're going to hide around the corner make sure your arm isn't showing okay?" Tyler winked. Luke stormed off to his bedroom leaving a trail of smoke.

Linda held her hand to her mouth walking back into the kitchen trying to stifle her laughter. "The little brat does that all the time!" Linda said shaking her head.

"I was that way. and probably at an older age too!" Tyler said smiling.

"Do you need some help with the desserts?" Linda asked.

"No, it's all good!" Tyler smiled. "I can always use the company though!" He said pouring a cup of coffee for Linda.

"So how exactly do you make this pie? Linda asked slurping her hot coffee.

"Same way everyone else does except I use a gingerbread base and I crush sugared pecans and spread them over the top when it is about half way baked!" Tyler said. "Now I get to play with your mixer!!!" Tyler laughed rubbing his hands together!

"You really are starved for excitement, aren't you?" Linda asked laughing.

"Are you kidding? A mix-master that rises up from the counter-top, how cool is that?" Tyler announced!

"Feel free to play with the vacuum, the dish washer, and the washer and dryer, kiddo!" Linda said and they both laughed!

"Thanks but I made sure I had all my laundry done before I came here!" Tyler said turning on the mixer and blending the eggs, Carnation milk, and the pumpkin puree.

"I wish you could instil some of that wisdom into my number one son!" Linda said. "Speaking of, time to rotate the loads! I'll be right back." She said going down the hallway to the laundry room next to the garage. By the time she returned Tyler was placing two pumpkin pies into the oven.

Linda sat back down with her coffee and Tyler began cleaning up his mess.

"Just leave the dishes Tyler, I will do them." She said.

"No problem Ma'am! I like doing dishes!" Tyler said and Linda perked up with a strange expression on her face.

"What?" She said.

"I like doing dishes! It reminds me of being at home." Tyler said filling the sink with hot water and dish soap.

"You're going to make someone a good wife, Tyler!" Linda joked.

"Yes Ma'am!" Tyler laughed.

"Speaking of. have you got yourself someone in mind?" Linda asked smirking at Tyler.

"Maybe!" Tyler said. "School is my wife for the moment, though."

"Well as long as you are partnered with someone who loves you back and makes you happy, that is all that counts!" Linda said peeking into the oven to look at the pies.

'Partnered'? Tyler thought to himself, 'what does she think? What does she know?'

"Did you learn to cook from your Mom?" Linda asked.

"Yes Ma'am! She wa. is a very cook! So was my Grandmother." Tyler said as he began rinsing dishes.

"She must be very proud of you, Tyler!" Linda said grabbing a towel to start drying the bowls.

"She is, Ma'am! When I lived at home we always spent a lot of time talking. I never got along that well with my father but Mom and me are really close!"

Tyler said deep in thought. "I'm going to cut a little piece out of Luke's squares and take it up for him to try!"

"Great, cut me a piece too, Tyler! I want to try it." Linda said.

"Maybe you should wait until Luke okays it?" Tyler asked.

"Maybe you are right! No one wants the wrath of an eleven year old!" Linda laughed while Tyler cut the corner piece out and put it on a paper towel to take upstairs to Luke.

"That looks and smells so good, Tyler! Make sure you give me the recipe." Linda asked.

"Yes Ma'am, or I can give it to Luke and it can be his recipe to make!" Tyler joked.

"I doubt he would ever share it then." Linda said. Tyler left the kitchen with a warm, gooey square in his hand for Luke. The bathroom door was shut but he could hear the jets of the hot tub running. Tyler wasn't surprised that Luke's bedroom door was shut.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"What!" Luke yelled.

"It's me Tyler, can I come in?" Tyler asked.

"I'm busy!" Luke responded.

"Okay. Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you, I just brought a piece of your squares to sample." Tyler said. Tyler heard the feet run to the door.

Luke opened the door and grabbed it from Tyler's hand and shoved it in his mouth.

"You're welcome." Tyler said.

"Mmmmm. Mmmm!" Luke said as he went back to his comic book that he and Mango were reading.

"Can I come in?" Tyler asked.

"If you want." Luke said not looking away from his comic book.

"I'll take that, as 'I'm not really welcome here'!" Tyler said and pulled the Luke's bedroom door shut. Tyler went back downstairs and saw Linda watching her soap opera and reading a magazine.

"How did it go?" Linda asked.

"Not good!" Tyler laughed. "I think Mango is unhappy with me" He winked.

"Hahahaha. welcome to the club!" Linda said! "Luke is never unhappy, it is always Mango!" She laughed. "I'm thinking of bleaching the monkey next time I wash him!" Tyler petted Abbey on the end of the sofa.

"I was going to add the pecan crumble topping now. I was wondering if you might take them out of the oven when they're done? I really need a shower."

Tyler asked.

"Sure, Tyler! Be happy to help!" Linda said.

"Great and thanks! There will be about 20 minutes left when I put them back in." Tyler said getting up and heading into the kitchen. He removed the two pies, lowered the temperature and spread the crumble topping on them. Placing them back in the oven he headed up to Derek's bedroom to change for a shower.

Tyler tapped on the bathroom door. "Can I come in?" He asked. No answer so he opened the door and peeked inside. Derek and Kyle were both in the hot tub together, one on each end of the oval tub. Derek's eyes opened as Tyler approached. Tyler shushed Derek with a finger to his mouth. He crept up beside Kyle's head and said, "BOO!"

"AAAAhhhhhhh!" Kyle jumped up and when he saw that it was Tyler he said, "I hate you so much!" Kyle laughed.

"Get in line behind your brother!" Tyler joked. "Feeling any better, Derek?"

"Oh yeah. Now I just need a nap and some food!" Derek said.

"I'm going to go have a shower." Tyler said.

"How was cooking with Luke?" Derek asked.

"Not great. I made him cook! How was I supposed to know that would make him mad?" Tyler commented. Derek laughed but Kyle didn't say a word.

Kyle climbed out and Tyler handed him a towel.

"There's room for you to climb in here with me?" Derek said as Tyler massaged his shoulders.

"Thanks, but maybe after hockey tonight." Tyler said as he kissed the top of his head. "Don't fall asleep and drown in here!" He said leaving Derek alone in the bathroom.

Derek allowed himself to spread his legs out across the length of the tub allowing his body to become horizontal. "Up periscope!" He said as the tip of his cock rose up above the bubbles. Feeling the cool air of the room on his member he said, "Down periscope!" and lowered himself down into the warm, bubbling waters.

Kyle slammed the door shut behind him and startled Luke. "You're dripping on my floor." Luke said lifting his head to see where the noise came from.

"Shut the fuck up, asshole! I don't know what you did to Tyler but fix it! NOW!" Kyle yelled. Luke just lowered his eyes and looked back at his comic book not saying anything.

Tyler returned to the bathroom, as Derek was about to get out. "Decided to join me?" Derek smiled.

"Nope, but I thought I might crawl in before you drain the tub!" Tyler said dropping his towel.

"Fine! Be that way! Besides, I'm starved!" Derek said as he climbed out and Tyler climbed in. "What time is it?" Derek asked.

"Nearing 3 o'clock I think?" Tyler said. Tyler closed his eyes and braced his feet on each side of the bottom of the tub. He didn't know how long he had been sleeping when he felt a pair of legs touch the inside of his legs. He opened his eyes to see Luke in front of him. Tyler sat up and Luke dropped into his body wrapping his arms around Tyler. Tyler held him close.

"Ty?" Luke said.

"Shhhh Luke!" Tyler said holding him snugly against his chest.

"Ty?" Luke said.

"Luke! Shhhhh!" Tyler repeated. Tyler squeezed Luke's back three times. Luke started to say 'I'm sorry' but Tyler stopped him. "Luke if you truly love me as much as I love you then you don't need to say any more!"

Luke squeezed Tyler's back three times. "Yeah Luke, if you have to talk then that's what I want to hear." He said as he gently kissed the top of Luke's head.

"Are you mad at me?" Luke asked.

"No, are you mad at me?" Tyler asked.

"No. well, not anymore. I know I was dumb." Luke said.

"You're not dumb, Luke." Tyler said rolling Luke over and setting him on his lap in the tub.

"I feel dumb." Luke moaned.

"Luke. Let me explain something to you and then we will be done with this. I love you. Period! I may tease you but I will never play games with you and I would never intentionally hurt you. I don't like it when people say 'I'm sorry' because I never believe that they really mean it. If you are truly sorry for anything you've done wrong to someone else then the best way to make up for it is to never do it again. Do you understand?" Tyler asked.


"But what?" Tyler said.

"I'm being like Derek, aren't I?" Luke asked.

"I don't know Luke. Only you can answer that, but I love Derek as much as I love you so to me that can only be a good thing." Tyler smiled.

"You really do love Derek, don't you?" Luke asked.

"Of course I do!" Tyler said.

"No, you know what I mean, Ty!" Luke said.

"Between you and me?" Tyler asked.

"Uh huh!" Luke said.

"I think more than I've ever loved anyone else in life, Luke!" Tyler said looking out the window. "How do you feel about that?"

"If it means you never leave me then I'm good with it." Luke said.

"Thanks Luke, I needed you to tell me that. I'll never leave you unless you want me to go, but remember if you tell someone to go they may never come back so think carefully before you speak." Tyler said.

"Yeah, I'm learning that! Believe me!" Luke said.

"Do me a favour Luke, always stay honest to yourself and don't ever grow up!" Tyler laughed.

"If I don't grow up then I can't date Lindsay Lohan and Mom and Dad said I have to be 16 before I can date anyone!" Luke said frowning. Tyler laughed.

"I'm sure Lindsay Lohan will wait for a guy like you!" Tyler said hugging Luke.

"Do you like any girls, Ty?" Luke asked.

"Yup. I like Mary Louise Parker!" Tyler said.

"She's OLD!" Luke said and Tyler laughed. "Have you told Derek he's got competition?"

"LUCAS! That's not a nice thing to say!" Tyler chuckled. "You can like more than one person in life!"

"Looks like I'm gonna be the only sperm donor in this family!" Luke announced.

"LUCAS!" Tyler laughed. "Where do you learn words like that? You're only eleven years old!"

"Does peanut butter really grow sperms?" Luke asked.

"Sperms?" Tyler said.

"Yeah! I mean it's made from nuts so it should make my nuts grow really big!" Luke reasoned.

"Get out of here Luke! We're not having this conversation!" Tyler laughed and Luke giggled. "You'll have to ask your Dad about that one because I'm still in school!" Tyler said hoping he had passed the buck to Larry.

"Well does it?" Luke persisted.

"I don't know Luke, but if it does I wouldn't tell anyone or else there will be a peanut butter buying panic and you'll never be able to get some for yourself!" Tyler said.

"Good thinking! You're smart, Ty!" Luke said and Tyler laughed.

"Let's get out of here. We've got a hockey practice shortly!" Tyler said standing up and climbing out of the hot tub. Tyler lifted Luke out and wrapped a towel around his tiny body. Luke raised his arms to be picked up.

"Luke this has to stop soon! I'm getting to old to carry you." Tyler said struggling to get a good grip on his wet body.

"Take me downstairs for another piece of that square please?" Luke asked.

"Can we get dressed first?" Tyler asked and Luke shook his head no.

"Do I have to carry you?" Tyler asked and Luke nodded yes.

"That was a stupid question wasn't it?" Tyler asked and Luke just smiled.

"I love you, Ty!" Luke said.

"I know you do, Luke." Tyler said.

Luke wrapped his arms around Tyler's neck as they headed down the stairs. Luke leaned into Tyler's ear and whispered, "I'm sorry about earlier, Tyler."

"It's okay Luke, I believe you truly are sorry." Tyler said walking into the kitchen both wrapped only in towels.

Derek and Kyle were munching on roast beef sandwiches and celery and carrot sticks while sharing a bag of potato chips between them. Larry walked into the kitchen. "I'M HOME!" he announced.

"Daddy, Daddy!" Luke yelled and Tyler let him down to go see his Dad.

"Did you have a good day, Lukey?" Larry asked.

"The best! Tyler and I made a dessert, and we beat Kyle and Derek at football, and Tyler's going to coach my hockey team tonight, and." Luke said.

"You won, huh?" Kyle asked shaking his head.

"Hold up Luke!!! Settle down! Let Daddy get some air!" Larry said. Luke ran over to the pan of squares and saw that the only piece out of it was the one he ate.

"Isn't anyone going to try the stuff Ty and I made?" Luke asked. Everyone glared at each other.

"Luke, if we had even touched it you would be screaming mad right now!" Derek said.

"Very good, Master Derek! I've trained you well!" Luke smirked and everyone laughed except Derek who just shook his head. "C'mon, everyone try some, besides, Tyler can always make us more!" Luke laughed. Linda cut a couple of rows of squares out for everyone to sample. Luke grabbed a jar of peanut butter and knife. He painstakingly smeared peanut butter on the top of his piece before popping it into his mouth in one bite.

"Wow! These are amazing, Luke!" Larry said and everyone agreed. Half the pan was gone in no time.

"Tyler, you need to make more of these!" Derek said.

"Needs more peanut butter!" Luke added.

"I need to get ready for hockey practice." Tyler said and excused himself. "Nice work Luke, these are much better than anything I've ever made! From now on you'll have to make them!" Tyler smiled and Linda laughed. Luke would have responded if his mouth weren't too full of peanut butter to speak.

Tyler loaded all of his goodies for the hockey practice into a cardboard box and closed the lid just before Luke arrived in the kitchen.

"What's in there?" Luke asked.

"Nothing!" Tyler smiled. "It's for your practice!"

"What is it?" Luke asked again.

"If I wanted you to know I would have told you!" Tyler said.

"Can I come too?" Kyle asked.

"If you want, Kyle! We could always use a stick boy!" Tyler smiled.

"Sweet!" Kyle said and ran upstairs to put on his Dragon's hockey jersey.

"Why don't you go and watch too, Larry?" Linda suggested. Larry glared at her.

"Yeah Dad! It will be fun! My coach is sick and Tyler is holding the practice!" Luke said jumping up and down.

"Sure Luke, if you want me too, since I've only been up since 5 a.m. and in surgery for most of the day. I can't think of anything I would rather do!" Larry's voice became harsher as he directed his comments to a laughing Linda.

"Would you rather stay here and help me clean and DRY the turkey?" Linda said kissing Larry's cheek. Derek choked on his glass of milk and made a hasty exit from the kitchen.

"Now that you mention it, Linda. some time away from here might not be a bad idea!" Larry snarled.

"Luke and me need to get there early so why don't you relax and show up at 5?" Tyler suggested.

"At least someone in this family cares about me!" Larry said putting his arm around Tyler.

"Larry, have you ever told Tyler the turkey story." Linda began.

"I really have to get going, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson!" Tyler said grabbing the box and heading outside to his jeep. Luke opened the garage door and Tyler helped him through his hockey equipment in the back of the jeep. Kyle came running out and Tyler asked him to run back in and get the oranges from his Mom. The three of them left for the hockey arena.

A few of Luke's team mates where already there and so was the assistant Coach, Jim Meyers, father of Calvin. Luke introduced Tyler to him and Tyler took him aside to tell him what he wanted to do tonight at practice.

"Really? That's great! This is finally going to be fun. Lots of parents are coming tonight! Jim said.

"Oh shit! Wonder what they're going to say?" Tyler mused.

"Don't worry about it. Most are frustrated by the Coach's own lack of enthusiasm." Jim said.

"Let's get started!" Tyler said. "I need a favour from you. I need you to make a complete list of everyone that shows up. I need you to list each player from the fastest skater to the slowest in that order. Can you do that?"

"Sure, no problem!" Jim said flipping open his clipboard.

"I also need a whistle if you have one?" Tyler asked.

"Nope, but I can borrow one. Be right back." Jim said leaving. Tyler walked into the dressing room to see almost twenty boys sitting there and a few parents tying up skates.

"Okay!" Announced Tyler in a loud voice to get everyone settled down. "My name is Tyler Peel and I will be your Coach for tonight. Jim returned with the whistle and handed it to him along with a list of the player's name.

"Can I ask all the parents to leave the dressing room please?" Tyler said. Tyler opened up his box and pulled out a small crate of oranges. He pointed at Luke and said,

"What's your name?"

"Luke Anderson!" And Tyler threw an orange at him. He only caught it because Tyler had told him in advance what he was going to do.

"Your name?" Tyler said pointing to another boy.

"Adam Johnson!" Tyler through an orange at him!

"I see we have two goalies! Your name?" Tyler asked pointing at one goalie.

"Calder Hintz. Sir!" He said and Tyler handed him two oranges.

"Very good Calder! Those who show respect to their team mates and Coach get rewarded!" Tyler said smiling. He continued on through the list and warned everyone on of them that any orange peels found on the ground and the entire team would do 20 push-ups!

"Now guys I want you to listen up! We are going to do some different things tonight. We're going to work hard, play hard, and have fun. You don't have to like me, but I expect you to respect me! Got a question? Ask! Got a rude comment to make? Expect me to embarrass your ass in front of all the parents out there tonight!

Anyone who goes out of their way to give me trouble tonight won't be doing push-ups! He won't be skating laps of the ice! He'll be sitting on the bench watching. Your parents each pay six dollars for your ice time here! If you don't want to practice, then stay in the dressing room when we leave.

Last thing I want to say to you is that if everyone behaves and tries their best I will have a special surprise for you when we get back in the dressing room! Anyone who makes me put them on the bench means that they entire team doesn't get the surprise!" Tyler said.

"Any questions?" Tyler asked. No one said anything. "Okay, here is what we are going to do! I'm dividing you into two teams! I want you to cross over to this side of the dressing room if I call your name as being on Team A and this side if you are on Team B. Team A will be made up of the following, Jesse, Evan, Toby, Luke, Casey, Seth, Kip, Peter, Alex and Patrick! This should make Team B obvious but just in case I've missed anyone. Paul, Greg, Adam, John, Calvin, Jeff, Nino, Joel, Tim, and Calder over here!" Tyler pointed to the other side of the dressing room.

"You are free to call me the following! Coach Peel! Coach Tyler! Tyler! My Master and Lord!" Tyler said and all the kids began laughing. "You are not allowed to call me Asshole! Shithead! Puckhead or any other swear word! You can do that after the practice is over. The same applies for Coach Meyers! If he has any problems with you then assume that you now have a problem with me! Here's what we are going to do! We're going to have a skating competition with treats given out to the winning team! We are then going to divide the two teams up and work on some new skills! Finally we are going to have a game. Team A versus Team B! The winning team gets a special treat! Then there will be three special prizes given out to three players! The first person to score a goal gets a prize! The winning goalie gets a prize! The most sportsman like player as decided by me and Coach Meyers gets a prize! Coach Meyers, as you will lock up the room, please check for any orange peels. If you find one then let me know so they can start their push-ups! Any questions?"

"What happened to your eye? Did you trip over your skates?" Greg asked and everyone chuckled in the room

"Someone asked me a stupid question and I got into a fight with them!" Tyler winked.

"From the looks of things I would say you're not that strong, huh?" Greg teased back.

Tyler removed his whistle and then pulled his hockey jersey up over his head revealing his well-defined chest, ribs, and taut tummy. He bent down on one knee and flexed his bulging muscles in front of Greg's face. Greg's mouth dropped open at the sight of his arms.

"Squeeze that muscle Greg!" Tyler said and Greg slowly reached out to grab his arm.

"Pretty hard isn't it?" Tyler asked.

"Uh huh." Greg said.

"No, I meant my muscles!" Tyler said and the room broke out in laughter.

"Aside from running and working out every day, I also box! Do you really think he got the best of me?" Tyler asked. Greg didn't respond.

"Coach Ty 1, Greg 0!" Luke said and the team laughed at Greg

Seth raised his hand.

"Question?" Tyler said putting his hockey jersey back on.

"Yes Sir! Why not give an award to the player that scores the most goals?"

"Great question Seth, but please don't call me Sir!" Tyler smiled at him.

"If we gave an award to the highest goal scorer then everyone would be hogging the puck! If you guys want to win you have to play as a team! That means giving the puck to the player who is in the best position to score. Remember, this is a team sport! It's a team win and a team loss! If your goalie lets in 5 goals then I blame the team as much as the goalie! A good team never lets their goalie experience a shot on goal!"

"On the ice, boys!" Tyler said and they piled out to wait for the Zamboni to finish cleaning the ice.

Tyler grabbed the two orange balls from the box and gave the box to Kyle for safekeeping. When they got out on to the ice Tyler had them sit down on the ice in two rows. "Team A along here! Team B along here" He pointed. Tyler explained to them how to stretch and that they should be doing this before playing any sport! Parents who usually chatted inside where it was warm began piling into the arena to watch.

"On your feet, guys!" Tyler yelled. "Team A against the wall over here! Team B, the same on the opposite side." Tyler had them line up against wall facing each other at the centre line. "I want Team lined up in this order."

Tyler said rereading the list of names. He then did the same with Team B.

"I have here two hockey balls!" Tyler said as he placed one of them at centre ice. "I want you all to listen closely! Jesse and Paul! You two are going to skate to see who gets to the ball first! You will each do a lap on your own half of the ice! The one who doesn't get the ball will have to pick up the second ball when you come around again. Once you have completed one lap WITH the ball the rest of your team will join in following behind you!

Jesse must skate to catch the last person in his line up! That would be Patrick! Patrick will carry the ball for one full lap and then he must hand it up the line to Alex and so on! Since Evan is number two in the line up he will be the last person to skate a lap with the ball.

On Team B! Same thing applies! Paul will start out and do one lap on his own with or without the ball depending on who gets it first! Paul will hand off to Calder at the end of the line and Calder will hand it up to Tim and so on! Everyone carries the ball for one complete lap before passing the ball up to the person in front of you!

Everyone continues to skate laps in the order you are in until either Evan or Greg have completed their final lap! After Evan and Greg have skated their lap then you will follow them in order and place they will skate behind the net dropping the ball on top of the net. The team that returns to their line up as you are right now wins!" Tyler said. Every kid was pumped up and excited about what was happening! The parents where tuned in as well! Kyle grinned from the bench.

"Is everyone ready? Remember to cheer on your team mates and every time someone drops the ball the entire team has to skate an extra lap after Evan or Greg have completed their lap!" Everyone groaned!

"So don't drop the ball and skate as a team and you will win!"

Tyler yelled before blowing the whistle! Paul and Jesse took off after the ball. Paul made it to the ball first but couldn't grab it and slid into the far wall. Jesse picked it up and took off. Paul got up on his feet and skated his lap to find another orange ball waiting for him. The boys were screaming their support and so were the parents!

Jesse made the one lap mark and Team A took off in order after him. Paul was by far the fastest skater and he made up good time as he completed his second lap. The rest of Team B started out hungry to catch up knowing they were behind by a lap. Jesse caught up to Patrick who was trying to skate his fastest, but wearing his goalie pad slowed him down. Team B had the same problem when Paul handed off to their goalie, Calder.

Paul's Team B was catching up to Jesse's Team A until John lost the ball he was receiving from Calvin. Jesse's team saw what happened and they began to slow down and laugh. When Toby dropped the ball he was getting from Luke and it rolled down on to the other half of the ice Tyler yelled to Jim to just throw it back over. Jim did and Tyler reminded them that Toby had to pick it up. The ball seemed to bounce everywhere and other Team A players began kicking it around to try and get it back to Toby. When Toby finally recovered, they were two laps down; even with both teams each having a penalty lap. The parents were yelling and screaming support. Team B completed their penalty lap and Greg went to drop the ball on top of the net when it bounced out.

"Another lap!" Coach Tyler yelled spinning one finger around in a circle. Their parents yelling at them to skate faster drowned their groans out! Tyler retrieved the clipboard from Jim.

Team A caught up to Team B and then they both headed into their respective positions and stopped gasping for breath! Tyler yelled, "Nobody move!" They all looked at each other and froze. Tyler told them to each call out their names in order while he checked the list. Nino and Joel were reversed! Tyler looked at them and shook his head. He skated over to the Team A and demanded the same row call. Seth and Kip were out of order. Tyler again shook his head. The parents had all gathered around the boxes behind the kids to listen in.

Tyler skated in between the teams and pulled out two Reese Peanut Butter Cups and hid them under his arm. "Okay Parents!" He yelled. "Who won? Team A or Team B?"

They all started yelling out their kids team and Tyler blew is whistle and said! "Everyone of you! Give me twenty push-ups!" The kids burst out laughing and so did the parents!

"Okay, we'll go on noise here! Okay people when I point to the team you think won I want you to make noise! The loudest one wins!" Everyone from around the ice surface moved over to the benches.

Tyler pointed to Team B and the parents yelled and screamed! He then pointed over to the Team A and they again yelled and screamed! Tyler went into secret conference with Coach Jim for a moment.

"Who screamed the loudest?" Tyler asked of the parents. They all laughed and pointed to Evan's Mom. Tyler threw up a Peanut Butter Cup to her. The hockey team all got excited when they saw the prize. "You Go, Mom! We want you at every game!" Tyler said.

"I still don't know who won?" Tyler asked. The parents all began yelling but Tyler heard one man yell 'it was a tie'. "YOU SIR! What's your name?" Tyler said pointing to a man in business suit.

"JEFF WALKER!" He yelled.

"Mr. Walker, who is your son?" Tyler yelled.

"Toby!" He yelled back.

"Toby, c'mere!" Tyler said and Toby skated over. Tyler whispered in his ear and handed Toby the second Peanut Butter Cup.

"Wow! Deep dish Peanut Butter Cups!" Toby yelled and showed everyone on the team.

"Go ahead, Toby" Tyler prodded him.

"Dad!" Toby yelled above the noise. "For being most sportsman like you win the second prize!" Toby tossed the Reese Peanut Butter Cup up to him.

"Mr. Walker! Please tell everyone here what you yelled so Toby can show his team mates what a great Dad he has!" Tyler said.

"IT WAS A TIE!" He yelled.

"There you have it! It's a tie! Everybody wins!" Tyler said and the team went into hysterics.

Tyler pulled out the box of Peanut Butter cups and showed the players. "Everyone gets one when we get back into the dressing room!" Tyler said and the parents began applauding.

Tyler blew his whistle and it became silent! "Peter and Adam. Get your respective ball and bring it too me!" They both looked at each other. "Now!" Tyler yelled and they skated as fast as they could and brought the balls back to Tyler. Since Adam arrived first Peter's Team A had to give 5 push-ups. Team B began laughing at Team A and Tyler said, "You guys think it's funny?" Everyone froze up and stopped laughing. Tyler smiled.

"Okay it's time to practice some techniques here. Coach Jim and I are going to spend 10 minutes with each Team and then we are going to play a game. Jim took Team A and Calder, the goalie from Team B and put the players in two semi circles at each blue line. Each player would take a turn skating up and taking a shot on the goalies, Patrick or Calder.

Tyler worked with Team B on rebounding pucks and using the boards to pass the puck or get it around an opposing player. After the two teams had switched positions for another 10 minutes they were ready to begin their game. Tyler blew his whistle three times and pointed for them to line up in along the benches as they had previously done. Every player hauled ass to get in line afraid of having to do push-ups.

"Everyone ready?" Tyler asked. The boys all nodded.

"Good! We're going to have some fun now with a mock game. If by chance the score is tied then us Coach's will decide the winner by which group played the most as team! We will have two lines, and since we are short one player each, Coach Jim and I will fill in on defense for each team." Tyler said. "When I give two short whistle blows your lines will change. Team B is home, Team A is away! Kyle, you keep score please." Tyler said.

"You! C'mere please!" Tyler said pointing at the smallest player on the team. The boy froze with fear, so Tyler skated up to him on the bench. Ya got a name?" Tyler asked.

The boy nodded up and down. "Can you tell me what it is?" Tyler asked.

"His name is Casey and he's shy! He's my best friend at school so leave him alone!" Tim said challenging Coach Tyler.

"Down, Tim! Get back in your position or your team will be doing push-ups!"

Tyler said.

"Can you help me out, Casey?" Tyler asked. Casey nodded his head. "I want you to drop the puck okay?" Tyler smiled and winked. Casey smiled back and came out on the ice. Tyler placed the puck in his hand and told him once he blew the whistle that Casey could drop it when he felt like it. "You're in control Casey! Just make sure you get out of the way and haul your butt back to the bench so you don't get hurt." Tyler smiled.

The whistle blew and Casey dropped the puck. Paul and Team B took control and out skated everyone as he went in with his first shot. Patrick made the save and shot the puck over to Tyler who in turn shot the puck over to Luke and they all headed for the other end of the ice and Calder. Five scoreless minutes had passed and Tyler blew his whistle. The lines changed and Tyler called on Joel to drop the puck. Tyler and Jim switched teams they were playing on so it would be as even as possible. Tyler got a lose puck and passed it over to Greg who skated down the ice and shot the puck on Patrick to have it rebound into Nino's stick. Nino flipped it up over Patrick who had gone down on the ice saving the first shot to score a goal. Team B lead one to nothing.

"Great play, guys! You're playing as a team!" Tyler said congratulating them on the goal.

The teams lined up again and everyone looked over at the bench. "Joel?" Tyler called and everyone started laughing. Joel came out and took the puck and dropped it at centre ice. The puck was again passed to Tyler so he skated up to Calder and faked a slap shot at him. He skated around the net leaving the puck about 20 feet from the goalies crease. Everyone stopped, not knowing what to do? Tyler came back to the puck and passed it over to Paul on the opposing team.

"Paul's not on your team!" Toby yelled!

"Well I left the puck for my team and no one wanted it." Tyler said. Paul didn't need to be told twice and skated around everyone going after Patrick at the opposite end. Paul shot the puck from the blue line and Patrick stopped it. This time he jumped back up and looked behind his net before passing the puck to Evan who passed it back to Kip who passed it to Tyler. Tyler headed down the ice at a leisurely speed allowing the team to catch up and pass him. Again he skated up on Calder and left the puck alone for one of his teammates to finish the job. Patrick sensing what was happening went in to try and take the puck but Casey got to it first and slid it between Calder's legs. Team A went wild and Tyler patted him on the top of the head saying. "Nice play Champ! Well done!"

As Joel came back out on the ice for his third puck drop, Tyler skated by each goalie reminding them that when the whistle blew they were to change ends. When Tyler got into position Joel extended his arm out ready to drop the puck, but Tyler blew his whistle twice. Joel gave Coach Tyler a disheartened look and Tyler winked at him. "You done good!" Tyler teased him. "Just remember timing is everything in hockey!"

At the end of the second half of the mock game Jesse and Adam tied the score two-to-two with additional goals. They had about 5 minutes of ice time left and Tyler blew his whistle and pointed. The boys scrambled to get in line and in the order they were told in fear of doing push-ups.

"Okay, we have a tie game. so far!" Tyler said holding his finger up. He looked into the audience, which was now over 50 people strong and saw Larry with his video camera capturing everything.

"Time to put our goalies to the test!" Tyler said and everyone laughed. "It's going to be a shoot out! I will take two shots on each goalie. There will be no mercy on Patrick or Calder! Then I will do a two on one with three members of each team! Teams you have two minutes to select your three best players! Patrick and Calder take your nets!"

Coach Jim lined up four pucks at centre ice. Tyler grabbed a puck and skated after Calder. He shot hard right at him Calder caught the puck but fell back inside the net. Tyler one, Calder zero. Everyone cheered on their team's goalie.

Tyler then went after Patrick. He faked his first shot, which made Patrick raise both of his arms thinking the puck was going high. Tyler rolled the puck between his legs. The parents clapped and cheered but the boys became a bit quieter. Tyler grabbed the third puck and went after Calder again. This time he faked a shot and skated with the puck around the net slipping it in between the post and Calder's skate. Before the crowd of observers and the boys could settle down he had already crossed centre ice going after Patrick. He again faked a shot and skated around the net. Patrick figured he would try the same thing as he did with Calder but instead Tyler stopped behind the net and came back around the same side and popped it in a half open net. The crowd was clapping before Patrick had even realized what happened. Tyler patted his helmet and said, "You're doing great Patrick! Just keep your eyes open on both sides." Tyler smiled.

Tyler skated back to centre ice between the two teams. "Guys lets have a round of applause for both goalies!" Tyler asked. Everyone clapped.

"Team A!" Tyler called out. "Send me your three best!" Luke, Kip, and Jesse skated out to Tyler.

"What? You guys didn't select Casey?" Tyler said shaking his head. "Team B! Send me your three best!" Team B was still in a huddle.

"Coach?" Paul asked and Tyler nodded. "We want Casey to come over to our team!" Casey blushed at having all the attention. Tyler grinned at him.

"Sorry guys, it has to be from your team but I'm really proud of you guys for choosing Casey!" Tyler said and everyone in the stands began applauding the boys after Tyler's lead. Paul, Adam, and Tim came out on the other side of Tyler.

"We've got two minutes before this is over. Take your positions at centre ice gentlemen!"

"Luke! Go!" Tyler said and Luke skated off scoring on Calder. Team A went crazy!

"Paul! Go!" Tyler yelled and Paul skated toward Patrick then went around the net but failed to score. Dejected he returned to centre ice.

"Good work Patrick! Nice play Paul! That was original and you'll be successful with it in no time." Tyler patted his helmet.

"Kip! Go!" Tyler told him and Kip skated a gentle curve coming from Calder's left to right. Calder dropped to his knees and Kip flipped the puck over the top of his head. Kips arms went up the air and he pumped his stick to the sky.

"Adam! Go!" Tyler yelled. Adam knew he had to score or the game was over. He came up to a dead stop in front of Patrick. They looked at each other and Adam flipped the puck up at Patrick's stick hand. Patrick deflected the shot back at Adam and he shot it in over his Patrick's shoulder without the puck ever touching the ice. Team B went crazy cheering and so did most of the parents as they were routing for the shoot out to continue.

"SCORE IS TIED!" Tyler yelled. "Jessie! Go!"

Jessie shot straight on at Calder from about 25 feet out. Calder dropped to a split on the ground, raised his glove hand and caught it in a fashion that only happens in the NHL!

"Tim! You're Up! You have to score to tie the game! No pressure now!" Tyler joked and everyone laughed. Tim pushed the puck ahead of him and took two faked shots on Patrick. After the second fake Patrick was lying on his back half in the net and Tim gently flipped the puck over him. Everyone heard it hit the crossbar and drop in. Tim was jumping up in the air screaming!

"It's a tie folks!" Tyler yelled and the gates opened for the Zamboni. "Patrick, Calder, bring the pucks and balls with you! Everyone to the dressing room!" The boys began to pile up at the exit door when parents started yelling to Tyler that they wanted a team picture with him in it. They quickly gathered around Tyler in front of the two benches.

"HEY STICK BOY! Get your butt over here!" Tyler yelled to Kyle.

"Guys, remember to hand your sticks to Kyle as you leave the ice! We gotta make him do something around here." Everyone laughed at Tyler's comment and then the pictures began. As Tyler left the ice last with Jim, several parents shook his hand and stopped their own boys to have individual pictures taken with him. Tyler tried to get out of there as quickly as he could. He reminded parents that they would be allowed in the dressing room in about 10 minutes.

Tyler carried his box in and set it on the floor. He grabbed the list from Coach Jim and asked all the boys to settle down. Larry entered the room with his video camera and continued filming.

Tyler smiled and said, "HEY! No parents!" Pointing at Larry.

"Coach Peel!" Larry said, "No turkey tomorrow!" The boys burst into laughter.

"Dr. Anderson, give me 10 push-ups for talking back to the Coach!" Tyler said and to his surprise he did! All the boys began yelling, One, Two, Three, Four.. as Tyler took the video camera and filmed Larry.

"Okay, we have some awards and prizes to give out!" Tyler said reaching into the box and pulling out 20 Reese Deep Dish Peanut Butter cups and handing them to Coach Jim to give to the players.

"Okay guys a round of applause for yourselves!" Tyler said and everyone clapped.

"Remember, one wrapper left on the floor and you're all doing push-ups!" Tyler joked.

"Now we had a hockey game and it also was a tie! Are you guys all just messing with me?" Tyler laughed and so did the boys.

"Since the game was tied we can either give a prize to all of them or we can be fair and not give any prizes?" Tyler asked.

"Prizes, prizes, prizes." The team began chanting. Tyler noticed that Casey wasn't eating his peanut butter cups and went over to him.

"Casey, don't you like peanut butter cups?" Tyler asked.

"Yes Sir. I was just saving it for later." Casey said.

Tyler whispered in his ear. "There might be a couple left so you go ahead and enjoy it and we'll see what we can do afterwards okay?" Tyler smiled and patted his shoulder. Casey hungrily devoured the two cups. Tyler went and talked quietly with Coach Jim about the three prizes and about Casey.

"We have three prizes to award." Tyler said and everyone began clapping. "First prize goes to the person who scored the first goal! Nino, come up here!" Tyler called him over. "Nino, congratulations!" Tyler said handing him an envelope. Nino went and sat back down. Everyone was leaning over to see what was inside. Nino carefully peeled back the seal.

"Nino, it's not a pass to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory!" Tyler said and they all began laughing.

"It's a gift certificate to the Sport's Authority Store!" Nino cried out loud and held it up for all to see! The room was filled with 'ooooooo's' and 'whoa's'.

"Prize number two goes to the best goalie! Coach Jim and I decided that although it was close and the game was a tie, that Calder's glove save was pretty damned amazing!" Everyone clapped and Tyler handed an envelope to Calder.

"Patrick!" Tyler said and Patrick looked up feeling a little bad at not winning. "You are also worthy of winning something too because you played just as great!" Tyler reached into his box and pulled out 5 Hershey chocolate bars and the two orange hockey balls and gave them to Patrick." He grinned from ear-to-ear! It was hard to tell if he was happier having the chocolate bars or the hockey balls to practice with?

"Now prize number three." Tyler began, "Was a tough call! We wanted it to go to someone who shows leadership and courage. Coach Jim and I narrowed it down to two people! Second place but only by a hair is Paul for having the guts to speak up and choose Casey! Paul, that shows leadership and a team spirit! You earned and deserve the respect of your team mates!" Everyone clapped and Tyler handed Paul five chocolate bars. Paul waved them around for everyone to see!

"Now for the next to last award I want to call on Casey to present it because he did such a great job of dropping the puck!" Tyler said. Everyone smiled but was quiet with anticipation.

"This award goes to the team mate that showed an overall strength, courage, and most importantly, the ability to play not as an individual but rather as part of a group! Casey would you flip the page over and read who the winner is?" Tyler said handing him the clipboard.

Casey put the envelope under his left arm and took the clipboard. Tyler then said, "You say 'the award goes too.' and flip the page and read it out loud."

"And the award goes too." Casey flipped the page and said nothing. The room became silent with anticipation.

Luke yelled, "Say it Casey!!!" Tears started running down Casey's face and he flipped the clipboard around for all to see. It read "Congratulations CASEY!" Luke was the first to jump up and congratulate him. The rest chimed in with "Good going" and "You deserved it Casey!" Everyone was patting his head and back as he cried. Tyler gave him a hug and walked him back to his seat on the bench.

"Finally guys! I want to tell each and every one of you how proud I am of you all! It was an honour to serve as your temporary Coach tonight." Tyler said and the room became quiet with the exception of Casey's sniffles. I spoke with my Coach of the Drexel Dragons today after talking with your own Coach and we agreed that if this team was worthy, and you are, that on Friday, February 10th when we play your Baltimore Barracuda's here, you guys will be our guests at the game!" The boys went wild jumping up and down, yelling and screaming. Some of the parents peeked through the door to see if anything was wrong.

"Hang on guys! There's a little bit more! It's an early game. 7:00 p.m. I think, and when the game is over you guys get to come back into the changing room with the team and then the entire Drexel Dragon's organization is taking all of you out for pizza!" Tyler said and the boys all jumped up on him knocking him down to the ground giggling and thanking him.

"Somebody let the parents in!!!" Tyler yelled from the bottom of the pile. Larry opened the door to let the parents in, and suddenly there was a tangled mess of arms and legs in the centre of the room.

As things settled down, Tyler noticed that Casey was undoing his own skates and Tyler went over to help him. "Did you have fun tonight?" Tyler asked as he took over removing Casey's skates.

"It was the best ever, Coach!" Casey said.

"Its just Tyler, okay Casey!" Tyler said. Casey nodded grinning. He didn't want to set down his gift certificate for Tyler to remove his Jersey.

"Okay guys! I got an extra chocolate bar for the player who can tell me what the letters on the front of my jersey mean? Luke shut up!" Tyler winked.

Tyler made a 360-degree turn so all could see it. A few of the parents began laughing.

"C'mon guys, I know you aren't stupid!" Tyler said.

Joel spoke up! "Are you a Canadian?" Tyler laughed and pointed at the two letters on his jersey saying "Eh!" That got more bouts of laughter started and Tyler tossed a Hershey bar over to Joel.

"Say it slower so Tyler will understand!" Luke yelled.

"The beats for you, Mr. Anderson!" Tyler laughed pointing at him. As everyone began filing out Tyler said tried to make time to say good-bye to each player and remind him of the importance of playing as a team! "If you prefer solitary games take up golf!" He would tell them. Casey almost got away without Tyler having a chance to say good-bye.

"Hey Casey! Hold up a sec!" Tyler asked and excused himself from his current conversation. As he walked Casey back into the room he noticed his tattered jeans and two sizes too small coat. He brought Casey back into the changing room and had him sit down. He grabbed two handfuls of chocolate bars and stuffed them in Casey's hockey bag.

"Just for you!" Tyler said sitting down beside him. Casey smiled.

"Is someone coming to pick you up?" Tyler asked.

"I think my Mom's boyfriend is coming." Casey said not completely sure of who would be showing up.

"Okay Casey, I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to coach tonight and to tell you how proud I was of you! I think you have the potential to be the best player on the team!" Tyler said putting his arm around him.

"Thanks, Ty! I'd better get going." Casey said.

"Have a great Thanksgiving, Casey!" Tyler said.

"Yeah." Casey said picking up his hockey bag and stick.

"You will come to my game in February, won't you?" Tyler asked.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Ty!" Casey smiled.

"You're going to be my table buddy at the dinner, okay?" Tyler asked.

"Really?" Casey smiled.

"If you will do me the honour?" Tyler said smiling at him.

"Ty! There's still some people waiting to talk to you and take pictures." Kyle said.

"Okay, I'm coming." Tyler said grabbing his skates, coat, and hockey stick.

He saw Larry, Kyle, and Luke standing off to one side when he left the dressing room with Jim. "Why don't you guys go ahead? I might be a little while yet." Tyler laughed looking at the crowd of people.

"I'll take Kyle with me and Luke can stay with you so that you don't get lost going home!" Larry said.

"Why can't I stay?" Kyle asked.

"I think you had your weekend with Tyler already." Larry said putting his arm around Kyle's shoulder.

It was another hour before everyone left. Tyler profusely thanked Jim for all his help. Jim said it was the most fun he'd had in years and not to be surprised if they wanted Tyler back coaching full time. When they left the arena they saw Casey sitting on the steps outside, shivering miserably.

"Casey! Has no one come to pick you up yet?" Tyler said sitting down beside him.

"Nope." Casey said with his hands in his pockets.

"C'mon, I'll drive you home." Tyler said picking up his hockey bag.

They piled into the Jeep with two hockey bags, 5 sticks, and three bodies. Casey led them to a dilapidated part of Baltimore. When they arrived at Casey's house there were no lights on. The structure was badly in need of repair. The three steps up to the front porch were sloping to the right side. Even at night, the house showed its need for a good coat of paint. An old Ford Mustang that was either being stripped or rebuilt was up on blocks in the back of the driveway. The lawn hadn't been cut in weeks, but then again neither had anyone else's in the neighbourhood!

"Hmmm, maybe they are at the arena waiting for you?" Tyler said.

"I doubt it." Casey said, "They were going away for the weekend and are supposed to drop me off at my Aunt's place."

"Do you have a key to your house?" Tyler asked.

"Nope. It's my Mom's boyfriend's house! He doesn't want me to have a key.." Casey said with his voice trailing off.

"Let's go see if your Aunt is home, then!" Tyler said and Casey led them to his Aunt's house, not far away.

"Hmmm, doesn't look like anyone is home!" Tyler said. "There's a note on the door. Wait here and I will go read it."

Tyler approached the house that was all in darkness except for the porch light. The sign read 'No newspapers until Monday'. Tyler walked around to the back of the house and flipped out his cell phone.

"Hello!" Linda said answering the phone.

"Hi Mrs. Anderson, it's Tyler!" He said.

"Are you lost?" Linda joked.

"No Ma'am, but I do have a problem." Tyler said.

"You sound like you're outside. Is your car okay?" Linda enquired.

"Yes Ma'am. That isn't the problem. One of Luke's teammates was still waiting for a ride home an hour after the game, so Luke and I drove him home. No one was there and he said that his Mom and her boyfriend were supposed to take him to his Aunt's for the weekend as they were going away. without Casey, if you get what I mean? We went to the Aunt's house and no one is there and there is a note on the door saying no papers until Monday!"

Tyler said pausing for a response.

"Oh my God! What kind of Mother could do that to her son?" Linda shrieked!

"Yes Ma'am, I thought I should bring him home. probably for the weekend. I was thinking of leaving notes posted on both doors saying where he is and leave your phone number." Tyler again paused.

"I can't believe a Mother could do such a thing!" Linda said getting angry.

"Yes Ma'am. We need to get past this for the moment. Is it okay if I bring him home? I can't leave him." Tyler asked.

"Of course, Tyler! You are doing exactly the right thing! Get him here as quick as you can!" Linda said with tears coming down her face.

"Yes Ma'am. First we are going to do some shopping. Casey doesn't seem to have much. if you get my point." Tyler said.

"Get anything you think he needs and you're NOT paying for it, Tyler! Oh my God! How can anyone do something like this?" Linda asked.

"I don't know, but I think the police should be informed. We're going to be a good hour or so. Do you want me to feed them?" Tyler asked.

"Tyler! You should know better than to ask! That boy probably hasn't had a good home cooked meal in . well.. I don't know how long! I'll have dinner waiting for all of you! You be careful driving and don't let that boy out of your sight!" Linda said!

"No Ma'am! I promise! I have my cell phone with me at all times if you need me." Tyler said.

"Thank you Tyler, hurry home!" Linda said hanging up. "Larry!!!!!!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Tyler wrote a short note on the bottom of the note taped to the front door saying where and whom he was with along with a phone number.

"What's going on?" Luke asked. "We were getting worried."

"Everything's good! Casey, we're going to drop by your place and leave a little note for your Mom telling her that you are staying the weekend at Luke's house." Tyler said smiling at him.

Casey looked confused and worried.

"And if it's okay with you, Casey, I will be staying there too!" Tyler said.

Casey smiled. Tyler put his fist up and Casey bumped fists with him.

"Okay guys, we got lots of shopping to do! Let's get that note posted at your Mom's and get moving!" Tyler yelled as they stormed off in the Jeep.

Inside the mall, they moved towards the Sears store. Tyler told both boys that they could look at the toy department for a moment and he would come get them. He approached a lady in the boys department and asked for her help. He dialled the Anderson's home number and said, "Mrs. Anderson, I'm in Sears with the boys. I've asked a lady for help and I just wanted you to explain what is going on so she doesn't think there is a problem."

"Madeline" as her name tag read, got on the cell phone and Linda explained the situation. She explained that the police had been called and who Tyler was. Linda also had the foresight to have "Maddy", as she like to be called, record down Linda's phone number in case she should have any questions or concerns afterwards? Maddy wrote down the name and then asked "Dr. Anderson, the surgeon?"

"That's the one!" Linda said, "With the silly moustache." She laughed.

"Yes! Yes! He removed my gall bladder a couple of years ago! He's so nice, Mrs. Anderson! . Yes, I understand, I will do everything I can to help Tyler and the boys! Yes, that's pretty smart of him to think to do this! I will! Thanks, buh-bye!" Maddy said as she handed the cell phone back to Tyler.

"Thanks, Mrs. Anderson!" Tyler said.

"You're just a little genius, Tyler!" Linda laughed. "Call me if you need anything more."

Tyler and Maddy grabbed the boys. They were looking at Hot Wheel's cars. Tyler told them they had 10 seconds to grab three each! They did! As the four of them left the toy section Tyler saw the Harry Potter series and snatched the first three editions in paperback. Forty minutes later Casey had new jeans, socks, boxers, briefs, shirts, sweatshirts, a pair of dress pants with a white shirt and tie, Sponge Bob Toque, gloves, pyjamas, and a winter coat. Tyler also added a winter boots. When Maddy suggest a pair of running shoes Tyler politely declined saying 'Sears' wasn't cool enough for an eleven year old! Maddy laughed and agreed.

Thanking Maddy for her help and her staff discount she gave them, they left for the Athlete's Foot store. Casey found a pair of Nike's that he really liked. When he saw the price tag he refused to take them but Tyler and Luke convinced him. Tyler also got him a good (yet still cool) backpack so he could carry the stuff home should Child's Services ever force him to go back to that dump Casey called home. They then headed to the grocery store where Tyler picked up a fresh crate of Clementine's, all the necessities to make another batch or two of the squares, and some peanut butter! Casey agreed with Tyler that raspberry jam with peanut butter was a good combination! Luke looked at the two of them as if they were from another planet.

"Anything else we need, guys?" Tyler asked.

Casey's eyes just widened from the shock of what was happening.

"Are you sure we got enough Peanut Butter?" Luke asked.

"Casey! Wait until you see Luke's bedroom!" Tyler laughed.

Tyler opened his cell phone and called The Andersons. He told them he was on his way and asked about the front gate. Larry said he would make sure it was open.

"And the other thing?" Tyler tried to ask without being obvious.

"I'm not sure I understand what you want, but I can figure out that you are not free to speak!" Larry said.

"Right!" Tyler said. "I guess I would ask Mrs. Anderson?" Hoping Larry got the hint to pass the phone to her.

"I guess you want to speak to Linda?" Larry said.

"Uh huh!" Tyler said.

"Honey, Tyler wants to ask you something but he can't say too much because he has the boys around him?" Larry said.

"Give me the phone!" She said grabbing it out of his hand.

"Yes Tyler?" Linda said.

"We're on our way home, anything you need?" Tyler asked.

"Nope, just my three boys! You had a question?" Linda asked.

"Yes, what is happening at your end?" Tyler said.

"About the police?" Linda guessed.

"Exactly! I wouldn't want to be frightened by the sight of an exploding turkey in the driveway." Tyler said hoping she figured out his code.

Linda laughed. "I had Larry call a friend of his at the police station. He recorded everything and said there was no need for them to upset Casey tonight. Someone would drop over later tomorrow morning. Is that all right?" Linda said.

"Perfect! What else are we having for dinner besides peanut butter?" Tyler asked.

"Right! You need to be able to tell the boys what we are talking about!" Linda clued in. "Breaded veal, mashed potatoes, veggies, coleslaw, and pecan pie for dessert."

"Smothered in peanut butter?" Tyler asked.

"For at least one! Why I waste the effort cooking for him I will never know!" Linda said.

"See ya in a bit!" Tyler said.

"Don't worry Tyler, I made sure the boys all know to play dumb and not ask a lot of questions." Linda said.

"Thanks!" Tyler replied and hung up.

"So, what's for dinner?" Luke asked.

"Not tellin!" Tyler said.

When the boys pulled up into the driveway Casey said the same thing Tyler did his first time. "Whoa!"

"I can relate!" Tyler laughed.

They parked off to the right side of the three garage doors and entered through the one garage door left open. Each one had more bags to carry than was humanly possible. Tyler carried the two hockey bags and sticks into the garage and left them there.

The three of them followed the smell of dinner to the kitchen.

"Hi Luke, how was hockey?" Linda said.

"It was great! Ty was awesome!" Luke said. "Mom, this is my friend, Casey!

He's going to stay with us over Thanksgiving while his rents are away!" Casey peered out from hiding behind Luke.

"Hi Casey!" Linda extended her hand and he shook it.

"Luke, why don't you take Casey up to your bedroom and help him get settled in. I want both of you to wash up for dinner! It will be ready in about fifteen minutes." She said.

Luke and Casey dropped all the bags and headed up to Luke's room. Linda grabbed Tyler and pulled him into a hug. "You've had a long day, Tyler!" She said.

"Yes Ma'am. I'm really sorry about all of this. As a guest in your home I shouldn't be inviting strangers to the house, but I didn't know what else to do!" Tyler was getting really upset.

"Tyler! You didn't do anything wrong and you did do everything right except one thing!" Linda said.

"What?" Tyler said as he froze.

"You're not a guest, Tyler! You're part of this family so stop acting like you're something special! We'll treat you as badly as we treat all our boys!" Linda winked, laughed, and hugged Tyler.

"Thank you, Ma'am!" Tyler said.

"If you call me 'Ma'am' once more, Tyler, you'll be eating that exploding turkey from a couple of years ago!" Linda said shaking her finger at him with a smile.

Tyler reached in his pocket and pulled out a bone to show her, "I already had some earlier today!" He said.

Linda began laughing. "Help me take the tags off all this clothing for Casey."

"Did you notice how he was dressed?" Tyler said.

"He had a nice coat on!" Linda commented.

"We just bought it. I threw out the old one." Tyler said. "Let me take some jeans, socks, boxers, and shirts up for him to change so he feels better. He's in a little shock from the size of the house. not that he is the only one in shock!" Tyler laughed.

Luke ran up the stairs with Casey behind him. As Casey rounded the top of the staircase he looked over the railing down into the front foyer and said, "Whoa!"

"What?" Luke said.

"I can't believe this house! The kitchen is the size of our whole house!!!"

Casey said with eyes wide open.

"Dad always says it's the people inside that make a house a home." Luke told him.

"Do you ever slide down the banister?" Casey asked grinning.

"I used to until I hit the knob at the end." Luke said and Casey laughed. "I couldn't sit down for a day!"

"C'mon, I'll show you my room!" Luke said running ahead to the second door on the left. When Casey didn't follow he looked down the hallway for him but he was nowhere to be seen. Luke traced his steps back down the hall and saw Casey in the bathroom.

"You comin'?" Luke said.

"Whoa! You could have a party in here!" Casey said as he slowly turned around looking at the bathroom. He ran over and kneeled on the steps into the hot tub. "Whoa! Party central! This is bigger than the changing room at the arena!"

"It's a bathroom, Casey! Get over it!" Luke laughed. "Come and see my, I mean, our bedroom!" Luke had to keep at him to get him out of the bathroom finally pushing him from behind out into the hallway.

"WHOA!!!!" Casey said as he entered Luke's bedroom. "This is da bomb!!!"

"You like my Lindsay Lohan posters?" Luke asked.

"This wall of empty peanut butter jars! Holy Sh..!" Casey said covering his mouth and giggling. "Sorry! I didn't mean to swear."

"No problem, as long as my rents are not around!" Luke said. "Pretty kewl huh?"

"Whoa! What's the purple one? I've never seen that one before!" Casey asked.

"It's the chocolate peanut butter mixture." Luke proudly announced

Tyler appeared in the doorway.

"This is so awesome! Hey, do you ever put peanut butter in the middle of an Oreo cookie? Casey asked.

"No? Is it good?" Luke asked.

Casey turned to look at Luke and together they said, "Whoa!" Luke laughed and Casey joined in.

"Hey Casey, have you tried peanut butter on pizza before?" Luke asked.

"No, but it sounds awesome!!!" Casey said smiling.

"Tyler works at this restaurant that makes peanut butter pizza for me!" Luke proudly announced.

"Coolies! What's the blue jar?" Casey asked.

"Oh, that's sugar-free! It sucked till I added sugar and chocolate chips to it and melted it in the microwave oven." Luke said.

"Do you ever dip Marshmallows in melted peanut butter?" Casey asked.

"Do I? Always!" Luke said and they high-fived each other!

"Red liquorice and Kraft Smooth Peanut Butter?" Casey said excitedly.

"Black liquorice." Luke moaned.

"Oh." Casey said looking dejected.

"Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches rolled on white bread and sliced into disks? Luke said.

"With Coconut spread on the peanut butter first?" Casey asked with his eyes wide open and one hand up in the air waiting for Luke to high-five him.

"Whoa.. COOL!" Luke said meeting Casey's hand half way in the air.

"Dill pickles and Kraft Crunchy Peanut Butter!" Casey yelled out pointing at Luke!

"Always!" Luke said, and they high-fived again and giggled.

"Peanut butter and Mayo?" Luke asked?

"Peanut butter with mashed potatoes?" Casey asked?

"WHOA!" They said together and pumped fists with each other.

"YOU! GUYS! ARE! FREAKS!" Tyler said. They both turned around and giggled.

"He's Canadian so he always talks slower!" Luke said into Casey's ear. Casey giggled to the point that Tyler thought the kid might pee himself.

"I heard that!" Tyler said.

"He heard that !" Luke said mocking Tyler. Casey fell onto the bed clutching his stomach from laughing and Luke followed suit.

"If you guys don't die from laughter. dinner is almost ready. Casey I thought you might want to change your clothes so I brought up some new ones for you to wear." Tyler said.

Casey jumped up and ran over to hug Tyler. "Thanks for everything, Ty!" Casey said.

"You're welcome, Casey. It's the least I could do considering you have to stay with Luke this weekend!" Tyler said smirking at Luke lying on the bed.

Luke stuck his tongue out Tyler and smiled.

Casey gently punched Tyler in the stomach. "Don't pick on my best friend!" Casey said winking at Tyler.

"Point noted, Casey!" Tyler said holding both hands up in the air. "Make sure you guys get cleaned up and wash your hands before dinner!" Tyler said leaving the room.

Tyler wandered over to Derek's room but he wasn't there. He looked in Kyle's room and saw both of them working on the computer. "Whatcha guys up too?" Tyler asked.

"We're doing Kyle's homework. thought we better get it done since I told Mom we'd already done it!" Derek said.

"What's up with Casey?" Kyle asked.

"Let's not get into it right now. dinner's almost ready. Just act like he is a friend of Luke's and make him feel at home. His parents disappeared on him and he doesn't know that the police are coming over tomorrow morning. Just treat him as badly as you treat me!" Tyler joked.

"We treat you badly?" Kyle asked seeming upset.

"Not at all, Kyle! It was a joke! That's why I said treat Casey like you treat me! Just don't ask any personal stuff. This kid doesn't have much of a family or a life." Tyler said leaning against the door.

"What's going to happen to him?" Derek asked.

"I don't know. Hopefully they can get him out of the house he lives in. His mother and her boyfriend never showed up to take him home and he was supposedly going to an Aunt's for the weekend while they had a holiday without him!" Tyler said squeezing his fist.

"What happened to the Aunt?" Derek asked.

"She was gone. Left a note on the door saying something about 'don't leave any papers until Monday'!" Tyler shook his head in disgust. "DOESN'T ANYONE APPRECIATE HAVING A FAMILY?" Tyler yelled and then realized what he had said.

"Relax, Ty! It's okay. We know how important family is!" Derek said pulling Tyler into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell and I wasn't directing it at you guys." Tyler said holding back some tears.

"Kyle, are you okay there?" Derek asked.

"Yup, almost done!" Kyle said.

"Ty, lets go harass our newest little brother!" Derek winked and ran past him to Luke's room.

Derek began screaming as he ran into Luke's room and tackled both to the bed tickling them. Luke and Casey's shock turned into laughter has Derek pulled up their shirts and blew bubbles on their stomachs. Tyler watched from the doorway

"Hi Casey, I'm Derek" He said and then blew another bubble on his tummy. Casey squirmed and laughed.

"Lucas! What are you doing here? I thought Mom and Dad traded you in on Casey?" Derek said and then he blew some bubbles on Luke's side making him hysterical with laughter.

"I'm tellin Mom!" Luke said between laughs!

"Good, Mom will want to know why the garbage men haven't picked you up! It's not like you're worth recycling or something." Derek teased. Derek grabbed Casey's wiry arms and pulled him up on his back. He leaned over Luke and kissed him. "I love you Luke!" Derek said.

"I love you too!" Luke smiled.

"Now that you've been traded can I have your stuff?" Derek joked and ran off with Casey on his back. Luke demanded up on Tyler's back and ordered him to go find Casey!

"Yes Master Luke!" Tyler said running down the stairs after Derek and Casey.

Derek was sitting on a bar stool with Casey on his lap and his arms around his waist holding him tight when Tyler and Luke arrived. Abbey left the sofa to see what all the fuss was about.

Derek piped up when they entered the room. "So did you have to pay much when you traded Luke for Casey?" Linda and Larry stopped with dinner preparations and looked at Derek. Derek winked.

"Actually, we did Derek. I showed his new owner what Luke did to the cornbread I made for stuffing and we had to cough up five bucks!" Linda teased.

"MOM! That's not funny!" Luke said. Casey giggled and wanted down to meet Abbey.

Tyler pulled Luke over his shoulder and asked, "Do we have a garbage bag big enough for him?"

"Just put him outside with the trash." Larry said. ".Eating all the cornbread!"

Luke was about to start crying when Casey said, "Don't worry Luke, I will go wherever you go!"

That didn't really appease Luke very much, but it got everyone else laughing. Linda came around the island and pulled both of her littlest boys into a hug. "Don't worry Luke we wouldn't trade you for all the peanut butter in the world!" She said kissing his forehead. "And Casey, that was the sweetest thing a real friend could ever say!" Linda kissed his forehead and he hugged her back. Abbey barked.

"I guess Abbey wants a hug too!" Linda said. "Why don't you two take her out to the backyard before we start dinner? My Casey, do you ever look handsome in your clothes!" She smiled and gently pinched his cheeks. "I just love your dimples!" She said kissing his forehead. Luke and Casey ran to the solarium patio door and Abbey happily followed.

"You should have seen Derek!" Tyler began.

"What did I do now?" Derek mumbled.

"Nothing. I was going to compliment you but.." Tyler laughed.

"What did he do?" Linda asked.

"Let's just say that if Casey didn't feel part of the family before he does now!" Tyler said as he grabbed Derek's hand under the bar and squeezed it three times. Tyler's hand grabbing and subsequent smiles between him and Derek didn't go unnoticed by Larry and Linda.

"Derek, would you want to call your brothers for dinner?" Linda asked as she filled a bowl with mashed potatoes.

"KYLE! LUCAS! CASEY! TYLER! DINNER!" Derek yelled out at the top of his lungs.

"I could have done that myself Derek!" Linda growled.

"Hey, anything to help, Mom!" Derek giggled and Tyler burst into laughter. Larry laughed too until Linda caught him.

"Guys, set some of this on the table please?" Larry asked as he handed over a platter of breaded veal cutlets, garden salad, mixed vegetables, and a bowl of mashed potatoes. Kyle arrived and got a pitcher of water and glasses for the table. Linda poured her gravy into a small decanter while Larry poured two glasses of wine. Casey, Luke, Abbey arrived as everyone was sitting down. The boys all stopped to figure out who would sit where. Tyler suggested that Casey sit between him and Luke. Kyle jumped down beside Tyler and Derek sat between Luke and Linda.

"Are we going to say Grace?" Casey asked.

"Why yes, Casey!" Linda said and Derek smirked at her.

"Maybe Derek would like to say Grace tonight?" Linda said smirking back.

"Actually Mom, I thought we would ask Tyler and Casey?" Derek said passing the buck.

Tyler gave a smile and shook his head! "Sure Derek, Casey and I would be honoured to have the privilege! Though I am sure it won't be as good as what you say tomorrow night at Thanksgiving dinner!" Tyler shot back. Kyle spit up the ice cube he had in his mouth back into the glass. Larry and Linda lowered their heads not to show their laughter.

"Would everyone join hands please?" Tyler asked. "Casey, I will start and you can finish okay?" Casey nodded taking Tyler's hand. Tyler squeezed it three times and Casey squeezed back three times. Tyler winked at Casey.

"Dear Lord, We thank you for this wonderful meal before us and the warmth and love that the Anderson family has bestowed upon Casey and myself! You teach us to love, support, and to look out for each other! With your guidance and inspiration we thank you, together as one family, for all of the gifts you have bestowed upon us, and your ever-lasting love! And I would personally like to ask for your forgiveness in this lame attempt at saying Grace! I know that Derek will do much better tomorrow night!" Larry, Linda, and Kyle began laughing. "Casey?" Tyler asked.

"AMEN!" Casey said.

"Amen" the Anderson's added.

"Amen!" Derek said glaring at Tyler who faked his best smile.

"Tyler, that was beautiful!" Linda said as her and Larry began passing the plates around. Derek was pissed and wouldn't even look at Tyler for the rest of the meal. Tyler thought it was funny. Luke jumped down from his chair and ran over to the cupboard and brought back a jar of peanut butter! He carefully opened the lid and before Linda could say anything he offered it to his guest first!

"Casey. Would you like some peanut butter?" Luke asked.

"Yes please Luke, and thank you for offering!" Casey smiled and took the jar from Luke.

Larry, Linda, and Kyle, all exchanges glances of wonderment at what was happening! Only Tyler knew what was about to happen and he just looked away hoping not to lose his appetite or mouth full of food. Nobody knew if they should be more shocked at Luke sharing his peanut butter or wondering what they would possibly put it on?

"Oh crap!" Kyle said as Casey plopped a big glob of peanut butter on top of his mash potatoes. He handed the jar back to Luke thanking him and then began pressing his mash potatoes into the peanut butter. Luke then followed Casey's actions doing the same thing.

Kyle pushed his plate forward and scowled at his Mother. "Mom." Kyle started to say.

"Luke! Would you and Casey be more relaxed taking your plates and watching some TV while you eat?" Linda asked.

"Cool! Can we really, Mom?" Luke said.

"Thanks Mrs. Anderson!" Casey said and the boys took their plates over to the Great Room and turned the TV on.

They all looked at each other and started laughing. Luke came back to the table and grabbed the jar of peanut butter. "What's so funny?" Luke asked.

"Nothing, Dear! Go eat and have fun, just remember to bring your plates back into the kitchen when you are done." Linda said.

When dinner had finished Derek hadn't spoken a single word to Tyler. He stayed in the conversation but avoided any contact with Tyler. As they began clearing plates, Tyler suggested that he and Derek would do the dishes! Derek declined Tyler's invitation saying that he was still tired from raking leaves and playing football! Tyler looked away and shook his head. Kyle didn't miss the opportunity to jump in though.

"I'll help, Ty!" Kyle beamed. Derek stared angrily at Kyle and slammed his plate and cutlery into the dishwasher then stormed off.

Linda and Larry looked at each other and Kyle shook his head waving them off to leave! They grabbed two coffees and headed into the Great Room to spend some time with Luke and Casey.

"What was that about?" Kyle spoke softly to Tyler.

"It's nothing!" Tyler said.

"Right! What's going on?" Kyle asked.

"Your brother is mad at me for teasing him about saying Grace tomorrow night. I don't know what his problem is? He fired the first shot. maybe the old Derek is back again!" Tyler stated, not wanting an answer.

"Are you okay?" Kyle asked.

"Yup, I'm fine, but thanks for caring to ask, Kyle!"

"Want me to talk to him about it?" Kyle asked.

"NO! Stay out of it. It's always the innocent that end up getting hurt." Tyler said.

"Fine." Kyle said drying a pot that Tyler had just rinsed.

"What do you want to do tonight?" Kyle asked.

"Sleep. but maybe a shower first!" Tyler said.

"Sounds like fun!" Kyle winked.

"Alone!" Tyler retorted.

"Sounds like boring!" Kyle moaned. "So are you going to talk to Derek?"

"Later on. he needs to time to feel sorry for himself. Oops! Sorry, I shouldn't have said that out loud!" Tyler laughed.

"It's okay. I won't go any farther." Kyle said smiling up at Tyler.

"I know. 123 Kyle." Tyler said.

"123 Ty!"

Tyler and Kyle put everything away and turned the dishwasher on. Kyle followed Tyler into the Great Room and Tyler sat down next to Casey wrapping an arm around him.

"How's my Casey doing?" Tyler smiled.

"Good, Ty!" Casey said leaning into him. The attention didn't go unnoticed by Luke and he left Dad's arm and sat on the other side of Tyler. Tyler put his right arm around Luke and Luke leaned in against him. Larry and Linda chuckled quietly looking at Tyler as he shook his head. The lack of attention that Abbey wasn't getting made her jump off the sofa and nudge herself between Tyler's legs and drop her snout into Tyler's crotch with her eyes looking up at Tyler for attention!

"I'm sorry Abbey, I'm out of arms!" Tyler apologized. Linda and Larry laughed. Abbey looked over at them with a disgusted look.

"Okay guys, I really need to shower!" Tyler kissed the tops of each of their heads and then Abbey, who kindly licked him back and received a dual ear rub from Tyler.

"Yes Abbey, you're my favourite girlfriend!" Tyler said and Abbey's tail banged against the leg of the coffee table showing her pleasure with Tyler's attention.

"Would it be okay to take her on a run tomorrow morning?" Tyler asked.

"Can you keep up to her?" Larry asked.

"I can try!" Tyler winked. "I'll be careful with her! Maybe we'll find an early morning doggie bakery, won't we Abbey?" Abbey sneezed on his hand and Tyler held up his hand looking at her. Casey burst into laughter and Tyler moved his hand close to Casey as if he was going to wipe it on him. Casey hid under one of the accent cushions on the sofa.

"That settles it! Abbey says I need a shower!" Tyler said getting up and leaving with Abbey following him. When Tyler went to enter Derek's room he found Derek asleep hugging a pillow on his bed. Tyler crept over to pick up his backpack and some clothes from his suitcase. He stripped himself naked and wrapped a clean towel around him. Tyler pulled out his jogging clothes and shaving kit. He also grabbed everything else he would need for morning.

As he walked towards the shared bathroom door Derek said, "You don't need to sneak around, I'm not asleep."

"I thought you were, so I was trying to be quiet. I wasn't sneaking around just gathering some stuff together for morning." Tyler said, walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower. Tyler closed the door almost shut. Tyler walked through to Kyle's bedroom and set his stuff down in the corner.

"Is it okay if I leave these things here tonight?" Tyler asked Kyle.

"Yeah, sure." Kyle said busy on his computer chatting on MSN.

Tyler had his shower changed into his flannel pyjama bottoms. He slathered on some Tommy after-shave balm and slipped out into the hallway through Kyle's door. Larry and Linda and two yawning boys were sitting watching Law & Order. Linda was cuddled up into Larry on one sofa with Abbey at the other end. Luke was lying on a pillow on the other sofa nearest the TV and Casey was sitting on the floor with a pillow under him. Tyler sat down opposite Luke. Abbey raised her head and looked at him. Tyler patted the seat beside him and Abbey immediately came over and plopped her head on his thigh.

"I think you've got a new friend!" Linda said.

"Yeah. She's the best! Aren't ya, Abbey?" Tyler said and Abbey wagged her tail.

"C'mon boys, let's get you guys ready for bed!" Linda said.

Larry and Linda got up and each one picked up a boy. "Ty, we're going to head to bed also! So change the station to anything you want!" Linda said.

"Sweet dreams!"

"Good night, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson!" Tyler said.

As Luke opened his eyes peering down from his father's shoulder he asked, "Are you going to read us a story, Ty?"

"Not tonight Luke! I'm a little tired, but I will look in on you guys before I go to sleep and if you're awake I'm sure we'll find something to read." Tyler said yawning himself.

Tyler got up and turned off the lights in the kitchen. He left on the ceiling spotlights that shone on the walls beside the TV. Climbing up on to the sofa, he lay sideways and patted the cushion beside him for Abbey to come and join him. She climbed up and stretched out lying into him. Tyler adjusted his pillow and wrapped his right arm around Abbey's tummy and gently rubbed her back and forth. She tilted her head back into his neck to look at him and Tyler kissed her. Tyler reached over and clicked the TV off. Tyler and Abbey closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Derek peeked into Kyle's room through the bathroom door to see Kyle typing away on the computer but there was no sign of Tyler. He slipped back into his room as quietly as he entered and went down to Luke's room. Luke and Casey were entangled in each other with poor Mango caught in the middle. Quietly he stepped down the stairs and when he approached the kitchen he saw a light was on. Tyler was asleep on the sofa with Abbey. Abbey immediately perked up and her tail began wagging on the sofa.

"Shssssh Abbey!" Derek said holding his index finger up to his mouth. It wasn't working. Tyler began to stretch and move. Abbey jumped down and Derek sat in her place.

Tyler's eyes opened a bit. "Abbey. you've shaved!" Tyler joked from a dazed fog.

"C'mon, time for bed!" Derek said.

"I'm fine here." Tyler said.

"You might be, but I'm not fine with you here. Get up. please!" Derek said.

"You usually order your guests around?" Tyler said stretching.

"You're not a guest! You're a part of this family." Derek said.

"Really? I got the feeling I am unwanted guest tonight!" Tyler said.

"Yeah. and I'm sorry about that but it wasn't very nice what you said about making me say Grace at dinner tomorrow night! Shit like that scares the crap out of me." Derek said looking away from Tyler.

"I don't want to sound like Luke or Casey but YOU started this! You're angry with me for something you started and you go off and pout for the rest of the night?" Tyler said sitting up now. "You might be able to pull that shit with your little brothers but if you mess with me you better remember you're playing in the big boy's league!" Tyler added and got up and walked to hallway entrance and stopped.

He turned around and pointed to his eye and said. "Throw a punch at me any time you feel like it, but make sure the first one counts because I seriously doubt you'll get a second shot in! Something I don't think you've figured out about me is that when all is said and done, what counts the most to me is that I be able to face myself in the mirror each morning! In case you can't figure out the obvious. your free ride of abuse on me has officially ended!" Tyler left the room leaving Derek sitting alone.

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Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few weeks! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel

Next: Chapter 23

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