The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Feb 10, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

YAHOO: Over three hundred Roadies have joined Treb's Yahoo TRH Group! It's a great place for readers to gather together and discuss the story and make new friends who also share your interest in this story. Treb's added a photo section where YOU can upload pictures (jpg's) that you feel best represent each of the main characters. (Keep 'em clean Roadies) Membership is free and not subject to approval! Everyone of legal age is welcome here.

A new chapter posted means that this Sunday night (February 12th, 2006) will be chat time in the Yahoo chat room from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Danny from Minnesota is bringing the cinnamon buns though don't be surprised if he's eaten them all by the time he gets there! ;) btw. he's a hottie! We need to convince him to post his picture in the Cody file! (I'm in soooo much shit for saying that but he's worth it :)

The Road Home: Part Twenty (The Road Home to Baltimore)

Derek turned his computer on trying not to think about what happened. This was a new sensation for Derek. Normally he would just get mad and storm off somewhere. This time it really hurt. He didn't know that anything could hurt this badly. He turned on his MSN hoping that Kyle would be there to talk to but he wasn't. He was about to turn his computer off when Kyle popped up as online.

Hey Derek :)


I'm sorry about Mom and Dad.

It's okay Kyle! You didn't lie and that is all that matters.

So when are u and Ty coming?

Tyler isn't coming for TGD.

What? Why not? Is it because of the fight u guys had?

You know about the fight Kyle?

Yeah. When he is online you can see him through his webcam. I saw his face and asked what happened. : (

Well that ended the friendship. He made it clear to me a few minutes ago that he wants nothing to do with me.

I'm sorry Derek. I know it doesn't mean much but I love u and miss u!

It means a lot right now Kyle. You're my only friend in this world.

: (

Hey Kyle, what happened between you and Tyler that he is upset with you?

He's mad at me? Ummm. I told him I was going to tell Mom and Dad that u hit him and he got really upset. He didn't want u to be in trouble and he told me it was none of my business. I was mad at him. I guess and turned off my MSN. I'm still mad but not as much. I just wanted to help protect him.

Okay Kyle, but did anything happen at the restaurant on Sunday night that would make him mad? I think I know what it is but I want to hear what you have to say!

Nope, nothing happened. I never really saw him much because Nonna was with us.

Yeah. Nonna. : (

Derek! Don't pick on Nonna!

I wasn't Kyle. I know you love your new Grandmother but did you ever actually say good-bye to Tyler when you left?

(no response from Kyle)

Some how I didn't think so Kyle! I saw the look in his eyes. How do you think he felt after all he did for you this weekend? Kyle, I'm not blaming you. I do what you've done a million times. I warned you don't be like me!

Tyler loves you and if you don't want to lose him you better fix it up!

SHIT! Why is Tyler always right? DAMMIT Derek, why didn't u tell me when we left the restaurant?

I didn't really think about it until earlier today. I guess the truth is that I was jealous I was losing you to Tyler.

Fuck Derek! Now u make me cry for the good things you say! I love u Derek and we will always be together as long as u want me.

Thanks Kyle. I need you more than ever right now. I wish you were here with me!

Hey Derek!!!!! That might be it! What if I come up tomorrow with Mom to get u?

How is that going to help?

Trust me Derek! I will do my best. What about the rents knowing about the fight? Mom's going to find out!

Yeah, I'm not sure when to tell them or how to tell them.

Can u at least make sure that Tyler is there when we come?

I can't guarantee that Kyle. I'm pretty sure he will disappear for the day if he knows Mom is coming.

Want me to break the news to Mom and Dad?

No Kyle! You can't do my dirty work and they would only think that I asked you to to ease things up when I come home.

Well u better call Mom and Dad and find out when they are coming? I'm out of school at 2:30 p.m. so I think I can hold Mom off from coming up until then. If all else fails I will hide out in your room until u and Mom leave and then Tyler will have to drive me home! LOL

Hehehe. 123 Kyle!

123 Derek. Talk to u in a bit. I need to email Tyler an apology. Bye

Bye Kyle : )

"Hey Ty, c'mon in!" Danny said.

"Hope I'm not intruding? I had to get out of my room." Tyler said.

"How are things with Derek?" Danny asked.

"Things are. strange? He seems to be in a happy mood. He brought me an apology card with some nice things written in it but I basically told him where to stick it." Tyler said sitting down on Tony's desk chair.

"Oh? Why did you do that?" Danny stopped packing to ask.

"You of all people shouldn't have to ask! I told him our friendship was over. Hell Danny after all I've been through this year I don't deserve to get punched in the face by my roommate for something I didn't do!" Tyler yelled.

"Yeah. I guess." Danny said zipping up his backpack.

"I guess? What the fuck does that mean?" Tyler said.

"Tyler, you like him more than you will admit to anyone, even yourself. I use to wonder what it was you saw in him but I don't anymore." Danny said avoiding eye contact with Tyler.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Tyler said. "You've hated him since you met him!"

"Tyler I was wrong! You know how often I can be wrong. I was wrong about Derek. He's an asshole sometimes but I also see there is a deeper side to him that he doesn't let people see. he's a lot like you! Everyone knows that opposites attract so that may explain why you guys don't get along. Anyway, I'm sorry I said anything. It isn't my place to comment on your love life." Danny smiled to himself.

"LOVE LIFE? What love life? Who the hell is in love with me?" Tyler said.

"Tyler. Calm down. Almost everyone who meets you falls in love with you. You have a body that most men and women would die for! You're hung like the horse and uncut! You've got killer eyes and beyond that, you're not an asshole! You're like the most fucking perfect guy on the planet and that is the only reason I can think of for people to hate you! Actually I'm sort of starting to dislike you now that I think of it!" Danny winked. Tyler glared at Danny.

"You're sweet, kind, generous, thoughtful, and forgiving beyond what Jesus did!" Danny laughed. "You would be there for anyone at anytime! Hell if Dakota called right now and wanted to see you, you would be gone in a minute if you thought he was in need of help! Face it Mr. Peel, you're the worst kind of human being to be around! We're all failures standing next to you!"

Danny chuckled but Tyler wasn't amused.

"Go to hell Danny!" Tyler stood up about to leave but Danny grabbed his arm.

"Tyler! Sit and listen. I'm really not making fun of you. I'm so fucking honoured to know you but think about what it is like for those of us around you. You walk on water while the rest of can't swim and within all that perfection is someone holding in more pain than anyone else on this planet. You're trying to make up for something that isn't your fault and you're missing all the love in the world around you because you won't let any of it in. You can be mad at me all you want, but you taught me to be honest and speak from the heart and I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't say it to you." Danny said sitting down on the loveseat beside Tyler.

"Derek loves you as much as you love him and neither of you have the balls to let each other in. You want to spend the rest of your life alone playing Superman then that is your choice, but it won't make you happy and it won't make the pain inside go away!" Danny held Tyler's hand. "I'm sorry that I had to be so blunt but somebody needed to tell you and it might as well come from the guy that loves you second most in this world!"

"Who loves me most? And don't say it's Derek!" Tyler said pulling his hand out of Danny's. Danny said nothing and smiled.

"You do believe I love you don't you Tyler?" Danny asked.

"Of course I know you love me. You're my best friend next to my brother. Sorry, I didn't mean it that way!" Tyler eyes watered up.

"I'm not offended. That actually means more to me than when Cody says he loves me. I've never questioned your being honest with me Tyler and that is why I have to be honest with you about what I think, even if I am wrong, but I know I'm not." Danny said.

Tyler began crying and moved over to be held by Danny. "Danny I miss David so much! I don't want to go through losing someone else like that again!"

"I know you don't Ty. No one does, but you can't live your life hiding away from being loved. You can't run every time someone starts loving you. I'm not sure if you are afraid of loving and losing or if you think that you don't deserve happiness in life? I can say this for certain. If David really loved you as much as you loved him would he want you to be alone?" Tyler sobbed from Danny words. Danny could feel Tyler's shaking as he cried and held on to him.

"Everyday will get a little bit better if you let a little bit of love in Ty! You've been alone for five months now and I don't think your plan is working too well! Let someone in Ty. Give Derek a chance! I know you down inside you see what I see in him and even more." Danny smiled.

"You know your problem is Danny? I've taught you too well!" Tyler laughed wiping his tears away and Danny smiled at him.

"Did you ever look at the picture I took of you and Derek in the hallway?" Danny teased.

"No. I have the email. I didn't want to look at it." Tyler said sniffling.

"C'mere and look! You can't see your face but Derek's tells the story!" Danny opened up his hotmail account and retrieved the sent email. "Look at his closed eyes! His headed tilted back and you can see his tongue trying to come through his partially open lips. He's so fucking in love with you! You can't fake that look and he didn't even know I had a camera phone! He's a damn Hottie is what he is Tyler!" Danny laughed.

"Yeah. he is that and more!" Tyler said. "Danny, I am so in love with what I think is trapped inside of him, but I don't know if I am right. Shit! What if I am wrong?"

"Tyler! You're almost never wrong! The last time you were wrong was thinking that it was safe for me to hold a bag of cinnamon buns!" Tyler and Danny burst into laughter. Danny leaned over and kissed Tyler's bruised face. "You're so hot with that black eye Ty!"

"Now what do I do?" Tyler asked.

"Well. you get naked and I lick your body all over. Oh. you mean about Derek?" Danny winked. "Tyler you should know better than to leave those open ended question for me to answer. Derek? Well. you're the only one capable enough to help him overcome his problems, but it will only work if you are willing to trust him enough to open your own heart to him. Does Derek know about your family?" Danny asked.

"NO! And I'm not telling him. I don't want sympathy from him or anyone else." Tyler said.

"I understand Ty, but how are you going to gain his trust and love if you aren't honest with him?" Danny asked.

"Danny, he doesn't need to know that yet! Not telling him isn't lying!" Tyler defended his point.

"Whatever Ty. by the way, what colour is the sky in your world?" Danny winked.

"Fuck off Danny! I need to know that he really does love me and doesn't feel sorry for me! I can tell him when the time is right."

"Fine. Now give me a kiss and get the hell out of here. I need to pack cause Cody and me are staying at the Coach's tonight!" Danny winked.

"You little slut you! Are you going to do both of them?" Tyler teased and Danny punched his arm!

"Whatever happens, will happen!" Danny said grinning from ear to ear.

"You're such a slut Daniel, my kind of slut, but still a slut!" Tyler said giving Danny a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"One stinkin' kiss on the cheek?" Danny asked.

Tyler's hand and grabbed the front of Danny's plaid shirt just below the neckline. He pulled Danny to his face and planted both of his lips on Danny's. Danny's eyes began to flutter but Tyler didn't see it because his eyes were closed.

Tony came walking in and said. "OH SHIT! Sorry!" Tyler and Danny broke apart laughing.

"Tony, that was Danny's good-bye kiss. Nothing more than that!" Tyler said.

"So the wedding is off then?" Danny joked.

Tony didn't know what to make of it all. His eyes bugged out at the scene in front of him.

Tyler walked over to Tony and grabbed the front of his sweatshirt and pulled him to his face. He kissed him the same as he kissed Danny. Danny burst out in laughter.

When Tyler let go he said, "Happy Thanks Giving Day Tony" and kissed him again but on the cheek.

Tony's mouth hung open and Danny said, "Are you okay?"

"I think I just creamed in my jeans?" Tony said. Tyler and Danny fell into each other laughing while Tony ran into the bathroom and closed the door.

"See! You have that effect on everyone!" Danny said.

"I don't believe you and if you weren't running late I would slid my hand down your pants to confirm it!" Tyler winked. "Thanks for kicking me in the ass Danny!"

"Hey, I'll pound your ass anytime you want Ty!" Danny winked and smiled. "I love you Tyler!"

"I love you too Puckhead!" Tyler said. As he walked down the hallway Tyler knocked on the bathroom door, and yelled in, "Tony, was it as good for you as it was for me?"

Danny screamed with laughter holding his hand to his mouth.

"Hello?" Larry said.

"Hi Dad." Derek responded.

"Hey Derek. Thank you for taking care of your brother. He said he had the best time of his life. If I knew that we wouldn't have gone to Disneyland two years ago!" Larry laughed.

"Did you have a good time away on your anniversary?" Derek asked.

"Yes we did, though I will secretly admit to you that I wished you and brothers were with us. The truth is that the house seems empty without you at home." Larry said.

"Thanks Dad. I miss you too! Can I talk to Mom?" Derek asked.

"You could if she was here but she went to Luke's hockey practice because I was late at the hospital today."

"Okay. Ummm. Mom is pretty insistent that Tyler come up for Thanksgiving Day but in truth he isn't going to be coming." Derek said his voice becoming quieter.

"I take it that things are tense between the two of you?" Larry asked.

"Yeah Dad. I guess that is the polite way of saying it."

"It's okay Son. We love you very much even you don't believe me. You're not a child anymore so I won't ask you any questions but if you need an ear to listen I'm almost always available for you. I do love you very much Derek!" Larry said.

"Thanks Dad, and I really do love you too! I'm a bit slow at realizing things but I have always known that you and Mom love me." Derek said.

"Did you want to talk about your problem Derek?" Larry said.

"Yeah Dad I do, but I don't. I'm all mixed up and I'm all alone in this world except for you guys but you're not here." Derek started to cry.

"It's okay Derek. Let it out. I love to have a good cry now and then." Larry said trying to console his son.

"Dad I fucked up my friendship with Tyler so bad this time!" Derek said through his tears. "There's nothing I can do to fix it this time. He told me that he just wants to make it through the next four weeks and be done with me." Derek sobbed into the phone.

"Derek do you want me to come down there tonight?" Larry asked.

"You mean you would come here?"

"That's what I said Derek."

"Oh God. You would do that for me?" Derek asked.

"Derek, at what point will you clue in that I really do love you and would do anything for you?" Larry said shaking his head.

Derek started to cry. "That's so cool Dad. I love you so much, but no, I will be fine. Is there any chance of you coming tomorrow to pick me up instead of Mom?"

Larry started to laugh. "It's that bad is it?"

"Dad. I punched Tyler hard! He has a serious black eye and I almost broke his nose!"

"Oh Dear God. Is Tyler okay?" Larry asked.

"Yeah. Physically fine." Derek said between sniffles and tears.

Larry said to himself 'no lectures! You promised no lectures.' "I can talk to your Mother. I don't have a heavy day tomorrow but if something comes up it will have to be your Mom!" Larry said.

"It's okay Dad. I was just wondering was all."

"It's going to be late, after dinner at the earliest before I can arrive there. Maybe you and me could stop for dinner on the way home?" Larry asked.

"Yeah Dad, just you and me. That would be cool!

"Okay, consider it done as long as I don't get held up in surgery. Do you want your Mom to know about it?" Larry asked.

"You're asking me?" Derek said.

"Derek, it is your life! You're an adult. I have to respect your wishes if I want you to respect mine."

"Dad?" Derek asked.

"Yes Derek?" Larry said.

"Do you still love me?" Derek asked.

"Shit Derek! You really need to ask me that after 18 years?" Larry said.

"Ummm no, but you said it's when people stop getting angry that you know they stop caring about you, and you're not getting mad at me." Derek said.

"Wow! You actually heard what I said?" Larry laughed out loud.

"Dad!" Derek whined.

"I'll say it again Derek in case you weren't listening. You're not just my son; you're my first son. There's a father and son bond that can't exist between anyone else. We were each other's first! I don't love your brothers any less but there is a special bond between us that no one else can have. Do you understand?" Larry said.

"I do Dad. Thanks for always making me feel special!" Derek said, "I guess you should tell Mom whatever you think is best?"

"Why don't we just keep Mom out of the loop on this one. I will handle her from this end!" Larry said.

"Thanks Dad. I owe you another one." Derek said smiling.

"Derek, you're my Son, you don't owe me anything except to be the best person you can be. Now is there anything else I need to know before your Mother gets home? I don't want to be surprised later." Larry said.

"I don't think so, but you might need to know that Kyle is angry with Tyler because Kyle wanted to tell you and Mom about the fight and Tyler told him it wasn't any of his business. I know it all sounds stupid but you may want to talk to Kyle?" Derek said.

"Okay, I will, but I should go and do it now before you Mother gets home. See you tomorrow. I love you Derek." Larry said.

"I love you too Dad, thanks for everything. for just being here! Night." Derek said.

"Night Derek!" Larry said and hung up the phone. "KYLE!" Larry yelled at the top of his lungs. "Get you ass down here now!" He loved being able to say that while Linda wasn't there.

"Yes Dad!" Kyle appeared worried in front of his Dad.

"Tell me what you know about Tyler and Derek?"

"Nothing!" Kyle said.

"Strike one Kyle!" Larry said. "Tell me what you know about Tyler getting angry at you and you being mad about it? I should tell you that strike thee will be no internet for a month on your computer and you should assume that since I just got off the phone with Derek that I might be more up to date on what is going on than you are!" Larry smiled. Kyle didn't!

When Tyler came in the room he closed his cell phone. He could hear the water running in the washroom. He tapped on the door and said, "Honey, I'm home!"

Derek looked up from the sink and stared at the closed door. "K." He said but not loud enough for Tyler to hear. Tyler sat down at his computer and turned his MSN on. Kyle was online but didn't contact him. He checked his email and saw one from Kyle Anderson.

Dear Tyler,

I wanted to apologize for disconnecting from u earlier. I only wanted to make sure u were safe. Sometimes I wonder if u know how much u mean to me? You're right that it is none of my business about what happens between u and my brother, but when I saw your face I was afraid he might really hurt u!

I talked with Derek this afternoon and he told me that I fucked up again. I didn't realize that I hadn't said good-bye to u from the restaurant! Derek was rushing me because he didn't want me to be late and he was mad that Nonna was at our table the whole night when he wanted to be alone with u and me. I was angry with him because I like Nonna and wanted to spend more time with her so I wasn't thinking about u when I should have been! I'm sorry, I forgot. There is no one in this world I spend more time thinking about than u! I wish u would come for Thanksgiving Day. Now that you're part of our family, or at least mine! But I understand if you don't want anything more to do with me but don't give up on Derek. What you saw this weekend was the real Derek I remember. I actually forgot how much I love him and how much fun we use to have. He thinks you're damn fine too if u haven't notice! I was thinking of trying to convince Mom to let me come along for the ride tomorrow but I imagine you've had more than enough of the Andersons this past week. I just wanted u to know that I love u and I'm sorry.


Derek came out of the washroom wearing only his boxers. Tyler started to say, "Would you mind getting me." but he stopped when he saw Derek.

"Getting you what?" Derek said.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Tyler said getting up.

"Don't say that! What do you need?" Derek pleaded.

"Ice! But you're not dressed to go out so I will get it. It's no problem!" Tyler smiled.

"No wait! I can get dressed!" Derek said.

"Don't worry about it. I'm already out the door." Tyler said.

"Shit! I can't do anything right!" Derek said sitting down at his computer. He looked over at Tyler's computer and saw an email on the screen. He slid over in his chair and quickly scanned it. He stopped to read in more detail when he saw his name appear in the body of the email.

".. But I understand why you don't want anything more to do with me but don't give up on Derek. What you saw this weekend was the real Derek I remember. I actually forgot how much I love him and how much fun we use to have. He thinks you're damn fine too if u haven't noticed."

"The little bastard! That little fucking bastard! I must remember to hug the shit out of him when I get home!" Derek laughed. He slid back over to his computer so that when Tyler returned he wouldn't be seen reading the email.

Tyler returned with a freshly filled ice pack and sat back down at his computer. He could tell that the pointer on his mouse had moved over to the vertical sliding bar. 'I hope Derek doesn't fall into a life of crime or he will be caught in 30 seconds' Tyler laughed to himself.

"I called Dad. Mom was at Luke's hockey practice. He's going to straighten things out with her so you don't have to go and there won't be any pressure on you!" Derek said.

"Mmmm kay!" Tyler said trying not to smile.

"Ummm. I told Dad everything that happened!" Derek said sitting in his desk chair looking at Tyler.

That was enough to make Tyler turn and face Derek. "You did what?" Tyler asked.

"I told Dad what an asshole I am or always have been. I didn't want to face Mom at the moment but I didn't want to lie either." Derek said fidgeting with his hands.

"Shit! You and your Dad don't get along! What did he say? Don't tell me you're stuck here for the week?" Tyler laughed.

Derek grinned not really knowing if Tyler was serious or joking.

"No, I will be out of your way by tomorrow night. Dad didn't really say anything."

"Really?" Tyler asked.

"Really! He told me that I was an adult now and it was time for me to figure out how to correct my mistakes. He also said he wouldn't tell Mom." Derek smiled feeling that was one less problem to face.

"So how are you going to fix the problem?" Tyler was having far too much fun with Derek but he felt he was owed it.

"Fix it? Ummm I thought about committing suicide but you were short one tie for me to do it!" Derek attempted to crack a joke but Tyler held tight.

"I can borrow one from someone on the hockey team!" Tyler said now beginning to break into a grin.

"Umm thanks for your support!" Derek said turning back to his computer.

"Actually I would have to borrow two because I gave my Stewy Family Guy tie to Kyle, but I can come up with something!" Tyler snorted.

Derek shook his head and got up deciding that he might as well start packing for the trip home rather than have Tyler make fun of him all night long even if he deserved it.

"Hey Dad!" Luke said.

"Hey Lukey! How was practice?" Larry asked.

"Sucked as usual. Coach had us doing push-ups on the ice. I don't even know why we bother having practice we barely spend anytime skating! What's to eat?"

"I made you a grilled chicken sandwich with cheese and bacon and a side of peanut butter!" Larry said handing Luke the plate covered with plastic wrap.

"Lucas! You're not eating again are you?" Linda said. "He made me stop at McDonald's on the way home!"

"By the way Mom, the jar of peanut butter in the glove box is empty!" Luke said as he spread peanut butter on top of his breast of chicken.

"You're a Doctor. can't you do something about him?" Linda asked.

"I'm a Doctor not a miracle worker Linda!" Larry laughed. "Derek called tonight. I was thinking that I would go and pick him up tomorrow night. Have a little father-son time with my boy!"

"What? Have you been drinking more than usual?" Linda asked as she cleaned out the smelly pieces of hockey equipment from Luke's hockey bag.

"No, I'm serious. We could stop and have dinner on the way home." Larry said.

"I hate to ruin your plans but you don't need to drive to Philly tomorrow!" Linda said.

"Why is that?"

"Tyler's driving Derek here." Linda said holding up Luke's protective cup. "Luke, why is there peanut butter on your cup? No, don't answer that! Just don't ever do it again!"

"What if I get hungry during a game?" Luke said with his mouth full.

Larry and Linda looked at each other. "You're the one who said no Ritalin!"

Linda reminded Larry.

"Back to Derek!" Larry said.

"What about it? Tyler and Derek are coming for Thanksgiving Day!" Didn't we talk about inviting Tyler?" Linda said.

"Yeah. but I thought he wasn't going to come?" Larry asked.

"Well, I called him from my cell phone on the way home and he told me that he would drive them both down here because he wasn't sure when he had to work this weekend. He's also going to make a pumpkin pie! He has this special recipe that uses a gingerbread crust and I could always use an extra hand in the kitchen!" She said glaring at Larry.

"Mom you can call on me anytime you want help!" Luke said.

"I didn't mean help in eating! I meant help in cooking and cleaning up Luke!" Linda said.

"Kyle's not doing anything!" Luke volunteered.

Larry burst out laughing. "I wish I had thought of that as a kid!" Linda gave Larry the look!

"Dad? If you're sleeping on the sofa tonight can I sleep out there too and we can build a fort?" Luke asked.

"I'm not sleeping on the sofa Luke! Now get ready for bed, you've got school in the morning, and tell you brother to get ready for bed as well!" Larry said.

"Who says your not sleeping on the sofa?" Linda joked.

"Abbey!" Larry smiled back.

"You will be on the sofa if you and boys don't get those leaves raked by this weekend! We're going to have snow soon!"

"Good, if the snow covers up the leaves then we don't have to rake them!" Larry smiled.

"You mean you don't have to rake them without a snow suit on?" Linda replied.

"So does Derek know that Tyler is driving him?"

"I would think so? If he doesn't know now he will shortly. They live in the same dorm room!" Linda said.

"Uh huh." Larry said.

"Dear Kyle,

Thanks for writing. It seems weird typing this email when I see you online in front of me. I would be lying if I said I wasn't hurt that you didn't say good-bye but I knew you were tied up with Nonna and getting ready to go.

What worries me is that you think because I get mad about something that I don't love you? Real love isn't something you turn on and off like a faucet. It is deep within you. It would take a lot for me to ever stop loving you so if we disagree, and we will, don't think it doesn't mean that I don't love you or want you in my life. I know your concern for me was real and I am flattered that you care so much. You are one of the greatest gifts that God has ever shared with me! You can bet your ass that I won't forget to say good-bye this weekend when I leave your house!

Love you always, Your Tyler


Tyler figured it would take about 2 minutes for Kyle to respond. It took 29 seconds to be exact!

123 123 123 123 123 123 123.

Hahahaha! I love you too Kyle!

I love u more!

Maybe, but I doubt it!

What did Derek say when u told him?

He doesn't know yet! ; )

??? I don't understand!

What's not to understand? I haven't told him yet that I'm going!

U are so mean! LOL That's cruel!

As mean as my black eye and bloody nose?

Ummm no. : (

Nuff said Kyle!

When did all this happen? I was talking to Dad a couple of hours ago and he was telling me that he is picking up Derek tomorrow night. I also heard he knows all about Derek punching your lights out! Lol

Punching my lights out? I think not! Get the story straight Kyle. He sucker punched me when I wasn't looking! It doesn't get any dirtier than that! Seems you are in the know on everything eh?

Maybe! ; ) So when are u going to tell Derek? Don't make him suffer too much please!

I'll tell ya what! Why don't you tell him but do it through an email and tell him you heard it from your Mom! Don't say any more than that! Okay?

Sweetums! I have a double bed if you want to sleep with me? (Hint Hint!)

Ummm. why don't we leave that up to your parents okay?


Anyway I have to get off this computer. I can only use it for short periods until my eye heals. Love you!

123 Ty

123 Kyle! Night

Night Ty!

"Derek did you know a snow storm is passing this way?" Tyler said looking at the weather channel on the net.

"No! When?" Derek asked.

"Tomorrow but we are going to get just the end of it and very little will hit Baltimore, if any at all! It says we could get up to 15cm!" Tyler added.

"15cm? What the hell is that in American?" Derek asked while packing.

"American? Geez. since you already know that I am 20cm uncut which equals 8 inches," Tyler grinned, "You should be able to figure out what three-quarters of 8 inches is!"

"Me, when I'm flaccid!" Derek shot back.

"Aren't we witty tonight Mr. Anderson? It must be your joyous mood in going home!" Tyler said.

"Likewise Mr. Peel! It must by your joyous mood in my going home!" Derek said smiling as he packed.

"Puhleeze! It's not like you're going to be that far away from me! Tyler said. Tyler's cell phone began ringing.

"Can you hear me now?" Tyler said. "Oh sorry Coach! I was just being an asshole! No I'm not drinking!" Tyler laughed.

"Tyler, the reason I am calling is that Cody was telling me you are going to be around this week and I was wondering if you would like to come for dinner on Thursday for Thanksgiving Day?" Coach Conners asked.

"Thank you Sir. The invitation is appreciated but I'm already booked up for Thursday and I hear you already are having company tonight? Tyler laughed.

"Oh you heard?" Coach laughed.

"Don't let them away with anything! I would make them do extra work outs because of all the food they're going to eat this week. Enough workouts that they go right to bed and sleep!" Tyler said. Coach Conner's roared with laughter!

"Can I tell them you ordered it?" The Coach asked.

"I would expect nothing less Sir!" Tyler laughed. "Have a great holiday Sir! Congrats on the second child. He's a keeper!" Tyler said.

"He's also an eater! They've already devoured two pizza's. well Cody and I got a couple of slices." Coach Conners laughed.

"Sorry, I should have warned you about that and told you to go to the Brewed Awakenings Bakery for cinnamon buns for Danny!" Tyler said.

"Cody already did! He got a dozen and told me I couldn't have any? How much does that little boy eat?" Coach said.

"Sir, I suggest you get a better paying job if they decide to move in!" Tyler laughed.

"By the way Tyler, how's the eye?" Coach asked. Tyler looked over at Derek.

"It's going to be okay Coach. I don't think I can play this Saturday night but we'll wait and see when I get closer to game time." Tyler said.

"Tyler you're getting me scared! I'm soon going to authorize 24-hour security on you. Say did you know that as of Oct 31st you're the number one point leader in the East Atlantic Division?" Coach Conner's proudly announced.

"No I didn't Sir! If I'm number one does that qualify you for a raise so you can afford to feed Danny?" Tyler smiled.

"Hahahaha! Too funny Tyler! I just wish you would allow the scouts some time with you. What's it going to hurt to be drafted and then you can turn them down later if you decide?" Coach asked.

"Sir, It would only take it away from someone who really wants to play in the NHL. It isn't for me. I'm really just here to help Ryan! I really want him to have a chance on a farm team." Tyler said.

"Tyler you are wasting an opportunity that you can go back to in 10 years, but I won't lecture you on it. I'm the luckiest Coach around to have someone like you on the team!"

"Thank you Sir, and I feel the same way about having you for a Coach, but I would rather be dead or become a football player than suffer the idiots of the NHL!" Tyler laughed and Derek looked at him knowing the shot was fired in his direction.

"Tyler, did you ever get your textbook replaced?" Coach asked.

"Yes Sir. I had lunch with the Dean and we discussed several things. He was, how should I say, more than accommodating to me because my silence?" Tyler said.

"I'll bet he was! I've served under worse but Thompson is a slippery one!" Coach said.

"Yes Sir, I figured that out when he sent a limo to my dorm to pick me up. I think I played everything right. I told him that the only thing I wanted was my tires and my textbook replaced. I told him that the guards should be personally thanked.especially since they knew everything that was going on and he didn't want anything getting out. I suggested a raise or bonus. I also told him that he might want to do something for the team, but I left that up to him." Tyler said.

"Tyler, don't take this the wrong way but have you thought about politics?" The Coach laughed.

"No Sir! My GPA is too high for that!" Tyler and Coach Conners laughed.

"Have a great weekend Sir!" Tyler said trying to get off the phone.

"You too Tyler, and one last thing. A quiet thank you for what you did to help Ryan and Cody! I am forever indebted to you!" Coach said.

"No Sir, not at all! I love them both very much and what I did was the minimum anyone should do. It wasn't out of the ordinary. Please don't think of it any other way!" Tyler pleaded.

"Okay Son! I understand and if I had thought about it I would have probably guessed your answer before you said it! Have a great weekend Tyler!" Coach said and hung up.

Tyler closed his cell phone and noticed Derek looking at him.

"I don't mean to eavesdrop, but." Derek started to say.

"Then don't Derek!"

"Tyler! Let me get this straight! You're the number one goal scorer in your division, you've got Scouts looking at you for the NHL but you don't want to play, you took a limo ride to have lunch with OUR Dean, secured raises for the entire security staff here, and refuse Thanksgiving Day dinner with your Coach?" Derek said counting off each one on his fingers.

"No Derek, you're wrong! You got them out of order. By the way what do you do when your list passes 20?" Tyler grinned.

"I have 18cm more to count on!" Derek smiled. "20cm on a really good day!"

They both laughed.

"I'm going to get fresh ice and head to bed. You're leaving around three tomorrow afternoon to avoid rush hour traffic!" Tyler stated to Derek not actually asking him a question.

"Nope, Dad's supposed to be picking me up, and he said it would be after dinner time." Derek said and Tyler left the room with his ice pack and cell phone.

"Good evening, Ciccone's Trattoria. How may I help you?" Gina said.

"Hi Mrs. Ciccone!" Tyler said.

"Hello Tyler! How are you tonight?" Gina asked.

"I'm okay. I wanted to tell you that I had a little accident this afternoon and ended up with a black eye and swollen nose. I'm also black and blue over the one side of my face." Tyler said.

"Oh my goodness!" Gina said and then called Angelo and repeated everything in Italian.

"I just wanted you to know that I won't likely be into work on Friday. I can't serve customers looking like this." Tyler said.

"Oh Tyler, you take as much time as you need, but if you want to come in to work, please come! If the customers are bothered then they can eat elsewhere!" Gina said.

"Thank you Mrs. Ciccone! I will likely be in on Saturday or Sunday, but I will let you know before hand. Have a Happy Thanksgiving Day too!" Tyler said.

"Oh Tyler you poor boy! You take care of yourself and have a happy Thanksgiving Day yourself!" Gina said and hung up the phone.

When Tyler returned with his refilled ice pack Derek was just sitting down at his computer in his boxers. Tyler quickly got changed and got into bed. He waited a few minutes and heard Derek laugh. "Bastard!" Derek said out loud. Derek turned off his computer and climbed up into bed. The drapes were open as usual and the light from the parking lot shone up on the ceiling.

Derek got up on his right arm and leaned over towards Tyler. "Some days you're such an asshole I could kiss you!" Tyler giggled.

"Then let today be asshole day!" Tyler said.

Derek placed his left hand on top of Tyler's left hand that was holding the ice pack against his face. He pulled Tyler's hand and the ice pack away and leaned over and kissed Tyler on the lips. Derek backed away and Tyler's right hand pulled his head back down to his lips.

"What time are we leaving?" Derek asked.

"Three o'clock! I told you already!" Tyler laughed.

Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few weeks! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel

Next: Chapter 21

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