The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Jan 27, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.


YAHOO! Thanks to one of you readers (Treb) we now have a Yahoo Group for all you 'roadies'! ;) You can post messages, files, pics, and chat with other readers of the story! You DO NOT need to be approved by anyone to join the club. You only need to be of legal adult age and have an email address!

Instead of emailing me you can simply post questions in the MESSAGE section and I can spend more time writing and less time answering email questions! "Yeaaaaa!" yells Tyler! Maybe some reader will create a really kewl logo for "The Road Home" and we can use it on the home page? Be sure and thank Treb for all of his work in creating this group. Pretty cool pic on the opening page too!

"Tell 'em there'll be punch and pie." "No Cartman! We're not having punch and pie!" "If you tell 'em there'll be punch and pie more people will join." "Shut up Cartman!"

Above all please remember three things! 1) Please keep postings of pics/comments as if this was an all ages group (NO PORNOGRAPHIC / UNDER AGE PICTURES) 2) This is YOUR group! It will only be as good as those of you who support it. 3) You have to bring your own punch and pie.

Copy and Paste the following URL into your address bar:

Don't forget to check out the Alex and Zach Yahoo group at: (Greg has told me about how kind you readers have been in emailing him about his true story) Thanks everyone, and that's no surprise because The Road Home readers are the coolest people on the planet eh!

Trivia Contest Correction: Steven from Succulent South Carolina also answered correctly and missed being mention! My apologies.

S A T U R DAY NIGHT, S A T U R DAY NIGHT, S A T U R DAY NIGHT. (Did you readers really listen to this crappy song by the Bay City Rollers?) sigh Go to and click on the CHAT in the menu and you can join in the NIFTY WRITERS chat room on Saturday night from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. when they have guest author(s) in. You can usually find myself and/or Greg (writer of Alex and Zach) in the room and thank the TOTALLY AWESOME people at Nifty for maintaining this site! Maybe even make a donation? hint hint

(ps: Hey William from Aberdeen! Told ya I could work the song into a posting!)

Updates: Between schools, looking for a part-time job, answering emails, writing this story, and have a sick family member at home. Updates will be slowing down a bit! Please be patient as I am writing as often as I can! Less emails means more time to write! :) Chapters 22, 23, and 24 are very long chapters in the area 20000 words so hopefully it is worth the wait.

The Road Home: Part Nineteen (Fight Club)

"HI MOM! HI DAD! Luke!!!" Kyle yelled from the open door of the train. He climbed down the three steps to the landing with his backpack on and skateboard under one arm and a bag full of food from Ciccone's in the other hand.

"Is that what I think it is?" Larry asked his son with a big smile.

"Yeah Dad! Derek and me ate tonight at Ciccone's restaurant!" Linda gave Kyle a hug and kiss.

"From your smile it looks like you had fun with your brother and Tyler then?" Linda asked.

"It was a blast! I ate at all these neat places, toured the city, and went to work with Tyler on Friday night. On Saturday we did all sorts of stuff and then I got to attend Tyler's hockey team meeting and game. Guess what?" Kyle asked as they walked out of the train station.

"What!" Larry and Linda said together.

"The team made me an honorary stick boy! They gave me a hockey jersey with my name on it. Then we all went out for pizza after the game and this morning we had breakfast in a Trolley Car and tonight we ate at Tyler's restaurant! Oh yeah, Lukey! I got a present for ya!" Kyle said barely able to get all of his words out.

"Cool! What is it?" Luke asked.

"You'll see when we get home!" Kyle said.

"Did you get any homework done Kyle?" Larry asked his son.

"Oh Yeah Dad, I did it this afternoon! It's all done!" Kyle said.

"With all that eating out did you have enough money?" Larry asked.

"Yeah Dad! I didn't spend any of the money you gave me!" Kyle proudly announced.

Larry looked at Linda with furrowed brow. "Who exactly paid for everything this weekend then Kyle?" Larry asked afraid he knew the answer.

"Umm. well, Tyler bought the breakfasts and he paid for the hockey team's pizza dinner but I left the tip!" Kyle said proudly.

"Kyle, did your brother pay for anything?" Linda asked.

"Actually he paid for Luke's present!" Kyle smiled.

"Dammit!" Larry said to Linda, "Derek let Tyler pay for everything this weekend! I knew this was a bad idea!" Larry said slamming his door to the van shut.

Kyle intent on saving his brother's reputation said, "But Dad, Derek wasn't around most of the." but he stopped mid sentence realizing he just made things worse.

Luke began going through the food containers. He found some ravioli and began eating it with his fingers on the ride home.

"Your brother wasn't there?" Linda yelled turning around to look at Kyle!

"Ummm. Well. he was there for part of it! He came home from camping late Saturday night. MOM! Don't be mad at Derek. He was great all the time he was around. He forgot and none of us bothered to remind him! It was okay though. Tyler picked me up at the train station and even loaned his Jeep to Derek to drive me to the train tonight because he had to work." Kyle said in Derek's defense.

"Do we have any peanut butter in the van?" Luke asked.

"Lucas, shut up!" Larry said. "You see Linda. I told you we couldn't trust Derek! I warned you but you said it would be okay! What if Tyler hadn't been there?"

"DAD! Please! This is the first time Derek and me have gotten along. He was like the old Derek you talk about! Please don't say a word to him! I'll be in trouble for opening my mouth!" Kyle said pouting in the back seat.

"These are soooo good!" Luke said. Kyle looked over at Luke and shook his head.

"Kyle do you understand that we, as your parents, are responsible for you! If anything had happened to you it would be our fault!" Larry said.

"Dad, nothing happened. Nothing went wrong. I had all the numbers to call if anything was wrong! Dad, please! You've never seen Derek like he was this weekend! He even told me he loved me!" Kyle said.

Larry raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

"Look we'll talk about this at home!" Linda said feeling caught in the middle. "I assume that it will be better if I drive down to get Derek on Tuesday night?" Linda said.

Larry glared at her.

"Can I come too Mom?" Luke asked. "We could pick up that jar of peanut butter at Tyler's restaurant!"

"Luke! Enough with the peanut butter! There's lot of peanut butter at home." Larry said trying to end the discussion. The rest of the ride home was silent except for the sound of Luke eating.

When they arrived home Kyle took his things up to his room and Luke followed eating out of one of the containers. Larry and Linda carried the bag of food into the kitchen and both sat down at the kitchen table.

Kyle arrived moments later with a bag in his hand and Luke in tow. "Dad, look at this! Derek paid for this!" Kyle said pulling the hockey jersey with Luke's number on it out of the bag. "Dad, it was Derek's idea, not mine! He didn't even buy it to give to Luke, he bought it for me to give to Luke and didn't want any of you to know that he had done it!" Kyle said handing the jersey to Luke.

"WOW! This is so cool! Can I wear it to school tomorrow Mom?" Luke asked.

"Yes honey, but you have to wear something underneath it. The days are getting cooler and so are the nights now!" Linda said directing her comment at Larry.

Kyle wrapped his arms around his Dad's neck. "Please Dad! Don't say anything! I'll do anything you want! Just don't hurt Derek!" Larry closed his eyes and held Kyle tight.

"I missed you both this weekend!" Kyle said and when he opened his eyes Linda was smiling at him.

"Kyle!" Linda said, "Do you realize what Derek did was wrong?"

"Yeah, but he didn't mean to do it!" Kyle said.

"Kyle! Do you realize what you did wrong?" Linda asked while Luke opened up all of the containers.

"No pizza?" Luke sighed.

"No? What did I do wrong?" Kyle asked.

"You should have called us and told us that Derek wasn't there! That was really unfair to Tyler to have to look after you this weekend." Linda said.

"I'm sorry!" Kyle said keeping his head buried in his father's neck. Luke got up and went to the cupboard and grabbed a jar of peanut butter and a knife.

"I would have called you guys if Tyler wasn't there! I told Tyler I would be fine alone in their room while he went to work but he insisted that he didn't want me left alone!" Kyle said.

"Exactly Kyle!" Larry said pulling Kyle away and sitting him on his lap. "Tyler did exactly what your brother should have done! Thank God we had Tyler there to help!" Larry said.

"No shit!" Luke said adding peanut butter to the tops of each of the ravioli.

"LUCAS!" His parents said in unison.

"Hey I just said what everyone was thinking!" Luke said. His parents glared at him. He looked back and forth between them and squeaked out, "Sorry!" And went back to his peanut butter raviolis.

"How much money do you think we owe Tyler now?" Larry said chuckling. "Maybe we can give him Kyle and Luke in exchange."

"Larry!" Linda said holding back a smile.

"Does Tyler have peanut butter?" Luke asked with a serious expression on his face. Larry rubbed his forehead and sighed.

"Why don't you guys invite him here for Thanksgiving Day? He isn't doing anything because Canadian's celebrate some other time!" Kyle said.

"Okay! There's a good idea Linda! We'll keep Kyle and just give Luke to Tyler!" They both laughed.

"What do you think Linda? We shouldn't leave Tyler alone at Thanksgiving!" Larry said. "I think we could leave Derek though." Linda shook her head at Larry.

"It's your own fault Dad!" Luke said as he spread peanut butter on a piece of garlic bread. Everyone stopped and stared Luke.

"Face it Dad! Bad genetic breeding! It took you three tries to get it right!" Luke said very seriously as he carefully made sure the entire top of the garlic bread was covered in peanut butter. Everyone started laughing.

"Linda! I want him out of the public school system!" Larry said laughing.

"Whatever!" Luke said as he stacked up four pieces of carefully coated garlic bread in one hand and his jersey in the other and walked out of the kitchen.

"Dad I'm serious. I've never seen Derek like this before. You would have been proud of him!" Kyle said begging for Derek's life.

"Go get ready for bed Kyle! I need to check my emails!" Larry said getting up and leaving the kitchen.

Kyle and Linda grabbed two forks and started eating the Caesar salad. They didn't say anything but Linda winked at him and Kyle smiled.

"LINDA!" Larry yelled.

"What honey?" She said running to the doorway of the library.

"Come look at this. I got an email from Tyler!" Linda walked around behind the desk and saw the picture of Derek and Kyle under the comforter watching TV with Derek's arms around Kyle and Kyle's head lying back on Derek. Linda wrapped her arms around her husband's neck and said, "Looks like your son was telling the truth about Derek!"

Larry took one of Linda's hands and kissed it. "Maybe Luke was wrong after all?" Larry said and Linda rubbed Larry's head and walked out of the room.

Tyler's cell phone began vibrating under his pillow but not the usual alarm sound it makes to wake him up.

"Hullo?" Tyler answered in startled tone.

"You not up yet Ty?" Danny asked.

"Oh Shit, what time is it?" Tyler asked.

"Almost seven! You haven't forgotten about the shortened week have you?" Danny asked.

"No. Maybe? What about it?" Tyler asked.

"This morning are Monday classes as usual, and this afternoon are Wednesday classes. Tomorrow is Tuesday and Thursday classes because of the Thanks Giving Day weekend." Danny said.

"What about Friday's classes?" Tyler asked as he stretched and sat up in bed.

"They're cancelled because hardly anyone has Friday classes. Except you and me!" Danny said laughing.

"Oh, okay. Umm how do they fit them all into one day?" Tyler yawned.

"Every class is half time today and tomorrow! It's on the bottom of your schedule. Don't you ever read your schedule?" Danny asked.

"I did, but I tore it down off the wall one day." Tyler said jumping down out of bed.

"So I will see you at Business class at noon then?" Danny said.

"Sure. is that all you called about?" Tyler asked.

"No, I wanted to apologize for being an asshole yesterday and to tell you I got a great picture of you and Derek nude!" Danny laughed.

"YOU WHAT?" Tyler yelled.

"I emailed you! Check your email! I love this camera phone!" Danny laughed. "See ya before class! Same bat time, same bat place!" Danny said.

"Go away!" Tyler said clicking his cell phone off.

Tyler caught up with Danny at 11:50 a.m. and they walked to class.

"Hey Puckhead!" Danny said sneaking up behind Tyler.

Tyler glared at him. "You really took a picture with that stupid phone?" Tyler asked.

Danny grinned from ear to ear. "You never know when this little camera might save someone's life! I might catch a bank robber or snap a pick of a car leaving a hit and run!" Danny said defending his new cell phone.

As they walked up to the parkette next to the Science building Tyler spotted the big green glowing purse. Amber was locking lips with a football player but it wasn't Derek!

"Look at that Danny! It's Derek's girl friend Amber, but that isn't Derek! That guy's number 59 on the team and Derek is 33." Tyler said.

Danny flipped out his camera and snapped a picture of Amber kissing number 59! As they walked closer Amber turned and looked at Tyler. She saw Danny snapping a picture with his cell phone. This time Danny caught Amber looking right at him. Tyler decided to skip his usual drink from the water fountain and guided Danny away.

"Sweet! What's Derek going to say when he sees these?" Danny laughed.

"He's not going to see them Danny! Tyler said.

"Fine. You're no fun!" Danny said smiling at him.

"Let's get into to class before she figures out you snapped a picture of her with a different dumb jock!" Tyler smiled.

When class was over Tyler said he was going to his boxing class but Danny reminded him that all of the extra-curricular activities were cancelled this week.

"Danny, did you ever get me that picture off of Cody's dresser?" Tyler asked.

"Shit, sorry! I will go get it right now and meet you back at your room. He won't miss it this week because he'll be at his Dad's for the weekend." Danny said.

When Danny and Tyler got off the elevator they each turned in the direction of their own hallways. Danny was going to dump his books in his room before he went over to Cody's to 'borrow' the picture off of Cody's dresser.

As Tyler rounded the corner of his hallway he saw the big glowing green purse and its owner leaning against his door. His sleeping bag was lying on the ground next to his door.

"Oh Fuck." Tyler said. Amber spotted him so he couldn't turn around and leave.

"Amber!" He said casually waiting for her to move so he could open the door.

"What the fuck were you doing?" She yelled at him!

"I was at class. then I came to my room but someone is blocking my way from getting in!" Tyler snapped back at her.

"I'm talking about taking my picture!" Amber said.

"I didn't take your picture! Now would you kindly move out of my way so I can go into my room!" Tyler said.

Amber didn't move.

"If you think I'm afraid of you or not strong enough to move you out of my way, then you are about to find out how wrong you are!" Tyler said and Amber moved out of his way.

Tyler picked up his sleeping bag and unlocked and opened the door walking by her. Amber followed him into the room.

"Derek's not here! You can leave now!" Tyler said setting the sleeping bag down on the floor in front of the loveseat.

"You still haven't answered why my picture was taken!" Amber demanded.

"I didn't take your picture Amber and if I were you I would be more concerned about what Derek's going to say when he finds out?" Tyler said.

"Are you going to tell him?" Amber asked.

"No! I could care less what he does with a hoe like you!" Amber tried to slap Tyler across the face but he caught her hand and bent it down.

"Owww!" Amber yelled, "You're hurting my hand!"

"Look Bitch! You just tried to assault me!" Tyler said letting go of her hand. "What goes on between you and Derek is your business, but you can bet he's going to find out eventually if you're going to be kissing other guys in public!" Tyler smiled. "Now why don't you get the Hell out of my room! NOW!"

They both heard the key in the door. Derek walked in and Amber froze staring at Tyler and not turning around to acknowledge Derek.

"You're such a pig! I would never sleep with a guy like you and considering I'm dating your roommate you should know better than to ask!" Amber said and Tyler's mouth dropped open!

"What the fuck are you talking about bitch?" Tyler said!

"What the hell is going on here?" Derek demanded to know!

"Your asshole roommate just propositioned me to sleep with him! I just came by to drop off the sleeping bag. You hang out with such scum Derek!" Amber turned and pushed her way past Derek and left.

"What the fuck!" Tyler said.

"What the fuck is right Tyler? Who the fuck do you think you are? Sarah isn't good enough for you? You have to go after my girl friend?" Derek said getting louder and louder!

"Hold up Derek! That isn't what happened!" Tyler said holding both hands up.

Derek clenched his fists and Tyler took one step backwards hitting his sleeping bag on the floor. Tyler turned to look at what he hit and bent down to pick up the sleeping bag and move it. As he began to stand back up Derek swung his right fist into Tyler's left eye as he was standing up turning back towards Derek. Tyler fell backwards over the arm of the loveseat and on to the floor hitting his head on his 5-drawer chest.


Derek went and opened the door with his left fist up.

"What the hell Derek!" Danny said as Derek opened the door.

"Get the fuck out of here Danny!" Derek said and walked back in the room.

Danny barged in through the door carrying Cody's picture and came up behind Derek to see Tyler laying on the floor and blood all over his face.

Danny pushed Derek to the ground next to his bed and ran to Tyler.

"Oh Fuck Tyler! Are you okay? Derek what the fuck did you do that for!" Danny yelled with his fists held up ready to try to take on Derek.

"Ask you best friend Danny! Ask him about hitting on my girl friend Danny and I would think you are the last person on the planet to make a comment about punching anyone!" Derek yelled.

"Derek you stupid FUCKER! You are the DUMBEST fucking person on the planet!

I should've finished you off in the parking lot! Tyler didn't hit on your stupid Amber! We saw her today kissing some guy on your football team!" Danny yelled as he shoved Derek back into the wall!

Danny pulled out his cell phone and showed him the picture! "Look at the fucking GREEN purse! You dumb fucker! Look at the FOOTBALL JACKET with the number 59 on it! Yeah. Tyler's hitting on your girl friend asshole!" Danny turned around and grabbed Tyler's bath towel and put it up to his nose.

"Shit Tyler, we've got to get some ice on your eye, it's swelling shut!" Danny said as he helped a stunned Tyler sit up. Derek fired the cell phone at Sponge Bob and ran out of the room.

"What happened Ty?" Danny asked but Tyler just held the towel up to his face.

"Ty, I'll be right back, I'm going to go get you some ice! C'mon, you need to sit up on the loveseat and put your head back. Let me have a look Ty. I want to see if your nose is broken." Danny asked.

Tyler pulled the towel away and looked at all the blood. "You're nose is fine. Just as ugly as always!" Danny joked. "I'll be right back." Danny leaned over and kissed the top of Tyler's head. He then grabbed Tyler's keys and ran out of the room to get an ice pack. Tyler picked himself up off the floor and sat on the loveseat. He tilted his head back to help stop his bloody nose.

Danny took the stairs down to the main floor. He immediately recognized Gus and ran over to him.

"GUS! I need one of those ice packs right now!" Danny said.

"Sure. What's wrong?" Gus said.

"It's Tyler. His roommate punched him and his eye is swelling shut. His nose is bleeding too!" Danny said.

Gus jumped out and grabbed two ice packs. They both ran over to one of the ice machines and filled each of the packs. Gus followed Danny up the stairs to the fifth floor. Danny almost broke the key trying to get the door opened. Tyler heard the noise and opened the door before Danny could get it unlocked.

"TY! You're supposed to be lying down!" Danny said.

"I was but I was afraid you were going to break the door down. Hey Gus!" Tyler said through his bloodied towel. "Danny, why did you bring Gus up?"

"I didn't ask him to come! He cares about you too!" Danny said.

"Tyler, go lie down on the loveseat and let me look at you." Gus said. "Danny would you get some wet towels please?" Gus asked.

"Here hold this over you eye. That's gonna be a mighty fine shiner there Ty!" Gus said smiling. "You're going to attract lots of ladies over this one." Danny returned with a wet washcloth.

"That's what started this mess Gus." Tyler laughed.

"Shush Tyler! Just relax! Are you wearing corrective lenses?" Gus asked.

"I was able to take them out." Tyler said.

"Is he gonna lose his eye Gus?" Danny asked. Tyler started laughing.

"I don't think so Daniel! It seems to be safely held in there from what I can see." Gus said rolling his eyes at Tyler. "Let's get rid of that towel! Danny why don't you go wash it in the sink in the shower room while I wipe up this snotty nose face!" Danny and Tyler laughed.

"Okay, we're alone. Do you wanna tell old Gus what happened?"

"I fell down." Tyler smiled.

"How many times?" Gus smiled

"Just enough to get me out of school for the rest of the week!" Tyler laughed.

"You know that this is Thanksgiving Day week?" Gus said.

"I'm Canadian! How would I know that?" Tyler said smiling.

"That's right! You're slow! I'm sorry!" Gus laughed. "Now should I call the police or do you want to tell me what happened? And don't give me that 'it's nothing Gus crap' remember what happened when you tried that with the Dean's grandson! You could have been killed!"

"My roommate thought I was trying to pick up his girl friend." Tyler said.

"Now can it really be that simple Tyler? C'mon, this is Tyler we're talking about! Nothing with you is simple. even if you are a Canadian!" Gus laughed.

"Danny and I spotted Derek's girl friend Amber kissing some other guy. Danny snapped a picture of her with his cell phone and she saw him take the picture. She was here waiting for me when I got back to my room. She was afraid I was going to ruin her NFL meal ticket. I told her no I wasn't going to tell Derek because I don't give a shit about either of them! Derek walked in and she starts this shit about me trying to pick her up. So Derek blind-sided me when I wasn't looking. End of story." Tyler said.

"Keep that ice pack on! The swelling is already going down Tyler. Now what is Amber's last name?" Gus asked.

"HOE!" Tyler said laughing. "I have no idea but I think she is the head cheerleader and I can vouch from watching her in action why she's the 'head' one!" Gus laughed and shook his head.

"I know exactly who you are talking about. She was servicing one of the security guys and he got fired for it! Now tell me about your roommate?" Gus asked.

"Gus, he's really a good guy. I might have reacted the same way if I was in his situation." Tyler said.

"Where is this good guy right now Tyler?" Gus asked.

"I don't know. When Danny showed him the pictures of Amber kissing the guy he threw the phone and ran out of here. I imagine he's feeling pretty stupid right now? Tyler said.

Gus pulled out his walkie-talkie and called Control. He asked them to send a security officer over to Amber Keenan's room and make sure she is there and that she stays there. He also asked the guard to remain on duty outside of her room.

"Why did you do that Gus?" Tyler asked.

"Because o' wise one, what if your roommate is angry and wants revenge on her? I have to protect the 'hoes' as you call it from being hurt as well!" Gus roared with laughter.

Danny returned with five other people from the showers. Gus had him cleaned up and everyone wanted to know what happened?

"Danny! Please have everyone go away!" Tyler asked and Danny cleared everyone out of the room. "Danny did you tell those guys what happened?" Tyler asked.

"Ummm yeah, well they all saw the blood in the towel." Danny said.

"Danny! Do you want Derek to be a hunted man? What if someone tries to hurt him? How are you going to feel? This is no one else's business!" Tyler said slamming his fist down on the loveseat.

"Relax Tyler! Let me have another look at that eye now. Yeah. looks really good! Swelling is almost gone. How is your vision?" Gus asked.

"Fine except for seeing red at the moment!" Tyler said staring at Danny. "Danny I know you mean well but you have got to think before you act! What Derek did is no different than when you punched Derek!" Tyler said.

"What?" Gus said laughing. "You've already hit Derek?"

"No Gus!" Tyler started say, "He did hit Derek but it was over something else almost two months ago."

Gus laughed. "Silly bitches you guys are! When are you boys going to grow up?" Danny stared at the floor and Tyler said, "Hey! I haven't hit anyone. yet!"

"What about Dakota?" Danny said! "You punched him in the dressing room!"

"Danny! He was raping two players! What did you want me to do? Shake his hand?" Tyler said in disgust.

"Daniel! Dakota's problem is that no one has ever hit him!" Gus laughed! "Now don't you be picking on Tyler here! He's a good ol boy!" Gus said standing up to leave.

"If you need anything Tyler you just call me! Keep the ice pack on for 20 minutes and then off for 20 minutes until you go to bed tonight. The second you see Mr. Anderson you tell him to haul his ass and find me! If he doesn't, I will find him with the P.P.D.!" Gus said pointing his finger at Tyler!

"Gus please let me talk to him first! If I have any more problems with him I will be the first to call you! I promise!" Tyler said.

Gus winked and said goodbye. Danny was still pouting from what Tyler said.

"Danny stop pouting! Sit down for a minute." Tyler said and Danny pulled out Tyler's desk chair. "Remember when you told me all about Cody's situation with Dakota? I didn't run out and tell anyone. I know you didn't intend to cause any harm and maybe you haven't? But I still have to live here until I find a new place to live. How am I going to feel if someone beats the crap out of Derek because of what he did to me? How is that going to make things any better?" Tyler asked but Danny just shook his head.

"You defended and protected me Danny! You are the best the friend I could ever ask for and love you for it. Please don't be angry or sad?" Tyler said.

"I only shoved him out of the way. I never hit him!" Danny said.

"I know Danny and I appreciate your self-control. I couldn't be a friend with you if you acted out each and every time you got upset. It's over and done with now. Please don't act any differently with Derek? Remember I still have to live with him!" Tyler smiled.

"Anything I can for you?" Danny asked.

"I don't think so. but maybe I might get you to get me something to eat. I don't think I want to go anywhere tonight looking like a freak." Tyler said.

"You always look like a freak!" Danny said winking at him.

"I'm going to lay down for awhile. Would you close the drapes on my side of the room please?" Tyler asked. Danny closed the drapes and gave Tyler hug before he left. Tyler climbed up into his bed and placed the second ice pack on his eye. He pulled his second pillow over beside his face so he didn't have to continuously hold the ice pack.

Tyler had been asleep for over two hours when Derek's phone began ringing. He awoke hoping that Derek would answer but Derek wasn't around. The phone rang twice more over the next 30 minutes keeping Tyler from sleeping. He noticed it was starting to get darker out and figured it must be near dinnertime. Tyler jumped out of bed and went to the washroom to look in the mirror at his eye. The swelling had gone but the side of his face was turning green and purple. He wet a washcloth and cleaned the dried blood from his nose.

Danny unlocked Tyler's door and then tapped lightly as he opened it.

"I'm in the washroom." Tyler yelled back to him.

"Okay. How are you feeling?" Danny asked.

"Pretty good! Everything is frozen on this side of my face though." Tyler laughed,

"How does it look?" Tyler asked Danny.

"Kind of like Christmas on acid!" Danny said smiling at him. "I brought you some dinner!"

"Great! I'm starved! What are we having?" Tyler asked.

"I got four turkey's on pumpernickel with mayo and swiss, potato salad, potato chips, coleslaw, a bottle of RC, and some cinnamon buns!" Danny said holding up two bags.

"Shit Danny, I can't eat all of that! Maybe one sandwich, some potato salad and some coleslaw!" Tyler said.

"Oh, you wanted some coleslaw?" Danny said pouting.

"It's okay Danny! You can have your slaw." Tyler smiled.

"TYLER! I was only joking! Lighten up! I even allotted two sandwiches for you but if you can only eat one I'm sure I can handle the other!" Danny said.

"How about we try to save one sandwich and a couple of cinnamon buns for Gus?" Tyler asked.

"Ummmm. I guess." Danny said winking at him.

They had barely bitten into their sandwiches when they heard the key turn in the door. Danny stopped mid chew to stare at Tyler. Tyler shrugged his shoulders and said quietly to Danny, "be good!"

Derek walked in and stopped at the entrance to the bedroom when he saw Danny and Tyler sitting there eating.

Tyler held up a turkey sandwich and said, "Got you a turkey sandwich if you want one?"

"Ummm. No that's okay. thanks." Derek said startled by the colour of Tyler's face.

"You're phones has been ringing a few times while you were out." Tyler said not looking up and stuffing some potato salad in his mouth.

"Thanks." Derek said.

"I've get to get going Tyler. I have to finish packing." Danny said hinting to Tyler that he didn't want to be in the room.

"Okay, thanks for grabbing dinner Dan." Tyler said. "When do you fly out?"

"Tomorrow afternoon." Danny said.

"Cool. Do you need a ride to the airport?" Tyler asked.

"No, I'm okay and Cody's going to drive me. Besides you shouldn't be driving for a few days." Danny said raising his voice a little to make sure that Derek heard it.

Danny leaned over and gave Tyler a kiss. "Hope you're okay! You got my home number if you need me! I'll be back on Sunday." Danny said.

"Have fun Danny. I love you too. Email me your flight itinerary and I'll probably be able to pick you up if needed." Tyler said.

"It's okay. Cody is picking me up!" He winked at Tyler. Tyler nodded towards Derek sitting at his computer. Danny made a face as he got up and took most of the food with him. Tyler nodded his head again and glared at Danny.

"Well. hope you guys have a nice Thanks Giving Holiday." Danny said not sounding as sincere as Tyler wanted. "Bye guys."

"Bye Danny, thanks for bringing the picture for me." Tyler said.

"Have a safe flight Danny." Derek said not looking up from his computer.

After Danny left Tyler went out to get more ice for his ice pack. The cell phone on Derek's bed began ringing. Derek didn't hear the sound made from the vibration so he knew it wasn't Tyler's phone. He got up from his computer and saw that it was Danny's cell phone. 'Thank God it wasn't broken' Derek thought to himself. He took the ringing phone and left the room to go and return it to Danny. Tyler returned to find himself alone in the room. He turned his computer on and sat down trying to focus on the screen. His vision was fine but he didn't want to spend too long at the screen. Tyler turned his MSN on to see if Kelly was online but he wasn't.

Hey Ty!

Hi not so little dude! : )

Guess what?


Mom and Dad are going to invite you for Thanksgiving weekend! Isn't that cool? But don't let on you know about it.

Thanks Kyle, but I won't be coming.

What? Why not?

I've got too much work to do here.

HOLY SHIT! What happened to your face?

I fell down. : )

Don't give me that shit Ty! You promised to never lie to me!

I got punched when I wasn't looking. All is fine : )

It isn't fine! Have you been to the hospital?

Nope. No need unless I lose some vision. I'll be okay!

I thought you wore a mask when you played hockey?

I do. This didn't happen at hockey.

Nooooooooooooooo! Not Derek? Shit!

: -(

I'm gonna pound the crap out of him!!!!!!

No you're not Kyle, and your not going to say anything about it!

You can't stop me! Mom and Dad need to know.

Kyle. I can't stop you. I can only ask you not to say anything. If you think your parents are ever going to allow you to come visit again then you better think twice about telling them! This doesn't concern you so please don't stick your nose in where it doesn't belong!

(Kyle turned off his MSN)

Tyler shut down his computer and climbed up into his bed. He placed the ice pack back on his eye and turned on his MP3 player.


Tony opened the door. "Oh. Hi Derek." Tony said.

"Word travels fast doesn't it?" Derek said but Tony didn't reply. "Would you give this to Danny. His phone was ringing but I didn't answer it so tell him that he missed a call from someone."

Danny appeared hearing the conversation. "Oh, thanks, I completely forgot about it." He said accepting the phone from Derek.

"It's not broken! Sorry about throwing it." Derek said looking down at the floor. Tony retreated to his desk leaving them alone.

"It's okay. I understand. I did the same thing recently and that's why I got this new phone. I'm sorry I shoved you. Tyler explained things to me."

Danny said.

"Tyler explained what to you?" Derek said defensively.

"Ahhhhh, he just said that if he were you he probably would have done the same thing walking in on the situation as it was." Danny said.

"Oh. Well, it doesn't make it right what I did. I'm sorry you had to get involved." Derek said.

"I'm glad I was there! I'm glad I took the picture as proof but it isn't me you need to apologize to Derek." Danny said.

"I know." Derek said.

"Derek." Danny said stepping out into the hallway and closing the door behind him so Tony wouldn't hear anything. "I'm really going to be in shit if this gets back to Tyler so please don't say anything to him but do you know what he thinks of you?" Danny said.

"He hates my fucking guts, but who could blame him?" Derek said, as his eyes got watery.

"Wake up and smell the hot chocolate Derek! Tyler's in love with you! Think about it? Danny said. Derek looked up and stared at him.

"Someone would have to be in love with either one of us to put up with the shit you and I cause!" Danny laughed and Derek smiled.

Danny continued, "I don't know that Tyler is gay. He's never said one way or the other, actually he doesn't tell me much of anything, but I can tell you I know the look! I know it doesn't make it easy for you being straight but think of the Hell he is going through. Ty's in love with someone he can't have! The even weirder thing about it is that Ty doesn't allow himself to fall in love with anyone so I can't figure out how this happened.

I don't know how you got into his heart but you did what no one else could!"

"I don't think Tyler's in love with me Danny! I can pretty much guarantee that!" Derek said.

"No Derek, you've never been more wrong and considering that you're right less times than I am you better listen up! I'm on the outside looking in. You could stick a knife into him and he would defend you at your trial!" Danny laughed and Derek smiled.

"Tyler loves you and your family. He has always defended every dumbassed thing you've ever done!" Danny added.

"I don't think he will defend what I did today!" Derek said.

"He already has, I just told you! Who do you think wanted to offer you a sandwich? It sure as hell wouldn't have been me. Did Tyler hit you back?" Danny said.

"No." Derek said quietly.

"I wouldn't have said a word to you in that room if he hadn't given me the evil eye over ignoring you. He kept nodding and frowning at me. When he wants someone to do something he doesn't take no for an answer!" Danny said.

"Yeah, I know, he did that when I was saying goodbye to my brothers on Labor Day weekend." Derek mused.

"Then you tell me how I'm wrong?" Danny asked. Derek just stared at him and then looked away.

Derek started to walk away and turned back and walked up to Danny. "I'll tell you how you are wrong! I never said I was straight!" Derek winked and said, "Have a safe trip home!" He turned and headed back to his room.

Danny's jaw fell open. "Oh fuck. and I have to leave to go home this weekend! Shit!" He said aloud to no one. 'Damn, this is Jerry Springer material and I'm going to miss it all!' Danny smiled to himself and went back into his room to pack.

Derek unlocked the door to his room. As he walked around the corner he said, "How are your feeling?" but he didn't see Tyler. He stopped and listened. He could hear the MP3 player going. Derek knew the song for once, "C'est La Vie" by Robbie Nevil. He looked up to see Tyler lying on his bed in his boxers. Tyler's eyes were closed.

Derek didn't want to scare him so he decided to bang his bed against Tyler's bed figuring the jolt would wake him up.

'BANG' "Owwwww!" Tyler sat up screaming at his arm being pinched between the two beds. He pulled his headphones out of his ears. Derek banged his head down against the side of his bed wondering how he hadn't managed to kill Tyler by now. He started to laugh.

"What the fuck did you do that for? You think it's funny?" Tyler yelled and got out of bed and left the room.

Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few weeks! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel

Next: Chapter 20

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