The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Jan 20, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home: Part Eighteen (Everything you want but can't have!)

Tyler came out of the washroom and sat down at his computer. He uploaded the pictures of Derek and Kyle on the loveseat and sent the best one off to Dr. Anderson. With Thanksgiving Day coming in a week, he would have a week off school to work on his drawings for Christmas. Tyler had already completed a family picture of the five of them taken in front of Boyd House on the day after Derek moved in. Tyler then sent an email to Danny reminding him that he needed the family picture on Cody's dresser.

While typing his email to Danny, MSN popped up with an email from 'redheadedstepchild'. Tyler immediately opened it.

"Hey Tyler,

Thanks for your email. I will try to be online tonight but it will be late, after 11 p.m. if you are still up?

Thanks, Kelly."

Tyler responded with an email saying that he would do his best to be there after 11 p.m. but that he worked until at least 10 p.m. so he might be a bit late.

A sleepy Kyle climbed down from Tyler's bed and sat on Tyler's lap in front of the computer. Kyle laid his head down on Tyler's shoulder while Tyler held him tight and kissed his forehead.

"I love you, not so little guy." Tyler said swinging gently back and forth in his chair. Kyle's eyes remained shut though he squeezed Tyler's shoulder three times. "I wouldn't trade this weekend for all the money in the world, Kyle." Tyler said, as Kyle fell back asleep in his arms.

Derek jumped down from his own side of the bed and Tyler stuck his finger up to his lips, implying that Derek should be quiet. Derek took the camera from beside Tyler's computer and snapped a picture of Tyler with Kyle asleep in his arms. The flash stirred Kyle from his sleep but didn't wake him. Derek turned on his computer and typed a quick email to Tyler. It immediately popped up on Tyler's MSN. Derek came around to Tyler's side of the bed and lifted a sleepy Kyle into his arms and held him in his lap on the loveseat. Tyler could see Kyle's closed eyes staring at him over his monitor as his head hung over the back of Derek's shoulder.

Tyler opened the email.

"Thanks for all you did this weekend! I'm wondering if you can help me do something today? I want to get another jersey like Kyle has, with the number 14 on it and 'Anderson' on the back for me to give Kyle. I want him to have one to give to Luke as a present from him!"

Tyler typed an email back to Derek. "I forwarded your email to Cody and asked him to call my cell as soon as he gets the email! ps: Your parents would be really proud of you right now! However, I have to ask. Who the hell are you, and what have you done with my roommate? ;)" Tyler clicked send.

Tyler's cell started vibrating and he picked it up and saw that it was Cody.

He stepped outside the room into the hallway to talk to Cody.

"Hey Ty, I got your message." Cody said.

"Hi Cody, can you help make it happen?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, no problem except it will be this afternoon before I can get it done." Cody said.

"That's okay. Any idea of how much?" Tyler asked.

"$59.00 for the jersey and three bucks a letter plus tax." Cody said.

"Sounds great! Thanks Cody. While I have you on the phone, do you and Danny want to join us for breakfast this morning?" Tyler asked.

"Maybe! I'll see what Danny wants to do. Can you give me an hour? He's not a morning person unless I personally wake him up!" Cody laughed. "I going to have dinner with Dad tonight, though, and I'm not looking forward to it. I think he knows that I'm one of the people involved with Dakota." Cody said.

"I'm not sure what to say, Cody. I think your Dad's really great and it will work out okay. Just remember that at least you have a Dad to go see, eh?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, I guess." Cody said.

"Just call my cell if you can come!" Tyler said hanging up. He went back into the room closing the door quietly. Derek's head was resting on Kyle's head and his eyes were closed as well. Tyler tapped lightly on Derek's right should three times to wake him up. Derek opened his eyes. Tyler gave him two thumbs up and Derek smiled. Tyler then rubbed his fingers over his thumb hinting at the cost. He held up eight fingers and then held up three fingers so that Derek would know it would be about $83.00. Tyler then tapped his watch and held up two fingers to tell him that it would be about 2 o'clock before it would be ready. Derek held out his free hand hinting for Tyler take it. When Tyler grabbed his free hand Derek squeezed it three times and smiled. Tyler squeezed it back three times and let go.

Tyler ran his fingers back and forth through his hair and then rubbed up and down under his armpits to let Derek know that he was going to shower. Derek sniffed at his right shoulder and scrunched his face up. He needed a shower more than Tyler did.

Derek unloaded Kyle onto the loveseat and as Kyle woke from the movement he extended his arms to Tyler. Tyler picked him up into his arms.

"Ummmph!" Tyler groaned. "You're too heavy for this shit!"

Derek laughed from his computer. Tyler figured he read the email he sent him. Tyler sat down on the loveseat with Kyle's legs wrapped around his back. "Hey, not so little dude! We're both going to go and have a shower. Do you want to sleep for a bit?" Tyler said, as Kyle's eyes opened wide and his cock became instantly erect, sticking into Tyler's stomach. Tyler smiled and shook his head and Kyle laughed. Kyle leaned back as far as he could without releasing his grip on Tyler's neck. He squeezed Tyler's neck three times and Tyler looked down and then back at Kyle and said, "I wouldn't have guessed!"

"Derek, why don't you go ahead to the shower and I will wrap up Kyle's arm and we will join you?" Tyler said.

"Umm sure, if you want. I can wrap up Kyle's arm though." Derek said. Kyle gave Tyler a look of disappointment but Tyler glared at him so Kyle said, "Sure Derek, thanks!" Kyle wanted Tyler to do it but he understood what Tyler wasn't saying aloud. Tyler stood up and let Kyle down. Tyler grabbed a blue plastic sleeve and the roll of tape and gave it to Derek. Tyler got stripped naked while Derek and Kyle paused to watch him. Tyler wrapped a towel around him and headed out to the shower room with his shaving kit.

"Okay Kyle, first we need to remove your jersey." Derek said

"NO!" Kyle said, embarrassed.

"It's okay Kyle! I know what it is like to be naked and have an erection. We're brothers, right?" Derek said smiling.

Kyle didn't say anything but allowed Derek to pull the jersey over his head.

Derek paused to take in his beauty as Kyle's hands covered up his erection.

"Kyle, you've got nothing to be ashamed of! You're beautiful and sexy - if one brother can say that to another brother!" He smiled.

Derek stood up and removed his boxers exposing his semi-erect cock. He then turned around and went into his closet and pulled out two bath towels. He opened one towel and wrapped it around Kyle.

"Kyle, don't ever be shy of your beautiful body!" Derek said pulling him into a hug. "Now let's get that arm wrapped up!"

They joined Tyler in the shower room. Tyler decided to wait and shave first. He was just finishing up when Derek and Kyle came in wrapped in matching bath towels. Tyler looked over at them coming in through the reflection in the mirror and said, "Here come the two biggest dicks I know!"

He laughed.

Derek nudged him in the back and went to turn on three showerheads, but Kyle stopped behind Tyler and slapped his ass and said, "Good game Puckhead!" and started walking to the showers

Tyler grabbed his can of shaving cream and called to Kyle. Kyle turned around and Tyler went after him with the shaving cream. He chased him down to where Derek was and Derek held Kyle so that Tyler could spray shaving cream all over his chest and stomach. Kyle struggled and laughed but couldn't break free of Derek.

Tyler then said, "Wow! The boy can really shoot a load!"

"Hmmm, he's looking a little unkempt down there. maybe he needs a shave?" Derek winked.

"Nooooooooooooooo!" Kyle said. "Everyone will laugh at me in P.E.!" Tyler sprayed shaving cream all over Kyle's crotch as Kyle kicked away at Tyler. Tyler told Derek to let him go and Kyle paused to look at himself. He ran to Tyler and gave him a big hug to rub shaving cream all over him. Then he turned around and chased after Derek cornering him under the showerhead.

All three ended up in the one shower giving Kyle a forced shower. He put up only enough of a struggle to keep them washing him. Together, Derek and Tyler washed his entire body. They looked at each other both grabbed his erect cock and stroke it a couple of times. Kyle tried to collapse into a fetal position to make them stop but they held him up. Kyle grabbed Derek's cock with his good hand and tugged on it but his soapy hands slid off. Things settled down and within a minute they were having a three-way shower.

Everyone was washing someone else and they all copped several feels while laughing at each other.

Just then the shower door opened and Tony walked in. "Oh My God!" He yelled. The three froze and they all looked at Tony. Kyle was terrified but Tyler and Derek burst into laughter.

"It's a fucking orgy in here!" Tony said popping an erection under his towel.

Tyler stepped out into the walkway and stroked his hard cock saying "What makes you think that, Tony?" This time Kyle joined in the laughter.

"Shit!" Tony said, "There's more sex going on in this shower room than there is on the internet!"

The three boys split into separate showers with Kyle safely tucked between them. Derek looked over at Tyler and caught his eye. Tyler looked back and saw Derek stroking his cock and smiling. Tyler then began stroking his cock. Kyle brought his head out of the shower and looked at Tyler. His jaw dropped opened. He then looked over at Derek to see if Derek noticed what Tyler was doing. Kyle looked back and forth between the two of them not really knowing whom to watch. He grabbed his own cock and began stroking. They all looked over at Tony who was in the large shower next to Derek and he was also jerking himself off.

"Tony? You okay over there?" Tyler asked. Tony didn't respond.

"He looks like he's having a stroke!" Derek said. "Literally and figuratively!"

Tyler and Kyle laughed and Tony came around to wonder why everyone was staring at him? "What?" Tony said.

Everyone went back to stroking themselves. Tyler leaned back against the wall as he had done when he was last alone in the shower with Tony. He smiled at Kyle and then winked at Derek. Tyler sucked in his stomach and stuck out his chest. He moaned as he unloaded his first spew of cum. It shot over the wall and hit Kyle's left arm. Derek groaned and began discharging his weapon after watching Tyler's first volley of cum. Kyle spun around to watch his brother's large cock shoot. Derek dribbled a little bit of cum and then the second shot flew up over the partition and landed on Kyle's chest. Derek wasn't completely sure but he thought Kyle might have opened his mouth a little wanting to catch it. Tony growled and threw his head back to a roar of laughter from Tyler and Derek.

"I think we woke the lion!" Derek said; as Kyle stood on his toes to look over the partition and watch Tony shoot eight shots in rapid succession. Tyler and Derek's mouths dropped open and they laughed.

Tyler said, "That should be registered as a loaded weapon!"

Kyle leaned back against the showerhead wall and began stroking with his eyes closed.

Tyler turned his showerhead off and grabbing his towel walked back towards the row of sinks. Kyle opened his eyes to see Derek under the showerhead and Tony's eyes bugging out watching him. Kyle stopped and looked around for Tyler. "Why did Tyler leave?" Kyle asked Derek.

"Probably because he was done, Kyle! Hurry up and finish yourself off so we can get out of here." Derek said, and Kyle slammed his cast against the partition wall. The noise attracted Tyler and Tony's attention. Kyle glared at Tyler and turned himself under the spray of water. Derek left the shower and walked over to Tyler.

"Derek, would you head back to the room so I can have a talk with Kyle?" Tyler asked.

"Sure. Is something wrong?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, I think so but I will tell you about it later, okay?" Tyler asked. Derek grabbed Tyler's keys and left. Tony then left the shower with a smile on his face oblivious to all the subliminal messages flying through the air.

When they were alone, Tyler walked up to Kyle under the shower and asked, "Are you ready to go back to the room?"

"Go ahead, I will be along in a minute. I can find my way down the hall." Kyle said in a hostile tone.

"I know you're mad at me and I'm sorry, but that's okay with me. I love you as much as I am capable of loving anyone, but don't ask me to do something that I'm not capable of doing." Tyler said waiting for an answer.

"I guess you're not speaking to me then? Stay here for another fifteen minutes and I will be gone by then and you won't have to see me again. I love you so very much Kyle, but I will not tolerate anyone playing games with me! I've tried to do everything to make your weekend great. I've tried to do everything to show you how much I love you but I guess that isn't enough for you! I've even crossed that line twice! Have a safe trip back, Kyle." Tyler said and turned and walked out the shower room door.

Tyler knocked on the door to be let in and Derek asked, "Where's Kyle?"

"Sulking. He'll be back here in about 20 minutes." Tyler said throwing his towel into his closet.

"What's going on, Ty? Is he upset about what happened in the shower? Shit.

I probably shouldn't have started that. It's like me teasing him again. Fuck!" Derek said.

"Derek, he's not mad at you. He's mad at me. I will explain it to you tonight after he is gone. I'm getting out of here. Take the keys to my Jeep so you can drive him to the train station tonight. I'll take the bus to work. If you can get him out of here between 3 and 4 this afternoon so I can come back and get changed for work it would be appreciated." Tyler asked.

"I don't understand, Ty? What is wrong?" Derek pleaded.

"Derek, it will take an hour for me to explain and you're not going to like it either so just don't say anything to Kyle and make the most of your time with him, but don't allow him to pout! He if he starts acting up, threaten to take him to the train and leave him there!" Tyler said. "Don't forget to call Cody about the jersey, I'll write the number on the wall! I think it's a really cool idea you had! Oh, and he has all his money in stored in my top drawer. Make sure he takes it back home with him. You don't want your parents to think he spent a cent of their money when you weren't here for most of the weekend!" Tyler spat out, as he got clean clothes out.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm in enough shit as it is!" Derek sighed.

"Derek, Kyle is as great of a person as you can be at times! He's very fragile at his age so don't fuck it up. Be patient but don't let him make a fool of you either. He's likely to be a foul mood for the rest of day but remember it is because of me, not you!" Tyler said.

"Thanks Ty, I know you love him and while I was once jealous, I now know and appreciate that you really care about him." Derek said.

"Thanks Derek. I'll be over at Danny's. I have my cell if you need me. Let him use my computer if he wants too. Do you have enough money to feed him?"

Tyler asked.

"Yeah, all is cool." Derek said. "Are you sure you don't want to stay around? I know he's going to want you around. I know I want you around!" Derek laughed. "Remember, Kyle and me are all new to each other in the last 12 hours!"

"You'll do great, Derek. I believe in you and all you need to do is believe in yourself and try to put Kyle first." Tyler said.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Tyler and Derek froze and looked at each other. Tyler looked at his watch. It hadn't been 10 minutes but he remembered that Kyle didn't have a watch. Derek walked down the hall and opened the door to Kyle. Tyler was in his closet grabbing his homework and filling up his backpack.

"Kyle, do you remember where your return train ticket is?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah." Was all Kyle would say sitting on the loveseat flicking the channels around on the TV.

"Derek, his return ticket is in my glove box in the Jeep." Tyler said not looking out of his closet. Kyle sat up sideways on the loveseat so he could watch Tyler and the TV at the same time. Tyler removed his towel and walked over to his 5-drawer chest and pulled out some clean boxers to wear. Kyle watched Tyler's butt and started to get hard under his towel even though he'd just released a load in the shower. Tyler didn't look over at him and went back into his closet and got dressed.

Derek wrote a note on a piece of paper and stuck in front of Kyle folded in half. Kyle opened it and read it. 'I don't know what's going on but are you just going to let him leave after all he's done for you this weekend?' Kyle crumpled up the piece of paper.

Tyler zipped up his bag and walked past Kyle. He handed the keys to Derek for the Jeep. "I never asked but do you know how to drive?" Tyler smiled.

"Yeah! It won't be a problem, Ty." Derek said.

Tyler turned to Kyle who was facing the TV and said, "Have a good trip back, Kyle."

"Thanks." Kyle said without turning around.

"Hold up a second, Tyler!" Derek said. "KYLE! GET UP HERE NOW!" Derek yelled!

Kyle jumped up.

"One Derek in this room or at home in Baltimore is more than enough for any family! Tyler gave up his weekend for you! He paid your way and included you with all of his friends! I don't know what the fuck happened but you've got about 3 seconds to snap out of it! Show the slightest sign of pouting and I will beat the crap out of you! You can tell Mom and Dad whatever you want to say about me but I assure you that when they find out how you've treated Tyler after all he has done your ass will be in Abbey's dog house until you turn 21!" Derek yelled.

Kyle's head dropped down.

"Derek, don't be mad at Kyle! And don't make someone apologize for something they don't want to. It wouldn't mean anything anyway. Take care, Kyle - see ya later, Derek." Tyler said and turned and walked out the door.

Kyle burst into tears and ran to hug Derek. "Are you going to tell me what's going on, Kyle?" Derek asked. Kyle just held on and cried.

Derek pushed Kyle away. "Kyle I love you, but you're acting like me. Spoiled and selfish! When you want to talk, say so, but until then go watch TV!" Derek said, as he sat down at his computer. Kyle walked around to Tyler's bed and climbed up into it. He crawled under Tyler's comforter and hugged one of Tyler's pillows. Kyle whimpered for a bit and eventually fell asleep. Derek sent an email to Tyler saying that Kyle was now asleep in his bed. Derek chucked his own towel on the floor and climbed up into his own bed. He slid over towards Kyle and crawled under the covers snuggling up to him. He wrapped his arm around Kyle and placed his own hand on top of Kyle's.

"Kyle, you need to talk to me! I know you don't want to go home with this hanging over you. Please tell me what happened?" Derek asked. Kyle didn't say anything.

"Okay, if I can guess, will you tell me?" Kyle nodded.

"You really like Tyler don't you?" Derek asked. Kyle nodded

"You like him more than you've ever liked anyone before?" Kyle again nodded.

"Tyler did something to fuck it up and you think he doesn't like you?" Derek asked.

"Not exactly." Kyle said.

"Okay then, you did something to screw things up?" Derek asked, and Kyle nodded.

"Kyle, you don't have to answer this question because I think I already know the answer, but do you really, really, like Tyler?" Derek asked and Kyle didn't move or say anything.

"We have a lot more in common than either of us realize, Kyle!" Derek said, pulling Kyle in to him even tighter. "It's great to be in love with someone but why does it always have to hurt so much." Derek mused and Kyle nodded.

"Do you remember the day I moved in and Tyler promised to never lie to you unless it was about something like a birthday or Christmas present?" Derek asked, and Kyle nodded.

"Has Tyler ever lied to you?"

"No." Kyle said.

"Me neither. Do you think Tyler loves you?" Derek asked fearing the answer.

Kyle wouldn't say anything.

"Kyle, be honest with yourself! Deep down inside, do you feel that Tyler loves you like a friend or a little brother even if you want more than that?" Kyle said "yes".

"So you're mad at him because he isn't being what you want him to be?" Derek asked and Kyle shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm going to tell you something, Kyle, I've never told anyone before." Derek said and Kyle rolled over with tear filled eyes. "I like Tyler as much as you do and in the same way you like him!" Derek said averting his eyes away from Kyle. Derek rolled on to his back and Kyle rolled in under his arm placing his cast on Derek's chest. "Kyle, I've ruined it for me and Tyler already, but you can still have Tyler as a friend for life if you want. I wouldn't think of having his friendship as a consolation prize, either. If you go home tonight without making things better with Tyler then you will be no better than I have been with you or him! Life is painful enough without the self-inflicted wounds. Firstly, you begin to feel sorry for yourself, and as Dad says, that's a poison that runs through you and eats you up from within. Don't be like me, Kyle! I know that road and it doesn't bring you home." Derek said.

"I love you, Derek!" Kyle said.

"I'm learning to love me. too!" Derek smiled and Kyle lifted his cast and dropped it on Derek's stomach. "Ummmfph!" Derek said, laughing.

"Yes, I love you too, Kyle, very much!" Derek said. "Now do you think you want to talk to Tyler?"

Kyle nodded and Derek climbed out of bed and picked up his phone. Kyle rolled over and studied his brother's naked body.

"Hey Ty! Can you come back here please? Thanks." Derek hung up the phone.

"You know Ty would be an idiot not to want you. You've got an amazing body!" Kyle said, hanging over the edge of Derek's bed.

"You don't know when to quit, do you Kyle?" Derek laughed.

Kyle held out his arms and Derek reached up and pulled him down on to him. Kyle wrapped his legs around Derek's waist.

"Don't ever leave me again, Derek!" Kyle said resting his head on Derek's shoulder.

"I love you, Kyle!" Derek said squeezing Kyle tightly.

Tyler opened the door to see a naked Kyle wrapped in a naked Derek's arms. As sweet as Tyler thought it was, he had to say something. "This place just gets weirder and weirder!"

One naked Kyle jumped out of Derek's arms and ran over and up into Tyler's arms. "I'm sorry" Kyle said squeezing Tyler's neck to the point of it breaking off. Derek smiled at Tyler as he put on some boxers.

"I love you. Kyle." Tyler said.

"I know you do and I love you and Derek too! I've been mean and selfish all weekend and I'm sorry!" Kyle said still holding his face tight against Tyler.

"It's okay, Kyle. You've had a big weekend and a lot of things have happened. We all grew up a little. Believe me, it's just as difficult for me to accept being me as it is for you to do the same thing. You're having the advantage of accepting yourself at a younger age so it will be a little bit easier. Just remember that both Derek and I love you very much! Besides, you're Derek's brother so you can't possibly be perfect." Derek tossed his wet towel at Tyler and Kyle.

"I was going to add to that. being like Derek isn't a bad thing either.. but now I'm reconsidering the whole idea!" Kyle laughed, and Tyler set him down and told him to put some clothes on!

"Anyone hungry?" Derek asked.

"I am!" Kyle said

"Yeah, I could eat!" Tyler said. "Hey Kyle, got your I Pod with you?"


"Can I have it for a minute? I want to put a couple of songs on it for you!" Tyler said.

Tyler uploaded Luba's "Little Salvation"; R.E.M.'s "Fall On Me"; and Tyler's favourite song of all time, ODDS "Someone Who's Cool". "All done Kyle, here you go!" Tyler said handing the I Pod back to Kyle.

"Cool! Thanks! What songs did you put on?" Kyle asked.

"I put three songs on it for you. Remember how I told you about me having a special song that makes me happy when I'm sad and that I would only share it with someone I felt I would be friends with for life?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah!" Kyle said grinning. "You put it on here for me?"

"Not a chance in Hell!" Tyler said and then winked at him. "Yeah, I put it on there because now every time I hear the song I will think of you! The other two songs might just help you deal with all that has happened this weekend."

"What's the song called? I've got hundreds on here." Kyle asked.

"Someone Who's Cool by a Canadian band called ODDS!" Tyler said.

Kyle sat in the loveseat with his knees tucked up under his chin and listened to the song.

"Do I get to hear this song?" Derek asked

"Nope! You're not cool enough!" Tyler laughed. "I think I've got the asshole song by Dennis Leary if you want that?" Tyler joked.

"Fuck you!" Derek said.

"Speaking of. I did just download The Concretes song "Say Something New" if you want that?" Tyler said smiling at him.

"Funny guy! Is that a real song?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, ever see the Target commercials? That is the background music for them." Tyler said.

"That song is so amazing! Thanks Tyler!" Kyle gave him a hug.

"Kyle, let your brother have a listen to the song please?" Tyler said and Derek flashed a grin.

"Really?" Kyle said looking up at him.

"Of course, he's our brother too and he is buying us breakfast!" Tyler said.

"What?" Derek gasped!

"Never mind Kyle, he's not willing to buy us breakfast." Tyler said

"Give me the fucking I Pod Kyle! Ty, you're an asshole!" Derek said laughing at him.


Kyle ran up and looked out the peephole. "Guys, it's Danny! We all have to get naked!" Kyle said.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Kyle?" Derek said.

"Danny's been drooling all weekend and Kyle has been teasing him. Yesterday Kyle answered the door completely naked and Danny dropped the cinnamon buns!" Tyler laughed. "It really was a Kodak moment!"

"Want to?" Derek grinned.

"Please guys?" Kyle said.


All three ripped off what clothes they had on and Kyle went up to the door and said, "Who is it?"

"It's Danny!" He said.

As Kyle unlocked the door and slowly opened it, Tyler and Derek were standing at the edge of the hallway. Tyler grabbed Derek into an embrace and started French kissing Derek."

Kyle's nudity was upstaged and he didn't know why Danny didn't notice him until he heard Danny say "HOLY FUCK! I'm moving into this room! TODAY!" Kyle turned and burst out laughing. Danny flipped out his camera phone and snapped a picture of Tyler's naked back being embraced by Derek. Tyler and Derek separated but paused a half second to look into each other's eyes.

Tyler turned around and said, "Oh hi, Danny! Sorry, the three of us were just finishing up!"

Derek, Tyler, and Kyle began putting their clothes on pretending nothing unusual happened.

"What the fuck is happening? You guys have an orgy and you don't invite me?

I thought we were friends, Ty?" Danny said in a state of excitement.

"Where do you want to eat?" Derek asked Tyler non-chalauntly!

"I don't know. I'm feeling pretty hungry after the last few hours though!" Tyler winked at Kyle.

"Hours?" Danny yelled.

"Guys, I don't think I have anything dry left to wear, and Ty, next time you tear clothing off my body make sure it isn't my good clothes!" Kyle said jumping in on the joke.

"I want to go somewhere that I can have Eggs Benedict! I want more of that creamy hollandaise sauce dripping all over." Tyler said.

"I want sausages! Big fat ones!" Derek said.

"I want Belgium waffles with bananas and lots of whipped cream!" Kyle said laughing.

"Okay guys! You're all just fucking with me now!" Danny said with his arms crossed watching all three hotties get dressed.

Tyler looked at Kyle and Derek and said, "Umm, yeah, of course we are Danny.

We. were. all teasing you, right guys!"

"Oh yeah, Danny! Just teasing you! Uh huh!" Kyle said.

"Definitely just playing a joke on you, Danny! Ummm, all in fun!" Derek said.

"FUCK YOU GUYS! Now I don't know what the truth is?" Danny said pouting.

Tyler walked by him heading out the door and said, "And you will never know."

Derek walked up to him and giggled and then laughed at Danny!

Kyle walked up and looked at him. He slapped Danny's ass and said, "Good game Danny, but if you want to play you've got to show up on time!" Tyler and Derek roared with laughter.

Danny was the last one out of the room saying, "Guys, this isn't funny! Or nice! C'mon, tell me what really happened?"

"Where's Cody?" Tyler asked.

"He's having Sunday brunch with his Dad. Something to do with Dakota." Danny said glumly.

"He'll be fine Danny! Coach Conners is a great guy!" Tyler said. As they walked out of Boyd Hall, Tyler was leading and tossed the keys up in the air behind him. "Derek you get to drive!"

"Nope I do!" Kyle said catching the keys first.

"Christ, Derek! You're the wide receiver. can't you catch anything?" Tyler said.

"You weren't complaining at all last night!" Derek said and Kyle barely choked back his laughter and Tyler lost his straight face and burst into laughter.

"You guys are so mean!" Danny said.

"Hey Kyle, want to go to the Trolley Car Diner? You eat inside a real refurbished Trolley car!"

"Yeah, sounds cool, Ty!" Kyle said.

"Now you're all just going to pretend like I'm not here?" Danny pouted.

"Did you say something Danny?" Derek winked at him.

Cody opened the door to his Dad's apartment. "Hello?" Cody said putting his key back into his coat pocket.

"I'm in the kitchen!" His Dad yelled.

"Hey Dad." Cody said walking into the kitchen. He could smell the bacon frying but lacked the appetite to eat.

"I hope you're hungry! I made scrambled eggs, bacon, and your favourite home fries with the onions and garlic in them!" The Coach said, smiling.

"I'm not really that hungry, Dad." Cody said pouring himself a freshly brewed coffee from the coffee machine.

Coach Conner's turned off the elements on the stove. He left the eggs in the bowl he had been whipping them up in and put his arm around Cody.

"I don't think I tell you enough about how much I love you, Cody! I'm so proud of you and that has nothing to do with hockey." Coach said as he walked Cody into the living room and sat him down on the sofa. "I know you don't want to talk about this so you can just listen to me for a bit and if you don't want to say anything that is up to you!"

"It sometimes takes your old Dad a bit to put the pieces of the puzzle together but I think I've figured a few things out! I'm pretty sure that Ryan wasn't the only person being abused by Dakota and I think we both know who else was trapped in his sick little games." Coach Conners said as Cody lowered his head and clasped his hands together.

Coach Conner's put his arm around Cody and pulled him into his chest. "I can't put into words how sickened I am by what has happened, but what is much worse is that my son didn't feel he could come to me about it! You didn't do anything wrong Cody, it is me that failed you by somehow making you think that I would love you less or even hate you for what happened! You are all that I have in this world Cody. You are all that is truly important to me. I am truly sorry that your own Dad wasn't there for you when you needed him most. If I fail the team, that is bad! If I fail my own son, that is unforgivable!" Coach Conner's could feel Cody's tears on his golf shirt.

"I don't care if you are straight or gay. I love you very dearly, my son! I only want you to be happy. My world would be nothing without you in it! We both miss your Mom and Sister but I have to tell you Cody that in a strange and selfish way I've enjoyed having you all to myself. I know you are moving out in the world and will soon make your own way and your own life, but to think that you couldn't pick up the phone and call me when you're in need isn't right." Coach Conners said.

"But Dad." Cody started to say.

"Hold on, Cody! I'm not done. I think you need to get some help, professional help to deal with what has happened. I can set something up for you. It will be private and no one but you will have to know anything about it. I can understand if you've lost all faith in your old man, but I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world." Coach Conners said.

"Dad, I'm okay! Tyler has already set up something for Ryan and me. We decided it would be better to attend together. I guess you might say that the help is helping?" Cody said. "We've learned a lot about what Dakota's personality type is and how we are not to blame for the situation."

"I just want you to know that I am here for you, day or night, if you ever need me for anything. Cody, whatever you choose to do or be in life is fine with me as long as you are happy! I want you to feel free to come here as much as you want. You can bring your friends, too! You've got a double bed so if you want to have Danny over then that is just fine with me." Coach Conners smiled.

"DAD!!!" Cody said, sitting up.

The Coach just smiled at him and Cody let a grin appear.

"Can you blame your Dad for wanting to spend a little time with a possible future son-in-law?" The Coach laughed.

"DAD! This is so embarrassing!" Cody said, shaking his head.

"And such a relief too?" The Coach said.

"Yeah. I love you Dad! You've never stopped being everything I've ever needed. I miss Mom sometimes but I've never felt I lacked because she isn't here." Cody said, as his Dad rubbed his back.

"You might not realize it Dad but I remember all those times you did little things like driving me around on my paper route when it was raining, when you bought me new tires for my car for no reason, throwing Granola out on the driveway on Christmas eve and then cleaning it up so it would look like the Reindeer had eaten it." Cody and his Dad began laughing. "Dad, you've never failed me. Ever! I should have known that I could come to you with anything. I was just embarrassed. I'm sorry." Cody said hugging his Dad.

"All that matters now, Cody, is that you get better so your life can move on and that you now know that your Dad will always be here for you. And you need to start bring my new son-in-law over, too!" Coach said smiling.

"DAD!" Cody said.

"Feel like some breakfast now?" The Coach asked.

"Soon. I just want to stay here with you for a little bit if that is okay?" Cody said.

"My arms are always open to those I love, Cody!" Coach Conners' said as he kissed Cody's blond hair.

After the four boys finished lunch at the Trolley Car diner, Derek was driving Tyler's Jeep back to towards the Campus when Danny asked, "Do you think we could stop by the bakery for some cinnamon buns?"

"Oh shit Danny! Don't you ever get tired of those things?" Tyler asked. Danny gave him a perplexed look as if he had just been told the Sun was purple!

"Heathen!" Danny scowled.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind taking some home for Mom, Dad, and Luke!" Kyle said.

"Derek, make a left at Walnut Street and head downtown." Tyler sighed.

While Danny and Kyle were in Brewed Awakenings buying all the cinnamon buns they had, Tyler flipped open his cell phone and called Cody about picking up the jersey.

"Hey Codster! Bad timing?" Tyler laughed.

"Nope! Just finished helping Dad do the dishes." Cody said.

"Everything okay?" Tyler asked.

"Everything is great! Guess what?" Cody said.

"WOT?" Tyler grunted and laughed. "He does? Holy Shit! Hahahaha! Son-in-law! Hahahaha! That's great! So who's going to wear the wedding dress? I don't know. you've got the hips for it! Hahahaha. So when can we get the jersey? Sure, 20 minutes tops! See ya there! Love ya! Bye!" Tyler said, and closed his cell phone.

"What's happening?" Derek said, all excited by the one-sided phone call he listened in on.

"Not a word to Danny okay?" Tyler made Derek promise.

"Sure!" Derek said.

"Cody's Dad, our Coach confronted him about Danny!" Tyler began laughing. "He wants Cody to spend a little more time at home and bring his 'future son-in-law' with him!"

Tyler and Derek were laughing their asses off when Kyle and Danny returned.

"What's so funny?" Danny asked.

"Nothing, Danny!" Derek said.

"Right! You were laughing about me!" Danny sulked.

Derek put his arm around Danny and said, "My, what an ego you hockey players have!" Danny shrugged Derek's arm off from around his shoulder.

"Okay Danny, we were laughing at you. Does that make you feel better?" Tyler asked.

"Fine! Be that way! See if I share any of my cinnamon buns with you guys!" Danny feigned being upset.

"Don't worry, Danny, we wouldn't touch your beloved cinnamon buns!" Tyler said. "Besides. it's not like I paid for your breakfast!"

Danny held the bag open, "Here, help yourself!"

"No thanks Daniel. I would feel guilty leaving you with only 11 of them to eat on the way home." Tyler said teasing him. Tyler wrapped his arm around Danny and said, "Danny, you know I love you so suck it up and take it like a man!" Tyler kissed Danny on the cheek as Danny stuffed a cinnamon bun in his mouth.

"How the fuck do you eat like that Danny?" Kyle asked.

"I'm a growing boy, Kyle" Danny said with a full mouth of bun.

"Get us home Derek, we've got to meet Cody in 15 minutes!" Tyler said.

"MY CODY?" Danny said.

"Yeah, your Cody Danny. We wanted a fourth to even things out and you weren't around so we invited Cody." Derek said and Tyler high-fived Derek and then Kyle.

Danny began choking on his cinnamon bun and Kyle slapped his back while everyone laughed at the joke.

"Danny, we're just teasing you!" Tyler said. "We have to meet Cody and you are welcome to come along!" Tyler said.

"But you can only look! No touching!" Kyle said and Derek and Tyler started giggling. Danny just looked back and forth at all of them trying to figure out what was going on.

"Okay, guys we've had our fun at Danny's expense! Everyone tell Danny that we love him." Tyler joked.

"We Love You Danny!" They all said in unison!

"Now you're all mocking me!" Danny said as he stuffed another cinnamon bun in his mouth. Kyle leaned over to him and kissed his cheek.

"You'll have to do more than that to make up for all this teasing Kyle!" Danny pretended to sulk.

"Sounds like someone needs a nap, Ty!" Kyle said.

They pulled into Tyler's parking space and Tyler grabbed the cinnamon bun bag from Danny.

"What the?" Danny said.

"You've had enough! The rest are going to someone who deserves them!" Tyler said and ran in the dorm house ahead of the others and gave them to the security guard on duty.

Cody was walking in the front of the dorm house at the same time they were coming in the back.

"Hey guys, are you all ready? Hey Danny! I didn't know you were joining us?" Cody said.

"Oh No! You guys were really serious about a foursome!" Danny moaned.

"What the Hell is he talking about?" Cody asked.

"Don't even go there! Danny! Cody is taking us over to get a hockey jersey, okay?" Tyler snapped out at him.

Danny's mouth dropped open and he said "Oh! Man do I feel like a dumbass!" Danny smiled.

When they arrived at the student services counter it appeared that no one was there. Cody yelled in, "Sarah? Are you here?"

"Hold on a sec!" She yelled, coming out of the back storage room carrying a stack of small boxes. Sarah made her way up to the front counter and raised the electronic security gate.

"Hi Tyler!" Sarah beamed her perfect white teeth.

"So you two already know each other?" Cody asked.

"Tyler is my dance partner!" She laughed.

"Hey Kyle! How's your weekend going?" Sarah asked.

"Great. Thanks!" Kyle flashed his smile.

Sarah stared at Derek for only a moment but quickly remembered why she didn't like him.

"Hi Sarah. I didn't know you worked here." Tyler asked.

Derek and Kyle both frowned at the acquaintance for similar yet different reasons.

"Four hours a week and I don't have to pay athletic activity fees!" She said.

"Cool! Maybe I should sign up?" Tyler flirted.

"Down boy!" Cody said. "Did anyone get the order filled I placed this morning?"

"Let me check! Was it under Conners?" Sarah asked.

"Yup!" Cody said.

Sarah flipped through a clipboard of orders. "Jeremy, have you got the Conner's order ready yet?" She yelled into the open door leading to the back room.

"Look up on the wall to your right, brainiac!" Jeremy yelled back.

"Oh! Of course. Here it is!" She said lifting down a Dragon's hockey jersey with the name Anderson on the back wrapped in plastic. Derek stepped up and handed Sarah a one hundred dollar bill. She attempted a sincere smile but no one bought it and she didn't really care!

"Why do you want a hockey jersey, Derek?" Kyle asked.

"I don't! I bought it for you to give to Luke as a present." He said loud enough for Sarah to hear as he got his change back from Sarah.

"Wow! You're buying it but allowing me to give it to Luke from me?" Kyle asked.

"So are you going home for Thanksgiving Day, Tyler?" Sarah asked.

"Nope! Toronto is a little far away for a four day trip and our Thanksgiving Day is in October." Tyler said, leaning in on the counter smiling at Sarah.

"Of course it is for you to give Luke!" Derek said, bending down so Kyle could give him a hug.

"Thanks Derek, I love you!" Kyle said.

"I love you too Kyle. You are the best part of my life." Derek said.

Sarah leaned on the counter in towards Tyler watching Derek and Kyle. She wondered whether Derek meant what he said or if it was a show for her.

"Are you headed home for Thanksgiving, Sarah, or taking me dancing this weekend?" Tyler asked.

"Oh Ty, I wish I could. but I'm going home! Would you like to join us? I'll bet you've never experienced an American Thanksgiving! It is unlike any other event in the world!" Sarah said.

"It's bigger than the birth of Jesus Christ!" Derek piped in to the evil stare of Sarah.

Sarah looked Derek up and down once and said, "Gosh Tyler, usually only the cute ones are obnoxious, so what's his excuse?" Sarah made the worst attempt at a sincere smile.

Cody snorted and Danny burst out in laughter. Tyler just smiled.

"Sarah! I must apologize." Tyler started to say. "Derek is a wonderful guy and a great friend! You happened to pick the lowest point in our friendship to meet him. He really is sweet and loves his brothers more than anything in the world! Derek, please don't be angry with Sarah! Kyle and I were just upset at not knowing where you were!" Tyler turned back to Sarah and said, "Please don't judge Derek until you get to know him. then you can hate him!" Tyler winked.

Sarah extended her hand to Derek. "I apologize for pre-judging you! If Tyler says you're a good guy then I believe it!"

Derek smiled and shook her hand and said, "No hard feelings!"

Kyle jumped in and mumbled. "Literally!" Tyler kicked Kyle from below the counter.

"Okay peeps, I have to get ready for work!" Tyler said. "Thanks for helping us out with the jersey, Sarah! You've made an 11 year old boy very happy!"

They all turned and walked back towards the elevator.

"What do you see in her?" Kyle asked Tyler.

"She's pretty, she can dance, and she has all of her teeth!" Tyler said laughing.

"So does our dog Abbey but no one flirts with her!" Kyle said in a disgusted tone banging the up arrow on the elevator.

Derek, Cody, and Danny began laughing.

When they got back into their room Tyler began getting changed and asked, "What time do you catch your train?"

"7:15 p.m. and it takes about an hour and a half to get to Baltimore." Kyle said

"Derek, once you put Kyle on the train you probably should phone your parents to let them know he got on it alright!" Tyler said.

"Yes Daddy!" Derek grinned.

"Hush little boy or I'll make you ride the bus home!" Tyler said putting his tie on.

Tyler packed up his backpack and looked at Kyle on the loveseat with watering eyes.

"Kyle. Don't start that or you'll make me cry. God knows I'm going to cry enough having to live here alone with your brother!" Tyler winked and Kyle smiled.

"C'mere and give me a hug! I'm going to miss you so much but I am so glad we had this weekend together." Tyler said picking Kyle up in his arms.

"I love you, Ty." Kyle said squeezing Tyler's neck.

"I love you too, not so little dude! I have to be the luckiest guy in the world to have a friend like you!" Tyler said.

"Bet your ass you are!" Kyle said.

"Have a safe trip, Kyle, and don't forget to listen to all those songs I uploaded for you!" Tyler told him walking out the door.

"So what do you wanna do, Kyle? It's only four o'clock." Derek said.

Kyle walked over and hugged Derek. "I just want to be with you for awhile."

"Thanks Kyle, I feel the same way. Have you finished your homework?" Derek asked.

"You really know how to spoil the moment don't you!" Kyle said.

Derek laughed, "Kyle, I've been told that all of my life!" Kyle laughed and pulled out his homework.

As it neared five o'clock Derek asked, "What do you want to do for dinner? Something special for my brother!" Derek asked.

"Ummm. never mind. whatever you want to do is fine with me as long as I don't have to watch Danny eat!" Kyle said and Derek nodded and laughed.

"You had something in mind! What was it?" Derek asked.

"I was thinking. do you want to go eat at Ciccone's Trattoria?" Kyle asked.

"I guess we could? Do you think Tyler might be upset about us showing up there?" Derek asked.

"Only if we don't tip him!" Kyle winked.

"Let's go!" Derek said.

Derek and Kyle grabbed all of Kyle's belongings, including his skateboard, and headed out to Tyler's Jeep. "Do we need a reservation, Kyle?"

"Not when you're with me!" Kyle said smiling.

"Hey Derek, can we stop at a flower shop for a minute!"

"Sure, if there is one open? You want to bring Mom some flowers?" Derek asked.

"Nope!" Kyle said counting his big wad of cash.

Derek and Kyle walked in the door of Ciccone's. Kyle was carrying a bouquet of fresh flowers with some white roses surrounded with baby's breath.

"KYLE!" Gina yelled with arms open.

"NONNA!" Kyle said as he ran up into her arms and gave her the flowers along with a hug and a kiss.

'What the fuck?' Derek said to himself.

Angelo came out of the kitchen and Kyle said, "Nonno!" and hugged Angelo.

'Nonno?' Derek thought to himself!

Everyone in the kitchen who worked on Friday night came out to see Kyle. Tyler came out of the bathroom and said, "Oh My God! No tips for me again tonight!" Gina swatted at Tyler but he ducked out of her way. Tyler looked over at Derek at the front entrance and went over to see him.

"What's up?" Tyler asked.

"You tell me? Nonna and Nonno?" Derek said laughing.

"Oh yeah. Angelo and Gina have adopted their first grandson!" Tyler laughed. "So what did you guys need?"

"Actually, we're here to eat if that is okay? At Kyle's insistence!" Derek said.

"Yeah, for some reason I believe you about that one!" Tyler said.

"Where would you like me to seat you, guys?" Tyler asked.

"In your section if you can?" Derek said. "We've got to eat and run though.

Only an hour and half until he has to catch the train."

"We aim to please!" Tyler smiled. "This way to your table, Mr. Anderson!"

"What? No French accent? Your tip is really going to suck tonight!" Derek said.

"Promise?" Tyler winked. Derek just stared trying to figure it out.

Tyler held out the chair for Derek to sit down and went and got water and a breadbasket.

"Monsieur Anderson, your table is waiting!" Tyler said to Kyle, who was helping Gina put the flowers in a vase. Tyler seated Kyle and then Angelo came out to their table.

"May I ah, take ah, your order?" Angelo said in his thick Italian accent.

Tyler cleared his throat! "I can take their order Mr. Ciccone!" Tyler said.

"Thank you Tyler, but this is my grandson! Don't you have other customers to look after?" Angelo said.

"Yes Sir!" Tyler said turning away.

That night Derek and Kyle ate ravioli, shrimp, Fettuccini Alfredo, bruchetta, and Caesar salad. Gina served them their dinner and sat and talked with Kyle and Derek only getting up to cash out customers. Tyler wasn't impressed but only Derek noticed.

"May I clear away your plates?" Tyler said smiling.

"It's okay Tyler!" Gina said. "I can do it!"

"No Ma'am, you enjoy your chat and I will clear the table." Tyler said removing everything.

When Tyler took the plates back into the kitchen he asked Angelo if they wanted to send some food home to Baltimore with Kyle? Big mistake on Tyler's part! Kyle was going to need help carrying the bag of food!

Tyler went to work on a cannoelis for each of them. Kyle's was easy to make. He drew a face using the cannoelis as a smiling mouth. Tyler inked out chocolate headphones for the face. Tyler added two scoops of ice cream for eyes and around the bottom of the plate he wrote 'love Nonna and Nonno'.

Derek's was more difficult. He was trying to think of something that captured the weekend. Tyler placed the cannoelis in the centre of the plate. He inked in chocolate one heart but divided the heart in half on an angle and put the cannoelis in the centre of it. On the bottom of the plate he wrote, "Love is ." and called Gina to the till.

"I thought maybe you would want to serve them dessert?" Tyler said.

Gina looked at Kyle's and kissed Tyler on the cheek.

Angelo called Gina back into the kitchen. He spoke sternly to her in Italian. She came back out and apologized to Tyler. "I'm sorry Tyler! They are your friends and came to see you! I was just so happy to see Kyle that I wanted to spend some more time with him! I hope you will forgive my rudeness?" Gina said.

"No need, Mrs. Ciccone. I've been lucky enough to have him all weekend. Here take these out to them, Kyle will get a big kick out of you serving it to him!" Tyler said. Gina smiled and took the plates. Angelo watched and shook his head. Tyler just winked and smiled at him. Kyle gave Nonna big hug upon receiving his cannoelis. Derek just glared at Tyler.

Tyler showed up at the table with a cup of coffee for Gina and asked if there was anything else they needed? Kyle ignored him as he insisted that Gina share his cannoelis with him! Kyle was actually feeding Mrs. Ciccone. Tyler laughed to himself knowing how much Gina hated cannoelis! Derek kept rolling his eyes every time he caught Tyler's attention.

"Mrs. Ciccone, we really need to get going! Kyle's got a train to catch in 30 minutes." Derek pleaded.

"Ooooooh. My little Kyle has to leave?" Gina said pulling Kyle's head between her breasts. Tyler started laughing and so did Derek. As Tyler cleared the table of dessert plates he whispered to Derek, "Definitely a Kodak moment! How many times will Kyle have his head between a pair of ladies breasts?"

"Tyler, I need the bill please! We really have to run!" Derek said tapping his watch.

Tyler looked at Gina and she waved him off. Tyler figured that meant the bill was taken care of. The boys got up to leave and Gina gave Derek a hug and kiss as well. Angelo came out with the bag of food to take home on the promise that he visits again. Gina also asked Kyle to extend their best wishes to his parents for a Happy Thanks Giving Day.

"Thank you again Mrs. Ciccone for being so kind to my brother but we really need to straighten up with you and run!"

"Derek. It is our honour to have you both here for dinner! Take the bag and get your brother to the train station." Tyler was standing behind Angelo and Gina when Derek and Kyle headed out the door.

Derek yelled back "Thanks, Tyler!"

Tyler couldn't believe what had just happened and returned to looking after his other customers. For the rest of the night he was quiet. Gina played with her flowers oblivious to Tyler but Angelo noticed something was wrong.

"What's wrong Tyler?" Angelo asked patting Tyler on the back.

"Nothing Sir. Just tired." Tyler lied.

Ciccone's closed at nine on Sunday night so Tyler was able to get out of there by ten to catch the bus home. Angelo asked Tyler what he wanted to take with him but Tyler said he wasn't hungry and thanked him for the offer.

He waited ten minutes for a bus and then decided to walk back to the Campus. It was almost midnight when he got home.

Derek was in bed when Tyler arrived. "Hey!" Derek said.

"Hey." Tyler said unenthusiastically.

"Something wrong?" Derek asked.

"Nope." Tyler said clicking his computer on and removing his clothes.

"Mom called to say that they got Kyle and the food." Derek laughed. "Apparently he hasn't stopped talking about you and Nonna!"

"Yeah. he loves his Nonna and she loves him." Tyler moaned.

Derek popped down out of his bed and sat in his chair facing Tyler. "Tyler?"

"Yeah." Tyler said.

"Is something wrong?" Derek asked.


"If I didn't know better I would say you're really missing Kyle?" Derek said but Tyler didn't answer.

"Did something happen tonight?" Derek asked.

"No." Tyler said logging into his hotmail account. He saw an email from 'theredheadedstepchild'. "FUCK!" Tyler said punching the bottom of his bed.

"What's wrong?" Derek said.

"Nothing. I was suppose to talk to someone online tonight and I was too late getting home." Tyler said.

"Shit Ty, I'm sorry, I should have left your Jeep with you or picked you up!

It just never occurred to me." Derek said feeling guilty.

"It's no problem Kyle. I didn't ask you to pick me up." Tyler said.

"Tyler? You just called me Kyle!" Tyler took a double twist of his head staring at Derek.

"I did? Oh sorry." Tyler said ignoring him and turning his computer off without reading the email from Kelly. Tyler turned off the lights on his side of the room and climbed into bed. He reset his cell phone alarm and slid it under his pillow. Derek climbed into his own bed and lay there staring out the window before him.

"You sure you don't want to talk about it?" Derek asked.

"Derek! Please let me go to sleep." Tyler snapped at him.

"Sorry." Derek said.

"Sorry Derek. I didn't mean to snap at you!" Tyler said and jumped out of bed and hunted for his MP3 player.

"Do you have my MP3 player Derek?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, it's in my backpack, sorry!"

Tyler got the MP3 player out and changed the batteries. He chose the song "Hungry" by Kosheen. He put it on to repeat and fell asleep listening to the lyrics over and over. 'Are you hungry for a little bit more, than what you've had before? Are you hungry for a taste of life. Whet your appetite. Are you hungry?'

Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few weeks! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel

Next: Chapter 19

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