The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Jan 12, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

** The Road Home Trivia Contest Winners are posted at the bottom. ** ** Information for and users at the bottom. **

The Road Home: Part Seventeen (Derek 0, Tyler 0, and Kyle 3)

"Holy Shit! I've never seen someone answer the door naked, but I could get use to it with you Kyle!" Danny laughed as he bent down to pick up the bag of cinnamon buns he dropped.

Kyle held his arm in the air and snapped his fingers at Danny, "Yoo Hoo! I'm up here Danny!" Danny smiled as he moved his eyes away from Kyle's crotch. "Are you coming in? I'm getting cold!"

"Strange, I'm getting hot." Danny said as he walked by Kyle.

"Morning Danny. Kyle, you've had your fun now get dressed!

"Awwww, I was going to sit on Danny's lap for awhile" He winked at Tyler as he went by him and put his boxers on.

"He's such a tease. and a good one at that!" Danny said watching his butt.

"That's an understatement!" Tyler said pulling his jeans on.

"I brought you guys some cinnamon buns and I got Kyle a hot chocolate. I figured you would make your coffee anyway." Danny said watching Kyle get dressed.

Tyler took the bag from Danny and opened it. "You brought us two cinnamon buns? After all the times I've fed you!" Tyler said.

"Sorry. there were more. but you know me?" Danny grinned.

"I don't know why you never gain any weight? It must be that hallow centre leg you have!" Tyler winked.

"How big is it?" Kyle asked!

"Shut up Kyle!" Tyler said.

"Not as big as yours." Danny confessed.

"Danny!" Tyler said.

"That's okay Danny, more than a mouthful is just a waste anyway!" Kyle said.

"BOTH OF YOU! Enough!" Tyler said holding both his arms out.

"Are you joining us for breakfast Danny?" Tyler asked.

"I'm am feeling a little peckish!" Danny said lifting up his shirt to rub his tummy.

Kyle finished his cinnamon bun and came over and gave Danny a hug. "Thanks for bringing me a bun to eat!" Kyle said.

"You're so sweet Kyle! A hug for a bun! I wonder what I get for a half dozen?" Danny mused.

"For six buns you get six." Kyle started to say.

"KYLE! Enough!" Tyler said.

"Fine! I only hugged him because I wanted to wipe my hands!" Kyle said winking at Tyler.

"Little bastard!" Danny said laughing.

"No more shows for you Danny. and tonight I was going to invite you over for a." Kyle's voice trailed off.

"Children! Enough! Let's get out of here." Tyler said as he taped a note to Derek's bed telling him to call his cell phone if he came in.

The three boys ate a Saturday brunch at Sabrina's down in South Philly. Tyler had Eggs Benedict, Kyle had Challah French Toast and Danny had his usual pancakes, sausages, bacon, home fries, toast, samples of Tyler and Kyle's breakfast, and a chocolate shake.

"That almost made me sick again Ty!" Kyle said as they left the restaurant.

"What?" Tyler asked.

"Watching Danny eat all of that! I don't think Luke could even eat that much."

The boys did a walk around tour for most of the afternoon. Danny bought a couple of sweatshirts to take home as gifts for Thanks Giving Day weekend.

"Hey Ty, are you going home for Thanks Giving Day?" Kyle asked.

"Nope. Ours is celebrated in the second weekend of October." Tyler said and tried to change the subject immediately.

"That sucks!" Danny said. "I couldn't imagine spending the holiday weekend alone. It's a bigger holiday than Christmas for Americans!"

"Guys, let's get headed back. We've got hockey plus a meeting before hand."

Tyler said.

Tyler packed all of his equipment in his hockey bag and then put on his white shirt and tie.

"Do you always have to wear a tie to hockey?" Kyle asked.

"Yup, and my hockey jacket!" Tyler said. "Let's go and get Cody and Danny!" Tyler said taping up a new note for Derek saying they were at his hockey game. Cody, Danny, Kyle, and Tyler walked over to the Athletic complex for the meeting held up in the Observation room. Everyone seemed in a good mood. Josh was sitting next to Ryan and they were talking with some of the other players. Tyler took Kyle over and introduced him to Coach Conners.

"Coach, I would like you to meet Kyle Anderson, my charge for the weekend. I hope you don't mind me bringing him along?" Tyler said.

The Coach smiled and shook Kyle's hand, "Glad to have a stick boy for tonight's game!"

"Ladies! Please!" The Coach called for everyone to quiet down and the meeting to begin once Kyle and Tyler sat down.

"Firstly Gentleman, I would simply like to thank and remind you that the incident of last week is strictly a private matter. I appreciate all of you for not letting this go public, as it would certainly be a problem for both the team and the University! I haven't really had reason to say this up until now but I'm proud of the group of you. I hope you all realize the importance of becoming a family on and off the ice. You have to look out and protect each other. We are a family here, and like all families we will have our problems but in the end, family is there for one another." The Coach said.

"As a Coach I have let you all down, especially those of you that were here last year. I want to apologize for failing you all." The Coach began but Josh interrupted.

"Coach, you didn't fail us, a small group of us failed you and the rest of team and I want to apologize to everyone, especially Tyler, for what we've done." Josh said as he wiped a tear away. "Ryan, we let you down as well. I hope you know that the pain you've gone through is shared by everyone and your family will always be here for you." Ryan stood up and gave Josh a hug. Everyone clapped and joined in a group hug except for the Coach and Kyle.

"Boys, please!" The Coach said, "Before I was wisely interrupted," he said looking at Josh, "I wanted to tell you all that I failed you as a Coach and I hope you will allow me to make it up to you! And before you all get up for your group hug ladies. I want to remind you that anyone leaving their seat before I'm done is going to give me 20 right here and now!" Laughter broke out and the tension of the moment eased.

"You boys have grown up quite a bit in the last few months and I hope you are now beginning to realize how important everyone in this room is to making a successful team! We are going to try to bring up a couple of extra players to fill in while Ryan is off recovering so I hope you will extend the feelings we all share tonight with the newest members. Now we have some business to take care of." Coach Conners said as he began unzipping a suit pack containing two jerseys inside.

"I spoke with a few of the players and made a decision on a new Captain. I think this is the best possible choice for our team! I need someone with experience and a deep passion for the game." Everyone started to smile and kept sneaking peeks at Ryan even though he was oblivious to what was going on. The Coach scrunched up the jersey so that only the letter 'C' could be seen. "I'm going to ask our two assistants, Adam and Josh to make the presentation!"

Adam and Josh took the jersey together and looked at each other wondering what to say. Adam took the lead. "Everyone! We need a Captain that has both experience and a love of the game. Someone who has proven that one can rise up from the bottom and move forward. Josh?" Adam said turning it over to Josh.

"I think Adam said it all?" Josh laughed. "And much better than I would have! I would just like to say that before we present this jersey we want the new owner of it to know that you cannot refuse the job or it will be the beats for you!" Everyone laughed and Ryan grinned looking at Tyler. Tyler became fearful that everything was turning around and he was going to be chosen as the new Captain. Ryan was beginning to get excited at the idea that they were going to make Tyler the Captain. He even winked at Tyler and pointed at him.

"So Adam and I would like to bestow the honour of and announce our new team Captain of the Drexel Dragon's. Ryan Chambers!" The entire room stood clapping! Ryan's mouth dropped open and he started to cry and Josh was the first to hug him followed by Tyler and everyone else.

"Ha! I knew the 'beats' comment would throw you off!" Josh said to more laughter.

Cody, Danny, Tyler, and Kyle started it with, "SPEECH! SPEECH!"

Ryan stood up and wiped his eyes. He was still crying as he tried to say something but just sat down shaking his head.

Josh said, "You're our Captain now! You have to say something!"

Ryan sniffled and when he opened his mouth all he could get out was, "the beats for all of you!" The room erupted again with laughter.

"Okay boys, settle down! Ryan, for making them all get up again, give me forty!" The Coach said. Ryan thought he was serious but everyone else, including the Coach laughed.

"Now tonight only, we have at the request of a few of our players a stick boy, towel boy, and jock strap cleaner!" Everyone laughed and focused their attention on Kyle.

"Cody would you bring Kyle up here and do the presentation?" The Coach asked.

Cody almost had to drag Kyle up to the front of the room. Tyler and Danny were laughing over the fear in Kyle's eyes. "Kyle, on behalf of the team we would like to make you our honorary stick boy!" Cody reached into the suit pack and pulled out a second jersey with the name 'ANDERSON' on the back along with double '00'. He got a round of applause from the team. Cody gave him a hug and helped him put the jersey on that hung down to his knees.

"He'll grow into it!" Danny yelled and then whispered into Tyler's ear, "He really will 'grow' into it at his age!" Danny laughed and Tyler elbowed him at the comment. Kyle donned his the new jersey and ran back over and sat down beside Tyler.

"Cody number two, you're now replacing Ryan for a couple of games. Dylan and Ben, I want you to play on both lines one and two. I'm going to rotate you both. Double shifts on, double shifts off. Tyler and Josh, the same goes for both of you with lines one and three! Okay boys, go get ready for the game! Cody! I want to talk to you for a moment."

Everyone left for the change room and Cody waited to be alone with his Dad. "Cody, you were suppose to come see me for a talk last Sunday!" Coach Conners said.

"I'm sorry Dad. Everything with Ryan and mid terms took all of my time." Cody said.

"Cody, we need to talk about Dakota. I'm not mad at you. I don't want you to get upset. I love you very much and I'm very proud of you, but we need to talk." Coach said to his son.

"Yes Dad." Cody said lowering his head.

"Go get ready Cody, and have a good game!" His Dad said patting him on the back.

Kyle's was happy to be wearing his jersey because it helped hide his erection from seeing the entire team strip down to their underwear.

"Kyle!" Tyler called him over. "Stop drooling okay!" Tyler winked. "Someone want to show Kyle how to tape up your stick?" Tyler asked. Danny was about to volunteer but Tyler punched him in the arm, "I meant hockey stick Danny!"

"C'mere Kyle!" Josh said. "Watch me do this so you can tape up anyone's stick that might need it during the game.

"Does anyone have any condoms for Josh to show Kyle how to tape up his stick?" Danny yelled.

"Nobody uses condoms that small Danny!" Ben said and Josh glared at him while Tyler gave Danny and evil stare. Kyle just giggled.

As the players headed on to the ice for their warm up skate Tyler stopped one of the referees and asked him something. Tyler pointed over to Kyle and the referee smiled and nodded. Kyle wondered what that was about.

The Villanova Wildcats entered for their warm up. "Hey Adam, what is this team like? Seems weird that the stands are packed!" Tyler asked.

"They're struggling this year. shouldn't be a problem, but the rivalry is famous! More gambling goes on when we play them than any other team in the state!" Adam laughed. "Let's just say Ty that losing this game probably means no new jerseys next year." He winked

Josh filled in for Dakota on the face off. He lost the puck and the Wildcats took off after Adam. Two immediate shots on goal made Adam sharpen his senses. He knew it would be a long night. It took Josh and the rest of line one most of the first period to gel together but they got better each shift. Tyler was more than a little lost without Ryan to assist him. Every line was hurting because of the changes the Coach had made. With four minutes left in the first period, Tyler was on line one with Ben. Ben took a slap shot from the blue line and the goalie deflected into Tyler. Tyler flipped it between his pads and the score was one to nothing for the Dragons! Tyler skated over to the referee and he handed Tyler the puck. Tyler skated by Kyle and stop to hand him the puck.

"123 Kyle" Tyler winked and skated off for the face-off at centre ice.

"Mmmmmm" Amber moaned as she went down Derek inside their tent.

"Amber, shouldn't we be out there helping clean up after dinner?" Derek said

"Mmmmmmm." She said again. Tonight she was going to get fucked if it meant killing Derek, cutting his dick off, and masturbating herself to orgasm. Nothing was going to ruin her plans. "You are so big Tiger!" She said coming up for air and jerking him with two hands. "I can't wait to meet your brothers! Imagine, a whole family of extra large cock!"

Derek sat up! "OH FUCK! My Brother! Kyle is coming to the dorm this weekend! Shit!" He said jumping out from under Amber. "I have to get back. I have to get back to school right now!"

"What are you talking about Tiger?" Amber said.

"I told you I had plans this weekend! My little brother is here! I am in so much fucking trouble!" Derek said. Amber reached up and grabbed at his crotch. "Tiger, there's nothing you can do tonight! Lie back down!" She said.

"Fuck that! You're the reason I'm here! Sorry Amber, I have to go, you can stay or come with me but I have to go!" Derek said buttoning up his jeans. He left the tent and started asking if there was anyone who was going back to the dorm tonight. One of the guys offered if Derek would pay for the gas for him to come back! Derek gave him forty dollars and they were off.

A very tense game ended in with a one-nothing score. No one was happier than Kyle! An entire team of hot, sweaty hockey players were about to strip down in front of him and begin showering plus he had the game puck! "If this isn't heaven I don't know what else it could be!" He said to himself. Kyle stood at the entrance to the shower holding a stack of towels. As the boys began entering the showers Tyler started it off by taking his sweaty and smelly jock strap and putting it over Kyle's head. In a few minutes he had eight of them covering the top of his head. The guys were lined up inside the shower and at the entrance waiting to get in. Kyle got to feast on a cock buffet for almost 20 minutes.

He began ranking them all but Tyler's was still the nicest and biggest. Cody's was number two! Kyle thought he looked so sexy with his wet bangs and dimpled ass. When Danny picked up his towel he said to Kyle, "What's UP" and winked at him. Kyle grinned and as Danny turned to walk away Kyle slapped his ass and said "Good Game!" Ryan was sitting on the bench next to Kyle and looked over to see his erection pointing out of his jersey.

"Kyle!" Ryan whispered. "You might want to hold those towels a little lower." He winked. Kyle's face became flush. "You comin' over for a shower tonight?" Ryan asked?

"Maybe!" Kyle winked. When Kyle was done he went over to sit beside Tyler. Kyle whispered into his ear and Tyler asked him a couple of questions.

"Are you sure you want too?" Tyler said.

"Yeah, if I could. But I want you to announce it!" Kyle said.

Tyler walked over to Ryan and whispered in his ear. "Okay everyone, quiet down!" Everyone stopped talking. "I have an announcement to make!" Ryan said. "Kyle would like to say something!" Ryan winked and Kyle's mouth dropped open. He turned and looked for help from Tyler.

"Guys, what Kyle is trying to say. but not very well! Is that he wants to thank everyone for the jersey and allowing him to be with the team tonight." Kyle's head dropped in embarrassment. "Now not everyone knows this but Kyle came to work with me last night and kicked ass! He got more tips than I did! He made around $140.00!" Everyone clapped and congratulated him. "Soooo Kyle would like to invite everyone on the team over to Leo's Pizza Parlour for pizza and soda pop. His treat!" Everyone clapped. Tyler stuck his head down next to Kyle and pretended that Kyle was saying something! "Oh hold on! He just told me that Danny has to pay for his own!" A roar of laughter came out of the team and then Tyler said, "I might have made that up." Tyler said smiling at Danny. Everyone came over and messed up Kyle's hair. Cody hugged him and Kyle didn't seem to want to let go. As most filed out, Tyler and Kyle went over to see Coach Conners.

"Sir, we want to extend the invitation for you to join us!" Tyler said and Kyle nodded.

"Thanks boys, but I will let you have your fun." The Coach said.

"Mr. Conners, please come along. After all, you are part of the family. You said so!" Kyle told the Coach.

"Out of the mouths of babes." Coach Conners said.

"Yeah, C'mon Dad, we hardly ever see each other!" Cody said.

Everyone agreed to meet in thirty minutes. Kyle went with Tyler back to the room to drop off the hockey equipment.

"Hey Tyler!" Sarah yelled from the common room.

"Hi Sarah!" Tyler said walking up to her with Kyle in tow.

"Did you win tonight?" She asked.

"Yup, but just barely! Oh, allow me to introduce the coolest 14 year old on the planet! Kyle this is Sarah!" Kyle shook Sarah's hand.

"So are we going dancing tomorrow morning?" Sarah teased Tyler. Kyle looked at Tyler and frowned.

"Not tomorrow. I'm sleeping in and hanging with my little brother all weekend! Kyle is buying the team pizza and drinks tonight so we have to get going. Would you like to join us?" Tyler asked.

"So you're Tyler's brother? You must be proud to have a such a great dancer for a brother!" Sarah said.

"Actually I didn't know he could dance. but then again I'm learning all sorts of things about him this weekend!" Kyle said glaring at Tyler.

"You made the trip all the way down from Canada to see your brother?" She asked Kyle.

"I'm from Baltimore!" Kyle said.

"Sorry Sarah, I should explain. short version. Kyle is my roommates brother and Kyle came to spend the weekend with us but Derek disappeared and we haven't seen him all weekend."

"Oh my God! That's horrible and so mean! I'm sorry Kyle." Sarah said giving him a hug. He smiled as best as he could and Tyler just grinned at him.

"Come on over to my room, I just have to lose the suit and tie thingy." Tyler said. The three walked down the hallway to Tyler's room. When they opened the door Derek was sitting at his computer. Tyler, Kyle and Sarah all stopped just inside the doorway. Derek looked up at the three of them and then dropped his head down.

"Ummm Sarah, this might not be the best time for this! Can I give you a rain check on the pizza?" Tyler asked.

Sarah frowned at Derek and said, "Sure I understand completely!" She kissed him on the cheek and said good night to Kyle. Sarah then took one more long glaring look at Derek and turned and walked out.

Kyle walked around to Tyler's side of the bed and wouldn't even look at Derek. Tyler walked by Derek carrying his hockey bag and said, "Nice of you to drop by!"

"Kyle, I'm sorry. I had a camping trip booked and forgot that this was the same weekend." Derek said.

"Don't worry bout it!" Kyle said still not talking to him. "Hurry up Tyler and get changed or we'll be late." Kyle said watching Tyler in the closet so he didn't have to look at his brother.

Tyler could barely handle the tension when it was just him and Derek but this was too much for him to be involved in. "Hey Derek, Kyle is buying the team pizza with the money he made yesterday. Want to join us?" Kyle's laser death-ray eyes didn't seem to working for him at the moment.

"I don't think I would be too welcome." Derek said sulking.

"Kyle, take my keys and go down to my Jeep and bring your skateboard in please! We don't want it to get stolen." Kyle knew he was being told to get out but he was happy to leave.

When Kyle left the room Tyler said, "I'm not going to have an argument about this right now! The invite wasn't a request if you get my point!" Tyler flipped open his cell phone and dialled Danny.

"Can you here me now?" Danny answered.

"Shut up Danny, I need a favour." Tyler said.

"When Kyle and Derek and I show up for pizza I want you to put Kyle between you and Cody and keep him occupied please!"

"That's not a favour Ty, it's more like an early birthday present!" Danny laughed.

"Danny!" Tyler yelled.

"Gotcha! Consider it taken care of! You want him to stay the night with me?" Danny hinted.

"Yeah. Leaving him with you? Yeah right, that would be a smart idea leaving a 14 year old with you." Tyler said laughing.

"Just offering my services. since you won't take me up on it!" Danny laughed.

"Thanks Danny, see ya in a few!" Tyler said closing his cell phone.

"Get up and get changed Derek, we're almost late and when we get back from pizza I'm going over to Danny's while you apologize to Kyle!" Tyler said putting on his new team jersey with the 'eh' on it. Derek quickly changed his clothes and was almost done when Kyle returned. Tyler had to say something to lighten things up.

"So Derek you must be hungry after a weekend of camping?" Tyler said.

"I said Derek, you must be hungry." Tyler said again before being interrupted.

"Yes! I'm hungry. I heard you the first time!" Derek said. As the three of them exited the room Tyler quietly said to Derek, 'I don't think you want to try to be snotty with me right now or I will beat the fucking crap out of you in front of your brother!'

As they walked over to Leo's Pizza Palace Tyler tried his best to get them talking. "Kyle, tell your brother how much money you made last night prostituting yourself to customers!" Kyle and Derek both glared at Tyler.

"Kyle came to work at the restaurant last night and made a ton of money in tips!" Tyler said.

"Cool, how much money did you make Kyle?" Derek asked.

"$140.00 after donations to a charity and tips for the kitchen staff!" Kyle said not looking up from the ground.

"Cool Dragon's jersey you got there! Tyler buy that for you?" Derek asked.

Kyle didn't answer until he got elbowed from Tyler.

"No, the team gave it to me as a gift. They even put my name on the back of it!" Kyle said still not looking at Derek. When they arrived at the restaurant a group cheer began. "KYLE! KYLE KYLE!." The team had put a series of tables together.

Cody called out to Kyle, "Kyle, c'mere, we saved you a spot between Danny and me!" Kyle smiled for the first time since going back to Tyler and Derek's room. He ran over to sit down with them.

Derek and Tyler sat down at the other end of the group of tables next to Coach Conners.

"Coach! This is my roommate Derek, Kyle's older brother!" Tyler said and they shook hands.

"That's one hell of a brother you've got there Derek! The whole team has adopted him." Coach said laughing.

"Thank you Sir, we are very proud of him." Derek said and Tyler smiled at Derek.

A server came over and asked if everyone was ready to order. Tyler got up and walked her over to Kyle. He pulled Kyle aside with the server.

"Melanie!" Tyler said reading her nametag. "Kyle here is treating the entire team tonight. I figure we need a large pizza per two people plus enough pitchers of RC to go around as needed. What kind of pizzas do you think we should order Kyle? Kyle shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay. How about a mix of pepperoni, supreme, and meat lovers for Kyle?" Tyler said winking at Kyle. Oh, and Melanie, when it's time for the bill I want you to give it to Kyle so no one else can see it. He and I will come up and pay you for it!" Tyler said putting his arm around Kyle's neck.

"No problem guys! I'll work in a discount for the size of the order and some free garlic bread!" Melanie said. Tyler turned Kyle back to his seat and then extended his hand to Melanie to shake. She seemed confused at his thanking her until she felt the bills transferring into her hand. "Appreciate your help!" Tyler said walking her back up to the kitchen. "I want you to make sure that at the end of the meal we get three cinnamon bun dessert pizza's that say 'Congratulations Captain Ryan'! One word for each pizza and set down all three in front of him."

"Which one is Ryan?" Melanie asked.

"Good question!" Tyler laughed. "He's the one with his arm in the sling."

Melanie slid the money in her pocket without looking at it. Tyler noticed and thought 'class act'! She definitely had potential to make a lot more money.

Tyler sat back down and caught Kyle's eye and directed him to come see him. Kyle came over and said "What?"

"Kyle I want you to do as tell you. Go to the washroom. Be gone at least 3 minutes. I've order dessert pizza for Ryan but I want everyone to think it was your idea. You understand?" Kyle smiled and kissed Tyler's cheek and then disappeared to the washroom. Tyler returned to his seat between the Coach and Derek.

"So Derek, give me a very short version of why you where not here this weekend? Maybe you could tell me why you didn't think to even leave a note?" Tyler said.

Derek sighed. "Amber showed up at like. six in the morning!" Derek began. "She had booked this with me over a month ago. I forgot about both the camping and Kyle's coming. She showed up and threw a fit. We had to be gone by seven so she helped me pack. I didn't have time to think about anything. I'm sorry." Derek said sipping on his drink.

Cheers and applause came for Kyle when the garlic bread arrived. Kyle was ecstatic at the attention he was getting. If being in a change room with all of these guys naked was heaven. this was definitely number two on his list! He had five different conversations going on at almost any one time.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Derek asked Tyler.

"Nope. I believe you and I believe you're sorry. It isn't me you have to apologize to though is it?" Tyler said. They both looked at Kyle and he looked over and caught their stare but turned his attention elsewhere.

When the pizza arrived Cody and Danny began with "Speech! Speech! Speech!" And everyone else joined in. Cody and Danny lifted Kyle up to speak and everyone got quiet.

"I hate you both!" A smiling Kyle said and everyone laughed.

"Ummm. I want to thank Coach Conners and all of you for allowing me to join in on the game. You guys are great! Each and everyone one of you! Family is important." Kyle said glaring at Derek. He looked over at Tyler and Tyler shook his head. ". And I'm lucky to have my brothers Derek and Tyler invite here for the weekend and I want everyone to know that I include all of you as a part of my family!"

Ryan interrupted and said. "Sweet! Do we all get Christmas presents from you?"

"Only if I get presents from all of you!" Kyle responded.

"You're wearing it Kyle!" Cody number three yelled! Everyone laughed.

"Right! Email me your Christmas lists guys! If you have my email address!" Kyle laughed!

"I'm selling Kyle's email address for a quarter if anyone is interested?" Tyler said.

"Guys, I love my jersey and this weekend has been one of the best of my life and I thank you all for making it happen!" Kyle said and sat down. The round of applause died down as the pizza arrived.

"So how was camping?" Tyler asked trying to include Derek in the conversation.

"Sucked! I hate camping!" Derek said and Tyler said, "Me too! Unless there is a cabin in the woods with a hot tub and fire place!"

"Really?" Derek laughed. "We have exactly what you're describing. Mom and Dad have a cabin in the Adirondack's."

"Cool. That would be great. Laying in front of the fire on a cold winter's night. Soaking in the hot tub with the room lit only by candles! Maybe you should take Amber to the cabin next time you want to go camping." Tyler said stuffing some pizza in his mouth.

"Maybe you could borrow it and take Sarah up there?" Derek shot back.

Melanie began cleaning away the tables. The Coach started to say good night to Tyler but Tyler quietly told him he needed to stay. When the tables were cleared, Melanie set up three pizza stands in a row. She returned with two other servers and they set the cinnamon bun pizzas down in order. Everyone rose out of their seats to read what it said.

"Saaaaaaweeet!" Danny said. Kyle, Cody and Tyler laughed the most at Danny's comment, as they knew it was the amount of cinnamon bun pizza and not the message that mattered to him.

Ryan began to tear up. "Kyle did you do this?" Kyle glanced over at Tyler. Ryan followed Kyle's eyes.

Tyler said, "Don't look at me! It was Kyle's idea!" Everyone began patting Kyle's head and thanking him! Kyle diverted attention away from him by saying "Speech! Speech! Speech!." and the rest joined in.

"Guys! Kyle." Ryan began to say!

"Hey! I'm a guy too!" Kyle said.

"Sorry Kyle, I didn't mean that you weren't! As Kyle said before, I am lucky to have you all as my family. It means more to me than I can put into words." Ryan began.

"Nuff said Ryan! Let's eat!" Danny interrupted and grabbed two pieces of the pizza.

"See your brother! He is waiting to see that everyone else gets a piece before he has one!" Tyler whispered in Derek's ear.

"Yeah. Nice." Derek said. "Tyler, don't take this the wrong way but I've been listening to how great both my brothers are all my life."

"Maybe you missed the part of your brother's speech when he mentioned how much he appreciated 'his brother' for inviting him down this weekend. Do you ever wonder what it is like for Kyle to worship you yet you treat him like crap? He loves you a lot. though I haven't the foggiest idea why? " Tyler said nudging Derek's side.

Melanie brought the bill, folded in half and gave it to Kyle. Kyle looked at Tyler for direction. Tyler turned his head hinting that he should go up and pay the bill. Kyle got up and Tyler joined him at the cash register.

"Was everything okay? Melanie asked?

"It was great! I had the best time ever!" Kyle beamed!

"Yeah, thanks Melanie. You helped make an important evening very special and we appreciate all the extras!" Tyler said. "Okay Kyle, when it comes to tipping you leave 15% of the bill before any taxes, however if the service was exceptional you leave 15% of the total or more! And then there is the cuteness factor for our server!" Tyler winked at Melanie.

"Ty, the bill came to almost $110.00! So how much do I leave?" Kyle asked.

"Easy! You want to give Melanie a $20.00 tip but because you asked for extra service and she did so well you give her $30.00." Tyler said quietly to him.

"Melanie, we would like to put the actual bill on my VISA card and Kyle's going to give the rest to you in cash if that is okay?" Tyler asked.

"Anything for a cutie like Kyle!" Melanie said. "Have you got any older brothers Kyle?" She said winking at him.

"Yeah two! Tyler here, but he's taken!" Kyle said and lightly kicked Tyler. "And then there's Derek, the guy who sat next to Tyler over there with football jacket on."

"Oh, Mr. Happy?" Melanie laughed and so did Kyle and Tyler. "Well Kyle, I guess I will just have to wait until you are a little older!" She winked at him.

Kyle tried to put $110.00 in Tyler's hand but he wouldn't take it. "Kyle, just put that away towards your skateboard okay! It will be our little secret." Kyle was going to hug Tyler but he stopped Kyle saying, "We don't want anyone else to know about it! If anyone asks just say that I left the tip." They thanked Melanie and Tyler sent Kyle to the washroom so that they would arrive back at the table separately.

"Tyler, I really can't allow Kyle to pay for all of this." Coach Conners said opening up his wallet.

"Sorry Coach! No way. He insisted. I helped with the tip! He wanted to do it and I think it's good for him." Tyler said and the Coach put his wallet away.

"Derek, you make sure you bring your brother back again! I've been coaching for almost 20 years and he's done more to bring this team together in one night than I've accomplished all year!" Coach Conners told Derek.

"Yes Sir! He's one of kind and we're all very proud of him." Derek said.

"You paid for the meal didn't you Tyler?" Derek whispered in Tyler's ear.

"What makes you think that?" Tyler said.

"Your answer just confirmed it!" Derek said smiling. "How much was it?"

"You would have to ask your brother." Tyler said draining the last of the RC from the pitcher into his glass. "Derek, you keep saying that you want to show me what you are really like? Now's your chance with Kyle to show both of us the real Derek within." Tyler got up and put his coat on. Kyle returned to the table as everyone was getting up to leave. All of the team either thanked Kyle or hugged him.

Tyler whispered to Derek, "See how much Kyle just wants to know he is loved!

Watch him hold on to everyone he hugs. He's searching for a big brother and even if he wants it to be me, you're the only one who can do it. What's that old saying, 'blood is thicker than your skull'? Tyler smiled.

Danny, Cody, Derek, Kyle, and Tyler walked back to their dorm house. "Thanks for the pizza!" Derek said and the rest joined in.

"You're all welcome." Kyle said. When they got off the elevator and where saying good night, Tyler winked at Danny and said, "I'll bring that right over!"

"Sure, thanks!" Danny said understanding but not understanding what Tyler was doing.

When the three got back to the room Tyler grabbed a text book and said, "I'll be back in a bit." And walked out of the room.

"So did you have a good weekend?" Derek asked.

"Yeah it was great in spite of you not being here! Don't fucking talk to me Derek! You're not my brother anymore!" Kyle yelled and sat down on the loveseat turning the TV on. Derek walked over to the TV and turned it off. He turned around and sat on the floor in front of Kyle.

"You're right. I don't deserve to be your brother. I don't deserve to be a part of our family either." Derek started to say.

Kyle reached into his pocket and threw a quarter at Derek. "Here, call someone who wants to listen to you feel sorry for yourself!"

"Kyle, I'm not going to ask you to forgive me. If I were you I wouldn't forgive me. It's not just you. I fuck up with every person I've ever known." Derek said and Kyle crossed his arms and stared at the wall.

"This isn't an excuse but I want you to know that I really did forget about you coming this weekend. Mom and Dad never even phoned to remind me! How many times have I forgotten to pick you up on time at Charm City Skate Park or at school? I even forgot about going camping. Amber woke me up and pretty much ordered me to go. It wasn't until after dinner tonight that I remembered you were coming. I had to pay one of the guys to drive me back. I know that it is no excuse for my not being here but it is the truth." Derek pleaded.

"Kyle, it's not easy being your brother. You're Dad's favourite and that's okay but he is always saying, 'why can't you be like Kyle!' That isn't your fault. You're the greatest brother that anyone could ever ask for and a million times more than I deserve, but understand that from my view every time you do something right, Dad rubs it in my face. That doesn't excuse my being the worst person to ever cross your path but I want you know what it is like for me."

"You really think I'm great?" Kyle asked.

"This is hardly the time for me to lie to you Kyle! You know how much shit I'm going to be in when Mom and Dad find out? But I don't care! I only care that you know that down inside I really do love you and Luke and I'm really trying to be better but there's a lot of me that has to change and it takes awhile. Luke is fun to be with but you have a lot more depth to you. I can talk to you about real things. You're a better friend to me than anyone on any football team I've ever been on. When I think about it, you're the best friend I've ever had! The only stupid thing you've done is wasting your time on wanting to be my brother when I don't deserve it. I've even made Tyler hate me and he loves everyone!" Derek said laughing a little and looking down to wipe a tear away.

"Earlier tonight Tyler said to me, 'if you really want to show me that you're changing then you will apologize to Kyle'. I could say a bunch of things to make you feel better that I didn't really mean so I wouldn't get in trouble with Mom and Dad and Tyler would like me better, but that wouldn't be being honest with you or myself. I don't care about proving anything to Tyler. You're my brother and as much as I love Tyler my brother comes first!" Derek said realizing that he said something he shouldn't have.

'He loves Tyler?' Kyle thought to himself.

"I would rather that you tell Tyler I'm a total fuck up and have him never speak to me again as long as you knew that inside I really do love you! Friends and girls will come and go but family is for the long haul and Mom and Dad are right when they say a day will come when I really need you and you won't be there for me because of my stupidity, and it will be all my fault too!" Derek said with his voice breaking up. "It's a long road to home but I'm trying to get there Kyle." Kyle jumped up and wrapped his arms around Derek. Derek started crying and Kyle's eyes watered up as he said, "I love you too Derek! Always have!"

"I don't want to lose you Kyle, you're the best friend I have in the world."

Derek cried.

Kyle held him and rubbed his back, thinking this was definitely one more new experience to add to his list this weekend. He never thought the day would come when he would be comforting his older brother. "You won't lose me Derek as long as you want me in your life."

Derek continued crying, "I've missed you so much! I've been alone since the day I arrived here."

"Don't say that Derek! You've got Tyler, he loves you too!" Kyle said despite his being jealous of Derek living with Tyler.

Derek sniffled and said, "No Kyle, that's pretty much over. He hates me and I can't blame him for it. Next to you, he's the greatest person I've ever met and I fucked that up too. I'm sorry Kyle for fucking up your weekend, hell. fucking up your life!"

"You haven't big brother! It's worth the wait to have the real Derek back."

Kyle said. "Let's watch some TV big brother."

Derek and Kyle got up on the loveseat and turned on Saturday Night Live. Kyle leaned into Derek and Derek put his arm around him. While Kyle watch the TV, Derek watched Kyle. He gently kissed the top of Kyle's head and Kyle pinched his arm three times. Instead of pinching Kyle back, Derek leaned in to Kyle's ear and said, "I love you too."

Tyler returned to see Kyle wrapped up in Derek's arms with Tyler's comforter over the two of them. "I've gotta get a picture of this! No one will ever believe it!" Tyler laughed and pulled out his camera and took a picture! Early the next morning Tyler would email the picture to Dr. Anderson with the subject line reading 'private'.

"Guys, I'm going to bed so could I have." Tyler started to say.

"Fuck you Ty! We're using your comforter!" Kyle smirked!

Before Tyler could say anything Derek and Kyle said simultaneously, "Yeah, yeah. the beats for both of us." and began laughing.

Tyler got changed and climbed up into bed pulling Derek's comforter over himself. Derek and Kyle decided to go to bed too.

"Shit! Where are you going to sleep?" Derek asked Kyle.

Tyler yelled down, "I've got a sleeping bag in my closet that you can sleep on Derek."

"Actually you don't. I sort of borrowed it to go camping." Kyle put his hand to his mouth and began laughing.

"YOU WHAT? You stole my fucking sleeping bag?" Tyler said sitting up.

"Yeah, well you weren't here. I meant to write you a note about that." Derek said laughing along with Kyle.

"I can't touch your phone but you steal my sleeping bag?" Tyler said.

"Pretty much!" Derek said giggling along with Kyle. "But Ty, you can use my phone anytime you like." Kyle lost it laughing so hard.

"Where is MY sleeping bag anyway?" Tyler asked.

"About two hours North-West of here." Derek said laughing. "Don't worry it will be back tomorrow. I'm pretty sure that Amber will want to personally return it to me. or throw it at me or stuff it down my throat..." Derek said and Kyle laughed.

Derek and Kyle started to get changed. Kyle decided to wear his Dragon's jersey to bed. Derek boosted Kyle up on to the bed and he was pretty sure he saw his butt. Derek then handed up Tyler's comforter to Kyle. Derek tried to get up but couldn't. Both Kyle and Tyler could hear him trying to get up.

"Derek!" Tyler said.

"No, I don't need a hand up!" Derek said.

"Derek!" Tyler said again.


"Don't you think you should turn off the light before you get up here and realize that it is still on?" Tyler said and Kyle giggled.

Derek climbed into bed and snuggled under the covers with Kyle. Kyle complained that he was cold, so Derek wrapped his arm around Kyle's chest and rubbed it lightly. Derek ran his hand lovingly up and down Kyle's side to warm him up and Kyle pushed back into Derek. Derek ran his hand lower each time he rubbed up and down Kyle. As he hit his lower thigh and ran his hand back up, he pulled the hockey jersey up with him feeling Kyle's naked thigh and stopped.

"I think I know why you are cold Kyle?" Derek said. Kyle slammed his elbow into Derek's chest and said "Shush! I'm trying to sleep!"

Kyle's butt wiggling again him was starting to make Derek stiffen up. "Kyle you need to move over some. There isn't enough room for the two of us here." Kyle moved over but complained that he was now lying on the hardwood frame between the two beds.

Tyler had enough of the conversation and said, "Look guys, I'm really tired.

Derek let's lay your comforter over the two beds and we'll share mine on top." They all got up and spread the comforter out. Kyle lay down on Tyler's side of the bed and pulled him close with Derek snuggling up to Kyle from behind. Derek had his arm around Kyle and Kyle had his arm around Tyler. The only difference was that Kyle's hand kept moving lower down on Tyler. When he gripped Tyler's semi-erect cock, Tyler pulled Kyle's arm up and held it tight.

Kyle pulled his hand away and pretended to scratch and readjust himself but he was actually just pulling up the front of his jersey. A minute later Tyler felt Kyle's fully erect cock pushing up against his butt. Tyler started to bend Kyle's fingers back slowly. The painful sensation was enough for Kyle to move the jersey back down over his erection with his cast-covered arm. Tyler then let go of Kyle's hand and Kyle tapped Tyler's tummy three times. Tyler then squeezed Kyle's hand three times. They all fell asleep.

Tyler woke to the vibrations of his cell phone under his pillow. He was facing Kyle with his head on top of Kyle's and his arms wrapped around him but something wasn't quite right. He felt Kyle's cast against his chest and Kyle's left hand on his on his back over his right his arm. That didn't explain the hand on his butt?

Tyler had his typical morning erection but it wasn't alone? Kyle had slid down the bed during the night and his erect cock was up inside of Tyler's boxers gently rubbing against his own erection. Tyler listened to Kyle's breathing and he knew that Kyle really was asleep. Tyler opened his eyes to look around. He was close enough to Derek to kiss him and he could smell his garlic breath on him. Tyler lifted his head to look around and saw Derek's hand on his butt. His movement woke Derek. Derek almost jumped when he saw how close to Tyler's face was to his.

Tyler whispered, "It's me, not Luke!" And Derek smiled. Tyler then said even quieter, "I have a problem!" Derek scrunched his nose and narrowed his eyes.

"Pull the comforter down" Tyler mouthed very quietly still holding Kyle in his arms.

Derek, realizing where his hand was jerked it away and then slowly moved the comforter back. Tyler nodded down towards the end of the bed. Derek slowly sat up on his side and saw his brother's erection up inside of Tyler's boxers. He slammed his face into the pillow laughing. Kyle didn't stir and Tyler glared at Derek. Derek looked up and slammed his face back into the pillow to cover his laughter. Tyler then mouthed 'help me! Asshole'

Derek looked at the situation. Kyle's left arm was over Tyler's right arm. Tyler's left arm was trapped under Kyle's head. Derek studied the situation and mouthed back to Tyler, "What do you want? A tissue!" and began laughing into his pillow again.

Derek held his hands up to imply 'stay calm! Relax!' Derek stuck his finger in Tyler's boxers next to Kyle's cock. He pulled on the fabric but it was stretched out towards Kyle as tight as it would go. Derek wanted to enjoy the touch as much as he wanted to help Tyler out of his dilemma. He placed his hand on Tyler's thigh and slowly slid it up under Tyler's boxers. His hand now covered Tyler's cock and he felt it twitch from Derek's touch. Derek took advantage to slide right up and feel the wetness on the top. He then moved Tyler's cock up to the right so that it was no longer touching Kyle's erection. He then gently squeezed Tyler's cock three times. Tyler mouthed, "fuck off asshole" and Derek pulled his hand out and returned to his pillow for more laughter. Kyle must have felt the movement because he pulled tighter into Tyler.

Tyler's eyes pleaded for help from Derek. Derek whispered, 'when I nod, lift your thigh off the bed and move yourself towards the headboard!' Tyler nodded that he understood. Derek slid his finger in again and pulled the material up towards the ceiling and nodded. Tyler slowly pulled himself up and Kyle's cock popped out. Tyler mouthed, 'thank you' and Derek mouthed back, 'no problem' and snorted again into his pillow.

Tyler slid is right arm out from Kyle and Kyle immediately rolled over to Derek and pulled him into himself. Derek's eyes bugged out and Tyler laughed quietly pointing at Derek saying 'ha ha!' Derek stuck his tongue out at Tyler. "Just enjoy it!" Tyler said quietly, 'as far as hugs go! His are the best!' Tyler smiled and hopped down out of bed and Derek pulled Kyle in close to him and shut his eyes. Tyler went to the washroom Derek quietly said to the sleeping Kyle. 'I love you Kyle'. Kyle tapped his back three times. "You shit! You've been awake all this time!" Kyle pulled tight into Derek and kissed his chest. He said, "Shush, I'm sleeping" and giggled.

Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few weeks! All Rights Reserved Copyright 2005-2006 Tyler Peel

The Road Home Trivia Contest Winners are: (in order of me receiving their correct answers.)

Larry - Stupefying San Francisco

Mr. Chen - Charming China

Len - Statuesque Seattle "who must tolerate us slow Canadian's" "12 fuk'n bucks for a coffee? Is this how you people pay for the war?" ; )

Jim - Alluring Arizona

Louis - Charming California

Nino - Inviting Italy

Rod - Impressive Illinois

Danny (with the plaid shirt on) - Marvellous Minnesota

Mike - Majestic Markam, Ontario

Trivia Question Factoids:

Most Guessed Answer: Josh (#2 Adam) (#3 Cody)

Coolest Answer: Derek (4) Gus (1) **No one guessed Tyler???

Strangest Answer: Mrs. Jenkins (Dean Thompson's Secretary) / Some character not introduced yet (Thanks Danny ; )

Number of Entries: 117

Number of Correct Entries: 9

Number of Correct Entries that their #1 guess was right: 4

Number or right wing, bible thumping emails: 0

Amount of writing done on the current chapter I'm working on during the contest: 0

Some Interesting Countries that answers came from: Switzerland, China, Spain, Australia, U.K., India, Italy, Belarus, Tasmania, Brazil, and Germany. (sorry if I forgot yours and YES America and Canada are also interesting countries!)

Thank you to all who participated in the first (?) Trivia competition on Hopefully it was fun for everyone. Special note to and users, up until three days ago I couldn't receive your emails! The problem has been fixed and I apologize for you not getting responses, as I never received your emails.

You will often see written at the bottom of many stories a request for support. If you use as a source of enjoyment or escape from the real world then please help continue to keep it alive. If you really are enjoying this story then the nicest way to say thank you is to support them! If for no other reason than they've had to put up with me!!!! Everyday I remain humbled and in awe of everyone's kindness and support! Please know that the support, love, and best wishes are deeply appreciated! Tyler

Next: Chapter 18

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