The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Jan 6, 2006


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

**Author's NOTE: The following chapter below DOES depict a sexual situation between two teenagers aged 19 and 14. If you have problems with this or are offended then please STOP now and DO NOT READ!!! The actual scene is mild in nature and is necessary to this fictional story, as both parties must deal with the emotional and psychological consequences of their actions. This chapter and story does NOT condone or encourage any sexual activities with minors!

FAQ's at end of Chapter

The Road Home: Part Sixteen (Weekend at Tyler's - Day One)

The knocking on the door woke Derek up. "Tyler, answer the fucking door!" The knocking continued but louder this time!

"Shit!" Derek said jumping out of bed. He looked at his clock and it read 6:07 a.m. "Who the fuck would knock on the door at this time of the morning. it had better be a fire!"

He yanked the door open, wearing only his boxers, ready to scream at the asshole when he saw it was Amber.

"Hey Tiger!" Amber smiled pulling him into a kiss. "Are you all packed?" She said.

"Packed for what?" Derek said.

"Derek! We leave to go camping in less than an hour!" Amber said pushing her way past Derek. "Oh My God! You haven't even begun packing??"

"I didn't know it was this weekend. I thought it was next weekend? I can't go Babe!" Derek said, wanting to get out of it.

"C'mon, I'll help you pack. Where's your sleeping bag?" She asked.

"I told you before, I don't have a sleeping bag!" Derek said.

"What do you call this?" Amber said holding up Tyler's sleeping bag.

"That is Tyler's! I can't take it on him." Derek said.

"Derek? Do you think he's going to need it this weekend?" Amber asked.


"Derek! If you don't want to go then just say so! I'm tired of this. I feel like you're avoiding me and you don't want to be near me. If you would rather go with someone else to the Parade Game, then say so!" Amber picked up her radioactive lime green purse and waited for an answer.

"Amber, I want to go with you to the Parade Game but I forgot about the camping trip. In fact I'm sure there is something happening this weekend. I just don't remember. I really hate to cancel out on camping but I don't have time to get ready." Derek pouted.

"Fine!" Amber said, "If you don't want to go to the parade then all you had to do was say so!"

As she started to walk by Derek to leave he grabbed her arm and said, "Amber, don't be that way!"

"Okay, Good! We're going camping then!" She said as she dumped out the contents of his backpack on the floor and started rummaging through his drawers to pack stuff. "Oh P J's! How cute. it's going to be cold but I assure you that you won't need these!" She winked.

Amber packed while Derek got dressed. She had him out the door at 6:45 a.m. grumbling the entire way as she dragged him to one of the vans. "Look Derek! You lucky guy, you get to ride in an all girl van!" Amber squeaked!

"Oh joy." Derek said crawling in. "Shit, I forgot to take Ty's MP3 player!"

"Don't worry Tiger, we've got Brittany, Little Kim, Madonna, you name it, we've got it!" Amber and all her girls giggled! As the van pulled out of the campus they drove by Tyler in his jogging sweats carrying four drinks and a bag with "The Bakery" printed on the side. "SHIT!" Derek said.

When Tyler opened the door he stopped and looked at the mess. He thought they had been broken into until he got down the hall and saw his side of the room.

"What the fuck happened here?" He said looking for Derek who wasn't around.

All of Derek's drawers were pulled apart. His backpack was dumped on the floor in front of his closet yet Tyler's side of the room looked like the maid had just left. Tyler set down the hot chocolate for Derek on his desk with a cinnamon bun on top. He carefully moved away from Derek's stuff kicking what was laying in the walkway back on to his side of the room.

He went to have a shower figuring Derek was already in the shower but there was no sign of him when he opened the door. Tyler thought about it and figured that Derek threw another fit about something and tore the place apart. He opened the door slowly in case Derek had returned but he hadn't. Tyler dressed and went to his 8 o'clock class. When he got back to his room just after ten the phone was ringing before he even got the door open. Derek wasn't there to answer it. The phone just kept ringing and finally Tyler set one of his pillows over the phone to cover the noise.

Tyler sat down at his desk and turned his computer on. He clicked on his MSN and no one was online. He looked at Kelly's MSN nickname, 'redheadedstepchild' and wondered why Kelly had never contacted him? He had never been online, though Tyler had rarely been online in the last month himself. He thought this was a good time to send him an email telling Kelly that he was around if he wanted to reach him and told him how he works Friday and Saturday nights. Tyler also added his cell phone number thinking that might make it easier for him.

As he started typing out the email on his computer, Derek's phone began ringing again, and again, and again. Tyler's cell phone rang and he was wondering if that might be Derek? He looked at his phone but didn't recognize the number.

"Hello?" Tyler said.

"Hey Puckhead!" Danny said.

"You got a new cell phone?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, it's sooooo cool! It takes pictures, holds mp3's, you can surf the net. all sorts of stuff!" Danny said sounding excited.

"Cool Danny!" Tyler said.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to have lunch before Business Math?" Danny said.

"Hey Danny, I would love to, but I have a couple emails to do and I think there's something wrong with Derek." Tyler said.

"What's up? Is he okay? And answer that damn phone Tyler!" Danny asked.

"Not sure. It looks like a bomb hit his half of the room and he usually sleeps through Friday because he doesn't have classes. He was gone when I came back from my run, and I can't answer it Danny, I'm not allowed to touch it remember?" Tyler said.

"You ran this morning? Shit! Have you got cinnamon buns?" Danny yelled!

"Umm yeah, but they were actually for." Tyler said but Danny cut him off.

"Be right there!" 'CLICK' and Danny's cell phone shut off. Danny was knocking in less than two minutes.

Tyler opened the door figuring it was Derek but Danny pushed his way past Tyler. "I can smell them a mile away!" Danny said frantically searching for the bag. "YES! Baby! Come to papa!" He said trying to stuff a whole bun in his mouth at once.

"I hear they taste better when you take the time to eat them rather than stuff them down your throat." Tyler laughed.

"Whatever!" Danny mumbled through his full mouth.

The phone began ringing again and Danny said, "Why don't you answer it?"

"I told you. I'm not allowed!" Tyler said.

For the next hour, every time they tried to talk the phone kept ringing. Danny went in to the washroom to relieve himself while the phone continued ringing.

"TYLER!" Danny yelled from within the washroom.

Tyler ran and opened the door. "What?"

"Look!" Danny said.

"Look at what?"

"You shave with a blade, right?" Danny asked.


"Derek's electric razor is gone! He's likely not coming back tonight!" Danny said.

The ringing of the phone drowned the silence out.

"I'm going to answer it!" Danny said.

"No you're not!"

"Yes I am. YOU aren't allowed to touch it but Derek never said I couldn't!" Danny said pushing past Tyler in the bathroom and the lifting up the receiver before Tyler could argue.

"Hello?" Danny said.

"No, Derek isn't here.. This is Danny! Yeah he is, hold on!" Danny covered the phone and said, "It's a kid and I think he's crying!" Tyler grabbed the phone.


"KYLE? What's wrong dude? What's the matter?" Tyler said.

"SHIT! Oh. I'm sorry Kyle. I don't know where he is. I'll be there in about 20 minutes. DON'T GO INTO THE WASHROOM ALONE!" Tyler said. "Stay on the platform and I will find you! I love you Kyle!" Tyler said and hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Danny asked.

"My fuckhead roommate was supposed to pick up his brother at the train station this morning but hasn't! I wonder if something happened to him on his way down there?" Tyler mused aloud.

"Damn! I'll come with you, Ty." Danny said as Tyler grabbed his keys.

"No Danny, it's okay. Kyle is really upset and he doesn't know you - besides, could you take notes for me in class? I'm not going to be able to make it now." Tyler said.

"Sure, no problem. Tell little Kyle I was asking and thinking of him! He's the cute skaterboi, right?" Danny said laughing.

"Go, Danny!" Tyler said pushing him out the door.

Tyler raced down to the train station. He knew where it was but had never been there before. All of the morning commuters had taken the closest spots so he parked in a pick up and drop off area.

"Geez, one dollar for fifteen minutes?" Tyler sighed.

He slowed his running down when he arrived at the entrance way because of the guards. He had forgotten about the 9/11 new security levels. Tyler made his way out to the tracks but didn't see Kyle. He checked the Arrivals board for trains coming from Baltimore and realized that he was on the wrong side of the tracks and headed back inside to cross over underground. As he looked out at the tracks from the other side he saw a boy with a red hoody covering his head. He sat on a bench alone with a backpack over his shoulder and skateboard under his arm.

"KYLE!" Tyler yelled. The boy looked around hearing his name called and saw Tyler running towards him. Kyle jumped up, knocking his hoody off the top of his head, and ran to meet Tyler. Tyler held his arms wide open and lowered himself down to Kyle's height. Wrapping his arms around him, Kyle started crying.

"It's okay, it's okay not so little dude! I'm here. You're safe!" Tyler said, and tears flowed from his own eyes.

"Tyler, oh Ty! I was so scared I would be here alone all weekend!" Kyle said holding on tight to Tyler.

"Kyle, I will never leave you alone as long as you want me around! Hey! What the hell is this?" Tyler said, holding up Kyle's right arm.

"Oh!" Kyle said, "I broke my arm skating a couple of weeks ago!"

"Not so little Dude! C'mere!" Tyler said, giving Kyle another hug. "I'm so sorry Kyle! I didn't know. I guess Derek doesn't either?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, he does, I told him about it. I thought he would have told you?" Kyle asked.

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Nuff said!" Kyle answered smiling. Tyler brushed Kyle's blond hair out of his eyes with his fingers. "You get better looking every day, Kyle!"

"You too, Ty!"

"C'mon, let's get out of here. Are you hungry?" Tyler asked.

"Starved! And I have to go to the bathroom too!" Kyle said laughing.

"How does this sound for lunch! Do you like deli?" Tyler asked, as they drove out of the train station drop off area.

"You mean like Subway sandwiches?" Kyle asked.

"Better! I've been here for over three months and I still haven't had an authentic or fake for that matter, Philly Cheese Steak! There's this place called Campo's Deli down in the market! Cheese Steaks and Hoagies are their specialty! Sound good?" Tyler asked.

"I'm starved. I don't really care!" Kyle laughed.

Tyler and Kyle grabbed two seats up at the counter. "Got to eat at the counter to be authentic! Take a look at the menu!" Tyler said with his mouth watering.

A lady took their order. Tyler had a cheese steak hoagie and Kyle played it safer with the Bar-B-Que'd cheese steak with mozzarella and bacon. They both had home made potato salad and shared an order of Herr's chips.

"What would you and your little brother like to drink?" The lady asked.

"I would like." Tyler started to say but Kyle cut him off.

"My brother and I would like two large R.C. colas, Ma'am" Kyle said, flashing a big grin.

"You're little brother is such a cutie, and so polite!" The lady said.

"Yes Ma'am. He's my favourite person in the world! Just came to visit me at Drexel for the weekend!" Tyler told her, nudging Kyle's knee.

"Isn't that sweet! I wish my two boys liked each other as much as you guys do! I'll be right back with your order!"

"So how long until your cast comes off?" Tyler asked.

"Another four weeks at least!" Kyle sighed.

"Do I get to sign it along will all the other signatures?" Tyler asked.

"See the white spot right here in the centre! I've been saving it for you!" Kyle said.

Tyler leaned down and pulled Kyle's head over and kissed the top of it. "Ewwww. when will I ever learn?" Tyler laughed and Kyle hit him in the arm with his cast.

"OWWWW! That really hurt Kyle!" Kyle just snickered. "So is it fun not being able to write? Got all the girls in your classes taking notes for you?" Tyler teased.

"Pretty much, but it really sucks! I hate this thing. I can barely change my clothes or wipe my ass but you know what the worst thing is?" Kyle asked.

"No skating?" Tyler said.

"No, I can still skate but I can't do this!" Kyle said making a fist and shaking it up and down. Tyler put his head down on the counter from laughing so hard.

"I'm sorry, not so little dude. That isn't funny at all, but it is!" Tyler laughed and Kyle glared at him.

"After two weeks I'm thinking of asking Luke for help!" he said, putting his head down on his arm. Tyler rubbed his back and smiled.

"I guess taking a shower can't be too good either?" Tyler asked.

"It's not the worst thing. I wear swim trunks and Mom washes my hair and body and then she leaves and I do the rest. She tried to come in and help me dry off but I can sort of manage that!" Kyle said, still talking to the ground with his head down on his arm.

"Get up, not so little dude! Lunch is served!" Tyler asked for a knife so he could cut up Kyle's hoagie into small pieces and the lady that served them apologized for not thinking of it herself. When they paid the lady and got up to leave, she gave Kyle a giant soft pretzel on the house and a hug! He sucked up the attention so well that she asked if she could keep him. Tyler put his arm around Kyle and said, "Not for all the money in the world would I trade this one!" Kyle dropped his head into Tyler's chest and they walked out the door.

"So where's my fuckhead brother!" Kyle demanded to know.

"I'm not sure Kyle. I went for a run this morning and he was gone when I came back. His half of the room looks like a tornado blew threw it. which is strange because he's fairly neat and clean." Tyler said as they drove up through the security gate.

As they walked down the hall to Tyler's room, he prayed that Derek would be back to take care of his little brother. Tyler opened the door and saw that nothing had changed.

"Where the hell is he?" Kyle asked. "I spent two hours trying to call this morning!"

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was here for most of your phone calls but I'm not allowed to touch the phone. I don't even know the number!" Tyler said, setting Kyle's backpack in his closet.

"His number is easy to remember Ty. 555-0545! They use the room numbers as the last four digits of every phone here!" Kyle smiled, happy to be able to contribute something to Tyler.

"Cool. I did not know that!" Tyler said as he hugged Kyle. "I've missed you so much, Kyle!"

"I've missed you more! Believe me! But there is one thing I'm missing more than you right now?" Kyle said looking up at Tyler.

"What?" Tyler said.

"The bathroom!" He said running off towards it.

Tyler flipped open his cell phone and called in and got Gina. He explained the situation and that he didn't know if Derek would be back. "I can't leave him alone, Mrs. Ciccone!"

"Why not bring him with you? We can feed him and he can help us out! This isn't the peanut butter one is it?" Gina asked.

"No it isn't Luke, it's Kyle!" Tyler laughed. "That would be great and incredibly kind of you. I will only bring him if Derek doesn't show up!" Tyler thanked Gina and hung up the phone. He heard the toilet flush but Kyle didn't come out.

"You okay in there not so little dude? You didn't flush yourself down did you?" Tyler said.

"Fuck you Ty! I can't get these damn shorts done up!" Kyle yelled from within.

"Come out here and I will help you." Tyler laughed turning on the TV.

Kyle came out of the bathroom 'carrying' his shorts instead of wearing them.

His boxer show didn't go unnoticed by Tyler. Kyle handed Tyler the shorts and Tyler did them up and handed them back to him.

"What the?" Kyle said, "That's no good to me!" Tyler smiled.

"What? I told you I would help you do them up! What are friends for?" Tyler teased.

"With friends like you, you might as well be my brother!" Kyle said sarcastically

"Here, give them back to me." Tyler said and he opened them for Kyle to step into. Kyle held his shirt up with both hands on purpose. Tyler pulled the shorts up but Kyle's member decided to stay out for a bit in its not quite flaccid state.

"KYLE!" Tyler said.

"What?" Kyle said smiling. "I'm busy holding my shirt up!"

Tyler's left hand took hold of Kyle's shirt so that Kyle could use his free hand to 'tuck' himself in. "We don't want Mr. Happy catching a cold!" Tyler said.

"He's never cold! At least not in the last two weeks!" Kyle said. Tyler pulled Kyle down on the loveseat beside him and put his arm around Kyle's shoulder. Kyle leaned in and both were content to channel surf.

"Springer?" Kyle asked.

"Only if I can leave the room!" Tyler said.

Tyler's cell phone began vibrating so he stood up to answer it. "Hey Danny!

Yeah, no every thing is fine! Nope, no sign of him. We're just watching TV. I have to be into work at four. Haven't discussed that with him yet. Yup, we're here! Laterz Puckhead." Tyler closed his cell phone.

"Haven't discussed what with me yet?" Kyle said.

"Did you know it's rude to listen in on people's conversations?" Tyler said.

"It's also rude to answer a question with a question!" Kyle said.

"Did I tell you that I never liked you?" Tyler smiled.

"That's two questions now." Kyle said.

"Did you bring long pants with you, Kyle?"

"Yeah, of course! It's November dumbass!" Kyle smiled.

"Sorry, I mean dress type pants?"

"Yeah, Mom made me in case I go out someplace special to eat." Kyle said.

"Cool! How would you like to come to work with me tonight?" Tyler asked.

"REALLY? Oh Ty! That would be so cool!" Kyle's eyes lit up.

"Hang on there not so little dude! You're there to help me and you will get paid for working!" Tyler said.

"They're going to pay me? COOL!" Kyle said with dollar signs clearly visible in his eyes. "I'm saving up for a Damon Rhodes board like yours!"

"Well I don't think it's going to happen tonight but what I will do is give you 50% of my tips for the night!" Tyler offered.

"Between working and all the money Mom and Dad gave me to come here I will be able to buy the board!" Kyle said.

"How much money did they give you?" Tyler asked.

"$300.00!" Kyle beamed.

"And what did they give you the money for?" Tyler asked and Kyle didn't like where he was being taken.

"To pay for my expenses and to take you guys out to dinner." he begrudgingly admitted.

"Look Kyle, as long as you're with me, I pay and you're not carrying that money around with you! Keep forty dollars and put the rest in my top drawer! You can take it out whenever you want. It's your money, but I want to know when you take it and how much you're taking!"


"That's Danny! You want to let him in?" Kyle suddenly became shy.

"Kyle, Danny is one of my best friends! I can almost guarantee that you will like him better than you like me!" Kyle smiled. "Go get the door Kyle!" Tyler said removing his shirt.

"Hey!" Danny said, secretly salivating at the beauty before him. "I'm Danny! Tyler's worst nightmare!" he said, extending his right hand but then switching to his left when he saw the cast.

"I'm Kyle! Derek's worst nightmare!" Kyle said, shaking his hand.

"Well any curse of Derek's can't be all bad!" Danny winked and Kyle stepped back letting him in.

"Hey Danny! Did you bring me my notes from class?" Tyler asked.

"Tyler! You're right, Kyle is a hottie!" Tyler glared at Danny and Kyle's mouth dropped open with a big smile at hearing that Tyler had said that about him.

"Danny! Don't say that! He's already cute enough without an ego. do we really need another Derek?"

Danny asked Kyle all about school, girls, skating, his family, music, computers.. He mostly got one and two word answers but he did make Kyle feel special for paying attention to him. Danny even signed his cast.

"Has Tyler taken you to the Bakery yet?" Danny asked.

"DANNY! Don't corrupt Kyle!" Tyler laughed.

Danny whispered but in a loud enough voice for Tyler to hear. "You know, the problem with Tyler is low blood sugar! You need to make sure he gets to the Bakery every morning for cinnamon buns! And you need to make sure he buys me a half dozen!" Danny winked at Kyle.

"Kyle, Danny eats like Luke. only faster and a lot more!" Tyler said. While Danny was talking with Kyle, Kyle was looking beyond Danny watching Tyler get dressed. They both heard Tyler's zipper go up and then Kyle turned his attention back to Danny.

"Now remember! The Bakery! Every morning and order extra buns for yourself. if you can't finish them I'm sure someone can help you. SHUT UP TYLER! Don't even go there!" Danny said looking back over his shoulder.

Tyler stuck his head under his bed and looked over his computer at Kyle and said, "He likes peanut butter. nuff said!"

"Danny, you need to get going because Kyle and I are going to work soon! Thanks for the notes - though you could have emailed them!"

"But then I couldn't have come over and met Kyle, could I?" Danny said.

"Bye Danny!" Tyler said.

"See! It's that sugar thing!" Danny said and Kyle laughed.

"Nice to meet you Kyle! Are you coming to our hockey game tomorrow night?" Danny asked.

"No idea. Depends on what my brother wants to do if he ever shows up." Kyle said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Say Danny, before you go! I want to throw an idea at you." Tyler said.

"Uh huh?" Danny said, staring at Kyle.

"Ryan for our new Captain!" Tyler said.

The comment woke Danny out of his daze. "Hmmm, good idea as long as he doesn't take after Dakota!" Danny said.

"If you agree, I want to you secretly sell the idea to everyone else on the team but don't let word get back to Ryan. If we couldn't convince the Coach then it would only set him back farther." Tyler said.

"Yeah, true. What about the posse? Would they go for it?" Danny asked.

"Josh's idea! I thought it was great!" Tyler said, forcefully walking Danny out the door.

"Sorry about that Kyle! I think he likes you!" Tyler said winking.

"You think?" Kyle laughed. "He's really nice and very cute!" Tyler stopped and looked at Kyle and then continued on into the bathroom. When Tyler came out of the washroom he said, "You can't have him, and he's already taken!"

Kyle didn't say anything. He wasn't sure if Tyler was saying that he and Danny were together or if he was saying Danny had a boyfriend.

"Danny has a boyfriend named Cody! He's a hottie like you, Kyle!" Tyler teased. Kyle felt relieved. "Let's get you dressed, okay?" Tyler said.

As Tyler pulled Kyle's hoody over his head he asked, "You're okay with the Danny and Cody thing?"

"Yeah! Aren't you?" Kyle responded.

"Very much!" Tyler smiled.

"Me too!" Kyle said smiling back.

"How do you feel about wearing a tie?" Tyler asked.

"Do I have too?" Kyle whined.

"Nope, but if you want to help and make some money then you do!" Tyler said. "How about a Stewy tie from Family Guy?" Tyler held up the tie showing the animated character pointing up in the sky giving the evil eye.

"Cool!" Kyle said as Tyler tied the tie around his neck.

"Now all we need to do is pin your sleeve together so most of your cast won't show and we're done!"

"What's wrong with my cast showing?" Kyle asked.

"Nothing Kyle, but it's already getting kind of ratty looking and we don't want to offend the customers while they are eating, eh!" Tyler said.

When Tyler and Kyle arrived at the restaurant Gina was all over Kyle! Talking about her poor baby with the broken arm!

Tyler interrupted and reminded Gina "the poor baby is here to work!"

Gina and Kyle scowled at Tyler. "You call me Nonna, Kyle!" Gina said.

"What a suck up you are, Kyle!" Tyler laughed.

"What's Nonna mean?" Kyle asked.

"It means big suck in Italian!" Tyler said, and Gina lightly cuffed Tyler on the back of the head.

"Don't listen to Tyler. too much!" Gina winked at Kyle. "Nonna means Grandma in Italian!" she said, pulling Kyle in to a hug.

"Okay, Nonna!" Kyle said smiling at Gina, and she squeezed his cheeks.

"Somebody get me a bucket!" Tyler called out to the kitchen staff. Kyle punched Tyler in the arm and said. "Don't make fun of my Nonna!" as he flashed a cheesy grin and Gina smiled at Kyle.

"Kyle, meet your Nonno!" Tyler said as he introduced Kyle to Angelo.

"Nonno?" Angelo said, looking at Tyler.

"Yes Grandpa! Surprise, surprise!" Tyler laughed

Angelo shook hands with Kyle and told him, "You can call me Angelo! One Italian Grandmother is enough for anyone!" He winked.

"I heard that Angelo!" Gina yelled from the front of the restaurant.

"You see! I told you so!" Angelo said smiling while Kyle and Tyler laughed.

"I heard that too!" Gina said.

"Nonna is the most wonderful Grandmother you could ever ask for!" Angelo said.

(no response)

"See! Selective hearing!" Angelo said, tapping his ear.

"Angelo, get back to work!" Gina said. Everyone in the kitchen laughed.

"Tyler, go ahead and get started on the cannoelis while I make my new grandson something to eat! You're not the peanut butter one, are you?" Angelo said.

"Nope, that's Luke! Grandpa!" Kyle said and Angelo patted Kyle on the back.

"Dammit! I called for a bucket!" Tyler said as he walked out of the kitchen.

Tyler gave Kyle instructions on how to refill water glasses, change breadbaskets, and never, ever run between tables! Kyle learned how to make bruchetta, Caesar salad, and how they plate the food for the customer. Angelo didn't need to feed him because they had him sampling everything they made and asking his opinion on what he thought of each item. He watched Tyler do three 'happy birthday' cannoelis and one 'will you marry me?' cannoelis with little chocolate hearts all over it. Gina had Kyle handling credit card payments and running the register with her careful supervision. Kyle was a big hit with the customers and they were specifying parts of their tips to go directly to him. At quiet times he would stand in front of Gina and pull her arms around the front of him. Tyler would walk by with a tray of empty plates and mouth the word "suck" to him. Kyle would just smile a cheesy grin.

When they locked up, Gina told Tyler to leave his clean up and cash out so he could take her grandson home. Tyler said to Kyle in front of Gina, "You realize because of you I'm going to be replaced now!" Tyler had made over $230.00 in tips that night and it didn't include the $45.00 set aside for Kyle. He had Kyle donate 10% of his tips to the donation jar and 10% to the kitchen staff. Tyler did the same with his own money putting $25.00 in each. He then gave Kyle $90.00 as his half of the tips. Kyle counted his stash of bills like a professional gambler who had just cashed out. "$135.00. sweet!" Kyle said.

"I think you owe the Ciccone's about $50.00 for food, eh?" Tyler winked at Kyle and Gina slapped Tyler on the back.

"My grandson doesn't pay for food here!" Gina sternly warned Tyler with a smile and a wink.

Kyle gave Nonna a big hug and a kiss. Tyler said, "See Kyle, you've even taken my hugs and kisses away now! 'sniff'"

Gina hugged and kissed Tyler. "Kyle you come back here anytime! Understand?" Gina said. Kyle gave her another hug and Tyler just sighed and said aloud, "Hey everyone. I've been replaced by 14 year old with a broken arm!"

Brendan yelled back, "It's about time!"

Tyler and Kyle left with a bag of different foods to eat along with four cannoelis. When they arrived at the Security gate they dropped off one of Gina's packages of food and gave another to the night security guard inside.

Tyler then took Kyle over to Danny's room. Danny, Tony, and Cody were all there.

"Hey Tony, I was thinking you might be away at a game today. Have you seen Derek at all?" Tyler asked.

"No, but I will ask around. Is he missing or something?" Tony said.

"I'm not sure." Tyler said.

Cody started the conversation with Kyle by telling him how great his Stewy tie is!

Kyle told Cody how he thought it was the best choice for in the restaurant. Tyler cleared his throat while opening up the bag of food.

"Okay, it's Tyler's tie! But I still got to choose it!"

Kyle was almost drooling over Cody and it didn't go unnoticed by Danny and Tyler. Kyle went into great detail telling him how he made everything in the package except the cannoelis! Tyler gave up and sat down and started eating. Kyle squeezed himself in between Danny and Cody on the loveseat and Danny gave Tyler the 'what the fuck' look! Kyle had his cast on Cody's thigh and his left hand pointing at everything in the container. Tyler simply winked and let Kyle go on talking while he ate his salad and veal.

"So Ty, did you stop at the bakery?" Danny asked and winked.

"What? With all this food!" Tyler said.

"Kyle, I told you! You have to keep at him! If he doesn't have his sugar fix he gets cranky!" Danny said.

"No Shit! He was cranky all night because Nonna and Nonno like me better than him!" Kyle proudly announced with his chest extended out.

"Nonna and Nonno?" Tony asked Tyler?

"That's Italian for Grandma and Grandpa!" Kyle answered on behalf of Tyler.

"Mr. and Mrs. Ciccone have now adopted Kyle as their grandson" Tyler said.

"Did you have fun working there tonight?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, it was blast! It was so easy. I helped Tyler with his customers most of the night when I finished cooking in the kitchen.

"I guess I'm not needed here either?" Tyler said closing his empty container.

"Hey Kyle?" Danny said, "Can you play hockey? We've got a game tomorrow night. Maybe you could take Tyler's place? You couldn't be any worse!" Danny said and Cody began choking on his food from the insult. Tyler threw his empty styrofoam container at Danny's head.

"Yeah, yeah. the beats. I know!" Danny said.

"By the way Danny, did you throw the idea around about Ryan becoming Captain?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah! All is good and those who didn't like the idea I filled them in on what Dakota was doing to him. I hope that's okay?" Danny asked.

"I don't know, but you've done it now. As long as everyone agrees that's all that counts." Tyler said.

"I told everyone to keep their mouths shut and don't treat Ryan any differently! Adam, Cody and me went and talked to the Coach today about it and he agreed! We're having a meeting tomorrow one hour before the game. Coach is going to surprise Ryan there." Danny giggled.

"Great Danny, sounds like I'm not even needed! Is there any reason for me to even be in this room at the moment?" Tyler asked.

"Not unless you've got more food!" Tony said. Everyone laughed including Tyler.

"Yeah, no cinnamon buns. so you can get out! Kyle, you can stay if you want!" Danny said winking at him.

"Fine! I have to shower anyway!" Tyler said. Kyle shook hands with Tony and Cody and said good night.

"Don't I get a good bye?" Danny asked.

"Nope!" Kyle said standing in front of Danny. Danny frowned, pouting his lips.

Kyle held his arms up and gave Danny a hug and whispered in his ear.

"Oooooooo" came from everyone else in the room. Danny laughed and nodded releasing Kyle

"Geez guys, get a room!" Tyler said.

"Looks like I'm single again." Cody said laughing.

"So how come Danny gets a hug and no one else does?" Tony asked.

"Cause it's Danny's turn to go get the cinnamon buns tomorrow!" Kyle said. Tyler immediately fisted Kyle's cast laughing hysterically.

"Hey Cody, can you do me a favour?" Tyler asked pulling him aside from everyone else.

"Sure!" Cody said.

"Can you check with your Dad and tell him that I am likely going to have Kyle with me tomorrow because Derek has disappeared, and I can't leave him alone. Maybe he can play stick boy tomorrow?" Tyler asked.

"I'm sure it will be no problem. What's Kyle's last name?" Cody asked.

"Anderson. Why?" Tyler asked.

"Oh nothing. just wondering" Cody asked.

On the way back to Tyler's room he asked Kyle, "What exactly did you say to Danny?"

"I just told him Cody was a hottie!" Kyle said.

"WHAT?" Tyler laughed. "You little perv! Geez, now I'm not sure if Danny is more like Luke or you!"

"Owww!" Tyler said from the cast-induced punch.

When they opened the door the room was in darkness. Tyler turned on the light and nothing had changed.

"I wonder where my brother is?" Kyle said.

"No idea. I was worried something might have happened to him on the way to pick you up but he was gone way too early to be going to the train station and Danny said he took his electric razor so I don't think he will be back tonight. Do you want to watch TV while I go and have a shower?" Tyler asked.

"Sure, but I need to have one too!" Kyle said.

"No problem. We have what they call communal showers here. There are about 13 of them." Tyler said.

"Communal?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, like when you go camping! A big open area of showers." Tyler said.

"Oh. okay, I guess I can wait until I get home." Kyle said.

"I guess you don't really like showering in public, eh? What do you do at school then?" Tyler asked.

"At school I know everyone. we're about the same size if you get my point!" Kyle said lowering his head.

"I'm sure you've got nothing to be embarrassed about but let's see what I can do!" Tyler said picking up his cell phone.

"Hey Ryan, I hope I didn't wake you up?" Tyler said.

"Not at all. I can't even sleep because I'm not doing much during the day."

Ryan said.

"How are you feeling?" Tyler asked.

"Excellent! Josh came over to visit me. We had a good talk about things." Ryan said.

"Ryan, I'm calling for a favour!" Tyler asked.

"Sure, anything for you!" Ryan said.

"Well this is a bit weird. I have my roommate's little brother here for the weekend and he is wearing a cast. He can't shower alone and would prefer a little privacy. so I was wondering." Tyler said.

"No problem Tyler! The place is yours. When are you coming over?"

"Right now if we could? Kyle came to work with me at the restaurant tonight and we both reek of garlic and smell like the kitchen." Tyler said.

"Sure, once you get here I will go down to the common room and watch Letterman." Ryan said.

"Thanks Ry, I owe you one!" Tyler said.

"Careful what you say Ty, I might just collect on the offer!" Ryan laughed and Tyler closed his cell phone.

Tyler packed a backpack with clean boxers, towels, toothpaste, shampoo and body wash. They changed into clean casual clothes to make the trip over to Ryan's. Tyler stopped at the security desk to ask if they had any plastic sleeves that newspapers usually come wrapped in. He got three sleeves and since they didn't have masking tape to seal the bag around Kyle's arm, the night security guard loaned him a roll of 'do not cross this line' security tape.

"COOL!" Kyle said, all excited.

Ryan's door was wedged open with the safety lock so Tyler knocked and walked right in with Kyle in tow.

"Hey Ryan, I would like you to meet Kyle! My replacement if Danny and Cody have their way!"

"Thank God. we're finally getting rid of you so I can be the hot shot superstar of the team!" Ryan laughed extending his left hand to Kyle's left hand.

"What happened to your arm?" Kyle asked.

"My shoulder actually. it got popped out. It's all better now, just a little sore." Ryan said flapping his sling up and down.

"Later, guys! Let me know when you're done, Ty! Nice to meet you, Kyle!"

"Bye" Kyle said.

Tyler locked the door and closed the drapes to the room. He began stripping down first so Kyle would feel more comfortable.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah! Definitely!" Kyle said.

"I can wait outside and you can shower first?" Tyler said.

"Nope, I want you in there with me to wash my hair and places I can't reach.

Besides, I told you already that you're just going to get water all over the place otherwise." Kyle said, having worked out his secret plan previously.

Tyler got completely naked in front of Kyle hoping it would make him feel more comfortable but it had the opposite effect. Kyle thought his aching loins were going to explode at that moment. Tyler started to help Kyle remove his clothing and Kyle stopped him at his boxers. Tyler figured he knew what the problem was so he went into the washroom to turn the shower on. When the water was hot enough he came back out and wrapped up Kyle's arm in the plastic bag and taped it tight by his elbow. Tyler grabbed the towels and shower accessories and headed to the washroom.

"All ready, Kyle!" He yelled.

Kyle came in a little more calm but just stood there.

"Kyle, why don't you stand here in front of the shower and I will be right behind you." Kyle moved in front of the shower and Tyler went behind him and said, "Now I'm going to remove your boxers and you can step inside the shower or you can just wear them in the shower if you want."

Kyle stuck his thumb inside the front of the boxers because he didn't want his boxers getting caught on his erection. "Okay" Kyle said.

Tyler bent down on one knee and placing his thumbs in each side of Kyle's boxers slowly lowered them down. Kyle stepped into the shower and Tyler pulled the shower curtain shut.

"Aren't you coming in?" Kyle asked.

"When and if you need me!" Tyler said

The warm water deflated Kyle's erection and he took a quick pee in the shower. "You might as well get in here Ty. I can't do much on my own!" Kyle said.

Tyler pulled back the curtain and stepped in. Kyle used his good hand to lean on the shower wall even though he didn't need too.

"Can you wash my back?" Kyle asked.

"How about I wash your hair first!" Tyler said. Tyler opened the shampoo and washed both Kyle's and his own hair. He had Kyle duck down so he could rinse his hair as well under the showerhead. Tyler then took some body wash and quickly scrubbed himself. He poured more liquid body wash over Kyle's back.

"Oooooh! That's cold!" Kyle said.

"You'll survive." Tyler said. As Tyler washed Kyle's back and arms, Kyle's erection grew again. Kyle backed up from the showerhead and bumped into Tyler. He placed his arm on the sidewall to brace himself.

"You want to turn around for me to wash your front?" Tyler asked.

"No, it's okay. Can't you wash the front of me as I am?" Kyle asked

"I guess, but it would be easier if you turned around." Tyler said, but Kyle didn't move or say anything.

Tyler soaped up his hands and reach around under Kyle's arms washing his chest. Kyle leaned his cast against the front of the shower and turned the showerhead towards the wall so all the soap wouldn't run off. Tyler worked his way down to his stomach but stopped there. Kyle's plan wasn't working. Kyle backed right into Tyler and placed his left hand on Tyler's left hand and set it on his erection, trying to hold it there, but Tyler pulled away.

"Kyle, I can't do that!" Tyler said. Kyle started to cry feeling embarrassed.

"No Kyle! Please don't be upset!" Tyler said turning him around and pausing to notice Kyle's beautiful erection. "Kyle, look at me." Tyler said lifting Kyle's face. "I would be lying to you if I said I didn't want to, but it's not right and it's not legal! You're 14 and I am 19!" Kyle burst into tears and Tyler pulled Kyle into a hug!

Tyler knelt down in the tub and sat Kyle on the edge. "Kyle, you are as beautiful as anyone I've ever known! You are sexy and sweet and kind and a million other things, but please understand that I want you in my life for a long, long time. You're someone I respect too much to ever hurt this way! Do you understand?" Tyler said with tears starting to come down his own eyes.

"Ty, I don't think you would ever hurt me and I know you love me as much as I love you! You do mean it when you say you love me, don't you?" Kyle asked.

"Very much Kyle! You might not understand it right now but the reason I would never touch you that way is because I really do love you! Some day you will understand, Kyle, and if you really trust me, you will take my word on it!" Tyler said.

"But I'm so horny and I can't seem to jack off with my left hand!" Kyle said. "Do you know how much I dream of having you touch me?" He said lowering his head.

"You're so wonderful, Kyle, and I really do love you for it! Maybe when you're an adult we can see about it but not right now. You have to trust me that when I say I don't want to hurt you that I really mean it! Even if you don't believe me." Tyler said.

Kyle wiped his running nose from crying and laid his head on Tyler's chest.

"I'll tell you what, Kyle! I'll meet you half way on this! How about this idea? When we get back to the room, if your brother isn't back then we can lie down in bed side-by-side and we'll jerk off together?" Tyler said.

"Really? We can jerk each other off?" Kyle said smiling.

"No Kyle! You heard what I said. You can watch me and I can watch you. It will be something special just between us. Kyle raised his head up and kissed Tyler's cheek.

"I love you, Ty!" Kyle said.

"I know you do, Kyle, and I hope you realize how much I love you!" Tyler said.

"I do. but if you really loved me you wouldn't be afraid of joining me." Kyle pouted.

"Kyle! Have you ever given up something you really love to make someone else happy?" Tyler asked.

"I don't understand." Kyle said.

"Have you ever not eaten the last piece of cake that you really wanted because you knew someone else wanted it?" Tyler asked.

"You mean like having to go to Six Flags theme park instead of a skate park because Luke wanted to go there instead?" Kyle said.

"Exactly! When you really love someone you will give up your own personal pleasure to make someone else happy!" Tyler said.

"You're not exactly making me REALLY happy, Ty!" Kyle said.

"No, not today, but in the future I think you will be glad I did! Kyle, this is a time in your life to be with boys or girls of your own age! The destination isn't near as fun as the trip you take to get there! Does that make sense?" Tyler asked.

"Tyler, I'm all alone! I don't have anyone." Kyle said.

"Yes you do! You have me and I'm alone too. So maybe we can be alone together? I need your support more than you need mine, Kyle!"

"I doubt that." Kyle said.

"I swear to you Kyle! I'm not lying. I need you in my life a hundred times more than you need me!" Tyler said, kissing his forehead. "Now let's get this soap off of us and get out of here!"

Kyle was quiet on the way back to the room. Tyler wanted to say 'I'm sorry' but figured it wouldn't make Kyle feel any better. When they got back in the room Tyler asked, "Do you want to watch TV or go on the internet?"

Kyle just shrugged his shoulders and said he was tired and wanted to go to bed. Tyler helped him change and hoisted him up into Derek's bed. As Tyler was getting changed Kyle asked, "How come you have two pillows and I have none?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot. Your brother took his pillow with him. I always sleep with two. One to lie on, and one to hug!" Tyler smiled but didn't get a response from Kyle. Tyler tossed one of his pillows over to Kyle. Kyle fluffed the pillow, got under Derek's comforter, and rolled to face away from Tyler.

Tyler turned out the light and climbed into his bed. "Good night Kyle. I'm sorry I upset you tonight. If you want I can drive you home in the morning?" Kyle didn't say anything.

About ten minutes later Kyle said, "Ty?"

"Yeah, Kyle?"

"I'm sorry, Ty." He said.

"Kyle, you don't need to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong!" Tyler said.

"Yes I did!" Kyle said starting to cry. "I don't like what you did but I understand why you did it. I've heard the lectures from teachers and from Mom and Dad but it wasn't until I thought about you telling me not to go to the washroom alone at the train station that I know why you think it will hurt me and I know you won't cause you love me. but I understand why."

"C'mere Kyle, I need a hug from my little brother." Kyle rolled over and Tyler lifted his comforter open. "Better bring your pillow because I'm not letting go of you for the rest of the night!"

"You better not, Puckhead!" Kyle laughed.

"123 not so little dude!"

"123 Puckhead!" Kyle said.

Tyler kissed him gently on the lips and said, "Never, ever forget how much I love you! Ever!"

"Same goes here Ty, and thanks for being with me today!"

Tyler pulled Kyle in against his chest and slid his left arm under Kyle's pillow. He put his right arm over Kyle and placed the palm of his hand on Kyle's chest.

After a few minutes of silence Kyle asked? "Do you always keep your word, Tyler?"

"I try to, Kyle. Why?"

"Good! Cause you still owe me a jack off session!" Kyle laughed.

"Go to sleep Kyle. you're having a dream right now." Tyler said not containing his laughter very well. Kyle pushed his butt into Tyler's cock and Tyler pretended to hump him back. Kyle laughed but secretly enjoyed the feeling of Tyler's cock against him. Kyle turned towards the pillow and kissed Tyler's arm three times.

Tyler said, "I love you too Kyle." Now go to sleep.

Kyle then squeezed the back of Tyler's right hand three times and Tyler squeezed him back the same. Kyle rolled over facing Tyler and put his left hand on Tyler's side rubbing back and forth. Tyler moaned as he neared that fine line of dreamland. Tyler rolled on to his back and Kyle began to gently rub all over his chest and tummy.

Kyle listened to Tyler's breathing slow as he gently continued his massage. Kyle's erection now pushed out his boxers and against Tyler's side. Kyle would massage the top of his chest and work his way down and then move back up his chest only to work his way further down each cycle.

Kyle slowly moved the covers down to just below Tyler's boxers. He stopped to listen for Tyler's shallow breathing. Testing the waters, Kyle gently planted his lips on Tyler's nipples while making figure eights on his tummy.

He let go of Tyler's nipple and got nothing more than a mild moan. Kyle ran his hands down Tyler's side, over his boxers and to his thigh. As he rubbed his thigh Tyler moved his legs slightly to the new touch.

Kyle ran his fingers up and down Tyler's thigh moving them up under his boxers a little more each time. When he grazed Tyler's left ball he jerked his hand back. Tyler moved slightly and scratched his cock through the opening in his boxers. Kyle bent down and could now see more than half of Tyler's cock hanging outside off to his right. He waited and listened for Tyler's breathing. Everything was calm. He studied his foreskin. Kyle figured it went almost an inch past his head. Using only the tip of his index finger that he wet with his mouth, Kyle began running it up and down Tyler's cock. Tyler began to stiffen and grow. Kyle watched as the foreskin began to open and let the giant out. Kyle repositioned himself to get a better look. The stimulation would have eventually woken Tyler up but it was Kyle's open mouth drooling on Tyler's stomach that woke him.

Tyler's eyes opened and he looked at the ceiling to get his bearings. He knew that Kyle was in his arms. Instantly he also knew what Kyle was doing.

His cock immediately went fully erect. He moved his eyes down to see the top of Kyle's head. He could see the drool dropping from Kyle's mouth. For a brief second he thought about pretending to be asleep but thought better of it. He lightly tapped Kyle's back three times and Kyle stopped! "Shit!" was all Kyle said and turned to look at Tyler. They stared at each other for a second without either saying anything. Kyle figured it was over so this was his last chance to do anything. He took a tight hold of Tyler's cock and began jerking him. Tyler grabbed his hand and held it still.

"Kyle! Please!" Tyler said not smiling.

"Okay!" Kyle smiled, and tried to continue jerking him but Tyler stopped and removed his hand. "You said please!" Kyle tried in vain to make him smile but Tyler wasn't.

"I thought we had an agreement, Kyle?" Tyler said.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so horny. So horny for you! I'm never going to have another chance like this! I just want to show you how much I love you. I would do almost anything for you Ty but I can't JERK OFF WITH MY LEFT HAND!"

Kyle said frustrated.

"Kyle!" Tyler started to say.

"NO Ty! You don't know what it's like! I've tried fucking my bed. I've tried using the bump on the bathroom vanity. One day I even put it against the dryer at home and that didn't work. not to mention I almost burned myself. I'm going to offer to pay Luke to do it when I get home! Kyle said dropping down on his back. "My balls hurt so much I can barely walk! Bet you don't know that feeling?" Kyle said.

"Actually I do, Kyle! The first girl I ever slept with, I was afraid to have an orgasm because I didn't trust the condom. I fucked her so hard that my dick was numb. We had sex for over two hours throughout the night. The next morning I couldn't even close my legs. By noon I was in the mall with my family and I went and jerked off in a urinal. That was the most painful orgasm I've ever had!"

"So you do understand then?" Kyle said.

"Yes Kyle I understand and I wasn't your age that long ago."

"Tyler, I'm begging you. I need relief! Do you think Danny or Cody would help me?" Kyle asked.

"Shit Kyle! You're not approaching my friends for sex! Is that clear!" Tyler said. Kyle didn't respond, he only turned on his side away from Tyler.

Tyler thought to himself, 'God forgive me for this!' He pulled Kyle up and over him to the other side. "Take off your boxers Kyle" Kyle smiled and worked them down with his one free hand by lifting his butt off the bed.

"Somehow I didn't really think you needed my help removing them before your shower." Tyler said.

"You're going to take yours off too aren't you?" Kyle asked.

"Kyle, jerking off, like watching a porn movie is a not normally a group event! Making love is for couples, and orgies are for groups!"

"Well, you love me and I love you! So this is kind of making love! In fact it really could be making love if." Kyle was stopped

"DON'T GO THERE! Kyle!" Tyler said as he began rubbing the back of Kyle's cock.

"OH GOD TY." Kyle began.

"Please Kyle, no commentary!" Tyler ran his thumb over the head and used the free flowing precum to lubricate Kyle's cock. Kyle's body stiffened up as Tyler's hand ran over his balls. Kyle closed his eyes and took hold of Tyler's cock. He didn't rub it; he just held it so Tyler just tried to overlook the situation. Kyle's hand slowly spread apart as Tyler's erection grew. Tyler took a firm hold of Kyle and began stroking up and down.

"Faster!" Kyle said and Tyler obeyed. "Cumming." Kyle said as his toes scrunched up and he squeezed his eyes tight. His shots were impressive. Three of them! The longest one hitting his chest between his nipples. Tyler slowly stretched and pulled Kyle's cock to clean out what was left and not have it sticking in his pubes.

"Better?" Tyler asked smiling.

"Better get a bucket!" Kyle smiled.

"You can let go of my cock now Kyle." Tyler said.

"Nah! I kind of like it like this!" Kyle said lifting himself up off the bed to kiss Tyler.


"Fine. be that way!" Kyle feigned disappointment.

Kyle stuck his finger in his tummy and swirled a little cum. He then licked his finger and said, "Ahhh, best batch yet!" Tyler got up and leaned down on Kyle's tummy and licked up the biggest pool of cum. He moved over to Kyle's lips and fed Kyle his own nectar. Tyler had no problem swallowing the remnants left in his mouth either.

"Now please let go of me, Kyle!" Tyler smiled.

"My turn to do you!" Kyle told him!

"I don't think so! Go to sleep Kyle. I love you very much." Tyler said

"I love you too, Ty." Kyle said as he snuggled in against Tyler. While Kyle slept like a baby, Tyler was restless all night long. He tried to ease his conscience over what happened with Kyle by trying to convince himself that he was lured in but he knew in his heart that he could have said no!

A little after seven he slipped out of bed and sat down on the loveseat. Memories of his brother David flooded his mind and all the fantasies he had buried deep inside about his longings for his brother came out. As much as he tried to rise above the rest of the world he knew he was no different and no better than even the likes of Dakota. Tyler thought about his calling Dakota a rapist when it was only a fine line between what he did to Kyle and what Dakota did to Ryan. Ryan was at least old enough to say no, but Kyle was just a teenager. Even if he was mature for his age, he was still a teen, Tyler thought.

"I knew better!" He said aloud pausing to see if he had woken Kyle but hadn't.

"Dear God forgive me!" Tyler said and began to cry. He grabbed the extra pillow and pushed his face into it trying to cover up his sounds. Kyle heard the noise and opened his eyes. He looked over to see Tyler wasn't in bed. He heard more sounds that seemed like a soft crying noise. Rolling over to look down from his bed he saw Tyler laying on the loveseat below him in the fetal position sobbing quietly into the pillow.

Kyle crawled out from his comforter and jumped down. He ran around the bed to Tyler. "What's wrong Ty?" Kyle asked.

Tyler sobbed louder and got up with his pillow and walked away from Kyle. "Did something happen to Derek?" Kyle asked.

Tyler shook his head no. He sniffled a few times and wiped his face into the pillow. "I'm sorry I woke you." Tyler said. "Go back to bed."

"What's wrong, Ty?" Kyle asked?

"Nothing. Please go back to bed!" Tyler said, refusing to face him. Kyle walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around him not understanding what was wrong. "I love you, Ty!" Kyle said, trying to ease what was wrong. Tyler walked away from Kyle shifting from side-to-side to release Kyle's embrace.

Kyle got upset and started to shake. "Did I do something wrong?" Kyle asked.

Tyler turned around to face him and shook his head. He pulled the pillow away from his face and said, "I did!" and he sat down on the loveseat.

Kyle sat down beside Tyler and said, "Want to talk about it? Might make you feel better?"

"Kyle! What I did to you was wrong!!!!" Tyler snapped and started crying into the pillow again.

Kyle pulled his arm off of Tyler, put his hands together, and looked down at the ground. Tears slowly ran down from open eyes. His bottom lip began to quiver. Tyler peeked out from his pillow and looked at Kyle staring numb into the wall ahead.

"I'm so sorry Kyle for what I did." Tyler said looking over at him but Kyle didn't even seem to hear his words.

"I doubt I would forgive me either!" Tyler said but still no response or movement from Kyle, just a steady stream of tears dropping on his arm and his cast.

"Kyle? I'm so sorry for hurting you. I wish I could take it back but I can't." Tyler said.

Kyle burst into tears and threw his arms around Tyler's neck. He said something but Tyler couldn't make it out. "Please don't cry Kyle. I promise it will never happen again. I don't know how to make it up to you for what I've done." Tyler said starting to cry again. Kyle mumbled the same thing again but it was still inaudible to Tyler.

Tyler pulled Kyle back and held him in front of him. "Kyle I can't understand what you're saying?"

"It's all my fault and now you'll hate me forever." Kyle said pushing Tyler away, he ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

Tyler walked to the bathroom and said, "Kyle? Please open the door. I don't hate you and it's not your fault." That made Kyle cry louder.

"Please Kyle, unlock and open the door." Tyler asked, but Kyle only sobbed inside.

"Kyle, I can get a nail and unlock the door! I would just prefer if you would open it. Please!" He heard the lock pop open. When Tyler opened the door Kyle was sitting on the closed toilet lid with his hands covering his face and tears leaking out.

Tyler knelt down in front of Kyle and stroked the back of his head. "Kyle, nothing is your fault! Please calm down?" Tyler asked.

"It's all my fault!" Kyle yelled.

Tyler picked Kyle up in his arms and Kyle wrapped his legs around Tyler's body while he carried Kyle out to the loveseat.

"Listen please, Kyle." Tyler began to say.

"NO, YOU listen! I set you up! I wanted it! I've been planning this since Mom and Dad said I could still go with a broken arm." Kyle began making a hiccupping noise and Tyler picked him up and ran him to the toilet. He got the lid open just in time for Kyle to throw up. Tyler flushed the toilet when Kyle seemed finished and took him to the sink to wipe his face. He gave Kyle some mouthwash to rinse his mouth out.

"A little better now?" Tyler asked and Kyle nodded.

"Tyler, I'm sorry. I lied to you and I set you up." Kyle began.

"Kyle you didn't set me up."

"Will you SHUT UP and listen to me!" Kyle stammered and Tyler stopped talking.

"Look Ty! It's not your fault! I wanted it! I can shower fine. I can even jerk off okay though it isn't as good with my left hand. I lied and I'm sorry." Kyle said wiping away his tears. "I've been watching you on your webcam since you added me to your MSN without you knowing. I've spent two months thinking only about you! I never loved anyone more than I love you. I lied about needing to have you shower with me. I just wanted to be close to you, I wanted to feel your body and. well. make love to you." Kyle said lowering his head. "I guess you hate me now?"

Tyler put his arm around Kyle and said, "I don't hate you Kyle, I love you, and I've never loved you more than I do right now. I don't blame you or hate you for what you did. I'm the one in the wrong here! Kyle, you are 14! It's more normal than not to do what you did. I'm the adult here! I'm the one in the wrong. Will you forgive me?"

"Ty, you had no chance. I waited until you were sleeping! Nothing was going to stop me! I'm sorry and I guess you probably want me to leave. I hope you will forgive me." Kyle said.

"If you feel the need to be forgiven, then you are, but you're really not the one in the wrong here!" Tyler said.

"Fine Ty, we're both wrong! Do you really still love me?" Kyle asked.

"Very much Kyle, and if you were older I would have been all over you before you even had a chance to touch me, but Kyle what is really important here is that you know it is wrong for an adult to touch someone your age. There are reasons why they have laws to protect someone your age. What I did could send me to jail for a very long time, but what's more important is that it is WRONG! Do you understand?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah. I know, but I would never tell anyone anyway!" Kyle said smiling.

"Kyle, it is important that you know I have never done that before and I can assure you it will never happen again. I would be lying if I said I wouldn't like to have you as a boyfriend but it just can't happen right now.

I want you as my friend, my little brother for life. Not someone to have six months of fun with and then you grow tired of me." Tyler said.

"Ty, I understand what you are saying. You don't need to keep repeating it. You didn't hurt me and I already knew it was wrong on my part, but I wanted it anyway and I'm sorry." Kyle said.

"I'm sorry too, Kyle" Tyler said hugging Kyle.

"I really love you, Tyler!" Kyle said.

"I love you more, Kyle! No more sex, okay?" Tyler asked.

"Yup, I will never let you touch me in a sexual way again, but that doesn't mean I can't touch you!" Kyle grinned.

"Yes it does!" Tyler sternly warned him.

"Nope! When you're asleep I can do anything I want!" Kyle said smirking!

"I'm wearing jeans to bed tonight." Tyler said.

"Yeah. a lot of good that will do ya." Kyle laughed.


"I wonder if that's my cinnamon buns?" Kyle said, jumping up and heading to open the door.

"Kyle! C'mere! Do you really think you should answer the door in your boxers?" Tyler asked.

"You're right Ty!" Kyle said and he ran down the hall to peek through the peephole. He ran back to Tyler and began stripping off his boxers. "It's Danny!" Kyle said giggling and he walked down the hall naked and opened the door.

"Good Morning, Danny!" Kyle said, opening the door completely naked. What was left of the bag of cinnamon buns hit the floor and the quad cup holder with hot chocolate almost did the same!

Author's Note: PLEASE READ

I did something really stupid and really quite embarrassing!

I believe strongly in feeling and living every emotion. I much prefer to live the 'highs' and 'lows' of life rather than spend it living in the closet. (Though I do actually live in the closet) If you know people who live this way you are warned to be cautious around them as we tend to release in short powerful bursts! (Take that how you want ;)

This past week I have been bombarded with emails, though the majority are very nice and appreciated, some are not. One of my regular readers, John, had the unfortunate experience of being the 8th email that morning. He pointed out what he thought was a mistake, though it wasn't, and I directed the full force of my anger at him. You might say I sunk not only his battleship, but also the entire fleet. I guess this is part of human nature to take out your frustration on those who care about you, but that doesn't make it right. There is no need for me to publicly apologize about a private matter that has now been settled but I still feel that need within! As much as try to be like "Tyler" I find myself to be more like "Danny" and secretly wish I was "Luke". (No I don't need anyone's psychoanalyses on that thank you)

We were both wrong but I acted like an immature child so I do wish to apologize to John for my words and hope he finds it in his heart to forgive me? (He has.) I never want anyone to be in fear of emailing me a question, comment, opinion, request, or simply to point out a mistake! I simply ask a few simple things of all readers.

  1. When you find a mistake in the story (and there are lots of them) is the mistake relevant to the stories theme? (example) Does it matter if Drexel University is twenty minutes from the train station as I wrote or the fact that it is really just a couple of blocks away? Please exercise a little common sense! If I switch characters names by accident in one line is it relevant? It damn well is if I write three paragraphs! I blame it on late night writing.

  2. There are readers who write me that they don't like the story and have stopped reading it. Some have ethical / moral issues with the content. Some simply don't find it to be believable while others find it lacks enough sexual activity. I sincerely love hearing from all of these people. I want to know their concerns and reasoning behind it. These people help me to improve the story and make some adjustments which helps as I can barely keep the characters names straight myself! (No pun intended ;) Many have written about "Kelly" and wanting to know when comes back into the story. (He will be back closer to Christmas but he is there to provide a catalyst to Ty's healing process) Characters will come and go as needed and maybe a few will be lost in the shuffle but as long the important issues of the storyline are dealt with I am satisfied and hopefully you won't feel it was a waste of your time?

  3. WHEN'S THE NEXT CHAPTER? When I send it to Nifty and they decide to post it! I've been a Nifty reader for a while and understand your frustrations with many stories and lag time in posting future chapters. I try to stay 5 chapters ahead of the postings so that corrections and alterations can be made before you read them. If anyone wants I can write them a one-paragraph email on how the story ends but I think I can assure you that the actual chapters coming will be better than my one paragraph! The above story is FICTIONAL! Period! (As in fake, not real, imaginary.)

  4. The Real Tyler Peel: Please do not add yourself to my MSN without an emailed request! I think it's just rude! Do not ask for pictures, address, phone numbers, or any other personal information. I will decide whom I share what with! Asking me to turn on my webcam is cause for a lifetime block! I've never asked any reader to send me a picture of them! There is nothing that makes me angrier than those who suddenly attempt to add me to their MSN without a previous email and when I read their profile they are quoting scripture references to the bible! There is no need for me to disclose any of my personal beliefs to anyone but I want to state for the record:

I do believe in God!

I don't believe in organized religion!

I think if people tried to stick the Ten Commandments all of our lives would be better!

I understand that there are less than 20 references to homosexuality in the Bible but over 3000 references to poverty! When you've got poverty cleaned up we can talk about MY homosexuality and YOUR gay agenda! I have to ask! What's the worst thing about having a gay married couple live next door to you? That their front garden will be nicer than yours?

I respect (and will defend) your right to be a Bible-thumping, right wing, agenda-driven, Baptist/Mormon/Christian/Muslim/Hindu/Satanist or whatever, who seems to spend more time peeking in my back yard rather than cleaning up your own! You're welcome to state your opinion to me once, and only once! I'm not looking to be converted or perverted.

I may not sit in the front row of Church every Sunday or give to the Falwell Follies. but I do pray, almost nightly and I actively do things to help those in my community!

  1. Recommendations: Reader's often ask about where my inspiration comes from. Two places! One is from people I've met or people I've seen. The second place is right here at Nifty! I recommend these three stories as not only great reading, but I actually suggest you stop reading my story and read there's! There is no question that I stand in awe of these stories and they do inspire me!

a) TIM by Brew Maxwell (Nifty > Gay > High School > 2004 my favourite story ever! b) JOSEPH ANDREW COLLINS by LJB c) Alex and Zach by Greg Anderson (no relation to The Anderson's though I wish he was ;) It is currently running along side TRH in the college section!

These stories are a MUST read and please take the time to write the authors when you have FINISHED if you feel they are worthy of an email!

  1. My Reader's: You people are as important to the story as the story itself. You give me confidence, advice, inspiration, love and the occasional headache! I don't believe I have ever emailed anyone back with only the word "thanks". I hope I have responded promptly (though there are some I miss but not intentionally) to all of your emails and questions. Overwhelmed doesn't even begin to describe how I feel and I can only say that I feel humbled and unworthy of everyone's kindness. As I have stated before, please keep emails relevant and only ask for responses when necessary please! : )

It takes time to write the story's author. It takes guts to go so far as to tell the writer that you don't like his story! I admire each and every one of you for emails as it shows the love of the characters and that you've made a personal connection to 'the road home'. It is great to hear people write and say 'a friend of mine forwarded a link to your story and I'm really enjoying it!' I have to count myself as one of the luckiest people on this planet to have all of you in my life! I am no better than any of my readers and probably less deserving of the kindness I have received than most of you.

I remain humbled every day by The Road Home's readers and I want to end this by saying that I apologize to any of you that I have offended. Be it through email or by the very nature of the contents of this story. Some of you might feel the need right now to write me based on these above words? I ask you to hold that thought or at least keep it short! To make up for my past mistakes (and I don't mean spelling errors) I am posting a Trivia Question with a reward!

Rules: You are allowed 5 guesses only! You are only allowed to submit once! Guess number one on your list is to be whom you chose as the most likely answer!

Prize: To be determined! It will be one of two things. A) Some advanced information on a future chapter. (It won't be major but you will be in the know when others aren't!) Or B) an advance copy of chapter one of another story that I have been working on that has never been posted anywhere! (Ooooooo!) Any reader who guesses properly and made it their number one choice will win both!

Proof that I love my readers! Besides it will kill a couple of winter days while you try to compile your list!

The Question is as follows: Tyler, Cody, and Ryan exchanged their silence for three Videodiscs that Dakota had in his possession! Two videos were destroyed but the third one was put away for safekeeping! Who is in that video with Dakota? (Ha! I gave you a clue! Dakota is in the video!)

PLEASE PUT IN THE SUBJECT LINE: TRH - TRIVIA CONTEST! I will need a name and location with your answer i.e. Bob - Arkansas (no further information is required but I want to be able to mention the winner(s) in a following posting! You are guaranteed a full three days to answer! If this Chapter appears on a Friday then you will have Friday, Saturday, and all of Sunday till midnight to submit an answer! If I post on Sunday it will be out Monday or Tuesday on Nifty etc... If you didn't make it to this in time. sorry! It is for the benefit of regular Nifty readers! If you are reading at a date later than Jan 10, 2006 then DON'T respond to the question.

If you don't guess who it is you will just have to wait and see! I will not publicly post the answer. Ty

Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few weeks!

Next: Chapter 17

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