The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Dec 30, 2005


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

**AUTHOR'S NOTE: [FAQ's] I had posted previously that I would try to get as many chapters as possible out before Christmas and to PLEASE be PATIENT about future chapters! I've had over 100 emails in four days. I try my best to take the time to respond to each one and answer your questions but it takes a great deal of time to do so. Time that is taken away from writing! If I have missed responding (and that is quite possible) please let me know and accept my apologies in advance. A few general questions answered: 1) There are about 10 more chapters to go before the story ends. (Maybe only 9 or it could be 11 this is a forecast, not a guarantee!) 2) This is a piece of FICTION and it is not real! 3) There are no plans to continue the story and the odds lessen every time someone asks. 4) My plan is to post ONE chapter minimum per week and if there is a delay in future postings I will let you know in the latest chapter posted! If you have written and posted a multi-chaptered story before on Nifty then please feel free to ask for updates on a daily basis but include a referral to your story please! : ) 5) 20cm on a good day and no you cannot have a picture of it! 6) If this story goes against your personal and/or religious beliefs (as some have written) please stop reading, though I do appreciate your continued praying for my soul! I can always use that! - Tyler

The Road Home: Part Fifteen (Canada EH!)

Early Sunday evening Tyler was asleep lying on his bed wearing only boxers, listening to his MP3 player with a textbook lying on his stomach when there was a knock at the door.

Derek asked Tyler if he wanted to get it because the door was always for Tyler anyway? He got no response but he could just hear the sound of his mp3 player coming out of his earphones. Derek opened the door to what appeared as a sea of blue and gold Dragon jerseys!

"Is Tyler here?" Danny asked.

"Ummm yeah. he's asleep!" Derek said.

"Can we come in?" Danny asked.

"All of you?" Derek said.

"Uh-huh!" Danny said and 18 hockey players all wearing their jerseys slowly shuffled in as Derek walked backwards. The room was packed as tight as it could be with hockey players filling in every inch of floor space. Tyler continued to sleep unaware of what was happening.

Derek climbed up on his bed because there was nowhere else to go. The room was completely silent except for the faint sound of Tyler's MP3 player. Sitting on his knees he lightly tapped Tyler awake. Tyler opened his eyes to the ceiling and said, "What?"

"Ummm someone is here to see you!" Derek said.

"Tell them I'm sleeping." Tyler said as he rolled over on his side facing his closet.

"Tyler, open your eyes!" Derek said.

Tyler opened his eyes. "AHHHHHH! What the fuck?" He sat up and turned around. "AHHHHHH!" He said again seeing the room filled with his entire hockey team. Everyone laughed.

"Tyler! Over here!" Adam said and Tyler looked down beside his bed rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Adam?" Tyler said.

"On behalf of the Drexel Dragon's hockey team we would like to apologize to you for what you've had to go through. We are here to ask, beg, plead, and any other word we can think of to get you back on our team. We're not a team without you and we want to ask you to come back and to give you this present in appreciation for all you've done for us!" Adam said handing up a jersey to Tyler.

Tyler sat back on his butt and folded his legs still trying to focus on what was happening. He opened the jersey and read his name on the back of it. "You want me to keep my jersey?" He asked.

"Turn it around dumbass!" Adam said and everyone laughed.

Cody #3 said, "He's Canadian. say it slower Adam!" Everyone laughed but Derek laughed the loudest.

"HEY YOU! #3! Get out of my drawer!" Derek said and he heard the drawer shut.

Tyler turned the jersey around to see the letter C on the front of it! "Guys that's really nice and a great honour but no thanks! I didn't even want to be an assistant when the Coach offered. I'm really touched over this. but I'm finished with hockey!"

"WAIT!" Adam said! "Okay guys, plan B!" Something was being passed from the back of the line making its way over to Adam. Tyler and Derek leaned forward but couldn't see what it was.

"I hope it's not alive?" Derek said. The sound a buzzer was going in the bathroom.

"HEY TARDBOY in the washroom! I use that shaver to trim my pubes!" Derek yelled and the buzzing stopped.

Tyler leaned over and said; "You really think you should be calling anyone names right now?"

"Gotcha! Point noted!" Derek nodded.

Adam handed up another jersey and when Tyler looked at it he burst out laughing.

"What? What is it?" Derek said. Tyler held up the jersey for Derek and everyone else to see. On the front of the jersey where it would normally have the letter "C" or "A" it read "Eh" and the entire team autographed the jersey.

"HAHAHAHAHA" Derek fell forward laughing and the entire room joined in.

Tyler's cell phone went off. It was the security desk calling to ask if everything was okay when he saw the entire hockey team coming through the front door.

"Yeah, it's all good!" Tyler said laughing.

"Who was that?" Derek asked.

"That was security asking if everything was okay!" Tyler laughed.

"They're a little slow in calling aren't they?" Derek said.

"Uh-huh!" Tyler said still laughing.

"Maybe the security guy is a Canadian?" Derek said to a roar of laughter from the team.

"They like me, they really, really like me!" Derek said feigning tears.

"Whatever. Guys thanks this is definitely a collectors jersey but I really don't want to play hockey, but if I did, you guys would definitely be my team of choice!

"Okay Guys! Plan C!" Adam said.

Tyler and Derek looked at each other and said together, "They have a plan C!" Everyone laughed.

"Make room guys!" Someone near the back said.

Ryan was making his way through the crowd. He had stayed at the back so his shoulder didn't get knocked around.

"Tyler!" Ryan said when he reached the end of his bed. Danny and Cody #2 helped Ryan stand up on the loveseat and Tyler leaned forward.

"How ya feeling Ryan?" Tyler asked.

"Not too bad, a little stiff this morning but I'm doing better. Hard to not roll on your shoulder at night though.." Ryan said.

"AHEM!" Adam said. "Plan C Ryan!!!!"

"Oh, right!" Ryan said. "Tyler, plan C is my idea and no one else knows what it is but you and me!"

Tyler pointed at himself saying "me?"

"Yeah, you!" Ryan replied. "You value your word more than anything right?"

"Yeah. I guess." Tyler said wondering where this was going.

"And you always keep your promises right?" Ryan said.

"Where's this going Ry?"

"You gave me your word that you would help me until I made the draft! So I am holding you to your word and therefore you have to stay and play on the team!" Ryan said to a round of applause.

"He accepts! His word is GOLD!" Derek said and Tyler glared at him! "What?" Derek said.

"We can always go to plan D!" Danny said.

Everyone looked at him and Adam said, "What's plan D?"

Danny tossed a plastic bag at Tyler. He opened it to see a half eaten cinnamon bun! Tyler started laughing and showed Derek the contents of the bag and he began laughing too! Tyler pulled out the half eaten bun and held it up for all to see then he bit into it!"

"Okay guys! For a half of a cinnamon bun you got yourselves a deal!" The room erupted and people began piling up outside the door to see what the commotion was about.

"Hey Ty?" Danny said.

"What Danny?"

"You gonna finish that?" Danny asked and immediately got a good case of the beats from the rest of the team! Derek immediately hugged Tyler and then Tyler reached down and hugged Ryan. Tyler slipped down to the floor between Adam and the other players and began getting hugs from everyone.

"Hey! No grabbing my cock! Who's grabbing my cock?" Tyler yelled amidst laughter.

"Why do you want to know?" Someone said.

"Cause I want them to keep doing it!" Tyler yelled back! More laughter. >From that point on almost everyone on the team who hugged Tyler grabbed his cock from outside his boxers. Danny wasn't quite so shy, nor Cody, nor Adam. Most of the players had moved out of the room and aside from the group of four and Derek, Josh stood there silent.

Tyler looked over at him and walked up to him with a protruding erection inside his boxers.

"Ty, I just wanted to apologize for my actions from the day you've arrived. I can't blame them on Dakota or anyone else. I knew what Dakota was going to do to your tires but I was fed lies about how you were trying to break up the team and have anyone connected with Dakota kicked off the team. I am completely at fault and I hope you will accept my apology. I can't even begin to say how embarrassed I am for my stupidity. Tyler wrapped his arms around him and laid his face against Josh's.

Cody, Danny, and Ryan started yelling, "Grab his cock you sissy!" And Josh slid his hand down Tyler's boxers and stroked him a couple of times. He whispered in his ear, "Damn nice one ya got there!" Tyler giggled and stepped back reinserting himself in front of Josh before turning around.

Cody began saying, "Tyler's got a boner, Tyler's got a boner!"

"Shut up Cody!" Tyler smiled. "Now all of you out of here before my roommate gives me the boot for throwing a party in here; besides. with all this action I've got a problem to take care of now!" He winked.

Cody hugged Tyler and said, "Thanks for everything you've done!"

Ryan gave him half a hug and reminded him of his shower duties for that night and an offer to help him with that problem!" Tyler laughed.

Danny and Tyler looked at each other and Derek said, "Everybody get a tissue! This is gonna be a wet one!" They both looked at him and snarled!

Danny said, "Guys can we have the room for a minute?" Everyone left and Derek looked down an asked. "Do you want me to leave?"

"It's okay Derek, after all it's your room!" Danny said. "Tyler, I am the worst fuck up of a friend you've ever had!"

"No you're not Danny! Don't say that!" Tyler said.

"Seriously Tyler! I am probably the one you've trusted the most and me of all people, knew better, so I let you down more than anyone else." Danny said holding his hands on Tyler's arms.

"Sweet!" Derek said. "That makes me number two fuck-up! I feel so much better now!" Derek said and they both looked at him.

"Guys, I'll wait in the hallway. umm Danny I was just teasing!" Derek winked.

"Good bye Derek!" They said in unison.

"Of all the people who let you down I know that I am the worst because I did exactly what I hate seeing people like Derek do to you! I hope you will forgive me for acting like a child for the last month and for not listening to you at the restaurant." Danny said.

"Look Danny." Tyler started to say.

"Wait, I'm not done. I won't give you my word that it will never happen again but I will promise to do my best to listen to you better! I know that every time someone promises something it turns sour and always fucks up all over you. I don't want to do that, I just want you to give me the chance to make it up to you and show you how much you mean to me and how much I love you." Tyler started to speak but Danny pressed two fingers against his lips. Danny reached up and wrapped his arms around Tyler's neck and began one long kiss. Danny stepped backwards and up on the loveseat so he was a little taller than Tyler. Tyler wrapped his arms around Danny's waist while still kissing him. Danny's own erection was pressing in his jeans but Tyler's was up and out! Danny released his right hand and grabbed hold of Tyler's erection and began rubbing it back and forth. Danny could feel his wrist getting wet with precum.

Tyler removed his hand put it back around his neck and hugged Danny. "I love you Danny!"

"I know you always have and I've always loved you! I hope we are friends forever Ty!"

"Me too! Tyler said. "Now get going or Cody's going to get suspicious!" Danny smiled at Tyler as he walked away. "Hey Danny, this was your idea wasn't it?"

"How did you know?" Danny asked.

"Cause I always knew you loved me as much as I love you!" Tyler said.

Danny just smiled and walked away.

Derek got a surprise hug from Danny as Danny walked out to rejoin Cody and Ryan.

When Derek came in he could see Tyler's face was flush. "Damn! I missed it!" Derek said laughing.

"Missed what?" Tyler said.

Tyler joined Derek looking down at a big wet spot on his boxers! "Oh that? That's nothing . Sponge Bob sneezed!" Tyler said grinning.

"Do you know that we had 20 people in this room and 19 of them got to feel you up?" Derek laughed.

"Damn! Who did I miss?" Tyler joked back.

"ME!" Derek said.

"Well you should have gotten in line to ride the Tyler train!" Tyler joked.

"Are all the tickets sold out?" Derek winked.

"Nope, but the train is really close to leaving the station and I mean really close!" Tyler laughed.

Derek walked up to Tyler and opened his arms. Tyler opened his arms and stepped into Derek. As they hugged Tyler's erection returned to full mast! This didn't go unnoticed by Derek.

Derek ran his hands up and down Tyler's bare back. He slid his fingertips in the back of Tyler's boxers to test the waters so-to-speak. This time Tyler didn't refuse the touch. Derek backed away from the hug but was careful not to let go. They both looked into each other's eyes and their lips began to move closer to meeting. As their lips neared so did their eyes close. Tyler had his hands on Derek's upper arms giving Derek freedom to slide one hand down in the front of Tyler's boxers. There was no resistance from Tyler this time.

Derek slid his hand down over the massive organ. Every part of his hand that passed Tyler's foreskin got wet with precum. He could feel Tyler's shaft from a narrow bottom widen as he worked his hand back up. Derek only had to stroke him nine or ten times before his orgasm began and at that moment Tyler shoved his tongue inside of Derek's mouth. Tyler's hands moved up to Derek's face and he held him still as his orgasm began shooting up Derek's arm and all over his own tummy. Tyler's breath shortened until his orgasm was over.

Tyler and Derek parted and Tyler said "thanks Derek, I needed that!"

"An orgasm?" Derek asked perplexed.

"Nope, that I can take care of that myself. What I need is you in my life!" Tyler said and then Derek's phone rang.

"Hello?" Derek said.

"Oh Hey Amber." Derek said lowering his voice. Tyler went into the washroom and wet a washcloth and handed it to Derek. He nodded and mouthed his 'thanks' to Tyler as he wiped Tyler's cum off of his arm.

"No, no I didn't forget. A lot was going on this weekend." Derek said. "I'm sorry, but Tyler's Jeep got its tires slashed. No, I don't have a sleeping bag here. Yeah, okay. Yeah, I do too!" Derek said hanging up the phone. When he turned around Tyler was back up on his bed laying down listening to his MP3 player.

Tyler didn't miss that Derek's 'I do too' was a response to 'I love you'.

Derek mumbled to himself, 'that bitch always has the worst timing!' as he looked up at Tyler in bed. Tyler's eyes were watering so much from Derek's phone call that he couldn't even read his book. He knew that what had just happened was another dumb mistake on his part.

'Why the fuck do you do this to yourself dumbass?' Tyler said to himself. 'It only hurts more every time.' Tyler pulled his earphones out and he could hear Derek typing away on his computer.

"Derek?" Tyler said.

"Yeah Ty!" Derek popped his head up smiling on the side of his bed.

"I'm sorry about earlier." Tyler said.

"Sorry for what?" Derek said seeing Tyler's eyes were moist.

"For what happened. It shouldn't have happened and I'm sorry. It's all my fault. again!" Tyler said not able to look at him.

"Ummm. it wasn't a problem Tyler. I was a willing participant." Derek said.

"Yeah it is a problem. You are with Amber and that's a problem!" Tyler said still not looking at Derek.

"Tyler, do you have to always fucking over analyse everything? You need to crawl into your closet and never come out again!" Derek snapped not realizing the irony of his words.

'Yeah. something like that' Tyler thought to himself. Tyler's cell phone buzzed and it was Danny.

"Hey Puckhead! Wanna do dinner?" Danny asked.

"No I'd rather do." Tyler paused and didn't finish because Derek was in the room. "Sorry Danny, I have to go over and help Ryan tonight with his shower because of his sling." Derek wanted to punch his screen when he heard Tyler say that.

"Hey Ty, have you seen Cody since we were at your room?" Danny asked.

"No I haven't but if I see him I will tell him to call your cell!" Tyler said.

"That won't do any good Ty, if you remember I broke it?" Derek said.

"Smashed it was more like it?" Tyler laughed.

"Whatever. if you see him tell him I'm looking for him please!" Danny asked.

"Consider it done! Have you checked our shower? There are a lot of cuties in our wing!" Tyler teased.

"Shut up Puckhead or I will not talk to you for another month!" Danny laughed.

"I'm counting on it Danny. Laterz!" Tyler said.

Tyler got off the phone and was about to get dressed when there was a knock at the door.

"You might as well answer it. but don't let the entire team in okay?" Derek said without looking up at Tyler.

Tyler walked up to the door wearing only his boxers.

"Hey Sarah!" Tyler said smiling.

"Hi Tyler!" Sarah said checking Tyler out from head to toe but mostly his 'head'.

"Umm am I interrupting anything?" She said laughing.

"Oh shit! Sorry, I was just getting dressed!" Tyler said trying to cover his crotch.

"That's okay, I wasn't complaining about the view!" Sarah winked. "Some friends of mine are going to go to a dance club next Friday night after mid-term exams are over and I was wondering if you wanted to come along?"

"Hey, that does sound like fun, but I have to work every Friday and Saturday night at the restaurant!" Tyler said hanging on to the door.

Derek slid his chair out into view to see Sarah. "Yup, the dancing bitch!" He said to himself.

"Don't tell me you work at McDonalds?" Sarah laughed.

"No, I work at a high end Italian restaurant in the city centre! I'm a server!" Tyler smiled.

"Sounds cool. if you like spending your Friday's nights working." She said.

"Gotta pay the bills!" Tyler said.

"Look, I'll get out of your way. Here's my email address - why don't you contact me sometime and we can get together?" Sarah said as she pulled out a pen and took his right hand and wrote the address on his palm.

"Yeah, sounds great!" Tyler said.

Sarah reached up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for this morning Tyler!" She winked and left.

As Tyler closed the door reading her email address on his hand he turned to hear the bathroom door SLAM shut. Tyler finished dressing and left to go over to Ryan's room.

When Tyler knocked on Ryan's door he was surprised to see Cody answer the door.

"Hey Cody! I didn't expect to see you here. clothed?" He winked and gave Cody a hug.

Ryan yelled from his loveseat, "It's okay Ty, we've already finished!" He laughed.

"He's playing with you Tyler, we were just talking about our experiences with Dakota and we both realize that we do need someone to talk with, someone professional!" Cody said.

"Smart thinking guys! Look I didn't mean to interrupt anything. I was just here to help Ryan with some stuff! I can come back another time." Tyler said.

"No, it's okay Ty, I have to get going anyway, but while you are here maybe you could help us in a little celebration?" Cody asked.

"Hey, I already had 18 celebrations this afternoon! Still haven't recovered from that! How many people can say they were felt up by an entire hockey team?" Tyler laughed.

"SLUT!" Ryan said. All three laughed.

"Seriously, Ty. We've been talking about this." Cody said pulling out the three discs of Dakota's. We've decided that the first start to getting better is to physically destroy them and since there are three and you are the one who got them back we thought that all three of us would break a disc to symbolize the end and a new beginning!

"Are you guys sure that you really want to destroy these? I mean they could be kept for insurance, in fact it might not hurt to keep them as proof against Dakota in case he ever tried to do anything to you guys or someone else." Tyler said.

"Yeah we talked about it." Ryan said. "We just don't want them around and I think if we ever had to testify then we could both give sufficient information without video proof."

"Can I ask without having to know anything about it? Who is on the third disc?" Tyler said.

"We're not sure; it would be too creepy to watch!" Cody said.

"Okay guys - how about you each destroy your own discs and keep this one someplace safe just in case! What if someone else got hurt by Dakota, wouldn't you want to be able to help them?" Tyler asked.

Ryan and Cody looked at each other and Ryan nodded. "Okay Tyler, you're right! I will find a safe place and make sure that both of you know about it." Cody said.

"On three Ryan?" Cody said. "Tyler, will you do the honours of the countdown?"

"Sure. One. Two. Three." Cody snapped his disc and it broke into several pieces. Ryan was still trying to break his and asked for help.

"Sorry Ryan, this is one of those things you need to do yourself!" Tyler said.

"Hey Cody, Danny seems frantic to find you! Make sure you catch up with him!" Tyler said.

"Hahaha. yeah I know why too! I might let him sweat it out till Monday!" Cody said.

"I don't understand?" Tyler asked while Ryan was trying to snap the disc by holding it in his mouth.

"Like I told you! I had it out with him and told him if he didn't apologize for being such an ass then it was over! He organized the entire team!" Cody said smiling. "I'm so proud of my boy! He did apologize didn't he?"

"Yeah, he did and I knew I guessed right when I told him that he was behind all of it!" Tyler said. "I would be lost without his friendship!" Ryan tried sticking the disc between two drawers of his dresser trying to snap it with one hand but wasn't having any luck.

"Cody, don't play games with him! There's enough of that shit going on around here. Go see him right now!" Tyler said.

"Yes Sir! Mr Assistant Captain EH!" Cody smiled. Ryan put the disc between his knees and was pushing with his good hand on one side up against his disc.

Tyler pulled Cody into a hug and Cody rubbed the top of his head. "Get a haircut Ty, you're almost looking human right now! I miss that institutional psycho-ward shaved head look!"

"Will you get the fuck out of here!" Tyler laughed.

Cody turned to say good-bye to Ryan and said. "For fuck's sake Gimpy!" Cody grabbed the disc and broke it apart between his fingers handing the pieces back to Ryan. "I think I need one of those power balls to squeeze to build up my strength!" Ryan said.

Cody started undoing the snaps on his jeans and said, "I got yer power balls to practice with right here Ryan!"

"CODY! Get the fuck out of here!" Tyler said laughing at him!

Cody bent down and kissed Ryan on the cheek. "Despite what you've been told Tyler's a cranky, mean, son-of-a-bitch!" Cody said.

"CODY! OUT!" Tyler said.

"See what I mean!" Cody winked at Ryan and left.

"How's our star player today?" Tyler said kneeling down in front of Ryan.

"I'm okay. I'm sorry about this afternoon. That was pretty low to pull that on you, but we need you! I need you!" Ryan said softly.

"Tell ya a secret Ryan; I need you guys as well!" Tyler said give him a hug.

"Now how about that shower?"

"Great! You are coming in with me right?" Ryan asked standing up.

"Well. No I hadn't planned on it. I was just going to be next to you." Tyler said.

"Please Ty! I'm really afraid of slipping in the shower." Ryan smiled.

"Whatever. get your clothes off Puckhead!" Tyler said.

Tyler and Ryan stripped down to their boxers. Ryan told Tyler where the towels were and he grabbed them. Tyler turned on the shower and helped Ryan inside and then he got in behind him.

"There isn't much room in these stand up models is there?" Tyler asked.

"I don't think they're really made for two people but I think they're just about right. for two." Ryan said bending his head down under the showerhead. Tyler soaped up a washcloth while Ryan leaned forward on his good arm against the wall. Tyler placed his left hand on Ryan's tummy and washed his back with the cloth. When he got down to his butt Tyler said, "Spread your legs and I will be very careful!"

"I know you will and there has been no more blood as of today." Ryan said.

"Good, but you probably need to clean yourself out soon!" Tyler said.

"I can't reach there with my shoulder and all." Ryan hinted.

Tyler ignored him and told him to turn around. Tyler washed his chest and face and then his hair. Tyler offered Ryan the cloth to clean 'down there' but Ryan smiled saying he was doing a fine job. Tyler shook his head and stuck the cloth in Ryan's hand! Ryan pouted!

"Don't make me send you to bed early young man!" Tyler said.

"That depends on whether I will be in bed alone?" Ryan teased.

They got out of the shower and Tyler dried Ryan off and then himself. He dug out clean boxers for Ryan but Ryan insisted he just wanted to wear his towel. Ryan lay down on his bed and slid over to one side.

"I saved you a seat Ty!" Ryan said tapping on the bed.

Tyler lay down beside Ryan. "Ryan, I want you to know that I really like you. I can even say that I really love you, but I'm not 'in love' with you! Please don't start something that I won't be able to finish! I want to get to know you as a friend." Ryan didn't say anything and just looked down at his bed.

"You've been through a lot in the last year. Some people have really tried to fuck with your head and make you believe that you are less of a person than you are. It isn't going to be easy. I'm dealing with loss of my family and to be honest, I'm afraid to let anyone inside because I can't make sense of all of it. Some days I think I'm going to explode and other days I just wish it were me that was dead. Mostly, I just don't want to deal with it and I know that is not the right thing to do and it's making my life worse along with those around me. My problems have nothing to do with you and even Dakota is more of a pain in the ass than anything else. Sorry!

Excuse the expression!" Tyler said and Ryan giggled.

"Look Ryan. I don't want to fuck up your life or anyone else's, if that makes sense?" Tyler said.

"I understand, Ty, and I know exactly how hard that is to admit to someone, or even yourself. I'm just afraid of being alone right now."

"How is Josh treating you?" Tyler asked.

"He's staying away from me right now. He didn't do anything to me, but we both know that he didn't do anything to help me. Being under Dakota's control though, I understand his situation. I would have likely done the same thing if I were him!" Ryan said.

"I think it would probably help if you told him just that!"

"Yeah, it's really awkward though."

"You don't need to answer this, but do you know if Josh was involved in anyway with Dakota?" Tyler asked.

"Do you mean in a relationship or simply helping him with his plans to take over the world?" Ryan laughed.

"Both, I guess?" Tyler said.

"I really don't think he was involved sexually. Josh has a girl friend. He was probably the least under Dakota's control so that would explain why he kept Josh as his number 2 man he always called him." Ryan laughed a little and added. "It's really sad how sick Dakota actually is!"

Tyler kissed Ryan's forehead. "You're on the road home Ryan! Everyday will get a little better!"

"I still don't know how to thank you for all that you've done Tyler." Ryan mused.

"Geez, why does everyone think they owe me? Ryan, get the professional help you need, never do to anyone what Dakota did to you, and try to help others who are in need, and finally, please be my friend from now on and we'll call it even!" Tyler said.

Ryan pulled Tyler down into a hug. Ryan laid his head down on Tyler's arm and they fell asleep together.

Cody knocked on Danny's door.

Danny opened the door and Cody pushed Danny back into the wall and started kissing him. "Ummmm, does this mean I'm forgiven?" Danny said between kisses.

"Not until you make love to me until the Sun comes up, Danny boy!" Cody said pulling away at the buttons on Danny's plaid shirt and stealing kisses.

"Shit! Is Tony here right now?" Cody asked a partially naked Danny.

"Like I care? No, he's eating." Danny said.

Cody and Danny began tearing each other's clothes of their bodies. Cody jumped up on Danny's bed first and said, "GET THE LUBE!" Danny ran to the bathroom with his erection swinging back and forth and grabbed some lotion. He tossed the bottle up to Cody and climbed up on the bed.

Danny moved Cody's long, blond, curly hair out of his eyes and kissed him gently. Cody grabbed his hand and squirted some lotion on it.

"Hurry up and and loosen me up Danny! I've been waiting a month for this!" Danny ran the lotion up and down Cody's crack as Cody pulled his knees back into his chest. He inserted his middle finger slowly and made half circles back and forth. "Oh yeah!" Cody said with his eyes closed. Danny inserted a second and then a third finger and pulled them in and out.

Danny stopped suddenly and Cody opened his eyes asking, "What?" Danny jumped down from the bed and scribbled a note on a piece of paper. He pulled a piece of tape off of a roll and quickly opened his door and stuck it on the outside of the door. He ran back to his night table and opened the drawer searching through his junk.

"No. no.. no.. YES! This will be perfect!" Danny said aloud.

"What are you doing?" Cody said.

Danny climbed up and showed him a little package. "Lime Green, glow-in-the-dark, ribbed Mambo Condom!" He said smiling! Cody laughed!

"Can I put it on you Danny?" Cody asked.

"Sure!" Danny said, and Cody sat up. He opened up the package and pulled out the lime green, ribbed condom. Cody grabbed Danny's erection and rubbed it a few times.

"This won't do!" Cody said.

"What?" Danny wondered.

"Here, lie back Danny. The problem is that your cock is too dry and you might tear the condom!" Cody said lowering his mouth down on Danny's hard cock.

"Geez Cody, you're such a perv! You don't need to ask to go down on me.. ever!" Danny laughed teasing his left nipple.

Cody mumbled 'whatever' as he slid his mouth up and down. Finally satisfied that Danny was slick enough, he rolled the condom on him. They went back into their original position and Danny held his cock tight as he slid the head inside very slowly.

"Oh... oh. yeah Danny! Keep going and don't stop until my mouth is full!"

Cody said.

Danny got all the way in and stopped. He leaned forward and kissed Cody. "I love you Cody!"

"I love you too, now shut up and fuck me!" Cody said.

"If you're going to be that way about it. then maybe I will just stop?" Danny winked.

"There's a cinnamon bun in it for you when you're done!" Cody joked.

Danny opened up to full throttle and pounded Cody's ass. Cody's cock was leaking precum into his tummy while Danny nibbled on Cody's nipples. Cody ran his fingers through Danny's hair.

"You are so sexy Cody! I can't even believe that someone like you exists!" Danny said between breaths.

"C'mere Danny!" Cody said and they began kissing and battling tongues as Danny slowed his rhythm down to a regular pace. He backed out about two inches and Cody flinched.

"Shit! Do that again Dan!" Cody yelled.

Danny knew he found the spot. Thirty seconds later Cody orgasmed all over Danny's neck and chest. Danny was still pounding Cody's ass at a regular pace and Cody used two fingers to wipe up his own cum and stuck them in Danny's mouth. That sent Danny over the edge and began his own orgasm filling out the tip of his condom so much that he could feel his own cum working back up the sides of the condom. Cody kept feeding Danny and Danny kept feeding Cody. When Danny's orgasm was over he pulled Cody up and on to his legs.

The two boys were sitting in a lotus position, one on top of the other and one inside of the other. They kissed slowly.

"You are the best Danny! I never knew it could be so. loving? So good!" Cody said as they held each other. Cody could feel Danny's cock twitch inside of him. Cody wiped the sweat off of Danny's face and asked him if he was okay?

"Yeah" He said out of breath. "Where's my cinnamon bun?" Danny asked very seriously!

Cody roared and fell backwards laughing. He forgot that Danny was still safely tucked away inside of him!

"OH GOD! OH THAT HURTS! I think you broke him?" Danny said as he flopped down on top of Cody. Cody still laughing wrapped his arms around Danny and said, "I love you Danny!"

"I love you too! Now where the hell is my cinnamon bun?" Danny said!

"I haven't finished making it Danny! All I've got is the glaze!" He winked at Danny and roared again with laughter! Danny wasn't mad, but nor was he amused.

"So what did you write on the piece of paper?" Cody asked.

"Tony, busy in here, GO AWAY!" Danny said smiling. "Back to more important things, Mr. Conners! You should haul your ass out of our bed and get to work on making me a cinnamon bun!" Danny teased.

"I thought we would make more icing first!" Cody winked and Danny kissed him as his deflated cock slid out of Cody's butt.

"So you accept my apology for being such an ass?" Danny asked.

"Danny you already said something that means more than any apology!"


"You said 'our bed'" and Cody pulled Danny down on top of him and dragged his comforter over both of them."

When Tyler opened his eyes he had to reacquaint himself with where he was. Ryan was still sleeping so Tyler slipped quietly out of bed and covered Ryan up with his comforter. He got dressed and slipped quietly out of his room.

"Excuse me?" Tyler said to someone in the hall, "Do you know what room Josh McMann is in?" The guy pointed down the hall and said, "Third from the left at the end." Tyler thanked him and walked down the hall to Josh's room. He knocked on the door and when Josh opened it he had a look of fear on his face.

"Tyler? I wasn't expecting you." Josh said sounding nervous.

"Hey Josh, sorry, I know this is unexpected but I was wondering if I could ask a favour of you?" Tyler said leaning on the doorframe.

"Sure, anything!" Josh said.

"Ryan is doing okay on the outside but I think he's feeling pretty beat on the inside. He really needs you in his life right now. I think he feels abandoned." Tyler said.

"Yeah, I guess he would. I hadn't thought of it that way. You can't believe how bad I feel about what Dakota was doing to him. I knew it was going on, but I thought he was a willing partner. Believe it or not, it was easier to face you than it is to face Ryan!" Josh said.

"You guys are his whole life. Dakota was almost a mother to him, a bad one, but still a Mom figure. I think you're more like a brother to him and he really needs family if you understand what I am saying." Tyler said.

"Damn, Ty. I don't know if I should be the one?" Josh asked.

"Look, I'm not going to tell you what to do. I can only say that from personal experience I feel a little better when I apologize for my screw-ups. Ryan has been abandoned and as great of a guy as he seems to be, we don't know each other. We don't even live in the same dorm house! At least try to be friendly to him?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, I am, or I will be! It's just weird to feel so responsible for the actions of someone else. I should have seen through it. I should have stopped it." Josh said.

Tyler didn't say anything but Josh hit a little too close to home.

"Josh, it's up to you and me to bring both sides together. I don't know who's going to be Captain but it's going to be one hell of a job. At least we've hit bottom and can only go up!" Tyler smiled and so did Josh. "I think it's your chance to show your leadership. Step up and lead us Josh! I have to get going. Sorry for interrupting you unannounced but I thought I should bring you up to speed on Ryan."

"No Ty, thank you for talking with me about it. Say Ty? What would you think of Ryan becoming the new team Captain?" Josh asked.

"Wow, I never thought of that! That is a great idea! It would be good for him too! He can be on the bench and analyse us and it would give him something to do! Shit Josh! That's a great idea and even better is that it came from you! I think you should be the one to ask Ryan!" Tyler smiled.

Josh laughed, "Yeah. right! There's a good way to get me to talk to him again but if we're going to make him Captain maybe it should be a surprise?"

Josh winked.

"Maybe you're right? Talk to a few guys and the Coach. got to go! Thanks Josh!"

"Later Ty!" Josh said.

When Tyler got off the elevator on his floor he went right to Danny's room to get his feeling about Ryan becoming the new Captain but when he read the note on the door he just laughed and left.

Tyler stood at the front of his dorm house dressed in a black suit with his blue tie and black dress shoes on. A limo pulled up and the driver got out asking if he was 'Tyler Peel'? Tyler nodded and the driver opened the door for him to get in. Dean Thompson wasn't inside and when the driver returned the automatic window separated the front and back came down. The driver told him that he was going to Dean Thompson's office for lunch.

A short drive through the campus came to a stop at the Administration building. Tyler opened the door and got out before the driver could make it around.

"Where do I go Sir?" Tyler asked.

"In through the front door and take the elevator to the third floor. Turn right and go to the end of the hall." The driver said and Tyler thanked him. Tyler made his way to the office door with the brass plaque on it saying 'Dean J. Reginald Thompson'. He knocked on the door and the Dean's secretary opened the door.

"People usually don't knock to come into the Dean's outer office!" A rather large lady in her mid-fifties said.

"Sorry Ma'am, I've never been here before." Tyler said. When he walked into the room the first thing Tyler noticed was the floor to ceiling wood paneling. There was a black leather couch under a window and two chairs in front of 'Ms. Jenkins' desk as the nameplate read in front of her phone. Tyler stood in front of the closed door.

"Mr. Peel I presume?" Ms. Jenkins asked.

"Yes, Ma'am!" Tyler said standing attention though he wasn't exactly sure why he was.

"You're welcome to have a seat Mr. Peel!" She said.

"Thank you Ma'am, it's Tyler, and I'm just fine standing here." He smiled.

"Yes, I can see that you are but when the next person entering the room knocks you on your ass will you still be fine?" Ms Jenkins asked smiling at Tyler.

"Yes Ma'am, sorry!" Tyler said and took two steps to the left of the door. The Dean's door opened and an elderly man wearing a brown suit and bow tie stepped out of the office ahead of Dean Thompson.

"Tyler! Please come in!" The Dean said. "Ella, would you have lunch sent up please!" He asked of Ms. Jenkins.

"Certainly Sir!" She smiled.

"Have a seat at the table over here Tyler. This is where all the best poker games get played. but don't tell anyone!" He winked. "I have to say that I am impressed with a man that knows how to dress for lunch! I just wish I was able to actually take you out to eat but my schedule has been gruelling of late!"

"Yes Sir." Tyler smiled and sat down beside the Dean.

"I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of ordering lunch for us? I thought we would have my personal favourite of Southern Chicken Salad with homemade potato salad and some Herr's chips! I don't suppose you ever tried Herr's chips but they're a must if you live in Philly!" Dean Thompson said.

"Yes Sir, and that is kind of you to invite me for lunch but not necessary Sir." Tyler said.

"I'll get right to the point Tyler. This lunch is a business lunch. I will lay it out straight on the table for you. This entire incident is as much of an embarrassment for me as it is for the entire school, Son! Negative publicity like this can take down a school, Tyler!"

"Yes Sir, and if I'm not being too forward Sir, I'm sure it could take you down as well." Tyler said and Dean Thompson was slightly miffed by Tyler's candour. "Dean, Sir, if I may speak first? I really don't know how much you know of what has gone on so I will fill you in first! The two students who were both videotaped and sodomized by your grandson are not pressing any charges, nor are they saying anything to anyone else. No one on the team will comment about this to The Triangle or any outside newspaper. The two team members. involved. will be attending private counselling together for support. One of them is going to find out tonight that he is going to be our new Captain!" Tyler paused as Ms. Jenkins brought in their lunch.

"Thanks Ella!" Dean Thompson said.

"Thank you very much Ma'am!" Tyler said standing up to move out of her way and then getting the door for her as she left.

"Sir, I don't wish to put you in the awkward place of having to say things you would prefer not to comment on. I personally hope that Dakota gets some serious therapy and I hope he gets better. I can assure you that if he came back to this campus while I am here I would definitely leave Drexel and I think quite a few others would as well, though I have no right to speak on their behalf." Tyler said picking up half of his sandwich and biting into it.

"Why thank you Tyler. I appreciate your honesty! I wonder how I can properly thank you for what you have done and not done!" Dean Thompson winked.

"Sir, you're not responsible for your grandson's actions but I might suggest if you feel the need to extend your thanks to anyone I would do something for the entire security staff since they are completely aware of the situation. If you understand what I am saying?" Tyler said taking another bite of his sandwich.

"Absolutely Tyler! I will take care of that personally! They are a great group of men." The Dean commented while studying a Herr's chip before devouring it.

"There is one other thing Sir? I'm out a two-hundred dollar textbook because Dakota shredded it on me!" Tyler said.

"Say no more Tyler; leave the name of the textbook with my secretary." He smiled.

"Dean Thompson, this is amazing! What's in this chicken salad?" Tyler asked.

"That's Southern chicken salad my boy! Green grapes, 'pah-cahns', red peppers, and green onions! No better sandwich to eat south of the Mason-Dixon line and not easy to get in Philly! One of the perks of being the Dean!" He said smiling and pushed his plate away and wiped his mouth with his napkin.

Tyler knew that this meeting was over. He stood up and shook the Dean's hand and thanked him for a wonderful lunch. Tyler briefly told him about the restaurant he worked at and invited him to come down some Friday or Saturday night! Tyler thanked Ms. Jenkins for serving an appetizing lunch and excused himself. When he left the building the driver of the limo opened the door to drive him back to the dorm hall.

"Are you serious?" Tyler said laughing.

"Yes Sir, Mr. Peel!" I would be honoured to drive you back to your dorm room Sir!" The driver said with a very serious look.

As Tyler got in he told the driver, "I hope you realize that I'm on the fifth floor?"

Many thanks to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story and the poor guy at Nifty who has tolerated me over the last few weeks!

Next: Chapter 16

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