The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Dec 25, 2005


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home: Part Fourteen (The Search!)

Tyler and Cody took Ryan to the infirmary. The Doctor on call decided to keep him overnight. Tyler and Cody promised to come and visit him in the morning if he promised not to try to leave until they got there. When the Doctor left the room Tyler gave Ryan a hug and kiss and said, "Don't forget that a lot of people love you. You've got some friendships on the team to repair but I think you'll find you feel better when you do."

"Guys!" Tyler said, "One thing we need to discuss before Cody and I leave. I want you both to go for therapy! I will arrange it before I go. It will be secret but I think if you guys went to sessions together then it would make the healing process much easier." Ryan and Cody didn't say anything. "Guys, look at Dakota! Don't you think something fucked him up and he's just getting worse? Do you guys want to end up like that?" Tyler said.

"No." Said Cody. "I understand what you're saying. I'll do it as long as Ryan will do it!" Ryan nodded yes and Cody hugged him. Cody and Tyler said good night and left. When they reached the fifth floor all was quiet because it was late. Tyler walked over to the window in the common room and looked down at his Jeep tilted to the left. Cody saw his fist tighten up and he put his arm over his shoulder. "Tyler, it's a car! You'll have it fixed by Monday! You're safe and that's all that matters!" Tyler didn't respond.

"Tyler how do I begin to say thank you for what you did tonight? How do I begin to even apologize for me . being me?" Cody said.

"Cody, friends don't really have to apologize to each other if they truly love one another." Tyler said.

"Wrong Mr. Peel! Real friends do say they're sorry when they fuck up and I'm sorry and I love you very much!" Cody said kissing his cheek. "Good night Superman!" Cody said.

Tyler smiled and shook his head. "Night friend!" Tyler said. Cody grabbed his arm and dragged him down the hallway to his room.

"Oh God, do I really have to face this after tonight?" He said to Cody. Cody just shook his head and laughed.

"If you can handle earlier tonight then I'm sure you can handle Derek. He loves you, you know?" Cody said and Tyler gave him a funny look! "Trust me Mr. Peel, I know these things! He patted Tylers back and walked the few doors down to his room.

Tyler unlocked his door and forced his hockey bag and sticks in ahead of him. He could see Derek looking out the window from his bed. When Derek heard the door close he said to Tyler, "You missed all the action tonight!"

"Uh huh." Was all Tyler said.

"Yeah some asshole had his tires slashed!" Derek laughed. "By the way, your fucking cell phone hasn't stopped ringing for the last hour. I stuck it under your pillow!"

"Sorry." Tyler said, flipping his cell phone open and seeing 17 calls from 9 different people. including Danny. Tyler dumped his stuff in his closet and changed into casual clothes. He shut his cell phone off and set up the coffee machine to make himself a coffee.

"You're going to drink coffee at this time of night?" Derek asked.

"Maybe not if the smell is going to bother you?" Tyler said.

"No. I can't believe all the people downstairs. must be a thousand people gathered." Derek said.

Tyler poured his coffee into his travel canister and grabbed his coat. He packed his laptop into his backpack. Derek started sharing his time between looking outside and watching Tyler pack. Tyler grabbed his wallet and keys and started walking down the hallway.

"Where are you going?" Derek asked.

"Feel free to have Amber over tonight. I'm gone!" Tyler said and walked out the door.

'Gone?' Derek said to himself.

Five minutes later there was a banging on the door. Derek climbed off the bed and answered the door figuring Tyler had forgotten his keys or something else. When he opened the door Danny was standing there. He definitely had been crying.

There was an awkward pause and Danny said frantically, "Where's Tyler?"

"He left about 5 minutes ago." Derek said not amused by Danny standing at the door.

Danny tried to step inside but Derek blocked him. "I told you he's not here!" Derek said a little louder.

"Where is he?" Danny asked.

"I don't know! I'm not his keeper!" Derek said getting annoyed.

"Do you know when he will be back?" Danny asked trying to peek down the hallway because he wasn't sure he believed Derek.

"Look! Come in and see for yourself and then get lost!" Derek said holding the door open.

"Danny walked in and looked over at Tyler's side. "Shit! He took his computer. Are his clothes still here?"

"What the fuck is your problem beyond that you come from Iowa!" Derek said.

"Shut the fuck up Derek! This is as much your problem as it is mine!" Danny said.

"What are you talking about? Have you been doing some weird drugs?" Derek asked.

"Look you asshole! Tyler quit hockey! He told Cody that he's thinking of quitting school and I can't blame him after all that went on tonight with his Jeep and all." Danny said.

"HOLY FUCK! That Jeep was Tylers?" Derek said.

"Yeah. Didn't you know that?" Danny said.

"No, I didn't even know he had a vehicle!" Derek said.

"You're really not much good for anything are you?" Danny said walking to the door.

"Where are you going?" Derek demanded.

"I'm going to try to find Tyler dumbass! Did he take his cell phone?" Danny asked.

"Nope, it's here on his bed. He did turn it off though." Derek said.

"Yeah, I already figured that out." Danny said leaving down the hallway. "If he comes back tell him I was here looking for him. please!" Danny said.

"Fuck that! I'm going with you to find him!" Derek said grabbing his football jacket.

"No you're not asshole!" Danny said.

"Try and stop me. unless you're going to hit me again?" Derek said.

Danny stopped and smiled. "Yeah, about that. I know you probably won't believe me but I'm sorry." Danny said staring up at Derek.

"I know you are Danny, and I'm sorry too for my part. I know you won't believe me but I didn't go out to the parking lot to make nice with those grunts! I told them if they wanted to get chicks for the Parade Game they better lose the 'anti-gay' thing or everyone will hate them. They needed to understand that it isn't cool to hate people because of their sexuality, race, or religion. regardless of what the government might tell them." Derek said putting on his coat.

"Thanks Derek, maybe I was wrong about you?" Danny said smiling.

"Maybe? .Let's go Danny!" Derek said following him out the door.

Ryan was fast asleep when Tyler crept into his room. He quietly set his backpack down and moved a chair close enough for Ryan to see him should he wake but back enough to be out of the nurses way. One of the nurses came in and put her finger to her mouth and handed Tyler a blanket and pillow for his chair. She whispered to him he would probably sleep through the night because of the painkillers he was given. Tyler mouthed a silent 'thank you' and the nurse left. Tyler got up and kissed Ryan's forehead and then pulled out his Calculus textbook and notepad to do some homework while he sipped his coffee.

Ryan woke up at six-thirty when the nurse was taking his blood pressure and tried to focus on the room and all that had happened the previous night. When he looked over he saw Tyler fast asleep in the chair with a textbook still open on his chest. The morning nurse held her index finger to her mouth and Ryan nodded smiling. She then made the international symbol for 'do you want some breakfast' by spooning soup from an invisible bowl in her hand to her mouth. Ryan nodded and rubbed his tummy. She then pointed at Tyler and held two fingers up and Ryan nodded again! He was enjoying this game. Ryan then pointed at himself and made a round circle with the letter J and pretended to be drinking from a glass. When the nurse pointed at Tyler, Ryan giggled. He thought for second and stuck his pinkie finger out and pretended to blow on an invisible cup with a hot liquid in it. The nurse made a letter T and Ryan shook his head. Then she made the letter C and he nodded. She smiled to leave when Ryan grunted. He crossed his fingers and then held 3 fingers up in the air! The nurse's eyes popped open as she repeated his order. '3 fingers of C'? Ryan nodded and the nurse shook her head and smiled.

Breakfast arrived and the noise woke Tyler up. He looked around to see Ryan sitting up and smiling at him. Ryan waved rolling his fingers up and down.

Tyler said in a whisper. "Are we not allowed to speak in here?"

Ryan laughed out loud. "Shit no, sorry. For the last hour I've been doing sign language with the nurses so we wouldn't wake you up." He giggled. "You came and stayed the night?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah! I said I would be back in the morning. it was after midnight when I got here" Tyler smiled.

"You're so much more than I deserve Tyler. Thank you for being here. In some strange way it actually means more than all you done for me in the past. Not to say that those things weren't incredible!" Ryan said holding up his hand!

"Ryan, we already had this discussion. So stop it! You've seen my right hook so don't mess with me!" Tyler winked.

"Can you help me out of this cage, I need to pee! Bad!" Ryan said.

Tyler laughed and said, "Sure you don't want me to get you one of those containers to pee in?

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure Tyler!" Ryan smiled.

Tyler lowered the bar on his side and then cranked up Ryan from down at the foot of the bed until Ryan was sitting up. He slid his breakfast tray out of the way and helped Ryan stand up. Ryan was wobbling from the medication and he put his good arm around Tyler's neck and Tyler wrapped his arm around Ryan's waist. The walked to the bathroom and he stood Ryan in front of the toilet.

"You can handle the rest Ry?" Tyler asked.

"Ummm, could you stay? I can't hold up this dress they put me in, and pee at the same time." Ryan said with his one good hand leaning against the wall in front of him. Tyler came up behind Ryan and pulled up the dressing gown he was wearing wrapping his hands around Ryan's tummy to hold him still. They both stood there and nothing happened.

"All done?" Tyler asked.

"No, I can't pee with someone watching me!" Ryan said and Tyler started laughing.

Tyler said, "Just relax!" And he began massaging Ryan's tummy. After a few minutes he asked Ryan again if that was helping?

Ryan took Tyler's right hand and placed it on his erect penis holding it there. Tyler started laughing. "I guess not eh, Ry! Here, turn around." Tyler lowered Ryan onto the seat and said, "You'll just have to do it the old fashion way." Tyler left closing the door telling him to call him when he was done.

"Hey Derek, where do you think we should look for him?" Danny asked.

"Why don't we try the bakery first? Derek said.

"There won't be any buses at this time of night?" Danny said.

"So we'll walk!" Derek said. And they did!

"I really fucked everything up!" Danny said. "I just felt the need to defend me and Cody.

"So you and Cody are together?" Derek asked.

"You didn't notice?" Danny laughed.

"No, not really, I guess if I think about it. Do you think Tyler is gay?" Derek asked.

"You would have to ask him." Was all Danny would say.

"I don't think that's going to happen in the near future." Derek said. "I've made him hate me more than my own family hates me."

Together they walked in silence down to the bakery and found it was closed. On the way back Danny checked the time. "Shit, it's almost six-thirty!"

"Didn't you notice the sun was already up?" Derek said.

"No." Danny replied. "Shit! I know who would know where Tyler is? Cody! He was the last one with him."

"Now you tell me." Derek shook his head.

"I'm sorry." Danny said.

"It's okay Danny, I got to spend some time with you and that wasn't a bad thing!" Derek smiled at Danny.

"You think we can be friends Derek?" Danny asked.

"Only if I don't fuck it up!" Derek said. Danny laughed.

"We're not good listeners are we?" Danny said.

"What?" Derek said and bumped Danny in the arm.

"Do you think Tyler will really leave?" Danny asked.

"I don't know, but I imagine so. He hates living with me. You're not speaking to him and it seems your hockey team is out to get him!" Derek said. "Tyler's your friend so I guess you would know the answer to that question better than I would."

"Yeah, but you live with him. Don't you guys talk?" Danny asked.

"Nope. I just get angry and take it out on him and then we stop speaking. I just want to go home myself." Derek said.

"Yeah, me too. I miss my Mom and Dad and my dog." Danny said.

"Have you got any brothers or sisters Danny?"

"Nope. Lonely child syndrome!" Danny laughed "Over possessive, over protective, and shy!"

"You're lucky, I have two brothers. At least you don't have to share everything or be told 'you're the oldest one, you should know better.'" Derek said mimicking his Dad's voice.

"No Derek, you're lucky. You're not alone!" Danny said.

"Yeah. I know." Derek said. "You going home for TGD?"

"Yeah, can't wait!" Danny said. "Time change will suck but I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

"Yeah, me too. We have all sorts of strange stuff going on at my house but it's always cool." Derek said.

As they reached the University, they continued up to the back of the dorm house. They both paused and looked at Tyler's Jeep with the yellow security tape all around it.

"Damn! That is one nice Jeep!" Derek said. "I don't know why he never told me he had a car to drive?"

"Probably, because you didn't ask? Tyler doesn't volunteer anything. He's a really private person. Danny said as they entered the elevator.

"Yeah, that's the creepy part about him. He seems to have so many secrets."

Derek said.

"I think he's afraid to open up because he doesn't trust anyone and we haven't exactly given him a reason to trust us!" Danny said as they exited the elevator.

"Look Danny, I've got to get some sleep. If you hear anything from Tyler please let me know?" Derek said.

"Sure thing Derek, and vice versa?" Danny said.

"Yup. You wanna come and take a peek inside in case he is there asleep?" Derek said and Danny's eyes widened in hope that Tyler would be in his room.

When they entered no one was there and it didn't look like Tyler had been back.

They both stood there staring at the empty bed and then looked at each other. Danny reached up and gave Derek a hug. "I'm really sorry about before Derek."

Derek hugged Danny back and said, "Me too Danny, me too!" They said good night and Danny went over to Cody's room and knocked on the door while Derek stripped down and got into bed.

Cody answered the door wrapped in a towel with wet hair. "You look like shit Danny!"

"Thanks, good morning to you too!" Danny said.

"What do you want Danny, I've got class at eight?" Cody said not amused

"Ummm, I've been out all night looking for Tyler and can't find him. I figured you might know where he is?" Danny said.

"You've been up all night?"

"Yeah, me and Derek have been searching the city looking for Tyler!" Danny said.

Cody began to laugh. "You and Derek?"

"Do you know where he is or not?" Danny asked folding his arms and not amused with Cody's question.

"I would think he is in his room." Cody said.

"Don't you think we've check there?" Danny said.

"Right!" Cody stared off in the distance thinking about where Tyler might be. "Of course! Shit! I know where Tyler is!"

"Where Cody? Where is he?" Danny became panicked!

"I'm not telling you!" Cody said, "he wouldn't be ready to deal with you after last night."

"CODY! Just tell me where the fuck he is and I won't ask you another question about it!"

"Fine!" Cody said pushing Danny back into the hallway. "He's in the hospital!" And Cody shut the door on Danny.


Cody opened the door and said, "You promised me no more questions!"

"You fuckhead Cody! That's not fair!" Danny said.

"And what you did to Tyler was?" Cody asked. "What about what you've been doing to me for the last month? Is that fair? And now I'm a 'fuckhead'?"

"No." Danny said.

"Look Danny! Who do we know who had to go to the hospital?" Cody asked.

Cody thought for a moment. "Ryan! His shoulder! Of course. so Tyler stayed the night with Ryan at the hospital?"

"I don't know for sure but it sounds like something our Tyler would do! Now go to bed." Cody smiled and closed the door!

Derek turned on his computer to check if any emails arrived. He did it like all lazy students, including Tyler, by turning on his MSN messenger and reading the pop-up. Kyle immediately messaged him.

Hey Big Bro! What r u doing up at this time of the morning? Lol

Hey Kyle, more like why have I not been to bed yet!

ROTFLMAO (rolling on the floor laughing my ass off) must have been one hell of a party then?

No Kyle, no party. : (

Wot's up then?

Geez Kyle, can't you spell like an adult?

No iz Kant! ; )

Lern 2 spel u moron!

Hahaha 2 funnie Derek! I will remember that one! So why were u up all night?

I was looking for Tyler. He left last night and no one has seen him.


I don't know Kyle. All I know is that he quit the hockey team and his Jeep got vandalized!

NOT THE JEEP! I love that Jeep!

Fuck, am I the only person on the planet that didn't know he had a Jeep?

U didn't know? 2 funnie! Lol

Fuck off KYLE!

Sorry Derek! Do you think he's run away?

I doubt it. All of his stuff is here except for his computer. Look Kyle I have to get to bed. I'm exhausted. When I see him I will email you or message you that he is back okay?

Thank Derek! 123!


Yeah. 123. Have a good sleep.

What the fuck are 123????

Oh. nothing.

Kyle!!!!! What the fuck is 123???

I promised never to tell! I gave my word to Tyler!

Kyle! Dammit! I'm your brother! Please tell me and I won't tell Tyler you told me.



Okay Derek. 123 means the same as three taps of the finger.

??? Kyle that isn't much of an explanation!

Derek, u r not stupid! Figure it out! What did I say earlier??? "Yeah, 123. Have a good sleep" If one, two, three stood for three words then what would they be?

Derek paused to think about one two three.

Derek! What are the three nicest words anyone can say to you???

Shit! Kyle. Sorry! I should have known and you didn't tell me, I figured it out!

: )

Thanks Kyle. I do love you too!

123 Derek, night : )

Derek quickly checked his emails. One was from Amber reminding him of the party Friday night and that her roommate would be gone for the weekend. "Fuck" he said. Derek turned his computer off and went to bed. He lay in bed on his side facing Tyler's empty bed and took Tyler's pillow and hugged it.

Ryan's hospital room door slowly pushed open and Cody stuck his head through. "Hey guys, you're up!" Cody said.

"And out of here soon. I hope!" Ryan said smiling.

"How's our broken winger this morning?" Cody said.

"Good, they took some x-rays and everything is fine. I can't play for six weeks though and I have to start physical therapy next week." Ryan said.

"So somebody slept here all night huh?" Cody asked.

"Yeah. how did you know?" Tyler asked.

"Cause Danny and Derek spent the night searching for you!" Cody laughed.

"What?" Said Ryan. "You didn't tell your roommate you were gone for the night?"

"Yeah, I did! I even told him he could have his girl friend over because I wouldn't be back." Tyler said.

"That's really weird though! Derek and Danny together?" Tyler said. "Did Derek have anymore bruises?" Tyler laughed.

"Not sure?" Cody said. "I was only talking to Danny just before class. They both seemed worried about you though!"

"Why would either one be worried or even care?" Tyler wondered aloud.

"Say Ryan, did they give you any idea of when you can get out of here?" Tyler said.

"Won't be until after lunch. The Doctor won't be in until then and they're going to give me some sort of special sling to wear." Ryan said.

"What time is it Cody?" Tyler asked.

"Just about 9:30." Cody said.

"Shit! Ryan I've got to run. I got a mid-term at ten that I've hardly studied for! I'll be back after twelve to take you back to your dorm room okay?" Tyler said.

"Thanks Ty. That would be great." Ryan said.

"Cody, are you able to stick around and keep Ryan company?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, no problem. I don't have class until two!" Cody said.

"Great, thanks!" Tyler said. He got up and gave Ryan a light hug and said goodbye to both of them.

As Tyler was headed up the six flights of stairs to his class on the third floor he saw Derek in the second floor hallway. Derek called to him but he kept on running and ducked into his class without having to deal with him.

Tyler finished his exam and thought he did very well. He was surprised to realize how much concentrating on the exam took his mind off the events of last night. As he walked back to the University's infirmary he began to tire. He was going to phone in to the restaurant and see if he could take the night off?

Ryan was dressed and ready to go when Tyler arrived. "They're letting you out huh?" Tyler said.

"Yep! I have to come back on Monday though or sooner if I experience any more pain that I have right now. They also gave me some Tylenol 2's to take during the day that won't make me so sleepy and I have to walk a bit every couple of hours." Ryan said.

"How did the exam go Tyler?" Cody asked.

"Better than expected. Not having to think about last night was a pleasant distraction even if it was an exam!" Tyler said. "And one more good thing, I don't have to think about hockey again!" Cody and Ryan looked at each other and their smiles faded.

"Let's get you home, I still have to go to the Dean's office and be at work for five. unless I can get out of it?"

Cody and Tyler carried all of Ryan's hockey equipment and their own stuff. Ryan kept his free hand on Tyler's shoulder to steady himself. When they arrived at Ryan's room they met Ben.

Ben had short blond hair and blue eyes. He seemed rather thin but very muscular in the chest. "Hey Ben!" Ryan said.

"Hey Ryan, welcome back. Sorry to hear about your shoulder!" Ben said.

"Thanks Ben. Looks like I will be bumming around here for the next six weeks!" Ryan said.

Tyler set his hockey stuff down and looked around the room. "Wow, are these new dorm rooms?"

"Yep!" Ryan said! "Only two years old and underground access to the athletic complex!"

"Wow!" Tyler said. He looked in the bathroom. "You guys get your own showers?"

Ryan came into the washroom and whispered in Tyler's ear. "I'm probably going to need your help in the shower over the next few days if you don't mind?" He winked at Tyler and Tyler laughed. Tyler walked back into the room and saw all of the medals and trophies that Ben had on his dresser. "Damn, this is impressive!"

"Thanks!" Ben said. "I'm on the varsity track team!"

"So I guess you run a lot?" Tyler asked.

"Everyday! Rain or shine!" Ben smiled.

"I run too! I do about an hour most mornings. Maybe you would like to run together sometime if you don't mind going a little slower?" Tyler said smiling.

"Hey that would be great Tyler! Here's my cell phone number." Ben said writing it down on a piece of paper and handing it to him.

"Guys, I have to go. Got stuff to do and work tonight." Tyler said writing his cell phone number down. "Ryan you call if you need anything! Any time!" Tyler told him.

Ryan came over and gave Tyler a hug. "Thanks for everything Tyler! I can never repay you for all that you've done for me."

"Cody are you staying or walking back to the dorm with me?" Tyler asked.

"I can walk back with you, I don't have class until two!" Cody said. Tyler and Cody said their goodbyes and left. When Tyler and Cody reached Tyler's room they stopped. Tyler let out a big sigh!

"I guess it really is that bad in there huh?" Cody said.

"That's just it, I never know?" Tyler said. "Talk to you Monday or so."

"Want to have dinner Sunday night. like old times?" Cody asked.

"I'm not sure Cody. I'm going to try to get out of work tonight and if I do I have to work Sunday night. Can we just leave it at I will call you Sunday and let you know one way or the other?" Tyler said opening the door to his room. He suddenly called Cody back and Cody thought maybe something was wrong.

"Could you do me a small favour Cody?" Tyler asked.

"Hell ya! A chance to do something for you, anything!" Cody said smiling.

"C'mere" Tyler said walking and Cody followed him into the room. Tyler removed his hockey jersey that he hung on the outside of his walk-in closet door and handed it to Cody. "Could you return this to the Coach please! It doesn't belong to me anymore."

"No. Ty. At least take a couple of days and think about it? Please." Cody begged.

"Cody, I didn't want to play hockey at all this year and you know that Dakota's posse still exists even though he doesn't! In fact I wouldn't be surprised if Dakota somehow finds his way back on the team!" Tyler said.

Cody turned and walked out carrying Tyler's jersey without saying anything. Tyler turned on his cell phone and called into work but he found out that they really needed him. Gina offered to come and pick him up but Tyler declined the offer saying he would get a ride. Tyler then phoned the Dean's office to make an appointment to see the Dean under his instructions. It seemed that his secretary was expecting his phone call and she relayed a message from the Dean that he was away today because of family reasons! The secretary also told him that his Jeep had been towed and that the new tires would be on and he would get his Jeep back that afternoon! Tyler looked out the window and saw that his Jeep was gone. She also told him that the Dean was going to invite him to lunch and she could make the appointment right now if that was okay with Tyler? He said Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday would be fine! They settled on Tuesday at noon and Dean Thompson would pick him up in front of Boyd Hall. While talking on the cell phone with her, Tyler pulled out his suit and realized he had better wash his good white shirt this weekend.

Tyler got changed for work and took the bus in early for work. Derek always arrived home before he did on a Friday but since they were in exams Tyler decided to escape while he could. He didn't want to be there around when Derek would arrive and be questioned about avoiding him in the hallway.

Since Tyler was early he helped out in the kitchen and filled everyone in on the previous night's events. Aside from the washing, peeling, scraping, cleaning and chopping not a peep was heard as Tyler's tale unfolded. He told them how he quit the team and was thinking of leaving the school. Angelo and Gina got mad at him! They told they didn't want to lose him and that he shouldn't give in because that was exactly what Dakota wanted him to do. Tyler stayed around until almost midnight. He didn't want to go home yet he was too tired to stay. He finally left knowing that there was only one bus left to catch.

While waiting for the bus a rusted out Honda Civic pulled up and said. "Hey Sailor! Where ya goin!" Tyler smiled and got in.

"You could have just told me you needed a ride Ty!" Brendan said.

"I didn't want to bother anyone." Tyler said.

"Yeah. you're a real bother. and everyone hates you at work. Geez Ty, you gotta start telling your friends when you need some help! That's what we're here for!" Brendan said.

When they arrived at the gate Tyler leaned over and kissed Brendan's cheek. "Thanks Brendan, I would invite you in but I can't keep my eyes open and my roommate is an asshole!" Brendan roared! Tyler got out and wave goodnight.

Tyler thanked each of the security guards he saw for all of their help as he headed to his room. He made a mental note to remember to get a lot of cinnamon buns for the night shift when they returned on Monday. He unlocked his door quietly and walked in hoping that Derek wasn't there. He wasn't. Tyler quickly changed and decided to skip the shower. He jumped up into bed and saw his pillow was missing. It was on Derek's bed. He hoped that Derek hadn't used it for some sexual purpose involving Amber. He closed his eyes and was dead to the world in thirty seconds.

Tyler woke to the vibrations of his cell phone under his pillow. He looked at the call display and it was Ben. He put the phone back under the pillow and jumped down out of bed. He threw his jogging pants and hoody on. Grabbed a new battery for his MP3 player and crept out of the room as quietly as he could. When he got outside he could see his breath in the morning air. Winter is coming he thought. This morning he choose "Here is Gone" by the Goo Goo Dolls. He jogged the campus once on his regular route stopping at the water fountain by the science building. As he left the campus he was finally building up a sweat feeling warmer. Tyler jogged by Ciccone's Trattoria and waved at Angelo. He had hoped to think out and resolve his feelings about his future at Drexel but all he could think of was Derek. Stopping at the bakery he grabbed a dozen cinnamon buns, three coffees, and one double-chocolate hot chocolate. He gave one coffee and cinnamon bun to the guard at the gate and the same to the weekend night security guard. When he got back to his room he set his coffee in the washroom so Derek wouldn't smell it and wake up. He set Derek's hot chocolate in front of his computer with a cinnamon bun on top of it. Stripped to his boxers, grabbed a towel, left one cinnamon bun on top of his coffee in the washroom before leaving for his shower. Remembering the extra cinnamon buns he went back and opened the bag. He placed a second one on top of Derek's other bun and took the bag with him.

He walked over to Danny's room and tied the plastic bag of cinnamon buns around the doorknob and headed to have his shower. When he returned from his shower Derek was still asleep so Tyler got dressed, grabbed his laptop, Business Math textbook and headed down to the common room by the elevators. There were already six people there. Two doing homework sitting in big chairs and four people, two guys and two girls, cooking in the kitchenette. Tyler walked over to the window and looked out to see his Jeep sitting there, not leaning to one side. He smiled as he sat himself down in one of the big chairs and pulled out his laptop. He heard one of the guys sitting near him laughing and typing.

"Excuse me?" Tyler said, "Is there wireless internet here?"

"Hell yeah, all common rooms are wireless!" The guy said.

"Thanks!" Tyler said as he plugged his laptop into the wall behind him and turned his computer on. He plugged his headphones in and turned on his Music Match player. He was in a better mood now knowing that he had his Jeep back. He chose "Little Salvation" by Luba. Tyler started singing, quietly at first and then got louder. His head was rocking back and forth and was dancing in his chair. Everyone stopped what they were doing and started laughing at him while he was singing, "Hey, yeah, what about us. a little salvation is what I'm thinkin' of . I need somebody to come and rescue me. a little salvation." Tyler looked up and stopped! He pulled his ear phones out and said, "Shit, sorry everyone. I've already been threatened by my roommate for singing out loud!" Everyone laughed and one of the girls asked if they could hear the song? Tyler looked around for everyone's approval. He started the song and plugged his portable speakers in turning them up full. She came over and pulled Tyler out of his chair and they start dancing. In less than a minute everyone was up dancing and singing "little salvation, little salvation." throwing their hands up in the air like they were at a revival meeting in the South! Tyler added his "I Go To Pieces" by Paul Janz and "You're An Ocean" by Fastball. Soon there were about 20 people dancing and everyone was focused on how well Tyler and Sarah were dancing. When the music stopped everyone gave everyone a round of applause including the crowd that had gathered to watch. Tyler and Sarah took a brief bow for the crowd. As Tyler looked around laughing and smiling with Sarah hanging off of him, he didn't notice Derek standing at the back of the crowd watching. Sarah pulled Tyler into a hug and kissed him.

Someone standing next to Derek said to her boyfriend, "Don't they make a cute couple?" Derek grimaced and went back to his room. Tyler sat back down and Sarah sat on the arm of his chair making small talk. Her friends were calling her to eat and Tyler really wanted to get out of the spotlight so he packed up to head back to his room but first peeked down Danny's hallway. The bag of cinnamon buns was gone. Derek was sitting behind his computer munching on the second cinnamon bun when Tyler opened the door quietly. "I'm up!" Derek yelled!

"Okay, I was trying not to wake you." Tyler said.

"I guess you went for a run this morning?" Derek said. "And thanks for the cinnamon buns!"

"Yeah I did. I thought I would replace the bun that Danny ate on you." Tyler said packing his laptop into his backpack.

"So. anything else interesting happen today?" Derek asked.

Tyler stopped and turned around to see Derek grinning. "I take it you saw?" Tyler said.

"Everybody on this floor saw and heard Tyler!" Derek said.

"Did I wake you up?" Tyler said.

"No. the sound of people running down the hall woke me up!" Derek told him.

"I'm sorry, it was all sort of unexpected." Tyler said as he continued packing.

"So did anything else INTERESTING happen to you. say in the last 48 hours?" Derek asked?

Tyler stripped off his shirt and began changing. "Yeah Derek, lots of interesting things happen to me everyday. why would you suddenly care?"

"I'm telling you about some asshole's Jeep and all the commotion going on and it turns out to be YOUR Jeep!" Derek said! "I didn't even know you had a vehicle?"

"Derek, I'm free, white, legally an adult, and I guess an asshole too? I don't have to explain anything to you and if I wanted to tell you it wouldn't have mattered because I'm not supposed to speak to you remember!" Tyler raised his voice.

"I spent the entire night out searching for you!" Derek said.

"Why? I told you I would be gone for the night." Tyler said.

"That's not the point!!!!" Derek said realizing this wasn't going his way.

"What is the point Derek? You want me to go and bake you a 'thank-you' pie for trying to find me when I didn't want to be found and you haven't been speaking to me for the last month?" Tyler said getting red in the face.

"I was speaking to you that night!!" Derek said.

"Maybe you should post a sign up so I know when I can and can't talk! Derek you can't win this fight so why don't you take your own advice and just SHUT-UP!" Tyler said putting his tie on. "You got your fucking donut so stop whining at me about something that doesn't concern you!"

Derek sat down at his computer. He knew Tyler was right and he was just taking out his jealousy on him. "I'm sorry." He said and Tyler just stopped and looked at him.

"I didn't know anything and when I found out. when I found out what had happened and that you are thinking of leaving school, I was worried about you." Derek said lowering his head.

"Thank you, that is nice of you to say and I know you are sincere about it but don't be concerned about me." Tyler said.

"Tyler, why didn't you tell me about your Jeep? Do you think I'm so cold that I wouldn't care?" Derek asked.

"No, I do think you would care, but you are so wrapped up in yourself I didn't see the point. You have so much anger and hatred in you that it's really not worth talking to you about anything. I'm not saying that to be mean!" Tyler said. "We've been through this before. I'm not good for you and you're not good for me. We're both at fault but the difference is that I don't think I take out my frustrations on you! I think I try to be nice." Tyler said.

"My Dad says that people only get angry with those they care about!" Derek said smiling. "So you know how much I care about you!" They both laughed.

"Try not to care so much about me, okay Derek?" Tyler asked with a smile.

"I'd really miss you if you left!" Derek said.

Tyler spun back and forth in his chair staring at the wall. "I will miss you too, though some days I'm not sure why?"

"Remember I said I would go more than half way if you met me just a little! Ty, tell me something personal about your life?" Derek asked.

"Hmmm. Did you know I quit the hockey team?" Tyler said.

"Yeah. I heard. That's not something really personal though.." Derek said.

"There's more. but it doesn't leave this room okay?" Tyler said.

"Okay." Derek replied.

"The Captain, Dakota is the one who slashed my two tires!" Tyler said and Derek perked up with his jaw dropping open. "He was caught on video tape and the knife was in his hockey bag. Turns out that he is Dean Thompson's grandson!" Tyler said.

"Holy Shit! This is deeply fucked up!" Derek said.

"Wait! There's more! He has some stuff, video stuff, on some other members of the hockey team and he's been holding these videos as ransom against players. Two of the players have been being repeatedly raped by him." Tyler said.

"What's going to happen to him?" Derek asked.

"Probably nothing is my guess! He had video of someone we both know, and I'm not telling who it is so don't ask, so I traded with him. Videos for me not charging him with vandalism!" Tyler said.

"Shit! But doesn't that mean that you have to pay for your tires yourself?"

Derek asked.

"Nope. The Dean paid for them! Both of the players that I know who were involved with Derek refused to press charges but he didn't know that so I bluffed him and won! The guys got their videos back, Dakota is gone, and I get two new tires!" Tyler smiled.

"Tyler the genius!" Derek said.

"Not really, but Dakota slashing my tires did a big favour for everyone and I even get to have lunch with Dean Thompson this week." Tyler said.

"Cool. if you're into that kind of thing. that would bore me to death." Derek said.

"In that case, you're invited if you'll live up to your end of the bargain?"

Tyler laughed and Derek flipped Tyler the bird!

"I was only joking Derek."

"I know."

"So there, now you know something personal about my life! I want to get into work so I will see you later." Tyler said grabbing his stuff and leaving.

"Bye." Derek said.

Many thanks to those of you have taken the time to write and to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story. Everyone has been very kind and forgiving of my mistakes. Every email has been appreciated and inspires me to take the time necessary to tell this story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying writing it.

Comments or opinions are welcome. Please EMAIL:

Next: Chapter 15

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