The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Dec 20, 2005


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home: Part Sixteen (Tyler's 19th Birthday)

Amber wasn't fazed by the arrival of Tyler, as she didn't miss a beat riding her mouth up and down Derek's cock. Tyler dropped his hockey bag in the hallway and lowered his head down after meeting Derek's eyes. Tyler walked around to his side of the bed and sat down in front of his computer.

"Amber! Amber! Stop!" Derek said.

"What?" She said with this confused look.

"My roommate is home. you have to go!" Derek said. "And I have to sleep." He said rubbing his face again.

Derek and Amber jumped when Sponge Bob appeared in front of them. "Smooth!" was all Derek said loud enough for the intended to hear.

"Okay Babe! Amber said as she kissed him on the lips. "Thanks for the hottest night of my life! You are SO GOOD in bed. what a tiger!" She said it to him loud enough for anyone else who might be in the room to hear.

Derek just shook his head. She hopped down from his bed and put her clothes on. Tyler was happy for Sponge Bob's protection. When Amber had her bra and panties on she came around in front of the bed and waved to Tyler between the bunkbed and his computer.

"Hi! You must be Tyler!" She said salivating over this undiscovered treasure.

"Hi!" Tyler said with a smile that anyone with half a brain could see was fake.

Amber apologized and told Tyler 'that they were having so much fun that time just got away from them!'

"No problem, I'm used to it with Derek!" Tyler said not trying to lower his voice.

"Oh God." was all Derek could say from above as he lay rubbing his face.

Amber finished dressing and said 'Good Night to her big, strong, Tiger'. As she was walking down the hallway carrying her shoes Tyler called to her. "Amber?"

"Oh God." Derek sighed.

Tyler got up from his computer and came around to meet her return. "You don't want to forget your radioactive purse do you?" Tyler smiled from ear to ear as he held it up for her, supported by one finger.

"Oh! No! I keep everything in there! Thanks, bye!" She said walking out the door.

As Tyler rounded his bed he said aloud to no one in particular. "Looks like you forgot to pack your morals."

Derek rolled over and slid Sponge Bob back. Tyler immediately pulled Sponge Bob back open.

"Oh God." Derek said. He sat up and pulled his pants back on, and then climbed down from his perch. He sat down at his computer and looked over at Sponge Bob. He could see Tyler's shadow through the shower curtain.

"Can I slide the curtain back?" Derek asked.

"Only if you're done!" Tyler said.

"Funny guy!" Derek said sliding the curtain back

"I guess I don't need to ask how the party was?" Tyler said not looking away from his computer.

"I don't really remember. I don't even know how Amber ended up here? I don't know how I ended up here. come to think of it?" Derek said.

"I think you make a cute couple! She feeds your ego and you feed her.. Inches?" Tyler said chuckling to himself.

"Fuck Off!" Derek said. "I'm sorry, I don't know how she got here!"

"I don't care to know how she got here either. I think it wasn't 24 hours ago we agreed that if you're bringing someone home you either post a note or call my cell phone?" Tyler said angrily.

"I said I was sorry! I was drunk Tyler!"

"I know. you're always sorry afterwards! Look, I don't want to argue about it. I'm tired, I'm sore and I have a headache! I have school and work tomorrow! Please just go to bed." Tyler told Derek.

Tyler got up and began undressing and Derek stripped down to his boxers. Derek tried to focus on the bed. Tyler turned his computer off and the light. He jumped up into bed from the window ledge and got under the covers.

"Ty?" Derek said quietly.


"I can't get up into bed." Derek whined.

"Grrrrrrrr." Tyler jumped down from his bed and came around behind Derek.

"Here, I'll make a cup with my hands and you step into it and I will toss you up there."

Derek placed his right hand on Tyler's shoulder and his left hand on the bunkbed. He lifted his right foot into Tyler's hand and Tyler lifted him up on to the bed. Tyler went around to his side of the bunkbed and climbed back in. He pulled his comforter over himself and faced away from Derek.

"I'm sorry!" Derek mumbled through his sleepiness

"I know you are" Tyler responded.

"I mean it!" Derek said.

"I know you do." Tyler said

"Are you mad at me?" Derek asked.

"No, I'm not mad at you." Tyler said not wanting to argue with someone who was drunk.

Derek reached over and put his arm around Tyler's body outside of his comforter and pulled himself in close. Tyler sighed and waited a moment. He heard the snoring of Derek begin. 'Luke was right!' Tyler thought. Tyler lifted his arm outside of his comforter and placed it over Derek's arm, entwining his fingers through Derek's. Tyler knew it was wrong to do but decided it would be his secret birthday present to himself.

As Derek was walking to his last class with a couple of football buddies Amber came up from behind and spun him around.

"Oooooh Baby! How are you feeling today? Is my BIG TIGER all better?" She said.

"Woozy!" Derek said and his buddies started laughing.

Amber kissed him on the lips and said, "I have to get to class! I will see ya at the party tonight, and Derek, I signed us up for the Thanksgiving Day Game parade. We're going to be a couple on the float! Isn't that exciting!!!!!" Amber squealed in a high pitch voice and ran off to class with her green, glowing weapon of choice.

"Oooooh Derek! Already got a date for the big game!" Justin said.

"Yeah. lucky me." Derek sighed.

"She's a hottie Derek! I don't know what I will do if I don't have a date for the TGD game?" Troy said.

"Fags like you don't date chicks anyway!" Justin laughed.

"Who cares about some dumb parade?" Derek said.

"I'm not a queer!" Troy said, angry at the accusation.

"Derek! It's the one event of the year that everyone must attend! Parade, Game, Dinner, and Party!!!!!!!" Justin said high-fiving Troy over Derek's head.

"I wonder how many won't have dates?" Troy asked to no one in particular.

"Just the FAGS like you butt boy!" Justin laughed.

"I'll get a date, even if I have to pay her!" Troy said.

"You better 'cause the whole team will mark you as a fag if you come without a date! And not showing up isn't an option!" Justin said pointing a finger at both of them!

"Guys! Please. my head!" Derek moaned and his buddies laughed at him.

Tyler was jogging back to his dorm after Boxing when his cell phone rang."

"Can you hear me now?" He said into the phone.


"Oh, sorry, Mr. Ciccone! Hi! How are you?" Tyler said laughing.

"Good, but busy! Tyler, can you come in a little early today. We have several cannolies that need your special touch!" Angelo asked.

"Sure Mr. Ciccone! I'll try to get in sometime after 4:00 p.m." He said.

"Thanks Tyler, bye." Angelo hung up.

Tyler stopped at the security desk to pick up the mail "Hey Gus, how's life treating you?"

"Fine, except my wife is complaining `bout my weight gain! She's on the warpath for you! LOL" Gus said.

"Sorry I can't stay and catch up Gus, but I have to go in to work early! Is there any mail for me?" Tyler asked.

"When isn't there mail for you Ty? LOL" Gus laughed. Gus handed Tyler a large stack of mail, mostly coloured envelopes. The top one simply said "Happy Birthday Ty!" on it.

"Hey! The top one has no address." Tyler said cluing in with Gus's grinning.

"How'd you know?" Tyler asked.

"We're security! It's our job to know!" Gus laughed.

"Thanks Gus, that is very kind of you! Got to run!" Tyler said.

"No problem, Happy Birthday Ty, and the card is from almost everyone in security!" Gus yelled as Tyler ran to the elevator.

Tyler knocked on the door of his room not wanting a repeat performance of earlier. No answer so he opened the door and flopped down on the loveseat. He had birthday cards from all of his relatives, Mrs. J., and a few friends from back home. When he opened and read the card from Gus he started laughing. Included in the card were McDonald's gift certificates and a gift certificate from the Bakery. Tyler heard the door being opened and he got up and tossed all the cards in the recycling bin under his desk.

"Hey!" Derek said.

"Hey!" Tyler responded.

"I'm sorry about last night Ty." Derek said.

"We went through this last night Derek. It's over with so drop it." Tyler said stripping down to his boxers.

"There's another party tonight. think you might want to come along?" Derek asked.

"Derek! It's Friday night! You can't even remember that I work every Friday and Saturday night?" Tyler said shaking his head.

"Sorry!" Derek said.

"No repeat performances tonight please!!! I'm really tired and still sore from last night's game." Tyler said tying his tie in the mirror.

"Did you get hurt?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, knocked unconscious to be exact!" Tyler said, "Then I had this drunk roommate to deal with."

"Shit! I'm. I can't even say it anymore." Derek said.

"I have to get into work early tonight. Have fun with your party and Amber tonight!" Tyler said heading out the door.

Derek punched the side of his bed. "Owwwww! Dammit!"

Tyler made it to work at 3:50 p.m. As he was walking over from his parking place Brendan stopped him. "Hey Ty! What's up?"

"Nothing Brendan, aside from a headache and every bone in my body aching from hockey last night." He said.

"That sucks! Are you okay?" Brendan asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Look I have to get in there, Mr. Ciccone ask me to come in early to decorate some cannoelis." Tyler said.

"No TYLER! Wait! I need to talk to you about something?" Brendan tried to think, quickly stalling Tyler from going inside. "I wanted to ask your advice about buying a booster for my wireless laptop? That's what I am going to use the gift card for that you gave me! I don't know what kind to buy?" Brendan felt proud that he had a great reason that should hold Tyler up for another 5 minutes.

"Get an SMS wireless router. At least 2.4 Ghz!" Tyler said turning around to go enter the restaurant. Brendan ran after him to stop him but it was too late catch him. Tyler took his coat off and hung it in his locker. He thought it was strange that it was so quiet in the kitchen. He walked into the kitchen and pots were boiling and prep work was started, yet abandoned?

He walked through the kitchen and out towards the bar area. No one was around. He went back to the kitchen and still no one was there. He looked outside and Brendan was gone too! The only place left to look was in the dining area. He grabbed his tray of silverware and napkins to wrap for dinner prep and headed into the dining area. As he rounded the corner there was everyone seated and standing around a round table. The lights were all off and all that showed was the 19 candles on the birthday cake with "Happy Birthday Tyler!" written on it.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled and began singing Happy Birthday to Tyler. Gina was the first to pull Tyler into a hug. "Happy Birthday Tyler" She said starting to cry. Everyone gathered around patting his back or shaking his hand. Brendan stayed back a little until the crowd cleared.

Gina called everyone over to the table for Tyler to make a wish and open his cards and gift. As everyone moved to the table, Brendan pulled Tyler into a tight hug. He pressed his cheek against Tyler's. Neither seemed to want to let go but when they did their eyes caught each other and both smiled.

Tyler made his wish and blew out all the candles to a round of applause. He cut and served a piece of cake to everyone while Angelo added scoops of pralines and cream ice cream. Tyler didn't actually get a chance to bite into his cake because everyone wanted him to open his present.

Tyler picked up the tall box grinning. He looked around with a big smile at everyone and then tore the paper off in less than two seconds. "WOW! How did everyone know?" Tyler asked.

Gina spoke up. "We all know you love coffee and that you love your Folger's singles so it was an easy choice Tyler. Everyone chipped in on the gift, but we have to give credit to Brendan for coming up with the idea!" Brendan got a warm round of applause and Tyler didn't miss the opportunity to give him an equally tight hug. "Thanks Brendan!" Tyler whispered in his ear and he allowed the side of his lips to graze Brendan's cheek. After more hugs and some teasing about his last year as a teenager Angelo announced that it was time to get back to work.

Tyler was more than a little overwhelmed at all the work everyone went to. Throughout the night he was giving free pieces of his birthday cake to his patrons. This increased his tips from the regulars. That night at close out he took 50% of his tips and threw them in the Charity jar and the other 50% went to the kitchen staff. Only Gina saw what he did but she didn't say anything. Those who wanted to took home pieces of the slab cake that Tyler had left over and there was still about one-third left. Tyler broke it into 4 pieces and packaged them separately. He asked Gina for some plastic knives, forks, and plates so that he could share it around back on Campus.

Brendan helped him carry it out to the Jeep. When it was all loaded up, along with his large Caesar salad and leftover shrimp and angel hair pasta, he pulled Brendan into another hug. Nothing was said but both parted smiling and a little closer in friendship.

When he returned to the dorm hall he took two large containers of cake off his stack and gave it Bill the night security man, with several plates, forks and a knife. He told him to share it around with the guys and tell everyone thanks for the card! Tyler weaved his way between the people in the hallway and headed to his room. He heard his name called but couldn't see who it was.

"Tyler!!! You want some help?" Cody asked.

"Yeah, thanks, could you reach into my pocket and unlock my door." Tyler asked.

Cody unlocked and opened the door, turning on the lights. He followed Tyler into the room "You want a hand?" Cody asked.

"Yeah, please." Tyler said, and Cody began unloading some of the parcels Tyler was carrying.

"Okay, no problem. I'll get out of your way." Cody said walking away.

"Cody! Stay. Why don't you get Danny and come here and have some cake?" Tyler said opening one of the styrofoam containers filled with chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Tyler waved it back and forth.

"You really want me to stay?" Cody asked.

"I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't!" Tyler said. "Want to try to find Danny, and you better invite Tony if he's there. though I'm not sure we have enough cake?" Tyler said.

Cody laughed and said he would be right back but before he left he handed Tyler a card.

"Thanks Cody, you didn't need to do that." Tyler said.

"I wanted to Tyler. I was actually on my way here to slide it under your door. I'll be right back." Cody left to go find Danny and Tony. Tyler opened Cody's card when he left. "Happy Birthday Tyler. Hope it's a great day! Your friend, Cody" Tyler put the card up on top of the TV. He was going to pull out all the other cards and put them up but someone might ask if he got cards from his family and he decided against it. Tyler pulled out his and Derek's desk chairs by the loveseat so that everyone could sit together.

BANG BANG BANG on the door and Tyler opened it up. Danny was the first in, grinning ear to ear, and pulled Tyler into a big hug and kissed him. "Happy Birthday Tyler!" He said and handed him a card.

"Thanks Danny, you didn't need to get me a card. a present would have been more suitable!" Tyler laughed and Danny punched him in the arm.

"Happy Birthday Tyler!" Tony said. "Sorry, I didn't get you a card. I didn't know it was your birthday until just now?"

"One hug Tony and you're redeemed plus you get to eat cake!" Tyler said and Tony bear hugged him, picking him off the ground.

"Okay. Tony. let. me. down." Tyler said gasping for air.

Tyler made up four plates of salad and shared his shrimp and pasta with them all. Everyone thought it was the best food they'd had in a month! Danny cut and served some of the cake from one container while Tyler put music on from his computer. Everyone wanted to take a turn looking at his new coffee maker. After discussions about the game the previous night Tyler filled them all in briefly on Derek and Amber. Tony was happy to finally be able to contribute to the conversation by giving the pre-bedroom romp happenings at Tyler's impromptu party.

"Shit Ty!" Danny said, "There must be 20 bags of coffee here, .and there are 19 discs of coffee in each bag! Should keep you going at least a week!"

Cody laughed.

No one heard the door open but when it shut everyone stopped talking. Derek appeared, a little worse for wear, but moderately sober. "What's goin on? Somebody having a birthday?" Derek laughed.

"Ummm Duh!" Danny said. "For another ten minutes it's Tyler's birthday!" If silence was deafening then this is where the expression came from. "Ooops!" Said Cody realizing what had just happened. Tyler jabbed his elbow into Cody's arm

Cody jumped in and said, "Have some cake since you missed the party? We've got lots here!"

Derek didn't know where to look or what to do.

"Yeah, C'mon Derek!" Tyler said, "Sit down with us. Here! You can sit in my chair." Tyler slid the chair around and sat Derek down. Tyler cut a piece of cake and handed it to Derek. "Have some of my birthday cake!" He said smiling as he positioned himself on the floor leaning against his 5-drawer chest.

Cody and Danny picked up the conversation and got things rolling again. Tyler squeezed in a few questions to Derek about the party but Derek only gave short answers.

"More cake anyone?" Tyler asked!

Everyone was too full but Tony seemed to be considering the idea when Danny said, "It's getting late. You've had a long day with school and work and a late night last night." He said glaring at Derek. Tyler wished Danny hadn't said anything and Danny knew it but he wasn't about to let the opportunity pass by. Tyler took the second container still filled with cake and gave it to Tony along with some extra plates, forks and a knife. Tony thanked Tyler, but only took one fork and wished him a Happy Birthday, giving him a hug.

Cody debated for a moment about giving Tyler a hug but when Danny nudged him he did it anyway. "Happy Birthday Ty!" Cody said. Tyler returned the hug and held him for an extra second before letting go. "Thanks Cody!" He smiled.

Danny had no hesitation about planting another kiss on Tyler's lips. Derek didn't miss it either. "Happy Birthday Tyler. I love you so much!" Danny said. Tyler just rolled his eyes knowing what Danny was doing.

When Danny pulled him into a hug, Tyler whispered in his ear, "You're such a shit disturber!" Danny laughed and said. "And you love me for it!"

"Get out bitches!" Tyler said. "Night guys and thanks!"

As Danny passed by Derek he said to him quietly with a lisp, "In the words of Daffy Duck! Your Despicable!!"

"Yeah, I'll bet all the cool kids on the playground say that back in Hicksville!" Derek shot back.

When the door slammed shut Tyler turned off the music and began cleaning up.

He wished he had left the music on because the silence in the room was irritating. He knew that Derek felt bad, and even though a tiny bit of him was enjoying it, he didn't want to see the guy he loved be hurt.

"Sorry about using your chair without asking. I needed a fourth seat and I didn't want Tony sitting on the loveseat eh?" Tyler said to the wall.

"You could have told me!" Derek said.

"I could have told you what?" Tyler responded.

"Don't fuck with me! You know what I'm talking about. Your birthday!" Derek said.

"I didn't tell anyone about my birthday. My Uncle David phoned me when I was on the bus coming home from Harrisburg and Adam heard me on the phone. Adam told everyone on the bus it was my Birthday! They had a surprise party for me at work and there was all this cake left so I brought it home. I gave some to the guards and Cody dropped by with a card so I invited them all over for some cake while I ate my dinner!" Tyler was getting angrier as he went on. "I didn't plan on having all my friends over without you knowing. It just happened, and they left not long after you arrived and it's not like anyone I had over was naked!"

"Yeah, I noticed the tension in the room when I arrived." Derek said.

"Really? I noticed the tension in the room when they left!" Tyler shot back. "It's my fucking birthday! I didn't ask you for anything but to allow me to get some sleep last night! I guess that was just an invitation for you to ruin my night? So I began my birthday with you drunk and I finished my birthday with you partially sober! Excuse me for not acknowledging that my day got better as it went on!"

Derek slid his chair back under his desk and turned on his computer. Tyler stripped down and decided to skip his shower because he was too tired.

"Ty?" Derek said softly.

"Don't fucking say it!" Tyler yelled.

"Ty?" Derek said again

"Don't say it Derek! We both know what you're going to say and you don't mean it so don't fucking say it!" Tyler yelled. He climbed up onto his bed and pulled Sponge Bob across. Then he jumped down from his bed and turned the computer on.

Tyler turned on his MSN messenger and found that he had 11 emails. The newest one was from Derek. He didn't want to open it but he knew he would think about it all night long. It read, "I know you think I was going to say 'sorry' but I wasn't. I just wanted to say "Happy Birthday, love Derek"

Kyle messaged Tyler almost the minute he came online but Tyler asked him to wait a minute. Tyler sent a short unintentionally cryptic email back, saying, "Thanks, I'd hoped you would."

Tyler knew from the sudden change in Derek's typing that he opened the email.

Derek read the email three times trying to figure out what Tyler meant? 'I hoped you would say happy birthday or I hoped you would love me?' He pondered.

KYLE!!!! Sorry, I'm back!

I've been waiting over an hour to talk to you : (

I'm sorry 'not so little dude'! I had unexpected company when I got home and then your brother showed up : (

Still bad huh? What number of G/F is he on now?

I'm not sure Kyle; this is the second one I've met. She's different! A cheerleader and really, really pretty, but you can see she's sinking her claws into him. I think she wants an NFL husband more than she wants Derek.

I don't know anyone Ty, that doesn't want to fuck my brother. it's sickening! The only reason people talk to me is to ask about Derek!

Well I think we can take Luke off the list? ; D

Ty, what if we smother Derek in Peanut Butter?

Okay you win! KYLE THREE! ; )

SO SHITHEAD! Why couldn't U be on before mid-night so I could wish U a happy birthday???

HEY! How did you know it was my birthday? I'm sorry Kyle : ( I got hurt at last night's game, then had to deal with your brother and Amber (you don't want to know what I walked in on) school, boxing, work, company, and then deal with your brother again!

Ewwwwwwww gross! U got hurt? Are u okay?

'gross' Tyler thought?

I'm okay Kyle, appreciate your concern! I got the wind knocked out of me, but it was just my head so nothing important was hurt ;)

Did you check your email PUCKHEAD! ; )

Oh shit! Sorry Kyle! I will when I get done talking with you : ) How's school going?

It sux as always! But I'm doing better, it's so quiet in the house I might as well do homework!

Lucky you, Kyle! I can't see me staying here more than another week!

NO!!!!!!!!! You can't leave! I'm coming down the 2nd weekend of November to stay with you guys!

??? What?

Didn't Derek tell U? Mom and Dad are going away for the weekend for their anniversary and Luke's going to a friends and I get to stay with u guys! : )

Guess I will have to find another place to go if you're not gonna be there.. 'sniff, sniff'

You are such a suck up Kyle! I know where your brother gets it from now ;) I'll try to wait it out Kyle, but no guarantees! Worst case, I will make time to spend with you that weekend. Just make sure you email me a couple of weeks before to remind me. I've got to sleep Kyle. I'm exhausted! Thanks for the b-day wish!!! I love you not so little dude!

Night Ty, I love u 2! 123

123 not so little dude!!!!

Tyler shut down his MSN and said through Sponge Bob to Derek, "Did you know that your brother is coming to stay here in November?"

"He's not coming to stay here! Did he tell you that?" Derek said.

"He just said that your parents are going away and he is coming here."

"Wrong! Mom phoned and asked and I told her that I would have to ask you first. Kyle's just jumping to illusions again!" Derek said thinking his pun was funny.

"I don't have a problem with him being here. I like Kyle and I have a sleeping bag so you can sleep on the floor and he can use your bed." Tyler challenged Derek.

"He's not fucking sleeping in my bed and he's not coming here!" Derek shot back. Tyler didn't say anything and shut down his computer.

Derek heard the Tyler pull the zipper down on his dress pants and knew he was getting ready for bed. Derek turned his computer off and started to get changed. When Tyler was in bed Derek said to him, "I didn't know when your birthday was, but could I take you out to dinner on Sunday?"

"It's okay Derek, I don't even know when your birthday is. Sunday night is usually pizza night with Danny, Cody, and Tony but you're welcome to come along if you want!" Tyler said.

"Nah, that's okay. Danny doesn't like me so I think it's best I stay away from him."

"Whatever. it's your call, just don't blame Danny for your not going. I invited you. But if you feel that way about Danny I will keep him out of here as much as I can." Tyler said.

"I didn't say that Tyler! Don't put words in my mouth. This is your room too! God knows I'm the last person to talk about bringing people in here."

Tyler laughed. "True Derek! You're welcome to come along if you want?"

(- A couple of minutes of silence -)

"My birthday is January 7th!" Derek said.

"I'll mark it on my calendar!" Tyler said but Derek didn't know if he was being sarcastic or not.

"You really want Kyle to come don't you?" Derek asked.

"I think Kyle's great but he seems so lonely. I think it's more than just missing his big brother, I think he NEEDS his big brother." Tyler mused. "Kyle is screaming for attention but it's not the kind you get from your parents. You know how hearing the same thing from a friend as from your parents, has a deeper impact?"

"You're preaching to the choir Mr. Peel!" Derek said as he climbed up into bed. "Woo Hoo! I did it all by myself!"

"Now if I can just find you a book on how to masturbate." Tyler laughed and Derek punched Sponge Bob.

"Can I close this curtain Ty?" Derek asked.


"It doesn't feel so lonely when I know you're beside me" Derek said looking at the ceiling.

"You're preaching to the choir Mr. Anderson" Tyler said and they looked at each other and smiled.

"Do you really want to live somewhere else Ty? Or should I say with someone else?" Derek asked.

"No Derek. Some days I wouldn't trade you for all the coffee in the world and on other days I would like to toss you out this window. It's really frustrating that I can't break through your walls, and having said that. I don't let anyone through mine."

"Yeah, I've noticed. Maybe we're too much alike?" Derek said.

"If that's the case, then I'll just kill myself!" Tyler said laughing. Derek took his pillow and hit Tyler in the head with it.

"The beats for you Mr. Anderson!" Tyler said.

"Whatever. I've heard that threat a few times but you're not strong enough or dumb enough to tackle me!" Derek grinned rolling over to face Tyler.

Tyler threw his comforter off the side of his bed and jumped on top of Derek pinning his hands. Derek struggled because he was laughing too hard. Tyler pinned each of his wrists down beside Derek's head.

"Shit! I'm slipping on your comforter." Tyler said as his knees slid out behind him and he was lying down on top of Derek. Derek just continued giggling. Tyler brought Derek's hands together above Derek's head and held them with one hand while he pulled Derek's comforter off and threw it behind him at the window. Tyler sat down on Derek's crotch

"Okay, maybe you are dumb enough to tackle me?" Derek said between gasps of laughter.

Tyler brought his face to within inches of Derek's laughter. "Apologize Mr. Anderson!"

Derek continued laughing so Tyler took one of Derek's arms and hit him lightly on the top of his head.

"See! I told you! The beats for you!" Tyler said smiling.

"Hmmm. when I think of getting 'beaten' that isn't usually what I 'CUM' up with!" Derek said emphasizing on one word.

Tyler began grinding his crotch into Derek's crotch. Derek stopped laughing and got a serious look on his face. "Remember what Dad said Prom Date!" Derek told Tyler and they both broke out laughing. Tyler lost all strength to hold himself up and Derek's arms behind his head. He dropped down on Derek and buried his face into Derek's pillow with their cheeks touching. Derek took his free hands and wrapped them gently around Tyler's waist, holding him firm. Derek could hear Tyler breathing heavily in his ear from his one push-up.

Derek slowly moved his fingertips gently up and down Tyler's back. Tyler moaned into Derek's pillow. Derek could feel Tyler's member engorge and protrude out the top of his boxers. He could feel Tyler's foreskin hold still against his stomach and his cock within move back and forth. Derek could feel all of his blood move to one part of his body as his erection grew outside of his boxer fly and Tyler noticed his erection pushing up into his stomach and climbing forward up his body.

Tyler lifted his head up and stared into Derek's eyes and said, "Can you breathe with me on top of you?"

"For the first time in my life. I think I can!" Derek said staring into Tyler's eyes.

Tyler slowly brought his lips down upon Derek's. Neither moved a muscle but both groaned and moaned. Tyler pulled up slightly and stared into Derek's eyes showing no emotion. Derek opened his eyes to see Tyler looking deep within him. Tyler pressed his lips against Derek's lips one more time and crawled off of him and got under his own covers.

"What the hell just happened?" Derek said sitting up in bed.

"Sorry! There's your kiss I owed you. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that with you and Amber and's not right." Tyler said facing away from him.

Derek dropped on to his pillow and began thinking about Amber, Tyler, the Thanksgiving Day football game and parade. He put his arm over his eyes and tried to sleep. Derek lay awake thinking about Tyler's comment 'it's not right'. 'Maybe Tyler is straight after all?' Derek wondered.

Tyler awoke to the vibrations of his cell phone. "What?" said a half asleep Tyler?

"Did I wake you?"

"Who the hell is this?" Tyler said sitting up in bed. He flipped his phone closed to see 'Danny' on the screen.

"It's Danny, you old, old man! I'm sorry, I thought you'd be awake by now?"

He said.

"Yeah, you're right. I usually am but it was a late night." He said looking over at a sleeping Derek.

"I need to talk to you about something important. Can I buy ya breaky at the Boyd House this morning?" Danny said.

"Ummm, no, but I will buy you 'breaky' at a real restaurant with real coffee!" Tyler said through an extended yawn. "I have to shower first though. I skipped my shower last night!"

"Okay, no problem, just don't say anything if you see Cody please!" Danny asked.

"Sure thing pal! I'll phone you when I'm ready." Tyler said and clicked 'end'.

Tyler and Danny got into the Jeep and decided on Appleby's for a Saturday brunch. Danny ordered blueberry pancakes with sausages, bacon, home fries, a side of mac and cheese, whole-wheat toast, and a chocolate shake.

"And for you Sir?" Darryl the server asked.

"I'll have what he's having!" Tyler said.

"Sure thing and how would you like your toast?" Darryl asked.

"No, I meant, with the amount of food he's ordering I'll just have some of his!" Tyler stuck out his tongue at Danny.

"But seriously folks. I'll have the Eggs Benedict with home fries and black coffee if it is fresh? And some O.J. as well please!" Tyler said handing the menu back to Darryl.

"I'll be right back with your O.J., coffee, and chocolate shake!" Darryl said staring at Danny.

"I think he likes me?" Danny said smiling.

"I think he can't believe a little guy like you could eat that much!" Tyler said.

"Hey! I won't waste any of it!" Danny said seriously.

"Do you like Peanut Butter?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, who doesn't?" Danny said.

"Just wondering." Tyler said laughing. "Next time Derek's little brother Luke is up I'll have to introduce you to him. I think you will call him 'mini-me'" Tyler laughed and Danny just shook his head not knowing what he meant.

"So what's up with Cody?" Tyler asked and Danny began to take Tyler through all that Cody had told him. Danny saw Tyler clinch his fist when he told him about being Dakota's sex slave. Danny wanted to lighten up the moment a bit by telling Tyler how Cody told him everything and wanted to be honest.

They paused their conversation when Darryl arrived with a tray of food. After he filled most of the table with plates he said, "I'll be right back with your Eggs Benedict Sir!"

Tyler laughed, as well as Darryl, but Danny was too busy drowning each pancake with imitation maple syrup.

"He's afraid of you Tyler." Danny said. "He wants to be your friend and I want you to be his friend. You were right. as usual about telling me to be careful, but I think Cody fessed up the truth! Will you forgive him Ty?"

"I don't have to forgive him for anything. I like him Danny, I just don't trust anyone who is friends with Dakota."

"Please!!!!!!!!" Danny said.

"Danny! Listen to what I just said. He didn't do anything to me. If he hurts you then he will be begging forgiveness. I promise!" Danny's face soured. "Danny, it was a joke! Last night, did I not invite him in for cake? He was the one who suggested including you and Tony. Lord knows I didn't want to see your sorry ass again." Tyler winked.

"Gentlemen!" Darryl interrupted gently placing his hand on Danny's shoulder. "Can I get you more coffee? Another milkshake perhaps? Some TUMS?" Tyler and Danny burst out laughing!

"I wouldn't mind looking at the dessert menu." Danny said, blinking his eyes a few times at Darryl.

When Darryl left to retrieve the dessert menu Tyler said, "you slut!" And laughed out loud. "Wait till I tell Cody! Before I forget, I want you to do me a favour okay?"

"Are you going to still tell Cody?" Danny asked hoping to bargain.

"Yup! But I need this favour anyway and you'll help me out cause you love me!" Tyler said smiling.

"You really think I love you that much?" Danny said as Darryl returned with the menu.

"Oh Honey! If you don't want this GOD before you, you can have me!!!" Darryl said to Danny.

Tyler ROARED with laughter and Danny chuckled and turned beet red! Danny stopped long enough to look at the menu and flipped it back into Darryl's hand saying, "Give me the cheesecake please!"

"A slice or the whole thing Honey?" Darryl said smiling.

"You better just give him a slice but I can assure he can 'take' the whole thing!" Tyler said laughing and Danny kicked him under the table.

"Owwww!" Tyler said.

"And for the God to my right?" Darryl said winking.

"You should see the things Tyler can do with a canneoli!" Danny shot back winking at Tyler.

"Oh! I can only imagine! .But I have a poor imagination. Can you give me explicit details?" Darryl said as Danny laughed and Tyler had tears rolling down his face from Darryl's comment.

"Perhaps you would just like a refill on your water Sir?" Darryl said smiling over the banter going on. Tyler could only nod his head up and down.

When Tyler settled down Danny said, "Favour?"

"Oh yeah!" Tyler said wiping his eyes dry. "I want you to steal Cody's family picture of him when he was five. The picture is of him, his sister and parents but I don't want Cody to know!"

"Huh?" Was all Danny said.

"I want to draw a larger picture of them for a Christmas gift! A surprise Christmas gift!" Tyler said.

"What are you getting me for Christmas?" Danny begged.

"Darryl!" Tyler smiled and Danny punched Tyler's arm.

"Yes Sir?" Darryl said. Danny put his hand over his mouth and tried to hold a laugh back.

"Could I have some more coffee please?" Tyler asked Darryl as he set Danny's piece of cheesecake down in front of him.

"Certainly Sir!" Darryl smiled.

"Its just Tyler, please!" He smiled.

"That's so sweet of you to draw a picture for Cody! I guess he told you about his family?" Danny asked as he scarfed down his dessert.

When the bill arrived Tyler grabbed it before Danny could. "What the." Danny said with a mouth full of cheesecake.

Tyler pulled out his wallet and removed fifty-dollars. He flipped the guest check over and wrote down, 'Ciccone's Trattoria! Tell them Tyler sent you.'

When Darryl returned to pick up the check he said, "I'll be right back with your change Tyler!"

"No that's okay Darryl, the rest is yours!" Tyler said smiling.

"I could just kiss you right now! Hell, I could kiss you even if you didn't pay the bill!" Darryl said to another round of laughter.

"Darryl, sit down for a moment beside me. I wrote the name and address on the back of the bill, of a restaurant I work at. You would fit right in there, if you're interested?" Tyler asked.

"Sounds classy? I don't speak Italian though!" Darryl said reading the name.

"I don't speak it either, but it is a great place to work and we have a lot of fun there! The tips are good, and the owners, Angelo and Gina are even better."

"Thanks Tyler, I appreciate it! He said giving him a quick peck on the cheek."

Tyler looked at Danny and says, "I give him a job reference and I get one lousy kiss on the cheek?" But before Tyler could finish Darryl tossed two Appleby's calling cards on the table for them. His name and phone number on the back!

"Thanks!" Said Tyler.

"No! Thank YOU!" Said Darryl winking and then he left the table.

"Speaking of. thanks for breakfast Ty! I was supposed to buy!" Danny said.

"Next time Danny! Tyler winked. "Anyway, I just thought it would be something Cody could keep. The picture is starting to fade."

When they climbed into Tyler's Jeep, Danny leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"You're the best friend a guy could ever ask for! Guess that's why I love you so much?"

Tyler turned on his CD player and randomly chose an old homemade CD and popped it in. 'Wonderwall' by Oasis came on. Tyler said, "So then you won't mind if I sing?"

"Hell YES! Nobody loves you that much!!!" Danny laughed.

"You're so lucky you're my best friend Danny, anyone else would be walking right now!" Tyler said as he punched Danny hard in the arm.

Tyler stopped by the bakery and got a double-chocolate hot chocolate and a cinnamon bun for Derek and a couple of extra cinnamon buns individually bagged for the security guards. When he got back in the Jeep Danny said, "So what did you get me to eat?"

"Are you serious Mr. Armitage? After all that you just ate!"

"I'm a growing boy Ty!" Danny laughed.

"How did your parents ever afford to feed you as a kid?" Tyler asked sarcastically.

"Why do you think I grew up on a farm?" Danny said.

"So?" Danny asked

"So what?" Tyler said.

"So can I have a cinnamon bun then?" Danny smiled flashing his bright eyes.

"NO! These are for the security guys and Derek!"

"Ahhhh. speaking of. How is Derek this morning. like I really care?" Danny asked.

"Probably hung over but I have no idea. He was still asleep when I left."

"He's cute. for an asshole." Danny said staring out the window.

"Don't say that!" Tyler replied annoyed at Danny's comment.

"Don't say what? He's cute or an asshole?" Danny smiled but Tyler didn't.

"HOLY SHIT! My Tyler has the hots for Derek!" Danny sat back up and looked over at Tyler. Tyler didn't respond and just kept his eyes ahead on the road. "You warned me about Cody! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Shit!" Danny said. "Have you told Derek you like him?"

"Don't go there Daniel!" Tyler said.

"Does he even know you're alive?" Danny asked.

"He kissed me. I kissed him back." Tyler said thinking he would regret opening his mouth to Danny.

"Tyler and Derek. sitting in a tree. K I S S I N G. Owwwww! That one hurt!" Danny said rubbing his arm again.

"So are you two dating? Hey, how come this is the first time you've told me? I'm supposed to be your best friend!" Danny said pretending to be upset.

"I only kissed him last night as we were grinding our crotches together in bed." Tyler said looking over at Danny's eyes bugging out.

"You know how you always say to me 'too much info'! Well this time it's NOT enough info! Spill it Puckhead!" Danny said as Tyler pulled into his parking space under the light post.

Tyler went to open the door of the Jeep but Danny pulled on his arm. "You're not going anywhere! Spill it! You've been there for me and for Cody. Now tell me what's going on in that tiny little brain of yours?" Danny smirked.

"You are sooooooo not my best friend anymore!" Tyler said smiling at Danny.

"Who the hell else would have you? You're stuck with me, or I guess Darryl!

Can I call you God from now on?" Danny said, covering up his left arm before Tyler could even think about hitting him.

"All right!" Tyler said turning off the CD player. "Yes, I think I'm in love with him but I also hate his guts at times. He can be so loving and sweet one minute and hostile the next. His family is amazing. If they were looking to adopt I would be the first in line!" Tyler said.

"You're funny!" Danny said.


"I said you're funny. When you talk about Derek and his family you've got this 'glazed over' look. like a donut!" Danny laughed and Tyler just shook his head.

"So can I have cinnamon bun now?" Danny said trying to grab the bag out of the back seat. Tyler didn't argue with him about the bun.

"Make sure you only eat one, the other is for Derek!" Tyler said.

"No shit. he could use some sugar to sweeten him up!" Danny looked at Tyler with a mouthful of his cinnamon bun. "Sorry!" He smiled.

"Derek has a girl friend. I walked into the room and she was blowing him." Tyler sighed.

"Maybe he's bi?" Danny said licking his fingers.

"Yeah. just what I need. someone who can't decide. I've got to get my head straight about this and just try to forget him." Tyler mused.

"So. can I eat the other cinnamon bun then?"

"Remind me when your birthday is. I'm buying you a cow." Tyler said getting out of the Jeep. "And NO you can't eat the other bun! It was for me!"

"Too late! Sorry. but not really! You should eat one of these sometime. you're cranky when you blood sugar goes down!" Danny said holding the empty bag up to shake the crumbs into his mouth. "What?" Danny said looking shocked as Tyler glared at him.

"I love you Danny. but I just don't know why?" Tyler said carrying the hot chocolate back to the dorm building.

"That's cause of your tiny brain!" Danny winked licking his fingers. "And you still didn't tell me about the crotch grinding thingy!"

Tyler stopped and looked at Danny. "Gotcha! No crotch grinding then. nobody keeps me in the loop!"

"You ate the loop when you were five Danny!" Tyler said holding the door open for him.

"When you think about it. that would explain a lot about my life!" Danny mused.

"I'd rather not think about it Danny." Tyler smiled as he tossed the last bag with a cinnamon bun in it over to Jack at the security desk.

"Some friend you are! You had another bun and didn't tell me!" Danny pouted.

Corrections to the previous Chapter have been resubmitted. Apologies, Ty!

Many thanks to those of you have taken the time to write and to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story. Everyone has been very kind and forgiving of my mistakes. Every email has been appreciated and inspires me to take the time necessary to tell this story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying writing it.

Comments or opinions are welcome. Please EMAIL:

Next: Chapter 12

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