The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Dec 20, 2005


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home: Part Nine (My Greatest Hero is.)

Tyler had been out for a run, coffee, cinnamon buns for the morning security guards, and even finished a shower before Derek woke up. Tyler was drying off when Sponge Bob disappeared as Derek slid the curtain back to the window.

"Where's my cinnamon bun?" Derek asked with a smile.

"I didn't get you one, or myself." Tyler replied dryly.

"Damn, I am so stiff and sore from football practice." He said stretching in bed.

"Maybe you need to get a girl friend to give you massages?" Tyler said hurrying to get dressed and away from Derek.

"Umm Ty, could I possibly borrow your MP3 player today? We're in the Athletes complex for practice at 1 p.m. and it really sucks not having any music. Seems that everyone has an MP3 player but me."

Tyler tossed his MP3 player and headphones over the back of his head hoping Derek would catch it. Tyler grabbed his backpack and as he hurried out the door he told Derek to take a freshly charged battery from the charger in the wall and put the old in its place.

"No problem, and thanks! Have a good day." Derek said playing with mp3 player but the only response he heard was the door shutting.

It was to become a habit that every Wednesday and Friday Tyler and Danny would walk to the two hour business math class they shared. Everyday they would stop at the water fountain by the Science hall to have a drink.

"So how are things with you and Cody?" Tyler asked quietly as they walked in public.

"Meh! We can't get any time alone. Did I tell you about my room mate?" Danny asked.

Tyler shook his head no. "The guys name is Tony and he's really nice but he's HUGE! Like 300 lbs. He's a defensive linebacker on the football team.

We can't even pass each other in the hall way in our room. The guy's a slob too! Last night he ate three Heros!!!" (Submarine sandwich).

"Wow!" Tyler said laughing.

"That was after eating dinner Ty!"

"Whoa!" Tyler laughed.

"He's seems really nice and kind of shy. I think he knows I'm scared of him and he wants to be friends but I'm afraid he might hug me and I'll be dead!"

Danny said with the look of fear in his eyes.

"Hahahaha" Tyler laughed. "Sooooo, Daniel. you and Cody? Or do you not want to talk about it?"

"Yeah. Something's wrong with him Ty! His butt is always hurting him."

"Ahahaahahaha." Tyler roared laughing. "TOO MUCH INFO DANNY!"

"TY! Seriously, it's not me! I wish I was the problem but you've seen me. You know I couldn't hurt anyone." Danny laughed a little ashamed.

"Danny, you've got nothing to be ashamed of! Some are showers, and some are growers! You're a grower. and a damn fine one at that!"

"Thanks Tyler, I know you're just being nice, and thanks, but something really isn't right with Cody. He's nervous all the time. When I do see him he doesn't want anyone to see him talking to me and if the teams around I don't even exist. Yet when we're alone he's a different person. So warm and loving, so in need of being loved. You're right though, something isn't right." Danny said walking with his head down.

"Don't give up on him Daniel! He's probably in the closet like the rest of us and since you know me, which probably doesn't fare too well with Dakota and his posse, he probably has to keep his distance! Speaking of. I think you should avoid me around the team!"

"Why?" Danny asked.

"Something's going to happen Danny. I've warned you before and I don't want you getting hurt. Just being associated with me could damage your hockey career and I don't want to be responsible for that. Besides, it really sounds like Cody needs you."

"Fuck'em! Tyler, we're friends for life! You're stuck with me! I really like Cody, I might even love him but you come before Cody or anyone else! If anyone wants to try something I will be there right beside you!"

"I know you would be Danny, but use your head. Cody needs you right now and you have to remember your hockey career. Besides, you might hear something I'm not supposed to know." Tyler winked and Danny smiled.

"Danny, just lay low around me if the team is nearby. C'mon, let's get into class." Tyler said as the entered the room.

After class was over Danny wanted to know if Tyler wanted to do something but he couldn't. He had boxing from 3:00 until 5:00 pm. When Tyler returned to his room he was sweaty and tired. All he could think of was having a shower and lying down. When he opened the door and walked down the hallway he could see a naked brunette with rather large breasts swaying back and forth as her head bobbed up and down on top of Derek's bed. Neither noticed Tyler until they heard the door shut.

'Tiffany', as Tyler was to learn later, was giving his sore, tired muscles a back rub. Tyler figured Derek must have been a contortionist if she was rubbing his back and giving him a blowjob at the same time.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Yelled Derek as he sat up and twisted his head around at Tyler.

"Hi, nice to see you too!" Tyler responded rounding the loveseat. He heard Sponge Bob slide open to the front of the bed.

"What the Hell are you doing here?" Derek yelled.

"I live here, but you probably forgot like you forgot you're not speaking to me." Tyler said dropping his backpack and stripping down to his boxers. Derek began cursing at and to everyone in the room.

"I better go Dylan!" Tiffany said to Derek.

"???" Thought Tyler. "Don't worry!" Tyler said, "I'm going to have a shower. I'll be gone at least 20 minutes so you can finish your personal massage." Tyler walked out letting the door slam.

Tyler wanted to punch something, mostly himself for allowing him to fall in love with Derek. He had a strong feeling that Derek might be straight. He already knew he was an asshole. He was just surprised that he didn't play hockey! Maybe all sports superstars are like that he thought? When he got to the showers there was only one shower stall open. It was the last one on the right. The shower stall straight ahead was extra large and built for anyone with special disabilities. The guy in it didn't have any disabilities but it was likely the only one he could fit into.

Tyler turned on the shower and waited for it to warm out. He could only stand there and stare at this guy's huge ass. Tyler wondered how hung, or desperate for that matter, you might have to be to ride this broncing bull! When Tyler got into his shower he turned around, letting the warm water run the sweat off his back. As he opened his eyes he noticed the bull was watching him but turned away as soon as Tyler opened his eyes. When he looked back to see if it was clear, it wasn't! Tyler met him head on.

"Hey, I'm Tyler!" Extending his right hand out.

"Hi. I'm Tony," He said in a squeaky shy voice. Tyler almost showed his grin at hearing his voice.

"Tony? You're Danny's room mate?"

"Yeah. why?" Tony asked surprised at the connection Tyler made.

"Cause any friend of Danny's is a friend of mine!" Tyler smiled.

Tony smiled but said nothing.

"Can I ask you a question Tony?" Tony nodded. "Why are you using the shower over here when you have showers in your dorm hall?"

"They don't have a big one like this." He said lowering his head in shame.

"Cool!" Tyler said. "If it weren't for this shower then I wouldn't have met you for awhile!"

Tony smiled.

"Danny said his room mate was this really nice guy who's shy. guess he was right?" Tyler winked.

"How do you know Danny?" Tony asked. The showers began to empty out.

"We're on the same hockey team. So do you like Danny? He's a really nice guy once you get to know him."

"Cool. Umm we don't really talk much, but yeah. he seems nice." Tony thought as he tried to reach his back with his scrub brush.

"He really is Tony. Get to know him. I've only known him a month but we're practically best friends. Here! Give me that brush and turn around." Tony handed him the brush.

"You'll have to back up closer to the partition Tony." Tyler asked. Tony did and Tyler began giving his back a scrub with this little brush. He figured that a paint scraper or sand blaster would actually speed the job up but thought he'd better keep that idea to himself. They were now alone in the shower and Tyler handed back the brush but told him not to move. Tyler placed both hands on his back and began massaging his sore muscles.

"You've got a lot of tension in there Tony. You must be stressed out about something?" Tyler said continuing to massage his back. Tony just moaned.

"I've never had a back massage before Tyler. This is soooo good!" Tony said with his eyes closed.

"Well my room mate is getting one from some slut named Tiffany right now but between you and me. I can do it much better!" Tyler said patting his back.

Tony laughed a hearty bear laugh. "You're funny Tyler!" Tony said in his natural gruff voice.

"Wow, what a deep voice you have Tony. That would scare the shit out of me if I didn't already know you as a friend." Tyler said continuing the massage.

"You think of me as a friend?" Tony asked.

"I already told you Tony! Danny thinks of you as a friend, and any friend of Danny's is a friend of mine!" Tyler slowed down his rubbing and became more sensual.

Tyler looked behind him to see that the shower room was empty and pressed on Tony's shoulders to force him to lower himself down slightly. Tyler began massaging his massive muscles and fat.

"Feeling better?" Tyler asked speaking quietly into his ear.

"Oh yeah! Many feelings. all good!" Tony smiled with his eyes closed.

Tyler was sprouting a nice chunk of wood at this point and leaned over kissed Tony's cheek! "Good, I want all of my friends to always feel good!" Tyler peered over as much of Tony as was possible. He could see that Tony was jacking himself slowly.

"You know there's a much more fun way to do that in the shower!" He whispered in Tony's ear. Tony's eyes popped open at being caught. "Stand up and turn around." Tyler said. Tony squatted until he was blocked by the partition and then stood up. Tyler leaned back against his shower partition away from Tony. Tony's eyes focused on Tyler's now hard cock. His mouth just hung open.

Tyler leaned back and grabbed his erection in his right hand and started plucking his right nipple with his left hand. He closed his eyes and threw his head back so Tony would feel free to enjoy the show. Tyler moaned as he stroked his foreskin back and forth. He peeked out one eye and saw that Tony's face was red and his arm was moving at a pace to beat the four-minute mile!

Tyler groaned a few more times for Tony. Tyler was getting off on this strange new experience of having someone get this excited over him. Tyler grabbed his balls and rolled them back and forth. He pulled his protruding manhood up towards his chest and pushed the showerhead away. Tyler turned to take one last look to make sure the room was empty said, "Here she cums!"

And it did! Tyler shot his first rope of cum up the left side of his body hitting the side of his cheek.

Tony screamed, "Oh God!" and began having his own orgasm.

Tyler's second shot landed in the centre of his chest just as some of his first shot dripped on his check and landed on his left nipple. The third and fourth shots hit the upper abs and rolled down the hills towards their watery grave. Tyler pulled his foreskin up to be level with the tip of his head, allowing the pool to fill within. He turned his cock towards the water flow and let go as the pool of cum dripped off his erection, slamming the watery tiles below.

Tony just stared at Tyler's erection. Watching it slowly deflate towards earth while not losing its size. Tyler walked into the water and closed his eyes rubbing his cum all over his body as he washed it away. Tyler turned the water off and walked over to Tony at the partition. "That was fun, thanks for all your inspiration Tony!" Tyler said kissing his cheek. Tony just held his blank stare with his mouth hanging open.

"Tony! Tony?" Tyler snapped his fingers bring Tony back to the real world.

"What?" Tony said with eyes glazed over.

"You okay?"

"Oh yeah! Never better Tyler! Thanks for being. you know. a friend and all that."

"Tony, no one will ever know what a nice guy you are if you don't let them get to know you."

"I know what you're saying Ty." Tony replied.

"Just cause you're big doesn't mean you're mean or scary. off the field at least!" Tyler winked at him and Tony smiled back. "Danny and I are going to go for pizza on Sunday night. Want to come along?"

"Really?" Tony's eyes opened wide.

"Really! Tony, I'm not asking you to come along because I feel sorry for you. I'm asking you to come along because I like you and we are friends! Besides, I'm a 'sucker' for a shower buddy!" Tyler winked. Tony roared with laughter over the pun.

"Thanks Ty! Danny's lucky to have you for a friend!"

"So are you and don't forget it!" Tyler smiled, winked, and grabbed his towel and left the room.

When Tyler got back to his room he realized that he didn't have his key. He knocked and Derek had to open the door. When he found out it was Tyler he just turned and let the door fly into Tyler's face.

"You could have fucking told me when you were coming back and you could remember to carry your fucking key with you!" Derek said walking away.

"If you would have read my schedule, the one I told you I posted on the corkboard you would have known when I was due back, and the reason I didn't have my key was because I wanted to get the hell out of here while you were fucking your hoe! Tyler yelled back!

"Tiffany's not a HOE!" Derek responded.

"Tiffany thinks your name is Dylan and if you think she's not a hoe then that says more about you than it does about her!"

"You could have fucking called!" Was Derek's desperate response!

"Call who? Call you? I don't know your phone number, remember? I'm not to touch it, remember? YOU could have left a note on the door! YOU could have phoned my cell phone! Don't fucking lay this shit on me and remember it's MY FUCKING ROOM TOO! Tyler yelled punching the side of his bed.

Derek grabbed his football jacket and left without saying a word.

Tyler sat down in front of his computer and turned it on. While waiting for it to load he grabbed Sponge Bob and pulled him into view. He turned on his MSN and both Kyle and Danny were online. A request for authorization came from 'theredheadedstepchild'. Tyler laughed aloud at the name and authorized Kelly to his list. Kelly wasn't online at the time.

Hey Puckhead! You busy?

Hey Ty. But I was just going to contact you. Something weird is happening..

What's wrong Danny? : (

I think you know.


Tony came into the room from his shower. He hasn't shut up since he got here talking about how great you are and how nice I am and how great you think I am.

Hehehe. yeah. Sorry, I should have warned you. I sort of loosened him up in the shower.

"HAHAHAHAAH. You 'loosened' him up? ROTFLMAO! OH MY GOD! I know you're hung like one of our horses but damn! Damn! Hehehe.shut the fuck up Puckhead. I didn't mean it that way.

From now on, I'm calling you Clyde! As in Clydesdale! LOL

LOL. the beats for you Danny boi!

Hehehe. I hear we're having our 'weekly' pizza night on Sunday huh?

Lol. sorry. again. He seemed lonely and . you know.

Yeah, I know you! That's why I love you so much Tyler. You really are the best thing that's ever happened to me! But since you have the job, you're buying! I couldn't afford to feed him! ;)

G2G Puckhead. I love you Danny, don't ever forget that.

HEY! Don't go! Something's up! What's wrong? Talk to me Tyler Peel!

Had a blow up with Derek when I walked into MY room and some hoe was giving him a b/j.

HAHAHA. saaaaaaaweet! Doesn't he know that only guys know how to truly drain the main vein? ;)

You're such a pig! Lol Talk with you laterz! Love ya

Love you too Ty! Stay in touch!

Hey not so little dude! You there?

TYLER! U bet 4 U!

Kyle clicked on the webcam icon. 'Strange' he thought. It usually sends a request for authorization.. 'Holy fuck' he said to himself seeing the shirtless, wet head on his screen.

How are things Kyle?

Okay. cept for missing u!

I know the feeling pal : (

How's Derek doing?

Ummm. hard to tell? I could really learn to love him if I didn't hate him so much ;)

Sorry 2 hear that! It's really quiet around the house. All the tension is gone since he left. Mom seems more relaxed and Dad is spending more time at home, which isn't necessarily a good thing.

LOL I understand what you're saying Kyle! Off the record, we had a big fight this afternoon. He brought some girl to the room and didn't tell me. He went off the deep end when I walked in on them.

Hahaha. Sounds like my brother! He's done this before. When he is upset over something he starts dating all these girls. Rarely longer than a week at a time. I got in shit from him for mentioning the previous g/f's name in front of his current g/f once! Lol Watch and see if he goes through girls like he goes through tissues ;)

Too much info not so little dude!

Did you get to see the pics I sent?

Yeah! Thanks Ty! Derek emailed them to both Dad and me. Mom was gushing over them.

How's pukey Lukey?

You have to ask? Guess what he's doing right now?

Eating? Lol

Fuckin' right!

Peanut Butter?

Not sure and I don't want to know!

I'm going to do some homework. apparently that's what I'm here for? ;)

Love you Ty!

Love you too Kyle!


123, bye!

Derek returned with a pile of mail. All of it for Tyler! Before opening the door to the room he looked through it all. There was a cell phone bill, multiple stuff from the law offices of Peel and Thatcher, a letter from a P. Johnson, and what looked like a music CD. Derek reached into his coat pocket to retrieve his key but it wasn't there.

"Oh Fuck. I'm never going to hear the end of this!" He said to the door.

knock knock

Tyler got up from his computer and went to open the door. As he pulled the door open he stopped and held the door waving Derek on past him. He didn't want to give Derek the opportunity to accuse him of doing the same thing. Tyler was about to push the door closed when Tony appeared.

"Hey Tony!" Tyler smiled.

"Hey Ty!" Tony replied.

Derek knew the voice and turned around to see one of his linebackers at the door. He walked up to the door and said 'Hey' to Tony. Tony just raised his hand to a wave.

"Tyler, Tony's here to see me." Derek said gently shoving Tyler behind him.

"Actually Derek, I'm here to see Tyler." Tyler had begun to walk back down the hall when he stopped in his tracks. He was grinning so wide he didn't want to turn around and let Derek see his face, but he did. Derek let go of the door on Tony and walked back to his computer, tossing Tyler's mail on the loveseat, he glared at Tyler as they passed each other in the hall. Derek listened closely.

"Hey Tony, how's she hanging?" He winked.

"It's rarely 'hanging'" Tony smiled. "Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that Danny and I are all cool for dinner on Sunday night. I really appreciate you both inviting me. You're right about Danny. He's a really great guy!"

"I wouldn't lie to you Tony! He's the nicest friend I've made here at Drexel!"

"Anyway I got to go and eat." He smiled.

"Take care Tony, thanks for dropping by. Night!" Tyler said and shut the door behind him.

Tyler walked back to his computer and saw the mail on the loveseat. He picked it up and sat down at his computer. Tyler was busy tearing open packages and letters. He briefly looked through the latest package from Uncle David. He was going to request that Uncle David send him a box of pens with the next package. Tyler took the legal package and went into his walk-in closest. He took a key out of the pocket of a shirt hanging up and opened a lock box. He deposited the legal stuff to read later and resealed the box. As he began reading the letter from Mrs. Johnson, Derek could hear him sigh and chuckle a few times.

"You could say thanks for me bringing up your mail!" Tyler heard from Sponge Bob.

"I could but I'm not supposed to say anything. You know. things like 'oh, did you forget your key Derek?' Nope, I'm not allowed to speak so I'm not going to! Tyler said.

"Fuck you asshole!" Derek said giving Sponge Bob the finger. Tyler didn't bite at the opportunity to argue with him.

Tyler stared at the package from a Kelly Durrell. He knew what it was, but he didn't. Tyler knew that it involved his brother David on video for a school project. When he opened the package a CD fell out with a short note.

"Hi Tyler, I got some help from my Dad and we included everything from before and after he made the video that was still on the camera. Dad cried and so did I. I need to talk with you about the other thing. Thanks, Kelly.

Tyler went looking for his headphones but couldn't find them. He remembered that he loaned Derek his mp3 player so he was going to have to ask him for it back.

"I need my headphones if you are done with the mp3 player?" Tyler asked as calmly as was possible.

One hand came around the front of Sponge Bob holding the headphones and mp3 player. Tyler placed his open palm underneath and the player and headphones were dropped into his hand. No physical contact was made between Tyler and Derek.

"Thanks!" No response came from Derek.

Tyler plugged the headphones into the front of his laptop and inserted the CD into the side drive.

The CD movie that Kelly sent began with this cute redheaded 14-year-old standing in front of a blank wall. The camera moved around a bit and Tyler could hear his brother's voice.

"Kelly! Hold still! Don't move around, I'm trying to set the camera up." David's voice sent a quiver up Tyler's spine.

"Okay, take over!" He heard David say and Kelly disappeared from the screen and then David appeared. Tyler blinked as his eyes watered up. David was wearing his school uniform but the average viewer would just think he was wearing a navy blue v-neck sweater with a pale blue shirt and red tie tucked underneath. Tyler remembered David's hair being short last fall from the summer holidays. A rich, deep brown, shiny colour of hair that was almost shaved completely on the sides and parted off-centre to the left. Some of his bangs hung down almost to his eyes. David would regularly toss his hair out of his eyes. David grinned and smiled at the camera and then at Kelly.

"Stop it! You're making me laugh!" He said to Kelly. You could hear Kelly's laughter, as he was closer to the microphone attached to his dad's digital video camera than David.

"Okay, Go on three! One. Two. Three." Kelly said. "Action!"

David busted out laughing and turned down and around from the camera. He then reappeared to give Kelly shit! "KELLY! You're not supposed to laugh! Or say ACTION!"

"Take Two!" Said Kelly. "On three! One. Two. Three."

"Good Morning, Mrs. Hartley, fellow students! I'm David Peel and I want to answer that age-old question, "My Greatest Hero is." David said appearing to be reading from notes he had written.

"Look at the camera!" Could be heard from Kelly whispering to David.

"I gave a great deal of thought to whom I would chose! Since we were required to follow a preset criteria based on three things I was able to narrow it down to one person. The three criteria are as follows. One! I had to know the person. Two! This person would have to have made a long-term influence on my life. And Three! This person needed to do something that was extra special or above and beyond what was normal. The first two parts were easy and there were many people who fit into these categories. The third part was more difficult. I realized that I didn't know that many people who could qualify for a hero. I looked up the definition of a hero but that didn't make it any easier. I narrowed my choice down to two people and it wasn't really me that made the decision, but rather most of my friends. Many of you are in the room watching me today." David said looking seriously into the camera.

"When I made my choice, I thought that everyone in the class would probably start laughing at me, but I also knew that anyone who knew me, and knew me well, would certainly agree. My Dad taught me that while some people will laugh at you for anything you say, if it comes from the heart, even those who disagree with you will still respect you in the end, or it went something like that. This left me with only one choice. I thought about it and I was kind of embarrassed about it at first. The person I chose said to me once, whatever you do in life you need to always be able to wake up in the morning and face yourself in the mirror. He taught me that there is more satisfaction from giving than receiving. No, it's not my Dad! That person is my brother Tyler."

Tyler couldn't believe what he just heard? Water didn't run, it poured from his eyes. He had to pause the video. He got up and went to the washroom and came back with a towel. Thankfully Derek was avoiding looking at him anyway. Tyler stared at the smile on David's face where he paused the video. He looked like he had just announced that the award he was giving out had gone to his favourite band.

"Many of you watching this video right now know my brother Tyler! He's taken most of us to Canada's Wonderland, been there for camping, chauffeured us around, taught several of you how to skate, been there for a few of you when you had problems at home, helped several of us with homework and projects more than any of us want Mrs. Hartley to know about! (David laughed) and never asked for anything in return! When I am sick he has always been there for me. He would read me stories, play board or video games, or just spend time with me when I knew he would rather be doing something else.

It took all of you, my classmates and friends to make the final selection, because you all complain about your brothers and sisters but no one complains about Tyler! You all have brothers and sisters that hit you, pick on you, or simply lie to you or about you. There's only one person I know who doesn't have several reasons to complain about their siblings? The only one I know is me! All of the things Tyler does for me; and all of the things I hear from you guys about your siblings, Tyler doesn't do to me! It made me realize that he isn't like others his age and that is what qualifies him for part three!

This brought up a new question about heroes! If you stop and help someone in a car accident does that make you a hero? Not according to my brother. He would say that doing what is right doesn't make you a hero even if you are the only one to do it! He thinks standards are so low today that what was considered normal before has become so rare it has moved to hero status.

When I was eight, I didn't want to have this kid over to my birthday party because he was mean. Tyler told me he was lonely, and if I tried to make friends with him then he might not be so mean, and even if he was still mean I would know that I did the right thing. Tyler was right as usual and to this day we are still friends. No, he doesn't go to this school so stop looking around at each other. (David laughed)

I could talk for an hour about how great he is and all the great things he's done but what's most important is that everyone knows that he is my hero and always has been. He loves me and I'm not ashamed to say right here that I love him too! I'm gonna miss him so much when he goes to University next year, (David wiped his eyes) but I also know that he will always be there for me. I know that I am the luckiest person in this class for having Tyler as my brother and anyone who knows him also knows how lucky they are to have him as a friend. Thanks Tyler for everything 'cause without you in my life it would be really empty." David ran off from the camera's view.

Tyler hit stop on the video and unplugged his headphones from his laptop. He broke down sobbing. Derek immediately pulled the Sponge Bob back when he heard him. Tyler turned away towards his closet. Derek didn't know what was wrong and just put a hand on his back and rubbed it. Tyler shook his hand off and said, "Leave me alone!"

Derek wasn't about to listen and slid his chair over to him, trying to pull him into a hug. Tyler jumped up and started yelling. "Get your fucking hands off me! Leave me the hell alone!" He said between tears and gasps of breath. "I don't like you! You don't like me! I wished to HELL I lived somewhere far away from YOU!"

Derek backed his chair away and said. "Tyler! Calm down. I don't know what's got you upset. I'm here if you want to talk to me."

"I'm not supposed to talk to you remember? YOUR RULES! It might as well be all your rules as this is ALL your room right?" Tyler yelled!

"Ty." Derek said calmly

"DON'T TYLER ME! You're nice for one minute and mean for the next 24 hours!

You're mean to your family! It seems you're rude to everyone who comes in contact with you. So just don't fucking talk to me! Don't go near me! Don't ask for anything and stay the hell out of my life! And remember those are YOUR RULES" Tyler grabbed his coat and keys and ran out of the dorm room.

Derek stared at the wall chewing on the back of his thumb. He slowly pushed himself around in circles sitting on his desk chair. He knew Tyler was right. He's always known that and he hated himself for it. As he thought more about Tyler tonight he remembered hearing Tyler crying softly.

Derek slid over to Tyler's desk and picked up the CD cover and read it. "David Peel: My Greatest Hero is." He said aloud. Then he picked up the note from Kelly and read it. Derek clicked the play button on Tyler's window media player and a redheaded kid appeared on the screen. Derek turned up the volume and watched the video.

Tyler got into his Jeep and took off leaving the campus grounds. He picked up a coffee at a drive-thru and drove down to the Delaware River. He parked and sat on his Jeep staring out into the warm evening waters.

Derek thought he might cry after watching the video. He knew his brothers would never give a speech like that about him. David certainly is a cutie thought Derek! If his hair were lighter he would be the younger duplicate of Tyler. Derek opened up Tyler's MSN and saw that Kyle was on his MSN. He closed the MSN but didn't turn it off. He didn't want Tyler to know he had watched the video. Derek looked through Tyler's garbage pail for clues but there wasn't anything. He turned in Tyler's chair and his foot hit the recycling bucket. He looked down and saw the card and torn envelope from Mrs. Johnson and pulled it out.

"Dearest Tyler,

Thank you for the emails your Uncle David forwarded to me. I hope hockey and school are going well for you. The house is fine and I'm keeping a close eye on it. David dropped over for coffee and had me sign some papers last week for the house. There have been a lot of cards come for you and I've been collecting them up and will give them all to your Uncle to forward to you. Most of everything has been picked up. A friend of your brother's named Kelly was over. I took him over to the house and I let him pick a few things out. He seemed to be really interested in the computer but I said I would have to talk to you about it, but he told me not to worry, as he would talk to you about something on the computer?

I miss you so much. It really is lonely here. The cats even miss you, though I know you never liked them! I was wondering if you are coming home for Thanksgiving Day? You know that you are more than welcome. I think this will be the first birthday of yours in 7 years that I will have missed.

Please stay in touch,

Love, your Mrs. J."

Derek reread the letter. There weren't any more answers there but there were certainly a lot more questions about who Tyler Peel is! As he tossed the card and envelope back in the recycling bin, an MSN message box pop-up on Tyler's screen. It was Kyle.

Hey Ty! What's up?


Yo Tyler! Are you there? It says you're online?


Well, I guess you are busy? 123 Kyle : )

Derek debated on whether to pretend he was Tyler and talk to Kyle but he thought that was crossing the line. for most people but not for him! He hadn't put his fingers to the keys when he heard the door being unlocked. Derek slid back to his computer and continued typing like he had been doing it since Tyler left. Derek didn't look up and Tyler didn't look down.

Tyler sat down at his computer and turned it off without even looking at his MSN message from Kyle. He unplugged his computer from all of its wires. He opened his backpack and slid his computer inside.

Knock knock knock

Tyler headed off to open the door and he let Danny in.

"Got everything?" Danny asked.

"Almost." Tyler said hurrying around his side of the room. He handed Danny his backpack and sleeping bag from the closet. Derek was watching while pretending to be working on his computer. Tyler stopped and stared at the wall for a second. He grabbed his colour-framed picture of his family and had Danny turn around while he put it in back of his pack. He grabbed his lock box from the floor of his closet and some clean clothes on hangers. He took some boxers from the second drawer of his dresser and stuffed them in the pack on Danny's back. He looked around the room grabbing his keys, cell phone, the pillow off his bed and told Danny, "GO!" As he followed Danny down the hallway he reached up and grabbed his schedule off the corkboard wall without even turning his head. As quickly as he arrived, he was gone.

ring ring, ring ring

Derek reached over and picked up the phone. "Hi sweetheart, how are things going?"

"Hi Mom. Okay. How are you?" Derek asked.

"Fine. The house is a lot quieter though." She laughed.

"Yeah it seems that people are a lot happier when I'm not around." He said glumly.

"Is something wrong Derek?"

"No Mom, everything's fine."

"Okay Derek. It doesn't sound like it is but I didn't call to argue with you. I called because I missed you and wanted to make sure you're okay?" Linda said.

Knock knock knock

"Hang on Mom, someone's at the door." Derek got up and opened the door. Danny stood there.

"Tyler forgot his hockey sticks for the game and needs his cup." Danny said emotionlessly and pushed his way passed Derek.

"Sure c'mon in." Derek said snidely

"I would have." Danny said dangling the key in the air, "I have his key! I was just trying to be polite. not that you would understand that. Tyler won't be in your way until just before he goes to work tomorrow night." Danny said on his way out and slamming the door.

Derek spun around and saw the phone sitting there. 'SHIT' he said to himself.

"Ummm Hi Mom, sorry about that. Just a friend of Tyler's dropping by to pick some stuff up." He said trying to cover up what she had probably heard.

"Uh huh! Derek, what's going on?" Linda said.

"Nothing Mom. I just miss being at home."

"How are you and Tyler getting along?"

"Fine. He's not the easiest guy to live with, but neither am I." Derek said slowly.

"What's happening honey?" She asked.

"Nothing Mom, everything's fine!"

"No it isn't Derek. I can hear it in your voice, but you're not a little boy anymore Derek. I'm here if you need me and I will try my best to respect your privacy. If you've done something to Tyler I strongly suggest you fix it. It will only get worse as each day goes by." Linda said.

"I haven't done anything Mom! All is fine. He's gone to his hockey game."

"Okay Derek. I will get out of your way and let you do some homework. I love you!" Linda said.

"Love you too Mom, and I miss you all." Derek said.

"That's nice to hear honey. Your brothers really do miss you already. Take care, bye." She said.

"Bye Mom." Derek said hanging up the phone.

Tyler sat in the dressing room suited up with all the other players waiting to go out and warm up for their first official game of the season.

"Now boys." Coach Conners began, "I've made a few changes in the line ups." Everyone looked at each other wondering what he was talking about? He went through several position changes but the one that caused the stir was moving Ryan on to Tyler's line. Danny was happy because he was getting to play second period and Adam was just happy to have the A on his jersey! The announcer began his introduction of the Drexel Dragons and everyone headed out in numerical order with exception of the two goalies that would be introduced last.

Tyler noticed that when the Captain was introduced he heard some people booing. Tyler figured it had to do with last year's loss. There was almost no clapping for the team's lone Canadian player when he was introduced. As Tyler passed each of the players lined up on the blue line they fisted each other except Dakota who ignored him. Dakota smiled when Tyler passed by him and he looked over and saw the Coach looking at him shaking his head.

Tyler had only learned earlier in the evening that they were playing the Cooperstown Cougar's who had beaten them in the playoffs last year. This was supposed to be the grudge match! Dakota scored the first goal at the halfway point of the first period and the Cougars came right back at the drop of the puck to score on Adam. With less than two minutes remaining in the first period Tyler scored the go ahead goal, unassisted. Then Tyler got the puck on the face off and was on a breakaway with Ryan beside him. Tyler could have taken the puck in for the goal but he passed it to Ryan and Ryan scored. The crowd went crazy when the buzzer blew for the end of the period.

Back in the dressing room Dakota quietly tore a strip off Ryan for scoring the goal telling him 'you want to make him look good? I knew you were a traitor.' In the second period Tyler passed the puck at the 15-minute mark to Ryan. It was another breakaway from a pass by Danny. Ryan simply skated around behind the net and shot it back to the defenseman. Tyler just looked at him as to say, 'what the fuck?' They had three more full strength shifts that period together and each time Tyler passed the puck to Ryan he either avoided his chance to score or the shot was so out of range that someone in the cheap seats could have caught it.

As they were coming out on to the ice for their last shift before the end of the second period Tyler saw Dakota say something to Ryan. Tyler's line came up again with less than one minute to play. Ryan immediately crosschecked a Cougar and got a penalty. Playing short handed, Tyler knew he only had one chance to break the Cougar's spirit. He easily broke away from the pack and lined up to take his shot but didn't. He went around the net and stopped. The Cougar goalie thought he went all the way around his net and Tyler slipped the puck in for the goal on his left side. The goalie never saw it coming. At the end of the second period the score was Dragons 4, Cougars 1.

Danny had a one period shut out.

As Ryan skated out of the penalty box to head off the ice Tyler approached him. "What are you doing?" Tyler asked?

"What are you talking about?" Ryan snarled.

"I don't know what Dakota said to you but you might as well be wearing a Cougar's jersey!" Tyler said and skated away from him. Tyler's line returned short-handed going into the third period as Ryan returned to the penalty box to serve out his time left. Tyler lost control of the puck and Cougars scored. With less than 5 minutes left in the second period Ryan got another penalty. This time it was for tripping. Tyler's line was barely able to hold off the Cougar's. The game finished with a 4-2 win for the Dragon's!

Coach Conner's pulled Ryan aside before going into the dressing room. "I don't know what you're doing but I know something's up! You're staying on that line with Tyler or you simply won't be playing. That score should a lot higher and you could have been the top scorer for the game. I don't know what you're thinking but you better straighten up! I suppose you didn't notice Dean Thompson sitting with a Scout for the Mighty Ducks either. You must be proud of yourself? I'm sure you just impressed the shit out of him!" Coach Conners walked into the dressing room and the celebration quieted down.

"Adam and Danny! Good game! I hope everyone watched Tyler hauling ass out there. That's what we call giving 110%! You can't win a game in the penalty box, he said looking directly at Ryan. Can anyone tell me how badly you lost this game?" The coach waited for an answer he knew wasn't coming.

"Ten percent of your shots on goal should go in! The score should be 7 to 3! If you think of this as anything other than a loss then you really don't have a clue about how to play hockey! You will get lucky a few times, but for the most part, those tiny little errors are the ones that kill you. You failed to play as a team! I want you to ask yourselves a question! How lucky do I feel? Think about what's going to happen when you play a team that's better than you! Go get showered." The Coach walked out of the dressing room and the arguing began. Tyler's line started in on Ryan. Tyler wouldn't defend Ryan or say anything. He didn't back down from staring at a grinning Dakota.

As Tyler walked by Dakota going to the shower he bent down and said into his ear. "It's your team, Captain, are you going to let them beat up on Ryan?" Tyler walked away not awaiting a response. Dakota just quietly enjoyed the abuse Ryan was taking from his line.

Danny, Cody, and Tyler waited until all had left the arena and walked back to Danny's dorm room together. "What the fuck is going on with Ryan?" Danny asked to no one in particular.

"I have an idea but I don't know for sure." Tyler said. Cody just stared at the ground saying nothing.

"Well? What then?" Danny asked.

"Ryan played a great first period, but when we came out second period I saw Dakota talking to him and his play changed after that. I figured if I kept putting the puck in stick he would either have to score or at least the Coach would say something, but nothing happened." Tyler replied.

"Hey Cody, you're friends with Dakota! Maybe you can find out what's going on?" Danny asked.

"You're friends with Dakota?" Tyler asked staring at him in disbelief.

"We're NOT friends!" Cody said defensively.

"Well, what about the team meeting you went to the other night? Danny asked

"What team meeting?" Tyler asked. Cody just lowered his head. "Never mind! You're part of Dakota's posse aren't you?" Tyler said.

Cody didn't answer.

"You don't hang out with those assholes do you Cody?" Danny pleaded.

"Shut up Danny!" Tyler said. "I've got to go and get something from my Jeep. See you guys later." Tyler said walking away from them.

"K. Ty. See you up in my room later?" Danny said, but with no response from Tyler.

"He's going to your room?" Cody asked.

"Don't change the subject Cody! What the fuck are you doing with those assholes? You're a great guy and you know I love you, but there are some things I don't understand about you. Talk to you tomorrow if you're not tied up with another team meeting!" Danny stormed off ahead of Cody leaving him there.

Cody stood for a moment alone. Not wanting to go back to his room. Not wanting to be alone, he went for a walk carrying his hockey bag. When he approached the parking lot he saw the Tyler's red Jeep and a hockey bag sitting on top of the hood. The dashboard lights illuminated Tyler's face and he sat in the driver's seat with his head resting back against the headrest. Cody approached the front of the Jeep and stopped. Tyler didn't notice him and Cody could hear music playing. Cody tapped on the hood and Tyler sat up. Cody pointed to the passenger seat but didn't get a response from Tyler. Cody set his hockey bag down in front of the Jeep and walked over to the passenger door. Tyler reached over and unlocked the door.

After a couple minutes of silence except for the CD player, Cody said. "Nice Jeep!"

Tyler just stared forward mouthing the words to the song in silence. Cody looked over at Tyler staring straightforward and said. "I love this song too!"

"The Counting Crows video for it is even better!" Tyler said still not looking at Cody.

"The Shrek video?" Cody asked.

"No! The one with the guy and girl in bed! That guy is so hot, I've blown more loads thinking about him than anyone else!" Tyler said. Cody's mouth dropped open.

"Cody! I know it was you spying on Danny and me in the shower. I've never said anything to Danny about it. Danny loves you more than hockey or maybe even life itself? If you or any of your thugs do anything to hurt him I will personally tear you apart! I swear on my life that your body or anyone else's won't be recognizable. Do you understand me?" Tyler said looking out his driver's side window. Cody just nodded with his head hung down.

"Please get out of my Jeep!" Tyler said still not willing to look at him.

Cody put his hand on the door handle and said, "I just wanted to tell you that Dakota is trying to get you off the team. They're planning to do something to you, but I don't know what it is. I know you don't believe me, but I'm not one of them." He opened the door and got out. Just before shutting the door Cody said quietly. "I would never hurt Danny. I love him more than he loves you!" Cody shut the door and picked up his hockey bag at the front of Tyler's Jeep and walked to the dorm.

Tyler almost walked into his dorm room when he remembered that he was going to sleep in Danny and Tony's room. He turned around and headed over to Danny's wing of the fifth floor. Danny opened the door and asked Tyler if he was alright? Tyler just nodded. Tony was sitting at his desk doing homework and Tyler came up behind him putting one arm around his shoulder and giving him a light peck on the cheek. "Thanks Tony for letting me stay here tonight!" Tyler smiled. Tony was shocked and a little embarrassed at Tyler kissing him in front of Danny.

"Sure. Tony gets a kiss and I get nothing.." Danny sulked, winking at Tyler.

"I warned you last time Danny about the tongue thing!" He winked.

Tony spun around in his chair with his mouth hanging open.

Danny not wanting to miss an opportunity to one-up Tyler said, "Oh? I only remember you telling me to be careful with my teeth?" He winked. Tyler busted out laughing and pulled Danny into a hug and kissed his cheek. "Now everybody's equal!"

"Tony? Tony? Over here!! It's a joke!" Tyler said smiling and Tony was forced to relinquish his fantasy and come back to reality. Tyler sat down on their loveseat and opened up his laptop to do some homework.

Derek turned on his MSN and when Kyle saw he was online he sent a message.

Hey Derek, how's school?

I've seen better days Kyle.

What's a matter?

Nothing. Just one of those days!

How's Ty?

I don't know!

????? What do you mean?

Just what I said! I don't fucking know!

U guys have a fight?


Derek? Are u okay?

Yeah. I'm fine but not really.

Can I help at all?

No, but thanks for asking.

I messaged hi to Tyler earlier but he just shut his computer down and didn't answer? I didn't know if he was mad at me?

It's not you that he's mad at Kyle

Ooooooh. : ( I know I bug you and all.. But I do care about you and Tyler!

I know, I care about you too Kyle.

I know : ) I'm not far away if you need me.

Kyle, I don't say it enough but just remember I will always need you.

Same here big bro!

I have to finish my homework okay Kyle? Talk with you later.

NP! I don't say it enough either but I love you 2 Derek.

Night Kyle : )

Night Derek : )

Derek scanned down his MSN and saw over 40 people online. He stared at the list for a few minutes but no one contacted him. He looked over at Tyler's empty desk. He picked up the sketchpad and flipped through the pages. Tyler had started several different sketches of his family, Kyle alone, and Luke alone. When he got to the last sketch he gasped. It was an almost completed sketch of him and more than half of Abbey was finished. Derek couldn't believe the amount of work put into drawing Abbey's coat.

"Wow! That's incredible!" Derek said aloud.

"Shit! I need my Calculus textbook!" Tyler said.

"Want me to go over to your room and get it?" Danny asked secretly wanting to piss Derek off.

"No, it's okay. I don't want him to think I'm afraid of him. I'll go get it." Derek heard the key being inserted in the door and he tossed the sketchpad back on Tyler's desk. He wasn't sure if it would be Tyler or Danny but he figured that Danny would still knock first.

"Hey" Derek said being the first to speak.

"Don't worry I'm only here to get a text book I forgot." Tyler said not looking at him.

"How did your game go?" Derek asked.

"We won for some unknown reason." Tyler said.

"I was talking to Kyle tonight. He said he was trying to talk to you on MSN and you didn't respond and he thought you were mad at him. I assured him that you weren't mad at him." Derek said staring at his computer but Tyler didn't acknowledge his words.



"Can we talk for a moment?"

"I don't think we should Derek." Tyler said finding his textbook.

Derek came out from under his bed and cut Tyler off from walking down the hall. "Ummm since I'm the only one allowed to talk." He said smiling. "Could I have a couple of minutes to apologize? If you just let me apologize I will go and find a new place to live and get out of here within a week! I promise!"

"This is your room. You don't need to apologize. I'm the one going to find another place to live." Tyler said not looking at Derek.

"Please Ty! Just let me talk for a moment?" Tyler didn't respond.

"Everything you said about me is right. and true I'm afraid. I can apologize and hope that someday you will forgive me but if I were you I probably wouldn't! You don't deserve to be stuck with someone like me. No one does. Especially my family! They all try to love me but I don't let them, and you do everything possible to make me happy and I act like a spoiled brat and to top it off, I treat you like shit!!!" Derek started crying. "I don't know why I act like I do, I just do! I'm sorry!" Derek dropped on to the loveseat in front of them began sobbing.

Tyler kneeled down on the loveseat beside him and pulled Derek's face into his chest. Derek wrapped his arms around him and sobbed while mumbling, 'I'm sorry' over and over again. Tyler just 'shushed' him and held him tight.

Many thanks to those of you have taken the time to write and to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story. Everyone has been very kind and forgiving of my mistakes. Every email has been appreciated and inspires me to take the time necessary to tell this story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying writing it.

Comments or opinions are welcome. Please EMAIL:

Next: Chapter 11

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