The Ritual

By Lindsey S.

Published on Feb 3, 2018


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Chapter 7

The entire trip had gone very smooth until now. Despite wearing a women's T- shirt and jeans, she had no problem with her ID that read Micheal. She had been nervous at first but she realized after her cab ride to the airport that as long as she kept cool, nobody was going to ask questions. She loved going out in her outfit even though she still was not satisfied with the way her clothes fit. She still felt like a guy in drag every time she got a glimpse of her reflection. Her top T-shirt just didn't fit right, but she did like her legs and ass in these jeans.

Sitting first class was something she has never experienced before, and she quickly figured out that there were two types of people in her section. People were either on their way to an important business trip, dressed in their best suits. Or they were there to go on vacation, ordering a drink as soon as they sat down. Michelle looked like the latter, but resisted the urge to drink right away. Before the plane was in the air though, the flight attendant came by with a complimentary glass of champagne and a shot of Vodka from the man sitting next to her, which she kindly accepted.

Surprisingly, he took the first half of the flight to do some work and didn't say more than `your welcome' to her., Michelle quietly read a magazine she had picked up at the news stand. Flipping through she spent most of her time looking at the pictures, studying their outfits and feeling the alcohol kick in. She felt so feminine flicking through a magazine like that, which made it even more fun than she thought it would.

About halfway through the flight, the man next to her began talking to her and asking her questions. He kept inquiring about where she was going, and Michelle got a quick lesson in what it's like to be a girl. There were glances at her chest and thighs, he had this way of smiling at his own jokes that made her smile too, and the glances he gave her when he did look her in the eye were loaded with a suggestion. By the end of the flight his hand was on her thigh, and he had made it clear that he didn't mind `girls like her', implying he knew about her secret.

She was relieved when the plane landed and she was on her way to the hotel. It wasn't that she didn't like the attention, it was that she did not find him attractive at all. He was sleazy and out of shape. He was older, but that didn't bother her too much.

After getting her bag, she texted Adam to let him know she got in all right and got no response so she focused on her main reason for coming home. She needed re-assurance that she was making the right choice.

Scrolling through her phone she found the phone number of her best friend from High School, Angie. Within the first two rings Michelle got an excited "Micheal, where have you been?"

They took some time to catch up, but Michelle knew that they were going to be cut short. "Are you available to chat in person? I'm in town and have something I want to run by you."

"Umm, sure," she said, "why didn't you tell me you were coming? Usually you let me know, I'm busy tonight but I can meet for an hour after school."

"Sure, where should I meet you when you are done teaching?"

"Why don't you stop by the school?" She said.

Michelle looked down at her clothes. She was not going to be comfortable meeting her like this, so she reluctantly changed into Mike's jeans and a sweat shirt, even though it was too warm for that. She kept her bra on, and put in a light blue athletic womens tank top she had brought.

Pulling up to the School and after a brief hug, Angie commented on the sweatshirt.

"A little hot don't you think?" She said jokingly.

"Uhhh, yeah, I know," Michelle started, but realized she had no explanation, so she changed the subject. "I know we don't have much time, but you've always been an anchor for me,"

Angie picked up on Michelle's body language and cut her off, "if you are this nervous there is only one thing you can be talking about and we have been over this." Michelle looked confused. Angie continued, "I am getting married next month and we never dated,"

Michelle felt dumb for not having guessed where this was going. "You have no idea what I am going to say," she chuckled. She instantly felt more at ease, but Angie looked unconvinced. "You remember that guy Adam I told you about, I've hooked up with him."

"Your gay!" She asked loud enough that some people looked over.

Michelle froze, "ummm, well," she bit her lip and thought for a second, "I hadn't thought of it like that, but," she paused again. This time she wanted to get to the point. "I'm wearing panties and a bra right now."

Angie looked floored. "And I wanted to hear what you thought about that."

Her friend just sat looking shocked. "I don't get it," she said. "This guy Adam is turning you gay and makes you wear women's underwear. Why do you need me?"

Michelle was starting to get a little frustrated. Angie had always been so open minded and supportive. She came here hoping for an endoresement of her decision, not to be broken down and judged. "It's more complicated than that," she said. "I am thinking about marrying him, and being his wife."

Angie looked floored. "What the fuck?" She asked. "This is ridiculous, this guy just comes in and...."

Michelle's frustration makes her butt in, "this is my choice," her face felt hot. "He's not making me do anything. I wanted you to tell me I'm not crazy." Suddenly, she felt Adam's presence in her thoughts. She heard him telling her to calm down', it's a lot for her and she doesn't understand'.

Michelle looked around and saw Adam standing down the block, instantly calling her.

She took a deep breathe. `Tell her he basic truth' he told her.

"I like it, being feminine for him, well and generally," She stammered.

"And I really like Adam, he makes me happy."

Angie's face softened, and Michelle saw her angel companion whisper in her ear. "But you are going to marry a guy who you just like?" She asked.

Michelle swallowed before answering, but she knew Adam had already seen and heard her thought. "I think I might love him, it's just really fast and a lot of changes."

Suddenly the devil companion started looking restless and she noticed a small change in Angie. He didn't say anything to her, it was like he was feeding off her energy. "But you've always loved me, you always wanted to be with me." She said. The devil began flapping its wings wildly, and the angel flew away.

Michelle felt Adam watching her thoughts, but not interfering. She could tell he was waiting to see her response. "I think that is really selfish of you to say right now. It has nothing to do with Adam or me, or anybody else, just you. You rejected me for years."

This set Angie off. She reached out and grabbed Michelle's sweatshirt. Michelle backed away and Angie held on, leaving Michelle with her shirt over her head and her tank top exposed. Adam came running over to break it up. He pulled Michelle away.

Before she had gotten back in control of her emotions or adjusted her clothes she had already decided, she was making the right choice about Adam.

As Adam stood between the two, All Michelle could say was, "I'm leaving, and you can call me Michelle."

"Fuck You Micheal." Was all Angie said before walking back into the school.

Adam stayed silent, and just hugged her. "I feel stupid, I knew it was always about her. She kept me around all those years to feel good about herself. I'm done being used like that."

Adam nodded. "Let's go tell your parents. I have a feeling they will be more receptive. This should help." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. Her hands shook as she opened it. Inside was a diamond necklace. Walked around her and helped out it on. "Now let's go pick out something to wear to tell them in. Something that shows them the new you."

Michelle just smiled, knowing Adam could hear her thoughts. `Thank you for coming, and thank you for everything.'

He leaned in to kiss her, and she closed her eyes and accepted it. Taking his tongue into her mouth she felt her loss control of her emotions. She grabbed him tight around his waist, then moved her arms up around his shoulders before aggressively kissing him. She wanted to feel every once of his body against hers at that second. Nobody had ever done this much for her.

"I want to make love to you," she said. "Take me back to my hotel room, I want to show you how I feel."

Adam waved to a waiting car, which pulled up and drove them back to the hotel. They made out the entire car ride.

Once in the room she could not stop her hands from roving up his shirt. Insecurity in her body crept into her thoughts as she felt his skin, His vision of her came into her mind. She had longer hair and a chest that filled out the bra she was wearing. She knew he was doing it for her to make her feel more comfortable. She purred as she began kissing his neck.

He pulled her sweatshirt off and stepped away to sit on the bed. She walked over, pulling the tank top over her head and sliding out of her jeans in front of him. He kissed her stomach and helped her slide the jeans down her legs.

Stepping out in her black lace big shorts she ran her fingers through his hair and watched him kiss her. "You have a stunning body, but I love watching your thoughts," he said.

She smiled, "what am I thinking now then," she said teasingly, knowing he could see them.

He pulled his shirt over his head and scooted back. He unzipped his pants, and she kept her eyes fixed on his. "Show your prince you want to be his princess," he said. He slid his jeans off and she crawled on the bed over him.

She kissed his lips softly, and envisioned herself in a tiara. He laughed out loud at the picture. "We can get you one of those if you want."

On top of him she sweetly kissed his lips, and he reached up and slid his hands up her stomach to her bra, firmly grabbing and kneading her chest. She let it a soft moan. She laid down on top of him, feeling their skin glide as she squirmed around, trying to touch every inch of him. Her panties were tight and wet as she arched her back and offers her nipple to his mouth.

She reached under her and back to grab his cock as he accepted her nipple with his tongue and a soft nibble.

"Ohhh," she said as she felt his hard cock and jerked it. He continued nibbling as she began grinding her panties against his stomach.

Turning around she took his cock in her mouth and slowly began toying with the head. Her hips hovered over his face and she could feel his breathe on her. One of his hands probed her ass hole while the other rubbed up and down her body. It spent equal time on her breasts, stomach and panties, feeling her skin.

He turned his head and began kissing her thigh as she worked his cock building up from a slow pace, she picked up the speed. She began to sweat as she felt her own orgasm building. She reached for Adams hand with in if her, and moved it with him, letting him direct her.

She felt his tongue slide up the leg of her panties, and start making small quick circles around before darting in and out of her hole. She looked down between her legs and saw how long he had made his tongue. It stretched over two feet long from what she could see. She could feel it's hot wet strength all the way up her leg and inside of her. It was too much and she felt herself release a load of cum inside her panties.

His tongue subtly retreated back to its normal side. "God Baby," she whispered, reaching back and pulling her sack forward, her palm now wet and sticky from the cum.

Turning around she first slid her wet panties off, feeling her own cum brush against her leg. Sitting straight up, she reached behind her and guided him inside. Rocking her hips back and forth she could tell he was close. "Mmmm, Prince, full me up." She felt his cock getting wider and wider. She didn't have to look down to know he was changing it to stretch her. "God that is so big," she cooed.

Images started racing through her head, some of her own, and some from Adam. An image of a huge breasted brunette with long hair went shivers down her spine. She knew Adam was watching her too, and they picked up the pace and urgency. She leaned down and started slamming herself against him. The sound of her ass slapping against his hips filled the room.

"Ohhhh Yes," he bellowed, grabbing her hips and kissing her hard. He held deep inside her as his hips started making short quick penetrations. She could not move he was holding her so tight and she lost her second load all over his stomach. He began shooting load after load inside her. Thick gooey cum oozed out of her as he pulled out of her.

"I'm not done princess," He said, pulling her onto her side and getting up onto his knees. She looked her elbow under her knee and brought it up to her chest. Her ass cheeks spread open as she waited for him. She felt felt her ass gaping, making her feel empty, his cum oozing down her leg.

At a slow pace he slid back and forth inside her and held her leg up for her. Her arm now free she reached down and felt how sticky her bald cock had become. She licked her hand and began jerking herself. As he pumped in and out of her she felt like she couldn't get there. No matter what she did she was always two steps away from coming a third time. He was sliding in and out her so easily, in smooth deep strokes.

An image of a man popped into her head, out there by Adam. She was on her knees in front of his fit body with her hands tied behind her back. She was not attracted to the guy, but his horse sized cock got her a little closer to her orgasm. As soon as Adam placed an image of him bending this guy over, she felt herself almost there.

"God baby, you are so hot, I want to be yours." Her words came effortless even though her voice was heavy. Her entire body started to shake and her face began to spasm. A heat like the sun flushed over her skin, and she began to scream, "ahhhh, ohhhh, ouhhh," And she felt Adam cumming deep inside her. It didn't stop, even after he pulled out she was still rolling and shaking. Eventually she started laughing, even though she couldn't stop shaking.

Adam came down and kissed her. "I want to do that everyday," she said, the tremors slowing down.

He smiled and reached down to her stomach, scooped up some of her own cum and fed it to her. She closed her eyes and sucked it off his finger.

They laid for half an hour before she could get up. They talked about what was going to happen after today. Adam would help her tell her parents about the transition, and then fly out thar Evening to go back to Paris. They would see each other again in one month to start the Ritual of selection. The other two candidates had been chosen, and for a week they would go through the selection process.

Michelle took it all in, and was not scared or nervous anymore. The only things she knew were that she was not Micheal, and she wanted more time with Adam.

"Will I get to see you over the next month?" She asked.

"I am done traveling till after the ritual. I need to save up my strength."

"Not even a plane ride?" She asked.

"After tonight, I will see you in a month."

Adam had brought a nice cocktail dress for her to wear to her parents. He accompanied her, and introduced himself as her boyfriend. Her parents were surprisingly receptive, and never questioned her decision. They were more interested in a Adam, who they obviously liked.

There were a dozen or so angels around when they showed up to her parents. They took turns whispering in their ears like Michelle had seen them do a lot. Everything her parents said was within their character and personality, but she finally made the connection. The angels fed off of and encouraged a certain kind of energy. It was patient, cooperative, and selfless. The demons were different, they were aggressive, competitive, and selfish.

Adam had summoned these angels.

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