The Ritual

By Lindsey S.

Published on Jan 14, 2018


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the story. Feedback is always welcome; lindseycd4rp@ G M A I L. com

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There will be some time as I develop the next several chapters. I apologize for the lag and delay, but I have found continuity and flow are much better if I write several chapters at a time before releasing them. Xoxoxo!

Chapter 5: Hard Choices And Time

The pain that began the evening before had only gotten worse. The dull ache in her stomach was now accompanied by waves of sharp pain that came every four or five minutes. All she could do was curl into a ball and wait for them to stop. During the small sessions of sleep she got she could feel Adam in her dreams, trying to help distract her from the pain. While she was awake, he rubbed her back and neck, made `Servant' prepare soup and get her water.

Some parts of the transition were obvious. Her long hair started to fall out in clumps. Adam would brush it gently, and give the handfuls of it to Servant to dispose of. Others were much more subtle, like her breasts. There was a constant feeling of pins and needles, and she never saw them change, but occasionally she would look down and notice her nipples had shrunk or they were more firm and musclar.

She was not sure if they were dreams or if she had actually seen it, but twice she watched from the bed as Servant took care of Adam. The first time she found Adam standing over him and feeding him on his knees. Adam moved one foot up onto the desk chair, held him by the front of his head and pumped at a slow but forceful pace in and out of his mouth. Servants jaw was wide open, and he gagged as Adam held himself deep inside his throat every couple strokes. Servant eventually took over using his arms and mouth at a rapid pace while humming loudly.

The next time Servant was bent over on the desk in her room, with his pants around his knees. He had one hand on the desk, and his head was hung low. His other hand was grabbing and yanking at his own cock as Adam pounded him. The sound of Adams thighs hitting his ass were slightly louder than the pleasurable moans coming from Servant.

In the afternoon the pain slowly subsided. She felt hungry and thirsty, which she had not in the hours before, but her limbs felt heavy. She spent the entire afternoon on the couch with Adam watching movies and cuddling. Just after dinner all signs of Michelle's body had been replaced by Mike's. It was like it never happened.

Mike got up to go to the bathroom and saw his reflection in the mirror. The walk down the hallway served as a reminder of the intrigue from two days ago, looking at Michelle for the first time. He fought the disappointment and tried to get back to reality. He pulled down his panties and sat down to pee. He was halfway done before realizing that his body, clothes, and actions didn't match. He looked in the mirror again as he washed his hands, and contemplated changing out of the silk nighty, but decided against it. Unsure if it was fatigue or because he liked wearing them, he just didn't care to think about it anymore.

"You OK?" Adam asked as Mike laid down in the couch. Mike placed his head in Adams lap, and Adam gazed down at him.

Mike sighed softly, "I just want to do this." He replied closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "I feel so tired, or heavy, or hungover," his voice trailed off.

Adam waited a minute before speaking, "I will be gone in the morning. Have you thought about what you want to do?" Mike was silent, and Adam tried to read his face and body language. Mike stayed open minded, but it was obvious to both of them he didn't know what he thought. "Did you like being Michelle," Adam probed, "Or was it just fun for awhile?"

"I think I still need more time. This weekend has been wonderful, but I just don't know." Mike closed his eyes and brought his knees to his chest making himself into a ball.

Adam's tone was still comforting, but there was a little more business to it than Mike was used to. "I can wait a month, but I will still be seeing other potential candidates. Servant will stay as he is, and treat you however you are dressed. He will call you Michelle and treat you like a princess when you are dressed like this," Adam slid his hand against the silk. "Or he will call you Mike and treat you like a prince."

Mike smiled, "This is ridiculous."

"Why?" Adam asked.

"It just shouldn't be real. This isn't normal, a couple days ago you were somebody fun I had met twice." Mike's frustration was starting to grow.

"I can be patient," Adam said, "and my biggest fear is you would regret whatever decision you do end up making." He sensed the comfort that gave Mike. He took Mike's hand and kissed it. "I want to help you rest."

He reached down to Mike's leg and lifted up the hem of the nighty, revealing the top of Mike's thigh.

"I'm tired, everything feels so heavy." Mike said, letting Adam expose his panties.

"Then just lay there and let me," Adam replied. He reached up and started to rub Mike's cock through the lace. "I love the way you look in these." He said as he felt Mike getting harder.

He got his hand inside and began toying with the head, sliding precum around the tip. He whispered in Mike's ear, "Just call me your prince and let me know what you want."

"Mmm, my Prince," Mike half moaned. Adam could tell Mike was half asleep already. He could also tell he was enjoying Adam's touch, so he went for it.

Adam got down on the floor and spread Mike's knees. He pulled the panties down to Mike's thighs and began to use his tongue to tease the head. He wrapped his fingers around the shaft and took a look at the heart of pubic hair Mike had trimmed for him. He smiled before taking it into his mouth and sucking softly. He felt Mike put his hand on the back of his head and Mike gently stroked around the back of his ear. Still half asleep he let out a soft moan, "`mmmmmmmm."

Adam felt Mike's cock move. At first it stiffened, it was so rigid that it bumped the top of his mouth. It gave two twitches and let out a slow trickle of watery cum, which Adam easily swallowed. "Mmmmm, my prince," he heard Mike whisper in his sleep.

Adam picked Mike up and carried him to bed. He laid next to him for an hour before pulling a necklace out of his pocket and putting it around Mike's neck. Two flying creatures appeared in the window, which Adam opened.

One was wearing black and red, it had horns on the top of it's head. It's arms and legs were human, but it had a long thin tail that waved back and forth. He tucked back his dragon like wings, folding them so only a small part of them could be seen.

The other had wings like a bird, and even though they were tucked back, they were a prominent part of his silhouette. It too was humanoid, but had soft angular features, like its pointy ears and high cheek bones. It gave off almost a soft yellow glow from it's golden and white attire.

"I did not tell him you were coming, but I will make sure he understands when he wakes up," Adam told both of them. "It will be important for you to lay low and be subtle at first, he takes some time to adjust."

Both creatures nodded, and shrunk down to be three inches tall. Looking like a child's figurine, they flew to the head of the bed and sat down.

Leaving the bedroom, he gave some last instructions to Servant and left. A car that had been waiting to drive him to the airport pulled up, and just as quickly as he had shown up, he was gone.

Next: Chapter 6

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