The Ritual

By Lindsey S.

Published on Jan 13, 2018


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Chapter 4: The Truth

"So how does it work, how do you know how to do these things?" Michelle decided it was best to just jump right in.

Adam's voice was normal, as if they were talking about the weather. "The reason I can do those things is because I'm not just human." Michelle tried not to roll her eyes and Adam sensed it. "I have never lied to you, and this is not possible for me to prove to you today. Everything I tell you today you must accept on faith, even if you don't understand."

Michelle sat up in the bed and Adam stayed laying on his side. He ran his hands up and down her stomach as they talked. She spent the next hour listening to him explain how the death of his grandfather started a timeline for him, that as the prince he had to find a life partner and conceive a child within a year. He explained how he now had eleven months to find that partner. He kept pausing, as if waiting for questions, but she remained mostly silent, and only asked questions about him.

"So are you superhuman?" She asked.

"Some things that I can do, or my family can do, is because of technology that only we have. My intelligence and some of my abilities come from genetics," he explained. "I use more of my brain than a normal human does, and my brain has structures yours does not." He went on, alluding to a history of the world that involved enslaving and controlling humans. He could tell for the first time that she had a lot of questions about that, but she held them back, again choosing to mostly listen. Adam went on to explain that he had four parents that gave him DNA, two of which came from non human forms. "For simplicity, lets just call them an angel and a demon."

He could sense she was getting hungry and felt her focus starting to wain. "Would you like to go get something to eat?" He asked.

She sat for a second before asking, "So you are saying your family has been doing this for how many generations?"

"Hundreds, for the history of mankind," he replied.

"And you, the prince, want to take me to lunch," a skeptical smile crossed her face.

He smiled back, "Lunch now, and potentially much more later. Get dressed and pick a place."

Michelle became excited because she was going to get to pick out an outfit. She felt Adam periodically watching and listening to her thoughts as she got ready. She peeled off the G-string she had worn all morning, and slipped on a pink and black lace thong. She smiled as Adam watched her from the bed, "I hope I didn't spend too much," she thought, feeling a twinge if guilt.

"Anything you enjoy that much is worth it to me," he said aloud. "the view alone is worth it. My family has generations of wealth so the money is not an issue."

"I still appreciate it," her tone was sincere, as was the look she gave him as she fastened her bra and pulled the straps up over her shoulders. For the rest of her outfit she really only had the jeans as an appropriate choice, but she dressed it up with the nicer top. She held up the sandals and heels, trying to decide what to wear on her feet. She chose the pair of black heels and looked up at Adam.

"You look pretty hot for a late lunch," he said.

She looked at the clock, it was already three thirty in the afternoon. They walked down the street to an Irish pub. They held hands, but Michelle felt strange kissing him casually now. She thought about it, and was not sure if it was because they were out in public or because of what they had just talked about. She took the couple minutes of silence, and Adam's absence from her thoughts to try to figure it out.

She got the courage to ask a question as soon as they sat down. "So you are just coming to me now, a month later?"

Adam sensed where this was going and got right to the point. "You are not the only candidate. I was in Paris before, and Australia before that. Also India and Ghana."

"So I am the fifth!" She exclaimed, loud enough to draw some side eye from nearby tables. She lowered her voice. "I knew we weren't serious but I," She trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence. She felt Adam probing her mind but she shut him out.

"I have spent my entire life trying to find anybody compatible," Adam started. He went into detail about how it took months or years to find a candidate. There were only twenty people he had found that were possibilities, and he was in the process of narrowing it down to between three and five. He needed to find genetic matches, compatibility to some transition drugs, not to mention he was looking for a life partner. He had not ruled out any age, gender, or ethnicity. She was one of twenty in the world.

"Specifically the fifth," she blurted out. That drew a laugh from Adam.

"Yes, you were fifth. I was lucky to find you, actually. I was helping a professor at your university with some new physics principals and you walked by." Adam's ability to recall the details of the events that lead to them meeting got her attention. Michelle's expression went from betrayed to sympathetic, but she still closed him out of her thoughts.

As they finished their lunch she had come to feel that she hadn't been betrayed, but was nervous she was being manipulated again.

"How do I know you aren't just using me if you have all these powers. If you can see and change my thoughts, how do I know I am not just your puppet."

"You can feel when I'm listening to your thoughts, or playing with them, right?"

"Yes," She said honestly.

"You have not let me in since the walk over and I have respected that by not even trying."

"But how do I know that I want to be with you?" She asked. "How do I know it's not just you making me think that?"

"I created the opportunity, you have always been in charge of you the decisions you have made. But here is what I can do, I can guarantee you that for the rest of my time here I will not use any of my extra abilities to enter or change your thoughts."

Michelle thought for a second, and realized she had nothing to lose. They went for a walk after lunch. Adam did not talk about their situation anymore, and just listened to her. He asked her about her morning as Michelle, and as she shared the details she gradually felt like she was on a regular date. He asked her what it felt like to get checked out by the lifeguard, and what it was like to have so many styles of panties to look at, and she began to get aroused.

She could not hold back the temptation to kiss him as they rounded the corner to the parking garage for her apartment complex. The humidity of the day was starting to dissipate, and people were starting to arrive home from work. Adam accepted her lips softly against his, and licked her lip. He felt her body relax and slowly walked backward with her under the staircase, their lips still touching. He put his hand on her hip and slid it up her shirt. He watched her eyes, his back to the wall, inches from her face.

"You only have a couple more hours with this body Michelle," He whispered in her ear. "I am worried you aren't going to show it to me again, so can I get one look right now?" He asked.

"This is public place, I'm not going to just take my clothes off."

"Why not," he pulled his shirt over his head. "I would."

She giggled, "Not really the same thing, now is it?" She caught herself glancing up and down his body. "I see what you are doing," she started and Adam reached down the back of her jeans and pulled her close.

"You didn't put on sexy lingerie like this for lunch." His words hit her like a ton of bricks. "Why did you wear them?"

She thought for a second and licked her lips. She searched for him in her thoughts but she felt nothing. "Because they look pretty, I like the way they feel," she started. "Because I like how you look at me when I wear them" she said, swallowing slowly.

"So show me," he smiled. "The lifeguard liked what he saw." Adam had a playful tone. He slid his fingers along the lace back of her panties.

She bit her lower lip and looked around. She quickly flashed him by lifting up her shirt.

"I want a better view. I bet in this sunlight those colors look magnificent," sliding his hands up her shirt exposing her stomach. "And you work hard for a body like this, you should show these people."

She kept her gaze focused on Adam and slowly raised her own shirt above her head.

Adam smiled, "You are gorgeous."

Her nipples hardened and poked against the lace of the bra. He pulled her against his body and she closed her eyes, instinctively opening her lips. They made out topless in the parking garage. They could hear some people walking by as they kissed, and even though it was still warm, Michelle felt goosebumps all over her body.

"We should go up to my place," she suggested.

"Sure you don't want to keep showing off?" He asked.

"I want to do more than just kiss," she whispered unable to hold back her smile.

"I will order two more lingerie sets if you," he paused for a second to think. "If you start jerking me off right here," he paused again. "And a cute bikini if you put your mouth on it." He returned her smile with a wicked grin.

She paused, "This is not a very secluded spot."

"We can go upstairs, that's fine," he started to step forward but she didn't move out of his way.

She reached down his jeans and stared into his eyes. "I really like lingerie," She half giggled as she felt his semi hard cock in her hand. She squeezed it and pulled it so it pointed up.

"How do you feel about swimwear?" He asked putting his hands on her hips.

"Not as much as I like a nice bottle of wine," she teased.

"I know what you want," He said confidently he felt his cock filling with blood as she jerked, "you want my cock in your mouth." He worked his hands up to her hair and held it back with one hand as he forcefully pulled her lips to his.

She let out a soft purr. "And a bikini," She said laughing as they kissed. She lowered herself to her knees and unbuttoned his pants. Sticking out her tongue, she pulled back the foreskin and licked all around the head. She looked up at him before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She wrapped her lips around and gave three hard suckles before she exhaled through her nose, and came back up. She stood up in her bra and pressed herself against his bare chest. Reaching down the back of her jeans he played with the top of her thong as she rubbed her chest and stomach against his.

"Upstairs?" She asked.

"If that's what you want, or I can keep buying you clothes," he chuckled.

She broke the embrace with a smile and out her shirt back on. "I can buy my own." She walked away, and Adam followed behind.

Upon entering the apartment they could not keep their hands off each other. Very quickly she was down to just her thong, and he was totally naked with a full erection. In the hallway he pushed her against the wall and was slowly pumping against her, his cock inside her panties, their hot hard flesh sliding against each other. She hungrily tried to kiss him but he kept offering his neck to her instead of his lips.

"I am going to pick some pretty slutty things for you," He teased. She playfully nibbled his neck, getting a soft squirm and push from him, separating their hips and leaving her alone in her lace underwear. "You better be careful with those teeth." He warned, smiling.

"Or what?" She asked, reaching down and sliding him back inside her panties with both hands.

He lifted her up and put all his weight against her so she was pinned against the wall. "You won't get what you want."

"And what do you think that is?" She opened her mind, and envisioned her self on her side while Adam pumped in and out of her, his hands running all over her body.

He didn't take the bait, and stayed out of her thoughts.

He pulled her away from the wall and carried her to the living room. She wrapped her legs around his waist and continued kissing his neck. As he laid her down on the floor, he kneeled behind her. Kissing her once on the lips, he let his hands go to work. He traced her thong between her cheeks, pulled it out just enough to tease her hole with his finger. She let out a soft moan.

"I can't read your mind so you will have to tell me." He whispered as he began kissing down to her chest. He took a nipple into his mouth and nibbled with his teeth.

She jumped and grabbed his ears, but he did not budge. "You better say or I'll do it again," He teased, before taking another small bite.

"Ah fuck," she said as she jumped again. His finger slowly making its way inside her. "You know," she began.

"Say it," he interrupted her.

"I want you inside me."

He smiled, "That's not all," he chided, and teased her ass some more. "Where do you want me to cum?"

Just then the door opened, and her roommate walked in. Michelle froze, and Adam laughed. "Hey Servant," He said, "welcome home."

Her roommate responded, "Hi Adam, can I get you anything."

"I'm good, but Michelle was just saying she wanted something." He joked. Her roommate waited. "What were you just saying Michelle?" Adam asked.

Michelle was frozen and could barely see her roommate because Adam was over her. "I'm, ummm, OK," responded.

"No, Servant, stay here until she says what she wants." Adams voice was serious. He stuck his finger deep inside her. Her roommate waited.

She closed her eyes and let her body get back to where it was before the intrusion. She found herself pushing on his finger trying to get it deeper. "I want Adam to slide his big cock inside me." She whispered loud enough that Servant could hear.

Adam smiled, "Thats my girl." Her roommate still stood and watched as She laid on her back and spread her legs. She reached down and grabbed Adams cock and tugged on it, feeling how stiff he had become. She wiggled herself closer as Adam pushed his hips toward her. Putting his hands on the floor, he hovered over her as she guided him to her hole. Pressing his hips forward he felt the heat from inside her and watched as she closed her eyes.

Bending her knees, she wrapped her arms around her shins and pulled them in against her chest. Centimeter by centimeter Adam pressed deeper inside her, never once pulling back. He added more and more of his weight against her until he was halfway in. His eyes never strayed from her face, and he catalogued every expression she made from when he first entered her, till he started using his abs to force himself deeper.

Her mouth began to open and close, audibly inhaling and exhaling at first, occasionally licking her bottom lip. Feeling more and more of him spread her insides her breath got louder and she started to mumble, "God Adam," and ,"Ohhhhh, mmmmmm, so deep."

Their bodies began moving together, his torso and arms holding him over her as he began grinding his hips in a small circle. Each breathe came in through his mouth, stayed in his chest, and he would slowly let it out. The sound of his exhale made the room feel small, and helped Michelle keep her rhythm. Each time around he became more focused on his growing desire to fill her.

She let go of her legs, reached around his back and lifted her shoulder blades off the ground so she could feel his back. Her nails gently raked against his skin, and she could feel him pressing his weight all the way into her. A small grunt from Adam made her bite her lower lip and open her eyes. Mike's pace and pressure were intense, and at that exact moment she felt him hit exactly the right spot inside her. A wave of pleasure spread quickly from that spot, and vanished as soon as he pulled back.

"Oh, right there, again," she begged as he rocked forward, all the way inside her back to her spot. "I'm gonna cum, Adam, keep it right there."

Adam kept up the pace, but held his depth inside her a little longer each time he hit it. "Call me your prince," he taunted her, "ask me for what you want and call me your highness."

"Fuck, Prince Adam, please," She begged. Her body began to tighten, and his cock felt even bigger inside her because of it. A long powerful orgasm was building, "I want your cum deep inside me, please your highness."

Adam let himself go, grunting he laid on top of her and began pounding in and out. Her orgasm made the walls of her rectum pulse, pulling him in and holding him on her sweet spot. Not wanting to hold back anymore he let it out, emptying his balls inside her with short forceful thrusts.

Chest to chest and feeling her warmth under him he began kissing her neck with his lips and tongue. Servant was still standing by the door, forgotten but waiting. Michelle noticed him again when Adam rolled off of her. "Why are you still here?" She asked, shocked. He began to leave but Adam corrected him.

"Get Michelle her silk slip, and then leave us alone please." Adam could have been asking a waitress for another cup of coffee, his tone was so controlled. Servant did exactly as he said.

Michelle accepted the silk cover up and watched as he left the room. "God, that was good." She said laughing, more comfortable now that they were alone.

"I am glad we both enjoyed it," Adam said. Michelle could tell there was something more.

"What is it?" She asked.

"We don't have much more time till you won't be able to focus, and I need to explain a couple more things."

Michelle laid there with a calm and open mind, much more relaxed than earlier in the day.

"We are short on time, so I'm not going to sugar coat any of this." Adam went on to tell her, "At any point you can say this isn't what you want, and I will go, and never see or talk to you again. All candidates being considered need to go through a transition to be able to carry the next Royal child. It is up to you to decide whether or not that transition would permanently turn you into Michelle or to stay Mike."

Michelle felt a cramp in her stomach, but she still listened intently, trying not to show any signs to Adam that she was in pain.

"You do not have to turn into Michelle if you don't want. In the next week you need to decide if you would like to be a candidate, in which case you must start your transition which alters your physiology. The pills you take would alter your DNA. If you make the final cut, there will be a weeklong retreat in two months. You and the other candidates will go through some final tests and spend time with the Royal family. My mother, the Queen, and I will choose who will carry out the Ritual and become my life partner from the final candidates at the end of the retreat."

Michelle's head began to ache as she took in everything Adam said. She sat in silence, with her eyes focused on his.

"Do you want to continue, and do you want to be Mike or Michelle?" He calmly asked.

"What happens if I transition and am not chosen? Or if I choose to quit?" Her headache was getting worse, and she had to hunch over because the cramping had spread to her chest.

"The transition will still be permanent, and you would go back to your regular life. You can also choose to stay and serve the Royal family if you become a final candidate."

Michelle could not ignore the pain anymore. Her head was throbbing, and Adam could tell by her face the painful transition back to Mike had become all she could handle. Picking her up he carried her to bed, and laid next to her as she rolled into a ball, sobbing from the pain.

Next: Chapter 5

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