The Ritual

By Lindsey S.

Published on Jan 12, 2018


Chapter 3: A Morning as Michelle

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Michelle woke up ready to go when the alarm sounded, the way Mike normally did. She stretched and looked over at Adam laying next to her. The taste in her mouth served as a reminder of their evening together, and as she rolled over to get out of bed she reached down, touching her body. It felt natural, but much different than Mike's. She had lost the insatiable craving for sex from last night, but as she explored herself her panties tightened. "Even if this is some strange acid trip, I might as well keep enjoying it," she thought to herself.

Her ass was a little tender and her testes felt light and empty. She turned and looked at Adam. She knew not to wake him even though she really wanted to. She pulled back the sheet to look at his body, and with the other hand played with her nipple. Licking her palm she reached into her panties and started to play with herself. She thought back to last night and replayed it in her mind as she stared at him. The thought of his smell, taste, and how he filled her mouth. That was all it took. The tingle of an orgasm came fast and stayed in her head, warming up her face. She felt two watery and small spurts spill down her hand. Bringing it up to her mouth she licked it, tasting herself.

After taking one last glance at Adam she rolled over and checked the clock. "Three minutes well spent," she thought, and hopped out of bed. Usually she slept with her door closed, but it was open and she could see her roommate standing out side her room waiting.

He smiled, "Adam wanted me to give this to you," he handed over an envelope. "He said you should make it a normal day off, and he already told your boss you wouldn't be in." He had the same juvenile tone as always, but he seemed to be motivated by having a purpose. "Let me know if you need anything, I am going in late today." He smiled and walked to his room.

It wasn't till she was alone in the hallway that she realized she was only wearing the G-String. Her roommate pretended everything was normal, even though she was virtually naked. She laughed at herself as she opened the letter. "This is fucking weird, even if it is just a dream," she thought to herself.

Inside was a credit card and a letter. Holding the card under the letter she read, "Good Morning Michelle, we have a lot to talk about today, but I need my rest. The trip yesterday and our fun last night has taken a lot out of me. I will call you when I wake up, probably sometime around lunch. Have a fun morning and you might want to buy some clothes for the day. You should use my credit card. You can pick any place you want for dinner, so make sure you buy suitable attire. I look forward to spending the day with you. Yours truly, Adam."

She read it twice before realizing she had gotten up very early for a day off. Usually when that happened she would get her workout in early, but she didn't have a swim suit that would cover her breasts. There were no stores open yet, so she couldn't buy one. Then she remembered the lost and found at the pool. They kept several suits behind the desk. Planning to just claim one of those, she threw on some sweats and headed out.

They were all regulars this early at the pool and she was not one of them, so she had to play it cool. She ended up lucking into a mismatched sporty two piece from the box. There were no other women in the locker room, so she took her time getting ready. Pulling the top over her head, she felt it hold her tight. Her nipples protruded through the fabric from the cold. She pulled up the bottoms tucked her penis under. There was a little bulge but she could just quickly get in the water.

As soon as she was in the water she felt free. Her body responded the way it always had and swimming felt natural. She did her usual routine but noticed the lifeguard watching her more than usual. Climbing out of the pool she made eye contact with him and smiled. The teenage boy's eyes widened, which made Michelle giggle. "Good morning, have a god day," she said as she walked by. She turned her head waiting for a response back as she took off her swim cap, but he just had a dumbfounded look on his face as he stared at her ass. Now understanding why women always wring out their hair after getting out of the pool, she couldn't help but smile.

There were other women in the shower so she kept her bottoms on. She struggled at first to get the top off, but eventually peeled it up over her head. The contrast in feeling was remarkable. Her breasts went from totally bound to free, and the sensation was exhilarating. She tried to keep her cool as she showered, but she was a little nervous. She decided it was best to head out so she could be at the mall right when it opened.

The store she went right for Victoria Secret. The clerks didn't seem to care that she was buying lingerie in a sweat suit at nine am. She must have spent an hour picking out bras and panties. She was really glad she had done her research, and decided on five matching sets. Next she wandered over to Lucky Brand and picked out a pair of skinny jeans that hugged her ass. "These will be perfect with a pair of subtle heels," she thought wearing them out of the store. She looked at her watch and realized she had been shopping for longer than it had seemed, and she wanted a nice dress and a shirt to wear with the jeans. She made her way over to a department store and got lucky. She quickly found a nice little black dress a couple casual T-shirts, and a nice earthy button down. She used Adam's card for everything, and headed out.

"Fuck, shoes," she thought to herself and had to turn right back around. She felt guilty with all the money she had spent so she decided to pay for the heels, sandals, and sneakers on her own. She wore the sneakers out of the store so she could walk quickly to the car and get home in time for Adam to wake up.

She came home and found Adam in her head, summoning her into the bedroom. He was still under the sheets propped up on one elbow. "There is something I need every morning, want to help me with it?" She dropped her bags next to the bed and stood there for a second.

"You summon me like a servant, but then ask me like I have a choice," the shopping trip had put her in a fun mood and her tone reflected that.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to," he replied, "I just know you want to." He smiled.

Getting up onto the bed, she took off her shirt. She crawled next to him and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips, rubbed his shoulders for a couple seconds then slid her hands down to his bare chest.

He laid onto his back and let her hands run down his stomach, massaging gently. He smiled as she explored. She felt around and slowly she felt dark and course hair grow between her fingers until his pale skin was covered.

She felt disappointed, having liked his smooth skin. The hair retreated just as it had appeared. She looked up at him and wondered, "What else can he change?"

Her question was partially answered as she looked into his eyes. They flashed like a lightning storm, changing colors, and his skin turned from fair to dark. His hands ran up her chest and grabbed her breasts, they were almost twice the size of a normal hand, making her feel small and fragile.

"I like the Adam I know." She said, closing her eyes and feeling his hands. Upon opening them she found him back to normal. "Well now you are just showing off," she said with. Giggle.

Her hands reached down and grabbed his semi hard cock. He pulled her up close to him and whispered in her ear, "Now do what we both know you wanted to this morning when you were staring at me."

She felt her face flush with embarrassment and wrapped her hands around his cock. She felt it getting thicker and reached down with her other hand, trying to grasp it all the way around. It kept getting thicker until it was as broad as her forearm.

"Just your mouth, no hands," he said, but she felt the need to feel its size, still trying to get her hands around it. Sitting up he gently grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands off him. Kissing her hungrily, he pulled them straight behind her and she felt her wrists snap together as if they were drawn to each other by strong magnets. She fought it, but quickly realized her hands were stuck this way.

"You just wanted to taste it, you didn't think once about feeling it. This is exactly what you wanted," he reminded her.

She laughed, "Ummmm," biting her lower lip. "I don't think I will be able to get it in my mouth."

He laid back down and put one hand in her hair. "I'm going to enjoy watching you try." He watched as he guided her head to his engorged penis, and her hands held together behind her back by an unseen force. It was still semi hard as she started parting her lips and making small sucking kisses around the head, which was still mostly covered by it's foreskin hood. Using her tongue, she traced along the underside, and felt it become more firm. She could feel his eyes on her as she tried to reposition herself with her hands behind her back. Eventually she started to arch her back and crane her neck to try and access any untasted portions.

Adam watched amused and held her hair back with one hand, his other comfortably behind his head. The tip of his cock was starting to peak out as she looked up and he reached down to pull back the rest of the foreskin. Knowingly, she licked her lips and opened wide. The head was the size of a small orange, and as she made her way she worried that if she were to get the entire thing in her mouth she might scrape her teeth against it.

"I told you it would fit," he assured her as he watched.

Now more confident, she started using her whole body to move. When she bobbed her head up and down, her hips and knees would bend too. It made a loud popping sound when she finally released the head out of her mouth to kiss the shaft. His eyes fixated on her abs and back working. He noticed her fingers interlocked behind her back, her pretty pink nails shining, right where her G-String peaked out of the back of her jeans.

He reached down and unfastened her bra, and watched her small tits bounce as she went back to the head. He felt her tongue struggling to get suction against the head again, he was on edge. He searched her thoughts, and as soon as he felt her sincere desire to please him he let himself go. His legs started pressing against the bed, like he was trying to push himself away.

Cum gagged her and started pouring out of the sides of her mouth. The force of the flow made it pop out of her mouth, and the spurt after spurt shot out, hitting her on the cheek and shoulder. The salty cream dribbled down her chin as she felt her hands free. They shot to his cock, pumping it with both hands. She grinned watching it in wonder. It just kept cumming, and Adam's legs had stopped moving, they were frozen straight as an arrow.

Michelle looked pleased with herself as she used her hands to run up and down his body, massaging him. His chest heaved as he reached for her hands and brought them up to his chest. His grin was ear to ear. Looking down as she scooted up to his lips, he penis had returned to normal size and was quickly loosing its stiffness. By the time she felt his tongue in hers he was completely flacid. She smiled as they kissed and picked up his cock with one hand, "that was pretty fun," she said.

He held her close, "You know I do have something really serious to talk about." She could feel his body change. "I am also having a great time, but I need you to trust me. A lot has changed for you in the last twelve hours and I have so much more I need to try to explain to you."

Michelle waited before responding. She wanted to make sure she was totally forthcoming. "I am still not sure I totally understand what is happening. I liked it, I mean I am still enjoying it. It's just, like you said, it's a lot." She gently squeezed his hand. "I don't know, what else is coming," she reached and grabbed her own chest, "and this body isn't permanent, and I won't be Michelle tomorrow." Before she finished her sentence she realized she was even more confused than she had initially thought. "I think I just need more time." She felt confident, like she had said what she meant. "I would still like you to stay, I'm having fun."

"If you want me to leave at any point just say so." He had a seriousness in his tone that made her feel like there was more that he wasn't saying. Even though he had said that when he first arrived, this time it felt heavier.

"Let's enjoy the rest of the day." She said, trying to lighten the mood.

"There are some things I need to tell you, and because I want to give you time to process it, we need to talk about them this afternoon. I promise we can have some more fun, but I need you to be open minded here." Adam's voice was sincere, and all Michelle could do was go with it.

Next: Chapter 4

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