The Ritual

By Lindsey S.

Published on Jan 11, 2018


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the story. Things pick up this chapter... Feedback is always welcome; lindseycd4rp@ G M A I L. com

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Chapter 2: Potions And Promises

Mike came back to the couch and handed a glass of Merlot to Adam. "Do it again right now. I saw you disappear on the screen but that could be a trick."

"I can't, it takes some time to," Adam hesitated, "Well, recharge. A distance that far is kind of like running a really long distance. Spirtually I can only do so much, similar to physical energy. If you run twelve miles it takes a day or two to recover." He moved his gaze from Mike's eyes to his lips as he sipped his wine. "I can still do some things, but it will be a day or two till I can travel safely again."

"Huh, really." Mike looked skeptical.

"I can show you other things things that don't require so much energy. You can ask me to leave at any time and I will go, you will never hear from me again." Adam's eyes peered down at Mike's legs, and then back up to his face. Mike remained still.

"Think of something you don't think I know. Either picture it in your head or say it to yourself."

Mike thought about his heart shaped pubic hair and his mind wandered, "I am not sure what to think of all this," he thought. "I was really looking forward to tonight, I got all dressed up..." he stopped himself because he caught Adam staring. "What," he asked, having forgotten what he was doing for a second. "What was I thinking?"

Adam reached out his hand to Mike's thigh and started lifting the hem of the nighty. Mike stopped him by grabbing it and holding both their hands on his thigh. "Don't you want me to see the heart you made for me?" Adam asked.

Mike's jaw dropped, "How did you know," He started. "You saw when I sat down..."

"Stop, let me show you. Think like that again, but pay close attention. If you feel me, don't block it, let me in." Adam squeezed his hand, trying to re-assure him.

Mike concentrated and imagined Adam's hands reaching under his nighty and exposing the G-String. Mike's cock was flacid and tucked away, and Adam slid his finger under the fabric to toy with it. He heard Adam's voice in his head, "If you trust me this is going to be much more fun than anything we have done before."

"How the fuck?" He said aloud.

The voice in Mike's head continued, and the view broadened, showing more of their bodies. Mike had breasts and they heaving with each breathe as Adam toyed from behind. Mike's engorged cock was sticking out of the panties. Adam kisssed his ear and the view expanded again. Mike saw himself in make up with shoulder length hair. "You look good enough to eat." The voice said.

Mike felt his skin start to heat up. Stunned, his brain got stuck on that image. Adam smiled, "I was wondering how long you were going to let me continue. Most people block me after they hear my voice."

"You can do that, I mean control my thoughts, just like that?"

"You have to let me in and work with me, or I have to trick you. There you made it easy and you gave me something to work with. After that we were working together. I was listening and responding to you, more suggesting and letting your mind take over. Unless a person is simple minded, which you are not, it's difficult to do against their will."

"So you could get my roommate pretty easily." Mike joked.

Adam laughed out loud, lightening some of the tension. Mike loosened his grip on Adam's hand, letting Adam lean in close with his wine. "Remember when we first met?"

"You didn't," Mike said.

Adam read Mike's thought and smiled while interrupting him, "I did not trick you, just helped you along a path you wanted to go." He tickled Mike's thigh. "I assumed you were happy I did."

Mike spread his legs, reacting to Adam's caress. "I'm nervous you drugged my drink or this is all a dream."

Adam slid his hand up Mike's thigh, "I do want to put something in your drink but you need to agree to it."

"Ummmm.... I don't....". Mike started, but Adam put his finger to his lips.

"Did you like looking like that, Michelle?" Adam made sure to pause before he used Mike's feminine name. Mike just nodded. "I can make you look like that for a full day if you would like."

Mike perked up, "With a drug?"

"Kind of, If you think of me a wizard or sorcerer, you might call it a tonic or potion. I could put it in your wine, and in two hours you would slowly turn into that body." Adam let go of Mike's hand, reached in his pocket and pulled out a vial. "But you need to know that the transition back to your body will be painful. You will get violently ill, and that will also last a full day."

Mike thought for a second, and shifted off his knees. He folded them down and sat curled up with his feet on the couch. The slit of the nighty showed all the way up his thigh. He adjusted himself, pulling it taught and crossing his ankles. "I have to work tomorrow."

"I was hoping you would take the day off and spend it with me. If you take this, I would want to take care of you when it wares off." Adam's sincere tone made Mike relax a little. "And the other side effect is that you will be really horny, like, insatiably horny. You will fuck yourself to sleep." He smiled and raised his eyebrows.

Mike giggled. "You sound like a salesman." He leaned into Adam gazing into his eyes. "I'm not sure how you got here, but I am glad you came. You went through all of this, the least I could do is try, because I trust you. Even if this is just a really elaborate prank." Mike kissed his cheek before leaning back.

Adam smiled as he uncorked the vial. Mike held up his glass and Adam poured it in. He held up his glass to Mike's and toasted, "To a night neither of us will ever forget." Watching each other they both took one long drink, emptying their glasses.

"That stuff must really work, because I really want to make out with you." Mike teased. He raised his eyebrows and got up to get the bottle. Emptying it with two heavy pours he sat down on Adam's lap.

"I think you were just horny to start with." Adam teased back. He spread

Mike's knees so the slit opened up. "The hair on your leg is getting thinner already." He ran his hand from Mike's calf, up to his knee, and down to the slit. As they talked he gently tickled his inner thigh.

Mike looked down. He didn't see the hair thinning but he felt Adam's hand run smoothly to its resting place. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander. He felt Adam's body on his, which is all he wanted when he saw him at the airport several months ago. He heard Adam in his head, "I didn't take a plane there," surprising Mike. Adam laughed out loud. "Takes some getting used to doesn't it?" He whispered in his ear.

They made small talk as they cuddled, kissed, caressed, and finished their wine. A couple times Mike felt subtle changes, like when his hair grew out to the point it touched his shoulders. Adam had been playing with it as it lengthened, but he hadn't noticed how long it had gotten. When he moved he felt his chest jiggle, and the the fabric of the nighty became taught from his swelling breasts.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Mike thought, and without a word Adam helped him up. As soon as he got to his feet he felt how different his body had become. He felt Adam's hand on his leg, "Don't forget to sit down to pee." He joked.

On his way to the bathroom he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror, and watched the woman he had become get closer and closer until she was staring right back at him.

She felt Adam asking to be let inside her head, but she held him out for a minute and stared at her new temporary body. Eventually she opened her mind, looked into her own eyes in the reflection and thought, "Thank you." Lifting up her nighty, she opened the seat of the toilet. Sitting down she pulled down the G-String, her penis and heart shaped pubic hair were still there.

Adam waited patiently on the couch. He looked proud of himself as Michelle strolled back down the hallway. Her brown hair fell down to her shoulders and her subtle A cups made the nighty fit perfectly. Her toned legs were completely smooth. "You look like you feel sexy." Adam said.

Michelle put her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. She closed her eyes and nodded. "Do you like me like this?" She asked.

"I like you whatever way you are or want to be." He replied. "However you feel sexy."

"Is it done changing me?" She asked.

"Just about, let me see your fingernails." He reached behind his shoulders and grabbed her hand. "Those would be the last thing done." He glanced at her hand, and then kissed it.

"I don't feel any more horny than before." She said.

He laughed, "Maybe you were just super horny to begin with."

She smiled, "Yeah, I think I was. I have wanted to kiss you since the last time I saw you."

He leaned in and slid his tongue past her lips. He let hers meet his before sliding it further into her mouth. She gasped as she roughly returned the pressure. She let her mind open up and she felt him enter her thoughts. Both of their hands explored up and down the silk of her lingerie. She felt herself start to harden and in her minds eye could see his doing the same. She stopped kissing him to smile. "That is pretty cool." She said staring into his blue-grey eyes. She reached up to his short blonde hair and ran her fingers through it. With the other hand she started unbuttoning his shirt.

Standing inches from each other, she got his shirt halfway unbuttoned and then slid her hand up his shoulder. They moved down to his muscular arms.

Adam and Michelle stared into each other's eyes as she removed his shirt. She was halfway to her knees when she remembered something, "I didn't hear you come up the stairs."

He just smiled. "That's your evidence that I can travel instantly to where I want to be, that you didn't hear me come up the stairs?"

She nodded with a grin, knelt down spreading her knees, and kissed his pale stomach. She felt a sudden craving deep inside her. Feverishly she reached for his belt and fumbled around trying to get it open, virtually ripping it off.

Adam laughed and grabbed her hands. "There it is, now it's kicked in." She fought him for a second, trying to get his pants off. The vision of his cock was stuck in her head. She heard him inside it, "Slow down, the fun is in tasting, not being full. Enjoy this, for the next couple hours, no matter how much you have or get, you will want more. Savor each second." She then saw a vision of her lips on his.

He pulled her up and calmed her down with a sensual kissing. The only sign of her urgency was her breathe, she could not get it under control. Her chest heaved as she undid the buttons on his pants. His jeans fell to the floor, leaving him in a pair of boxer briefs and half hard in front of her.

"Start with my thighs." He guided her down and put his foot up on the couch. She brought her lips to his groin and began kissing it softly and sweetly. She started getting her breathe back as she made her way up to the leg of his underwear. Using her tongue she licked under the fabric, and then pushed the cotton up using her hands. She did this slowly until her tongue was teasing his sack underneath the fabric.

He ran his hands through her hair, holding it back and watching. "You would make a beautiful princess. You are so responsive to your prince."

She looked up and ran her hand up the leg of his underwear. Placing her palm against the base of his cock she pressed down gently. Rubbing with her palm she tickled the underside with her fingers. She pictured herself on all fours on her bed with dozens of hands feeling up and down her body, and Adam feeding her his cock. She felt him watching her thoughts and immediately shut it off.

He pulled her head back gently and looked into her brown eyes, "Don't shut me out." His voice was gentle but confident. "Are you embarrassed?" He asked even though he already knew the answer.

She bit her lower lip and nodded, "A little."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her up to her feet. "Let's go to your bedroom, and I want you on all fours." He lead her to her room and watched her crawl on the bed.

He ran his hands up and down the silk of her nighty and watched her face. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth letting out a soft moan. He grabbed her soft breast and pinched her nipples through the fabric. She closed her mouth and inhaled through her teeth. She squirmed as he held on for a couple seconds. Watching her body squirm he moved so he was in front of her. Still grabbing and groping all over her body, "Let me in." He said softly.

In her mind she brought back the vision of hands all over her body and she felt him watching. Something rubbed against her lips, so she opened her eyes and found Adam's rigid seven inch cock in her face. It was thick at the base and curved up slightly at the end. The head was barely popping out of the uncut foreskin. She licked her lips, opened her mouth, and closed her eyes. She used her lips to push back the foreskin and swirled her tongue around the head.

The vision came back, and the hands started to change. Some of the flesh tones turned to blue, red green, and some of the shapes of the hands looked alien. She saw a form behind her, and the silhouette of what looked like a wine bottle. The form grew more vivid and distinct. It had wings, and it held the wine bottle by the base and started teasing her asshole with it. She recognized that memory, and swallowed. Adam was playing with mind while slowly pumping in and out of her mouth. She felt some drool drip down her chin, it was a sharp reminder of the real world, but she could feel her body reacting to the vision too.

"Mmmmmmmm" she let out a soft purr. She opened her eyes, and looked up with her mouth full.

Adam put one hand in her hair and the other on her shoulder. He placed his foot flat on the bed with his knee up. Spreading his legs, he pulled her off by her hair. She licked her lips and lurched forward to try to get it back into her mouth. He guided her to the underside of his cock, let go of her hair, and softly ran his fingers across her soft cheeks. She kissed it, using her lips to suck and her tongue to tease. She worked all the way to his balls and was reminded of how much she loved his smell as she inhaled through her nose as deep as she could. She looked up, past his trimmed almost white pubic hair to his stomach, drunk on his odor.

An image flashed in her head. She recognized it as their second night together, but instead of Mike on the bottom it was Michelle. She took the hint and laid down on her back. Adam faced the opposite direction and straddled her face. She lifted her head and went to work. With his chest over her hips Adam slowly slid her nighty up and exposed her now fully erect four inch penis. Her heart trimmed pubic hair made him smile, and he rubbed his fingers against it.

Grabbing the base he started jerking her slowly. He felt a soft hum on his cock from her moan. Looking between his legs he saw her reach up and greedily start pumping with both hands. He rewarded her by rocking his hips back and forth, guiding the pace. "You look gorgeous." He thought and shared his view with her. Watching herself worshipping his cock underneath him sent a shiver down her spine.

With one quick kiss on the top of her cock she felt herself cumming, exactly like the last time she was in this position. He licked the tip just before the first gush came erupting out of her. Her hips pressed up, trying to get into his mouth, but he pulled back, keeping just out of reach. The white sticky cream dribbled down Adam's hand, onto the brown heart and red silk.

Michelle squirmed, still craving more. She tried to focus on her mouth being full, but she needed more. "Please." She begged taking her mouth off Adam's firm cock and breathing hard.

Adam sat up so his ass was hovering above her face, "Clean up first." Reaching back with his cum covered hand he smeared her fluid from his balls to his anus. "Lick up every last drop." He commanded.

She obediently used her tongue in long slow strokes starting at his scrotum and working toward his anus. Her nose was the first thing to contact the dark edges of his ass, making him smile. She switched her rhythm, and started dashing her tongue quickly like a cat drinking milk as her tongue made it's way closer to it. Adam let out a sigh, reached down and pulled up his ball sack to watch. He spread his legs and lowered himself applying more pressure against her tongue. With his other hand he rubbed the cum on her heart and nighty into her skin.

"Fuck your tongue feels good. The things I want to do with you..." he sighed and backed up so his mouth was over hers, but they were still facing opposite directions. Michelle arched her neck to look behind her and she saw his whole body, naked and muscular over her. He looked down her body before sliding his tongue deep into her mouth. He could taste her as he relentlessly pushed her tongue around his, her cum making them slide smoothly against each other. He watched as she arched her back.

She reached behind for the back of his head and held it, pulling gently on his hair. Her other hand reached down and started playing with herself. First it was her panties, she pulled on them and rubbed them. Adam smiled as he kissed her, watching her. She moved her right hand to her breast and started grabbing it roughly. She pulled and pinched it through the fabric. Adam reached down, under the fabric and did the same to her left breast. The heat from her skin radiated, and she sensed she was bringing herself to another orgasm. "You beautiful greedy girl," he thought. "You are lucky I like watching you do this or else I would feel neglected." He watched as her body convulsed again. This time only one little dribble of cum came out of her, but her hands never stopped moving.

"Go and get our empty wine bottle," he said, tracing his fingers up her shoulders. She opened her eyes, and started to follow his command. Rolling onto her stomach she crawled across the bed on all fours. "You wouldn't make a bad servant either," his grin showing his amusement. She walked out of the room and came back seconds later with the bottle. She was having trouble staying focused because her craving had grown. Every second not stimulating herself or Adam felt like she was being starved.

She practically tackled him, pushing him onto his back. She held the bottle in one hand as she reached for his cock with the other. Desperately she started grinding her cock against his while jerking him wildly. Adam felt himself tensing, and grabbed her wrist to slow it down. Needing stimulation she rubbed her body against his, the silk just a thin smooth barrier separating them. Wanting to feel more of her skin against his she sat up and pulled the nighty off, exposing her naked body.

Adam smiled, sat up and embraced her as they made out. He grabbed her hand that held the bottle and helped her reach behind herself. "You know what you want," He whispered in her ear. She grinned and hungrily brought her mouth to his and assaulted his tongue with hers.

She centered the top of the bottle against her hole. It was cold and unyielding as she put some of her weight down onto it. She shuddered as it slowly went in and burned with each centimeter that past through her entrance. She placed the base between her feet and held onto it tight as she shifted her weight back up. This freed her hands, and she wrapped them around his lower back. She slowly pumped up and down on the bottle, a small fever starting in her belly radiated slowly to her chest. "God, fuck," she blurred out. She thought she heard something but could not focus on anything but the feeling now engulfing her body. She felt Adam in her mind calming her down. "Focus on us," he thought to her.

She felt the bottle start to move on it's own as Paul laid on his back. He pulled her head down as the bottle was now fucking her slowly. He brought her head to the head of his cock, "Your mouth was made for this " is all he said.

The bottle was pushing deep into her and she felt the thicker part of the base hitting up against her bones. She arched her back trying to get it deeper as it worked in and out of her. Every time it started to pull out she whimpered, sending a vibration all the way through Adam.

He watched her as she worked him. She was wringing her hands around the base as she feverishly bobbed her head up and down. Her hair fell around her face, and Adam pulled it back behind her head. He felt himself ready to cum, and let her know he wanted her to as well. The fever in her belly and chest stretched out to her fingers and toes. She looked directly into Adam's eyes as she felt the first wave hit her. His cum burst into her mouth, filling it up. He grabbed her by the side of the head as the second wave hit both of them, their eyes still locked, they lost control of their bodies. Both of them started shaking when the third and final wave hit, and the heat washed over and out of them.

Adam pulled her up to him and kissed her softly on the lips, his cum sliding between them. He licked her lips playfully, but she was not having it. She wanted more. A strange pair of hands ran across her back, but Adam's presence calmed her. She closed her eyes and saw a vision of her roommate with the bottle next to him, and his hands massaging her.

She heard Adam in her head, "You can take care of your servant if you would like to." She realized that her roommates hands were touching her how she wanted to be touched. "Just remember he is below you, and whatever you do should be for your enjoyment."

She smiled and changed the picture in her head. She had him lay down and jerk himself off as she rode his face. He immediately did as she had envisioned, and she lowered herself onto him. His tongue darting in and out of her, she faced Adam. She could tell her roommate was jerking off by his motion, but she did not care. She just wanted his tongue to work her hole. Adam came up and started touching and playing with her body. He kissed her neck and shoulders tenderly. "I can tell you are getting tired. Fall asleep when you are ready, we can play again tomorrow. I will leave a note for you when you wake up, but do not wake me. I need my rest."

Adams hands continued to grope her. She felt her limbs getting heavy as she rotated her hips around her roommates tongue. A small orgasm left her leaking on his forehead. The last thing she remembered before closing her eyes was watching Adam smile at her as he helped her lay down in the bed.

Next: Chapter 3

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