The Ritual

By Lindsey S.

Published on Jan 10, 2018


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the story. Fair warning, this opening chapter is mostly set up. Please be patient and at least try chapter 2. Feedback is always welcome; lindseycd4rp@ G M A I L. com

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The Ritual. Chapter 1: Unexpected Guest

The heat of the afternoon had given way to a light but cool early evening breeze. Mike turned the corner to the home stretch of his run, a half mile incline that lead up to his apartment complex. After moving to the city four years ago, he had finally gotten used to the warmer and more humid climate. He could finish his workouts before the sun went down, which he enjoyed because he finally had his evenings free to relax again.

He was looking forward to this evening specifically because he had gotten an email from Adam asking to video chat. He had met Adam last year when his ex-girlfriend had broken up with him. It was the end of his Junior year of college, and his first night out of that relationship. Mike had an urge for a long time which he had kept it secret. That night he hooked up with a guy for the first time.

The first night they just made out at a party. Adam was so charming and laid back he convinced Mike to meet up again the next night which was Adam's last in town. Mike got drunk enough that night to sixty nine with him, and it opened up a new world.

Mike was thinking about that night and lost focus on his workout. His thoughts went from attacking the hill to how quickly Adam made him cum. He remembered what it felt like when he could barely get his hand around Adam's penis, it was so much bigger than his own. The memory of Adam's taste and smell came back to him. Mike had cum so quick, but Adam stayed on top and slowly pushed and pulled in and out of his mouth for what felt like a over an hour. It was blissful, feeling him rock his hips back and forth, spreading Mike's lips as he sucked. His tongue slid around in circles, making out with it. Right before Adam came he let out a low moan and squeezed Mike's ears.

He felt his cock start to fill with blood as it bounced in his underwear, bringing him back to reality. "Why do I do this while I run?" He asked himself.

Since that weekend they had exchanged emails about twice a week. They would talk on the phone, video chat, or text relatively often. It wasn't all sexual, but a lot of it was.

They had only seen each other in person one other time. Randomly, they happened to be going on a trip at the same time. Because Mike almost never traveled, he thought it was crazy, but Adam seemed less surprised. Mike had a triathlon in the same city that Adam had business in. Adam actually purposefully missed and re-scheduled his flight so they could have dinner together. They held hands and kissed like they had on their first evening together. Mike took a dare and gave Adam a hand job under the table, but Mike wanted so much more.

Even though he had since been with other men, Adam had been the only real guy Mike had ever been attracted to. It was clear from their erotic video sessions and texts that Adam was the top. Mike was always quick to please or take a dare. The last two times Adam had sent some panties for him to wear, which had become a pretty regular focus of their exploration. About a month ago was the last time they had an exchange, and Adam asked Mike to send pictures of him in his panties at work.

Mike took the last three steps of his run by slowing down gradually, once he stopped he let out a large exhale. He hadn't realized it had been a month since he had talked to or heard from Adam.

He stretched outside for a couple minutes before walking up the stairs to his apartment. With each step his shoes clanged up the metal staircase. He put his hand on the door knob, and the door immediately swung open, giving him a small scare. His roommate was standing in the door with a huge grin, "Heard you coming," he said, watching Mike recover from his startle.

"God damn it, you scared me." Mike shook his head, he wasn't sure why he still lived with his juvenile roommate.

"I was headed out anyway, I didn't mean anything by it."

"Where are you headed?" Mike asked.

"Out to happy hour with some co-workers. No Friday morning meeting tomorrow so I might be home late. Want to join us?"

"No thanks, I was looking forward to watching a movie on the couch."

"Suit yourself, don't wait up for me." His roommate closed the door behind him.

Mike walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water. Looking at the kitchen clock he realized there was time to shower before his video chat with Adam. He walked into his bedroom and found a package on the bed. After opening the thick yellow envelope addressed to him, he found a box labeled `For Michelle." Mike laughed, only Adam called him that. This was going to be good.

Inside the box was a skimpy red G-String on top of a matching silk nighty. He pulled it up by the spaghetti straps and examined it. It went down to his mid thigh, and had a split at the bottom that flared up the left leg. The slit continued to about his waist. It was very simple, and because he had been doing some online shopping, he knew everything was right. The size, the texture, the style; he couldn't wait to put it on.

He took off his sweaty shirt, shorts, and underwear. The luxury of his roommate being out was that he got to walk naked from his room to the shower. He smiled as he strolled down the hallway and turned on the shower. Closing his eyes, the water ran down his body, his mind shifted to Adam. He replayed some of their earlier chats. He focused on one where he watched Adam jerk himself slowly. Adam started off asking for simple things like to bend over in front of the camera or to sit open legged with his head tilted back. Eventually Adan asked Mike to get something he could fuck himself with, and he watched as Mike bent over the desk, sliding a wine bottle in and out of his ass. Mike opened his eyes, trying to stay focused on showering.

He ran his soapy hands across his chest, but his mind wandered again. He remembered the way Adam called him Michelle, and got an idea. Reaching out of the shower he grabbed his razor. Just above his penis he outlined the basic shape of a heart and cleaned up the stray hairs. He finished by shaving down his thighs and under his scrotum.

Soaping up one last time to make sure it was smooth, he looked down and smiled. He thought it would be a nice surprise for Adam when he finally showed him.

Back in his room Mike put on the panties first. He slid the string between his legs and pulled them up over his hips. He tucked his small penis and balls into the tiny triangle. They left nothing to the imagination, but he did liked how his thighs looked. The red contrasted his tan skin well, and they looked smooth and feminine.

Next he pulled the nighty over his head and let it fall into place. He stuck his left leg out of the slit, and it revealed just enough to tease. He smiled at himself, and headed to the kitchen. He put together a salad for a quick dinner, but then heard somebody coming up the outdoor steps. He half listened, pretty sure it was not his roommate until he heard keys rattling in the door. Mike bolted to his bedroom and hid behind the door. He was certain that if his roommate had paid any attention that he would have seen the red flash diving for cover.

"You still here?" He asked.

"Yeah, just got out of the shower." Mike replied.

"Sure you don't want to come? There will be some real cute college girls out tonight."

Mike swallowed hard. He could bail on Adam if he wanted to, but then he felt the silk gently rub against his chest and stomach. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and realized the top did not fit right. His shoulders were so wide and his pecs were too small. The truth was he wanted to stay, "Thanks, I'm good. Why did you come back, I hope not for me."

"No, my wallet must have fallen out of my pocket. I got to the bar and I didn't have it. I found it on the couch. See you later."

He waited till he heard him head back down the stairs before he exhaled. Mike shook his head thinking about how simple minded his roommate was. He looked back to the mirror and tried not to feel so ridiculous. He turned his back and rotated his pelvis to stick his butt out. Changing poses he built up his confidence bit by bit. Moving his body around and feeling the silk took his mind off the way he looked which helped a lot. Adam had told him before that it was just as much about how he felt as it was how he looked, but he wanted both.

Mike was smoothing down the front of the nighty, and saw the incoming call come through in the reflection of the mirror. The speaker let out a soft ring tone as he walked over. Mike took a deep breathe and clicked `accept'.

Adam's face greeted him with a smile. There was a window behind him and it looked like it was dark and raining. Mike could tell by the bookshelves that he was in a study or an office. Returning the smile Mike waited for Adam to speak.

"I see you got my package sweety." Adam's eyes were glued to the screen, "Stand up and let me see more than just the straps."

"It feels great, I love it, thank you." Mike stood up and watched his image on his own screen. He slowly turned, trying to recreate poses he thought would accentuate his body. He stayed on his feet, and stuck his left leg out the slit, showing his shaved upper thigh. "I feel like Michelle down there" he said pointing to his legs, "and Mike up here." He pointed to his shoulders and chest. He brushed his short brown hair with his hand before resting it on his hip.

"You look sexy." He said. "I have some news, I hate to cut to the chase, but I hope you think it's good."

"Oh yeah? Do you not have that much time tonight?" Mike asked, a little disappointed.

"Plenty of time, actually until the end of the weekend. Would you mind if I came over?"

Mike's heart jumped. He had not expected this. "Uhhh, sure, how close are you?" Then he remembered the darkness and rain in the background, so he double checked and looked closer at the image. "You can't be close it's raining and night there." Adam turned and looked out his own window, the sun was just starting to set and the sky was clear.

"This is going to take some time to explain, which is why I just figured we should cut to the chase. Do you want to see me?"

"Of course but..."

"Then go and open your front door."

"Is this a joke? Are you playing..." Mike could not get the rest of the sentence out before Adam vanished. He didn't think he had blinked, but maybe he had. Adam was just gone. Mike stared at the screen trying to ask a question but not being able to find it. As he watched the rain in the window from wherever Adam Just was he heard a knock at the door.

Cautiously he walked to the front door in his lingerie and looked through the peep hole. Adam was waiting for him. Astonished he opened it and gave him a hug. "How did you get here, this must be some sort of trick."

Adam wrapped his arms around Mike's waist and kissed him on the cheek. Mike suddenly realized he was out in the open in his new lingerie, broke the embrace and quickly ushered Adam in.

"Well, I am happy to see you too, and I know this is going to be a lot for you to digest. And the reason I'm going to share this with you is because I want to ask you something. My grandfather just passed away last month," he began.

"I am so sorry." Mike blurted out.

Adam looked surprised, like he had not expected any sympathy. He then realized he was trying to say too much too fast.

"Ummm, thank you." He looked Mike in the eye, "I do appreciate your sympathy but in my family," he paused for a second, "and religion it's not really sad."

"Ok." Mike looked confused. "I am glad you aren't sad I guess, but I still don't understand. Why did you trick me into thinking you were someplace else because your grandfather died?"

"Forget about my grandfather for awhile, I can come back to that later. I was someplace else." He replied. "I was in Paris at my family's office."

"So then how did you..."

"You would probably say I teleported." Adam's face was serious and Mike just stared blankly, convinced this was a joke he was not getting. "I think we should sit down." He put his hand on Mike's elbow and lead him to the couch.

Mike sat down, smoothing the nighty under the back of his thighs before lowering himself. He crossed his legs, suddenly aware that this nighty was not made for sitting in. He adjusted himself by kneeling on the couch instead, and pulled down the hem so that it covered most of his thighs.

Adam took a spot right next to him and allowed Mike the time and space to get comfortable. "I am prepared to prove that what I am telling you is true tonight, but you will need to be patient. You also need to know that you have a decision you need to make within the next two days. Well, really several over the course of the next several months, but one big choice to make by the end of the weekend." Adam paused. Calmly he put his hand on Mike's knee. "Are you all right?" He asked concerned.

"You teleported here?" Mike asked, blatantly dumbfounded and seemingly unconcerned about anything else that was just said.

"Well, that is what you would call it I guess. My family, my religion, we have learned to move our bodies across great distances by moving our souls. It's kind of like daydreaming you are some place else, and you just show up there."

"This makes no sense. I think I need a drink, and then I'm going to come back here..."

"Please get me one too, and I would be glad to help you understand." Adam's confident response made Mike delay for a second, but he got up and opened a bottle of wine.

Next: Chapter 2

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