The Rings in the Woods

By John Keller

Published on Apr 11, 2023


This is a work of fiction, although certain details were based on my own experiences. It involves consenting BDSM sex between 18+ teen males and eventually, adults.

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The Rings in the Woods - Chapter 5

Will was lost in his own thoughts as he rode the riding lawn mower in rows across the vast lawn. His mind wandered to images from the last 24 hours: Jake admitting that he was into BDSM. Discovering the dungeon. Elliot on tied on the bed. Bruce walking in on them. Bruce hitting their cocks. Cumming. Fuck! The cumming! Will felt his cock getting hard in his shorts. The vibrating mower wasn't helping. And just as much as he was caught up in reliving the sex as images kept appearing, another image kept intruding, fighting for his attention: the letter.

Fuck. He thought. I just want to enjoy this and not worry about the fall. College. As much as he tried, the most important detail in the letter kept appearing: the financial aid total. The amount wasn't enough to cover a full year of tuition, board, and expenses. He figured that between his own savings and what his mother had scraped by for him, he had enough for about half of what he needed, if that. He had hoped the college financial aid people would come through, but they didn't. Fuck. He was in near tears. And I can't tell Jake. He wouldn't understand.

In contrast to Will who lived in a mobile home with his single mother, Jake lived a comfortable middle class life with two parents who had high paying professional jobs. Will's mom was a high school dropout and barely made enough to get by. Will thought that if he played by the rules, worked hard, and did what his mom and his teachers told him, he'd be just fine. But the letter he got from the college yesterday blew a hole in all of that. He wasn't going to be fine. Maybe if I work hard this summer, I can save enough to at least get to school for the fall semester. Will hit the steering wheel. Fuck that. That's delusional. Who am I kidding? I'll be lucky to live at home and go to community college part time in the fall. Who was I to think I could go to a real college? An IVY LEAGUE college? Will was in near tears in panic. Going to a good school will be impossible now. And Jake is also going to a top school. He'll never understand. He'll try to, but he'll look at me with pity. Wiping the sweat and tears from his eyes, Will saw Jake and Elliot waving him over. Good. Lunch time. Worry about this later. Pull it together.

Bruce greeted the exhausted boys in the shade of the back deck with sandwiches and drinks.

"So plans have changed. I'm not sure how much Elliot has told you about what goes on around here, but there's no avoiding it now. I was going to share things more slowly over time, but I'm in a real crisis. I just found out that a major event that I'm a part of organizing has to happen immediately, as in two weeks. That's not a problem as I designed this place to hold this event and have done so many times in the past, but doing so on short notice is tough. I need to get ready to host a couple hundred people in a couple of weeks." He paused and looked at the three boys. "That's where you three come in. I need you to be my staff. If you're willing, of course."

"SWEET!" Elliot was all smiles in response. "Of course, Sir!" Bruce laughed in response. "I thought you might be pleased." He turned to Jake and Will. "Our horny young friend here is so happy because the other detail is that this is a large, private BDSM event. I'm involved in a very unique BDSM organization. We sponsor a series of events throughout the year, in addition to some other projects, but for now, let's focus on these events." He took a long drink of water.

"As Elliot knows, these are events where we hold competitions. BDSM-themed competitions, that is, ones where both subs and tops compete in various BDSM activities for fun and for prizes. There's actually a lot of money at stake in some of them. While we hold a variety of contests with different themes, this specific one has a unique focus. Our members are wealthy, and we've pooled resources to offer some college scholarships to selected contestants. There are strings attached, but the chosen ones get free rides to the college or university of their choice, no limitation at all."

"Holy shit." Will muttered. He felt his face flush and his blood pressure soar as he absorbed Bruce's words. No one noticed, especially because Elliot couldn't contain himself.

"It is AMAZING! I entered last year. I didn't win, but I want another shot at it."

Bruce smiled at him and interrupted. He explained in general terms. "There are a series of contests in which the contestants earn points. At the end, the contestant with the most points wins. At any one time, we can sponsor five complete scholarships, and it turns out that one of the slots just came open. One of the five dropped out unexpectedly, so if we hold the contest now, we have just enough time to get someone into the slot before the fall semester. What do you two think? Are you willing to help? I'll pay you for your time, of course."

What Bruce described was like a shot of adrenaline for both Jake and Will. Jake was enthralled by the idea of there being hundreds of men and boys gathering for kinky sex games. And the idea that it was a competition added another layer of intrigue. His cock was hardening at the thought of seeing so much naked flesh in one place. He smiled and nodded, "Yes. Definitely. Sounds like fun!"

Will, on the other hand, was stunned. He couldn't believe the timing or what he was hearing. He spoke quietly. "Of course, I'd love to help. But can I ask a question?" Bruce smiled and raised his eyebrows to encourage Will to speak. "Can anyone enter?"

Jake and Elliot stared at Will. Bruce took a moment before responding. "Are you asking if you can enter?" Will nodded. "Well, yes. You can. Of course, but before you do so, you need to know what you're getting into. It is really intense." He paused to search for the right words. "Let me put it this way: it will be painful. The contest is designed to push you to your sexual limits and beyond.The men who come here for this are paying a lot of money, and they want to see boys like you suffer. Those of us who put on the event deliver that. The winners, then, well..." Bruce looked intently at Will. "The winners have to endure more than they ever thought possible. It can take contestants a couple of weeks to fully recover." He turned to Elliott. "Do you agree?"

"Yeah, I was eliminated early on because I hit a challenge that I just couldn't handle at all. I mean at all. I did so poorly that there was no way I could win. I mean, I knew it was going to be difficult, but I had no idea at all how tough it was going to be. I just wasn't ready. And on top of that, you're doing this in front of a couple of hundred people. They are watching every moment, listening to every moan and gasp. I felt so exposed, and the thing is," he paused. "The crowd is getting off on your suffering. When I was yelling in pain, I looked up and locked eyes with this one Master who was standing there with the largest and most engorged cock I've ever seen. He smiled at me and slowly ran his hand up and down the length of his cock. Just as I lost control and began begging them to stop, he came. He just watched me beg and cry hysterically. I could tell he was enjoying my suffering." Elliot stopped and was quiet.

"That's what I'm talking about." Bruce gently replied. He moved to sit next to Elliot, pulling him into a hug. "This isn't pretend BDSM. The goal is to make everyone but one person beg to quit. Given the prize, the motivation is high, so the boys we attract are ready to take a LOT of abuse." He turned to Will. "The question we have to explore before I allow you to enter is whether or not you're really ready." Bruce thought for a few minutes as they all sat quietly in the summer shade. "Here's what we'll do. You three will begin prep this afternoon. Elliot can give you a tour of the outside grounds. In about 20 minutes meet me at the garage, and we'll load up the trucks with the first of the large canvas tents we need to put up. After you get started on a couple of tent sites, we'll also get the latrine properly set up. Tonight I'll show you the barn, and we'll start to explore whether you're ready for the competition or not. OH, and," Bruce smiled. "Make sure you each drink at least one large water bottle before you meet me. And DON'T PISS before we meet. I'll need you to test the latrine to make sure it is working properly." Both he and Elliot began smiling. Will and Jake looked at each other with a "oh shit" look before they all got moving.

Neither Will or Jake had noticed the dirt road or the campground near the house. Without tents, the campsites were hidden. Elliot explained that they had to set up a set of large canvas tents on the wooden platforms hidden in the trees. Once outfitted with cots, they were large enough to sleep 8 people if needed, though many were occupied by fewer. Each Master could rent his own tent, and they would eventually have to outfit them with requested items like beds and other bondage frames. These were all kept in the large garage with the rest of the event supplies. They soon had the pickup filled with tents and other set-up supplies for three camp areas. Elliot explained that some Masters choose to stay off site in private cabins or in their own campers (that they could park in another area with electrical hook-ups on the other side of the house.)

About ninety minutes later, they had two campsites set up. After some initial awkwardness, the three began to work as an efficient team. They had shed their shirts, and their toned chests glistened in the sun. "Fuck. I really need to piss. Can we get on with whatever Bruce has in mind?" Elliot just smiled and texted their Master. "What are you smiling at?" Elliot yelled in a playful way. "What is he going to do?"

The latrine was unheated and simple in design, but it had walls, screens, and several toilets and urinals.It also had a simple shower room. After explaining that he eventually wanted them to give the interior a good cleaning, Bruce brought them to a slightly raised deck built off the back of the building. He pointed to the truck parked nearby. "You'll find three urinals and a tub in the truck. Elliot can show you how they're meant to be attached." He pointed to some wooden frames. "Three go attached there so that a sub can be standing below the deck and be secured with wrist restraints to these points here." He pointed to some metal rings attached to the wooden frame. "When attached properly, the urinal is then hooked up to a tube attached to a funnel gag attached to head harnesses." He paused and looked around at them. They all nodded. "You can see a large oval hole over there." They all turned to look where he was pointing. "The tub goes there. You can see the restraint points already in place. All you have to do is set it in. It is heavy, so be careful. I presume you get the idea." Bruce laughed.

"And finally..." He turned with a dramatic flourish of his arm to point to a wooden box big enough to hold someone standing. It was just off the end of the highest point of the deck, and there was a urinal attached to the top. "Thi is the urinal closet. As you can see, I've already put the urinal in place. Follow me." He leads them to some steps and down to the ground entrance to the box. The open door revealed a long black rubber tube attached to a dangling head harness.

Chuckling, Bruce turned to them: "I thought I'd give you an opportunity to taste what the contest is like." They all groaned in response. "Loose your clothes. NOW." Surprised, the boys each hesitated for a moment, but Bruce's bark pushed them into action. He looked at their soft cocks and sweaty bodies. "Start stroking." They each began slowly. "The last one to get fully hard is going to test this out for us." As the boys began stroking with more vigor, Bruce continued to talk. "This urinal closet nasty. It can only be occupied for a short period of time because it is meant to be a punishment. It is built as an enclosed closet without ventilation, so it can get sweltering in the summer heat. As you can see, the victim is secured inside, and he has to deal with being restrained, drinking lots of piss, and the sweltering heat.

Will felt his insides go tense. Why does that turn me on so fucking much? He silently wondered to himself. His cock began to grow. I don't know if I want to get hard or not. I want to see what it is like. Will was so focused on the closet that he didn't see that his two friends went almost instantly hard, so he didn't have long to worry.

"Excellent. Let's go, Will." Bruce pointed to the closet door. After he had Will secured, he put a small bucket between his legs. It was marked with several lines marking different amounts. "In the competition, we give different challenges, depending upon the temperature outside and the round. Sometimes we make someone remain in this until their own piss reaches a certain level in the bucket. So... I trust you have to piss, Will. I'll release you when you've finished two loads of piss and successfully pissed into the bucket yourself as well. Understand?" Will nodded, eyes wide with worry. Bruce didn't give him a chance to back out. He attached the rubber head harness and mouth tube, securing the piss gag in place. Bruce closed the door, but unbeknownst to Will, Bruce activated a tiny cam linked to his phone so he could watch for signs of distress.

Will was in distress. Fuck. You can do this. Control your breathing. His heart felt like it was going to pound out of his chest. Even though it wasn't that warm out, the urinal closet was immediately hot. More sweat poured from his armpits and from his hair. He was covered in sweat. He could hear the footsteps above him, but their voices were muffled. He could make out some laughter, and even though he wanted to experience this, he still felt his face flushing red. It wasn't from the heat. He realized he was embarrassed. He felt like an object, a piece of meat that they were using to piss on and in. Holy fuck. He thought because in that moment his cock twitched. Fucking pig slut, he laughed inwardly. You like this. But when will it begin? Can I do this? Guess what???? YOU HAVE NO CHOICE! An inward voice yelled. And then, he began to taste the acrid piss mixed with a rubber after taste. At first it was just a small trickle, then a small stream. And now, well, now, his mouth was flooded with the salty warmth of acrid piss. He controlled it. He realized he didn't have to drink it all down at once... so he kept some in his open mouth, teeth biting hard on the rubber funnel gag. He used the back of this throat to stop some and let it trick down after taking some deep breaths. But then a new sense flooded over him: The smell. The wooden structure had a moldy, wooden, old smell, and that mixed with the rubber smell and taste of the harness and gag. He could also smell his body odor. He was rank with the sweet smell of sweat. And now, well, now, all of that blended with the overriding smell of piss. Strong, hot piss. At one point he realized that he had gone soft because he was focused so much on drinking piss, and he willed himself to let go. That added even more humiliation. His piss flowed out, but in addition to landing in the bucket, it poured down his leg and onto the wooden frame around him. His sense of being controlled and humiliated increased.

And then, the piss stopped. A moment later, the door opened, and the cool air felt like a blast from a refrigerator. Bruce was there a moment later, removing the gag and head harness. "How are you doing? How was that?"

With glazed eyes, Will looked at Bruce. "That was amazing. I can't believe I just did that." Bruce laughed.

"Fuck boi, you may make it in the competition after all!"

A few minutes later, they all gathered back at the truck.Will was dripping with sweat and some leftover piss. He reeked. Bruce pointed to the tub. "I'll help you get that into place. Once we do, I think I need to piss. He also lifted the bucket he had removed from the urinal closet. "I also need to get rid of this." He looked at Elliot and Jake. "You two can take a quick tub ride. I saved my own piss for this."

The boys all laughed and got in place to lift out the tub. Bruce added, "Then you all can clean up and relax before dinner." He turned to Will. "You smell like a urinal." They all laughed. "While you're relaxing, I'll see what I can devise for tonight's fun and games. But first, let's get this thing in place. I have to piss!"

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