The Rings in the Woods

By John Keller

Published on May 28, 2021


This is a work of fiction, although certain details were based on my own experiences. It involves consenting BDSM sex between 18+ teen males and eventually, adults.

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I enjoy feedback and talking with folks who enjoy the details, especially anyone who has suggestions for plot twists. Please email me at I'm interested in meeting people and even chatting about the story and your ideas and reactions, so please reach out.

The Rings in the Woods - Chapter 4

Will was stunned. He had walked into the master bedroom adjacent to the bathroom expecting to prepare the bed for whatever Jake had in mind, but instead, well, instead he found a naked teen stretched out and secured to the bed. What the fuck? He thought, frozen and confused.

Will stood in the doorway, so far unnoticed. He presumed they were about the same age. The tied boy had a similar lean build, but where Will had blonde hair and blue eyes, this bound kid had short red hair and freckles across his pale face and shoulders. How did he get here? Will looked up the hallway and listened for sounds of someone else in the house. He could only hear Jake in the bathroom. Will glanced back at the teen. He was stretched well, wearing leather ankle and wrist cuffs that were attached to black straps coming from under the bed frame. His rigid cock was slightly longer than Will's. He's completely shaved. So fucking hot, he silently observed. Will stared at the boy's hairless armpits, wondering what it would feel like to run his tongue along the smooth curve inside.

Will must have made some sort of sound because in the next moment, the boy was looking at him in surprise.

"Hi." The tied boy said quietly.

"Hi." Will smiled at the awkwardness.

They stared at each other for a heart beat, both clearly looking at each other up and down, eyes pausing at what now were two rock hard cocks.

"Where's Bruce?" The bound teen finally asked.

Will paused, and then began explaining that Bruce was away and that he and his friend were house sitting. At that moment, Jake bumped into Will as he pushed into the doorway.

"HOLY SHIT!" Jake nearly yelled as he stopped in surprise. He was so surprised that he couldn't even talk. Jake looked from the new kid back to Will and back again. His shock morphed into surprised confusion. "Hey... aren't you Elliot? You run cross country."Jake asked as if they were meeting on a street somewhere, instead of all three being naked, with one of them being bound to a bed. Jake realized they had competed against each other as Elliot was on a neighboring school's team, but a year older.

"Yeah... that's me. You're Jake, right?" Elliot smiled awkwardly. "Ummm... can we talk after you two release me? I'm kind of stuck here."

Will moved to help, but Jake put his hand out to stop him. "Wait a moment. Looks like you're in a good position there, Elliot." Jake smiled, and Elliot silently began swearing in his head. Jake and Will moved to the bed and stood over Elliot. "Let's hear how you got yourself in this situation first." He moved his gaze up and down the bound boy's body.

Elliot took a deep breath. "OK, but I also want to hear what's going on with you two. I'm clearly not the only one here with an interest in, well..." His voice trailed off and he looked down at himself. All three boys smiled.

Over the next several minutes they laid out the facts: Jake was Bruce's nephew. Will was Jake's best friend, and Elliot, well, Elliot was Bruce's slave. He had been away at college, and he had shown up unannounced and thought that Bruce was in the shower. In a fit of horny creativity, he had hoped to surprise Bruce and had managed to secure himself to the bed.

"That's so fucking hot!" Will responded. Elliot laughed at Will's enthusiasm. Will then asked, "You mean he ties you up in that amazing basement dungeon?"

Elliot nodded. "Yeah. I've had some pretty intense experiences down there." He turned his head to look at Jake. "Does Master Bruce know you two are into this stuff?"

"Master Bruce?" Jake chuckled.

Ignoring the comment, Elliot answered with a question. "So, it looked like you two were in the middle of some fun when you found me?"

Will swallowed before responding. "Yes. This..." He gestured at the bindings on Elliot's wrists and ankles. "We've been playing like this together for years, since we were kids. But before today, I've only seen stuff like what he has here in videos online. It looks amazing."

The mood in the room had relaxed, and all three boys were feeling a different buzz of energy arise between them. While they had deflated during the awkward conversation, all three of their cocks were now rigid again.

Jake looked at Elliot's cock and then back at Will. Jake raised his eyebrows in a silent question. Will understood and smiled and nodded. "Even though Bruce isn't here, you're welcome to join us in having some fun."

Elliot was beginning to sweat. His heart was pounding, and as he responded, he felt his cock swell even harder. These two are hot, he thought. Out loud he responded, "Yes." He looked up at one then the other. "Would you let me go first? This is a bit of an awkward place to begin."

Jake sat down on the edge of the bed at Elliot's hip. He reached over and took the teen's hard cock in his hand and began slowly stroking. Jake's fingers paused and rubbed Elliot's cock head slowly. Elliot shuddered and let out a nearly silent moan. "Sure, but on one condition: You take us down into the basement."

Elliot thought for a moment. He knew that Master Bruce wouldn't like him bringing these two down there without his permission, but his horniness took over his thinking. He wanted to play with these two more than he was worried about Bruce finding out. He figured if they kept it simple, Bruce wouldn't know. "OK. For just a little bit. Master Bruce wouldn't approve of our doing anything down there without his permission, but I don't see any harm in just looking around and playing a little." He paused. "But we have to be careful. We can't make a mess or let him know we've been down there. You don't want to see him angry." Elliot shuddered. "But he's not here right now." He smiled and closed his eyes as Jake increased his stroking.

"Good answer." Jake responded.

Once in the dungeon, Elliot watched as the naked Will and Jake once again walked around the room inspecting and just touching the equipment, their cocks bouncing. Will backed up to the St. Andrew's Cross, and Elliot laughed and joined him. "Here, let me help you." Will's already hard cock seemed to grow even harder as he allowed the other teen to pull his arms and legs into position. Elliot quickly had Will attached by his wrists and ankles so that the teen was stretched out in an X position against the wall.

"Fuck. That's hot." Jake had turned from admiring some whips to find Will stretched and hard.

"What about you?" Elliot joked. "You want to try anything out?" He pressed a button on the wall behind him, activating a silent winch. Two chains lowered a couple of feet in front of Will. "You want to get chained up to these?"

"Holy shit!" Jake responded. "YES!"

Soon Elliot had both teens stretched out and bound tightly facing each other about two feet apart, both of their cocks pointing to each other. He stood between them and began stroking their cocks, one in each hand. His own cock was straining for release. He looked hungrily at each teen, admiring the ways their lean muscles rippled beneath their smooth, hairless bodies. Their rigid cocks responded in his hands by leaking drops of precum.

With all of the action going on, they all failed to hear the quiet footsteps descending the stairs, so when the voice spoke from the shadows on the far side of the room, it was like a whip snap in the quiet dungeon.


All three boys froze, their hearts immediately racing out of fear. Elliot jumped back and dropped the dicks in his hands and turned around to face his Master. "Oh, fuck," he whispered.

Bruce stood near them, arms crossed. After a few moments of staring at them in silence, he spoke.

"I'm disappointed, Elliot. You could have texted me. And while I'm disappointed in you two as well, you don't know the rules here like Elliot does. He is thus responsible for all three of you. He will be punished for this, but I also want a full explanation. I'm glad my weekend plans fell through. Meet me upstairs, but first get some clothes on. I'll be in the den."

The boys found Bruce in the den scrolling through the bdsm video playlist that the boys had been watching before they left for the woods. He smiled as they entered.

"This night keeps getting more interesting. Seems like you might be more knowledgeable about what all that equipment is for down there than I realized. I also noticed downstairs that you two are shaved like the boys in these videos."

The boys were struck with fear and embarrassment. They just stared at the floor.

"OK, relax. I'm not judging you. Clearly I'm into some pretty kinky shit." He laughed. "So, let's start by you three telling me what happened tonight."

Jake launched into a teary-eyed explanation, full of apologies, especially over how they allowed their horniness to violate his privacy. Both Elliot and Will remained stoically silent, staring at the floor throughout. Finally, Jake pleaded for forgiveness.

"Please, Bruce. Please forgive us. We didn't mean any harm, and I understand if you don't want us working for you this summer. But please. PLEASE, don't tell our parents."

Bruce let the plea hang in silence for an uncomfortably long time. When he finally spoke, his tone was quiet and firm.

"I've known you for a long time, Jake, and I promise you, this will remain between us. I understand how being horny makes it difficult to think clearly. You haven't done any harm." He paused. "I have a question for you, one that you might not be prepared to answer. Do you two want to work here this summer, work here for me, knowing what you know about me and what I do with boys and men down in that basement you've seen? I understand if you want to get out of here and not come back."

Both teens responded immediately, talking over each other, assuring Bruce that they really wanted the job. Jake elaborated. "While I need the job, now that I've found this, found you, I mean, I just can't walk away. I don't WANT to walk away." He paused, getting up the courage to be blunt. "I hope this isn't too presumptuous of me, but, Bruce, I trust you. I've known you a long time, and well, now that I know what you're into, I'm hoping that you'll teach me."

"Teach you?" Bruce asked.

Jake looked at him in the eyes. "Yes, Sir. It is clear that you're a master, like in the videos, and you're clearly teaching or owning or however you describe it, Elliot, and I'd like to experience that, too."

Bruce didn't react, but he turned and looked at Will, raising his eyebrows, inviting him to react to what Jake just stated. Will immediately agreed. "OH, I agree, yes, Sir. Me, too. I mean, I would love to be your slave."

Bruce laughed at that characterization. "You would, would you? Do you realize what I do to the boys and men I tie up down there, don't you? This isn't just some game. I take this very seriously."

The boys nodded. "Yes, Sir. I think I do." Jake replied.

"Me, too. Yes." Will added.

Bruce stared at them for a few heartbeats. "Do you mean it?" Both boys agreed. Bruce closed his eyes for a moment.

When he opened them, he began speaking slowly. Carefully. "OK, if you mean it, then your first lesson is about submission. I'm going to make a request of you to submit to me, and you must always consider for yourself whether or not submitting is healthy for you. Sometimes the submission involves the seeming loss of choice. I said seeming purposefully because you always have a choice, even if you're choosing to give up some part of control... like not having a decision about when or how you'll cum. I'm not interested in abusing anyone. Elliot is choosing to be here. I have used pain on Elliot, but only because we both enjoy it. We are always safe and never do things that are beyond what we both want to happen. I enjoy when someone submits to me; I do not force people to do things they don't want to do." He paused and looked at each of the boys. "I mean it. So our safeword here is "redlight." Say that at any point, at ANY point, and we'll stop. Whatever we're doing. We'll check in and see what's wrong, and if we need to stop or alter something we will. The bottom line for me: I'd love to have you both submit to me, but only, and I mean ONLY, if you're enjoying it, if it feels right to you. If not, then we stop. Immediately. Do you understand?"

Both boys nodded vigorously. "Excellent, then repeat the safeword." When each had, Bruce continued. "Not all submission is explicitly sexual. Of course, a lot of it is, but you'll have opportunities to submit to me in other ways, too. So, choice time."

He looked at them carefully. "Submit to me, and we'll continue this evening by going into the basement together. If you want it, I'll show you what sexual submission to me feels like. But first, you have to earn that. Your choice is to submit right now by revealing something about yourself."

Bruce paused and then gestured toward the laptop open on the coffee table. "I want you each to play a video from your playlist here. Consider this an opportunity to show me something that turns you on. Whatever you show me is something you would like to experience. Once it is finished playing, I want you to tell me why you like it. If this is too much of a challenge for you tonight, then we'll start more slowly. But if you want back into the dungeon tonight, then this is what I want from you. Does this make sense?"

Both boys nodded. "OK, then, here's an added challenge: Make it something that you want to experience but that might scare you at the same time. While you think about what you might want to choose, there's the matter of you." He turned to Elliot.

"We'll deal with what happened this evening in a little while, but for now, I think you should model submitting and being vulnerable." He smiled. "Take off your clothes."

Though they had already been naked around each other, Elliot still felt a twinge of embarrassment as he removed his clothes in front of the other two teens.

Once finished, Bruce added more. "Stand against the wall with your hands behind your head, legs spread." Elliot moved so that he was facing the group and could also see the big screen. His cock began to rise.

"You seem to like this." Bruce observed. "Tell us what you're enjoying." He knew that this part, this describing his emotions and reactions would be difficult, both for him and the other two. Bruce felt his cock stir as Elliot began speaking.

"Yes... Um... Sir... This is embarrassing." His cock twitched. "And, yes." His face turned bright red. "It is kind of a turn on, too."

"Excellent. Be prepared to answer questions as we watch these videos. I expect clear answers. Anything less will add to your punishment later." He turned to Jake. "You first."

Jake took a moment and then moved to the computer to begin playing a video. He chose one of a shaved young guy tied standing in a spread position, a weight swinging from his nut. The top jerked the boy off, and then continued to stroke his cock head while he struggled. The room was silent throughout the 12 minute video. All of them were rock hard when it finished.

Bruce nodded at Jake. "Well? What turns you on about that? What scares you?"

Jake took a moment and got red in the face. "OK, well, I love how he's both shaved and tied up. I also love how he's totally controlled and that the master keeps stroking him after he cums. It looks hot." Jake looked down, his voice getting quieter. "And I think it is hot how his body jerks around while the Master keeps stroking his cock after he cums."

"And does that scare you at all?"

"YES." Jake admitted, "but that's what turns me on, too."

Bruce pushed it. "Do you want me to do that to you?"

Jake couldn't meet his gaze. "Yes, Sir." He whispered.

"And how do you feel about this scene, Elliot?"

Elliot's cock was still hard, and he worked not to stammer. "Well, it scares me. I've seen this one before, and I think it is hot, too." He looked down. "But my cock gets so sensitive after I cum. I don't think I could handle that."

Will chose a video of a shaved twink restrained on a wooden platform. After using a crop on the bound boy's nuts, the top then continued to pound his nuts while making him cum. It finished after the top came while he slowly hit the younger guy's nuts while he jerked himself off. The restrained sub howled and begged for more throughout."

"Interesting, choice." Bruce stated once the video was finished. "Tell me why you chose it. It is really advanced."

"Well, I think he looks hot tied up that way. Being made to cum in that way looks so amazing. I love how he gets so into it... jerking around, yelling, but asking for more. His cum looked incredible. And then, well, the fact that the master keeps using him like that after he cums, well, kind of like what Jake said. That's amazing."

"And you want me to do that to you?" Bruce asked.

Will was louder than Jake: "Yes Sir. I would."

"And what about you, Elliot?"

He was quicker to respond this time. "It comes from one of my favorite porn videos, Sir. I agree with Will. While it scares the fuck out of me, there's something so hot about the way the Master abuses his cock and balls all the way through the end. I like the look of his body tied up, too." When finished, Elliot blushed and looked down at the floor.

"Stroke your cock for us, Elliot. Show us how you like it." Elliot looked up suddenly at Bruce, almost to say please no, but he didn't. He slowly moved his hand to his cock and began stroking slowly. Looking at the floor. The red in his face returned. It was bad enough doing this in front of Master Bruce, but now these two new kids who were a year younger, made it worse. He was being lowered beneath them. He wondered if they were laughing at him.

The room was silent. Both Will and Jake shifted as their cocks got harder in their nylon shorts. The sexual tension in the room was thick. Surprised, Will realized that he wished he were being made to stroke off in front of everyone. He found himself envying Elliot.

"Look at me as you stroke." Elliot looked up at him, staring into his Master's eyes. "Do you want to cum?"

Jake was also jealous. He wanted Bruce to make him join Elliot, too. Make us both cum and then have to eat it in front of you, he thought. Fuck! Where did that come from?

Elliot panicked. He didn't want to cum in front of everyone while being watched in this way, but he also wanted to please Bruce. He thought for a moment, then replied. "I want to do what you want of me, Sir. If you want me to cum now, I will do so to please you."

Bruce chuckled. "Good answer. You can stop." Elliot sighed in relief. He had been close to cumming he was so turned on. "You can sit down." With that, Elliot slumped onto the carpet.

Bruce brought his attention to all three. "Really well done. All of you." He looked at each boy in turn. "Since you've taken a risk and offered something of yourself to me, I'll share more with you: I've known how the two of you have been using the rock hideout for bondage games for years, and I asked you to work for me this summer to find out if you two were serious or whether you were just playing childhood games. I hadn't planned to have all of this happen like this, but now that you know, I guess it is time for you to understand that your being here is no accident. I thought you two might benefit from some guidance, the type you can get from someone who is experienced and sane, not like you might get out there if you meet up with a stranger."

Bruce continued. "I misunderstood how serious you two were, so I'm now really glad that this happened. You two have done well in meeting my first challenge to you. Those two videos are hot, and yes, those are things that we do here."

There was a silent pause. Jake was stunned by what Bruce had shared. He didn't know if he should feel relief or anger.

"So, you watched us in the woods?"

"No, I stumbled on you once without you noticing, and once I figured out what was happening, I gave you space. But I have seen you in the woods several times over the years. I presumed you were continuing to play, especially when I've ventured into that space behind you. I've found evidence that you were having sex together. You didn't realize it, but that is also my outdoor play space, kind of an outdoor dungeon."

Both Will and Jake looked at each other in surprise. Will whispered. "That explains the rings."

Bruce continued. "Yes, but let me be clear: I never spied on you. I was hoping to open a conversation about all of this with you when the time was right this summer." He laughed. "Of course, I had some fantasies that it might lead to some actual play together, but that was never a requirement. I would have been happy to give you two some guidance and advice... let you have your own private sex. Your working here or getting my guidance isn't predicated on your submitting to me sexually. Let me be clear about that. I will respect your boundaries."

Jake looked at Will then at Bruce. "OK. I accept that. Thank you." Will nodded in agreement.

"Does this change anything?" Bruce asked.

Both boys shook their heads no.

"OK, and this is important: If you want to explore what you see around you, you do it following my rules. I'm in charge. I'm the Master. This is for real. If you want into my world, then you need to know that I'll be making a serious commitment to you, and in return, I expect one back from both of you. With commitments come expectations. And that leads me back to you." He turned to Elliot. "While these two didn't know the rules around here, you do, so you need to be punished for bringing them into the dungeon without permission."

"Yes, Sir." Elliot whispered.

"I'm going to take him down to the basement now for that punishment. If you two are serious and want to have an introduction to what we do in the dungeon, then I invite you to join us. I want you to understand what this is like in real life, not just on a video. But this is completely your choice. The two of us will head downstairs to get started. You two talk over what you want to do. If you want to join us, come downstairs. If not, we can talk again later when we're finished down there." He paused. "I know this is a lot to take in, but there's more. If you do choose to join us, here are my expectations."

"First: you consent to my control. You're not going to be passive watchers. This isn't a video. You must be naked and agree to participate. While it is his punishment, there are ways you can help. You won't be harmed, but your joining us means that you agree to be touched and participate when I direct you to." He looked at them both, and each boy nodded understanding.

"Oh, and I'll be getting naked, too. So be ready for that. All of this has me fucking horny, too, and I want to get off tonight, perhaps a few times. If you're not interested in having sex with me, then that's cool. We'll figure out how to make this all work, but the threshold is the doorway. Walking down those stairs means you consent to my control. You still have the safe word, but until you use it, you submit and will both witness and assist me in punishing Elliot."

"Again, this is important to me. I'm not interested in abusing you. What we do here is fully consensual. So, if you really want to be a part of our world, then I'm going to demand that you witness what he endures. That'll be a good test. If at any point or at the end of it, you realize that this isn't for you, then let me know. We'll stop, and we'll talk it out. Same deal: You can still have summer jobs if you want them."

Bruce got up."We'll leave you alone for a while to talk it over. Come on, Elliot. Remember: If you come down, be naked and be ready to participate in his punishment."

"I know already, Bruce." Jake interrupted him. He stood.

Will jumped up and agreed. "Me, too."

"OK," replied Bruce. "What does that mean?"

"I want you to teach me," whispered Jacob. "I'm coming with you."

"Me, too," agreed Will. "Sir. I understand. I'm also interested in learning, so I'm not afraid. I want to be there. We owe it to Elliot, too. He wasn't alone, so we should be there, too."

Bruce put his hands on his hips. "What I'm about to do is done with Elliot's full consent. Do you understand and accept what I'm asking of you? More than just watching, I want you to experience a little of what this means."

Both boys nodded again.

"Then what are you waiting for? Strip. And get your asses downstairs. NOW."

The two boys found Elliot standing to the side as Bruce finished undressing. While he was in his 40s, he clearly took care of himself. At 6 feet, he didn't have much fat on his lean but muscular body. His wiry frame made his muscles ripple as he moved. He also was shaved, though he had trimmed pubic hair surrounding an impressive 8" cock. It was fat and long, standing rigid as he turned to face the two descending into the dungeon. The two boys stopped in their tracks staring at him and his hard cock. "Whoa," whispered Will. I wonder what it would be like to take that monster up my ass?

Bruce snapped the two back into the moment by instructing them to attach leather cuffs on Elliot's wrists and ankles and then to secure his wrists to a different set of hanging chains, a set in the middle of the room. He then attached his ankles to bolts in the floor. Once attached, Bruce used a remote control to make the chains retract, pulling the teen tight in an X position. Bruce then picked up a long crop from a nearby table. "For violating my trust, you will have a two part punishment. You may decline and leave. What do you want, boy?"

Elliot looked straight at Bruce. "I accept my punishment, Sir."

"Very well. You will receive 25 hits on your cock head."

Elliot's eyes bulged for a moment, but he didn't say anything. The tension got higher in the air.

Bruce turned to Jake and Will. "Take this and rub it on his body." He handed them a bottle of oil.

Rubbing the oil on their new friend's body was almost too much for the pair to handle. They had to make themselves not linger as they spread the oil on his warm body. Will took his shoulders, working his way down to his ass and runner's legs. While Elliot wasn't muscular, his smooth skin was stretched tight, just making the muscles firm yet supple. Jake began with Elliot's chest. He had to stop himself from leaning in and sucking on his nipples, but he quickly had the stretched teen's torso glistening in the dim basement light.

"Go ahead." Bruce gestured to Elliot's cock. "Get his cock lubed as well." Jake didn't have to be told twice. He trembled as his fingers caressed Elliot's long cock, making it slick and ready for what was to come.

The lighting suddenly went from normal to bright red.

"I have LED lights installed down here, and we use red to signal a punishment scene, so that's to let us know that we've officially begun." Bruce then put a cock ring around Elliot's cock, making it stand out even harder. The veins stood out on the shaft, and the cock head was impossibly shiny in the red light.

Bruce pointed to the floor on either side of Elliot. "I want you to stand on either side of him. Will: Take his cock and keep it hard. I want you to point it straight toward me so that I can hit it directly on his cock head. Stand to the side so you're not in my way." He looked at Jake. "I want you to use your hands to cover his eyes so he can't see. But I want you to watch at the same time. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir." Jake replied.

"Oh, and I expect you two to count. If you miscount, then he suffers. We begin again."

The two boys moved into position. Will found it especially erotic to hold Elliot's hard cock in his hand to ready it for punishment.

Without warning, Bruce smacked Elliot's cock head with the crop. The hit wasn't that loud, but Elliot's intake of breath in response was telling about how sharp the hit was. Bruce waited but neither boy spoke. He hit again, and still no one spoke. Elliot began to breath more rapidly.

"I'm not sure you two heard me, but I told you to count. We'll start again because of your mistake."

"Shit! I'm sorry, Sir," exclaimed Will.

"And we'll add another one because you spoke without permission. Make that 26 hits now."

Bruce began hitting Elliot's outstretched cock head. He varied the rhythm so the boy wouldn't know when the hits were about to land, but each one itself was firm and hard. He also moved so that the hits landed in different places. He made Jake adjust the boy's cock so that he could hit all around and even straight down on the piss slit as well. The teen was able to withstand them silently at first, but after about the first 8, he started to wince and then by 12 he began to outright moan. At number twenty, he jerked and yelled, pulling on his restraints hard. His cock head was red. Bruce was hitting it hard.

"You're doing well, boy. I'm enjoying your moans. I'm enjoying watching your cockhead turn from its normal color to bright and now deeper red." He hit Elliot's cockhead again. This time the moan was a yell.

"These last five are going to be hard." Elliot trembled. Bruce hit harder. After each hit, Elliot yelled. Bruce waited until he was in control then hit again.

"Last one." Bruce hit straight down on the piss slit. Elliot yelled and continued to moan for a few moments.

Bruce put down the crop and embraced Elliot. "Well done. Really well done. I'm proud of you."

All three boys were sweating with the stress and the excitement. Both Will and Jake were hard and dripping. Bruce turned to Jake.

"Release him."

"Your next task is to..." Before he could finish Jake interrupted.

"Sir, I apologize for interrupting, but this isn't fair. He shouldn't be the only one punished. I ask you to punish me as well."

Bruce was surprised. "Really?"

Will chimed in. "I agree, Sir. Me, too. Yes. That's only fair. Both of us, too."

"Do you realize what you're asking? I want you to think about this. I'm not going to go easy on you. You saw how difficult that was. You get the full count. We're not playing games. And there is a part two to this. Perhaps you want to wait and find out what that is? If you begin, I'm going to insist you accept it all. If you use the safe word, you must go upstairs and wait until we're finished here."

"We understand, Sir." Jake spoke for both of them.

"Very well. So be it. Will. You first. Get going. Trade places."

A few minutes later, Will's arms were being stretched so much that he had to stand on his toes for balance. He could barely move. He felt his cock twitch as it brushed against Elliot's arm, and then the oil. He looked down as he felt their hands on his warm chest, his thighs, his legs, his arms, his back, and then into his ass. He quivered slightly as he felt a finger brush his hole, and then hands spreading oil in his groin, his cock, and finally his balls. Jake then placed the cock ring, and Will felt his hard cock get even harder. He looked down and saw a pearl of pre-cum on his cock lips.

No one spoke as they took up positions, with him now being the victim. Elliot's hand circled his cock, holding it out for Master Bruce's punishment. Jake's oily hands pressed his eyelids closed.

The first hit was harder than he realized it would be. He grunted in response. Will found the sharp pain to be oddly enjoyable. His cock stiffened even more. Over the next few strokes he felt his world melt into a few competing points... the soft fingers holding his hard cock... the hits on his cock head getting sharper and sharper... the glow of red behind his eyelids... the now distant voices of his friends counting the hits... the feel of his body being stretched and opened for others to abuse... remembering the way that Elliot's oiled body glimmered in the red light, knowing that he was in that position now as his young friends watched and listened as he was given pain. Those images and thoughts swirled as he then brought his attention back again and again to his cock head being hit.

He realized he had screamed when the hands left his cock and eyes. It was done. He felt both proud and oddly sad that the cock abuse was over.

"Your turn, Jake." Master stated firmly.

When they were finished with Jake, Bruce stopped the two other teens from releasing him. Instead, he lowered two more sets of chains, setting up a way to restrain all three of them so that they formed three sides of a square, with one side left open. They were so close together that Elliot was framed, each of his shoulders touching another boy. Their hard cocks pointed at each other.

"Time for your second punishment. This one you might really enjoy given the videos you shared. You see, Elliot hates post-cum torment of his super sensitive cock. And, I, well, I love it." Bruce chuckled to himself. "Well, I love playing with a boy's cock after he's cum. So, tonight is your lucky night. I'm going to allow you to cum. You've all gotten yourselves in a horny tizzy, so we'll take care of that. And then you'll pay for it."

"I'm going to fuck Elliot so that when he cums, he's going to milk the cum from my cock. You two haven't earned the right to my fucking you. Not yet."

While he talked, Bruce moved a metal pole on a stand in front of Elliot. The top had a round clamp that looked like it was designed to hold a microphone, but instead, Bruce attached a vibrator holding a silicone sleeve. He positioned it so that the sleeve was just in front of Elliot's hard cock." He switched it on.

Time seemed to slow for Elliot. He focused on the low hum of the vibrator. He smelled the faint whiff of sweet sweat wafting from the bodies of the restrained boys next to him. He felt the warmth of their sweaty shoulders and hips as they brushed against each other. He moaned slightly when Bruce lathered his cock with lube. He felt his heart begin to race when he then watched him add the lube to the silicone sleeve. While he wanted to be fucked and to cum, he knew what was coming after. As much as he wanted to cum, he dreaded the post cum polishing of his cock by this vibrator. That fear, though, was tempered by his desire to touch the bodies of the two teens standing next to him and his equal desire to feel Bruce's cock in his ass. He felt his own cock twitch while Bruce poured lube on the others' cocks. Fuck. He thought. Their cocks are just as hard as mine.

"You like this, huh?" Bruce laughed. "Wait, there's more." He then retrieved three pairs of nipple clamps that he quickly attached to each of the boys' nipples, causing ripples of winces around the three as he attached each clamp on their nipples in clockwise order. He then brought out a length of parachute cord. Over the next couple of minutes he attached cord to each nipple clamp and then pulled the cord to a central chain above the three and in the center of their little group. He adjusted tension so that each cord was tight. When one boy moved, the cord pulled on the chain and caused a yank on the others' nipples.

Once satisfied, Bruce moved to stand behind Elliot and reached around and grasped both of the other teens' cocks. Elliot felt Bruce's cock rest in his ass crack, not entering him yet. Bruce began stroking Jake and Will's cocks. "There. That'll be perfect. Elliot will be cumming first, then the two of you. He'll have to endure for as long as it takes you two to cum and then my fucking him. So, he'll have it the worst, which is fitting because he's the most responsible of you three."

Bruce repositioned himself and then slowly slid into Elliot's firm ass. Elliot winced at the invasion, but forced himself to relax as his Master entered him. He unconsciously opened and pushed back, feeling the strong arms reach around him. Once impaled, Bruce pushed the boy's hips forward and slid the teen's cock into the vibrating sleeve just enough so that his head was especially stimulated. Elliot gave in to the slippery vibration on his cock, resting his head back on Bruce's shoulder. He sighed with the combined feelings of his ass being filled so deeply and his cock head being stimulated simultaneously. Bruce then grasped the other boys' cocks and began lightly running his thumb over their cock heads. He didn't stroke enough to make them cum yet, but he did keep them interested by sliding his thumb around just enough to tease and keep them hard. He needn't have bothered as both of the other boys were rigid as they watched in horny fascination as Elliot's rigid cock vibrated in the sleeve and at his restrained body trembled as the bliss overtook him. They both knew what was going to happen, and while they were nervous about what it would be like to experience the post cum torture themselves, they eagerly anticipated watching Elliot writhe in the sensitive discomfort. Their own cocks dripped pre-cum, and all three boys' bodies were shining with oil and sweat.

Will stared at Elliot's cock head within the silicone sleeve. He looks like he's going to burst. That must feel amazing.

Jake looked up at Elliot's face as he simultaneously concentrated on Bruce's thumb sliding over his smooth cock head. Bruce is in his ass. Fuck, this is amazing. His eyes slid down to take in Elliot's smooth body moving in the red glow of the led lights as he began breathing harder. His body is amazing. I want to run my tongue over his chest. He looked back at Bruce's muscular body nearly engulfing Eliot. He looks so vulnerable and yet so safe.

Bruce moved his hands back to Elliot's hips, pulling on them to impale his cock deeper but just resting inside, waiting. He slowly used his hips to push against the teen's body so that Elliot's cock slid slowly in and out of the silicone sleeve.

And then it happened. Elliot whispered, "I'm going to cum."

Time stopped in the dungeon for those few moments. Bruce pushed his cock deep into Elliot's ass, pushing the teen's torso so that he was stretched as tight as the restraints would allow. That also pushed his cock firmly into the silicone sleeve, keeping the head stimulated. Elliot began to moan as the orgasm seemed to rumble through his body and through his hips and out his cock. Streams of cum pulsed from his slit and onto the floor. In the silence, everyone focused on Elliot's cock, the buzzing of the vibrator dominating the room, punctuated by his moans.

Then abruptly, the moans turned to whimpers as the post orgasm polishing began. His body began to writhe, though he was held so rigid by Bruce's body, he couldn't move away from the lubed silicone sleeve vibrating around his now extra sensitive cock head.

Bruce began sliding his cock in and out of Elliot's ass. "Yeah, that was great. Now suffer for me, boy." Bruce moved his hands back to the other two teens' cocks, slowly jerking them up and down, concentrating on swirling his palms on their heads. "Fuck yeah. You two are enjoying this, too." He paused. "That'll change soon." He laughed.

Over the next couple of minutes, he continued to rub their rigid cocks, bringing them to the edge, all the while he fucked Elliot. Elliot's whimpers were reduced to a low whine as Bruce's movements moved his cock around the silicone sleeve.

And then Will moaned. "FUCK." His cock began spurting cum both onto Elliot's cock and also onto Bruce's hand stroking Jake's cock. That triggered Jake.

"SHIT, NOOOOO!" Jake's cock responded with a volley of cum, spurting across the other two cocks as well.

Their joy was immediately replaced with the reality of the moment: Bruce continued to fondle their cocks as the pleasure waned and the sensitivity took over. Soon all three boys were moaning and whining in response to the vibrator and Bruce's fingers.

"FUCK YEAH, BOYS." Bruce yelled as he picked up the intensity of his fucking. Despite the discomfort, Will watched as Bruce froze, clearly on the edge. Will felt Bruce's whole hand slide across his cock head, the motion unleashing a spasm that Will couldn't control, his hips, legs, and then arms undulating to get his cock away from the stroke. Will forced himself to fight the desire to close his eyes, so he watched as the wave of pleasure clearly moved through Bruce's body. They locked eyes. Will felt himself transfixed, and then, just then, everyone could tell that Bruce was cumming. As Bruce was riding the orgasm, Will felt the thumb again brush cruelly over his piss slit and around his cock head's ridge. Will felt his mouth open to moan, and as the sound emerged, he knew that his reaction, his discomfort, was a gift that Bruce was enjoying as much as Will was enjoying the two teens near him suffer. And then he felt the impossible happen. Will found himself getting hard again.

Everything had stopped as Bruce rode out the last moments of his orgasm.

Bruce glanced over to Jake. His brown hair glistened with sweat. Some of it was plastered to his forehead. His body glistened in the red glow of the punishment lights. Jake smiled as he acknowledged Will's new erection, his own cock responding as well. He moaned as the pleasure returned.

Bruce began to laugh as he looked from cock to cock, noticing that Eliot had also gotten hard again. "FUCK! You boys are going to be a lot of work. You're horny little fuckers!" He let their slick, hard cocks go and slid out of Elliot. "OK, I'm going to untie you first, Elliot, then I want you three to get this place cleaned up. YOU MAY NOT CUM. Once this place is clean, we'll talk about what happens next. If you clean well, I may let you cum again tonight."

After releasing Elliot, he held him for a moment in a comforting embrace, offering him words of encouragement for performing well. Letting him go, Bruce changed the lighting back to normal and proceeded to check in with both Jake and Will, offering each gentle hugs and words of encouragement. All three teens sat down on the floor in a bit of a daze.

Bruce turned to leave them to clean up. "Take your time. That was fun, but it was also a lot for your first time. So, no rush here." He paused on the stairs. "I've really got to piss, so I'm going up."

Elliot sat up suddenly, smiling and raising his eyebrows. Bruce chuckled. "Shit. You want more?"

Elliot nodded in response and scooted over so he was kneeling in front of Bruce.

Bruce stepped closer and placed his cock on Elliot's lips. "Open wide. I want these two to see what you're doing." Both Will and Jake quickly moved to kneel next to Elliot. After a few moments, Bruce allowed his piss stream to flow into Elliot's mouth. After a moment, Bruce stopped pissing to give the boy a chance to swallow, and in the pause, Will leaned in and offered his mouth. "Are you sure?" Bruce asked. Will nodded and left his mouth open. Bruce let some piss flow into Will's mouth before stopping. Will swallowed and grimaced at the bitterness but then smiled up at Bruce. Bruce turned and found Jake waiting his turn. Bruce laughed. "OK, your turn." Over the next few minutes, Bruce fed his piss to all three boys.

"Well done. That was a nice surprise. I think I can find a way to reward you for that." He laughed again. "OK, get this place cleaned up. Elliot, you show them what I expect. And then join me upstairs. BUT NO CUMMING." He picked up his clothes and headed up the stairs.

He paused on his way up. "I have an idea about how to make that happen."

Next: Chapter 5

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