The Rings in the Woods

By John Keller

Published on Dec 22, 2020


This is a work of fiction, although certain details were based on my own experiences. It involves consenting BDSM sex between 18+ teen males and eventually, adults.

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I enjoy feedback and talking with folks who enjoy the details, especially anyone who has suggestions for plot twists. Please email me at I'm interested in meeting people and even chatting about the story and your ideas and reactions, so please reach out.

Chapter 3

Jake reached the deck first. Will couldn't tell if he let him win or not. While he had tried, he didn't quite give it his best effort. Will decided he didn't care. He got to the deck and dropped his backpack, bending over for a moment panting as he watched Jake pull out a water bottle from his. Will watched Jake drink from his water bottle, and he unconsciously ran his thumb along the scar on his palm. He'd done it so often, he didn't even realize he was doing it. He got it several years ago while swimming with Jake in a nearby pond. They had been out in the woods on a hot day, and they stumbled across the hidden pond by accident. Jake got a funny look on his face and dared Will to join him in the water as he shed his clothes. To Will's shock, he was soon looking at Jake's smooth white ass as he jumped into the water. He remembered the clear contrast of dark and white skin in the sunlight. Heart pounding and in shock, Will found himself stripping down, too. While struggling with his shoes because of his nervousness, Will watched in amazement as Jake rose and walked toward him out of the water. His skin shined in the afternoon sunlight as the water dripped down his smooth chest. Jake's cock stood half rigid, bouncing as he stumbled up the rocky slope. Jake had the intention to pull Will into the pond with him, but once he took hold of Will's hand, he tripped, pulling his friend down into the debris lining the pond's edge.

Will fell into the shallow water, impaling his palm on a sharp stick jutting up from the muck. Their afternoon of skinny dipping - and potential other forms of fun - was replaced with a trip to the doctor's office for stitches and to make sure his hand didn't get infected. Once they got the bleeding to stop, they walked home through the woods coming up with a fabrication that didn't include getting naked.

The small scar was a reminder of that exciting moment when Will saw Jake's naked body shining in the sun as he emerged from the pond so many years ago. When he ran his finger across it, Will imagined him running his fingers across Jake's shining body.

"Come on. Let's go inside." Jake's words snapped Will out of his reverie. He was almost to the sliding door into the kitchen when Jake caught his hand. Will's heart skipped a beat. Does he know what his touch does to me? The boy who rose from the pond. The one who marked him for life.

"Wait," Jake said. Jake reached out and wiped a spot of dirt smudged with sweat from Will's cheek. The contact was electric, a spark of energy of skin meeting skin.

As he wiped Will's face, Jake looked into Will's eyes. "You're mine." Will was still trying to think of what to say in response when Jake pulled him closer. "Is this what you want?"

Will's eyes are clouded over. This has been years in the making. Somehow he finds the words. "This," he says, "is exactly what I want."

Jake smiled in response and drew him through the door. As he pulled, his finger grazed Will's scar.

"Holy shit. Come look at this!" Jake called to Will from inside the guest bathroom. Jake had gone in first to check out the bathroom and to set up for where he wanted to begin his time as being the "master." He wanted to complete the shaving they had begun in the woods. While the bathroom was clean and large, the most interesting part was the grey tiled shower. It had a glass door and a large shower head on one wall. On the opposite, there were four flat chrome circles embedded in the tiles. Chrome rings were embedded behind the circles. For everyday use, the circles looked like decorations. When popped off, they revealed anchor points that replicated the exact ones from the stone wall in the woods. Jake showed Will how to remove the final two caps.

"How did you figure that out?" He asked.

Jake didn't quite know how, but something inspired him to investigate. "I don't know, but I'm glad I got curious." He pointed at the wall. "Wait here. I'm going to get some rope. Time for part two of what we began in the woods."

Several minutes later, he had finished securing Will to the wall. By this point, Will's cock was so tight, it glistened in the bathroom light. Jake stopped and admired his friend, and picked up a can of shaving cream he had sitting at Will's feet.

Cold. That was Will's first reaction. It feels cold. Jake smoothed shaving cream around the base of Will's cock, covering the stubble left after the electric shaving in the woods. Neither of them spoke. Will's cock twitched and a drop of precum emerged from his piss slit. Jake ignored it and picked up a disposable razor he had brought with him. Will closed his eyes. In the silence, he could hear the slight scraping noise the razor made as it slowly dragged across his skin. Jake pushed Will's cock out of the way with his arm and used his free hand to help keep the skin smooth and taught beneath the razor. Once he removed the hair from above Will's cock, he pulled on his nut sack and slowly removed the remaining tiny hairs there, too. Neither boy had much hair, so this cleaning was easy. Even so, Will's heart raced. This was forbidden. They were stepping into the unknown, into looking like the hairless twinks in the countless videos he had jerked off to over the last few years. He opened his eyes and looked down as Jake quickly ran the razor up his abdomen, removing his faint treasure trail.

Jake stood back, his own cock hard and bobbing against his stomach as he moved. Jake nodded and smiled as he looked at Will's armpits. When Will realized what Jake was doing next, he closed his eyes to fight the panic. While having his pubic hair removed was exciting, for some reason his armpit hair felt even more forbidden. The razor was soon sliding up through the shaving cream as Jake carefully traced the inner arc of the tender flesh in the first armpit. This is really happening, Will thought. His cock twitched again in response. Jake was soon sliding the razor across the tender skin in the opposite armpit, the slight scraping sound proof that Will was submitting.

Jake stepped back and looked at Will's smooth body. Neither boy had hair in their ass, so he knew that he didn't need to shave him there. He grabbed a washcloth and quickly dampened it so he could clean stray traces of shaving cream. He inspected each area carefully, using the razor to touch up a couple of spots. Each time, he ran his fingers on Will's smooth skin searching for stubble, but he did so more to appreciate the warm smoothness he had just created. When he tied Will up, he made sure to pull each arm up and out so that Will was stretched just enough. Now, his tight skin glistened over each rib and down across his flat abdomen, accentuating the dimpled oval of his navel, rising and falling with each breath.

Satisfied and now freed to explore, Jake moved closer, one hand landing on Will's stomach, moving slowly lower, enjoying tight skin until it found Will's cock, the other tracing fingers across the smooth skin in his armpit. Jake slid down and replaced his tongue where his fingers had just been. He lingered, slowly tasting and smelling the slight mix of shaving cream soapy afterness mingled with the saltiness and musk of dried sweat.

Will broke the silence by moaning as Jake's fingers ran across his sensitive cock head. The wanted stimulation was overwhelming after the absence of touch. He closed his eyes and trembled as he felt Will's tongue in his armpit. He felt the beginnings of an orgasm start to well up. "Shit." He panted. "If you keep that up, I'm going to cum right now."

Jake removed his hand.

"Not yet."

Jake kept his body pressed against Will's, and he slid his hand up from his cock to the flat area, now hairless and smooth between it and his navel. He ran one finger across the soft yet firm skin, feeling the hint of muscles beneath. Images from videos he'd jerked off to flooded his mind. While he usually imagined himself being tied up, for some reason in this moment he was finding controlling Will to be intoxicating. He imagined smacking a flexible cane right across this flat skin, leaving a red mark. He'd look so beautiful with red stripes on his smooth body. Jake's mind wandered as he moved his hand up, tracing the lean muscles on Will's chest. I wonder if he'd moan? Or maybe he'd be silent, wanting it? Jake's hand stopped at Will's right nipple. Jake pulled on the firm nub, pulling it so that it and the skin around it pulled away from Will's chest. He pulled harder, waiting for Will to react. When he began to squirm, Jake felt his cock twitch. He let go and keeping his body pressed against Will, he slid around so they were looking eye to eye. Looking into Will's eyes, Jake grabbed both nipples this time and pinched while pulling. Will closed his eyes and tried to stifle a moan. Jake immediately stopped. If I keep going, I'm going to cum right now. He stepped away from Will.

"I'm going to release you, and you're going to shave me next. But you can't cum."

"Yes Sir." Will panted.

Jake remained in place. Will felt his insides melt. He held his breath. Kiss me. The words floated into his head. They surprised him. This is insane. But I want this. Jake broke eye contact and lowered slowly to kneeling by holding Will's sides, moving his lips lightly across his chest and stomach, and breathing on the cock now before him. He ran his tongue around the glistening head quickly, just once. He stopped and began untying Will's feet. Moments later, he was untying Will's wrists, satisfied with the results of his teasing. Will's chest was heaving.

Jake gave Will a few minutes to catch his breath. He needed the space himself, too. He wasn't really sure what he was doing. Did I almost kiss him? What would he think? He hoped he wasn't scaring Will off by all of this. Something was taking over his brain. He didn't quite know where this was coming from. I don't want to fuck this up.

"OK, shave me now. Get everywhere like I did."

Jake stood silently, his hands on his hips as Will lathered his cock and balls. Will couldn`t resist taking Jake's hard cock into his mouth. The silence was broken by a sudden intake of breath as Jake reacted. Slowly, Will moved down on the hard cock, enjoying the familiar but still new feeling of his lips wrapping and sliding across Jake's cock. He noticed the taste of precum, wondering why he enjoyed the slight salty sweetness. When he swirled his tongue around the head, he felt Jake react. Jake's whole body trembled, and he reached down and held on to Will's head for balance. Still Will's mouth moved down the shaft, slowly until the tip of his nose touched shaving cream. Startled, he began to move back to let Jake's cock slide out of his mouth, but Jake stopped him. He pulled Will back down so that his cock slid back into Will's mouth. In that moment, his cock throbbed, and Jake felt an electric buzz. He wanted to ram his cock as deep as possible, but he stopped himself and pushed his cock in further.

Will began to gag. He panicked. His heart pounded as he fought for breath. He tried to pull back again, but Jake held tight, grabbing the sides of Will's head firmly. Will squirmed as he began to panic, and for a heartbeat, then two, Jake held him on his cock. Will's fear mounted but he didn't touch Jake. Then something opened in Jake's mind, and he realized what he was doing. He quickly let go.

Will sat back on his heels and panted, trying to catch his breath. He looked at the floor and wiped the shaving cream off his nose and mouth. Panicking, Jake knelt in front of him.

"I'M SORRY!" He nearly yelled. "I don't know what happened. Will. I'm so sorry. We can stop. Are you ok?" Jake paused. Oh, shit, I fucked up. He thought. Why do I want to hurt him? NO, I don't really want to hurt him, but, yes, there's a part of me that wants to make him suffer. I want him to want me to make him suffer. "Will, say something, please."

Will looked into his Jake''s eyes. "I'm ok. Really." He looked down at Jake's now deflating cock. "That surprised me, but, well," he took another breath. "You can do that again."

Jake could almost feel the blood surging back into his cock. Will's words caused a switch to flip, and he didn't question it. It felt too good. His cock swelled in front of him as he stood, still amazed.

"Finish shaving me first." Jake needed to buy some time.

Will smiled and picked up the razor. Jake closed his eyes and felt the razor slowly scrape away his hair. He resisted the urge to grab Will's head and impale his cock down his throat. What the fuck am I doing? If I'm not careful, I could really fuck this up. I don't want to hurt him.

For his part, Will used the razor almost as a caress. He was stroking, caressing Jake through the tender, slow strokes he was making through the cream on his skin. He also imagined Jake's cock shoved down his throat again.

When he finished with Jake's crotch, Will stood and lathered Jake's armpits. He leaned in closer than he needed to begin shaving, his hard cock just grazing Jake's thigh. The electricity between them was intense. Jake was controlling himself. Every part of his mind and body wanted to throw Will to the floor and fuck him hard. The cock tease wants this. He wants me to hurt him, thought Jake.

When he was finished wiping the remnants of shaving cream from Jake's body, Will stood back, unsure about what would happen next. His heart pounded. He wasn't sure what he wanted to happen. Part of him wanted to put on his clothes and go back to watching a movie with his friend, to stop this insanity. Will closed his eyes and unconsciously began rubbing the scar in his palm. He looked at Jake again. He saw the boy from the pond in front of him. And then Jake took charge. Jake saved him from his instincts to run away. Jake pulled him back to the moment.

"Get in the bed." Jake pointed to the bedroom. "I want you on your back, your arms and legs stretched out. Wait for me with your eyes closed."

Despite his assertive tone, Jake was suddenly terrified. He was also turned on at the same time. He needed a moment to collect his thoughts. What the fuck do I do now?

Next: Chapter 4

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