The Rings in the Woods

By John Keller

Published on Dec 2, 2020


This is a work of fiction, although certain details were based on my own experiences. It involves consenting BDSM sex between 18+ teen males and eventually, adults.

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I enjoy feedback and talking with folks who enjoy the details, especially anyone who has suggestions for plot twists. Please email me at I'm interested in meeting people and even chatting about the story and your ideas and reactions, so please reach out.

I send a special thank you to DAVE for sending along story ideas. It was fun to write with you. Dave sent a draft of a scene that forms a lot of the outline of what follows. He also offered edits and feedback on the story... so really, thank you, Dave!

Chapter 2

After running out the door, across the deck and down the stairs to the lawn Will called for Jake to stop. Since it was about 6:00 on a Friday evening and Bruce was not expected back until late on Sunday, Will suggested that they remain nude until Sunday until 2:00. "Tonight we have a contest to see who gets to be the top first. We each get 20 minutes to try to make each other give in. The loser is the winner's servant until tomorrow at 2:00. Then we switch roles until Sunday at noon. What do you think?"

Jake's cock was definitely thinking for him. "Shit, yeah. That sounds great. How do we decide who goes first?"

Will brought out a coin. He smiled and asked, "Heads or Tails?"

"Heads!" Jake responded as Will flipped the coin in the air.

"Heads it is. Your choice -- master or servant first at the hideout?" Will said.

"Master" Jake replied. "But before we head to the hideout let's strip. Nude for the weekend starts now."

After throwing their shorts toward the deck and grabbing their backpacks, they continued their run through the woods. Soon, they crawled under the rocks that make up the entrance to the enclosed rock hideout. The natural boulder field created a secret lair that had obviously been discovered by others. The boys had long wondered who put the four rings into the flat rock wall marking the four corners of a rectangle perfectly sized for bondage.

"Let's get set up." Unzipping his bag, Will tried to calm his breathing. He couldn't tell if his heart was racing from the run or from his nervous excitement. His cock was beginning to harden, so he decided to focus on getting ready. "I brought some wood and starter for the fire and some supplies for having some fun." Handing wood and materials to make a fire to Jake, he continued to unload things from the bag. He laid a number of items out in front of the rings in the rock and then started to make some rope loops attached to the rings for the person who was "tied" up to hold onto and put their feet into to help let them stay in place.

Jake soon had a fire going, and due to the size of the area it was warming things up a bit. That helped fight off the evening chill that was creeping from the shadows between the rocks where the boys now stood. Turning around Jake saw the items that Will had laid out to play with. "Nice" he exclaimed. "I have some, too!"

With everything set, Jake took the initiative.

"OK. Safe word for the weekend is Orange Soda. If things are too intense or going beyond your comfort just use it." Jake said. "I guess you are first up for being Slave -- sorry Servant." Something passed between them in that moment. Jake felt it, and ran with it. "I have some ideas about what could be fun. Do you trust me?"

Without thinking, Will looked into Jakes eyes and whispered, "Yes, Sir."

Jake smiled. "Twenty minutes starting --- NOW!" Jake then hit the timer on his phone and set it down.

"Back to the wall." Jake stated. "Hands and feet into the loops."

Once Will was ready, Jake picked up a jock from his contribution to the pile of gear. Here we go, Jake thought. He used it to wipe the precum off both his and Will's cocks. Using the waistband of the jock as a blindfold he wrapped it around Will's head making sure the now wet pouch was in front of Will's nose. He then used some clothes pins that he brought to secure the jock tightly around his head to block vision.

"Take a good sniff." As Will did, Jake chuckled. "I wore that jock for the last two weeks of running without washing it." Will's cock bounced in response. "I see you like it."

Even though he was turned on by the smell, Will was too embarrassed to respond.

It is amazing how quickly 20 minutes can pass and there were so many things swirling around Jake's head. He tried to remind himself that there would be more time to play later.

Picking up a couple more clothes pins Jake bent down and licked Will's right nipple and gently sucked it into his mouth. While swirling his tongue around it, Will started to moan. Letting the nipple go, he took the clothes pin and captured the it between the wooden grip. Will yelped, but his cock also jerked up in response. A good sign, Jake thought. Working on the left side nipple brought a similar reaction.

Will was now stretching at the ropes and leaking even more. While pulling Will's cock down with one hand, Jake used his finger to wipe the precum off the tip before releasing it with a slap on Will's belly. Reaching up under the jock, Jake fed Will the precum to causing the blindfolded boy to grip the rings tightly. This is for real, Will thought.

As if reading Will's mind, Jake whispered: "I've wanted to get you in this position for a long time." Both remained quiet for a moment as Jake reached up and ran his hands down Will's stretched arms, into his armpits, and down the sides of his chest. He then took Will's nuts in one hand and began stroking his hard cock with the other. A few moments passed in silence until Will spoke.

"Damn. Shit." Despite the jock covering his face, Will looked and sounded upset. "I'm sorry, but I have to piss."

Jake contemplated the options for a moment. "So?"

"Can we just pause the time? I'll make it quick." His voice dropped to a whisper. "I'm sorry. This is embarrassing." He started to let go of the loops.

Jake responded by removing the clothespins, and just as he was about to let Will step by, he paused and pushed him back at the rock. Before he realized what he was saying, Jake spoke in a voice that sounded more confident than he felt inside: "Or you can stay where you are and piss for me."

Will felt his heart race even harder. He was surprised at how his cock seemed to grow even harder at what Jake just suggested. He couldn't really explain it to himself, but he wanted Jake to take charge, and yes, even of this, his ability to piss. Will could feel his heart beat harder, and Jake held his breathe, knowing that this moment was a big one. If Will agreed to this, then that meant he really was into playing in ways that Jake had only thought possible in his fantasies.

"OK." He whispered.

Jake didn't wait. He looked at the timer to find he only had 10 minutes left, so he hit the pause button. He then grabbed one of the metal insulated water bottles he had brought. He hit pause on his phone, dumped out the water, and pulled Will's still hard cock down to position it just into the blue metal opening. "This can hold a lot, so let's go. OH, and I stopped the clock. I'm not giving up my time to wait for you to pee. Once you're done, I'll restart it."

For a few minutes, they stood there silently. Will's cock gradually softened enough, though he was feeling embarrassed. "I don't know if I can do this." He finally said out loud.

Jake was ready. "OK, that's cool if you can't, but I think you really want to, and I really want you to do this for me. You just say "Orange Soda," and I'll let you go so you can pee by yourself." He paused. "But I think we both want you to do this, so if you do, try to relax and let yourself go. I have to tell you that this is fucking hot, Will. I want to see the piss streaming from your cock while I'm holding it, controlling it."

Jake's words helped. While Will's cock started to thicken again when he heard Jake's words, Jake's assurance helped him relax enough that he was able to let out a small stream.

"YES!" Jake encouraged him. He whispered: "Come on. Piss for me."

After a several seconds, Will sighed as he let out a more normal stream. Except for the sounds of some small animals in the woods around them, the two listened as Will pissed into the metal water bottle. When it was about â..." full, Will's stream slowed and stopped. Jake tapped off a couple of drops before removing the bottle and restarting the timer.

"That was great. Good job," Jake said with sincerity.

"Thanks." Will was still feeling embarrassed, but his cock was now rising again. "That was actually hot. It was wild to have you controlling my cock while I pissed without even watching."

Jake removed the jock blindfold. "Well, you know what comes next, right?"

Will closed his eyes and didn't respond.

Jake surprised himself again with his firm tone. "Look at me." Will complied. "You can always use the safeword, but until you do, you follow my rules. I think we've both admitted that we like it really kinky, so I'm guessing that you're protesting because you're nervous, not because you mean it." He looked Will in the eyes. "So, what's it going to be? Do you submit, or do you want to use the safe word?"

By now, Will's cock was fully hard again. "I submit, but I just don't know if I can make myself do it."

Jake looked at the clock. 5 minutes left. "OK, here's a new deal: You either drink this piss now, or you're mine for the rest of the weekend. How much do you want to tie me up?"

"OK, let's do it."

Without waiting, Jake carefully positioned the water bottle's rim on Will's lips. Will's heart was racing, but he opened his mouth. Jake slowly tipped the bottle, letting a small amount flow into Will's mouth. Will jerked in response to the bitter taste of his own piss. Jake let him swallow and regain his composure.

After a moment, he opened his eyes. "That wasn't so bad." He smiled.

Jake rewarded him by stroking the bound teen's hard cock. Swirling the leaking precum across his cock head. "Do that again for me."

Will smiled and opened his mouth. Jake replaced the bottle and let a larger amount flow into Will's mouth before stopping. Will swallowed more quickly this time. Without speaking, he opened his mouth. Jake smiled and for a third time, he let a gulp flow into his friend's mouth. At that very moment, the alarm went off.

"Well done, Will," Jake smiled as he stepped back.

Once they had traded positions, Will stood looking at his friend now stretched out in front of him.

"Well, I knew we were going to have some new types of fun tonight, but I didn't realize we were going to do that!" Will laughed.

Jake was now stretched out and holding the ropes just as Will had been a few minutes before. "I believe you did this to me." Will laughed, and while pulling Jake's cock down, he wiped the precum off the tip before releasing it with a slap on Jake's belly. Reaching up, Will fed the precum to Jake.

"I think you were on to a good idea with the clothespins. You just didn't leave them on long enough." Will laughed.

Will copied Jake's maneuver, and he soon had Jake's left nipple between his teeth, pulling it away from Jake's lean chest. When he heard an intake of breath, he let it go and immediately trapped it by a wooden clothespin. He repeated this on the right nipple, and then stood back. Will reached out and began twisting and tapping the two clothespins.

"How do they feel?"

Jake didn't realize how sensitive his nipples were. Something about the way Will had placed the clothespins made them hurt more than when he did this to himself. He was about to complain, when he realized his eyes were closed. He opened them to find Will pinching skin just to the inside of his left nipple in order to place another clothespin. Over the next several minutes, Will repeated this so that Jake then had a line of clothespins connecting both nipples and then five out beyond them, too.

Stepping back, Will looked at the timer. "That looks great, but we have more to do!"

Will reached to the items that he had brought choosing the body groomer. Holding it up to Jake's ear he turned it on. "So, you can object to this, but if I remember correctly, I remember us both liking the look of that guy in the video. He was completely smooth."

Will was right. The idea of being shaven smooth made Jake's cock twitch. Jake nodded, so Will moved the trimmer down Jake's body to remove his pubes with just a few strokes. Continuing down to his ball sack he then carefully removed the hair there leaving Jake with a short stubble and a pile of Jake's pubic hair in Will's hand that he put by the fire.

He returned, and bending down, he took the tip of Jake's cock in his mouth and ran his tongue around the glans. He then ran his tongue up and down the shaft. Returning to the cock head, he just brought the tip into his mouth, swirling it with his tongue. He could feel Jake struggle not to let go of the ropes in response. Will kept this up, keeping Jake on the edge of cumming but not bringing him there until he saw there were two minutes left on the timer.

One last thing to do, Will thought.

Will had experienced the removal of clothespins in some of his personal play and earlier in the evening, but he suspected that this might be a new experience for Jake. Reaching out to the ones on the outside edges of the line he created, he gave both of them a quick hit and then removed them. Jake gave a quick yell then continued with something between a moan and cry as Will massaged the sore skin underneath. Will did this several more times as he worked his way from the outside in, though he skipped the ones on Jake's nipples. "I'm saving these two for last." He smiled as he gave each a twist without removing them.

Will watched the timer. "Ten seconds left." He whispered as he gripped the final two clothespins, the ones on Jake's nipples. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1...." At the zero, Will hit both of them downwards with hard slaps so that they both were ripped from Jake's nipples. Jake yelled in response.

Will took Jake's cock in hand. "Well done. That was hot!"

Jake was panting. "Thank you." He laughed. "And yes, it was."

After untying his friend, Will gave Jake a couple of minutes to relax before saying "I think we have some pubes to burn before we put out the fire and head back up to the house."

Jake smiled in response. "You want me to trim you up before we go?"

Will eagerly nodded. "Yes, please, but let's make sure I'm smooth, too." He lifted his arms. "Let's get under here." Jake nodded eagerly.

Once finished trimming as much as they could off of each other without a razor, they sat next to the small fire and began to feed in their pubic hair. They watched silently as the clumps burned. Neither spoke, caught up in their own inner thoughts. To both, it seemed like they had crossed into new territory. This felt ceremonial. Each of them wondered what would happen next. What would do to the other as they went through this weekend? A new world was opening up.

Jake brought Will back to the present moment. "We have to decide who won. That kind of seemed like a draw to me."

Will nodded slowly in agreement. He looked into the fire and confessed: "If I'm honest, I enjoyed being the slave more, so if you'd rather be the master, that's cool with me."

Jake laughed and looked at his friend. "I was thinking the same thing. I liked what you did to me."

They sat in silence for a moment, thinking. "I guess we could flip for it," Will suggested.

Jake jumped to his feet. "OR..." He laughed. "We could turn it into a race. Once we get this stuff cleaned up, we race back to the house. The first one to the deck gets to be the slave."

"SHIT YEAH!" Will agreed, jumping to his feet to clean up.

Soon the two teens were running through the dusk-filled woods.

Next: Chapter 3

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