The Rings in the Woods

By John Keller

Published on Oct 8, 2020


The Rings in the Woods - Chapter 1

This is a work of fiction, although certain details were based on my own experiences. It involves consenting BDSM sex between 18+ teen males and eventually, adults.

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It all began with one simple text: Meet me in the woods.

Will knew exactly what his friend, Jake, wanted and where to meet. They had lived in the same neighborhood all their lives, and they had long ago found a hidden spot in the woods near enough to their houses but far enough to be private. Perfect timing, Will silently cheered. He was on his back on his bed, thinking about his plans to take their play in a new, or perhaps more accurately, an old direction. He removed his hand from inside his shorts and quickly pulled on his sneakers. Within a minute, he was rushing out the door and onto the path that began just in the woods behind his house.

Will and Jake discovered the spot years ago and had been meeting there, during the summer months at least, since they discovered it. It all began innocently enough... with the usual glance at each others' cocks while they were pissing in the woods together that then turned into more. Will remembered the first time Jake had asked him if he'd ever touched another guy's cock. They were too young to even know what they were doing, but that didn't stop them from exploring each other's bodies.

Their initial awkward exploring turned into adding sex to their war games. The games were a pretense to that they could take turns being prisoner. The other would be some sort of interrogator. While they would never have been able to describe it in this way, their games gave them permission to touch each other. The prisoner torture games allowed them to experiment with creative ways to torment the other, especially activities involving their cocks. At that time, they also discovered what they began calling their secret fort in the woods. Nestled between several boulders, they found that not only did it give them privacy, but there were metal rings embedded into a side of a flat wall of rock in the middle of it. They had no idea what the rings were for, but because of their own play and the placement of the rings (two up and two at the base) they quickly made up stories about interrogation scenes. The nearby fire ring that clearly saw use also gave way to fantasy stories about strange initiation ceremonies that they incorporated into their play.

For some reason unknown to each of them, once high school began and sport practices occupied their time, they stopped the pretense of the tie-up games and focused on jerking each other off in more direct ways. Neither knew that the other had discovered bdsm porn on the web and both wanted to return to their tie-up games, but they both worried that the other would be turned off or disgusted if the other one found out about those deep, non-vanilla desires, so they both hid their constant watching of gay bdsm porn and reading gay bdsm stories on Nifty.

Will was determined to take a risk and change that dynamic. While his cock had deflated as he ran through the woods, he felt the sweat begin to build on his forehead and down his back. He had one thought in his mind. Maybe I can talk him into playing one of our old prisoner games.

With only one way in through a crawl space made amidst a group of boulders, their secret place offered complete privacy. Besides being hidden, the tightness of the access route meant that anyone trying to get in would make noise. Even if completely distracted, they'd know if anyone was scrambling in to find them. So, Jake knew exactly when Will arrived.

Hot, sweaty and horny, Will scrambled through the boulder maze to find Jake sitting on a patch of moss. Jake had already stripped down to his nylon shorts, and he clearly had run, too, because his tanned, smooth chest glistened with a light sheen of sweat. They were both athletes, and they each had lean bodies without much hair meaning that both looked young for their age and could have passed for teens a couple of years younger. They could even have passed for brothers except where Will had blond hair, Jake had brown.

Jake didn't wait. "Hey, before we get into other stuff, I have good news." Jake smiled eagerly at Will. "You know my dad's friend, Bruce? He has the big house on the other side of the woods? He heard that you and I needed summer jobs before college, and wants to know if he can hire us to work for him this summer. He's willing to pay well. Besides mowing, gardening, and cutting wood, he has some big projects and thinks he has enough work for both of us. He also hosts parties and needs some help cooking and serving food. What do you think?

"Sweet. I don't have a job yet, and his place is pretty convenient to get to through the woods. It isn't far from here."

"Exactly. I need to head over there soon before he leaves. He's going out of town for a few days, and wants me to start by house-sitting starting tonight. If he's cool with it, do you want to hang out and house sit with me this weekend?"

Will flashed his white teeth. "Yeah, but I want to do it with you now first." He laughed as Jake threw his t-shirt at him. "So..." Will took a deep breath, his heart now beginning to race. He couldn't believe he was going to do this. He looked from Jake back at the wall and just couldn't speak. Will's earlier confidence faded. What if he thinks I'm weird? He thought. The silence stretched on.

Finally he sighed and decided to plunge in. "Remember those games we used to play?"

Jake was surprised but hopeful. "Yeah, they were fun." He looked up at Will, nervous now, just to be sure, he asked, "You mean like when we used to tie each other up over there?" He pointed at the rings embedded in the rock.

"Yeah." Will nearly whispered. "I keep looking at those metal hoops, and don't laugh... but I think it'd be fun to do that again." He looked down at the dirt, too afraid to look at Jake directly.

"YES! I agree!" Jake nearly yelled, but he tried to keep his enthusiasm in check.

Will paused, shocked at Jake's enthusiasm. "You do?" He smiled.

"Shit yeah, dude. Those games were fun, and well, you'd look hot tied up against that rock."

"Fuck." Will smiled back, his cock instantly hard. "You would, too."

At that precise moment, Jake's phone chimed.

"Shit. Bruce wants me to head over there now." Jake paused. "Maybe we can still come back and fool around if it doesn't take too long." He had an idea. "And maybe we can go get some rope first." He smiled up at Will, locking his eyes on Will's clear hard on.


They raced once again through the humid woods. By the time the boys reached Bruce's house, they were even sweatier than before, though their horniness hadn't subsided. They were both fixated on the conversation they'd just had. Neither could believe that the other was into being tied up. They both wondered what else the other might really be into doing. They both felt kind of stupid for not asking sooner. Damn. I can't wait to get him alone again, thought Dan.

They didn't realize it, but they had been on Bruce's property for a while. Their hideout was actually on it. He owned most of the woods the two had been playing in for years. Bruce was standing in the kitchen when he saw the two bound onto his back deck from the nearby woods. He sighed and told himself not to indulge his fantasies. These two have no idea how hot they are. Bruce willed his cock not to rise. He did need help around the property, so his job offer was for real, but now as he watched these two, he started to worry that he would spend too much time fantasizing about tying them up. He didn't know that they shared some sexual interests nor that they had been using his private outdoor rock dungeon spot themselves, the one with the rings he had embedded in the rock years before. Bruce had to force himself to stop thinking about what he'd like to do with these two now that they were old enough and legal. After greeting them and talking through the details of his work offer, Bruce took the boys around the different areas of the property, showing them where the lawn care and gardening equipment were kept in the barn and garage. In addition to the huge house, Bruce had a sizable 200 acres estate. Much of it was wooded, but there were substantial fields, flower and vegetable gardens, and wood to chop in preparation for the winter. He outlined what he wanted done over the next several weeks in general, and over the next few days in particular.

"I'm heading to the city for the weekend, so thank you for being willing to stay the weekend, Jake." He turned to Will. "As long as you two are responsible - as in no parties -- you both can stay if you'd like."

Will could feel his cock getting hard just thinking about having access to a private house for the weekend, especially after the conversation he and Jake had just had in the woods. Jake's thoughts mirrored Will's, and he had to take his eyes off the large barn across the yard. He was imagining what they could do with some rope and the barn's beams. Both had to work hard to focus back on Bruce.

"Look, I need to finish packing before I head out. Why don't you two head home and get stuff, check in with your parents and all that, and then head back out here."

Soon the boys were running through the woods again, and they discovered that they shared similar thoughts: they both wanted to continue where they left off earlier as soon as possible.

"Hey... how about we bring some supplies, like ropes and other things that we could use to, well, you know... recreate stuff in the videos we both like." Jake panted behind Will while they ran.

Will nearly stopped running. "FUCK yeah. That's perfect."

"I guess he left," Jake said as he opened the mudroom door and hauled his backpack into the house. "Let's get settled, eat, and then we can have some fun."

"Shit yeah," laughed Will behind him carrying his own backpack and a pizza. "I'm so fucking hungry right now. Let's watch a movie while we eat, and then we can find a place to play later?"

"I like the way you think," Will shot over his shoulder as he walked through the kitchen.

After settling in, they made their way to Bruce's den with a large couch and giant media center, complete with a huge flat screen. Jake picked up a remote, but before he could start looking for a film to stream, Will pulled out his laptop and some cables. "I thought we might start by watching some videos to see if we like the same things or not."

"Great idea!" Jake shot back, feeling his cock begin to harden. "I could get naked right now, but that could be dangerous. Let's watch while we eat. It might give us some ideas, and I think you're right. Let's make sure we're into the same things." He paused. "You might not like some of the things I do, and if you don't, that's really cool with me."

Will nodded. "I agree. I'm worried you'll think I'm a creep, so you please promise me that you'll tell me to turn something off if you don't like it. We don't have to do everything on these." Jake nodded back.

After Will hooked up his laptop to the media console, the large screen on the wall displayed XTube. "I created a favorites list of my top five current favorite videos. There are many more, so if you don't like these, I can pull up more." Will paused. "I thought you could then share some of yours if you can find them."

Jake nodded. "Shit yeah. I can do that. I can't wait to see what's on yours."

While Jake trusted that Will meant it when he told him that he was into BDSM, Jake was still shocked to see the image of a shaved twink, bound in leather restraints fill the screen. It was a new one, one that Jake had jerked off to just a couple of days before. He realized he had stopped in mid chew, the pizza in his hand dangerously about to fall to the floor.

"FUCK." He whispered.

Will panicked and paused the video. "I'm SORRY!" He stammered as he tried to shut off the screen.

"DON'T TURN IT OFF!" Jake yelled. "Sorry... " He laughed. "I LOVE this video."

First Will felt a wave of relief and then his horniness kicked into overdrive as he pressed play. "Excellent!" He had to adjust his stiffening cock and settled back to watch as the top began rubbing oil over the twink's smooth and now glistening skin. His cock was rock hard and slightly red. The top attached a ball parachute on his nuts and pulled them tight, making his cock stand even more rigidly.

Will watched Jake watch the film and noticed how his cock strained his nylon shorts, barely containing it. The twink in the video started to moan as the top began stroking his cock, alternating between stroking and swirling his palm on his cock head. While the twink in the video began to squirm, both of the twinks on the couch began to squirm in response.

Will looked at Jake. "You really do like this, right?"

Jake began to laugh. "Fuck yeah, dude. You could tie me up and do that to me right now."

"Your cock seems to be enjoying it," teased Will.

Jake threw a pillow at him. "I can see a wet stain, dude. You're into this as much as I am. AND THIS IS YOUR playlist!"

A few minutes later, Jake couldn't control his reaction. "OH, fuck yeah. This is HOT." On the screen, the twink had just cum and the top was rubbing the twink's cum into his glistening cock, making him squirm harder with post-cum play. When the video went to black and stopped playing, the two sat in silence.

Jake finally spoke. "Hey, I'm thirsty. Bruce said there's a fridge in the basement just for sodas. I'm going to go find one as the fridge upstairs is out. You want one?" He needed a break or he was going to pull off his clothes and jump on Will right here.

"Sure, but I'll come with you. I'm curious about what's down there."

There were two ways to turn at the bottom of the stairs. Jake went left and Will chose right. Will opened the stout wooden door in front of him, flipped on the light switch, and nearly dropped to his knees. He didn't find a drink fridge. He found a full-on bondage dungeon. When he recovered his wits, he yelled to Jake.

"Hey! Get over here!"

"What's up?"

"This." Will pointed into the room.

"HOLY SHIT." Jake looked back at Will. "I had no idea. I mean, I knew Bruce was gay, but I never thought, well, ...THIS."

The two were silent as they wandered through the room. Time seemed to slow down as both boys were soon lost in thought, their cocks straining their nylon shorts. Will ran his hands on a padded leather bench, recalling a video he had recently watched where a hot guy was secured to a bench just like it and then caned hard. Meanwhile, Jake's cock was also fully hard as he stood silently staring at a padded X frame on the wall, wishing he could be tied up. He had watched videos that featured this very bondage device, and now seeing it in real life, touching it with his fingers... His mouth was dry and his heart was racing.

Will licked his lips and looked over at Jake, noting his tented shorts. He silently walked over.

"I think you're finding this as hot as I am."

Jake looked up at will with a blank expression. "Do you know what this stuff is for?"

Will's mouth was dry. "Well, yeah." He looked around. "Yeah. I've seen a lot of this stuff online." His heart was about to pound out of his chest. "And I think it is hot." He had longed for this moment for years, and given what they had already talked about and the video they just watched, he decided to press it. Will looked at the rack of whips on the far wall and then back to Jake's face. "OK, here goes.I'll admit this to make it even more clear. Please don't laugh." He paused. "I've wanted you to tie me up and use these sorts of things on me for a long time. More than that edging video... Things like these whips and canes. PLEASE don't be mad or think I'm weird." Will stared at the floor.

Jake moved closer and put his hands on his friends' shoulders. "HEY... look at me." He smiled when Will looked at him. "Me, too. I watch S&M videos all the time, remember? I was afraid to tell YOU about it.' They stood in silence for a few moments. "And me, too. I want you to whip my ass and back... lay red stripes on my skin. Fuck, dude. I want you to whip me so that I cum while you do it."

Will could feel his cock tenting his shorts. He could almost feel time through his pounding heart. He looked from his friend to the room around them. "Fuck. Wow. That's hot. YES. Let's do that. To BOTH of us." He smiled at Jake. Will took a deep breath. "OK, look around at all of this stuff. No bull... I've watched enough videos and read enough stories that I know what all of this stuff is. ALL of it that I can see at least. And I want to use it all." He paused. "Is there anything here that you don't recognize or don't want to use?"

Jake began wandering around, looking at the different benches and gear hanging on the wall or neatly arranged on shelves... Different ropes, leather cuffs, chains, whips, canes, dildos, butt plugs, clothespins, even electric gear. "Yup. Me, too. To be clear: I've jerked off to videos showing everything in here being used. Everything, and I want to experience it all."

Will snapped back to the reality of where they were standing. "I really want to use this stuff, too. This is like a fantasy come true. But it doesn't feel right to use his private equipment without permission. This feels like trespassing. Trespassing into his most private life. Kind of feels gross. HOT, but gross, too. I'm not chickening out, just, it doesn't feel right."

Jake sighed. "Yeah. I agree. I soooo want to get naked and, well, try everything in here." He looked back at Will. "But you're right. It would be creepy to use his stuff without his permission."

Will put his hand on a padded leather bench. "Well, we could figure out a way to mention it..."

Jake laughed in response and then got serious. "For now, what do you think about heading back to our rock? It could be so hot to light a fire and play in the dark. We've never been able to be out there at night like this, especially without having to be back for a curfew. We could figure out how to talk to Bruce about it, well, maybe talk to him about it."

Will felt his cock twitch at the thought. He paused before whispering. "Yeah, the woods! Kind of like an initiation ceremony."

Jake nodded. "Let's get our stuff and find some flashlights and matches so we can make a fire."

Several minutes later, the two were running through the woods again, this time back toward their rock hide-out.

Next: Chapter 2

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