The Ring Series

By Ted Mills

Published on Nov 17, 2010


This story, a work of fiction.

I woke from what felt like a dream. My body was sore and as I awoke, the aches in my body reminded me it was not a dream at all.

My name is Marcus and I am 20 years old. I am 6'2, and about 185. I have medium brown hair that I keep very short and usually a few days worth of stubble just because I hate shaving. I am in good shape but not muscle bound. I stay in shape by eating right and working out. I am a pretty shy person by nature. If I had to talk to a girl in school or anybody for that matter I would sputter and spurt trying to get words out smoothly, unless of course someone asked me about archeology. Then I was confident.

I should also say that I am gay. I have known I was for a long time but have never been with a guy except for my fantasies. Or the one time when I was 15 and jerked off with my best friend Jason. Jason and I were watching porn in his basement at opposite ends of the sofa. Jason was watching the porn and I was watching Jason. We never discussed it and Jason and his family moved 2 years later.

Now that you know a bit about me. Let me tell you about the crazy thing that started about 5 months ago when I was on my first dig in Cairo.

From the time I was fairly young, I wanted to be an archaeologist. I wanted to be that guy that laid on the floor of the desert brushing away millions of years worth of detritus to slowly uncover the bones of something ancient. I wanted to explore caves in far off lands and open the tomb of a long deceased king or emperor.

After graduating from high school I started my journey to find my passion in archeology. Now in my senior year at university, all my hard work was paying off. I was on my first real dig. Our guide and teacher, Professor Wilton led our team of 6 seniors to the dig site. We were several miles off the Cairo-Alexandria Road. This is the main road that connects Cairo to Alexandria. Our work was overseen by the Egyptian government.

The first few weeks of the dig were slow. We set up our tents and equipment and met with Professor Wilton and the Egyptian team overseeing the dig. Every day the Prof and the Team coordinators concluded with all the necessary warnings: Work in pairs, safety first, when in doubt ask for help, and the most important warning. Take nothing from the site. Apparently Egypt had lost so many valuables from digs that they decided they would let digs occur only under the strictest conditions. Anything we found on the dig was complete possession of the Egyptian People.

That was not a problem, most archaeologists are more interested in the discovery then the ownership so this was a perfect match on both sides.

For me it was exciting beyond belief. I spent my life combing through museums, books and the Internet to research all the greatest finds. My life's ambition was to be there when some tomb was opened that people had long forgotten. To step foot into a room that even the air barely touched for over 3000 years.

Our team from the University were assigned a dig spot. We all had our roles and responsibilities. In addition to being part of the dig, I was responsible for cataloging any finds regardless of how small.

Over the course of the weeks we found many fragments of pottery and objects that were probably ancient tools or weapons. We also found some bones which the Professor thought might be human. Time went by way too quickly and before I realized it we were down to the last 2 weeks. Now was the time for us to document all of our findings via video and photo. Then we would turn the artifacts over to the Egyptian government and go home.

One of the last nights there we were having a party hosted by our Egyptian liaison. We had food and beer brought in. The cold beer tasted great against the hot desert evening. I had a few beers then decided to go back to my tent to pack for my trip home the next day.

Since we were in the desert and water was scarce we did not bathe as often as I would have liked. We were being bused back into Cairo early in the morning, checking into a hotel for the night then going to the airport the next morning.

I heard the music drumming in my head as I made my way back along the path to my tent. It was dark out, the only light was coming from a sky spattered with stars. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something glittering at me. At first I thought it was a reflection or broken glass. I went over and kicked the dust away and embedded in sand was what looked like a piece of metal. I reached out carefully and dusted it off gently as I had been taught. As I pushed away the sand a ring was exposed.

I picked the ring up and took it back to my tent. I would tell the professor about it in the morning and add it to the collection. When I got back to the tent I took a look at it. It had marks on it where it had been hammered into shape by some crude tools. Very different from the techniques used today to create jewelry. On the top of it was some emblem that I could not make out. I had never seen this kind of marking. I cleaned it off and laid it on the pile of stuff I had to pack.

I was so tired that I decided to lay on my cot for a few moments, however when I awoke it was 6 am. I had totally blacked out from too much booze and too much heat. We had to be packed and ready to go in an hour. I grabbed my stuff without thinking, finalized the project notes and got ready with the team for the bus to arrive.

We got to Cairo and settled into our hotel rooms. I loved working on the dig but after a long time in the desert I was happy to have a real bed with a real shower. I stripped off my clothes and jumped into the shower. The hot water felt so good. I dried off and wrapped the towel around my mid section. This was the first time I saw my full body in a mirror in about 5 months.

The work on the dig was good for my body. I had toned my up nicely and the tan looked good on me too. My hair was longer and a bit shaggy and the sun had ligtened it about 2 shades. I looked good.

I rummaged through my bags to find some cloths to put on and when I reached in I found the ring. "Shit" was my only thought. I broke a cardinal rule. Never remove anything from the dig. I could be expelled for this and even arrested by the Egyptian government. What was I going to do???

The only thing I could think of was to go talk to the professor and tell him the truth. If I was honest he could explain it and hopefully they would go easy on me. I put the ring on my finger then got dressed and went to Professor Wilton's room. I knocked on the door and Prof Wilton opened it up. "What can I do for you Marc" he asked. "Can I talk to you about something Professor", I finally sputtered in an awkward way. He stepped aside to let me in.

Professor Wilton was a good looking man. He was late 30's in good shape. He had a football players body with thick shoulders large arms and hands. He was married and had 2 kids.

I entered the room and Professor Wilton pointed to the chair for me to sit. "What can I do for you Marc" he asked.

"Ummm, Professor" I sputtered trying to find the words. I could not make eye contact and I could feel the fear rising up in my body. "I know we are forbidden from taking anything from the site" I said trying to find my words. Professor Wilton looked at me, his face showed no alarm. "I may have accidentally taken something" I blurted out.

"What" he said sharply startling me. "Are you saying you stole something from the site? Do you realize the problems this will cause? What were you thinking?" His questions were stern but not overly angry or mean. I could not speak. I could only stare at him. My mind was racing, what had I done. I just kept thinking to myself please professor don't be mad at me. Don't expel me. As if the Professor heard my silent plea he looked at me and softened his tone. "Marc I know you would never take something that did not belong to you. I am not mad at you." His whole outward appearance softened.

His good looks were only more appealing as he sat there gentle and relaxed.

He looked at me with warmth and concern and the look was for lack of a better word, HOT.

Professor Wilton was often the topic of my fantasies when I masturbated. I would imagine being in the office with him and we would be looking closely at a map together and his hand would touch mine and our eyes would lock on each other and he would lean in and gently kiss me.

As I sat there looking at the Professor waiting to be reprimanded the fantasy jumped into my mind. It was there for a second then it was gone. As my focus was turned back to the Prof. he stood up and walked over to me. He did not say a word, he just sank down next to me and kissed me. He just kissed me. Just like that. He placed his lips on mine and kissed me. It was as if we had done it a hundred times before. Like it was perfectly natural for him to do this with me. I could not believe that he just kissed me.

I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine. I thought about his tongue probing my mouth, his large frame pulling me close to him and wrapping around me. It was as if he could read my mind. Everything I imagined, happened exactly the way I imagined it. It was as if there was a psychic bond between us.

I wanted to continue kissing him. It felt better then I imagined but I had to know what was causing it. could it be he was interested in me? Could I have been giving him signals? Could it have been the heat? Being away from his wife? What? I imagined him standing up and taking his shirt off and flexing his chest and arms. He did everything I thought about. He had some how tapped into my mind and everything I wanted he did.

"What are you doing Professor?" I asked more as a test. "I want you Marc. I want to be with you" his voice was sexy and seductive.

He just stood there with a devilish sexy grin on his face showing off his body to me. It was a hot body, thick and muscled. He had some hair on his chest and a bit that ran from his navel to the belt buckle on his khaki's. He just stood there waiting for my next command.

In my mind I told him to take his pants off and sure enough he slowly unbuckled them still staring at me. He slowly unzipped the pants. I could not believe it, standing in front of me was strong, tanned, Professor Wilton in nothing but his white briefs. This had to be a dream I would wake up soon in my room with my hand in my shorts.

If it was a dream I was going to have some fun with it. "get completely naked" I said this out loud to see if it worked the same way. Sure enough Professor Wilton took the remainder of his clothes off. Now this hot man was standing in front of me waiting for my next command.

"Lay on the bed" I told him and again he did as I told him. This was the best dream I could ever recall having. Professor Wilton seemed to be enjoying it as well. He lay there looking at me, smiling gently, one hand resting on his large barrel chest and the other gently rubbing his balls. He did not say anything he just laid there as if waiting for me to do whatever I wanted.

I quickly stripped my clothes off and got into bed with the Professor. I kissed him again and my mouth trailed down his body. I wanted to lick and taste every part of him. I wanted my mouth to experience all the things my mind thought about. I sucked on one of his nipples and his body flexed. The taste was incredible and the way he responded to it drove my passion. I moved my hand down his body as I continued to suck the nipple and my hand ran over his firm stomach and then down to the coarse pubic hair.

Then my hand moved a bit further and my hand came in contact with another man's cock for the first time. My fingers wrapped around the shaft and I held his thick cock. The sensation of having another man's cock in my hand made my own cock jump. Precum dripped from the head onto the sheet.

I started to pump his cock slowly. I wanted to see this man cum. I wanted to be the one that held his cock and brought him to the point of orgasm. I lay there slowly jerking him off when I thought how hot it would be if he were doing the same to me. Without realizing it, I willed him to take my cock in his hand. His fingers closed around my hard dick and he started to pump my meat up and down. The feeling was incredible and shocks were sent through my body.

This was one awesome dream and I was loving every second of it.

The Professor knew exactly how I liked it. His hand expertly stroked my cock as I stroked his. I took my mouth from his nipple and started kissing him. This time my tongue probed his mouth as we pulled on each others cocks. The sensations I was feeling rocked my body and an orgasm began to build within me.

I could feel my body tighten as the Prof. continued his rhythm on my cock. Then it started. My cock got even harder in his hand as the sensations took over. My body trembled and my cock started to spurt. Cum burst from my cock with amazing force splattering the creamy load on the Prof, stomach. As my body continued to tremble from the orgasm I continued my steady pumping of the Prof. cock. " I want to see you cum" I said as I looked at him. Seconds after I said the words the Profs'. body tightened and trembled and his cock started to unload the pearly white cum.

Moments passed and both of us were spent. I slumped on the bed exhausted and happy. I expected to wake from the dream any second expecting to be very wet with messy sheets. The dream did not end. After several minutes I got out of bed. I felt good but found it difficult to make eye contact with the Prof. I got a towel from the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I handed another to him and he cleaned himself as well. I put my cloths on with my back to the professor and I went back to my room. He did not say a word to me.

Back in my room all I could think was what just happened? "I just had sex with Prof. Wilton. One minute I was thinking about him and the next we were in bed together. This doesn't make any sense. I was just telling him about this ring.. The RING!! I never gave it back to him. I.. The ring. Was it the ring??? Did the ring have some power over people? That's crazy there is no such thing. A ring with mystical powers is the dumbest thing ever.

I recall reading stories that ancient people believed in the ability to control others. To make lesser people do their bidding with just a thought. This was ridiculous.

I lay back on my bed playing with the ring. Thinking about what had just happened. I could not explain what happened. Was it desire? Was it the heat? Was the Prof. Bi and just wanted to get off?

I met the team later that night for dinner, nothing seemed different. The professor treated me exactly the same as he always did.

After dinner we all went to bed, our flight back to the states was very early in the morning.

This ends Chapter 1 of The Ring

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